Our Cathedral – Issue 21

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The Newsletter of St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth, Western Australia Issue 21 - November 2020

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Joy in Service



A Christmas  FROM THE ARCHBISHOP Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB Archbishop of Perth

As I was thinking about my Christmas message for the Our Cathedral newsletter this year, a beautiful passage from Saint Paul’s Letter to the Philippians came to my mind. Writing to the small Christian community in the town of Philippi, Saint Paul opens his heart to his people with these words:

I thank my God whenever I think of you, and every time I pray for all of you I pray with joy, remembering how you have helped to spread the Good News from the day you first heard it right up to the present (Phil 1:3-5). As we move towards the end of what has proven to be a very difficult and challenging year, I am deeply conscious of the debt of gratitude we all owe to every single person who has been a part of the life of our cathedral in 2020. As you leaf through the pages of this newsletter, you will realise just how important the Cathedral has been to so many people in their journey of faith. It is true that for a long period, the Cathedral was closed due to the COVID19 pandemic and the necessary restrictions placed on large gatherings of people. However, through the generosity, commitment and talents of the Cathedral staff and the communications agencies of the Archdiocese, we were able to livestream the Easter liturgies from the Cathedral and to ensure that everyone had access to the Sunday celebration of the liturgy via the Cathedral website and other on-line platforms. When I reflect on the way the Cathedral staff, which of course includes both the clergy and the army of people who assist them, rose to this challenge, I thank my God and I pray for you all. It was inspiring to see how many people came, during the lockdown, to the main entrance to the Cathedral, where we had placed a statue of Our Lady, to entrust themselves and their families to Mary’s prayer. It was wonderful to see how people responded with patience and understanding to the challenges we faced as we gradually reopened the Cathedral under the ever-changing government regulations. It was encouraging to experience the concern of so many people for the well-being of the Cathedral clergy throughout this challenging time. Whenever I think of this, I thank my God and I pray for you all. Ever since the Cathedral was reopened in 2009 after the extensive restoration brought to completion by Archbishop Hickey, the life, warmth and hospitality of the Cathedral have developed and deepened under the watchful care and commitment of our Cathedral Manager, Mr Tony Meyrick and his wonderful wife Sue. Tony and Sue will leave us at the end of November to begin their well-earned retirement. The gift that they have been to our Cathedral community will never be forgotten.

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CHRISTMAS EVE When I think of them, I thank God for them and pray for them with joy. The most important place in our Cathedral is the Altar where, in celebrating the Eucharist, we are drawn into the mystery of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The word “Eucharist” means thanksgiving, and this places gratitude to God at the very heart of our faith. Because God works in and through each one of us, enabling us to be signs and bearers to each other of his love, our gratitude to God spills over into our gratitude to each other. This year, with all its challenges, has demonstrated yet again that while we do always need to keep striving to be ever-more faithful disciples of Jesus we are already, in very real and practical ways, a community of sisters and brothers who know that we belong to each other, that we rely on each other, and that we are responsible for each other. As we thank God for all that has been achieved in and through our Cathedral community here in Perth, and as we celebrate the birth of Christ, God among us, we might make Saint Paul’s words to the community at Philippi our own:

My prayer is that your love for each other may increase more and more and never stop improving your knowledge and deepening your perception so that you can always recognise what is best. This will help you to become pure and blameless, and prepare you for the Day of Christ, when you will reach the perfect goodness which Jesus Christ produces in us for the glory and praise of God (Phil 1:9-11). I wish you all a very happy and Holy Christmas.

Thursday 24th December 2020 6.00pm Children and Families’ Mass 9.00pm Christmas Vigil Mass 10.30pm Lessons and Carols 12.00am Christmas Midnight Mass

CHRISTMAS DAY Friday 25th December 2020 8.00am Dawn Mass of the Birth of Jesus 9.30am Christmas Day Mass 11.00am Solemn Sung Mass of Christmas 5.00pm Christmas Evening Mass

Other Christmas Day Masses 8.30am Christmas Mass at St Catherine’s Church, 55 Bedford Avenue, Subiaco

9.30am Christmas Mass at St Francis Xavier’s Church, Windsor Street, Perth (Corner of West Parade)

IMPORTANT NOTICE For any possible COVID19 restrictions or Christmas Mass Registration requirements, check our Cathedral website:-

+Archbishop Tim Costelloe Archbishop of Perth

www.stmaryscathedralperth.com.au Issue 21 - November 2020 ◆ 3

CONTENTS A Christmas Message

Pg 2

A Warm Welcome

Pg 5

A Special Tribute to Tony and Sue Meyrick

Pg 6

A Warm Welcome to our New Cathedral Manager Pg 9 Editor’s Introduction: What a Year This Has Been! Pg 10

Liturgy of the Eucharist at Mater Dei College's Thanksgiving Mass and Year 12 Graduation


BJ Hickey Scholarship Recipients for 2020

Pg 12

Rite of Election

Pg 12

Annual Safeguarding Mass

Pg 13

2020 Plenary Council: Four lay delegates called from Perth

Pg 14

Cathedral House Pays Tribute to Healthcare Workers

4 Dec

9:30am Mercedes College Advent Mass

Pg 14

6 Dec

Sunday Mass Joyously Returns to St Mary’s Cathedral

11:00am Archbishop Costelloe – Presentation of Choristers Ribbon Awards

Pg 15

6 Dec

3:00pm Divine Mercy Adoration

11 Dec

7:00pm Giovanni Consort Concert

Archdiocesan Agencies Mass

Pg 16

Church rallies as ‘One Body in Christ’ to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking Pg 17 Bonded by Faith. United in Service. Candidates patiently called to become one in the faith

Pg 18

Forthcoming activities and events at St Mary’s Cathedral. 30 Nov to 7 Dec Weekdays 7:30pm Weekends after evening Mass Saturday, 7:00pm and Sunday, 6:00pm Solemn Novena to our Lady of Immaculate Conception DECEMBER

12 Dec 10:00am Pregnancy Assistance Mass 12 Dec 4:00pm Monthly Filipino Mass 15 Dec 6:00pm Notre Dame Graduation Mass See Christmas Mass Times p3 JANUARY

Pg 20

3 Jan

3:00pm Divine Mercy Adoration

First Holy Communion Mass

Pg 21

9 Jan

4:00pm Monthly Filipino Mass

2020 Child Protection Week Mass

Pg 22

18 Jan 6:00pm Knights of the Southern Cross Leadership Academy (KSCL) Graduation Mass and Ceremony

Catholic Performing Arts Festival

Pg 24

28 Jan 4:30pm CEWA Commissioning Mass

Cathedral Welcomes New Organ Scholar and Choristers

Pg 25

30 Jan 11:00am Knights of the Holy Sepulchre Investiture and Mass 7 Feb

Commissioning Local Delegates for Plenary Council

Pg 26

Mass Celebrates Cultural Diversity

Pg 27

Archdiocesan Schools Celebrate at St Mary’s Cathedral

Pg 28

NAIDOC Week Mass

Pg 30

Archbishop’s Liturgical Launch for Parish Priests & Appeal Representatives in advance of Christmas Appeal for LifeLink

Pg 32

Confirmations Mass

Pg 34

4 ◆ Our Cathedral

FEBRUARY 3:00pm Divine Mercy Adoration

13 Feb 4:00pm Monthly Filipino Mass 25 Feb 7:30pm RCIA Rite of Election MARCH 7 Mar

3:00pm Divine Mercy Adoration

13 Mar 4:00pm Monthly Filipino Mass 17 Mar 10:00am St. Patrick’s Day Mass 25 Mar 7:00pm West Australia Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) Concert 28 Mar 11:00am Palm Sunday Mass 30 Mar 7:00pm Chrism Mass

A Warm Welcome FROM THE DEAN Fr Sean Fernandez Dean and Administrator St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth

‘I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete’ (Jn 15.11). The Lord reveals his Father’s plan of salvation to us, whom He calls friends, so that we may share in His joy. The joy comes above all from participating in Christ’s loving service, hence the theme of this Cathedral magazine:

The Dean welcomes new Altar Servers Michelle and Malvin Loa

‘Sharing the joy of Christ’s service’. This loving service is at the heart of the Church’s life and identity, and so of this Cathedral’s life and identity: ‘So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet’ (Jn 13:14). When I write of this Cathedral, I write not just of the clergy and lay staff of the Cathedral. All of us in this community are here to serve our neighbour. Pope Benedict XVI wrote of the Lord’s redefinition of neighbour: ‘Anyone who needs me, and whom I can help, is my neighbour’ (Deus Caritas Est 15). This service is never something we realise perfectly, but the Lord’s command inspires and challenges us. Anyone who needs our loving service, and whom we can help in loving service, is my neighbour. You will see in this issue of our newsletter that the Cathedral is going through something of a transition. Tony Meyrick, who has served this Cathedral and the community with great generosity for eleven years, is retiring from the position of Cathedral Manager. The Lord does not fail to provide, so we are delighted to introduce you to the person who has stepped into Tony’s shoes: Victor Hoa. Victor has only been in the position a short while, but he has already started to stamp his mark on the position. He brings rich experience and youthful energy (he is younger than I am) to the role. I hope you will have the opportunity to meet Victor and make him welcome. This year has been a trying one for all of us in different ways. Still the Cathedral clergy and staff have responded with generosity to the exigencies of the time. We farewelled Fr Conor Steadman this year and welcomed Fr Richard Rutkauskas. I am thankful, as I am sure you are too, to my brother priests, Fr CJ Millen, Fr Garner Vergara and Fr Richard for their ministry in the Cathedral. Thanks too to all our many volunteers. We, priests, come and go, but the community of the Cathedral and the volunteers remain. You, volunteers, are integral to the life of our community and I pray that God will bless you with joy in your service of your brothers and sisters. The Lord came to serve, not to be served. This mystery is revealed through the whole of Christ’s life, death and resurrection; a mystery to which the young virgin of Nazareth gave herself. We join her at the Christmas crib wondering at God’s love: ‘The nativity scene is like a living Gospel rising up from the pages of sacred Scripture. As we contemplate the Christmas story, we are invited to set out on a spiritual journey, drawn by the humility of the God who became man in order to encounter every man and woman’ (Pope Francis, Admirabile Signum). In that same letter, Pope Francis writes, ‘from the manger, Jesus proclaims, in a meek yet powerful way, the need for sharing with the poor as the path to a more human and fraternal world in which no one is excluded or marginalised.’ I pray that we, in this Cathedral, continue to be inspired to loving service; a loving service which makes our Cathedral a community in which ‘no one is excluded or marginalised,’ in which all may hear and experience the Good News. May God bless you and yours with joy this Christmas. I remain, your brother in Christ, Fr Sean Fernandez Issue 21 - November 2020 ◆ 5

In Service to God

A Special Tribute to Tony and Sue Meyrick On the 27th November 2020, Tony Meyrick will officially end his service as our Cathedral Manager, and he and his wife Sue will embark on a new and exciting stage in their lives retirement. It is 11 years since our magnificent St Mary’s Cathedral re-emerged following its major restoration and completion on 8 December 2009. We warmly welcomed Tony and Sue in February 2010 and from that point on, they have dedicated themselves in service to God, our Cathedral and the Cathedral community. In this special tribute, we wish to honour, celebrate, acknowledge and thank Tony and Sue for all they have done. I asked Tony a few final questions, a chance to reflect and express how he (and Sue) is feeling at this time. As is typical of Tony, his first thoughts were not of himself. He said acknowledging Sue was his highest priority. “When we saw the residence before taking up the job, it was like a bomb site with no power (and given its location we could only see by torchlight in anything but the main room), building rubble everywhere and I took a job where my salary was going to fall by approximately 60% and Sue just agreed so long as it was “what you want to do”. Apart from that she has done so much for the Cathedral that nobody knows about: supporting me both in spirit but also many, many times physically in doing things, running errands and advice. Her contribution cannot be overstated,” said Tony. Why the decision to retire from your role as Cathedral Manager? It was an extremely difficult one. When I joined nearly 11 years ago, I thought 5 years would be a good innings and my family have been urging me to retire since I hit that milestone. But I told them I would retire “as soon as I stopped having fun.” Although the work is demanding and challenging, I never stopped having fun, so things have gone on for another 6 years (almost). I now think it is a good time to hand over to a younger person, and Sue and I will do some of the things we have always wanted to do. Our children and grandchildren are based in London and Sydney, so we want the chance to spend longer periods with them - COVID permitting. 6 ◆ Our Cathedral

Farewell & Thank You ...from a grateful Cathedral community

What will you and Sue be looking forward to most in the future? Given the limitations on overseas travel and Sue’s need to be here to help look after her mum, we will be WA based grey nomads. Once the COVID restrictions are removed or lessened, and Sue’s parents are less in need of assistance, we will spread our wings and do the ‘lap of honour’ around Australia followed by overseas travel. What I am looking forward to most is making choices about what we do with our day… whatever that will be. As I’ve said, being Cathedral Manager is a demanding role and we look forward to being able to indulge many of the interests we have that we just haven’t had time for previously. How does it feel to be leaving after 10 years of service to the Cathedral? There are so many emotions. I have thoroughly enjoyed the work and almost without exception the people I have worked with over the journey. I feel satisfied that I have made a contribution and helped the Archdiocese with God’s work. However there are other adventures to be had and I am looking forward to getting on with them. What has been the best part of your job? The best part has to be the people - from the people who come to the Cathedral once a week to attend Mass through to the Dean and the Archbishop. It is just so good to have worked for and with people who have a single goal and are genuinely good people who put their beliefs into action. The volunteers, Cathedral staff, clergy and Archdiocesan staff, almost without exception have been nothing but a pleasure to work alongside. The Dean and the Archbishop have been outstanding to work with and to get to know personally. Of what achievements are you most proud? Pride is possibly too strong a word, but over the journey there have been many enhancements both to structure and process and I get a great deal of satisfaction knowing I have contributed to those in some manner, either in a small or large way. I hope this doesn’t sound big-headed, but I think the single thing I am most pleased with is that I have taken this position from one which didn’t exist to one which, I am told, makes a valuable contribution to the Cathedral, Cathedral parish, Presbytery community and the Archdiocese. I am pleased, also, that I have contributed to handing the batten to someone of the calibre of Victor Hoa (our new Cathedral Manager) who will do an extraordinary job for the Archdiocese and the Cathedral in this role. What will you most miss? I have been racking my brain about this because there are so many things I will miss, however, I think the presbytery community. Particularly as over the last couple of years it has become a true combined community, with Sue and I joining the priests for many meals and being part of the household. The priests at the Presbytery throughout our time here have been very friendly and warm, but over the most recent times this has become much more inclusive. Sue and I will miss these times. There are so many things I’ll miss, but I think you said you only had 2 pages! Is there any final words you’d like to add? I would like to thank my wife for taking the “leap of faith” and agreeing to come with me on this journey, where I wanted to serve God and do something in a more altruistic vein than the commercial world I came from. I promised her when wooing her almost 50 years ago she would end up living in a “palace” – little did she know what lay ahead! I would like to thank the grounds staff, Subi and Phil, for being so dedicated to their tasks and so responsive. There are so many people, so little space – just thank you to everyone… it’s been a blast! Issue 21 - November 2020 ◆ 7

“As Cathedral Manager, Tony has provided outstanding service to St Mary’s Cathedral over the past ten years. While I am delighted that he and Sue will now get to spend more time with family and enjoy their lives in retirement, both will be greatly missed. They have grown to be, and are, highly valued members of ‘our’ Cathedral family. Working with the Cathedral’s Dean, Fr Sean Fernandez (and former Dean, Monsignor Michael Keating) Tony has been responsible for establishing and managing the professional operations of the Cathedral, and has helped to build a vibrant Cathedral community of volunteers and parishioners. So much happens at the Cathedral – Masses, funeral services, weddings, baptisms, Holy Communions, school celebrations, art and music events, social gatherings and much more. Within this context, Tony has continued to oversee and ensure that the ongoing maintenance of the Cathedral is prioritised to ensure that it always looks at its very best. Tony and Sue, I wish you a joyous retirement. I am grateful for the support and assistance you have provided to me over many years. We shall say farewell not goodbye, as you will always be part of St Mary’s Cathedral.” Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB Archbishop of Perth “Tony Meyrick, who has served this Cathedral and the community with great generosity for eleven years, is retiring from the position of Cathedral Manager. The Cathedral manager works largely behind the scenes and gets little of the credit… which mainly goes to the Dean! Tony has given of himself to this Church generously, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week; his retirement is certainly well earned, but we shall miss him. When I came to this Cathedral as Dean, it was Tony’s solid presence and wisdom was a great support to me. We, all of us, have reason to be grateful to Tony and I know you will join me in wishing him a relaxing retirement. Sue, Tony’s better half, will also be moving on with Tony’s retirement. Sue has been a collaborator with Tony in his work, she has stepped in when there has been a need and above all, she has been a friend to the Cathedral clergy. We wish both Tony and Sue well. They will remain parishioners of the Cathedral which is some comfort.” Very Rev Dr Sean Fernandez, Dean, St Mary’s Cathedral “Twice in my priesthood, I employed someone who said “I want to work for the Church and use whatever gifts I have for God”. That is my memory of Tony Meyrick, supported strongly by his wife, Sue. When we came together in 2009, his job extended way beyond being the Cathedral Administrator – The Cathedral Presbytery, St Francis Xavier in East Perth ad St Catherine’s in Subiaco. Later All Saints Chapel in the City would also come under his care. Tony works so well with people and even now when I’m retired he is so helpful to me, especially with things to do with phones, iPads, keys, cars etc. Thank you so much Tony. I knew Tony’s parents when I was in St Gerard’s Parish in Mirrabooka. His father was extremely helpful when we extend the presbytery all undertaken by volunteers from the parish. Tony and Sue are great followers of sport and belong to several clubs – mens sana in corpore sano – Healthy Mind, Healthy Body. I wish them well for their future and hope and pray they both enjoy good health, and are able to spend much more time with their sons and grandchildren and watch even more sport. What Tony has done to make our restored and refurbished Cathedral, the beautiful and amazing place that it is, cannot be overestimated. In all this Sue’s support and love has sustained and helped him. God bless you both.” Rev Monsignor Michael Keating

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A Warm Welcome to our New Cathedral Manager

We are delighted to welcome and introduce our new Cathedral Manager, Mr Victor Hoa. As we prepared this issue of our newsletter, Victor had only commenced in the role for a week or so, however, we wanted to take this moment to ask him a few ‘getting to know you’ questions. Victor hails from an extensive background in marine engineering where he worked as a consultant in the marine and environment sector for the past fifteen years. Commencing as a young consultant, he achieved various promotions over the years, ending his last role as Head of Department, managing commercial projects in the Southeast Asia region. Born in Singapore, where his parents still reside, Victor is the youngest of three children – he has two older sisters. Victor shared with us that his mother is a person of deep faith and the Church has always been a major part of their lives. “I think my mum will be proud that I am serving here at the Cathedral,” he said. In 2012, the company he was consulting for at that time asked him to relocate to Perth and to base himself here. Not long married, he and his wife were happy to make the move, as his two sisters had already migrated here some years earlier. Why did you apply for the position of Cathedral Manager? After years in the commercial sector, I was looking for a change in environment and new challenges. The role of Cathedral Manager is totally different to what I have done previously, but it is an opportunity for me to do a unique job and where my skills and experience can still be put to good use. My wife and I are excitedly awaiting the arrival of our first child on 27 December, so this job means I no longer have to travel overseas. How did you feel when you were informed of your appointment? As I remember, I told the Dean that I thought I hadn’t performed well during the interview, so it was a bit of a shock to be honest, but I was very happy and very excited. What do you most look forward to in your new role? I think the diverse scope of work, and meeting and working with the people that make up the Church and community. I’m looking forward to working with the Dean (Fr Sean) and the Archbishop and helping them in any way I can. Your initial thoughts on our magnificent Cathedral? Overwhelming in stature, but it exudes a peaceful and calming presence. My first week here has been hectic, but enjoyable. Tony has been such a great mentor; his are huge shoes to fill indeed. I cannot thank him enough for all that he is doing to help me settle in and introduce me to everyone. Issue 21 - November 2020 ◆ 9


What a Year This Has Been! I am sure none of us were prepared for what this remarkable year of 2020 would present as a result of the COVID19 crisis. So much changed, so quickly, and what had been the norm - was no more. There have been challenges and struggles, emotional and financial impacts, moments of isolation, fear and perhaps despair. From February 2020 onwards, based on Government and relevant authorities’ restrictions and directions, the Archbishop and the Archdiocese responded to an ever changing landscape of what was and what was not permitted. We saw limitations on the numbers of people being able gather which included all Churches. Finally, on 18 March 2020, His Grace informed us that all Churches were to be closed throughout the Archdiocese. St Mary’s Cathedral stood eerily silent (well mostly) from that moment on until the announcement that on 27 June 2020, albeit with strict social distancing restrictions, parishes could once again welcome people to Mass. I say mostly, because two significant things happened at the Cathedral during the closure. Archbishop Timothy was passionate in his conviction that we help him find a way to share all the beautiful and important Holy Week Masses and celebrations with, and reach out to, as many people as possible. So we turned to technology and set about livestreaming, in broadcast quality, every Mass and celebration from the Cathedral. Not only were the broadcasts live, but all but one had Auslan and captioning included for the benefit and inclusion of the deaf and hearing impaired. These we streamed to viewers on the Archdiocesan website, YouTube, Facebook and other platforms.



www.facebook.com/perthcatholic We could not believe the thousands – no – tens of thousands of people who tuned in and participated in each and every celebration. His Grace received touching messages of thanks and congratulations from around Western Australia, nationally and internationally. We received messages from people watching in the USA, Canada, Ireland, Italy and the UK. It was so powerful to see the world connect through technology when they could not do so physically. I was truly honoured to work with an amazing team of technical and professional colleagues, all working strictly within the rules, to be part of this experience. Whilst not wanting to single-out any contributor, I did wish to offer a public message of appreciation to the team from Brightside Live who worked diligently and with boundless enthusiasm all Easter to make these livestreams possible. Thanks Dave, Viktor and the whole team!

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The second thing which occurred during the closure was that Fr Sean Fernandez, Dean of St Mary’s Cathedral and Tony Meyrick, Cathedral Manager, turned a negative into a positive and used this opportunity to have extensive and much needed maintenance done to the historic timber floors. It had been 11 years since the joyous reopening following the Cathedral’s restoration and completion in 2009, so naturally there were signs of wear and scratching. This refurbishment project was a major undertaking given the need to apply a coating to over 800sqm of floorboards, removing and replacing pews and the board replacements. The brilliant team from Ewings Floor Sanding completed the work in stages, as all the pews had to be removed and stored before the floors could be addressed. Once the sanding and surfacing was completed, it required a four day cleaning and sanitisation programme including the windows. Thankfully, the job was completed just in time for the Cathedral to reopen under the newly released COVID19 protocols at that time.

For me, Faith, Family and Friends took on even greater significance, more precious and valued this year. Although life has not yet returned to normal, whatever that is or will be in this brave new world, the familiar is slowly returning, and it provides comfort and opportunity. I am delighted that we are once again preparing to share with you all the wonderful events and activities at our beloved St Mary’s Cathedral. In these opening few pages, we’d like to share with you just a selection of images and stories which occurred in the first few months of 2020 that we could not share as intended in our (suspended) Easter newsletter. We hope you enjoy this catch-up… and lovely to chat with you all once again. Brett Mendez, Marketing and Media Manager, Archdiocese of Perth

Issue 21 - November 2020 ◆ 11

14 FEBRUARY 2020

BJ HICKEY SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS FOR 2020 The BJ Hickey Scholarship established by Emeritus Archbishop Barry James Hickey offers lay people from the Archdiocese of Perth the rare opportunity of undertaking Biblical studies either locally or abroad.

Managed by the Centre for Faith Enrichment (CFE), the Biblical Foundation has a twofold mission of assisting local Catholics in developing their knowledge and use of the Scriptures and to offer scholarships for Biblical studies through the Foundation. This year, seven recipients were selected and presented a scholarship at an afternoon ceremony held in the Cathedral’s Parish Centre.

Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey, Cathedral Dean, Rev Dr Sean Fernandez and CFE Director, Dr Marco Ceccarelli, congratulate the seven BJ Hickey Scholarship recipients as they received their prize and certificates. The 2020 recipients were: Carmen Bonavia, Catherine Nguyen, Judy Coelho, Max McDonnell, Monica Asphar, Luke Ratajczak, and Delma Suares pose with their certificates. Photo: Jamie O’Brien.

5 MARCH 2020

Rite of Election

“The Church believes that no-one comes to faith without being called by God – God initiates, God calls and God converts” said Dr Carmel Suart, Director for the Office of Christian Initiation, during her address to the congregation attending the Liturgy. “Our celebration today recognises that God is indeed calling people into the life of the Church, through the process of Christian Initiation” she said. The annual Rite of Election Liturgy saw 65 Catechumens receive the Rite, as well as 34 Candidates be formally recognised. This Liturgy was celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton, and concelebrated by Vicar General Father Peter Whitely, Episcopal Vicar for Clergy Fr Brian McKenna and Cathedral Dean Rev Dr Sean Fernandez.

Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton speaks with candidates during the Rite of Election Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral.

12 ◆ Our Cathedral

During his Homily, Bishop Sproxton said, “It is the uniqueness that makes every person’s journey of faith so special and inspiring. It is through the hearing of those stories that we come to know and love God at work within us.” Candidates and catechumens present at the Rite of Election Mass

Very Rev Fr Peter Whitely VG celebrated Perth’s 2020 Safeguarding Mass with Cathedral Assistant Priest Fr Richard Rutkauskas, and assisted by Myaree Parish Deacon John Kiely

8 MARCH 2020


Safeguarding MASS

The work undertaken by the voluntary members of the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Project was recognised as a valuable and integral part of the Australian Church at the annual Safeguarding Mass, held on Sunday 8 March at St Mary’s Cathedral. Ensuring that children, young people and vulnerable adults are protected at all times is the foremost mission of all Safeguarding Officers. The Mass, celebrated by Very Rev Father Peter Whitely VG and concelebrated by Cathedral Assistant Priest Fr Richard Rutkauskas was an opportunity to reflect on past successes and the challenges to come in 2020.

Andrea Musulin, Archdiocesan Safeguarding Project Director, was formerly a senior police officer and is an expert in the area of child protection.

Andrea Musulin, Archdiocesan Safeguarding Director, showed her appreciation for the many Safeguarding Officers gathered in the Cathedral’s parish centre after the Mass. “It’s going to be a big year of changes coming and there will be some work to do. And for that I pray for you and encourage you. We are here to help you and the Archdiocese. The Archbishop and his clergy need you, we all need you, so thank you very much,” said Andrea.

Safeguarding Officers enjoy the opportunity to chat with Andrea Musulin

Issue 21 - November 2020 ◆ 13

St Benedict Parish Youth Coordinator Emily Hardbottle

University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle Campus Senior Theology Lecturer, Dr Angela McCarthy.

Damian Walsh, Director, the Shopfront – a LifeLink agency.

26 MARCH 2020


Four lay delegates called from Perth Four Perth lay faithful have been chosen, together with more than 267 others nationwide, as delegates for the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia. Centre for Faith Enrichment Director, Dr Marco Ceccarelli, The Shopfront Director, Damian Walsh, University of Notre Dame Australia Senior Lecturer in Theology, Dr Angela McCarthy, and Parish Coordinator, Emily Hardbottle, have been chosen as the four Perth representatives. In announcing the names of the delegates from across Australia, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, Plenary Council President said at a time in our Church’s history we’ve not seen before, with the suspension of Masses and temporary closures of Churches across the country and around the world, the announcement of our Plenary Council delegates is a source of great joy for the People of God in Australia. “Bishops across the country worked locally with leaders in their diocese to design a process to consider names of people who were nominated or applied to be delegates for the Plenary Council assemblies. We were grateful for and impressed with the faith and the calibre of the people who were nominated. We could quite easily have filled several quotas with the names that were put forward,” he said. Editor’s Note: The two assemblies for the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia will now take place in October 2021 and April 2022, following the disruption of the original schedule due to the COVID19 pandemic. The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference last week decided to postpone the opening assembly by 12 months, with it now to be held in October 2021.

16 APRIL 2020

Cathedral House Pays Tribute to Healthcare Workers In gratitude for all the work being done by staff at the neighbouring Royal Perth Hospital, the Cathedral Clergy and staff hung a large banner from the Cathedral House verandah. Fr Sean said it was a small gesture of support and gratitude.

During the worst of the crisis, the Cathedral‘s secure car parking was made available to hospital staff, something welcomed by hospital management. “In these times I hope we can all show our support to doctors, nurses, emergency personnel and so many people who are just making sure we continue to have the services we need,” Fr Sean said. 14 ◆ Our Cathedral

Photo: Max Hoh

It wasn’t just the clergy and parishioners glad of to return to the normal celebration of the Mass, with St Mary’s Choir also making a return to the Cathedral.

28 JUNE 2020

Sunday Mass Joyously Returns to St Mary’s Cathedral

Photos: Eric Martin

Perth Catholics braved grey skies and winter rain to attend the re-opening of St Mary’s Cathedral for the long-awaited first Mass since the pandemic shut church buildings across the state. In his opening welcome to parishioners for the 11am Mass, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB expressed his delight in “celebrating Mass not in front of a camera, but in front of real people”. “As I’m sure you can tell from my face, it’s a great joy to be here and I hope it is for you too,” Archbishop Costelloe said. Cathedral Dean, Fr Sean Fernandez, welcomed parishioners as they entered the Cathedral, pausing briefly to sanitise their hands at the station provided at the narthex entrance. Though the crowd was relatively sparse and spread throughout the pews in precaution, it was clear from the many smiles that people were glad to be coming home on Sunday morning once again, able to celebrate Mass in its true form - in communion with others.

Archbishop Timothy said that it was an absolute pleasure to return to celebrating Mass in communion with his flock. Issue 21 - November 2020 ◆ 15

Archbishop Costelloe reminded agency workers that being Disciples of Christ is both a vocation and privilege.

2 JULY 2020

Archdiocesan Agencies Mass Photos: Matthew Lau.

Dedicated staff of the Archdiocese of Perth gathered to pray, praise and connect through their common mission in serving the Catholic community of Perth during the annual Agencies Mass on at St Mary’s Cathedral. Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB celebrated the Mass, joined by Fr Brian McKenna, Vicar for Clergy, Fr Vincent Glynn, Vicar for Education and Faith Formation, Rev Dr Sean Fernandez, Dean, St Mary’s Cathedral, Fr Nino Vinciguerra, Co-ordinator – Parish Renewal, Fr Sebastian Fernando, Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Chaplain and Permanent Deacon Paul Reid, Caritas Diocesan Director. In serving the Perth Catholic community, Archbishop Costelloe urged those present to approach the mission entrusted to them reflect the face of Christ to everyone they meet, regardless of personal feelings towards them or judgements about them. “This includes both those we seek to serve and those who seek to serve with us – our brothers and sisters in the Church’s mission,” he said. Restating the words of Pope Francis: “Jesus is the face of the Father’s mercy,” Archbishop Costelloe concluded his message, with a poignant reminder to those present. “The judgement is not for us to make, the condemnation is certainly not for us to pronounce, the rejection is not for us to enact. Rather, it is both our vocation and our privilege, as disciples of Jesus called to mission in the Church today, to be the signs and bearers of the compassion, the mercy, the hospitality and the large-heartedness of Christ to all those we encounter in anyway.”

Members of the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry community joined other Archdiocesan staff for the Mass this year. 16 ◆ Our Cathedral

More than 120 employees gathered at St Mary’s Cathedral for the Archdiocesan Agencies Mass.

Members of the Perth Archdiocese’s anti-slavery working party following the Mass for World Day Against Trafficking in Humans Mass at St Michael the Archangel Chapel in Leederville.

30 JULY 2020

Photos: Amanda Murthy

Church rallies as ‘One Body in Christ’ to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking Bishops and leaders of the Catholic community in Western Australia united to raise awareness about modern slavery for the United Nations’ 2020 World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. The Archdiocese of Perth, Catholic Education Western Australia Ltd (CEWA), the University of Notre Dame Australia (UNDA) and St John of God Health Care – with the support of the Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) – were among the many Catholic agencies, organisations, parishes and schools who made a stand against the issue. Two Mass services were dedicated to the cause locally beginning with morning Mass at CEWA’s St Michael the Archangel Chapel in Leederville, celebrated by Fr George Kolodziej SDS and assisted by Deacon Greg Lowe, followed by midday Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, celebrated by Fr Richard Rutkauskas assisted by Deacon Greg Lowe. Dr Debra Sayce, Executive Director, CEWA, echoed the words of Pope Francis who called modern slavery ‘a crime against humanity’. “Today we took the opportunity to mark the UN World Day Against Trafficking in Persons with a special Mass. “Several members of both school and office staff then spent time in a supplier engagement workshop, learning about the complexities of modern slavery and the potential that CEWA, as a Catholic community and member of the Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network, has to impact change through wise and informed choices in our purchasing decisions and through strategic engagement with suppliers,” she said. Selma Alliex, University of Notre Dame Pro Vice Chancellor and Head of Fremantle Campus Professor, shared similar sentiments describing the cause as “a really important mission for the Catholic community to follow”. “We must lead by example in this area. We always talk about neighbourly love – well this is our opportunity to demonstrate that to people who are in need, particularly people who are being trafficked,” said Prof Alliex.

Father Richard Rutkauskas (right) assisted by Deacon Greg Lowe (centre) celebrates the Eucharist.

WACMRO Director, Permanent Deacon Gregory Lowe, preached about the need to “cast the net” of human rights due diligence, which is simply secular language for neighbourly love to all people during midday Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral. Issue 21 - November 2020 ◆ 17

Bonded by Faith. It takes a lot of hard work to keep St Mary’s Cathedral as beautiful as it is. Supporting the Cathedral Dean, Manager and grounds staff is a ‘smiling army’ of people who generously give of their time - they are our much loved Cathedral Volunteers. They come from all walks of life, experiences, ages and some are not Cathedral parishioners. But they all have one common mission – to express their love for God and their faith in a very real and tangible way by ‘serving in His house’ and doing whatever they can do to be of service. Whether it be cleaning of the sacred spaces or the Pro Cathedral, arranging all the beautiful flowers or serving as Acolytes, readers, Special Ministers etc, or serving the thousands of local, national and overseas visitors at the Piety Stall each year ‑ we rely on these good people who do such great work! People like our ‘Friday Vollies’ as they are affectionately known - Vince, Vlad, Veronica, Barbara. They clean the Cathedral every Friday and have volunteered for between 2-10 years. The common response when asked why they volunteer and what they get out of it… to give something back, to worship, to enjoy each other’s company.

18 ◆ Our Cathedral

United in Service.

Then there is Kim and Roi Mai, a lovely married couple. Roi has been a Cathedral volunteer ever since his family arrived as refugees from Vietnam more than 40 years ago. Today, he proudly serves as an acolyte, encouraged to do so by the former Dean, Monsignor Keating. His wife Kim is the artistic and talented person responsible for all the beautiful flowers at the Cathedral. It is her passion to get up early and visit the markets to choose and buy the flowers at the best price, then come and design the magnificent arrangements. She tends to them every single day of the week. When I asked why she does this, Kim said “God needs help”. The Piety Stall team includes Miranda, Flo and Paul. Miranda brings almost 30 years of retail experience and has volunteered at St Mary’s for about 4 years. She loves helping people with their shopping experience. Flo was an interpreter at the Royal Perth Hospital and after visiting the Cathedral often, decided to help out with the piety stall. Paul, our newest supporter at just 5 months of service, loves being at the Cathedral, talking with God and helping people.

Some of the Cathedral Volunteers have become a social and support group for each other. They will catch-up for coffee or a luncheon, and are there for one another.

Each year, approximately 150 people volunteer their time to help in whatever way they can. To each and every one of you, we offer our heartfelt thanks. If you are interested in becoming a Cathedral Volunteer, please contact 9223 1350. Issue 21 - November 2020 ◆ 19

Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton and St Mary’s Cathedral Dean, Fr Sean Fernandez with this year’s RCIA candidates and their sponsors

29 AUGUST 2020

Candidates patiently called to become one in the faith

This year’s Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) candidates, who were set to be received into the Catholic Church at Easter, have been rewarded for their patience after the COVID19 pandemic delayed the process by more than four months. Eight RCIA candidates received the Sacrament of Confirmation, including six who were baptised, during Vigil Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral on Saturday 29 August. Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton celebrated the Mass together with Cathedral Dean, Fr Sean Fernandez with Assistant Priests - Fr Richard Rutkauskas, Fr Conor Steadman and Fr Garner Vergara. Bishop Sproxton in addressing the candidates said “You are surrounded by your brothers and sisters in the faith this evening. You fill us with joy as we accompany you to the font of Baptism. We will pray for you so that your faith will grow strong. We welcome you into this community.

Bishop Sproxton initiates a candidate into the Catholic faith by pouring holy water over her head.

Bishop Sproxton bestows a blessing upon the RCIA candidates and their sponsors. 20 ◆ Our Cathedral

May your faith maintain your courage to belong to the Catholic Church. And may you remain strong when confronted by the enticements of money and power, so that you will find the courage to stand for deeper and more spiritual values.”

30 AUGUST 2020

First Holy Communion Mass We thought we’d share some of the beautiful and joyous photos of the young people celebrating their First Holy Communion at the Cathedral.

Issue 21 - November 2020 ◆ 21


“Putting the needs of children first ” 2020 CHILD PROTECTION WEEK MASS

The 2020 Child Protection Week Mass recognised and celebrated the valuable contribution that the 237 Safeguarding Officers make on behalf of young people in the Archdiocese of Perth. The theme for Child Protection Week this year was “Putting the needs of children first”. Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB celebrated the Safeguarding Sunday Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral, joined by concelebrants Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton, Vicar General Fr Peter Whitely, and Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation Fr Vincent Glynn, with Fr Garner Vergara as Master of Ceremonies. At the beginning of Mass, Archbishop Costelloe made a special welcome to the Safeguarding Officers. He pointed out that although the Archdiocese has been doing its best to respond to the issue for a long time, it “still has a long way to go and that we must always remain vigilant.” “I personally am deeply convinced that this will remain a major priority for me in my remaining time as Archbishop of Perth, as it has been in the eight-and-a-half years in which I have held this position. Safeguarding Sunday is an expression of our belief that it is only with the help of God’s grace and God’s Holy Spirit that we can continue to respond with courage, with compassion and with determination to this terrible part of the story of the Church. The survivors of sexual abuse and their families and friends, the whole Catholic community and our society deserves nothing less and demands nothing less from us. And I believe that I can truly say that God expects nothing less from us,” said Archbishop Costelloe.

The 2020 Child Protection Week video was played at the close of Mass. 22 ◆ Our Cathedral

Archdiocesan Vicar General, Father Peter Whitely, proclaims the Gospel.

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB celebrated Safeguarding Sunday Mass joined by Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton, Vicar General Fr Peter Whitely, and Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation Fr Vincent Glynn, with Fr Garner Vergara as Master of Ceremonies.

At the heart of the Archdiocese’s response is the Safeguarding Project, with Archbishop Costelloe describing volunteers as “an army of generous, committed and dedicated people who work as Safeguarding Officers in our local parishes.” “Many of them have been able to join us for Mass this morning and again I would like to take this opportunity thank them for their generosity and commitment, to express my gratitude and my admiration for them and to ask all of us, everyone here in the Cathedral to pray for them, for the parish communities they serve and to pray for all those in our Archdiocese who in various ways, often hidden, are working to make our present and our future so very different from the shame of the past,” he said. After the Mass, the attending Safeguarding Officers were joined in the Parish Centre by the members of the Curia and the five finalists of the Safeguarding video competition. The event, supported by Catholic Education WA, was represented by Executive Director, Dr Debra Sayce. The finalists were: • Ashun Kunuchi from St Joseph’s Church, Queens Park Parish; • Isobel Lyra from Chisholm Catholic College; • Christine Reggie from Our Lady Queen of Apostles Church, Riverton Parish; and • Mary Carter and Rebecca Atwood from Sacred Heart Church, Thornlie Parish. Their efforts were on display in the “2020 National Child Protection Show Reel”, with the overall winners Mary Carter and Rebecca Atwood – as voted online by their peers – announced and presented with a $500 gift voucher by Archbishop Costelloe. Each of the other three finalists received a $100 gift voucher. Safeguarding Project Director, Andrea Musulin, said her team were pleased with the number of two-minute clip entries received from the secondary schools. “A number of the entries mentioned that they want the Church and their schools to teach them more about sex education. It’s the voices of children; listen to the voice of children and put children first,” said Andrea.

Issue 21 - November 2020 ◆ 23

Choirs from St Paul’s Primary School, La Salle and Mercy Colleges took turns to lead in the praise and worship session for the Catholic Performing Arts Festival Mass.



Catholic Performing Arts Festival participants and educators gathered at St Mary’s Cathedral for a joyful celebration, one of the few physical celebrations held for the Festival which provided a face to face opportunity for students and educators to gather and give thanks to God. As a result of the COVID19 pandemic, the Festival’s usual programme had to be altered, resulting in several postponements and cancellation of events, including the closing Festival Concert. Instead, a new innovative way of using the internet to record and submit performance entries was adopted. Bunbury Bishop, Most Rev Gerard Holohan celebrated the Liturgy, joined by the Archdiocese of Perth Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation, Father Vincent Glynn. Choirs from St Paul’s Primary School, La Salle College, and Mercy College took turns to lead in the praise and worship session, accompanied by a liturgical movement group. Catholic Arts Chair, Darryl Winsor, thanked the students and educators for their participation and encouraged the young people to use this time “to praise and worship God for the many gifts that He has given them.” “During this, we will hear His invitation and challenge to go out into our everyday world, with the message of Jesus in our hearts, through the words of the music, the motions of dance – and the prayers and readings. How will you make a difference in your schools or your family environment after you leave the Cathedral today?” said Mr Winsor. Catholic Arts Chair, Darryl Winsor, welcomes everyone to the Catholic Performing Arts Festival celebration of the Liturgy of the Word.

Delivering words of encouragement, Bishop Holohan reflected on the first reading and the day’s Gospel. “When we read the Gospels, we see how people came to Jesus for various needs – some needed healing, Jesus also healed people’s hearts. If I could look into your hearts, would I see any hurts in your hearts that need healing? Would I see any hurts in your hearts that you don’t bring to Jesus? Jesus also healed the physically crippled, and those who were crippled in mind and body. The Mass is a place that all the faithful can experience Jesus and bring our hurts as well as things that cripple us to God. Before we continue this celebration, which is ultimately a gift from God, let us pause for a moment and ask ourselves, if there is anything in ‘my’ heart that ‘I’ am not giving up to Jesus.

Bishop Gerard Holohan celebrated a Liturgy of the Word for the Catholic Performing Arts Festival.

Let us always bring these things to the Lord, because in time, we will experience healing and inner freedom,” Bishop Holohan said.

Catholic Education WA Inc. Executive Director, Dr Debra Sayce, expressed her gratitude to all present and reflected on this year’s theme: “A year of celebration and participation”, which she cited came “under the most unusual circumstance, but truly fitting” given the global crisis situation. “It is wonderful to join you in this beautiful cathedral, to celebrate and to give thanks for the arts in our schools, for the creativity and talents of our students,” said Dr Sayce. 24 ◆ Our Cathedral

Xavier Jarvis, St Mary’s Cathedral’s new organ scholar.


Cathedral Welcomes New Organ Scholar and Choristers Bassendean parishioner Xavier Jarvis is the new Organ Scholar at St Mary’s Cathedral Parish after successfully securing a one-year scholarship grant. Director of Music at St Mary’s Cathedral, Jacinta Jakovcevic, said the audition process went differently compared to previous years as the church had to close because of the COVID19 restrictions. “We had to close the day before all the scholarship auditions were about to happen, and of course, we could not bring anyone here. So it was a scramble to get them organised. It was a unique [and challenging] experience, but I was very keen to keep going. It was an excellent pool of applicants and Xavier is the scholarship recipient,” she said.

The Liturgical Movement team from Mercy College

Xavier said it was both daunting and satisfying to debut and play the organ at the Sunday Mass celebrated by Cathedral Dean, Father Sean Fernandez. Six new choristers were also commissioned into the Cathedral Choir during the Mass.

Fr Sean Fernandez commissions new choristers.

Fr Sean, Jacinta Jakovcevic with Xavier and the Cathedral’s Choristers. Issue 21 - November 2020 ◆ 25

Sr Lourds Chitra Justin OSM, Abbott John Herbert OSB, The Shopfront Director Damian Walsh, Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation Fr Vincent Glynn EV, Sr Lucy van Kessel PBVM, Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton, Centre for Faith Enrichment Director Dr Marco Ceccarelli, St Charles’ Seminary Rector Fr Phillip Fleay, Vicar General Fr Peter Whitely, Applecross Parish youth coordinator Emily Hardbottle, Redemptoris Mater Seminary Rector Fr Michael Moore SM, Vicar for Clergy Brian McKenna EV, and UNDA theology senior lecturer Dr Angela McCarthy.

4 OCTOBER 2020

Commissioning Local Delegates for Plenary Council

‘Do not tear down the Lord’s Church, instead renew and restore it’ Archbishop Costelloe SDB Twelve local delegates who have the privilege of representing the Archdiocese of Perth in the upcoming Plenary Council as representatives of religious congregations and other Church bodies were officially commissioned by Archbishop Costelloe SDB. The Mass, which coincided with the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, was celebrated by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, who was joined by concelebrants Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton, Vicar General Father Peter Whitely, Episcopal Vicar for Education and Faith Formation Father Vincent Glynn, Abbott John Herbert OSB and assisted by Permanent Deacon Bruce Talbot. After the conclusion of the Gospel reading, Archbishop Costelloe offered some words of reflection, and then called the delegates to the Altar for a special blessing, committing them to their new role. “St Francis of Assisi, who once kneeling before a crucifix hanging in a half-ruined church, the Church of San Damiano, seemed to hear a voice from the crucifix speaking to him and saying, ‘Go and rebuild my church which is falling into ruins’. At first, he thought these words referred to the half-ruined building in which he found himself, so he immediately set himself the task of restoring that church building to its original beauty.

The Very Rev Peter Whitely VG (far left) and youth representative Emily Hardbottle (second from left) are among the 12 Plenary Council Delegates commissioned.

It was only through prayer, trusting faith and patience that Francis came to understand that the Lord was asking something much more important, that Francis, through his radical commitment to the Gospel, might lead the whole Church to a renewal of its original beauty and to a deeper fidelity,” said Archbishop Costelloe. While the Plenary Council might well be our “San Damiano moment”, Archbishop Costelloe noted that this call by the Lord, “to return once again with courage and boldness to the beauty of the gospel and begin to build our lives, our institutions, and our ministries more solidly on the basis of Gospel principles” is not a call to tear down the Church and start again from scratch. “The Plenary Council, whose delegates from our part of the Church we commission this morning, will be engaged in the same task – not to tear down the Lord’s Church and create one of our own but, rather, work with the power of God‘s Spirit to restore and renew the Church and enable it to be all that the Lord is calling it, calling us, to be. May the delegates, and all of us, be attentive to the words that Mary, the Mother of the Church, once spoke to the stewards at Cana: ‘you do whatever Jesus, tells you to do’,” said His Grace. 26 ◆ Our Cathedral

24 OCTOBER 2020

Mass Celebrates

Cultural Diversity

People of various ethnic backgrounds and nationalities were warmly welcomed to the annual Cultural Diversity Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral. Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton celebrated the 6pm Vigil Mass joined by Cathedral Dean, Rev Dr Sean Fernandez.

Organised by the West Australian Catholic Migrant & Refugee Office (WACMRO), the Mass was attended by Archdiocesan agency workers, members of the Perth Indonesian Catholic community, and the Perth Chinese Catholic community, as well as various affiliated support groups. Bishop Sproxton reflected on Matthew 22:34-40 in his Homily, echoing the famous words of Jesus to “Love your neighbour as you love yourself”. Bishop Sproxton, acknowledging the contributions that migrants and refugees bring to each community they join upon settling in Australia, remarked that the Catholic Church should be the place where everyone is welcomed and can find their feet in society. “Here in our Archdiocese, we are blessed to have so many parishioners from overseas who are making profound contributions to their communities and sharing their traditions, cultures and food with the community. This evening’s Mass is how we are giving thanks to the Lord for this change, that is and has occurred in our Catholic communities. We give thanks for the way in which, with each wave of migrant or refugees who joins our communities, how each of them brings each special gift,” said Bishop Don. After thanking the migrants and refugees present for all their gifts and contributions in society, Bishop Sproxton ended his homily by stating that everyone, no matter who they are, has “a place at the table”. “We thank God for the invitation to His table and pray that all of us in our own turn, that we will welcome the newcomer in our communities – that there will be a place for the newcomer in God’s Church.” Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton celebrates the Mass, Co-celebrated by Dean of St Mary’s Cathedral, Father Sean.

At the conclusion of Mass, WACMRO Director, Deacon Gregory Lowe, thanked all who were involved in organising and participating in the Mass. “In this time of uncertainty, keeping our first culture alive is important and keeping the faith, even more so. That is why this Mass is so special, because it allows us in some small way, to keep in touch with who we are as human beings, from a diversity of cultures, while reminding us where we are going as a baptised Body of Christ. “God alone can give us the ability to create harmony between all peoples, something the world is surely in need of right now. Cultural diversity offers an essential service – a blessing to be welcomed, to be promoted, to be protected and integrated into the very heart of the local Church in the Archdiocese of Perth.

Deacon Greg Lowe, Director, West Australian Catholic Migrant & Refugee Office, thanked those attending the Cultural Diversity Mass.

This is important, because spiritual truth, beauty and goodness is not the preserve of any one culture, so much as a longing in every human heart,” said Deacon Lowe. Issue 21 - November 2020 ◆ 27

Archdiocesan Schools Celebrate 19 OCTOBER 2020

Mercedes College

Graduation Mass and Dinner

“Mercedes College recognised our Year 12 students at their final assembly and the Graduation Mass and Dinner. A surprise guard of honour throughout the College grounds was held as the Year 12 students left their final assembly in recognition of their contribution to the school. The Graduation Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral was a special celebration followed by dinner at the Perth Convention Centre. It was wonderful to see students and parents enjoying themselves with many on the dance floor.

A choir of Year 12s

As our Year 12 students leave the College, we have faith that they go into the wider community immersed in the Mercy values of compassion, excellence, justice, integrity and service to make a positive difference to the lives of others. It has been a challenging year for them, but they have developed skills that will stand them in good stead for the rest of their lives. In a world where global competencies such as creativity, communication, collaboration, adaptability, critical thinking and citizenship are vital this year’s COVID19 experience has taught them well. I acknowledge the dedication of Mr Dymnicki, Head of Year 12, for nurturing these students over the past three years and all staff members who have supported these young women throughout their time at the College. The whole College community wishes our young Mercy women all the best for the future. Whatever their pathway, they go with the community’s prayers and blessing. We look forward to hearing about their achievements in the future and how they continue the legacy of the Sisters of Mercy.” Information supplied by Mercedes College.

Year 12s process into St Mary’s Cathedral (led by Head Girl, Gabriella Miocevich)

22 OCTOBER 2020

Corpus Christi College

Celebration of the Eucharist and Graduation Ceremony

“This event as, as always, was a highlight for all in attendance. While many of our families are Catholic, for some this may be one of their first visits to the Cathedral and it certainly leaves an impression. The School community were delighted to gather together with those who played a pivotal role in the lives of our graduating class, which included: parents, teachers, family members and friends.

After what has been a very interesting year, the ability to gather to acknowledge a significant achievement for our year 12 students became more important than ever before and within the Cathedral, there was a peaceful contentment.

Principal, Frank Italiano awards student with Certificate of Graduation

The Eucharist led by Father Jean-Noel Marie, set the tone perfectly for the evening as Principal, Frank Italiano, reminded our graduating class of how throughout their journey at the College, they had been surrounded with opportunities for spiritual, emotional, and physical growth and a capacity to cope and thrive. Through all these opportunities, they have developed and gained confidence to reach their full potential and Mr Italiano proudly wished them well.

The Graduating Class and Congregation from Corpus Christi College

28 ◆ Our Cathedral

We progressed to the presentation of Graduation certificates, acknowledging the end of one chapter of College life, while inducting our graduating class into the folds of being a Corpus Christi College alumnus, a part of the extended College family and also that of the Catholic Church.” Information supplied by Corpus Christi College.


St Mary’s Cathedral Year 12 students about to assemble in to the Cathedral

Year 12s

23 OCTOBER 2020

Mater Dei College

Thanksgiving Mass and Year 12 Graduation Presentation of Graduation Certificates to Year 12s

“Our annual Mass to celebrate the graduation of the Year 12’s was well attended as usual. This year, we had 129 Year 12 students graduating. We celebrated the most beautiful Mass during which the reverence of the congregation was palpable. In his Homily, Fr John spoke about the need to find a balance in life between developing oneself and living life to the full. In her Address, Principal, Mrs Annette Morey, reflected on the importance of the relationships with each other and with the Mater Dei teachers. “From personal experience, it is not the formal lessons in the classroom you remember when reminiscing about school days later in life, it is the people and how they made you feel,” she said Mrs Morey focused on the journey of these students and that their learning has only just begun. As they leave Mater Dei College, she encouraged them to live with purpose and to go out into the world as intelligent young people who are socially conscious and who will make a difference. She quoted Pope Francis: “Dear young people, do not bury your talents, God has given you. Do not be afraid to dream great things!”

Mater Dei College Principal, Annette Morey, delivering her Principal Address

In their final address to the College, Head Boy, Andre Desveaux and Head Girl, Caitlin Barnard reminisced about fond memories of Mater Dei over the past six years. They thanked all members of the College community for their support and guidance provided over this time, especially in this extraordinary year.” Information supplied by Mater Dei College.

The celebration of the Eucharist at St Mary's Cathedral

Fr John Daly delivers the Graduation Mass service

Issue 21 - November 2020 ◆ 29

The traditional indigenous smoking ceremony, conducted in front of St Mary’s Cathedral before the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mass, wards off the warra wirrin (bad spirits) and welcomes God’s blessing.

25 OCTOBER 2020

NAIDOC WEEK MASS The dry heat of Kambarang (the Nyoongar Season of Birth) could be felt at St Mary’s Cathedral as members of Perth’s indigenous and Catholic communities came together to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of Aboriginal peoples and culture at the 2020 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mass. 26 indigenous students from Clontarf Aboriginal College and 14 students from St Brigid’s College joined Elder Auntie, Marie Taylor, to conduct the traditional smoking ceremony in front of the Cathedral before the Mass, warding off the ‘warra wirrin’ (bad spirits) and welcoming God’s blessing. By passing through the blue smoke from the gum leaves as they entered the Mass, the assembled guests and parishioners were cleansed “mind, body and soul” in preparation for the Eucharist. Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton celebrated the Mass, joined by Cathedral Dean, Fr Sean Fernandez, and Aboriginal Catholic Ministry (ACM) Chaplain, Fr Sebastian Fernando. “It is a national day of celebrating, praying and in a way, pledging ourselves, all of us, to the path of reconciliation in this land,” Bishop Sproxton said in welcome. “We honour indigenous peoples and culture this particular day. This is a moment for us to celebrate and recognise one another as brothers and sisters.” Bishop Sproxton highlighted that this fraternity is ordered by God, instigated at the moment of creation in Genesis and consecrated in the New Testament by the Lord.

30 ◆ Our Cathedral

Students from St Brigid’s College were present for the Mass.

“We need to realise that if each of us is created in the image of God, then we truly are brothers and sisters of one another. We are, each of us, deserving of respect, because of that Spirit which we carry and because of that likeness which we have to Him,” said Bishop Sproxton. ACM Director Donella Brown emphasised the importance of Bishop Sproxton celebrating the Mass as he is Chair of the Archdiocese’s Reconciliation Action Plan Committee and a Member of the Bishops’ Commission for relations with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. “This year, 2020, has been particularly challenging for the local community, with the ongoing effects of COVID19 still limiting the number and intensity of ACM’s activities. During COVID we were not able to do any pastoral visits to the hospitals for nearly four months. And though visits to Charles Gairdner and Fremantle Hospitals resumed in August, we are still waiting to resume visits to Royal Perth Hospital. We found that a number of our seniors in the community had missed getting together during the pandemic and after lockdown, they really welcomed the return of Pastoral visits from the team. It also was an opportunity to begin our ‘Seniors on the Move’ programme where we take the seniors on an outing each fortnight. Perth’s indigenous youths also suffered from the impact of COVID19, with the Sacramental programme for students at Clontarf Aboriginal College put on hold for over a term. But we are pleased that one student was baptised, and two students received their First Holy Communion on 18 October” said Donella.

Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton, accompanied by Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Acolyte, Reg Carnamah, blesses the congregation with holy water, sprinkled with a sprig of the same gum leaves used in the smoking ceremony.

Indigenous students from Clontarf Aboriginal College pass through the blue gum leaf smoke as they enter the Mass, cleansed in mind, body and soul in preparation for the Eucharist.

Issue 21 - November 2020 ◆ 31

3 NOV 2020

Archbishop’s Liturgical Service

for Parish Priests & Appeal Representatives in advance of Christmas Appeal for LifeLink

The story of the Good Samaritan took centre stage at a special Liturgical Service for Parish Priests and Appeal Representatives in advance of the official launch of the Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink 2020. “It speaks of love of neighbour and of practical, down-to-earth faith which is never content with words but knows that words have to be put into action,” Archbishop Costelloe SDB explained. “For me the most powerful part of the story is the description of the Samaritan man as someone who was ‘moved with pity,” he continued. As part of the liturgy Auxiliary Bishop and LifeLink Executive Chair, Don Sproxton, read the story of the Good Samaritan. This was followed by an address by Archbishop Costelloe. This year, Archbishop Costelloe highlighted, has been difficult for everyone. “Christmas 2020 will be especially challenging for so many people who, in more normal times, might not be in great need of help but who, because of sickness, unemployment or other unforeseen financial and personal difficulties, might well be as much in need of the soothing oil of kindness and generosity as the injured man was of the oil and wine poured on his wounds by the Good Samaritan,” he said. More than 160 parish priests and their representatives from 72 parishes attended this evening’s prelaunch which was an opportunity for Archbishop Costelloe and Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton to express their thanks to parish priests and representatives for their support with the appeal each year. The Archbishop’s 2020 Christmas Appeal Letter was distributed after each Mass in parishes throughout the Archdiocese and a special video message from the Archbishop shown to parishioners at the end of each Mass. The official launch of the Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink was held in parishes on the weekend of Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 November.

32 ◆ Our Cathedral

It goes without saying, Archbishop Costelloe continued, that the raising of money through my Christmas Appeal for LifeLink is an important and practical way of lifting the burden of loneliness, of poverty, of homelessness and of hopelessness for many people who access LifeLink agencies. “But beyond the raising of money it would be my hope that what really happens is that we, and the people of our parishes, will respond as generously as we can because we have allowed the Lord to mould our hearts so that we really are moved with pity: that we see as Jesus sees, and listen as Jesus listens, and respond as Jesus responds, and love as Jesus loves. “Then we will have really taken the parable of the Good Samaritan to heart because we will, as Jesus says in relation to the Good Samaritan, 'go and do likewise',” he said. At the Liturgical Service, a new “Welcome to LifeLink” informational video was officially released, which was developed and produced in consultation with students and teachers from selected secondary schools in the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth, and with the support of Catholic Education Western Australia. This new video is now available online at www.lifelink.com.au The Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal video message is also available online at www.lifelink.com.au

Issue 21 - November 2020 ◆ 33


Confirmations Mass The newly-confirmed with the Bishop and priests

Thirty Four (34) young Cathedral parishioners were overjoyed to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at the 4pm Mass celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton and concelebrated by Cathedral Dean, Rev Dr Sean Fernandez. There was an added dimension to the joy of this special celebration given the previously scheduled Mass had to be cancelled as a result of COVID19 restrictions. At one stage, there was uncertainty as to whether the Sacrament could even be celebrated this year! The young people had undertaken and completed much of their preparation for the Sacrament in their Catholic schools or through their parish religious education programme. All had participated in the Parish Sacramental Programme run by Mrs Ros Nichols and Mrs Sally Cook. Bishop Sproxton drew the young people, their sponsors and families into the mystery of the Sacrament and the gift of Spirit. It was day which will live long in the memories of the newly confirmed.

Ros Nichols proclaims the First Reading

Sally Cook proclaims the Second Reading

Bishop Sproxton and the priests lay hands over the candidates 34 ◆ Our Cathedral

Bishop Sproxton welcoming the congregation. Fr Sean Fernandez and Fr Richard Rutkauskas are concelebrating.

Bishop Sproxton giving the Homily

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Issue 21 - November 2020 ◆ 35

Welcome to St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth Weekday Mass Times Monday to Friday

8.00am 12.10pm

Weekend Masses Saturday

8.00am 6.00pm (Vigil) 8.00am 9.30am 11.00am 5.00pm (Youth Mass)


Reconciliation Monday to Friday Saturday

11.00am to 12.00pm 5.00pm to 6.00pm

Cathedral Office 25 Victoria Avenue, Perth WA 6000 Telephone: (08) 9223 1350 Email: cathedral@perthcatholic.org.au

MASS CENTRES St Catherine Laboure Bedford Avenue, Subiaco Sunday


St Francis Xavier Windsor Street, Perth Sunday


All Saints Chapel Allendale Square, Perth Monday to Friday


Cathedral Appeal Office Griver House, 249 Adelaide Terrace, Perth WA 6000 Telephone: (08) 6104 3638 Facsimile: (08) 6162 0345 Email: admin@stmarysappeal.com.au

Parish Website: www.stmaryscathedralperth.com.au Appeal Website: www.stmarysappeal.com.au | Archdiocesan Website: www.perthcatholic.org.au

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