Armin and Joe's Profile

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joe armin and


efore we begin, we want to start by saying thank you. We

cannot begin to think of the courage you have to embark on this journey, and so for that we thank you. We also want to say that whomever you choose, we believe they will be the best parents for your child. We firmly believe that the right child will find us, and so in turn we feel that way for all kids. Lastly, we wish you all the best on this path and everything your future holds. As for us, you’ll learn very quickly that we both are the

First Off, Thank You

perfect yin and yang for each other, all along our paths to this point in our lives. Armin always knew he wanted to be a dad (which he told Joe very early on), and Joe took a while to really think about what it means to be a parent and is now excited to be on this journey with Armin. Our thirteen years together (seven of which we have been married) have been an amazing ride that has tested both our relationship and us as individuals. We have grown as people, our professional lives have evolved and we have reached a new chapter on our path.

We hope the following pages give you a deep look into our lives and hopefully, if everything aligns, we will feel right for you.

Our home.

Getting to know us

Dinner in Puerto Rico. Goofing around.


ur favorite thing is spending

We also love traveling around the

We met on a blind date 13 years ago

time together and with the

world. We have traveled to places

and we’ve been married for 7 years. It

people we love. When at

like Mexico City for New Years Eve,

sounds cheesy, but we really did hit

home, we’re having fun. Sometimes,

Budapest to celebrate Armin’s mom’s

it off instantly and have never looked

that means reading or playing video

65th birthday and the Caribbean just

back. What’s funny is we think our

games. A lot of times it means

to get away. When we’re on vacation

friends knew we were going to be

cooking. Joe loves to cook Italian

we love to try new foods, relax, and

together forever before we did! To

food, and Armin has learned a lot of

learn things about the culture we’re

us, it all feels like a pretty special

incredible family recipes from his mom.

visiting. Other times our travels are as

adventure. We feel so lucky to have

For us, eating is really more about the

simple as a car ride to visit our families

each other, and we cannot wait to have

social aspect. We love having friends

or a day trip to go apple picking.

a child to share our lives and the things

over, cooking for each other and

Whenever we’re spending time

and people we love.

learning new recipes.

together, we are happy.


bout 10 years ago, Armin decided he wanted to run a marathon. At the

time, he couldn’t even run around the block without taking a break. But guess what? After 4 months of long, cold, slushy runs all through

say hi to armin

the winter, he finished his first Boston Marathon. Right now he’s training for marathon number six! I like that story because it shows how committed and passionate Armin is about everything he does. It’s one of the things I love most about him. Working at an advertising agency, Armin isn’t content to just do his job; he gives it his all, and he makes sure his all is as close to perfect as he can make it. When I decided I wanted to go back to school to get my PhD, it was always Armin who’d cheer me on and remind me it was so worth keeping up the hard work, even when it seemed to both of us like maybe we’d bitten off more than we could chew. When his mom turned 60, Armin didn’t just send her a gift, he and his sister took her on a cruise. He even likes to tell me he’s the funnier person in our relationship. I’m not sure this true, but it’s another example of how he’s always trying to be his very best. Those examples show you some other things about who Armin is, too. Sure, he likes to run. But more important, he’s the most generous person I know. He dreams big and he works hard. He makes me laugh all the time. And he loves his family like crazy.

Armin always chooses the pool over the beach! Another race done.

And Armin not working. Relaxing & reading at the beach.

Armin working.

armin’s favorites


tv show

modern family





(not so) guilty pleasure

childhood memory

the princess bride

chocolate ;-)

my first track meet

meet my husband joe


he most important thing to

child but mostly stopped after college.

(which is what he wants to be called; we

know about Joe is that I’m the

He also inspires me to be a kind and

think I’ll be “Dad”). He’s really such a

funnier one. Seriously though,

considerate person. He is constantly

down to earth, caring person who really

he’s made me a better person just by

helping out our friends, he’s a great

wants to just make everyone’s day a

“being Joe.” I look back at how much

person to talk to for his sister, and he is

little better. Whenever I have a bad

I’ve changed over the last 13 years and it

so supportive of me and my goals.

day at work, after I’m done complaining

makes me realize how great of a dad he

he always asks me “What good thing

is going to be. Joe reconnected me back

It’s these traits in him that I fell in love

happened today?” He is always trying to

to reading again, something I loved as a

with but also the same ones that I think

make everything just a little bit better.

are going to make him a great Papa

joe’s favorites 1

tv show

modern family

2 Joe being silly.


harry potter


childhood memory swimming


(not so) guilty pleasure

cheering on armin at a race

Making friends at the Aquarium.

Us at the World Series.

Joe graduating.

A park near our home. Joe cooking.

Our home.



is where our



e live in downtown

many playgrounds that are near are

friends over, so having one big kitchen,

Boston, in an old

always full of children. We also live

dining room and living room, in one

brownstone house. We

right nearby a really great library for

space, makes it the perfect place.

love where we live because we are

kids and the elementary school near us

Right now, Armin’s office is attached

close to so many of our friends, have

is just two blocks away.

to our bedroom but we’re planning

great neighbors and we both get to walk to work. Our neighborhood in Boston is very popular right now with younger couples with kids, so the

Our favorite part of our apartment is the open kitchen. As you can probably tell, we love eating and we love having

on turning it into the nursery. That way, the extra bedroom can be for our moms and sisters when they visit!


e call this section our “Work Passions”

because we are both truly blessed in that we both truly love our jobs. When Armin was a little kid, he always loved the TV commercials… he used to go to the bathroom during the shows! After college he was very lucky in that he got a job at a growing advertising agency and worked there for 10 years. Now in advertising for over 15 years, he still gets excited when he sees one of his commercials on TV or an ad in a magazine. Joe used to work in public relations but after a trip to London, we realized his passion for history was too great to ignore. So he went back to school to get his degree in

Easter dinner. Outside the Sagrada Familia cathedral in Spain.

British history and is now a professor. He is an awesome mentor to his students and

5 memorable vacations

we’ve taken

when one specific student was going through a personal rough patch, Joe played a big part in getting her the help on campus that she needed.

On our honeymoon in Rome.

Italy and Spain for our honeymoon Rio Paris The Yucatan Moscow

More sunscreen next time!

Joe and our newest friend Jackson.

Armin with his sister and nephew.

Us with our sisters on our wedding day.


Armin with nephew Gray.

On vacation with Armin’s family.

have had the distinct

over heels in love. It has

for me over the past few

the luckiest babies. It will

honor of knowing my

been a pleasure watching

years, as I have searched

be coming into a loving

brother and his husband

them grow as individuals

to pave my own way in life.

household that is warm and

over the entirety of their

and as a strong and beautiful

They are always there to

kind and overflowing with

13 year relationship. As a

couple. During the time

lend their support, advice,

love and laughter. This child

couple, Joe and Armin are

they have spent together, I

love, and moral guidance in

will be lucky to be able to call

kind, considerate, generous,

have watched each of them

any circumstance. When

my brother and brother-in-

and supportive of one

support one another as they

the boys told me they were

law parents.

another. They hold family

each have achieved their

going to adopt a baby, my

and friendship in the highest

wildest dreams. The two

heart swelled. The baby

With all the love in my heart,

esteem. They are also head

have become role models

they receive will be one of

Beth, The Proudest Auntie to Be

meet our loved ones


e think our family is made up of people we’re related to and people we’ve been

lucky enough to know and love in our life. First of all, we’re both big brothers to younger sisters that we adore. Armin grew up in New York and his family still lives in and around New York City. When we get together with them, that means we have lots of time to play with Armin’s two nephews – Armin often gets out of bed first so he can be ready when the kids wake up – they get to play and Armin’s sister sleeps in late. Joe grew up in New Hampshire. One of his family’s traditions is that his mom hosts a big family dinner every Christmas Eve for his whole family, aunts and uncles, and cousins… it’s one of Joe’s favorite days of the year. Our family is also made of the people we love nearby. They’re a huge part of the lives we’ve created for ourselves as adults. Even though we live in a city, we feel lucky that some of our closest friends live just a short walk away. Sometimes we just invite them over to watch TV. We often get to babysit their kids. And we always get together to celebrate each others’ birthdays. Whether we’re related or not, we consider all these people family and we really think we’re the luckiest people ever to have them in our lives.


With Armin’s nephew at the pumpkin patch.

s Armin’s sister, and

ran from their little sisters,

call my brother. I’ve watched

to connect and play with

a mother of two, I

Armin always looked out

them build an incredible life

them, and calmly guide

see why Armin and

for me. He spent his weekly

together, filled with love,

them through challenging

Joe will make extraordinary

allowance on me, cooked me

unconditional support and so

moments. In this brave time

parents. They are natural born

meals after school, and always

much laughter.

of yours, please know that

nurturers. It’s in their blood

stood up for me. He’s been

to put their loved ones first,

that way since childhood

My two boys couldn’t be

can’t wait to welcome a

which is why their families

and will be that parent for a

luckier when it comes to

baby cousin into our

and wide community of

lifetime. In Joe, Armin found

their uncles. Armin and Joe

close-knit family.

friends adore them. When we

the single most kind man I’ve

so effortlessly love them.

were young, while other boys

ever met and now proudly

They instinctively know how

all of us, especially my boys,

With love, Marji

thank you for reading about us.


hank you for reading about us. As we’re going through our own adoption

If you have any questions for

journey, we never forget that you’re doing the exact same thing. We promise

us, or would like to speak to

that we will raise this child in a home full to the brim with love and with

us about adopting your child

laughter. We promise to nurture this child to be the very best version of whatever is

please contact your AdoptHelp

inside them. We promise that your story will always be part of this child’s life. We will

case worker toll-free at

always be grateful to you for being part of the story of our family.

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Joe and Armin

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