Dear Birthmother, Hello! I am Kathleen from Pacifica, California! Let me start by saying how deeply I respect your courage and selfless love as you
consider an open adoption. I appreciate you taking the time to read my letter and would love to welcome you into my life in whatever way makes you most comfortable. Together, I hope we can provide the foundation for this baby to grow, knowing that he or she has always been loved and always will be. With love and respect,
Kathleen Talbot My contact INFO
• • • Call toll free: 1-866-995-7878
Having fun with students at our annual Halloween parade
Lucy and I cuddling up after a long day
Helping my friend’s son, Henry, on his scooter
I love fishing in Seattle with my family
am a 5th grade teacher and love working with kids. Being a teacher allows me to be creative, challenge myself, and make a difference in my students’ lives. One of the perks of my job is the ability to get home early and have school holidays off, including summer! I am excited to take walks in the park or spend leisurely summer weekdays at the zoo with my little one! My friends describe me as being adventurous and someone who always says, “yes” to life! I naturally look for the good in the world and am an optimistic person. I am so grateful for the wonderful life I have, and I will be thrilled to share my life with a child. I haven’t met “Mr. Right” and I’m fine with that. Being a mother is my complete focus and my child will always come first. Picking out Halloween pumpkins with my godson, Wes.
I love taking my beagle, Lucy, on long walks and can envision the joy it will be to do this with a baby in a stroller!
about me
I am minutes from the San Francisco Zoo, Golden Gate Park, and the beach. In the same week I can enjoy watching a show at the theatre and eating a hotdog while cheering on the San Francisco Giants! I love spending time at all the different local beaches and I get excited when I think about me and my child building sand castles and watching seals and porpoises play in the waves. I’m also excited about the schools that my child will attend. I know from having been involved in the local schools how wonderful and culturally diverse they are. I live in a wonderful apartment that is just two blocks from the Pacific Ocean! It has a great kitchen for Saturday morning pancakes and a fireplace for cozy winter evenings. When you look out the back windows you can see an actual castle on a hill! It will be the perfect place to raise my own little prince or princess!
I love living near San Francisco! It is truly unique to live in this international city where extraordinary opportunities are around every corner. Introducing my little friend, Kalea, to a bunny at a Memorial Day picnic
I love being active and trying new things. Some of my favorite activities are stand up paddle surfing, tennis, and catching a Zumba class at my gym. I love to travel and have experienced so much by seeing the world. Some of my favorite destinations have been Costa Rica, Ireland, Alaska, and Puerto Rico. I speak some Spanish and often take classes or join discussion groups to work on this skill.
I love thinking that, one day, I’ll be roasting marshmallows around the fire with my own little camping buddy!”
Playing ball with my sweet friend, Caroline Nothing like a good pickle, and nothing like time spent with my wonderful godchildren Wes, Kate, and Hannah, !
I love being outdoors, and spend a lot of my summer vacation camping or backpacking in the beautiful California wilderness.
Me and my godson, Stone, right before he conquered his fear of roller coasters
I have a wonderful community of family and friends. I grew up in Seattle, Washington and will always be true to the Pacific Northwest! I get the chance to visit often, as my mom and dad are still living in the same house I grew up in. My parents are already excellent grandparents to my niece and nephew. My mom is ready to start cross-stitching a new stocking for the Christmas mantel. My brother and his family are in the area, too. My niece Amy and nephew Joey are over the moon at the thought of a cousin! They are so excited to teach my child how to fish, play board games, and feed the chickens at their house!
friends & MY FAITH
I am surrounded by a loving and supportive community. Before moving to my current place, I lived in an apartment in the bottom floor of the home of a wonderful family that I’ve been close to for over fifteen years. They have three children who still live in the home and are my godchildren. I know they will always show a special interest in my little one and I will always have willing helpers just minutes away! I am also part of a wonderful church community. I attend church each week and am involved in the kids’ Sunday school program, planning special events like our annual service trip to Mexico, and each year, I write and direct the Christmas play. I am excited for my child to have a strong spiritual foundation and the caring influence of the other wonderful families who attend.
Having fun camping with good friends in the Sierra Nevadas
Many of my close friends have small children or are just starting their families. I look forward to lots of play groups and anticipate the fun of birthday parties with good friends.
It is important to me that you are able to share the
On a service trip to Mexico. Reminding this little princess how special she is!
joy of watching this child grow, learn, and giggle.
Please call me anytime. I would love to talk with you!
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I am thrilled to begin a new chapter of my life, where I will be able to devote myself to loving and nurturing a child. I will create a home filled with warmth, support, and unconditional love so my child can grow to be a strong, happy, and loving person. My youngest godson came to the family through adoption, and I have seen first-hand how beautiful and wonderful it can be. You’ll always be an important part of this baby’s life, and my life too! I look forward to the valuable role you will play. On vacation at the Grand Canyon
My contact INFO
• • • Call toll free: 1-866-995-7878
With Love,
Kathleen Talbot