Lisa & Tim
Dear Birthmother, e want to thank you for taking the time to read about us and considering us to be adoptive parents to your child. We met during high school and married 17 years ago. We have struggled to get pregnant on our own HUK V\Y KPMÄJ\S[ QV\YUL` OHZ ZOV^U \Z [OH[ UV[ VUS` KPK this struggle bring us closer, which we didn’t know was WVZZPISL I\[ [OH[ ^L JHU V]LYJVTL KPMÄJ\S[ VIZ[HJSLZ thrown our way. Adoption has been something that we saw in our future. Growing our family through adoption is the right choice for us.
>L JHU VUS` PTHNPUL OV^ KPMÄJ\S[ [OPZ [PTL T\Z[ IL MVY `V\ /V^L]LY ^L HYL NYH[LM\S MVY `V\Y ZLSÅLZZ KLJPZPVU [V JVUZPKLY adoption for your child. We respect and admire you for your incredible strength HUK JHU VUS` OVWL [OH[ `V\ ^PSS ÄUK WLHJL HUK JVTMVY[ K\YPUN `V\Y QV\YUL` 7SLHZL RUV^ [OH[ ^L are committed to providing your child with unconditional love. We have so much to offer them in a home that is stable, supportive, and loving surrounded by a family that is kind, nurturing and compassionate. It is our hope that as you read about us you will get a good sense of our life and who we are.
Our Journey e have been married over 17 years, but we met when we were in high school 25 years ago. We met at a beach party at the house of Tim’s best friend. To this day they are still very close and ;PT PZ [OLPY ÄYZ[ ZVU»Z .VKMH[OLY ;OLYL was a football game going on and Lisa ^HU[LK [V QVPU PU >OLU ZVTLVUL said that the girls couldn’t be tackled, Lisa disagreed. On the next play, Lisa threw a touchdown pass and as the ball left her hand Tim’s brother tackled her burying her in the sand. Everyone waited to see what her reaction would IL :OL [OLU Q\TWLK \W ZTPSPUN HUK celebrated the touchdown. Tim said at that moment he had to meet her. It has been a whirlwind ever since.
At our wedding, Tim’s best friend/ best man gave a speech that he felt described us perfectly. He said we ^LYL SPRL [^V W\aaSL WPLJLZ [OH[ Ä[ together perfectly, so perfectly that we were the two pieces that were already QVPULK [VNL[OLY ^OLU `V\ VWLULK [OL IV_ MVY [OL ÄYZ[ [PTL >L HYL YLHSS` loving and sappy about each other to this day. We are both teachers at the same school and all of our colleagues and families tell us that we are a great example for the students of what a strong, loving relationship looks like.
of fertility struggles and miscarriages, the choice of adoption is a natural option for us. We have learned that it doesn’t matter how we become parents but what matters is growing our family. We feel that we have so much love to offer a child. Our house is never short of hugs, kisses, kind words, and fun. We have the stability to help them feel secure and a large family that is all close by. We look forward to bringing a baby into our family traditions and creating new ones with them. Cookie thief!
It has been our dream to have a family since the beginning. After many years
6 fun facts about us .We have gone cage diving with white sharks. .We met playing a game of football against each other. .We have worked at the same school for 16 years and love it. .Lisa represented the USA in the European National Softball Games. .Tim has competed in two collegiate sports.
That’s us in the shark cage!
.Tim will start reading a thick book at 6 pm and stay up until 4am to ÄUPZO P[ /L PZ H MHZ[ YLHKLY
In Las Vegas for our 10 year wedding vow renewal
about lisa by tim V^ KV 0 Ä[ L]LY`[OPUN HIV\[ Lisa into a small space? Well, ÄYZ[ PZ OLY ZTPSL @V\ JHU»[ OLSW but notice it as it lights up the room and makes me instantly feel better. Lisa is my best friend and we pretty much go everywhere and do everything together, and when we KVU»[ \Z\HSS` [OL ÄYZ[ X\LZ[PVU PZ “Where’s Lisa?”
Lisa carries her love and passions VU OLY ZSLL]L @V\ RUV^ ^OH[ ZOL loves and how much she loves almost immediately. Once you are her friend, you have a friend for life and someone who has your back no matter what. Her artistic passion can
Snorkeling in Catalina with our 6th grade class
be seen when she teaches and in our house, which she has decorated herself. Art is everywhere, and we love going to different places and checking out galleries or public art pieces. 3PZH PZ HSZV X\P[L [OL JVTWL[P[VY Not only did she have a great childhood, high school, and college experience playing softball, she also represented the U.S. in Europe HZ H JH[JOLY [OL ÄYZ[ [PTL [OL < : was allowed to compete in their International Games. I believe it is this competitive drive that allowed us to meet and become friends, due to her being tackled by my brother in a beach football game. She shook off the hit with a laugh, and
0 Q\Z[ OHK [V NV V]LY HUK PU[YVK\JL myself. Lisa is always there for a friend or family member. She is that person that you can call on at any time and she will listen and be there for you as long as you need. Many a baked good has made its way into a friend’s home as a pick-me-up or condolence. This has also lead to her brownies and cookies being a much sought after gift item and talked about with much enthusiasm. I can’t imagine where I would be, or what my life would be like without her. She is my rock, and if the way she takes care of me, our families, and friends, then your child will have one fantastic mother.
Some of Lisa’s pieces being sold at a charity event
A pastel drawing of our cat Captain Morgan Having fun with friends on a weekend getaway
lisa's artwork
some of
lisa's favorites tv show
Law & Order food
Lobster animal
Shark ( not so ) guilty pleasure
4HRPUN QL^LSY` Ceramic pots made by Lisa
about tim by lisa im is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, my best friend and I couldn’t imagine a life without him. He stands by me through our ups and downs and always puts me ÄYZ[ /L PZ [OL RPUK VM WLYZVU ^OV WYPKLZ OPTZLSM VU W\[[PUN V[OLYZ ÄYZ[ HSTVZ[ [V H MH\S[ His goal in life is to make others smile, and that he does. He makes friends everywhere he goes because everyone is drawn to his positive and upbeat way of life. He is dependable HUK ZV NP]PUN VM HSS OL OHZ [V VMMLY ;PT [LHJOLZ 7O`ZPJHS ,K\JH[PVU [V NYHKLZ RPUKLYNHY[LU [OYV\NO ÄM[O *OPSKYLU are drawn to him and respect him because he is very clear on his expectations. His classes are the highlight of many of their days.
;PT SV]LZ H JOHSSLUNL HUK Q\TWZ PU ^P[O IV[O MLL[ ,]LU with a fear of sharks he went with me on a shark diving trip with Great Whites. He may not admit it readily, but he had a great time. Tim recently surprised me by signing \W MVY H T\K Y\U ÄSSLK ^P[O TPSP[HY` [`WL VIZ[HJSLZ /L W\[ OPZ OLHY[ HUK ZV\S PU[V JYVZZPUN [OL ÄUPZO SPUL ^P[O H smile that outweighed his look of exhaustion. I watched as he went to rinse off the mud and then walked over to donate his shoes, not having another pair to change into even with a mile walk back to the car. He continues to ZOV^ TL OPZ [Y\L ]HS\LZ ^P[O ZLSÅLZZ HJ[Z such as this. Tim has a large family but most of them are back in Nebraska. His parents live close by and we spend time with them whenever we can. He has one brother who is married and lives up north, but still in the same state. He Ä[Z PU ^LSS ^P[O T` MHTPS` ^OV HSZV SP]L JSVZL I` HUK spends a lot of time with them as well.
some of tim's favorites
Tim hanging out with his new friend at the Omaha Zoo
tv show
Big Bang Theory
A good steak
( not so ) guilty pleasure
Supporting Tim during his Tough Mudder race
by  tim was born and raised in Laguna Beach, CA about 5 blocks from the beach on a dead end street. A perfect place to grow up. My childhood was blessed with being able to play outside all day and always seemed to be surrounded by sports or some sort of an activity.
I live only 20 minutes away from my parents and see them a few times a month. My parentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s marriage was full of laughs and conversations. They both worked hard to give us shelter and food. I love everything about my mother and father and they shaped me into the man I am today. My mom
ike with his wife Timâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brother M parentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s house Crystal at Timâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Tim being goofy while snorkeling in Hawaii during our anniversary
taught me the love of reading and experiencing new things. I was one of the few kids growing up that read well above my grade level and had experiences few other kids had. As for Dad, I learned to love sports, be competitive and work hard and enjoy the feeling after a hard dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work. My WHYLU[Z Z[YLZZLK LK\JH[PVU Ă&#x201E;YZ[ HUK foremost, to respect your elders, and no matter what you do, work hard at your job whatever it is. College was a great time for me. I learned a lot and made some lifelong friends. I graduated with my BA in
Tim having so
me fun on a je
t ski
Physical Education in 1992 and went on to get my Masters in 1993 and Teaching *YLKLU[PHS PU 4` Ă&#x201E;YZ[ QVI V\[ VM college was coaching at my alma mater from 1994 to about 1996 and working as a personal trainer for what is now a OY Ă&#x201E;[ULZZ ^OLYL 0 ^HZ HSZV H ^LLRLUK THUHNLY 0U 0 NV[ T` Ă&#x201E;YZ[ WHY[ time teaching job, and then in the Fall of 1997, I started teaching a St. Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s where I have been for the last 17 years. 0 HT ZH[PZĂ&#x201E;LK ^OLYL 0 HT HZ 0 NL[ [V teach at the same place as my wife and we have a great group of teachers whom I can easily say are also my friends.
a with ature ains n g in t Enjoy the moun in lk a w
Celebrating our anniversary in Hawaii with Lisa’s family
lisa's family am very fortunate to have my parents and my sister’s family live just minutes from us. My sister has a daughter who is 15. We are very fortunate to have had our niece at V\Y ZJOVVS ^P[O \Z ZPUJL 7YL :JOVVS 0[ ^HZ [V\NO [V ZLL her graduate but we know the best is yet to come for her. Even though she is in high school now I still help her with her Math and Science when she needs it. My parents have a house with a huge yard, a big play structure, and room for a play house. They have a fenced in pool with a water slide that seems to be the center of most of our family gatherings. Long summer days in the pool playing volleyball are followed by a bbq. I have many cousins that live within
30 minutes of us and we are able to get together for the big holidays or plan get togethers. Lisa and her sister
Lisa’s niece’s graduation from the school Lisa teaches at
Lisa and her dad at an Angels game
Tim and Lisa with their niece Lauren after Baccalaureate
Lisa and her mother
tim's family y family hails from the state of Nebraska. Both my parents were raised there and were high school sweethearts. The only reason they came to California, according to my Dad, was that while he was in the Navy and stationed in San Diego, he called home on Christmas where it happened to be 80 degrees that day. When my Grandmother said the high was NVPUN [V IL KLNYLLZ OL ZHPK OL ^HZ NVPUN [V ÄUK H ^H` [V make it work out here. Which they have.
Tim’s aunts and uncles visiting from Nebraska
Most of my aunts and uncles still live in the same town they grew up in and one set of my cousins live in Missouri. We make it back there every now and again for a small reunion and to catch a Husker game. As it was when I was growing up, when we all get together after meals, we all just hang in the living room or porch and chat for hours. Lisa was HSTVZ[ V]LY^OLSTLK ^OLU ÄYZ[ NVPUN IHJR [V ]PZP[ K\L [V the amount of food involved and the discussions about other places to eat, while eating. Most of our traditions involve food, whether it is my having to eat at all of the places my Dad did growing up as a right of passage, or where Thanksgiving is going to be, or what is being brought to my parents house on Christmas morning.
Tim’s brother Mike with their parents Karen and Roger
Tim with his uncle Dennis and Aunt Jill
Tim’s parents on a family trip in Murphy
Tim’s family at his brother’s wedding
Reading, making jewelry, and a curious cat
our home
Making gingerbread houses in our kitchen
e live in a small Southern California city that has been ranked the safest city in California. We both grew up very JSVZL [V OLYL ZV V\Y MHTPS` HUK SPML long friends live nearby. Everything is a close drive to where we live. Twenty minutes gets us to the beach, Disneyland, numerous malls with outdoor activities, and hiking trails. ( ZOVY[ Ä]L TPU\[L ^HSR from our house gets us to the lake which VMMLYZ IVH[PUN ÄZOPUN WHKKSL IVHYKPUN kayaking, a playground, and beach with picnic areas. It is very family friendly with movie nights and concerts during the summer.
We live in a 3 bedroom townhome with a cute backyard and garden which includes V\Y NYHWL]PUL ^L WSHU[LK ^OLU ^L ÄYZ[ moved in. We get about 100 bunches VM NYHWLZ LHJO Z\TTLY )\[[LYÅPLZ HUK hummingbirds are always hanging out in our backyard. There are neighborhood parks at every turn within walking distance. It really is a family friendly community. We are close with all of our neighbors and have block parties on the spur of the moment. We all look out for each other and they are all supportive of us starting our family.
octor on one Captain and D of their cat trees
A lovely spot to relax at the end of th Grapes we grow in our backyard!
Mr. Bunny
Cappy taking
a nap
oth each s love y o b ur
A night out at Molly Malones
our  jobs e work together teaching at the same school. Tim started [LHJOPUN H[ [OPZ ZTHSS WYP]H[L LHYS` WYL ZJOVVS [OYV\NO 8th grade school the year we got married. I started the following year after that. Tim is a Physical Education Teacher and over the years he has taught everything from middle ZJOVVS KV^U [V [OL SV^LY ZJOVVS *\YYLU[S` OL [LHJOLZ 2 and works with kids that range in age from 6 to 10. He coaches after school sports which have included boys & girls volleyball, football, basketball, and track. He coaches kids THPUS` PU TPKKSL ZJOVVS ^OPJO YHUNL MYVT
he day Good friends visiting from Charleston
Us at a friendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wedding
Lisa teaches Visual Arts at the Middle School level, but teaches after school art classes to a wide range of students MYVT 2 [O :OL NL[Z [V ZWLUK OLY KH` WSH`PUN ^P[O JSH` paints, and all types of media while instructing her students. Having credentials in art, math, and science, sometimes Lisa gets pulled in to teach other classes. However, as the school is growing, art is the main focus for her. Lisa spends a great deal of time helping students, including their niece who recently graduated, with math and science. We both look forward to the future and helping our own children with school help. As far as working together, we couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be happier about it. Lisaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s art room is right outside the gym that Tim teaches in. We have lunch together with other colleagues whenever we get the chance. We are truly a team at work and home. We dream of the day that we go to work as a family and have our children begin in the 2 year old program at school with teachers we have known for 15 years.
our  pets We have two cats that we like to refer to as our little men. We have had them both since they were little kittens. Captain Morgan is our oldest cat. He is a long haired 4HPUL *VVU ^P[O H SVUN Ă&#x2026;\MM` [HPS /L PZ ]LY` [HSRH[P]L HUK JOPYWZ ^OLU OL TLV^Z *HWW` PZ V\Y Ă&#x201E;NO[LY /L ^HZ KPHNUVZLK ^P[O JHUJLY SHZ[ `LHY HUK HM[LY \UZ\JJLZZM\SS`
y Doctor Bomba
trying to have it removed, we had to take his leg off. We were so worried he would be upset with us, but we think he loves us even more now for nurturing him back to a normal life. He races around the house as if he still had his four legs. Our other cat, +VJ[VY )VTIH` PZ H ZO` NYL` 5VY^LNPHU -VYLZ[ *H[ 3PRL OPZ IYV[OLY OL PZ ]LY` Ă&#x2026;\MM` and loving. He will snuggle with you for hours if you let him, which we do. Both cats are great with children. They are a source of so much joy in our lives.
If you have any questions for us or would like to speak with us, please contact your case worker at AdoptHelp by calling 1-800-637-7999, [VSS MYLL
in closing OHUR `V\ HNHPU MVY YLHKPUN V\Y WYVÄSL /VWLM\SS` `V\ OH]L HU \UKLYZ[HUKPUN VM ^OV ^L HYL HZ H JV\WSL HUK ^OV ^L Z[YP]L [V be as parents. Our wish for you is that whatever decision you make brings you peace and comfort. We truly hope that your search for a family ends here, with us. Hopefully you can see how much love we have in our hearts, and the excitement we have [V ILJVTL WHYLU[Z >L ^LSJVTL HU` X\LZ[PVUZ `V\ TH` OH]L HIV\[ \Z 4H` `V\ ÄUK SV]L HUK Z[YLUN[O PU `V\Y QV\YUL` [V ÄUKPUN the right family to adopt your child.