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CONTACT MY AGENCY Independent Adoption Center 1–800–877–OPEN (6736)

CONTACT ME Lynette Finch Toll Free 1–877–417-6364

Hello from the lovely city of Tucker, Georgia. I’m Lynette and I am grateful that you are taking an opportunity to read about me and my desire to adopt. I deeply admire you and your strength as you face many decisions ahead. I appreciate and respect your incredible courage and grace to consider entering into an open adoption plan. Reading this letter, I hope you can find what you are seeking for you and your child. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

It has been my desire since childhood to

expand my family

through open adoption.

About Me

I love Georgia and have lived here all my life. I grew up in Athens with my mom & grandmother. Though we moved to Atlanta when I was four, I spent most of my summers in Athens with my grandparents and cousins playing and going to the YMCA.

A little

I am glad to be able to say that I love my job! I provide training to people in Commercial Insurance. I have the flexibility to work from home or anywhere that I have internet access. My job also involves some travel and I have plans to travel with my child, whenever possible. I want my child to know and experience diversity and many cultures.

As long as we live, there is

never enough

singing. —Martin Luther

I’m very involved in church because my Christian faith has always been a strong part of my life and a driving force for me. I believe that people arrive at their spirituality through different paths and in their own time. I also appreciate the sense of community and action that my current church provides. We have a growing and active children’s program which my child will greatly enjoy.

Singing, my passion!

I share my four bedroom home with my dog, Gracie and two cats, Scout and Tag. Gracie loves to chase balls in the large wooded, fenced yard with anyone that will throw with her. Tucker has a small town feel even though it’s part of a large city and offers a lot of diverse activities. I’m excited that the elementary school is across the street and I’ll be able to walk my child to grade school each day.

Being silly with friends

house er at my Eastids from church

k with

Favorite Vacation Spot

With my niece, and my brother & his family

Church friends

Story time with my niece and nephew My nieces and nephew

My best friends!

With my friend Kaila

Family & Friends My village of

I am the oldest sibling from a single parent home consisting of my mother, brother and sister. I have another brother who grew up separately with his mother and other siblings. We are a very close knit and supportive family. My brothers and sister have children ranging from 6 months to 6 years old. From their unions, I have also gained 3 more nieces and a nephew between 5 and 16 years old. I have honorary “nieces and nephews” by means of children that I have mentored over the years. Now adults, they still call me “Aunt Lynette”. My child will have fun day trips with cousins to parks, puppet shows, and other cool places. We have most of our family gatherings at my mother’s home, the place to go for anything whether you want to celebrate or sit and talk. Early Christmas morning we gather and have a family breakfast cooked by the older children (with some help). Then we sort all the presents around each person. The children take turns opening gifts for a while, then the adults. There is paper everywhere! The holidays are fun and entertaining. We never know how or when the evening will end. We dance, sing, play games, and reminisce. I am eager to share all this with my child. I have a close knit group of friends who are very excited to share in my child’s life. They are very excited to share in the special moments and thrills of childhood. They are already planning playground trips, kid movies, and ball games for my little one. They are looking forward to watching my child’s excitement blowing bubbles in the backyard and all sorts of fun! Little Gracie

The Whole Crew! My mother, brother and

his wife,

sister, nieces and nephew

the Future

Hope for

My greatest hope is to instill the strong family bond that I have in my child. We always support one another and admire each other’s individual choices and decisions. The feeling of knowing my family is always there for me provides me with a great sense of comfort and I am grateful everyday for my family. I will pass on this belief of unconditional love and support to my child. Activities and artistic outlets are vital in children’s lives. As the child’s personality and interest(s) grow, it will be exciting to find activities and groups that he or she can join to help grow their areas of interest and develop related skills. It’s important to have a talent, passion, and strength beyond school books. This can give a person stronger motivation and discipline to better manage school and other aspects of life. It is also not expected that his or her interest match my own. I want my child to find his or her niche and special talents unique to him or her. Education is very important in my family and I hope and plan for my child to attend and graduate college. I have funds set aside for my nieces and nephews and am ready to begin a college financial plan for my son or daughter.

Thank You,

CONTACT MY AGENCY Independent Adoption Center 1–800–877–OPEN (6736)


I hope to instill in my child a desire to be a loving, positive, and serving part of a community. As he or she grows, my unwavering love and support will be a part of every day. My child will also be cherished by a loving extended family. It is my desire to provide a stable home where my child is celebrated, nurtured, and loved. I am excited to share those experiences with you through pictures and letters. I thank you for considering me.

Lynette Finch Toll Free 1–877–417-6364

My Deepest Respect

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