e met 10 years ago in a very modern way through a dating site. Joe was on his last naval assignment overseas and Mia was in California. We connected within a week of signing up online. Looking back, it was all for a reason. Separated by the Pacific Ocean, we spent months communicating on the phone and by email. When we met in person, it was magic! On the third anniversary of the day we met, we were married on Coronado Beach. After our first year of wedded bliss, we decided to start our family. After several years of trying and feeling the heartbreak of failing, we decided we were destined for another path. We knew it was time for something new. Having a baby is the most important for us and adoption is clearly the right path.
OUR thoughts ABOUT
Honeymoon in Cabo
Meet Sadie and Max
e both agree a child needs a solid foundation of unconditional love, strong ethical values and an unwavering sense of right and wrong. Our goal is to help our child possess values such as moral strength, ethical courage, and compassion for others. We will do this through loving, guiding, supporting, cheering, comforting and always being there for him or her. We will teach by example and provide education as well as resources to attain a happy life. This child will always feel loved and know they are a blessing to us.
Exploring in Cancun
k Be self-confident through our positive re-enforcement and unconditional love.
k Be respectful, kind and loving towards all things in life. k Understand the importance of a good education, providing any college opportunity the child wishes.
k Don’t take things in life for granted and to learn the Ready for kickoff!
importance and value of material things.
k Be independent. We will support, guide and encourage their choices they make as they learn life’s challenges.
LET ME i n t r o d u c e YOU TO
I When I watch Mia
Mia monkeying around with her niece
interact with our friends’ children, it’s clear that she is meant to be a mother. We love finding waterfalls
Mia and her family
LET ME i n t r o d u c e YOU TO
Joe meeting his nephew for the first time
Joe will make a great father as he’s a natural caregiver, protector and teacher.
a m Mia’s biggest fan. Mia is smart, funny, beautiful, and very active in the community. Mia believes in protecting the environment and the Earth’s natural resources, not only for us, but for our children. Mia was born in the Philippines and is part of a Navy family. When she was eight, she moved from the Philippines with her family to the San Francisco Bay area. Mia remained there until she left for college in Southern California. Mia loves San Diego so much she stayed after college and currently works for an international firm. People always tell me how lucky I am to have her. From the moment Mia came into my life, I knew I would be with her always. She always makes me laugh with her quick wit and wonderful personality. When Mia talks to, and plays with children, she brings them up to her level. When Mia spends time with you, you feel like you are the most important person in the world.
We are excited to
Joe with his sisters
Waiting patiently for the big one
oe was raised in Santa Monica, California by his mother and two older sisters. Being around women most of his life has given Joe the gift of a tender and caring heart. It’s really touching to see Joe with children. He’s very gentle and protective with the little ones and rambunctious with the older kids. Joe served his country with the Navy and now serves his community through law enforcement. I love his loyalty and devotion to his family, community, and country. Joe is loved by our friends and is greatly missed if I attend an event without him. He loves to travel and take pictures. He follows golf, baseball and football with zest, but will put his family before any sport. Joe’s must-have in the world is to live by water so he can fish.
travel together as a family & discover the beauty of the world & its people.
Strike the pose!
Joe & his mother, Donna
We love Wii parties
Mia & Joe’s mother, Donna
e live in a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home that is 20 minutes from the beach, 30 minutes from the mountains and 5 minutes from hiking trails. We have a large front yard and a swimming pool in our back yard. We have wonderful neighbors, and we all look out for each other. Many children live on our street that ride their bikes together, skateboard and play basketball. An excellent elementary school is only one block away. A middle school, high school, and our church are all less than a mile away. We live in a valley surrounded by green, rolling hills and across the street from a beautiful recreation area with fishing lakes stocked with trout, bass and catfish. There are many playground areas, places to feed roaming ducks, and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors.
Meet Tanner!
k Take our dogs to the beach, lay out blankets, spend the day tossing a tennis ball to the dogs, build sand castles, chase the waves and have a picnic. k Get in the car and drive to Balboa Park, centrally located in San Diego. There, we spend time visiting many museums and the San Diego Zoo. Or drive north to the San Diego Wild Animal Park for an afternoon safari. k We also visit Sea World at least twice a year. k Disneyland is only a couple of hour’s drive time. We would love to introduce our child to Mickey. k Go fishing at the lakes by our house. There are large grassy areas and picnic benches, right at the shore. Joe tosses a line in the water, Mia brings a good book to read and the dogs lay in the shade under a tree. The playground is only fifty feet away. k Take a yearly vacation to someplace new or a favorite destination. Cancun sunset Being kids at Universal Studios Orlando
Enjoying a day on San Diego Bay
Thank you for taking the time to learn
more about our lives and for considering us as adoptive parents. If you would like to speak with us about adopting your child or have any questions for us, please contact an adoption advisor at AdoptHelp at 1-800-637-7999.
Mia and Joe