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Why I want to adopt

stephanie Even though we don’t know each other, I would like to say THANK YOU for taking the time to learn more about my life and who I am.


always thought that I would be married again and would have a family in my thirties. Somehow it didn’t happen as I planned. I always wanted to have a child and for the past few years I explored different ways to be a mom and adoption was one of the options I felt very strongly about. Yes, I was sad that I couldn’t have a child after realizing that my fertility treatments didn’t work but I also realized that families form and become families through different loving ways. For the past couple of years, I have researched, talked to adoptive parents about their choices, and read stories from birth mothers. I feel ready to be a mom to a child and watch and help them grow into a beautiful adult. I feel that I am at a point where I’m both emotionally and financially stable and secure in my life to become a mom. I haven’t given up on getting married someday and having a lifelong partner. But in the meantime I am ready to be a mother. I’m very excited to become a mom and to experience the joys that a child can bring into my life.

I recognize that adoption is a bittersweet path and definitely not an easy choice. It is also takes an incredible person to explore this option for your baby. Thank you again for taking the time to look at my profile and all the best to you with the decisions you decide to make.

red and JP!

with F Sibling love

I AM A MASH-UP OF CULTURES AND COUNTRIES! Bilingual French-English, I was born in France and now I’m a United States citizen and currently residing in Washington State—I believe I get to enjoy the best of both worlds. I was born and grew up in the Paris area, where my parents met, fell in love and stayed pretty much there their entire life. My mom was a very cheerful, outgoing and strong-willed woman. My dad loved cars and naturally worked for a French carmaker. He was more reserved than my mom but somehow could become a chatty Cathy with total strangers! Both my 2 brothers and I loved playing together at an early age and since I was the only girl, I ended playing boys’ games a lot. Once in a while, I had a trade-off and one of them would have to play Barbie with me... ah ah!

Growing up My early passions in life were dancing, writing, drawing, spending time with animals, and reading books! I would wait for my mom to turn off the light in my room after going to bed, and once she was gone, I would turn on the light again to read another chapter! Maybe that’s why I had to wear reading glasses at an early age... Both of my parents instilled in us the desire of learning. I went to college at the University of Paris, for a bachelor of Public Administration & Law and ended up pursuing a Master of Communications. My love of communications and journalism ended up taking me to the field of Marketing when I started to work for a communications and marketing agency (my first real job!), which I’m so glad I did.

Moi Meeting a new friend in Tahiti

Enjoying a beautiful summer day

What I do

Currently, I work as a marketing Project Manager, which is actually more fun than it sounds! I work on projects that involve either launching a new website or a mobile app for a site or helping with communications and advertising campaigns. I work as an independent contractor or for agencies, depending of my contracts. Choosing this path offers a flexible work schedule so I can choose when I want to take a break, go on vacations and not depend on a rigid schedule.

What I like

I enjoy doing social activities, such as spending time with my friends, going to museums, dancing, watching a play or a musical. I love exercising so I make a point to be active by doing yoga or Pilates, running. During summers, I like hiking trails with my dog as we have beautiful mountains, east of Seattle. I also play tennis very often with my friends. I like to be active and social and keep my curiosity alive by doing different things such as taking surf lessons or facing my fears and doing a sky diving jump (my first and last time!). I love traveling—whether it’s for a quick weekend getaway or exploring a different country. I usually go once or twice a year to France to visit my family and friends.

I love to dance! I stay in Paris and in Brittany (Northwest France), where my 2 brothers, aunt and uncle and cousins live. Going to France is a reminder of my childhood and good memories, of keeping the bond strong with my family and friends. Dancing has always been a constant in my life—either teaching swing dancing or just dancing around my living room. When I was a little girl, I once enlisted my cousins for an impromptu Nutcracker ballet and I choreographed our dance to the delight of the adults and to the resignation of my cousins! I’ve always liked this quote about dancing: "Dance is the hidden language of the soul." It’s a good reminder to never stop doing the things I enjoy so much!



^ I used to be in a SAN FRANCISCO SWING DANCE TROUPE and we even performed for the half time at a 49ers game! ^ I LOVE going to museums, concerts, plays, watching movies at home or simply reading books (novels mostly). ^M y FAVORITE COLOR is purple (blue, red and green are all close seconds). ^M y two FAVORITE OPERAS are Carmen and La Bohème. ^ I love custards, rice pudding (or riz-au-lait in French) and flans! Something about milk and sugar feels VERY COMFORTING. ^ I ENJOY DANCING (swing, west coast swing, salsa, etc.) and when I can’t find time to go out dancing, I start a little session in my kitchen... the floor is perfect to do some spins and turns! ^M USIC, MUSIC, MUSIC! Can’t leave without listening to music (any kind actually). I listen to jazz, pop/dance, blues, alternative, rock, Cuban and world music... anything with a great rhythm. ^ MY BEST DISH IS QUICHE (any variations with veggies). ^B est movies of all time: CASABLANCA and ZOOLANDER! Even though they are vastly different, they both have a special place in my movies collection. ^C an’t live in a place that doesn’t have some WATER nearby (river, lake, ocean) and I’m lucky to live very close to a big lake and the ocean!


Healthy living and lifestyle

have always been conscious of wanting to be healthy and respectful of the environment and try to live my life accordingly. So seven years ago I chose to live a healthier lifestyle by eating organic as much as possible, getting vegetables and fruits at local farmers’ markets and to be more aware of my surroundings by recycling and using as many natural products as possible. I was just recently granted a garden spot in my neighborhood Community Garden and I can’t wait to start growing my own vegetables! I would love to show a child how to garden and grow fruits and vegetables so they know and understand their surroundings and where those green beans and broccolis come from.

Babysitting Gwen (my friend’s daughter)

Values My∏ And Beliefs ^ I believe in being a GOOD STEWARD OF THE EARTH so the next generation of children and their children can enjoy the beauty of this world and still be able to see wild animals and a clean nature in their lives. I regularly contribute to nonprofit associations like the Sierra Club and defenders of wildlife and I’m planning on doing more volunteering for beach cleanup or trails maintenance. ^ It is important to be with GOOD and POSITIVE PEOPLE who understand being generous and loving is a rewarding way to live life. ^ To RESPECT different beliefs and accept people as they are and try not to be judgmental.

"I met Stephanie through work in 2005, and we became good friends quickly. She is one of my closest friends and I enjoy her immensely. Not A NOTE FROM only is she fun to be around, she is one of the most responsible, patient and well-balanced people I know. She’s a great listener, has a good sense of humor and puts others at ease. FAMILY & FRIENDS She always considers the needs of others, and makes her choices thoughtfully. She will be a life-long friend for certain, and I believe she would be an excellent parent." - Deb, friend of Stephanie


"Steph and I are very close to each other. She is a very enthusiastic, generous, loyal, loving and an open- minded person. She always pays attention to others, and takes good care of her friends and relatives. She is a good listener and very compassionate. You really can rely on her. Steph values family as our mom did. She will be a good and a supportive mother. She will show the way to her child, how to become a self-confident, open-minded and mature grown up. I can’t wait to be uncle and help her with my future niece or nephew!" - JP, brother of Stephanie

Seattle magazine ranked Shoreline as the "Best Neighborhood" among 110 Seattle and suburban neighborhoods because of the quality of its schools.

My living room

My home and neighborhood


live at the northern tip of Seattle, in Shoreline, which has been placed in the top 100 Best Places to Live by Money Magazine. It’s very green with a lot of parks, trails and lakes and easy access to the sandy beaches of the Puget Sound. My neighborhood is diverse and quiet and I have a park just right outside of my condominium complex. We actually have a private gate access to the park, which has swings and a playground with slides for children. It’s also been designated a wild life sanctuary for birds and there’s a small creek that runs through it. I live in a friendly and safe neighborhood, with restaurants, a movie theater, groceries and other conveniences very close by. I have a 2 bedroom home with a large balcony that looks over trees, bushes and courtyard fountains. My neighbors next door are also very good friends

and I can always count on them if I need anything. They can’t wait to see a new baby next door and have already signed up for babysitting! Since they are grandparents themselves, they have a lot of experience to offer. We also have kids of different ages playing in the complex and you can hear children’s laughter in the park nearby during summer days where they are all running around! Because I live so close to Seattle, I’m only 15 minutes away from the zoo, Children’s Museum and the Pacific Science Center—where kids can experience wildlife, interactive play activities, fun science and educational programs.

The playground near my home

Goofing around with Fred

A picnic with girlfriends

With my friend Phillipe

Spending time with Uncle George and Aunt Madeleine

My Family and Friends ...YES, IT TAKES A VILLAGE


s a single mom, I understand that I will need to have a strong support system of friends and family members who will give me a hand and support my choice. It does take a village to raise a child and my "village" is ready to provide that support anytime I need. I already have some babysitters lined up and having close friends who just had babies or currently raising toddlers will provide shared experiences and support as we watch our children grow together as friends and playmates. I come from a small but very close knit family. I have two brothers J.P. and Frederic, who recently got married. I’m especially close to my older brother, J.P. and my cousins Chantal and Pascale. Pascale is like a sister to me and I’m about 2 years older than she is. She’s married to a smart, funny and kind man from Brazil—Marcelo—and they have a beautiful little girl, Oriane, who’s almost

2. They can’t wait to see the family expanded with the addition of a child for "tata" Stephanie (Auntie Stephanie)! My older brother has already made plans to come and visit and help with the child, while my cousins, my 2 aunts, and uncle can’t wait to spoil him/her. Even though my parents are no longer with us, I think they would have adored this child with all their hearts and I know I would have their blessings to become a mom! As mentioned, my "other" family is my strong network of friends, some I have known for a very long time. A few girlfriends who live nearby have young children, so they can’t wait to meet the new baby and future playmate of their children. I’m very lucky to have such a neat group of supportive friends in my life and yes, I do have great male friends who will be happy to be role models for my adopted child.

I love babysitting my cousin!

Some of my best friends

things we Like to do as a


My sweet cousin Oriane

With my aunt and cousins in Paris

^ Get together, eat and talk for hours (the French way)

^S undays are especially the time when we get together as a family for lunches and we have my parents’ siblings over along with my cousins for epic lunches!

^ H aving fun and laughing together. We all

enjoy a good sense of humor and we like to crack each other up with stories or just find the funny moments in life.

^B e there for each other, celebrating big events or spending time together.

^ L istening to the older generation talk about their lives as younger individuals and

what their lives were like. It’s a good reminder that through life’s peaks and valleys, we all have experiences to share and remember.

Meet Clementine Me and Clem


y family is also not complete without my "girl", Miss Clementine! She’s a sweet, very happy go-lucky and smart dog. At over 9 years old, she loves her treats, playing with her best friend Angel, her "chill" time and just being around people and kids. Her great disposition makes her a perfect family dog and I know she’ll adjust wonderfully to a new addition to the family.

On a walk together Sweet Clementine

At a cafe in Paris

Traveling in New York City

Myto you PROMISE

At a local museum

^ I will provide your child with a STRONG FOUNDATION so they grow to be a strong, ethical and good person by guiding, supporting, cheering, comforting and always being there for them.

^ I will be a good ROLE MODEL.

^ I will TEACH by doing, not just talking.

^H ave FUN together, learn from them and enjoy being in the moment.

^W e will TRAVEL TOGETHER and discover the beauty of the world and its people, and open their minds.

^ I will BELIEVE IN THEIR DREAMS and give them the education, tools or whatever they need so they can reach for the stars.


THANK YOU for taking the time to learn more about my life and for considering me as the adoptive parent of your child. If you would like to speak with me about adopting your child or have any questions about me, please contact your Adoption Advisors at AdoptHelp by calling 1-800-637-7999, toll free.

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