At CarePlus, we use value-based care to help you get the quality health care you deserve. That means we partner with doctors based1 on how well they treat their patients.
As one of Medicare’s top rated plans in Florida,2 CarePlus helps you see doctors who care as much as we do.
Plaza Medical Centers accepts CarePlus Health Plans and offers:
• Coordination with specialists
• Urgent or same-day appointments
• Management of long-term conditions
$0 copay for primary care physician office visits and lab services
$0 copay for routine dental, vision and hearing coverage
$0 to low copay for Tier 1 and Tier 2 prescription drug coverage
Provider may also contract with other Plans/Part D sponsors. South and North Florida, Tampa, Orlando and Daytona areas, and Space Coast. CarePlus is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract.Enrollment in CarePlus depends on contract renewal. 1https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/Value-Based-Programs/Value-Based-Programs.2Every year, Medicare evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system. Other providers are available in our network. Important: At CarePlus, it is important you are treated fairly. CarePlus HealthPlans, Inc. complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, genderidentity, disability, age, marital status, religion, or language in their programs and activities, including in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, their programs and activities. Thefollowing department has been designated to handle inquiries regarding CarePlus’ non-discrimination policies: Member Services, PO Box 277810, Miramar, FL 33027, 1-800-794-5907 (TTY:711). Auxiliary aids and services, free of charge, are available to you. 1-800-794-5907 (TTY: 711). CarePlus provides free auxiliary aids and services, such as qualified sign language interpreters,video remote interpretation, and written information in other formats to people with disabilities when such auxiliary aids and services are necessary to ensure an equal opportunity to participate.This information is available for free in other languages. Please call our Member Services number at 1-800-794-5907. Hours of operation: October 1 - March 31, 7 days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.April 1 - September 30, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. You may leave a voicemail after hours, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays and we will return your call within one business day. Español(Spanish): Esta información está disponible de forma gratuita en otros idiomas. Favor de llamar a Servicios para Afiliados al número que aparece anteriormente. Kreyòl Ayisyen (French Creole):Enfòmasyon sa a disponib gratis nan lòt lang. Tanpri rele nimewo Sèvis pou Manm nou yo ki nan lis anwo an.
John Brodie, Denise Caligiuri, Adrienne Collins, Caleb Furlong, Mariem Garcia, Carlos Medina, Kenny Rodgers, Silvia Silva
Terry Jaillet, Jon Duka, Dr. Robert Donoway, Christine Hunschofsky, Bruce Iden, Wayne M. Messam, Dr. Carlo Messina, Frank C. Ortis, Dr. Isabel Suate, Rich Walker
200C • Sunrise,
N ovember is a time when many of us take a moment to give thanks. But understanding how good we have it requires a bit of perspec tive. Social media algorithms combined with the current political environment can make our present-day problems seem insurmountable. The reality is we are living such fantastic lives that our great-grandparents wouldn’t be able to imagine them.
It is easy to be pessimistic. There is another bloody war in Europe, we are still feeling the after-effects of the worst pandemic since the Spanish Flu, Global Warming continues to pose a long-term threat, and price inflation has returned to the economy. These challenges may be with us for some time, but they will be overcome. We have already come so far, so fast.
100 years ago, in 1922, the life expectancy at birth was about 60 years; today it is 79. Antibiotics did not exist. There was about one vehicle on the road per 100 people. Two in three homes lacked electricity; six out of seven homes did not have a bathtub. A typical person completed about eight years of school; segregation was rampant across the southern U.S., and the most common job in America was a farm worker. And, this was during the “Roaring Twenties,” a period of relative excess. Things we take for granted today like air conditioning, the internet, air travel, television, and higher education simply didn’t exist.
Taking stock of all we have today makes us incredibly thankful. We live in comfort, in a beautiful community carved out of a swamp. Our children are relatively safe to pursue their passions. There are numerous educational opportunities for almost everyone. Each of us carries access to all the world’s knowledge in our pocket. Our community is an incredible melt ing pot of cultures. The necessities of life are almost universally provided for.
We are thankful for all we have.
The Emmy Award-winning 1970s Saturday morning pop culture phenomenon cartoon series, which taught history, grammar, math, science and politics through clever, tuneful songs, comes to the musical stage! The show is hosted at the Amaturo Theater at The Broward Center for the Performing Arts, Fort Lauderdale, at 11:30 am. Scan the QR code for tickets or to learn more.
The Farmers Market is back! Fresh produce, organically grown vegetables, fresh fruit, herbs, tasty fresh breads, chocolate crois sants, raw honey from local farmers, gour met jams, fried doughnuts, pickles, cookies, coffee, homemade hummus, gourmet cheese, guacamole dips, bounce house for kids, plants and orchids, there’s something here for everyone. BSO and the Fire department often have special exhibits. 9:00am - 1:00pm at the Equestrian Center, 8350 Ranch Road, Park land. For info call 954-757-4107
Get into the fall spirit with the Coral Springs’ popular Bites-N-Sips event series. Enjoy the “Flavors of Fall” with harvest-inspired treats from local food trucks and vendors along the ArtWalk. Adult beverages will also be available for purchase. Parking is free at the City Hall garage. Entertainment will be provided by DJ Randy with Outrageous Pro ductions. 5:30pm - 9:30pm at Coral Springs City Hall. For more info contact events@ coralsprings.org.
Help the environment by volunteering to clear natural areas of garbage and invasive plants. This is a great opportunity to get out in the fresh air and make a difference on the environment. Preregistration is required by the day before the program. The pro gram will be at Kristin Jacobs Natural Area at Hillsboro Pineland, 5591 NW 74th Place, Coconut Creek. Scan the QR code to regis ter. For more info call 954-357-8109.
Broward County Schools are closed for the day. Not sure what to do with the kids? Have no fear, the City of Parkland has you covered! The city is hosting a chaperoned trip to the Miami Children’s Museum. Buses will depart from the Parkland Recreation and Enrichment Center at 8:00 am and return at 5:30 pm. $50 for residents/$60 for non-residents. Call 954-757-4105 for more info.
Don’t miss out on your chance to get something special from one of the many terrific vendors and one-of-a-kind craft creators! Support All Saints Church and School and get some early holiday shopping done. The sale will be held at All Saints Catholic Church Family Center, 10900 W. Oak land Park Blvd. 10:00 am - 4:00 pm on Saturday and 9:00 am - 3:30 pm on Sunday. For info call 954-465-6095.
The 2022 midterm election will be held. Be sure to contact the Broward Supervisor of Elections at www.browardvotes.gov to ensure you are registered and confirm your voting location. Early voting will be open from Monday, October 24 through Sunday, November 6.
Steven Wright - A Comedy Original Academy Award winner Steven Wright is a prototype comedian that many others con tinually try to follow. One of four children, Wright was raised in Burlington, MA. Upon graduating from Emerson College and hold ing a bevy of odd jobs, Steven attended an “open mike” audition and became a regular performer at Ding Ho’s Comedy Club and Chinese Restaurant in Cambridge, MA. Show is hosted at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts. Show starts at 8:00 pm. Scan the QR code for tickets or more info.
Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you gather with family and loved ones to celebrate each other and give thanks for all that we have. In the words of John F. Kennedy, “Over three centuries ago, our forefathers in Virginia and in Massachusetts, far from home in a lonely wilderness, set aside a time of thanksgiving. On the appointed day, they gave reverent thanks for their safety, for the health of their children, for the fertil ity of their fields, for the love which bound them together, and for the faith which united them with their God.”
On Veterans Day, we honor and remember every man and woman who has served in the United States Armed Forces to serve and protect our nation, defend the Consti tution, and the freedoms that we enjoy as Americans. Originally observed as Armi stice Day, commemorates the end of World War I when fighting ceased on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. The holiday evolved to be a cele bration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good of our nation.
Load the whole family up in the car to expe rience South Florida’s most fantastic holiday light show. Drive through one of Broward County’s largest parks to fully get into the spirit of the holiday season. 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm at Tradewinds Park and Stables, 3600 W Sample Road. Scan the QR code to learn more.
Fort Lauderdale Turkey Trot has become a Broward County tradition, attracting more than 3,000 participants, including runners, joggers, walkers, and family. Featuring a 5k run/walk race, the course runs along beautiful A1A along the beach. Enjoy the ocean breeze and the majestic colors of a South Florida sunrise as you run, walk, or jog the course. This event is perfect for novice to elite participants. Thanksgiv ing-themed costumes are welcomed and encouraged! Race starts at 7:30 am from Las Olas Oceanside Park, 3000 E Las Olas Blvd.
Antalgic Trak Inventor
For generations, families worldwide have celebrated the start of the holiday season with their beloved ballet, The Nutcracker. This best-loved holiday classic wows young and old with its delightful tale, unforgettable classical music score by P. Tchaikovsky, and magnificent dancing.
The story of the young Clara, who is magically transported to the Kingdom of the Sweets, is followed by a captivated audience who asks the question: “Was this really all a dream?” Our full-scale professional theater production features stunning costumes, grand scenery, and magical stage effects; snow falls from the sky, Clara’s bed floats on clouds of smoke, and dancers from all around the world dance with joy and happiness.
The Nutcracker promises excitement and enjoyment for the entire family!
Each performance showers the audience with joy and lifts the spirits of all.
A great way to start the Holiday Season!
Local schools are partnering with Harvest Drive, Inc. to make sure local families don’t go hungry for Thanksgiving. The organization, in part nership with more than 200 schools, will provide a week’s worth of groceries plus a gift card or perishable items to ensure 2,400 families enjoy a Thanksgiving meal.
This is nothing new for Renee Herman who founded this grass roots non-profit organization 30 years ago on the principle of teaching children the importance of compassion and empathy for others. What began as an annual Thanksgiving Drive blossomed into a year-round volunteer-driven effort approximately 20 years ago.
Entering its 30th year, Harvest Drive continues its tradition by once again helping families to have a bountiful Thanksgiving feast and enough groceries for the holiday week.
Students at participating schools have been collecting non-perishable items, household goods, and grocery gift cards. Collections began mid-October and will conclude in early November. The items will be consolidated at 13 school-based distri bution sites to ensure that recipient families receive 6-10 bags of groceries in time for Thanksgiving.
The mission of Harvest Drive, Inc. is to promote the concept of philanthropy to local
students by providing the opportunity for them to give back directly to their commu nity in a basic and meaningful way. Students working in conjunction with community partners provide food and other neces sities including gently used clothing and household items to Broward County schools’ families in need during the Thanksgiving holiday and throughout the year. The Harvest Drive strives to educate students on the issue of hunger in our community and empower them to take leadership roles in lessening hunger’s devastating impact.
Members of the local community are encouraged to volunteer or donate canned goods and non-perishable items. Donations can be dropped off at Harvest Drive’s
flagship school, Western High School, on Wednesday, November 16 from 3:00 pm9:00 pm.
Food will be distributed at a number of locations across Broward County. Local distributions sites include:
1400 N.W. 44th Ave., Coconut Creek Nov. 18th 4:00-7:00 pm auditorium
10600 Riverside Dr., Coral Springs Nov. 10th 5:30 – 7:30 pm
11000 Holmberg Rd., Parkland Nov. 17th 4:15 – 6:30 pm gym
oin the Veterans Coalition of Coral Springs and City Officials as they honor the service and sacrifice of our nation’s veterans on Friday, November 11th. The ceremony starts at 10:45 a.m. and will be held at Veterans Park in Coral Springs, 8601 Royal Palm Blvd. Officiating the event is the President of the Coral Springs Veterans Coalition, Ernie Kubasek, along with Coral Springs Mayor Scott Brook.
This year’s event will feature speaker William Vasquez.
The city of Coral Springs is also honoring veterans via is Hometown Heroes Program. Banners are being hung along University Drive, from Royal Palm Boulevard to Ramblewood Drive featuring the faces of city veterans or service members, along with the branch of the military they served on a quarterly basis.
To assist families and friends in honoring veterans, residents can purchase a com memorative brick, which is unveiled during Veterans Day and Memorial Day ceremonies held at Veterans Park each year (orders must
be received six weeks prior to the unveiling events). The commemorative brick is available for a donation of $50 made payable to the Veterans Coalition of Coral Springs.
▸ Follow the QR code for more info on how Coral Springs is celebrat ing Veterans
The City of Parkland will be hosting a Veteran’s Day ceremony on Friday, November 11th at Veterans Park, 6620 N University Dr., Parkland, starting at 11:00 am. The ceremony will include members of BSOParkland District and Coral Springs-Parkland Fire Department, Honor Guards, MSD JROTC, presentation of colors, local Veteran guest speakers, poem readings, and wreath presen tation concluding with a TAPS performance. There will also be food available for purchase.
“The City of Parkland has held a Veterans Day ceremony back as far as 2013 when Veterans Park opened in Parkland adjacent to the Parkland Library,” said Todd DeAngelis, Chief Communications Officer for the City of Parkland, adding, “This is an important holiday for the community to come together to honor
veterans and victims of all wars. This event is a product of the residents of the City of Parkland and the City Commission wanting to honor veterans and victims of wars. With the opening of Veterans Park adjacent to the Parkland Library, it’s a natural event for the City to host.”
▸ For more details on the City of Parkland Veterans Day ceremony, visit cityofparkland.org or use the QR code here.
Honor Flight South Florida recently celebrated its 25th flight transporting 72 veterans on an all-inclusive trip to Washington, D.C.. They visited the World War II Memorial, the Korean War Veterans Memorial and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at the National Mall, Arlington Cemetery, and the US Marine Corps War Memorial.
The volunteer-led organization was also honored with a proclamation by Broward County Mayor Michael Udine for the hub’s dedication to serving veterans in South Florida, commemorating the organization’s milestone 25th mission to the nation’s capital. Veterans on the flight were welcomed home at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport with a celebratory homecoming ceremony.
“Each of our missions have been special in their own way and we are always so honored to be able to thank the veterans that join us on each of our flights, so to reach this milestone of 25 missions means a lot to us as an organization and everyone who has been a part of this
journey with us,” said Honor Flight chairman Mike Miskew. “Being able to organize a truly memorable day for our veterans is what makes these missions so important.”
Founded in 2011, Honor Flight South Florida is an independent hub of the national Honor Flight network that serves veterans in Monroe, Miami-Dade and Broward counties. The local South Florida Hub organizes honor flights from Fort Lauderdale and Miami airports four to five times a year, also hosting additional volunteer-driven events throughout the year.
Each November, the hub hosts its annual Rick Asper Memorial Golf Tournament to raise funds for upcoming flights scheduled for the following year. Honoring the late Rick Asper, founder and chairman of Honor Flight South Florida, the annual golf tournament is one of the hub’s key fundraisers and social events benefiting the organization’s programming for the following year.
The Rick Asper Memorial Golf Tournament, slated for November 4, 2022, at the Davie Golf and Country Club, is now accepting participants and sponsors. Veterans, active-duty military, and first responders receive a special discount for single-player registration.
▸ For more information on Honor Flight, up coming events and volunteer opportunities, visit www.HonorFlightSouthFlorida.org.
▸ To apply to join an upcoming Honor Flight, visit www.VetsFlyFree.com. Honor Flight South Florida is now accepting applications for veterans and guardians for 2023.
Area residents can look forward to another season of fresh produce and baked goods at the Parkland Farmers’ Markets. The City of Parkland Farmers Market will return on Sunday, November 7th from 9:00 am till 1:00 pm at the Parkland Equestrian Center. The dog-friendly outdoor market is a popular hit among residents and will be open every other Sunday through April.
The market has once again expanded its produce offerings and will feature over 60 vendors selling fresh baked goods, organic breads, seafood, cheeses, sauces, spreads, sweet treats, and much more.
The Parkland Farmers’ Market began in 2006. In addition to the regular Farmers Market, there will be craft fairs on December 4, December 18, and February 19. Visitors will be able to purchase items such as fresh and organic vegetables, fruits, herbs, beautiful flowers, breads, pastries, and other baked goods. They also feature a variety of gourmet foods
such as jam, honey, dips, sauces, fresh pasta, cheese, and pickles. The market is dog friendly so don’t forget to visit the pet vendors! During the November and December Farmer’s Markets, they will feature vendors selling holiday related items.
“The mission of the Parkland Farmers’ Market is to contribute to making our City a healthy community. To do this, we provide a community gathering that offers a wide assortment of conventional and organic fruits as well as an abundance of gourmet food items. The market offers spices, coffees, teas, sauces, and dog treats. Much of which is made and can be enjoyed on site. We also feature specialty market days such as craft fairs, health and wellness fairs, and pet day,” said Todd DeAngelis, Chief Communications Officer for the City of Parkland.
This continued growth reflects the desire for the community to engage in
local food producers to purchase fresh produce and food products directly from our local vendors. It also allows an opportunity to bring our community together, interact, meet neighbors, and have fun in the great outdoors of South Florida,” added DeAngelis.
Community philanthropist and dealership owner, Alfred “Al” E. Hendrickson, Sr., was honored with the Coral Springs Key to the City on Thursday, October 6 during a City Commission meeting. Hendrickson is also selected to take part in Broward County’s Pioneer Day for his contributions to Coral Springs and the wider South Florida community.
Hendrickson is a well-known founder and owner of Al Hendrickson Toyota in Coconut Creek and a 50+ year resident of Coral Springs who has made many contributions to the Coral Springs community, including supporting public safety initiatives, sponsor ing community events, and donating time and money to numerous foundations and nonprofits.
When Hendrickson moved to Coral Springs in 1971, the city’s population was 7,800, only 1,000 names were listed in the paper phone book, and door-to-door mail delivery had just replaced the “Pony Express.” Through 45 years of new technologies, changes, and
growth, Hendrickson has been a consistent and steadfast supporter of Coral Springs and beyond.
“Al is a household name in Coral Springs because of his reputation as a great salesman and the generous contributions he has made in our community,” said Commissioner Joy Carter. “As a Commission, there is no greater honor we can bestow than the Key to the City because it symbolizes the recipient is a trusted friend and respected leader. I am fortunate to call Al a friend and a true city pioneer.”
Hendrickson began his career with JM Family, working alongside the legendary philanthropist Jim Moran, where he spent 19 years in various positions. During this time, he was named Marketing Man of the Year by Toyota Motor Sales, was recognized by the National TV Bureau as producer of innovative TV commercials, and was a several-time recipient of the Southeast Toyota President’s Award for all-time record sales.
He opened his first Toyota dealership in Coconut Creek in 1989 with his son, Al
Hendrickson, Jr., also opening a dealership right next door. The pair sold 460 cars in the first month, surpassing expectations. Today, Hendrickson Toyota is one of the largest Toyota dealers in the USA.
The annual “Light Up the Night” Charity Holiday Party will once again bring the community together in a warm, wonderful “feel good” evening hosted by local law firm Zimmerman and Frachtman, PA. The event is scheduled for 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm on Thursday, December at the law firm’s offices at the corner of Hillsboro Boulevard and Highway 441. Proceeds will benefit Parkland Cares.
“It broke our collective hearts to have COVID preempt this beloved community event in 2020,” said party host Bob Zimmerman, “we were so excited to have it return last year. It’s part of the community’s psyche, part of the fiber of this community.”
The evening of camaraderie, friendship, and fun will include a synchronized light show, live music, local DJs spinning seasonal tunes, along with an appearance by Santa Claus! The event takes place outside within a few minutes drive of all of Parkland and is free to the public.
Each year local restaurants, caterers, bakeries & others donate food & fare for the
The Holiday Shopping Village will be bigger than ever at this year’s event. Even more community businesses will showcase their wares and add to the festiveness.
As you walk into this year’s event you will be given a goody bag (while supplies last) to fill it up with tons of items given away by participating businesses and vendors. You will also receive a “HOLIDAY PASSPORT” that once stamped and deposited in the Zimmerman and Frachtman booth enters you for a drawing.
While the event is free to enjoy, the party’s other purpose is to spread awareness & raise funds for a local charity. This year, the event will raise funds for Parkland Cares, which provides funding for mental health services through grants to local non-profits serving South Florida community members affected by trauma.
▸ To volunteer or learn more, call or text Anne Catz at 954-448-0871 or email 2annecatz@gmail.com
Dinner Hours
Wed - Mon 4:30pm - 9:00pm
Closed Tuesday
S o much is happening this holiday season. Get ready to celebrate!.
Families of all ages will enjoy Coral Springs’ Downtown in December. The holiday season kick-off will take place on December 3rd from 5 pm to 9 pm at Coral Springs City Hall. This exciting event is for all ages. Activities will include Coral Springs’ formal tree lighting, a visit from Santa Claus, and so much more. Children will have an opportunity to take a free train ride around City Hall, and back again this year will be the free “ice” skating rink experience.
City event planners have received an advanced weather warning, which indicates Coral Springs will experience snowfall that eve ning. That expected snowfall is just what South Florida needs to make Santa feel welcome. Children will also have an opportunity to “make and take” holiday-themed crafts, as well as free milk and cookies. Families should plan on coming hungry, as food and beverages will be available for purchase from more than a dozen of our top-rated food truck vendors. Be sure to wear your dancing shoes because the City will have music and a dance party area too.
Another holiday event not to miss is the City of Coral Springs Annual Holiday Parade, which will be on Wednesday, December 14th at 7 p.m. The parade will feature marching bands, decorated floats and other entries along Sample Road from Coral Springs Drive to City Hall. The theme is “March of the Toys!” Before the holiday parade, individuals and families will participate in the Coral Springs Holiday Mile along Sample Road near Coral Springs Drive at 5 pm. This will be a timed one-mile event, with awards for the top three male and female participants in each age category.
“The goal of hosting these events is to bring together the community to celebrate the holiday season. For example, the holiday parade has been held for more than 20 years, and features 70 plus entries, thousands of participants, and 15,000 plus spectators.
Downtown in December has grown each year since 2014, now hosting more than 3,000 people at City Hall,” said Christine Parkinson Jahrsdoerfer, Creative Services Manager for the City of Coral Springs.
Dyan’s Country Kitchen is where the locals eat since 2006! The Bagel & Deli restaurant has been a mainstay in Coral Springs since opening its doors and it is still going strong. With the guiding hand of owner Dyan Harpest the restaurant is the recipient of many accolades including several years as Our City’s “Best Breakfast” Reader’s Choice Award winner. We can’t think of a better place to have a meal with the people we love.
Dyan has a passion for offering guests delicious food and great cus tomer service at a fair price. The key to Dyan’s success is the creation of a hometown atmosphere while offering authentic New York Deli quality food. It all comes together with a caring and professional staff who are focused on making their customers satisfied and happy. Over the years, Dyan’s has expanded from great breakfasts to a full lunch and dinner menu filled with healthy and delicious choices for every palate. Dyan’s is a place where everyone knows your name, everyone is welcome. You will feel comfortable gathering with friends or family for any occasion. If you would like to dine outside, Dyan’s has plenty of outdoor seating to enjoy all year round.
Dyan’s Country Kitchen also has a second location in Mizner Plaza, Boca Raton, called 2nd Street Bagels & Deli. Her daughters Lindsey, Cara and Christie have been a big part of the operations in Coral Springs over the years and now lead the Boca team along with the great help of the rest of the family.
Dyna’s offers delicious, freshly prepared breakfasts, lunches, and din ners with the finest quality ingredients just the way you like it. Dyan’s has an incredible assortment of bagels, cakes, rugalach, cookies, muffins, tarts, Hamentaschen, and more.
While Dyan’s has been known for the “Best Breakfast” in town for a long time, the restaurant’s lunch and dinner menus continue to garner new fans. Some of our favorites are the hot open-faced beef brisket, mouth-watering Chicken Florentine sautéed with fresh spinach & lemon, and the mozzarella balls. Folks looking for some thing on the lighter side can choose from a number of fresh salads or a beautiful piece of salmon in Dyan’s Asian Sesame Sauce.
Dyan’s can make your next occasion a special one with fresh, deli cious, and beautifully decorated platters, hot foods, hors d’oeuvres, and holiday platters. All of their menu items are available for takeout or delivery as well.
One thing that has not changed, however, is the quality of the food. Salads are always fresh, the bagels are made daily and the deli meats are the best you can get this side of Brooklyn. Next time you stop by, order a pastrami on rye and tell them I sent you!
■ Dyan’s County Kitchen is located at 9100 Wiles Road, Coral Springs. The restaurant is open Sunday - Wednesday from 6:30 am - 3:00 pm and Thursday - Saturday from 6:30 am - 8:00 pm. You can reach Dyan’s at 954-755-7590 or find them on the web at www.DyansCountryKitchen.com
ine local students have been named Semifinalists in the 2023 National Merit Scholarship Program. Just 117 students who attend public or private schools in Broward County achieved this honor.
“This is an incredible honor for every student, and we are so proud of each of them for being recognized for their outstanding scores and academic achievements,” said education advocate Sandra Dubose.
The National Merit Scholarship Program was founded to identify and honor scholastically talented American youth and to encourage them to develop their abilities to the fullest. Only 1% of the 1.6 million entrants are selected as Semifinalists each year. The Semifinalists are students who achieve the highest scores on the PSAT/NMSQT in their respective states.
Coral Springs & Parkland semifinalists included:
Olivia Schwartz, Coral Glades High School
Thomas Ferguson, Coral Springs Homeschooler
Jason Choy, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Nabeeha Haque, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Rushil Jothur, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Joshua Schwartz, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Ethan Becker, North Broward Preparatory School
Devraj Gopal, North Broward Preparatory School
Cailey Katz, North Broward Preparatory School
7,250 of the Semifinalists go on to win scholarships. The winners are selected on a state-by-state basis and are judged to have the strongest combination of accomplishments, skills, and potential for success in
rigorous college studies. NMSC winners receive a $2,500 scholarship and the honor of being a Nation Merit Scholar.
In order to become a Finalist, a Semifinalist must have an outstanding academic record throughout high school, be endorsed and recommended by a high school official, write an essay, and earn SAT or ACT scores that confirm the student’s earlier performance on the qualifying test. Semifinalists must also submit a detailed scholarship application which includes information about their academic record, participation in school and community activities, demonstrated leadership abilities, as well as honors and awards received.
Three types of National Merit Scholarships will be offered in the spring of 2023. Every Finalist will compete for one of 2,500 National Merit® $2500 Scholarships that will be awarded on a state-representational basis. About 950 corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship awards will be provided by approximately 180 corporations and business organizations for Finalists who meet their specified criteria, such as children of the grantor’s employees or residents of communities where sponsor plants or offices are located. In addition, about 160 colleges and universities are expected to finance some 3,800 college-sponsored Merit Scholarship awards for Finalists who will attend the sponsor institution.
National Merit Scholarship winners of 2023 will be announced beginning in April and concluding in July. These scholarship recipients will join nearly 368,000 other distinguished young people who have earned the Merit Scholar title.
▸ Learn more about the National Merit Scholarship program at www.nationalmerit.org
Giardino Gourmet Salads is the perfect place to get a fresh, healthy meal. They go above and beyond a typical salad place by offering hand-chopped ingredients and unexpected flavors. Giardino’s Gardner Chefs prepare an extensive variety of freshly chopped leafy greens, vegetables, fruits, and proteins on a daily basis. They offer dozens of different dressings, homemade deli salads, sauces, and fresh-baked, handmade croutons.
Salads are the first thing that comes to mind for most people when they think of Giardino. The fresh-cut, tasty varieties are what put the restaurant on the map and keep many people coming back. Giardino offers a variety of other options as well, however. Grain bowls and wraps make excellent lunch selections with an incredible variety of toppings to choose from.
Customer favorites include the Mama Mia Salad (romaine greens, sun-dried tomatoes, roasted red peppers, goat cheese, almonds and our Classic Balsamic Vinaigrette with homemade croutons) and The Gardener Bowl with organic quinoa baby leaf, avocado, plum
tomatoes, garbanzo beans, cranberries with Olive Vinaigrette) are customers’ favorite just to name a few.
If you are feeling creative, or don’t see exactly what you’d like, you can create your own dish with Giardino’s “My Way” option. You can select salad, bowl or wrap, ingredients, toppings and dressing for the perfect meal. Everything is made fresh, as you wait.
Eat-in, Take-out, and Delivery
Giardino Gourmet Salads, Bowls, Wraps, and Soups makes it easy to get freshly prepared, healthy meals. Their full menu is available for takeout or delivery. You can order online or in the restaurant. It’s never been easier to eat well.
■ Giardino Gourmet Salads is located at 1750 N University Drive, Suite 109, Coral Springs. They are open Monday through Friday 11:00 am - 8:00 pm and Saturday 11:00 am - 6:00 pm. Visit them at www.giardinosalads.com or call 954-906-5243.
Kouyou Buffet is the perfect place to bring the family for a meal this holiday season. With more than 100 items on offer, there is certainly something for everyone. The food is fresh and plentiful with lots of choices. They specialize in Asian and American cuisine and offer freshly made sushi rolls and the freshest seafood in the area.
The 5800-square-foot buffet is the centerpiece of a revitalized Carolina Springs Plaza on Sample Road in Margate. It is the latest restaurant owned and managed by the You family and offers a warm, comfortable dining experience.
The space is open, modern, and welcoming, and unlike some Asian restaurants, the decoration is not overstated. The various food options stretch along the side of one entire wall of the restaurant and include tons of sushi options, a salad bar, a hibachi grill, traditional hot dishes, and a dessert buffet. You will feel right at home as soon as you are greeted by one of the friendly staff.
The challenge with any buffet restaurant is balancing choice with quality. Kouyou tackles this challenge by having specialists in each area. The sushi bar is managed by a master sushi chef, while the hibachi is attended by an executive chef ready to cook to order. We found all of the items fresh and well-stocked.
If you enjoy sushi and have a big appetite, this may be the best restaurant in Broward County! They offer a variety of rolls, nigiri, and sashimi options. The sushi rolls look like works of art. Beautiful, brightly colored, and created with obvious care. This is a long way from the typical spicy tuna roll.
Fish lovers will love the Seared Tuna Tataki, Magic Moon Roll, and Tuna Lover’s Roll. The salmon is fresh-tasting and sweet. They also
offer some less-common buffet options like white tuna and yellowtail.
Low-card dieters will be excited to know that Kouyou offers several rice-free sushi rolls as well. Sushi lovers could enjoy an excellent, satisfying meal without ever leaving the sushi area. But, there is much more.
In the evenings, the cold bar includes fancier offerings like snow crab legs, oysters, peel and eat shrimp, and even more sushi options.
The Hibachi includes steak, chicken & shrimp, along with a variety of traditional vegetables and tofu. They even offer some unusual items like corn on the cob. The master chefs prepare each dish to order as you wait.
The hot food selections are what you would expect from Chinese and Thai cuisine. They include all of our favorites like Szechuan beef, Kung Pao chicken, and Thai coconut shrimp. The dumplings are fresh, which is a tricky thing at a buffet! The salad bar offers a vast choice of vegetables, fruits, and dressings. They even have pizza and fries for families with picky kids.
You will never leave hungry from the Kouyou Buffet. The food is plentiful and tasty and there are endless options to choose from. It is a great place for a business lunch or dinner with the family. We can’t wait to go back
They are open for lunch daily from 11:30 am - 3:00 pm and dinner Sunday through Thursday from 5:00 pm - 9:30 pm and Saturday from 5:00 pm - 10:30 pm.
La Bamba Mexican & Spanish Restaurants tell the story of the American Dream. In the early 1980s, the Molina Family humbly came from El Salvador to the United States with the dream of making a future for the family. In 1988 the hard work, diligence, and dedication paid off as the first restaurant opened in Inverrary, Lauderhill, employing most of the 12 brothers and sisters of the Molina Family. The family grew even stronger as the siblings began to work together at this first location.
The Molina Family has desired to honor God through these Restaurants as they recognize His hand in making La Bamba Mexican & Spanish Restaurants what it is today. Together with passionate dedication from the Family, a fantastic, hard-working staff, and loyal, supportive guests, La Bamba Mexican & Spanish Restaurants are a thriving entity providing great food in a fun family atmosphere to the citizens of South Florida.
La Bamabe’s menu includes classic Mexican entrees like Chicken Tostada, Pollo Sonora, Burritos, Fajitas, and Enchiladas. They also offer combinations if you just can’t decide which dish desire. We love the Fish Tacos!
Their Spanish options are just as delectable as the Mexican choices. Ropa Vieja, which includes shredded beef, onions, peppers, and tomatoes, will melt in your mouth with goodness. The Carnitas are fantastic and hit with diners of all ages.
The entire menu is available for take-out at the Margate location and online ordering could not be easier. Their easy-to-use website allows customers to just point and click their way to a delicious, professionally prepared meal.
One of the challenges when taking the family out for a meal is finding a restaurant that has that perfect balance. It is hard to find a place with excellent food and a family-oriented atmosphere that won’t break the bank. La Bamba fits the bill perfectly.
■ La Bamba Mexican & Spanish Restaurant is located at 5452 W Sample Road, Margate. Call 954-978-6377 or visit www. LaBamba123.com to order your next meal.
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By State Rep. Christine HunschofskyA s we kick off the month of November, I would like to introduce you to the newest team member in our District 96 office. Linda Beauport is our new District Aide for District 96. She is a Broward resident, FSU graduate, and speaks fluent Creole. We are excited to have Linda join our team. Since this year was a redistricting year, after the election on November 8, our district will shift slightly to include more of the City of Margate and our district number will change from District 96 to District 95. Our office is still located at 4800 West Copans Road in Coconut Creek City Hall, and our emails and phone number all remain the same.
This Veteran’s Day we will come together to honor our veterans for their service to our great nation. While the men and women in our Armed Forces all came from different backgrounds and life experiences, they united around their love and devotion to our country and their willingness to serve and put themselves in harm’s way to defend the freedom of others. To all who have served in our Armed Forces, we thank you today and every day for your service, patriotism, and sacrifice to protect our way of life here at home.
November is a month that we not only give thanks to our military heroes but where we also give thanks for all we have. For many, missing loved ones makes this time of year difficult, and for others, who have faced financial hardship, providing food for Thanksgiving dinner may be a challenge. Recognizing those in need, our office has teamed up with the Harvest Drive to host a food drive. We will be collecting various non-refrigerated food items (such as stuffing, boxed mashed potatoes, canned cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, vegetables, pasta, rice, soup, pancake mix, mac and cheese, cereal, powdered milk, etc.) outside our Coconut Creek office on 4800 West Copans Road in Coconut Creek from 11/1-11/9, Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 5 pm.
One of my favorite events to kick off Thanksgiving is the Pre-Thanksgiving Interfaith Unity Service that takes place this year on Tuesday, November 22, at 7:00 pm at Temple Beth Orr, 2151 Riverside Drive in Coral Springs. This beautiful interfaith service brings together many different houses of worship from our north west Broward community as we come together and give thanks for our blessings. If you have never been, I highly recommend checking it out this year.
My office team, my family, and I wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving and hope you are surrounded by loved ones. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your represen tative in Tallahassee. If you need assistance, please call us at 954-956-5600. If you would like to learn more about our work in Tallahassee and in the district, please subscribe to our weekly newsletter by emailing Linda.Beauport@myfloridahouse.gov with “subscribe” in the subject line. Also, follow me on Facebook at @ RepChristineHunschofsky and Twitter @RepHunschofsky for regular updates. I look forward to hearing from you!
The spirit of fall is in the air as Coral Springs announces plans to usher in the approaching holiday season with special events, recognitions, and opportunities for community togetherness.
The final Bites-N-Sips of the season, “Flavors of Fall,” will take place on Friday, November 4 at 5:30 p.m. on the Great Lawn of City Hall (9500 W Sample Rd.) The event will feature, music, fall photo displays, festive foods, and more. Find a full list of food trucks and entertainment at CoralSprings.gov/BitesNSips.
This Veterans Day, we will honor our community’s heroes with a ceremony at Veterans Park (8601 Royal Palm Blvd) on Friday, November 11. We recognize the importance of honoring those who have served so that we can enjoy numerous freedoms. That’s why the city offers special, year-round recognitions and perks for our veteran community including Hometown Heroes banners, commemorative bricks at Veterans Park, and designated parking spaces at various city venues. Learn more at CoralSprings.gov/Veterans.
Election Day is on Tuesday, November 8. We encourage all our residents to exercise their right to vote. Due to the redistricting of voting precincts, some polling places have changed. Visit CoralSprings.gov/ Vote to find early voting information and current election day precincts.
As Congressman Ted Deutch leaves his position in congress to take on a new role as CEO of the American Jewish Committee, we would like to thank him for 12 years of dedicated service to the Coral Springs community. Congressman Deutch has advocated for issues important to the city, and we look forward to the critical work that he will, undoubtedly, continue to perform on a national scale.
As we head into the Thanksgiving holiday, it’s important to reflect on all that we are thankful for. As we continue to support communities on the West Coast of Florida impacted by Hurricane Ian, we are incredibly thankful that Coral Springs did not suffer damage from the storm. We hope that residents will take some time this holiday season to relax, reflect, and spend time with loved ones.
This month’s Commission Meetings will take place on Wednesday, November 2, and Wednesday, November 16 at 6:30 p.m. As always, the public is invited to attend or view Commission meetings. The meetings are aired on CityTV, Blue Stream Channels 25, 25.7, 725, and on AT&T U-Verse channel 99. Meetings are also live-streamed at CoralSprings.gov/CityTV.
If you would like to schedule an appointment with any of your City Officials, please call 954-344-5911. Make sure to follow Coral Springs on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Mayor Scott Brook @ CSCommissioner1, Vice Mayor Joshua Simmons @CSCommissioner4, Commissioner Shawn Cerra @CSCommissioner2, Commissioner Nancy Metayer @CSCommissioner3, and Commissioner Joy Carter @CSCommissioner5.
n the City of Parkland (City) the City Commission spends a lot of time mulling over various issues, policies, and points of concern as they pertain to residents. Florida’s Government in the Sunshine law rightly dictates that this mulling take place in a public space so residents can see their government in action. In short, the people’s work should be done in front of the people (in the sunshine, not the shade).
Over the last few months, this has been on display in our City in a big way. We have spent a lot of that time researching, debating, and meeting with residents, homeowners’ associations (HOAs), various other entities, and even with the City of Coral Springs City Commission. Our City Commission and our City staff have worked incredibly hard to ensure we had the most accurate information to ensure we could make the most educated decision regarding the purchase of 65 acres of land that was part of the old Heron Bay golf course, the portion that fronts Nob Hill Road north of Holmberg Road and south of Trails End.
Historically we know, whether in our City or any other, with votes this important, there are those who
Iagree and those who disagree. Having a cordial debate is an important part of the process. Make no mistake, the thought process behind our decision to buy the property took everything into consideration to make sure we were doing what is in the best interest of all of Parkland, not just one group or one neighborhood. We now have much greater control in determining what will ultimately be built on this highly visible property and we will truly drive our future.
Our efforts to engage with our residents and learn their perspectives to find the right balance that Parkland needs and wants was priority number one. Our vote in the City Commission meeting on September 21, 2022, in favor of buying the property started the process of fine-tuning our City codes and finalizing a plan to ensure Parkland’s financial future continues to be strong for years to come.
Currently, we are in the 90-day due diligence period which includes a property survey, an environmental study to determine the quality of the soil on the property, and working with the Heron Bay HOA to release a restrictive covenant on the property. The release of that covenant, part of the lengthy and ongoing conversations we have had with the Heron
Bay HOA, further ensures the City’s control over the future of this property.
The City has created web pages that will be updated as our work continues so all residents can be in the know throughout the process. Cityofparkland.org/ ParklandTogether is the place to go for up-to-date information on this project. Our endgame in this is to partner with a developer, one with a track record of success and a penchant for building quality properties that stand the test of time, to ensure that together we produce the desired outcome that will best serve all of our residents. Not only is that the intention of this project—it is also a microcosm of city government.
If you would like to share your thoughts about any part of this process or you have questions or comments you’d like to share with me, I would love to hear from you. I can be reached via e-mail at rwalker@cityofparkland.org or via cell phone at (973) 390-1453. Of course, I am frequently available monthly at Parkland businesses and love to talk with residents there. I encourage you to visit the City’s website cityofparkland.org and click on the social media icon that you prefer, to ensure that you stay informed on events and helpful information.
Runners and walkers of all ages hit the pavement on the morning of Sunday, October 16th at Parkland’s Pine Trails Park for the latest edition of the Parkland Dash road race. The annual 5K & 5-mile road race is a favorite for local runners of all levels. The crowd had a fantastic Sunday morning!