Our City Davie: June 2023

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| WE CONNECT COMMUNITIESTM | JUNE 2023 2023 LGBTQ+ PRIDE SEE PAGE 36 A Higher Level of Care & Education! treeoflifeacademy.com SEE PAGE 16
ALL-ON-4+ DENTAL IMPLANTS FOR SECURE DENTURES • All-on-4 Package Includes(per arch): • Digital Diagnose 3D CT scan • Four to Six implants per arch • Temporary Healing Denture • Dental visits as needed for treatment • Extractions and Bone graft as needed • Final Restoration of Zirconia Material $480 HEALTHY SMILE PACKAGE DEEP CLEANING At Pines-Palm Dental, we emphasize prevention including regular check-ups and cleanings, but we also offer the latest cosmetic and restorative procedures. Specialized on General Dentistry Cosmetic Bondings Restorative Dentistry Teeth Whitening Porcelain Crowns Porcelain Veneers Dental Implants Implants Implants over Dentures All on 4 Treatment We take Medicar dvantage Plans to C Dental Services. Call us for details 954.432.6222 SENIOR GOOD NEW At Pines-Palm Dental, we emphasize prevention including regular check-ups and cleanings, but we also offer the latest cosmetic and restorative procedures. • General Dentistry • Cosmetic Bondings • Restorative Dentistry • Teeth Whitening • Porcelain Crowns • Porcelain Veneers • Dental Implants CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY! 954-432-6222 Specialized on • Implants • Implants over Dentures • All on 4 Treatment • Premium Full & Partial Dentures SENIORS GOOD NEWS... We take Medicare Advantage Plans to Cover Dental Services. Call us for details FREE IMPLANT CONSULTATION *With coupon only. Offer not valid with insurance. “WE CAN GIVE YOU THE SMILE YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED” ($ 899 Value) PACKAGE INCLUDES: • Complete Oral Eamination (0150) • Full Mouth Set of X-Rays (0210, Non-Transferable) • Full Mouth Medicine Irrigation (4140) • Full Mouth Anesthesia • Full Mouth Deep Cleaning (4341, 4342) ALL COMPLETED IN ONE VISIT 9964 Pines Blvd. Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 Expires 6/30/23 Expires 6/30/23 At Pines-Palm Dental, we emphasize prevention including regular check-ups and cleanings, but we also offer the latest cosmetic and restorative procedures. REVIEWS 5 0 "WE CAN GIVE YOU THE SMILE YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED" Specialized on General Dentistry Cosmetic Bondings Restorative Dentistry Teeth Whitening Porcelain Crowns Porcelain Veneers Dental Implants Implants Implants over Dentures All on 4 Treatment We take Medicare Advantage Plans to Cover Dental Services Call us for details 954.432.6222 9964 Pines Blvd. Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 SENIORS GOOD NEWS... At Pines-Palm Dental, we emphasize prevention including regular check-ups and cleanings, but we also offer the latest cosmetic and restorative procedures. REVIEWS 5.0 "WE CAN GIVE YOU THE SMILE YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED" Specialized on General Dentistry Cosmetic Bondings Restorative Dentistry Teeth Whitening Porcelain Crowns Porcelain Veneers Dental Implants Implants Implants over Dentures All on 4 Treatment We take Medicare Advantage Plans to Cover Dental Services. Call us for details 954.432.6222 9964 Pines Blvd. Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 SENIORS GOOD NEWS 2020

Welcome to the Warmer Side of Care.

There are many sides of care at Baptist Health. And each one stays true to our values. Bringing humanity, warmth and understanding to every person that comes through our doors. Which is why we’re here to stand by you, through all of life’s moments.

Welcome to Baptist Health.

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Palace owners Helen & Jacob Shaham give every resident & family their personal cellphone number and say: “Call us any time you have an unsolved issue.”

Palace owners Helen & Jacob Shaham give every resident & family their personal cellphone number and say: “Call us any time you have an unsolved issue.”

Even though our managers & staff are incredibly responsive, there are times when a request warrants directly speaking to the ultimate decision makers.

Even though our managers & staff are incredibly responsive, there are times when a request warrants directly speaking to the ultimate decision makers.

Like the time our Mr. Arkin told Jacob he wished The Palace had an Oculus (ask any teenager) he could play with his grandsons when they visit. Jacob tried one out, loved the idea and Mr. Arkin got his wish.

Like the time our Mr. Arkin told Jacob he wished The Palace had an Oculus (ask any teenager) he could play with his grandsons when they visit. Jacob tried one out, loved the idea and Mr. Arkin got his wish.

Or the time our Mrs. Martinez called Helen about the health benefits she enjoys from the hyperbaric chamber she used in a healthcare facility nearby. Helen was so intrigued she tried one herself, and ordered two — one for The Palace at Coral Gables and one for The Palace at Weston.

Or the time our Mrs. Martinez called Helen about the health benefits she enjoys from the hyperbaric chamber she used in a healthcare facility nearby. Helen was so intrigued she tried one herself, and ordered two — one for The Palace at Coral Gables and one for The Palace at Weston.

Senior living isn’t really luxurious if you get bogged down in bureaucracy or if you have to wait for corporate headquarter response.

Senior living isn’t really luxurious if you get bogged down in bureaucracy or if you have to wait for corporate headquarter response.

At The Palace, we have the antidote to corporate-run senior livings — owners you can talk to any time.

At The Palace, we have the antidote to corporate-run senior livings — owners you can talk to any time.

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here. Luxury Living for Seniors
You’ll be
16025 Emerald Estates Drive, Weston, FL 33331 • www.ThePalaceAtWeston.com • 954.217.2000
“At The Palace, your request goes right to the top.”

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To schedule a complimentary consultation please call 954-236-3434.


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Christy & Terry Jaillet publisher@ourcitymedia.com


Christy Jaillet


Tom Rowe


Alana Brodie


Nancy Koval nancy@ourcitymedia.com


John Brodie, Denise Caligiuri, Adrienne Collins, Mariem Garcia, Carlos Medina, Kenny Rodgers, Silvia Silva


Terry Jaillet, Jon Duka, By Andrea L. Jakob, Esq.

Dr. John Goodner, Amelis Lopez, Mayor Judy Paul Todd Delmay, Edward Otto Zielke, Mitchell Zahn Dr. Alon Grosman


Tom Dean moonwalkphotography.com

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Our City Media of Florida, LLC publishes FREE monthly, local community news magazines throughout South Florida. Our City Media Magazines are mailed monthly to affluent single-family homes, condos and businesses in their respective communities. Monthly mailings are verifiable by USPS postage statements. Additional free copies are available at selected locations throughout the communities served and upon request by contacting the publisher. Opinions expressed by the writers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publisher. Our City Media of Florida, LLC reserves the right to edit and/or reject any editorial or advertising content. Our City Media of Florida, LLC is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the cost of the space or for the validity of claims made by advertisers. Entire contents copyrighted 2023 by Our City Media of Florida, LLC. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden in any media without prior written permission from the publisher.
36 PUBLISHER’S PAGE 10 June Celebrates LGBTQ+ Pride CALENDAR 12, 14 June 2023 FEATURE STORY 16 Tree of Life Christian Academy PreschoolProviding a Higher Level of Care & Education COMMUNITY NEWS 18 International Dance Academy Simply The Best 32 Davie Council Approves Largest Development in Town History SCHOOL NEWS 20 Beth Emet Schools Receive Florida Green Schools Designation 21 High School Students Awarded Scholarships from Broward League of Cities 23 Broward School Buses Go Electric 28 BCPS Mandates Clear Backpacks for the 2023/2024 School Year 30 NOVA Middle School Law Students Capture Top Prize at the 2023 “We The People” Mock Congressional Hearing National Invitational LEGALLY SPEAKING 26 Estate Planning Checklists For Newlyweds CELEBRATING PRIDE 36 Pride Month is For Everyone This Year 37 Supporting South Florida's LGBTQ Community Through Philanthropic Giving 38 A Symphony of Change: Gay Men's Chorus of South Florida 39 SAGE - Celebrating our LGBTQ+ Elder Community with Pride ASK THE EXPERT 40 Bunions 44 Timing of Tooth Eruption MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR 42 Davie Update PET OF THE MONTH 46 Meet “Edgar” PUZZLE PAGE 43 Crossword & Sudoku 47 Answers SEEN ON SCENE 48 Anchors Away! Fort Lauderdale Celebrates the Naval Services / OurCityMedia.com
Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 9 FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! 12565 Orange Drive • Suite 414 • Davie, Florida 33330 ww w.dentistdavie.com • drg@dentistdavie.com TH E PATIEN T A N D A N Y OTHE R PE RS O N RESPO N SIBL E F O R PAYM E N T H A S A R IGH T TO R EFUS E TO PAY, C A N CE L PAYMEN T, O R B E R EI M B UR S E D F O R PAYME N T FO R A N Y OT H E R SE R VIC E, E X AMI N ATI O N, O R TRE AT M E N T TH AT I S PERFO RM E D A S A R ESU LT O F A N D WITHI N 72 H O UR S O F R ESP O NDIN G TO T H E A DVE RTI S E M EN T FO R T H E F R E E, DI S COUNTE D FE E, O R R EDUCE D FE E S E R VIC E, E X AMIN ATI O N, O R T R E AT ME N T ★ All Aspects of Family Dentistry ★ Board Certi ed Specialists On-Site ★ Sedation Dentistr y Available ★ Digital X-Rays & Lowest Exposure ★ Emergencies Seen Same Day ★ We Accept Most I nsurance/Financing Available ★ Saturday and Evening Hours ★ Digital Impressions ing for an experienced Family Dentist in Davie? Call us today! 954-382-9696 At the S ame Loc ation Since 2002! S e habla español. FREE SECOND OPINIONS Including Two X-rays! ★ Closed/Private Treatment Rooms ★ Same Location for Over 20 Years! 2021 2022 NEW PATIENT SPECIAL $ Includes: Cleaning (D1110)*, Exam (D0150), X-rays (D0274) *in absence of gum disease Expires: 7/31/23 Comprehensive Compassionate Care 85
PEMBROKE PINES 12301 Taft St, Suite 100 Pembroke Pines, FL 954-962-1180 WESTON 2229 N. Commerce Pkwy, Suite 240 Weston, FL 954-349-6378 DAVIE 4705 SW 148th St. Suite 102 Davie, FL 954-349-6378 Yul Lopez, APRN Hector Fabregas, MD We Accept Medicare, HMO Medicare Advantage Plans, All Commercial Plans and Marketplace Insurances. 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU FAMILY & GERIATRIC MEDICINE COMPLETE MEDICAL CARE Annual Physicals • Specialists Referrals • Open Saturdays Woman Wellness Exam And Pap Smears IN-OFFICE LABS & OTHER DIAGNOSTIC TESTS TELEMEDICINE AVAILABLE WWW.HEALTHSTONEPCP.COM 2021 Nurse Practitioners: Jose Luna, APRN 2022 2023 BEST OF PEMBROKE PINES 10 / Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
WORK WITH AN EXPERIENCED AGENT SELL FOR TOP DOLLAR OR BUY YOUR DREAM HOME! 5 DAY/4 NIGHT CRUISE VACATION FOR TWO WHEN YOU BUY OR SELL THROUGH ME! OVER 160 HOMES SOLD IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS! Sonia “Gaby” Martinez Broker/Owner 954-303-5986 www.SoldbyGaby.com @soniagabymartinez Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 11


Take A Kid Fishin' Rodeo

Town of Davie’s Take-a-Kid Fishin’ Rodeo is happening at the Davie Golf Course. Individuals interested in participating must pre-register at www.davie-fl. gov/eventregistration. This event is open to children ages 5 to 12. Children will learn basic fishing techniques from baiting the line to casting and reeling in a catch. Prizes will be awarded for different categories. The cost to participate is $10 per child & includes lunch, a Take-a-Kid Fishin’ Rodeo t-shirt & a container of worms. All children must be accompanied by an adult throughout the event. Scan QR Code to register.


Flamingo Gardens Orchid Society

Come listen to T. J. Hartung as he presents "Orchids of Mexico." T. J. is a retired computer systems specialist and systems analyst whose love of orchids began while living in California and started growing Cymbidiums. Retiring to Mexico he began rescuing orchids from downed trees and broken limbs learning from the great outdoors and researching. He is proud to be on the Board of Directors of the Vallarta Botanical Gardens in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Join us to learn and share together. Doors open at 7:00pm, meeting begins at 7:30pm. Hosted at Flamingo Gardens, 3750 S. Flamingo Rd.


School is Out

Celebrate the last day of school with the kids! Broward County Public Schools

Last Day of the School year starts Summer Break.


Sounds of the Town

The Town of Davie is bringing back its outdoor Sounds of the Town concert series featuring live music from local bands. Concerts will be held at the Bamford Sports Complex, 3801 S. Pine Island Road. Guests are encouraged to bring lawn chairs and blankets and arrive early to secure their spots and purchase items from the onsite food trucks. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please note that pets are not permitted in the park. 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm. For more info, call 954-797-1181.


Stonewall Pride Wilton Manors

The Stonewall Pride Parade and Street Festival typically attracts 50,000 spectators and has a direct economic impact of more than $6 million dollars for the City of Wilton Manors, according to an independent study. Stonewall Pride celebrates the historic Stonewall Riots and the start of the LGBTQ+ human rights movement and how it has shaped our community. 3:00 pm - 11:00 pm in Downtown Wilton Manors. Parade starts at 7:00 pm.

JUNE 17-18

Flamingo Gardens' Featured Creatures Weekend

Guests can explore Sean Kenney’s Nature POP®! exhibit throughout the Gardens and in the Gallery and visitors may meet & greet and have photo ops with some of Flamingo Gardens’ resident Animal Ambassadors and make and take a craft project in the Art Reaching Today’s Youth Art Bus. 9:30 am - 4:30 pm at Flamingo Gardens, 3750 S Flamingo Road. For more info call 954-473-2955 or visit www.FlamingoGardens.org.

12 / Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com June 2023
Morgan Stanley recommends that investors independently evaluate particular investments and strategies, and encourages investors to seek the advice of a Financial Advisor. The appropriateness of a particular investment or strategy will depend on an investor’s individual circumstances and objectives. © 2022 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. FAS015 CRC 4668400 05/22 CS 454033_2739890 11/22
recent events, an emphasis on managing risk is even more important as investors look for informed strategies to help them protect their wealth. At Morgan Stanley, we have the experience, knowledge and resources to help you manage risk, to recognize how it could affect your portfolio, and to work toward minimizing its impact. Meet with us to learn more and get personalized advice you need in an uncertain world. The Bodkins Group at Morgan Stanley Mark N. Bodkins Senior Vice President Financial Advisor 305-936-2714 Mark.N.Bodkins@morganstanley.com NMLS #1395703 John Duford First Vice President Financial Advisor 305-936-2772 John.Duford@morganstanley.com NMLS# 1413970 L-R:
20807 Biscayne Blvd, 6th Fl, Aventura, FL 33180 454033 Bodkins 8 x 5.5 m1.indd 1 01/11/2022 16:52:50 12630997 Subject to terms, conditions and availability. Savings vary. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Co., Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Co. © 2018 Allstate Insurance Co. Lisa Faina 954-437-9220 2643 North Hiatus Road Cooper City, FL 33026 lisafaina@allstate.com As your local Allstate Agent, I understand the unique coverage needed for the homes and cars in our community, and which coverage you may not need. You could say I’m an expert at getting you the protection you want with the savings you deserve. Call, email or stop by my office for a free quote today. Local expertise you can trust. Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 13
Experience outweighs
Advice Matters. With
Tatiana Jaramillo, Client Service Associate; John Duford; Mark Bodkins; Carolyn Williams, Senior Registered Associate; Maria Strand, Senior Client Service Associate

June 2023 Calendar


Weston Friends Club

“The Bunconeers”

This fun bunco group meets at a member's home on the third Monday of the month at 1:00 pm. For more info contact Elena Hajek at ehajek@bellsouth.net or 954-802-6720.


Fathers' Day

Celebrate fathers, fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. Many countries celebrate it on the third Sunday of June, though it is also celebrated widely on other days by many other countries. Happy Father’s Day!


Weekley Brothers Davie Pro Rodeo

‘Watch the cowboys and cowgirls show off their skills! The Bergeron Rodeo Grounds will be prepped and ready for the South’s best bull rides, barrel racers and steer lassoing experts. Tickets can be purchased on site or at www.davieprorodeo.com. The event begins at 7:00 pm. For more info call 754-816-3183.


Fifth Annual Family Pride Celebration

Celebrate Pride with MODS! The daylong event is filled with colorful fun, and educational activities for everyone. Participate in a Pride Parade through the exhibits! Spend time in the rainbow science lab with a make-and-take Pride flag, instantly drying tie-dyed T-shirts, and see a special Pride KaBoom! show! 10am to 5pm, Free Admission. Hosted at the Museum of Discovery and Science, 401 SW 2nd St, Fort Lauderdale. For info scan the QR code.



Juneteenth: Freedom Day

On June 19, 1865, Union Army General Gordon Granger road into Galveston, Texas to enforce Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation in the last, most remote known location in the South. Since then, the date has been celebrated as the end of American slavery. It is helpful to reflect on the darkest parts of our history in order for us to look forward. Join together with friends and neighbors to celebrate the freedoms we have and the progress that still needs to come.

Weston Friends


“Between The Covers”

Weston Friends Book Club will meet at 1:00 pm at a member's home. For more information, please call Nancy Russo, Co-Chair, narusso42@gmail.com 954385-1445 or Doris Southern, Co-Chair, doris.southern@aol.com 786-3021942. The group meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month.

14 / Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com

Providing a Higher Level of Care & Education

As parents, we always want the best for our children. Ask any parent what they want in a preschool for their children, you will always hear three things: safety, learning, and emotional development. The Tree of Life Christian Academy Preschool has taken those priorities to heart. The teachers and staff at Tree of Life are committed to providing students with the highest level of care and education.

The eight-time Best of Weston winner and 2022 Best of Davie winner offers a unique, high-level learning curriculum with programs for infants through pre-kindergarten. They offer an innovative dual-core curriculum that includes immersive bilingual teaching. In fact, more Tree of Life students graduate reading at the first-grade level than any other area preschool.

Dual-Core Curriculum

Tree of Life Christian Academy uses two curriculums: the ABEKA curriculum and the HIGH SCOPE curriculum while immersing the children in the Spanish language. They believe a successful education is centered on the curriculum used to teach kids. The ABEKA curriculum has been used internationally for over 50 years. Scholastically, reading is half the battle for preschoolers. ABEKA has a sixstep program to teach reading skills by using a phonetic approach.

The HIGH SCOPE Preschool Curriculum is the component of the HIGH SCOPE researchedbased system of education. The curriculum

has a set of teaching practices, content areas, assessment tools, and a training model to help teachers use the curriculum to support children’s development. The curriculum is based on Active Learning.

Active Learning is direct, hands-on experiences with people, objects, events, and ideas. Children are encouraged to “construct” their own knowledge by pursuing their personal interests and goals, guided by trained adults who understand the importance of learning areas for children in the preschool years.

Child Safety

The owners of Tree of Life Christian Academy are dedicated to the safety of every child who attends the school. This includes physical safety, maintaining a sanitary school environment, and ensuring that students’ emotional needs are met. The school employs a full-time armed security guard, has bullet proof entry doors, and offers an on-site clinic. Teachers are trained in CPR and first-aid. They not only have a clinic, but also a nurse on staff. Take a tour today to learn about all of the amazing things they offer, making this a very special and safe preschool. In the times we are living in, this Preschool offers very important features, which is rarely seen.

Engaging Classrooms & Facilities

The school’s warm and inviting classrooms are filled with age-appropriate materials to help stimulate creativity in each child. Learning centers

include blocks, dramatic play, housekeeping, manipulatives, art, library, science, sand & water station, music and movement as well as writing.

Committed Teachers & Staff

Tree of Life’s highly trained and certified teachers motivate, encourage, and create a thirst for learning by building on each child’s individual strengths, gifts, and talents. The school is equipped with the latest technology, a spacious indoor play area, several outdoor playgrounds, and offers organic & natural lunches every day.

As a Christian faith-based school, Tree of Life teaches moral and family values. Every student feels loved and valued every day they walk into this school.

Parents are invited to tour Tree of Life’s facilities, meet with the school's staff, and speak with parents of existing students. After you do, you’ll know why they have been voted Best of Weston and Best of Davie by the readers of Our City. A Tree of Life Christian Academy Preschool truly gives children a higher level of care & education.

▸ Tree of Life Christian Academy Preschool is located at 4035 Embassy Drive N. in Cooper City & 1250 SW 160th Ave in Weston.

To learn more or to schedule a school visit, call 954-440-0174 or visit www.treeoflifeacademy.com.

16 / Our City Davie / June 2023
10 YEARS IN A ROW! Voted BEST OF WESTON’S Preschool NOW IN COOPER CITY! INFANTS THRU PRE-K Included in monthly tuition: • Accelerated Reading Program • STEAM Program (Science-Technology-Engineering-Art-Mathematics) • Low student to teacher ratio • Bilingual curriculum (English/Spanish) • Organic & natural lunches • We teach moral & family values • Latest in high security & surveillance Registration & Uniform FREE The Security & Protection of your precious children is a Top Priority! • Armed security officer on premises • HD security surveillance cameras A Higher Level of Care & Education Former Chesterbrook Academy location 4035 Embassy Drive N, Cooper City, FL 33026 954.842.2238 • treeoflifeacademy.com

Simply The Best

The International Dance Academy (IDA), Florida’s premier ballet school, is entering their 24th year serving the community with excellence in Classical Ballet training. The school offers students a wide array of disciplines, including:

● Classical Ballet – Pointe – Repertoire –Jazz – PBT

● Highly Qualified International Faculty with dance degrees and professional company experience

 Royal Academy of Dance –RAD certified

 American Ballet Theater –ABT certified

 Progressive Ballet TechniquePBT certified

 5,500 sq. ft state of the art facility

 3 studios with sprung flooring, mirrors, and air-conditioning, in a safe and quiet location


IBC is a non-profit youth organization, affiliated with IDA, that provides beginner to pre-professional dancers with the opportunity to take their pure classical ballet technique, taught in class, to the professional stage. Dancers experience:

● SPECTACULAR shows with stunning costumes, magical special effects, wonderful music, and exciting and interesting original choreography.

● Dancers experience the professional stage with two full-length ballets each year.

 The Nutcracker – 5 performances

 Spring Show – Fairy Tale Classics


Take your technique, artistry and strength to a new level this summer.

JUNE 19th – JULY 14th Monday – Friday

● Three levels offered

● Classical Ballet – Pointe – Repertoire PBT – Yoga – Stretch & Strengthening

Jazz - Contemporary

● Guest Teachers from Miami City Ballet & other professional ballet companies Dancers will advance and strengthen their technique at IDA’s four-week summer ballet program with over 16+ classes a week with faculty certified by the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD), American Ballet Theater (ABT), and the Progressive Ballet Technique (PBT). The summer program is OPEN TO ALL dancers ages 5-18. All skill levels are invited to attend. A select Elite/Pre-professional program is offered to benefit experienced dancers.


IDA is the only school in South Florida to offer the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) instruction and formal certification under the patronage of the late Queen Elizabeth II, firmly putting IDA in a class of its own! Students from the Academy achieve excellent results with the majority receiving the highest mark of distinction for their formal examinations.

The world-recognized RAD diploma sets our pupils a step above the rest in college applications or further advancement. Dancers obtaining distinction in their final exam, Advanced II, are invited to participate in the Olympics of ballet in a city around the world representing America.


IDA dancers are on their way to London to represent The United States of America in the World Olympics of Ballet.

The prestigious Margot Fonteyn International Ballet Competition (formerly known as the Genee) is limited to dancers from around the world who obtained Distinction for their final RAD exam, Advanced II.

Paula Zapata, Indie Hurley and Elizabeth Haeflinger, photographed as they leave the examination room, are excited and hard at work, looking forward to their trip to London in October 2023.

They will train together with dancers (usually only 30-35 who qualify – and IDA have three!!) from 79 countries for a full week under the most celebrated choreographers and teachers in the world, perform their solos and unset classes on stage before a capacity audience and enjoy an experience of a lifetime!

■ COMMUNITY NEWS I nternat Ional Dance aca Demy
International Dance Academy, founded in 2000, is located in the Broward Lakes Business Park at 825 Shotgun Road in Weston. For more information on all programs call 954-476-4419 or visit www.IDAballet.com FOLLOW IDA @IDABALLETWESTON
18 / Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com

BETH EMET SCHOOLS RECEIVE Florida Green Schools Designation

Temple Beth Emet's Early Childhood Center and K-8 School have made an exciting announcement on Earth Day 2023 - they have received the Florida Green Schools' Green Apple designation from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, making them the first Jewish Green School in Florida.

The Green School program recognizes schools that are dedicated to preserving and protecting the natural resources of the state by continuously enhancing environmental performance in various areas of operation, including communication and education, waste reduction and recycling, water conservation, energy efficiency, and air quality.

The Beth Emet Tevah (Green) Team Leader, Leaha Perl, expressed her pride in working with the TBE community to create a better and greener tomorrow. The school has plans to incorporate sustainability into the curriculum, nature programming, staff development, community partnerships, landscaping, waste management, water and electricity reduction, and more. With the Green Apple designation, the school has taken the first step towards its vision.

Over the past year, the Beth Emet schools

have added more nature studies classes, introduced a "loose parts" and recyclable collection program to promote sustainable art projects, created a new butterfly/pollinator garden, and participated in community beach clean-ups. The next project on their list is to break ground on a children's garden where students can learn, play, and connect with nature.

George Zamora, a Beth Emet Schools parent and Tevah Team member, believes that the Green School designation aligns with his family's values, and he is proud that the school is fostering a greener environment for all.

Robin Sheridan, Director of the Beth Emet Early Childhood Center, understands the impact attending a green school can have on children’s development. “Involving children in nature experiences not only provides great learning and joy, but it also builds a love and connection to the outside world that they can carry with them throughout their lives. We hope this will not only enrich their time in our school but also inspire them to create a more sustainable environment for their future.”

Easy Access near Sawgrass Expressway 13051 W. Sunrise Blvd, Sunrise, FL 33323 5967 S. University Dr, Davie, FL 33328 Call us today for a Showroom Consultation • Family Owned for 37 years 954-434-4774 • Mon – Sat 10am-6pm • AShadeAboveFlorida.com INDOOR & OUTDOOR SHADES, BLINDS & SHUTTERS AUTOMATION AVAILABLE TWO SHOWROOMS WITH 100+ FULL SIZE DISPLAYS Palm Beach™ Polysatin™ Shutters INDOOR & OUTDOOR SHADES, BLINDS & SHUTTERS INTERACTIVE SHOWROOM WITH 100+ FULL SIZE DISPLAYS 2022 BOOK YOUR SHOWROOM APPOINTMENT AT ASHADEABOVEFLORIDA.COM @ashadeaboveflorida CALL US FOR A SHOWROOM DESIGN CONSULTATION Family Owned For 39 Years Nation’s First and Newly Renovated AUTOMATED AND MANUAL SHADES FOR ALL BUDGETS 5967 S University Dr. Davie, FL 33328 Monday-Saturday 10am - 6pm 954-434-4774 CALL OR TEXT ©2023 HUNTER DOUGLAS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ALL TRADEMARKS USED HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY OF HUNTER DOUGLAS OR THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. 20 / Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
“The Auto Air Conditioning Specialist” Family Owned & Operated Since 1976 A/C Repairs Brake Jobs Clutches Engine Diagnostics Factory Maint. Service Suspension MOST VEHICLES & LIGHT TRUCKS. COUPON MUST BE PRESENTED AT TIME OF PURCHASE. EXCLUDES TIRES, BATTERIES & OIL CHANGES. ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. EXPIRES 6/30/23. $10 OFF SERVICE OVER $50 $20 OFF SERVICE OVER $100 $30 OFF SERVICE OVER $300 954-581-7980 Shuttle Service Available 3700 W. Broward Blvd. • Fort Lauderdale Monday-Friday 8:00am to 5:30pm Saturday 9:00am to 2:00pm ArcticAutoCenter.com Approved Auto Repair “We’re Not Just Air... We’re Total Car Repair!” 2023 BEST OF PLANTATION Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 21

High School Students Awarded Scholarships from Broward League of Cities

To date, the Broward League of Cities Scholarship Program has awarded approximately $54,000 to exemplary students residing in cities across Broward who have showcased strong leadership, communication, and judgment skills throughout their high school careers.

▸ To learn more about the Broward League of Cities visit browardleague.org.


On April 20, 2023, the Broward League of Cities (BLOC) awarded four $1,000 scholarships to Broward County high school seniors who will pursue college studies with an emphasis on municipal government. For the past 11 years, the scholarship program has provided financial assistance to future municipal leaders in Broward County.

“This year’s scholarship recipients have shown their eagerness to embrace a higher level of civic education and be a part of their community’s success,” said Bob Mayersohn, President of the Broward League of Cities. “The League is honored to support these future changemakers as they begin their college careers.”

The following students were awarded scholarships:

• Taylor Aks – Currently attending Florida Atlantic University High School with a GPA of 4.00, Taylor is a Parkland resident. She has completed over 816 community service hours and plans to pursue a business management degree and attend law school to help represent communities.

• Jorge Altuna – Currently attending Cypress Bay High School with a GPA of 4.1, Jorge is a Weston resident. He has completed over 385 community service hours and plans to major in political science and public policy

with the goal of encouraging positive change in his community.

• Sophia Safrin – A resident of Cooper City, Sophia currently attends Cooper City High School with a GPA of 3.93. She has completed over 377 community service hours and plans to major in international affairs and pursue a career as a foreign service officer.

• Gianna Villella – A resident of Hollywood, Gianna currently attends ChaminadeMadonna College Preparatory School with a GPA of 4.59. She has completed over 343 community service hours and plans to pursue a career in engineering.

Chartered in 1957, the Broward League of Cities is a non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness and resolving issues facing Broward County’s 31 cities and municipalities. A member of the Florida League of Cities, which serves to unify local governments throughout the state of Florida, the organization’s membership is made up of elected officials from municipal governments and area businesses. The organization is committed to increasing awareness and providing resolution to issues that affect day-to-day operations of local government, including legislation at the county, state and federal levels.

Steve Pizzillo, Cooper City Mayor Greg Ross, Sophia Safrin, Taylor Aks, Gianna Villella, Jorge Altuna, Youth Leadership Committee Chair Shelly Eichner and Broward League of Cities President Bob Mayersohn Commissioner Todd Drosky, Youth Leadership Committee Chair Shelley Eichner, Jorge Altuna, Paola Altuna, Jorge Altuna, and Broward League of Cities President Bob Mayersohn
22 / Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
Mark Douglas, Sophia Safrin, Taylor Aks, Gianna Villella, and Jorge Altuna
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Broward School Buses Go Electric

Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) will be the first public school District in South Florida to put electric buses on the road, helping lower carbon emissions as it transports 54,000 students throughout the county every school day. The District showcased the new electric buses last month at the district’s transportation terminal in Pompano Beach.

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) awarded the District a grant of more than $14.8 million to purchase 60 zero-emission electric buses that make up the electric bus fleet. The new buses will serve as replacements for older diesel school buses built in or before 2009. To complete the needed infrastructure, Florida Power & Light Company obtained a federal grant and partnered with the BCPS to install charging stations at each of the District’s transportation terminals.

“When these electric buses hit Broward County roads in the 2023/24 school year, our District will be operating the largest fleet of electric buses in the state and, most significantly, taking an important step toward providing a healthier environment for all of us,” said BCPS Interim Superintendent Dr. Earlean Smiley. “This great accomplishment would not have been possible without the support of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Florida Power & Light Company.”

“As part of FPL EVolution, we are pleased to partner on this endeavor and provide fast-charging infrastructure at six bus depots for all 60 of the electric buses to power up and be ready

to pick up students,” said FPL Vice President of Development for Tim Oliver. “These are the first electric school buses in FPL’s service area and represent the future of transportation that helps to make our communities more sustainable for generations to come. These buses will be charged by one of the cleanest electric grids in the country.”

The District’s Student Transportation and Fleet Services Department includes more than 1,200 buses, with about 950 used to transport students during daily routes. Each electric bus is a standard 72-passenger vehicle that produces no emissions at the tailpipe and is quiet on the road.

WE TREAT • Rheumatoid Arthritis • Psoriatic Arthritis • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus • Fibromyalgia • Osteoporosis • Gout • Osteoarthritis MORE INFO AT: www.RheumatologyMedicalCenter.com CALL TODAY: (954)314-7768 RHEUMATOLOGY MEDICAL CENTER Dr. Ritika Narula, D.O. 2300 N Commerce Pkwy, Ste 301, Weston Florida 33326 24 / Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
954.434.1776 4789 SW 148th Avenue, Suite 103 Davie, Florida 33330 www.joecaprioandco.com Joe Caprio, Broker/Owner In Real Estate for over 30 years! 954.980.3317 joecapriorealestate@gmail.com #1 Realtor in Sales in Southwest Ranches/Davie Farmhouse Lovers Dream! Beautiful 2 Story Home in Desired Southwest Ranches Neighborhood. Spectacular 4 Bedroom / 3 Bath Residence Sitting on a 2 Acre Corner Lot in Rolling Oaks Luxurious Outdoor Patio Offered at $2,185,000 SOUTHWEST RANCHES SOUTHWEST RANCHES Beautiful Rare One of a Kind 10 Acre Estate in Southwest Ranches Main Residence is a 2 Story 4 Bedroom Plus Office and 5 Bathroom Mediterranean Home, High Ceilings, Gas Fireplace, and Outdoor Kitchen, Newly Renovated Detached Guest House, Entire Property is Fenced and Cross-Fenced with 3 Renovated Barns with Capacity for 26 Stalls, Paddocks, Jump Field, and Grooms Quarters Offered at $8,750,000 NEW LISTING LOOK AT WHAT HAS JUST BEEN LISTED by Joe Caprio and Co. Picturesque Setting on 2.35 Acres in Sunshine Ranches 4 Bedrooms/4 Bath Plus Office, 3 Car Garage, and a Detached RV Garage Impact Glass Throughout , 30 KW Diesel Generator, Resurfaced Pool and New AC’s, Meticulously Manicured Grounds with Tropical Foliage and Gorgeous Trees, Plenty of Yard and Storage Space Offered at $2,449,000 SUNSHINE RANCHES PENDING SALE Erica Shapiro Listing Agent 305.761.7318 Beautifully Sought after Townhouse in Artesia Amazing 3 Bedroom 2.5 Bath Residence 2 Story Unit Consists of Lovely Wood Floors and Tile Throughout Updated Kitchen and Huge Primary Suite with Walk In Closets Private Balcony Views Offered at $489,000 SUNSHINE RANCHES SUNRISE NEW LISTING Charming Country Home in the Heart of Sunshine Ranches 4 Bedroom/ 2.5 Bath Residence, Pool with Outdoor Patio Sitting on Peaceful and Tranquil 2 Acre Lot Will Not Last Long Offered at $2,600,000 Ivy Walls Listing Agent 954.770.4720 A Private Family’s Dream Modern Farmhouse Nestled at the end of a Private Cul-De-Sac on 1 Acre 5 Bedroom Plus Office, 4 Bathroom Turn-key Home is Sure to Impress Boasts New Appliances such as Wolf Range and Sub Zero Fridge Home has a New Roof plus Generator Offered at $1,599,000 SOUTHWEST RANCHES NEW LISTING Alex Fernanedez Listing Agent 305-409-0039


In honor of any upcoming June weddings, I’d love to share my estate planning checklists for newlyweds.

Love is in the air, and so are your estate planning questions! Many brides have a to-do list a mile long; but I bet they haven’t thought of an Estate Plan Checklist to go with their caterer, bridesmaids, thank-you notes and honeymoon. Do you have a Last Will and Testament? Time to add your spouse as a beneficiary. Also, setting up a trust is like building a cozy nest egg for your loved ones.

Retirement accounts and life insurance policies might not feel romantic, but they're love letters to your future. Make sure to update them to include your new spouse as a beneficiary.

Here are some essentials!

A. Durable Power of Attorney My number one suggestion is to update your Durable Financial Power of Attorney to include your spouse.

A Durable Power of Attorney (“POA” for short) enables your trusted loved ones (called “Agents”) to access and manage finances, investments, insurance policies and anything else that needs a signature. It is useful in many other settings. If your car lease, apartment rentals, investments and bank accounts are titled in the name of one spouse, the POA avoids the expensive and drawn-out court process of having to be appointed guardian by the court for your own partner.

B. Health Care Surrogate Designation Are you traveling for your honeymoon? Make sure your spouse is your Health Care Surrogate and has a HIPAA authorization.

Many people believe that the fact you are married to another gives you the right to speak on their behalf in the event of a health crisis. This is not the case. If you cannot communicate, how do you prove you are the current spouse (rather than ex-spouse). These important documents will ensure that if your spouse is hospitalized, you will not be left out in the dark. The doctor will be able to talk with you and you’ll be able to make decisions on what type of treatment should be provided.

C. HIPAA Release Many folks believe that you have an automatic right to know your spouse’s medical condition, even in case of a stroke, heart attack or another life-threatening emergency.

The Federal Law that controls our private medical information is called “HIPAA.” While you want your medical information protected, you may have a disaster on your hands if your spouse is unable to communicate their medical needs. That’s because in this situation, “protecting” your spouse’s privacy is blocking their doctor from sharing information with you.

D. Checklists and Extras As an Estate Planning Attorney, I have developed a list of some extra pieces of information for my clients to organize. Here are some that you should have on hand:

1. Provide your spouse with a digital asset, email, and password list in case of an emergency.

2. Create a “Home Maintenance” checklist. Do you pay maintenance for your HOA or Condo Association? Who is your go-to handy-man, plumber, or Landscaper? Do you have a gate-code? My office has a three-page checklist of things you never considered to write-down before.

3. If you own your home, you may want to add your new spouse to the deed.

4. Create a list of bank and investment accounts. Some accounts you may want to create jointly while others may remain separate.

5. I also like to create “Dear Family” letters expressing your final wishes. My list of “Extras” continues to grow as I am sure your lives are growing. Congratulations!

Life is constantly changing–Have you updated your Estate Plans? Estate Planning • Trust Planning • Wills Living Wills • Heathcare Directives Power of Attorney • Elder Law • Probate Asset Protection • Pet Trusts Andrea L. Jakob, P.A. 954-862-1479 12401 Orange Drive Suite 219 • Davie, FL 33330 JakobLegal.com Helping You Plan Today, So You Can Sleep Better Tonight! (PICTURED ABOVE ARE ANDREA L. JAKOB, ESQ. AND ERIKA GARAY, ESQ. ) BRUCE F. IDEN, ESQ. NOW OF-COUNSEL 2022 2023 WESTON BEST OF
▸ Andrea L. Jakob, PA is located at 12401 Orange Drive, Suite 219 in Davie. They can be reached at 954-862-1479 or on the at www.jakoblegal.com.
■ LEGALLY SPEAKING 26 / Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
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BCPS Mandates Clear Backpacks for the 2023/2024 School Year

Effective August 21, 2023, only clear backpacks and bags (purses, duffel bags, fanny packs, lunch boxes, etc.) will be allowed on Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) campuses for students in grades pre-K – 12.

BCPS’s stated purpose of this requirement is to “add an additional layer of safety across the District and provide added safeguards for our students, staff, and faculty. While backpacks are not mandatory, they must be clear, and all contents within the backpack must be visible.”

Clear backpacks have been used as a measure to improve school safety by allowing school officials and security personnel to quickly and easily inspect the contents of students' backpacks. The idea behind clear backpacks is that they can help deter students from bringing weapons or other dangerous items to school, as they know they can be easily seen.

However, the effectiveness of clear

backpacks in improving school safety has never been proven. Some argue that clear backpacks are a superficial solution that doesn't address the root causes of school violence, and that they can create a false sense of security.

Critics also point out that clear backpacks can be stigmatizing and create privacy concerns for students who may feel uncomfortable having their personal belongings on display for others to see at all times. Others argue that transparent backpacks make valuable items like iPads and laptop computers more vulnerable to theft.

In a 2022 article, Dan Semenza, an assistant professor of criminal justice and director of interpersonal violence research at the Rutgers University-based New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center was skeptical of the clear backpack approach. “There is no evidence that clear backpacks do anything to improve student safety,” Semenza said. “However, studies show that students hate this policy.”

A Culture Of Caring

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The new policy applies to students only and does include several exceptions. These include:

• A small non-transparent pouch for personal hygiene items.

• Thermal food containers carried inside clear lunch boxes.

• School-approved sport-specific carrying case for athletic equipment.

• School-approved instrument-specific carrying case for band equipment.

Catered Living • Assisted Living • Memory Care 954-982-2323 www.OakmonteVillageDavie.com 8201 Stirling Rd, Davie, FL 33328 TRAVELING
2022 2023 BEST OF PEMBROKE PINES 2022 28 / Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
We are conveniently located 4 Miles West of the Florida Turnpike in Davie, next to the David Posnack JCC.
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NOVA Middle School Law Students Capture Top Prize at the 2023 “We The People” Mock Congressional Hearing National Invitational

In April 2023, Nova Middle School's mock congressional hearing team emerged victorious at the We The People Mock Congressional Hearing National Invitational held in Washington D.C.

Over 40 teams participated, but the 35-student team from Nova Middle School impressed the judges with their excellent performance in 12 different mock congressional hearings about the Constitution and its application in the past and present. The team's ability to recite landmark Supreme Court cases from memory and apply them to present-day issues was particularly noteworthy.

In addition to winning the national title, the team also won student and class awards for their social media videos on domestic and global challenges facing Americans today and potential policies to address them.

Max Alexander won the student category with his video on police brutality, while Mrs. Murphy's class won the class category with their video on school shootings. Nova

Middle School earned a spot in the national competition after winning the state title in February 2023.

The Center for Civic Education, in collaboration with a network of 50 state civics, government, and law programs, sponsors the competition to promote teaching and learning about the Constitution and Bill of Rights. These programs organize local and state simulated congressional hearings for elementary and secondary students and impact thousands of teachers and tens of

thousands of students each year.

The Nova Middle School team had been preparing for months, memorizing landmark Supreme Court cases and applying them to present-day issues. They were tested on their knowledge of the Constitution, the federal budget, and the people's rights earlier in April, in front of their parents. The students' impressive performance inspired Cymara Harris, an eighth-grade student, to pursue a career in law.

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community provides a greatly enhanced tax base for the town.

The final approval of the plan came after several years of working with the town of Davie.

“This is an epic move for us,” said Mayor Judy, “I certainly think… with the height of the ‘guitar’ up the street, we don’t even come close to that height. With the growth we are seeing, the only way is up.”


Planned lifestyle amenities include pet-friendly features such as bark parks and grooming stations, game lounges, and children’s play suites, as well as multiple work-from-home accommodations, including co-working spaces and meeting rooms.

The Town of Davie unanimously voted to approve developer El-Ad National Properties’ upscale 2.8 million-square-foot mixed-use residential apartment and commercial project at the southwest corner of Griffin Road and State Road 7. This will be the largest multi-purpose project in Davie’s history.

The “District in Davie” will be just up the road from The Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino which is one of the biggest hospitality and entertainment centers in South Florida.

Expected to cost more than one billion dollars, construction is slated to begin by mid-2023, and pre-leasing is expected to commence in early 2025. The anticipated completion of the first phase is 2025.

The development will encompass five, large multifamily towers constructed over three phases. It will include 1.6 million square feet of residential apartments within approximately 1,256 units, curated indoor and outdoor amenities, 36,000 square feet of restaurants and retail.

El-Ad National Properties, developer of ALINA Residences Boca Raton, is known for indoor/outdoor living developments.

“This project is a game-changer for the town of Davie, by providing muchneeded modernized residential living opportunities close to nearby universities, medical facilities, and employment hubs such as the airport and seaport,” said El-Ad National Properties CEO Noam Ziv. “Redeveloping the area by replacing a dated shopping center with a modern

The Davie project’s five buildings will range from 20–24 stories, each offering studio, one-, two-, and three-bedroom apartments, some with dens. Unit sizes range from approximately 589 to 1,460 square feet. Each unit will include keyless entry, high-speed Internet, and smart

Offering the quintessential South Florida lifestyle, inviting outdoor social spaces include rooftop pools, outdoor kitchens, fire pits, and green spaces for outdoor yoga, games, and movies. Planned green elements are electric vehicle charging stations in garages, complimentary bicycle parking/storage areas, and LED lighting technology for energy efficiency.

32 / Our City Davie / June 2023
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Weston Women no longer need to go to Paris, New York City or even Miami to find the latest fashions and accessories. The White Lotus Boutique celebrated the grand opening of its Weston Commons location on March 12th. Guests were treated with mimosas, hors d’oeuvres, music, modeling, free giveaways and a grand opening sale.

White Lotus is the latest venture of experienced fashion boutique operator, Angela Maleh. Angela, who is also a professional cellist, opened her first White Lotus location on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina eight years ago. She followed that up by opening women’s footwear boutique Island Sole. She brings her warm, friendly personality and approach to her latest venture in Weston.

Welcoming Boutique

The bright, and welcoming decor is the first thing you will notice when you walk into White Lotus. The store has casual yet elegant ambiance. Angela and her staff are welcoming and focused on making guests feel as good as they look.

“When you walk in my door, you should feel like the queen!” commented Angela, “When you walk out of my store, you will feel more beautiful inside and outside. We are so excited to be part of the Weston community and look forward to meeting all of you soon.”

Some people think the boutique was named after the famed show White Lotus on HBO. Actually, the lotus flower holds deep meaning to Angela. “As a meditator, the lotus represents, no mud, no lotus. When a lotus grows, it must go through thick mud to bloom,” said Angela, “Even deeper in meaning, we must endure tough times to experience growth and beauty in our lives.”

Exceptional Selection

White Lotus caters to women with a well-curated selection of items, including hats, shoes, jewelry, home decor, hand bags, and of course, clothing. “I just came into White Lotus for the first time ever, and it is amazing,” Said Weston resident, Jennifer, “It’s the first time that I came into a store and I actually like everything I see. They have a large selection of tops, dresses, pants, shoes, jewelry, hats, bags, household gift items, and much, much more. “New arrivals come in each week. You will rarely see the same things twice,” commented Angela, “Each month, we will be bringing a new fashion and style to our store so that you can dress to impress.”

Concierge Service

Let us dress you! A personal concierge fashion service we will be offering as well. Don’t miss out on this opportunity. White Lotus’ fashion experts will help customize your wardrobe to perfection. This service will help women perfect their personal style on their own terms.


The boutique will also be launching their website next month for great deals and new product drops before they arrive in the store. The highly anticipated website will include their beautiful spring fashions and so much more.

White Lotus Boutique has something for everyone. They offer beautiful ladies’ fashions, bags, shoes, accessories, hats, jewelry, gifts, and house wares. It is the perfect place to purchase a thoughtful gift for someone you love or to shop for a favorite new outfit.

34 / Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com ■ BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT
▸ White Lotus Boutique is located in Weston Commons at 4573 Weston Road. Stop by today to see the latest fashions, accessories, and more.
4573 WESTON ROAD WESTON, FL 33331 954-605-1314

Pride Month Is for Everyone This Year!

Each year in June, Pride is celebrated as an anniversary to the seminal events of June, 1969 in New York City. It was that summer that the local LGBTQ+ community fought harassment and discrimination by sparking the Stonewall Riots in response to a raid of the Stonewall Inn. The protests that followed each night empowered a generation to see that if they were to be liberated and enjoy equality, they would not only have to stand up for themselves, but they needed allies too.

Now, at the federal, state and local levels, progress is made in policy and legislation as well as landmark cases in the Supreme Court. And countless Prides across the country and around the globe recognize the progress made and celebrate everyone that helped make it - including allies! So everyone needs to know that Pride includes them too, especially now.

Florida has become a testing ground for passing anti-LGBTQ+ legislation that rallies a vocal minority to a dying view -

point. Only 20% now oppose same-sex marriage, and 61% think we should be more tolerant of the LGBTQ+ community. How is it then that Florida passed a number of laws this year that threaten the progress made, and the very Pride events that celebrate it?

Florida has a checkered history when it comes to the LGBTQ+ community. In 1956 the Legislature’s Johns Committee outed employees of the Florida state government, and in 1977 Anita Bryant formed the “Save Our Children” campaign to among other things pass legislation preventing gay people from adopting. But with more allies than ever before we prevailed anyway, and overturned the adoption ban in 2010, and won marriage equality for Florida in 2015 before the Supreme Court made it legal nationwide. It isn’t surprising then that the reaction to progress has been trotting out old slurs and falsehood in hopes of scaring people back to their regressive opinions.

If you are an ally, you understand that we must all speak up when someone is unfairly attacked, otherwise next time it could be you. So I encourage you to

find a Pride celebration somewhere this year, and in South Florida we’re fortunate to have Pride events all year. From My Hollywood Pride in January, to Stonewall Pride in June and others as late as November, there are any number of ways to make Pride your own. Pride comes in many shapes and sizes, but if you think there isn’t a Pride for you because you aren’t LGBTQ+, then you’re missing the point. The rainbow flag is a perfect symbol for how everyone fits under its broad spectrum, and that only by seeing it all do you realize together we are the light that shines with human diversity. Happy Pride!

▸ Todd Delmay is a husband and dad, a businessman and entrepreneur, and an activist for civil rights. Todd and his husband were one of six plaintiff couples that sued for the right to marry in Florida, and were the first to marry when the judge lifted her stay in 2015. Besides 25 years in the travel and hospitality industry, Todd is also President of the Dolphin Democrats, Chair of My Hollywood Pride, President of the Hollywood LGBTQ+ Council, and serves on Hollywood’s Sustainability Advisory Committee. To join Todd and the LGBTQ+ Community in organizing, voter registration and turnout, email todd@lgbtqcouncil.com.

36 / Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
Todd Delmay

THE OUR FUND FOUNDATION: Supporting South Florida’s LGBTQ Community Through Philanthropic Giving

The Our Fund Foundation, South Florida’s only LGBTQ-specific community foundation, is an unparalleled resource and lifeline for many LGBTQ nonprofits and marginalized residents. Its mission is to promote philanthropy, manage enduring investments and conduct impactful grant-making to improve the lives of LGBTQ people in South Florida.

Despite Greater Fort Lauderdale’s recognition as Florida’s LGBTQ capital and home to the largest percentage of samesex couple households in the country, support for organizations focused on uplifting the disenfranchised members of this community was lacking until 2011, when a small group of committed activist philanthropists who recognized that a concentration of LGBTQ wealth existed in South Florida, establishe d Our Fund

Seeking to remedy the deficit of giving to LGBTQ organizations and committed to keeping financial resources within the community, Our Fund has been on an upward trajectory ever since its launch, growing into the third-largest LGBTQ foundation in the nation over the past 13 years.

“By inclusively uniting individuals, institutions, and resources from throughout the region, The Our Fund Foundation inspires responsible giving and works to actively secure the LGBTQ community’s future for generations to come,” said

David Jobin, President & CEO of The Our Fund Foundation

As South Florida’s LGBTQ population grows, so does the corresponding need for targeted support, whether focused on the unmet needs of youth, women, older people, transgender people, or others. Our Fund’s grant programs and philanthropic initiatives address social justice, funding for arts and culture, HIV/AIDS, and other crucial issues in need of support.

“Through our grant programs, philanthropic initiatives, community networking, and educational efforts, we’re able to strengthen community organizations and their leaders, mobilize donors and funders, and strive to make South Florida the most livable community in the country for LGBTQ people,” said Jobin.

How does it work?

The concept is logical: Unite donors with worthy LGBTQ causes they care about, particularly in this worrisome political climate.

“With LGBTQ lives and livelihoods under threat in the state of Florida and beyond, The Our Fund Foundation is fervent in its commitment to protect and uplift South Florida’s LGBTQ community,” said Jobin.

The Our Fund Foundation is unmatched in its impact on the lives of LGBTQ people and causes, with annual investments currently of $1.5–$2M in South Florida LGBTQ causes; in the tradition of community foundations across the country, Our Fund promotes legacy giving, enabling

philanthropists to leave lasting legacies for specific causes and agencies through estate planning. It also manages an Annual Fund and Donor Advised Funds, allowing donors to maximize impact and minimize tax burdens. Thanks to the thoughtful planning of its generous Legacy Society members, Our Fund is able to take a strategic, longterm view of resources that will be needed in the future and how they will be deployed.

With the goal of increasing its grantmaking capabilities and continuing to improve the lives of LGBTQ people, Our Fund takes its fiduciary responsibilities very seriously.

“At The Our Fund Foundation, we are committed to being good stewards of every contribution entrusted to us,” said Mark Blaylock, the organization’s CFO. “We firmly believe in financial transparency with our supporters and the community.”

Our Fund has about $25 million in assets, largely thanks to its proactive board of directors and other loyal supporters. With committed Legacy Donors, it is on a trajectory to double its asset base over the next two years.

Given the organization’s impressive accomplishments so far, that seems like an attainable goal.

▸ The Our Fund Foundation is located at 1201 NE 26th Street, Suite 108, in Wilton Manors, FL 33305. Please scan the QR code, visit our-fund.org or call 954-565-1090.

Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 37
David Jobin, President & CEO The Our Fund Foundation

A SYMPHONY OF CHANGE: Celebrating the Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida

In a diverse world, unity is an anthem we all strive to sing. As we observe Pride Month, we celebrate an organization singing this anthem with unmatched enthusiasm - the Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida (GMCSF).

With a mission that echoes, “We sing so that LGBTQ+ people can live their truth through quality music experiences that inspire audiences, open minds, change hearts, and affirm our common humanity,” GMCSF has carved a niche for itself in the hearts of many. Over 170 dedicated members representing a rich spectrum of backgrounds comprise this harmonious force, making GMCSF a deep reflection of the LGBTQ+ community ’s strength in diversity.

The group’s Artistic Director, Gabe Salazar, looks forward to presenting Disney PRIDE in Concert live in June at The Parker. “This concert is a unique music program that everyone will relate to. I am most excited about seeing it all come together: our singers and personal stories throughout the concert, the orchestra, the movie projections.”

But GMCSF’s commitment extends beyond creating beautiful harmonies. The members are role models, philanthropists, and catalysts of change. Their tireless efforts reach across Broward, Miami Dade, and Palm Beach counties, impacting the lives of countless individuals and communities. Bill Spinosa, a

founding member and Vice President of Membership, has seen this organization’s significant impact on our community. “It is wonderful to see that we have opened up hearts, changed minds, and given a voice to the voiceless and hope to the hopeless throughout our community through our music and message. That was our intent from the beginning, and it has expressed itself differently for the past thir teen years.”

The true impact of GMCSF, however, reverberates far beyond their music. By fostering a space of acceptance and respect, GMCSF stands as a fundamental pillar of support in the LGBTQ+ community. Live performances in high-profile venues and community engagements touch the hearts of over 20,000 people annually, making GMCSF one of the most prominent LGBTQ+ nonprofit choruses nationwide.

As we commemorate Pride Month, let’s honor institutions like GMCSF, who work tirelessly toward a future where diversity is celebrated, and unity is a universal anthem. Their vision paints a picture of “A diverse world united.” Yet, through their music and community outreach, they’re not just singing this vision - they’re living it, one harmony at a time. Their voices remind us of the profound truth of the LGBTQ+ community: love is love, diversity is strength, and our collective pride is an unending symphony of progress and acceptance.

38 / Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
▸ To learn more about the Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida or purchase tickets, visit www.gmcsf.org, or scan the QR code.

SAGE—Celebrating our LGBTQ+ Elder Community with Pride!

The city of Wilton Manors will be celebrating Stonewall Pride this year on June 17. Pride celebrations allow us to embrace and celebrate the breadth and diversity of our LGBTQ+ community. Despite their contributions to the fight for LGBTQ+ rights, our older community members are often forgotten in our celebrations. These pioneers fought for the rights that we enjoy today and remind us to be vigilant in the presence of forces actively trying to set the clock back to a time when our community was forced to b e invisible and live on the fringes of society.

By 2030, studies project the population of LGBTQ+ people over 50 to reach 7 million. Our elders have unique needs compared to the general population, and because of discrimination and marginalization in their earlier lives, which have created a wide variety of challenges to endure today.

Many age without proper community support, are in poor health and are more likely to be financially insecure. One-third of LGBTQ+ adults live at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. Many experience mental health challenges and experience higher levels of disability compared to heterosexual older people, as well as delaying necessary medical care due to fears of discrimination or mistreatment by healthcare staff. And most LGBTQ+ elders do not have children, often relying on friends and neighbors for needed help, many of whom have similar needs.

Fighting for LGBTQ+ Elders

Since 1978

For 40-plus years, SAGE has worked tirelessly for LGBTQ+ older people. Building off the momentum of the Stonewall uprising and the emerging LGBTQ+ civil rights movement, a group of activists came together to ensure that LGBTQ+ older people could

age with respect and dignity. SAGE formed a support network for LGBTQ+ elders that is still growing today. SAGE is more than just an organization. It’s a movement of loving, caring activists dedicated to providing advocacy, services, and support to older members of the LGBTQ+ community. LGBTQ+ elders fought— and still fight—for our rights. And we will never stop fighting for theirs.

Friendly Visitor Program in For t Lauderdale

SAGE in Florida offers a Friendly Visitor program in Broward County to provide social support to older adults. The program assists individuals like a 60-year-old woman with gardening and a dyslexic 78-year-old man who receives help reading his mail. In Miami-Dade County, SAGE supports at-risk LGBTQ+ elders with care management, emergency financial assistance, and aid for medical bills, rent, and food.

Older LGBTQ+ individuals are more prone to social isolation, twice as likely to live alone and be single, and significantly less likely to have children than their non-LGBTQ+ peers. SAGE addresses these challenges by offering the Friendly Visitor program in Fort Lauderdale, inspired by its successful program in New York City. Volunteers visit and call homebound elders weekly, providing social support from Sunshine Cathedral, an LGBTQ+ affirming Metropolitan Community Church.

Friendly Visitor volunteers undergo careful screening and training and commit to at least a year of involvement. They attend regular meetings, visit for an hour or two

once a week, and make additional calls. When someone seeks SAGE ’s help, a Program Coordinator conducts an initial assessment and, with the client’s consent, refers them to a suitable, Friendly Visitor for ongoing support.

Happy Pride!

As we honor our diverse community, we also recognize the journey we’ve traversed since the days of the Stonewall uprising. Our LGBTQ+ elders have set a robust foundation for our rights, a battle they continue to fight today. We must remember this history and stay alert to preserve these hard-earned rights. We are responsible for keeping their legacy alive by continuing their fight and creating a safer and more accepting world. Remember, every step forward in this journey is a step towards equality and acceptance for all. Let’s keep moving forward together!

▸ If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or a participant of the program, email Program Manager Mitchell Zahn at mzahn@sageusa. org or call 646-568-9354. Scan the QR code to learn more abour SAGE or visit the www.sageusa.org.

Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 39
Mitchell Zahn, Program Coordinator SAGE South Florida Friendly Visitor Program


unions are readily apparent and are not only are they painful, but for many people they are unsightly. The faulty mechanical structure of the foot along with certain foot types will predispose one to this common foot deformity. The bunion deformity is not just a big bump on the side of the big toe, but a change in the bony framework of the first metatarsal phalangeal joint that creates a change to the biomechanics of the forefoot. This deformity is progressive in nature and early treatment is very important because chronic deformities require surgical fixation. Nonsurgical treatment will range from changes in shoe gear, padding, orthotics, and medication all guided by a podiatric

Bphysician. Surgical treatment with cutting-edge technology in minimally-invasive bunion repair is unlike any traditional surgical bunion repair. The new minimally-invasive surgical (MIS) bunion repair requires less trauma to the big toe joint, utilizes a tiny incision that is 2 to 4 times smaller than the traditional surgical repair and allows patients to have a faster post-operative rehabilitation therapy. Depending on age, level of activity, quality of bone, and overall health, the foot and ankle surgeon will discuss the most appropriate method for maintaining correction through the minimally invasive procedure. This new minimally invasive surgical repair can help those who suffer from this deformity return to day-to-day activities faster with a more cosmetically pleas ing outcome.

▸ Dr. John Goodner is a Board Certified Reconstructive Foot and Ankle Surgeon with the Foot, Ankle and Leg Specialists of South Florida and specializes in sports medicine foot and ankle injuries, foot and ankle arthroscopy, lower extremity trauma, and lower extremity deformities in infants, children, teens and adults. The South Florida Institute of Sports Medicine is located at 17842 NW 2nd St Pembroke Pines, FL 33029-2806. You can reach the office at (954) 430-9901.

www.SouthFloridaSportsMedicine.com. Instagram @SouthFloridaSportsMedicine Twitter @SFLSportsMed

■ ASK THE EXPERT 40 / Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
OUTDOOR LIVING SPACES PATHWAYS LANDSCAPES & GARDENS BISTRO LIGHTING TRANSFORM YOUR HOME OUTDOOR LIGHTING with EXCLUSIVE OFFER Offer expires in 45 days. when you purchase a system of 10 lights+ FREE LIGHTS With more than 100,000 outdoor lighting installations under our belt, Outdoor Lighting Perspectives has over 20 years of design, installation and maintenance expertise on the most low-maintenance, energyefficient outdoor lighting systems available. 954-998-0521 OutdoorLights.com COMPLIMENTARY DESIGN CONSULTATION











Dr. Carlo Messina








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he Town of Davie is conducting an open call to artists interested in participating in the Utility Box Wrap Public Art Program. The original works of art will be selected for vinyl wraps on traffic signal boxes throughout the Town.

Each year, my fellow Council members and I attend a Vision and Goal Setting Session (VGS) Workshop to discuss the plans for the upcoming fiscal year. Town Administrator Richard J. Lemack hosts the annual workshops. This year's planning session was held at Long Key Natural Area & Nature Center.

The annual workshop sets the foundation for our programs, operational priorities, initiatives and budgeting for the upcoming fiscal year. This year's primary discussion points for the community were the Police and Fire Rescue strategic plan implementation and stormwater management. To provide some background, in 2020, the Town embarked on a Public Safety Master Plan, which was completed in late 2021. At the 2022 VGS Workshop, Town Council accepted the recommendations of the Public Safety Master Plan and directed staff to prepare departmental strategic plans to identify and develop future goals and objectives to meet the community's needs.

As you can envision, the initiatives derived from the master plan were quite extensive and explored how we will meet our community's growing public safety demands.

After evaluating the master plan, the Fire Rescue Departmental initiatives included staffing for the fire rescue ladder truck; additional personnel for rescue vehicles; and a capital plan for the maintenance, renovation, and replacement of Davie’s 6 fire stations and replacement of front-line emergency vehicles. The Police Department’s initiatives include a temporary shelter for animal care; the creation of a Digital Evidence Unit; the purchase and


Timplementation of a Body Worn Camera Program and increasing the number of community service aids to assist Road Patrol and Special Operations.

The final primary focus for this upcoming year is stormwater management, which has been a high priority for the entire Town. In mid-April, Broward County and Davie experienced historic, unprecedented rainfall, which increased and supported our need for a robust stormwater management system. Thankfully, we weren't as impacted as other communities, but we saw flooding in many of our communities and neighborhoods. Many, after having experienced the flooding in their backyards, had a renewed vigor and appreciation for stormwater management. To clarify, the Town is responsible for conveying stormwater to the secondary canal system from public roadways and properties. We expend approximately $1.5 million annually towards the operations and maintenance of this drainage system and have committed $20 million over the past 5 years towards stormwater improvements throughout the Town.

Now that I have shed light on our two priorities for the upcoming 2024 fiscal year, we will be seeking additional revenue to support these initiatives to pro -

tect your properties, enhance our public safety service delivery and continue our infrastructure improvements. How will this be accomplished? First, we are proposing an increase to the residential fire assessment that will fund the previously discussed fire department capital projects and operational enhancements. Our Fire Rescue Department is second to none in Broward County, as demonstrated by our Insurance Services Organization (ISO) highest possible rating of 1 and numerous awards. This fire assessment increase will ensure we maintain and enhance our life-saving capabilities for our residents, visitors, and businesses. The other assessment under consideration is a stormwater assessment. If approved, this assessment would collect and dedicate dollars solely for stormwater maintenance and capital projects. Although we have made one-time capital commitments to our stormwater system through grants and reserve dollars, the Town is in need of recurring revenue that will support enhanced stormwater maintenance and fund new stormwater capital projects. These proposed revenues will help the Town continue delivering exceptional service expected by our residents while securing our future.

42 / Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com ■ MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR
Copyright ©2023 puzzlejunction.com Our City Media 3/23 Crossword PuzzleJunction.com Solution on next page 1234 567 891011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 34 “Auld Lang ___” 37 In the direction of 41 Dry, as wine 43 Diviner’s deck 45 Historic Scott 47 Isolated 48 Feedbag fill 49 Race pace 50 Port vessel 51 Author Umberto 52 Eskimo knife Across 1 Ceremonial splendor 5 Solidify 8 Squabble 12 Food thickener 13 Celestial altar 14 Parched 15 Nevada city 16 Metal urns 18 Dog shelter 20 Writer Harte 21 Suitcase 23 Montana city 26 ___ capita 29 Fiend 31 Tobacco wad 32 Bring into play 33 Wedges 35 Greek H 36 Sail holder 38 Name for a jug 39 Washout 40 Mustangs and the like, e.g. 42 Monthly expense 44 Dumbstruck 46 Fanatic 50 Mexican port 53 Outcry 54 Maple genus 55 Building annex 56 Aware of 57 Natterjack 58 Fitting 59 Try out Down 1 Village green 2 Curved molding 3 Death in Venice author 4 Antler point 5 1944 Ingrid Bergman flick 6 Notable time 7 Beef alternative 8 Stockpile 9 Blabbered 10 Ventilate 11 NFL scores 17 Eyeball 19 Cupid’s counterpart 22 Earlier in time 24 Ballet wear 25 Old oath 26 Mountain lion 27 Biblical twin 28 Highway turnout 30 Misappropriate funds PUZZLES Media 3/23 Sudoku PuzzleJunction.com Copyright ©2023 PuzzleJunction.com To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9. 1 7 39 64 58 2 1 5 4 59 4 9 6 2 3 24 5 8 Got News? Send Us Your Story! Do you have news or a story that needs to be told? We are on the lookout for exceptional individuals who are making a positive impact in our community. And we are always eager to learn about the amazing things happening in our local schools and community organizations. Be a community reporter and help us shine a spotlight on the great people and events that make our community so special. Don’t hesitate, send us your story today! editor@ourcitymedia.com Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 43


One of the most common anxieties parents share with us concerns the timing of the eruption of teeth. We are often asked: when are the first teeth scheduled to enter the mouth? Or which is “better” late vs. early erupting teeth? The truth of the matter is that although there are published milestones, there is still a normal variation/range that teeth may be expected to erupt. In terms of which is better, there is no real benefit for early or late eruption. However, extreme deviations may cause a practical challenge as we will discuss.

Let’s start with the primary (or “baby”) teeth. The first primary tooth to erupt is usually the lower central incisor between 5-8 months of age. The teeth will then follow the “rule of twos” which is that two additional teeth will erupt every two months until around 2-2.5 yrs old. There is a total of 20 primary teeth equally divided between upper and lower arches. After the eruption of the lower central incisors, we will see the eruption of the upper central incisors, the lower lateral incisors (as the name suggests, next to the central incisors) followed by the upper lateral incisors. The pattern will continue from the center laterally with the lower erupting earlier than the upper counterparts.

Premature eruption of primary teeth occurs in 1:2000. This can occur in two ways. “Natal” teeth are present at birth and “prenatal” teeth erupt in the first 30 days of life. When teeth erupt prematurely, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider (pediatrician or pediatric dentist) as strategies for feeding will need to be addressed, especially if breastfeeding is planned. There are also structures that are present at birth that resembles premature teeth but are not actually the primary teeth. One of the most common examples of this is “Epstein pearls”. They are visible cysts located in the upper arch in the front close to where the primary teeth are expected to be positioned. There is no treatment recommended for this as long as there is no interference with feeding and no observed discomfort for the child.

As with all published milestones, it is important to acknowledge the fact that these are just averages and that “normal” has a range. We find variation in gender, with females being ahead of males. It is also important to note that deviations in one area may have no bearing on others. For example, there are many children who are either “ahead” or “behind” in dental development but are at the opposite ends of the spectrum in skeletal growth. They do, however, give us an idea of what to plan for and some guidance on timing of interventional treatment, whether dental or orthodontic, when indicated.

44 / Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
▸ The office of Dr. Maria Maranzini-Grosman (Board Certified Pediatric Dentist) and Dr. Alon Grosman (Specialist in Orthodontics) is located at South Flamingo Road on the NW corner of Griffin and Flamingo Road. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 954-236-3434.
■ ASK THE EXPERT Davie | SOLD | Oak Knoll Estates 4 BR / 3 BA Pool Home in Oak Knoll Estates. Home features split Floor Plan & access to Pine Island Ridge County Club. Metal Roof & Hurricane Shutters throughout. Oversized Pool & large patio area for entertaining guests! My Team & I Are Experts in the Local Market. Allow Me to Help You Achieve Your Real Estate Goals! Zack Felsen Realtor 786.554.2166 Davie | SOLD | Lagoon Place 2 BR / 2 BA located in Pine Island Ridge Davie, FL. 1st floor unit overlooking lake & golf course views. Completely remodeled kitchen, custom lighting, Flooring & Impact Windows. 11386 W State Road 84 Davie, FL 33325 American Pressure Clean American Pressure Clean Schedule Your Fall Ser vice Now! 1-Story Special $49 50 $49 50 $179 50 $159 50 2-Stor y Special INCLUDES INCLUDES INCLUDES INCLUDES CALL TODAY! Roof - Exterior Walls Window Frames & Screens Driveways - Sidewalks GuttersPatio/Pool Deck Good on up to 3,000 sq. ft. of combined surface area to be cleaned. Exp. 6/30/23 Roof - Exterior Walls Window Frames & Screens Driveways - Sidewalks Gutters - Patio/Pool Deck Good on up to 3,000 sq. ft. of combined surface area to be cleaned. Exp.6/30/23 954-562-5821 Walkway - Driveway Sidewalk - Swale Additional fee may apply for 3 car garage driveways & corner lot. Exp.6/30/23 Most Pool Decks & Patios Up to 500 sq. ft Exp.6/30/23 Residential Only Licensed & Insured
2022 Angie’s Pet Spa & Boutique 954-367-6325 9003 Taft Street Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 (NW Corner of Taft & Douglas) Angie@AngiesPetSpa.com Mon-Fri 8:00AM-6:00PM Sat 8:00AM-5:00PM • Grooming Salon • Hand Scissoring • Pet Boutique • Pet Bakery • No Tranquilizers • Vet Recommended • Non-Anesthetic Dental Cleaning • Organic Pet Foods & Treats www.AngiesPetSpa.com ORDER ONLINE & Use Promo Code NEW10 at Checkout! Our City Davie / June 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 45 Limit 1. Expires 7/15/23 Limit 1. Expires 7/15/23

This is Edgar, he is a Purebred Vizsla (Hungarian Bird Dog). He LOVES people. I got the chance to dog sit for him. He plays, cuddles, loves to walk and go to the dog parks. I have been depressed since losing our dog to cancer. Edgar changed that for me! I love this dog like he is my own son.

ANSWERS Sudoku PuzzleJunction.com Sudoku Solution Copyright ©2023 PuzzleJunction.com To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9. 1 7 39 64 58 2 1 5 4 59 4 9 6 2 3 24 5 8 1624 573 98 8739 624 15 9458 136 27 6 3 8 1 2 5 7 4 9 7593 462 81 4217 895 36 5 9 6 2 3 8 1 7 4 2846 719 53 3175 948 62 Solution PO MP GE L SPA T AG AR AR A AR ID RE NO SA MO VA RS KE NN EL BR ET GR IP BU TT E PE R OG RE PL UG US E SH IM S ET A MA ST TO BY DUD AU TO S RE NT AW ED ZE AL OT VE RA CRU Z RO AR ACER EL L ON TO TO AD DU E TE ST “Edgar"
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Fort Lauderdale Celebrates the Naval Services

Generations of Service

One of the incredible opportunities for Sailors and Veterans alike was the opportunity for past service members to meet one-on-one with current Sailors, Coast Guardsmen and Marines. Electricians Mate 1st class Stephanie Brunk, attached to the USS Cole, spoke with a veteran at the Alexander Ninninger Veterans Home in Fort Lauderdale. It is a memory she will cherish throughout her service.

Ships in Port, Time for Liberty

Four Navy ships visited Fleet Week Port Everglades: USS New York, USS Cole, USS Indiana, and USNS Newport. We will also hosted Marines from the 2nd Amphibious Assault Battalion and Coast Guardsmen from Sector Miami and the crew of the Fast Response Cutter William Flores.

Sailors of the Year

The Fort Lauderdale Council of the Navy League honored Sailors during an Enlisted Person of the Year banquet Apr. 27. Sailors of the Year from visiting Fleet Week commands as well as those from military commands in the Fort Lauderdale and Miami areas were invited to the event. American Legion Post 142 hosted the dinner for the Sailors along with a ceremony to thank them for their service.

Each Sailor received a plaque honoring their achievement. The service members recognized include: Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Kristin Stoops, Navy Counselor 1st Class Amarachi Abiodun, Personnel Specialist 1st Class Steve Ortega, Culinary Specialist 1st Class Rodrick Sheridan. Aviation Boatswain’s Mate 1st Class Ernesto Rivera, Culinary Specialist 1st Class Michael Brown, Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class Charmae Peria and Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Sydney Thayer.

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