he Town Council held its first Budget Workshop for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 on June 9, 2021. Despite the challenges of lost revenues and increased expenses associated with the pandemic, the Town anticipates a balanced budget for FY 2022, which begins on October 1, 2021. This means no operating millage increase and no fire assessment increase. The Town is currently the 22nd lowest out of 31 municipalities in Broward County for your property tax and 21st lowest out of 27 in the County for those municipalities with a fire assessment. The Town’s budget includes the advancement of significant past, current and future obligations related to environmental, operational and safety needs. These priorities include: Davie Wetlands Park, Governor LeRoy Farm Park, Utility Master Plan, Public Safety Master Plan and a new Town Hall. All these projects will be funded within the proposed balanced budget for FY 2022. Furthermore, we were able to negotiate a $78.44 savings through our solid waste contract enabling the Town to essentially exchange this amount to fund a stormwater program at the same dollar value. You will be hearing more about the stormwater program over the summer.
28 / Our City Davie / July 2021 /
By Mayor Judy Paul
When completed, you will see a reduction of greater goals beyond just earning a living, the Solid Waste Assessment on your tax bill such as effecting social change, supporting and the equivalent increase on a new Storm important public cause, or even advocating Water Assessment. This will be critical to colto provide equal access to justice for needy lect, convey, store, and maintain stormwater individuals and organizations. This pandemic across the Town which has seen increased has reminded all of us the importance of flooding over the past few years. These and public service.” other presentations were rerecorded from The summer buckle rodeo series will the Town Council FY 2022 Vision and Goal begin on Wednesday, June 23, and run until Session and can be viewed on the Town July 28 at the arena. Cowboys and cowgirls Website at from ages 3 on up will be competing in a As we continue to open our facilities, myriad of events. Come out and cheer for reservations are being taken for park and the kids starting at 6:30. community room rentals. Please contact the The Town of Davie is excited for the return Parks and Recreation Dept. for all your needs. of our Fun on the Fourth Independence Day Congratulations to Western High School Celebration at Bamford Sports Complex graduate, Josias Jimenez, this year’s on Sunday, July 4th from 6:00 pm – 9:00 recipient of the Mayor’s scholarship. Josias pm. This year’s event will be modified due is hoping to pursue a degree in Public to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and Administration to eventually be at the foreonly open to Davie residents. All particifront of public policy and advocacy whether pants must pre-register through the Parks, at the local or state level. Recreation, and Cultural Arts Department by calling (954)327-3941. Each pre-registered He will be attending Florida Gulf Coast household will receive a complimentary University in the fall and we wish him well. non-transferrable ticket to gain access to In his own words: the park on July 4th. Tickets are limited, so “I want to dedicate my life to the service be sure to pre-register early. Live music will of my community because I want to make begin at 6:00 pm featuring the New Shadow a difference in the lives of others. I want Creek and JD Danner Band. Food trucks to advocate for fair business practices for and limited activities will be available for minorities. Many Hispanics are uninformed event-goers. Fireworks will begin promptly or unaware of opportunities for jobs or at 9:00 pm set to patriotic music. We look other resources available to them. Due to forward to seeing our Town of Davie resilanguage barriers and different worldviews, dents on Sunday, July 4th. they tend to be susceptible to deceptive and unfair business practices. A career in public service will allow me to achieve Town of Davie
Mayor Judy Paul