Our City Miramar: August 2023

Page 33

2023 Back to School GUIDE SEE PAGE 26 | WE CONNECT COMMUNITIESTM | AUGUST 2023 Welcome to Care the Pros Trust. Experience a new kind of orthopedic complex.
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PUBLISHER’S PAGE 8 Navigating the Back to School Season in the Modern Age CALENDAR 10, 12 August 2023 COMMUNITY NEWS 16 Let Freedom Ring Miramar to Celebrate Jamaican Independence 17 Discovering Cultural Gems 3 Local Museums for Family Fun 20 Broward County Shines Five Local Basketball Talents Chosen in NBA Draft MIRAMAR POLICE 22 Back To School SCHOOL NEWS 24 “I’m Coming Home” BCPS Selects Peter Licata as New Superintendent SPECIAL SECTION: BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE 26-28 PRESCHOOLS & SCHOOLS 28-30 ACTIVITIES & ACADEMIC ENRICHMENT MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR 32 Miramar's Commitment to Becoming a "Zero Emission City" CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 33 Greetings from Your Chamber President! PET OF THE MONTH 33 Meet “Parlay” PUZZLE PAGE 34 Crossword & Sudoku 8 Answers 26 16 August 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
GOT NEWS? EMAIL THE EDITOR! editor@ourcitymedia.com READON LINE
NEW CLIENT WELLNESS VISIT NEW PATIENTS ONLY WITH COUPON • EXPIRES 8/31/23 $199 INCLUDES Physical Exam Vaccines Heart Worm Test Intestinal Parasite Test Palm View Animal Hospital is an affordable, full-service veterinary practice. With over 20 years experience in the veterinary field, Dr. Christie Waldie-Torres understands how important the human-animal bond is and strives to keep your pet happy and healthy for many years to come. Whereweloveyourpets asmuchasyoudo OUR SERVICES Bathing Dental Care Surgery Microchipping Nutritional Counseling Parasite Prevention & Control Pharmacy Puppy and Kitten Care Wellness Exams Radiology (X-Rays) Vaccinations PALMVIEW ANIMAL HOSPITAL Miramar’s Most Trusted Veterinarian Palm View Animal Hospital (954) 443-4888 12120 Miramar Parkway • Miramar, FL 33025 www.PalmViewAnimalHospital.com Our City Miramar / August 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 7 • Board Certified in Pediatrics • Ages Newborn to 21 Years Including Sports Physicals • Bilingual Staff and Pediatricians • Accept Most Private Insurance and Medicaid Plans 1951 SW 172nd Ave, Suite 200 Miramar, Florida 33029 954-722-0300 www.ChildrensMedicalAssociation.com NOW OPEN! Serving South Florida Since 1968 with additional locations in Tamarac, Plantation and Coral Springs

Navigating the Back-to-School Season in the Modern Age

As we bid farewell to the sun-kissed days of summer, it’s hard to believe that another school year is just around the corner. With the arrival of August 21st, the first day of school for most children in the area, it’s time to gather the necessary school supplies, select the perfect lunch box, and wrap up those summer reading assignments. However, preparing for school has become increasingly intricate over the past two decades, as technology and educational options have evolved.

Gone are the days of covering textbooks in brown paper bags. The rapid advancement of technology has transformed the way students engage with learning materials. From downloading software onto smartphones, iPads, and Chromebooks, to accessing a vast array of digital resources, students now have a world of knowledge at their fingertips.

After-school programs have blossomed into a diverse range of opportunities, surpassing the traditional offerings of sports and music. Today, students can choose from an array of enriching activities, including computer classes, dual language programs, and much more. Likewise, parents now have an abundance of educational options for their children. In addition to traditional public and private schools, charter schools, home school, and virtual schools have emerged, providing families with a broader selection tailored to their needs.

If your family finds itself in the midst of the back-to-school preparations without a concrete plan, fear not! Our City is here to lend a helping hand. Inside this issue, you’ll discover our comprehensive Back-to-School Guide, designed to assist you in navigating the educational landscape. Packed with valuable information on the area’s top preschools, private schools, and educational programs, as well as an extensive directory of after-school activities ranging from arts to YMCA programs, this curated guide aims to provide practical support as you gear up for the upcoming school year.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of back-to-school preparations, it’s important to savor the remaining weeks of summer. Cherish the sun-drenched days, create lasting memories, and relish the freedom that this season offers. Before you know it, school will be back in session, and a new chapter of growth and learning will begin.

So, take a deep breath, enjoy the fleeting moments of summer, and rest assured that you have the resources and support to embrace the forthcoming school year with confidence.

Christy & Terry Jaillet


8 / Our City Miramar / August 2023 / OurCityMedia.com 954.430.2253 BACK TO SCHOOL KIDS UNIFORMS & PANTS HEMMING ONLY $9.99 No Limits. Cannot be combined with any other offer exp 08/31/23. 15963 PINES BLVD, PEMBROKE PINES FLORIDA 33027 MON-FRI: 8AM–7PM • SAT: 9AM–4PM NO COUPON COPIES ACCEPTED. COUPONS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED ON ANY SPECIALTY, RUSH OR WHILE YOU WAIT SERVICE. Yes We Do Embroidery! 10% OFF PREPAID ORDERS No Limit. Not Valid With Other Offers. Not Valid On Any Rush Service. Incoming Orders Only. No Exceptions. Expires 8/31/23 SCISSOR SHARPENING BRING 2 GET 1 FREE Can Not Be Combined With Any Other Offer. Expires 8/31/23 FREE HOLE PUNCHING BELTS, PURSES AND MORE Maximum of 3 Items. Expires 8/31/23 FREE KNIFE SHARPENING Limit One. No Service Required. Expires 8/31/23 RED BOTTOM SOLE PROTECTORS WOMEN & MENS Make Your Shoes More Comfortable & Stylish Professionally Installed PROFESSIONAL ALTERATIONS 6 Tailors On Site While You Wait (WHEN POSSIBLE) No Appointment Necessary 50+ Years Experience Professional Suit Alterations INSERVICEFASTEST TOWN! Professional Repairs for All Leather Goods, Designer Handbag Repairs, Golf Bags, Jackets & More! Wedding Dress Altering Specialists SHOE & LUGGAGE REPAIRS Humberto’s ANSWERS Our City Media 6/23 Sudoku Sudoku Solution Copyright ©2023 PuzzleJunction.com To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9. 92 1 43 5 8 7 3 1 2 1 8 6 7 7 1 9 8 3 7 53 6 2768 415 39 5892 361 74 4319 752 68 7 4 8 3 2 9 6 5 1 9526 147 83 6135 874 92 3 6 7 1 9 2 8 4 5 8254 639 17 1947 583 26 Solution SO W DA M SA T AT OM OL IO RO E NO RA MA GA ZI NE GE MI NI SO LE S DO C ET NA PA M DI VA EN DS AR AB LI V SK IP RA GE EPEE AN Y IR IS ST Y FA CE T DA IN TY AG IT AT OR PA RE CI A LO BO SN OW EO N RI P AD S
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The Little Mermaid Summer Showcase

The Miramar Cultural Center and Little Broadway Summer Campers present Summer Showcase and The Little Mermaid. The show is the culmination of the students’ summer-long learning and is an entertaining evening. Tickets are $15 per person. For more info or tickets visit: www.MiramarCulturalCenter.org.


Storytime at The Frank

The Frank welcomes children and their caretakers for Storytime Hour! We will be reading books illustrated by Oliver Jeffers, followed by a guided art activity. Children will enjoy listening to “The day the Crayons Quit.” Noon till 1:00 pm at The Frank C. Ortis Art Gallery. For more info, call 954-392-2120.


Splash into the Pines

The City of Pembroke Pines is hosting Splash In the Pines from 10am - 1pm, a fun-filled day of water-themed play, and many surprises for the residents of Pembroke Pines. Kids and families will have an opportunity to enjoy water slides, water games and lots of give-a-ways to help splash back to school. Food trucks and refreshments will be available for purchase. Hosted at West Pines Soccer Park, 350 SW 196th Ave. For more info, visit www.ppines/specialevents.

AUGUST 12-13

Nature Pop®! Back 2 School Weekend

AUGUST 5 Jamaica Emancipendence

Come out and celebrate the independence of the Island of Jamaica. Miramar Mayor Wayne Messam hosts this afternoon of culture. There will be a Kid’s Zone, Farmers’ Market, and Cultural Stage along with live music. Hosted at Miramar Regional Park and Amphitheater from Noon till 6:00 pm. For more info call 954-602-3178.


Summer Soiree @ The Frank

Join The Frank afterhours and Embrace art, music, and tasty treats. Enjoy walking through the pages of Oliver Jeffers: 15 Years of Picturing Books! 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Hosted at the The Frank C. Ortis Art Gallery, 601 City Center Way. For more info, call 954-392-2120.

Sean Kenney’s Nature POP®! is inspired by the pop art movement, Sean’s work on Nature POP! plays on that movement’s principles by blurring the boundaries between austere and the everyday and draws from a belief that everything is interconnected. Guests will enjoy entertainment by DJ Anarchy on Saturday and the Florida Children’s Theatre Circus Spectacular, on Sunday, kids’ activities, receive Back 2 School giveaways* courtesy of Memorial Hospital, and play larger-than-life board games on the Wray Lawn. Hosted at Flamingo Gardens in Davie. 9:30 am - 5:30 pm. For more info, call 954-473-2955.

10 / Our City Miramar / August 2023 / OurCityMedia.com August 2023 Calendar
Our City Miramar / August 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 11 BRIGHTEN YOUR NIGHTS WITH OUTDOOR LIGHTS ADD BEAUTY, SAFETY, AND SECURITY TO YOUR HOME AFTER DARK. Remember to mention this bonus when contacting us. Expires within 45 days. 6 light system $1,770 9 light system $2,655 12 light system $3,540 3 PACKAGE SPECIALS TO CHOOSE FROM 954-998-0521 OutdoorLights.com COMPLIMENTARY DESIGN CONSULTATION BISTRO LIGHTING PATHWAYS & STEPS HOME EXTERIORS LANDSCAPES & GARDENS Financing Available We Service All Systems INJURED? PERSONAL INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH • Traffic Accidents • Falls on Premises • Product Defects • Other Negligence INSURANCE CLAIM DISPUTES OR DENIALS • Auto • Boat • Homeowner • Life • Disability NEW LOCATIONSEE BELOW PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS! Juan C. Montes, Esq. Board Certified Specialist in Civial Law by The Florida Bar & by The National Board of Trial Advocacy Miramar | 954-417-6100 Miami-Dade | 305-460-8000 3600 Red Road, Suite 410 Miramar, FL 33025 www.TheMontesLawFirm.com


Key West Handprint Fabrics

Join us for a lecture about Florida and printmaking presented by Cori Convertito, lead historian at the Florida Keys History Center. Learn the story of how Key West Hand Print Fabrics became a backbone of industry to the Island from 7-8pm. Hosted at Studio 18 Art Complex, 1101 Poinciana Drive.


First Day of School

It’s back to school for Broward County Public School students. Kids will be on the roas and at bus stops early in the morning. Please drive carefully and remember to slow down in the school zones. Good luck to our students from everyone at Our City Media!


Soggy Doggy Event at Regional Park

The Aquatic Complex will be open to families and their furry friends. Small dogs are welcome from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm; large dogs (over 22lbs) are welcome between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. For more info call 954-883-6955 or scan the QR code.


Carve, Ink & Repeat Workshop

Learn the basics of relief printing in this beginner-friendly printmaking workshop led by Studio 18 resident artist and member of Miami-based studio IS Projects, Aliya Gordon. Ages 18+ (16+ with parent or guardian present for the entire workshop). 10:00 am - 1:00 pm at Studio 18 Art Complex. FREE materials will be provided. For more info, call 954-961-6067.


U.S. Passport Applications

Need to apply for or renew a passport?

The City of Miramar’s City Clerk’s Office is offering walk-in passport services to U.S. citizens from 9:00 am-Noon. The open house will take place at Miramar City Hall, 2300 Civic Center Place. For more info call 954-602-4357.


Labor Day

Labor Day is a federal holiday in the United States celebrated on the first Monday in September to honor and recognize the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States.

12 / Our City Miramar / August 2023 / OurCityMedia.com August
Calendar (CONTINUED)
IT WORKS Bone forms a bond with the dental implant for a more natural look & feel ASSOCIATE FELLOW DIPLOMATE DIPLOMATE FELLOW CERTIFIED ✓ Improve Quality of Life & Self Esteem ✓ Resume Normal Eating Habits ✓ Eliminate the Discomfort of Removable Dentures ✓ Avoid Loss of Bone & Facial Esthetics ✓ Communicate with Confidence ✓ Feel Confident in Social Settings ✓ Regain Pride in Your Beautiful & Healthy Smile MONARCH LAKES DENTAL GROUP Jesus R. Barreto, DDS, PA IMPLANT, COSMETIC & FULL MOUTH REHABILITATION MONARCH LAKES DENTAL GROUP Jesus R. Barreto, DDS, PA IMPLANT, COSMETIC & FULL MOUTH REHABILITATION 2023

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Let Freedom Ring Miramar to Celebrate Jamaican Independence

It’s been a busy summer of celebrations in Miramar! We just commemorated America’s Independence Day last month, and now it’s time to celebrate Jamaica’s Independence Day.

Jamaica’s Independence Celebration includes Emancipation Day on August 1st, the significant date slavery was abolished in 1834. Freedom from servitude and colonial rule merits a reason to celebrate, but it’s also a day of honor to remember the birth

of the island’s national identity.

Coincidentally, history shows that the origin of the undertaking came from Boston, Massachusetts, the same place America’s independent spirit was born during the Boston Tea Party.

Boston was the birthplace of Jamaican Prime Minister Edward Seaga. The music-loving politician produced West Indian Records Limited. It quickly became the most popular label in the Caribbean, featuring some of the best local talent and musicians.

Later, when the country gained its independence, Seaga then created the Jamaican Independence Day Festival to establish a sense of identity and to commemorate his beloved country’s history and culture. His love for his country and its people was always apparent, and he wanted to recognize such an important day.

The people of Jamaica have recently voted to officially become a republic, effectively ending its 300-year-long colonial relationship with the United Kingdom.

Although the festivities are huge throughout Jamaica, one doesn’t need to have a passport or get on a plane to participate in the grand celebration. Locals can get in the spirit and celebrate Jamaica’s freedom on August 5th from Noon till 6:00 pm at Miramar Regional Park and Amphitheater. Admission is free, and there will be plenty of food, novelty vendors, and more.

Mayor Messam will lead the Emancipendence Day celebration. Activities include a Kid’s Zone with face painting, arts & crafts and fun water activities, a farmers’ market, Jamaican cultural shows on the main stage, and live music and entertainment.

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Local Museums for Family Fun

Many moms and dads are in search of fun activities to do with their kids when the weather is scorching. Thankfully, Fort Lauderdale and Miami are home to some of the best museums in the country. There are actually some amazing options a bit closer to home. Here are a few ideas to spend a few hours with the kids that don’t require spending a whole day traveling to the “big city.”

Ansin Family Art Gallery

2400 Civic Center Place, Miramar



The Ansin Family Art Gallery is located in the Miramar Cultural Center in Miramar, Florida. It is a 1,800-square-foot gallery that exhibits the work of established artists. The gallery is dedicated to providing access to great works of art to the community for free.

The gallery features rotating exhibits of paintings, sculptures, photography, and other art forms. The exhibits are curated by a team of art professionals and are often accompanied by educational programs and events. The Ansin Family Art Gallery is a great place to see some of the best art in South Florida. It is also a great place to learn about art and to connect with the local art community.

Island SPACE Caribbean Museum

8000 W. Broward Blvd, Suite 1422, Plantation



The Island SPACE Caribbean Museum is the first and only brick and mortar pan-Caribbean heritage museum in the United States. The museum's mission is to "preserve, promote, and celebrate the Caribbean heritage of South Florida and the broader diaspora community."

The museum's collection includes artifacts, iconic paraphernalia, cultural relics, and historical data representing South Florida's Caribbean communities. The Island SPACE Caribbean Museum offers a variety of educational programs and events for all ages. These include field trips, adult education classes and community events.

The Frank C. Ortis Art Gallery

601 City Center Way, Pembroke Pines



The Frank C. Ortis Art Gallery, also known as The Frank, was named after the city's former mayor, Frank C. Ortis; the gallery serves as a cultural hub and showcases a diverse range of contemporary art. It features rotating exhibitions that highlight the works of both established and emerging artists, encompassing various artistic mediums such as painting, sculpture, photography, and mixed media.

The Frank Gallery is dedicated to promoting artistic expression and fostering a vibrant arts community. It also offers educational programs, workshops, and special events to engage visitors and create a platform for artistic dialogue and appreciation. Whether you are an art enthusiast or simply seeking inspiration, the Frank C. Ortis Art Gallery offers a captivating space to explore and experience the creative expressions of talented artists.

Our City Miramar / August 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 17 ■ COMMUNITY NEWS

BROWARD COUNT y SHINES Five Local Basketball Talents Chosen in NBA Draft

championships. Afterward, he played one season at the University of Central Florida (UCF) and became the program's first-ever first-round draft pick.

Howard, who was also part of the talented University School team, transferred to IMG Academy for his final two years of high school. Following his high school career, he played college basketball at the University of Michigan under the guidance of his father, Juwan Howard, a former 19-year NBA player who currently serves as the head coach for the Wolverines.

Notably, with the Orlando Magic, Howard will join forces with Jonathan Isaac, who attended the International School of Broward in Hollywood for two seasons.

On June 22nd, the National Basketball Association (NBA) conducted its annual amateur draft, during which 58 of the finest basketball players from around the world were selected by the NBA's 30 teams. Notably, Broward County produced five players who were chosen in this draft.

The first pair of players from Broward County were the Thompson twins, who showcased their skills at Pine Crest School. Amen Thompson was picked as the fourth overall selection by the Houston Rockets, followed by his brother, Ausar Thompson, who was chosen by the Detroit Pistons in the subsequent pick.

Taylor Hendricks, who played for both University School and Calvary Christian, was selected as the ninth pick by the Utah Jazz. Jett Howard, hailing from University School, became the 11th pick, joining the Orlando Magic. Lastly, Toumani Camara from ChaminadeMadonna concluded Broward County's representation by being selected as the 52nd pick by the Phoenix Suns in the second round.

The Thompson twins initially made the varsity team at Pine Crest in eighth grade and quickly rose to become two of the top players in the country. They

led Pine Crest to a state championship during their junior year, both averaging over 20 points per game. After their junior seasons, Amen and Ausar decided to depart Pine Crest and join the professional Overtime Elite league in Atlanta.

Hendricks played alongside Barnes, Howard, and Vernon Carey Jr. at University School, forming a formidable team. He later transferred to Calvary Christian for his final two years of high school, where he won consecutive state

Although Camara was born in Belgium, he moved to South Florida and played high school basketball at Chaminade-Madonna. He went on to play two years of college basketball at the University of Georgia before transferring to Dayton for an additional two seasons, where he earned recognition as an all-conference player. Camara's selection in the NBA draft marks a significant milestone as he becomes the first-ever player from ChaminadeMadonna to be drafted into the NBA.

20 / Our City Miramar / August 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
Amen and Ausar Thompson Jett Howard Taylor Hendricks
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As summer vacations begin to wind down and parents start preparations for their children to return to school, let us not forget that as a community we must ALL do our part to keep kids safe.

Motor vehicle traffic crashes are one of the leading causes of death for children 2-14 years old. Most of these fatalities could be prevented with the proper precautions: Make sure children are wearing their seatbelts. Teach your children to cross at the appropriate crosswalks and not run through traffic. Do not double park or block crosswalks, as it reduces the visibility for other children and vehicles. Adhere to speed limits, stay alert and take extra care to look out for children in school zones, near playgrounds and parks, and in all residential areas. Remember to put the phone down when driving!

The Miramar Police Department wants to assure you that we are committed to the safety and future of the youth in our community. We were the first agency in Broward County to provide full-time school resource officers in every public school (two officers at the high schools). Today, our charter schools benefit from our School Resource Officer program as well.

Although school safety is a top priority, it is important to note school resource officers provide more than security. Teaching students life lessons, such as goal setting, character traits, and providing information on bullying and drug abuse prevention is a role many officers have in our schools. Connecting with students, by bridging the gap between law enforcement and the next generation is important.

We understand community engagement is key to building trust and meaningful relationships. Having our officers interact with students and staff on a daily basis has been beneficial to building that trust. Officers, many of whom are a familiar face to students, often become a second support system outside the home - mentoring and counseling students and assisting them in times of need or crises.

School resource officers are not only located at the schools for students, but also for faculty, staff, and parents. Our officers handle issues and crimes that may occur within the school, but they are also a resource for families – providing information on services and outreach programs available to residents in need. From the first day of kindergarten to high school graduation

and all the other milestones in between, our school resource officers are here for your children and our entire community.

As the first day of school approaches, we would be remiss if we did not remind parents to be prepared and arrive to school early to avoid high traffic times. Many parents on the first day of school want to capture these precious moments by picture or video, but please be considerate to those around you. We suggest snapping these photos before leaving your home and having all supplies ready for drop-off. Doing this will help alleviate traffic congestion.

We also recommend that parents and guardians take a few minutes to speak with children about the consequences of texting, or posting on social media, threats of violence. All threats are taken seriously, investigated thoroughly, and will not be tolerated.

In closing, please remember that communication is key to working together effectively. If you see something, say something. Please report any suspicious activity immediately.

We wish each child a safe and successful school year!

22 / Our City Miramar / August 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
Wins on F Barnes ommissioner Alexandra P. Davis Commissioner Maxwell B. Chambers Commissioner Yve e Colbourne 10/15/23 10/15/23 Our City Miramar / August 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 23



Broward County Public School Board (BCPS) announced the selection of Dr. Peter Licata as its next superintendent. The country’s sixth-largest school district announced the selection after a nationwide search. Licata is set to be in place prior to the start of the 2023/24 school year. He was selected via a 7-2 board vote. East Baton Rouge Louisiana School District Superintendent Dr. Sito Narcisse received the other two votes.

BCPS Board Chair Lori Alhadeff announced the selection, saying, “I am so excited to introduce the next superintendent of Broward County Public Schools, Dr. Peter Licata. I believe he is the transformational leader that we were seeking.”

By joining BCPS, Licata is coming full circle, returning to the school district where he was once a first-grade student at McNab Elementary School in Pompano Beach.

“I’m coming home. We will change Broward County to an A (school district),” Dr. Licata said, “We are down the street from where I was born and where my wife was born.

I feel like a fortunate son to be able to do this.”

Licata began his almost 30-year career in education as a teacher and basketball coach for the School District of Palm Beach County and has continued to advance his leadership career – most recently holding the position of South Region Superintendent. In this role, he oversees 60 schools, 65,000 students, more than 5,000 teachers and four instructional superintendents.

Licata comes from a family of teachers and was inspired to pursue his career by his father.

“It was at my father’s funeral, when thousands of people came to me to say what an impact, as coach and algebra teacher, my father had on their lives. That day I became a teacher.” Licata said during his public remarks at the school board’s public interview.

Licata’s experience includes 15 years of teaching and leading at the middle and high school levels, and 14 years at the district-leadership level as Director

of Secondary Curriculum and Assistant Superintendent, before becoming a regional superintendent.

“Our goal has remained to find the most qualified candidate to lead our schools while maintaining our dedication to excellence in education and to preparing our students to reach their highest potential,” Alhadeff commented. “We are excited to welcome Dr. Licata to Broward County Public Schools.”

During the interview process, the new superintendent laid out his vision to get the school system to become an ‘A’ district.

“It’s my vision and mission that every child that starts school at BCPS has an experience as memorable as mine with the same opportunities. I know being born and raised in Broward County doesn’t automatically qualify me as the best candidate, but I believe it gives me a unique perspective and knowledge of the county… Broward County is where I was born, raised, married, and I now want to make it the best educational system in all of Florida as superintendent.”

24 / Our City Miramar / August 2023 / OurCityMedia.com ■ SCHOOL NEWS
Our City Miramar / August 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 25 2 FOR $8 $3 OFF 12124 Miramar Parkway 954-441-5350 2937 Dykes Road 954-436-1990 12124 Miramar Parkway 954-441-5350 2937 Dykes Road 954-436-1990 2 FOR $8 12124 Miramar Parkway 954-441-5350 2937 Dykes Road 954-436-1990 12124 Miramar Parkway 954-441-5350 | 2937 Dykes Road 954-436-1990 8 8 Expires 10/15/23 PLU #16 Expires 10/15/23 PLU #16 Expires 10/15/23 PLU #17


A World of Knowledge

750 NW 180th Terrace, Pembroke Pines worldofknowledgekids.com


A World of Knowledge offers top academic excellence in early childhood education. Through a unique curriculum designed especially for the school, the children graduating from the program achieve high scores in assessments and screenings.

Academic School 4 Arts

8673 Stirling Rd, Cooper City


Academic School 4 Arts i s a learning institution that nurtures the whole child, utilizing the gifts of the fine and performing arts. The fine and performing arts are treated as equal learning disciplines with core academics. AS4A promotes mindfulness, problem-solving skills, independent thinking, and celebration of diversity. We help mold great citizens!

Apple Tree Montessori School

6301 SW 160th Ave, Southwest Ranches appletreemont.com


Apple Tree Montessori School is a PreK-8 school that uses the Montessori method to encourage independence and freedom with limits and responsibility. It also allows for the child to grow independently and encourages the self-absorption. Students have been encouraged to exchange ideas and to discuss their work freely with others by using good communication skills to ease the way in their new setting.

Beth Emet School is committed to helping students reach their full potential through a challenging, advanced curriculum with a warm, supportive environment that promotes critical thinking, creative expression, self-esteem, emotional learning and Jewish ethics.

Everglades Academy

6941 SW 196th Ave Suite 21-A, Pembroke Pines



Everglades Academy offers preschool learning and child care services, including preschool (from infants to 5 years old) care, VPK, after school programs and summer camps. It offers a safe, loving and attentive infant care, as well as a structured age appropriate curriculum.

Franklin Academy

18800 Pines Blvd, Pembroke Pines



Franklin Academy creates a learning atmosphere where differentiated instruction implements strategies that support student success within the classroom. They also constantly enhance student skills that are essential for success beyond the classroom walls, ensuring students are college and career ready.

Greentree Preparatory Charter School

6301 SW 160th Ave, Southwest Ranches



Greentree Prep has a mission to prepare K-8 students for high academic achievement and personal success. The school was designated as one of the top 3 performing schools in Broward County according to FSA scores in 2014. Greentree Prep enrolls students in grades K-8.

Sagemont Preparatory School

1570 Sagemont Way, Weston sagemont.com


Sagemont Preparatory School inspires academic excellence, through intellectual exploration, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Students in Pre-k through grade 12 are encouraged to take responsible risks and develop a deep understanding of social responsibility as active agents of change.

Beth Emet School

4807 S Flamingo Rd, Cooper City templebethemet.org


26 / Our City Miramar / August 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
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© 2023 All Rights Reserved Spring Education Group. Sagemont Preparatory School inspires academic excellence, through intellectual exploration, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Students in Preschool through Grade 12 are encouraged to take responsible risks and develop a deep understanding of social responsibility as active agents of change. Schedule a tour to explore our campus. © 2023 All Rights Reserved Spring Education Group. Empowering Students to Innovate for Tomorrow LOWER SCHOOL CAMPUS Preschool to Grade 5 1570 Sagemont Way Weston, FL UPPER SCHOOL CAMPUS Grades 6 to 12 2585 Glades Circle Weston, FL NOW ENROLLING Preschool to Grade 12 Visit Sagemont.com for more information.

Small World Montessori School

18461 Miramar Pkwy, Miramar swmontessori.com


At Small World Montessori, they have over 20 years of experience instilling the self-discipline & skills necessary for children to achieve higher education while enhancing each child’s imagination and improving their quality of life. They have programs beginning with toddlers through age 6, including summer programs.

St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Pre-School

601 N Hiatus Rd, Pembroke Pines stmax.cc


St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Pre-School offers a curriculum that provides for the developmental needs of all children. They create opportunities for learning by providing a loving, Christian environment.


Academy of Arts

20841 Johnson St #113, Pembroke Pines academyofartsinc.com


In the warm, caring environment of Academy of Arts, every student is special. Nurturing their love of the arts, by creating a class filled with positive learning experiences your child will be challenged in areas where his/her growing body and mind can benefit most. Academy of Arts teaches classes in Ballet, Pointe, Tap, Modern, Jazz, Hip Hop, Flamenco, Contemporary, Musical Theatre, Drama, Art, Violin, Guitar, Piano, Voice for preschoolers through adults.

Broadway Kids Studio

9042 W State Rd 84, Davie broadwaykidsstudio.com


Broadway Kids Studio’s after school program offers kids 15 different acting and performing arts programs to choose from. The program is available to students ages 5 through 18.

Broward Tutorial Services

5400 S University Dr #503, Davie browardtutorialservices.com


Since 2004, Broward Tutorial Services has provided professional small group and one-on-one tutoring to help students attain their highest score on the SAT and/or ACT exams. Students are taught skills to help manage the test, understand the questions, maximize what they know, eliminate mistakes, and recognize and avoid test traps.

Code Ninjas

5534 S Flamingo Rd, Cooper City codeninjas.com


Code Ninjas teaches kids ho to code by building their very own video games. Their flexible coding programs for kids make it easy for parents. They offer flexible dropin hours after school and on weekends. With programs for kids as young as five there is something for every aspiring computer scientist in your family.

Camp Lingua

4700 SW 160th Ave, Southwest Ranches



Camp Lingua offers an after-school language program that uses a proven natural, multi-sensory approach, delivered by professional educators who utilize engaging materials, ensuring students’ success in the acquisition and mastery of a new language. It also offers customized tutoring tailored to the student’s proficiency level, learning style, and schedule.

Coral Reef Gymnastics

15851 SW 41st St #100, Weston



Coral Reef Gymnastics provides gymnastics programs for all levels from Beginner to Elite in a positive and nurturing environment. They offer gymnastics programs for children as young as two through competitive team, as well as tumbling, dance, and martial arts classes. Its afterschool program includes school pick-up.

Karate America Miramar

14447 Miramar Pkwy, Miramar



The #1 ranked school for over 35 years teaching Karate, Martial Arts, Self-Defense and Taekwondo while building self-confidence, self-control, respect, loyalty, perseverance and self-esteem.

28 / Our City Miramar / August 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
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County Public Schools


For an ADA accessible version of this calendar, visit browardschools.com/accessiblecalendar.

Established 1915
AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 11 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 22 2 23 24 25 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 1 11 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 31 FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL 1 2 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 1 11 1 12 12 13 14 15 16 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 2 22 2 23 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 MAY JUNE Employee Planning (no school for students) Schools and Administrative Offices Closed Schools Closed Report Cards Issued Interim Reports Issued Early Release Day 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 9 10 10 1 11 1 12 13 14 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 20 21 2 22 2 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 27 28 29 30 31 First and Last Day of School Hurricane Make-up Days: 10/23/23, 1/19/24, 3/21/24, 5/24/24, 6/10/24 Our City Miramar / August 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 29

Miramar United Soccer


The Miramar United Elite F.C. was formed out of a need to facilitate the elite level youth soccer player. Our club philosophy is to create an environment that is physically and mentally challenging to stimulate our athletes to reach their highest potential. Together with the grass-roots level support of our city and local civic organization, our goal is to provide the most elite, professional and developmental year round soccer program for boys and girls of all ages

Pembroke Pines YMCA Family Center

501 SW 172nd Ave, Pembroke Pines ymcabroward.org


At the YMCA, families come together to engage in programs that improve their health and well-being. The three areas of focus include youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.

Tennis for U Academy

17601 SW 2nd St, Pembroke Pines tennisforuacademy.com


Tennis for U Academy brings a new experience to the game by combining excellence in coaching with a family atmosphere.

School of Rock

4401 S Flamingo Rd Ste 100 schoolofrock.com


At School of Rock, students learn guitar, bass, vocals, keyboards, and drums. The school combines weekly private music lessons and group band rehearsals to prepare students to take the stage in front of live audiences in an authentic concert setting.

Sun City Aviation Academy Aero Camp

7201 S Airport Rd #504A, Pembroke Pines suncityaviation.com


Aero Camp is a day camp program for high school students designed to give young people a unique opportunity to explore the vast & exciting world of aviation and aerospace. Sun City Aviation Academy also offers a variety of pilot certification courses.

West Pines Panthers Football Club

8815 Pasadena Blvd, Pembroke Pines wppofootball.com


The West Pines Panthers tackle football club offers kids ages 4-16 tackle football and cheer opportunities. The program focuses on development of basic skills and self discipline through practice and competition while promoting teamwork and sportsmanship. Home games are played at Cooper City’s Flamingo West Park.

Young At Art



At YAA, families can gather; children can build a sense of identity through art, architecture, history and culture; artists can teach their aesthetics; teachers can develop new art-integrated classroom skills; and teens can expand their potential.

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30 / Our City Miramar / August 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
THANK YOU FOR VOTING US “BEST DANCE STUDIO” Ballet Pointe Tap Modern Jazz Hip Hop Flamenco Contemporary Musical Theatre Drama Art Violin Guitar Piano Voice                Dance Company Master Classes Afterschool Program    FOUNDED IN 1994 TRIAL CLASS WITH THIS AD FREE 954.704.0068 20841 Johnson Street, Suite 113 • Pembroke Pines, FL 33029 www.AcademyOfArtsInc.com @AcademyofArtsInc 5967 S University Dr. Davie, FL 33328 OVER 100 DISPLAYS • BOOK YOUR SHOWROOM CONSULTATION AT ASHADEABOVEFLORIDA.COM @ashadeaboveflorida Family Owned For 39 Years TOP BRANDS • BLINDS • SHADES • SHUTTERS • AUTOMATION Monday-Saturday 10am - 6pm 954-434-4774 CALL OR TEXT Easy Access near Sawgrass Expressway INDOOR & OUTDOOR SHADES, BLINDS & SHUTTERS AUTOMATION TWO SHOWROOMS WITH 100+ FULL SIZE DISPLAYS Palm Beach™ Polysatin™ Shutters 2023 Nation’s First and Newly Renovated Our City Miramar / August 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 31


Dear Miramar residents,

It is with great enthusiasm and pride that I address you today as we embark on an ambitious journey to make Miramar a Race to Zero Carbon Emissions city. Miramar recently joined this global campaign, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to combating climate change and securing a sustainable future for our community. In this column, I want to elaborate on the reasons behind our decision, the actions we will undertake, and the substantial benefits that lie ahead for all of us.


Miramar's decision to join the Race to Zero Carbon Emissions campaign is rooted in our determination to play an active role in mitigating climate change. This international initiative brings together cities, regions, businesses, and more, to commit to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. By aligning ourselves with this collective effort, we position Miramar as a leader in sustainability, demonstrating our dedication to safeguarding our environment and enhancing the quality of life for our residents.

TAKING ACTION: Miramar's Current Net Zero Initiatives

The City of Miramar in the summer of 2022, presented its Miramar Sustainable Living plan, which is the city's response to support the Race to Zero. It includes the following initiatives:

Waste Management

• Adopt-a-Street Campaign: Communities are invited to participate in keeping the city beautiful and more environmentally friendly by beautifying city streets and neighborhoods, decreasing litter and removing pollutants to protect the quality of our water.

• Anti-Litter Campaign: Miramar will install anti-litter and trash receptacles throughout the City.

• ReCollect App: The city implemented the ReCollect App, so residents may verify their trash collection days, get reminders, and print calendars.

• Waste to Energy Program: Some of Miramar's waste is converted to energy at the Wheelabrator (WIN Waste Innovations) waste-to-energy plant in Fort Lauderdale.

Waste incineration reduces the total volume of waste up to 90% and produces electricity through the incineration process.

• Recycling Program: The Public Works Department has implemented several recycling collections and educational efforts: Recycle Right Miramar water-bill inserts, as well as an educational cartoon series, "Recycle Rosie and Ron," on the dos and don'ts of recycling.

Energy & Sustainability

• Citywide Performance Contract Project: Reduce Miramar's annual electrical consumption by 20% and reduce water consumption by 1 million gallons annually.

• EV Fleet: Miramar is adding electric vehicles to the city's fleet of service vehicles, with plans and budget in place to accelerate this process as more EVs become available, particularly EV pick-up trucks.

• Building and Land Development Codes: Miramar has fast-tracked the permitting process for all sustainability-related projects.

• EV Infrastructure: The city of Miramar has developed a preliminary master EV infrastructure plan, which includes building code requirements to include EV charging on new builds that meet minimum square footage requirements.

• EV Outreach: Miramar is partnering with land developers and FPL to secure EV chargers at public locations, including shopping malls, supermarkets, and hospitals.

• Energy-Saving Tips: Energy-saving tips have been created and distributed regularly to the public on social media and Miramar’s website.

• Renewable Energy : Miramar added budget through FY2023 to expand the city's use of solar energy. Utilities and Public Works departments formed a team to review logistics for installing a large solar system at the Wastewater Reclamation Facility.

• Water: Miramar offers rebates for homes and businesses that install efficient water fixtures and toilets. Miramar's public outreach programs encourage water conservation, as well as its annual “Mayors Challenge for Water Conservation.”

• NPDES Program: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System program monitors, regulates and removes pollutants into the city’s drainage systems before it reaches the wastewater plant. This program eases the load on the wastewater plant, resulting in savings on chemicals and energy.

• Wastewater: Miramar's wastewater reclamation facility treats and reuses wastewater throughout the city for irrigation, which reduces the demand for potable water

• By committing to the Race to Zero Carbon Emissions campaign, Miramar has taken a bold step forward in ensuring a sustainable future for our city and future generations. Through our comprehensive approach, we will address various aspects of our daily lives, making significant improvements to our environment, economy, and overall well-being. Together, let's embrace this opportunity, working hand in hand to build a greener, healthier, and more resilient Miramar.

Yours in Service,

32 / Our City Miramar / August 2023 ■ MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR

Pet of the Month

Greetings From Your Chamber President!

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the support of pro-business policies are crucial for fostering economic prosperity. As a Chamber of Commerce, we understand the vital role we play in promoting the growth and success of our local business community. By advocating for policies that create a favorable business environment, we can drive economic growth and enhance our area’s competitiveness.

Meet Parlay our 3 year old English Bulldog! Parlay enjoys walks, loves to eat, loves to be the first one at the door to welcome visitors, naps most of the day while delighting us with his constant snores, is the best cuddler of the house and is just the best 4-legged boy in this world. On a side note: Parlay has been the BEST support to his owner during her Cancer journey!

Legislative Advocacy serves as a powerful catalyst for change, providing a platform for businesses to voice their concerns, ideas, and aspirations. By actively engaging with policymakers and stakeholders, we can help shape policies that reduce regulatory burdens, foster innovation, and create opportunities for businesses to thrive. Pro-business policies, such as tax incentives, streamlined licensing processes, and infrastructure improvements, help attract investment, encourage entrepreneurship, and create jobs.

We invite you to join us for our 2nd Annual Eggs & Issues Legislative Breakfast, sponsored by Waste Pro, on Wednesday, August 30th in Pembroke Pines. A number of our local elected officials will be joining us for a discussion and taking questions ahead of the fall committee sessions in Tallahassee. Attendees must register through our events calendar.

It is important to recognize that advocacy is an ongoing effort. The Chamber continues to build relationships, communicate positions through our legislative agenda, and keep you informed about emerging issues and opportunities. The Chamber takes seriously its responsibility for advocacy work that strengthens the collective voice of our business community. Together, we can advocate for policies that support a vibrant business ecosystem, benefiting not only our members but also the entire community.

▸ For more information and our calendar, visit www.miramarpembrokepines.org.

Yours in Service,

“Parlay” Your Pet Could Be Our Pet of the Month! Every month Our City Media randomly picks a pet of the month winner. Email entries to: anna@ourcitymedia.com Send Pet’s: Best Picture, Name and about 50 words describing why they’re so special! Include: Your Name, Email, Phone, and City of Residence. Good Luck! Our City Miramar / August 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 33
Copyright ©2023 puzzlejunction.com Our City Media 6/23 Crossword PuzzleJunction.com Solution on next page 123 456 789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 30 Snoop 32 Brimless cap 37 Fraternity letter 40 Type type (Abbr.) 42 Barks 43 Model’s asset 44 Exchange premium 46 Granny 47 Trampled 48 Evergreens 50 Rocky peak 51 Kimono sash Across 1 Plant seeds 4 Water holder 7 Used a bench 10 Kind of bomb 12 Mishmash 14 Caviar 15 The Thin Man role 16 Cartridge clip 18 Zodiac sign 20 Boot parts 21 Disney dwarf 22 Lab item 23 Actress Dawber 26 Opera star 28 Concludes 31 Show horse 33 Actress Tyler or Ullmann 34 Omit 35 Frenzy 36 Fencing sword 38 One or more 39 Spring bloom 41 Piggery 43 Aspect 45 Delicate 49 Washing machine part 52 Trim 53 Tom Clancy subj. 54 Timber wolf 55 Winter forecast 56 Geologic time 57 Shred 58 Infomercials, e.g. Down 1 Warbled 2 Plains Indian 3 Bait 4 Dwellings 5 Pie ___ mode 6 Russian fighter 7 Adam’s Peak locale 8 First-class 9 Golf ball props 11 Motel employee 13 Hops kiln 17 Districts 19 Silent assent 22 Use a bug 23 Average 24 Coach Parseghian 25 Illusionist 27 Bigwig 29 Clamor PUZZLES Media 6/23 Sudoku PuzzleJunction.com Copyright ©2023 PuzzleJunction.com To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9. 92 1 43 5 8 7 3 1 2 1 8 6 7 7 1 9 8 3 7 53 6 Got News? Send Us Your Story! Do you have news or a story that needs to be told? We are on the lookout for exceptional individuals who are making a positive impact in our community. And we are always eager to learn about the amazing things happening in our local schools and community organizations. Be a community reporter and help us shine a spotlight on the great people and events that make our community so special. Don’t hesitate, send us your story today! editor@ourcitymedia.com / OurCityMedia.com
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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.