“We Measure Our Success by the Success of Each Individual Child!” FEATURED ON PAGE 15

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SCHOOL NEWS 16 8th Graders Could Win an European River Boat Trip 24 Students Are Welcomed to School With Increased Security Measures MIRAMAR POLICE 26 Code Compliance Division Keeping Miramar Beautiful ASK THE EXPERT 28 Ankle Fractures MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR 31 Miramar Update CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 30 Greetings From Your Chamber of Commerce! PET OF THE MONTH 31 Meet “Shadow” PUZZLE PAGES 30 Answer Key 34 Crossword & Sudoku SEEN ON SCENE 32-33 Welcome Back to School TABLE OF CONTENTS PUBLISHER’S PAGE 8 Announcing OUR CITY Fort Lauderdale! CALENDAR 10, 12 September 2022 FEATURE STORY 15 Become a Part Of Our World. Explore the Longterm Benefits of Montessori Education COMMUNITY NEWS 14 United Way of Broward County VeteransBackpacksDistributestoMilitaryandTheirFamilies 20 Miramar Mayor Installed as President of Florida League of Mayors 22 Miramar JamaicanCelebratesHeritageat the OleEmancipendenceTimeFair! 27 Free Assistance Available For Broward County Veterans 32 6 / Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com Publishers Christy & Terry publisher@ourcitymedia.comJaillet Managing Editor Christy Jaillet Art Director Tom Rowe Graphic Designer Alana Brodie Advertising Sales Manager Nancy Nancy@ourcitymedia.comKoval Account Executives John Brodie, Denise Caligiuri, Adrienne Collins, Mariem Garcia, Carlos Medina, Kenny Rodgers, Silvia Silva Contributing Writers Terry Jaillet, Dr. Robert Donoway, Jon Duka, Amelis Lopez, Wayne M. Messam, Dr. Isabel Suate Advertising Info sales@ourcitymedia.com Visit Us Online ourcitymedia.com 954-306-1007 400 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway Suite 200C • Sunrise, FL 33325 GOT NEWS? editor@ourcitymedia.com Our City Media of Florida, LLC publishes FREE monthly, local community news magazines throughout South Florida. Our City Media Magazines are mailed monthly to affluent single-family homes, condos and businesses in their respective communities. Monthly mailings are verifiable by USPS postage statements. Additional free copies are available at selected locations throughout the communities served and upon request by contacting the publisher. Opinions expressed by the writers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publisher. Our City Media of Florida, LLC reserves the right to edit and/or reject any editorial or advertising content. Our City Media of Florida, LLC is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the cost of the space or for the validity of claims made by advertisers. Entire contents copyrighted 2022 by Our City Media of Florida, LLC. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden in any media without prior written permission from the publisher.

PRP PLATELET-RICHINJECTIONPLASMA Tennis Elbow, Arthritis in the Shoulder Hip, Knee & Spine, & Much More! CALL TODAY! Same Day Appointments for Acute & New Injuries PRP MAY BE FOR YOU! Want to FREE YOURSELF from CHRONIC PAIN & Sports Injuries? www.TOC.md 954-735-3535 Pembroke Pines • Lauderdale LakesTotal Orthopaedic Care 2022 • Board Certified in Pediatrics • Ages Newborn to 21 Years Including Sports Physicals • Bilingual Staff and Pediatricians • Accept Most Private Insurance and Medicaid Plans 1951 SW 172nd Ave, Suite 200 Miramar, Florida 33029 954-722-0300 www.ChildrensMedicalAssociation.com NOW OPEN! Serving South Florida Since 1968 with additional locations in Tamarac, Plantation and Coral Springs Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com / 7

AnnouncingOURCITYFortLauderdale! ■ PUBLISHER’S PAGE 8 / Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com
W e are proud to announce our latest magazine, OUR CITY Fort Lauderdale! At OUR CITY MEDIA , we tell the stories of the people in the community. We aim to be your monthly source of community news, events, and school news. We will offer columns from prestigious experts in fields that matter to you, like health care, real estate, investing andOURmore.CITY MEDIA has been publishing community magazines for almost 20 years. We take a positive, local approach to everything we do. Each month, these pages will be filled with local stories. We are entirely supported by local businesses.OURCITY is also available on the web. Our website, www.ourcitymedia.com, is frequently updated with stories from around Broward County. Be sure to visit it often and to follow @OurCityMedia on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. We are excited to publish magazines in eight communities across Broward County, including the latest, OUR CITY Fort Lauderdale. A unique edition of OUR CITY is mailed to homes and businesses in Coral Springs, Davie, Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood, Miramar, Pembroke Pines, Plantation, and Weston. As long as the people of Broward County have stories to tell, we will continue to tell them! Sincerely, Christy & Terry Jaillet OUR CITY MEDIA PUBLISHERS


The Flamingo Gardens Orchid Society is a group of people who are interested in learning to grow and care for orchids of all kinds. Whether you are a beginner or a more seasoned grower you are welcome to attend our meetings. This month our pro gram will be “Mounting Orchids” presented by Olivier Turina, who is an awarded grower by the American Orchid Society. Olivier’s passion for orchids began when he attend ed the 2013 Fort Lauderdale Orchid Show and he’s been hooked ever since. Hosted at the Mary Porter Learning Center at Flamingo Gardens. 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm.
10 / Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com
SEPTEMBER 11 Patriot Day / Remembrance Day
Disney On Ice Presents Frozen & Encanto Step inside the magical adventures of Disney’s Frozen and Encanto as they are brought to life like never before at Disney On Ice! Dazzling ice skating transports you to Arendelle to be a part of Anna’s adven ture to find Elsa, whose icy powers un leashed an eternal winter. Then, enter the fantastical Madrigal family’s Casita amidst the beautiful mountains of Colombia. Join Mirabel on her journey to save her enchant ed family home alongside her sisters, Isabe la and Luisa. Hosted at the FLA Live Arean in Sunrise. Scan the QR code for ticket info.
Join people around the nation in honoring and remembering the victims, their families, first responders and rescue and recovery workers who answered the call in the after math of the attacks of 9/11. We will never forget!
Flamingo Gardens Orchid Society
The little race that started with only 60 people now has 1500! Bring in Labor Day weekend in style and party like runners do. Conquer the might hill at Vista View Park in Davie with a thousand of your closest friends. As tough as the event may sound, it is really for anyone to participate! The race starts at 7:15 am. Scan the QR code to register today!
Labor Day Labor Day is celebrated to honor & recog nize the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States. President Grover Cleveland signed the first National Bill recognizing the holiday into law in 1894. It marks the traditional end of summer and beginning of the school year. Labor Day is a great time to spend with family and friends as the weath er gets a bit more forgiving in South Florida.
16th Annual King of the Hill 5K
Broward County Plant Affair Stop by for the 50th anniversary of one of the longest running plant sales in Broward County. It started as part of an antique festival in the War Memorial in Fort Lauder dale in the 1990s. Eventually, the plant sale branched out into its own event. The event supports local and independent growers, features experts and benefits The Betty Cobb Scholarship and the Plantation Histor ical Society & Museum. 9:00am to 5:00 pm at Volunteer Park, 12050 W Sunrise Blvd. For info email BCPlantAffair@gmail.com.
September 2022 Calendar

12 / Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com
Deconstructing The Image and Object: Painting Workshop
Miramar Latin Music Festival
The Frank C. Ortis Gallery will host a workshop on how to convey painting ideas into other mediums. Gain a new perspec tive on painting and learn how to convey painting ideas into other mediums with this workshop taught by artist Diego Gutierrez. Students will receive training and hands-on experience to paint with unconventional materials. Registration is suggested as workshops fill up quickly and seating is lim ited to 25 participants. Admission is granted on a first come, first served basis. Ages 12+. 10:00 am till noon at The Frank Art Gallery, Pembroke Pines. For info visit www.thefrankgallery.org.
Touch a Truck Get ready to explore! The Touch-A-Truck Vehicle Expo, is coming back. Children will have the opportunity to explore, climb and touch trucks, emergency response vehicles, heavy machinery, construction vehicles, and all sorts of other equipment used for transportation. Guests of all ages also will be able to meet the personnel who serve and protect our community, including Fire and Police Officers. The event will take place at The Charles F. Dodge City Center, 601 City Center Way, Pembroke Pines, from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.
Frank Contemporaries is a pop-up ex hibition showcasing artists and creative community resources; a platform for artists and industry insiders to share their work and foster professional connections. This evening features Business for the Arts Bro ward, a not-for-profit organization that ed ucates the business community about the importance of the County’s art and cultural community & engages them in building con nections between cultural vitality, creative success, & economic development. Join Meet local artists. 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. At The Frank, 601 City Center Way, Pembroke Pines. For info call 954-392-942.
SEPTEMBER 29-30 Holiday Fantasies 2022 Craft Show Come and enjoy the Southern Handcraft Society Annual Craft Show- Holiday Fanta sies 2022. Everyone who passes through the doors of the Southern Handcraft Society Show marvels at the vast array of beautiful unique items created by local club members, local artists as well as craft ers from Dade and Palm Beach counties. Sixty vendors are expected to display their original artistic talents. Hosted at the Focal Point Community Center, 301 NW 103rd Ave, Pembroke Pines. Thu: 1:00 pm - 8:00pm, Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, Sat: 9:00am - 2;00pm.
September 2022 Calendar(CONTINUED)
Enjoy live music and dance the night away at the 2022 Miramar Latin Music Festival. The Event will be headlined by Multi Latin Grammy award winner “El Presinicpe de la Salsa” Luis Enrique. The concerts starts at 7:00 pm at the Miramar Amphitheater, 16801 Miramar Parkway. Admission is FREE. Scan the QR code to register. For more info call 954-602-3178.
Frank Contemporaries
Nella and Katie James Live at the Miramar Cultural Center
Venezuelan artist Nella and Colombian artist Katie James join forces to put on an unforgettable show at the Miramar Cultural Center! NELLA is the Best New Latin Artist Grammy Award ® winner with a voice that moves and invites an intimate accomplice. Her style is a mix of pop, flamenco rhythms, and versions of Venezuelan folk and popu lar music. Katie James is a singer-songwriter with Anglo-Irish roots, who has nurtured her art from her long stays in various countries around the world such as Ecuador, Peru, Greece, France and Sweden. Show starts at 8:00pm at the Miramar Cultural Center. Scan the QR code for tickets and info.

Your granted.wisheskitchen Custom storage solutions for your new or existing cabinets makes space for everything, so you can spend your time making memories. Call for Your FREE Design Consultation (855) 612-0934 12 NO INTEREST NO PAYMENTS *On Approved Credit* MONTH 50% OFF INSTALL! *Limit one offer per household. Must purchase 5+ Classic/Designer Shelves. EXP 12/31/22 Independently owned and operated franchise. © 2022 ShelfGenie SPV LLC. All rights Reserved. CT0624564 WC22211-H09 Yonkers 5015 Rockland H12089-04-00 PC6564

O n Wednesday, August 10th, United Way of Broward County’s MISSION UNITED staff and volunteers dis tributed more than 500 backpacks filled with school supplies to active military and Veteran families in Broward County. The backpacks were handed out at United Way of Broward County’s Jean and David Colker Center via drive-through to maintain social distancing. The donated backpacks are a thank you to our military personnel for their service and will help alleviate the financial burden many families face at the start of a new school year. The backpacks, valued at $65 each, contained an assortment of school supplies including notebooks, paper, pencils, pens, highlighters, markers, crayons, glue, folders, index cards, scissors, erasers, and more. The backpacks and their contents were donated courtesy of ATT PIO, Broward County Bar Association Young Lawyers Section, The Castle Group, Centennial Bank, the Colker Family, Community Foundation of Broward, DHL, Marsh McLennan Agency, TD Bank, We Florida Financial, Wells Fargo and community donors. Attendees at the event included United Way of Broward County President/CEO Kathleen Cannon, and active military, Veterans, and their family members. United Way of Broward County’s MISSION UNITED and United Way of Broward County’s volunteers distributed the backpacks.
▸ United Way of Broward County is a volun teer driven, community-based, nonprofit organization servicing Broward County for more than 80 years. United Way of Broward County fights for the Health, Education and Financial Prosperity of EVERY person in our community. United Way of Broward County is the catalyst for change and convener of partnerships that unite the hearts, minds, and resources within the Broward communi ty. For more information, visit www.UnitedWayBroward.org.

Our 2021 2022 Graduating Class was compiled of many students that walked through our doors when they were toddlers. These students advanced to first grade with a d iverse social skillset, exceptional manners, and astonishing emotional maturity. Children that attend our school quickly advance in these areas because Montessori Education is centered around a “role model” environment. Our multi age classrooms give our younger children a constant example to follow, while giving our older children the responsibility of creating and upholding a standard of behavioral expectations.
Montessori Education has mastered a delicate balance of teaching children to educate themselves. While attending our school, students enter a positive and nurturing environment where they begin to discover and refine basic skills that will further them throughout their entire lives. Parents are faced with an everyday challenge of ensuring that their children’s experiences provide them with both immediate and long term fulfillment. Through our consistent dedication to implementing Montessori Education in every aspect of our classrooms, Small World Montessori School can provide this experience for your child today. Scan the QR Code to Follow Us on Facebook! Contact us at: 954-544-2915
Our 2021 2022 Kindergarten Class was comprised of children who could read independently, multiply numbers, and list and locate countries on different continents. Our curriculum encompasses lessons in reading, writing, spelling, mathematics, geography, science, and practical life skills These subjects are incorporated into all age ranges that attend our school, which allows our students to excel as far a s their desire to learn takes them The individualized approach of Montessori Education enables children to nurture a genuine interest in their lessons and curiosity for knowledge. This engagement in their materials creates a long lasting love for learning and ensures that our students remain motivated after they leave our classrooms to continue onto the next step in their educational journeys.
BECOME A PART OF OUR WORLD the Long-Term Benefits of Montessori Education
When raising a child, parents are faced with decisions at every turn. While some of these choices may appear miniscule, others can either enhance or deter the trajectory of your child ’s future. Schooling is easily one of the most significant decisions that a parent must make for their child, and there is a reason that more parents are increasingly choosing Montessori Education.
Heightened Academic Capabilities
Improved Social and Emotional Outcomes
Increased Autonomy Differing from the traditional classroom environment, Montessori Education gives each student a choice in their curriculum. Our Certified Lead Teachers present each child with a variety of lessons that match their skillset and allow the child to make a selection that aligns with their interests. In our environment, each stu dent is then given the freedom to work on their individual lessons, with guidance from our teachers when necessary Montessori Education gives children an active role in deciding the direction of their education and fos ters their caliber of concentration as they complete tasks independently.
To Schedule a Tour

■ SCHOOL NEWS 8th Graders Who Love Travel Could Win All Expenses Paid European Riverboat Trip
“For many young students, this may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” Haas contin ued. “So, we urge them to enter the contest. The winners will join us on a week-long cruise through the Netherlands and Belgium.
The prize includes:
AAA is bringing back a popular contest for 8th graders, where the winners are taken on a week-long educational river cruise in Europe. There is no cost to enter the contest, and the prize includes the cruise, airfare, travel insurance, and money for passports – for the student and a parent or guardian. To be chosen, students should post a creative selfie that showcases their passion for travel and answer three essay questions about travel on AAA’s submission form.
While there, students will experience the diverse people and cultures of the area and make new friends.” The inaugural contest was held in 2018, with the trip culminating the following year.
• Students will fly to Amsterdam, where they will board the AmaWaterways AmaLucia ship.
• The ship will sail from Amsterdam through the Netherlands and Belgium, before returning to Amsterdam.
• The prize also includes round-trip flights to Amsterdam, travel insur ance, and money for passports.
The “Discovery Crew” contest is open through September 23 and is provided by AAA – The Auto Club Group, AmaWaterways, and Allianz Global Assistance. Up to 60 student winners will be chosen from the contest, which is open to students in The Auto Club Group’s select 14 states (including Florida).
• Winning students will bring one parent or legal guardian to serve as a chaperone. Each pair will share a cabin while sailing on the AmaWaterways “AmaLucia” ship. Winners will be notified beginning in October. ▸ No purchase necessary. Legal residents of specific zip codes served by The Auto Club Group within the United States who are at least 13 years old and who are 8th grade students in good standing at their school at the time of entry. To confirm eligibility and participate visit www.AAA.com/DiscoveryCrew
. 16 / Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com
• A week-long educational river cruise from March 12-19, 2023.
“AAA is excited to offer this contest for the second time in collaboration with our long-time partners AmaWaterways and Allianz,” said Deborah Haas, Vice President of Travel for AAA – The Auto Club Group. “The Discovery Crew contest and trip are inspired by our belief in the transformative power of travel and desire to expand children’s view of the world.”
Natalie Stewart, a past winner, describes what the trip meant to her: “The Discovery Crew trip was one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had. The tours were engaging and I learned so many new things about European history and architecture. My favorite aspect of the trip was getting to travel with other kids my age. I made lifelong friends and had a great time, even just eating dinner on the ship. The trip broadened my horizons and allowed me to see a part of the world I never thought I would. I am so grateful I had this opportunity!”

Miramar 1951 SW 172nd Ave #405 Miramar, FL 33029 (954)538-1300

Municipal mayors serve a large percentage of Florida’s population. In 2004, more than half of Floridians lived in the state’s 408 municipalities.
The Florida League of Mayors forges a powerful voice that serves our municipalities well.
The Florida League of Mayors website states that it “reflects current public opinion, which shows that mayors are widely viewed as the key political leaders in their community and enjoy a high level of public confidence.”
iramar Mayor Wayne Messam was installed as president of the Florida League of Mayors in a ceremony on August 11, 2022. US Representative Charlie Crist, Miramar City Officials Commissioners Alexandra P Davis and Winston Barnes, city staff and the city police team were in attendance at the reception to celebrate the moment. “I am looking forward to leveraging what we’ve accomplished in the City of Miramar with our membership,” said Messam, “Although we may be from all parts of our state, we all share the same goals, Serve our communities well, Protect Home Rule and Make Florida the best State in America through our cities!”
5967 S University Dr. Davie, FL 33328 BOOK YOUR SHOWROOM APPOINTMENT AT ASHADEABOVEFLORIDA.COM Monday-Saturday10am-6pm@ashadeaboveflorida CALL US FOR A SHOWROOM DESIGN CONSULTATION Family Owned For 38 Years 954-434-870113051 W. Sunrise Blvd. Sunrise, FL 33323 Two Locations! Easy Access near Sawgrass Expressway 13051 W. Sunrise Blvd, Sunrise, FL 33323 5967 S. University Dr, Davie, FL 33328 Call us today for a Showroom Consultation • Family Owned for 37 years 954-434-4774 • Mon – Sat 10am-6pm • AShadeAboveFlorida.com SHADES, BLINDS & SHUTTERS AUTOMATION AVAILABLE TWO SHOWROOMS WITH 100+ FULL SIZE DISPLAYS Palm Beach™ Polysatin™ Shutters Luminette® and Silhouette® Shadings INDOOR & OUTDOOR SHADES, BLINDS & SHUTTERS TWO SHOWROOMS WITH 100+ FULL SIZE DISPLAYS 2020 20 / Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com Miramar Mayor Installed as President of Florida League of Mayors ■ COMMUNITY NEWS M
The general purpose of the League of Mayors is to serve as a compliment to the Florida League of Cities, Inc., by providing a forum for the mayors of Florida’s municipalities to jointly study problems faced by Florida’s municipalities, to work cooperatively for the general improvement and efficient administration of Florida’s municipalities, to provide mutual assistance to each other in the solution of problems faced by Florida’s municipalities, and to promote the exchange of ideas on and experiences in successful methods of administration of Florida’s municipalities. The organization provides the mayors of Florida with the ability to explore, in great depth, areas of mutual concern and opportunity.


he incredible diversity of Miramar was on full dis play as the city celebrated Jamaica’s 60th year of indepen dence at Miramar Regional Park and Miramar Amphitheater. More than 2,000 people came out on a beautiful afternoon to dance, play and have fun. The event was hosted by Miramar Mayor Wayne Messam saying, “For us to be able to cel ebrate with our community such a significant milestone is great. It’s about keeping the culture alive and celebrating it with all of Miramar. So, we’re just glad to see so many of the residents come out today.” The city of Miramar has one of the largest Jamaican populations in the United States. To celebrate Jamaican heritage, the city lit several landmarks across the city in Jamaica’s national colors of green and yellow.
22 / Our City Miramar / July 2022 / OurCityMedia.com SERVPRO® of Pembroke Pines/West Miramar (954) www.servproeastpembrokepines.com998-0600 $150 OFF on any REMEDIATIONMOLDsizePROJECTwithcodeSERVPROOURCITY
The day-long series of events kicked off at noon with a “Kids Zone” with face painting, arts & crafts, and water activities. While the kids played, parents had the chance to attend a farmers’ mar ket and sit in on free gardening classes. Later in the afternoon, the cultural stage kicked off continuous entertainment into the night.
Miramar Celebrates Jamaican Heritage ■ COMMUNITY NEWS at the Emancipendence Ole Time Fair!

EXPERIENCED CARING DENTISTRY YOU CAN TRUSTDENTALIMPLANTS Must mention ad when scheduling. Cannot be combined with other offers. Expires 9/30/22 CONSULTATIONFREE CLEAR ALIGNERS $1000 OFF WITHOUTSTRAIGHTENYOURTEETHBRACES Get the Beautiful Smile You Deserve! NEW $SPECIALPATIENT89 Includes: Cleaning (D1110)* Exam (D0150), X-rays (D0274) Expires 9/30/22 *in absence of gum disease • Adults & Children Welcome • Evening Appointments Available • Emergencies Accommodated • Sedation Available • Most Insurances Accepted • Financing Available 650 NW 180th Terrace #103 | Pembroke Pines FL 33029 www. sweethartdental.com THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS A RIGHT TO REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL PAYMENT, OR BE REIMBURSED FOR PAYMENT FOR ANY OTHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT THAT IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE, DISCOUNTED FEE, OR REDUCED FEE SERVICE, EXAMINATION, OR TREATMENT. Dr. Darlene Hart Looking for a Family Dentist in Pembroke Pines? Call us 954-437-9288today!Sehablaespañol. NO DENTAL INSURANCE? We Offer Dental Plans For As Low As $17.99 a Month. Call For Details Discount applies for non insured patients. Scan to see what Invisalign can do for you! FREE Must mention ad when scheduling. Cannot be combined with other offers. Expires 9/30/22 CONSULTATIONVENEERS Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com / 23

concern or
or scan the QR code below. All reports & tips will be kept confidential. com/securitytipshttps://www.browardschools. ■ SCHOOL NEWS ANSWERS Our City Media 7/22 Sudoku PuzzleJunction.com Sudoku Solution Copyright ©2022 PuzzleJunction.com To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9. 4 7 1 9 8 1 5 5 7 6 72 4 1 7 1 2 4 85 9 38 3426 579 18 7591 832 46 1684 295 37 8 3 1 5 7 4 6 9 2 6972 318 54 5249 683 71 9 7 6 3 1 2 4 8 5 4857 961 23 2138 457 69 Solution ER NS MA S ID S SH EL F AM I ME L TO WE L SAS HI MI DE PT H AT OM YE S AL E OS A AP OD AR TI ST S MI NI ON AL LO TS CO ND EM N ER AS FA D EG G SG T ADAR FL OO D BI GS HO T AR BO R EM U IR E TA UP E DE N TE D BYT ECall Your Our City Media Representative Now! DENISE786-325-4340CALIGIURI caligiur@bellsouth.net ADVERTISETODAY! Students are Welcomed to School with Increased Security Measures
B roward County Public Schools (BCPS) welcomed students back to the classroom on Tuesday, August 16th. Students styled their favorite lunch boxes and proudly carried new binders in their backpacks as they rode on one of the county’s 1,000 school buses. The children may be less aware of a number of changes at Broward’s schools that are lessSeveralvisible.upgraded security measures have been implemented this year. These include technology upgrades and increased security personnel at each county school. Students and faculty will continue to be required to wear their student identification lanyards throughout the day. Some of the new security measures, however, won’t be quite as visible. “Many cameras throughout our schools have been upgraded. Enhancing those cameras from analog to digital and also having additional security measures as you come into the school as you’re entering the schools (were a priority),” said Jaime Alberti, BCPS’s new Chief Safety and Security Officer. “It’s not just about the technology but also about ensuring that we have the personnel that supports the schools and provides additional security at that school.”
24 / Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com
A critical aspect of preventing tragedies like the one at Stoneman Douglas High School is identifying threats before they do something
most current
horrible. The 2022/23 school year will be the first year the county’s Behavioral Threat Assessment Department will be active. The department will coordinate and implement the school system’s newly revised Behavioral Threat Assessment (BTA) Procedures. BTA Procedures incorporate the most updated recommendations from national leaders in threat assessment, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the U.S. Secret Service, and the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS). With the goal of maintaining safe and secure schools, the County’s Behavioral Threat Assessment Procedures Manual outlines and provides guidance to school and district staff on the threat assessment policies for Broward County Public Schools. To a school safety troubling contact BCPS’s Investiga (SIU) at 754-321-3500
and procedures
tive Unit

The automatic fall detect pendant that works WHERE YOU GO! 1-888-975-3282 *$19.95 is the monthly price of subscription to a MobileHelp Classic at home only system. There is a one-time $49.95 processing fee and $15 shipping fee required to subscribe to this plan. Equipment may vary as shown. System featured in photo above is the MobileHelp DUO available at an additional monthly cost. Call or see terms and conditions for further details. 50% off Fall Detection Promotion valid when Fall Detection Service is added to your monitoring system and MobileHelp Connect Premium service is included with the order. Offer is valid for the first year of service only. This offer is for new customers only and cannot be combined with any other offers. Promotion available for select plans only and for a limited time. During the promotional term, you will receive $5 off the $10 full retail price of Fall Detection service. After first year, Fall Detect pricing reverts to discounted price of $7.50/month when combined with MobileHelp Connect Premium. Fall Button does not detect 100% of falls. If able, users should always push their help button when they need assistance. Fall Button is not intended to replace a caregiver for users dealing with serious health issues. Service availability and access/coverage on the AT&T network is not available everywhere and at all times. Current GPS location may not always be available in every situation. MobileHelp is a registered trademark. Patented technology. MobileHelp is an FDA registered company. MHPN-00939 Rev. 1 To be truly independent, your personal emergency device needs to work on the go. A Help Button Should Go Where You Go! Simple one-button operation Affordable service Amplified 2-way voicecommunication 24/7 access to U.S. based emergency operators GPS location detection Available Nationwide MobileHelp Features: Optional Fall Button™ LIMITED TIME OFFER! 50% off Fall Detection Service* Comfortable & Lightweight Wearable as a pendant WaterproofFallOptionalButton From $19.95 /month *

■ MIRAMAR POLICE Code Compliance Division Keeping Miramar Beautiful
• Dogs must be on a leash when in public. No dog shall be allowed to run astray.
• The exterior of all structures must be painted and kept free of mildew stains, chipping, and peeling paint.
• Homeowners/tenants are responsible for pool maintenance to prevent mosqui tos from breeding there. Pools must also be cleaned regularly to prevent health and/or sanitary concerns.
Dog Regulations
• Passenger vehicles can be parked in a driveway, carport, or garage. Vehicles may not be parked upon lawns.
Controlling Mosquitoes Infestation
• Low-hanging branches must be trimmed to prevent safety or traffic hazards.
• Pools must be secured at all times.
• Some of the breeding grounds for mos quitoes are: tires, buckets, toys, untreat ed water in swimming pools, pool covers, birdbaths, trash, trash containers, recy cle bins, boat or car covers, roof gutters, coolers, and pet dishes.
Code Compliance Division Outreach
he Miramar Police Department’s Code Compliance Division strives to maintain a desirable living and working environ ment. The division partners with residents, neighborhood associations, public service agencies, and city departments to facilitate voluntary compliance of city ordinances.
• Dog tethering is only permissible when a responsible individual that has the ability to maintain control of the dog is present.
Property Maintenance
Derelict & Inoperable Motor Vehicles
▸ To request assistance or make a referral contact the Code Compliance Division at (954) 602-3174 or email codecompli ance@miramarpd.org.
• No shrubbery shall be planted near the edge of a roadway.
• To contact Broward County Mosquito Control call 311 on a mobile device or 954-765-4062 from a landline.
The following information has been developed to address some of the most frequently asked questions regarding code violations, as well as information on community outreach and assistance available to Miramar residents: Landscape Maintenance
• Any items stored outdoors that can hold standing water should be removed and properly discarded. Around the exterior of buildings, at least once a week, emp ty, turn over, or cover anything that could hold water.
• Grass must be mowed regularly to pre vent rodent or vermin infestation.
• Please remove all your dog’s excrement from public or private property.
• Wrecked, partially dismantled or oth erwise inoperable vehicles may not be stored except in a fully enclosed garage. Inoperable vehicles are subject to tow ing at the owner’s expense and property owners are subject to fines.
Parking of Vehicles
• Structures must be maintained free of broken glass, loose shingles, or cracked stucco.
26 / Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com
• Mosquitoes breed by laying eggs in and near standing water. They can strive, breed, and multiply in as little as one teaspoon or bottle cap of water standing for more than one week. They can live indoors and will bite any time during the day or night.
• Dogs must be secured on the owner’s property when unsupervised.

Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com / 27 READER’S CHOICE FAVORITE FOR PLUMBING SERVICES PLUMBING REPAIRS • LOCATE LEAKS • WATER HEATER • REPAIR TOILETS OC 3/20 SERVICE CALLS AVAILABLE • SAT. & SUN. 9:00AM-4:00PM AT NO EXTRA COST OPEN7DAYS $6800OFF $10000OFF $8800OFF 50%OFF EXPERTSTUNNEL AnyToiletnew Save Until You Need Us Not valid with other offers or prior services. Limit onecoupon per service call. Any new Water Heater or HeaterTankless Not valid with other offers or prior services. Limit onecoupon per service call. Any new Water Sewer Lines Save Until You Need Us Not valid with other offers or prior services. Limit onecoupon per service call. By equipment.State-Of-The-ArtUpto12FT. SecondRepairToilet Save Until You Need Us Not valid with other offers or prior services. Limit onecoupon per service call. We dig tunnels under buildings & houses to replace water or sewer lines. No need to leave your home! WE DO NOT Cut Your Floors South Florida’s BIGGEST & BEST 954-786-0477Licensed&Insured CFC1427238 CGC1508546 MCO09 - MCO09 - MCO09 - MCO09PLANTATIONBEST2022OF 2022 2022PEMBROKEBEST2022OFPINES 2022 $6800OFF $6800OFF Cleaning any sink, toilet, laundry or sewer drain. Save Until You Need Us Not valid with other offers or prior services. Limit onecoupon per service call. MCO Any new Garbage Disposal Save Until You Need Us Not valid with other offers or prior services. Limit onecoupon per service call.09 - MCO0910% OFF Any Plumbing Work! 100% Satisfaction Thankwww.PlumbingExperts.comGuaranteed!youSouthFloridaforover46yearsofyourbusiness!MCO09Not valid with other offers or prior services.Limit one coupon per service call. BEST HOLLYWOODOF 2020 I f you or a loved one is a vet eran of the U.S. Armed Forces, you can connect to Broward County Veterans Services to receive FREE assistance to file for veterans’ benefits. A team of professionally trained Veteran Services Officers help veterans, and their family members under stand and determine eligibility for a variety of benefits offered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.Broward’s Veteran Services Officers are also uniquely qual ified to streamline and help you navigate the veteran’s benefits eligibility process, which is complex and challenging. After meeting with you one-on-one, staff help determine the benefits you may be eligible for and assist with the application process. Veterans Services is part of the Elderly and Veterans Services Division and an agency of the Broward County Human Services Department. Their team of professionally trained Veteran Services Officers are themselves veterans.Veterans Services help other veterans and their family mem bers understand and determine eligibility for veteran’s benefits, in order to improve their quality of life. Last year, they served more than 11,000 Broward County residents, filed more than 2,500 veteran benefits claims, and received over $12 million in rewards on their behalf. ▸ Scan the QR code to learn if you or a family member, who served in the armed forces, are eligible for Veteran Benefits. Alternative ly, visit www.broward.org/veter ans or call 954-357-6622.
Free Assistance Available for Broward County Veterans

▸ Michael M. Cohen, DPM, is a Board-Certified Foot and Ankle Surgeon and Diplomate of the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery. He is a Fellow of the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgeons and Board Certified and Diplomat of the American Board of Podiatric Medicine. He practices with the Foot, Ankle and Leg Specialists of South Florida specializing in lower leg injuries and reconstructive surgery of the foot and ankle. The South Florida Institute of Sports Medicine in Weston is located at 1600 Town Center Blvd., Suite C, (954) 3895900 and in Pembroke Pines at 17842 NW 2nd Street, (954) 430-9901. The practice website is www.SOUTHFLORIDASPORTSMEDICINE.org.
By Dr. Michael M. Cohen, DPM, FACFAS A nkle fractures, oth erwise known as broken ankles are common injuries in people of all ages and lifestyles. They may occur during any sport involving a twisting or jumping motion such as football, basketball, ballet, and running. They may also occur as a result of a motor vehicle accident, slip or fall from a height. People (particularly post-menopausal women) with osteoporosis may be susceptible. When one breaks an ankle, they have fractured one or more of three bones which make up the ankle. If treated improperly the injury could lead to long-term disability. The ankle joint is made up of the tibia (shin bone) the larger of two bones in the lower leg and flares out at its lower end forming a knob on the inside of the ankle called the medial malleolus and another flare in the back known as the posterior malleolus. The smaller of the two bones in the leg is the fibula and flares out on the outside of the ankle to form the lateral malleolus. The tibia and fibula rest on the talus, a wedge-shaped bone connecting the foot to the leg. We think of the ankle as a room with three sides and a roof. The tibia forms the roof, the medial malleolus (inside wall), and the posterior malleolus (backside wall). The lateral malleolus forms the outside wall of the room. Ligaments connect these structures together to guide movement and assure stability. If a major ligament such as the Deltoid or Syndesmotic ligament is torn the ankle is generally considered unstable. A syndesmotic tear may involve a fracture of the fibula near the knee (Maisonneuve fracture). The lateral malleolar ankle fracture is the most common, and bimalleolar (lateral and medial) the second most common. When all three sides are fractured (medial, lateral, and posterior) the injury is referred to as a trimalleolar fracture. As the number of fractures or level of impact increases so does the risk of long-term damage to the ankle joint. Ankle fractures may be nondisplaced (in correct position) or displaced (misaligned). High velocity fractures are known as Pilon fractures and have the worst long-term prognosis because of the extensive comminution and damage to the joint. These fractures inherently pose the worst long-term prognosis because the ankle shatters in many pieces and quite often lead to chronic disability and arthritis regardless of how well the ankle was repaired. Many of these patients will inevitably require additional surgery in the future to eliminate pain. The procedures may include fusion where the bones are welded together or an ankleX-raysreplacement.oftheankle and knee are required to diagnose an ankle fracture. More advanced imaging such as CT or MRI is often necessary to determine the extent of the injury. With modern imaging techniques, a three-dimensional recreation of the fracture can be obtained with a CT scan allowing the surgeon to fully assess the fracture. Treatment is based on the alignment and stability of the ankle with the goal being to heal the fracture(s) as close to perfect as possible. A fracture displaced 2 or more millimeters can result in long term problems and often necessitates an operation. Unfortunately, arthritis may develop even when the ankle has been placed in good alignment because of the irreparable damage done to the bone and cartilage at the time of injury. Not all fractures require surgery. Simple nondisplaced fractures may be treated with a cast or walking boot. More severe injuries however require surgical reduction using specialized plates and screws. A foot and ankle specialist may wait one to three weeks for swelling to resolve before the ankle is surgically repaired. After surgery, patients must remain non-weight bearing for a period of anywhere from 4-6 weeks to a few months depending on the severity of the fracture. A graduated rehabilitative period is prescribed during the postoperative period to allow the patient to regain movement, strength, and balance. Risk factors for poorer outcomes in proper healing of ankle fractures include smoking, diabetes (especially if under poor control), age, and peripheral neuropathy.
28 / Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com ■ ASK THE EXPERT ANKLE

INJURED?PERSONAL INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH • Traffic Accidents • Falls on Premises • Product Defects • Other Negligence INSURANCE CLAIM DISPUTES OR DENIALS • Auto • Boat • Homeowner • Life • Disability NEWSEELOCATION-BELOW PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS! Juan C. Montes, Esq. Board Certified Specialist in Civial Law by The Florida Bar & by The National Board of Trial Advocacy Miramar | Miami-Dade954-414-6100|305-460-8000 3600 Red Road, Suite 410 Miramar, FL 33025 www.TheMontesLawFirm.com Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com / 29 MEDICARE | BLUE CROSS | BRIGHT | UHC | CIGNA | AETNA | AV MED AMBETTER | TRICARE | WORKERS COMP | ACCIDENTS/LOPS SIMPLY | SUNSHINE | OSCAR | MEMORIAL PHO NEW PATIENT $300 | FOLLOW UP (WITHOUT X-RAY) $100 SURGERY CONSULT $350 | X-RAYS $50 PER AREA | PRP $600 STEM CELLS $800 | SHOCKWAVE (5 SESSIONS) $600 | INJECTIONS $100 ORTHOTICS $400 | CASTS $200 | LACERATION REPAIR $400 OFFERING SAME DAY & EARLY MORNING APPOINTMENTS & CONSULTATIONS PEMBROKEBEST2022OFPINES Dr. Carlo Messina | Dr. John Goodner | Dr. Michael Cohen Serving Our Patients for Over 30 Years! 8 1200 550

Yours in Service, Patty ArcherChamber President Greetings from yourChamber President! Patty Archer ■ Call (954) 517-1725 to schedule your appointment today!
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we will be offering affordable breast imaging ex aminations in a safe, comfortable environment for uninsured patients. This special promotion will begin on September 15, 2022 and will be available until October 31, 2022. Offer valid for uninsured patients only. Prescription required. Promotion will be available until October 31, 2022.
30 / Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com
T he Chamber has come a long way from the pandemic days of canceled events and virtual substitutes. All of our events are in-person, and our monthly Membership Breakfast hosts more than 130 business leaders that come together to share insights and build relationships. A few events like trainings and certain referral groups will keep a virtual component, as we’ve all become accustomed to some level of Zoomahead,Butconvenience.inthemonthswe’rebringing back several Signature Events that the chamber is known for, like our Senior Health & Wellness Expo. We are also very excitedly planning our 2023 Sip of Wine, Taste of Heaven event in the City of Miramar, sponsored by Memorial Hospital West. We’ve been looking forward to our next event since the day after our 2020 event was canceled. Mark your calendars for March 18, 2023 to enjoy a night of wonderful wine, lavish culinary creations, and fantastic entertainment under the stars. As the election season gets into full swing, the Chamber is also dedicated to bringing you the important topics that will affect your business and providing opportunities to connect with your elected officials to share your insights as a leader in the business community. Follow us on social media and sign up for our email newsletter to stay informed on the developments that will affect the future of economic development in southwest Broward County.
Pembroke Pink Imaging is committed to ensuring members of our community have access to top-of-the-line health care.
Now and in the future, the Chamber strives to be a Convener of leaders, a Catalyst for positive change, and a Champion for a strong business community. For more information and our event calendar, visit miramarpembrokepines.org.

This is my 1 year and half Shihtzu. His name is Shadow, he loves to eat rotisserie chicken and take long walks. He is very adorable and licks everyone who comes in sight. Pet of the “Shadow”Month Your Pet Could Be Our Pet of the Month! Every month Our City Media randomly picks a pet of the month winner. Email entries to: anna@ourcitymedia.com Send Pet’s: Best Picture, Name and about 50 words describing why they’re so special! Include: Your Name, Email, Phone, and City of Residence. Good Luck! Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com / 31 ■ MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR MIRAMAR UPDATE By Mayor Wayne M. Messam G reetings Miramarians! I love the diversity of our great city. This summer the city hosted or took part in a number of events that recognized residents from all parts of the world including Haiti, Jamaica and our beloved USA. The celebration of our nation’s Independence was beyond spectacular. Over 10,000 residents and visitors enjoyed one of South Florida’s best fireworks displays on the 4th of July.
This month, we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with upcom ing events and recognitions. The City’s Latin Music Festival takes place Sept. 17th at the Amphitheater at Miramar Regional Park and I will host my annual Hispanic Heritage Business and Community Recognition Awards on October 13th at the Miramar Cultural Center. For information, please call or email my office at 954 602-3151 or elaroche@miramarfl.gov.Irecentlywelcomedthe
Consul General of Ecuador to the City as we were hosting a concert which drew hundreds of Ecuadorians to the Miramar Cultural Center. In addition, I represented the City at a dinner in honor of the First Lady of Gambia, Her Excellency, Fatoumatta Bah-Barrow. It was nice to meet numerous Miramar residents also from Gambia who attended as well. I continue to be amazed to learn about the many nationalities that live in our won derfully inclusive City. Our students have gone back to school and we wish them a safe, productive new school year. As we are still adapting to our new nor mal with Covid-19, I encourage all families to be vigilant and be safe. This month, I was installed as the President of the Florida League of Mayors. This is an organization that provides the mayors of Florida with the ability to explore, in great depth, areas of mutual concern and opportunity. The Florida League of Mayors reflects cur rent public opinion which shows that mayors are widely viewed as the key political leaders in their community and enjoy a high level of public confidence. I do not take this responsibility lightly. We have a lot to share with mayors across Florida. I proudly represent Miramar and our residents and will do all possible to make you proud. Yours in Service, Wayne M. Messam

32 / Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com
S ummer Vacation is officially over. Local schools welcomed students back in August. Administrators and teachers smiled as kids carried school supplies in weight ed-down backpacks. Each student will have the summer’s stories to tell as they settle in for the 2022/23 school year. Broward County Public Schools (BCPS), the nation’s sixth largest public school district, implemented new security measures this year, including improved technology and an increase in the number of safety personnel. The school system has phased out all of its virtual classrooms. Instruction will be 100% face-to-face. Breakfast is available to all stu dents at all BCPS schools for free. It is so nice to see everyone’s smiling faces.

Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com / 33
E verglades High School welcomed Freshman students at the Gator Growl New Student Orientation. Student clubs, sports, and activities set up tables to introduce the new students to the broad array of activities available. Parents and students toured the school and were introduced to their new teachers and classrooms.

Copyright ©2022 puzzlejunction.com Our City Media 7/22 Crossword PuzzleJunction.com Solution on next page 1234 567 8910 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 30 Buck 32 Peculiar 34 Retired flier inits. 36 Thawed 40 Weed eater 42 Sacked out 43 Thin coin 44 Duffer’s cry 45 Colorless 47 Best seller 49 Purchase 50 Select 51 Sandpiper Across 1 Coastal raptors 5 More, in Madrid 8 Psyches 11 Ledge 13 Parisian pal 14 Actor Gibson 15 After bath or beach 16 Japanese raw deal? 18 Ocean measure 20 Molecule part 21 Survey choice 24 Barley brew 25 Tokyo Rose actress Massen 26 Footless animal 28 Painters 31 Subordinate 33 Apportions 35 Declare unfit, like a building 37 Notable times 38 Craze 39 Grade A item 41 Cpl.’s superior 42 Jewish month 44 Inundate 46 VIP, usually 48 Garden spot 52 Outback runner 53 Intense anger 54 Brownish gray 55 Cozy room 56 Rocker Nugent 57 Memory unit Down 1 Winter hours in CT 2 Frat letter 3 Not used 4 Pung, e.g. 5 Type of key 6 Chinese nurse 7 Marie, to Donny 8 Mimics 9 Floor model 10 Slender 12 Dog pest 17 Annoy 19 toolCarpenter’s 21 Air potato 22 Colossal 23 Words surpriseof 25 Salad topper 27 Rial parts 29 danceBallroom PUZZLES City Media 7/22 Sudoku PuzzleJunction.com Copyright ©2022 PuzzleJunction.com To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9. 4 7 1 9 8 1 5 5 7 6 72 4 1 7 1 2 4 85 9 38 34 / Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com

> The ONLY 5-STAR range in all of South Florida > Featuring the NEXUS LANES live-fire computerized targets. Shoot your gun and ammo at moving targets, shooting galleries, videos and more. > First time shooter, female, and family FRIENDLY. > COOL and CLEAN air-conditioned range. > Thousands of firearms, ammo, accessories, and RENTAL guns. > LADIES DAY: Every Monday ladies get FREE range time. LEARN FROM THE PROS www.NexusShooting.com 954-587-8005 • 2600 Davie Road, Davie, FL 33314 YOUTHCLASSSAFETY Teaches minors the ins and outs of gun safety and basic marksmanship. Sign up at www.NexusShooting.com FIREARMSEMINARSLAW Learn when you can legally use your gun and how to protect yourself from liability. Sign up for our email list to receive class schedule, www.NexusShooting.com FREE CLASSES FOR MEMBERS LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP Coupon Required. Good for up to 4 people. Cannot be combined w/other offers. Expires 9/30/22. Please see website for rental & range restrictions. No gun rentals by solitary shooters. www.NexusShooting.com • OC5LM $5 $10 CONCEALEDOFFWEAPONSPERMITCLASS Coupon Required. Good for up to 4 people. Cannot be combined w/other offers. Expires 9/30/22 Please see website for rental & range restrictions. www.NexusShooting.com • OCCWP10OFF Our City Miramar / September 2022 / OurCityMedia.com / 35