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Boyd Panciera Family Funeral Home, The Modern Funeral Home Now Four Generations Strong

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Meet “Marshall

FEATURE STORY Boyd-Panciera Family Funeral Care The Modern Funeral Family Now Four Generations Strong

When making the most difficult decisions in life, decisions about death, you want to turn to a trusted family that delivers experience, compassion, and an extraordinary personal touch.


That’s why South Floridians have been relying on Boyd-Panciera Family Funeral Care for decades.

As the area’s oldest and most respected name in funeral and cremation care, this familyowned and operated business provides guidance, emotional security, and meaningful memories during life’s most painful times.

Recently, Tiffany Panciera sat down with us for an interview. Why do you call yourselves “The Modern Funeral Family”? That’s a great question, thank you for asking! As you can see by the photo on the front cover, my husband Mark and I along with Mark’s son Mark Anthony do not portray what most would consider typical ‘undertakers’. We are all about celebrating life, and that is exactly what we bring to those we serve.

While still honoring tradition, we embrace the families of today in ways that customize their ‘goodbyes’. Whether for a simple cremation service on the beach or leading a procession of Harley Davidsons to the cemetery, we memorialize each life uniquely, remembering it with others in ways that are unforgettable.

That is what makes us special, and families are so appreciative for that contemporary, compassionate, customized care. And you are now in your 4th generation of the family-owned and operated business?

Yes, and we are elated about that with Mark Anthony joining the firm.

After Mark Anthony graduated from college,

he oversaw marketing for a large national firm in our industry gaining incredible experience. And now he is bringing that to our firm, digitally transforming our business, adding meaningful value to our offerings, satisfying the emerging needs of 2020 and beyond.

For example, we can now live-stream our services around the globe. Additionally, we have the ability to make fully on-line, virtual arrangements adding ease to the process for the survivors at an extremely difficult time. 4 generations seems like a very long-standing funeral tradition in your family. Tell me more about that please.

The original Panciera Memorial Home was founded in Rhode Island by Mark’s grandfather in 1932 and then migrated to Hollywood in 1962 where Mark worked with his father before expanding the business with the Boyds. Don and Kathy Boyd began their business in the late ‘50’s in Hollywood as well and then grew it with their sons Larry and Patrick in Pembroke Pines.

We are so proud of that tradition and now we have the fabulous fortune to usher in the 4th generation of caregivers with Mark Anthony.

It seems so extraordinary to say, especially in South Florida, that our family funeral service tradition is nearly 90 years strong, servicing thousands over the years! But our philosophy remains true and foundational . . . We make a difference one family at a time. What can families expect when they visit Boyd-Panciera?

Families comment all the time that they have never experienced a funeral home like ours. Compassion, dedication, trust, service excellence, affordability, simplicity; I can go on-and-on based on what I’ve been told.

From traditional burial to simple cremation, to our signature services that include hospitality and catering offerings in our Legacy Café . . . all coming with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. And we have never turned anyone away due to lack of funds.

All that combined, and much more is the BoydPanciera difference. Do you also offer Pre-Planning?

Yes, we do. We encourage our families to preplan. It is one of the greatest gifts to leave your family; the gift of peace-of-mind, security, certainty knowing all of the painful details are taken care of so your loved ones don’t have to make them at a heart-breaking time. I’ve heard about your Continuing Care program.

We are very proud of our community outreach program called “Wings of Hope”. This is a free, continuing care program that we offer to the community at-large and to our families, inviting anyone to join us on a journey of healing after any type of loss.

The workshop is held on the third Tuesday of every month, providing proven resources that help individuals move beyond the pain. How can families reach Boyd-Panciera Family Funeral Care?

They can contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 954-989-9900. We are located at 6400 Pines Boulevard and 1600 N. University Drive, Pembroke Pines.

And we are extremely proud to announce that our Pines Boulevard chapel will be undergoing a complete renovation, beautification project in the fall - just another sign of our investment in the community and in those we serve.

For more information, we can be found at www.BoydPanciera.com.

In the past, present and in the future, you can rely on us for advice you can trust, fair pricing, and compassionate care that is unequaled.

We feel privileged to be carrying on our family legacy in this wonderful community. Allow us to help you make the most difficult decisions in life at death.

Please stop by and say hello to our “Modern Funeral Family” – ha! We look forward to seeing you.

Contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 954989-9900. We are located at 6400 Pines Boulevard and 1600 N. University Drive, Pembroke Pines. Online: www.BoydPanciera.com.

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