2 minute read
How To Vote During The Pandemic
This year’s election will be unlike any other. Voting sites will have a number of COVID-19 risk-mitigating programs in place. Voting is expected to take a bit longer than usual this year. Luckily, there are several different ways we can ensure our voices are heard without going on election day. This guide provides key dates and information on how to vote in the November election.
Vote by Mail
Every registered voter in Broward County is entitled to vote by mail. To vote by mail, you MUST request a vote-by-mail ballot. The easiest way to do this is to go to www.browardsoe. org and fill out a simple web form. A ballot will be mailed to any location you choose, but will not be forwarded by the U.S. Postal Service.
Completed ballots must be RECEIVED by 7:00 pm on election day, November 3. Ballots can be mailed via the USPS or placed in a dropbox at any of the 22 Early Voting locations.
Vote-By-Mail Ballots must be requested no later than October 24th.
Early Voting
Broward voters may vote at ANY of the 22 early voting locations. Early voting will be available between October 19th and November 1st. Polling sites are open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm daily.
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