Our City Plantation: July 2023

Page 16

Modern High-Tech Dentistry for the Entire Family


Palace owners Helen & Jacob Shaham give every resident & family their personal cellphone number and say: “Call us any time you have an unsolved issue.”

Palace owners Helen & Jacob Shaham give every resident & family their personal cellphone number and say: “Call us any time you have an unsolved issue.”

Even though our managers & staff are incredibly responsive, there are times when a request warrants directly speaking to the ultimate decision makers.

Even though our managers & staff are incredibly responsive, there are times when a request warrants directly speaking to the ultimate decision makers.

Like the time our Mr. Arkin told Jacob he wished The Palace had an Oculus (ask any teenager) he could play with his grandsons when they visit. Jacob tried one out, loved the idea and Mr. Arkin got his wish.

Like the time our Mr. Arkin told Jacob he wished The Palace had an Oculus (ask any teenager) he could play with his grandsons when they visit. Jacob tried one out, loved the idea and Mr. Arkin got his wish.

Or the time our Mrs. Martinez called Helen about the health benefits she enjoys from the hyperbaric chamber she used in a healthcare facility nearby. Helen was so intrigued she tried one herself, and ordered two — one for The Palace at Coral Gables and one for The Palace at Weston.

Or the time our Mrs. Martinez called Helen about the health benefits she enjoys from the hyperbaric chamber she used in a healthcare facility nearby. Helen was so intrigued she tried one herself, and ordered two — one for The Palace at Coral Gables and one for The Palace at Weston.

Senior living isn’t really luxurious if you get bogged down in bureaucracy or if you have to wait for corporate headquarter response.

Senior living isn’t really luxurious if you get bogged down in bureaucracy or if you have to wait for corporate headquarter response.

At The Palace, we have the antidote to corporate-run senior livings — owners you can talk to any time.

At The Palace, we have the antidote to corporate-run senior livings — owners you can talk to any time.

Scan here. Luxury Living for Seniors

You’ll be surprised!

16025 Emerald Estates Drive, Weston, FL 33331 • www.ThePalaceAtWeston.com • 954.217.2000
Living for Seniors
You’ll be surprised! Scan
Emerald Estates Drive, Weston, FL 33331 • www.ThePalaceAtWeston.com • 954.217.2000
“At The Palace, your request goes right to the top.”
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Christy & Terry Jaillet publisher@ourcitymedia.com


Christy Jaillet


Tom Rowe


Alana Brodie


Nancy Koval nancy@ourcitymedia.com


John Brodie, Denise Caligiuri, Adrienne Collins, Mariem Garcia, Carlos Medina, Kenny Rodgers, Silvia Silva


Jon Duka, Terry Jaillet, Andrea L. Jakob

Mayor Nick Sortal Patty Archer, Dr. Jennifer Frione Rose Sklar, Valentina Valderama


Tom Dean moonwalkphotography.com

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400 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway Suite 200C • Sunrise, FL 33325


Our City Media of Florida, LLC publishes FREE monthly, local community news magazines throughout South Florida. Our City Media Magazines are mailed monthly to affluent single-family homes, condos and businesses in their respective communities. Monthly mailings are verifiable by USPS postage statements. Additional free copies are available at selected locations throughout the communities served and upon request by contacting the publisher. Opinions expressed by the writers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publisher. Our City Media of Florida, LLC reserves the right to edit and/or reject any editorial or advertising content. Our City Media of Florida, LLC is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the cost of the space or for the validity of claims made by advertisers. Entire contents copyrighted 2023 by Our City Media of Florida, LLC. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden in any media without prior written permission from the publisher.
EADON LINE 14 PUBLISHER’S PAGE 6 This Independence Day We Remember Our Heroes CALENDAR 8 10 July 2023 FEATURE STORY 12 Modern High-Tech Dentistry for the Entire Family COMMUNITY NEWS 14 Plantation Celebrates Public Works Employee Dedication and Skills 15 Celebrate Independence Day in Plantation 18 Run for a Cause at the Kettle Krush 5K Saturday, July 22, at Markham Park 19 Essential Tips for a “Bite-Free Summer” INSPIRING INDIVIDUAL 16 South Plantation High Theatre Director Jason Zembuch Young Wins 2023 Excellence In Theatre Education Award BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT 17 John Wai Martial Arts: Empowering Plantation's Community for 26 Years SPECIAL SECTION: HOME IMPROVEMENT 20 Home Renovations in South Florida That Maximize Your Selling Price 22 Is It Time to Replace Your Roof? Maybe Not 24 Building A Greener Future: Eco-Friendly Home Improvements 26 Earth Tones & Texture are the Biggest Trends in Home Decor LEGALLY SPEAKING 31 Prepare for Unforeseen LifeAltering Vacation Events ANIMAL HEALTH 28 Keeping Our Furry Friends Safe: Summer Tips for Dogs & Cats PET OF THE MONTH 32 Meet “Mollie” MAYOR’S MESSAGE 30 Food, Glorious Food! PUZZLE PAGE 32 Crossword & Sudoku 30 Answers BEST OF PLANTATION 34-35 Meet the Winers 4 / Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
NEWS? EMAIL THE EDITOR! editor@ourcitymedia.com

This Independence Day We Remember Our Heroes

As Independence Day approaches, we want to give a “shout out” to the 2.2 million men and women serving in the United States military. While we don’t see them often, it is reassuring to know that these brave people are across the globe serving their country.

It is a little-known fact that our Navy, Army, and Marine Corps are older than the country itself. The Continental Congress formed all three service branches after hostilities began against England in 1775. In fact, the very first military unit of the United States was essentially a bunch of farmers.

The “shot heard round the world” at the Battle of Lexington and Concord occurred 15 months before the Second Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The battle was fought by local militia members known as Minutemen. They were mostly farmers, tradesmen, and ordinary citizens who took up arms to defend their rights and resist British forces. They were also the beginning of what would become the most powerful force in human history.

The minutemen were quite the rag-tag group. Each man (they were all men then) brought his own musket, clothing, and gear. They elected their Captain, John Parker, who famously said, “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”

The minutemen have few similarities to today’s high-tech and highly disciplined armed forces. Today’s forces, however, do hold the same values of selflessness, honor, loyalty, duty, patriotism, and courage that those few hundred men from Massachusetts held 247 years ago.

With the war in Ukraine, violence in the Balkans, and increasing tensions with China, today’s service members are asked to deal with complex situations in distant lands. About 173,000 people are serving abroad, and about 50,000 Marines and Sailors are at sea. When you grab a cold one this July 4th, raise your glass to the minutemen and today’s Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, Coast Guardsman, and Guardians.

Happy Independence Day!

Christy & Terry Jaillet

CITY MEDIA PUBLISHERS 6 / Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com Call Today for an Appointment! 954-663-7170 www.HandyChris.net FREE RESIDENTIAL ESTIMATES! HANDLES INSURANCE CLAIMS 10% OFF WITH THIS COUPON May not be combined with any other offers. 7/31/23. ✔ Plumbing Repair ✔ Bathroom Remodeling ✔ Kitchen Remodeling ✔ Framing ✔ Carpentry ✔ Fence Repair ✔ Roof Repair ✔ Electrical ✔ Flooring ✔ Wall Repair ✔ Painting ✔ Fascia ✔ Honey-Do Lists ...and more! Licensed & Insured #14-FC-18309-X Total Handyman Services: HireaHandyman! WHY PAY MORE? Christopher Courter HANDYMAN EXTRAORDINAIRE 2023 BEST OF PLANTATION
Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 7 (954) 636-1111 To View Our Menu ORDER ONLINE Scan This Code ‘73 CLASSIC CARRYOUT ONLY LARGE PIZZA WITH 73* SLICES OF CLASSIC CUPPED™ PEPPERONI FLAVOR YOUR CRUST FOR FREE LIMITED TIME OFFER USE CODE : CLASSIC $ 999 *Count Approximate. Limited time offer. Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out only. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 Days. delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. $ $ $ LUNCH COMBOS • Small 1-Topping Pizza • 5 Wings & Cajun Bread • Reg. Chef Salad 17D01 17A01 17B01 17C01 $2599 USE CODE: 56 PIZZA & WINGS Large Pizza with up to 3-Toppings, 8 Wings & a Cold 2-Liter FLATBREAD PIZZA Hot, Thin & Crispy! $799 $ 899 TWO TOPPINGS CHICKEN SPECIALTY CRUSTLESS PIZZA BAKED IN A BOWL $ 855 • BUILD YOUR OWN • HOWIE SPECIAL • MEAT EATERS NO-DOUGH BOWLS TM HungryHowiesPlantation HungryHowiesPlantation CARRYOUT ONLY OFFER CLASSIC 99 Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. $2999 $899 USE CODE: 1006 CARRY-OUT FAMILY MEAL Two Large 2-Topping Pizzas, Any Reg. Size Bread and a 2-Liter CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE! Large Pizza - Cheese or Pepperoni Any Large Oven Baked Sub Large Baked Pasta 17D01 17A01 17B01 CLASSIC CARRYOUT ONLY PIZZA WITH 73* SLICES OF CUPPED™ PEPPERONI FLAVOR YOUR CRUST FOR FREE LIMITED TIME OFFER USE CODE : CLASSIC $ 999 Approximate. Limited time offer. Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out only. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 Days. Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. $1699 $999 $2999 $1099 $899 LARGE PIZZA 1-TOPPING SPECIALTY USE CODE: 0101 USE CODE: 1006 USE CODE: 3301 CARRY-OUT FAMILY MEAL SALADS Two Large 2-Topping Pizzas, Any Reg. Size Bread and a 2-Liter GREEK • CHEF • GARDEN ANTIPASTO • CHICKEN CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE! YOUR CHOICE! Large Pizza - Cheese or Pepperoni Any Large Oven Baked Sub Large Baked Pasta (Excludes Chicken Parmesan) Any Regular Salad 17D01 17A01 17B01 17C01 Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out only. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. PIZZA Crispy! TOPPINGS CRUSTLESS PIZZA BAKED IN A BOWL NO-DOUGH BOWLS BOWLS TM PLANTATION 1809 N. PINE ISLAND RD. (954) 636-1111 To View Our Menu or ORDER ONLINE Scan This Code WE DELIVER! ‘73 CLASSIC CARRYOUT ONLY LARGE PIZZA WITH 73* SLICES OF CLASSIC CUPPED™ PEPPERONI FLAVOR YOUR CRUST FOR FREE LIMITED TIME OFFER USE CODE $ 999 *Count Approximate. Limited time offer. Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out only. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 Days. Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. $ $ LARGE PIZZA LUNCH COMBOS • • • $2599 USE CODE: 56 Large Pizza with up to 3-Toppings, 8 Wings & a Cold 2-Liter FLATBREAD PIZZA Hot, Thin & Crispy! $799 $ 899 TWO TOPPINGS CHICKEN SPECIALTY CRUSTLESS PIZZA BAKED IN A BOWL $ 855 • BUILD YOUR OWN • HOWIE SPECIAL • MEAT EATERS NO-DOUGH BOWLS TM NEW OWNER! HowiePlantation @HowiePlantation HungryHowiesPlantation HungryHowiesPlantation PLANTATION 1809 N. PINE ISLAND RD. (954) 636-1111 To View Our Menu or ORDER ONLINE Scan This Code WE DELIVER! ‘73 CLASSIC CARRYOUT ONLY LARGE PIZZA WITH 73* SLICES OF CLASSIC CUPPED™ PEPPERONI FLAVOR YOUR CRUST FOR FREE LIMITED TIME OFFER USE CODE : CLASSIC $ 999 *Count Approximate. Limited time offer. Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out only. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 Days. Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. $9 $29 $10 $ 99 LARGE PIZZA 1-TOPPING USE CODE: FAMILY MEAL LUNCH COMBOS Two Large 2-Topping Pizzas, Any Reg. Size Bread and a 2-Liter YOUR CHOICE! Large Pizza - Cheese or Pepperoni Any Large Oven Baked Sub Large Baked Pasta Any Regular Salad • Small 1-Topping Pizza • 5 Wings & Cajun Bread • Reg. Chef Salad 17D01 17A01 17B01 17C01 $2599 USE CODE: 56 PIZZA & WINGS Large Pizza with up to 3-Toppings, FLATBREAD PIZZA Hot, Thin & Crispy! $799 $ 899 TWO TOPPINGS CHICKEN SPECIALTY CRUSTLESS PIZZA BAKED IN A BOWL $ 855 • BUILD YOUR OWN • HOWIE SPECIAL • MEAT EATERS NO-DOUGH BOWLS TM NEW OWNER! HowiePlantation @HowiePlantation HungryHowiesPlantation HungryHowiesPlantation PLANTATION 1809 N. PINE ISLAND RD. (954) 636-1111 To View Our Menu or ORDER ONLINE Scan This Code WE DELIVER! ‘73 CLASSIC CARRYOUT ONLY LARGE PIZZA WITH 73* SLICES OF CLASSIC CUPPED™ PEPPERONI FLAVOR YOUR CRUST FOR FREE LIMITED TIME OFFER CLASSIC $ 999 *Count Approximate. Limited time offer. Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out only. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 Days. Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. LARGE PIZZA LUNCH COMBOS $2599 USE CODE: 56 Large Pizza with up to 3-Toppings, 8 Wings & a Cold 2-Liter FLATBREAD PIZZA Hot, Thin & Crispy! $799 $ 899 TWO TOPPINGS CHICKEN SPECIALTY CRUSTLESS PIZZA BAKED IN A BOWL $ 855 • BUILD YOUR OWN • HOWIE SPECIAL • MEAT EATERS NO-DOUGH BOWLS TM NEW OWNER! HowiePlantation @HowiePlantation HungryHowiesPlantation HungryHowiesPlantation PLANTATION 1809 N. PINE ISLAND RD. (954) 636-1111 To View Our Menu or ORDER ONLINE Scan This Code WE DELIVER! ‘73 CLASSIC CARRYOUT ONLY LARGE PIZZA WITH 73* SLICES OF CLASSIC CUPPED™ PEPPERONI FLAVOR YOUR CRUST FOR FREE LIMITED TIME OFFER USE CODE : CLASSIC $ 999 *Count Approximate. Limited time offer. Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out only. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 Days. Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. $ $ $ $ 99 LARGE PIZZA 1-TOPPING LUNCH COMBOS • Small 1-Topping Pizza • 5 Wings & Cajun Bread • Reg. Chef Salad 17D01 17A01 17B01 17C01 $2599 USE CODE: 56 PIZZA & WINGS FLATBREAD PIZZA Hot, Thin & Crispy! $799 $ 899 TWO TOPPINGS CHICKEN SPECIALTY CRUSTLESS PIZZA BAKED IN A BOWL $ 855 • BUILD YOUR OWN • HOWIE SPECIAL • MEAT EATERS NO-DOUGH BOWLS TM NEW OWNER! HowiePlantation @HowiePlantation HungryHowiesPlantation HungryHowiesPlantation CARRYOUT ONLY TIME OFFER CLASSIC 99 Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. $1699 $999 $2999 $1099 $899 LARGE PIZZA 1-TOPPING SPECIALTY USE CODE: 0101 USE CODE: 1006 USE CODE: 3301 CARRY-OUT FAMILY MEAL SALADS Two Large 2-Topping Pizzas, Any Reg. Size Bread and a 2-Liter GREEK • CHEF • GARDEN ANTIPASTO • CHICKEN CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE! YOUR CHOICE! Large Pizza - Cheese or Pepperoni Any Large Oven Baked Sub Large Baked Pasta (Excludes Chicken Parmesan) Any Regular Salad 17D01 17A01 17B01 17C01 Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out only. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. PIZZA A BOWL BOWLS TM PLANTATION ISLAND RD. (954) 636-1111 To View Our Menu or ORDER ONLINE Scan This Code DELIVER! CLASSIC CARRYOUT ONLY PIZZA WITH 73* SLICES OF CUPPED™ PEPPERONI YOUR CRUST FOR FREE LIMITED TIME OFFER USE CODE : CLASSIC $ 999 Approximate. Limited time offer. Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out only. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 Days. Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. $1699 $999 $2999 $1099 $899 $899 LARGE PIZZA 1-TOPPING SPECIALTY USE CODE: 0101 USE CODE: 1006 USE CODE: 3301 CARRY-OUT FAMILY MEAL LUNCH COMBOS SALADS Two Large 2-Topping Pizzas, Any Reg. Size Bread and a 2-Liter MON. - FRI. • 11AM-4PM GREEK • CHEF • GARDEN ANTIPASTO • CHICKEN CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE! YOUR CHOICE! Large Pizza - Cheese or Pepperoni Any Large Oven Baked Sub Large Baked Pasta (Excludes Chicken Parmesan) Any Regular Salad • Small 1-Topping Pizza • 5 Wings & Cajun Bread • Reg. Chef Salad 17D01 17A01 17B01 17C01 Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out only. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. INCLUDES CAN OF SODA! $2599 USE CODE: 56 PIZZA & WINGS Large Pizza with up to 3-Toppings, 8 Wings & a Cold 2-Liter PIZZA $ 899 TOPPINGS CRUSTLESS PIZZA BAKED IN A BOWL $ 855 • BUILD YOUR OWN • HOWIE SPECIAL • MEAT EATERS NO-DOUGH BOWLS TM HowiePlantation @HowiePlantation HungryHowiesPlantation HungryHowiesPlantation PLANTATION 1809 N. PINE ISLAND RD. (954) 636-1111 To View Our Menu or ORDER ONLINE Scan This Code WE DELIVER! ‘73 CLASSIC CARRYOUT ONLY LARGE PIZZA WITH 73* SLICES OF CLASSIC CUPPED™ PEPPERONI FLAVOR YOUR CRUST FOR FREE LIMITED TIME OFFER USE CODE : CLASSIC $ 999 *Count Approximate. Limited time offer. Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out only. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 Days. Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. $9 $29 $10 LARGE PIZZA 1-TOPPING LUNCH COMBOS Any Reg. Size Bread and a 2-Liter • Small 1-Topping Pizza • 5 Wings & Cajun Bread • Reg. Chef Salad 17D01 17A01 17B01 17C01 $2599 USE CODE: 56 PIZZA & WINGS Large Pizza with up to 3-Toppings, 8 Wings & a Cold 2-Liter FLATBREAD PIZZA Hot, Thin & Crispy! $799 $ 899 TWO TOPPINGS CHICKEN SPECIALTY CRUSTLESS PIZZA BAKED IN A BOWL $ 855 • BUILD YOUR OWN • HOWIE SPECIAL • MEAT EATERS NO-DOUGH BOWLS TM NEW OWNER! HowiePlantation @HowiePlantation HungryHowiesPlantation HungryHowiesPlantation PLANTATION 1809 N. PINE ISLAND RD. (954) 636-1111 To View Our Menu or ORDER ONLINE Scan This Code WE DELIVER! ‘73 CLASSIC CARRYOUT ONLY LARGE PIZZA WITH 73* SLICES OF CLASSIC CUPPED™ PEPPERONI FLAVOR YOUR CRUST FOR FREE LIMITED TIME OFFER USE CODE : CLASSIC $ 999 *Count Approximate. Limited time offer. Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out only. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 Days. Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. $ $ $10 1-TOPPING LUNCH COMBOS Any Reg. Size Bread and a 2-Liter • Small 1-Topping Pizza • 5 Wings & Cajun Bread • Reg. Chef Salad 17D01 17A01 17B01 17C01 $2599 USE CODE: 56 PIZZA & WINGS Large Pizza with up to 3-Toppings, 8 Wings & a Cold 2-Liter FLATBREAD PIZZA Hot, Thin & Crispy! $799 $ 899 TWO TOPPINGS CHICKEN SPECIALTY CRUSTLESS PIZZA BAKED IN A BOWL $ 855 • BUILD YOUR OWN • HOWIE SPECIAL • MEAT EATERS NO-DOUGH BOWLS TM NEW OWNER! HowiePlantation @HowiePlantation HungryHowiesPlantation HungryHowiesPlantation PLANTATION 1809 N. PINE ISLAND RD. (954) 636-1111 To View Our Menu or ORDER ONLINE Scan This Code WE DELIVER! ‘73 CLASSIC CARRYOUT ONLY LARGE PIZZA WITH 73* SLICES OF CLASSIC CUPPED™ PEPPERONI FLAVOR YOUR CRUST FOR FREE LIMITED TIME OFFER USE CODE : CLASSIC $ 999 *Count Approximate. Limited time offer. Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out only. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 Days. Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. $ $999 $2999 $1099 $ LARGE PIZZA 1-TOPPING USE CODE: 0101 USE CODE: 1006 FAMILY MEAL LUNCH COMBOS SALADS Two Large 2-Topping Pizzas, Any Reg. Size Bread and a 2-Liter MON. - FRI. • 11AM-4PM GREEK • CHEF • GARDEN ANTIPASTO • CHICKEN YOUR CHOICE! Large Pizza - Cheese or Pepperoni Any Large Oven Baked Sub Large Baked Pasta (Excludes Chicken Parmesan) Any Regular Salad • Small 1-Topping Pizza • 5 Wings & Cajun Bread • Reg. Chef Salad 17D01 17A01 17B01 17C01 Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out only. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. $2599 USE CODE: 56 PIZZA & WINGS Large Pizza with up to 3-Toppings, 8 Wings & a Cold 2-Liter FLATBREAD PIZZA Hot, Thin & Crispy! $799 $ 899 TWO TOPPINGS CHICKEN SPECIALTY CRUSTLESS PIZZA BAKED IN A BOWL $ 855 • BUILD YOUR OWN • HOWIE SPECIAL • MEAT EATERS NO-DOUGH BOWLS TM NEW OWNER! HowiePlantation @HowiePlantation HungryHowiesPlantation HungryHowiesPlantation PLANTATION 1809 N. PINE ISLAND RD. (954) 636-1111 To View Our Menu or ORDER ONLINE Scan This Code WE DELIVER! ‘73 CLASSIC LARGE PIZZA WITH 73* SLICES OF CLASSIC CUPPED™ PEPPERONI FLAVOR YOUR CRUST FOR FREE LIMITED TIME OFFER USE CODE $ 9 *Count Approximate. Limited time offer. Price and participation may vary by location. Carry-out only. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 Days. Price and participation may vary by location, as well as minimum delivery orders & fees. Premium toppings extra. Expires in 30 days. $2599 USE CODE: 56 PIZZA & WINGS Large Pizza with up to 3-Toppings, 8 Wings & a Cold 2-Liter FLATBREAD PIZZA Hot, Thin & Crispy! $799 $ 899 TWO TOPPINGS CHICKEN SPECIALTY CRUSTLESS PIZZA BAKED IN A BOWL $ 855 • BUILD YOUR OWN • HOWIE SPECIAL • MEAT EATERS NO-DOUGH NEW OWNER! HowiePlantation @HowiePlantation HungryHowiesPlantation HungryHowiesPlantation ORDER ONLINE 877 N Nob Hill Rd // Plantation, FL 33324 // (954) 440-2980 IN PLANTATION! If you are READY to change to a HEALTHY lifestyle BOOK your trial session with me TODAY! Google Reviews: Susan Malinski Personal Training www.SusanMalinski.com Follow me @SusanMalinski TEXT ME AT 954-245-2071 FOR MORE INFO! TRAINING WOMEN, MEN & KIDS • ALL AGES • ALL LEVELS BODY TRANSFORMATION • MUSCLE BUILDING • WEIGHT LOSS TONING • CORE • STRENGTH & AGILITY 2023 WESTON BEST OF MAKING PEOPLE HEALTHIER & STRONGER I HAVE AN AMAZING GYM WHERE I TRAIN PEOPLE OR I COULD TRAIN YOU AT YOUR HOUSE IF YOU ARE TIRED OF NOT GETTING RESULTS YOURSELF, THEN YOU FOUND THE RIGHT PERSONAL TRAINER THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE. BODY TRANSFORMATION LOST 35 LBS & 10% BODY FAT BEFORE AFTER FIT AT 49


Independence Parade


begins at 9:00 am at the corner of West Broward Boulevard and N.W. 46th Avenue. The parade heads west to N.W. 69th Avenue, turning right on N.W. 4th Street, ending at City Hall with an awards ceremony. The parade route roads will be closed to traffic during the parade, starting at approximately 7:00 am and ending at 11:00 am).


Fourth of July Hometown Celebration 5K Run/Walk

Gather your family and friends and join the race this Independence Day holiday. It’s hot and humid in South Florida in July, but we are prepared! Race participants always enjoy the popular “hook and ladder shower” at the finish line where race participants will enjoy cooling off. This year’s race is sponsored by the City of Weston and the Weston YMCA Family Center. Race starts at 7:15 am. Scan the QR code to register, or register at the event. For more info call 954-385-2000.


Plantation Farmers Market

Plantation hosts a Farmers Market featuring fresh, certified Organic and non-Organic produce, locally produced honey, homemade hummus, plants and orchids, fresh cut flowers, breads and Danishes, olive oils, cheeses, dips, spreads and more. It is located at Volunteer Park, from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. For more info call 954-452-2558.


Stars & Stripes

An Independence Day Celebration

The City of Plantation presents, Stars & Stripes, an Independence Day Celebration. A FREE concert and kid’s fun zone will begin at 7:00 pm at the north end of Central Park. Bring along a picnic dinner, lawn chairs or blanket. Food is available for purchase. The grand-finale fireworks show is scheduled for 9:00 pm, featuring one of the best pyrotechnic shows in Broward. For your safety and the safety of others, please refrain from using fireworks and sparklers within the park. No dogs are allowed. Parking is limited so for your convenience please plan to come early or carpool. If you live in the area, walk or ride your bike. For more info call (954) 452-2510.


LL Cool J

Don’t Call it a Comeback! He’s been here for years… Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee, two-time Grammy Award-winning Hip-Hop icon, Kennedy Center Honoree, recording artist, actor, author, NAACP Image Award winner, entrepreneur, philanthropist and founder and CEO of “Rock The Bells,” LL COOL J has created one of the most multifaceted careers and brands in entertainment and continues to display his wide range of talents with every project. See him at the Hard Rock Hotel.Show starts at 8:00 pm. Scan the QR code to register or learn more.


1970s Star Wars Celebration

In honor of the City of Plantation’s 70th Anniversary, the Plantation Historical Museum. Dress up and mingle with Star Wars characters at the Museum from 1-3 pm. Plantation Historical Museum 511 North Fig Tree Lane, Plantation, FL 33317. Call 954-797-2722 for more information. www.plantation.org/museum

8 / Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
July 2023 Calendar
Maria Isabel Guevara, D.D.S., M.S. Practice Limited to Orthodontics Universidad Del Valle Colombia University of Illinois at Chicago Sé Habla Español $ 4700 Sawgrass Dental Center 14201 W. Sunrise Blvd. Suite #204 Sunrise, FL. 33323 (954) 846-7000 • sawgrassdental.com “The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment” BEST PRICE ORTHODONTICS FREE Consultation Includes Panoramic AVAILABLE FINANCING As Low As $62 a Month NOW OPEN SATURDAYS! $6000 Value! Flat-Fee Braces for Everyone! *Unless Case Treatment is over 12 months (Extended) Cannot be combined with dental insurance LIVE YOUR LIFE SMILING! Vive Tu Vida Sonriendo! Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 9

July 2023 Calendar

JULY 15-16

Nature POP®! Art Weekend at Flamingo Gardens

This event will showcase art and the animals of the Nature POP®! Exhibit by Sean Kenney. Watch Plein Air and Chalk Artists create beautiful works before your eyes and kids can design their own chalk art masterpieces on the sidewalk and in the Art Reaching Today’s Kids Art Bus. Hosted at Flamingo Gardens., 9:30 am - 5:00pm. For more info, visit www.flamingogardens.org or call 954-473-2955.


The Salvation Army of Broward County’s Kettle Krush 5K at Markham Park


Hump Day Food Trucks


Back to School Barbecue

Come and get your school supplies! The City of Plantation will be hosting a Back To School BBQ event on Saturday, July 22nd from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm at the Jim Ward Community Center. This event will give the families of Plantation to get the critical supplies needed for their child(ren) to start the school year on the right foot. This will be a community event including FREE school supplies for Plantation residents (must show ID), a BBQ lunch and a family fun day in the park with activities for everyone! For more info, please call 954-452-2510.

Same reason, different season! Whether it’s traditional bells in our hands or on your feet. The Salvation Army of Broward County invites you make some pre-Christmas noise this summer while you run, walk or roll to “krush” poverty and homelessness at its Kettle Krush 5K. Call 954-712-2431 for info and register by scanning the QR Code above.


1970s Name that Tune

In honor of the City of Plantation’s 70th Anniversary Exhint, the Plantation Historical Museum is hosting fun decade-theme events all year. This month’s event will be a fun music guessing game. Short clips of our favorite 1970s songs will play and we weill see who remembers them best! 1:00 - 3:00 pm, Hosted at the Plantation Historical Museum, 511 N Fig Tree Lane. For more info, call 954-797-2722.

Skip the cooking on Wednesday evenings and instead pick up delicious food at our Drive-Thru Food Truck Event! From 5PM - 9PM every Wednesday you can stop by Volunteer Park and order food from a variety of food trucks. Volunteer Park, 12050 W Sunrise Blvd. For more info call 954-797-2140.

10 / Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
SKIP THE CROWDED WAITING ROOMS! ASE MASTER CERTIFIED MECHANIC COMES TO YOU • Factory Scheduled Maintenance • Engine Diagnostics & Repair • A/C Service & Repair • Brake Inspection & Service • Fleet Services • Warning Light Diagnostics • Batteries, Starters, Tail Lights • All Makes & Models CALL TODAY 954-665-3384 Get your Car Serviced at your home or business! No Wait, No Worries, 100% Convenience SERVICES OFFERED 20% OFF FIRST SERVICE LABOR Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. 37 Years Experience Exp: 7/31/23 Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 11 • Cosmetic Dentistry • Dexntures • Invisalign® • Lumineers® • Orthodontics • Root Canals • Whitening • Crowns • White Fillings • Guided Implant Surgery • Implant Restorations • Periodontics For All Your Dental Needs! DIANA WOHLSTEIN, DMD • Tufts University Dental Graduate • Universidad Central De Venezuela WOHLSTEIN DENTAL GROUP LET US HELP YOU WITH BETTER DENTAL HEALTH 2023 BEST OF PLANTATION Especialista En Odontología Cosmética Y General, Implantes Dentales 35 Years Specializing in General, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry OPEN MON-FRI & SATURDAYS - CALL FOR DETAILS INCLUDES: BLEACHING KIT & RETAINERS $500 OFF CERAMIC CROWN ( BRUXIR ) ($1350 VALUE) By Appointment Only. New Services Only. Not Valid With Insurance Must Present Coupon. Expires 7/31/23. FREE SECOND OPINION CONSULTATION INCLUDES X-RAY & PICTURES By Appointment Only. New Services Only. Not Valid With Insurance Must Present Coupon. Expires 7/31/23. OUR NEW PATIENT DENTAL CLEANING SPECIAL • Initial Exam D0150 • X-Rays D0274 • Cleaning D1110 *If Gum Disease Present, Additional Fee Charged. Not Valid With Insurance Must Present Coupon. Expires 7/31/23. $59 By Appointment Only. New Services Only. Not Valid With Insurance. Must Present Coupon. Expires 7/31/23. $1000 OFF Go Wireless! IN-HOUSE DENTAL PLAN BUY Our “DW” DENTAL PLAN Get Unlimited Consultations & 2 Cleanings a Year! Only $33 a Month per Individual The plan guarantees discounted fees like an HMO for dental procedures. Most Insurance Plans Accepted Payment Plans Available We Take Extra Precautions for Our Patient’s Safety Wohlstein Dental Group 2925 Aventura Blvd, #203 Aventura, FL 33180 (1/2 block east of Biscayne Blvd) (305) 931-5626 | AVENTURADDS.COM Sawgrass Dental Center 14201 W. Sunrise Blvd, # 204 Sunrise, FL 33323 (Next to the new Flanigan’s on Sunrise) (954) 846-7000 | SAWGRASSDENTAL.COM The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination or treatment that is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment.

Modern High-Tech Dentistry for the Entire Family

Husband and wife Dentists, Dr. David and Dr. Elizabeth Kerr Amador acquired Midtown Dental Studio on 5th Street between University and NW 70th early last year. The practice, however, has welcomed patients to its Plantation office for more than 30 years.

You'll notice the Midtown Dental Studio difference from the moment you enter till the moment you leave. After their friendly staff greets you in the lobby, and assists you with any paperwork you may have, all you need to do is sit back and relax.

The Amadors are passionate about dentistry and focused on giving patients the utmost care. They are committed to and enjoy learning the latest in dental technology. You won’t find more dedicated dental health professionals in South Florida. We took a moment to sit down with them to learn more.

Tell us about Midtown Dental Studio–

We are a general and family dental practice. We strive to elevate the dental experience by treating each person that walks through our doors as family. We put our patient's health as our top priority and believe in using modern technology. What types of dental services do you provide?

We provide a wide range of dental services covering all aspects of general dentistry, including wellness exams, non-surgical treatment of gum disease, salivary diagnostics as a warning and detection tool for gum disease, restorative procedures, same-day crowns, 3D imaging, and orthodontic treatment using clear aligners.

Dr. Amador is skilled in surgery, dental implants, and full-mouth rehabilitation. Dr. Kerr is focused on facial aesthetics using neurotoxins (ie: Botox) and dermal fillers. She also treats temporomandibular joint disorders using neurotoxin.

How is your approach to dentistry different from other providers?

We are trying to change the way that dentistry is thought of and shift the mindset from reactive to proactive. We believe that prevention is critical and that educating our patients is the best way to prevent dental diseases.

We stand behind our work and strive to provide concierge dental care to all patients. We use the leading technology that is guiding the dental profession today to stay ahead of the curve. Our team has over 100 years of combined experience in the dental field, they have a wealth of knowledge to help and support our patients on their journey toward dental health. Our team is an integral part of our practice, and we value them immensely.

You mentioned technology. Tell us about some of the state-of-the-art equipment you use?

12 / Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
Dr. Elizabeth Kerr Amador and Dr. David Amador


Will give you that picture-perfect smile you’ve always wanted.


Let us restore the health of your mouth so that you can smile with confidence.


Count on us to manage your overall oral health.


For those moments where you just can’t wait to see a dentist.

Our high-tech equipment is one reason why patients like to choose Midtown Dental Studio for their dental needs! At our office, we use cone beam 3D imaging to capture enhanced, 3D imaging of the mouth and jaws.

Using this technology, in conjunction with our Cerec digital scanner, we are able to 3D print surgical guides for implant placement, night guards, dental models, and much more. We also use our Cerec digital scanner and mill to make same-day crowns, without the need for a traditional impression or temporary crown. Our patients love seeing their crowns being made right in front of their eyes.

Sounds great! Are you accepting new patients?

Yes! We offer care for all ages. Give us a call to schedule an appointment today!

Midtown Dental is truly a family business!

Tell us more.

Dr. Amador was born and raised in South Florida. He received a Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from FIU and earned his dental degree from Detroit Mercy Dental School. Dr. Amador is passionate about dentistry and is always striving to learn the latest in technology that will enable him to provide his patients with cutting-edge, top-quality care.

Originally from Southern California, Dr. Elizabeth Kerr moved to Florida after graduating from Detroit Mercy Dental School. Dr. Kerr enjoys all aspects of dentistry and is especially passionate about developing genuine relationships with her patients. Committed to the idea of comprehensive dental care, she remains active with study clubs and continuing education.

They have two daughters: Hope, who is 2.5 years old, and Nora, who is 1.5 years old.

■ Midtown Dental Studio is located at 7500 NW 5th Street, #115, Plantation. Call 954-466-2375 or visit www.midtowndentalfl.com to schedule an appointment.

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Cone Beam 3D Imaging
Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 13

When you see the City of Plantation trucks out and about, chances are you are seeing the Public Works crews. They landscape the medians, trim the trees, and make sure the city facilities and fleet are in shape. While you may not think of them as first responders, they not only help prepare the City for the storms, but are also among the first crews out after a major event.

So, it’s only fitting that, as Public Works Week was recognized across the nation, Plantation held a Public Works Week event to celebrate its employees.

Employees were treated to a barbecue lunch and participated in competitions geared toward showing off their job-related skills via games such as "bobcat basketball" to carburetor rebuild challenges -- using skills they deploy daily to serve Plantation residents.

Plantation Mayor Nick Sortal joined the festivities and raced Chief Administrative Officer Jason Nunemaker, on the lawnmower relay course.

“I am impressed with the talent and camaraderie I saw here today and see out in the community every day," Sortal said. "There is no better feeling than driving to City Hall and seeing our employees making this city look as good as it does. It's important that city administration and the public understand the effort they put in daily.”

The appreciation event was the first of its kind for Plantation and is in line with Mayor Sortal's priority of increasing support and encouragement of employees.

Public Works Director Matt Thompson and Assistant Director Brian Law organized the

details, with help from Parks and Recreation and Human Resources departments.

The city hopes to make it an annual event, Sortal said.

14 / Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
“The Auto Air Conditioning Specialist” Family Owned & Operated Since 1976 A/C Repairs Brake Jobs Clutches Engine Diagnostics Factory Maint. Service Suspension MOST VEHICLES & LIGHT TRUCKS. COUPON MUST BE PRESENTED AT TIME OF PURCHASE. EXCLUDES TIRES, BATTERIES & OIL CHANGES. ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. EXPIRES 7/31/23. $10 OFF SERVICE OVER $50 $20 OFF SERVICE OVER $100 $30 OFF SERVICE OVER $300 954-581-7980 Shuttle Service Available 3700 W. Broward Blvd. • Fort Lauderdale Monday-Friday 8:00am to 5:30pm Saturday 9:00am to 2:00pm ArcticAutoCenter.com Approved Auto Repair “We’re Not Just Air... We’re Total Car Repair!” 2023 BEST OF PLANTATION

Celebrate Independence Day IN PLANTATION

Get ready to celebrate Independence Day in style with your neighbors this year! The City of Plantation, in collaboration with the Hollywood Seminole Classic Casino, is excited to present an unforgettable Independence Day Celebration on Tuesday, July 4th.

The festivities will begin at 9:00 am with Plantation's highly anticipated annual Independence Day Parade. The parade route will start at the corner of Broward Boulevard and NW 46th Ave, and it will culminate at Plantation City Hall. You won't want to miss the vibrant displays of patriotism and community spirit as the parade marches through the city streets.

As the sun sets, the excitement will continue at Central Park, where a variety of evening events will take place. Bring the whole family and enjoy the Kid's Fun Zone, filled with exciting activities that will keep the little ones entertained for hours. And that's not all - get ready to groove to the rhythm of a free concert that will have everyone dancing and singing along.

The highlight of the evening will undoubtedly be Broward County's most spectacular pyrotechnic show. At 9:00 pm, prepare to be amazed as the night sky illuminates with a breathtaking display of fireworks. It's a perfect way to conclude the day's celebrations and create lasting memories with your loved ones.

▸ No dogs are allowed. Parking is limited so for your convenience please plan to come early or carpool. If you live in the area, walk or ride your bike. For more information call (954) 452-2510.

Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 15



The Tony Awards and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) announced today that theatre director/teacher Jason Zembuch Young of South Plantation High School in Plantation, Florida, will receive the 2023 Excellence in Theatre Education Award.

The Excellence in Theatre Education Award was co-founded in 2014 by the Tony Awards and CMU to recognize top K-12 drama teachers and to celebrate arts education. Zembuch Young will receive his award at The 76th Annual Tony Awards on Sunday, June 11, at the historic United Palace in New York City’s Washington Heights.

varying exceptionalities. When we are inclusive in the theatre, everyone is better for it. Everyone deserves to have a voice,” said Zembuch Young. “It is in the theatre that we have an opportunity to give our students a platform to use that voice, regardless of who they are, where they come from, or what language they use to communicate.”

Zembuch Young runs a one-person, zero-budget public school theatre department with over 150 students participating in performances. He also operates a six-week summer-stock theatre camp for elementary and middle school students, using high school

became an adoptive parent himself. He offers free admission to all performances for foster families so that they can experience live theatre.

A panel of theatre experts from the American Theatre Wing, The Broadway League, and Carnegie Mellon University selected Zembuch Young from a nationwide call for entries.

“We are thrilled to present the 2023 Excellence in Theatre Education Award to Jason Zembuch Young,” said Charlotte St. Martin, President of The Broadway League, and Heather Hitchens, President and CEO of the American Theatre Wing. “Jason’s exceptional commitment to empowering every student to make and be part of theatre has won the hearts and appreciation of his local community and now the Broadway community, as well.”

The Excellence in Theatre Education Award recognizes a K-12 theatre educator in the U.S. who has demonstrated exemplary impact on the lives of students and who embodies the highest standards of the profession. Zembuch Young will receive $10,000 for South Plantation High School’s theatre program and tickets to The Tony Awards and Gala. Zembuch Young’s students will also receive a visiting Master Class taught by CMU Drama professors.

Making theatre accessible for all audiences has been the hallmark of Zembuch Young’s 20 years as a drama teacher. Each year, he produces two fulllength mainstage productions, a play and a musical, in both voice and American Sign Language (ASL). As an advocate for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) population, Zembuch Young has reshaped policies to provide interpreters during and after school to teach his hearing and DHH actors and crew how to communicate and perform.

“As a high school theatre teacher, I’ve had the opportunity to work with many students from different backgrounds with

drama students as counselors and mentors. With his South Plantation School students, he participates in International Thespian district and state competitions and is an eight-time South Florida CAPPIE winner for Best Play or Musical. Zembuch Young fundraises annually to provide four $1,000 scholarships to help graduating seniors.

Helping others overcome a disability or life circumstances doesn’t stop when the school bell rings for Zembuch Young. He and his husband, Michael, have fostered over 35 abused and underprivileged children. He’s facilitated the adoption of foster kids in his care and

“New trails are blazed when teachers challenge paradigms in the name of art, expression, and accessibility,” said Carnegie Mellon University President Farnam Jahanian. “Jason Zembuch Young is an extraordinary educator who has used the power of theatre to impact the lives of his students profoundly. CMU is proud to present this award to Jason for his positive influence and remarkable achievements.”

16 / Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com

John Wai Martial Arts: Empowering Plantation's Community for 26 Years

For over 26 years, John Wai Martial Arts has been a cornerstone in the City of Plantation. Their mission is to provide high-level martial arts training for individuals of all ages and skill levels, establishing themselves as a symbol of excellence and inclusivity.

diverse selection ensures there's something for everyone, allowing students to explore their interests and develop their skills.

With highly skilled instructors, including 4 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belts, 8 Muay Thai Striking Experts, world-class kids instructors, and a professional fight team, John Wai Martial Arts delivers unparalleled training and guidance.

What sets John Wai Martial Arts apart is their commitment to affordability. Their program offers unlimited classes in various martial arts disciplines, guided by dedicated instructors. The academy welcomes individuals of all ages and skill levels, providing a high level of service to all of their members.

John Wai Martial Arts has made a significant impact on the Plantation community, receiving recognition from the City of Plantation. The city honored them with a proclamation, officially declaring "John Wai Martial Arts Day." This proclamation serves as a testament to the academy's positive influence on countless individuals in the community.

Whether you're a beginner starting a new journey or an advanced practitioner looking to refine your skills, John Wai Martial Arts accommodates all levels. Their experienced instructors provide personalized attention and guidance throughout each student's martial arts journey.

For 26 years, John Wai Martial Arts has empowered individuals, shaped lives, and cultivated unity within the Plantation community. Through their unwavering commitment to excellence, affordability, and inclusivity, they continue to inspire and transform the lives of those who walk through their doors.

The academy caters to kids as young as 3 and adults, offering a wide range of classes including Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Kung Fu, MMA, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. This

Beyond physical training, John Wai Martial Arts fosters a professional environment that encourages growth and supports a positive community. Egos are set aside, allowing students to learn, grow, and support each other.

▸ John Wai Martial Arts is located at 222 South University Drive, Plantation. Classes for students of all ages and skill levels are available. To learn more or to arrange a tour call 954-382-2228 or visit www. johnwaimartialarts.com

Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 17 ■ BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT

Run For A Cause At The Kettle Krush 5K

Saturday, July 22, at Markham Park

and funds to tackle homelessness and hunger in South Florida. The funds we raise provide vital resources to impoverished families, enabling them to break the cycle of poverty and achieve financial stability. With over 50,000 residents of Broward County relying on our services each year, it is the community's support, including individuals, groups, and businesses, that fuels our mission, accounting for more than 70% of our funding.

will be presented to the top three runners, various age groups, and those with the most creatively wacky holiday outfits for both themselves and their pets. Our event caters to all ages and will feature a kids' zone with art, crafts, and a bounce house.

To secure your spot, take advantage of our early registration fees: $10 for children up to 9 years old, $25 for students aged 10 to 17 and seniors aged 60 and above, and $30 for registrants aged 18 and over.

The Salvation Army of Broward County on Saturday, July 22, as we come together to combat poverty and homelessness in South Florida. The sixth annual Kettle Krush 5K, held at Markham Park in Sunrise, promises to be a holiday-themed event that welcomes participants of all ages and encourages teams to take part. We are delighted to announce that WPLG Local 10's Roy Ramos will be returning as our special guest host. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of families in need by registering now.

Over the past five years, our event has seen over 500 participants raise awareness

The Kettle Krush 5K derives its name from our iconic Red Kettles, which are manned during the holiday season to collect donations for families in need. Each year, The Salvation Army raises hundreds of thousands of dollars and distributes over 7,000 gifts to families living below the poverty line in Broward County.

The racecourse at Markham Park is officially sanctioned by the USATF, and AccuChipUSA, Inc. will provide professional timing for the race. We encourage participants to embrace the holiday spirit by dressing up in festive attire and bringing their pets decked out in their finest. Awards

Team registration is available at $25 per person for teams of five or more. As a token of our appreciation, each registrant will receive a complimentary commemorative race t-shirt. Additionally, participants in the Kettle Krush 5K will enjoy waived entry fees for Markham Park, and parking will be provided free of charge, conveniently located across from the Runner's Pavilion area.

▸ For more information or to pledge additional monetary and/or sponsorship support, please contact Robert Beasley at (954) 712-2480 or email Robert.Beasley@ uss.salvationarmy.org.

18 / Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
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Essential Tips for a "Bite-Free Summer

It's that time of the year again—mosquito season is upon us. With the arrival of summer rains, it's important to take proactive steps to protect yourself and your home from these pesky insects.

One effective measure is to eliminate potential mosquito breeding grounds by removing standing water in and around your property. Mosquitoes have a relatively short life cycle of around seven days, and they can breed even in small amounts of water found in containers like bottles, cans, cups, buckets, hoses, planters, drains, and in certain plants such as bromeliads.

Make it a habit to regularly empty any water-holding objects. If there are larger items that cannot be emptied, consider applying larvicide to prevent mosquito larvae from developing. It's worth noting that certain mosquito species, including those that carry diseases like Zika Virus and Yellow Fever, can breed both indoors and outdoors and bite at any time of the day or night.

On evenings when mosquitoes are particularly active, protect yourself by wearing shoes, socks, long pants, and long sleeves when outdoors. Additionally,

apply an insect repellent containing DEET or other approved ingredients to your skin and clothing.

Draining standing water remains the most effective method for preventing mosquito reproduction. Dr. Paula Thaqi, Director of the Florida Department of Health in Broward County, advises practicing the "drain and cover" approach. By eliminating standing water, you eliminate the breeding grounds for mosquito larvae, effectively stopping their multiplication and reducing the likelihood of being bitten.

It's important to note that mosquito eggs laid in shallow water can hatch within a day or two. The larvae develop rapidly, transforming into pupae that quickly mature into fully grown mosquitoes. The entire life cycle, from egg to adult mosquito, takes about eight to ten days, with pupae emerging as flying mosquitoes within two to three days.

Mosquito Service Requests

Broward County Mosquito Control will consider spraying your neighborhood if you have a large number of mosquitoes. Call 954-765-4062 or scan the QR code to submit a request.

Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 19 ■ COMMUNITY NEWS
WHAT HAPPENS TO A CHILD’S MIND WHEN YOU FILL IT WITH BRILLIANCE? They take in intellect, creativity, self-awareness and faith. They become smart, courageous, confident and empowered. All Saints Catholic School - WHERE WHAT WE LEARN BECOMES WHO WE ARE 10900 W. OAKLAND PARK BLVD. SUNRISE, FL 33351 www.AllSaintsCatholicSchool.net • (954) 742-4842 Pre-K3 to 8th Grade We Accept VPK, Step Up, McKay, Gardner, FTC and AAA SCAN CODE FOR MORE

Home Renovations in South Florida THAT MAXIMIZE YOUR SELLING PRICE

hen it comes to selling your home in South Florida, strategic renovations can significantly enhance its value and attract potential buyers. With the region's unique architectural styles, climate considerations, and buyer preferences, knowing which renovations to prioritize is crucial. Let's explore a few home renovations that can help maximize your selling price in South Florida.

Kitchen Remodeling:

The kitchen is often considered the heart of a home, and a well-designed and updated kitchen can make a significant impact on potential buyers. In South Florida, where outdoor living and entertaining are popular, consider an open-concept design that seamlessly integrates the kitchen with the dining and living areas. Updating countertops, cabinets, and appliances with sleek and modern options can enhance both the functionality and aesthetic appeal of the space, making it more attractive to buyers.

WOutdoor Living Spaces:

South Florida's pleasant climate makes outdoor living spaces highly desirable for homeowners. Invest in creating inviting outdoor areas such as a patio, deck, or screened-in porch that seamlessly blend with the indoor living spaces. Consider adding features like an outdoor kitchen, a pool, or a landscaped garden to enhance the appeal. These additions not only create a relaxing oasis but also add value to your home and increase its overall marketability.

Energy-Efficient Upgrades:

With South Florida's hot and humid climate, energy efficiency is a key consideration for homeowners. Upgrading your home with these features can be an attractive selling point. Install energy-efficient windows and doors to improve insulation and reduce cooling costs. Consider replacing old appliances with energy-star-rated models, which not only save energy but also appeal to environmentally conscious buyers. Adding solar panels to the roof can also significantly increase your home's value, as it demonstrates a commitment to

sustainability and offers potential savings on electricity bills.

Bathroom Updates:

Bathrooms are another crucial area of focus for home renovations that can maximize your selling price. Consider updating fixtures, faucets, and lighting to give the space a fresh and modern feel. Opt for neutral colors and timeless designs that appeal to a wide range of buyers. Upgrading the bathroom's functionality, such as adding dual sinks, a spa-like shower, or a luxurious bathtub, can also increase its appeal and overall value.

When it comes to selling your home in South Florida, strategic renovations can be a game-changer. Best strategy: Keep the focus on the kitchen, outdoor living spaces, energy-efficient upgrades, and bathroom updates that can make your home more appealing to potential buyers. Remember to choose renovations that align with the region's climate, architectural style, and buyer preferences to maximize your selling price and attract a broader pool of interested buyers.

/ OurCityMedia.com
Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 21

Is It Time to Replace Your Roo F ? MAYBE NOT

One of the defining characteristics of South Florida neighborhoods is the sea of terracotta roofs that cover so many homes. The Spanish-style roofs are a popular choice for builders and homeowners alike because of their beauty, long life, and relatively low maintenance requirements. They are also, unfortunately, a source of anxiety. This anxiety is driven by the state of Florida’s home insurance market.

The expected useful life of a tile roof is about 30 years. After that period of time, the effects of the hot sun and years of storms tend to degrade the grout holding the tiles together, causing cracked tiles and leaks. Replacing a roof can cost as much as 10% of the value of a home.

Florida Home Owners Insurance

South Florida is particularly susceptible to hurricane damage. It is also an area that has had particularly high roof-related insurance claims over the past decade. Many people within the insurance industry blame many of these claims on fraud or unnecessary replacements.

Since early 2022, many insurance companies and the re-insurance companies

who back their policies have announced they are either scaling back their business or discontinuing coverage in Florida entirely. An increasing number of Florida insurers have also fallen into insolvency.

The result has been a sharp escalation in insurance policy rates for many Florida homeowners and uncertainty over the future solvency of more of the state’s providers. There is also a new focus on the age and condition of a roof, with most insurance companies requiring at least five years of roof life.

“Anything over 20 years tile is becoming an issue,” said M&L Insurance owner David Vaandering, “with some carriers, as long as they can prove the roof has five years life expectancy, you should be ok, but again it depends on the insurer.”

Home Value Impact

Homeowners planning on selling in the next few years should think carefully about if and when to replace a roof.

“A new roof definitely adds value to a home,” said Keyes Real Estate Agent Mariem Garcia, “Buyers are more inclined to make an offer on a newer roof.”

She added that if an existing roof still has life, home sellers may be better off investing their money elsewhere, “As long as it (the roof) has at least four to five years left of life, and if it’s insurable, then you’re good. If the roof has reached its life limit, then you may have to replace it unless you find a cash buyer who doesn’t mind the old roof.”

To Replace or Not

Deciding to replace a roof proactively is a decision every homeowner must consider at some point. Perhaps the most important, sometimes overlooked criterion to consider is your roof’s condition. Roofs that are structurally sound, not leaking, and fully intact are likely good to go, regardless of age. Most reputable roofing companies offer roof inspections to evaluate your roof. If your home has a roof that is more than 20 years old, it is advisable to contact your insurance agent to ensure you don’t have any upcoming issues.

In short, if your roof has five years of life expectancy and is insurable, there are likely other places to invest your money than buying a new roof.

Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 23 KITCHEN | BATH | COUNTER TOPS 954.398.1848 | info@shopstudio75.com 2209 N Commerce Pkwy Suite B | Weston, FL 33326 www.ShopStudio75.com Financing Available Now Joins Studio 75 Kitchen & Bath Design Center Ranked Google’s No. 1 Kitchen Remodeler Offering a Full Suite of Shades and Blinds to Complement Your Home Remodel Project! 2023 WESTON BEST OF

Building a Greener Future


In today's world, where environmental concerns are paramount, making ecofriendly choices is crucial. One area where we can make a significant impact is in our homes. By incorporating sustainable home improvements, we not only reduce our carbon footprint but also create a healthier living space for ourselves and future generations. In this article, we will explore some inspiring ideas for transforming your home into an eco-friendly haven.

Energy-Efficient Appliances

One of the easiest ways to reduce energy consumption is by upgrading to energy-efficient appliances. Look for products with an ENERGY STAR label, which indicates that they meet strict energy efficiency standards. Efficient refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers can save both electricity and water, reducing utility bills and environmental impact.

Solar Panels

Harnessing the sun's power is an excellent long-term investment for sustainable living. Solar panels can generate clean, renewable energy for your home, reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Depending on your location, you may even be eligible for government incentives or tax credits to help offset installation costs. With technological advancements, solar panels have become

more affordable and efficient, making them an attractive option for homeowners.

Green Insulation

Enhancing your home's insulation is not only a cost-effective measure but also an eco-friendly one. Proper insulation reduces heat transfer, keeping your home cooler. Consider using natural and sustainable materials like cellulose insulation, made from recycled paper, or sheep's wool insulation, which is both renewable and biodegradable. These alternatives provide excellent thermal performance while minimizing environmental impact.

Water-Saving Fixtures

Conserving water is essential for sustainable living. Upgrading to water-saving fixtures such as low-flow toilets, aerated faucets, and showerheads can significantly reduce water usage without sacrificing comfort or functionality. These fixtures use innovative designs to maintain water pressure while consuming less water, making them an eco-friendly choice for every home.

Sustainable Landscaping

Extend your eco-conscious efforts beyond the four walls of your home by embracing sustainable landscaping practices. Plant native species that require less water and maintenance, reducing the need for

chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Implement rainwater harvesting techniques to collect and utilize rainwater for irrigation purposes. Additionally, consider creating a composting system to recycle kitchen scraps and yard waste, enriching the soil naturally.

Smart Home Technology

Integrating smart home technology can enhance both convenience and sustainability. Install programmable thermostats that adjust temperature settings based on occupancy, reducing energy waste. Smart lighting systems can automatically turn off lights in unoccupied rooms, further conserving electricity. These innovations allow homeowners to monitor and control their energy usage, optimizing efficiency and reducing environmental impact.

Incorporating eco-friendly home improvements not only benefits the environment but also enhances your quality of life. By implementing energy-efficient appliances, solar panels, green insulation, water-saving fixtures, sustainable landscaping, and smart home technology, you can create a truly eco-friendly haven. These sustainable choices will not only reduce your carbon footprint but also save money on utility bills in the long run. Let's take responsibility for our homes and contribute to building a greener future for generations to come.

24 / Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
READER’S CHOICE FAVORITE FOR PLUMBING SERVICES PLUMBING REPAIRS • LOCATE LEAKS • WATER HEATER • REPAIR TOILETS OC 3/20 SERVICE CALLS AVAILABLE • SAT. & SUN. 9:00AM-4:00PM AT NO EXTRA COST OPEN 7 DAYS $6800 OFF $10000 OFF $8800 OFF 50% OFF TUNNEL EXPERTS Any new Toilet Save Until You Need Us Not valid with other offers or prior services. Limit one coupon per service call. Any new Water Heater or Tankless Heater Not valid with other offers or prior services. Limit one coupon per service call. Any new Water Sewer Lines Save Until You Need Us Not valid with other offers or prior services. Limit one coupon per service call. By State-Of-The-Art equipment. Up to 12 FT. Second Toilet Repair Save Until You Need Us Not valid with other offers or prior services. Limit one coupon per service call. We dig tunnels under buildings & houses to replace water or sewer lines. No need to leave your home! WE DO NOT Cut Your Floors South Florida’s B IGGEST & BEST 954-786-0477 Licensed & Insured CFC1427238 CGC1508546 O C M 7O C M 7O C M 7O C M 72022 2023 WESTON BEST OF 2022 2023 $6800 OFF $6800 OFF Cleaning any sink, toilet, laundry or sewer drain. Save Until You Need Us Not valid with other offers or prior services. Limit one coupon per service call. O C M Any new Garbage Disposal Save Until You Need Us Not valid with other offers or prior services. Limit one coupon per service call. 7O C M 710% OFF Any Plumbing Work! 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed! www.PlumbingExperts.com Thank you South Florida for over 46 years of your business! O C M 7Not valid with other offers or prior services. Limit one coupon per service call. 2023 2023 BEST OF PEMBROKE PINES www. PLUMBINGEXPERTS .com 2023 BEST OF PLANTATION Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 25 For Utility & Style... When You Need it Inside & Out... WHY MASTER VOLT? We are a family operated, fully licensed and insured electrical contractor with deep roots in Broward County. Our expert electricians are equipped for everything from small residential jobs to large commercial/industrial projects. We take great pride in the quality of our work and our competitive pricing. Add, repair, upgrade, replace | Breakers/fuses | Ceiling fans | Electric heat systems Electric water heaters | Emergency power generators | Circuit panels | Fire alarm systems GFCI receptacles | Home automation systems | Interior lighting | Landscape lighting | Wiring LED lighting upgrades | Light fixtures | USB ports | Outdoor lighting | Recessed lighting Pool equipment/lighting | Security cameras | Security lighting/systems | Surge Protection Smoke/carbon monoxide detectors | Switches/outlets | Ventilation systems | And much more... CALL US FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 786-208-8050 MasterVoltElectric.com Everything for your home or business... Monday-Friday 8AM–5PM 151 N. Nob Hill Road Ste#142 Plantation, FL 33324

Earth Tones & Texture are the BIGGEST TRENDS IN HOME DECOR

Updating your home is one of the best ways to improve your quality of life. With so many choices, it is helpful to learn what the latest trends are before pursuing a home improvement project. We sat down with Valentina Valderrama, Architect and designer at Weston Floors and Remodeling to learn more.

What is important when making home decor design decisions?

Home decor doesn’t undergo change as fast as other things because it’s very expensive to switch home design from season to season. Therefore, the pieces that make up the harmony in interior design need to be timeless and well-preserved. So, the key is always to find interior solutions to renovating and elevating spaces that will last years and still be relevant.

Great point! What is popular right now?

Earth tones have been dictating color schemes, textures, and lighting in the past years and are still popular today. Earth-tone materials possess calming effects that are associated with nature, which are often preferred for aesthetic purposes in homes, pushing away anything that involves the color gray, shiny fixtures, and overly graphic printing of materials.

Brutalist style is something that is still very popular this year and will be in the year to come; the use of concrete-like materials and the choice of raw textures, materials, and colors are present in all aspects of design. This style won’t disappear soon since it incorporates natural elements such as wood, stone, and plants that go into a more calm

aesthetic than other styles. It sounds like people love tex ture in their home decor.

Yes! Textured materials are another big trend this year. From varied flooring materials like porcelain, ceramic, wood, and floating floors to textured cabinetry and accent fixtures, the texturizing of home elements brings depth and dimension to any space. Gold and bronze accents have been replaced. Homeowners are now opting for more matte silver and black fixtures that contrast better against earthy tones and texturization of materials.

▸ Valentina Valderrama is an architect and designer and Manager at Weston Floors & Remodeling. To learn more about how you can change the look and feel of your home, call 954-533-4369.

26 / Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com


As the summer sun starts to blaze, it's essential to prioritize the safety and well-being of our beloved pets. Especially here in South Florida, dogs and cats are susceptible to heat stroke and other summertime hazards, so it's crucial for pet owners to take proactive measures to ensure their furry companions stay cool and comfortable.

Here’s a list of 9 valuable tips for summer safety:

Preventing Heat Stroke:

1. Adequate Hydration: Always provide fresh, cool water for your pets and consider adding ice cubes to keep it cold.

2. Avoid Midday Heat: Exercise your pets during cooler times, like early mornings or late evenings, and avoid strenuous activities in peak temperatures.

3. Feel the Ground: Before taking your pet on a walk, touch the ground. If it’s too hot for us, it’s too hot for them. Walking on a hot surface can burn their paw pads, so take a walk at a time when it’s a bit cooler out.

4. Shade and Ventilation: Create shady areas in your backyard and ensure proper airflow indoors, especially if leaving your pets at home.

5. Never Leave Pets in a Parked Car: Even with cracked windows, car temperatures can rise dangerously. Leave your pets at home when running errands.

Microchipping for Safety:

6. Permanent Identification: Microchips offer unique identification numbers under your pet's skin, ensuring a swift reunion if they go missing.

7. Veterinary Clinics and Shelters: Most clinics and shelters have microchip scanners, allowing them to contact owners. Update your contact information regularly.

Managing Anxiety:

8. Create a Safe Space: Designate a quiet area in your home where pets can retreat. Provide familiar bedding and toys for comfort.

9. Consult a Veterinarian: Seek professional advice if your pet experiences severe anxiety. Veterinarians can recommend appropriate medications or natural remedies.

With these precautions, we can keep our furry companions safe and happy during the summer. By preventing heat stroke through hydration, shade and timing of activities, microchipping for identification and addressing anxiety-related issues, our dogs and cats can enjoy a worry-free season.

▸ Dr. Jennifer Frione is a veterinarian and owner of Lakeside Animal Hospital in Plantation. She earned a BA in biology from Florida Gulf Coast University and obtained her DVM from Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Frione completed her clinical year at Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Frione has always been passionate about animals and was inspired to become a veterinarian early in life. Visit Dr. Frione at 9601 W. Broward Blvd. Call 954-4748808 or visit lakesideanimal.com to learn more.

28 / Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com ■ ANIMAL HEALTH
> The ONLY 5-STAR range in all of South Florida > Featuring the NEXUS LANES live-fire computerized targets. Shoot your gun and ammo at moving targets, shooting galleries, videos and more. > First time shooter, female, and family FRIENDLY. > COOL and CLEAN air-conditioned range. > Thousands of firearms, ammo, accessories, and RENTAL guns. > LADIES DAY: Every Monday ladies get FREE range time. LEARN FROM THE PROS www.NexusShooting.com 954-587-8005 • 2600 Davie Road, Davie, FL 33314 YOUTH SAFETY CLASS Teaches minors the ins and outs of gun safety and basic marksmanship. Sign up at www.NexusShooting.com FIREARM LAW SEMINARS Learn when you can legally use your gun and how to protect yourself from liability. Sign up for our email list to receive class schedule, www.NexusShooting.com FREE CLASSES FOR MEMBERS LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP Coupon Required. Good for up to 4 people. Cannot be combined w/other offers. Expires 7/31/23. Please see website for rental & range restrictions. No gun rentals by solitary shooters. www.NexusShooting.com • OC5LM $5 $10 OFF CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMIT CLASS Coupon Required. Good for up to 4 people. Cannot be combined w/other offers. Expires 7/31/23 Please see website for rental & range restrictions. www.NexusShooting.com • OCCWP10OFF 2023 WESTON BEST OF Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 29

There are all kinds of dining and shopping options opening up in Plantation.

Rock ‘n’ Brews, a music-themed restaurant, takes up one of the largest spots at Plantation Walk, with indoor and outdoor seating. Large Bavarian pretzels, Shrimp Sriracha, salads, pasta, burgers, ribs and chicken are on the menu. Go to RockandBrews.com

Padrino’s, a popular Cuban food restaurant, has moved from The Fountains to Market On University. Padrino’s is located at the old Pizza Fusion site, which was the spot of the explosion on July 6, 2019. Go to Padrinos.com.

Vicky Bakery, a popular Cuban bakery, is adding a location in Plantation. It’s at 1773 N. University Drive, inside the Plantation Square Plaza. There are already about 20 Vicky bakeries in South Florida, with another nine in the works. Go to VickyBakery.com. Enson Market , specializing in Asian foods, has opened. It’s located at 7720 Peters Road, the former site for Lucky’s and Whole Foods grocers. The market is one of four nationwide and has foods of all kinds. But to me, the most impressive part of the store is the fish market, which carries such items as fresh shark. Go to Ensonmarket.com.

Friends of the Library Present a Check. The Friends of the Library presented their year-end gift to the library in the amount of $18,766.55. They raised this money through used book tent sales, online book sales, a sale table in the Library at Deicke, a fundraiser with Barnes & Noble, and their annual luncheon. Their meetings will resume in September. Stop by Deicke Auditorium to get an application to join the group.

Florida Building Inspector of the Year: Plantation Building Inspector David Claus has been named the state’s inspector of the year. The Building Officials Association of Florida presented Claus with the award during their annual conference in Orlando.

Proclamations: Jill Fiorentino, a long-time assistant principal at Seminole Middle School, was lauded at the May 24 meeting. Fiorentino, who also taught at Seagull Alternative High School and served as Assistant Principal at Indian Ridge Middle School, is retiring.

She brought in more than $750,000 via partnerships for the schools she served, managed school-wide safety and security programs, coordinated professional development efforts, and administered project-based learning sites.

The City Council approved a proclamation declaring the first Friday in June to be National Gun Awareness Day. Moms Demand Action members filled about two rows of council chambers.

At a Moms Demand Action gathering on June 2, I announced that the city will conduct a gun buy-back event at next year’s Moms Demand Action event. We also will have a police presentation explaining the legalities of Risk Protection Orders (Red Flag Laws). My hope is that a greater knowledge of Red Flag Laws could help someone in a crisis.

Island Space Caribbean Museum: The City Council approved a banquet hall for Island Space Caribbean Museum to enable them to expand their cultural programming offerings. Island Space is currently located at the Broward Mall, on the northeast corner.


30 / Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com
■ MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR ANSWERS Sudoku PuzzleJunction.com Sudoku Solution Copyright ©2023 PuzzleJunction.com To solve the Sudoku puzzle, each row, column and box must contain the numbers 1 to 9. 1 96 2 7 75 7 25 8 916 2 2 3 4 78 41 15 8 2614 879 35 8496 532 71 3759 124 86 9 8 2 3 4 6 5 1 7 6137 258 94 4578 916 23 5 2 6 1 3 9 7 4 8 7382 641 59 1945 783 62 Solution FR ED SCAN BA N EI RE LA NE OL E BO UT AR TO FW AR PO UND AL SO ST UN T AD S LO IR E EG OT IS T AD O VA LE T CI O WA ND ER S TH EF T IN K RE AC T AG HA NA DI R VI OL AT ED RE AD EVE BA LI DA LE RE S AR LO OM EN Call Your Our City Media Representative Today! SILVIA SILVA 954-650-0283 SE HABLA ESPAÑOL silvia@ourcitymedia.com READY TO ADVERTISE?


July is here along with heat and humidity. It is the perfect time to take a vacation. It is also the perfect time to make sure you have a plan in place for any unfortunate or life-altering events that can happen while you are away.

Last summer, Jane and Jorge traveled on a cruise visiting exotic and exciting locales. Jorge overexerted himself and developed a cough. Because he was traveling without the appropriate medications for his cough, it developed into a severe infection. Jorge ended up being evacuated to the nearest port. He found himself hospitalized in a foreign country, with only Jane to look after him, and they both had significant language barriers to effective communication.

Although they had purchased travel insurance, they only had the minimum amount of coverage. The flights, evacuations, and resulting hospitalizations were not fully covered and ended up being extremely expensive. Adding to that, Jane decided to shop while Jorge was hospitalized, spent a bit too much and forgot to declare the items when returning to the United States. Jane also forgot to note the conversations she had with various officials and doctors. It was a vacation disaster.

This is what Jane and Jorge should have done and how everyone should prepare for unforeseen circumstances that could crop up at any time.

1. Health Emergencies or Accidents: To prepare for the unexpected, ensure you have appropriate travel insurance including medical coverage. Additionally, make sure you have health care directives in place. For example, a Health Care Surrogacy will enable a loved one to make a medical decision for you if you are unable to communicate. It may also be helpful to bring along items for illness or pain relief as well as a list of your prescription medication.

2. Organize Important Documents: Update your estate plans! Gather your essential documents such as wills, trusts, insurance policies, and powers of attorney. Inform a trusted family member about their location and provide them with necessary contact information.

3. Asset Protection: Overspending or encountering financial problems during your trip can be stressful. Inform your bank about your travel plans to avoid any issues with your credit or debit cards. Falling victim to theft or losing important travel documents like passports or identification can be a true nightmare. Make digital copies of your documents and store them securely online. Carry physical copies in a separate bag or wallet and consider using a money belt or hidden pouch to keep them safe while traveling.

4. Language Barriers and Communication Issues: Being unable to communicate can lead to confusion or difficulties while traveling. Learn a few basic phrases in the local language, carry a translation app or phrasebook, and research common gestures or customs to navigate interactions smoothly.

Remember, it's important to be prepared and take precautions. Speak with an Estate Planning attorney to make sure you have the appropriate protections in place! Don't let fear deter you from enjoying your travels. Stay informed, be adaptable, and embrace the adventure while keeping your safety and well-being a priority.

▸ Andrea L. Jakob, PA is located at 12401 Orange Drive, Suite 219 in Davie. They can be reached at 954-862-1479 or on the at www.jakoblegal.com.

Life is constantly changing–Have you updated your Estate Plans? Estate Planning • Trust Planning • Wills Living Wills • Heathcare Directives Power of Attorney • Elder Law • Probate Asset Protection • Pet Trusts Andrea L. Jakob, P.A. 954-862-1479 12401 Orange Drive Suite 219 • Davie, FL 33330 JakobLegal.com Helping You Plan Today, So You Can Sleep Better Tonight! (PICTURED ABOVE ARE ANDREA L. JAKOB, ESQ. AND ERIKA GARAY, ESQ. ) BRUCE F. IDEN, ESQ. NOW OF-COUNSEL 2022 2023 WESTON BEST OF Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 31
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Our City Plantation / July 2023 / OurCityMedia.com / 33 “Mollie” Meet Mollie! She is tall like her Dad, very affectionate and loves to give kisses. She can fly through the air with the greatest of ease. Pet sitters love her. She loves to play with all of her toys and friends them. Mollie is so excited when she meets new people and loves her sister Holly and brother David. Pet of the Month ENTER TODAY AND MAKE YOUR PET FAMOUS! Your Pet Could Be Our Pet of the Month! Every month OUR CITY MEDIA randomly picks a pet of the month winner. Send Pet’s: Best Picture, Name and about fifty words describing why they’re so special! Include: Your Name, Email, Phone, and City of Residence. Email entries to: anna@ourcitymedia.com Good Luck! American Pressure Clean American Pressure Clean Schedule Your Fall Ser vice Now! 1-Story Special $49 50 $49 50 $179 50 $159 50 2-Stor y Special INCLUDES INCLUDES INCLUDES INCLUDES CALL TODAY! Roof - Exterior Walls Window Frames & Screens Driveways - Sidewalks GuttersPatio/Pool Deck Good on up to 3,000 sq. ft. of combined surface area to be cleaned. Exp. 6/30/23 Roof - Exterior Walls Window Frames & Screens Driveways - Sidewalks Gutters - Patio/Pool Deck Good on up to 3,000 sq. ft. of combined surface area to be cleaned. Exp.6/30/23 954-562-5821 Walkway - Driveway Sidewalk - Swale Additional fee may apply for 3 car garage driveways & corner lot. Exp.6/30/23 Most Pool Decks & Patios Up to 500 sq. ft Exp.6/30/23 Residential Only Licensed & Insured 7/31/23 7/31/23 7/31/23 7/31/23 Get Screened for Risks of Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease Are you at risk? Special Screening Package for $149 Call 833-635-0580

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