Louise Lee
When Mum reads Psalm 23 to David, he embarks on an exciting adventure that will help him truly understand who the Good Shepherd is and why he can always trust Him.
- Learning from Psalm 23 -
What will David learn? Let’s find out!
Discovery House
ee at e as d b Lie y m
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Louise Lee received God’s calling to be a writer when she was a teenager. Since then, she has been diligently perfecting her craft. It is her desire to teach biblical truths in a simple way that children can understand and relate to. She especially loves the metaphor of sheep and their shepherd. A Sheepy Adventure is the result of hours of reading up on the life of a sheep in relation to its shepherd. A Sheepy Adventure: Learning from Psalm 23 Text copyright © 2020 by Louise Lee Illustrations copyright © 2020 by Our Daily Bread Ministries All rights reserved.
Requests for permission to quote from this book should be directed to: Permissions Department Discovery House P.O. Box 3566 Grand Rapids, MI 49501 Or contact us by email at permissionsdept@odb.org.
Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com.
About the Publisher Discovery House is affiliated with Our Daily Bread Ministries. Since 1988, Discovery House’s founding vision has been to produce resources that feed the soul with the Word of God. Each Discovery House product is designed to equip and inspire individuals in their Christian life.
ISBN: 978-981-14-5694-7 Printed in Indonesia
A Message from the Author Psalm 23 is my favourite passage in the Bible. When I first read A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller, I was fascinated by the relationship between a shepherd and his sheep. This inspired me to write a children’s story on Psalm 23. I would like to thank God for the collaboration with Our Daily Bread Ministries in publishing this revised edition with brand-new illustrations. I hope readers (children, parents and teachers) will find this story heartwarming and meaningful. I also hope this story will stay with readers for a long, long time. My sincere wish is that through this book, children from all over the world can understand Psalm 23 better, so that they have the opportunity to know God as their shepherd at a young age.
- Learning from Psalm 23 -
By Louise Lee Illustrated by Nicholas Liem
eady to read the Bible?” Mum asked. David nodded eagerly as he snuggled into bed.
Mum smiled, put her arm around David, and began to read in a warm voice.
“Psalm 23. The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters . . . ”
David’s eyes became heavy. Z zzZzzz
Suddenly, David felt a bump. Oof!
Where am I, David wondered, rubbing his eyes. When he looked around, all he saw was grass, grass, and more grass.
“Sorry to bump into you,” the sheep said. “I didn’t see you there. Isn’t this the most delicious grass you’ve ever tasted? Baa! Baa! Baa! ” David’s eyes grew wide. “You’re a sheep! And, you’re talking!” he cried out.
The sheep froze, then laughed. “We’re all sheep, silly! You’re a sheep and you’re talking too!”
“I’m a talking sheep?” David muttered. “Come look over here!” the sheep said as she led David to a small pond. “My name is Lily. What’s yours?” the sheep asked.
David was shocked to see the reflection of a sheep in the water. Trying to stay calm, he answered, “My . . . my . . . name is David.”
“Are you okay? Why do you look so pale?” Lily asked. “Let’s go to our shepherd. He always knows if I am sick or sad. He takes care of me very well.”
“Wait for me, please!” David groaned, struggling to walk on four legs. “Whoa! I need to get the hang of this!” Lily turned around and noticed how clumsy David was, “Baa . . . ha . . . ha . . . ha . . . Baa! Baa!”
When David finally caught up with Lily, he was breathless! “Lily, wait, . . . a shepherd . . . is someone who watches over us, right?” “Yes, that’s right! Sheep like you and I need food, water, rest and protection. Our shepherd takes care of all of our needs,” Lily said with a grin.
“Lily! Come to me. It’s time to find a place to lie down and rest!” the shepherd’s voice called out. The shepherd’s voice made David feel warm and happy inside.
“Abigail! Benjamin! Clara!” the shepherd shouted. “And, David! Follow me!” David was surprised, yet pleased that the shepherd knew his name.
“Keep following the shepherd and the flock, or you’ll get lost,” Lily warned David. David nodded, but soon, his feet began to ache. The journey seemed so long.
Suddenly, a colourful butterfly landed on David’s nose. Flit! Flit! Flit! “Come back here!” David exclaimed. The butterfly looked like it was winking at him! He chased it into the bush.
Soon, David found himself in the middle of the forest. He had lost sight of the shepherd and the flock, and dark shadows fell everywhere.
Where am I, David wondered. “Shepherd? Lily? Where are you?”
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“Ahooooo . . . ahooo . . .” The sinister sounds of the forest made David so afraid that he kept running. He didn’t know where he was heading. David was completely lost.
I am so exhausted! Let me rest here, he thought. As soon as he lay down, his body overturned and he found himself lying on his back.
“Help! Help!” David cried out. The more he struggled, the weaker he became. His feet were in the air. They started to feel numb. The sky was getting dark. The wind was howling through the trees.
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David saw the shadow of a lion moving towards him. He was so afraid that he held his breath and dared not utter a sound.
At that moment, out of the silence came the shepherd’s voice, “David! David! Where are you?” When David heard the shepherd’s voice, his fears melted away.
“I’m here. Help me! BAAAAAAA! ” David cried out weakly, his eyes filled with tears. The shepherd ran to David and knelt down.
“I have been looking everywhere for you!” he said as he skilfully turned David over and rubbed his legs. Then, he picked David up and held him close to his chest.
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“You’re precious to me, David! I’m so glad I found you. There’s no way I would leave you alone, tired and lost.” David was so close to the shepherd that he could feel his strong and steady heartbeat.
David rested in the shepherd’s arms until he saw Lily and the flock again. Slowly, the shepherd put David down. “David, where have you been? Our shepherd counted us and discovered that you were missing,” Lily said.
“I got distracted by a butterfly . . . ” David told Lily. “I got lost . . . then I overturned . . . I heard a lion growling. I saw its shadow . . . ” Tears welled up in David’s eyes.
“I understand how it feels like to be lost,” Lily said, “but don’t worry. Look at the staff our shepherd is holding.” “The long and slender stick?” David asked. “Yes, our shepherd uses it to protect us. I’ve seen him drive away bears and foxes with his staff.” David nodded, “He drove away the lion just now, when I thought I would become its supper!” “Ba ha ha ha ha! ” Lily couldn’t help but laugh.
Then, Lily became very serious. “You know, the shepherd also uses the staff to discipline us.” Lily added: “And, when I have bugs hiding under my fleece, and I feel itchy and uncomfortable because of that, our shepherd uses the staff to clear them away.”
The more Lily shared, the more excited she became. “I’ve written a poem that sings the praises of our shepherd. Would you like to hear it?” “Sure!” David replied.
Look! He is my shepherd; I have everything I need. He makes me lie down so I can graze at ease; He leads me along quiet streams, so I can drink from it. Ah! When I turn over, he always restores me. Yes! Because of his great name, He guides me on the right path. Even when I walk through dark valleys, Oh! Even when I am close to death, I will not be afraid. Why? For you hold me close to your heart.
Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. You cleared away the poisonous things way ahead. Wow! There is a land full of good grass. No! No nose flies can come near and disturb me because You anoint my head with oil. Your blessings overflow. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will go with me all my life. No! I will not ever leave his flock again.
“David? David! Have you been listening?” Mum asked. David opened his eyes and jolted out of bed. “Baa, baa, baa! Oops! I mean, yes, Mum! I’ve been listening. We have a shepherd who cares for us, right?”
“You’re right,” Mum answered. “His name is Jesus. He is our good and loving shepherd and in His arms, we will always rest secure.” David gave Mum a hug. As he closed his eyes, he saw himself resting in Jesus’ arms.
DISCUSSION: 1. Did you know: A sheep cannot survive on its own, without the loving care of a good shepherd.
In what ways are we like sheep and God like our good shepherd? How does God care and provide for you?
2. Did you know: A sheep does not have a good sense of direction. Sheep can get lost easily. What are some things that can distract us from following God closely? What can we do to remind ourselves to pray and read the Bible regularly, so that we can follow God closely? 3. Did you know: A sheep has many enemies. Only a good shepherd can drive the enemies away to protect his sheep. Are there fears and stress in your life that you need to ask God to drive away? What do you need to ask God to protect you from? 4. Did you know: A sheep cannot turn itself upright if it falls over. It needs a shepherd to make it upright.
God rescues us from our biggest problem—the problem of sin. Sin is our disobedience to God. He sent His Son, Jesus, to take the punishment we deserve for our sin. If we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, we are made right with God. Will you accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your care, leading and protection. And thank You for solving my biggest problem, the problem of sin, by sending Your son, Jesus, to die for me and take the punishment I deserve for my sin. You are truly my good Shepherd. I want to stay close to You and remain in Your loving care forever.
Psalm 23
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The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
NOTE TO THE READER We invite you to share your response to the message in this book by writing to us at AUSTR ALIA PO Box 15, Kilsyth, VIC 3137, Australia Tel: (03) 9761 7086 australia@odb.org NEW ZEALAND PO Box 303095, North Harbour Auckland 0751, New Zealand Tel: (09) 444 4146 newzealand@odb.org SINGAPORE 5 Pereira Road, #07-01 Asiawide Industrial Building, Singapore 368025 Tel: (65) 6858 0900 singapore@odb.org
Louise Lee received God’s calling to be a writer when she was a teenager. Since then, she has been diligently perfecting her craft. It is her desire to teach biblical truths in a simple way that children can understand and relate to. She especially loves the metaphor of sheep and their shepherd. A Sheepy Adventure is the result of hours of reading up on the life of a sheep in relation to its shepherd. A Sheepy Adventure: Learning from Psalm 23 Text copyright © 2020 by Louise Lee Illustrations copyright © 2020 by Our Daily Bread Ministries All rights reserved.
Requests for permission to quote from this book should be directed to: Permissions Department Discovery House P.O. Box 3566 Grand Rapids, MI 49501 Or contact us by email at permissionsdept@odb.org.
Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan.com.
About the Publisher Discovery House is affiliated with Our Daily Bread Ministries. Since 1988, Discovery House’s founding vision has been to produce resources that feed the soul with the Word of God. Each Discovery House product is designed to equip and inspire individuals in their Christian life.
ISBN: 978-981-14-5694-7 Printed in Indonesia
A Message from the Author Psalm 23 is my favourite passage in the Bible. When I first read A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller, I was fascinated by the relationship between a shepherd and his sheep. This inspired me to write a children’s story on Psalm 23. I would like to thank God for the collaboration with Our Daily Bread Ministries in publishing this revised edition with brand-new illustrations. I hope readers (children, parents and teachers) will find this story heartwarming and meaningful. I also hope this story will stay with readers for a long, long time. My sincere wish is that through this book, children from all over the world can understand Psalm 23 better, so that they have the opportunity to know God as their shepherd at a young age.
Louise Lee
When Mum reads Psalm 23 to David, he embarks on an exciting adventure that will help him truly understand who the Good Shepherd is and why he can always trust Him.
- Learning from Psalm 23 -
What will David learn? Let’s find out!
Discovery House
ee at e as d b Lie y m
uis o L
r st l u Ill cho Ni