EN June Letter 2016

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2 Timothy 3:16–17


Through God’s Word June 2016 Dear Friend, If you have ever driven on a long road, you may have discovered that it’s not the winding parts that are the most dangerous. Rather, it’s the straight stretches that seem to go on and on. They can lull you into a false sense of security: you have a clear view of what’s ahead, and you become complacent. Soon, your eyelids grow heavy and before you know it, you’re veering off the road. Isn’t life a little like that? When we encounter twists and turns, we are motivated to stay alert, to keep close to God, and to read His Word. When things are going along smoothly, however, we’re more likely to get distracted and wander off from our spiritual journey. The Bible is God’s Word and the ultimate standard for our faith and lives. But many of us struggle to read it faithfully; even the most mature believers can find it unexciting at times.

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“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

To reach our destination safely, we need to prepare well for the drive. For our spiritual journey, this will take more than the occasional, hasty, or random reading of the Bible. We need a good reading plan or system. It is with this in mind that we would like to introduce a resource that can help and encourage you in your reading and study of God’s Word. We pray that they will help you navigate both the curves and straights of life’s road as you journey with Him.

Holding onto His Word of Life,

Christopher Tan Senior Vice President Global Ministry Operations, Asia Pacific

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