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Chicago is home to...

2,716,450 residents

50 wards

77 community areas

100 neighborhoods

8 major league sports teams, including two MLB teams

United States President Barack


Chicago is is a foodie destination...

More than 7,300 restaurants

7 AAA Diamond-rated restaurants

26 Michelin-starred restaurants

40 James Beard Award-winning restaurants, and host of the annual James Beard Awards

54 Bib Gourmand winners

144 dog-friendly restaurants

Chicago is is a biking city...

Chicago has the second-highest percentage of commuters riding their bikes to work

Bicycle commute times in the region average only 23 minutes

303 miles of bike lanes

19 miles of lakefront bicycle paths along Lake Michigan

303 miles of bike lanes

Hon. Justice Carl AnthonyWalker,DSC165 PhiBeta Sigma Fraternity,Inc.,UpsilonSigmaChapter

On behalf of the Men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Upsilon Sigma Chapter, I bring greetings as our chapter celebrates 95 years of service and continue in the tradition of the men who laid the foundation for our fraternity and chapter. More than 109 years ago, our revered founders A. Langston Taylor, Charles I. Brown, and Leonard F. Morse founded our fraternity with a focus on the ideas of Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service. As a chapter, we havemaintained thoseideas.

I appreciate the voice of the Hon. Bro. Clarence Johnson who keeps us anchored in the rich history of our fraternity and chapter. Our executive team and chapter members joined my vision to increase our presence in every facet of service to youth, our community, and humanity, and I send a heartfelt "thank you" to each of my chapter brothers for giving their heart, mind, body and soul to the success and growth of our chapter. We are proud of our service and proud to be the largest chapter in the Great Lakes Region with more than130financialmembers.

Our chapter fully engaged in the Illinois One Sigma concept, and we have been active with Founders' Day celebrations. In addition, we have engaged other chapterstoparticipateinservice. We areproud to have conductedour Membership Intake Process that added 5 new brothers to the growth of our beloved fraternity Our new members are phenomenalworkerswholoveourgreatfraternity WearealsoelatedtohavebuiltworkingrelationshipswithlocalSigma and Zeta Chapters, and we have demonstrated strong and unwavering support for our brothers during times of bereavementandjoy.

Amongst our greatest achievements is the consistent increase in our social media presence. We can be found via our website, Facebook or Instagram Upsilon Sigma Chapter engaged in extensive service We maintained an active Sigma Beta Club that met regularly and engaged with our members. We also supported the March of Dimes and many local charities

Duringmytimeaspresident,ourchapterhashostedmanywebinarssuchas"HistoricalConversationwiththeHon Bro ClarenceD Johnson,DSC165"aspartofhisbirthdaycelebration,"AsktheLawyers","AsktheDoctor","WealthBuilding", and“"UnderstandingtheJudicialProcess."Wehavealsoengagedinmanyliveprogramstosupportthelocalcommunity whichincludedtheSigmaHouseBlockcleanup,giveawaysofpersonalprotectionequipment,programstosupportsmall business,Thanksgivingturkeygiveaways,toydrives,coatdrives,voterregistrationdriveswithRainbowPush,andblood drivesinconjunctionwiththeCommunityBloodCenter

WeareextremelyproudofoursignatureannualCarnationBall&CrescentMoonAwardswhichwascancelledin2020and 2021 due the COVID-19 pandemic The Crescent Moon Award was established as a vehicle to honor women of African descent,whohavemadesignificantcontributionsintheirfieldorthelargercommunity Recently,wehadmorethan500 guests in attendance for our 2022 Carnation Ball and Crescent Moon Awards Celebration We also gave $4,000 in scholarshiptodeservingcollegestudents.

IamsoproudoftheworkofUpsilonSigmaChapter.IjoinedPhiBetaSigmaFraternity,Inc.,asacollegiate,manyyears agoattheUniversityofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign AsIreflect,asidefromgivingmylifetoChristatanearlyage,joining PhiBetaSigmaFraternityis“amongst”thebestdecisionsIhaveevermade Yes,oursisatruebrotherhood


Hon Bro JudgeCarlAnthonyWalker,DSC165 President,UpsilonSigmaChapter

Brothers, greetings, and welcome to another wonderful year. As I look back and reflect on my Blue and White family experiences from the age of 5 to present day, Sigma has blessed me. From starting my education in grammar school with a teacher, a Finer Woman of Zeta Phi Beta, to being mentored as a young teen while watching Super Bowls at the fraternity house, brothers uplifting each other when losing loved ones, and watching our younger brothers bring in new members to carry on the legacy, Sigma has always been at the center of my life. On May 3, 2003, my dream came true, Captain Quest of S.S. BLUE D.I.C.E. was born into Sigmadom. For 19+ more years living life as a Sigma man and upholding my vow for service has been an evolving journey. My journey through life has been both inspired and supported by the men of Sigma. Now, in my fourth term as Vice-President and now a regional board member, I am even more proud to say I am a member of Upsilon Sigma Chapter, a chapter of support, service, and relentless dedication to its community no matter the storm. We have continuous grown our membership and left a mark in this region.

Brothers you have shown this past year that YOU ALL live to educate and serve as exemplified in over 40 events that we have hosted, promoted, and/or supported despite being in a health pandemic. We have proven that the more our community needs us, the greater efforts we will put forth to serve. This great chapter embodies a brotherhood that truly lives by the adage:“I Am My Brothers’ Keeper”.The last few years in this chapter have been both an education and privilege to work next to such a dedicated group of brothers. I want to thank every member serving, officers leading, and brothers holding Sigma in their heart for making my childhood dream come true, the dream of endlessly effectuating change in the community.

In 2022, every committee has hosted events and provided a great service to the community despite the fact that COVID-19 is still hanging around. The greater the obstacles the stronger the bond this chapter has. It is this dedication that makes our chapter the precious jewel it is. No task is too great. No community member is beyond reach of our service. I am ever so proud of our brothers not just for their efforts, but their results.Brothers your spirit for humanity has been infectious on me and clearly to all others with whom you have come in contact. I know I speak for the community in saying that your service has provided both comfort and peace in our hearts. Your since of purpose is commendable and like no other organization in the world. We have marched together this year educating, mentoring, serving, feeding, clothing, marketing, and funding our community. In this upcoming year nothing would be more fulfilling than thundering back along the lines serving next to each and every one of you. It has been with great pleasure to serve as the vice-president of such a dedicated chapter. Brothers, "OUR CAUSE SPEEDS ON."


Bro. Attorney Mike Jarard Vice-President, Upsilon Sigma Chapter

Hon. Bro. Justice Carl Anthony Walker President

Bro. Michael Jarard, Esq.Vice-President

Bro. Dr. Jessie E. Kilgore, Jr. 2nd Vice-President & Hon. Bro. Clarence D. Johnson Financial Secretary

Bro. Obeddie Hawkins

Treasurer/Director Sigma Beta Club

Bro. Dwayne Cecil Director Bigger Better Business

Bro. Paul Hayward Director Social Action

Bro. Reginald Wynne Director Membership

Hon. Clarence Johnson (DSC 165) Keeper of Records

Past International President

Bro. Arthur W. Mitchell

Bro. George W. Lawrence

Bro. Maurice Moore

Past International Treasurer

Bro. Ephriam Persons

Past International Auditor

Hon. Justice Carl Anthony Walker, CPA

Past Regional Directors

Bro. John Tardiff

Bro. Chester Riley

Hon. Bro. Clarence D. Johnson

Hon. Bro. Charles H. Talbert

Bro. Dr. Basil Muhammad Recording Secretary

Bro. Larry HorneCorresponding Secretary

Bro. Garrett Smith Sargent at Arms

Bro. Charles Bracey, Esq. Co-Director of Education

Bro. Tyrone Dowdell Co-Director of Education

Hon. Charles Talbert Co-Director of Education

Bro. Rev. Mitchell Johnson, JD Chaplain

Bro. Marquis WilliamsHistorian

Bro. Ronald Branch Sigma/Zeta Relations

Distinguished Service Chapter

DSC #15 - Hon. Bro. Hugh Fisher Lewis

DSC #20 - Hon. Bro. George W. Lawrence

DSC #44 - Hon Bro. Maurice A. Moore

DSC #60 - Hon. Bro. Andrew Childress

DSC #64 - Hon. Bro. Ephraim E. Person

DSC #87 - Hon. Bro. Chester Riley

DSC #114 - Hon. Bro. Dr. Howard Felder

DSC #126 - Hon. Bro. Clarence D. Johnson

DSC #165 - Hon. Bro. Justice Carl Anthony Waker, CPA

DSC #181 - Hon Bro. Charles H. Talbert

Past Regional Legal Counsel

Hon. Bro. Justice Carl Anthony Walker, CPA

Bro. Randy Crumpton, Esq.

Past International Director, The Sigma Leadership Academy

Hon Bro Charles H Talbert

Other Prominent Members of Upsilon Sigma Chapter

Hon Justice Charles E Freeman, First Black to Serve on the Illinois Supreme Court

Hon Mayor Harold Washington, First Black Mayor of the City of Chicago

Bro. Dr. Edward Hubbard

Hon. Bro. Clarence D. Johnson

Bro. Rutherford Wilson

Bro. Larry Copeland

Bro. Eric Daniels

Bro. Dr. Michael Miller

Bro. Walter Tolson

Bro. Alfred Williams

Bro. Keith Reed

Bro. J. Michael Johnson

Bro. Clifford Hartfield

Bro. Jeffrey Johnson

Bro. Anthony Lopez Hall

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity was founded at Howard University in Washington, D.C., January 9, 1914, by three young African-American male students. The Founders, Honorable A. Langston Taylor, Honorable Leonard F. Morse, and Honorable Charles I. Brown, wanted to organize a Greek letter fraternity that would truly exemplify the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and service.

The Founders deeply wished to create an organization that viewed itself as “a part of” the general community rather than “apart from” the general community. They believed that each potential member should be judged by his own merits, rather than his family background or affluence… without regard to race, nationality, skin tone or texture of hair. They desired for their fraternity to exist as part of an even greater brotherhood which would be devoted to the “inclusive we” rather than the “exclusive we”.

From its inception, the Founders also conceived Phi Beta Sigma as a mechanism to deliver services to the general community. Rather than gaining skills to be utilized exclusively for themselves and their immediate families, they held a deep conviction that they should return their newly acquired skills to the communities from which they had come. This deep conviction was mirrored in the Fraternity’s motto, “Culture For Service and Service For Humanity”.

Today, Phi Beta Sigma has blossomed into an international organization of leaders. No longer a single entity, members of the Fraternity have been instrumental in the establishment of the Phi Beta Sigma National Foundation, the Phi Beta Sigma Federal Credit Union and The Sigma Beta Club Foundation. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, founded in 1920 with the assistance of Phi Beta Sigma, is the sister organization of the Fraternity.

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