1 minute read
Hard working black students understand one principal: the practice makes the perfect. But even though black children may want to excel,, they can only do so much. The brothers at Upsilon Sigma understand this, and so we have given away $3,000.00 in scholarship money to this year's recipients: Kendall Powell, Jayden Griffen, Alex Washington, and Bryant Hedrick Jr. They each were awarded scholarships that ranged in value between $500.00 and $1,000.00, and they were honored before many black judges of Cook County, Illinois. The scholarship committee is already at work getting ready to give money to next year's recipients.

During the 2022 year, Upsilon Sigma Chapter and the education committee adopted Wendell Green Elementary School. We are proud to have one of our own brothers, Bro. Tyrone Dowdell serving as the school principal. Our Sigma brothers visited the school to conduct spelling bees and math competitions for the children, with cash prizes for the winners. Our chapter also conducted career day to allow the children to speak to and listen to black professionals.
2023 Goals
Participate in Tutor Online Literacy Program
Continue to visit Wendell Green Elementary School.
Sponsor one field trip for adopted school
Conduct a school supply drive for the start of the 2022-2023 school year
Host an online applying for college workshop
Respectfully Submitted:
Bro. Dr. Basil Muhammad
Bro. Tyrone Dowdell
Respectfully Submitted:
Bro. Herman Jackson, Sigma Beta Club Advisor
Bro. Obeddie Hawkins, Sigma Beta Club Coordinator