2 minute read

Unexpected…A Word for Your Day

By Jane Bishop

Life has a way of surprising us with the unexpected. Some of these surprises are pleasant, like an early visit from a service provider, the sudden chiming of a clock in the background, or coming upon a glider port on a leisurely ride. These moments make us smile and remind us that life is full of delightful, unexpected surprises.

There are also those surprises that challenge and test our resilience. Unforeseen bills, unexpected losses, or even unwanted surprises can throw us off balance. When we experience the “unforeseen” it’s essential to remember that no matter how well we plan, life will have a few curveballs to throw our way. How can we consistently handle the unexpected with grace, resilience, and positivity while managing any emotions that “come along for the ride”?

I believe we all have many of the answers within our skill sets. Take a quick self-assessment by intentionally noting your self-leadership skills. Consider how you have previously handled the “unexpected” and then identify what worked and didn’t. As you become aware, identify what would be helpful to adjust and/or eliminate. As

Continued on page 16 also want to slow and reverse muscle loss. this information becomes clear, then choose to take action. A valuable lesson I have learned to practice is: “Prior planning prevents poor performance.” This phrase encapsulates the power of preparation, placing us in the best possible position to tackle whatever life throws our way. I have also learned the importance of honing flexibility and adaptability skills. These two skills alone have helped me navigate the unexpected (both positive and not-so-positive)! This is part of self-leadership. When we hone our self-leadership skills, we can respond consistently to life’s surprises in a healthier, more manageable way. angst, or stress when facing negative surprises. It indicates that we can cope, manage, and find a way forward, even when life takes us down unexpected, challenging paths. Creating a positive interruption helps us stop, pause, and think as we give our brain a rest for a “moment.” In that moment, we can breathe and have space to refuel and be refreshed to embrace the unexpected and shift our mindset, and move forward.

KL: What beliefs have you come away with on your journey?

DA: I became a believer that you don’t have to sweat to get in shape.

KL: What advice would you give someone who is just starting?

DA: Start with two hours per week for a month and then re-access. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the results!

Debbie is a BIG believer in exercise, and her enthusiasm is contagious! She said so many wonderful things during our interview. She added, “You don’t have to look like ‘The Hulk!’” She just wants to encourage everyone out there to take care of themselves and get moving!

A final and excellent quote from Debbie: “You save all your life for retirement, but what are you putting in your HEALTH bank? One is dependent on the other.” She is spot on!

More information at 770-554-7977.

I invite you to create a positive interruption for someone. Surprise a friend or a family member with an unexpected phone call, a handtivity in someone else’s life. Who knows how it will empower them

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