2012 8th Annual National LGBTQ & Ally College Student Career Conference Program Agenda

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The 8th Annual National LGBTQA College Student Career Conference & PRIDE Career Fair

Lockheed Martin ad


The 8th Annual National LGBTQA College Student Career Conference & PRIDE Career Fair


Welcome to the 8th Annual National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Ally College Student Career Conference. We are thrilled to bring the conference to the Midwest and of course to be in the Windy City! I would like to thank the conference host committee members for all their hard work; Mark Martell, Liz Thomson, Monica Gerhardt, and James Stewart from University of Illinois Chicago; Julie Bartimus from the University of Illinois; Molly Holmes and Mark Jensen from Northern Illinois University; Maureen Roach from Illinois State University; and Katy Weseman from DePaul University. We are very honored to have so many amazing speakers for you this weekend including Mara Keisling, the Founding Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. We are also excited to have Reverend George B. Walker, Jr. , Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund and Institute as well as Joe Solmonese, former President of the Human Rights Campaign as keynote speakers. In addition, Gary Gates, Distinguished Scholar at the Williams Institute and Selisse Berry, Founding Executive Director of Out & Equal Workplace Advocates are joining us this weekend to share their knowledge and expertise of the evolving LGBTQ movement. Over the course of the weekend, you will hear incredible stories and be inspired by all of our LGBTQ & Ally panelists and speakers who will share their resources and advice. We encourage you to network and engage with each organization and make great connections with all of the amazing talent in attendance. I would like to thank all of the companies that are with us this weekend. We are grateful once again to have Lockheed Martin as our National Presenting Sponsor for the conference. There are a few companies that are new to OUT for Work and are first-­‐time conference sponsors; including Alcoa, Cummins, General Electric, Monsanto, NSA, and Oracle and we are thrilled to have them on board with us this year. In addition to our new companies, Boeing, BP, Capital One, General Dynamics, Marriott, Merck, Nordstrom, Northrop Grumman, Toyota, and Verizon have all returned this year to the conference. Throughout the weekend I encourage students to find and create opportunities to be educated, be prepared, and be empowered in your transition from academia into the workplace. Alex Gant Conference & Operations Manager OUT for Work

The 8th Annual National LGBTQA College Student Career Conference & PRIDE Career Fair

Dear Participant, Welcome to the 8th Annual National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Ally (LGBTQA) College Student Career Conference. The theme for this year’s conference is Raise the Bar. Over the past 12 months OUT for Work has challenged itself, organizations, students, and career center professionals to do just that. A special thanks to everyone at Lockheed Martin for Raising the Bar once again as OUT for Work’s National Presenting Conference Sponsor and Gold Level Organizational Partner. For those who have attended an OUT for Work conference before, you will notice many changes. First of all we are in Chicago! This is the first time ever that OUT for Work has held its national conference outside of Washington, DC. We are thrilled to be here and working closely with the University of Illinois Chicago. We look forward to strengthening our ties in this part of the country. Programmatically there are many changes this year as well. We have introduced pod meetings, smaller group sessions that examine a topic facing LGBTQ students. This year these sessions will examine the impact of LGBTQ role models in career development. Participants will be able to self-­‐assess, reflect on the weekend’s many sessions, and network with others in a less intimidating environment. In addition, we have assembled the who’s who of advocates for LGBTQ workplace inclusion and representatives from organizations leading the way in LGBTQ nondiscrimination workplace policies, benefits, outreach, and support. This weekend, I ask you to Raise the Bar. Take time to network, ask questions, actively participate, and challenge yourself and others. This weekend is an amazing opportunity to step out of your comfort zone. It’s a safe space, inclusive for all. Further, I encourage you to have fun! On behalf of everyone at OUT for Work and on the Board of Directors, thank you for sharing this weekend with us. Best,

Founder OUT for Work


The 8th Annual National LGBTQA College Student Career Conference & PRIDE Career Fair

thank you to our organizational partners gold



Aenean eget urna Aenean sagittis nisi non purus. Praesent vitae ante sit amet


The 8th Annual National LGBTQA College Student Career Conference & PRIDE Career Fair

thank you to our conference sponsors national presenting sponsor

respect sponsor

community sponsors

ally sponsors


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The 8th Annual National LGBTQA College Student Career Conference & PRIDE Career Fair

Logistics Information at UIC Here are some things to make your conference experience more enjoyable: • Gender-­‐neutral, multi-­‐stall restrooms are designated only on the third floor conference space. All other restrooms throughout the building are labeled. Unfortunately, there is not a gender-­‐neutral, single stall restroom in the building. • Everyone comes to this conference with varied life experiences and skill sets. While the conference features the intersection of gender identity and sexual orientation regarding career, remember that one also has multiple identities including race, ability, immigration status, faith, and class. • UIC’s non-­‐discrimination statement includes sexual orientation and gender identity. If you experience any problems, please see UIC staff members Mark Martell or Liz Thomson. • Please respect common spaces with other students and visitors. • UIC building staff typically wear name badges and can answer general questions. • In Student Center East, there are two ATMs located on street level. • UIC Police Emergency is (312) 355-­‐5555; Non-­‐Emergency is (312) 996-­‐2830. • Lost and Found for the conference is at the registration table. You can also check the service window located on the first floor, near the Halsted St. entrance. • Did you forget something? The UIC Convenience Store is open Saturday from 8:00am-­‐5:00pm and closed on Sunday. There is a 7-­‐Eleven located at 833 W. Van Buren and a 24-­‐hour Walgreens at 111 S. Halsted. Inclusive Gender Etiquette Transgender is an umbrella term including, but not limited to FTM, MTF, gender queer, gender-­‐variant, and gender non-­‐conforming. In order to be more inclusive of all of our transgender and gender non-­‐conforming participants, please send and act upon the following to help everyone feel safe and included throughout the conference. • Please do not assume any person’s gender, even people you may have met in the past. Someone’s external appearance may not match their internal gender identity. Offer and/or ask for one’s pronoun preferences. • Respect gender identity regardless of one’s name, sexual orientation, or gender expression. • Allow for each of us to decide for ourselves in which bathroom we belong. • Be a transgender ally and support your fellow conference participants. • Understand that there is more than one narrative to the diverse transgender community. • Use gender-­‐neutral language, such as “folks, spouse, partner, sibling, person, parent, or one”. • Acknowledge your own cis-­‐gender privilege and educate yourself to end transgender oppression and discrimination.


The 8th Annual National LGBTQA College Student Career Conference & PRIDE Career Fair

welcome from UIC – venue partner Dear OUT for Work conference participants, employers, and guests, On behalf of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), we welcome you to our campus! We have worked hard to try and ensure your conference experience at UIC is the best it can be. As staff members, we know the value of what a great conference experience can bring – both personally and professionally. Historically, there has been collaboration between the Office of Career Services and the Gender & Sexuality Center. From the collaboration, both of our units have learned from each other and been able to assist students even better as well. UIC is known as a leader in diversity, and more specifically, in supporting the diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and ally (LGBTQA) communities. Here are some UIC LGBTQA highlights we would like to share: •

Our Non-­‐Discrimination Statement includes both sexual orientation and gender identity.

The GSC Safe Zone program celebrated its 10th Anniversary this past spring; we estimate that we have trained thousands of allies since 2002.

The Office of Career Services currently has a “Gold Level” ranking in the OUT for Work LGBTQ Career Center Certification program.

Lastly, UIC is the first to host the OUT for Work Conference in the Midwest! We are excited to welcome students, professionals, and employers of multiple identities and look forward to a great conference experience. Meet new people! Practice your interviewing skills! Take some risks! And enjoy the city! Sincerely,

Mark Martell, Asst. Director Office of Career Services Host Committee Co-Chair

Liz Thomson, Asst. Director Gender & Sexuality Center Host Committee Co-Chair


The 8th Annual National LGBTQA College Student Career Conference & PRIDE Career Fair


The 8th Annual National LGBTQA College Student Career Conference & PRIDE Career Fair

conference rooms


The 8th Annual National LGBTQA College Student Career Conference & PRIDE Career Fair


The 8th Annual National LGBTQA College Student Career Conference & PRIDE Career Fair

agenda at a glance







Registration/ Opening Reception

Willis Tower-­‐ Skydeck



Registration & Continental Breakfast

Illinois Room Foyer



Pod meetings (All participants-­‐required)




White Oak A


White Oak B




Fort Dearborn B


Illinois Room C



Welcome from OUT for Work

Illinois Room AB



Welcome message from UIC -­‐ Housekeeping Notes

Illinois Room AB



Welcome and Keynote Speaker Introduction

Illinois Room AB



Morning Keynote: Mara Keisling

Illinois Room AB



Lunch/ Panel Discussion: State of the Workplace

Illinois Room AB



My Queer Career

Illinois Room AB



Breakout sessions: Round 1



OUT in Government

White Oak A

OUT in Nonprofit

White Oak B

OUT in Education


OUT in Business

Fort Dearborn B

Intro to CCCP

Illinois Room C



Afternoon Keynote: Reverend George B. Walker Jr

Illinois Room AB



Breakout Sessions: R ound 2

Including LGBTQ when building your brand


No experience? Not True!

White Oak A

Want to be successful? Impress me!

White Oak B

What's Normal Anyway?


CEI Overview

Fort Dearborn B

Building LGBTQ Engagement

Illinois Room C



Closing Keynote Speaker: Joe Solmonese

Illinois Room AB


Wrap up

Illinois Room AB



The 8th Annual National LGBTQA College Student Career Conference & PRIDE Career Fair Sunday



Pod meetings (All participants required)

Grab & Go Breakfast

Red & Purple



White Oak A


White Oak B




Fort Dearborn B



Resume Review/ Interview Prep Consultations

Illinois Room C



Employers of Choice Sessions

Lockheed Martin


National Security Agency (NSA)

White Oak A

BMO-­‐Harris Bank

White Oak B



PRIDE Career Fair

Illinois Room AB



(1:00-­‐1:30pm conference participants only)


Interview Suites

Lockheed Martin


Northrop Grumman

Fort Dearborn B


The 8th Annual National LGBTQA College Student Career Conference & PRIDE Career Fair

session descriptions Saturday, September 29 10:00am-­‐10:45am – Cardinal, White Oak A, White Oak B, Monarch, Fort Dearborn B, Illinois Room C Pod Meetings Kickoff the conference b y meeting and networking with students, professionals, and representatives from across the country. Get together with your color Pod group to discuss expectations for the conference. 12:00pm-­‐12:30pm – Illinois Room AB Mara Keisling Mara Keisling is the Founding Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. M ara is a transgender-­‐ identified woman and a parent. As one of the nation’s leading voices for transgender equality, Mara has appeared on news outlets such as CNN and CSPAN, and is regularly quoted in the New York Times, the Washington Post and hundreds of other national and local print and electronic media. Since NCTE was founded in 2003, the organization has been part of coalition efforts that have won significant advances in transgender equality. 12:40pm-­‐1:50pm – Illinois Room AB State of the Workplace Presented by: Out & Equal, The Williams Institute, NCTE, and HRC This panel will address how to navigate current legal workplace rights for queer employees and will discuss the implications of current policy and legislation such as the Employment Non-­‐Discrimination Act (ENDA). You will hear about the legal and political endeavors of various leaders of the LGBTQ community who have worked to increase equality in the workplace for queer and “out” employees. 2:00pm-­‐2:45pm – Illinois Room AB My Queer Career Presented by: OUT for Work Hear representatives from Lockheed Martin, Merck, Capital One, Marriott and Toyota share and discuss their experiences of being out and open in the workplace.

Breakout Sessions: Round 1 2:55pm-­‐3:40pm -­‐ Cardinal OUT in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Moderated by Lockheed Martin, this panel will bring together representatives from Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Cummins and Boeing to discuss being out in the STEM industry. 2:55pm-­‐3:40pm -­‐ White Oak A OUT in OUT in Government Representatives from the Office of Personnel M anagement (OPM), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) will discuss b eing out in government. 2:55pm-­‐3:40pm -­‐ White Oak B OUT in Non Profit Hear representatives in the non-­‐profit field share their coming out stories, experiences, tips and advice for being “out” in the non-­‐profit industry.


The 8th Annual National LGBTQA College Student Career Conference & PRIDE Career Fair


session descriptions

2:55pm-­‐3:40pm -­‐ Monarch OUT in Education Representatives from various levels of the education field will share their stories, experiences, advice and resources. 2:55pm-­‐3:40pm – Fort Dearborn B OUT in Business Hear a panel of professionals from Marriott, Capital One and Verizon discuss being out in the business world, moderated by a representative from Nordstrom. 2:55pm-­‐3:40pm – Illinois Room C Introduction to Career Center Certification Program (CCCP) OUT for Work’s Career Center Certification Program evaluates services and tools that resource centers provide to LGBTQ students. Learn about results from the CCCP 2012 Survey and the many resources and benefits the program may offer to your school. 3:50pm-­‐4:20pm – Illinois Room AB Reverend George B. Walker, Jr. Reverend George B. Walker Jr is currently the Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund and Institute. He was recently appointed by President Obama to serve on the White House Initiative for Historically Black Colleges and Universities. His work spans LGBT inclusion, major donor fundraising, strategic planning, and program design for national and international organizations.

Programming Highlight

Employer of Choice Sessions

Sunday, September 30th 12:00pm-­‐ 12:45pm

The 8th Annual National LGBTQA College Student Career Conference & PRIDE Career Fair


session descriptions Breakout Sessions: Round 2 4:30pm-­‐5:15pm – Cardinal Including LGBTQ when building your brand Branding helps define who you are and why employers should seek you out, and can have a significant impact on your academic and professional career goals. This workshop will focus on the participant as the CEO of Me. Inc., with a brand called You. Participants explore the roles required of the CEO of M e. Inc., such as Chief of Marketing, Research, Development, and everything else that goes into Brand You, including your sexual orientation and gender identity. Every brand has an ingredients list; likewise, brand You has a special ingredient list that makes it unique, special and famous (yes, famous.) Participants formulate Vision and Mission statements for Brand You and formulate a business plan for Me, Inc.

4:30pm-­‐5:15pm – White Oak A No Experience? Not True! Many college students are under the impression that they do not have any real work experience. This workshop by Lockheed Martin will encourage you to look at your work experience through a different lens and realize that there are always aspects of your previous experiences that h ave value in marketing yourself to prospective employers. 4:30pm-­‐5:15pm – White Oak B Want to be successful? Be the Best and the Brightest-­‐ Impress m e! What is professionalism and how does it apply to the LGBTQ community? How does it apply to you as an OUT job seeker? How can it help your LGBTQ student group? Participants of this oSTEM workshop will learn how to present themselves professionally, build a positive reputation and make a lasting impression on employers as well as h ow to identify u nprofessional behavior and consider appropriate alternatives. 4:30pm-­‐5:15pm -­‐ Monarch What’s Normal Anyway? Hear the inspiring story of artist and Columbia University student Morgan Boecher, creator of ‘What’s Normal Anyway’, a comic that addresses being a trans male. 4:30pm-­‐5:15pm – Fort Dearborn B Corporate Equality Index (CEI) Overview Hear the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) present findings from the latest Corporate Equality Index, which chronicles and rates American businesses on their treatment and inclusion of LGBTQ employees, consumers and investors. 4:30pm-­‐5:15pm – Illinois Room C LGBTQ Students and Career Center Engagement: Best Practices Led by Mark Brostoff, a career center professional from Washington University in St. Louis, this session will include a discussion on the challenges faced by university career centers to engage LGBTQ students and best practices for partnering with student clubs and campus LGBTQ resource centers.

The 8th Annual National LGBTQA College Student Career Conference & PRIDE Career Fair


session descriptions 5:25pm-­‐5:55pm – Illinois Room AB Joe Solmonese Joe Solmonese is currently one of 35 national co-­‐chairs of the Obama 2012 campaign. He is the former president of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation’s largest civil rights organization fighting for LGBT equality. Under Joe Solmonese's leadership, HRC has been an effective, strategic and creative force in LGBT rights advocacy. Solmonese is also the former CEO of EMILY’s List, where he oversaw one of the nation’s prominent pro-­‐choice Democratic political action committees. Solmonese has overseen electoral and legislative victories and successful outreach to new audiences. A d ynamic speaker with a powerful message, Solmonese is one of the most sought-­‐after p olitical voices in progressive politics today. Sunday, September 30

9:00am-­‐9:45am – Cardinal, White Oak A, White Oak B, Monarch, and Fort Dearborn B Pod Meetings Get b ack together with your Pod color group to discuss what you have been learning at the conference and what your next steps are moving forward with the networking, resources, and contacts you have. 10:00am-­‐12:00pm – Illinois Room C Resume Review and Interview Prep Session Get one-­‐on-­‐one resume consultation and practice interviewing techniques with HR professionals. A computer lab will be available to edit and print your resume before heading off to the PRIDE Career Fair. 12:00pm-­‐12:45pm – Employer of Choice Sessions Do you want to work for an organization that is leading the way in equality for LGBTQ employees in the workplace? These sessions will provide you with an intimate, interactive setting for you to learn more about these organizations, available internships and employment opportunities. Lockheed Martin -­‐ Cardinal BMO Harris Bank – White Oak A National Security Agency – White Oak B

Is your campus career center LGBTQ certified? www.outforwork.org 1.01.13

The 8th Annual National LGBTQA College Student Career Conference & PRIDE Career Fair


PRIDE career fair map & exhibitor list


Illinois Rooms with Fort Dearborn




Chair Storage





10 Chair Storage



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2 coat racks




28 Main Entrance to Room

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Opening Reception Sponsor:

Shop at www.geoffreysdiamonds.com

US, State, City & UIC FLAGS

Disabled Access

The 8th Annual National LGBTQA College Student Career Conference & PRIDE Career Fair

PRIDE career fair map & exhibitor list 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

Lockheed Martin Nordstrom Merck General Dynamics Northrop Grumman Cummins NSA (National Security Agency) National Geospacial Intelligence Agency CIA Federal Bank of Richmond Chicago Area Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Monsanto Verizon Toyota BMO-­‐Harris Bank Walgreens General Electric BAE Systems Capital One Boeing BP Oracle Alcoa The US Department of State OPM (Office of Personnel Management) Natural Resources Conservation Service Marriott HRC Exelon NASA US EPA Teach for America

*as of September 12, 2012


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