Information About GLBT Issues in the Workplace Now That I'm Out...Where Do I Work? Being gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender means you may need to make some hard choices during your job search and in your workplace. Which companies have good policies? Should you be out during your interview? Should you be out in the workplace? What if you face discrimination? The tough reality is that there are no federal laws that prevent employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. However, there are a variety of state and local statutes that may cover employment nondiscrimination or domestic partnership benefits. Also, individual companies may have policies that can protect your rights. As you conduct your job search, the following internet resources can help you determine the policies of various companies and localities. Being informed about the policies of an individual company, the presence or absence of a gay or lesbian employee organization, and whether there are legal protections from job discrimination helps make some difficult choices a little easier. The Human Rights Campaign: WorkNet WorkNet is a national source of information on workplace and corporate attitudes and policies surrounding sexual orientation. The Human Rights Campaign sponsors WorkNet to create and distribute information that will assist individuals and groups in bringing more inclusive programs to more workplaces. Sexual Orientation and Career Decision Making Provides good advice from a career counselor about job search issues for GLBT college graduates. OUT for Work Works to educate, prepare and empower LGBT and ally college students as they make the transition from the world of academia to the workplace. Gay Workplace Issues Homepage Provides extensive links to employment policies, non-discrimination ordinances, resources for dealing with GLBT issues in the workplace, and e-mail and newsgroup forums. Pride at Work The purpose of Pride At Work is to mobilize support between the organized labor movement and the GLBT Community around organizing for social and economic justice. is a job search and job listing service for truly equal opportunity employers. It also contains job search information and advice for GLBT who are looking for gay friendly employment. American University Career Center Career education is an ongoing process, which continues throughout your life, and the Career Center is the place to begin. The Career Center staff prepares you for the work world through guided self-assessment, workshops, cooperative education experience, career library resources, special events, and career planning services leading to full-time jobs. The Career Center is located on the 5th Floor of Butler Pavilion on the American University campus.
American University Human Resources At AU we are working to build a distinctive, global university marked by the highest levels of excellence and creativity. The university’s diverse faculty, staff, alumni, trustees and student body represent 145 countries. Allow us to help you learn more about HR Services at American University – use this page as your starting point to view employment opportunities, benefits and employment policies, pay schedules, and much more.