OFM thoughts
A Queer in Recovery
Hi, my name is _______, and I am an alcoholic. Those words are still hard to say. Even after bargaining, wavering, and battling with my addiction to alcohol for more than 15 years, I still don’t want to believe that I can never drink like a normal person. Yet, I have to admit to myself and to other human beings that I believe in the depths of my soul that to take even one more drink will surely be the death of me. So, here we are, I am admitting to myself, and to you, that I’m a drunk. I have chosen to write this column not because I am an expert in recovery from substance abuse, but because I am doing everything I can to save my own life. As dramatic as it feels to say, I was truly on my deathbed that final night of my active addiction. I was drinking close to a half-handle of vodka a day; my body was shutting down, and my mind was mush. While divulging the facts of my alcohol consumption will likely be one of the most scary things I will ever do, I only tell this to give you some background information so that then I can then inform you of my mission. 5 6 OFM J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 1