I apologize It is a notion that most of us have done something in life that maybe out of the ordinary that would fall in to various unwanted aspect of a normal human being. And as time pass we reiterate those things as wanting and needing to amend it to someone. But to do that we must first apologize to ourselves in that we have done things that’s directly related to our own existence, it may come in various forms, to some it maybe drug, alcoholism, overeating, sexual, criminal activates, disruption in the family, stealing from family the place of employment etc, we were just no good in our pursuit of life. But we first came aware of our situation following other rejection of ourselves. I would assume no one has the insight to zero in on a particular time when they were steered off of the correct path in life and who held us by the nose as we followed them in the opposite direction of normal life. Were we just blinded by what was around us at the time and we allowed others to entire our space and corrupt us in many ways, this can be applied in many ways and too many outlined subjects of life.
We were overly gullible, a follower being guided by the so called friends who has not intention of being a true friend just wanting to steer you in a direction as a backup to their overly evil personal deeds. But if we were to analyze each so called evil deeds most of us could fill numerous pages just exposing all we have did in our life. So I if I was that person I know that it would be impossible, so I would take all that was in my head at this moment and assess each topic as a whole. And who would want to scan over numerous pages of a self-confession, in that way those who were reading my synopsis would have a different picture of me.
So to be that apologetic to anyone without examining all areas and the pertinent
details wouldn’t be admirable, and an overall personal assessment not as a testimony as if I was in a Christian church ready to expose myself and my life to the congregation, which some would be so eager to tally up your wrong as if they were compiling a grocery list. But I never really understood that concept, because we would have some who would take it literally and carry that information to others as most would do a family no the immediate family but those from marriage who appear to be so outspoken when it’s someone else with the problems. So as I would as I mentioned that the most plausible move would be to direct your apology to yourself first and then you are able to dispatch that self reliance of turning around one life in a positive way. So I can’t determine if anyone should or would interpret anyone one in a roundtable of friends and family as if we were at an AA “alcoholic anonymous” meeting or that of NC “narcotic anonymous”.
NON-ACTIVATED VERSION www.avs4you.com So why be so furious about your life and what you did to it. Yes what you did to
Unfortunately we have those who make bad career choices which moves in a different direction in life of the beaming path.
it and you can’t blame it on anyone but yourself as you have revealed to everyone around you short steps in life, your dismemberment of you existence a decision not to be self-serving heading for prominence place in life. I call it immaturity unable to function in an ordinary life style as most normal Americans especially the African American. It is a self-destruction coming from some predated theory that some old slave master set in motion, because his inner turmoil of racial embedded teachings. So if we have the best intentions of turning our life around so why do we, act as if we are preprogrammed to do what we do to set in motion the abatement as if we owe someone something from our ancestral past.
There is no one who will give petty for the wrong don’t to the African Americans so we must move on and not retrospect back to a previous day in time, which is the foundation of our downfall and grasping the past mentality as if this was the
standard of moving on in life. So we are elevating our communities in assortment of activities especially that of comedy as this is an outlet of what is going on in our lives and our communities. So the apology is an afterthought of the future synopsis of life as we see it in a minimum after though, so we accumulate needs and lack of structure as we dissipate into an area of disbelief and now we are apologizing in multiple areas of despair. So we must calculate what needs to be done to eliminate that feeling of a letdown and we won’t need to even think about what we have done overtime that led us to place of uncertainty. So why were so many so called friends ready to bring you down with them, you must look closely at why you placed yourself along the path of destruction and did your friendship warrant such an unmitigated divagation of your nomadic life style, and now you are repenting twofold just in an effort to return you physically demented body back to normalcy and respect.
If we only had the insight to sidestep the pain and agony before inserting ourselves in such a predicament that of following so called friends to destruction, it is the revision that will reveal our inner turmoil against civilization. So if we observe those around us with overly abandon of hate and evil crowding every corner of their heart we would know to retrace our steps and eliminate the missed social order we have led ourselves through.