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Expect turbulence in love,

Capricorn. Both Venus and Mars are in your sign, and they may be working in tandem against you. Venus is the planet of love and Mars of aggression, and the two will coincide to create some friction between you and loved ones, especially romantic partners.

While disharmony may not be your favorite pastime, it will serve you in the long run. Tension or disagreement will enlighten you toward things that may need fixing and toward things that may not be repairable. These conversations can be hard, but they are necessary, and they will allow you to grow. Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, everyone, and just in time for some good astrological news. Venus, the planet of love, is leaving retrograde just as the planet of luck, Jupiter, is entering its home sign. While the stars are aligning for everyone to be lucky in love this Feb. 14, let us dive deeper into what they have to say for you.


AQUARIUS JAN 20 - FEB 19 It is your season, Aquarius; live largely and authentically. Your sign is independent, unique, and unforgettable, and you push everyone around you to live as individualistically as you do. You tend to embrace the unconventional and often stand out in some way. This month, allow yourself to bask a little in the spotlight that tends to follow you. While you are authentic for yourself, not to get attention, people notice you anyway. Let them in a little, Aquarius, and allow yourself to enjoy the positive attention you get. You may meet new people or get a new job in doing so. You never play by the rules, and people will follow where you lead. Expect an exciting month full of new memories, recognition, and opportunities.


You are lucky right now, Pisces.

Jupiter is in its home sign (you) so luck will flock to you. This placement means good things for everyone, but you will be particularly affected. This strength in fortune has not occurred since 2011, so take advantage of it. Now is the time to take risks, especially under the rebellious Aquarius sun. If something sounds crazy or difficult, then now is the time to try it. Trust in yourself and your uniqueness, and good things are sure to come. When trying something crazy, remember to consider the long-term effects because odds are high that it will work out for you. Use your luck wisely, and enjoy taking some risks.

Shoot for the stars right now, Aries. Mars rules your sign, which is currently in Capricorn, a powerful position. This will allow you to pair your natural intensity with Capricorn’s, fueling your drive and ambition. Anything you have been putting off doing should be procrastinated no more. Write that paper, apply for that job, get that tattoo – anything that satisfies your persisting intensity. A busy schedule will fuel you, so add every wild dream to your to-do list and smile as you check them all off. Do as much as you can, and your ambition will be rewarded.

Love is headed your way, Taurus. Venus rules your sign, which is finally exiting retrograde after a year-long stint. Venus is the planet of love and beauty, so expect a charming few weeks. This will bring you new opportunities for love, romance, and potential changes in your physical appearance. With love surrounding you, do not forget to work on falling in love with yourself too. While potential new partners may be alluring, you will be happier and all the more wanted if you can love your reflection as much as you love those around you. Look outward and inward for love and you are sure to feel it.




Gemini, this month is for grounding and exploring. The moon is exiting your sign, Gemini, and you can expect a slight lightening of your emotions. Things that were causing you significant stress will be recontextualized, and you will be able to see things in a new, productive way. This decrease in stress will give you more mental energy and allow you to seize opportunities. If you look for something, you are sure to find it, although it may pop up in unexpected places. A new love with a stranger, job off a flyer, or club pamphlet pushed into your hands can change your life. Trust yourself and the signs you are given.

Opportunity will be in the air, Virgo, if you will let it. Under the Aquarius sun, you will be spurred to flaunt your independent side. Mercury, your ruler, is currently in Capricorn, which may lead to overthinking or anxiety. Take some deep breaths, think productive thoughts, and try to push past those thoughts so you can embrace what life has to offer. With focus and practice, you can rechannel worries into something to romanticize. Once you see your life uniquely, embrace anything crazy or unexpected. The smallest thing could lead to a new romance or opportunity, you just have to trust in yourself and the world around you to let it.

This month will be a nurturing one, Cancer. The moon is entering its home sign (you) right now, so expect a deepening of some close relationships. Under this influence, emotions may be tender for everyone this month, and this is truest for you. You will be most successful if you remember the value of home. Take a day off, spend time with family and roommates, and work to support the people you care about. Home will be your sanctuary and your maternal instincts will be finely attuned. Comfort is underrated – allow yourself to value it this month and you will have a peaceful, happy time.

Play it safe this month, Libra. Venus, who rules your sign, is exiting retrograde. This may lead you to want to jump at any opportunity and wish to try every avenue for love and adventure. Be wise in your decision-making. It is easy to want to throw yourself into things, but careful consideration will better you in the long run. Make informed decisions and know there is no issue with sitting on something for a while. Embrace your natural tendency toward balance and equity and allow those feelings to guide you over any rash, exciting ones. With careful planning, you are sure to be more successful.

It is time for some stress relief, Leo. With the new year kicking off, your naturally radiant personality is likely attracted to the promise of new changes in 2022. With the pressure of resolutions and returning to work, school, and society after the winter holidays, you may find yourself swept up in everything. Take a step back. You deserve to begin your year on the right foot, and it is important to remind yourself that you do not have to do everything, just the things that make you happy. Practice some self-care and take a day or two off before you get burnt out.

Be decisive this month, Scorpio. You like to hold your cards close to your chest and deliberate very carefully. Not this month. Allow the occasionally hasty nature of Aquarius season to lead you. Make strong, quick decisions and trust your unusually intuitive gut. You may face some big choices, but now is not the time for hesitation. If you listen to yourself, you will know what you feel instantly. There is no point in wasting time debating this month. Trust yourself instantly and you will make the right choices.



LEO JUL 23 - AUG 22




Sagittarius, it is time for vulnerability. Jupiter, your ruler, is in its other home planet of Pisces, bringing luck to those who are authentic. While you tend to be honest toward others, you sometimes lack that same honesty with yourself. Let people in and allow them to see the real you. Better yet, do some self-reflection and introduce yourself to the parts of you that you have been avoiding. Having room to grow is natural, and recognizing it is not a failure. Do yourself and the people around you a favor and be vulnerable this month. You will come out a more genuine, relaxed person.

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