10.23.08 Outlook Weekly - Halloween High Ball & Trauma Parties

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2 • OUTLOOK WEEKLY OWNERS AND PUBLISHERS Michael Daniels & Chris Hayes EDITOR-IN-CHIEF / ART DIRECTOR Chris Hayes hayes@outlookmedia.com ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR / PHOTOS Robert Trautman traut@outlookmedia.com

Obama Weekend Of Action LGBT and straight activists from Central Ohio and Massachusetts converged in a historic Weekend of Action to close the deal for Barack Obama in Franklin County. Volunteers spent the weekend canvassing and doing voter ID for the Obama campaign. Longtime gay and trans friends of Photos by Adam Leddy the Obamas were on hand to fire up the crowd and share their personal stories about living openly around Barack and Michele.


MANAGING EDITOR Adam Leddy aleddy@outlookmedia.com COVER PHOTO: ANDREA M. HALEY DEVYNE PRODUCTIONS • WWW.DEVYNE.NET CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Mette Bach, Danielle Buckius, Wayne R Besen, Chris Crain, Jennifer Vanasco, Tom Moon, Regina Sewell, Leslie Robinson, Gregg Shapiro, Mick Weems, Julianne French, TF Barton, Romeo San Vicente, Jeff Fertig, Simon Sheppard, Tristan Taormino, Dan Savage, Felice Newman, Tim Curran, Chris Hughes, Stephen J Fallon, J. Eric Peters, Brent Wilder, Jacob Anderson-Minshall, Cheri Meyers

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OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008 VOLUME 13 NUMBER 17

OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008

14th Annual HeeHaw Party @ Q-Bar Tony did it again this year, celebrating his birthday in high style with a few hundred close friends. The late-night revelry and country couture made for an unforgettable evening, and Tony still looks great after all these years. Soaked in sweat and writhing like a scene from Holleran, it was difficult to tell the dancers from the dance, but what matters is that a proud annual tradition continues.

SNAPSHOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........2 ABOUT TOWN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...3, 30 LETTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........4 COMMUNITY CORNER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .........6 POLI SCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...8, 13 OUT BUSINESS NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......11 COMMENTARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......13 EARTH TALK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......15 FEATURE: FETISH & FASION HALLOWEEN . . . . . 16-20 DEEP INSIDE HOLLYWOOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......22 ARTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......22 MUSIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24, 26 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......27 SEX TALK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......28 SAVAGE LOVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......29 THE LAST WORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......31 SCOPES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......31 NEXT WEEK: SAFETY


ABOUT TOWN BOO! HALLOWEEN IS HERE! FOR A FULL LISTING OF HALLOWEEN EVENTS, SEE PAGES 16-20 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 HAUNTING HENRIK Ibsen’s Ghosts @ MadLab Theatre, 105 N Grant, Columbus, 614.221.5418, http://raconteurtheatre.com: Follow Mrs. Alving (Carolyn Harding) on the 10th anniversary of her husband’s death. Although he was an unfaithful husband and lived a depraved life, she worked tirelessly to conceal his true nature from the community and their son Oswald (Brennan Hunter). She hopes to bury the truth once and for all by erecting an orphanage in her husband’s honor, but the truth comes back to haunt her in ways she couldn’t have imagined. Pre-show lecture Oct 16 @ 7p. Thu-Sat 8p, Sun 2p, thru Oct 25; tickets $10-15. SUPERNATURALLY FUNNY Noel Coward’s Blithe Spirit @ Club Diversity, 863 S High Street, 614.406.5510, www.ticketweb.com: A rollicking take on Coward’s supernatural comedy, with an all-star cast that is itself blithely spirited: Club Theatre’s Artistic Director Ryan Scarlata as Charles Condomine; Rhoda Cronenbach as his wife, Ruth; and Chris Stoner as Elvira, Charles’ deceased wife who is brought back during a seance and then refuses to leave! Peggy Reasoner adds to the hilarity as the off-kilter psychic Madame Arcati, with added support from Doreen Salkiewicz as Edith the Maid and Amanda Casto as the noisy neighbor Mrs. Bradman. Reservations recommended. Oct 24 & 25, 7p; Oct 26, 2p; $12 students, $15 adults. LOVE IN THE TIME OF DEER SEASON Escanaba in Love @ Studio 1, Riffe Center, Corner of State & High, Catco.org:Sparks fly when young Albert breaks the “no-girls-allowed” reverie of the hunting camp by bringing his new bride to meet the family. Big Betty Balou is her name - Albert “won” her in a kissing contest at a bar! Wed-Sun thru Nov 2. Thu-Sat 8p, Sun 2p&7p; $11-$39.50. WHAT DO YOU WANT? Living the Law of Attraction with Victoria Vetere, Enlightened Life Coach @ Alphastate Pilates, Yoga, and Somatic Education Studio, 433 W 3rd Ave, www.enlightenedlifecoaching.com: Join Victoria Vetere for empowering information about creating the life you want. Victoria presents valuable broader perspective information how we actually create our lives. Lively discussion including Q & A from audience members make this an event you don’t want to miss. 7:30p-8:30p; free. MAKE WAY FOR BIZET The Pearl Fishers @ the Ohio Theatre, 39 E State St, 614.469.0939: Bizet’s The Pearl Fishers centers on a tragic love triangle set in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). The opera is known for its melodic score, including several gorgeous arias, duets and ensembles. Sung in French with English supertitles. Fri 8p, Sun 2p; $25-$100. A DANCE BUFFET Columbus Dances VIII @ Fischer Theatre, 592 E Main St, www.columbusmovementmovement.com: Join Columbus Dance Theatre for this assortment of dances that is sure to quench the thirstiest palate. Stay after the shows for a talkback session with choreographers and dancers on Friday and a reception on Saturday! FriSat 8p, Sun 2p; $15 adults, $10 students & seniors SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 A MIGHTY PIANIST Marc-André Hamelin @ the Southern Theatre, 21 E Main St, 614.469.0939, www.cmcolumbus.org: Chamber Music Columbus launches its 61st season with pianist Marc-André Hamelin. The renowned pianist will perform music of Joseph Haydn, Alexis Weissenberg, Frédéric Chopin, and Leopold Godowsky, as well as two of his own compositions. 8p; $35, $30, $15, half price

by Adam Leddy

for students and 25 & under. CAPA DOES DISNEY Playhouse Disney Live! @ Palace Theatre, 34 W Broad St, 614.469.0939: CAPA presents Playhouse Disney Live!, with characters from the enormously popular block of Disney Channel’s Playhouse Disney programs together on the same stage, creating interactive moments for children and their families. The original storyline follows this colorful cast as they set off in their own unique ways to create and contribute songs and music for an unforgettable musical party at Mickey’s Clubhouse. 12:30p & 3:30p; $20.50-$57.50. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 SHADOWBOX DOES IT AGAIN Jesus Christ Superstar @ Shadowbox Theatre, 164 Easton Town Center, 614.416.7625, www.shadowboxcabaret.com: Shadowbox Musicals takes on the epic Tim Rice & Andrew Lloyd Webber rock opera. Powerful and political, Jesus Christ Superstar follows the lives of Jesus and Judas from the time of Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem through his crucifixion. Full of 21st-century attitudes, the high-energy production boldly draws parallels between Christ’s time and ours. Every Sunday thru Nov 16. 3p & 7:30p; $30 adults, $20 students & seniors. BETTER THAN THE OSCARS Beyond the Borscht Belt @ the Jewish Community Center, 1125 College Ave, 614.231.2731: This year the Borscht Belt celebration award goes to playwright Nancy Gall-Clayton. Readings of her play, The Snowflake Theory, will be presented by students from The OSU Dept of Theater, followed by a dessert reception with the playwright, director and cast. 7p; free but tickets required. CALLING ALL ALLIES PFLAG Columbus Meeting @ Universalist Unitarian Church, 93 W Weisheimer: Anthony Weston, the 2008 Eric Kohring PFLAG scholarship winner, will be our guest speaker. Se pg 6 for more info. 2p; free. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 GET RIGHT WITH GOD Eat, Learn, & Live @ North Broadway United Methodist, 48 E North Broadway, www.north-broadway.org: Supper @ 6 p, session 6:45p-8p. Childcare provided with reservations. This is an opportunity for adult spiritual formation and growth based on Marcus J. Borg’s book, Reading The Bible Again for the First Time. Copies available in the Administrative Area. WHERE THE BOYS ARE Boy Night @ Wall Street, 144 N Wall St, 614.464.2800: High-energy dance music with DJ Michele. $3 Long Islands. 10p; no cover w/ college ID. MEET THE POLITICOS EWIO @ Columbus Urban League, 788 Mount Vernon Ave: Every Wednesday In October (EWIO) is a nonpartisan, interactive candidate and issues forum to increase political education, participation and activism in the community. 6p-8p; free. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 JOHN ADAMS LIVES! If Elected! @ the Ohio Historical Center, I-71 and 17th Avenue, 614.297.2300, www.ohiohistory.org: While people hold their breath waiting to see who will become the next president, come listen to John Adams, second president of the United States, debate Victoria Woodhull, the first woman to run for president. These towering 19thcentury political figures kick off the Ohio Historical Center Theatre’s 2008-2009 season by debating 20th-century issues. 7p & 8p; $8 adults, $7 seniors, $4 children 6-12, free for OHS members and children 5under. Parking $4 for non-members.

OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008


Protecting All of Ohio’s “Joes”


To the Editor:

Give Yourself An Early Holiday Gift To The Editor: What would be the best early holiday gift ever? Saving our right to marry in California. We are in the fight of our generation to preserve the right to marry the person we love. Unfortunately, our community is just not doing enough. I know that is hard to hear, but sometimes the truth hurts. At the time of my writing, the Yes on 8 Campaign, which would define marriage as between one man and one woman, has over 60,000 donors and has raised over $30 million. Our side, No on 8, has half as many donors and has only raised $20 million. Since June 17th about 11,000 same sex couples have gotten married in California. The sad news is that many of these couples have not contributed to preserve the right to marry for others. If each of these newlywed couples contributed $50 today, the No on 8 Campaign would have a much-needed additional $1 million to fight the purveyors of hate in our country. We all know that money is critical to political movements and the No on 8 Campaign needs it desperately. It is incumbent upon every LGBT person to give to the No on 8 Campaign for us to win this fight. If we lose, our movement will be set back at least a decade. What puzzles me is why every single member of our community has not contributed to No on 8. I don’t care whether you live in New York, Kansas, Texas, Ohio or any of the other 47 states where same sex couples cannot marry, the fight in California affects you. Our enemies get this. The Mormon Church has raised over $8 million in the last few weeks, much from outside California, to put very effective ads on the air featuring San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsome. If you have not had a chance to view the ads, take a gander on YouTube and I am sure it will motivate you to give. The ads help you fully understand what we are up against. The Religious Right thinks this is the moral fight of their lives and they want to ensure that they end up victorious on November 4th. They are motivated and clearly understand that if they lose in Cali-

fornia, 22% of the U.S. population will live in states with same sex marriage or that recognize same sex marriages. That means that 22% of the House of Representatives will be from states that have same sex marriage or that recognize same sex marriages. If this happens, our community and movement will have finally reached the tipping point and there would be no turning back. That scares our enemies to death, so they are motivated and are digging deep. Unfortunately, our nationwide LGBT community is not as motivated. You can help change that today by donating at www.Noonprop8.com. We need LGBT people from across the nation to give. I understand that there are also fights in Arizona, Florida and Arkansas, but California is the most critical and at this point the most likely to deny the Religious Right the victory they so desire. Imagine how you will feel on November 5th if the headline in all major newspapers and all the LGBT press is “Same Sex Marriage Overturned by the Voters in California, Gay Agenda Set Back Decades.” Will you think, “I could have given more money to the fight?” Probably. That $6 latte you have each morning over the next few weeks could have made a difference, had you chosen to skip the latte half the time and send the money to No on 8. Will you think, “I could have volunteered to call voters?” Probably. Will you feel defeated and rejected by your country? Definitely. Thank God it has not happened and you can stop it from happening by donating or volunteering at www.Noonprop8.com. If everyone in our community nationwide just gave $10, we would dwarf the contributions of the Religious Right. So give yourself and your community an early holiday gift by giving to No on 8. Don’t wake up and find that your early holiday gift is rejection and discrimination because you did not care enough to contribute your time and money. The end result in California is a game changer and each of us must be a key player. Stampp Corbin San Diego, CA and Columbus, OH

The man chosen by McCain handlers to become the iconic face of the 2008 national election’s debate on federal tax policies has instead become the symbol of something else. Joe the Plumber is now spotlighting a consequence of the Ohio Republican leaders’ attempt to match voter registration lists with records from other data sources. Samuel Joe Wurzelbacher - or, in the common parlance, “Joe the Plumber” - is not the man he says he is. Well, at least he isn’t according to the Lucas County Board of Elections. Authorities that attempted initially to check if Wurzelbacher, who lives in Holland, a suburb of Toledo, was actually registered to vote in Ohio were told that he was not. But this was inaccurate: Samuel Joe “Worzelbacher” actually was listed in the records of the Lucas County Board of Elections. He voted as a Republican in the March primary. Linda Howe, executive director of the Lucas County Board of Elections, explained that when Wurzelbacher updated his voter registration, his signature on the form looked more like an “o” than a “u.” The change from a “u” to an “o” was recorded as such when typed into the Lucas County Board of Elections system. This example of a minor human error could affect the legitimate registration of hundreds of thousands of Ohioans if the Republicans continue their court fight! The agenda being aggressively pressed by the Ohio Republican Party in these court actions - to match the databases of the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles with the various county boards of election - causes the following voters to be possibly disenfranchised: • “Joe the Plumber” updated his voter registration when he moved. This is a common and necessary process for registration. However, drivers in Ohio are not required to update the address on their license when they move. Therefore, they can legitimately be in the BMV system with one address, and in the board of elections system at a different address. In a society where many people - particularly younger people, poor people, and minorities - move more frequently than older or more well-off individuals, this GOP agenda will have the impact of flagging thousands of these voters. • “Joe the Plumber” has a driver’s license. But voters will be flagged if they do not have a driver’s license. Studies have shown that the elderly, particularly the minority elderly and minorities in general, are more likely to not have a driver’s license than others in the community. It is perfectly legal to register for voting with a Social Security card, but comparison of records with the BMV could create problems for these voters. Individuals can register with different agencies using variants of their names. For example our friend “Joe the Plumber” could be “S. Joe Wurzelbacher” to the BMV. • “Joe the Plumber” was a victim of that simple human error when his name was put into the voter list. A single

The Reader Poll Last week we asked:

What do you think will be the most popular Halloween costume this year? Sarah Palin 50% McCain 25% Political Anything 25% NEXT WEEK’S QUESTION: Do you feel safe in Columbus? Log on to: www.outlookweekly.net to take this week’s poll. keystroke error; the misreading of an “o” for a “u”, the inadvertent dropping of a middle initial – any one of these small things could result in the flagging of a person’s ability to vote. Of course, Samuel Joe Wurzelbacher was able to vote in March, despite the discrepancy. And Ohio Republican Party leaders Bob Bennett and Kevin DeWine would probably scream “voter suppression” if board of elections officials, noting the discrepancy in the records, had forced him to vote provisionally in March until the discrepancy was checked out. But what about the hundreds of thousands of Ohioans 200,000, Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner has estimated - who could be affected by the GOP lawsuits? continued on pg 13

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OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008



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OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008


COMMUNITY CORNER 2008 SCHOLARSHIP WINNER WILL SPEAK AT PFLAG OCT MEETING Please join PFLAG Columbus for their October 26 meeting, 2p at Universalist Unitarian Church, 93 W. Weisheimer. Anthony Weston, the 2008 Eric Kohring PFLAG scholarship winner, will be the guest speaker. Anthony, now in his second year at OSU, will discuss his plans for outreach to

PLAYERS NEEDED FOR GAY BASKETBALL TEAM A city with as large a gay population as Columbus boasts should be able to field a strong queer basketball team. Jim Helmink and others intend to have a team together in time to compete in the National Gay Basketball Association’s April tournament in Chicago. If you’ve seen Logo’s Shirts vs. Skins, the NGBA tournament is the same one they play in. Interested ballers should email ngbacolumbus@gmail.com.

Knox County Gay-Straight Alliance Events There are several events taking place this month and next presented by the Knox County GSA. Friday, October 31: Halloween Party, sponsored by the Knox County GSA, from 7p-10p at the First Congregational United Church of Christ (200 N Main St, Mt. Vernon). Activities include music and dancing, a scavenger hunt, bobbing for donuts, a costume contest, and interactive story telling. The costume contest will begin at 8:30p, and winners will be announced and prizes awarded at 9p. Thursday, Nov 13–Sunday, Nov 16: “Called To Be: An Affirming Dialogue with the Transgender Community.” Methodist Theological College of Ohio (3081 Columbus Pike, Delaware, Ohio) and North Congregational United Church of Christ (2040 W Henderson Rd, Cbus) are pleased to host Reverend Malcolm Himschoot. Reverend Himschoot is one of the few openly transgender clergy in the US and the subject of the critically acclaimed film, Call Me Malcolm, a documentary recounting his struggle with faith, love, and gender identity. For a schedule of events and more information, or to register, visit http://www.transitioningtogether.org/calledtobe/. Cost: Saturday $10 (goes up to $15 after Nov. 1st) includes continental breakfast, lunch and childcare is free. Scholarships available.

Delaware Gay/Straight Christian Alliance Events The DGSCA October worship service will be held on Sunday, October 26, at 7p. The service will be a Taize style worship, from the Ecumenical Community of Taize in France. It is a contemplative style focusing on prayer and meditation, with readings, instrumental music, simple repetitive songs, and periods of silence. The service will take place in Ohio OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008

the gay community and straight allies this fall at Ohio State, and how the scholarship award is helping him in this endeavor. The scholarship committee chose Anthony because, in addition to being an exemplary student holding a 3.6 GPA, he participated in the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and is beginning a term as Secretary this quarter. He also partici-

Wesleyan University’s Peale Chapel, on the third floor of the Hamilton Williams Campus Center at 53 Spring St, Delaware. There will be light refreshments afterwards. The DGSCA annual Family of Choice Thanksgiving Dinner will be on Saturday, November 15, at the Andrews House, 39 W Winter St, Delaware. Please plan to arrive about 5:30p; food will be served at 6p. If you wish to attend, please RSVP to Martha Filipic at tonymartha@columbus.rr.com by Friday, Nov 7. Feel free to bring a covered dish if you have something special you want to share, but just bringing yourself (and a friend or two if you’d like) would be great, too. If you plan to bring a dish, let Martha know - that helps in planning the food.

Absentee Voting: What You Need to Know Absentee voting for the Nov 4 General Election began Oct 1. A record turnout of absentee voters are expected to take advantage of the flexibility to vote early either by mail or in person. Officials estimate that more than 200,000 will vote by absentee ballot for the presidential election, likely doubling the number who voted absentee in the March primary election or the Nov 2006 general election. Just over 40,000 absentee ballots were used in the 2004 presidential election when absentee voting rules still required voters to qualify for an absentee ballot based upon certain exceptions such as over the age of 62 or out of the county on Election Day. Voters can apply for absentee ballots by mail until noon on Nov 1. Applications are available online at http://vote.franklincountyohio.gov or by calling the Board of Elections at 614.462.3100. “We’re working hard to make sure that all Franklin County voters have a good experience when they vote this year,” said Director Michael Stinziano. “But, the only way to guarantee that you won’t wait in line this year is to vote early by mail.” Voted in-country absentee ballots must be received at the board by 7:30p on Election Day or received by Nov 14 if postmarked by Nov 3. Outof-country ballots must be signed and postmarked before the polls close on Election Day and must be received by the board no later than Nov 14. In-person absentee voting will be at Franklin County Veterans Memorial to accommodate the anticipated increase of in-person absentee voters. Voting at Veterans Memorial will continue seven days a week through Nov 3. The hours are Monday through Friday from 8a-7p, Saturdays from 8a-5p, and Sun-

pates in OSETM (Out in Science, Engineering, Technology and Math) as well as a new group on campus presently called GLBT First Year Cohort. As always, PFLAG members will be on hand to welcome and offer support to first time visitors. All PFLAG meetings are free and open to the public.

days from 1p-5p. If you have concerns about when your vote will be counted or if it will at all should you vote early, fear not. Absentee ballots are recorded first on election day and are typically the first results posted. Your vote will count!

Identification Requirements for the November 2008 Election Voters must bring identification to the polls in order to vote a regular ballot on Election Day. Acceptable forms of identification are: • A current and valid photo identification (such as Ohio driver license card, state ID card, government ID). Photo identification must show name and current address (except that Ohio driver license or State ID card does not need to show current address if the address in the poll book is current); OR • A military identification that shows the voter’s name (does not need to show address); OR • A copy of a current (within the last 12 months) utility bill (including cell phone bill), bank statement, paycheck, government check, or other government document (including from a public college or university) that shows the voter’s name and current address. Voters who do not provide one of these documents will still be able to vote by providing the last four digits of the voter’s social security number and by casting a provisional ballot. Voters who do not have any of the above forms of identification, including a social security number, will still be able to vote by signing an affirmation swearing to the voter’s identity under penalty of election falsification and by casting a provisional ballot. If identification is not provided at the time the provisional ballot is cast, the provisional voter may provide a valid form of identification in person at the Board of Elections during the 10 days following Election Day.

Human Rights Office Sued for Refusing to Protect Former Homosexuals Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) is suing the Washington DC Office of Human Rights for failing to protect former homosexuals under its sexual orientation anti-discrimination law. “The exgay community is the most bullied and maligned group in America, yet they are not protected by sexual orientation non-discrimination laws,” said Regina Griggs, PFOX executive director. The DC Human Rights Act prohibits discrimina-

tion based on “sexual preference,” “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” and “gender expression.” The Office of Human Rights maintains that homosexuals, bisexuals, transgenders, and crossdressers qualify for protection under this act, but ex-gays do not. PFOX’s lawsuit asks the DC Superior Court to direct the office to include former homosexuals under the sexual orientation law. “Shouldn’t exgays enjoy the same legal protections that gays enjoy?” asked Griggs. “Former homosexuals and their friends have been fired from their jobs, repeatedly ridiculed, assaulted, and intimidated. This harassment is most often perpetrated by the same groups who demand protection under sexual orientation laws but work to deny ex-gays the same respect.” PFOX is especially concerned because presidential candidate Barack Obama has failed to answer PFOX’s August 25th letter asking if ex-gays will be included in sexual orientation legislation which Obama says he will sign into law as president. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which Obama pledges to pass, will outlaw discrimination based on “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” and “gender expression.” ENDA would apply to private employers, the federal government, all state governments, and all local governments in all 50 states. “This far-reaching law which Obama plans to pass as president will grant rights to homosexuals, transgenders, and cross-dressers, but what about ex-gays?” asked Griggs. “Like Senator Obama, we believe in change. But others do not. When ex-gay gospel singer Donnie McClurkin sang at an Obama fundraiser last year, gay groups demanded that Obama remove McClurkin from the program. On CNN Prime News, former Human Rights Campaign spokesperson Wayne Besen insisted that Obama should fire McClurkin just for being ex-gay.” “Former homosexuals should have the right to be out, open and safe in society,” Griggs continued. “On his website, Senator Obama says he supports gay and transgender rights because he supports civil rights for all persons, but does that include exgays? Americans need to know where Obama stands on the issue of ex-gay inclusion because his pledge to pass homosexual and transgender legislation as president will affect all of us. We urge Senator Obama to end his silence.” [For more information about the ex-gay community, see http://pfox.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=243#243 ] PFOX promotes an inclusive environment for the exgay community, and works to eliminate negative perceptions and discrimination against former homosexuals.


OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008


POLI-SCI by J Eric Peters

The Politics of Sexism Democrat Mary Jo Kilroy vs. Republican Steve Stivers Mary Jo Kilroy shows up for us. Steve Stivers goes AWOL. “Kilroy,” wrote OLW’s Michael Daniels in this paper’s endorsements issue, “has authored GLBT equality legislation and policies on the Columbus Board of Education and on the Franklin County Board of Education and on the Franklin County Board of Commissioners, including this year’s county ENDA resolution.” Franklin County Commissioner Mary Jo Kilroy wrote the county anti-discrimination policy, which passed successfully last year and covers lesbian, gay, bi and transgendered people. Now she’s contending with Ohio Senator Steve Stivers to represent Ohio’s 15th District in the US House of Representatives. Joining Kilroy in voting for the discrimination policy protecting LGBT people from discrimination were Commissioners Paula Brooks and Marilyn Brown. The Commission also passed a resolution supporting the Equal Housing and Employment Act (EHEA) considered by the Ohio legislature this year. Kilroy, Brooks and Brown showed up for us. Now Brooks and Brown are running for reelection, and John O’Grady’s campaigning to join them. Marilyn’s husband, Eric Brown, the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas Judge, is running for Probate Court. All three - Paula Brooks, Marilyn Brown and Eric Brown - have made themselves tremendous supporters and great friends of our community. Judge Eric Brown proudly lists on his website endorsers Equality Ohio and local Stonewall Democrats. Steve Stivers went AWOL though. He just wasn’t there for us. When it came to EHEA Stivers was nowhere to be found. EHEA’s senate version, Senate Bill 305 (SB 305) found co-sponsorship support among ten senators: nine Democrats, including one from Central Ohio, and one Republican: Sen. David Goodman. Stivers could have been another Republican co-sponsor but instead refused to support us. Democratic Senator Ray Miller, a member of the Ohio Legislative Black Caucus who represents Columbus and central and southern Franklin County, signed on. Sen. David Goodman, representing eastern Franklin County, part of Westerville and Bexley, supported us. (But my vote goes to Goodman’s opponent, Judge John Connor, with whom I’ve had several personal conversations and whom I know to be a solid ally of our community.) Dan Stewart, our community’s best friend in the Ohio legislature, joined Equality Ohio’s efforts as EHEA’s first co-sponsor. Equality Ohio Executive Director Lynne Bowman indicated Stewart and Equality Ohio together decided to delay introducing the bill until they found a Republican co-sponsor; Delaware’s Jon Peterson filled that role. In my homo opinion, that was a good decision since the GOP currently dominates the Ohio legislature. Worse, Stivers was “on the fence” about our antidiscrimination bill as reported in May by The Other Paper (according to ohio15th.blogspot.com). Supporters of the senate version of the bill, SB 305, OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008

were helping circulate the rumor “that the bill is being secretly killed by Stivers.” Why? “A Columbus Republican, Stivers is running against Democrat Mary Jo Kilroy for what promises to be a tightly contested congressional race… The rumor goes that Stivers doesn’t want to annoy his friends in the gay community or his socially conservative allies in the Republican Party; therefore he’d like to avoid a vote altogether.” Stivers got his wish, and we got screwed. What would he do if we sent him to Congress and then a new version of the Employment Nondiscrimination Act came up? Let’s not take the risk. But actually it gets worse. The anti-gay fundy Bible bangers at Citizens for Community Values openly admit to engaging in the moral equivalent of a RICCO racketeering scheme with such fellow travelers as Rod Parsley’s Center for Moral Clarity and Focus on the Family along with activist fetus rights extremists at the Center for Bio Ethical Reform. Stivers (and, to be fair, Kilroy) apparently responded to their endorsement vetting questionnaire. Evidently Stivers indicated agreement with his party’s platform on marriage, gambling, education, war on Iraq, environment and abortion. In other words, Stivers apparently said he agrees with calling for the Federal Marriage Amendment, “the right of the people of the various states to affirm traditional marriage through state initiatives,” supporting vouchers or tax credits for families whose children attend “faith-based or other nonpublic schools,” opposing timetables for withdrawing from George W. Bush’s illegal war on Iraq and the lie that “the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed.” Mary Jo Kilroy showed up for us another time too. Steve Stivers was AWOL. Pride weekend, Kilroy marched in our parade, spoke to the pre-kick off crowd on Rob Berger’s stage and showed up for the next day’s Pride brunch. The obvious energy with which Mary Jo mixed with the crowd and the number of people she obviously knew - many as friends, others as acquaintances - made it obvious that she has chosen to develop and maintain connections with our community. In fact, all three county commissioners, unlike Stivers, chose to be a large part of Pride weekend. Ohio Rep. Dan Stewart also participated very actively in Stonewall Columbus Pride 2008. He and I ran into each other recently at a rally for President Barack Obama. Dan was wearing a suit coat with three pins on the lapels: his name tag, his Ohio legislature pin and an HRC pin identifying him as a supporter of the Human Rights Campaign. That’s just huge! HRC isn’t the only organization giving out pins. He chose to identify with us and with our issues. It’s too bad we can’t elect him king. Pride weekend, Stivers was nowhere to be found (to the best of my recollection, and I had a role, albeit very small, on this year’s Pride Committee, so I’d remember). This is not the commentary I anticipated writing earlier this year. I respected - and still do to a lesser

extent - Senator Stivers for four reasons. First, he’s an Ohio Senator and, despite the privileges available to any senator, he has demonstrated great patriotism by serving in Iraq with his National Guard unit. He is a lieutenant colonel, which is impressive given how difficult making rank proves for most guardsmen and reservists. Stiver’s commitment to our nation merits great respect, but we’re voting not for a brigade commander but for a member of Congress. Second, back in 2004 he was a one of four Republican Senators vote against Ohio’s DOMA law. Third, Stivers has succeeded in recruiting, hiring, retaining and managing an excellent staff. Not that long ago (last year or this), my friend X mentioned a problem he was having at his state job. He felt, and I agreed, that some of his co-workers were harassing him for being gay. I suggested he contact his state legislator and ask for help, the sort of request elected officials hear frequently. He brought up the problem again another day, and I asked him if he’d like me to help him contact his legislator. Since he lived in Stivers’s district, we called and made an appointment with them. We asked them to contact the director or a senior manager in the agency where he works and remind them of Gov. Strickland’s anti-discrimination policy for state workers (the only such policy a governor can set without legislative approval). Very shortly after that visit the harassment stopped. Finally, I’ve met Steve and had a few conversations with him. I like him. Steve and Mary Jo, in my experience, are equally personable, outgoing, accessible and pleasant. I love her. Vote for Mary Jo Kilroy for the U.S. House of Representatives instead of Stivers for four reasons: Stivers’s recent anti-gay antics, his voting record, ka-ching $$$ and simple, basic fairness. VoteSmart.org reports that NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio, our state affiliate of the National Abortion Rights Action League, indicated in the political scorecards in 2004 through 2006 that Stivers never supported pro-choice issues - not once. As demonstrated below, votes on women’s right to choose strongly predict votes on equality for women. The Ohio Federation of Teachers flunked Stivers with another grade of 0 for 2005-2006. On the other hand, the NRA’s National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund, dominated by far-right extremists who think they have a right to carry Uzis at peewee football games, but we don’t even deserve basic civil rights, gave Stivers a grade of Afor supporting their issues. Following the money, whoever finances any candidate’s campaign gets at least some additional access to that candidate. That’s just common sense. So who’s financing Commissioner Kilroy and who’s financing Senator Stivers? OpenSecrets.org reports that Mary Jo Kilroy has raised $2,065,113, a little over 10% more than Stivers who has raised $1,876,695. A glaring difference separates their sources. PAC contributions and individual contributions make up well over 95% of their war chests. But most (70%) of Kilroy’s money comes from indi-

vidual contributions while most (51%) of Stivers’s come from PACs. Of course they’ve both raised over $560,000 from PACs, in fact Stivers has almost raised double that, but very different PACs finance their campaigns. Which of these is more consistent with your values and with your hopes for the next Congress? Kilroy has raised over $10,000 each from six contributors: the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee; Ohio State University; the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; ActBlue; Barkan, Neff et al.; and EMILY’s List. The Ohio State University, which has contributed significantly to getting Mary Jo elected to Congress, is familiar and loved by us all, and AFSCME is represents working Americans. But who are ActBlue; Barkan, Neff et al.; and EMILY’s List? ActBlue.com says they’re “the nation’s largest source of funds for Democrats” and gave over $437,410 to the organization fighting California’s Proposition 8 (their anti-marriage constitutional amendment). Barken & Neff, a huge law firm with offices in Ohio and other states, describes their mission as a “commitment. . . to working people.” Local attorneys with Barken & Neff have made significant contributions to John Patrick Carney (a smokin’ hotty endorsed by this paper and by Stonewall Democrats of Central Ohio), Charlie Wilson (who voted for this year’s hate crime act and apparently has support from Mahoning Valley Stonewall Democrats) and Bob Casey (endorsed by Capitol Region Stonewall Democrats in Harrisburg, PA). EMILY’s List donated one-fourth ($375,000) of out lesbian Tammy Baldwin’s (D-Wisc.) war chest in her first congressional campaign. Kilroy’s friends are friends to our community as well. But who’s donated to Stivers? He’s accepted donations of over $10,000 from three insurance companies, one bank, a law firm (Vorys Sater) and two other businesses. The three insurance companies are Nationwide, Grange Mutual Casualty and Life Equity LLC. Life Equity seems to be a smaller company with little online presence. Nationwide supported Equality Ohio’s antidiscrimination bill this year and scored 100 on HRC’s Corporate Equality Index; Nationwide really is on our side. Grange Mutual Casualty has a written non-discrimination policy covering sexual orientation in its employee literature. Only one bank - Huntington, Stivers’s former employer - donated a large amount to Stivers. So much for Stivers, a former banking lobbyist, being controlled by the banking industry. JPMorgan Chase is the only other financial concern that contributed to Stivers’s campaign; Chase had a float in this year’s Pride parade and scored 100 on HRC’s Corporate Equality Index.

continued on pg 13


OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008


OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008



Bill Benninghofen, Awarded OAR President’s Sales Club REALTOR®, Bill Benninghofen, with Keller Williams Capital Partners of Worthington, Ohio, has been awarded the “President’s Sales Club” $1 Million designation from the Ohio Association of Realtors® (OAR). Benninghofen is a member of the Columbus Board of Realtors®, OAR and National Association of Realtors®. OAR officially awarded 2,630 of its members “President’s Sales Club” designations in four recognition levels for outstanding performance in the real estate industry.

Coldwell Banker King Thompson Sales Associates Receive LGBT Real Estate Specialist Designation Coldwell Banker King Thompson is pleased to announce that the following sales associates recently received the LGBT Real Estate Specialist designation: Brad Brandt, Terry Bryant, Newton Burris, Sean Carpenter, Bob Case, Lynn Cook, Dale Corbin, Jill Cordiano, Melanie Fazio, Rita Fox, Jerri Furniss, Deneska Graves, Jessica Hogg, Krystal Jacobs, Keith Jennings, Jan Kanas, Mark Kraus, Dedra Lucas, Betsy McCloskey, Doug Neal, Jane Nipps, Bob Price, Michelle Ratliff, Marianne Smith, Kevin Strait, Corinne Walter, Haley Weaver, Rich Weyls, Jerry White, Jim Wimmers, RJ Wise, and Lee Young. The LGBT Real Estate Specialist designation signifies expertise in understanding the needs of LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender) clients and counseling them through the major financial and life changes involved in buying and selling a home. Michael Daniels, co-owner and co-publisher of Outlook Weekly recently visited Coldwell Banker King Thompson to speak with some of the designees about ways to effectively market their skills in the LGBT marketplace and to build client loyalty. Plans are currently underway to increase exposure and build relationships with the LGBT community and their allies. For more information, visit www.kingthompson.com or www.cbws.com.

Vote for duoHOME Tim Kempf & Scott Suskowicz would like to send thanks to all supporters of duoHOME as they approach their one-year anniversary November 23. The team are having a terrific first year, thanks to the stores many friends and supporters. There are a lot of exciting things on the horizon at duoHOME. Watch for their super holiday collection of gifts and ornaments beginning in mid/late October. They have expanded on several product categories that were popular last year, so there will be an even greater offering of goodies for your holiday shopping. duoHOME is thrilled that they have been nominated as one of the Cleveland area’s best local businesses. They have been nominated in the Best Furniture Store category on the Fox 8 Hey Butler HOT List. Won’t you please take a moment and show your support by voting for duoHOME, LLC? If you agree they are a great store (and they hope you do!), please click the following link to cast your

vote: http://myfoxcleveland.cityvoter.com/duohomellc/biz/123994. For more info: www.duohome.com

Free Gay Business Directory Listing Are you a gay businessman (or know one) who would like to have a complimentary one-year listing in the Gay Business Directory on TheMenEvent.com? Throughout October The Men Event is offering a complimentary one-year listing in TheMENevent.com’s Gay Business Directory to first time advertiser’s on TheMenEvent.com. We want to show you how your business can grow with the largest Gay business networking and social networking company in NYC. This free opportunity includes a classified listing on our website, placement of your logo (100pixels wide x 50 pixels high), 50 words of text, plus click-through to your website. You can also include a special offer or discount if you wish. Listings will also receive rotated placement on the weekly newsletter (min. 2 insertions/year). In order to take advantage of this offer, you must have the appropriate paperwork completed by October 31, 2008. To get your free listing, contact Paul Zahn at HHC Marketing (paul@hhcmarketing.com / 212.840.3335 x34) and request the form for the FREE Gay Business Directory listing.

Gay Geek Store Rolls Out Satirical Bumper Sticker Series That Combines Online Crowdsourcing Game Gay Geek Store, an online retailer offering a variety of unique gay themed products, announced that it has introduced a new series of satirical, pert bumper stickers titled, “What Are You Gay For?” As part of the introduction for its new collection, the Gay Geek Store has also introduced an online crowdsourcing game that invites people to play by asking for their opinion on what they think the next set of bumper stickers should say. Crowdsourcing is a growing trend where companies essentially issue an open call to the public seeking their opinion and “two cents” to help drive decision-making often around product features and plans. Tapping into a hotbed of political issues such as this year’s presidential election and a growing chorus of judicial rulings that protect the right to marry, the first bumper sticker proclaims, “I’m Gay For Obama,” while the other declares, “I’m Gay For Marriage.” The online store plans to release additional new designs to its “What Are You Gay For?” sassy bumper stickers series over the next several weeks.

Honorees were recognized at a President’s Sales Club dinner during OAR’s Annual Convention, September 1417 in Columbus. Award criteria for the Award of Achievement is $1 million in sales or commercial leases OR 25 sale/lease transaction credits. The Ohio Association of REALTORS®, with more than 32,500 members, is the largest professional trade association in Ohio.

Each bumper sticker is top quality, outdoor weatherproof vinyl and has a 5-7 year average lifespan. Unlike roll stickers that fade in the sun and deteriorate in the rain, the Gay Geek Store’s screen printed stickers use inks that do not smear, run, or fade in the sunlight or rain, providing a longer lasting product. Pricing for the bumper stickers will be $3.99 per sticker plus shipping and handling. The new bumper sticker series expands the company’s current offerings and is available online at http://www.gaygeekstore.com. The company’s new crowdsourcing game tests players’ GayQ (Gay Quotient) to see if they can guess which sayings have generated the most votes. The game consists of five questions that measure players’ GayQ. Highest ranking players then have the option to submit their recommendations for new words for the “What Are You Gay For?” collection. For example, a winning player could suggest words that they’d like to see turned into product, such as “I’m Gay For…” Peanut Butter, or Project Runway, or Shopping. The company also plans to leverage the most popular sayings into future product offerings. Using Google’s App Engine, the company is currently developing a version of its online game specifically for the Apple iPhone and Apple iPod Touch, with a Facebook Platform version soon to follow.

Gaywheels.com Top 10 Most-Researched Vehicles for 3rd Quarter ‘08 Gaywheels.com, the sole source of information specifically targeted to and about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) car-shoppers, today announced its list of the Top 10 Most-Researched Vehicles during the third quarter of 2008. The Volkswagen Rabbit and Eos remained in first and second place, respectively. Mazda’s MAZDA3 gave up the third slot to its sister car from Mazda, the MX-5 who shares that position with the Audi A3. “The Top 10 Most Researched list tends to be self-perpetuating,” said Gaywheels.com founder Joe LaMuraglia. “But with the arrival of the Toyota Matrix, smart fortwo and Maserati GranTurismo, our users continue to amaze us with their diversity of vehicle interests”. For the first time, there were multiple ties on the list. In addition to the tie for third, the MAZDA3 and VW Jetta vied for the fourth slot, the Saab 9-3 and Dodge Caliber both slotted in at 6th and the newcomer Toyota Matrix joined the MINI Cooper as the 9th Most-Researched Vehicles. Rounding out the

Top 10 is the Maserati GranTurismo - the first exotic vehicle to ever appear on the list.

Gaywheels.com Top 10 Most-Researched Vehicles – 3rd Quarter 2008 Rank Vehicle 1 VW Rabbit 2 VW Eos 3 Mazda MX-5 Miata & Audi A3 - tie 4 Mazda MAZDA3 & VW Jetta - tie 5 Toyota Yaris 6 Saab 9-3 & Dodge Caliber -tie 7 Volvo C30 8 smart fortwo 9 Toyota Matrix & MINI Cooper – tie 10 Maserati GrandTurismo The Top 10 Most Researched list is based on website statistics gathered from July 1, 2008 – September 30, 2008 from Gaywheels.com’s New Car section. Gaywheels.com publishes its Most-Researched list quarterly.

Town Call - New Queer Career Services Out and Equal is introducing LGBT CareerLink: Marketing YOU Web 2.0-style! This new webinar with Julie Beach, Out & Equal Career Development Manager and Lori Fox, Chair of the Out & Equal Transgender Advisory Board is Thursday, October 30, 12:00 at 3p EST. The workplace has always been the focus for Out & Equal Workplace Advocates. Looking first at policies and benefits, Out & Equal has presented the business case for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender inclusion in the workplace. The next step of providing best practices to create a diverse workplace was announced at the 2008 Annual Summit with the creation of LGBT CareerLInk. LGBT CareerLink is a new online LGBT-focused career center. Whether you are an employer or an LGBT professional looking to boost your career, LGBTCareerLink offers Web 2.0 tools tailored to your unique needs. Learn how to market both yourself and your company the virtual way. Learn the current trends and research on hiring and job searching and see a demonstration of the new LGBT CareerLink through this informative Town Call. RSVP for this October 30 Town Call Webinar at: https://dnbweb1.blackbaud.com/OPXREPHIL/Lin k.asp?link=284921 OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008


OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008


COMMENTARY by Jennifer Vanasco

Jane the Plumber My friends, I’d like you to meet someone, a true American, a great American: Jane the Plumber. Jane, my friends, is an actual plumber, as opposed to that Joe the Plumber guy, who didn’t have a plumber license and may have been related to a big financial scandal. No, Jane is an actual plumber. Maybe she lives in Michigan. Maybe she lives in Arizona. Maybe she lives in Florida. But she is a plumber, and she is a lesbian. Let me tell you about our friend Jane the Plumber. Jane stays up at night because her partner, Sue, has breast cancer. If the couple lives in Michigan and Jane is a plumber for a public facility, then Jane isn’t allowed to share her health benefits with Sue. In May, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled that the state’s constitutional amendment saying that “the union of one man and one woman in marriage shall be the only agreement recognized as a marriage or similar union for any purpose” means that public employers can’t give domestic partnership benefits. So Sue will either need to have benefits of her own, or must look to public assistance for help. Jane is worried about whether the law will recognize her as the parents of the two children she raised with Sue, the birth mother, if Sue should die. If Jane lives in Mississippi or Florida, her kids are in particular danger – both states have gay adoption bans. Judges in Florida keep ruling the ban unconstitutional – the latest judge said so this past September – but the law still stands. Jane also worries about visiting Sue in the hospital, especially if they’re traveling. She’s heard horror stories from friends who say that, despite the fact that they carry legal paperwork around with them at all times giving each other power of attorney, some hospitals arbitrarily forbid gay partners to stand by their partner’s sick beds and make decisions for them. Because Jane and Sue live in a state that doesn’t recognize domestic partnership benefits for public employees – maybe Michigan, but perhaps also Florida, if Amendment 2 passes there in November – LETTERS continued from pg 4 They have not been the subjects of Joe’s international scrutiny. News trucks have not set up on their lawns. They are the ordinary “Joes” - and “Janes” that no one is likely to interview during this campaign. But they have just as much right to be heard - to have their votes counted - just as Samuel Joe Wurzelbacher’s vote was counted last March. The United States Supreme Court, in a ruling which I vigorously endorse, agreed with Ohio Secretary of State Brunner and overturned rulings by the US District Court and Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals that would have forced Brunner to harmonize its list of registered voters with other lists. The court apparently agreed with Secretary of State Brunner that such an effort, undertaken on such short notice, could have created havoc in the Ohio election process and delegitimized the ultimate result in the minds of many voters while undermining the votes of many legitimate voters. This Republican attempt to suppress the votes of

then Jane also won’t get bereavement leave if Sue dies. She‘ll have to take vacation time or sick time. Jane is also worried that Sue’s parents may fight Sue’s will, and take their house away. Jane and Sue were married in a United Church of Christ chapel, but their state doesn’t legally recognize the marriage – and Sue’s parents have said that if the state doesn’t recognize them, they won’t either. If Sue dies, her parents would be able to make decisions about burial and cremation in absence of a will, not her partner Jane. Jane and Sue pay more for their home and auto insurance policies; they also pay more in taxes. Depending on the whim of the franchise owner, they may pay more to rent a car; hotels in some states can refuse them a room. In many states, an employer can fire Jane or Sue just because they’re gay, or deny them a promotion. Only 12 states protect Jane and Sue from employment discrimination. Twelve. My friends, this election matters for Jane the Plumber. It is a decision between a candidate – John McCain – who says he doesn’t believe in gay adoption, and whose running mate “tolerates” gay people; and a candidate – Barack Obama – who believes that gay people should have all the civil rights of straight people, and whose running mate said he believes the rights of gays and lesbians are protected under the Constitution. Joe the Plumber, if he really were a plumber, may have to pay more taxes on his $250,000 a year income when he buys his plumbing business, but Jane the Plumber will suffer significant harm under a McCain administration – harm that can cost her her children, her home, and her last hours with her partner. My friends, Jane the Plumber is counting on us. She is counting on us to go to the polls on election day – and she is counting on us to vote for Obama. She has a lot at stake. Let’s not let her – or ourselves – down. Jennifer Vanasco is an award-winning, syndicated columnist. Email her at jennifer.vanasco@gmail.com.

hundreds of thousands of Ohioans in a potentially close election may have only been temporarily suppressed because of Jennifer Brunner’s aggressive response. Don’t be surprised if there is another “trick up the Republican sleeve” to disrupt our Ohio election. Samuel Joe Wurzelbacher will have his vote counted in November, despite the human error that could have called it into question. But thousands of others may not be so lucky. With the Supreme Court’s recent ruling, we can ensure that thousands of other Ohioans, with Joe’s recent notoriety, will have their voting rights protected, as well. And Ohio democracy will be the better for it. Teresa Fedor (D-Toledo) District 11 Ohio Senate Columbus, OH 43215 614.466.5204

POLI-SCI continued from pg 8 Large donations also came Stivers’s way from Limitedbrands ($25,300) and American Electric Power ($40,900). AEP has a written non-discrimination policy covering lesbian, gay and bi employees. Limitedbrands scored 80 on HRC’s index and supported our antidiscrimination bill this year. But Stivers’s choices to accept donations from three particular PACs go beyond mere outrageousness. The Republican Main Street Partnership, from whom Stivers took $10,000, currently has 49 elected members who were also in Congress in 2006. HRC’s 2006 Congressional Scorecard indicates that nearly half (21) of them voted against equal rights for us every single time it came up, only 12 of them voted for equality more than half the time and the 49 averaged only 27.7%. Stivers also took $10,000 from Republican John Boehner’s Freedom Project; Boehner always voted against equality. So did Republican Eric Cantor, from whose Every Republican is Crucial PAC Stivers accepted $10,000. It says something about Stivers that he’s willing to keep this sort of company - something downright scary. Simple, basic fairness counts here too. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that women make up 50.9% of the U.S. population. Do women have 50.9% of the seats in the U.S. Congress as mere justice demands in a government “of the people, by the people and for the people”? Of course not. Congress has 534 members, and women have only 87 (16.3%) seats. That’s not even one-half. In fact it’s not even one-fourth. The 51% majority of our country has only 16.3% of the seats in our nation’s supposedly democratic and representational government. That’s not even close to fair. That would get even worse if Central Ohio sent Steve Stivers instead of Mary Jo Kilroy to replace Deborah Pryce. There’s no real difference between the Democratic and Republican Parties? Way too many people betray their ignorance when they open up their uninformed mouths and make stupid, stupid, stupid comments to that effect. Here’s just one example: Democrats control 284 seats in our bicameral Congress; of those women control 62 (21.8%); Republicans control 248 seats with women in 25 (10.1%); and Independents control two (of 534) seats, which is why every vote for a third party candidate is wasted. Their numbers show their political insignificance. Congress’s Republican delegation has (proportionately) less than half the number of women that the Democrats have. Does it make any sense at all to send a male Republican to replace one of these women? Not only are Democrats more likely than Republicans to honor women’s equality by electing more women to Congress, but Democrats in Congress support women’s political interests most (86.0%) of the time, and Republicans most often (76.2% of the time) oppose those interests. (See end note for this commentary’s methodology.) Here’s another way to look at the differences between the parties. All but eight states have bipartisan delegations in Congress. For example, Ohio has seven Democrats and 11 Republicans. Our lowest scoring Democrat still supported equality the majority (53.3%) of the time. The highest scoring Republican scored only 39.9. Only one state, Minnesota, had even one Republican who supported equality more than their lowest-scoring Democrat. Even that state’s Democratic delegation did better (82.7) than did their Republicans (30.9). In 21 states the lowest-scoring Democrat scored twice as highly as the highest-scoring Republican. The parties have stark and pervasive differences. Women in Congress tend to provide much more support to these organizations’ issues, lending sup-

port to the claim that these organizations, in fact, represent women’s interests. Members of the National Women’s Political Caucus voted in support of these organizations’ issues 88.9% of the time compared with 72.6 for all female members of Congress and 54.0 for male members (get your mind out of the gutter). States whose voters elect federal legislators more supportive of women’s issues are more likely to have passed and kept antidiscrimination laws touching on sexual orientation (or sexual orientation and gender identity). Ten states’ congressional delegations each, on average, supported equality for women more than 75% of the time; nine (90%) of those 10 states have antidiscrimination laws. So do six (60%) of the ten states whose delegations scored between 61.8% and 71.3%; five (50%) of the ten states scoring between 49.8 and 61.7; and none (0) of the 22 states (including Ohio at 47.3%) averaging less than 49.5 (actually less than 50.2). Support for equality for women seemingly strongly predicts support for LGBT equality. Scores over 50% were produced by the delegations from eight unprotected states: Ark., Del., Mich., Mont., N. Dak., Penns., S. Dak. and W. Va. (See my forthcoming post-election predictions.) The right to choose is very relevant to women’s issues; in fact it’s a critical part of them. That observation contradicts the anti-choice and fetus rights rhetoric from Sarah “Troopergate” Palin. The 116 members of Congress whose averages of their scores from five of the organizations (i.e. excluding NARAL) exceeded 89.9% scored, on average, 98.7% on NARAL’s scorecard. The 86 politicians each of whom averaged 20.5% or less on these five were all zeroes. (For my fellow geeks: NARAL’s scores and the averages of the other five scores have a correlation coefficient of +0.890.) Race is also relevant to this. The Congressional Hispanic Caucus’s 21 members averaged 85.7%, the Congressional Black Caucus’s 40 members 88.8% and the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus’s 19 members 89.6. Compare those scores with Democrats’ 86.0 and Republicans’ 87.4. Party is relevant to this racial analysis in another way too: every member of each of these organizations is a Democrat; none is a Republican. In fact, the Republican Party hasn’t supported an African American or black candidate enough to elect her/him to Congress since J. C. Watts (R-OK) retired in 2002. (CAUTION: These facts and figures by themselves are not sufficient evidence to prove that the Republican Party is a racist organization.) Only three Congressional Democrats supported women’s equality less than 50% of the time. Compare that with just 10 Republicans who supported equality more than 50% of the time. All these facts combine to make one point loudly and clearly: the Republican Party is the party of sexism, patriarchy and misogyny. The math proves it. Obviously, the solution to the Republican problem is not reforming their party of sexism. The GOP is irredeemably evil and must be destroyed by voting them out of office. Start by electing Mary Jo Kilroy to Congress. She’s always there for us. Steve Stivers went AWOL. NOTE ON METHODOLOGY: VoteSmart.org collects evaluations that come from (apparently) hundreds of PACs and non-profit organizations for thousands of elected officials in the U.S. at local, state and federal levels. Women’s issues provide the focus for several organizations, including the National Abortion Rights Action League, American Association of University Women, Federally Employed Women, the League of Women Voters, the U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce, Business and Professional Women USA and the National Organization of Women. They represent six very different perspectives of organized and politically concerned women considering six different sets of related issues. Scores for supporting women’s issues can be derived by averaging those organizations’ evaluations. The scores from averaging those evaluations are used above as federal legislators’ scores.

OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008


OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008


EARTH TALK NEW LOCAL SERIES HIGHLIGHTS WAYS TO REDUCE, REUSE, & RECYCLE With 60 percent of the waste sent to an area landfill consisting of materials that could have been recycled, Time Warner Cable’s new Going Green series helps viewers learn how they can reduce, reuse, and recycle today for a better tomorrow. In its first episode, Going Green tours the SWACO landfill located on the south side of Columbus. Viewers get a look at the amount of waste buried each day, learn about uses for recycled waste, and get tips on lessening the environmental impact of our waste. Featured in the program are SWACO’s Executive Director Ron Mills and Director of Communications John Remy, who provide helpful tips to consumers about waste management.


NARI offers green remodeling homeowners a guide to conserve energy and conserve the planet. October is Energy Awareness Month, and the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) offers some green remodeling tips to homeowners anxious to save money on energy bills. Homeowners who choose to remodel green can lower energy consumption by 30% to 50%. The U.S. Department of Energy believes if current buildings were green-improved, they would use $20 billion less energy per year. The reason is that green remodeling emphasizes energy efficiency within the home, using modifications such as energy-efficient appliances, programmable thermostats and airtight, lowemissivity windows. “Homeowners should consult with their remodeler when considering any type of home improvement project. Remodelers can suggest ways of conserving energy — such as using dimmable light switches — or even reducing water usage by installing kitchen and bathroom fixtures that are low flow, yet efficient,” says Renée Rewiski, president of the National Association of the Remodeling Industry. “Manufacturers are working with remodelers to bring consumers the products and materials they need to make homes safe, comfortable, and attractive. That is, after all, the purpose of any remodel.” If you’re thinking about remodeling a room already, that is the prime opportunity to undertake other upgrades to conserve the energy in your home, including adding insulation to the walls and ceiling and air sealing. If you’re adding onto your home, make sure you have the air conditioner checked to make sure it’s still the right size for the area it will be covering. Simple maintenance also can help make your home more energy efficient. Gaps around the plumbing that connect to the house from the outside can be sealed with expanding

“SWACO is very excited to work with Time Warner Cable on the Going Green series,” says Mills. “Our goal with this program is to educate the public on the benefits of recycling and on the hard work and engineering that goes into running a modern day landfill. We know with the strong outreach of Time Warner Cable, the message of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle will be seen and heard in many homes. A greater public understanding of sound waste management will go far in improving the quality of life for us all.” The current episode of Going Green is available for viewing on Local On Demand by tuning to Channel 1111 or 1 (varies by area), selecting the Lifestyles category, then the Go Green tab.

foam, which comes in convenient, easy-to-use cans. Cleaning or replacing the air filter once a month maximizes the efficiency of the heating system, as does cleaning out ducts, warm-air registers, baseboard heaters and radiators. NARI understands the importance of energy efficiency as an overall strategy to greening the home and offers its green remodeling education program to the remodeling industry as part of the association’s overall education program. NARI currently has 50 Green Certified Professionals, who have completed 16 hours of green education as well as passed an intensive exam about the principles of green remodeling.


New EPA guidelines for dealing with lead paint are designed to keep families, workers and remodelers safe from lead poisoning. If you live in a home built before 1978, chances are you may be exposed to lead. Common renovation activities like sanding, drilling and demolition can distribute harmful lead dust and chips, creating a hazardous environment for homeowners. To protect against this risk, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has issued a rule requiring the use of more stringent lead-safe practices aimed at preventing lead poisoning. Under the new rule, beginning in April 2010, contractors performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in homes, child care facilities, and schools built before 1978 must be certified and must follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination. “When you’re doing remodeling of a home built pre-1978 there is an awful amount of lead dust that gets released into the air - if you don’t take the proper precautions,” said Michael Hydeck, CR, CKBR, vice president of the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) and owner of Hydeck & MacKay

Builders in Telford, Pa. “This is particularly dangerous for children under six years of age and pregnant women, but it’s also not good for the worker.” Lead is a toxic metal that was used for many years in products found in and around our homes. Lead may cause a range of health effects, from behavioral problems and learning disabilities, to seizures and death. Children six years old and under are most at risk because babies and young children often put their hands and other objects in their mouths, possibly exposing themselves to lead. The EPA has encouraged lead-safe practices for many years, but the new regulations give remodelers and homeowners a higher standard to which to refer. According to the new rules, contractors working on homes built before 1978 will have to have a certified lead remodeler on staff. Remodelers will get certified by the EPA by participating and passing a concentrated eight-hour training course about the dangers of lead paint, how to set up work areas that will not expose residents, minimize dust and leave the work area clean. Contractors will use a number of protective measures, including: wearing appropriate eyewear, clothing and repertory protection on the job. Inside the work areas remodelers will remove furniture and belongings during the project or cover them with heavy plastic sheeting, close and seal vents and turn-off forced air heat and air conditioning systems if necessary. To minimize the spread of lead dust, workers should mist areas before sanding, scraping or drilling and cutting; score paint before separating it from surfaces and pry and pull it away instead of hammering; and always use a shroud with a HEPA vacuum attachment when using power tools and equipment. Leaving the work area clean is of utmost importance. To do this, remodelers will remove waste using heavy plastic bags or sheeting, ensure everything is free of dust before removing it from the work area and cleaning with a HEPA vacuum. Changing out of dusty work clothes also helps to reduce the spread of potentially harmful dust. “It’s the stuff that you can’t see that can hurt you,” Hydeck noted. In addition, remodelers will be required to

give each homeowner a pamphlet called, “Renovate Right: Important Lead Hazard Information for Families, Child Care Providers and Schools,” which includes sheet in it for the homeowner to sign that acknowledges that they have read it. The new lead-safe pamphlet is now available. While there won’t be a ‘lead police” looking for remodelers who break the new lead rules, Hydeck said he hopes the new regulations will persuade everyone to be more aware of the potential for lead poisoning. Homeowners are encouraged to report questionable work practices to the EPA. “There are people that won’t undergo the certification, but those are also the people who might sneak under the radar and work jobs without a license or insurance,” Hydeck said. “There are already people out there practicing lead-safe practices. It only makes sense that contractors protect themselves and their customers.” Although the new rules don’t kick in until 2010, the EPA recommends that anyone performing renovation, repair, and painting projects that disturb lead-based paint in pre-1978 homes, child care facilities and schools follow lead-safe work practices. Contractors working on projects with the potential of lead exposure should follow these three simple procedures: contain the work area, minimize dust and clean up thoroughly. NARI hosted “Learn About Lead: The New EPA Rules and You,” a Webinar that is now archived for on-demand viewing, to educate the remodeling community on what they need to know to prepare their business for this. If you are planning a home remodel, NARI remodelers can help homeowners complete the project using lead-safe practices. Log on to www.RemodelToday.com to find a remodeler in your area. About NARI: The National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) is the only trade association dedicated solely to the remodeling industry. With more than 7,700 member companies nationwide, the Association — based in Des Plaines, Illinois — is “The Voice of the Remodeling Industry.”™ For membership information, or to locate a local NARI chapter or a remodeling professional, visit NARI’s Web site at www.RemodelToday.com, or contact the national headquarters office at 800.611.NARI.

OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008


FEATURE STORY by Marcus Morris

TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCES WITH NICK WOLAK Nick Wolak, owner of Evolved Body Art, thinks that Trauma 2008 is going to be epic, and every indication is that he’s correct. The perfect venue, intense word of mouth, and reasonable ticket prices have the entire city abuzz for this year’s installment of one of Columbus’s most exciting traditions. Nick tells Outlook about the history of the event, what to expect this year, and what he could do to the presidential candidates to get them ready for the party. Marcus Morris: How did Trauma get started and how will this year differ from years previous? Nick Wolak: Eight years ago, Shawn Lower from Only Flesh assisted in the organization and promotion of a local fetish ball. He did a lot of work and brought out a lot of people to see his portion of the show. Unfortunately he was unhappy with the final results and frustrated with the overall experience. He and I got together and brainstormed a party that would bring a whole new concept to the fetish ball. It was an event designed to, in one manner or another, freak out each and every person in attendance. Shawn and I are both Scorpios, so Halloween seemed like the perfect time of year to celebrate. In 2002, Trauma was born. It was a huge success and for five years Shawn and I have attempted to outdo the previous years. Last year, Shawn retired as a Trauma organizer, preferring to focus instead on the entertainment aspect. That’s when Jacob Wooten from Motion Productions stepped up to co-organize with me. Jacob brought new ideas and a fresh spark, and very importantly, he introduced and orchestrated the charity facet of our event. Instead of simply donating money to an organization, he planned an entire secondary gathering of sponsors to adopt ten local families and provide hair cuts from Phia, framed family portraits from Devyne Produc-

tions, and oven-ready, organic, free range turkey dinners from Whole Foods. We are proud to continue the tradition this year. As far as what will differ this year from previous years…October 30th will tell. MM: Will the space at BoMA influence what will be on display? NW: Absolutely! BoMA is huge, beautiful, and boasts excellent audio and visual elements. Combined with what our performers and DJs will bring to the table, Trauma will be a feast for the senses. MM: How do you describe the party to someone who has never attended? NW: In a nutshell, it is a cross between a Halloween party, fetish ball, and freak show. MM: Do people have to come in costume or high fetish? NW: No, but 95% of everyone does. And for the record, I have traveled to the biggest cities in the world and attended some of the wildest parties out there, and I consider Trauma the have some of the best costumes anywhere. MM: What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? NW: Well, I was a late bloomer, and like most college kids, I was still acting pretty childish at age 19, so my favorite childhood costume was Captain Keg Man. One Halloween, many years ago, my best friend’s sister came to town and I took her out drinking. Before we knew it, we were both loaded and late for his costume party. I ran home, stripped down to my tighty-whiteys, then put on a ski mask and argyle socks. As I walked out the door, I noticed a half-full keg of beer and strapped it to my back with my judo belt. MM: What do people like most about Trauma? NW: For many people, it is the one time of year that they really let loose. It is amazing what a mask, a cape, vinyl, or leather will do to a person! Trauma is as gentle or as wild as


is a one of a kind, once a year event that gives back to the Columbus community. The Halloween fetish party features DJs, live performers, artists, activities and vendors from around central Ohio. The production is a joint effort between Evolved Body Art, Motion Productions, and many others in our community. Proceeds from the party will help to adopt 10 under privileged families in central Ohio. Each family will receive a haircut, family portraits and an oven-ready meal from Whole Foods. Where: BoMA, 595 E Broad St When: 9p Admission: $15 pre-sale, $20 at door More info: 614.233.3000, www.evolvedbodyart.com/trauma OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008

you want it to be. If you are intrigued, watch. If you are interested, try. If you are scared silly, walk away. MM: For anyone looking to get into fetish, or body modification, where do you think they should start? NW: Trauma 2008! MM: Is there a spot on the body that should not be pierced? NW: Play-piercing can be performed by a skilled practitioner on any part of the body. MM: If you could do any body piercing or modification to the candidates for president, what would you do? NW: To start with, I would want to get into Palin’s panties. Even though she seems to have everything working fine, we could redecorate a bit. Then we would need to loosen up McCain, maybe a nice guiche ring. If Obama is going to truly be the stud he promises, he will definitely need an ampallang. Biden may be a bit more conservative, so perhaps a pair of tasteful 14g nipple barbells. MM: What is the most personal tattoo you have? NW: Every one of my tattoos is personal and has deep meaning for me. MM: Evolved has much to offer in terms of body modification, piercing, and the art of tattooing. Is there anything that is just getting old, or that people should stop doing? NW: Body art is one of the most ancient and primal human practices. As long as people are moved to modify themselves, we will be happy to provide them as simple or as unique an adornment as they like and as we can perform in a safe, hygienic, and skilled manner. MM: Besides the body art studio you also own the High Five Bar. What exciting things have been happening at High Five?

NW: This month we are happy to welcome Sweatin’ every other Friday. The first Saturday of each month we host Dig!, a gallery hop dance party with amazing DJs and floor-toceiling video projection. And of course, every Monday is our Punk Rock Karaoke, a longtime tradition.All of these events are free and open to everyone. Come see us! Trauma 2008 comes to BoMA on Thursday, October 30, 9p. Tickets are available for $15 pre-sale at Evolved or http://www.evolvedbodyart.com/trauma. $20 at the door.



• Respect the privacy and the limits of other party goers. • Ask permission before touching someone or handling toys that aren’t yours. • Clearly communicate intentions to a playmate. Know their limitations and your own. • Enjoy safe, sane, & consensual play. • Come with an open mind, and express yourself as you see fit. • Walk away from anything you’re not comfortable with. • Be a polite voyeur if you choose not to participate.

• Bring a camera. Pics can be viewed at the website or purchased from one of our photographers. Cameras/film will be confiscated and you will be asked to leave. • Impose yourself on uninterested guests.


TERRI STEVENS TALKS HIGHBALL Project Runway’s Terri Stevens and Kelli Martin are among the fabulous personalities to grace HighBall Halloween on October 31. The duo will join emcee Nina West to present the Costume Couture Fashion Showdown, a celebration of artistry, creativity, and self-expression. Stevens took time from her preparation for the show to answer a few questions from fashionable Outlook contributor Marcus Morris. Marcus Morris: How is life after Project Runway? Terri Stevens: I am not complaining. The exposure has been great. People want you to do any and everything. Baptize your baby? Sure. Come to the Homecoming dance? I‘ll be right there. Get a brand new car with-

out a credit check or cash down? Fabulous. On the real, the opportunity for me since PR has been great. It’s about sitting back, taking a deep breath and then deciding what the next steps are. Of course, I can’t discuss anything that isn’t finalized, but things are looking great. Everyone calls me the Jennifer Hudson of Project Runway. MM: What can we expect from the collection you are showing at HighBall? TS: Layers of funk. MM: What were you doing before project runway? TS: Working the ‘ho stroll.’ Just kidding! Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Actually, there is something so wrong with that. But that’s a different story. I was and am still pumping out my designs and getting placement in boutiques in Chicago. MM: Who are your style icons? TS: Madonna, Janet. Katherine Hepburn for her androgynous style and Diana Ross for always looking hot. MM: What’s the best advice you can give to someone who wants to change their look? TS: Don’t be afraid. Look in the mirror and in your closet. See what you like and don’t like. Then come to my space and look in the mirror, look in the closet, and get that credit card out. MM: What do you think is the biggest fashion mistake people make? TS: Trying too hard. MM: If you could make over one celebrity, whom would you choose? TS: Where do I start? Lil’ Kim. Something so wrong could be so right. MM: In my opinion, your

garment in the drag queen challenge was the best. Would you ever make anything for any of the local drag superstars, such as Nina West? TS: Hello, drags are beautiful and look better than women when done right. So the answer is yes. I have used drag queens in my shows for years. Chicago has some great ones and Miss Amalia Black who is also here in Columbus is a longtime friend of mine. MM: What do you think is the most important thing we all should have in our wardrobes? TS: Black, black and more black. Be it denim, leather, wool, silk, or cotton, always have black. Black is my wardrobe and I wear it well, if I may say so. MM: What trend do you think should be banished? TS: Ugly attitudes. No, really. I’m over it. Also, it might be great for people to realize their true size and stop wearing clothes two sizes too small. If I see one more camel toe I am going to lose it. Stitches look like teeth on the sides of jeans and pants. We need an intervention now. Write your Congressman, call your alderman for help. MM: Did you ever find yourself talking in the third person after being around Suede for so long? TS: I always did it as a joke. Mostly due to Whitney saying on Oprah that “Whitney don’t cook.” Still funny to this day. MM: What designer do you look up to? TS: I don’t know if I look up to anyone but I love me some Lagerfeld, Galliano, Comme des garcons, Gaultier, Balenciaga. Mostly European designers. But that’s not to say that American designers aren’t bringing it, because they are. MM: Do you see Kelli often, since you both reside in Columbus? TS: I’ve only run into her once, during Gallery Hop. It was the same night as my debut in Rowe Boutique in the Short North. We chitted. We

chatted. I will see her at the HighBall and at one of her friend’s events. I have love for Kelli. I can’t be upset about things said by any of the designers. In the words of the great Keyshia Cole, “Let it go.” (I quote things a lot.) MM: How did you dress in high school? TS: Why? Do you have a picture, because if so I will cut you. I always had my own style. Me and several other friends were the Stylistics in school. People may not have gotten it, but we worked it. Then later of course everyone caught on and it was over to us. MM: Do you regret the design that got you booted from the show? TS: That was never the final look of my design. There was some serious sabotage going on. Fabric cut, fabric disappearing - you know, a hot mess. But I try not to complain and just keep making it happen. I still think I brought and brought each challenge. Something was so stank about it all. Also, it’s not good to have me paired up with someone on the ledge. You either gotta jump, get pushed or back it up and start over again. MM: What can the gays expect from Terri Stevens in the future? TS: I’ll always be a friend of the gay. Always a lover of the gay. And always gay at heart. Highball Halloween takes over the Short North on Friday, October 31, from 6p to midnight. Admission is free. The High Ball is a cross between Carnivale and Mardi Gras with a pinch of Halloween and a healthy splash of the Short North's artistic spirit. The evening’s festivities will include Outrageous Costume Contests (all entries are welcome!), a Couture Costume Fashion Showdown for fashion professionals, the Dogtober Howloween Procession for costume-crazed pet owners, live bands, the city's hottest DJs and $5,000 in prizes! More info: www.highballhalloween.com. Parking is avail: Meters are available at N High St, Park St, Goodale St, and at the North Market; City lots are located at 630 N High St, N High @ E Lincoln,N High @ E 2nd, & 1155 N High; Garages and additional parking located at the Convention Center, in the Arena District, at the OSU South Campus Gateway, and behind Axis at 775 N High St; &Bike parking available at Mac’s Café,

Highball Halloween Masquerade on High

It's HighBall Halloween: Masquerade on High. One part Carnivale. One part Mardi Gras. A pinch of Halloween. A healthy splash of the Short North's artistic Spirit. Close High Street from Buttles to Hubbard. Stir with a jammin' groove, and you'e got HighBall. Columbus' newest experience. Outrageous Costume Contests, the Costume Couture Fashion Showdown, the Dogtober Howloween Procession, live bands, the hottest DJs and $5,000 in prizes! And there's no admission fee!

Entertainment and Event Schedule Registration and Dog Parade 6p - 6:45p Dogtober Howloween Procession registration 6p - 9:15p Costume Contest registration 7p - ????p Dogtober Howloween Procession

Bud Light Lime Performance Stage 6:00p - 7:30p Floorwalkers 8:00p - 9:30p Flypaper 10:00p - 12a Buzzcrush

Park Street District Runway Stage 6:00p - 9p DJ Moxy 8:30p - 9p Costume Couture Fashion Showdown 9:00p - 12a DJ Sonya 9:30p - 12a Costume Contest For more information, visit HighBallHalloween.com If you would like to volunteer to help create the first HighBall Halloween, log on. Opportunities include concession service, runway models, event hosts, gate monitors, event set up, and event tear down. OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008


OCT 23 - OCT 31 2008


Monte Carlo Masquerade @ The Capital Club, 41 S High St, 7th Fl, 614.228.0225, www.montecarlomasquerade.com: Come to the 3rd Annual Casino Night. Gambling & auctions conclude at midnight. Masks will be provided at the door, but feel free to bring your own! This year’s proceeds will benefit Dress for Success Columbus and the Young Executive Board Foundation. 8p-2a; $40-$75. Raising Hell @ Shadowbox Cabaret, Easton Towne Center, 614.416.7625, shadowboxcabaret.com: Shadowbox takes audiences on a wild ride this fall with this brand new themed production. Original sketch comedy and heart-pounding rock ‘n’ roll unveil sinful temptations and show that naughty is sometimes nice and can always be hilarious when Shadowbox is Raising Hell. Through Nov 15. Thu 7:30p; Fri&Sat 7:30p&10:30p; $20-$30. The Rocky Horror Show @ Axis, 775 N High St, 614.291.4008, columbusnightlife.com: Center Stage Players present Richard O’Brien’s The Rocky Horror Show, a Short North tradition. Tickets available at centerstageplayers.com. Fri-Sat 8p, Sun 4p. Wickedly F@cked Up Halloween Show @ Q Bar & Nightclub, 205 N. Fifth St, 614.222.2401, www.qnation.com: Starring Maria Lopez, Rose Nylon, Ashely Stewart, Ida Slapter, Panzie Bloom & more. Cocktails 7p, show 8p; free entry w/ tables on sale now.


Halloween Showtunes @ Union, 782 N High St, 614.421.2233, columbusnightlife.com: National Entertainer of the Year Nina West puts a spooky spin on a Sunday night tradition. 7p. Maria’s Tricks & Treat Show @ Tradewinds II, 117 E Chestnut St, 614.461.4110, tradewindsii.com: Maria Garrison treats the tricks at Tradewinds. 10:30p. Sunday Night Live Halloween Edition @ Wall Street, 144 N High St, 614.464.2800, www.wallstreetnightclub.com: Spookaliciously funny Halloween sketch comedy. Presale tables are available. Doors 7p, show 8p; $7.


Halloween Weekend Kickoff Show @ Havana, 862 N High St, columbusnightlife.com: Nina and her ghouls get your Halloween weekend off to a ghastly start! 10p. Trauma 2008 @ BoMA, 595 E Broad St, 614.233.3000, www.evolvedbodyart.com/trauma: Trauma is a one of a kind, once a year event that gives back to the Columbus community. The Hal-

OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008

loween fetish party features DJs, live performers, artists, activities and vendors from around central Ohio. The production is a joint effort between Evolved Body Art, Motion Productions, and many others in our community. Proceeds from the party will help to adopt 10 under privileged families in central Ohio. Each family will receive a haircut, family portraits and an oven-ready meal from Whole Foods. 9p; $15 pre-sale, $20 at door.

Hubbard, www.highballhalloween.com: The HighBall is a cross between Carnivale and Mardi Gras with a pinch of Halloween and a healthy splash of the Short North’s artistic spirit. The evening’s festivities will include Outrageous Costume Contests, a Couture Costume Fashion Showdown for fashion professionals, the Dogtober Howloween Procession for costume-crazed pet owners, live bands, the city’s hottest DJs and $5,000 in prizes! Free.

Costume Contest @ Axis, 775 N High St, 614.291.4008, columbusnightlife.com: Nina West hosts the 8th Annual Halloween Party. $2000 up for grabs. Judging at 10p.

A Nightmare on Wall Street @ Wall Street Nightclub, 144 N High St, 614.464.2800, www.wallstreetnightclub.com: Costume judging begins at midnight. $1,000 in cash prizes. 9p doors; $4 before 11p, $6 after.


Costume Contest @ Jaybird’s Tiki Bar, inside Frog Bear & Wild Boar, 343 N Front, 614.528.0040: $500 for best costume Fri and Sat. 10p both nights; free. Costume Contest @ Union Bar+Food, 782 N High St, 614.421.CAFE (2233), columbusnightlife.com: $800 in prizes will be awarded the best costumes on the strip. 9p; free. Devil’s Ball @ Q Bar & Nightclub, 205 N Fifth St, 614.222.2401, www.q-nation.com: Come get your tricks and treats. $500 in cash and prizes for best dressed. 11p; free in costume. Halloween Blackout @ Club Columbus, 795 W Fifth Ave, 614.291.0049, the-clubs.com: Extreme fetish attire suggested and rewarded. 10p; $15-$30 lockers/rooms. Halloween Costume Contest @ Score Bar, 145 N 5th St, 614.849.0099, scorebarcolumbus.com: Head downtown for this Halloween party and contest. 1st place wins a trip to Las Vegas & $500; 2nd place $100, 3rd place $50. 12a; free. Halloween Drag @ Tremont, 708 S High St, 614.444.2041: Halloween drag show. 12a; free. Halloween Fun @ Woof’s, 2063 Livingston Ave, 614.237.3595, woofscolumbus.com: Costume contest with cash and prizes. Horror DVD giveaway every hour. Fri & Sat, 10p. Halloween Horror @ the Wexner Center, 1871 N High St, 614.292.3535: The Innocents stars Deborah Kerr as a governess who fears her two young charges are being haunted by the ghosts of their former nanny and the creepy mansion’s valet. This classic was cited as inspiration for 2001’s The Others starring Nicole Kidman. 7p; $7. Halloween Show @ Somewhere Else, 1312 S High Street, 614.443.4300: Starring Kara Sene, Nichelle Devereaux, Brent Fabian, Hellin Bedd & more. 11p. HighBall Halloween in the Short North, Buttles to

Ryan Scarlata & Jenny Boyd @ Club Diversity, 863 S High St, 614.224.4050, clubdiversity.com: Hear Halloween favorites from Rocky Horror, “The Monster Mash,” and a few surprise tunes as Ryan and Jenny play in their best pirate finery. 9:30p-12:30a; free.

AMUSEMENT PARKS & ZOOS: Boo at the Zoo Columbus Zoo & Aquarium, 9990 Riverside Dr, 43065, 614.645.3400, www.columbuszoo.org: This delightfully haunting Halloween celebration offers candy stations, storytellers, magicians, a haunted train ride and other thrilling activities. Special appearance by Batman, the Dark Knight. Children are welcome to dress in costume. Only adults accompanied by a child or children under 13 years of age will be permitted to wear costumes on Zoo grounds. Oct 24-26. Fri 5p-9p, Sat 10a-9p, Sun 10a-8p; $7-$10, members free. Cedar Point’s HalloWeekends http://www.cedarpoint.com: Cedar Point gets spooky. Featuring the Magical House on Boo Hill, Monster Midway Invasion Celebration Parade, the Hay Bale Maze, Planet Spooky, and more, plus all the rides and screams you can handle. Oct 24-26. Fri 6p-12a, Sat 12p-12a, Sun 11a-8p; $20-$44. Paramount’s Kings Island’s Halloween Haunt Kings Island Dr, Mason, www.visitkingsisland.com: The biggest scare-athon in the Midwest is bigger and badder than anything you’ve seen before and features more than 400 blood thirsty monsters, highly-intense attractions including chain-link mazes, frightening wooded trails, disturbing clowns in 3D and some of the most hair-raising rides on the planet! Oct 24-25, 31 & Nov 1. 7p-1a; $20-$26.

HAUNTED TOURS: Columbus Landmarks Foundation Annual Ghost Tours: Haunted Columbus’s Best of 20 Years Bus Tour OCTOBER 24, 27-31

$25 members/$30 non-members This 2.5-hour tour will take you in and out of the downtown and its nearby neighborhoods to hear and (perhaps) to experience the side of Columbus where the residents do not rest quietly. From sightings common in the 19th century, to poltergeist activity, to just plain creepy places where orbs are picked up on cell phones - each night’s stops may slightly differ but all the stories will be the best of 20 years of collecting - and all are associated with some of the city’s outstanding architecture. The Oct 24 and 31 tours will also be offered as part of a weekend package at The Lofts Hotel and Suites, so book early for those nights or call The Lofts (461.2663) and stay overnight. Tour begins at Columbus Landmarks Foundation, 61 Jefferson Ave. 7p; 614.221.4508 for tickets. The Original Haunted Columbus Walking Tour OCTOBER 23 $10 members/$20 non-members Columbus Landmarks’ 20th season returns to the scene of the crime (so to speak). The idea of ghost tours was born on Town Street when then Columbus Landmarks Director Ed Lentz and Education Coordinator Doreen Uhas Sauer realized that every house had an unsolicited ghost story accompanying the fantastic architecture of this Near East Side neighborhood. From the ghost who liked loud music to the Lady in Pink to the never-talked-about Grace and Fernando - In the early years it was desired that the Kelton House ghost be kept secret, but now we are welcomed in and have even more stories from the Town/Franklin neighborhood to share! Come take the tour that started it all. Tour begins at Kelton House, 586 East Town St. 7p; 614.221.4508 for tickets. Green Lawn Cemetery Tours OCTOBER 25-26 $7 members/$15 non-members A leisurely fall walk through the leaves in central Ohio’s most beautiful and historic cemetery, founded in 1848 by Howard Daniels. Green Lawn is the resting place of some of Columbus’s best known and least known residents, but they all have fascinating stories and interesting architectural markers. We don’t promise ghosts - it is not that kind of tour - but we do promise that sort of autumn setting fit for your October mood. Meet at Huntington Chapel in the center of Green Lawn Cemetery. Sat 10-12p, Sun 2p-4p; call 614.221.4508 for tickets. Worthington Ghost Tours OCTOBER 24 $10 Back by popular demand, but with a slightly different twist, this year’s ghost tours will highlight Worthington’s spooky side as tour guides relate tales of ghostly visits and information about the city’s historic buildings and early residents. Meet at the Old Rectory, 50 W New England Ave, Worthington, 614.807.2626. continued


OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008


HAUNTS: Dead Acres / Haunted Hoochie 13861 Broad St SW, Pataskala, 740.927.3568, www.deadacres.com: Dead Acres is a world class extreme haunted house rated #9 on Hauntworld magazine and the Wall Street Journal’s Top 13 Best Haunted Houses in America. Everyone has to go sometime. Oct 23-25, 30-31, Nov 1. Gates 6p, shows 8:30p until sold out. $17, VIP $27. Drive Thru Haunted Park 4309 Lancaster Road, Granville, 740.587.2535: We aren’t walking like Egyptians, but we are inviting mummies, daddies and their little ghouls to the 2008 Drive Thru Haunted Park. Enjoy some haunting fun and bring the whole family out to Infirmary Mound Park October 22-25. We offer something unique for those who are sick of standing in line, cold and hungry just to be rushed through the same old haunted house or forest. Oct 22-25. Wed & Thu 7:30p-9:30p, Fri & Sat 7:30p-10:30p; $20 per vehicle. Forest of Fright 7295 Duncan Run Rd, Philo, 740.280.0952, www.forestoffright.org: Come visit Philo’s Forest of Fright, Muskingum County’s Largest Haunted Trails and Maze. Take a journey thru the outermost darkness. Be scared out of your minds as you enter the forest. The demented pumpkins come alive. Chainsaw murderers, killer clowns. Don’t bother trying to escape…they know all the shortcuts. Not recommended for children under 13. Fri & Sat thru Nov 1. 7:30p-11p; $10. Ghostly Manor: A Haunting Experience Ghostly Manor Thrill Center, 3319 Milan Rd, Sandusky, 419.626.4467, www.ghostlymanor.com: Be prepared! This old mansion instantly comes alive as the door closes behind you and your deepest fears are be revealed. Ghostly Manor is sure to give you a unique experience unlike any other. Thu & Sun 7p10p, Fri-Sat 7p-12a; $11 for 10 & over, $6 for 9 & under. Ghosts of the White House James A Garfield National Historic Site, 440.255.8722, www.wrhs.org: Enjoy an evening visit of the President’s home and stories of presidential hauntings at the White House and Capitol Buildings. Reservations required. Oct 25; $15. Haunted Farm 5450 Old Millersport Rd, Pleasantville, 740.468.FARM, www.haunted-farm.com: Come and see what the Harvester, Silence, and Karver, has in store for you this year at the farm. View this early 1900’s historical homestead located in Central Ohio and hope that you don’t become part of the farm’s history. Try and find your way out of the Haunted Barn Maze. Explore the remains left in the fields on the Haunted Hayride Ride. Enjoy the bonfire, roasting marshmallows, enjoying some treats from the Crow’s Nest Shop or listening to the live entertainment in the barnyard on the weekends. Check out the website for band dates and time. Oct 24-26, 7p11:30p; $10 adults $8 kids under 10. Haunted Hollow Olentangy Indian Caverns, 1779 Home Rd, Delaware, 740.548.7917, www.ahauntedhollow.net: The Haunted Hollow is an outdoor attraction featuring horrific mazes of terror. The Haunted Hollow is a family friendly attraction. Oct 24-25, 31 & Nov 1. 7:30p-11:30p; $9. The Haunted Ship The Santa Maria, Battelle Park off Marconi Blvd, 614.645.8760: Look out for the spiders and rats. OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008

Don’t be surprised if we come under attack. Bring your family and friends, watch out for your skeletal kins and never turn your back! $5 adults $2.50 children. The House of Nightmares 477 S Front St, 614.949.0733, www.thehouseofnightmares.com: First they felt it in their dreams. It fed on the fear of those who slept in the colossal building, slowly gaining the power to reach physically past the wall of sleep. Now in the waking world horrible things from tortured dreams stalked the old place, puppets of the growing darkness, shadows that sought human prey! The place was known only as The House of Nightmares. Awakened by trespassers and thrill seekers, the thing sent its minions to stalk and slay them in the twisting corridors and dark recesses of the building. But it craved more fear than the old house could provide. Oct 2426, 30-31 & Nov 1. Fri-Sat 7p-12a, Sun & Thu 7p11p; $15-20. The Ohio State Reformatory Historic Site Haunted Prison Experience in Mansfield 100 Reformatory Road, Mansfield, 419.522.2644, www.shop.hauntedx.com: See the cell block hell come to life. No children under 13. Thru Nov 1. Thur 7p-11p, Fri-Sat 7p-12a, Sun 7p-10p; $15. Ohio Village’s All Hallows’ Eve The Ohio Historical Center Ohio Village, I-71 and 17th Ave, 614.297.2300, www.ohiohistory.org: A tradition at Ohio Village, this program invites visitors to experience a family-style, 19th-century Halloween celebration. A children’s activity area, Halloween traditions, fortune telling, a Museum of Oddities, games and crafts are among the many activities featured this evening. A reading by the bonfire of Washington Irving’s Legend of Sleepy Hollow and an appearance by the infamous Headless Horseman finish this fun-filled evening. Refreshments are available for purchase. Oct 25. 5:30p-9:30p; $8$11. Pataskala Haunted Forest 9383 Refugee Rd, Pataskala, 740.927.7376, www.pataskalahauntedforest.com: Come calling on the Murdock family and learn their secrets. Trek though the woods and discover that some things are better left buried...like the Murdocks! Oct 24, 25, 31 & Nov 1. 7p- 12a; $10. Terror Park @ Cooper Stadium 1155 W Mound St, 43223, 614.462.5250, www.terrorpark.com: Visit Terror Park to enjoy thrills, chills and frightfully fun experiences! Cooper Stadium has been transformed into the ultimate haunted attraction for the 10th and final year. It awaits you for unforgettable scary fun and frolic! Terror Park offers covered waiting areas. Oct 23-25, 30-31 & Nov 1. Thu 7:30p- 10p, Fri & Sat 7:30p-12a; $13. BEGGERS’ NIGHTS: Columbus Trick or Treat: Oct 31, 6p-8p Easton Town Center Halloween Pet Parade Town Square, 160 Easton Town Center, www.eastontowncenter.com: The Halloween Pet Parade, sponsored by the Capital Area Humane Society, is a fun event that encourages participants to dress up their pets in festive Halloween costumes. The event, which is in its ninth year at Easton Town Center, raises money to help the abused, abandoned, and homeless animals of Central Ohio. Awards given include Best, Scariest, and Funniest Costumes. Oct 26, 1p-3p. Malloween at Indian Mound Mall This is Indian Mound Mall’s annual Trick or Treat. We

offer a safe, climate controlled environment for the little goblins. Oct 31, 6p-8p. Prime Outlets Jeffersonville Trick or Treat Prime Outlets Jeffersonville, 8000 Factory Shops Blvd, Jeffersonville, www.primeoutlets.com: Prime Outlets Jeffersonville will host trick or treating at the center on Halloween. For a monstrous good time, children can get their fill on Halloween goodies and celebrate the fall season. Adults and children are asked not to wear face masks. Oct 31, 5p. Trick or Treat at the Mall at Tuttle Crossing Bring your children for a night of fun at the Mall at Tuttle Crossing. Children can get goodies from the mall merchants and other local businesses, enjoy entertainment by Grammy-nominated artists Celeste and Craig, and see the magic of the famous Dr. Eldoonie. Masks are only allowed on children 12 and under, and please no toy weapons. Oct 27, 6:30p-9:30p. Trick or Treat at North Market North Market, 59 Spruce St, 614.463.9664, www.northmarket.com: The North Market invites all kids of Columbus to dress up in their Halloween costumes a few days early and come masquerading! The market will host its annual children’s Halloween party. Oct 28, 12p- 3p.

TOUR CLEVELAND . . . IF YOU DARE! Ghosts of Burton Tour, Village of Burton OCTOBER 25 440.834.5050, www.GoodwinHouseBB.com The tour includes historically accurate stories of the local area, some good ghost stories, and a shuttle bus ride to the local cemetery for further discussion on the former inhabitants of the area and a look at some very old grave markers. A light snack and beverage is included. We will walk at an easy pace, covering about a mile. Some stops have stairs, so the tour is not entirely handicapped accessible. 4p, 5p, 6p, 7p; each tour lasts 2.5 hours. Haunted Heartland Tours YEAR-ROUND 330.412.6114, www.hauntedhistory.net Ohio’s only year-round haunted history and ghost tour company, they average 120 or more events each year and were voted into the nation’s Top 10 Best Ghost Tours from Haunted America Tours. Lake View Cemetery YEAR-ROUND 12316 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, 216.421.2665 ext. 3022 With its artful monuments and markers, this cemetery is more of an outdoor museum. See Garfield’s monument, leave a dime as investment in your fortune on Rockefeller’s gravesite or pay a visit to the memorial for legendary crime fighter Eliot Ness. Halloween’s the one time of year when Cleveland becomes a “ghost town.” Join in a spirited tour that combines history and lore. Psychic Sonya’s Haunted Cleveland Tours: Friday Nights in Cleveland Halloween Tour OCTOBER 31 Sunset Grille at Whiskey Island Marina, 440.775.1217 Bring flashlights, raingear, and cameras in the hope that we will catch a ghost on film. 6:30p 11p; $50. Thursday Classic Cleveland Ghost Tour with Psychic Sonya THURSDAYS THRU NOVEMBER 13

Local Heroes at East 9th & Bolivar in Downtown Cleveland, 440.775.1217 This is the ORIGINAL Haunted Cleveland Tour, back by popular demand! Chartered bus tours of authentic haunted Cleveland locations, featuring Playhouse Square. Reservations only. 6:30p-11p; $50. Saturday Cuyahoga Valley Urban Legend Tours OCTOBER 25 & NOVEMBER 1 Canal Visitor Center off Canal and Rockside, www.hauntedclevelandtours.com Are there Ghosts and Sasquatch in the Cuyahoga Valley? Yes! Haunted Cleveland Tours presents a special urban legend tour with Cleveland’s wellknown paranormal investigator, psychic Sonya Horstman. Join a small tour group on a luxurious shuttle bus ride through the historic Cuyahoga Valley and explore places where sightings of Spirits and Bigfoot have been reported. Get the real scoop on the urban legends and myths. Ages 13 & up. 6p11p; $50. NOT-SO-SCARY (FAMILY) FUN Spooky doesn’t have to mean scary. Here are some more family-friendly fall activities: BOO-tanical Bash, Cleveland Botanical Garden OCTOBER 25 216.721.1600, www.cbgarden.org An evening of playing games like Bowling for Ghosts, listening to creepy stories, and sipping cups of fresh apple cider while enjoying live entertainment and snacking on some tasty treats. 5:30p8:30p; $7.50-$13. Halloween Hayrides, Lake Metroparks Farmpark OCTOBER 24-25 440.256.2158, www.lakemetroparks.com Travel down a one-mile trail on a Halloween hayride filled with family-oriented thrills, chills and adventure at Lake Metroparks Farmpark. Along the way expect to see the usual and unusual suspects that haunt the woods each year in October. $4-$6. Howl-O-Ween: Families Howl with Ghouls & Goblins at Great Wolf Lodge THRU NOVEMBER 1 419.609.6000, www.greatwolf.com The middle of October is the spook-tacular start to Howl-O-Ween at Great Wolf Lodge, and there’s no better time to bring your little goblins. Follow the Trick or Treat Trail, create witchy crafts in the Cub Club, and dig up all the spooky decorations and haunting happenings around the lodge. Remember to pack costumes along with the swimming suits. Starting at $150.

BONE-CHILLING BLOGS & SPOOKY SITES Not content to take a pre-planned tour or to get your thrills and chills from a haunted house? Choose your own adventures. • Creepy Cleveland Blog creepycleveland.blogspot.com • Forgotten Ohio www.forgottenoh.com/haunted • Ghosts of Ohio www.ghostsofohio.org • The Moonspenders www.moonspenders.com • Ohio Exploration www.ohioexploration.com • Ohio Lost www.ohiolost.org



OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008





Now that Lindsay Lohan has made it official that she and Samantha Ronson are, in fact, an item, maybe the media will go back to whatever they were doing before and let her get on with her career. Romeo recently reported that the starlet will appear on the first episode of the sixth season of Project Runway (provided it ever sees air-time, now that there’s a court order blocking the way), but in the meantime she’s also returned to making movies, like the upcoming Dare to Love Me. A romantic biopic about the life of Tango legend Carlos Gardel, the film stars Italian actor Raoul Bova (known in Europe, relatively new to the U.S.) and Lohan as someone called “La Ritana.” Directed by Alfonso Arau (Like Water For Chocolate), the movie is set for a 2009 release, and Lohan’s patient fans are ready, even if she decides to sing.

There are worse ideas for musicals - they made Urban Cowboy into one, after all - but few more intriguingly bizarre than what’s currently in the works: American Psycho, the sing-along version. Based on the gruesomely satirical 1991 novel by Bret Easton Ellis and its 2001 film adaptation starring Christian Bale, the story of successful Wall Street suit Patrick Bateman is one of torture, murder, cannibalism, and an unnatural affection for Huey Lewis & the News. Yes, the rights have now been sold for a musical version aimed right for Broadway’s stage. There’s no word yet on casting, book, or score, but this ‘80s-themed horror-fest has the potential to make Sweeney Todd seem like children’s theater if anything resembling faithfulness to the source material comes into play. Maybe front-row audiences will get plastic tarps like at Gallagher shows? Stay tuned for more news on the gore as it develops.



Ratings are down, boredom is up. Even Jon Stewart failed to pull in a big, youthful audience. What’s an Oscar telecast to do to make itself feel fresh and exciting again? Well, besides nominating The Dark Knight for Best Picture and bumping up the comicbook nerd audience share, it’s time to put a fresh face on the proceedings. Enter first-timers Laurence Mark, a producer of movies like Dreamgirls and Jerry Maguire, and his Dreamgirls writer-director Bill Condon. The pair will oversee the 2009 Academy Awards telecast and hopefully re-infuse the show with an excitement it’s lacked in recent years. Of course, to attract a bigger, younger audience will mean finding a cool host, one that will attract a demographic too old for the Jonas Brothers (which means Miley Cyrus will have to wait her turn) but too young for the return of Billy Crystal. Is it finally Beyonce’s moment?

It’s come to the point when a reality show can be inspired by something as transitory as a pop hit. And in the case of the upcoming Bravo series, Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys, it could be argued that Britpop band Blur’s 1990s song “Boys and Girls,” with its gender-scrambled lyrics, is at least as responsible for its development as more widely received phenomena like Will & Grace. Producers are currently scouting for real-life Wills and Graces, but the just-announced show’s format has yet to be made public: will it be a follow-them-aroundon-adventures series about a gay guy and his best female pal, or will women compete to select gays to befriend based on shoe-shopping challenges? The possibilities are endless, really. But if the show takes off, it might mean the welcome end to that ugliest of assignations, the “fag hag.” Get those new catch phrases percolating, creative Bravo minds!

Romeo San Vicente has always just preferred to call his female friends “awesome.” He can be reached care of this publication or at DeepInsideHollywood@qsyndicate.com.

ARTS by Kelly Stevelt

Not For The Faint Of Mind Educators “School Us” With Art In the span of a day most people question themselves. Did I leave the garage door open? Can I wear those shoes with this outfit? Did I really just spend $5 for a coffee?!? But when was the last time you questioned yourself on a more fundamental level? Sid Chafetz’s exhibition on display downtown in the historic Lazarus building will provide you with enough questions for an inner dialogue that will last you until November 4th. All good teachers challenge you to think about yourself and Sid Chafetz is no different. With the presidential election coming up it is imperative that everyone understand themselves enough to know who and what works for them. While there is some informed political commentary on TV screens, blogs, t-shirts and bumper stickers there are also unintelligent arguments coming from people that have taken a stance but cannot tell you the place they took it from. “Thought provoking” is an over-used phrase. I say this because everyone that has been to see Sid’s show has used that phrase about at least one piece. But as “change” and “maverick” have yet to be retired, I have no OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008

problem saying that Sid’s work is thought provoking. This is particularly important because as we speak congress is passing a law to require thoughts in all political debates; whether they are at home, work, poker night or knitting circle. Hurry!! This show ends on Oct. 25th!! If you cannot make it to Sid Chafetz, or if you need more faculty art in your life, we have you covered. While most people equate being in a roomful of teachers with being in BIG trouble, the Faculty of Art exhibition will certainly help you get over that. Due to the creation of our fabulous exhibition space we are able to present current work of the OSU Faculty in one space, at one time: a feat that has not been managed since 1990! Alan Crockett, a recently retired faculty member, will also be showing his work as a mini-retrospective of a life in the studio, and a life dedicated to art, teaching and family. His show: Mark Making. These internationally recognized, award winning faculty members will provide you with enough visual stimuli to ensure that you do not get into trouble for “acting out” in class. The

best part is: No Test! The Faculty of Art show will be on display from October 21, 2008 to January 10, 2009. Alan Crockett: Art Making will be on display November 6, 2008 to January 24, 2009. Opening receptions for both exhibitions will be Nov 6, 5p-8p. This is a great opportunity to get dressed up before those Thanksgiving meals catch up with us! For more information about The OSU Urban Arts Space please contact us at 614.292.8861. In order to stay up to date with our exhibitions

and arts programming feel free to visit our website: http://uas.osu.edu. The OSU Urban Arts Space is located downtown at 50 W. Town Street in the historic Lazarus Building. Our hours are Tuesday through Saturday: 11a – 6p with extended hours on Thursday’s: 11a – 8p Kelly Stevelt is with OSU Urban Art Space, a member organization of the Columbus Arts Marketing Association. For more information, visit www.camaonline.org.


OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008



Two Queer For Words By Gregg Shapiro

With gay marriage still on the minds of many, the following “pairs” of discs were like matches made in homo heaven. Listen to them individually or collectively.

One-named wonders: In 2004, more than 20 years after the death of groundbreaking gay glam god Jobriath, the compilation Lonely Planet Boy hit shelves. An assortment of tracks culled from his two Elektra Records albums, released 30 years earlier, it called necessary attention to the underrated Jobriath who never got the acclaim that he deserved. Newly available CD reissues of those full-length albums, the 1973 self-titled debut and 1974’s Creatures of the Street (both on Collectors’ Choice Music) are important musically and historically. As an unapologetically queer artist at a time when it was risky to be one, Jobriath (nee Bruce Campbell), like the New York Dolls, attempted to give glam an American accent. He succeeded on songs such as “Space Clown,” “Take Me I’m Yours,” “Movie Queen,” “I’m A Man” “Morning Star Ship” and “Blow Away,” from the eponymous album, and “Heartbeat,” “Dietrich/Fondyke,” “Street Corner Love,” “Scumbag” and “Liten Up,” from its follow-up. When all is said and done, this could be the breakthrough year for out artist (Richard) Morel. With two acclaimed discs already under his belt, an enduring career as well-respected remixer Pink Noise, and Blowoff, his regular club gig with Bob Mould (in whose band he also toured) still going strong, Morel has already established himself as a multi-talented man of music. Morel co-wrote three songs on Cyndi Lauper’s dance-oriented 2008 disc Bring Ya To The Brink, including the brilliant “Same Ol’ Story.” He has also just released the ambitious and rewarding double disc set The Death of the Paperboy (Outsider Music). On “Disc-1,” Morel delivers 11 songs, including standouts “Stillborn,” “No Makes Me Lonely,” “Anymore Anymore,” “The Start is the End,” “My Side,” “Falling Off The Verge,” and “I’m So Low I Keep On Falling,” that echo the varied musical style of his previous efforts (electronic, pop, modern rock, funk) and also contain a similar autobiographical tone. “Disc-O” (get it) features eight Pink Noise dance remixes that provide an enhanced way of listening to some of the songs. OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008

The Women: Ever since the release of her breakthrough album The Color and The Light, out singer/songwriter Jennifer O’Connor has been perfecting her songwriting dexterity and her performance chops. On her new disc Here With Me (Matador), which is as remarkable for its line-up of guest musicians, including Darren Jessee of Ben Folds Five fame and Franz Nicolay of The Hold Steady, as it is for the fact that it was recorded over the course of 12 days in early 2008, O’Connor continues to amaze. Beginning with album opener “The Church and The River,” in which she sings “Between the church and the river/my love gives to me, she makes me a giver,” she sets the tone for the songs of emotional connection that follow. It recurs in the rocking “Daylight Out,” the beautiful tragedy of “Valley Road ’86,” the heartbreaking “End of the Hall,” the bare honesty of “Xmas Party,” as well as, the celebrations of love that are “Credit in the Cost,” and of course, the title track. Amanda Palmer, the openly bi half of punk cabaret act the Dresden Dolls, steps out on her own on the solo disc Who Killed Amanda Palmer? (Roadrunner). Loyal Dresden Dolls fans will be delighted to know that Palmer doesn’t deviate that much from the band’s formula. Since she is the most vocal part of the duo, it’s not surprising that she would put out a solo effort. More than half of the tracks were produced (or co-produced with Palmer) by the aforementioned Ben Folds, who also plays on some of the songs. It turns out to be a good match. Palmer, like Folds, plays piano and they share a similar playing style that borders on the theatrical. To her credit, it’s a solid disc, with standout tracks such as “Runs in the Family,” “Ampersand,” “Guitar Hero,” “The Point of It All,” and the unsettling “Oasis.”

Generational: Jay Brannan will probably be familiar to LGBT moviegoers as Ceth from John Cameron Mitchell’s Shortbus and Jake in here! TV’s Holding Trevor. As it turns out Brannan is also a talented musician. On his debut album Goddamned (Great Depression), Brannan performs 11 original numbers, accompa-

nying himself on guitar. He’s also joined on a few tunes by other musicians, including Bitch on violin. He has a very distinctive songwriting style and his lyrics often belie his sly sense of humor, with “American Idol” and “At First Sight” as good examples. He also doesn’t shy away from queer subject matter on songs including “Housewife,” “Half-Boyfriend,” “Bowlegged & Starving,” and “String-A-Long-Song.” Brannan can also get serious as you can hear on the title track. It was something of a revelation to this reviewer when he discovered that Rick Berlin, front man of ‘80s Boston cult band Berlin Airlift is gay. Like Me and Van Gogh, its 2005 predecessor, the latest solo disc by Berlin, “Old Stag” (Hi-N-Dri), is an intimate and personal affair. Even the string section (“recorded in a B.U. classroom”) on “Happy Lesbians in the Snow” and “Elle” feels homegrown and folksy. Berlin, who has been a recording artist for more than 30 years, retains his unique musical perspective and continues to express himself for all who are willing to listen. Homo-hop: Lately it seems like you can’t turn on queer cable station Logo without seeing queer hip-hop artist Johnny Dangerous. Proving that the genre’s standard of suggestiveness is not the sole province of straight rappers, when Dangerous opens his mouth he spits smutty rhymes so tight you can bounce a quarter off of them. His searing latest disc White Hot (US2/Top Star/Crunks Not Dead) not only lives up to the claim of the title, but also the explicit content of the parental advisory label on the cover. Take your pick from Dangerous’s raunchy raps on “Take Your Man,” “Three Minute Pop,” “(Wan Dat) Ass Is,” “Hotline,” “2 Hot 4 T.V.,” “Hot Boi” and “Eat It,” to name a few. Like the above mentioned Jay Brannan, Houston Bernard has been dividing his time between appearing in films and working as a recording artist. And like Johnny Dangerous, Bernard doesn’t shy away from talking dirty when necessary on his new album See The World (houstonbernard.com). On this 15-track disc, it sounds as though Bernard is moving away from hip-hop and in a more dancerock oriented direction as is evident on “I Feel Gorgeous,” “Dark Dancefloor,” “See The World,” “Bandit” and “Let It Blow.” Classical gasp: You might never guess from looking at Cameron

Carpenter, in his glittery, tight-fitting t-shirts, skinny jeans and pointy-toed shoes that he’s an organist, but he is. The openly queer musician knows his way around the pedals and the keys as you can hear on Revolutionary (Telarc). Among the 11 tracks on the disc, which also includes a bonus DVD with performance footage for the purpose of showing off Carpenter’s “Fred Astaire-like footwork,” are compositions by Chopin, Bach, Liszt, Horowitz, and Duke Ellington. Equally as impressive are the two Carpenter compositions, including “Homage to Klaus Kinski.” On Mothertongue (Bedroom Community/Brassland), gay musician and composer Nico Muhly creates classically-oriented music for ears that might ordinarily turn away from the genre. If you can imagine Lisa Gerrard (of Dead Can Dance) collaborating with Philip Glass then you are on the right path. By “Hress,” the third part of the title composition, the experimental but accessible music has moved to another realm altogether, modern, alive, fresh and almost familiar. Show tune queens: Almost 50 years since it debuted on Broadway, the musical Gypsy has had its fair share of revivals. Prior to the current award-winning production now on Broadway, starring Patti LuPone as Mama Rose, Bernadette Peters played the role just five years earlier. Before her, it was Tyne Daly, Angela Lansbury, and the original Mama Rose, Ethel Merman. Rosalind Russell played her in the movie and Bette Midler did the same on television. Cowritten by two gay men, Arthur Laurents and Stephen Sondheim, along with Jule Styne, Gypsy remains one of the most popular musicals of the modern era. Perhaps there is a clue in Gypsy: The 2008 Broadway Cast Recording (Time-Life) to explain the staying power of the show. Laurents also worked with gay playwright Jerry Herman as director for the stage musical La Cage Aux Folles. In 1961, more than 20 years before La Cage, and just a few years before Hello, Dolly! and Mame, two musicals that cemented Herman’s reputation and made him a household name, his first full-length Broadway musical Milk and Honey, about the State of Israel, made its debut. Newly reissued on CD with a bonus track, the booklet for Milk and Honey (DRG), also includes a recent interview with Herman.


OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008


MUSIC by Regina Sewell

Holly Near and friends join together to “Sing out the Vote” in Ohio in support of Obama Like the Eveready rabbit, the 2008 race for president keeps going, and going and going. Because we are a swing state, we’re being pummeled by political messages and there’s a lot of pressure to make sure that everyone who is eligible actually votes. While it’s exciting to get all this attention, it’s also exhausting. It’s like the last 20 miles of a 220 mile weekend bike tour when your ass feels like it’s on fire, you’re sick of Gatorade, and you’re so tired of looking at the pavement you want to scream. And then there’s the cynicism to contend with. The global economy has officially gone down the toilet, the national deficit is mind boggling, the polar bears are drowning because the ice is melting, and soldiers and civilians are still dying in a war that was waged based on lies. There’s no way either candidate can “fix” these problems, at least not overnight. Add to this, the last presidential election was marred by evidence of voting “irregularities” that left people feeling disenfranchised. In my role as professor, I hear students saying things like, “The whole system is corrupt. Votes don’t count anyway, so I’m not going to vote. What’s the point?” Fortunately, reinforcements are on the way with something a lot more soothing to weary souls than lemon-lime Gatorade. Internationally known performer, musician, singer-songwriter and left of center social activist, Holly Near, and a number of her friends are doing a whirlwind Sing out the Vote tour of Ohio to help Obama supporters recharge their political batteries and overcome enough cynicism to get their weary butts to the polls. Near has been at the forefront of the peace and justice, feminist and LGBT movements for well over thirty years and is perhaps the first singer to come out as lesbian in People magazine. Holly and her friends will be in Ohio October 18th and October 28th. Their tour will pass through Toledo, Cleveland, Columbus, Athens, Marietta, Cincinnati, Dayton possibly Kent. Their goal: to energize political activists. They’ll be in Columbus October 22 and 23. While much of their focus is on energizing weary activists, the general public can catch them in concert, Singing out the Vote: a Suite for Change, on Wednesday, October 22, at 7p at the First Unitarian Church in Clintonville. OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008

Near will be joined on stage by John McCutcheon, Laura Love, emma’s revolution, The Prince Myshkins, Andre dos Santos Morgan, Roy Zimmerman, Tory Trujillo, Vanessa and Tamara Torres, and spoken word artist, Poet On Watch. Tickets are available at Global Gallery for $10. This event will be organized like a folk scene hootenanny. All the performers will come on and sing a few songs together. After that, every singer/songwriter will step forward and do their favorite social change song of the moment, with the instrumental and vocal backing of other performers. And the show will wrap up with a couple of other group songs. Once they’ve warmed the audience up, they’re rolling up their sleeves to do some “get out the vote” work, encouraging folks to vote, vote early and get their friends and neighbors to do the same. “The vote,” she points out, “is hugely important to democracy and we have to hold on to that.” People who have followed Near’s career know that she’s spent most of her time working on issues that are on the far left edge of the mainstream and may wonder what prompted her to get on board with mainstream politics. Her explanation, “I think that this is probably the most important election in my lifetime and I’m going to be 60 years old soon, so that says something.” She adds, “I think it’s just going to be so exciting seeing Michelle Obama and Barack Obama in the White House. I lived in a period of time where we went from incredible racism and segregation, to this. And that to me is historic and very exciting.” She goes on to say, “When I saw the hate based thinking that I saw being proposed at the Republican convention and coming through the candidates, I thought, “Well, I think I will get on board for this one, because even though I don’t believe the Democratic party can do all the things that it says it’s doing, I think they are good ideas. They’re worth working towards. I don’t want to increase the war in Afghanistan, I don’t agree with the Democrats on that one, but I want to choose who I want to struggle with. I want to pick the person that I write my letters to or that I stand in Washington out on a demonstration of a hundred thousand people. And I

think Obama will be listening and McCain won’t.’” To those of you who feel too cynical to bother voting, Near makes it real. “If you role over and McCain gets elected and he appoints all the supreme court justices and the next time you want some freedom about how you use your cell phone, whether it’s the government listening in on your phone calls, whether you have a right to certain education… or lets say you get arrested unfairly and you find yourself on death row…. do you want a group of Supreme Court Justices who are going to look at your case in a more open minded way, or are you going to be subject to a narrow minded court…. If you’re gay, do you want McCain deciding what’s going to happen in your life? My God, it’s a scary thought. The gay community ought to be out in full force right now defending themselves from that possibility.” She decided to focus her attention on Ohio because, “Ohio was just being beaten up.” She adds, “And you folks, I don’t know how you do it, year after year after year, being in this much attention and with this crisis always around the election. So I said, ‘Well, let’s go offer our services as long-term social change activists singers and let’s go energize the volunteers, heal people who are feeling broken hearted about the Hillary loss, energize people to vote early and bring them a joyful voice into this in the same way that during the civil rights movement, the singers were always out front. They helped give people courage. It’s really hard to go knock on doors and do that canvassing. So when I put the word out to singer friends around the country, everybody who could possibly arrange their schedule jumped on this. They knew they were going to have to pay their own way. They knew that there were canvassers from all over the country coming and paying their way, so they would pay their way as singers. And it’s just been phenomenal.” To Near, this election represents a window of opportunity. This is not the first time she has used her music to help bolster what she thought was a pivotal electoral moment. She went to El Salvador during the elections in the midst of the war. “People were being killed right and left… It was a very brutal war. Any-

body who spoke out, the intellectuals, the artists, the students, were all getting put in jail, getting beat up. Then this election came and the government pulled back the death squads for a few weeks because they knew there were a lot of international people coming to watch the elections, and they wanted to look good to the international community. So we got a call from activist down there saying, “This is our window of opportunity. We have two weeks where we’re not getting beat up. We want to do a big music festival. We want to energize people. We want to heal them. We want to give them courage. We want to give them an opportunity to come together and see each other in a place where they won’t get killed and they threw this huge music festival…. Me and Beverly Grant and Human Condition, we went down as reps from the United States and were part of this really big festival. And what I learned from those people is that windows of opportunity don’t come around very often. And when those windows close, they close for a long time. This is a window of opportunity. It’s going to be so much harder to mobilize ourselves the day after the election than it is between now and the election.” Our country may not be in the midst of an internal war like El Salvador, but as Near points out, the status of our country depends on people participating in the process. Vote. People have died for this right in our country and all over the planet. To avoid having to stand in line for hours and to make sure that your vote counts, vote early. To vote an absent voter ballot for the November 4, 2008 General Election in person before Election Day, go to Franklin County Veterans Memorial located at 300 West Broad Street in downtown Columbus. • Weekday Hours: Monday through Friday from 8a-7p now through November 3. • Saturday Hours: From 8a-5p on October 25 and November 1. • Sunday Hours: From 1p -5p on October 26, and November 2. Regina Sewell is an author, professor, and mental health counselor. Her essay, “Sliding Away” can be found in Knowing Pains: Women on Love, Sex and Work in Our 40s, an honest, funny, thoughtful and diverse collection of 32 essays compiled by editor Molly Rosen and written by real women who aren’t afraid to tell their age and tell it like it is.


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OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008


SEX TALK by Simon Sheppard


Satisfying Curiosity

Yes, it killed the cat, or so they say. But curiosity has also hardened many a cock. The yet-to-be-explored has always held an erotic allure. Many a guy has fantasized about bondage, group sex, or - most commonly - what it would be like to do the dirty with another man. Internet sex sites are chock-a-block with ads placed by bi-curious boys pondering the pleasures of penis. One online cruiser says, “I’ve met plenty of guys who have wives or girlfriends, but who want to give homo stuff a try. Since many folks are bisexual, but are in situations where gay sex is usually a no-no, that’s hardly surprising. But it is fun.” Beyond mere male/male contact, there’s plenty of kink to be curious about. Says one self-described spanking virgin, “I have some corporal-punishment videos I watch, and I jack off thinking about my ass being swatted while I’m over some daddy’s knees. It’s just that I’m, well, reluctant to actually try it.” There’s no law, of course, that curiosity has to be satisfied - reality does have its pitfalls. One experienced leather top says, “If I’m negotiating with someone who’s a novice, I’ll caution him that his fantasies - about getting flogged, for instance - may not necessarily match what will actually happen. The real thing might turn out to be a delightful surprise, or it may be a disappointment. I’ve set up elaborate scenes, only to have a newbie bail after a few minutes, saying that it wasn’t what he’d imagined.” For that reason, it’s best for all parties concerned to keep preconceptions to a minimum. If you’re inexperienced, bear in mind that the erotica you’ve wanked over is fictional, and that desire can be considerably more complex than that. Having a detailed script is sometimes a boon to role-playing scenes, but can also be a pain for your partner to fulfill. Says our online cruiser, “If someone e-mails me and demands to know exactly what I’m going to do with him, I tend to shy away. Sure, it can be reassuring to know what’s going to happen, but I’d much rather keep things loose and surprising.” When trying something new, there’s often ambivalence involved. Sometimes fears can even be self-fulfilling - worrying that getting fucked will hurt can keep a guy tense, thereby making pain more likely. That’s not to say that OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008

limits aren’t important. Inexperience can lead to unplanned risk-taking, so pre-play negotiations are indispensable. They can be as simple as committing yourself to condom use, or as complex as setting up a series of safeword-enforced boundaries for an elaborate bondageand-discipline session. If you’ll be bottoming in a scene that’s possibly perilous - temporary piercing, for example, or electricity play - it’s wise to make sure that your prospective top is experienced, sober, and sane. And if you want to try out being the guy in charge, it’s vital to know what you’re doing; merely having read a porn story or two won’t cut it. While nothing’s as good as practical experience, there are enough reputable guidebooks out there to ensure an education on all matters erotic, from basic blowjobs to wild whippings. In the old days, entering the sexual underground could be tough. But in the Internet Age, it’s easier than ever to try out formerly forbidden stuff, and that’s usually a good thing. There are men who’ll be happy to help. “Sure,” our online cruiser says, “sometimes when I give head to a bi-curious guy, I can end up feeling like a science fair project. But mostly it’s a joy to help somebody experience something new. And if some supposedly straight man gets off and I don’t, well, even then it’s an open question as to who’s using whom.” Yes, there are certainly some fantasies best kept in the realm of “I wonder...” But if you’re curious about what it would be like to have sex in drag, or in a dungeon surrounded by butch leathermen, why not give it a go? It can be immensely liberating, and great fun for your partner, whether he’s a steady squeeze or a one-time trick. And if it turns out you don’t really enjoy doing whatever, you don’t have to do it again. Just be careful - unless you, like that curious cat, have eight more lives left. Odds are that you’ll end up like the 30-ish guy who says, “For years, I wondered what it would feel like to suck cock. And now I just can’t get enough.” Simon Sheppard is the editor of Leathermen and Homosex: Sixty Years of Gay Erotica, and the author of Sex Parties 101, Kinkorama, and In Deep: Erotic Stories, and can be reached at SexTalk@qsyndicate.com. Visit Simon at www.simonsheppard.com.


SAVAGE LOVE by Dan Savage

I feel ridiculous e-mailing you about this, but I figure that if anyone has seen or heard of all manner of asshole behavior during sex, it would be you. I’m a 17-year-old girl, and I’ve only had one boyfriend - who was, at the time, 21 and, I thought, completely perfect. I’m glad it’s over, and I learned my lesson. The only thing that’s still bothering me is the reason we broke up. After promising that he would never hurt me, and reassuring me that he was sexually experienced and SO passionate about contraception, I finally agreed to have sex with him and lose my virginity. And in the middle of fucking me, he removed the condom without a word! He was hoping I wouldn’t notice! I did notice - and I kicked his ass to the curb. He cried, he sent me stupid gifts, and he still calls. But at least he didn’t get me pregnant. My question is this: How upset should I be about this? Or is this something that horny males do all the time? I’m not traumatized. I suppose I could nominate him for “Crappy Boyfriend of the Year,” but surely someone else’s boyfriend has done worse things and deserves the title. I really just don’t know how to feel about this. Just Confused How upset should you be? Very. Did you do the right thing? Absofuckinlutely. Hell, JC, you did precisely what I would have urged you to do had I been in the room. Of course, the second-to-last thing a straight girl needs in the room with her when she’s losing her virginity to some asshole straight boy is a gay man twice her age desperately trying to get out. But if I had been there, JC, and I realized what was going on, I would’ve stopped trying to break down your locked bedroom door long enough to give your boyfriend aka the last thing you needed in the room that night - something to cry about for real. You consented to intercourse with protection, and that asshole deceitfully initiated unprotected intercourse. When a fucker removes a condom during intercourse - gay or straight, vaginal or anal - it invalidates the fuckee’s consent to the fucking. (And what is sex without consent, class?) So your “more experienced” boyfriend sexually assaulted you, JC, and placed you at risk of an unplanned pregnancy and for what? An ever-so-slightly enhanced orgasm for him? What. An. Asshole.

This isn’t something that decent guys do at all, JC, much less “all the time.” He’s an abusive douchebag, and you’re well rid of him. Here’s hoping his next girlfriend takes proactive steps to make sure the condom stays securely on - I’d suggest staple-gunning the thing in place.

I’m a 21-year-old, good-looking, sexually active, single woman. I have never had a boyfriend, but I have many guy friends who tell me that I’m great. Is it that men don’t want to date me, or is my lack of putting up with bullshit getting me into trouble?

I’m a 23-year-old bi male mostly attracted to women. I have a fetish for cross-dressing, but only in private, as I live in a town - Tucson - that’s small enough that I might get recognized if I went out “dressed.” My problem is that I’m not having any luck finding a woman interested in having a long-term relationship. I’ve been in a few serious relationships with women in the last few years, and all have been GGG for every kink I threw at them. But when I work up the nerve to float guyon-guy stuff or me wearing panties, I always get “Ewww, gross!” I’ve tried online options to no avail. Where can I meet my dream girl who will watch me with a guy while I am wearing a skirt?

Alone Again Unnaturally

Closet Princess Seeking Princess The women you’ve dated were up for every kink you “threw at them,” CPSP, until you tossed out your actual kinks, the ones you care about, the ones that make your dick rock hard, and then you got ewwwgrossed every time. Hmm. I’ll bet you’re breezy, charming, and funny when the stakes are low and you’re discussing kinks that aren’t your own. But when it comes time to share your kinks, CPSP, I suspect you get nervous, sweaty, and tense. Because the stakes are much, much greater. Of course, bisexuality and cross-dressing - as opposed to, say, a thing for feet or high heels (on her) - are going to be higher hurdles for most women. The former because it taps into thoroughly reasonable fears (what if you’re gay and not out yet? what health risks is she running if you’re out there sucking off other dudes?); the latter because for some women, seeing their boyfriends engaged in what they perceive to be thoroughly unmasculine activities - their asses panty-clad, their mouths cock-stuffed - amounts to a deal-breaking turnoff. But there are women into your kinks, CPSP; it’s just going to take more than one or two internet searches to find one. And there are women out there who might be willing to go there for you, if they love you enough, but you’ll never know if she’s the one if you shut down after that first “Ewww, gross!”

You don’t give me much to work with here, AAU. For instance, examples of the kind of bullshit you’re incapable of putting up with might help. Because you know what? Some bullshit is intolerable, AAU, but there’s no such thing as a bullshit-free relationship. A long-term relationship is, at its core, two people struggling to put up with each other’s bullshit - day in, day out, year after year - in exchange for things intangible (love) and things tangible (sex). And no one is ever going to put up with your bullshit, kiddo, if you can’t put up with theirs. I saw your offer to respond to all e-mails from people who made at least a $25 donation to the fight against California’s Proposition 8. I would like you to consider expanding the offer to include donations to our campaign, also. As you may know, Florida voters have been asked to approve a similar amendment here. Amendment 2 is worse, actually, as it also bans civil unions AND domestic partnerships. But we only need 40% of the vote to block it. We’re no joke - we’ve raised about $4 million and our TV ads start this week. But we need another $500,000 to push this over the top. Derek Newton, Campaign Manager, www.sayno2.com You’re in, Derek. The six biggest Savage Love donors to either www.noonprop8.com or www.sayno2.com will see their letters in print, and everyone who makes a donation of at least $25 to either group - send me your donation confirmation e-mail along with your question - gets a personal reply from yours truly. The cutoff date for eligible letters is October 16. And if my readers in Canada want to play along, too, you’re invited to send proof of a donation to someone, anyone, running against Stephen Harper. Listen to a new Savage Lovecast (my weekly podcast) every Tuesday at www.thestranger.com/savage. mail@savagelove.net

OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008


ABOUT TOWN by Adam Leddy

HOMEGROWN HILARITY WITH SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE In just a few weeks, Sarah Palin will be strangling caribou to death with her bare hands in the Klondike, Tina Fey will be doing whatever it is she does on 30 Rock, and the rest of us will be looking for a new source of sketch comedy as Saturday Night Live returns to its hard-earned spot in the dustbin of cultural relevance. Enter the inspired and oh-so-ready for primetime players of Columbus’s very own Sunday Night Live crew. Now in their ninth year wowing audiences at Wall Street Nightclub every last Sunday of the month, the kids are hitting their comedic stride with the addition of three new cast members and a new focus on philanthropy that should cement their place as an institution in the city’s GLBT community. “We have people who have done high school plays, and we have people who have done nothing,” says Nicole Foulk, a longtime troupe member. Laura Benchea and Abby Wey, Foulk’s cast mates, nod vigorously in agreement. Laura notes that she can’t sing a note or dance a step, but her self-deprecating humor reveals a

sense of comic timing that must be priceless on the stage. Nicole talks about the creative process behind a Sunday Night Live show; the amount of work that goes into the sketches is impressive, especially given that the performers have lives and careers to maintain apart from this avocation of theirs. “We practice two to four hours every day the week before the show,” she says. “The weekend of the show, we’re at it all day.” Each show has a theme, and while the content does skew toward all things queer, straight people are among SNL’s strongest supporters. “We get a mixture in the crowd, not really a specific clique,” Abby says. “And we have regulars who stay with us a long time.” And why shouldn’t they? Prices are reasonable, $7 for general admission and $30 for a reserved table, the show runs anywhere from two to two-and-a-half hours, and regulars enjoy a series of recurring characters, including Abby’s twisted take on Barbara Walters. More-

over, SNL hopes to extend their reach into the community in the coming years by performing a series of benefit shows for charities close to cast members’ hearts. “We raised a lot of money in August with our Katie Reider benefit show,” Nicole says. “She was a local artist who passed away this year and she had a horrific time with her disease. Katie was only 31 and a great artist. She would have been huge. She left two boys and her partner Karen.” At this the girls are somber and reflective. “We definitely want to do more benefits,” Laura says. In the meantime, Sunday Night Live prepares for its annual Halloween show, and while the cast is keeping mum on the details, they’re confident they can leave the audience howling. The Halloween show, they agree, is always a big one. For more information on Sunday Night Live’s Halloween show, see pages 16-20 or visit the SNL Players MySpace page.


OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008



THE LAST WORD by Mickey Weems - co-written with Dawn Weems and Debbie Weems-Van Ryn

Scary Monsters It’s Halloween season again! This year has been a frightening one indeed, with its share of scary monsters, including the dread Coultergeist coming at us through our televisions, and the Children of A Corn with marching orders to destroy democracy as we know it. But let’s look at the monsters running for president. Count Barackula Who is Barack Obama? He’s not Arab. He’s not Muslim. He’s Transylvanian. Count Dracula is the smoothest, most debonair of monsters. To unsuspecting people, he is upperclass, even magnetic. He only shows his scary side to his victims. Barack Obama plans to increase taxes for the wealthiest Americans, draining a portion of their wealth. Some of the rich are screaming bloody murder because they fear they are being victimized. All the hype about Ayers and Acorn is a smoke screen. Behind the smoke is a call to arms for the poor to rise up and protect the rich from Obama’s taxes. Grab your pitchforks, peasants! In all fairness, the argument that taxing the rich would only lead to further business stagnation and drive the wealthy from America to Ireland is not entirely without merit. Non-competitive, across-theboard socialism has been shown time and again to be a bad idea. But non-competitive corporate favoritism, enjoyed by entities such as Halliburton, encouraged by lobbyists like Jack Abramoff, accelerated through lack of regulation and nurtured by the absence of oversight, has crippled our economy. Just as extreme socialism is disastrous, so is extreme privati-

zation. Some of the wealthiest Americans have fattened their wallets dramatically at the expense of national economic well-being. For years, corporate raiders and immoral speculators robbed the coffers of the economy by tying vast amounts of money in outrageous severance packages, speculative financial schemes and the profiteer-driven war in Iraq. Not all the wealthy people in our country have done bad things, however, and more than a few of them support Obama and his policies. There are rich folks who believe in public service over blind profiteering. They tend to be well-educated liberals who were able to realize the American dream through state-funded educational grants and scholarships. They consider it their patriotic duty to pay it forward, despite the sneers and ridicule they receive from their less-conscientious social peers. If Barack is a vampire, he is a vampire for justice, more like Wesley Snipes that Bela Lugosi. Think of Obama as Blade. McGollum The story of Gollum is that of a man who degenerates into a pitiful monster that was only a shadow of his former self. Gollum developed two distinct personalities, one benign and one bad. The benign one was characterized by Samwise Gamgee as “Slinker,” a simpering kiss-ass who was all too eager to please whoever bested him. The bad personality was “Stinker,” an angry and spiteful creature who would say and do anything to get his Precious, the Ring of Power. When Gollum finally had no hope of getting the Ring on his own, he allied himself with Shelob, a fearsome carnivorous she-spider.

The biggest difference between Gollum and McCain is that for many years, Gollum had his Precious in his possession. Not McCain: the chance to attain his greatest desire, the office of president, was snatched away from him by George Walker Bush in 2000 before he could even get close to laying his hands on it. McCain vowed he would never forget the smear job done to him, just as Gollum cursed Bilbo Baggins for taking away his Ring through tricksiness. To paraphrase a line from The Hobbit: “Thief! Thief, Bush! We hates it, we hates it, we hates it forever!” McCain then turned from Stinker into Slinker soon after W had done him wrong. He proceeded to crawl so far up Bush’s ass, he could see Putin from Bush’s mouth. But when McCain won the Republican nomination this year, he once again went bipolar and swiftly transformed back into Stinker. He started by renouncing his former master. But he saved his best McNasty moments for Obama. The analogy with Gollum is uncanny. Frodo, Gollum’s new competitor for the Ring, pitied Gollum and treated him civilly, encouraging him to become the man he once was. Obama’s Frodo-like respect towards McCain during the debates stood out in sharp contrast with McCain’s obvious distain. Accusations of “terrorist” and wild statements made by McCain and Shelob I mean Sarah Palin (who has squandered every opportunity to be Galadriel) - have a definite Sauronesque ring to them. Be Afraid, Even in Ohio! Joe the Racist Count Barakula is no threat to most of us, including those of us who are wealthy and not chroni-

cally greedy. McGollum should be pitied more than feared. The real monsters are the Nazgul who formerly worked for the Bush spin machine and now work for McCain, and potentially violent orcs who stand ready to harm those who the Palin-McCain team says aren’t Americans like the rest of us, including anti-USA traitors such as women who want the right to choose, Arab Americans of all political persuasions, progressive Christians, Gay people and Democrats. And let’s not forget those who think Blacks are out to run (and ruin) the country. White Americans interviewed by Al Jazeera News during a Palin rally in Ohio are proof that thinlyveiled hate-speech used by McCain and Palin is inspiring even more radical hate-speech among their more rabid followers. Al Jazeera has now spread word of such ignorance across the globe. The Buckeye State, home of Joe the Plumber, is also the home of Joe the Racist, a.k.a. Mike Lunsford, who hung a ghost figure from a tree in his front yard with an upside-down Obama sticker on its body and a Star of David on its forehead (on a positive note: at least Mr. Lunsford didn’t accuse Obama of being Muslim). Here in Upper Arlington, a well-to-do neighborhood in the state capitol of Columbus, somebody spray-painted “Death Obama” on a home with an Obama yard sign in front of it, just a couple of blocks from where I live. We needn’t look for monsters rising from the dead in graveyards, being resuscitated in mad scientist laboratories or mutating in radioactive waste dumps. We’ll find them lurking in our own hearts. And unfortunately, sometimes vandalizing our neighborhoods.

HOROSCOPES by Jack Fertig

SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21): For all your energy and initiative, doubts and worries are holding you back. Talking with friends helps, but those inner demons resist logical explanation. Express your feelings through art, poetry, or music instead.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18): New ideas for improving sexual techniques are worthwhile; but be careful, epidemiologically and psychologically. A reputation for erotic expertise won’t bring love. Still, it’s not a bad skill to work on.

TAURUS (Apr 20 - May 20): Colleagues offer opportunities for new challenges. With a little creativity you can rise to the occasion, though your innovations may upset some friends. Confidences with your boss should be kept strictly professional!

LEO (Jul 23 - Aug 22): Approach communication with family and neighbors as if it were a job. Do it well, and you’ll profit handsomely, if not with actual money. Do not surprise your partner! Discuss any changes or plans before doing anything.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 20): Trust your instincts and hunches to help you build on recent financial good luck. Joining with friends in charity work can help alleviate stress at home and at work. Pay attention to your rivals and learn from them!

PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 19): Taking care of your community is one way of taking care of yourself, and vice versa. Get involved in social action and save time for some meditative retreat. You’ll find strength and insight you didn’t know you had.

GEMINI (May 21 - Jun 20): Balancing work and play can get tricky. An office romance looks like a way to bring it all together. On general principle, that’s a bad idea. But actually, this one looks like it could work, although sleeping your way up will have repercussions at home.

VIRGO (Aug 23 - Sep 22): Be polite, businesslike, and gracious, but don’t go out of your way to be nice in any financial dealings. Know your debts and pay them; know what you’re owed and make every reasonable effort to collect.

CAPRICORN (Dec 21 - Jan 19): Ideals you’ve held on to are running into interference from reality. You may need to rethink your premises. Friends - especially with expertise in the issues concerned - will help you iron out those wrinkles.

ARIES (Mar 20 - Apr 19): Welcome any advice from your partner, or a close colleague. You don’t have to follow it or even agree with it. Still, the ideas offered can inspire better notions than you have already.

CANCER (Jun 21 - Jul 22): Play with any of the “domestic arts” that strike your fancy. Of course, cooking is at the top of the list. Your partner has some great ideas. Better to learn new skills than to experiment where you feel more experienced.

LIBRA (Sep 23 - Oct 22): Make sure everything at home is in good order. Set aside a small budget for “retail therapy.” You’re going to indulge, spontaneously or otherwise; planning keeps it affordable and heads off criticism from your partner.

Jack Fertig, a professional astrologer since 1977, is a founding member of the Association for Astrological Networking. He can be reached for consultations at 415.864.8302, www.starjack.com, and by e-mail at QScopes@qsyndicate.com.

OCT 23 - OCT 29 2008

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