Sit Still my Daughter - Fall 2022 Issue

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r e t h Sit Still my Daug

Fall 2022 | Sit still my daughter 1

Fall 2022

learning to be still in a noisy world

Unloved & Unwanted She felt no one understood her.

Quiet Time for Toddlers

5 Ways to Strengthen your Marriage

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Founder & Creative Director Sarah Schurman

Editorial Team Caroline Fike

Graphic Designers Jeri Stunkard Sarah Schurman

Cover Photo Sarah Schurman

Media Sources Adobe Stock Pexels Pixabay

Our mission is to help women discover who they are in Christ and the difference we can make when we simply allow God to work within us. This requires that we have a relationship with Him and we nurture our relationship by seeking Him, and we seek Him in the quiet place.

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From her desk For most little children, there is a dreaded time of the day––naptime. There are so many other things they would rather do with that slot of time, such as play, have another snack or almost anything else other than sleep. Unfortunately, wise parents insist on this need of afternoon slumber and will not be persuaded to change their mind regardless of the child’s tactics for escape. However dreadful this event is, something interesting usually occurs; the little tots awake refreshed from their mandatory nap, ready to energetically face the remainder of the day in a happy mood. It seems that their parents really do know best; what looked to be an assault on their fun and freedom results in a happy evening for everyone.

Unfortunately, the pressures of society’s definition of success require you to stay busy yet it comes at a tremendous cost. The results are people who become weary, anxious, stressed, and even discouraged because they have neglected a natural need implanted by their Creator, the One who knows all about them. Just as earthly parents know what’s best for their children, God the Father knows His children’s need of rest, a rest He ordained. Don’t forget that He is the source of true rest. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matthew 11:28-29

Did you know that God has created our body and soul with a similar need for rest? Creation was completed in six days with the seventh set apart for rest, giving us a vital pattern to follow. Within every living thing there is a need for a day of rest within a 7-day period. Sadly, our culture is drifting farther and farther away from this God-given need as we push back the boundaries of nature. Working through the night is not uncommon. Have you noticed how many restaurants and convenience stores remain open 24 hours? When people try to deny the need for a rest-day, they become like toddlers resisting their nap, cranky and irritable.

Don’t be afraid to rest, to take a moment and just breathe. The world should not dictate our habits, they should come from the One who made us in His image. Don’t resist your need for rest, to simply dwell and even linger in the quiet place. We were created with a need to rest and when we fight it we are behaving like a rebellious toddler who thinks he knows better than his parents. Not only that but it will leave us feeling irritable and unable to perform to the best of our ability. So, my friend, take a moment to rest, enjoy it and thank the Lord for His goodness, Who always seeks our best––including permission to rest or simply take a nap!

Sarah Schurman Editor

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Table of

8 Unloved and Unwanted

Even when we feel completely alone, there is One who sees us.

44 Preparing my Heart She didn't realize that God had been preparing her heart to serve on a foreign field.

20 Choosing Him First

She went through a difficult season after experiencing a hard breakup but God had someone for her.

92 Upstate Cake Pops: a Dream to Homeschool She made the choice to homeschool but didn't know how she would be able to balance both her job and teaching.

104 Spiraling out of Control

Everything changed the day a police officer knocked on her door to inform her that her mom had been killed in a car accident.

58 Five Helpful Ideas to Strengthen Your Marriage Your marriage is valuable but sometimes it can be difficult to keep the fire burning and make spending time a priority. These ideas will help you carve out special moments together.

For the Moms 74 Quiet Time for Toddlers What do you do when the little tots begin to drop their afternoon nap but you still yearn for a little time to yourself? Learn to implement a quiet time.


Of Interest

54 Mind and Soul

Read a few tips that can help your well-being.

112 Your Quiet Time

A few tools that can help your quiet time plus a three month Bible reading plan.

66 But God She wanted to put into music what the Lord had been showing her of Himself.

84 Five Compelling Reasons to give up Diet Drinks Even though they say diet that does not mean they are the best option for you. Find out why.

70 Christian Learning Centers of Greenville County A ministry with a desire to reach children with the gospel has entered its 25th year and ministered to 21,000 children.

In the Home 34 Apples and Pears

Sweet and tangy, two things that work well together. Robin shares her best recipes for these two fall favorites.

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Changed into His Image by Elaine Knotts

Summertime is almost coming to an end. The lush green leaves will soon change their hue. The colors of leaves will slowly show its brilliance, this is only something that the Lord could do. We all were green as the summer leaves blowing in the wind, before we knew the Savior and invited Him in. Just as the leaves change, we will change too, as we grow in His image through the seasons, as our roots are planted deep, and true. Even as the leaves have many colors, shapes and sizes, a beautiful masterpiece of what God can do. As we draw closer to Jesus His reflection will come shining through.

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by Sarah Schurman

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Sometimes, an ordinary day, one moment can dras-

tically alter one’s life and forever shatter all hope of the future they had envisioned. This happened to a young woman whose world was turned upside down by two foreign strangers. They entered her country seeking refuge from the famine that had swept the region, posing as brother and sister, which was soon proven false. Once the lie of this husband and wife had been exposed they were permitted to leave with all that they had gained during their short stay including her. Taken from all that was familiar, becoming a servant to these nomadic people with strange customs, and without hope of ever seeing her country again, Hagar suddenly found herself on a journey that would take her down a path that forever altered not just her history, but of the entire world. Her mistress and master were childless and evidently far past the season of child bearing, yet they spoke of a promise they received from their God about becoming a great nation. This seemed impossible to her especially when factoring their age. As time continued to pass and still no heir appeared, her

mistress grew impatient and concocted a plan, somehow believing that God needed her assistance to fulfill His promise, unfortunately this plan involved Hagar. Sarah wanted to use her to surrogate a child for her. Sadly, her master Abraham didn’t argue with his wife but agreed. The plan was successful and as Hagar did conceive a child, the fact transformed her attitude. Suddenly she saw herself as someone special, perhaps of more value than her mistress. …and when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress was despised in her eyes. Genesis 16:4 Letting her attitude reveal itself by choosing to openly despise Sarah, was Hagar’s huge mistake. Displeased and upset, Sarah approached her husband, casting all the blame on him. And Sarai said unto Abram, My wrong be upon thee: I have given my maid into thy bosom; and when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised in her eyes: the Lord judge between me and thee. Genesis 16:5

Fall 2022 | Sit still my daughter 13 Even though it was her plan, Sarah puts the responsibility on Abraham but he quickly passes it back to her, telling her to do as she likes. Her solution was to deal so harshly with her handmaid that Hagar fled the scene. At that particular moment, the unforgiving desert held more appeal for this pregnant woman than staying with her mistress in a place of safety. Wandering in the wilderness alone, she finally planted herself by a fountain with no idea what to do next. It is in this instant that something beautiful takes place.

though He knows all, He gives her the freedom to express herself:

And the angel of the Lord found her by a fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Shur. Genesis 16:7

And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Return to thy mistress, and submit thyself under her hands. Genesis 16:9

The word “found” is very important because it indicates that He was looking for her. He knew that she had left the safety of the tents and the reason why. This is a precious reminder to every person who has fled from hurt, preferring life’s wilderness to their own home. So often we feel lost and alone but there is One who sees everything. Hagar, in her desperation, was about to be introduced to the God of her master. Not only did He seek her, but He spoke to her. Even

Even though He instructed her to go back, He did so with a promise.

And he said, Hagar, Sarai's maid, whence camest thou? and whither wilt thou go? And she said, I flee from the face of my mistress Sarai. Genesis 16:8 Hagar is honest and God does not condemn or chastise her for her action but simply commanded her to return.

And the angel of the Lord said unto her, I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude. And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction. And he will be a wild man; his hand will be

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against every man, and every man's hand against him; against us, spoken words that crushed our soul, and and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren. sent us fleeing into the wilderness of despair, He sees Genesis 16:10-12 it all. He looks for us, speaks our name, and whispers words tailored to our affliction so that the healing proConsider how amazing these words are, they cess can begin. are given to a simple handmaid, a woman who has been tossed around her whole life yet the God of the For Hagar, this would not be her only encoununiverse has just bestowed a promise that is similar to ter with the God who sees her. Years have gone by and that given to her master Abraham. She, who was a ser- her son Ishmael is now a teenager but he is no longer vant and a woman, was told by God that her unborn Abraham’s sole heir. A son has also been born to her son would be the beginning of a new nation, a new aged mistress which leads to conflict between Ishmael people. God promised that they would be without and the true heir, Isaac. Sarah’s defensive mothering number and even gave the child a special name––Ish- instinct surfaces and she again goes to Abraham saying mael––which means “the Lord hath heard thy affliche needs to do something. Even though it saddens tion”. This was a name with intention; every time it his heart, God tells him to heed his wife’s voice. God would be spoken, it served as a reminder that, even informs him that it will be alright. though no one else cared about her or saw her hurt, there was a God who did. Not only that but He knew And also of the son of the bondwoman will I make a her name and her need. With such a promise given so nation, because he is thy seed. Genesis 21:13 graciously to one so lowly it is no surprise to see her tender response, Hagar named God, the first and only At dawn Hagar and Ishmael collected their person to ever do so. few belongings along with a bottle of water and some bread given to them by Abraham who sent them on And she called the name of the Lord that spake unto her, their way. Once more she wandered aimlessly in the Thou God seest me: for she said, Have I also here looked wilderness except this time her son was walking beside after him that seeth me? Genesis 16:13 her instead of being carried inside of her. Neither had a plan or a place to go; they just continued to place The specific name is “El Roi: the God who one foot in front of the other until her beloved son sees”. She recognized that God saw her and we, like succumbed to the burning heat. The water was now Hagar, can be assured that He sees us too. In those all spent and she watched her once vibrant child colmoments of deepest hurt, when people have turned lapse from exhaustion. With a mother’s strength she

16 Sit still my daughter | Fall 2022 managed to lay him under some nearby shrubs so he could have a shaded place to die. Her heart could not bear to watch him suffer or take his last breath, so she sat a good distance away and wept aloud. And she went, and sat her down over against him a good way off, as it were a bow shot: for she said, Let me not see the death of the child. And she sat over against him, and lift up her voice, and wept. Genesis 21:16

called to Hagar out of heaven, and said unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar? fear not; for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is. Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in thine hand; for I will make him a great nation. And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad drink. Genesis 21:17-19

God called to her from heaven, a beautiful reminder that distance means nothing to Him, and He At this moment of utter anguish, when she opened her eyes revealing a nearby well, a source of felt completely alone and absolutely helpless, there physical salvation. She hastens to the lifesaving water was One who heard the cry of her dying son, the One and gives her son a drink. What is interesting to note who sees. He is also the God of great compassion as is that the wilderness which had almost become their well as keeper of the covenants He makes. Once again, grave now would be their home. He spoke to Hagar. And God was with the lad; and he grew, and dwelt in And God heard the voice of the lad; and the angel of God the wilderness, and became an archer. Genesis 21:20

Fall 2022 | Sit still my daughter 17 God was with Ishmael as he grew and blessed him just as He had promised his mother before he was born. Out of the wilderness this archer would carve out a life for both of them. At the right time his mother chose a wife for him from her Egyptian homeland. While Hagar experienced God in a way few ever did it seems that she never accepted Him personally. The only person to ever name God, a name that was written down for us to know, and given out of acknowledgement of what He did for her, refused to become one of His own. This is truly the key part to her story, the major warning if you will. While it is true that God sees you, this is not enough to secure your salvation. The choice, to enter into a permanent relationship with Him, is up

to you. You can be like Hagar who knew about God and even admit He exists but miss out on really knowing Him. Who is He? He is the One true God. He formed you in the womb with a purpose. He knows your name and He sees you. He is the One who loves you beyond measure but His love is so great that He will never force you to choose Him just as it happened with Hagar. To those who feel unloved and unwanted, who feel abandoned and have suffered great hurt, there is One who is seeking you, calling your name. You can be seen, wanted, and loved if you would open your heart to Him. No matter how invisible you feel today or how deep into the wilderness you have wandered, there is One who sees all, El Roi, the God who sees me, the God who sees you.

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“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine:” Prov. 17:22

Your fingers have fingertips but your toes don't have toetips. Yet, you can tiptoe but not tipfinger.

A Sunday School teacher asked the children, "Who was upset that the younger brother had returned?" A child answered, "The fatted calf".

When you transport something by The word "Queue" is just a Q

car, it's called a shipment. But when

followed by four silent letters.

you transport something by ship, it's called cargo.

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When my grandson Billy and I entered our vacation cabin, we kept the lights off until we were inside to keep from attracting pesky insects. Still, a few fireflies followed us in. Noticing them before I did, Billy whispered, "It's no use Grandpa. Now the mosquitoes are coming after us with flashlights." A grandmother was telling her little granddaughter what her own childhood was like. "We used to skate outside on a pond. I had a swing made from a tire; it hung from a tree in our front yard. We rode our pony. We picked wild raspberries in the woods." The little girl was wide-eyed, taking this all in. At last she said, "I sure wish I'd gotten to know you sooner!" Children's Logic: "Give me a sentence about a public servant," said a teacher. The small boy wrote: "The fireman came down the ladder pregnant." The teacher took the lad aside to correct him. "Don't you know what pregnant means?" she asked. "Sure," said the young boy confidently. 'It means carrying a child'."

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by Christy Minon When I was a little girl I wanted so badly

to be twenty years old. I thought being twenty was very grown up. I wanted to have a handsome husband like Prince Eric. Whenever I would play dress up my name was always Rose. All I knew was that I wanted to be a mommy and have a loving husband. I didn’t really date much in high school. I did have a “boyfriend” when I was 16 (my parents referred to him as my special friend), but that only lasted a couple months. I did not date again until college, and I ultimately realized the first guy I fell in love with was not God’s choice for me, so I broke up with him. I was twenty years old at the time. That proved to be one of the hardest battles with the flesh I ever experienced.

I was heartbroken, felt worthless, lost weight and was very unhappy. I may have even felt a little bitter at times, though I knew it was the right decision. The follow-through of that decision was very difficult. But there was much that God wanted me to learn and work on. He had written a different story for me, and He would make that very clear soon enough. When I was at my lowest, God understood my brokenness and my willingness to surrender to His will and not my own and He did a miraculous and wonderful thing in my life! This is our story: mine and my husband’s. I do not grieve over that past decision, although it did take me some time to come to terms with the fact that my life was not to be as I had pictured in

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above: me at my high school graduation. right: me just enjoying the day. far right above: on vacation with my family. bottom right: the day we went hiking in a group.

childhood. (I KNOW I am NOT the only one who has experienced this. My only hope is to be a loving encouragement to those who have been through the same thing) God allowed that situation in my life to grow me. I’m sure of that. He wanted me to choose Him first in all areas. After I returned to school from spring break and my break up, I was very aware that I had only a year before graduation. And there was NO ONE that I wanted to date. I was not ready for any of that! And I definitely was not going to date a freshman! (You will see the significance and humor of this later on.) It was March 2009 and I was determined to finish out my junior year of school and go home to work for the summer. Shortly after this all happened, one of my professors stopped me in the hallway while I was joking around and laughing with a friend. He said something I will never forget. “You seem like yourself again.” I had convinced myself during the last stages of that relationship that I was happy, but my professor’s comment made me realize how very unhappy I had been. Here is where the story gets interesting… I forgot to tell you that I was actually engaged to the first fella. We had planned to be married that summer. So, I was still mourning and very confused in some ways. I stowed away my wedding dress and other things to keep for another time, still loving most of the things I had purchased for that. I was working in the mail room at school during that last spring semester, after coming back to school. I would walk through the chapel area to gather the mail and noticed one of my classmates practicing music with some others. There was a young man sitting in the first row, quietly listening. So, I decided it would be funny to sarcastically tell him he needed to be quiet. I'm pretty sure I said, "Shhh! You're being so loud" Yes, I know that was a very random thing to do on my part! But what can

I say? I'm a bit of a nut!

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The guy sitting there was Nate, a freshman at the time, whose brother Andrew, was my classmate. Actually, he and his brother were both pretty quiet. So, I guess that is why I thought it would be funny to tell him to hush. Somehow that joking “shush” became a thing. From then on, whenever we saw each other we would tell each other to be quiet. It was just simple fun, Andrew even got in on it for a bit. At this time, I think Nate thought I liked him. I however was totally unaware of that. I was also surprised to learn that Andrew was a bit older than me, and Nate had just started college a bit later because of working to save money. He was twenty years old. One day, I was sitting next to my friend Christie before chorale practice, and I began contemplating whether God even had anyone here for me at all, and maybe I was just being closed off. I even thought of the type of guy my brother, whose opinion I love and respect, would have picked out for me. That's when Nate walked right in front of the stage.

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I didn't say anything, but just touched Christie's arm, looked at her, and said "Nate Minion". She looked right back like she understood and said "yeah!" I want to say that was God speaking to me in His wonderful way, indicating He had special plans for me, I truly believe now it was. However, I was still so very unsure and insecure at that point. I still needed time. It was almost May, and the school year was coming to an end. As I said before, Nate had already noticed me from our joking around in the hall at school, but I had not really been talking with him. He was quiet and reserved, but I noticed he would hang out with some friends after school right near the mailboxes where I worked every afternoon. We would talk as a group, but never directly to each other. I couldn’t help but wonder if he liked me, but never dared to ask. My friend Holly was dating Nate’s brother at the time. She came into my dorm room one night, and I looked at her and tried to ask her that dreaded question, but I couldn’t make myself say it. I don’t know why I felt ashamed and scared, but I did. Without being asked, she put my fears at ease by letting me know that she had a chat with him about me. And he did, in fact, like me. I responded that I thought he was nice, but I was not ready for a relationship at that point. I honestly don't think I felt worthy of being loved right at that moment. I had so much mental baggage still. It was too soon, and i was just plain scared of it all falling apart again.

We went on a hike as a group later on, and hung out in a group setting with some close friends. We just enjoyed each other's company. And we didn’t really talk to each other at all. It wasn’t a date, but he liked me, and I was still working it all out in my head. The last week of school we still hadn’t talked much. He was shy, and I honestly did not know how to even talk to him (which is different for me because I’m pretty chatty). So, I added him on Skype, and we chatted a bit here and there. He made me laugh and never once took advantage of that time. He was simply a gentleman in every way. The last day of school his family and mine came to pick us up from school. His mom came by the mailroom to say hi to me. His sister Melody came

to my dorm room to hang out for a bit. This is when I learned that Nate had told his mom to come talk to me. Apparently I had been the topic of conversation on some phone calls home. My parents were also there at the time and my dad was ready to vet any young man who would dare to be interested in his daughter. He even walked up to Nate and said “I hear you’ve been talking to my daughter.” (Not intimidating at all, or embarrassing.) Love my dad for doing that though. And then we all went our separate ways for the summer. I had a lot to work through in my mind and heart still. I ran in the heat quite a bit that summer. I was still grieving. I think my parents thought I was just trying to be healthy (actually they may have known, and just let me work through it myself ), but I would run to clear my mind and also because I was still hurting and processing everything. It was easier to run than sit with my thoughts and emotions. While I had been at school I would read Psalms and Proverbs, the comfort passages, and even though sometimes I felt I couldn't pray without falling apart, I knew God understood, and He dealt me a special measure of grace. Now I would love to tell you that I was so happy and Nate and I started dating immediately, but as you can tell I was a MESS! It was not a good time. I stopped reading my Bible, and I was not exactly where I needed to be mentally or spiritually. I was also silly enough to add chaos to the situation by flirting with a few guys too. *cringe* Like I said, a mess! Nate and I talked a couple times a week online, which allowed me to get to know his heart and see what a great guy he was. Whenever I had talked to guys in the past there was always upper left: we were singing next to each other in choir! left: attending a banquet at school. top right: the famous mailroom. middle right: enjoying our first official "alone" date! right: one of our many conversations.

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something that didn't line up, but I could never find any red flags with him. He was simply good, honest, and hardworking. When summer was finally over I was excited to see what the year would bring. That school year actually started out with me apologizing to him for flirting with other people, and letting him know that I liked only him. Thankfully, since we were not dating, he forgave me. We continued to talk online, and finally more in person too. When we did, I carried a lot of our conversation. It took time for Nate to get comfortable enough to manage conversing with me lol...He would

write things to tell me on 3x5 cards during the day so that he would have things to talk about with me (SHHHH! I did not tell you that!) It was sweet, and sometimes very difficult. October rolled around and we were planning to attend our first banquet together. It was the Missions Banquet. Pop Halsey came and visited the school for BIMI, and told Nate that he should let me know where our relationship stood. I wasn't sure myself, because we were not actually dating at that point. We went to the Banquet, and then to the Johnston's bonfire afterwards. It was such a great

left: the day he proposed in Williamsburg. left: pictures from our wedding day.

Fall 2022 | Sit still my daughter 29 time! Nate drove a group of us back to school, and stopped me before I went back to my dorm. It was five minutes before curfew, so I needed to hurry. I was not expecting what left his mouth next. He looked at me and said, "I want you to know I plan on marrying you." To which I replied, okay, smiled, and ran. And yes, I ran back to my dorm and told my roommates. I was on cloud nine! After he told me he planned on marrying me, nothing else really happened. We just kept hanging out with friends. I think we had a few meals together here and there in the dining hall. It was a little confusing honestly! Was he going to ask me to be his girlfriend? When? Why was he taking so long!!!!!!????? A couple months passed and finally one Friday night before Christmas Break, Nate pulled me aside and told me he had asked my dad if he could date me. And then he finally asked me if I wanted to date him. Of course I said yes! I then asked about the details of his conversation with my dad. (I love a good story, or knowing the details.) That is when he told me he had asked permis-

sion two weeks before and had not told me till that day. Seriously!? In his defense, he is a thinker and a planner. I tend to think briefly and do (not always the best thing). You could say I balance him and he tends to anchor me! I am still so thankful for how God orchestrated this all. He sent me the perfect person for me, and His timing was right. We dated for a year, and one year later at Christmas he told me he loved me. Sure, it was written on a personalized calendar he made for me, but usually we ended our notes with "like you." It was very sweet! But not everything was rosy after that, and I even nearly broke his heart because of my own insecurity, and long-distance relationship issues. “Why is it not God’s will now?” His question made me feel even more confused. I honestly did not have a good reason. I was struggling with this long-distance relationship. We talked and texted a lot when the relationship was new and fresh, but I wasn’t really a phone person. He was just trying to care for me from far away, and I felt guilty for not answering him right away. He never got upset. But I felt insecure and we started to have misunderstandings. It happens, but I

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left: more pictures from our wedding day. above: on our honeymoon. right: I love being married to this man!

Fall 2022 | Sit still my daughter 31 was not very happy. So, without praying about it really, I just decided it was not a good idea to continue the relationship. I wrote him an email detailing why. He didn’t understand. Rightly so, because it came out of nowhere. However, I thought it was the right decision at the time. My mom told me that she understood too, but she was praying I would be miserable if it was the wrong decision. Thanks Mom! You can guess what happened - a month later I emailed Nate again apologizing for what I had done, telling him I still had feelings for him, and asking him if there was a chance we could talk about our relationship. He agreed, and we chatted a few times that month while he prayed about it. That was the hardest month ever for me. I was terrified every time he called. I even cried myself to sleep many times afraid that he would say no. I wouldn’t have blamed him either. Finally, Nate’s pastor at college told him that if our parents agreed with us being a couple, we should move forward. He called me that night, and let me know he still loved me. That was a great turning point for us, but through it we learned that we do better together. Miserable apart, but happy together! That’s us! God doesn’t make His plans a mystery. He clearly shows us what we need, and when. We just have to be willing to trust and obey. I feel confident that I have the very best God wanted for me. Nate is a gift, and better than what I could have picked for myself. I would have missed out on this amazing blessing if I had not made that most agonizing decision to break off an engagement in the beginning of this story. When godly people around you are starting to feel uneasy about a relationship you have, know that it is time to remove yourself from it. God wants to gift you something special that only He can give to you! Maybe He is asking you to wait, and that waiting is hard. I can tell you right now there are so many things that you can do and ways you can grow yourself while you wait. I wish I had used that time more wisely some days. Just remember that “God works all things together for good!” Keep pressing on and seeking His will. He will show you step by step.

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For the children The True Princess shares a simple parable about what it really means to be servant of all. ~a reader

For the young girls This book was phenomenal! It is completely different than most books written for young women. This book goes all the way to the root of girls' issues--identifying the emotional/spiritual struggles girls face, but also explaining how the Word of God speaks directly to those issues and provides all the help they need. It is full of Scripture and practical examples of applying it to real-life problems--from the little day-to-day things to the biggest trials or failures. It has been so very helpful in challenging me to fill my mind with God's Word so I can be strong in the Truth. If you want to know how to face your struggles with God's Word, this book is an excellent resource! ~ a reader

For you

Probably the best book I’ve read on parenting from a mom’s perspective! Such a Biblical, yet practical viewpoint that is encouraging, challenging, and hope-filled! I loved her chapter on emotional health. We name our feelings, discuss and process, but we always make decisions based on truth and wisdom! There are extremes on both ends. She doesn’t believe in having “the talk” rather an ongoing conversation that is age appropriate and discusses the topics before they happen and doesn’t avoid the awkwardness. ~a reader

For inspiration She was a committed lesbian who openly defended the rights of her community to practice their lifestyle. She taught her beliefs in a classroom as well as in numerous written forms. One day she recieved a letter that changed her life and an invitation that would challenge her comfortable beliefs in every way. Rosaria shares this journey with us in a very open and real way. This book is amazing and can also help those who want to know how to bridge the gap with others. ~a reader

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Apples and pears are the two fruits that beautifully summarize the fall season in every way.

by Robin Cook Cook 2 Flourish

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2 cups cooked organic oatmeal ¼ cup almonds, chopped 2 Tablespoons organic vanilla protein powder 2 teaspoons cinnamon Pinch of ground cloves Pinch of sea salt ⅛ teaspoon fresh ginger, finely grated ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract*, optional 1 Tablespoon pure maple syrup ½ cup organic apple, finely chopped


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Fall Flavor Tip: The oatmeal can be cooked according to the package’s directions or you can make vanilla almond oatmeal

2 cups unsweetened almond milk ½ teaspoon vanilla extract Pinch of sea salt ⅛ teaspoon cinnamon Pinch of stevia, optional 1 cup organic oatmeal, dry (such as sprouted rolled oats)

Directions: 1. On medium high heat in a saucepan, bring the almond milk to a simmer with the seasonings. Stir in the oatmeal, reduce the heat to medium and continue stirring occasionally so that the oatmeal does not stick or boil over. 2. After about 5-8 minutes, the oats should be mostly cooked. Remove from the heat and cover for 5-7 minutes to let the oats absorb any remaining liquid. Refrigerate overnight or use immediately.

In a small bowl, beginning with the almonds, combine the dry streusel ingredients and stir together, then stir in the ginger, vanilla and maple syrup. Lastly, stir in the apples. To create the layered apple streusel oatmeal cups: In small ramekins or mason jars, spoon in 3-4 Tablespoons of the cooked oatmeal, followed by 1-2 Tablespoons of the apple streusel and repeat. On top of the second layer of apple streusel, you can drizzle some almond butter, if desired. *Since this is not going to be cooked, I used a glycerin based vanilla extract/ flavoring rather than an alcohol based extract.

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Salad ingredients • Organic mixed greens • Organic pear, sliced • Red onion, sliced • Organic fennel bulb, sliced thinly • Walnuts or black walnuts, chopped • Rosemary Flackers® crackers, crumbled (or goat cheese), to garnish Walnut Balsamic Dressing (makes ½ cup dressing) • ¼ cup roasted walnut oil • ¼ cup balsamic vinegar • ½ Tablespoon maple syrup, optional • ½ teaspoon cinnamon • 1 small garlic clove, pressed/ minced • Stevia, to taste

Directions: In a mason jar, add all the salad dressing ingredients together and shake well. Toss the salad except for the crackers or goat cheese and plate it, then drizzle it with the walnut balsamic dressing. Garnish the salad with the crackers and/or goat cheese. Enjoy!

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4 cups quinoa, cooked 4 cups kale, thinly sliced ¼ cup red onion, diced or minced ½ cup pecans, chopped and/ or pumpkin seeds 1 cup organic apple, chopped ¼ cup feta cheese, optional

For the dressing • • • • • • • •

2 Tablespoons organic extra virgin olive oil 2 Tablespoons roasted walnut oil 3 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar (no sulfites added) 1 Tablespoon organic apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon cinnamon ⅛ teaspoon ground cardamom 1/16 teaspoon stevia Dash of sea salt

Directions: To assemble the salad, Place the kale and onion in a large salad bowl. In a mason jar shake the salad dressing ingredients and pour half of it over the kale. Gently massage the kale with the dressing to coat and slightly wilt it. Add the quinoa, pecans, pumpkin seeds and apple to the bowl, pour the rest of the dressing in, and stir or toss well. The feta cheese can be added to the salad bowl or crumbled on each individual salad once plated. Enjoy!

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2 organic eggs 1/3 cup raw honey 1 teaspoon grated organic orange peel 6 Tablespoons coconut oil, melted (but not hot) 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 2 Tablespoons coconut flour ½ cup garbanzo bean flour ½ cup almond flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda ¼ teaspoon stevia ⅛ teaspoon sea salt 1 ½ teaspoons cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/8 teaspoon ground cardamom 3/4 cup organic pear, finely chopped or minced ½ cup walnuts, chopped, optional

Directions: 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. 2. In a large mixing bowl, beat the eggs until fluffy. Add in the honey, orange peel, coconut oil and vanilla. Mix well. 3. In a bowl or measuring cup, combine the flours, baking powder, baking soda, stevia and spices. Stir together and slowly mix with the wet ingredients in the mixing bowl. 4. Fold in the pears and the walnuts (if using) and mix well. 5. Pour into unbleached mini muffin liners in a stainless steel muffin pan or use a stoneware muffin pan! Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 15-18 minutes.

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¼ teaspoon cinnamon 1/16 teaspoon sea salt 1 teaspoon coconut oil, softened 1 Tablespoon pure maple syrup 2 Tablespoons cashew butter

Directions: In a small bowl or measuring cup, stir together the cinnamon and sea salt.

Next, add in the coconut oil, maple syrup and cashew butter. Stir the dip until it is smooth and like a caramel consistency. Serve in a decorative dipping bowl or scoop out the core of a pear to make a room for the dip. Cut off a sliver on the bottom of the pear so that it will not tip over. Fill it with the dip and serve with sliced carrots (orange, white, purple or yellow carrots), pears and apples for this tasty tip!

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By Tiffany Herbster As I have thought back over the events and circum-

stances of my life, I’ve realized God was preparing my heart and growing in me a love for missions at an early age! Born in Georgia, I grew up in a pastor’s home with six sisters, where I had the opportunity to be in church whenever the doors were open, and Missions Conferences were among my favorite services. They were week-long, and I loved listening to testimonies, watching presentations, and fellowshipping with the missionaries. The burden for missions developed during these times of hearing from faithful men and women of God. As a tender 8-year-old, I surrendered to go wherever God wanted me to go. Songs like “Here Am I Lord” and “I Want to Be Faithful” made a lasting impact on my heart. I couldn’t wait to grow up and spend my life serving God by telling people about the gospel!

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previous page: hiking in Hong Kong provides views of the city, mountains, and ocean! left: our wedding day! right: thankful for God's good gifts. During my teenage years, missions’ camps and foreign missions’ trips grew my burden for missions even more as the Lord allowed me to visit Mexico, Dominican Republic, and Guatemala. Each time I returned home, I left a small piece of my heart with the people in those countries. In addition to missions, I loved many other aspects of ministry. My parents paid for me to take music lessons as a kid, so I really enjoy music! One benefit of having so many younger siblings was helping teach them some of the basic school subjects. Along with music and teaching, camp min-

istry was also dear to my heart. I attended the Wilds Christian camp faithfully as a Junior and Teen camper. In 2007, a few summers after graduating from high school, I “randomly” decided to apply to work there for a summer. I had always dreamed of working as a counselor and decided that it would be a good ministry experience for me. The Wilds accepted my application that summer, and my first job was waitressing. It only took one summer for me to fall in love with working at camp, so, I decided to return the next summer to work as a counselor. I also applied to work on the year-around staff after the summer was over. In May of 2008, I

Fall 2022 | Sit still my daughter 49 packed for camp and moved to the Wilds to counsel for the summer and then to stay on throughout the year. The job as year-around staff lasted for two years, and then the Lord gave me an opportunity to teach kindergarten at the local church I had been attending while working at the Wilds! Teaching kindergarten quickly became one of my favorite jobs! God gave me two years at the school before another ministry opportunity came my way. The Wilds was sending out a ministry team to encourage churches and run youth rallies and they asked me to travel for the camp. I would be able to put my love for music to good use! Summer 2013 was my sixth summer working at the Wilds. I was working on program staff at Junior Boot Camp. In early June, Matt (Program director at the Wilds who lost his wife to colon cancer) emailed my dad about the possibility of the two of us getting to know each other through email, texts, etc. Of course, this was a shock to me, and turned my life completely upside down!

became clear to me that summer. David isn’t saying that God will give us anything we want if we delight in the Lord. Rather, the verse encourages us to follow the Lord and obey Him, and as we do that, however imperfectly, God changes our desires to match His desires for our lives. I know without a doubt that God did that for me. Over the years of trusting the Lord, seeking to follow and obey Him, He was working in my life to give me desires that would match His perfect plans for my life! God’s ways don’t always look like the plans and desires we make for our life. God showed me repeatedly how much better His plans were for my life. Matt and I had the best time getting to know each other the next several months! There is so much more to this story than I have time to write here, but Psalm 40:5 expresses the overwhelming gratitude I have for God’s perfect plans: “Many, O Lord my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done….they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: If I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.”

God used so many passages of scripture that summer as I contemplated His perfect will for me. Ps 37:4 was especially helpful, the Psalmist urges followers of God to “delight in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” The truths of that verse

Matt and I were married in April of 2014, and I immediately became mom to five children, ages 9 to 15. My life was suddenly full! God gave me the privilege of living in the place of my childhood dreams, I was married to my best friend, and surrounded by

50 Sit still my daughter | Fall 2022 people that I called family at the Wilds. Over the next few years, I had the opportunity to go back to the mission field with Camps Abroad, a mission’s organization of the Wilds. I traveled with Matt to Brazil, the Philippines, and Russia! God specifically used the trip to Brazil to begin a work in our hearts for the needs in other countries. At the time, we didn’t know specifically what God wanted us to do about this growing burden, but in 2018, God made it clear to us that we were to leave our comfortable home and ministry at the Wilds. Matt couldn’t get missions off his mind. He took a trip to Hong Kong in January of 2019, and while there, had the chance to talk with Pastor Johnson, a missionary at an international church in downtown Hong Kong. Matt shared with Pastor Johnson that God might be calling us to Hong Kong, and Pastor Johnson then began to share with Matt how he and his wife had been praying specifically that God would send someone to help in their ministry. I’ll never forget the conversation I had with Matt when

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upper left: enjoying the rare luxury of grass in the midst of a big city. far left: moving to Hong Kong left: one of the first meals in our new home. above: reading the very detailed instructions for our new water pitcher! upper right: snacks for quarantine. middle right: Father's Day treat to a cookie shop. right: made it to Hong Kong, now to account for all of our luggage.

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Fall 2022 | Sit still my daughter 53 he called me after that meeting. I knew immediately that God had answered our prayers for direction, and we were headed to Hong Kong! I’ve lived in Hong Kong for over a year and can say with confidence that God has faithfully led us every step of the way. Transitioning to a new country wasn’t easy. There are many difficult things about leaving home and stepping out in faith. We left our oldest three children in the states, and we miss being around for the special events of their lives. Our youngest two children moved here to Hong Kong with us and have been a wonderful blessing to our ministry. We regularly talk through the difficulties of their transitioning in the middle of their teen years, moving across the ocean, and living in a new culture. It has been a blessing to watch God work in their hearts through this change in their lives. God has given me so many incredible opportunities and has faithfully guided and directed me. I can truly echo the words of the Psalmist in Psalm 18:30: “As for God, His way is perfect.” It’s not always easy to believe the truths of that verse. Our circumstances won’t always be happy. There are days of discouragement, and times of severe trials. Even in the ever-changing circumstances of our lives, we can always trust in the unchanging character of our Savior. Nothing that He allowed in our lives is ever wasted. He can truly use every circumstance for my good and His glory (Romans 8:28). Elizabeth Elliot put it this way in her book called, Through Gates of Splendor. “God is God. If He is God, He is worthy of my worship and my service. I will find rest nowhere but in His will, and that will is infinitely, immeasurably, unspeakably beyond my largest notions what He is up to.” May God give all of us the grace to submit our will to a God who loves us and has a plan for our lives that is far beyond what we can ask or think! above: one of our favorite hikes to Kowloon Peak.

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Your Mind...

Thy word have I hid in mine heart... Psalm 119:11

What we choose to memorize is ours forever, no one can ever take it away. To hide God's Word in our hearts ensures that we have access to His truth whenever we need it. Over the course of the next three months try to memorize the verses below. We will only be able to defeat our enemy by holding fast to the truths found in the Word of God about our God. In moments of temptation, the Holy Spirit will bring the verses we need to mind that will aid us in being victorious.

God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah. That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations. Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth. Selah. Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us. God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him. Psalm 67

& Your Soul

Be still, and know that I am God... Psalm 46:10

Our body is the temple of the Lord and entrusted into our care. Self-care is not selfish when it is done to rest the body and renew the spirit so we are ready to serve God with our best. Taking a moment to care for yourself does not need to be a huge thing but can be a few simple things.

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Spring Flowe


But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is YOUR TE not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. 1 Peter 3:4

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er Background



• A lady never points out another's bad manners. • A lady makes every effort not to be late. • A lady does not talk during a performance, a sermon, or a lecture. • A lady graciously accepts a compliment. She does not downgrade herself as if she did not deserve the admiration from the other person or persons. She simply responds with, "Thank you." taken from the book: How to Be a Lady by Candace Simpson-Giles

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By Christin Slade

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Don’t allow the busyness or hardships of life to make you lose sight of how special your spouse is and why you married him. Make an effort every day to strengthen your marriage. I have been married for 21 years and with every passing day, I aim to help my marriage grow. Through every little daily interaction, to big life decisions. My husband and I said from the beginning that divorce was not an option. The thing about divorce is that it is never a sudden incident that leads to divorce.

It’s an accumulation of unresolved problems that pushes couples over the edge. Those unresolved problems lead to resentment, unforgiveness, and disconnection. The secret to an enduring marriage is to strive to build and strengthen your marriage every day. Building up a relationship is not something left to chance. A marriage should never be left to just allow life to happen to it. A couple should always be intentional to

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strengthen their marriage. Here are 5 ideas you can utilize to be intentional to strengthen your marriage: 1. Share a Hobby Do something fun or competitive together. Try to make it something you both enjoy. Running. Camping. Playing cards. Reading. Watching sports. The list is really endless on what you could do. But do something together so you regularly share a common interest. My husband and I enjoy camping, and one time I challenged him to a year-long Rummy competition. Whoever hit 50,000 points first, won! It required about 1-2 games a day, but most nights we

played 6-10 games at a time. Some days life got busy and we couldn’t play, but we just picked up where we left off the next time. 2. Have Regular Dates At Home Making the time to just be with your spouse consistently makes such a huge difference in your marriage! Nothing has to be fancy. After you put the kids to bed, you can do a movie at home. Take out (or not!). Popcorn. Ice cream. Cards. Anything that the two of you can do together. Snuggle up close and just enjoy each other. No agenda. No responsibilities. Just the two of you appreciating each other’s company. Also, a tip. Don’t ruin the evening by choosing what to do or what movie to watch. Those things aren’t nearly as important as taking the time to be

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64 Sit still my daughter | Fall 2022 together. My husband and I do this 3-4 times a week, at least. Our relationship is a priority and when it is well nurtured, the rest of life flows more smoothly. 3. Make Conversation Talk to your husband daily! Don’t wait for something major to come along before you engage in a conversation. It doesn’t have to be deep or philosophical to count. Ask about his day. Take interest in his work: the things that excite him and the things that irritate him. Ask about what matters to him, even if it doesn’t particularly interest you. Every so often, talk about the deeper things in life.

It could be something you’re reading in the Bible or something that’s going on in the news; local or abroad. Learn how to understand and embrace each other’s differences. 4. Surprise Him Do something special for him on a consistent basis. Make his favorite meal. Buy him a small gift. Show up at his work (if possible) and bring him lunch! Write him a love note, bake his favorite dessert, mow the lawn for him. Do things that keep him guessing and are spontaneous!

assures us He hears us. But we must not forget to pray for our own hearts and the will to be molded by our Creator. Don’t wait for a crisis to happen before you take the time to pray. Pray for unity, connection, understanding, forgiveness, patience, and whatever else it is you need in your marriage to strengthen it. Strengthening your marriage is not always a walk in the park. Often it means we let go of what we want, we bite our tongue, we go out of our way, and we do it because someone else matters more than our own desires or opinions. That’s the depth of marital love… it’s meant to be a sacrifice, but it offers great reward.

5. Pray for Your Marriage Regularly Please don’t take this as cliche because it isn’t. So many of us underestimate the power found through prayer. God invites us to come to Him with our requests and Christin Slade is a contributor for a site dedicated to sharing a passion for faith, husband, home, and family. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram @ club31women to find helpful articles and encouragement for your heart.

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But God by Amy Kent

When things become too much or the fears begin to overwhelm our soul may we remember that our God is bigger than it all!

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The first time I ever heard the phrase “But God” was in April 2020. We had just entered into some of life’s darkest days due to Covid and while stuck at home during the lockdowns, my family began listening weekly to a pastor through livestream who spoke on the current events of the world and how to view them from a Biblical perspective. In one particular message, he piled fear and uncertainty on top of fear and uncertainty by recounting the many things that were taking place. Then he ended with “But God!” I have no idea what he said for a while after that! I just remember the impact those two words had when I felt the weight of the world lift off my shoulders in light of the fact that God is bigger than it all.

It was in that moment that I knew this needed to be a song! I spent the next four months studying all the instances of the phrase “But God” in the Bible and my own heart was greatly encouraged through that study. Getting the text to come together just right and then fitting it to the music takes a massive amount of work on my part, but there is also a sense that “God gave it to me.” While He didn’t drop the words from Heaven, He definitely gave direction through the process, and my heart’s prayer was that He would help me make it exactly what He wanted it to be and that it would glorify Him.

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In this world you will have tribulation, Fear and strife on every side; Enemies will rise up to control, You may want to run and hide. But God knows the beginning from the end; His ways are always higher than we can comprehend. In His hands He holds eternity, For He reigns in sovereignty, And He cares for you and me! None else is faithful and true and good, but God. Satan whispers all your sin and failure, He delights to cause you pain; Even though he knows you are forgiven, He will magnify your stain. But God gave His beloved Son to die, For He is rich in mercy and wants to

draw you nigh. By His blood He paid redemption’s price; It is He who justifies, You are spotless in His eyes. None else is faithful and true and good, but God. You feel lost and all alone, But God is always with you! Hurt and treated wrong, But God meant it for good! Weak and heavy-laden, tempted, tried, forsaken, Fearful, faltering, broken. But God! Our God is always good. And our God is always true. But God! How faithful is our God. Faithful, true, and good! None else is faithful and true and good, But God!

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Christian Learning Centers of Greenville County (CLC) sponsors Released-Time Christian Education for students of Greenville, South Carolina. CLC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is fully supported by donations from individuals, churches and businesses in our area. CLC is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.

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Christian Learning Centers of Greenville County exists to provide biblical instruction to school-aged children as an opportunity to encourage them to embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ, grow in the Christian faith, and apply biblical principles for living.

Our children face grave moral problems everyday. If you are not convinced, buy any newspaper or watch the news broadcasts. Young people are plagued with an array of issues, such as: • Violence • Sexual promiscuity • Substance abuse • Apathy • Distortions of right and wrong • Disrespect of self and others, including authorities • Poor school performance Loss of direction • Cult involvement ​ These problems are major threats to our youth, their families, and our society as a whole. We are seriously concerned about their social, academic, emotional, and most importantly, their spiritual condition. In fact, we believe that this dilemma stems from the spiritual vacuum that seems to exist in society today.

We resolve to make an eternal difference in the lives of our children and in the heart of our community.

Christian Learning Centers is positioned to expand its program to meet the needs of the community... ​ • Positive relationship with local school district • School district approval to offer accredited Bible courses • Two accredited Bible courses offered • Increased church support, inkind gifts, and volunteer staffing • Trained, dedicated staff and Board of Directors

To learn more about them and how you can become involved simply visit:

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by Rachel Norman

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Who knew quiet time was so beneficial? As a mother of multiple children, it’s more than that. It’s a great break in the day for us all. Here’s what you need to know to begin developing a quiet time for your toddler. The concept of quiet time or rest time for little ones comes up for most moms when their toddler/preschooler is dropping their afternoon nap. You’ve enjoyed hours of afternoon reprieve for some alone time. Or maybe you used that time to work or get chores done and now… your little one is on a nap strike. Or more accurately… they’ve grown out of the need for a nap. But you still need some quiet time to rest.

Don’t go from afternoon naps to full on busy days without keeping that space for quiet rest. So let’s get into what rest time for toddlers looks like. Let’s Define Quiet Time for Toddlers Rest time is when your child goes to a predetermined location to play quietly at a time determined by you for a duration determined by you. This is not the same time as a child playing alone during the day focusing on one toy. It is a structured time. What does a quiet (rest) time routine look like? In our home rest time began at the same time the afternoon nap did. 1 p.m. The child goes into their crib (with toys) or their room (with safe toys) or

78 Sit still my daughter | Fall 2022 wherever makes most sense for your child. And they play there quietly for the duration of the time you have chosen. When your child gets into the groove you’ll soon start to see them loving this time. What does it not look like? • Screen time (this is totally separate to rest time) • 5 or 10 minutes of solitary play here or there throughout the day • Shoving your child in their room for long periods randomly to get a break So…how do we get our toddlers to a place where they enjoy quiet time? Don’t worry, I’m going to talk about that! But first… What are the benefits to a toddler’s quiet time? One of the best benefits to a toddler’s quiet time is you get to see their true little personalities shine. I remember listening in and cracking up while one of my son’s made up stories based on the pictures in a book he was “reading.” He couldn’t read, but he could sure make up a funny story. It was priceless!

But really… here are some benefits: • • • • • • • • •

Toddler’s gain independence, learn to love creativity, rest their minds to prevent over-stimulation, grow in fine motor skills, raise self-awareness, begin to self manage time, build confidence, give you a break from then during the day, and learn to appreciate things such as organization and a tidy room (as you’ll have them tidy up after rest time)

How to Ease Them Into It If They’re Resistant. Nothing is fun when you’re in a full fledged meltdown. When your toddler is overtired or over-stressed, introducing a quiet time might feel like a “time out”. This is clearly NOT what we’re going for here. Let me say that again… quiet time is not punishment. On the contrary, it is a time to enjoy. It can become a person’s favorite time of the day.

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80 Sit still my daughter | Fall 2022 I have found these tips to be extremely successful in easing a child into a peaceful quiet time: •

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Pick a time during the day that is low impact. In other words, nothing important is going on that they are going to “miss.” This is why the former nap time is good, they’re used to it. Have some toys, books, etc. specifically chosen for their “quiet time.” Organize them to build interest. Nothing that’ll make too much of a mess, be dangerous in any way, or that will cause frustration. Choose imagination toys, if possible. Reassure them that you’re not going anywhere and don’t sneak around. Remember to tell them what you want them to do, not what you don’t want them to do. In other words, tell them to stay and play quietly. Don’t say: “stop getting up and running in here to me.” Take small steps. The first week may only be 15 to 20 minutes of quiet play. Stick with it. It’s a valuable skill that you are teaching them. These lessons are not going to be learned overnight, but it’s worth it.

Here are some tips for making quiet time safe: • Especially if you have a young toddler giving up their nap, start their rest time in their crib with some toys you choose. • Have specific quiet time toys (bigger blocks, dolls with no small pieces, etc.). • Remove any dangerous objects such as things they can pull down on themselves or choke on. Bolt furniture to walls or use straps to prevent from falling (in case they are climbers). • Use baby monitors if you’re out of eye shot. • Keep the Peace Having a healthy quiet time each day is beneficial for many reasons… as we discussed earlier. I see it as a soft spot during the day for relaxing and decompressing. You want to make this time peaceful for your little one. Often your little one will fall asleep while playing. If they do this towards the end of rest time, let them nap a bit and then wake them up. If they start their nap late and sleep late, bedtime will be hairy. Some kids may like some softly playing music as

Fall 2022 | Sit still my daughter 81 Rachel Norman is the author of www.amotherfarfromhome. com and her goal is to share time-tested solutions from her experience as a mother of five with other moms. She helps you create life-giving routines, streamline your responsibilities, and start to uncomplicate your family life. Visit her online shop for wonderful resources and other helpful articles.

background noise. One of my little ones does well with a Sound Machine. I think this is mainly to block out any sounds (outside of his room) that may be a distraction to him. Quiet Time For Kids Of All Ages Now that my children are a bit older and afternoon quiet or rest time isn’t baked into their day, we have it before bed. About 45 minutes prior to kisses, cuddles, and lights out, my kids will go to their rooms with some books. Picture books if they’re not reading, or any type of book they’re interested in if they are. When I started this I made it super enticing. I propped them up on comfy pillows, stuffed animals

on both sides, turned on their light music and covered them with their comforter or soft blankets. Even now, sometimes the kids fall asleep before I come back to kiss them good night. This prevents the Before Bedtime Second Wind and also is just generally a great wind down practice. Quiet and rest time helps center your child. There’s no aggravation from other siblings, no loud noises or music, and no distractions. Your child will be able to go into a play world of their own and the benefits of this are limitless including cultivating a habit of just being still. Children who learn to take time to rest will develop into adults who value quiet time and will make it part of their daily schedule.

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A moment in Psalms I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works. Psalm 9:1 When we write a thank-you note it’s in acknowledgement of something done for us, deserved or not. Certainly, this person cared enough about us to gift it to us anyway. The word “praise” that is used in this verse means to acknowledge, to give thanks and the psalmist is firmly declaring his desire to praise or give thanks to the Lord. God alone must be acknowledged as the source of all that we possess and this entire passage portrays one big thank-you note to God. Notice how it is done, with the whole heart, unreservedly and without hesitation by the psalmist. He says he will show forth all God’s “marvellous works”. The words “show forth” mean to number, recount, relate, or declare. We are meant to do all of this when extolling the works of our God, not solely in the private moments, but shared publicly with lost and saved alike. All need to know what an amazing God we serve––a God who loves and cares for His beloved children. There is another benefit to acknowledging the blessings of God and recounting all that He has done in our lives. It calls to remembrance who He is and who we are. Remember the thank-you note? It is written to say thank-you, not simply as a benefit to the giver, but as an expression of gratitude from the receiver. Our God is worthy of receiving our thanks. Take a moment to write a thank-you note of praise to the One who has done a “marvellous work” in you.

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There are still far too many people who believe that because diet drinks (diet sodas, teas and flavored waters) are marketed to have zero calories and sugar, they aren't bad for you. This could not be farther from the truth. Diet drink ingredients include a variety of artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, saccharin and sucralose which we recommend avoiding. Natural sweeteners like Stevia aren’t much better either. While there seems to be some argument that Stevia is fine because it’s plant based, it’s actually not a good choice because it is highly sweet. This only keeps your brain addicted to sugary foods and beverages whether they are plant based or not. If you want to lose weight AND improve your health it's best to avoid drinks with artificial sweeteners altogether. This doesn’t mean you should go back to reg-

ular drinks like sodas sweetened with real sugar either. The regular sugar found in beverages contributes to all kinds of health issues like obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Here are 5 compelling reasons to give up diet drinks today and forever so you can take proper care of your body: 1. Reduce Your Risk Of Stroke And Dementia One study found that people who drank just one artificially sweetened drink daily increased their chance of having a stroke or developing dementia. Older women had a 23% higher risk of stroke if they drank two or more diet drinks daily and those chances jumped even higher for obese women and black women. 2. Reduce Symptoms Of Depression Diet soda and other artificially sweetened drinks have been associated with an increased risk of depression

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among older adults. In a study of over 200K participants with an average age of 61 years, people who drank diet soda or artificially sweetened coffee and tea experienced more symptoms of anxiety and depression. 3. Lower Your Risk Of Cardiovascular Issues Studies show that older women, especially those who regularly consumed two or more diet drinks per day, increased their risk of developing heart disease by almost 30%. In another study of more than 2,500 men and women, those who drank diet soda every day had a higher risk of cardiovascular issues than those who did not drink them. 4. Reduce Your Risk Of Weight Gain Regular drinks like sweet teas and sodas have long been associated with weight gain but diet drinks are also linked to weight issues and obesity according to a study of more than 5,000 participants in Texas. Compared with people who did not consume any artificially sweetened beverages, people who drank several diet drinks per day were significantly more likely

to become overweight or obese compared with their baseline weight at the beginning of the study. 5. Healthier Kidneys Drinking two or more diet drinks per day has been associated with reduced kidney function. In a study of more than 3,000 women, those who drank two or more diet drinks per day had 30% poorer kidney function after 20 years than women who didn’t drink them.

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The Bottom Line On Diet v. Regular Beverages I am often asked which is better, regular or diet drinks with artificial sweeteners? I have to say neither are good for you and should be avoided if you really want to properly take care of your body and maintain a healthy weight. Water is always best. Strive to drink 50-60oz of water daily and if water gets boring, there are all kinds of natural ways to enhance your water drinking experience. Add fresh cut lemon, limes or grapefruit to your water to not only enhance the flavor but you can give your immune system a boost with the Vitamin C Carbonated waters are a good choice but it’s important to ensure the ingredients list only carbonated water. No artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners. Add herbs like fresh crushed mint to your water and one of my favorite H2O hacks is to use a garlic press to mince fresh ginger into my water for some added zing.

Make a cup of hot tea in a flavor your love like orange, peppermint or lemon (if you have to add sugar, honey or other sweeteners then you have to ask yourself if you really like tea). I pray this information and tips will help you break up with diet drinks! If you struggle, go to God in prayer and ask Him to help you so you can wield a spirit of self-control (Galatians 5:22-23) You are never in this alone!

The online Christian fitness community What we believe: Physical and spiritual health are not separate, they are both very important! Why we exist: Here at Faithful Workouts, you can live with strength, energy, joy, peace & purpose, all while getting a great workout in. Learn more at

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by Becky Bourland The car line moved forward and the sidewalk came

into view. My eyes scanned the line of children waiting anxiously to be picked up after another day of school. I could not wait for my precious girls to climb in the back seat and tell me about their day. As the line moved forward again I finally spotted them, standing together on the sidewalk, and my heart sank. My youngest daughter, Alice, stood looking around as though unsure what to do as my eldest stood beside her sobbing. Even from a distance I could tell she was very distraught. The next five minutes felt like an eternity as I debated leaving my vehicle and going to my daughter's aid but telling myself to just wait; it was almost my turn. In my mind I kept willing the various adults, hurrying to get kids in cars, to stop what they were doing and go to her, but no one seemed to notice her distress. Finally, a woman walked my girls to my car and opened the back door. "Sweetheart what's the matter?!" I exclaimed

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the moment the door opened. Julia climbed in followed by Alice. In the conversation that followed Julia proceeded to tell me about a series of bullying that she had endured that day. We had moved mid-year and the girls had only been at their new school for a little over a month. The bullying had started from day one and I had contacted the teacher and principal on more than one occasion but the situation had not seemed to improve. As I listened to her talk and sniffle her way through the events of the day, I knew what God was calling me to do about it. I had prayed long and hard about this decision and it was at this moment that I

had sudden and certain clarity that this was the right choice. I pulled up to a traffic light and looked in the rear-view mirror, Alice was rubbing her sister's arm attempting to console her as best as a 7-year-old could. "Girls," I said, "how about if you don't go back to school tomorrow?" Alice very enthusiastically agreed as Julia sullenly dried her eyes and replied, "Yeah." I continued, knowing the answer I would receive and the excitement that would follow, "So how about if you never go back to that school again? How

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far left: my two reasons for taking a step of faith. left: some of my work.

about if I homeschool you?" The tears changed from pain to joy and were shared by all three of us as we finished the drive home that day. The girls were ecstatic and it was all we talked about the rest of the day.

Though I am not a single parent I picked up a book from a local homeschooler, Kim Sorgius, called Single Mom Homeschooling. Her concepts intrigued me. If a single parent can somehow homeschool and still provide for their family than our home with two parents certainly could! Right?

I spent the next few days going through all the legalities, paperwork and curriculum collecting required to become set up as a homeschooling family. I didn't know exactly how this was going to happen, since I was working from home full time but I knew even if I had to spend my days working and evenings teaching I would do it somehow.

We were only two weeks into our homeschooling journey and, though things were going well, I knew I was going to burn out eventually. As I read through Kim’s book there was one main thing that I just kept struggling with...these parents were working for themselves...they had their own businesses or ways to generate an income. But I didn't have that.

98 Sit still my daughter | Fall 2022 I was working for a corporate company that at that time had everyone working from home due to Covid. Being at home during the day allowed me to keep an eye on my kids while I worked and during my lunch hour and at the end of the day school took place. I knew one day they would want me working in the office again, not to mention that our current schedule was awfully difficult on myself and the kids. I knew I had to find a better solution. I began praying and asking God to show me how I could make this work. I knew this was what He wanted but it seemed far from sustainable and I worried I wouldn’t be able to give my children the best education at the end of the day. Very quickly I got the message from my prayers and Kim’s book that I needed to use my abilities to generate some income so that I could stop working a desk job and start focusing on the kids. I recall declaring in frustration in my prayer one night that I didn’t have any abilities that would benefit anyone. But immediately a thought formed. “You know how to make cake pops.” I had first been introduced to cake pops many years before at a trade show and I had come home

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with such a craving I decided to make them myself. Ugh–– the first batch was a complete disaster and I ended up with a mass of cake and melted chocolate with sticks extending here and there from a puddle on my plate! It still tasted delicious though and I decided to try again and again aaaaaand again. Many, many YouTube videos, Google searches and trial batches later I had succeeded in making my first perfect batch of cake pops. For the first two years I made these yummy treats periodically for family or social events, but not consistently. In my third year I had a friend request some for her birthday immediately followed by my sister wanting to make some bride and groom pops with me for fun. I began to experiment with small designs and flavors. I made cake pops more often and found it to be an enjoyable hobby. By year four I was regularly making cake pops for a local ministry’s bake sales and other various events and fairly consistently in my home for holidays etc. It was year five that I pulled my children from school and found myself taking a second look at this “hobby”. Would people be interested in my work? Why would anyone want to buy from me? Would it be difficult to overcome legal and sanitary obstacles? I began to research and found out about cottage foods businesses; baked goods businesses that bake and sell from a residential kitchen. I dotted the

far bottom left: I enjoyed making these Christmas designs. upper across: one of my many vendor shows.

left: children always enjoy looking at my cake pops! bottom right: my sweet, crazy family.

‘I’s and crossed the ‘t’s, made a Facebook page and a logo and so it began! It was slow starting out; all of my orders came from friends or family, but it wasn’t a bad start. It gave me ample opportunity to test out packaging and work through the kinks with those who were gracious and understanding. I’ve had many obstacles along the way, some ideas worked and others REALLY didn’t. I shed a few tears, counted them as lessons learned, and moved on. One particular bump in the road was a misunderstanding that a friend had of some cake pop images I had sent her. She thought they were MY cake pops and had told someone I could make them for her. When the lady placed the order, I did not want to turn it away but I was nervous about whether I could make them. They would require molding the cake, something I hadn’t done before and would require fondant designing. I told her I would do my best to replicate the ones in the image, took a deep breath and went to it. I have to tell you, a tremendous amount of blood, sweat and tears went into those pops, but the end result was just what I hoped for and the pressure to try something new took me to the next level of artistic creativity with my pops. The next year and half I practiced increasingly

Fall 2022 | Sit still my daughter 101 complex designs and ventured into edible paints and glitters, molding, shaping, fondant, sugar paste etc. I have now grown tremendously in my ability and talent with these fun desserts. I love seeing each new creation and meeting each new challenge with it! It has been astounding to see God use what I thought was nothing more than a hobby as a means for me to homeschool our girls and supplement our income. I have been able to leave my desk job and now focus fully on my girls’ school during regular daytime hours! I am blessed beyond words for His amazing providence and I hope that my story can be an encouragement to others finding themselves in that same uncertain place where, a year and half ago, I began. Follow Becky on IG and FB @Upstate Cake Pops or visit her website: to learn more about her amazing business!

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Just ten months ago, my husband Peter and I were living what we thought was our best lives in our “forever” earthly home, in Bostic, NC. We had moved there in 2008, three years after we married, because God had very clearly and specifically directed us to leave New England and move to Western, North Carolina. We soon purchased our first home, and lovingly renovated and furnished the house and its grounds. God soon established us in a local church body of loving, maturing believers, where we have delighted in our spiritual growth and opportunities to serve one another, ministering wherever God led us in and around our community and enjoying many blessings. His timing is always perfect! We have been learning, through many years of walking with Him, to listen, trust and obey. Countless times, over the past twelve years, we found ourselves offering praise and thanksgiving to God for giving us this lovely home, where we often enjoyed inviting friends and missionaries to stay with us. We cherished our lives there, as we continued putting down emotional roots. We often remarked to each other that we hoped never to move away from here, especially our wonderful church family. Then last August, God called us jointly to sell our “forever” house, leave our beloved church community, and move three hours away to Pleasant Garden, NC, to help my dear Mother in her senior years with her declining health. This decision had never even crossed our minds; yet we found ourselves immediately finding agreement, and began the long preparations to move. My Mom, Dianne, is my best girlfriend in the world. She has had major heart and other prob-

lems, frequent falls, and mental acuity challenges. I had traveled multiple times to help her. Sometimes I would be gone for weeks at a time. But I longed to be home with Peter, and to fulfill my church commitments and keep our home. God knew what needed to happen so that I could care for my sweet Mom, and also to be who He called me to be as a wife and homemaker. My parents had built this house, which we now call home, in 1969. 20 years later they added on a large full apartment and carport, connected with the main house with a beautiful year-round vaulted ceiling sunroom so that my late maternal grandfather could move in, enjoy his independence, and still have the assurance that he would be safe with my parents next door. God was once again providing for a prayer not yet uttered as He knew this apartment would be needed now for Mom. Now it was the same season in life for my Mom to enjoy the same benefits of independence and security, since my Dad had passed in 2006, to be forever with Christ. She moved into the apartment, as we prepared to move into the main house. Our house sold in an hour. Every little and huge detail fell into place so smoothly that it was obvious to anyone, believer and non-believer alike, that this was God orchestrating each step. The movers left the final truckload of our earthly belongings in our new home on October 20. Peter was able to transfer his job and cut back on his patient commitment. He is so gentle and kind to my Mom and super patient with her. He is the epitome of Galatians 5:22-23a daily sharing the Fruits of the Spirit. We did not know what we needed, but God did.

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by Evelyn Phillips

108 Sit still my daughter | Fall 2022 Ephesians 2:8-9 - For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God

It happened in July 2001. I was sitting in a trail-

er where I lived with my mom and my 4-year-old daughter when there came a knock at the door. On the other side of the screen door stood a police officer who told me my mother had been in an accident and was pronounced dead at the scene. That day is forever etched on my memory; it will never leave my mind. My normal life, everything I had known was gone. My mother was my whole world, I could do nothing without her. She was my rock, my cheerleader and the one person I could always count on, no matter what the need. She was always there. Now, as time went on the reality of being a single mom, having to work, shop and supply for a little girl who now depended on me, was setting in. There was no one to lean on anymore. The next year I found myself in a downward spiral at the age of 29, addicted to anti-depression prescription medication and alcohol. My free time was spent in bars being the party girl I believed everyone loved. As I continued to take care of my daughter, I briefly lived with my sister and her family. In 2002 I met my husband-to-be. Jon and I hit it off very well and started dating. After a few

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months he asked me to go to church with him. During this time God was working in his heart to draw him back to Himself. Jon had accepted Christ as a teenage boy and served God for years but later in life had drifted away. God worked through him, not only to bring me to saving faith in Him, but to draw Jon back to Christ, his first love. I was Roman Catholic at the time and I thought, “Well, church is church” so, everyone in this area, being predominantly Catholic simply attends. No big deal. But when I walked into this little white church and everyone turned to look at me, I felt like I was in a foreign county. They shook my hand, smiled, and wanted to know everything about me. I did not blend in at all and felt very uncomfortable. Who are these people? The pastor’s wife was very outgoing and said she was praying for me. I thought, “She’s praying

for me––why?” The service was certainly different–– nothing like the regular Catholic one. I could do that service with my eyes closed. This was different; the pastor talked about Jesus as a real person, that He cared for me and I just needed to be saved to go to heaven. I left, a confused person, thinking I already knew I was going to heaven; I have all the sacraments under my belt and my daughter goes to Catholic school that was a shoe-in for me to get into heaven. I knew my whole life that it was my works and my sacraments that got me into heaven, so what else was there? But I continued to go to church with Jon and even started bringing my daughter. She enjoyed the small group of kids there. Sadly, I also continued to drink and take depression medication. One day, dropping my daughter off at my brother’s house, so I could

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Fall 2022 | Sit still my daughter 111 go out and party, he looked at me and said simply, “Your life is spiraling out of control. You need to stop.” He gave me a book called, Power for Living by Jamie Buckingham and it changed my life. I saw where I was (self-centered) and where I wanted to be (Christ-centered). It explained how to have a personal relationship with the Lord in ways that are easily understood. Then one day in May 2003, after reading this book, I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. My life will never be the same as it had been for years. As the result of reading this book, Christ changed my life; I no longer took depression medication or drank another drop of alcohol. Jon and I were married on June 25th, 2005 and on July 2nd, 2006 God blessed us with a baby boy. Our lives together have moved forward toward Christ. We serve together in many different ministries and have never looked back. God filled that void I had so many years ago from the loss of my mom. He fills it every day with His grace. The grace that surpasses all my understanding. Every day I stand in awe of the blessing that He gives me. I am thankful for His salvation and wait until the day He says, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRUST JESUS CHRIST TODAY? “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” ~Ephesians 2:8-9

1 2 3 4


Romans 3:23


Romans 6:23


Romans 5:8


Romans 10:9-10

Dear God, I am a sinner and need forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ shed His precious blood and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I now invite Christ to come into my heart and life as my personal Saviour. Amen.

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Here are three factors to consider when studying the words of the Bible:


Etymology Definition: the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. "For instance, "In the New Testament, numerous Greek words have great etymological significance. The word for “church” (ekklesia) derives from the roots ek, a preposition meaning “out of,” and klesis, “a calling.” The literal translation is thus a calling out of. This interesting word denotes a spiritual body of people who have been called by the gospel (2 Thes. 2:14) out of the world (John 15:19; Col. 1:13) into a holy relationship with Jehovah (2 Cor. 6:17, 18)." ~Christian Courier Words can take on new meanings over centuries. Ask yourself, "What did the scripture mean at the time the author wrote it?" Even the same words can have different meanings from Old Testament to New Testament.


Syntax Definition: The arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language. We might ask, "What is the relationship of the words? Is the word a noun or a verb or is it plural or singular?" Also, note that verbs have tense. A good example of this is in Matthew. "When Matthew informs us that Herod “inquired” of the chief priests and scribes as to where Christ would be born (Mt. 2:4), the imperfect tense form of the verb reveals that the king had repeatedly made such inquiries in his frantic efforts to locate baby Jesus!" ~Christian Courier Grammar details are very important when studying the Bible otherwise, great misunderstanding can happen.


Context Definition: the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed. The Bible is about context. Taking verses out of context will lead to a serious misrepresentation of God's Word. Context, in some cases, can overrule etymology and syntax. "For example, in Matthew 3:10 Jesus declared that “every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is cut down [present tense], and cast into the fire.” Though the present tense form is used, the context shows that Judgment Day is in view. Here, the present is figuratively employed to stress the certainty of that future event." ~Christian Courier Compare that of Matthew 9:31: "The Son of man is delivered [present tense, though affirming a future event] into the hands of men” (Mk. 9:31). And so, context (special emphasis, symbolism, etc.) can modify grammar on certain occasions." *Reference :

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My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;

3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience." Week One: James, Chapter 1 Greetings, Hearing and Doing the Word

James 1:2 KJV Week Two: James, Chapter 2 The Sin of Partiality, Faith Without Works is Dead

Week Three: James, Chapter 3 Calming the Tongue, Wisdom from Above

Week Four: James, Chapter 4-5 Warning Aginst Worldliness, Boasting About Tomorrow, Warning to the Rich, Patience in Suffering, The Prayer of Faith

journaling prompt

What is a "double-minded man"? (James 1:8); When is a person really tempted? (James 1:14); What are we warned again in James 2:1-7? Why is this important? What is sure evidence of counterfeit faith? (Jame 2:17); What is the tongue compared to? (James 3:7-8); What have we always done instead of asking for God's help? (James 4:1-3); Why should we confess our sins to others and what Old Testament prophet does James use as an example of prayer? (James 5:16-18).



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1. Proverbs 3:5

17. Isaiah 41:10

2. Psalm 9:10

18. Proverbs 16:3

3. Isaiah 12:2

19. Joshua 1:9

4. Jeremiah 17:7-8

20. Hebrews 13:5

5. Isaiah 54:4

21. Psalm 40:4

6. Hebrews 13:8

22. Jeremiah 31:3

7. Mark 11:24

23. Hebrews 13:6

8. Romans 8:28

24. Luke 12:24

9. Psalm 118:8

25. 2 Corinthians 5:7

"Trust in the Lord

10. 2 Timothy 1:12

26. 1 John 5:14

11. Philippians 4:19

27. 1 Peter 5:7

12. Isaiah 26:4

28.Genesis 28:15

13. Proverbs 3:6

29. Proverbs 29:25

14. Psalm 62:1-2

30. Hebrews 11:6

15. Matthew 6:25

31. Deuteronomy 30:3-4

16. Mark 5:36

with all thine heart;

and lean not unto thine own understanding."

Proverbs 3:5 KJV

journaling prompts

Right now, do you feel close to God or far away? In what areas of your life do you find it difficult to put your trust in Him. Why do you think that is? Think back to a time in your life when you put your trust in God and he came through in a big way. How did that help you through the situation? What is one of the verses you can recite to yourself in times when your trust is weak? Commit it to memorization. READING TRUSTING IN GOD WWW.SITSTILLMYDAUGHTER.COM



1. Philippians 4:4

16. Luke 1:47

2. Romans 12:12

17. Isaiah 35:10

3. Romans 15:13

18. Isaiah 61:10

4. John 16:24

19. Acts 13:47-48

5. Romans 14:17

20. Psalm 30:5

6. 1 Peter 1:8

21. Hebrews 12:2

7. Psalm 94:19

22. 2 Corinthians 7:4

8. Jeremiah 15:16

23. 1 Thessalonians 1:6

9. 1 Chronicles 16:27

24. 1 Peter 4:13

10. Zephaniah 3:17

25. Proverbs 10:28

11. Luke 15:10

26. Proverbs 15:23

12. 3 John 1:4

27. Proverbs 17:22

13. John 15:10-11

28. Romans 12:15

14. James 1:2-4

29. 2 Corinthians 8:1-2

15. Philippians 2:1-2

30. Matthew 25:21

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"A man hath joy by the answer of his

mouth: and a word

spoken in due season, how good is it!"

Proverbs 15:23 KJV

journaling prompts

Sometimes it can be hard to find joy in everything, especially during heartache and trials in life but, with a little work, we can start to train ourselves to see joy even in the hard times. After reading the above scriptures, answer these questions: How do you know God has good, joy-filled plans for you? When you find it hard to feel joy, how can you find a spark of joy? Which verse above can you turn to in times when joy feels sucked out of you? READING COUNT IT ALL JOY WWW.SITSTILLMYDAUGHTER.COM

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We are Digital! only $6.99 and search for sit still my daughter

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. If not for Grace: The past can be a difficult place to leave but there is hope and healing. . Children & the Gospel: Sharing the gospel can be intimidating especially for

children, learn how to teach them to go with boldness.

. Home to Haven: She had a desire to help others turn their home into a lovely haven. and much more ...

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RELATIONSHIP MATTERS: A CREATIVE BIBLE STUDY JOURNAL Because your relationship with God matters.

AVAILABLE IN SPANISH OR ENGLISH ANALYZE AND APPLY Start the week with Sunday Sermon Notes. Then, dig deeper in God’s truth with the S.O.A.P. method (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer) of Bible study which helps you break down scripture into bite-sized information.

WEEKLY FAITH & GRATITUDE JOURNAL Journal your day and reflect on God’s promises and blessings in your life. Find gratitude in the every day occurances and say your prayers that are weighing on your heart. Use these pages to have a conversation with Him.

PLUS... • Beautifully designed Bible verse art to inspire you on your faith journey. Perfect for displaying as a reminder of God’s love for you. • Color-Code Scripture Guide • Bible Reading Checklist

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