r e t Sit Still my Daugh
Winter 2022 | Sit still my daughter 1
Winter 2022
learning to be still in a noisy world
If not for Grace there is healing from your past
Children & the Gospel Home to Haven
2 Sit still my daughter | Winter 2022
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Founder & Creative Director Sarah Schurman
Editorial Team Caroline Fike
Graphic Designers Jeri Stunkard Sarah Schurman
Cover Photo Sarah Schurman
Media Sources Adobe Stock Pexels Pixabay
Our mission is to help women discover who they are in Christ and the difference we can make when we simply allow God to work within us. This requires that we have a relationship with Him and we nurture our relationship by seeking Him, and we seek Him in the quiet place.
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From her desk The Christmas season is one of my favorites. Everything is beautifully decorated with jolly colors and dazzling lights that simply delight my soul. There is one downside to all of this excitement and that is the lines. Whether it is in the grocery stores or the mall, the lines are always longer than normal as people try to find the perfect gift that tells someone just how much they care. Inevitably there is one person who takes longer than usual due to either their abundance of items or their attempt to get the best deal possible by way of coupons, many of which cannot be used with others. This causes customers to have an extended waiting period beyond the already exasperating time forced upon them. These scenarios are typically met with a steamy attitude and a mind that is mulling over their growing “to do” list that remains to be accomplished when they leave the store. Finally, it is their turn to pay and they quickly dash out the door. It is true that they did wait in line but how they waited is another matter entirely. In Psalm 40:1 the psalmist uses an interesting phrase when it comes to waiting. I waited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. In Hebrew the word, “waited” means, “in waiting I waited.” The idea being conveyed is this. How we wait matters. Just like we wait in line with an impatient
attitude, we can do the same during those seasons where God has asked us to wait. The results are counterproductive because we are too focused on getting through the season that we miss the lessons God wants to teach us. Remember that there is a reward for those who are patient in waiting. The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. Lamentations 3:25 We can also be patient in our waiting because of the surety of God’s character. Notice the latter end of the verse in Psalm 40, “He inclined…He heard”. God is always aware of our circumstances, nothing ever goes unnoticed by Him and He never forgets about His beloved children. At the right moment, when everything we need to learn or experience has taken place, He will act and answer. Never forget that our season of waiting is never a waste; it is never for nothing because He is not a God of waste. There is a purpose to everything including the long waiting periods and He promises a reward to those who wait. At this moment we are awaiting the return of our Lord, we don’t know how long we must wait but we know that one day He will return and our season of waiting will be rewarded as we exchange faith for sight. Let’s be a people who are patiently waiting no matter what season we are in, trusting in our Heavenly Father who loved us so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die for us. This is the reason we can celebrate this season with great joy and have hope in our waiting.
Sarah Schurman Editor
Table of
10 No Matter What
Even though God seemingly had denied their request they chose to remain faithful.
42 I am a Missionary Her calling was to follow her husband whether that was stateside or beyond but she also learned that you can be a missionary anywhere.
22 Days of Waiting
When she was seven she signed her name to a homemade card that said she would never get married but God had other plans.
96 Home to Haven What began as a desire to gift three brides with a personalized gift turned into a hobby which eventually grew into a business.
108 Gospel Glimpses
She decided to read the Bible for herself and two years later she gave her heart to Christ but she wishes someone would have given her the gospel.
56 If Not for Grace How do you minister to those who have experienced an abortion? To those who are struggling to move past? That is what this non profit is all about.
For the Moms 74 Teaching Your Children to Share the Gospel We are to be soul winners, looking for ways to share the gospel with others but sometimes it can be intimidating especially for children. Learn how you can help them overcome their fears and be bold for Christ.
Of Interest
52 Mind and Soul
Read a few tips that can help your well-being.
116 Your Quiet Time
A few tools that can help your quiet time plus a three month Bible reading plan.
90 Finding Comfort in Jesus not Food Food is not our enemy but it was never intended to be our source of comfort.
In the Home 32 Pasta Delights On cold winter nights there is almost nothing better than a delicious bowl of pasta and Cook 2 Flourish has some wonderful recipes available.
8 Sit still my daughter | Winter 2022
The Colors of Christmas by Elaine Knotts
Oh the colors of Christmas How they do dazzle the eyes No matter how old or young you are, It makes you light up inside But if you look deeper at each color You’ll find a meaning that maybe you didn’t see. That red bow so pretty and neat, could represent The blood that Jesus shed for the sins of man, on Calvary. The white ribbon tied on the package under the tree, That reminds us of Jesus’s purity Some like to decorate with purple, it’s true, but when we think of Jesus it reminds us of His royalty and the praise He is due. So as you admire all the colors of Christmas, And what they mean to you, remember that it Started with a babe in a manger who came to be born to die, for me and you.
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by Sarah Schurman So often, when we make the com-
mitment to serve God with our life, there is an unspoken expectation that accompanies this decision, that God will be more inclined to grant our prayer requests. Our assumption doubles when our request is a good one such as marriage or children versus a want like a better car or job. When this petition is denied there is a possibility of our wondering why we received a no which could lead to a buildup of resentment and even cause us to lose our zeal for the Lord. When God says “no”, we are tempted to believe He doesn’t love us and this temptation has the potential to grow stronger when we see others receiving what our soul desires, specifically if they are not “serving” like we are. For some, this
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Winter 2022 | Sit still my daughter 13 denied request can send them in a different direction, on a journey of self-reflection, examining their hearts to see if there is an internal reason for His answer. While this is not always a bad thing, taking a moment and looking within, if the reason is done solely for the purpose of altering God’s answer, it is wrong. The Lord will not be manipulated under any circumstances. A mature believer understands that God is not obligated to grant every petition brought before Him just because of a life dedicated to Him. They also recognize that a “no” to a request does not mean He doesn’t love them, in fact, it is a sign of just how much He does care for us. God is always good, which means that His “no’s” are as well. An important truth we must remember is that a “yes” cannot be earned and one’s character is not the basis for answered prayer. We see a beautiful example of this in the life of Elisabeth. "There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.
And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. And they had no child, because that Elisabeth was barren, and they both were now well stricken in years." Luke 1:5-7 In a time when a woman’s value often stemmed from her ability to produce a son, there must have been a longing in her heart for a child of her own yet she didn’t let her lack hinder or even prevent her from following diligently after God. It did not stop her from faithfully serving Him all of her days. It could be argued that if anyone deserved a “yes” it was Elisabeth, a woman descended from the direct line of Aaron. She was married to a godly man whose entire life was dedicated to serving God as well. Surely there was no couple more worthy of receiving a granted petition, a child, yet here they were well advanced in years still without an heir. Still, this husband and wife had determined long ago to be faithful to God and His service no matter what. They had lived this principle in their youth and now into their golden years. But just because
14 Sit still my daughter | Winter 2022 God has said “no” right now does not mean it will not become a “yes” later as it did for this couple. Often at the most unexpected time God will grant us the desire of our heart right in the midst of our serving and seeking Him as it was for Zacharias. He was in the midst of executing his duties in the temple, burning incense before the Lord when the angel Gabriel appeared with a special message. "But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John. And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth." Luke 1:13-14 Here it is revealed that they had long prayed for a child, a request that had been heard by God but would be answered in His perfect timing, which was now. This is also a sweet reminder to us to continue
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in prayer, that no petition is tossed out but carefully reviewed by our Heavenly Father. He takes the time to consider our request and determines if it is the best for us. Then He decides, if it is a “yes”, just when is the right time to answer it. For Elisabeth, the time was now, when she was well stricken in years. What must have gone through her mind as her husband, through silent motions, remember he was unable to speak, shared the message from the angel Gabriel. She who had been barren all her life was about to be a mother, in a season when all hope was gone. But that is one of the marvelous things about our God, there is always. He is the source and giver of all hope. What a delightful truth on which to pause and meditate on. Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. Romans 15:13 It is imperative that we understand Elisabeth’s service and faith in God was not determined by His actions toward her. She remained loyal to the Lord, not because He had granted her every request or guaranteed her a perfect life, but because she loved
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Winter 2022 | Sit still my daughter 17 and feared Him above all else. She was a woman with a right focus and so in tune with her Heavenly Father that she understood the meaning of her son’s reaction in the womb to Mary’s visit. " And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy." Luke 1:42-43 This is one of the characteristics that define a woman who serves God no matter what. She is one who has devoted her life to knowing God, to learning all that she can about the One who created her. Elisabeth was also a woman who understood that God was not giving her a child because she had finally done enough to earn it. This is a critical detail to understand because we can have this false belief that our service to God entitles us to a blessing. That is complete-
ly false. This idea is dangerous because it can cause our service to Him to fail when things don’t go according to our plan or timeline. Elisabeth’s “no matter what” attitude was based, not on God’s treatment of her, but on the truth of His character. He is always good and His will is always best. A woman who has spent her life seeking to know the Lord will be motivated and able to serve Him, to remain faithful to Him and His calling for her life, no matter what, because she trusts in Him with her whole heart. This should be our desire as women of God, it should be our defining quality, that we are committed to Him no matter what. No matter how many of our dreams, good dreams, go unfulfilled. No matter how many trials we may go through. No matter how much loss we may endure. A woman who knows God is a woman who can trust in His unchanging character, resting in the assurance of this truth and living with the goal of hearing these words spoken to us when we stand before our King, “Well done thou good and faithful servant”.
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“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine:” Prov. 17:22
Excerpt from a cat's Day 683 of my captivity: my captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomited on the floor. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. The audacity! There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noise and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to my power of "allergies". I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage. Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow, but at the top of the stairs. I am convinced that the other prisoners here are snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released and he seems more than willing to return! He is obviously retarded. The bird has got to be an informant, I observed him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. The captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe, for now. But I can wait. It is only a matter of time!
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Two elderly women were out driving a large car. Both could barely see over the dashboard. As they were cruising along, they came to an intersection. The stoplight was red, but they just went on through. The woman in the passenger seat thought to herself, "I must be losing it. I could have sworn we just went through a red light." After a few more minutes, they came to another intersection, and the light was red again. They went right through it. This time, the woman in the passenger seat was almost sure that the light had been red and was really concerned that she was losing it. She was getting nervous and decided to pay very close attention to the road and the next intersection to see what was going on. At the next intersection, the light was definitely red, and sure enough, they went right through again. She turned to the other woman and said, "Mildred!
Did you know we just ran through
three red lights in a row? You could have killed us!"
Mildred turned to her and
said, "Oh my, am I driving?"
22 Sit still my daughter | Winter 2022
by Julia Houck “Mommy, I just want to get married and be a mom like you,” my little six-year-old said, wrapping her arms around my neck and laying her head on my chest. I bent down quietly and kissed the top of her head, saying nothing for a moment; I just prayed silently to the Lord asking Him for wisdom. I was thankful for her honest confession, but something about it concerned me. “That’s not a bad thing, sweetheart,” I began, “But right now you just need to enjoy being a little girl. You’re only six. What you need to focus on is being happy and content just where God has you—right now. You can enjoy the wonderful things He allows you to experience every beautiful day.” You see, happiness, fulfillment, and joy, do not come from self-discovery, or attaining long-sought goals, or even marrying the perfect man and having beautiful children. Perfect joy—perfect peace comes from be-
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ing settled in the sunshine of God’s favor and finding your joy by trusting Him alone. (Isaiah 26:3) What I was trying to communicate to my young daughter is stated so perfectly in Psalm 16:11: “Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.”
above: my mother and I right: we are engaged!
I hugged her close and sent her off to continue playing dolls with her younger sister. As I stood to return to my task of folding the heap of laundry on the couch, I prayed again, asking the Lord for wisdom to know how to help my little girl to simply trust Him and obey. It was difficult for me to relate to her desire at such a young age. As a young girl at the prompting of my older sister, I had signed in blood (or more practically, red pen) a note stating I would never get married. My daddy kept that little naive promise tucked away for years in his sock drawer. I would often pull it out to remind myself of my “solemn promise” while dusting my parents’ bedroom furniture.
will before the desire to be married even awoke in my heart. As I entered college, I had no desire to date around. I prayed earnestly that the Lord would allow the first man I dated to “be the one.”
As a young woman, it took my surrendering to God’s
Sometimes God says “no” to well-intended prayers
Winter 2022 | Sit still my daughter 25 and this was one of those prayers. After the first broken relationship, many years of waiting after graduation, and then another broken relationship, I resorted to being the “Baptist nun” of the Christian camp where I was serving. Once again, I had to surrender my desires and allow the Lord to be the One from whom I found my joy. I had to “rest in the sunshine of God’s favor.” But… I had a mother who knew the growing desire of my heart to be a loving wife and momma. She also knew that those desires were from the Lord and not from seeking for self-satisfaction or gratification. I had a mother who knew how to commune through earnest faithful prayers to her Heavenly Father on my behalf. Her journals from the summer that I met my future husband were a beautiful unfolding of specific answers to her prayers as she recorded how the Lord brought my husband and me together. We met at the Christian camp where I was serving. He was a teen sponsor and I was the camp hostess. Our conversations were brief and our interaction that week was very limited. But, as a result of the conver-
sations we did have, Nathan recognized that we had common beliefs and foundational desires. During his week there, he worked very hard around the camp. He also demonstrated a very sweet relationship with his mother who had accompanied him as a sponsor. These traits brought him to the attention of my mother who began to pray that perhaps the Lord would bring the two of us together. Her heart’s desire and prayer focus for years had been the Lord’s provision of a godly husband for me. I am forever grateful to her for her faithful prayers on my behalf; the richness and joy that I experience in my marriage now, is a result of my mother’s faithful prayers. She was not the only one who had thought perhaps the Lord might put the two of us together. That week, Nathan’s assistant Pastor approached my parents privately and “put in a good word” on Nathan’s behalf. The Lord was also working in Nathan’s heart, he was interested in the idea of the two of us getting to know one another but was concerned about the effectiveness of a long-distance relationship. I was in Wisconsin and he would be returning to Pennsylvania. We were both older and had been through some difficult rela-
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tionships in the past. He did not want to risk hurting me by trying to grow a relationship under these challenging circumstances. This concern weighed on him during the week as he wrestled with it in his heart before the Lord. At the end of the week, just before making the 18hour drive home with a van full of tired teenagers, Nathan stepped out in faith and asked my dad for permission to correspond with me. Without hesitation, my father agreed and even encouraged him to do so. That weekend my father told me of his conversation with Nathan the last night of camp. At first, I was very scared, I did not want to put in the time and vulnerability required to develop a relationship, only to be disappointed and hurt again. I was nearing my thirtieth birthday and I was ready for some stability
above: Nathan tearing up my childhood note. right: our wedding day. in my heart and life. I immediately called my sister and asked her to pray with me that the Lord would guide in this matter. We prayed together that the Lord would give clear direction early in the relationship. We prayed that, if the Lord wanted me to continue correspondence with Nathan, that he would write to me of his desire within two weeks. That was a long two weeks filled with earnest prayer.
28 Sit still my daughter | Winter 2022 Even in that request the Lord tested my faith and patience. It was not until 11 pm on the final day of those two weeks that I received an email from Nathan asking if we could correspond with one another to see if the Lord would bring us together as husband and wife. I was relieved to receive his letter and with such a clear answer to my prayers I went into the relationship confident that the Lord was leading and directing. The Lord guided and directed so clearly through the following months as we corresponded. There were no doubts. As the relationship progressed, peace was felt in each parental heart. The Lord truly brought us together. I marvel now at how perfectly we are paired, only God could create two people who fit so well together.
above: I love him so much. right: our beautiful family.
Winter 2022 | Sit still my daughter 29 We are perfectly paired, but like any couple, we each possess our own imperfections. Despite our faults and sometimes disagreements, my mother’s journals and specific answers to prayer confirm in my heart over and over again that I am married to the one man God had me for! This Truth gives me such peace in my marriage as I know I am fulfilling God’s plan for my life. As my mother would lovingly remind me during days of waiting discouragement, “there only has to be one young man.” It was simply the practice of resting in the Lord until He brought us together. Our story proves to me every day that, “every good and perfect gift is from Above.” (James 1:17) Though we fail, though we change, by God’s grace, He has remained our center and He remains unchangeable. My mother’s devotional journal said it beautifully, as she reflected on the Scriptural truth that we are “strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man…” (Ephesians 3:16). We are strengthened to go on, we are strengthened to go up, we are strengthened to go down, and we are strengthened to sit still. The Lord is our strength in every stage in our life, and our
sufficiency is found in God alone. As I arranged the folded laundry into the basket, I prayed quietly again, entreating my Shepherd to help me trust Him as I seek to teach my children to rest in Him for every circumstance in which they find themselves. I could hear the happy chatter of my girls caring for their little dolls. I thought of how vital it is for me to teach them now to “Trust in the Lord with all their hearts and not to lean on their own understanding…” (Proverbs 3:5-6) And also how they must realize the deceptiveness of their own feelings or what they believe their hearts to be saying. (Jeremiah 17:9) The Lord does give light to our paths (Psalm 119:105) and has a direction for our steps (Psalm 37:23). I must realize “Prayer is the key to heaven, and faith unlocks the door.” (Robert L. Sande) Right now, my little six-year-old must relish each day of her childhood. As she grows and matures, I have the opportunity as her mother to give her the greatest assurance of her discovery of God’s will. To teach her to pray and to pray for her.
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Don't forget to visit Robin's website for more recipes and helpful tips: www.cook2flourish.com or follow her on instagram @cook2flourish
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by Robin Cook Cook 2 Flourish
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Creamy Parmesan Chicken Pasta Serves 4
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1.5 lb. organic chicken breasts (about 3 chicken breasts), seasoned to taste 1/2- 1 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1/2- 1 cup organic chicken broth 1/2 cup onion, diced 3 garlic cloves, minced 3/4 cup frozen peas 1 cup packed organic kale, thinly sliced
Sauce: • 8 cup cauliflower florets • 1 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil • 1/2 cup organic chicken broth • 1/4 cup regular or dairy free parmesan, divided • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder Plus: 2 cups dry penne lentil pasta* 1 teaspoon fresh parsley, minced (or dried)
Directions: 1. Grease a skillet with ½-1 Tablespoon extra virgin olive oil and place the chicken breasts in the skillet. Turn the heat to medium and season the chicken to taste with spices like sea salt, pepper, garlic and parsley or thyme. Add 1/2 cup chicken broth and cover, adding more liquid as needed. Turn the chicken to lightly brown on both sides and cook until juices run clear and the chicken is thoroughly cooked. 2. While the chicken is cooking, bring a pot of water to a boil with a steamer basket and steam the cauliflower until it is tender enough to purée. Reserve the water once it is steamed. 3. Transfer the chicken breasts to a plate to rest for a few minutes. If the skillet is dry, add a little chicken broth and saute the onion and garlic until softened after about 4-5 minutes. Add in the peas to defrost and lightly wilt the kale for 2-3 minutes. Turn off the heat. 4. Chop the chicken breasts into bite sized pieces (or to your liking), and add them back into the skillet with the veggies. Put the lid on to keep it warm. 5. Transfer the cauliflower to a blender. Remove the steamer basket in the pot, and add additional water to boil for the pasta. Once boiling, add the 2 cups of dry pasta. Cook pasta according to the package’s directions. 6. In a blender, purée the cauliflower, 1 Tablespoon olive oil, ½ cup chicken broth, 2 Tablespoons of parmesan, sea salt, pepper and garlic powder. It should become like thin mashed potatoes or a gravy consistency. 7. Pour the cream sauce into the skillet with the chicken and veggies. Stir in the parsley and pasta once it is drained. Garnish with the remaining parmesan cheese, if desired, and serve! *Note: If using lentil or garbanzo bean pasta, it can be helpful to drain the pasta once cooked then rinse off any foam and drain it again before eating.
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Slow Cooker Chicken Marinara Serves 4 • • • • • •
2 lb. organic boneless, skinless chicken thighs, seasoned to taste 2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, divided 1 Tablespoon Italian herb seasoning 3-5 garlic cloves, minced 1 onion, sliced 8 oz. organic button mushrooms, quartered
• • • • • •
3 Tablespoons basil leaves, divided 1 cup black olives, sliced (optional) 2 (24 oz) jars organic marinara sauce (no sugar added) 3/4 - 1 cup water 1-2 packages gluten free spaghetti noodles, cooked Regular or dairy free parmesan, optional to garnish
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Directions: 1. Before adding the chicken to the slow cooker, pour 1 Tablespoon of the olive oil into a skillet on medium heat and place the chicken in the pan. Season the chicken to taste with spices like sea salt, pepper, garlic powder and parsley. Lightly brown the chicken on both sides. Turn off the heat and transfer the chicken to a slow cooker. 2. Turn the slow cooker on low with the chicken in it, and add the remaining olive oil, Italian herb
seasoning (I use one that is all herbs- no salt or MSG added), garlic, onion, mushrooms, 2 Tablespoons of torn basil, olives, both jars of marinara and water. Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours. 3. Cook pasta according to the package directions, or use cooked spaghetti squash or zoodles, then serve the chicken marinara on top. Garnish with parmesan and fresh basil leaves, if desired.
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Southwest Fajitas & Spaghetti Squash
Serves 4
• • • • • • • •
1. In a slow cooker, place the chicken, peppers, onion, spices, salsa and water and cook on low for 6-8 hours. 2. In a large glass bowl, scoop out the hot squash “pasta” and add in the beans. If the squash is cold, scoop it out into a skillet, add the beans and warm them up on the stove before proceeding.
4 organic chicken breasts 2 Italian peppers sliced 1 onion, sliced 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 tablespoon taco spice 1 jar (24 oz) mild or medium salsa 24 oz. water
Cilantro Lime Spaghetti Squash: • • • • • • • • • •
8 cups spaghetti squash, cooked 1/2 cup BPA free canned black or pinto beans 1 Tablespoon melted coconut oil 2 teaspoons fresh lime juice 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 1/8 teaspoon black pepper Organic lime zest, optional 1/2 cup organic cilantro, chopped and divided 1/4 cup sprouted pumpkin seeds
3. In a small bowl, stir together the oil, lime juice, garlic, salt, pepper and lime zest. Pour the dressing over the squash and beans. Add in the cilantro, then toss. 4. Plate the squash, then top with the fajitas. Garnish with pumpkin seeds and additional cilantro, if desired. Enjoy!
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By Chrysta Barfield
I consider myself an unlikely missionary. I did not
grow up hearing about the missionaries that other kids had heard about. I was saved when I was 19. And God can even use someone like me. My 18-yearold self entering college would not have recognized 23-year-old me living on the mission field. I have learned many things during my years serving as a missionary. I think the biggest lesson has been that “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8. This is my favorite verse, and it has been proven true over and over during my adventure. My husband Matt and I have been serving the Lord together as missionaries for the past 20 years. We have lived overseas and now serve with the US as our base. We have learned another language and adapted to a foreign culture. We took our first baby boy with us to the Middle East and returned home with two additional little boys who were born on the
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44 Sit still my daughter | Winter 2022 field. We have endured sicknesses, heartaches, separations and even expulsion from a field. We have had our plans change unexpectedly and been blessed beyond anything we could have chosen ourselves. We have learned to trust the Lord when the future is uncertain, and we have learned to trust each other when the mission field is a lonely, foreign place. We have learned the joy of giving beyond what we thought able and running at a faster pace than we ever dreamed possible. Calling my life an adventure is not an overstatement. Matt and I were married right after we graduated from college in 2001. While we were open to whatever the Lord had for us, our plan was for Matt to attend law school while I stayed at home with the family we prayed would come. During Matt’s second semester in law school, we attended a preaching conference during spring break. At that conference, Matt clearly felt God call him into missions. When he asked me if I also felt called to be a missionary, I
told him that I was called to be his wife. And that was enough. That may sound strange. You might be thinking, wait, YOU weren’t actually called? How did you know it was God’s will? How could you be certain? You can’t serve without a call! You are right. I am not taking lightly the idea of a call to missions. Not every lady’s story will look like mine. I have several dear friends who serve the Lord without a husband. God called them to be like Amy Carmichael and Mary Slessor. That is a tremendous calling, and God gives each soul what it needs to accomplish His will. You can trust Him. He is not a God of frustration or uncertainty. He is the God of 2 Timothy 1:7. He will make His will clear and enable you to do what He has planned. All grace, All sufficiency–He promises it. My calling is to be Matt Barfield’s wife. Our
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lives are intertwined. When I married Matt, I vowed to follow him. And even before that, I knew that I could trust him. With my very life. He was my best friend. I wanted to be where he was, doing what he was doing. Marriage to Matt was my calling. I was willing to submit to what God had planned for our life together, so our missionary adventure began.
left: our wedding day. far top: our trip to Lebanon in 2002. above: With missionary friends during our trip to Lebanon in 2002
While Matt knew it was God’s will for us to be missionaries, we did not have a specific country of calling. We started praying and researching. Our home church was connected with a mission board called International Partnership Ministries (IPM). The primary focus of IPM is partnering with foreign missionaries around the world. We met with them and a survey trip to Lebanon was planned.
46 Sit still my daughter | Winter 2022 We had such an amazing trip. We met the missionary family and fell in love with the church and people. The culture fascinated us, and the food was amazing. There were clear opportunities for us to jump in and serve, and we were confident that this was where God wanted us to be. After a super-fast, blessed deputation, we, now with a baby in tow, flew to Lebanon. We were refused entry into the country. Without explanation. Heartbroken, we flew home. Had we misunderstood God’s calling? What would we do next? Our hearts ached for a home we had not been allowed to know. We cried and prayed together, and we sought godly counsel for our next, unforeseen step. In retrospect, even in this, God was showing us that He had a plan and that His Grace was more than enough. It was recommended that, while we waited for an answer, Matt make a survey trip with our pastor and a potential co-laborer from Lebanon. They would visit a language school in Jordan with the idea of us studying Arabic there while we waited. I will never forget Matt’s phone call from Jordan. It was a Thursday. He said, “The timing is tight, but God is in this. I am flying home on Sunday, and we are flying back to Jordan the next day.” I had four days. Matt flew home, we quickly regrouped, and flew to Jordan. We landed on a Tuesday night, and we were in language classes the next morning. Why so fast? Well, the language school had just started its spring semester. Drop/Add ended the following Wednesday. If we waited until the Fall semester, we had a problem. Our second son, John, was due in August. We would have to sit on our hands and wait an entire year for the following Spring semester. Matt was confident that it was God’s will, and I was confident that I could trust and follow Matt. We arrived on the day Drop/Add ended. We literally squeaked in on the only timing that would make language school possible. Our Jordanian adventure began. We fell in love with our new home. In addition to language school, we partnered with a local pastor in ministering in his church, and Matt helped him to start a Bible Institute. John and then Leo joined our family. Jordan is where I learned to cook.
Winter 2022 | Sit still my daughter 47 far left: pictures of our time serving in Jordan from 2004 to 2006. We were at the Red Sea. left: our Jordanian Church family. below: Shortly after our return to the US while Matt was sick, Spring 2007.
I remember looking at a whole raw chicken and asking God to show me what to do with it. Our church became our overseas family, just as God promises in Matthew 19:29. “And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold…” I loved our time living in the desert. And then Matt got sick. He was diagnosed with parasites, and after almost a year of him not getting better, it was decided that we had to come back to the US. This was a very hard time. Jordan was our home. How could it be God’s plan for missionaries who love serving Him to get sick and have to leave the field? I remember asking Matt in tears if the goodbyes ever got easier. He gently reassured me that they do not get easier. But it makes our hearts bigger. So, we came back to the US. For an additional six months, we prayed and fasted. When it looked like no hope was to be found, Matt’s health was restored.
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We praised God for healing Matt, and we prayed about our next step. Again, God showed us that His grace could make us abound, even when our plans, once again, had been changed. Our ministry shifted, and, instead of living overseas, God made the US our base. Matt is now the Vice President of Field Ministries with IPM, and he oversees our missionaries around the world. He has visited over thirty countries. Pre-COVID, Matt could be gone as much as six months out of the year. We are still missionaries, but now we have the entire world as our focus. But how do I fit into this new role? Am I still a
missionary? I have struggled with this from time to time. Matt gets to go overseas and do exciting missionary work. I change diapers and do laundry. I dry tears and help with homework. I had to realize that missionary work is not a cookie cutter picture. God has blessed us with eight children, all of whom are eager to serve alongside us in the ministry. After 20 years of no answers as to why we could not enter Lebanon, we are now allowed to enter the country. Our son, John, is currently ministering and learning there. He is serving alongside the very missionary family with whom we had planned to serve. Our missionary work
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farthest left: teaching English and serving on our trip to Myanmar in 2018. far left: Matt and Jordan in Lebanon Summer 2022. lower left: our current international group. left: my husband and I. below: our children in 2021, a rare opportunity to have them all together!
has grown bigger than either Matt or I dreamed. I teach my kids how to find Daddy on a globe. Seriously. My littlest ones can find Myanmar and Ghana on a globe. I let the kids help with the international ministries at our home church. I teach them that serving the Lord is the best thing in the world. I sing in Swahili with the Central Africans in our local church. I teach ESL to refugees trying to figure out how they fit into this very foreign land. I help in the Filipino Sunday school class and attend our Russian speaker’s prayer meetings. I hold babies and hug ladies and pray with people from other cultures. I even got to go with Matt on one of his trips overseas.
I realized that I am still a missionary, and that my life is very much still an adventure. Most importantly, I have learned that He is still able to make me abound to every good work.
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Your Mind...
Thy word have I hid in mine heart... Psalm 119:11
What we choose to memorize is ours forever, no one can ever take it away. To hide God's Word in our hearts ensures that we have access to His truth whenever we need it. Over the course of the next three months try to memorize the verses below. We will only be able to defeat our enemy by holding fast to the truths found in the Word of God about our God. In moments of temptation, the Holy Spirit will bring the verses we need to mind that will aid us in being victorious.
Proverbs 3:13-18 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honour. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her.
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& Your Soul
Be still, and know that I am God... Psalm 46:10
Our body is the temple of the Lord and entrusted into our care. Self-care is not selfish when it is done to rest the body and renew the spirit so we are ready to serve God with our best. Taking a moment to care for yourself does not need to be a huge thing but can be a few simple things.
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Winter 2022 | Sit still my daughter 55 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. 1 Peter 3:4
• A lady does not telephone someone at a terribly early or extremely late hour unless it is an emergency. She is also careful to try to avoid making calls to a person during what may be a dinner hour. • When a lady makes her way down a row in a crowded theater, she faces the people who are already in their seats. A lady never forces others to stare at her backside. • A lady always says something nice about someone or just doesn't speak of him or her at all. A lady lets people form their own opinions of others. taken from the book: How to Be a Lady by Candace Simpson-Giles
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By Renae Kitchin Director of If not for Grace ministries
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Melanie** looked up from
the blue couch in our office with eyes so full of pain it broke our hearts. She had been abused and abandoned so many times in her life, she had lost count. Desperate for love and affection, she went from one risky relationship to another, hoping this time things would be different. When she found out she was pregnant she was excited at first. Cautiously she approached her partner with the news, secretly hoping he would embrace her, tell her he loved her, and they
would be together and raise the baby. Unfortunately, she was met with hot, angry words of blame and accusation. With threats of harm, and nowhere to turn, she scheduled the abortion appointment. The clinic was cold and business-like. No one seemed to really want to listen to her, and all ignored the tears streaming down her face. After a brief talk with the staff, she was given a tiny little cup with a pill to take. Then she was
handed a small brown bag to take home with more pills to finish the process. “You will feel slight cramping for a few hours. Maybe some light bleeding, but it will all be over soon.” she was told. Nothing could have prepared her for the horror of the next twelve hours. When it was all said and done, Melanie lay limp in her room, exhausted. At first, there was relief, but the wave of emotions she felt in the days and weeks ahead almost consumed her. Every time she saw yet another baby announcement on social media, or experienced overwhelming grief when walking by the baby aisle at the store, her heart and mind were pushed to dark places. No one seemed to care. No one would listen. She felt all alone. This story and hundreds more have walked through our doors in the last nineteen years. Statistics
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tell us that one in four women will have an abortion in her lifetime. Time and time again we hear stories of desperation, regret and shame. In 2003 our founding Director, Lori Driggs, stepped out in faith to walk with women who were suffering after an abortion. Fueled by her own abortion experience and healing journey, she knew countless others needed help. Eventually, her efforts led her to officially start If Not For Grace Ministries in 2008. Since that time INFG has served hundreds of women, men, and families as they reach for a place of restoration and healing.
The current social climate has been volatile when addressing this issue. There is a divide deeper than the ocean separating both sides. Many find it uncomfortable and divisive even to address. Those who would say they are pro-choice are passionate about
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women’s rights. Birthed out of years of frustrating injustice, imbalance, and abuse of power, this stance recognizes that women are left holding all the cards when pregnancy occurs. Our societal systems have time and time again failed to support women in general. Those who would say they are pro-life are passionate about the life of the unborn; they believe what it says in Psalm 139:13-14, For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. They hold fast to the belief that life begins at conception and that every life deserves the chance to grow into who God intended them to be. The rhetoric from the world that has been swirling for many years, says “my body, my choice.” What we are experiencing as a ministry, is that women and men alike, are sorely uneducated as to what can and often does happen to them after making the abortion decision. When their experience does not align with the world’s narrative that life will be better and you will feel relieved, they are suddenly abandoned, called mentally ill, and ridiculed. It’s their body their
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choice until their body or mind doesn’t react the way “they” want.
us is that the effects of abortion are far-reaching and require grace-filled care.
After an abortion, many will deal with Post Abortion Stress Syndrome. Presenting like PTSD, PASS can be devastating to someone’s life without recognition and help. Women and men who have participated in an abortion will often deal with these symptoms not realizing how they are tied to their abortions.
If Not For Grace Ministries was founded on Isaiah 61:1-3
The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; It is our hope that as we address some of these To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day issues in our clients’ lives, they will begin to make the of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; connection that many of these symptoms are tied to To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto their abortion decision or, at very least, to the circum- them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the stances that led to their abortion decisions. We know garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they that in every abortion story there are men involved might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the and impacted. Some men were active in the deciLord, that he might be glorified. sion, some were passive, and some never even knew a child was lost. In the last few years, we have seen an With this Biblical Mandate, we have been increase in men seeking healing and support. It has commanded to have compassion and grace so we can been an honor to watch many reconcile with their serve those who are hurting without judgment and spouses, partners, and others. What this has proven to accusation. Our goal has always been to meet people where they are and bring truth and light to their darkness. With the use of weekly support groups, INFG is able to walk intentionally through the healing process with those we serve. We work on the issues like anger, shame, denial and forgiveness. Often our clients have never heard someone else’s abortion story, and something powerful happens when they participate in the journey with others. We have seen clients deal with extreme isolation for years, having built up a wall of protection. They keep people at arm's length to protect their hearts and their secret. There is beauty in watching the community and connection that is birthed out of these groups. We have heard it described as a sisterhood…a sisterhood of healing and freedom. We also offer our Reconciliation Weekends. This Friday night through Sunday morning retreat is open to all who have been impacted by abortion. Whether the mother, father, spouse, grandparent, sister, etc., this weekend can be an important and crucial
62 Sit still my daughter | Winter 2022 step in one’s healing process. This weekend is held in Missouri and culminates in a thoughtful and personal memorial service giving honor and dignity to those lost children. Our Next Steps program has become a vital part of our ministry model. When people live in secrecy and shame, they are often isolated and lonely. They are often not plugged into a local church community or friend group. We seek to offer a safe place for them to build safe community connections, grow in their understanding of God and His Word and explore the gifts, talents, and purposes God has given them! It is beautiful to see God’s truth pierce hearts and see lives transformed! Healing is complicated and can be a challenging process. In our years of ministry, we have been reminded time and time again of how complex and complicated the abortion issue is. It only takes hearing a few stories to understand the decision and the after-effects are never a one size fits all scenario. One
of our biggest challenges is to help others within our Christian community engage with grace as they talk about this issue. Sometimes in our Christian bubbles, we forget we don’t always know someone’s story. With the abortion statistics so high, likely many in our close circle carry this secret. Our hope is that all who say they are Christ-followers would always speak with grace and compassion, that they would be safe places to share and would be an extension of Jesus’ hands and feet. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve so many women and men. Women like Melanie who have had the chains of shame and depression lifted off their hearts and see their lives restored to a place of purpose and joy. Melanie now uses her story to share the hope of the gospel to those in her family, church, and community and she has seen God work miracles in their lives as they hear her story of transformation. She is now able to live, love and serve abundantly because of the freedom she has found. This is why we exist, to take what the enemy meant for evil and turn
Winter 2022 | Sit still my daughter 63 it into good for God’s glory–to make beauty from ashes. If you or someone you know is struggling after an abortion experience. We encourage you to reach out. Whether to us or any other abortion healing resource. We want you to know that you are LOVED. We want you to know you can find forgiveness, freedom, and purpose through the healing process. We want you to know that God is with you, ready to welcome you with His loving arms. We want you to know YOU ARE NOT ALONE. For more information, to ask questions, or to learn how you can help visit www.infg.org or call 866-7217881. A few other helpful resources include www. optionline.org/after-abortion-support and www. supportafterabortion.com **Name changed for confidentiality.
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Christmas flowers Hypericum Berries
The Hypericum comes in red, green, and white berries. But, these "berries" actually flower before producing berries. The name “hypericum” is Greek for the two words hyper, meaning above, and eikon, meaning picture. The ancient world would traditionally hang plants over images, pictures, and windows.
Poinsettia is synonymous with Christmas. These flowering beauties are available in the traditional red or white but are available in a variety of colors such as pink, candy cane (red and white stripes), and yellow. Poinsettia, over the years, has come to symbolize the Star of Bethlehem due to its star shape, while the bright red color represents the blood of Jesus Christ.
Red Carnations
Maybe not the flower you would typically think of for Christmas. However, consider this: a red carnation symbolizes love, admiration, and friendship—so not a bad choice to add to your Christmas arrangements.
Although a tropical flower, the Amaryllis makes a perfect Christmas flower because it blooms throughout November and December. These flowers symbolize beauty and surprise. However, Victorians believed the flower symbolized pride and vanity.
The symbolism of the holly bush dates back to the ancient Druids. They believed the plant to be a symbol of everlasting life. Adding Holly to Christmas has become a symbol in the everlasting life through Jesus Christ.
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Winter 2022 | Sit still my daughter 69 I was at the corner grocery store buying some early potatoes. I noticed a small boy, delicate of bone and feature, ragged but clean, hungrily apprizing a basket of freshly picked green peas.
"They are good, Barry. How's your Ma?" "Fine. Gittin' stronger all the time." "Good. Anything I can help you with?"
I paid for my potatoes, but was also drawn to the display of fresh green peas. I am a pushover for creamed peas and new potatoes. Pondering the peas, I couldn't help overhearing the conversation between Mr. Miller (the store owner) and the ragged boy next to me. "Hello Barry, how are you today?" "Hello, Mr. Miller. Fine, thank ya. Just admiring them peas. They sure look good."
"No, Sir. Just admirin' them peas." ''Would you like to take some home?" asked Mr. Miller. "No, Sir. Got nuthin' to pay for them with." "Well, what have you to trade me for some of those peas?" "All I got's my prize marble here."
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"Is that right? Let me see it" said Miller. "Here 'tis. She's a dandy." "I can see that. Hmmmmm, only thing is, this one is blue and I sort of go for red. Do you have a red one like this at home?" the store owner asked.
boys like him in our community, all three are in very poor circumstances. Jim just loves to bargain with them for peas, apples, tomatoes, or whatever. When they come back with their red marbles, and they always do, he decides he doesn't like red after all and he sends them home with a bag of produce for a green marble or an orange one, when they come on their next trip to the store."
"Not exactly but almost." "Tell you what. Take this sack of peas home with you and next trip this way, let me look at that red marble", Mr. Miller told the boy.
I left the store smiling to myself, impressed with this man.
"Sure will. Thanks Mr. Miller."
A short time later I moved to Colorado , but I never forgot the story of this man, the boys, and their bartering for marbles.
Mrs. Miller, who had been standing nearby, came over to help me. With a smile said, "There are two other
Several years went by, each more rapid than the previous one. Just recently I had occasion to visit some
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old friends in that Idaho community and while I was there I learned that Mr. Miller had died. They were having his visitation that evening and knowing my friends wanted to go, I agreed to accompany them. Upon arrival at the mortuary we fell into line to meet the relatives of the deceased and to offer what ever words of comfort we could. Ahead of us in line were three young men. One was in an army uniform and the other two wore nice haircuts, dark suits and white shirts... all very professional looking. They approached Mrs. Miller, standing composed and smiling by her husband's casket. Each of the young men hugged her, kissed her on the cheek, spoke briefly with her and moved on to the casket. Her misty light blue eyes followed them as, one by one, each young man stopped briefly and placed his own warm hand over the cold pale hand in the casket. Our turn came to meet Mrs. Miller. I told her who I
was and reminded her of the story from those many years ago and what she had told me about her husband's bartering for marbles. With her eyes glistening, she took my hand and led me to the casket. "Those three young men who just left were the boys I told you about. They just told me how they appreciated the things Jim 'traded' them." "Now, at last, when Jim could not change his mind about color or size... they came to pay their debt." "We've never had a great deal of the wealth of this world," she confided, "but right now, Jim would consider himself the richest man in Idaho". With loving gentleness she lifted the lifeless fingers of her deceased husband. Resting underneath were three exquisitely shiny red marbles.
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Our lives have dramatically shifted over the
by Sarah Schurman and Janice Butler
Christian Learning Centers of Greenville County
last century. CD’s and DVD’s are becoming a thing of the past replaced by ever-developing digital technology. Planning a road trip is as easy as entering a destination in the GPS and groceries can now be ordered for pickup or delivery. As we watch in amazement and perhaps a little shock at the constant changes, one thing remains the same: people still need the gospel. It is the final command spoken by Jesus to His disciples before ascending into the heavens. "And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
76 Sit still my daughter | Winter 2022 baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." Matthew 28:18-20 For believers, life is not about us; we have been given one main task here on earth and that is to share the gospel with those who are lost. We are called to be salt and light in this world, to share the glorious news of God’s great love that caused Him to send His only begotten Son into the world so that they could be saved. Many of us understand this command but struggle with the execution of it. It is not always an easy
conversation to start with someone as most try to avoid the topic of death at all costs. For children, sharing the gospel can be even more difficult as they try to speak up, especially in public places like school and our current society is not making it any easier. However, children who profess Jesus Christ as Lord are also called to share their faith. So, how can we, as parents, or even those without children, remember that children watch adults wherever they are, including church, teach them to share the gospel with confidence? Here are a few helpful tips to assist you when talking to your children.
Be an example As parents we are their example in every area including sharing the gospel. They need us to teach them how to be bold for Christ and share the good news with others. Children are masters at imitation, almost like a sponge, they absorb their surroundings including speech, body language, and personality. They are constantly watching us, looking to us for clues on how to handle the multiple scenarios they will face at one point. A Christian should not attempt to share something that is not written in his or her own heart. Integrity in the Christian walk is paramount to effectively discipling others – even children. To win others, we need to remember that adults and children need to see Jesus in our lives. They need to see us sharing the Good News. They need to see us seeking the kingdom first and keeping God first in all that we do. Children live what they see. If we want them to live for God, share their faith, and be good Christian examples, we must do
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78 Sit still my daughter | Winter 2022 the same. Paul was steadfast and authentic in his Christian walk; therefore, he stood positioned to admonish Timothy, his young disciple, with these words: "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity." 1 Timothy 4:13 Explain the importance of sharing the gospel. When teaching children, it is important to help them understand why the information you are trying to convey is important. God’s love compels us. We experienced God’s love, and we want others to have the same experience. "For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:6-8 Build relationships We often have an improved opportunity and better reception to share the gospel with someone when we have built a relationship with them. They won’t feel as if you are challenging them or only pointing out their sinful life if they know that you genuinely care about them. Teach your children the value of relationships, to get to know someone and show them the love of God in their actions with others. This can go a long way in building a bridge which can lead to a lifesaving opportunity to share the gospel.
God’s Word shows us how to love others, the foundation for building true relationships "Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others." Philippians 2:2-4 Be prepared Most know that, before giving a presentation, it is best to be familiar with the materials. This same principle applies to sharing the gospel. Spend time with your children, going over the Romans road and other important salvation passages. Discuss different illustrations they can use to share the gospel such as visuals like “God’s Bridge to Eternal Life” track from Majestic Media which has seven beautiful images that are paired with Bible verses. This tool
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provides your child with an easy reference and opportunity to walk through the plan of salvation with a friend. "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;" Colossians 3:23 Go over their testimony There is power in personal testimony and perhaps there is no greater than our own salvation
story. When people hear how God changed our life they may realize their own need for salvation and begin to ask questions. Encourage your children to go over their own testimony in their mind or even write it down so they become familiar with it and comfortable enough to share it with others. This can be a wonderful way for them to broach the subject with those they want to witness to.
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"But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:" I Peter 3:15 Practice at home We know that practice makes perfect and having your children practice sharing the gospel at home where they feel safe and comfortable can be extremely helpful. Consider having them sit with you and go through a gospel track or the Romans road. You can ask questions that might be brought up by an unsaved person or, when they struggle, you have the opportunity to help them through it. Practicing at home can help your children feel ready to share the gospel with others. Understand that not everyone will say yes Sadly, we know that there will be people who choose to reject God’s gift of salvation, and
sometimes it can be done in a rude or rough manner. Preparing your children for the possibility of a “no” is essential, not to dampen their spirit but rather telling them that some don’t want to be saved. It is also important to remind them that some people might give the answer of “maybe” and winning souls can take persistence, patience, and lots of prayer. "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 Pray with them One of the greatest things you can do for your children is to bathe them in prayer asking God to give them wisdom as they interact with others and be sensitive to His leading. Pray that
Winter 2022 | Sit still my daughter 81 God will direct their steps and their speech as they go to school and different events. "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." Joshua 1:9 Training our children to be soul winners is a great privilege and responsibility, they are the next generation who will need to know, not just how to live their faith but how to share it. The more we prepare and strengthen them the more confidence they will have to be like Paul who boldly proclaimed God’s mission for him: "To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me." Acts 26:18
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For the children
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The Crippled Lamb teaches children that God has something special planned for each one of us and even though we may not understand what we are going through as it happens, it is happening for a reason. ~a reader
For the young girls This book was phenomenal! It is completely different than most books written for young women. This book goes all the way to the root of girls' issues--identifying the emotional/spiritual struggles girls face, but also explaining how the Word of God speaks directly to those issues and provides all the help they need. It is full of Scripture and practical examples of applying it to real-life problems--from the little day-to-day things to the biggest trials or failures. It has been so very helpful in challenging me to fill my mind with God's Word so I can be strong in the Truth. If you want to know how to face your struggles with God's Word, this book is an excellent resource! ~ a reader
For you
For the Christian who struggles with any stronghold, this book is an excellent source of wisdom in how to overcome. The focus of this book is the stronghold of idolatry with food, but the biblical principles on how to conquer it can apply to any struggle. Lysa asks the hard questions and challenges an examination of how our behavior reflects our heart and attitudes in light of the truth of scripture. She is open and honest about her own struggles and communicates them in a personable and relatable way. She is emphatic that her purpose is not to prescribe a weight loss or eating plan, but to point those who struggle with this to the true source of strength and empowerment, Jesus Christ. In Him alone, there is victory. ~a reader
For inspiration
This family experienced a tragic fire in the midst of several other major life changes! The transparency and humility of the author's is a beautiful testimony of God's working in their lives. An excellent read for all ages. Although the medical details can be challenging, I think even a middle schooler could read this, if not too sensitive. ~a reader
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Having a healthy relationship with food is the secret
Jesus and not seek out diets or comfort from food.
to long-term success in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I really despise the word “diet”. These crazy programs What If…. and fad diets often lead people down a path of shame, • You were so excited about being who God created depression and to top it all off they don't really help you to be which is someone who lives fully, filled you to reach your goals. I have been in the fitness with strength, energy and love AND you underindustry for 35 years and have heard from SO many stood that what you eat affects this? women who lose weight on a diet only to put it all • You started to look at food as a way to give your (and more) back on. body the fuel it needs? • You didn't gorge on unhealthy food because you I'm also not a big fan of the term "comfort food" knew that it would take away from your quality of which often leads to a vicious cycle of guilt and diets life? a few months down the road so I want to encourage you to focus on having a comforting relationship with • You finally really understood Jesus is your source
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92 Sit still my daughter | Winter 2022 of comfort, not food and when your emotions are running high you turn to Him as your Comforter and His loving arms instead of a donut? OH HOW I WANT THIS FOR YOU AND BELIEVE IT CAN BE YOUR STORY! I struggle to write “look at food as a way to give your body the fuel it needs” because I don't want you to think you can't enjoy food and it's only to fuel your body. God gave us food for both enjoyment and nutrition. I love to sit around a table with friends and family to share a great-tasting meal and a glass of wine. The other night I had bread at dinner and as my husband and I watched a movie we each had a big bowl of popcorn. I have no guilt over this. I eat really healthy 80% of the time and I'm good with that. Now, for the other 20% I'm not eating sugar and completely overindulging but I will enjoy a cheeseburger and fries or a slice of pizza from time to time. Food is not your enemy but it's also not your comforter. Diets don't work but eating healthy most of the time does. I love this poem from a book called *“Gods At War” by Kyle Edelman: Jesus My Portion "The god of food promised us a feast but we came up empty.
And so finally we came to Jesus. We discovered that He offers the one true feast.
He invited us to consume until it consumed our lives.
He fills our every need.
We tasted everything until nothing had taste anymore.
Every hunger ultimately leads back to Him.
Winter 2022 | Sit still my daughter 93 Jesus frees us from an abusive, dysfunctional relationship with food because He is our portion and in Him we discover what we were searching for all along. If we seek our joy and meaning in food, then the source of our joy always disappears and always must be found again — a consumable god. It is different with Jesus. Nothing tastes better than the joy and satisfaction of knowing Christ. Nothing nourishes the soul as He does. Nothing feeds and strengthens and renews us like the time we spend with Him each day." Isn't that beautiful?! Please, please - don't diet and don't seek food out as your source of comfort. Eat healthy most of the time. Food won't heal your soul but in Jesus you will find healing, comfort, freedom, love, peace, joy and all you need!
The online Christian fitness community What we believe: Physical and spiritual health are not separate, they are both very important! Why we exist: Here at Faithful Workouts, you can live with strength, energy, joy, peace & purpose, all while getting a great workout in. Learn more at www.faithfulworkouts.com
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A moment in Psalms Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast. Psalm 57:1 Protection is a sign of love. A mother bird will put herself between whatever is endangering or frightening her baby chick. She has become the shield, at the same time providing comfort and assurance to her young that she is there, which means they will be alright. The psalmist is declaring something similar. His soul has made the Lord his place of refuge, his place of trust. In fact, the word “trusteth” means to take refuge and the word refuge is the exact same word giving a double emphasis to the illustration, take refuge under His wings. God is our shield; He is our place of safety from the storm; He is our solid foundation, and our hedge of protection. Nothing can ever hurt us as long as He stands between us and whatever is against us. There is a condition, however. We have to choose to stay. A fearful child can choose either to hide under the bed (which offers no real comfort or protection) or they can run into the arms of their loving parents. When fears grip our soul and we feel threatened, we have the same options. We can run from our fears and hide under our own bed, as it were, but the frustrating thing about fears is that they make excellent running companions. They will accompany us wherever we go. The only way to banish our fears is to run into the arms of our Heavenly Father whose great love casts out all fears. So, the next time those fears and threats come your way, do as the psalmist did and make God your place of refuge.
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by Rachel Sueppel Our business started as a hobby. In 2018, I was a
young bride focusing on the details for my wedding day. Since I was also an elementary school teacher at the time, money was tight. My goal was to have the wedding of my dreams but on a modest budget. This is when my creativity came into play. I decided to try my skill at hand-painting signs to use for wedding decor. My dad had leftover wood in the garage that he let me use. Though the signs were FAR from perfect, I was able to hand-paint several decor pieces for under $10! After our September wedding, I moved to my husband’s hometown of Marion, Iowa. That autumn season, three young ladies from our church were busily planning their weddings. The church announced a bridal shower, celebrating all three of the
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above: my hardworking husband. right: me with new pieces of wood just waiting to be turned into something amazing! far right: some of signs I have made.
brides together. Having just gone through a season of bridal showers and setting up my own home, I wanted to give each of the brides something personalized to enjoy. Pinterest gave me all sorts of ideas! Somehow, I couldn’t shake the idea of gifting a customized sign. Being newlyweds, I suggested the idea to my husband, but also knew we couldn’t afford to buy each girl a custom sign from a store. Jon suggested we create the signs ourselves, using leftover wood from closet shelves. I agreed to give it a whirl. Jon cut three signs for me and taught me how to stain the wood properly. I made a basic design on my laptop, borrowed a projector from my in-laws, and painted the projected
letters onto the wood. The whole project cost me less than $20. Six hours later, I finished the signs. Honestly, being a perfectionist, I wasn’t thrilled with how they turned out. Frustrated that they didn’t look “perfect,” I almost threw the signs away. When Jon came home that night, he praised the hand-painted signs and encouraged me to still gift them to the brides. At the bridal shower that weekend, each bride was beyond thrilled with her custom sign. I almost cried from joy and relief! Over the next few years, I made signs for
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family members as birthday and Christmas gifts. Everyone who received a sign loved it and told me I should start my own sign business. At that time, I was just enjoying making custom pieces for others. However, my wheels started spinning about the business venture, even though we weren’t quite ready to jump all-in at the time. It took two years of planning, thinking, and praying before Jon and I took the big step to start our business. In early 2020, we came up with the name “Home to Haven Designs,” and even designed a logo. We opened our shop in late fall of 2020. We created our online shop using Etsy, a marketplace for people who sell handcrafted items.
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Over the next few months, I poured a lot of time into designing my shop, establishing procedures, and adding products. The hard work paid off when I had my first Etsy sale in February 2021. The start felt slow, with purchases only coming from friends and family. However, at the beginning of September, the orders started pouring in with little effort from social media. The craziness didn’t stop until Christmas! Within my first year, I made over 300 sales from over 30 states. It’s amazing to see how God blessed us that first year. This small business adventure has brought me so much joy! One of the most rewarding parts of the job is to catch the vision of my customers and design a product that makes them say, “That’s exactly what I wanted!” It gets even better when they send a picture of my signs displayed in their home. Being your own boss definitely has its perks as well. A flexible schedule, working in my pjs, and creating new de-
signs whenever I feel like it are a few of my favorites. Having my coffee maker nearby makes it even more bearable. If you’re considering starting a business, I would encourage you with a few thoughts: 1. Pray. - As you seek His will, God will give peace about the tough decisions and how to handle situations. There have been many weeks of “quiet” in the shop. I often stopped to pray that the Lord would give me just one order. Within a day or two, I had several orders come into the shop. God delights in blessing you. 2. Go ahead and start, even if you’re scared. Jump into this new adventure wholeheartedly! Don’t be afraid to start, even if you can’t answer all the “what ifs.” Be brave, pray for the Lord’s guidance, and start. 3. Celebrate the little successes. - Every milestone,
left: me taking orders to the post office! right: more samples of the products I make. next page: my husband and I along with more of the things we make!
102 Sit still my daughter | Winter 2022 big or small, is worth celebrating. For me, sometimes it’s rewarding myself with a Starbucks coffee after dropping off 10 orders at the Post Office. Take time to stop and celebrate how far you’ve come! 4. Don’t sweat the small things. - I remember the day I received my first 4-star review. Up to that point, all of my other product reviews had been 5-stars. I became so bothered with the idea that I did something wrong to earn a “less than perfect” review. I reached out to the buyer, asking if I could do anything to make the experience with our shop a more pleasant one. I couldn’t stop thinking about the situation until I received her response hours later. She commented that nothing was wrong with her sign and she was very happy with it. However, she rarely gave anyone 5-star reviews. While it was nice to hear she wasn’t upset with her order, I was still annoyed. My husband gently reminded me to keep moving forward and give my best to the next batch of orders in my queue. 5. Have a good support system! - I couldn’t do this business without my husband. He is my constant encourager. He has
Winter 2022 | Sit still my daughter 103 a bigger vision for our business than I do some days, and pours his heart into helping me develop ideas and plans. Making our business a team effort has strengthened our marriage and made us even closer friends. My hesitation with starting the business was the reality that it would take loads of time and hard work. “What if I get overwhelmed with orders and can’t keep up with everything?” was my constant worry. “What if I don’t know how to solve an issue that comes up?” I didn’t want the business to take time away from my husband or home. However, after praying and talking to one of my sisters (who also runs a small business), I realized running this business was simply one way of modeling the example of a Proverbs 31 woman: “She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms. She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.” (verses
17 and 18) I can truly say my “candle” has been on well into the night with this new business adventure… and the hard work has been so rewarding. To learn more about our shop check us out on Etsy, just search for our shop name: Home to Haven Designs.
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The company my mother worked for was not doing well and we knew that a layoff was possible. We prayed for God to show us where she should apply and heard about a company that could be a potential fit for her. We decided to stop by on a Friday so she could introduce herself and see if they were hiring. We were unaware that the day we came just "happened" to be the one day they were open to the public. She was able to meet one of the managers and share her job skills that seemed to be exactly what they were looking for. Shortly after she was given an interview and offered a position. My mom then spoke to her current boss and was surprised to see relief on their faces. They shared that it would have been necessary to lay her off the same week she was to start her new job and they were not looking forward to telling my mom the news. Though I shouldn't be, I am often amazed at God's perfect timing!
As a missionary, sometimes it can be difficult to obtain a place for your congregation to meet. The missionary family I work with has been meeting in a small community hall but a situation arose where we needed to find another facility. God answered our prayer by allowing us to rent the church facilites we had recently used to host our neighborhood Bible time event. It is always amazing and wonderful to see how the Lord provides! Deana Hewston - missionary to Scotland
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by Ruth Bumgardner
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At age 5, I remember being in a neighborhood where there were . . .
Gospel glimpses: • Our closest neighbor used to invite my mom over for coffee. • Another neighbor invited my sister and me to Vacation Bible School. I went to that old neighborhood in 2004 and found the neighbor who invited my mom for coffee. During our visit, I found out she was a Christian. I did ask her if she had ever witnessed to my mom. Her response was, “No, I’m afraid I didn’t.” I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church and attended parochial schools, graduating from a Catholic girls’ school in 1966. Even at that time I believe the Lord in His providence was at work drawing me to Himself. Gospel glimpses: •
The elementary school that I attended had weekly Bible History classes where once a month the priest would show films of Bible stories. Years later I would come to know those Bible characters in a whole new way.
In high school, I recall loving religion class. I would ask many questions of the Jesuit priest who
taught, some of which were skirted around, because of Catholic doctrine. After high school I pretty much set my relationship with the Lord on the shelf. I did my own thing, stepping deeper and deeper into the ways of the world. I didn’t have peace and I so badly wanted someone to love. Of course, I thought that would be fulfilled if I found a man, and I found one. Although he was not Catholic, he and I were married in the Catholic Church. After a couple of months he enlisted
110 Sit still my daughter | Winter 2022 into the Air Force. We were stationed at an Air Force base in Michigan, where we lived in base housing.
Gospel glimpses: •
Gospel glimpses: •
Our neighbors were friendly and we often got together. They were from Illinois and both were raised in a Baptist church, but they were rather casual about attending church. Although we were good friends there was no verbal gospel witness from them.
After Michigan, my husband was sent overseas to a small remote detachment in Turkey for a year. Gospel glimpses: •
I mentioned to his mom that he might like a Bible for Christmas, so she bought one for him. I don’t know how often he read it. I do remember him saying that one of the officers, with whom he was friends, was a Christian, but he didn’t give a verbal witness to my husband. Another officer invited him to a Bible study in the detachment.
In my mid twenties the Lord continued to draw me to Himself. We lived in a duplex in East Moline, Illinois.
• • • •
I can remember taking our son in his stroller to downtown East Moline. One time I stopped in the public library and checked out a book entitled “Not My Will” by Francena Arnold. I had never read a book like that. It was the very first time I heard “the gospel.” It wasn’t clear like a tract, but it was biblical. A girl I played tennis with attended a church and a Bible study which was mentioned, but no other type of gospel witness. Our mailman was always kind to our children, and I later discovered that he was a deacon at a Baptist church. A single mom with an elementary age girl lived on the other side of our duplex. The girl went to Sunday school somewhere as a bus kid. My husband’s boss was a Christian, who was verbal about missions, but didn’t see the mission field right in front of him.
I was often frustrated as a wife and mother and used to sit at the kitchen table and “write” letters to God. I had a notebook and I would pour out all my troubles to God—another illustration of God drawing me to Himself. My brother-in-law was an insurance man who
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had a Christian background. Gospel glimpses: •
He gave me a Bible someone had given him. Although it was a paraphrase, it helped me because it was easy to read.
My husband’s job transferred him to Temecula, California. The Lord continued to draw me to Himself. Gospel glimpses: •
God was faithful and moved me right next to a Christian family. I even attended a Bible study at their house; somehow, they thought I knew Christ and no one ever witnessed to me.
I decided maybe I could find out more about God by reading a Bible. I went to a Christian bookstore and the clerk there recommended a Ryrie Study Bible. I came home with my new Bible and I just started to read. I read for nearly two years trying to figure out how to know God. It would have been beneficial to have someone guide me, but . . . •
I believe God walked me through this path to equip me by showing me the importance of reach-
ing out to others in a gospel witness and discipleship. These gospel glimpses are a reminder to me that there are opportunities all around me and that it is important to pray that I don’t miss them.
As I read His Word, the Holy Spirit opened my spiritual eyes and I saw my need to trust Christ as Savior. One night being so overwhelmed with my sinful heart, I cried out to God. I still had a lot to understand, but one thing I did understand is that I had made peace with God in the person of Jesus Christ. And I knew I had become His child. I knew in my heart that I was no longer “under condemnation” and that the blood of Christ truly had cleansed me from ALL sin. When I read: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8,9).
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I saw where I had been declared justified in God’s sight not because of any good works I had done, but because He saw me with the covering of the shed blood of Christ. I remember reading: “Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified” (Galatians 2:16). I can’t tell you the burden that was lifted! I was biblically baptized a year after I trusted in Christ alone as my Savior. I smile when I think of the fact that I was baptized in my jeans in a swimming pool. What a joy to make an outward proclamation that my sins had been washed away. When I got saved I was totally excited and
sold out to the Lord. Of course I wanted my husband to get saved so badly. I made all those well-meaning mistakes like “sharing all those Bible verses.” When that didn’t work, I’d place tracts and books in strategic places. Boy did my poor husband ever get “evangelized.” If you can picture a well-meaning puppy, licking your face and jumping up and down—that was me. It’s been so many years of mistakes and of growing in grace. The Lord began to do a work in me, especially in the area of prayer. As a result of the above mistakes and the fact that I wanted our children to know and live for the Lord, He has used this as a classroom to teach me the power of prayer. Over the years this has developed into a prayer notebook system that I now put together and distribute to my brothers and sisters in Christ. When we returned to the Midwest from California we moved to a small town in Illinois. I had
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Would you like to trust Jesus Christ today? “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” ~Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV
“ For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God...” ~ROMANS 3:23 KJV
asked the Lord to lead me to a sound church, and He did. I began attending an independent Baptist church. About 20 years ago I received a small “blessing box” (somewhat like a promise box) with Scriptures from my secret pal at church. I brought it home and asked my husband if he minded if we read one of the Scriptures before our evening meal. He was agreeable, but as I started to do that he would say things like, “What does that mean, who was speaking, to whom are they talking to,” etc. I would go get my Bible and read the context. I finally said, “Why don’t I just start reading from the Bible.” For over 20 years now I have been reading the Bible to him, usually several chapters at a time. At this writing (2022) we are reading the Scriptures along with the commentary notes. He asks me to read, and I know he listens by the questions he asks. God’s Word says: “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”. Romans 10:17. “Faith watches to see what God will do.” – Charles Spurgeon
“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” ~ROMANS 6:23 KJV
“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” ~ROMANS 5:8 KJV
“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” ~ROMANS 10:9-10 KJV
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Highlighters Look for highlighters made for Bible journaling so the color won't bleed through the pages. Wax highlighters work well too.
Pens Look for pens that will not bleed through your pages. Use pens to color-code your notes in the margin or to add emphasis to verses.
Sticky Notes Sticky notes work great when you have no more room for notes in the margins of your Bible or to add extra important notes.
Washi Tape Colorful Washi tape adds a creative element to your pages. It's purely decoration but can be fun to use on your pages to add a punch of color.
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ZACHARIAH (AND ELISABETH OR ELIZABETH) Luke 1:5-25, 1:67-80 MARY Luke 1:26-38, 2:46-56, 2:19
the nativity
KING HEROD THE GREAT Luke 1:5; Matthew 2:1-8, 2:16-20 THE SHEPHARDS & ANGEL OF THE LORD Luke 2:8-20 THE MAGI (WISE MEN) Matthew 2:7-12
JOSEPH Matthew 1:18-25, 2:13-15, 2:20-23; Luke 2:1-7 SIMEON & ANNA Luke 2:22-38 BABY JESUS Luke 2:5-7, 2:21 GABRIEL LUKE 1:26 ELISABETH Luke 1:39-45 CAESAR AUGUSTUS LUKE 2:1-3 JOHN THE BAPTIST Luke 1:57-66 ISAIAH PROPHECY ISAIAH 9:1-7
"For unto us a child
is born, unto us a son is given..."
Isaiah 9:6 KJV
journaling prompts
1. What are your thoughts of Zachariah's response to Gabriel? Do you think he doubted what God could do as the angel described or was it just a question of how? 2. Put yourself in Mary's shoes. What do you think your response would be to Gabriel's announcement? 3. How do you think Mary and Joseph prepared for their journey to Bethlehem? 4. Jesus would have been around 40 days old when presented at the temple. Do you think His parents really knew the implications of what Simeon said about their son? Did they realize they helped fulfill the prophesy of Isaiah?
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1. 1 Corinthians 1:9
17. Luke 16:12
2. 1 Thessalonians 5:24
18. Romans 12:12
3. Deuteronomy 7:9
19. Deuteronomy 32:4
4. Hebrews 10:23
20. Romans 3:3
5. Psalm 100:5 6. Lamentations 3:23 7. 2 Timothy 2:13 8. Psalm 33:4 9. 1 Corinthians 4:2 10. Psalm 119:90 11. Psalm 117:2
21. 1 Timothy 1:12 22. Matthew 25:21 23. Galatians 3:9 24. Psalm 89.14 25. Jeremiah 31:3 26. 1 Peter 4:19
12. Psalm 36:5
27. 1 Kings 8:56
13. Matthew 25:23
28. Psalm 105:8
14. Isaiah 25:1
29. Colossians 1:7
15. Luke 16:10
30. Nehemiah 7:2
16. Proverbs 3:3
31. Hebrews 2:17
"They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.."
Lamentations 3:23 KJV
journaling prompts
When reading these verses about faithfulness, try to answer the following journaling prompts. When has faithfulness been difficult in your own life? Does faithfulness mean we can never quit? Has there been a time when your faith in God has been tested? Does pride interfere with faithfulness? When life seems unfair, what Bible verse reminds you of God's faithfulness to us? READING FAITHFUL IS HE WWW.SITSTILLMYDAUGHTER.COM
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a love story F E B R U A R Y
"So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter in law, with her, which returned out of the country of Moab: and they came to Bethlehem in the beginning of barley harvest." ~Ruth 1:22 KJV We can see throughout the Book of Ruth the loyalty of two women to one other. This is the type of love God show his children. God's sovereign and glorious work can be seen in how the story plays out to reveal the grand plan of Jesus' lineage.
February 1–5 | Ruth 1
Naomi Widowed, Ruth's Loyalty, Their Return to Bethlehem February 6–12 | Ruth 2 Ruth Meets Boaz February 14–19 | Ruth 3 Ruth and Boaz February 20–28 | Ruth 4 Boaz Redeems Ruth, Marriage, & Genealogy of Kind David
journaling prompts Ruth is a beautiful story about the power of love and redemption. Love of a daughter-in-law, a mother-in-law, a man, and God. Because of Ruth's love for Naomi and her obedience to Yahweh Jesus was born. Ruth 1: Why do you think Naomi would encourage her daughters-in-law to go back to their family even though they did not believe in her God? Ruth 2: What qualities of Ruth do you think made Boaz take notice of her? How are the two of them similar? Ruth 3: At the time of Judges, prostitutes would come to the threshing floor for the men. Although it states in 3:13 that there was nothing immoral on Ruth's part, what do you think about Naomi's instruction to Ruth to approach Boaz? Ruth 4: What do you think about the cunning trick of Boaz on the actual redeemer of Ruth? Why do you think his name is not mentioned in the story?
. Beautiful struggle: Many have experienced great hurt in their past but it is not
without a point.
. Returning to your first love: A missionary shares how a new believer's love for Christ
was contagious to everyone else.
. A Change in Focus: She graduated without a proposal and then her focus shifted.
and much more ...
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