2 minute read


By Michelle Tillman

The Word says that without it, it is impossible to please Him. Even if it starts the size of a mustard seed, I want it to grow to the size of a sequoia tree. Since I am nothing without Him, I guess I better get me some.


See I’m gonna “faith it ‘til I make it,” and wish the enemy would try to break it. I’m taking steps into my destiny and the enemy don’t really want to mess with me. See my God has not given me the spirit of fear, but He has given me access to faith on fleek, so Satan you better rest beneath my feet.

I want nothing less than mountain moving faith, and if faith comes by hearing then I’m playing the Word on repeat. I’ll be at church every week, not going to miss an opportunity for it’s of Him I seek.

But maybe it’s not enough for you to hear it from me. Maybe you should ask Jonah how he got out the whale; ask Peter how he got out of jail; ask David how he killed a giant as tall as the sky; ask Esther who helped save her life other than Mordecai. Ask Job what he used to keep his head held up; ask Jeremiah how he made it when everyone around him was corrupt. Why don’t you ask Isaac what kind of faith his daddy had or ask Gideon how he won a war with only 300 hundred men on his staff .

Like how did she get that, “she must know somebody” type FAITH.

Like that Jesus said “Go, your faith has healed you” type FAITH.

Give me some of that, I just need to “touch the hem of His garment” type FAITH.

Or what about being sure of “what I hope for and certain of what I don’t see” type FAITH.

That “I’ve fought the good fight and finished the race” type FAITH.

That I’m gonna “take up my shield and extinguish the arrows of the evil one” type FAITH.

That “whatever you’re asking in prayer, believe it and receive it” type FAITH…

And if we live by Faith and not sight--if what looks impossible is possible, and what is invisible is still invincible…if even your salvation can’t be seen, For it is by grace that you have been redeemed…through FAITH.

Then build your faith, like a carpenter taps on the head of a nail. And build your faith like bodybuilders train their bodies to perform well. And build your faith by living a life like that of Christ Jesus. A faith so strong that we know God sees us.

For without faith, it is impossible to please Him.

Michelle Tillman is a poet and inspirational speaker who turns her life experiences into creative writing and spoken word. After totally surrendering from her “wild party girl” ways, she has a unique ability to capture the hearts of women, who despite their past can see how God can bless their future relationships. After her proposal video went viral on YouTube, she began an online ministry to uplift women of God with inspirational YouTube video content, and is also a podcast host for her show “Booty Call to Bride.” Follow her at https://www.youtube.com/c/ MichelleTillman

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