September 2022 OutreachNC

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As of 2021, over 2 million North Carolinians were enrolled in Medicare, the federal health insurance program primarily serving Americans 65 years of age and

Medicare Open Enrollment: What You Need to Know

programs exist for coverage: Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage Plans (the latter are sometimes referred to as “Part C”). Original Medicare includes Part A (hospital) and Part B (medical); if you want drug coverage, you probably will want to add a separate plan for Part D. Medicare Advantage is a Medicare-approved plan from a private health insurance company and are usually a “bundle” of Parts A, B and D.


made up of three important parts: Part A, Part B and Part D. Part A includes hospital coverage for beneficiaries including inpatient hospital stays, care in skilled nursing facilities, hospice care and some home health care. Part B covers medical insurance including outpatient care, doctor’s services, preventative care/services and medical supplies. Finally, Part D helps cover the cost of prescription medication including some recommended shots and Twovaccines.Medicare


Your choices and bedeservewishestohonored. Schedule a virtual, in-person or phone visit to receive a complimentary Life Planning Guide.

Here’s to fall a well-told www.AOSNC.com910.692.0683|OutreachNC,Editor-in-ChiefPhariss,Amy


Finally, we dig deeper into storytelling by exploring the myths associated with telling our stories and why they are just that: myths. So many of us have stories to share, but these myths and beliefs keep us from firing up the computer or taking out a pencil and beginning the work. We also share our favorite memoirs in case you’d like a little inspiration. There are some real gems to learn from. In the words of Joan Didion, “We tell our stories in order to live.”

the promise of

September has come around again. It is, perhaps, the most hopeful month of the year. The leaves begin changing color, signaling cooler air and “sweater weather.” For those of us who endure the summer, September is the solid pat on the back as we take a break and inhale fall. This month, ONC is packed with information. Our feature explores an important upcoming event for many seniors: Medicare Open Enrollment. We explain what Medicare Open Enrollment is, when it begins and what you need to know to make the most of this time. In Ask the Expert, Amy Natt answers a reader’s question regarding his mother’s appetite, loss of taste and smell and weight loss after being fitted with dentures. This can be a confusing and frustrating experience, which Natt explains and helps readers understand.


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A: The loss of appetite, change in taste/smell and subsequent weight loss can be a very real challenge and health risk, especially as a person ages. It is important to have a benchmark weight to track changes. I recommend keeping a journal or small notebook, with a normal weight and then each week or month you can document any changes. You can also keep a food log that records what she is eating. This will provide valuable insight for her primary care physician or nutritionist.

LOSSAPPETITEEXPERT:THEASK 136 mode rd., west end, nc 27376 910-673-2251

Q: My mom won’t eat any of the food I cook for her. She just got new teeth, and she says it’s hard to chew and she has “lost her taste” for food. I have tried cooking everything and nothing seems to appeal to her. I don’t want her to be hungry, and I’m afraid she’s not eating enough. What can I do to help her eat more if she says she doesn’t feel hungry?

One of the first steps is to determine what might have triggered the change. You mentioned that she just got new teeth. I would schedule an appointment to make sure they fit correctly. Also check for any areas of the mouth they may be rubbing against and creating sores. If her mouth is hurting, it will be difficult to get her to eat, especially solid foods. Weight loss can greatly impact the correct fit of dentures, so continue to monitor this. Another consideration is to ask about a swallow study, to ensure she is not having difficulty swallowing and to determine if a different consistency of food might be better for her. Has she tried eating with her teeth out? Soft or pureed foods? Keep track of the foods she will eat and see if there is a pattern. For example, if she will eat pudding and mashed potatoes but not meat that requires her to chew. Also note anything that triggers her to choke when eating; this|AssociateManagementCareSeace,Ashley

have many causes and you would want to get it evaluated. You may need to work with a speech pathologist or nutritionist to alter her diet. Make every calorie count; if your mom is not eating as much, try to use nutrient dense foods.

Let us help you in making a decision about the care you are seeking.

• ¼ teaspoon cinnamon • Cold water Directions: Add the ingredients to the blender and pulse until smooth. You can make the smoothie thicker with less water or add more water for a lighter consistency. You can even make a smoothie bowl with this recipe. Simply keep the smoothie thick and pour it into a bowl.

If she prefers ice cream for dinner, let her eat ice cream. There are powders and liquid supplements you can add to foods to increase the calorie count. Taste buds can change as we age. There can be many reasons for this from allergies to medications. You may need to over season things (but watch the salt) for her to pick up on the taste. There are also appetite stimulants you can talk to her doctor about. Smell plays a significant role with taste and appetite as well. If her sense of smell is diminished, this will play a role. Cooking foods with pleasant aromas, can help stimulate appetite. There is also a social side to the desire to eat. Eating with other people might help. Try creating a pleasant environment and make the meal more about the experience, than her feeling hungry.

If you don’t have a high-powered blender or prefer a smoother texture, you can peel your apple and/or soak your oats in milk for a few minutes prior to blending.

• 1 medium-sized apple, chopped and cubed (you can leave the peel on for more fiber and nutrients)

Lastly, remember that it may be a combination of factors. Keep trying different strategies and keep good notes. If her weight declines, make sure you keep her physician informed.

• ¼ cup quick oats (we love the texture of McCann’s)

SEPTEMBER 2022 - 5 Open RetirementArmsCenter Assisted Living | Memory Care | Music & Memory Certified 612 Health Drive | Raeford | www.openarmsretirement.com910-875-3949

Ingredients: • ¼ cup milk • ½ cup vanilla Greek yogurt

“Making a Difference in the Lives of Others”

Notes: To make this a heftier, more filling meal, you can use higher fat dairy products like 2% milk or even whole milk and yogurt.

A smoothie is a great way to pack in a lot of nutrients and flavor into a simple, easy-to-eat meal. This smoothie is a wonderful transition to fall, full of healthy fats, whole grains and fortified dairy.

Fall Apple Crisp Smoothie

Top with fresh berries or grated apple and a dash of cinnamon.


If I am already enrolled in Medicare, why would I need to consider open enrollment? Your prescription needs are always changing. Another Part D plan may be a better fit for you now, and it’s worth considering switching plans or exploring options during this period. Now is the time to take stock and assess your health insurance Jonathanneeds.

Original Medicare is an “80-20” Plan, in which Medicare pays 80% of covered costs and the individual is responsible for the rest. Many people with this insurance purchase supplemental insurance from an authorized private insurance company to cover the 20% that Medicare doesn’t.

Medicare Advantage Plans have schedules of co-payments that determine how much the Plan pays for and how much the individual must pay. Both Original Medicare and Advantage Plans have annual deductibles that set the amount the individual must pay him or herself before the insurance takes effect.

Scott spent five years at the Moore County Senior Enrichment Center as a State Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) Counselor. Scott says, “Every year prescription drug costs, retail costs, and drug insurance costs change, and people’s prescriptions change often. By taking the time to review your Part D Plan, you might be able to save money during the coming year. Sometimes we see people who wind up saving anywhere between a few dozen dollars to several hundred—or even more.”

Remember, however, that other enrollment periods exist. The Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period lasts from January 1 – March 31, for example. During this time, if you’re enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan, you can switch to a different Medicare Advantage Plan or switch to Original Medicare (and join a separate Medicare drug plan) once during this time. Note: You can only switch plans once during this period.

What do you need to know to make the most of this open enrollment period? We’ve found the answers to a few of the most asked questions regarding Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period.

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If you are approaching age 65 or getting ready to retire from a job that has provided insurance since you turned 65 and are confused by the choices, the state of NC offers free, non-biased counseling. Each year, Medicare offers an annual period between October 15 – December 7 where a person with Original Medicare with a separate Part D prescription insurance can review and change his or her drug insurance policy. (If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan, you don’t have the option of reviewing your prescription drug insurance on an annual basis.)


SEPTEMBER 2022 - 8

2. SHIIP information and contact information for the state of North Carolina: information-program-shiipseniors-health-insurance-consumers/medicare-and-

No. The period for enrolling in Medicare is three months before your 65th birthday, the month of your 65th birthday, and three months after the month you turn 65. After that you may be able to enroll if you meet certain conditions.

3. For information regarding Medicare drug plans: drug-coverage-part-d

For more information, these websites may be helpful: 1. Medicare general questions and information: (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services)

Scott reminds readers that many people can switch drug plans and review their Medicare benefits online, themselves. He says, “More and more folks on Medicare these days are coming from careers where they used computers on a regular basis. Most of those people are very well qualified to review their Part D themselves during Open Enrollment.” For anyone who’d like help or assistance navigating the system and choices, Scott recommends, “there’s no charge for an appointment with a SHIIP Counselor at the Moore County Senior Enrichment Center. The sooner, though, they set up an appointment, the better. Unfortunately, the demand sometimes exceeds the availability.” For more help or to locate a local SHIIP counselor, reach out to the senior enrichment center in your county.

If I do make a change to my Medicare benefits, when do the changes take effect?

If I don’t have Medicare already, can I enroll during this period?

What tips do you suggest for making the most out of the Medicare Part D Open Enrollment period?

ONC thanks Jonathan Scott for his input and for helping us better understand a sometimes confusing subject!

Talking to a SHIIP Counselor can be helpful in determining which enrollment period best fits your needs. A counselor can help you navigate which period will, for example, enable you to switch from Medicare Original to Medicare Advantage or join a Medicare drug plan.

New changes in benefits will begin January 1, as long as the changes are made by December 7 (the end of the open enrollment period).|ChiefinEditorPhariss,Amy

Myth #1: If I’m talented, writing is easy and simply “flows.”

This is, by far, the most common myth of writing. Writers know this is a myth because writing is hard! It’s tedious, monotonous and sometimes boring work. It’s also creative, energizing and soothing work. Either way, talent has little to do with the work. Like any other work (sports, teaching, music), talent never trumps time in the chair, fingers on the keys, pen in hand.


Why, then, do so many of us bear this agony? What stops us from telling and writing our Fromstories?my work with many writers (and many would-be writers), the following are the most common myths or beliefs stopping people from sitting down and sharing their stories with the rest of us.

Myth #3: I must remember every detail exactly as it happened to write a memoir or tell my story. This is untrue. Nobody remembers every detail exactly as it happened because so much of what we experience is subjective. How we view what happens to us depends on our personal history, our culture, our experiences and our interpretations. If you ask five people who attended the same event to tell the story of that event, each story will be different. This doesn’t mean one story is

Last month, we talked about the genogram as a tool to begin exploring our stories. This month, we look at the reasons many of us shy away from writing or storytelling at all. These are the “whys” of how it is we sit year after year with our stories untold. Many Americans want to write our stories. Some want to tell untold stories. Others simply want to offer family members or communities insight into our own journeys. We desire to leave a legacy, often written, of our lessons learned and what we have gleaned from our decades of life. As Maya Angelou famously says, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

Writers simply write. We write in different voices, from various perspectives and for many reasons. Talent is over-rated anyway and sometimes quite boring.

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Myth #2: There are right and wrong ways to write. This ties into the talent myth. Again, no. If you study writing for any length of time, you will eventually see popular practices in writing just like fashion. What’s in style one year will go out of style another year. It’s the same with writing, and what’s fashionable or “right” depends on many factors. Who is your audience? What type of writing are you engaging in? What style of writing are you drawn to? Some people think Hemingway’s writing is sophomoric and juvenile, too simple and grammatically incorrect. There are rules to writing, which you can learn and choose to use (or choose not to use – see Cormac McCarthy), but there is no right or wrong way to write.

Myth #8: My story is too painful to tell. I hear this often. Many of us have painful pasts, and those stories might seem shocking to others. I have worked with many clients whose stories are shocking. We all have shocking, sad, uplifting, powerful, hopeful and compelling stories. Nobody’s story is too anything – too painful, too shocking, too good, too bad. And even if it is (which it’s not), you don’t have to share it with anyone else. You can write it, refine it, learn from it, grow with it and literally burn it, watching your story drift off in the air as a wisp of smoke.

Learning to write is like learning to live – it happens while we do it. It doesn’t happen in a classroom (although classes and programs are helpful). It happens when we sit down and write. We can learn tips, tricks and techniques along the way. We can create structure and learn how to introduce a quote or break up a paragraph. But we learn to write by doing it, just like we learn to ride a bike by getting on, wobbling forward, falling off and trying again.

Myth #5: Digging up the past will only hurt more and lead to depression. I have never found this to be true. The past usually doesn’t need much digging up. It’s sitting just below the surface, taking up a great deal of energy. When we try to ignore our past, we divert a lot of focus and, ironically, attention in avoiding those memories. Writing helps us process the past. Our stories can be painful, yes, but working through the pain (often with the help of a mental health professional) can help put that pain exactly where it belongs – in the past. And storytelling can help us move from post-traumatic stress to post-traumatic growth. We find meaning as we work through story if we work through it with patience, an open mind and support.

Myth #7: I have to “learn” how to write before I can do it well.

Myth #6: Nobody cares what I have to say. Do you care? If so, that’s all it takes to write a story. We focus a great deal in our culture on what others think. This is common for those of us who have suffered traumatic experiences and events. We lose confidence in ourselves and in our stories. Take a moment to think of all the people who might benefit from hearing your story. Who would like to know more about your time during a certain period of your life? Who wants to learn from your experience? How will telling your story help you process the past or work through a particular experience for better health and wellness? If you care, that’s enough.

Myth #9: It’s not my story to tell. This is a common myth, and there are times when this might be true. You don’t want to focus your story on someone else’s experience. You want your story to focus on your experience, even if that experience is connected to someone else’s story. For example, a mother might write about what it was like to support a son through active addiction and early recovery. A sister might write about what it was like to lose her twin in an automobile accident. An employee might write about the experience of working for someone with a personality disorder. More to the point, I think people are worried about digging into the stories of others that might portray those people in a negative light. If I write about my brother’s addiction, am I telling his story or mine? Will he be offended or hurt? Will it do damage to our relationship?

Myth #4: If I can’t publish my book/story and make huge profits, the story isn’t good. Nope. Publishing is another animal entirely, and again, it’s subjective. Good writing, meaningful writing is up to you. If it matters to you, it’s good. If it conveys your experience and helps you explore your feelings, it’s quality writing. The point of writing isn’t to sell thousands of copies of your book. The point is telling a story not selling a story.

SEPTEMBER 2022 - 10 correct and another is incorrect; it just means we all experience events differently. Our stories are also affected by time, by other stories, by the amalgam of our experiences since those stories were experienced. This is normal. The point isn’t to be 100% factually accurate. The point is to honor the story as you experienced it, to collect collateral information (other people’s perspective and stories) and to combine these into one whole piece.

Perhaps one of the most famous memoirs, Karr’s story of her childhood is haunting, witty, heartwrenching and inspiring. It makes the New York Times’ list of 50 Best Memoirs of the Past 50 Years and has won countless awards. If you’re wanting to start with a memoir to show you how to write a memoir, Karr is the first read.

Educated Tara Westover

This is a memoir of change and acceptance. Kalanithi, a neurosurgeon with more than a decade of training, learns he has Stage IV lung cancer. His journey from doctor to patient explores what makes life worth living. The Daily Mail writes, “Extraordinary…a revelatory memoir about mortality and what makes being alive meaningful.”

The Liar’s Club Mary Karr

Marley & Me: Life and Love with the World’s Worst Dog John Grogan Grab your box of tissues and prepare yourself to feel all the feelings in this touching, poignant and charming memoir of a couple and their dog: Marley. From stealing women’s undergarments to failing out of obedience school, Marley’s penchant for naughtiness is hilarious and, ultimately, endearing.

If all else fails, remember what Anne Lamott once wrote, “You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.”

When Breath Becomes Air Paul Kalanithi

Myth #10: I’m not qualified to write a book. I hear this often. People have stories to tell or wisdom to impart, but because they do not see themselves as writers (properly trained and brilliant), they tell me they’re not qualified. I hear the term “imposter syndrome” thrown around quite a bit in reference to write (or any other creative pursuit). What qualifies you to tell your story is that you lived it. Period. Even someone with a degree in writing and a list of bestselling novels under his belt isn’t qualified to tell your story. You are, and only you are. What qualifies you is having lived through it and having the courage to reflect, consider and ponder your own Oneexperience.ormore of these myths might be holding you back from getting started. You have imposter syndrome. You aren’t sure about how you feel about the Oxford comma (I obviously believe it’s clutter). You only type 30 words per minute and can’t spell Mississippi let alone type it.

The reasons, beliefs and myths go on and on. We cling to them for comfort because writing can be terrifying. Latching on to a belief that we don’t have an interesting story keeps us right where we feel safe: our comfort zone. Don’t let that happen to you or your story. Be brave. Look inside and then write from, you know, the heart. Honestly, there isn’t any better place from which to find (and share) your story.

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The story of a woman’s isolated upbringing in rural Idaho takes readers on Westover’s journey from her family’s Mormon survivalist homestead to the halls of Cambridge. In England, Westover earns a PhD after being kept from school as a child. The story of how she gets there is quite a ride. Educated has topped just about every “best” list possible and earned Westover a spot among modern memoir few can compete with.

Tuesdays with Morrie Mitch Albom Writer Mitch Albom recounts his weekly visits to a former college professor in the last few months of the teacher’s life. Mitch and Morrie’s talks drive home the importance of learning from our elders, honoring wisdom and the power of friendship. Tuesdays with Morrie is a masterclass in life. We all have experiences. Out of those experiences come story. We all experience life’s events differently, which is why my story is never the same as your story. My lens is different. My body felt different. My brain whispered different words inside my head. My outcomes, impulses and afterthoughts were all different, even if we were in the same room, house or country when these events unfolded. Tell your story and not somebody else’s and do it with compassion and integrity

SEPTEMBER 2022 - 12 RCC service is available for individuals who have hearing loss or speech disability to actively participate in teleconference calls or webinars by reading live captions on their laptop, mobile device or tablet. To inquire, contact or visit Accessible Communication with Captions! Relay Conference Captioning of a Senior Living Community. Retire Your Perception A Life Plan Community offered by Liberty Senior Living © 2022 Quail Haven Village Call 910.537.6812 to schedule a visit and discover all that Quail Haven Village has to offer. QUAIL HAVEN VILLAGE OFFERS A picturesque location conveniently close to the Village of Pinehurst Newly renovated garden apartment homes Our INSPIRE wellness program that helps promote an active lifestyle Preferable Rental model that requires no large, up front fee Continuing care on-site to provide peace of mind SCAN HERE 1 55 BLAKE BLVD., PINEHURST, NC 28374 QUAILHAVENVILLAGE.COM Limited Availability - Call Today! 122098 quail haven retire your perception planting ad-outreach nc.indd 1 6/14/22 5:01 PM HOMEALZHEIMER’STHERAPY CONTACT US TODAY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION 779-ALZ-HOPE KSZUCH@ALZHOMETHERAPY.COM(259-4673)WWW.ALZHOMETHERAPY.COM Our unique therapy improves emotional well-being and physical functioning while slowing mental decline. SensoryPhysicalCOMPONENTS:THERAPEUTICActivityTherapyBrainGames

SEPTEMBER 2022 - 13 GRAY MATTER GAMES ACROSS 1. Indian semi-classical vocal music 6., perhaps 17. Person who,e.g."...___hedroveoutofsight"EnlargeSoon,toabardDropHorse',e.g.(acronym)RiotNolongerin"Get___!"FoulBrainareaNotfulfilledDoozie"ChinaBeach"setting 47. Scenery and props in a play 49. Photo equipment 51. ___ nitrate 52. #1 spot 53. Young offspring of a"___ Ng" (They Might Be Giants song) 57. Challenge for a barber 61. Instruments with parabolic antennae (2 wds) 64. Boosts 65. 20-20, e.g. 66. Dukes 67. High school formal dance 68. Convene 69. Aegean vacation locale DOWN 1. Boor's lack 2. ___ vera 3. Tissue joining two parts of an organ 4. Bad way to go? 5. Astern 6. Brush off 7. Shoestring 8. "A jealous mistress": Emerson 9. Unmarried girl 10. Not sanctioned by law 11. "Mi chiamano Mimi," e.g. 12. Medical advice, often 13. Pigeon's home 18. Look into again, as a cold case 19. Drunk, in slang 24. "___ any drop to drink": Coleridge 25. Atlanta-based airline 26. Masters 27. "You ___ (contraction)kidding!" 28. Andean animal 29. Change, as a clock 30. Agreeing (with) 31. Except 32. Swelling 35. Noise and confusion 38. Strict adherence to the law 40. Tropical American plants with lancelike leaves 43. Beat 45. Cap 48. Modus operandi 50. Autobiography 52. About 53. "That's a ___!" 54. "Aquarius" musical 55. Taro's edible root 56. On the safe side, at sea 58. ___ line (major axis of an elliptical orbit) 59. Remaining after all deductions (var. spelling) 60. "___ quam videri" (North Carolina's motto) 62. "The Three Faces of 63.___"Ozone enemy (abbrev.)

SEPTEMBER 2022 - 14 Gray Matter Games Solutions All funds raised will go toward AOS & Friends Care direct care recipient requests, programs, and community education/ awareness efforts targeting older adults, with an emphasis on Alzheimer’s and Dementia. For your donation of $25, we will purchase a mum in honor or memory of a loved one, local care facility, caregiver or front-line worker. ORDER ONLINE www.mumsformemory.orgatFormoreinformation:EMAILinfo@aosfcare.orgALLDONATIONSARETAX-DEDUCTIBLE.7thannualfundraiserevent! ™ WhatCan WE DoToHelp? AOS & Friends Care was incorporated and approved by the IRS as a 501(c) (3) tax exempt nonprofit in 2015. Our Mission is to raise awareness and provide direct care and community support to older adults, with a focus on those with dementia. Mums will be available on October 13, 2022.

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SEPTEMBER 2022 - 16 At Fox Hollow Senior Living, our residents have the opportunity to do everything they’ve always loved. With Five Star Dining, days filled with friends and adventures, you can be yourself again – while we take care of the rest. Make Every Day Five Star FOX HOLLOW SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY 190 Fox Hollow Road • Pinehurst, NC 28374 910-695-0011 • ASSISTED LIVING • MEMORY CARE RESPITE/SHORT-TERM STAYS ©2021 Five Star Senior Living Call to visit and explore community.our

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