On November 14, 2021, “Revolution of Love” honoring Don Gill was held at Neon Boots. Pictured are JP Gill, Jules Czarnek, Larry Arbo, Don Gill, Regina Dane, David Armstrong, and An’Marie Gill.
Houston Pride Band hosted the national Pride Band Alliance Conference in Houston November 17–22, 2021. Pictured are Christopher Wells, Elizabeth De Los Rios, David Lee Williams, Russell Ben Williams, Daniel Summers, and Vanessa De Los Rios.
On November 27, 2021, the Disco Turkey 20th-anniversary celebration was held at ReBar. Pictured are the hosts and friends.
World AIDS Day event was held at Legacy Wellness Bar on December 1, 2021. Pictured are Kenneth Celestine, Sandra Arreola, and Maggie White along with the performers.
On December 1, 2021, AIDS Foundation Houston presented its Behind-the-Scenes reception at BeDesign. Pictured are (front row) Caleb Brown, Angel Rau, Sheng Kuan Chung, Leslie Nagy, Jennifer Simon, Derrick Brown, and Chris Chism; (back row) Russell Cotton, Kyle Pierce, and John Huckaby.
The Montrose Center’s annual Out for Good gala was held at The Ballroom at Bayou Place on December 3, 2021. Pictured are Jack Berger, Dalton DeHart, Ann J. Robison, Julia & Jason Wang, and Deborah Duncan.
The Montrose Center’s annual Out for Good gala was held at The Ballroom at Bayou Place on December 3, 2021. Pictured are Dina Jacobs, Ann J. Robison, Kennedy Loftin, and Tara M. Kelly.
Share Your Blessings Holiday Blast, benefiting Legacy Community Health and Interfaith Ministries, was held on December 5, 2021, at La Griglia. Pictured are Greg Harper, Lisa Foronda Harper, Jim Sikorski, Martin Cominsky, Chree Boydstun, and Tim Martinez.
On December 10, 2021, the Greater Houston LGBT Chamber held its annual food drive at SignatureCare Heights and Eureka Heights Brewery. Pictured are Chamber members and volunteers.
Pride Chorus Houston held its Holiday Traditions concert at Lambert Hall in the Heights on December 11, 2021. Pictured are members of the chorus.
On December 12, 2021, The Legends special holiday show was held at Curtain Call at Bayou Place. Pictured are Kara Dion, Cristina Ross, Dina Jacobs, Bubba McNeely, Monterio J. Ross, and Mimi Marks.
The Holiday Ball 2021 Red Ribbon Toy Drive was held at Michael’s Outpost on December 14, 2021. Pictured are Oscar Perez, Joanna Jetton, Bobby Balderas, Crystal Vallair, Lucy Salazar, Angela Mercy, Dena Page, Maria Mendizabal, and Martin Enrique Munoz Colon.
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