Outwords May/June 2011 Issue 183

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outwords queer views, news, issues



preview Sir Elton Rock ‘n Roll


Dan Savage makes it better

Outwords | May/June 2011 | Issue 183 | Serving the GLBT Community Since 1994

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Pub: Outwords Magazine

4/7/11 2:37 PM




May 28


9-Hole Texas Scramble Registration begins at 2 pm KenDucky Derby 2 – 3 pm Shotgun start at 3:30 pm Dinner & dance at 6:30 pm

Registration info online at rainbowresourcecentre.org Or visit the Rainbow Resource Centre 170 Scott Street (Open Mon 4-7, Tue 1-7, Wed/Thu 1-6, Fri 1-5)

Registrations due by May 23rd!

Includes: 9 holes of golf, prizes, fun activities, dinner after golf, dancing, DJ! $65 per golfer $45 per non-golfer

All proceeds to benefit the Rainbow Resource Centre

7 Cheering

on a new generation editorial

8 Westwood

Collegiate is “A�-OK Manitoba news briefs


Sitting down for gay rights

national news briefs


Elton John Rocking across the generations

25 united in pride

Farewell, Liz Taylor foreign news briefs

19 Assault on Beaconia Beach

53 Have a


57 Jeff Martin

44 Coming

60 The 2011

formational stories Taking back the streets

out at 17

little faith

hits his comfort zone

GLAAD awards

30 Winnipeg Pride preview

32 Here 16

40 Trans-

54 Blood, sweat

come the RebELLEs

and dragon boats

for music


48 34 A natural ear Savaging 36 A fresh take

on Pride

46 Gold for greying gear technology

62 resource




Serving the GLBT Community Since 1994 Issue 183 May-June 2011  Published by the outwords volunteer staff:

Taking pride in a new generation of queers

Rachel Morgan editor

Jason van Rooy general manager

M. Buchanan

editorial rachel j. morgan

art director & layout

A common lament

feel like they owe anything to the older

we often hear is

generation and don’t really care how the

Gord McDiarmid

that the queer community lacks cohesive-

freedoms they enjoy were won. They just

subscriptions manager

ness. The guys don’t understand the gals,

want to get on with their lives. That creates

Barry Karlenzig

who in turn find the guys incomprehensi-

a certain amount of bitterness in the older

ble. The older generation doesn’t under-

generation, who want some recognition for

stand the younger generation and vice

their hard work and their suffering.

Financial officer

Terry Wiebe, Gord McDiarmid distribution  Vic Hooper web manager

Charis Hernandez Office manager

Charles Melvin, Rachel Morgan, Corey Shefman, Michele Buchanan, Roselle Turenne, Nancy Renwick, Brad TylerWest, Rachael Alpern, Katrina Caudle, Peter Carlyle-Gordge, Patrick Woodbeck, Noreen Mae, Miles McEnery, Graeme Coleman, Jason Clevette contributors to this issue

versa. It seems we are all marching to the

second. The older generation fought for

we get together and march in the same

exactly the kind of world the new genera-

direction is at Pride.

tion inhabits. The older generation wanted

Leaving aside the obvious disconnect

and that’s exactly what the young gen-

more fascinating divide is between the

eration is doing. They aren’t obligated to

older and younger generations. Queers

engage in hero worship, nor should anyone

who hit their teen years in the last century

expect that of them.

grew up in an openly homo-

M. Buchanan

phobic world. Most stayed in the closet – and nailed

Maureen Pendergast (chair) Darron Field (comptroller) Karol Rogers (secretary) Gord McDiarmid Dani Fraser Faith Kaplan Gail Eckert

the door shut. Those who


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to be able to live their lives as they saw fit

between guys and gals on sexuality, the

COVER PHOTO-Illustration

board of directors

Is that bitterness justified? Not for one

beat of different drummers. The only time

couldn’t stay in the closet

Queers who came of age since 2005 have largely been able to live whatever lives they wanted.

chose pink-collar jobs where they could get

Never before has a generation of

away with being eccentric in the eyes of

queers had the opportunity to devote all of


their energy to leading creative, construc-

A small but significant number of

tive lives, unencumbered by homophobia

queers chose harder lives. They eschewed

and the fetters of a false life. Imagine what

the closet and they fought for equal rights.

this could mean in the coming decades.

Regardless of which path they chose, the

It’s not unreasonable to expect to see a

generations who came of age before 2005,

blossoming of creative work in every field –

when Canada granted full equal rights,

from science to the arts.

bear the scars on their psyches. And that

Unleashing so much pent-up energy

affects how they view the world – with a

has to have a positive effect on all facets of

certain amount of trepidation.

our culture, our economy and our politics.

Queers who came of age since 2005

Rather than berating them for any per-

have largely been able to live whatever

ceived lack of respect, the older generation

lives they wanted. Living in the closet is

should embrace the energy of the younger

now a rarity instead of the norm. Today’s

generation. Like all good parents, we have

young queers face the world head on with-

prepared the road for them. We can take

out fear.

pride in that knowledge and we can take

Here’s the key – like every generation before them, they don’t particularly

pride in their accomplishments. We can cheer them on as we pass the baton.


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manitoba news

Asper School

As reported in the Winnipeg Free Press,

respect in our diverse society, thereby

Patrick O’Reilly, the former Chief Operat-

making a distinct and describable


ing Officer of the Canadian Museum of

difference. Students Erin Laforet and

Human Rights, said he was “shocked” at

Stephanie Higgins founded the GSA to

how many professionals in Winnipeg are

counter the slurs and bullying endured by

still in the closet. Karen Busby, professor of

their gay friends. Their accomplishments

law at U of M, commented that she knows

include a rainbow sticker drive for

of only one out senior partner at Winni-

Gay Pride week, creating information

peg’s top five law firms; her partner.

pamphlets advocating for gay rights and a

In what may be a first for any business school in Canada, four gay and lesbian professionals came together in Winnipeg on March 22 for the panel discussion “OUT in Business: Understanding Different Perspectives of the LGBT Workforce.” One of the event organizers, Matt Boisjoli, a fourth-year commerce student at the University of Manitoba, told Outwords, “The event was a success with over 110 students, faculty and professionals in attendance.” As for feedback: “The support from faculty and our dean at the Asper School was phenomenal, saying that it is about time we had an event like

Outwords asked one of the panellists, Brad Tyler-West, a senior human resource consultant at Legacy Bowes Group, what he thought of the event. “It was a good first step on the journey,” he said. “The Asper school has had guest speakers in the past dealing with marketing to the GLBT population, but this was the first time there was a session dealing with the GLBT community in the workplace.”

this at our school,” Boisjoli said. The event, presented by The University of Manitoba’s I. H. Asper School of Business and its Career Development Centre, was designed to start a conversation among students, faculty, and stakeholders about creating safe workplaces and protecting the rights of LGBT workers. However, the most interesting topic of discussion was coming out of the closet.

Westwood Collegiate gets an “A” FOR AWESOME Every time students take the initiative

purple on anti-bullying day. The group’s teacher-advisor, Catharine

at their high school – especially with a

Teichroew, told Outwords, “It gave a

vision statement to make everyone feel

strong indication of the impact the GSA

welcome, safe and respected – it’s a

has made in making people aware of the

hopeful indicator that we’re moving into

need for acceptance, understanding and

a better and brighter future.

dignity of all people in this world.” The

when those kids are recognized and awarded. The YMCA-YWCA of Winnipeg presented the 2010 Youth Peace Medal to the Gay Straight Alliance of Westwood Collegiate.

GSA has been successful in changing attitudes and helping students at Westwood, Teichroew said. “The GSA has been able to have a very positive influence on the school and the community. The kids of the GSA have been working to make the school safe, not just for

Nominations are made by the

GLBTTQ* students, but for all who attend

public and the medal is awarded

Westwood Collegiate.”

to individuals or groups who work for peace and the promotion of non-violence, tolerance and

outwords, may - june 2011 // www.outwords.ca

90 per cent of the student body to wear

and form a Gay Straight Alliance (GSA)

It’s an even more hopeful indicator

8 9

teacher education package, and inspiring

Teichroew also acknowledged the support of the St. James-Assiniboia School Division and Westwood principal Mike Wake. The

manitoba news

GSA has also helped other GSAs form

So which Winnipeg resident will walk

Then, as universal forces are wont to do,

throughout the division and city, ensuring

the red carpet? Karen Busby, professor of

an event of opposing magnitude occurred.

that even more kids will have stellar

law, University of Manitoba. Among her

qualities like social responsibility and

many achievements, Busby is the founding

progressive leadershop placed on their

director of the University of Manitoba

permanent records.

Centre for Human Rights Research.


On March 29, Stephen Harper came to Winnipeg on the fourth day of his campaign and visited Maria Aragon at home. They sat side by side at her

As a member of the national board of

keyboard as she sang “Born This Way.”

Egale Canada she worked on the Equal

Then they performed a duet of John

Marriage Campaign, challenges to the

Lennon’s “Imagine.”

bawdyhouse/indecency laws, the age of consent laws and gender identity issues.

Rarely do events converge to create such a perfect example of irony. Lady

One of the panellists who participated

When asked for her reaction to the news

Gaga intended her song to be a gay

at the Out In Business event will be

of the nomination, Busby told Outwords,

anthem. Harper courts support from

inducted into the Q Hall Of Fame,

“While I don’t know who nominated me,

religious groups who find homosexuality

headquartered in Vancouver B.C., where

I would like to thank them. The LGBT

“immoral.” John Lennon intended his

it houses and commemorates the history

communities in Manitoba work well

song to be a plea for peace. Harper spends

of the LGBT community. Nominations

together; we don’t seem to suffer from

tax dollars on overpriced F-35 fighter

are submitted by members of the

the destructive infighting that many social

jets and was a strong supporter of the

community. An independent committee

change groups experience,” she said.

American invasion of Iraq.

chooses inductees based on the impact

“It has been an honour to be one of the

the individual, group or entity has had

public figureheads.”

on their community through activism, philanthropy, advocacy, sport and more.

Imagine Lady Gaga GAGGING

rid Canada

performed her

Tewkesbury and Janine Fuller of Little Sisters Bookstore.

followers, and the video went


will form a

of capital

message to her eight million Twitter

and the day before Vancouver’s Pride

President Gaga

and forever

Lady Gaga saw the video, sent a

Vancouver 2011 Human Rights Conference

create. Or maybe she and

10-year-old who

2009 included Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Mark

takes place on July 30 at the close of the

inadvertently helped Stephen Harper

a lovely, talented

Inductees at the inaugural ceremony in

fund-raising gala. This year, the event

oligarchy/military dictatorship she


“Born This Way” on YouTube.

is The Q Ball, a red carpet, black-tie

world’s saddest song about the corporate

Maria Aragon is

rendition of Lady Gaga’s

The Q Hall of Fame induction ceremony

One day, Maria Aragon will write the

viral. Aragon became a YouTube sensation. When Lady Gaga

H.I.M.; His Infernal Majesty. – Charles Melvin is a Toronto-based freelance writer.

played the Air Canada Centre in Toronto on March 3, she invited Aragon on stage where the two sang “Born This Way.” Lady Gaga wept tears of pure, glittering artistic joy.

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The Lone Ranger

Grady was promoted to deputy superint-

founded in 2004. They initiated the

edent in 2005, becoming the second-in-

Positive Spaces campaign three weeks


command at the OCDC.

previous to the sit-in. Their goal: create

In his complaint, Ranger told inves-

safe places at all four Kwantlen campuses,

Ottawa—In January, the Ontario

tigators that Grady angrily and without

including those in Richmond and Langley.

Grievance Settlement Board released its

context repeated a gay slur over and over

decision on a 2002 complaint filed by

again in his presence (sounds like “cork-

after 46 hours. As reported in the Surrey

former prison guard Robert Ranger, age

sucker”); Grady joked that Ranger was

edition of The Now newspaper, Kwantlen

50. It found that Ranger was “harassed,

making sexual advances on other male

Pride communications director Matthew

suffered discrimination and a poisoned

participants during a training session

DiMera said that administration agreed

workplace on the basis of his sexual

(one participant, probably a subordinate

to work with the group to find a space on

orientation.” They also found that his

to Grady, laughed so hard he almost

campus. He expected to hear back from

employer, Ottawa-Carleton Detention

choked); and – in what sounds like a sto-

them within a week.

Centre (OCDC), failed to promptly

ryline lifted from the TV series Oz – Grady

investigate Ranger’s complaints.

simulated anal sex on a fellow employee

tion told the paper that they were in full

The Ottawa Citizen reported in March

while looking at Ranger with a big smile

support of the group, but couldn’t put

that Ranger will receive $244,242 in lost

on his face.

a timeline on when a space would be

wages for eight years of lost work. An

The latter incident was corroborated

The sit-in ended on Friday, March 18,

A representative for the administra-

found. They better hurry. With every sit-

amount for damages is still pending as of

by a witness who had never seen Grady

in, Kwantlen Pride buttocks are getting

this writing.

do such a thing before. Other witnesses

louder and prouder. Well, maybe just

That’s a steep bill to pay for indulging

who provided statements to the board re-


the oddly specific, gay-baiting of Ranger’s

ported that Grady used homophobic slurs

chief tormentor, Mark Grady, Ranger’s

in reference to Ranger. This story does

superior and the president of the local un-

have a happy-ish ending.

ion at the time of the incidents. Yet, even with the outstanding complaint against him,

The Ottawa Citizen reported last July that a memo was circulated to staff of OCDC announcing that both Grady and Supt. Asfia Sultan were no longer employees and both were no longer allowed to access the facility.

True Grit PIONEER SPIRIT Edmonton—History forged on when the Edmonton Public Schools board of trustees became the first in Alberta to pass a motion to develop a policy to prevent harassment and discrimination of LGBTQ

Take A Stand SIT DOWN Surrey, B.C.—Proving that the sit-in is still an effective, non-violent form of protest, almost 80 students parked their butts in the staff lounge of the Surrey campus of Kwantlen Polytechnic University and stayed put until a promise was

students and staff. Don’t break out the rainbow cupcakes yet. The policy still needs to be researched, written and put forward for public consultation with the three stakeholder groups: staff, students and the public. But the future is looking good. Board chair Dave Colburn told Outwords that the policy could be in place by the end of the school year. Leslie Cleary joined the board in Oct. 2010. She told Outwords that the response she’s heard so far has been very

made to provide safe spaces on campus

favourable. Asked about the March 8

for LGBT students and community. The

meeting when the motion was passed,

March 16 sit-in was organized by the

Cleary said “The chambers were full with

student organization Pride Kwantlen,

students, retired staff, current staff, par-

www.outwords.ca // outwords, may - june 2011 Clayton Moore as The Lone Ranger by Greg Mowry of Geppetto Productions



ents of the students, community groups.”

tion; immigrant parents and their gay and

Of the response from the crowd once the

lesbian children.

motion was passed, she says “I had never heard clapping in the chamber before.” Other Canadian school districts have

The five different ads each portray a parent and child, each one representing a different cultural background; Italian,

already made strides towards protecting

Asian, Latino, African and Middle Eastern.

LGBT students, while others are going

The message is simple and effective: “I

back into an unenlightened past. The

support my lesbian daughter because

publicly funded Catholic School Board in

she’s my child” or “I support my gay son

Ontario has resolutely stated that it will

because he’s my child.”

not acknowledge “gay identity.” The online media release about the

A 2008 Angus Reid poll on cultural attitudes found that foreign-born residents

Edmonton policy states: “Boards have a

are much more inclined than long-time

responsibility to create safe, welcoming

residents to define homosexual relation-

environments for all and this policy is the

ships as “immoral.”

next step in demonstrating the board’s

The Conservatives certainly took no-

the previous version, the one Canadian Press reported was scoured by Kenney of all mention of gay and lesbian history before it went to print, leaving one inch of sidebar mentioning Mark Tewkesbury as a

commitment to ensuring equity, fairness

tice of that poll. They’re currently riding

and justice for all students and staff.” Or

on the fumes of resentment emanating

as Cleary passionately puts it, echoing

from traditionalists of all stripes against

decades of pioneer spirit, “We’re blazing

the Liberals for being seen as champion-

forward on the prairies.” And that, kids, is

ing same-sex marriage back in 2005.

let it pass on by and hop a ride on the

You’re Immi-Grating

new guide’s bold stance against “violent,


into this country. Why? Because it’s al-

how the West was won.


Ottawa—Poor Immigration Minister Jason

Canada’s first openly gay dolphin or something like that. Honey child, when it’s that small you next one. Kenney, puffy and proud, lauded the extreme or hateful prejudices” coming ready full, apparently. In 2005, Kenny was a staunch op-

Montreal—On March 18, Laurent

Kenney is flip-flopping around like a fish

ponent of same-sex marriage, making the

McCutcheon was awarded the Prix

on the bottom of a boat. First there was

flippant argument that gays were already

de la justice du Quebec, an annual

the scandal over a fundraising violation

free to marry … someone of the opposite

award presented by Quebec’s minister

– a request on government letterhead

sex. Kenney is 45. He has not yet exercised

of justice to those who devote their

sent to Conservative riding associations,

that right.

time and effort to improving the legal

soliciting money for a media strategy to

system throughout Quebec. Among

attract “very ethnic” voters in the Greater

McCutheon’s accomplishments is his

Toronto Area.

creation of Fondation Émergence in

As reported by the CBC, one of Ken-

2000, an organization that promotes

ney’s junior staffers, lawyer Kasra Nejatian,

the development and inclusion of LGBT

resigned over the matter and took respon-

citizens in society.

sibility for the letter. During a parliamen-

As reported in Marketing Maga-

tary committee hearing, MPs repeatedly

zine, Fondation Émergence unveiled an

had to ask Nejatian to speak up as the bus

ad campaign to coincide with Quebec’s

he was thrown under was idling loudly.

12th annual Action Week Against Racism,

On March 14, Kenney’s department

March 21-25. The campaign is aimed at

released a new version of the citizen-

a growing segment of Canada’s popula-

ship study guide for new Canadians that includes one sentence covering 50 years

12 13

of LGBT activism; an improvement over

outwords, may - june 2011 // www.outwords.ca

Rockin’ The Rock QUEERS AHOY St. John’s, LAB. & NFLD.—A bit of progress took place in March when The Muse, the student paper of Memorial University in St. John’s, published its first queer issue. Though feedback on the their Facebook page was middling to brutal, the paper did run a feature article about the workings of Exodus International and

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NATIONAL NEWS raised ire (and provoked discussion) with an editorial that considered eschewing all A week later, the university’s queer organization, LBGT-MUN, held the second annual LBGT Health Awareness Week from


March 28 to April 1. The event seeks to educate both students and the community at large on LBGT issues within the health-care system. The week ended with the LGBT-MUN Queer Prom, a chance to “do your prom over again” but with better clothes and a date of the preferred sex. Here’s hoping


labels to describe one’s sexual orientation.


Amber Dawn The Vancouver-based author and community activist was nominated by the Lambda Literary Awards for Sub Rosa, her novel about magical prostitutes working in an otherworldly realm. (It also made the Globe and Mail’s best of 2010 list.) The author’s hobnob with New York’s queer literati should inspire further tales of dark, erotic magic realism.

they offered a session on hangover cures during Health Awareness Week.

Flowers For M’lady BUT NOT LES GIRLS

Catholics Pick your jaw up off the floor, Mary. The Public Religion Research Institute in Washington, D.C., reported that ordinary Catholics express more support for gay rights that the general public and other Christians. Just like the collection plate, small change matters in a big institution.

Riverview, N.B.—Yay, news from New Brunswick! Boo! It’s about a florist who’s so mean she probably dips bees in salt so their sting hurts even more. Kim Evans of Petals and Promises Wedding Flowers declined an order from a wedding planner working for a lesbian couple because it

Ralph Klein No, it isn’t Opposite Day. The Vancouver Sun reported that the former Alberta premier—the guy who almost clubbed same-sex marriage with the not-withstanding clause—privatized Alberta’s public adoption system. The unintended result is easier access to adoption by same-sex couples. Yes, Junior, you were a happy accident.

went against her beliefs as a refried, um, “born-again” Christian. She then quoted Luke 4:14: “Thy dyketh shalt not invite the wrath of the Lord by holding unclean stems,” or some such nonsense. Stick Scrabble tiles up

Exodus International This “reparative therapy” ministry offered a dose of Jesus to cure the gay in the iPhone app store. A petition was signed and the app was pulled. What’s next, an app from Raid that promises to “kill erections dead?”

your butt, shake well, and you’ll come up

Blood and Honour

with some excuse for bigots to hate les

After much hoopla, this white supremacist group marched in downtown Calgary on March 19. The handfull of uptight whiteys were countered by 200 anti-racist protestors who shouted them down with a collective “Oh no, you did NOT just do that!”

lesbians. Anyway, the CBC interviewed the couple’s wedding planner, a man with the most awesome wedding planner name ever: Mario Bourgeois Leduc. He promptly called Little Miss P & P on the carpet and said he was “appalled!” We can only hope that Mr. Leduc uses his amazing planning powers to pan Petals and Promises and plant her little pursuit in the pooper. – Charles Melvin is a Toronto-based freelance writer. His website quink.ca is starved for attention.

14 15

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Tony Clement The Globe and Mail reported on March 24 that the industry minister circulated an e-mail to Conservative Senate members to vote against a bill that would allow the sale of cheap HIV meds to the world’s poorest countries. Clement once held a 25 per cent stake in a pharmaceutical company. No conflict of interest? That’s a bitter pill to swallow.

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a n n o g It’s





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Hollywood star flickers out

Moral hypocrisy ROME—Controversial Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has said gay couples will never be permitted to marry. “Gays will never have marriages equal to traditional family values because there is only one family,” he told a Catholic conference in Milan. “This government will not allow singles or gays to adopt.” The 74-year-old leader has refused to resign, despite his own moral troubles. He is charged with having sex with an underage prostitute and will go on trial in April.

by providing gay men and lesbians with the documentation required to marry overseas. Minister for Equality Elzbieta Radziszewska says the government is moving to provide same-sex couples with the means they need to marry abroad. In Australia however, the ban on issuing such documentation remains, despite a positive recommendation from the senate as far back as 2009. Australian Marriage Equality (AME) Alex Greenwich says the ban was “mean spirited” and that

Gay drug Nantes, FRANCE—A Frenchman claims a faulty Parkinson’s disease drug turned him into a gay sex addict and is sueing ReQuip manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline Los Angeles—Dame Elizabeth Taylor, noted for her flamboyant dramas both on the big screen and in real life, passed away in late March from congestive heart failure. Taylor, 79, was married eight times – twice to actor Richard Burton. Her fame was based on her beauty and her five-decade acting career, which

for his psychological trauma, demanding £390,000 in compensation. Didier Jambart, 52, is a married father and claims the drug changed his personality and made him addicted to gay sex. His lawyers say he began cross-dressing, exposing himself on the Internet and indulging in risky behavior which led to him being

included two Oscars. The last 25 years

raped. They claim he had attempted

of her life involved support for the fight

suicide eight times after beginning a

against AIDS . She set up the American

course of ReQuip in 2003.

Foundation for AIDS Research (Amfar), which has invested almost $250 million in HIV and AIDS research since 1985. She also supported AIDS fundraising efforts

One tiny step forward Warsaw, POLAND—Poland has a poor record on gay rights but it may finally be on the first step to marriage equality

16 17

outwords, may - june 2011 // www.outwords.ca

would be fighting it in the courts.

Cut loose London— As part of government cutbacks, the Gay Police Association is to lose its funding after a government decision to stop supporting

police staff

diversity groups. According to a letter seen by Police


magazine, all such groups will have their funding stopped completely next month.

by Winnipeg’s Village Clinic, donating her line of perfumes for auction.

pro-marriage equality advocates

Other groups affected are the National Disabled Police Association, the British Association for Women in Policing and the Muslim Police Association. The Gay Police Association (GPA) received $165,000 of Home Office funding in the year ending April 2010.


Whipping boy Boston—A Boston man who alleges that a brother of the ruler of the United Arab Emirates whipped him with a belt in a Swiss hotel bar has filed a $7-million defamation lawsuit, claiming that the sheik and his associates have made false statements about him and slandered him in the news media. Silvanio Orsi alleges that Sheik

were not receptive to serotonin. A series

for the museum at the Buckinghamshire

of experiments showed these mice had


lost the preference for females shown by unmodified males. But experts have warned about the dangers of drawing conclusions about human sexuality. Professor Keith Kendrick, a neuroscientist

Media, PA.— A 70-year-old man was

at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge,

stoned to death with a rock stuffed in

says any potential links between serotonin

a sock by a younger friend who alleged

and human sexual preferences must be

the victim made unwanted sexual

considered somewhat tenuous.

advances, authorities said. John Thomas, 28, of a Philadelphia suburb, told police

Falah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan hit him repeatedly with his steel-buckled belt after Orsi rejected his sexual advances

Turing’s papers saved

and politely declined a bottle of champagne in a luxury hotel bar

Stoned to death

Bletchley Park, ENGLAND—Second World

in Geneva. Orsi, now a law student at

War papers by the U.K.’s most famous

Boston University, is seeking damages

codebreaker, Alan Turing, have been

for emotional distress, loss of business,

bought for the nation with an 11th-

personal humiliation and mental anguish.

hour bid by the National Heritage

he killed Murray Seidman of nearby Lansdowne because the Bible refers to stoning homosexuals. Thomas has been arrested and charged with murder. Court documents show Thomas claims he read in the Old Testament that homosexuals should

be stoned in certain

Memorial Fund. Turing’s work

Of mice and men

was in danger of going to a private buyer abroad but will now

Bejing—A chemical in the brain controls sexual preference in mice, according China. Male mice bred without serotonin lose their

to scientists in

stay in its “spiritual home”, Bletchley Park, which was the centre of Britain’s topsecret code-breaking effort during the war. Turing was gay and

preference for females, a

eventually killed himself.

report in Nature says.

A mathematician, he was

The researchers say it

dubbed “the father of

is the first time that a neurotransmitter has been shown to play a role in

computer science”

situations. The answer John Thomas received from his prayers was to kill the victim. – Peter Carlye-Gordge is a Winnipeg-based freelance writer.

and helped crack the German Enigma code while

sexual preference

stationed at Bletchley Park. The

in mammals. The

National Heritage Memorial

research team first bred

Fund pledged a last-minute bid

male mice whose brains

of $335,000 to save the papers

www.outwords.ca // outwords, may - june 2011


New Manitoba website focuses on gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and two-spirit health What can you learn from www.getiton.ca? Things like: Who to talk to if you need help What is healthy sexuality Where to find GLBTT* positive groups, organizations and events When to get tested for sexually transmitted infections Why healthy relationships are important How to explore GLBTT* positive spirituality ….and much more

Getiton.ca is filled with a huge range of information in support of healthy sexuality for members of the GLBTT* community. Created by the GLBTT* Sexual Health Promotion Coalition, the site covers topics ranging from physical to mental to spiritual health. For example, it includes info on gender orientation, sexual identity, homophobia, safer sex, harm reduction, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), relationships, and belief and support systems. There are also listings for local counseling, STI testing clinics and crisis lines. “The impact of things that affect your overall health like homophobia, coming out, loss of relationships and family often aren’t reflected in mainstream sources. Getiton.ca has an incredible wealth of information that folks can read and use in their own lives,” says Chad Smith, the Coalition spokesperson. “One of the great things we’ve woven throughout the site is ways to connect with other resources and people to talk to about issues in person.”

The site was developed with input and collaboration from the Coalition’s coordination committee, consisting of representatives from Manitoba Health, Manitoba Healthy Living Youth and Seniors, Healthy Sexuality & Harm Reduction (WRHA Population and Public Health), Rainbow Resource Centre, Nine Circles Community Health Centre, Klinic and SERC. Visitors are encouraged to contact the Coalition through the website. “We will gladly be in touch with those who write to provide them with more information, answer questions or provide referrals,” says Smith.

Visit www.getiton.ca and get prizes! You could receive a free a “Get it On” prize package! We have shopping bags, pen lights, note pads and more to give away. Prize packages vary and quantities are limited. Visit www.getiton.ca/contest for details.

Visit www.getiton.ca today





My first visit to

being nude under the sun reconnects you to some elemental, care-free part of yourself

As if finger-wagging prigs

Beaconia beach was

weren’t enough, it turns out

more than 20 years

that the grabbing hands of

ago. It was the final

land developers are also

stretch of a long,

trying to beat the

hot summer. When a

birds out of the bush .

friend offered to bring

The RM of St. Clements

me to the beach, I

purchased the land from the prov-

joined him.

ince of Manitoba for $1 in 1990. The sale

Once there, I found a semi-seclud-

ed area on a sand dune away from the

included the caveat that the land not be used for private development. In 2010, news broke that Beaconia

shoreline. After defeating my inner prude,

Beach and its parking lot – the only non-

I doffed my shorts. A half-hour later I was

water access point to the beach – were

making a break for the water. It was liber-

part of a land package promised to a


private developer named Sopko as a trade

It’s not often in your life you get a

for land used to develop Destination Grand

chance to overcome inhibitions. It sounds

Marais, a project funded under the Con-

corny, but being nude under the sun re-

servative government’s “Economic Devel-

connects you to some elemental, care-free

opment Plan.”

part of yourself. I now have some inkling of why people lead a naturist lifestyle. Beaconia beach is located on the southeast end of Lake Winnipeg. It’s been a favourite spot for naturists since 1948. It’s also notable for its cruising. The website

As detailed in the March 17 edition of The Selkirk Record, the deal was made

to the beach that end with “busiest spot is

before the RM asked permission from the

bushes behind beach area.”

province to override the caveat. After sev-

Cruising contravenes the Guide to Gra-

eral requests, then-Conservation Minister

cious Sunbathing, a resource used by most

Stan Struthers conditionally lifted the ban

naturist associations. But anyone unfamiliar

on the sale to private interests in July 2009.

going on in the bushes. That hasn’t stopped some nosy park-

public and environmental concerns. I asked Chris D., representing the GLBT members and supporters of the Eastern Beaches Conservation Coalition, how significant the loss of the beach would be to the naturist community. “It would be a great loss, not only to Manitobans but also to visitors who bring

anyone unfamiliar with the area would have no idea what was going on in the bushes

gaycruising.com offers detailed directions

with the area would have no idea what was


In 2010, the Eastern Beaches Conservation Coalition raised the alarm. Not only was the deal done without public consulta-

ers from stirring up trouble, going so far

tion, it was also done without an environ-

as forming a corporation in 1999 with the

mental impact study on the nearby wet-

intent of leasing the beach from the Crown

lands conservation area. Complaints were

and turning it into a no-nudie zone. The

made to Conservation Minister Bill Blakie,

action was blocked thanks to the efforts of

who rescinded the deal made with the pre-

the Federation of Canadian Naturists.

vious minister, citing both complaints from

their tourist dollars to Manitoba,” he said. Referring to both Beaconia and Patricia Beaches, Chris says, “Nowhere else in

Manitoba can beach goers experience the freedom and tranquility of two beautiful, nearly side-by-side clothing-optional beaches; they are two of Manitoba’s treasures.” There aren’t many options in Manitoba where you can get so much for so little. If Beaconia Beach is lost to private development, only to be turned into another resort or marina for uptight middle-class consumers, Manitoba will be a little less unique and a lot less fun. – Charles Melvin is a Toronto-based freelance writer.

www.outwords.ca // outwords, may - june 2011


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MLA for WeLLington

MLA for rieL





dRew caldwell

MLA for brAndon eAst













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MLA for seine riVer

MLA for Lord roberts

MLA for KirKfieLd PArK MLA for Minto


altemeyeR 775-8575
















A legacy second to Many of us have a particular album, CD

the Royal Academy of Music. He studied

or video that we seem to always remem-

for six years, at which time he left school

AIDS Foundation, which has raised more

ber. For me, one of these albums is Elton

to break into the music business. His

than $220 million for HIV/AIDS prevention

John’s Greatest Hits, released in 1974. I

stage name came from the combination of

and service programs in many countries.

can still see the cover; Elton sitting on a

the names of two of his Bluesology band

In 1998, Elton John was knighted by

piano bench with a white Panama hat, big,

mates, saxophonist Elton Dean and the

Queen Elizabeth to become Sir Elton John

white-rimmed sunglasses and a white suit,

band’s front man Long John Baldry. After

CBE (Commander of the Order of the Brit-

all giving us the feeling we were visiting

nearly five decades of work in the music

ish Empire).

Elton in a cabana somewhere in the trop-

industry, Elton John is still going strong.

ics. I can even remember the lyrics to a

As he himself says, “the great thing about

John married German sound engineer Re-

number of the songs:

rock and roll is that someone like me can

nate Blauel. The marriage lasted four years

be a star.”

before they went their separate ways. On

“Daniel is travelling tonight on a plane, I can see the red tail lights, heading for Spain.”

Elton John has become one of the top-

In 1992, he launched the Elton John

In 1984, prior to coming out, Elton

December 21, 2005, Elton John married

selling artists of all time, with 35 Gold al-

his partner of 12 years, David Furnish. The

“You can tell everybody this is your

bums, 25 Platinum albums, five Grammys,

marriage took place the day the United

song, it may be quite simple but now that

the Grammy Legend award and numerous

Kingdom legally recognized same-sex civil

it’s done.”

other accolades. After branching out into

unions. On December 25, 2010, the couple

the stage and screen, Elton John contin-

became the parents of a baby boy.

“I remember when rock was young, me and Susie had so much fun.” Born Reginald Kenneth Dwight on

ued to win awards – including the Oliver

As Dawn Hawkins wrote on Helium.

Award for best musical for the adaptation

com “Elton John’s career has been very

of Billy Elliot, an Academy award for The

successful. He has changed his style drasti-

Elton John began playing the piano at age

Lion King and Tony awards for The Lion

cally since the early 1970s. He dresses to

four and at age 11 he won a scholarship to

King and Aida.

the nines these days as he fights for the

March 25, 1947, in Middlesex, England,

“the great thing about rock and roll is that someone like me can be a star.”


By Patrick Woodbeck

causes that touch his heart and soul. He has made the world a brighter and happier place to be for his many fans. It is safe to say that Elton John has made his mark in the world. He has enough “Greatest” albums to prove it. Whether searching for a love song, a sad song or a fun song, Elton John will cover it all.” Elton John will be bringing his musical legacy to the MTS Centre in Winnipeg on May 7. For those of us who grew up with the music of Elton John this is an opportunity to hear those songs that have become the anthems of our lives. – Patrick Woodbeck is a Winnipegbased freelance writer and a huge fan of Elton John.

www.outwords.ca // outwords, may - june 2011


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Unity. It means to be undivided or whole. It implies oneness when there is usually division. More importantly for Manitoba’s GLBT community, it is the theme of this year’s annual Pride festival, running May 28 to June 5. It’s a fitting theme for a festival that has changed so much since it started on August 2, 1987. Back in those rather dark and scary ages, 250 people marched in Winnipeg’s first Pride Day. It was a brave step in a repressive environment – a tentative venture out of a dark closet that for too long confined the spirits of those who belong to Winnipeg’s queer community. >>


golf tournament at Southside Golf Course.

Legally and socially it was still pretty homo-

On May 31, the Rainbow Resource Centre

phobic and it took guts to take part. A few

will host an Open House and barbecue,

people in that first march wore paper bags

while on June l there will be a kids’ roller-

over their heads to conceal their identities,

skating derby sponsored by CKUW Radio.

for fear of discrimination and ridicule from

3-4 and on the morning of the parade,

Now it’s an occasion for celebration and

June 5, a pancake breakfast, sponsored by

fun, a chance to get in the bag rather than

the Peer Project for Youth, will take place at

having to put one on as headgear and pro-

Club 200.

tection from prying eyes.

Burkowski says the switch last year to a

What a difference a quarter century –

route along Broadway, with the parade end-

and a lot of education and lobbying – has

ing at The Forks, was generally well received

made. Now we have qual rights and mar-

and it will be repeat-

riage and adoption rights. Even Nostrada-

ed. “We had a lot of

mus didn’t see that coming. Today, more

positive comments

than 30,000 attend the Pride Winnipeg

that the route was

Festival events to celebrate our many vic-

easier and safer and it

tories and our diverse community. All for

also gives more people

one and one for all was fine for the Three

a chance to watch,”

Musketeers, but it was also the formula for

she says.

smashing closets and letting the light in on

The beer garden

what had been a fearful and threatened sub-

at The Forks will once

culture for centuries.

again feature a special-

Pride Winnipeg has evolved from a

ly brewed queer beer

one-day event into a 10-day festival filled

and this will also be

with pride, confidence, fun, colour, music,

available in local bars.

laughter, optimism, and activism. It’s the

Meantime, the same

largest celebration of GLBT culture between

beer may be used by

Toronto and Vancouver. Barb Burkowski is

Calgary Pride and talks are

chairing the event for her third time. For full

ongoing to ship it to other

details of events and last-minute changes,

cities with Pride parades.

check the Pride website at www.pridewinnipeg.com. Many of the events from last year will be

“The good news is that our committee gets a small royalty on Queer Beer sales

repeated, including a June 3 Coffee House at

so this could become an im-

75 Albert St. (no wheelchair access) and the

portant extra revenue source

usual dance party Sunday, June 5. The lat-

in future,” she says.

ter will have D.J. music, along with a beach party theme. Cocktails in the Trees, another favourite,

26 27

The baseball tournament will be June

friends, family members and co-workers.

Pride seems to grow every year and many local gay and lesbian people or-

will also be held, as will the flag raising at

ganize events by themselves.

City Hall. Two fundraisers for Outwords – a

Burkowski would like to see

masquerade ball and a Ms. Purdy’s reunion

them link into the overall

– are planned and on May 28 there will be a

celebrations, so encourages

outwords, may - june 2011 // www.outwords.ca

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CONTINUED... them to notify the Pride Committee of their

Joey Lowen. They were inspired to bring this


event to Winnipeg after Leppik and Lowen

“Next year will be our 25th anniver-

attended the San Francisco Dyke March

sary, so we want it to be a big, spectacular

in 2009. This year’s march will be on June

event,” she adds.

4 at 2 p.m., rain or shine. The route had

Media director Scott Carman says the

not been confirmed as of the printing of

Unity theme is perfect for this year, with so

this magazine, but it is expected to begin

many global stories on how GLBT people

at River Osborne Community Centre and

are persecuted or killed in other countries.

proceed through Osborne Village to Memo-

“We thought it high time we took a stand

rial Park. For more information, please visit

to support our brothers and sisters around

facebook.com/winnipeg.dyke.march or feel

the world who don’t enjoy our rights and

free to email us at winnipegdykemarch@

freedoms,” he says. “People are regularly


killed because of their sexuality and in many

The purpose of the

places Pride parades are banned. We also

march is to gain visibility

read of suicides by bullied gay kids on this

and community among

continent, so the Unity theme shows we

queer women and their

support the oppressed.”

allies. Participants are

Carman says the rally at the Legislature

encouraged to bring

will start about 11:30 a.m. on June 5, ending

signs, banners, bikes,

at The Forks about 12:30 p.m. He says the

pets, music (instruments,

expanding festival means more volunteers

boom boxes), cameras, as

are always needed. He expects up to 10,000

well as food and sporting

people to show up for the rally and parade.

equipment for the park

“We estimate that for all the Pride Week

afterwards. This is an all-

events up to 30,000 people participate,” he

ages, all-abilities, and all-


genders event. Everyone

Volunteer co-ordinator Sean Burkowski

is allowed to march, even

says he needs about 80 volunteers. “They

if they don’t identify as a

do a variety of jobs from looking after the

dyke or lesbian. As long as

grounds and beer tent to marshalling at the

they support dykes, they are

parade and handling a variety of other jobs,


including setup and cleanup,” he says. “Peo-

Planning for the 25th

ple of any age can volunteer and they can

anniversary of Pride in 2012

sign up on our website. I’m excited about

will begin immediately

Pride 2011,” he says. “We learned a lot last

after the conclusion of this

year about holding the event at The Forks

year’s festival and creative

and we also have a great entertainment

ideas for celebrating it are

lineup, so all the vibes are positive. The only


thing we need now, apart from volunteers, is for the weather to co-operate.” This year will see the second annual Dyke March take place in Winnipeg. It was initiated by Jess Leppik, Lauren Bosc and

28 29

outwords, may - june 2011 // www.outwords.ca

– Peter Carlyle-Gordge is a Winnipeg-based freelance writer.

Hot lineup for By Peter Carlyle-GordgE

The Pride Festival at The Forks June 5 promises to provide many musical treats, including singer Martha Wash who will also be releasing a CD in conjunction with her Winnipeg visit to the Pride stage. “We’ve got an amazing lineup of talented musicians and dancers, including a number of local artists,” says Barb Burkowski, chair of the Pride Winnipeg committee. “I can’t wait for June fifth – the anticipation is building and the buzz is growing.”

The Pride Festival is a free, all-ages event.

board charts. Success continued to follow

p.m. on June 5 with LAMBDA business fair,

Wash with her second solo CD in 1997. “The

beer tent, and food vendors at The Forks,

Collection” featured highlights from her 20-

once the Pride Parade has passed along

year career as well as new singles, “Come,”

Broadway. The stage presentations are sup-

“Catch The Light” and “It’s Raining Men…

ported by TD Bank.

The Sequel” which featured Martha singing alongside RuPaul. Winnipeggers will be among the first to hear her latest single, “I’ve Got You”, when it’s performed live following a planned release in late May.

Wash started her musical journey in the late ’70s as half of the disco group Two Tons of Fun. Wash found herself singing with the incomparable Sylvester. As part of the Weather Girls, Wash scored a Grammy nomination for a song that was destined to become a cult classic, “It’s Raining Men.” In 1993, Wash released her first self-ti-

30 31

outwords, may - june 2011 // www.outwords.ca

All skyrocketed to the top of the Bill-

The festivities get underway about 12:30

Rae Spoon is also part of the Pride lineup, offering a pop-infused exploration of identity, contradiction and longing. In his

tled project. The CD “Martha Wash”boasted

act, Spoon examines the various shades of

three No. 1 dance singles. “Carry On,” “Give

love found everywhere from the club to the

It To You,” and “Runaround”.

internal monsters within.

festival stage

Sons of York will also be performing. These are brothers Luke, Jake

Also performing will

and Cody Kenner who grew up in the

be Tyrell Wither-

’90s, but whose sound is a compelling

spoon. Manitoba

throwback to the ’60s.

native Witherspoon is

In 2009, Sons of York released their

beginning to make a

debut album “Black And White Sum-

name for himself. He

mer.” In July of 2010 they left Winnipeg

started as a dancer

and headed for the Big Apple. In just

and a musical theatre

five days they recorded an electrifying

performer in Winni-

demo with producer duo Gus Van Go

peg, then moved to

and Werner F. Upon their return, the

Vancouver last year.

Sons revealed these songs to a packed

After landing a spot

CanadInns Stadium as the opening act

as a dancer on The

for the 2010 Rock on the Range festival.

CW’s new hit show, Hellcats, he worked

Other artists on the bill include Little

They write songs based on their own

alongside some elite choreographers,

Butterfly Drummers, TechPara,

experiences. Their stories wander along

then landed a few music videos with

Lesbian Potluck, Women of Pride,

suburban streets, across worn-out fields

Canadian artists Elise Estrada and These

and Queens & Kings of Manitoba.

and through crowded bars.

Kids Wear Crowns.

For all the latest information about this

His first single “Letting Go” was released on iTunes on March 16 and

year’s Pride activities, keep an eye on www.pridewinnipeg.com.

shortly after, he filmed the music video for the track. His second single “What You Do To Me” is set for a mid-summer

– Peter Carlyle-Gordge is a Winnipegbased freelance writer.


www.outwords.ca // outwords, may - june 2011


RebELLE Committed to

RebELLEs AGAINST banks for hijacking the world RebELLEs AGAINST drug companies for institutionalizing women’s health RebELLEs AGAINST public spaces that don’t accommodate all bodies RebELLEs AGAINST development that destroys nature RebELLEs AGAINST the class system that keeps us impoverished and deprives us of safe, affordable housing RebELLEs AGAINST the state that forces other countries to adopt the capitalist system RebELLEs AGAINST the devaluation of women’s paid and unpaid work RebELLEs AGAINST corporations for making money off our backs RebELLEs AGAINST the advertisers who destroy our self- esteem and then sell it back to us RebELLEs AGAINST CAPITALISM - excerpt from the RebELLEs Manifesto


outwords, may - june 2011 // www.outwords.ca

By Noreen Mae committed to an ongoing process of critical selfreflection to inform and transform our movement.” Jodi Proctor, the spokesperson for the WinFeminists from across the country will soon be

nipeg RebELLEs gathering was in attendance at

converging on Winnipeg for the second RebELLEs

the first RebELLEs gathering in Montreal in 2008.

gathering. Committed to combating all forms of

She recalls feeling an immense sense of commu-

oppression, this is also a constructive space where

nity among the women at the gathering. In fact,

queer issues will be addressed. Workshops, panel

to this day she remains close friends with many

discussions and skill-sharing sessions are organ-

of the people she met at that gathering. “There

ized to confront a diverse array of issues.

are so many places across this country that I can

The inclusiveness of this gathering is apparent in the RebELLEs manifesto. It states: “We

go now and just land in a vibrant community of activists,” says Proctor.

recognize that there are multiple interpretations

The Montreal gathering left her feeling in-

of feminism and we celebrate and integrate this

spired and connected. “The most exciting part

diversity. We are committed to the continual

of participating in that gathering for me was

expansion of the plurality of our voices. We are

being able to meet hundreds of inspiring young

ELLEs o eradicating violence gather in Winnipeg

women from all over the country who were

the things that I had felt, been mad about,

cultural, racial, colonial, ageist and ableist;

interested in talking about politics, who were

never understood — all the answers were

challenging all forms of oppression, power

interested in talking about what was going

in that class. I became an instant convert to

and privilege; and recognizing that others’

on in their communities and working for pro-

feminism after that.”

struggles against oppression cannot be sepa-

gressive change. To be in a space where we

Wreggit is infuriated by how society

rated from one’s own, because all people are

are sharing strategies and connecting and

views and deals with sexism, colonialism,

having all these fascinating conversations

racism, homophobia and capitalism. Femi-

was so energizing.” Proctor left Montreal

nism has helped her find the tools to organ-

gathering include: queer sexualities, indig-

feeling really proud to call herself a feminist.

ize and confront these issues. Now, feminism

enous feminism, anti-racist feminism, women

is an integral part of her identity.

living with disabilities, trans-politics, body

Charly Wreggit, an organizer of this year’s event, was not at the Montreal gather-

The second RebELLEs gathering will be

ing, but is eager to participate in the Win-

held in Winnipeg from May 20-23. Work-

nipeg event she helped plan. Growing up

shop themes have been organized in accord-

in a small town, Wreggit was surrounded by

ance with the group’s manifesto: “We envi-

silence. It wasn’t until her first women’s stud-

sion communities committed to eradicating

ies course at the University of Manitoba that

all forms of violence — includin sexual,

her world started to make more sense. “All

institutional, emotional, economic, physical,

intrinsically linked.” Topics scheduled to be addressed at this

image/fat phobia, sex work and violence against women. – Noreen Mae is a Winnipeg-based freelance writer.

www.outwords.ca // outwords, may - june 2011


For the

love music of

A good DJ is the heart of a party, sharing the music and vibe that ensures everyone has a good time. And for Shae Kusyk, sharing the music she loves in the best part. With her natural ear for music and eclectic tastes, Kusyk brings something special to the parties she plays for. Add in her quirky DJ name (DJ Two Topping) and great party outfits (bow ties are cool), she seems like an obvious choice to lend a funloving vibe to a party. But her start in spinning was sudden and unexpected. She loved music – often compiling playlists and CDs for house parties

By Katrina Caudle

for her friends – and while she’d always

photo by Breeann Kusyk

thought DJing would be a cool thing to do, she never believed she’d get the chance to

a group of other DJs, Kusyk’s love of her

try it out. “I was kind of thrown into it,” she

community shows in how she speaks about

the essence of Kusyk’s art is her passion.

says with a laugh. “I was at a birthday party

it, the gratitude she shares.

Parties are about uninhibited self-expres-

and Stacy Clark let me use her equipment. I

“This really has been a community effort.

sion, and Kusyk uses music to bring that

played around on it and I was hooked. She

DJ equipment is really expensive. Then you

out in herself and in the people who listen

was super welcoming, inviting me over to

need space to practise. I was stunned by

to her.

her house to practise. Soon after, she asked

how generous other DJs were, letting me

“I was always hearing either Top

me to DJ at a Pride party last year in front of

borrow their equipment. We work together

40s or techno and I wanted to fill

all my friends. I was shitting my pants

and each person brings their own flavour.

the space between. It’s about sharing

nervous. At the end of my set, everyone

We level out nights, get everyone playing

the music. I don’t even really see the people


on prime time. We’re all doing different

when I’m playing. I want to dance. I want

things and support each other. The com-

to be that different thing people want to

bananas, She began performing regularly

munity is opening up – all different people

hear. I just want to make people dance,

with a local group called Queerview that

cutting loose in neutral space. I feel super

have a super great time and have everyone

organizes parties and events. She’s played

lucky to be a part of people coming out

have good time with me. This is all because

dance parties for community causes and

and having fun. We need to work together

someone gave me the chance to play a

fundraisers. She’s spun at Gio’s and at Fame.

to bring people back, step up and stop

bunch of music I love.”

Her upcoming shows include a dance party

complaining that there’s noth-

for queer youth and a fundraiser so that she

ing to do. I just want people to go crazy

and DJ Nicole, with whom she works, can

and get sweaty, and have a great time, of

afford new equipment. Working closely with

course. We have to let loose.”

After her first public set, it just went

34 35

outwords, may - june 2011 // www.outwords.ca

Besides community support and love,

– Katrina Caudle is a Winnipeg-based freelance writer.



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www.outwords.ca // outwords, may - june 2011


Passion Politics + Parties

Paul Scarth is a

how lucky we are to be in this country and

young, profes-


sional and out

recently went to Long Beach to attend the

before last year

annual conference put on by InterPride, the

was never re-

international association for organizations

ally interested

that produce Pride events around the world.

in Winnipeg Pride. “I lived on Kennedy, so

“It’s been a crash course in gay history. I met

sometimes it seemed a bit of an inconven-

Gilbert, the guy who actually designed the

Pride season has a dual

ience,” Scarth says with a laugh. But a year

rainbow flag. I met people from Pride organi-

purpose – to celebrate and

ago, friend and mentor Richard Hanson took

zations all over the world, some who live in

recognize. We often take for

Scarth under his wing and in the process

places where the city still challenges Pride,

Scarth learned what history and Pride really

where people receive death threats. I really

have to offer. “Richard was heavily involved

appreciated how lucky we are to have the

in the community and suggested I get in-

quality of life we do. I want to pass it on.”

By Katrina Caudle

granted how lucky we are. We live in a country where it’s our right to marry, to

volved. I have a background in finance and

Organizing an official party isn’t easy –

walk hand in hand with

had organized events for work. It’s a little

you’re guaranteed to get criticism. Scarth

our partners openly, to see

different,” says Scarth.

doesn’t seem worried. “I look at criticism as

a world where things are constantly getting better for ourselves and our allies. And Pride is our chance to show just how grateful we are.

It’s a good thing Scarth likes a challenge.

thick-skinned. You have to turn it into a posi-

by helping Hanson, who had organized the

tive. You have to do the best that you can. I

official Pride party for the past five years.

have a great team from different walks of life.

Scarth’s hard work paid off and this year, the

We collaborate and share ideas. As far as I’m

Pride party is all his work. “Richard was the

concerned, no idea is a bad idea.” While the theme isn’t finalized yet,

wild, sweet and spicy. I’m going to be doing

Scarth says he wants to take a fresh and new

something different. I want to re-brand it,

approach. “I want a cool concept, something

own it, bring it. This year, Pride is all about

young and hip that’s inclusive and laid back.

unity. I want to create a space where you can

Everyone’s beautiful. It doesn’t matter. You’re

leave your problems at the door and enjoy

coming to have fun. Leave your cares >>

It’s about having a great time, creating the energetic vibe

outwords, may - june 2011 // www.outwords.ca

constructive and sometimes, you have to be

He hit the ground running and got started

one behind the Fusion parties – white and


Scarth learned that lesson when he

gay man who

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and drama behind. I’ve heard Pride being re-

“It’s really important, especially for women, to feel supported in an industry

from 150 to 300? It’s knowing the kind of

ryone. Everyone has a voice and should step

dominated by men. We want to provide a

parties we wanted to have and not being

up and get involved. I encourage everyone to

safe and liberating space, a space where they

able to fit that in my house.”

get involved and be proud of who they are,

can do and try and learn. It’s not competi-

not take for granted our rights and freedoms

tive, it’s nurturing positive space. It’s also

of our country. Celebrate. We’re so differ-

equally important to provide a space to

ent, but we’re all so similar. You as a person

perform and be involved. With QueerView,

in direct response to Vancouver Pride. They

should define yourself. Pride should be a

everyone has an equal share on how things

were part of a group of Pride organizations

reflection on people who made an impact on

go, it’s not exclusive.”

that wanted to charge people to use the

the past to get us where we are today. Who

QueerView’s parties are meant to be

Clark’s parties blend a mix of social awareness and having a great time. “In Vancouver, we threw a Shame Party,

word “Pride” in their events. We changed

stood up and said I am gay, lesbian, trans-

as accessible as possible. They’ve brought

the party from “QueerPride” to the “Shame

gender, bisexual, etc. Who were beaten and

films to Winnipeg, worked with a number of

Party” as a direction action. You want to

ridiculed. Be yourself and reflect.”

different artists in the community and help

charge us to use that word? Are you kid-

people with different projects as they come


Scarth isn’t the only one trying to keep an awareness of politics and the spirit of

along. Clark also supports her community

celebration alive by bringing you awesome

by teaching DJing at a community centre for

munity spirit and collaboration. Clark’s

parties. Stacy Clark has been deejaying for

inner city youth.

As part of a group that embraces comhesitant to do the job full time, out of love of

five or six years as a hobby, but where she

“It’s great because at first, it’s a group of

really excels is in event promotion. She’s a

young kids trying to be cool. Then you gath-

member of QueerView, a collective of artists,

er around together listening to music. You

and helping people develop those ideas. I

performers, DJs, promoters, and planners.

try to throw in different styles and expose

like my day job with a great company, and

Their mandate is to provide fun, affordable,

them to things they haven’t heard before.”

I enjoy being able to pick the times I want

inclusive, accessible alternative dance and performance based events. “It’s about having a great time, creating the energetic vibe. There’s a great vibe to the QueerView parties.” As part of QueerView, Clark also pro-

Back in Vancouver, Clark was already

“I enjoy taking ideas and being creative

to DJ or plan parties. I’m not sure I have the ability to be creative all the time, it might

to Winnipeg, she noticed a lack of queer

not be there when I need it full time. It’s an

events and house parties.

amazing feeling to have this really great idea

“I ended up meeting up with Fleur Mann and talking about it. We threw our first par-

vides a supportive working relationship with

ties together. It grows from having really

new and established DJs in Winnipeg.

great house parties to having a good event.

outwords, may - june 2011 // www.outwords.ca

being creative.

organizing and promoting. When she moved

How do you take that and park it at a venue


that can hold 150. Then how do you take it

ferred to as male-driven. It’s a party for eve-

and go out there and seeing who else is interested and how we can work together.” — Katrina Caudle is a Winnipeg-based freelance writer.

something young and hip that’s inclusive and laid back

MNU is proud to support the Winnipeg Pride Festival 2011


www.outwords.ca // outwords, may - june 2011


connection coach

Connecting Conversations

Brad tyler-west

I love Pride! There is

“I see Pride as a celebration of conversations which connect us – connect us to our own stories of coming to terms with who we are”

As a professional coach, I know that

and jumping on a float; for others it is

something power-

such connection is necessary step to find

done by cheering along the parade path

ful about community

G.O.D and that G.O.D is in the details.

and basking in the warmth of community;

connecting together

G.O.D – Goals; Opportunities; Desires

some do it by celebrating at home as they

to celebrate. You get

–knowing our stories and transforming

garden, or with a small gathering of friends

to see all the colours

those stories into conversations which con-

and kindred spirits over a good meal and

of our personal rain-

nect us to who we were; who we are and

others do it by thinking, wishing, praying

bows plus who doesn’t

who it is we want to be. It is by this that

and planning for things to be different! By

love a parade?!

we drill down and unearth the ‘G.O.D’

connecting with themselves and their own


G.O.D – their Goals, Opportunities and

You can’t please all of the people all

When I first learnt this process in my

Desires – they plan and put them into ac-

of the time. I know

certification studies, it deeply resonated for

tion. They show PRIDE by moving beyond

this from experience,

me as I had been on a journey to ‘discover

what they have to what they want.

having spent 10 years on all things PRIDE either with the Winnipeg Pride committee organizing everything from the coffee house, to the Pride parade & rally and the big ‘ol dance party; with InterPride as a representative and finally as a founding member and past president of Fierte

knowing our stories and transforming those stories into conversations which connect us to who we were; who we are and who it is we want to be

Canada Pride (Canada’s National Pride Association). Nor do I think that trying to

God, in order to discover myself’ since I

please all the people all of the time ought

was 10 years old. Here I was presented

stories. I challenge you to have connecting

to be the goal of Pride.

with a powerful teaching tool which al-

conversations. Host a party, get together

I see Pride as a celebration of conver-

lowed my clients to unearth or discover

over a drink or go for a walk … do what

sations – conversations which connect us

their own personal “G.O.D” stories. In my

resonates for you … reach down and out,

– connect us to our own stories of coming

professional practice, I get to see these

connect with yourself and others.

to terms with who we are as gay, lesbian,

stories transformed into connecting con-

bisexual, transgender, two spirit, pansexu-


al, asexual, fluid, intersex, queer, question-

This year, I am very excited to be part

ing and allied folk. They connect us to

of the team working on “ProPride” - the

one another as we share the landscape of

launch event for the Pride at Work National

our journeys with each other. Finally, they

Network in Winnipeg. You can check them

connect us to the broader communities in

out at www.prideatwork.ca. It is another

which we live, so that we build bridges of

place and space for us to come together to

understanding, acceptance and ultimately

network, share our stories and have con-


necting conversations. There is no one way to show our pride. For some, it means donning rainbow boas


Celebrate PRIDE by celebrating your

outwords, may - june 2011 // www.outwords.ca

Our stories, our conversations, our G.O.D, are the only things which are truly ours. Give them the PRIDE which you and they deserve. Happy PRIDE everyone! – The Connection Coach, a.k.a. Brad TylerWest, CHRP, Certified Personal Management Coach, Certified Coach Practitioner, is a Senior Human Resource Consultant & Diversity Specialist with the Legacy Bowes Group. E-mail him at brad@legacybowes.com.


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www.outwords.ca // outwords, may - june 2011


inspiration on By Rachael Alpern

José Antonio Viera-Gallo, assistant

delightful loads such as vegetables heading

ized, hung, or stacked in crates,” says Shae

secretary of justice in the Chilean

to the farmers market.

Kusyk, who has been running the Women

government of Salvador Allendé,

While it is exciting that these riders are

and Queer night on Mondays for the past

said “El socialismo puede llegar

getting fresh air, exercise, and interaction,

three years. Kusyk says she cannot express

solo en bicicleta,” which means

one rarely discussed point is that to ride and

enough how important it is that people

socialism can only arrive by bicycle.

maintain these bicycles is an expression of

realize how the Bike Dump is a commu-

Austrian philospher Ivan Illich’s began his

one’s social politics, artistic creativity and

nity space where sharing skills is a primary

essay ‘Energy and Equity’, published in 1973

desire to build community.

goal – which has meant that she has had to

a year after Augusto Pinochet usurped pow-

The Bike Dump has been support-

stifle the urge to do all the work when oth-

er from Allende’s legally elected Socialist

ing this philosophy for the past five years.

ers came in for the first time. “I had to put

Party. The purpose of Illich’s treatise was

Nestled in the back of the Red Road Lodge,

myself in check not to fix the bike for them.

to tout the bicycle’s ability to mitigate the

this cycle haven in the Exchange District has

I had to teach myself to teach others.”

energy crisis occurring in the 1970s.

been providing a rare and noble service to

North America was being urbanized

The Bike Dump, like other similar bike

the community. Volunteers keep the space

hubs, is an attempt at co-operative organ-

just as the car was invented. This created a

alive, providing mechanical advice and ex-

izing. Its volunteer orientation manual in-

need for, and dependence upon, a vehicle

pertise during open days, when people can

forms us that “we strive to be a safer space,

that causes so much pollution, wasted

bring their bikes and learn how to repair

free of violence, racism, sexism, homo-

space, and isolation between people. What

them by themselves. Whether it is mend-

phobia, and, classism.” It is a great and

more and more people are seeking today,

ing the a flat tire, perfecting the ergonom-

somewhat rare opportunity to participate in

however, is a sense of community, of inter-

ics of your ride, or building a bike from

a non-hierarchical and consensus-based set-

action, and an opportunity to be healthy in

spare parts, there is ample opportunity for

ting. Kusyk encourages people to visit and

our bodies and our surroundings. We see

everyone to participate.

participate in the Bike Dump to see what it

this in Winnipeg as every year more cyclists

42 43

2 wheels

Walk in to the shop and you will be

can do for them “I’ve seen people come

take to the streets. There are tandems, tall

greeted by a sunny space full of cheery

and go, but there is definitely a growing

bikes, low riders, arm powered, and recum-

faces, bicycle tires, and tools of unimagina-


bent bicycles, all of which incite the imagi-

ble variety. “People think that the bicycle

nations of pedestrians and car drivers alike.

is one object, until they walk in the Bike

One also sees cyclists pulling trailers with

Dump and see all the pieces neatly organ-

outwords, may - june 2011 // www.outwords.ca

– Rachael Alpern is a Winnipeg-based freelance writer.

Embrace Yourself It’s your life

I was 17 and stuck in the closet. I had

they began to wonder why my friend,

known for as long as I could remember that

Kassia, and I hadn’t shown any interest in

I was attracted to boys, but I wouldn’t dare

pursuing a closer relationship. We loved

admit it (except to my adorable dog Lulu – I

hanging out together – so what was miss-

By Graeme Coleman

told her everything, of course). The ones

ing? Her girlfriends were pressuring her to

closest to me had always questioned my

date me and my guy friends were pressur-

Every homosexual has to

sexuality, but I did my best to reassure them

ing me to date her. A mixture of peer pres-

face the crucial decision

that I was as straight as a pin. Now that I

sure and what we thought was the “right”

about whether to come out

look back on it, I can’t help but chuckle as I

thing to do eventually brought us to start a

of the closet or stay hidden.

realize how obvious my sexuality must have


Sometimes, neither scenario

been. I mean, my favourite show was Ameri-

may appear promising. If you

ca’s Next Top Model and my favourite artist

most high school couples did. Our idea of

come out and let yourself

was – and always will be, no matter what

a good date was going out, drinking, and

be defined by the label

trailer park she ends up in – Britney Spears.

partying like wild animals. Romantic, don’t

“homosexual”, you can become

Even if people already knew the truth, I

you think? Most testosterone-filled teenage

vulnerable to discrimination.

couldn’t find it in myself to come out.

guys would only have one thing on their

But if you choose to live your life as a lie, are you truly

It wasn’t until all of my high school friends started pairing off and dating that

We never went on cute, little dates like

minds when their girlfriends were drunk, but I was different. I never once wanted to

living your own life?

“I have to tell you something…

44 45

outwords, may - june 2011 // www.outwords.ca

have sex with her. I loved her, but I was not

heart instantly sank, beating so loudly that I

if worst came to worst and we ended up

in love with her; I saw her as my compan-

couldn’t even hear if she replied I prepared

being abandoned by our loved ones, then

ion, and a part of me was beginning to

for the worst. She grabbed my hand, looked

at least we would still have each other. We

think she felt the same.

into my eyes, smiled and said “Graeme...

decided we needed to come to terms with

It’s OK, I like girls.” I spent a few moments

ourselves, accept who we were and move

thick with the magic of summer. It was 3

trying to process the meaning of her words,

forward with our lives. When we told our

a.m. and I didn’t have a care in the world.

and then a few more trying to decide what

friends, we told them with strength, show-

As Kassia and I were lying under the stars

the hell I was feeling. Suddenly I experi-

ing them that we were proud of our sexual-

we looked into each other’s shining eyes

enced the most sensational feeling I have

ity – we embraced ourselves, and in return,

and I thought to myself “OK, this is where

felt in my life. We wrapped our arms around

they embraced us as well. Just like Nelson

the boyfriend kisses his girlfriend.” I awk-

each other and laughed uncontrollably as

Mandela once said, “When we let our own

wardly leaned in, our lips touched for a split

the stress we had been bottling up poured

light shine, we unconsciously give other

second, but the only thing I could feel was

out of us and floated away with the summer

people permission to do the same. As we

the guilt of leading her on. Before I could


are liberated from our own fear, our pres-

The moon was glowing and the air was

think twice, I spit out the truth that I had been dying to tell. “Kassia, I have ... I … I have to tell you something … I like boys.” After that my

Kassia and I knew we had to decide

ence automatically liberates others.”

whether to continue acting as though we were a couple or come out together. The decision was simple. The way we saw it,

– Graeme Coleman is a Winnipeg-based freelance writer.

I like boys.”

www.outwords.ca // outwords, may - june 2011


Spring E-Cleaning technology

Your old gear can be sold or recycled

Corey Shefman

“...if you’re going to Future Shop or Best Buy, be sure to ask about their trade-in program.”

As spring finally

toba.ca), which co-ordinates an electron-

and your gift card will be sent to your

warms our souls and

ics recycling service. Anywhere across

house in 3-4 weeks.

Manitobans come out

Canada, old cell phones can be taken into

of their annual winter

any Rogers location and Future Shop and

old device directly to any Apple retail store

hibernation, many of

Best Buy will recycle some electronics for

and you’ll get an automatic 10 per cent off

us will be cleaning out


the purchase of a new one.

our homes and think-

But if you’re going to Future Shop

If your gadget isn’t accepted for recy-

ing about replacing

or Best Buy, be sure to ask about their

cling, or you just want more than the $20-

some of our old tech.

trade-in program. Although they don’t

$40 you’re going to get from the trade-in

Whether you’re look-

often advertise the program, they will

programs, try eBay for a small sellers fee,

ing to get one of the startling array of new

take your used cell phone, iPod or other

or Kijiji and Craigslist for free. When I was

smartphones on the market, pick up an

small electronic device and will give you

told that I’d only get $10 for my old (sec-

iPad 2 or other tablet or replace your old

a Future Shop Gift Card in exchange. The

ond generation) iPod Nano, I put it up on

TV, the inevitable question we end up ask-

amount of money you get will depend on

Kijiji and in two days, had sold it for $40.

ing is what to do with all the old gadgets

the condition of the item, and of course,

The process is a bit more involved and usu-

we’ve accumulated.

not all gadgets are accepted. For example,

ally involves some negotiating, but is often

Simply throwing out your old computer or cell phone is not the answer… modern electronics contain both heavy metals and valuable minerals. Simply throwing out your old compu-


If it’s a new iPod you’re after, take your

I was told that my four-year-old cell

ter or cell phone is not the answer. Most

phone would get me $40 – not

modern electronics contain both heavy

bad, given that it is cracked

metals and valuable minerals. Besides

and would otherwise have

being bad for the environment if simply

just been recycled.

dumped in a landfill, these metals require

Don’t want to go

energy to mine and replace in new tech-

into the store? Check out

nology. According to the U.S. Environmen-


tal Protection Agency, “one metric ton of


[recycled] circuit boards can contain 40 to

There you can input some

800 times the concentrations of gold ore

information about your

and 30-40 times the concentration of cop-

iPod or cell phone, and in

per ore mined in the U.S. [each year]”.

15 seconds it will tell you how

So what to do with you old tech? If

much your device is worth. The

you live in Manitoba, you can use the serv-

site will then provide you with a

ices of Green Manitoba (www.greenmani-

prepaid Canada Post shipping label

outwords, may - june 2011 // www.outwords.ca

well worth it. – Corey Shefman is a Winnipeg-based freelance writer.


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Outwords contributor Miles McEnery recently caught up with the insightful and hilarious Dan Savage, a gay American broadcaster and columnist who launched the It Gets Better Project. In a phone interview from his home in Seattle, Savage tells us why the project is so necessary.

on e Savag Savage The fight against homophobia By Miles McEnery

48 49

outwords, may - june 2011 // www.outwords.ca photo by Christopher Staton

I use that word all the time with my friends and my husband

Miles: Was it only recent events that in-

M: Is this some-

spired you to do this or has this been

thing you’re going

brewing for a while?

to keep doing?

Dan: I’ve always been distressed by gay teen-

D: Well, we created

agers committing suicide. But it wasn’t until

a stand-alone web-

I read about Billy Lucas in early September

site for the project

that I came up with this. The reaction when I

instead of just doing

heard about it was “I wish I could have talked

the YouTube chan-

to that kid.” But I would never get permis-

nel, which is at the

sion to talk to that kid or any gay kid, mid-

itgetsbetterproject.com, and we’re archiv-

gay or lesbian adult, than it is right now in

dle school or high school about being queer

ing the videos and we’re gonna keep work-

the west. At the same time it’s gotten worse

and it just occurred to me that in the era of

ing on it. What’s great about these videos is

to be a gay or lesbian or bi or trans teen-

youtube I didn’t need anybody’s permis-

that they’re going to exist forever and unlike

ager, because of the anti gay hate campaign

sion any more, that I could make a video,

red ribbons for AIDS awareness, these videos

waged by the religious right. It’s poisoned

put it online, speak to directly to LGBT kids

- which were everywhere 15 years ago and

environments and highschools for gay, lesbi-

and encourage other gay and lesbian adults

now they’re all in dresser drawers and land-

an, bi, trans kids. I’m hopeful that things will

to do the same. And obviously I wasn’t the

fills... they aren’t doing the job anymore of

start to improve. I do think that the project

only one out there who felt that way, who

raising awareness for HIV - these videos will

is helping to improve the environment and

wanted to talk to these kids but would never

continue to exist online and continue to be

the awareness that it’s helping to raise and

get permission. And by giving myself and my

accessible to kids who need that message,

we’re basing a moment of cultural account-

husband permission to do it we gave every-

who need the advice in them, five years from

ability around the bullying of queer kids and

body permission to do it and now it feels like

now, 10 years from now, 20 years from now.

schools and administrators and parents so

everybody is doing it.

So they’ll still be doing the job, which is why

that it is aggressively confronted and aggres-

we want the website to be strong and in-

sively stopped. So, I am hopeful and I don’t

teractive and for kids to know about it and

think the problem will be solved overnight.

M: What has the feedback been like so far? D: It’s been overwhelmingly positive. We’ve heard from hundreds and hundreds of teenagers and parents who say that the videos



know it’s there when they need it. M: Has funding been an issue at all for this? I assume the costs are pretty mini-

M: Are you hopeful about the future, in a broader sense, for gay rights of teens in America? D: I am... you know, it’s kind of paradoxical, it’s never been better, I think to be a

M: What do you think is currently most lacking in the fight against homophobia? D: Ha, the willingness to confront religious

have helped them. There’s been some nega-


tive commentary about, you know, my boy-

D: Yeah, the costs are absolutely minimal.

for their anti-gay bigotry. We’ve got to get

friend and I are white and we’re male and

One of the funniest things that happened,

to the place for homosexuality, that we ar-

we’re rich. And we are white and male but

not funny, one of the... interesting things

rived at years ago on slavery and women’s

not rich. … And so people feel that: “What

that happened when we first started it and

rights. We ignore what the Bible has to say

use are these videos to kids who aren’t white,

it took off, was people started asking if they

about slavery because it’s wrong and we ig-

male of wealthy?” And those people, I think,

could send us a cheque, you know, or have a

nore what the Bible has to say about women

are being very dishonest. When you look at

fundraiser for the It Gets Better Project, and

because it’s wrong and we have to, religious

the videos there are videos from people of all

the It Gets Better Project was a YouTube ac-

people have to, begin to ignore what the Bi-

classes, races, all religious backgrounds, peo-

count which is free, my e-mail inbox, which

ble says about gay and lesbian people be-

ple all over the world, really. And it’s not just

is free and my index finger hitting post,

cause it’s wrong.

white, gay men talking to each other about

which is free. So we didn’t need any money

our trips to Paris.

but what we were able to do was ask people

people about their religious justifications

who wanted to raise money for us to please raise that money for the Trevor Project instead, which people have done, you know, because of the It Gets Better, tens of thousands of dollars, if not more, has been raised for Trevor... www.outwords.ca // outwords, may - june 2011


M: What are your thoughts on gay rights

M: Do you think gays should feel obli-

word. You don’t hear anyone refer to it as

in the developing world, particularly the

gated to help out in countries were things

the D word when it comes to dyke so this,

stories coming out of Uganda?

aren’t aren’t nearly as comfortable?

trafficking of the “F word” when it comes to

D: It’s very distressing, what’s happening in

D: I do, I mean we have to recognize the limi-

Uganda. it’s very distressing what’s happen-

tations, we can’t send a gay army to invade

ing in a lot of parts of Africa, the rabid anti-

Iran, we can offer moral support and in our

gay brand of Christianity has been exported

home countries we can support granting

from the United States to places where it can

political asylum to persecuted

do much more damage on the ground. It’s

gay or lesbians who flee and

distressing what goes on in Saudi Arabia and

we can support international

Afghanistan and Iran, particularly. We need

organizations. But there is

in the West - if we believe that gay people

a really long road ahead in

are human and human rights are universal -

places like Saudi Arabia and

we need to start treating attacks on gay and

Iran before there will be any

lesbian citizens of other nations, by those

justice for gay or lesbian peo-

nations, as a violation of international stand-

ple, even in places like Russia.

ards of human rights, which will include countries like Canada and the United States extending political amnesty, asylum to people who are being persecuted in their home countries because of their sexual orientations or identities

50 51

their heart, not neccesarily their language.

know you don’t have it on there anymore. How do you feel about that word betaking that back or...

D: Eat the poo poo.... yes I have.

D: Well I use that word all the

M: Any thoughts on that?

time with my faggot friends

D: Well that is just a lot of things that the

love that word and you know,

American religious right has said about gay

I don’t think words are... I

and lesbian people in the United States.

was just listening to that song

They talk a bout fisting and they talk about

“Fuck you.”

and my faggot husband. We

we created a stand-alone for the project instead channel of just the

website YouTube

kind of laughed off the stage here when they

M: Yeah. Cee-Lo...

do. But obviously in Africa and places where

D: Yeah, Cee- lo, which I love, it’s hilarious.

there aren’t a lot of out, openly gay or les-

It’s got the N word in it, you know, and there

bian people, that kind of demagogery and

my pasty ass white boyfriend and I are lis-

propaganda and those lies have more cur-

tening to the song and loving it in the car

rency than they do in the West. But that’s

and... are we alowed to sing along? It de-

not something that was hatched in Uganda,

pends, you know, a word is made hateful by

that’s anti-gay hate propaganda straight out

its intent, not by an arrangement of letters.

of the archives of the American Family As-

And so I stopped using “hey faggot” in the


column because it’s a joking reference to a political debate in the gay community about reclaiming hate words that really ended in favour of reclaiming them. There are queer

D: All the time, every four years during the

studies, queer pride parades, dykes identify

presidential election.

themselves as dykes, which used to be a hate

outwords, may - june 2011 // www.outwords.ca

ful you need to look at their intentions and

got” before everything... I


to Canada?

lous. To figure out if someone is being hate-

have the header “Hey Fag-

ing thrown around, are you

M: Have you ever thought about moving

way GLAAD is policing the use of it is ridicu-

M: Your column used to

M: Have you seen the “Eat the poo poo

scat and corpophilia incescently, and they’re

faggot, I think is ridiculous. And I think the

M: Has having a kid changed any of your views on anything since you started out? Has that made you softer in any sense of the word? D: Not really, I tend to block it out or compartmentalize it. I don’t think too much or try not to think about my kid when I’m writing my column so I don’t think about him reading it. But it’s just the same mental karate I had to engage in when I would think about my mother reading my column back in the day so no, nothing’s changed. - Miles McEnery is a Winnipeg-based freelance writer. To comment on this or any other article in Outwords, write to letters@outwords.ca.

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It Gets Better By Patrick Woodbeck


In the movie Easy A, a gay teenager named

important messages that we as a society,

that once you leave high school things will

Brandon dismisses advice that he should

and especially those of us who are people of

get better?

pretend he’s straight until finishing high

faith, must convey.

school, and only then can he openly be

There has been a visible lack of re-

For youth, a month or even one day of

himself. He replies that people can fantasize

bullying can seem like an eternity. How can

all they like about how one day things will

we ask them to wait

be different, but this is today and it’s ter-

for four years until

rible. He is tormented at school every day,

things get better?

and feels like he is being suffocated. He

And do they really

begs for help, saying he can’t take another

get better? Although

day of torment.

in Canada we are

Brandon’s experience captures the real-

guaranteed equal

sponse from many, if not all, churches in Canada on the issue of bullying, not just in regard to those

one day things will , but this is be today and it’s

different terrible

teens who committed suicide, but also in solidarity with those who are bullied on a daily basis.

ity of life for many LGBTTQ youth today,

rights, we still live

In my church,

and we have seen the consequences of this

in a society where it can be dangerous to

the United Church of Canada, we pride

in the number of suicides in the United

be who we really are. Many in the LGBTTQ

ourselves on being open and inclusive,

States in the last six months due to bullying.

community, although out, know that it may

with many congregations going through

In response, Dan Savage and many others

not be safe to walk along a major street

the affirming process as laid out by Affirm

have lent their time to the “It Gets Better”

holding hands with someone they love.

United, yet I have not seen a news release or a call requesting all those who have gone through this process within the United Church to declare their solidarity with those who are being bullied. When we recite the United Church’s New Creed, how many, when reciting these words, really think of its opening words: “We are not alone; we live in God’s world”? The “It Gets Better” campaign is important for showing youth that there is a future beyond high school, but as people of faith, we can make a difference right now. We can declare that these youth who are being bullied are not alone. We can stand with them and journey with them, publicly living our faith, putting our faith into action today. Imagine the hope given to isolated youth


if they were to know that there are many others, from many different faith traditions,

video campaign, in which LGBTTQ adults

Sharing a kiss in public can also jeopardize

who are standing with them, journeying

and allies post video messages saying that if

one’s personal safety. For members of the

with them through this time of their lives,

youth can just get through high school, life

LGBTTQ community, being a target of vio-

when they thought they were so alone.

will get better for them. Although instill-

lence, hate and discrimination can become

ing hope in youth who have no hope is a

reality at a moment’s notice, all because of

noble and worthwhile cause, there are other

who we are. So, should we be telling youth

– Patrick Woodbeck is a Winnipeg-based freelance writer.

www.outwords.ca // outwords, may - june 2011



By Roselle Turenne

A Dragon Boat Story

It’s a sunny day in early May. There are 20

awful, we’re a mess, the paddles look like a

from cancer survivors to pig farmers – the

women standing in a circle wearing hiking

clumsy cartoon centipede running for dear

teams are as varied as the personalities

sandals looking ready for action. They line

life! “Timing, timing!” We struggle to

on the boat. When the team is in perfect

up in pairs like restless third graders gear-

make it to the 250-metre mark. The caller

time, when this happens, when we all work

ing up for a field trip. They are eager and

yells “Let ‘em ride,” and we stop. The girls

together – we fly. That feeling is our meas-

anxious, the water is whizzing by the dock.

are rustier than the colour of the water.

ure of success, more so than any race clock.

The stirring river looks cold and unforgiv-

Their faces are red from effort, the water

It takes practice and patience.

ing. They get in the 12-metre boat, some

bottles are being passed around, sounds of

with grace, others plopping in with “style”.

“Oh my God, that felt like shit,” are reso-

of dragon boating? Positive team work

They sit with their assigned partners and

nating through the boat. They’re catching

and effort is essential, regardless of the size

get ready for the inaugural paddle of the

their breath and grinning like idiots. I’m

or brute strength of the individual. Knees

season. The coach yells “Paddles up!” they

beaming. It’s the start of a new season and

don’t get injured (a growing problem with

lean forward with blades poised for their

the women of the Aeolian Ark wouldn’t

aging athletes) and egos don’t get bruised

first dip. They wait, watching, waiting,

want to be anywhere else.

as there are no individual heroes. Besides,

“Take it away!” We’re off! I will pause here to let you imagine

54 55

Each year, we train hard, get better,

So, what attracts so many to the sport

it’s a good workout and an excuse to get

stronger, and faster… but so do all of the

out on the water, meet new people and so-

the boat powerfully lunging forward then

other teams. Race times are getting quick-

cialize with friends on warm summer days.

gliding effortlessly whilst people on shore

er and the competition is fierce. We race

watch, clapping in admiration. Reality… it’s

against both mixed and all-women’s boats,

outwords, may - june 2011 // www.outwords.ca

“Has anyone seen Stacey?” “Yeah, someone tied her to a stripper pole again!”

The team is laughing hysterically. It’s 26C

potato salad. I look up from my loaded

out, the sun is shining and the water is

paper plate; Chemo Savvy is walking by

sparkling. It’s the first of several dragon

our camp sporting their brightly coloured

boat festivals being held this summer.

pink ribbon shirts. They’re on their way

Maliboo Stacey is one of several mascots

to the marshalling area. We wish them

the team has taken on over the years. She’s

luck and cheer them on throughout their

a two-foot-tall plastic floozy and has a

race -–they are our competitors. Everyone

Facebook page of her very own. Don’t be

is smiling and the sense of camaraderie is

fooled, as silly as the team gets around rac-

everywhere. That is the very essence of

es – the girls are down right serious about

dragon boating and why so many love it.

defending their title as women’s 500-metre

Let it ride.

heading out for practice the red river on a beautiful summer evening

champions. They are also serious about fundraising with each race having its own cause or charity.

– Roselle Turenne is a Winnipeg-based freelance writer.

We won the race that day, but only by a dragon’s head. We speak of strategy over a potluck in our weekend camp. “Hey, has anyone seen Trixie?” “I saw her hanging by the disco ball, but she’s only got one hoochie boot and Maliboo’s panties are missing again,” someone says nonchalantly between bites of

Dragon boat racing is the fastest growing team water sport in the world. Many Winnipeggers participate in the September FMG race that takes place at The Forks. It is the largest in the province with more than 150 teams. The Manitoba Paddling Association puts on several smaller, excelent competitions annually, including the River City Festival at the Transcona Water Ski Park in June.

the Aeolian Ark - paddles up!

There are dozens of other races across Canada and the U.S.A., including the Outgames taking place in Vancouver in July www.vancouver2011 outgames.com If you are interested in trying paddling or joining a team, contact the MPA at www.MPA.mb.ca.

www.outwords.ca // outwords, may - june 2011 stacey - team mascot/floozy


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by Jason Clevett

In Canadian rock terms, the music of Jeff Martin, Stuart Chatwood and Jeff Burrows – The Tea Party – defined a generation. Their blend of international flavour, unique instruments and emotional lyrics combined to make them one of the top Canadian bands in the 1990s and 2000s. Unfortunately the band came to an end in October 2005. Since then Martin has released two solo records and some live recordings. He is back with a vengeance with a new band Jeff Martin 777. Featuring drummer Malcolm Clark and bassist/keyboardist Jay Cortez their album The Ground Cries Out was released in March. >> Form er Tea Part y fron t man retu rns with new band and albu m

www.outwords.ca // outwords, may - june 2011 Photo by Kate Nutt


“They are two amaz-

we became friends. I met Jay

told Outwords. “It is a real joy

ing, amazing musicians, very

a little bit after the break up

because it is a confidence and

respected in Australia. I met

of the Tea Party. It is one of

familiarity that I haven’t felt

Malcolm 10 years ago back-

those things that was des-

since The Tea Party. We made

stage at a Tea Party concert

tined to come together it was

this new record over the

he was always a big fan and

just a matter of time,” Martin

course of six months.

Photo by Kate Nutt

There were a lot of breaks because we

“Those songs are my life. It can’t be

Hopefully the Tea Party fans will come

each had commitments but we put together

ignored, the music is beautiful. I look back

on board as The Ground Cries Out is very

an incredible studio in Perth and this is the

at it as a fan. All of those things that I put

much a continuation of the type of music

result. It was a labour of love, I took my time

myself through and where I went to make

Martin is most recognized for. It is a testa-

doing it and making sure that I created a

that music I would be disrespecting myself

ment to the depth of his songwriting that

sound for this new band and brought their

if I didn’t play that music still. It is not go-

his music has always drawn a diverse audi-

personalities to the forefront. I am very

ing to sound the same, it is a fresh different


proud to show off the new band in Canada.

approach because it is different personali-

“The attraction would always be that

If I was going to come back here with a

ties interpreting but the song remains the

The Tea Party’s music, my music, the new

power trio it better be a damn good power


band’s music, what lies underneath it all is

trio! It is.”

Starting fresh with a history behind

integrity – it means something. It is sexy

him has both its advantages and struggles.

music and gays, lesbians, teens, middle-

caeser by a fireplace, spoke with Outwords

Having already established himself as a suc-

aged people, there is a certain mindset that

while on an advanced promotional tour for

cessful artist, Martin has an advantage over

transcends that. People like sexy music. I

the album. After touring with a five-piece

other artists just trying to get a break. It

find that most new rock music is all coming

band and solo shows, he is back in his com-

isn’t all easy, however.

from somewhere else. If you want to think

Martin, relaxed and casual sipping a

fort zone with the three-piece.

“The challenge would be to overcome

“With Exile I tried a five piece band

about it with the chakras when you think

the skeptics. I find it rather unfortunate that

early Stones or Led Zepplin you could feel

and I felt more constricted, it was almost

there are a lot of the die-hard Tea Party fans

the sexual chakra in the music. I have to

suffocating. There are too many walls. In

that won’t accept anything else but The

hear that in what I am doing and if I don’t

a three-piece you can just have signposts.

Tea Party. There were three personalities

hear that I am not putting it on the record.”

How you get to those signposts is up to the

involved but the music is in my head. I want

level of musicianship – that is what I found

people to still come along. Things change,

for a show at Rockbar. If you missed out

so appealing once again. When you see the

and you have to accept change. What I have

don’t worry, Martin intends to give Cana-

band play, the next night is totally different

noticed in the brief time I have been back in

dians many more opportunities to see the

with a lot of jamming going on. Every song

Canada is there is a lot of love. I am getting


will have its signpost, but how we get there

all this positivity towards me that I didn’t

– who knows. I would hope that this album

know, being away for some time and return-

cally. I would like to see this band come

would be perceived as an evolution. I have a

ing with a band how it would be accepted.

back to Canada another two times over the

lot of pride in being an artist, if I am going

The single The Ground Cries Out is going

next two years. We have a lot of commit-

to put a new recording out I have to feel

well. That is a testament to Canadian radio.

ments and enthusiastic interest in Europe

that it is better than what I have done in the

In the early Tea Party days every band was

and Australia so there is a lot of touring to

past, that I am moving forward. I feel that

trying to sound like Nirvana, and Tea Party

do. This record has legs – there are so many

way with this record. I am very proud of

came out from left field and Canadian rock

great songs on this record that we have the

what I have achieved in the past with those

radio embraced us and are doing it again.

fortunate disposition of ‘what single do you

big musical statements like Sister Awake and

There is nothing out there that sounds like

choose?’ My goal for this record and band is

Temptation, it is iconic, its lovely. I feel these


for people to experience the same amount

Martin was in Winnipeg on March 15

“I just want to make it grow organi-

11 songs on this record stand

of joy and happiness out of it that we did

up to anything I have done in

making it. If that can be accomplished I am

the past.” Often when an artist does a side-project from their band or leaves altogether they disregard their band’s music and past. Martin says he couldn’t do that, and tours will continue to include Tea Party songs.

It is se xy mu sic an d ga ys , le sb ia ns , te en s, mi dd le-a ge d pe op le , th er e is a ce rt ai n mi nd se t th at tr an sc en ds th at. Pe op le lik e se xy mu sic .

a happy camper.” Jeff Martin 777 The Ground Cries Out available now www.jeffmartin777.com – Jason Clevett is an Alberta-based freelance writer.

www.outwords.ca // outwords, may - june 2011


Dolly Parton, Colin Farrell, Sean Hayes, Chris

have a long way to go, we have made great

Dolly Parton, presented the Stephen F.

strides both politically and in our media.

Melissa Etheridge, Joel McHale, Kirsten

Kolzak Award to Robert Greenblatt, whose

May that not only continue, but increase in

Dunst, and Chaz Bono were among the

career as a TV executive has led to some of

velocity… because we can help change the

celebrities who joined the Gay & Lesbian

the most fair, accurate and inclusive LGBT

way the world thinks about LGBT people,

Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)

images ever seen in primetime, including

not to mention how LGBT people think

as it honoured Kristin Chenoweth, NBC

Six Feet Under, Queer as Folk, The L Word,

about themselves.”

Entertainment Chairman Robert Greenblatt,

and United States of Tara. The Stephen

and the best in television and journalism on

F. Kolzak Award is presented to an openly

the Vanguard Award to Emmy and Tony

April 10 at the 22nd Annual GLAAD Media

lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender media

Award-winning singer and actress Kristin

Awards in Los Angeles, hosted by Amy

professional who has made a significant dif-

Chenoweth, who has spoken out repeatedly

Poehler and Rashida Jones.

ference in promoting equality for the LGBT

for full equality for LGBT people. In 2010,


Chenoweth publically challenged a contro-

The GLAAD Media Awards recognize and honour media for their fair, accurate and

60 61

At the ceremony, country music legend

Colfer, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Allison Janney,

“I’m very grateful to everyone at GLAAD

Also at the event, Sean Hayes presented

versial Newsweek article that incorrectly

inclusive representations of the lesbian, gay,

for thinking of me for this honour,” Green-

asserted gay actors cannot play straight

bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communi-

blatt said in his acceptance speech. “I salute

roles. The Vanguard Award is presented to

ty and the issues that affect their lives. The

all the producers, writers, network execu-

individuals who, through their work, have

GLAAD Media Awards also fund GLAAD’s

tives, and actors who took on the issue and

increased the visibility and understanding of

work to amplify stories of LGBT people and

broke ground way before I did … and who

the LGBT community in the media.

issues that build support for equality.

continue to do it today… While we still

outwords, may - june 2011 // www.outwords.ca

“I want to encourage many people of all

behalf of Project Runway, which received

Photos both pages left to right, top to bottom

Lisa Vanderpump, Jai Rodriguez, Mike O’malley, Melissa Etheridge and Linda Wallem, Tori Spelling Kirsten Dunst, Sarah Drew, Craig Robinson, Kristin Chenoweth (Photos by Todd Williamson/

faiths to come forward and stand with me,”

the nod for Outstanding Reality Program.

Chenoweth said. “Even if you don’t believe

The award for Outstanding TV Journalism

in Jesus the way I do, he did teach love –not

Segment was accepted by MSNBC host

just tolerance, but acceptance. I’m lucky

Lawrence O’Donnell, Fort Worth, Texas City

I had parents who adopted me at birth,

Councilmember Joel Burns and his husband,

With the help of the American Federation of

conservative Southern Baptists who said,

J.D. Angle, for their interview on The Last

Teachers (AFT) and Jonathan Murray, creator

‘You will love everyone the same’… Mostly I

Word with Lawrence O’Donnell.

of MTV’s The Real World, GLAAD is produc-

would like to thank GLAAD for this amazing, amazing honour. “

Kirsten Dunst presented a Special


ing LGBT resource kits for schools across the

Recognition award to Bianca “Nikki” Peet,

country as well as PSA videos featuring a

a 17-year-old student from Corpus Christi,

range of celebrities. It was also announced

edy Series category, with both Fox’s Glee

Texas, for her efforts to organize a Gay-

that Comcast will serve as a leading media

and ABC’s Modern Family taking home the

Straight Alliance at her high school after her

partner for the campaign, contributing $3

award. Chris Colfer and Mike O’Malley

principal originally prohibited the group.

million in national airtime and bringing this

accepted the award on behalf of Glee,

GLAAD also announced that I Love You Phil-

important message to more than 20 million

while Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Julie Bowen and

lip Morris received the award for Outstand-

homes this fall.

Ariel Winter accepted for Modern Family.

ing Film – Limited Release.

It was a tie in the Outstanding Com-

Season eight contestants Mondo Guerra

Chaz Bono announced GLAAD’s “Ampli-

and Michael Costello, along with producer

fy Your Voice!” public service announcement

Jonathan Murray, accepted the award on

campaign to combat anti-LGBT bullying.

– For more information, please visit www. glaad.org.

www.outwords.ca // outwords, may - june 2011


GLBT Resource Directory SOCIAL SUPPORT Rainbow Resource Centre: Rainbow Resource Centre (RRC): 170 Scott St. Phone: 474.0212. E-mail: info@ rainbowresoucecentre.org Web: rainbowresourcecentre.org. Counselling intake: 452.7508. Peer Support: 284.5208 or 1.888.399.0005. Dreamcatchers: Weekly therapeutic group for women and transgenders contemplating leaving the sex trade. Call 784-4065. Fort Garry Women’s Resource Centre: Feminist organization. Information/counselling. 1150-A Waverley St. 477-1123, www.fgwrc.ca FTM Alliance of Winnipeg: Transgender/transsexual female-to-male issues. Meetings at the RRC, first Tues. of the month, from 7:30-9:30 p.m. gAy&E: Participate in the Winnipeg arts, cultural, and entertainment scene. E-mail tallbrat@mts.net. Gay Fathers of Winnipeg: E-mail gfow@mts.net. Web: gayfathersofwinnipeg.com. Goldenboys (Gay and Lesbian Volleyball League): Recreational league. Call Mike at 452-5780 or Mark at 774-2122. Keystone Rainbow Curling League (GLBT curling league). Web: keystonecurling.com L*ACE group: For women interested in the Winnipeg arts, cultural, and entertainment scene. E-mail lace_ ace@hotmail.com. Web: acelace.spaces.live.com. Lambda: Business and Professional Association. P.O. Box 1575, Main Station, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 2Z4. 204-944-0354. Web: lambdabiz.com LEGIT - Canadian immigration information for same sex couples www.LEGIT.ca Lesbian Parents of Winnipeg: Monthly activities in the community for parents and kids to build connections and have fun. Find us on Facebook or e-mail jodiandrose@gmail.com Live and Let Live: Group of Alcoholics Anonymous. Wed. at 8 p.m. at Holy Names House of Peace, 211 Edmonton St. Masquerade: Crossdresser, transvestite, and transgender group. Web: masquerade.ca or call 4521100. Men’s Resource Centre: 301-321 McDermot Ave. Counselling for men. Call 956-9528 or 1-866-MRCEHCC (672-3433) in Manitoba, Web: elizabethhill. ca/mrc. Out There Sports & Recreation: GLBT sports and recreation events in Winnipeg Web: gaycanada.com/ outthere. Parents, Friends & Family of Transgender Individuals: Meets at the Rainbow Resource Centre on the second Monday of every month, in the library at 7 p.m. Contact pffoTI@gmail.com PFLAG (Parents, Family, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays): Call Helen at 474-2008, mail c/o the RRC or e-mail winnipegmb@pflagcanada.ca. Peer Project for Youth (PPY) is a program that offers LGBTTQA* youth a safe, fun place to learn new skills, create projects and celebrate our identities. PPY meets weekly. Phone (204) 284-2799. E-mail: peerproject4youth@rainbowresourcecentre.org. Prime Timers: Gay and bi men over 40 and admirers. E-mail ptpres@mts.net Web: primetimersww.org/ winnipeg/ Rainbow Educators of Manitoba (REM): Meets once a month. Cindy at 837-6036 or Manny at 478-1402. Rainbow Harmony Project: GLTT chorus. Phone 4776448, or Web: rainbowharmonyproject.ca/ Rainbow Link – free LGBT material for libraries and LGBT groups www.RainbowLink.ca Rainbow Pride Mosaic: GLBT resource centre at U of M, e-mail umrpm@umsu.ca . Web: umsu.ca/ rainbowpride.


outwords, april 2011 // www.outwords.ca

Rainbow Refugee Committee - information for LGBT refugee claimants info@rainbowrefugee.ca Sexuality Education Resource Centre: Resources and information. 200-226 Osborne St. North, R3C 1V4. www.serc.mb.ca The Snowy Owl Monarchist Society: Non-profit fundraising for organizations that enrich the GLBT community. Box 26053, 676 Portage Ave., R3G 0M4. Transgender Support Group: Meets third Friday of the month, 7:30 p.m. at the RRC. All welcome. Web: winnipegtransgendergroup.com University of Manitoba Peer Advisors: Room 150, University Centre. 474-6696. University of Winnipeg UWSA LGBT* Centre: 7869025. E-mail lgbt@uwsa.ca, Web: theuwsa.ca/ services-student-groups Winnipeg Lesbian and Gay Pride: Not-for-profit volunteer organization responsible for annual Pride Day and assists in community Pride Festival events. E-mail info@gaypridewinnipeg.com, Web: gaypridewinnipeg.com


Anakhnu Jewish GLBT Group: A program of the Rady Jewish Community Centre. social and cultural programs. 477-7537, E-mail tbarr@aradyjcc.com. Dignity Winnipeg: GLBT Catholics and friends, meet every third Friday at Augustine United Church, 444 River Ave. at Osborne.Doors open 6 p.m. Call Thomas, 287-8583, or Sandra, 779-6446. E-mail winnipeg@dignitycanada.org, Web: dignitycanada.org. Rainbow Ministry (Outreach of the UnitedChurch): 302-G Weston St., Call 954-2904. Winnipeg Full Moon Group: A place for Wiccan and pagan-minded people of all genders and sexual orientations. Contact Laurie 287-2300 or Amanda eastpath@gmail.com


Augustine United Church: 444 River Ave. at Osborne. 284-2250. Shaarey Zedek Synagogue: 561 Wellington Cres. Temple Shalom: Reform Judaism. Web: templeshalomwinnipeg.ca Unitarian Universalist Church of Winnipeg (Liberal Religion): 603 Wellington Cres. 474-1261. Young United: 222 Furby St. Call 783-0128.


LGBTT/Sexual & Gender Minorities: Workshops, Presentations, Seminars. The Rainbow Resource Centre provides education, awareness and outreach to assist health-care providers, educators (K-12 and post-secondary), students (K-12), social service and commercial service providers in addressing the issues faced by LGBTT people. Call 474-0212. House of Hesed: Safe HIV/AIDS transition house. 7724793, (fax) 783-0494, e-mail info@HouseofHesed.ca. Web: HouseofHesed.ca. (Note: This organization may receive financing from an ex-gay ministry.) Kali Shiva AIDS Services: Non-medial support for people living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS. 646 Logan, Call 783-8565 or 774-0708, or e-mail kalishiv@mts. net. Nine Circles Community Health Centre: 705 Broadway. HIV primary-care services, 940-6000, 1-888-305-8647. Provincial AIDS/STI Information Line: 945-2437 or 1-800-782-2437, Mon.to Fri. from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sage House: Drop-in and outreach for street-involved women and transgenders living as women. 9436379. Street Connections: Needle exchange, safer crack use kits, condoms, info and service connections. Call 981-0742.

Culture The Fantasia Affair: A cabaret exploring drag culture. E-mail thefantasiaaffair@gmail.com or visit Fantasia Affair group on Facebook. Winnipeg Gay and Lesbian Film Society Inc.: Phone 775-6457. E-mail reelpride@hotmail.com. Web: reelpride.org.


7th Street Health Access Centre: Counselling and programming related to sexual health, addictions, and mental health. 20-7th St., 578-4800. PFLAG (Parents, Family & Friends of Lesbians and Gays): Meets monthly. Call 727-0417. Sexuality Education Resource Centre: Counselling for GLBT community and family members. Community education/programming related to GLBT issues. GLBT Coffee House third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at 161 8th Street. Call 727-0417. Web: www. serc.mb.ca


Kenora Lesbians Phone Line: 807-468-5801, Tues., 7 to 9 p.m. Unitarian Universalist Church of Winnipeg (Liberal Religion): 603 Wellington Cres. 474-1261. Young United: 222 Furby St. Call 783-0128. LGBTT/Sexual & Gender Minorities: Workshops, Presentations, Seminars. The Rainbow Resource Centre provides education, awareness and outreach to assist health-care providers, educators (K-12 and post-secondary), students (K-12), social service and commercial service providers in addressing the issues faced by LGBTT people. Call 474-0212. House of Hesed: Safe HIV/AIDS transition house. 7724793, (fax) 783-0494, e-mail info@HouseofHesed.ca. Web: HouseofHesed.ca. (Note: This organization may receive financing from an ex-gay ministry.) Kali Shiva AIDS Services: Non-medial support for people living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS. 646 Logan, Call 783-8565 or 774-0708, or e-mail kalishiv@mts. net. Nine Circles Community Health Centre: 705 Broadway. HIV primary-care services, 940-6000, 1-888-305-8647. Provincial AIDS/STI Information Line: 945-2437 or 1-800-782-2437, Mon.to Fri. from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sage House: Drop-in and outreach for street-involved women and transgenders living as women. 9436379. Street Connections: Needle exchange, safer crack use kits, condoms, info and service connections. Call 981-0742. The Fantasia Affair: A cabaret exploring drag culture. E-mail thefantasiaaffair@gmail.com or visit Fantasia Affair group on Facebook. Winnipeg Gay and Lesbian Film Society Inc.: Phone 775-6457. E-mail reelpride@hotmail.com. Web: reelpride.org. 7th Street Health Access Centre: Counselling and programming related to sexual health, addictions, and mental health. 20-7th St., 578-4800. PFLAG (Parents, Family & Friends of Lesbians and Gays): Meets monthly. Call 727-0417. Sexuality Education Resource Centre: Counselling for GLBT community and family members. Community education/programming related to GLBT issues. GLBT Coffee House third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at 161 8th Street. Call 727-0417. Web: www. serc.mb.ca Kenora Lesbians Phone Line: 807-468-5801, Tues., 7 to 9 p.m.




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