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Our Schools

Our Schools

Safeguarding of children and young people in our care is of paramount importance to the Trust and is the responsibility of all employees. Some key reminders and points to follow, in addition to the safeguarding and child protection training you will be undertaking.

• No media details to be given to pupils, this includes mobile and landline numbers unless those of mobiles/ landlines within the Trust. No exchange of information/contact on media sites including Facebook/twitter etc.

Ensuring you keep to the terms and conditions of the networking site and if allowed i.e. on twitter, make sure you select a username tag that is not too obvious if pupils search for you. If you are contacted, please do not reply and inform the Headteacher. • No photographs to be taken on mobile telephones or for personal use. Staff and pupils should be taking photographs for Trust purposes/curriculum only. Mobiles should not be used in the classroom by staff or pupils. • Be aware of the boundary of ‘being friendly’ and ‘being a friend’. Pupils have pupil friends; staff have staff friends. • All personal, pupil information gained in Trust is of a confidential nature and should not be discussed outside of Trust unless requested for a formal meeting for the child in question. Other pupils should not be discussed with pupils or their parents. • If you have to work one-to-one with a pupil or keep a child back at break/lunchtime/after School, alert someone else to this fact, ensure you are in a room with the door open, in clear view, and, if possible, have another member or staff passing/checking on you regularly. Whilst rare however, we do have allegations made and you are responsible for acting according to guidelines given. • If you are concerned about the welfare of a pupil, discuss this with the Designated Safeguarding Officer. • If a child starts to disclose some information to you, you must inform them that you cannot keep information confidential and may have to share what they tell you. Pupils will approach someone they Trust but if they wish, the selected member of staff can accompany them to see the Safeguarding Officer. Information disclosed to you should initially be passed on verbally then, be written down and given to the Safeguarding

Officer, as soon as possible. Write in ink, give facts not opinions and sign and date this information. Try not to react negatively, i.e., shocked/disgusted if a child divulges, just assure them that you will get them help and write all information clearly. If the Safeguarding Officer is not available, pass to another member of SLT.

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