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Personal Relationships in the Workplace

This section of the Handbook governs personal relationships in the workplace. For the purpose of this section the term “personal relationship” means any emotional or romantic relationship which goes beyond the normal accepted professional relationships between colleagues. This will include formal, family relationships, for example where people are married or living together, or less formal situations where people may be “seeing each other”. This definition is not intended to be exhaustive and given the sensitive nature of personal relationships staff will be required to use their common sense to determine if this policy applies to them. If any staff member is unsure whether this policy applies in their circumstances, then they should speak to HR.

This policy applies to all personal relationships between members of staff, irrespective of whether they are working in the same department or school.


Education Partnership Trust respects the private lives of all our staff. We recognise that many people meet their partners at work and the purpose of this section is not to prohibit personal relationships in the workplace but instead ensure a consistent and fair approach is taken with personal relationships that might affect the Trust.

Any members of staff who are in a personal relationship are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times in respect of their personal relationship. This means being considerate of their colleagues and students in their day-to-day dealings and being discrete in any discussions surrounding their personal relationship in the workplace.

Where the personal relationship involves those in either a direct or indirect reporting line, manager/subordinate roles, or involve a personal relationship between a staff member and a member of the SLT at the school which both parties work, both parties are required to disclose this to HR, in confidence, as soon as is practicable. Whilst there is no formal requirement for staff who are not in a personal relationship to disclose this to HR, staff should consider whether it may be best practice to do so to avoid circumstances such as perceived conflicts of interests occurring.

Colleagues who are in a personal relationship should not have manager/subordinate roles within the Trust. Where such relationships exist or arise, the parties should inform HR, in confidence, as soon as possible. The Trust will liaise with the staff members to minimise the impact of their personal relationship on the Trust, and this is likely to involve transferring one or both parties in the relationship from their current roles. If this is not possible then alternative safeguards will be put in place.

Any failure to disclose a personal relationship as required under this policy or to give preferential treatment within the Trust to someone who a staff member is in a personal relationship with, will be treated as a disciplinary matter and could result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

The Trust will ensure that nobody is disadvantaged, discriminated against or suffers a detriment as a result of a personal relationship. Any member of staff who has concerns about their treatment should raise this with their Headteacher or HR.

The Trust will not tolerate any form of harassment against our staff and will take any allegations very seriously, any members of staff being found to have harassed another member of staff may be subject to disciplinary action. Staff are reminded of their professional obligations in this regard towards their colleagues which may be particularly relevant at the beginning or the end of a personal relationship.

“We work together to support and encourage our schools, share our thoughts and make the right decisions for our young people.”

Ian Kendrick, Director, EPT

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