3 minute read
Professional Standards And Conduct
from Welcome to the EPT

Professional Standards and Conduct In The Workplace
All staff, regardless of their role, are required to adhere to the LSCB Guidance for Safer Working Practice document 2016. This document is issued to relevant staff members on commencement of employment. Training sessions will be given to ensure all staff are aware of their responsibilities.
Dress Standards
Every member of staff will be responsible for promoting a positive image of the Trust and therefore all members of staff will take a professional and safe approach to dress and appearance, cleanliness and personal hygiene. (this includes no denim, trainers, clothing with logo’s and or images which may cause offence and potentially inappropriate clothing for the position or job role).
Declaration of Interests
Any interests in a group or Trust whose aims would be considered to be in conflict with the ethos of the Trust must be declared. Any personal relationship which may cause a conflict of interest should also be declared.
Intellectual Property Ownership.
Any work developed or created by Trust staff, solely or jointly with others, during the course of employment or performing work for or on behalf of the Trust will wholly belong to the Trust.
Other Employment
Employees are permitted to take up secondary employment outside the Trust, as long as the activity does not constitute a conflict of interest or adversely affect their employment at the Trust. The secondary employment must be undertaken outside the working hours of the employee’s normal post and employees are required to keep the school informed of their employment at other Trusts.
Use of Trust Premises and Equipment
School equipment and premises are available only for Trust-related activities and should not be used for fulfilment of another job or post or for personal use, unless authorised in writing and in advance by the Headteacher or School Business Manager.
This includes photocopy facilities, stationery, telephones and computers and premises. Any School equipment that is used outside the School premises, for example laptops, should be returned to the School when the employee leaves employment or upon request by the Headteacher or School Business Manager.

Receipt of Gifts or Hospitality
Your working relationships may bring you into contact with outside Trusts where it is normal business practice or social convention to offer hospitality, and sometimes gifts. Offers of this kind to you or your family can place you in a difficult position.
In every circumstance where a gift or hospitality is offered, the advice of your Line Manager must be sought, and this must also be recorded.
Bribery and other Corrupt Behaviour
The Trust has a strict anti-bribery and corruption policy in line with the Bribery Act (2010). A bribe is defined as: giving someone a financial or other advantage to encourage that person to perform their functions or activities improperly or to reward that person for having already done so.
If you bribe (or attempt to bribe) another person, intending either to obtain or retain business for the Trust, or to obtain or retain an advantage in the conduct of the Trust’s business this will be considered gross misconduct. Similarly accepting or allowing another person to accept a bribe will be considered gross misconduct. In these circumstances you will be subject to formal investigation under the Trust’s disciplinary procedures, and disciplinary action up to and including dismissal may be applied.
Conflict of Interest
You should not, directly or indirectly, engage in, or have any interest, financial or otherwise, in any other business enterprise which interferes or is likely to interfere with your independent exercise of judgement in the Trust’s best interest.
Generally, a conflict of interests exists when an employee is involved in an activity:
• Which provides products or services directly to the Trust, Trust employees or its schools. • Which subjects the employee to unreasonable time demands that prevent the employee from devoting proper attention to his or her responsibilities to the Trust. • Which is so operated that the employee’s involvement with the outside business activity will reflect adversely on the Trust.
Should you be in doubt as to whether an activity involves a conflict, you should discuss the situation with your manager.