Ovation magazine issue 163

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SINCE 1996










ISSN-1362-7309 Issue 163 CREW PUBLISHER/EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dele Momodu momodudele@yahoo.co.uk

ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Mobolaji Momodu EDITOR Michael Effiong mikeffiong2009@yahoo.com mikeffiong@ovationinternational.com

MANAGING EDITOR Segun Adebowale PHOTO EDITOR Adekoya Adegbite PRODUCTION MANAGER/ART DIRECTOR Isaac Edoh-Philip ASSISTANT DESIGNER Kwaku Yeboah Darteh CORRESPONDENT Mo Salami…Dele Salako…Babatunde Martins PHOTO JOURNALISTS Colin Ramsay… Ade James (USA)… Dayo Adedayo Isaac Adegbite… Dragan Mikki… Bodise Wilson Soji Adekunle… Vera Odjugo… Tope Brown Solomon Ekhaiyemhe… Abraham Falodun Segun Lawal… Ken Ehimen...Sunmisola Olorunnisola Guy L’ Avenir (Benin Republic) Ben Dzakah (Ghana) MARKETING/ADVERTS Zed Dominic Okolue (Benin Republic) US CORRESPONDENTS Samantha Ofole Prince… Shola Orolugbagbe CONTRIBUTORS Jimi Akinniyi… Sanya Ojikutu… Isatou N’jie Dayo Olomu… Makeba Boateng LAGOS OFFICE Bamisebi Richard Ojo-Head Admin Aderemi Abiola-Admin. Officer UK OPERATIONS 7 Du Maurier House, Lawn Road, London NW3 2XE Tel: +447951026178, +447956967160 UK DISTRIBUTION/WORLDWIDE SUBSCRIPTION Jay Magazine & Newspaper Distribution, UK +44(20) 76358888, +447976628251 UK AND EUROPE DISTRIBUTION Quality Magazine Distribution Global Distribution MANAGING EDITOR BENIN REPUBLIC BUREAU Jeanne-Frances Maduakor Centre Commercial Xanadu-Ancien Pont, Wlacodji Contonou Tel: +229 97221918, +229 98155422 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Onukaba Adinoyi-Ojo… Ike Okonta… Sunmi Smart-Cole Okagbue Aduba… Osasu Obayiuwana… Dupe Ashama Isha Tejan-Cole (West Africa) ...Richie Dayo Johnson GHANA OPERATIONS #17, Asafoatse Afua Street, West Airport. Tel: +233-21-762595, 778737. Fax +233244843099 LAGOS 13B Ladipo Kuku Street, Off Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +234-0-8023002090, (0)8055069220, (0)8055069212, (1)4543030 TOGO BUREAU King Nee +2289160855 Chinyere Ndukwe +22890039631 PRINTED BY The Magazine Printing Company Ltd., Enfield, England. DIRECTORS Segun Fatoye, Mobolaji Momodu, Damola Aderemi, Dele Momodu (CEO) OVATION Magazine is published as a periodical by OVATION Comm. Ltd. ©OVATION International Reproduction in full or part of any contents of OVATION magazine (without prior written consent from the publisher) is strictly prohibited.

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Story: Michael Effiong & French: Chinyere Manuela Ndukwe Photo: Adekoya Adegbite, Abraham Falodun & Ken Ehimen (Lagos) Dragan Mikki & Samuel (London)


hen the son of The Olu of Warri Kingdom, Prince Utieyinoritsetsola Ayomigbesimi Emiko set a date to wed Ivie Uhunoma Okubo, daughter of silent business heavyweight, Captain Hosa Okunbo everyone knew that they were in for a grand ceremony. This Royal nuptial was not only classy, it was glamorous, stylish and stately. From the traditional wedding/engagement in the ancient city of Benin, Edo State, Nigeria to the highbrow Chelsea area of London where the Church blessing was held, every inch of the ceremonies were so regal that they will linger in many memories for years to come. In all ramifications, this was a huge ceremony

because everyone who was somebody attended. Captains of industry, top politicians, super government officials and first-rate members of the traditional institution were all there. The traditional wedding/engagement of Ivie and Tsola which kicked off celebrations shock the ancient city of Benin to its very foundations. For example, the Benin Airport was so jam-packed that afternoon with private jets and commercial aircrafts that there was a queue in the skies. Many had to hover for minutes and wait their turn to land. The airport was that busy. That was not all, residents of Benin certainly

knew that something spectacular was happening on account of the top-rated Nigerians that were in town for the beginning of what turned out to be an extraspecial nuptial. The love story of Ivie and Tsola is similar to those kinds woven in famous fables that seem too good to be true. They met in November, exactly a year later in November they broke up and were incommunicado for months but eventually made up in another November. As God would have it, after this coming together, the fire of their love was so intense that they became inseparable. And another November down the line, they got married! 7







orsque le fils de l’Olu du Royaume de Warri, le Prince Utieyinoritsetsola Ayomigbesimi Emiko a fixé une date pour son mariage avec Ivie Uhunoma Okunbo, fille du très silencieux magnat des affaires, Captain Hosa Okunbo, tout le monde savait qu’on était parti pour une cérémonie grandiose. Ce mariage royal n’était pas seulement classe, mais c’était glamour et chic. Du mariage traditionnel (fiançailles) dans la cité ancienne de Benin dans l’Etat d’Edo au Nigeria, au quartier chic de Chelsea à Londres où a eu lieu la bénédiction à l’église, chaque moment de la cérémonie était tellement magnifique qu’il restera à jamais dans les mémoires. Ce fut une cérémonie très grandiose dans tous les aspects, car toutes les grandes personnalités y ont pris part. Les magnats de l’industrie, les grands politiciens, les personnalités gouvernementales de haut rang, les personnalités traditionnelles étaient tous présents. Le mariage


d’Ivie et de Tsola a ébranlé l’ancienne cité jusqu’à ses fondations. Par exemple, l’aéroport de Benin était archicomble cet après-midi-là avec des avions privés et des avions commerciaux. Il y avait de l’effervescence à l’aéroport. Ce n’était pas tout. Les habitants de Benin savaient certainement que quelque chose de spécial se passait à cause des hautes personnalités nigérianes présentes en ville pour le début de ce qui allait devenir une célébration hors du commun. L’histoire d’amour entre Ivie et Tsola est semblable à celle que l’on entend dans les contes de fée auxquels on a du mal à croire. Ils se sont rencontrés en novembre et après ils se sont séparés et sont restés sans contact pendant des mois ; ils se sont réconciliés et ont repris leur relation en un autre mois de novembre. Comme Dieu l’a voulu, la flamme de leur amour est devenue encore plus intense qu’ils sont devenus inséparables. Et en un autre mois de novembre, ils se sont mariés.

Mrs. Evelyn, Capt. (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo & Mrs. Nosa Okunbo

Crown Prince Of Benin Kingdom, Prince Eheneden Erediauwa with Capt. (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo


Inneh Cultural Troupe paying homage to Crown Prince of Benin kingdom, Prince Eneheden Ereduawa & his entourage with Capt (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo

I love you very much Ivie on this day and for the rest of our lives. We would know true happiness and Joy. We would know contentment, patience and make beautiful children. We would conquer obstacles over and over again. We shall bring kingdoms, territories under us physically and spiritually. And I would love you everyday till I die" THE TRADITIONAL WEDDING/ENGAGEMENT The venue for the traditional wedding cum engagement was the expansive and picturesque home of the bride's father located in the Benin GRA. The day had been arranged by the best event planners and decorators in the land-and so it was no surprise that as you stepped into the venue, you were awe-struck by the sheer beauty of the decor and floral arrangement. Celebrated Funke Bucknor-Obruthe of Zaphaire Events and Uche Majekodunmi of Newton & David were the two chosen for this job and they delivered big time. Mrs. Majekodunmi who also handled the wedding of Bella Adenuga chose concepts that were simple for the exterior but the interior, she went for the spectacular-the effect was that the special marquee set up for the ceremony was breath-taking. From the red-carpeted walkway leading to the venue of the traditional ceremony, fresh flowers, shrubs and afrocentric props lined the area to the inside where the centrepieces, mega chandelier and huge flowers were unmistakably top notch. 12

Therefore, when guests stepped into the venue, they were met with a sight that was upscale-it was fitting for a ceremony involving such reputable families and personages. Guests began to arrive at about a few minutes to 12 noon but the real traditional rites did not start until the arrival of the Chairman of the occasion, the Crown Prince of Benin Kingdom, His Royal Highness, Prince Eheneden Eradiauwa. He was welcomed on arrival by the colourful Inneh Cultural Troupe. The troupe reeled out soulful Bini songs, praising the Kingdom, the Oba of Benin and welcoming the Crown Prince. The troupe put up such a wonderful display which served as an appetizer considering the full course entertainment feast that awaited guests later that day. The bride's family was the first to take its seat-and of course, leading the delegation was the Crown Prince. The groom's family was led by Olori Atuwatse II, the wife of the Olu of Warri and Princes of the Emiko family, the ruling family in Warri Kingdom. Proceeding began with the tradi-

LE MARIAGETRADITIONNEL/ LES FIANÇAILLES L’endroit pour le mariage traditionnel et des fiançailles était la très grande et pittoresque maison du père de la mariée située dans le quartier huppé de Benin. L’évènement fut planifie par de grands organisateurs d’évènements et décorateurs du pays donc ce ne fut pas surprenant qu’on soit épaté par la beauté de la décoration et de l’arrangement floral. Les célèbres Funke BucknorObruthe de Zaphaire Events et Uche Majekodunmi de Newton David étaient celles qu’on avait choisies pour ce travail et elles ont très bien assuré. Mrs. Majekodunmi qui s’est aussi chargée du mariage de Bella Adenuga, a choisi des concepts très simples pour l’extérieur mais en revanche pour l’intérieur, elle a opté pour quelque chose de plus spectaculaire – l’effet que cela a produit était tout simplement époustouflant. De la marche sur le tapis rouge qui mène à l’endroit réservé pour la cérémonie traditionnelle, des fleurs fraiches étaient alignées et au centre se trouvait un chandelier géant et des fleurs gigantesques. Donc, lorsque les invités sont arrivés, ils ont été accueillis par quelque chose de magnifique– c’était une grande cérémonie digne de familles nobles et de grandes personnalités. Les invités ont commencé par arriver peu avant midi mais les vrais rites de la cérémonie traditionnelle n’ont commencé que lorsque le président de

l’occasion est arrivé, à savoir, le prince héritier du Royaume de Benin, Son altesse Royale, Eheneden Eradiauwa. Il fut accueilli à son arrivée par la troupe culturelle Inneh qui a interprété des chansons purement bini qui louaient le royaume, l’Oba de Benin, et accueilli le Prince héritier. Leur prestation était tellement formidable que ce fut un avant-gout de la grande fête qui attendait les invités. La famille de la mariée fut la première à prendre place, avec le Prince héritier, chef de leur délégation. La famille du mari était conduite par Olori Atiwatse, la femme de l’Olu de Warri et les princes de la famille Emiko, la famille régnant sur le Royaume de Warri. La cérémonie a commencé avec la présentation traditionnelle de la noix de kola par la famille Okunbo, les hôtes, aux invités. Ensuite, la noix de kola fut bénie et brisée pour la consommation de tous par Chief Amos Osunbor, après quoi un représentant de la famille du marié fut invité pour parler de la mission de la famille Emiko au Royaume de Benin. Il les informa que la famille royale Emiko est venue à cause de leur fils, Tsola, pour demander la main d’Ivie, fille du Capitaine Hosa Okunbo, en mariage de façon officielle, et il a ajouté qu’ils n’envisageaient pas retourner bredouilles au royaume de Warri. Ses propos firent rire l’assemblée, surtout la famille de la mariée, car

Chief Amos Osunbor & wife, Mrs. Rosemary Osunbor

Chief Amos Osunbor & The Esama of Benin, Sir Gabriel Igbinedion

Chief Sunny Asemota & wife, Chief (Mrs.) Ireti Asemota

Rear Admiral Joe Aikhomu & Mr. John Darlington

Hon. Ehiozuwa Agbonayinma

Chief Ifeanyi Uba & wife

Mrs. Dupe Jemibewon & Chairman Of Skye Bank, Mr. Tunde Ayeni

Alhaji Saayu Dantata & Mr. Timi Alaibe

Sen. Ehigie Uzamere (r)


Abdullateef Kola Abiola

Mrs. Nosa Okunbo, Capt. (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo (bride's father) with bride's mother, Mrs. Evelyn


Teslim Belo-Osagie & Chris Okaben (Commissioner for Sports, Edo State)

Senator Sanusi Daggash (left)

Sen. Ehigie Uzamere

Mr. Greg Uanseru & Mr.Tunde Ayeni

Mr. Dapo Abiodun with Mr. Terry Waya

Chief Edwin Clark with Chief Richard Lamai

Chief Tony Anenih & wife, Hon. Justice Maryam Anenih

Mr. Mike Onolememen with Chief Tony Anenih

Mr. Alan Omorogbe

Prof. Oserhiemen Osunbor


Lady Cherry Igbinedion with daughter, Ivie Igbinedion

Chief Tom Ikimi

Alhaji Yaya Abubakar & Dr. Tinyan Okunbo


Uwa Osunbor & Mr. Tunde Ayeni

Chief Ayiri Emami

Major_Gen Charles Airavbere (Rtd.)

Mr. John Darlington with Mrs. Biola Ayeni

Mr. Ohiri (middle)

Senator Oluremi Tinubu (l)


Groom & brother, Toju Emiko



Groom’s friends

Groom, Tsola Emiko, best man & Toju Emiko (m) with groom’s men

tional presentation of Kolanut by the Okunbo family, the hosts, to their guests. The Kolanut was blessed and broken for the consumption of all by Chief Amos Osunbor, after which a representative of the groom's family was invited to state the Emiko family's mission to Benin Kingdom. He informed the house that the Emiko Royal Family had come on behalf of their son, Tsola, to properly ask for the hand of Ivie, the daughter of Captain Hosa Okunbo, in marriage, and it was their intention not to return to Warri Kingdom empty-handed. That statement elicited laughter from everyone, espe-

cially from the groom's side, with some saying that except they do the right thing, their mission will be in vain. As if on cue, and to answer those who felt they Emiko family were not there for serious business, Toju Emiko, younger brother of the groom and his best man, walked into the venue with a well wrapped package. The Master of ceremonies then announced that the Emiko family were about to make a presentation but he did not know what it was. It was at this juncture that sounds of flautists, drummers and dancers wafted from outside. When the happy party led by gaily dressed dancers entered the

certains de la famille de la mariée leur ont signifié que s’ils ne faisaient pas les choses comme il se doit, leur mission sera vaine. Et comme pour prouver que la famille du marié n’était pas venue s’amuser, le jeune frère du marié, Toju Emiko et son bestman sont arrivés avec un paquet. Le maître de cérémonie annonça que la famille Emiko voulait présenter quelque chose mais qu’il ne savait pas ce que c’était. Ce fut en ce moment que le son des flutistes, des batteurs de tambour et des danseurs se fit entendre du dehors.

Lorsque le cortège conduit par des danseurs joyeux arriva, ce fut évident qu’ils annonçaient l’arrivée du marié. Avec un grand sourire, Tsola portait une tunique rouge sur un pagne traditionnel. L’ensemble fut complété avec de lourdes perles. Il est arrivé avec un cortège d’amis qui portaient la même tenue mais de couleurs différentes. Il s’assit finalement sur un siège spécial après avoir plaisanté avec quelques membres de la famille de la mariée et des acclamations de la part de sa propre famille. En un rien de temps, le paquet fut

Mr. Saheed Kereke-Ekun (Saheeto), Tunde Ayeni and Michael Effiong, Editor, Ovation International

Esama of Benin, Sir Gabriel Igbinedion, Hon. Ehiozuwa Agbonayinma (EJ) & Dr. Tinya Okunbo

I.K, Victor Asemota & Morrison Okunbo

Mr. John Darlington, Chief Ifeanyi Uba & wife with Mr. Tunde Ayeni


Bright Okunbo, Edith Okunbo, Helen Okunbo (Capt. Hosa Okunbo's mum & bride's grandmother) with Morrison Okunbo

Mr. Kofo Coker, Ken Eso-Adigwu & Henry Iyasere

Mr. Kayode Odukoya, Mr. Chike Chikeluba, Mr. Tayo Ayeni & Segun Awolowo

Mr. John Darlington (2nd left) & Mrs. Biola Ayeni (2nd right) with guests


Mr. Olu Akpata, Otunba Lai Oriowo, Sen. Smart Adeyemi with guests

Groom’s sisters & Aunt

Gen. & Mrs. David Jemibewon & guest

R-l: Capt. Chris Najomo, Mrs. Martha Najomo with friends

Barr. Michael Igbinedion , Alhaji Yaya Abubakar & Dr. Fred Igbinedion

Garth Dooley (r) & Peter Okundaye (far right) with guests

Mr. Olu Akpata with guests

Groom’s family members


Mr. Segun Awolowo & Mrs. Nosa Okunbo

Tony Odigie, Tunde Ayeni, Fmr. Governor Alhaji Yaya Abubakar & Osaro Onaiwu (The Earl)

Mr. Tunde Ayeni, Alh Yaya Abubakar & Dr. Tinyan Okunbo

Abdullateef Kola Abiola & friend

Mr. Terry Waya , Mr. Segun Awolowo & Mr. Chike Chikeluba

Osaro Naiwu, Fidelis Anosike, (4th left) Tino, Segun Awolowo (far right) with friends

Mr. Tunde Ayeni with friends

Mr. John Darlington, Rear Admiral Joe Aikhomu, Tunde Ayeni & friend

venue, it became obvious that they were heralding the groom. With a big smile spreading over his face, Tsola stepped into the venue, decked in colourful red tunic atop a cream traditional wrapper. His ensemble was completed with heavy coral beads. He arrived with a retinue of groom's men who wore a similar attire of different colour. He soon settled into a special seat after exchanging pleasantries with elders from the bride's family and cheers from his own people. In no time, the package earlier brought by Toju Emiko, the Best Man, was unwrapped and it turned out to be 22

the proposal letter. And the groom's sister was given the mandate to read its content to the hearing of all present. The most important aspect of this letter was simply that the Emiko family have found a worthy and beautiful daughter in the Okunbo Household and they would want her as wife. Osahon Okunbo, brother of the bride was then invited to deliver a response. He announced that his family accepts the proposal of the Emikos and all traditional marriage rites can therefore begin. His final words were met with cheers and applause from all corners of the venue. There is a certain drama that usually

déroulé et il s’est avéré que c’était la lettre de demande en mariage. Et la sœur du marié eu l’honneur de la lire en présence de tout le monde. L’aspect le plus important de la lettre était que la famille Emiko a trouvé une belle et charmante fille dans la famille des Okunbo et qu’ils veulent la prendre comme femme. Osahon Okunbo, le frère de la mariée fut alors invité à répondre. Il annonça que sa famille avait accepté la demande en mariage des Emiko et que tous les rites traditionnels pouvaient commencer. Ses derniers mots furent suivis d’acclamations et d’ap-

plaudissements de tous les coins de la salle. Il y a une scène qui se déroule régulièrement lors des mariages traditionnels ou le futur mari est tenu d’identifier la demoiselle qu’il veut épouser. Cette scène agréable s’est également déroulée ici lorsque deux demoiselles dont l’une d’elle est la sœur cadette de la mariée étaient voilées et présentées au futur marié. Ce dernier les a observées, a secoué la tête en disant qu’aucune d’elle n’était sa future épouse. Quelques minutes plus tard, une autre demoiselle fut

TJ, Dandison Okunbo & Osahon Uzamere

Bride’s maids

Bride's family members

Bride's family member


Gbolohan with Osahon Okunbo, bride's brother

(From 2nd left) Eseosa Okunbo, Gbolahan

Amen Odigie (l) & Gbolohan (far right) with friends

Dr. Ruth Okunbo


Miss Okundaye (right)

Crown prince of Benin Kingdom, Eheneden Erediauwa with Capt. (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo

Crown Prince with Capt. (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo

Crown Prince of Benin Kingdom Eheneden Eradiauwa

Capt. (Dr. ) Hosa Okunbo


Groom’s mum, Queen of Warri, Olori Atuwatse

Mrs. Helen Okunbo, bride's grandmother, Osahon Okunbo, Mrs. Evelyn, bride's mother with Mrs. Nosa Okunbo

Mrs. Helen Okunbo, bride's grandmother, Osahon Okunbo, Mrs. Evelyn, bride's mother

Chief Amos Osunbor & Esama of Benin Chief Gabriel Igbinedion (right)

Mrs. Nosa Okunbo with Mrs. Biola Ayeni

Mrs. Nosa Okunbo & friend

Chief Sunny Asemota & wife, Mrs. Ireti Asemota & guest


Mrs. Nosa Okunbo (right)

Capt. Hosa Okunbo, a friend, Gen. David Jemibewon (Rtd.) Mr. Peter Okundaye

Capt. Nosa Okunbo & Otunba Alex Onabanjo

Mrs. Nosa Okunbo & Garth Dooley

Rear Admiral Joe Aikhomu & Steve Oronsaye

Mr. Steve Oronsaye, Mr. Nosa Igiebor & guest

Madam Helen Okunbo, Capt.(Dr.) Hosa Okunbo, Mrs. Evelyn, bride's mother with Mrs. Nosa Okunbor



Bride father, Capt. (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo & mum greeting Representative of The Olu of Warri

Capt. Hosa Okunbo with The Emikos, groom's family

Grooms brother, Toju Emiko & uncle


Master of ceremonies steering proceedings

Representative of Olu of Warri


Mr. Kenneth Okunbo

Crown Prince of Benin Eheneden Erediauwa with Hosa Okunbo sharing a joke

unfolds at African traditional wedding ceremonies, and that is the aspect where the husband to-be is made to pass a test of identifying the specific maiden he had come to marry. The usually hilarious scenario played itself out here as two ladies, one of which was the bride's younger sister, both properly veiled, were presented to the groom, he checked them out one after the other and shook his head, announcing that they were not the lady after his heart, the one he had come to take as wife. Minutes later, another lady was escorted into the venue. Immediately he lifted her veil, Tsola's eye lit up and a joyous smile was written all over his faceand it was then that everyone knew that he has found his better half-and she was then unveiled and made to go through a session of prayers from her parents and the elders from the groom's family.

The prayer by Captain Hosa Okunbo for her daughter was very moving and emotional, and the expression of fatherly love was unmistakable. He wished her a fruitful and successful union-and the bride was misty eyed too, perhaps remembering that she was now transiting from Daddy's girl to Tsola's wife forever. Another high point during this ceremony was when Ivie as Bini tradition permits had to sit first on the lap of the leader of the delegation of the groom's family and then on that of her husband. This was a symbolic gesture to show that the Emikos were strong and capable enough to take care of her every need. She did this amidst laughter and from everyone. Chief Osunbor rounded off the wonderful celebration of culture and love with a session of prayers and advised the couple to trust in each other and remember God always.

introduite. Lorsqu’il souleva son voile, les yeux de Tsola s’illuminèrent immédiatement et un sourire couvrit son visage et tout le monde sut qu’il venait de trouver sa moitié ; cette dernière était entièrement dévoilée et reçut des prières de la part de ses parents et des anciens de la famille du marié. La prière de Captain Okunbo pour sa fille était très émouvante et cela prouva l’amour qu’il avait pour sa fille. Il lui a souhaité une union fructueuse et prospère ; la future mariée avait les larmes aux yeux ; elle venait peut-être de réaliser qu’elle allait bientôt passer de la fille à papa pour devenir la femme de

Tsola pour toujours. Un autre moment très important lors de cette cérémonie fut lorsqu’Ivie, qui selon la tradition Bini, devait s’asseoir sur la cuisse du chef de la délégation de la famille du marié et puis sur celle de son futur époux. C’est un geste symbolique qui prouve que les Emiko sont capables de prendre bien soin d’elle. Chief Osunbor a terminé cette merveilleuse cérémonie riche en culture et en amour avec une session de prières et des conseils pour le couple afin qu’ils mettent leur confiance en eux seuls et non en quelqu’un d’autre. 31

Groom & his family members

Groom's sister reading the proposal letter

Mrs. Helen Okunbo, bride's grandmother & Mrs. Evelyn, bride's mum

Bride's brother, Osahon Okunbo reading the acceptance letter

Osahon Okunbo with mum


Bride arriving

Yes! This is my wife!




Bride’s mother, showers her with prayers

The lovely couple


Chief Amos Osunbor advising the couple


Mr. Gilbert Chagoury with Capt.Hosa Okunbo

Mr. Tunde Ayeni greeting the Crown Prince of Benin Kingdom


Sen. Oluremi Tinubu

Dr. Mike Oberabor

Groom's sister


Dr. John Abebe

Dr. Ruth Okunbo & Mr. Steve Oronsaye

Osahon Okunbo & Mum

LA GRANDE RÉCEPTION Comme on l’a déjà décrit plus haut, c’était un rassemblement des grandes personnalités et le décor était digne d’un tel évènement. Le Maitre de cérémonie était le comédien populaire AY qui fit un bon boulot. L’endroit était une grande tente mais avant que le couple n’arrive, il y avait déjà des milliers d’invités sur les lieux-c’est une preuve de la popularité des deux familles surtout de Captian Hosa Okunbo qui organisait l’évènement. La réception a débuté avec des prières par nul autre que le Président de l’Association Pentecôtiste du Nigeria (PFN). Il a commencé par donner des conseils au couple. Comme vous pouvez le constater, la seule solide fondation qui peut faire tenir votre mariage est le Christ. La mère de Jésus était assez intelligente pour leur

dire ce qu’ils devaient prendre pour rendre la femme encore fraiche. Elle a dit ‘’tout ce qu’Il vous dira de faire, faitesle’’. La parole de Dieu est tellement importante ; le mariage était premièrement Son idée. C’est Dieu qui fera de l’homme un bon mari et de la femme une bonne épouse. C’est aussi grâce à Dieu qu’on aura un bon mariage sur cette terre. Le mariage a commencé lorsque Dieu a créé l’homme et qu’Il a pensé que ce n’était pas bon que l’homme soit seul. La parole de Dieu déclare ‘’si vous voulez avoir un mariage réussi, alignezvous avec la parole de Dieu. Ivie, j’aimerais te dire quelque chose comme l’a fait la mère de Jésus : ‘’fais-le tout simplement’’. La parole de Dieu dit dans Éphésiens au chapitre 22 et au verset 5 39

Eseosa Okunbo

Prof. Grace Alele-Williams & Sen.Oluremi Tinubu



Groom's brother, couple with bride's mother


From 2nd left: Sen. Oluremu Tinubu, couple with groom’s aunts

Senator Oluremi Tinubu congratulating the groom

(R-l) Mrs. Tony Odigie, couple with guest

Hon. Ndudi Elumelu, Couple & guests

Prof. Grace Alele-Williams with couple & bride's father, Capt. (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo



Without any doubt, this was a gathering of Nigeria's who's who and the upscale decor was fitting for such an A-list event. The Master of Ceremonies was popular comedian, Ayo Makun aka AYand he did a spectacular job steering the ceremony smoothly but struggled to keep up the pace when it got to recognizing the dignitaries present. The hall was filled with super guests. The mega-sized marquee was filled to the brim but by the time the couple arrived, there was a human traffic jam inside the tent-a testimony to the tremendous goodwill, clout and connection of both families, especially the bride's father, Captain Hosa Okunbo who was hosting the event. The reception began with prayers,


and no less a personality than the President of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor was invited to lead prayers. He began by advising the couple. " The word of God is so important, the marriage idea was His idea in the first place. It will take God to have a good wife or a good husband. It will also take to deliver a good marriage here on earth. " The marriage idea started when God made man and thought it's not good for man to be alone. The word of God is that which you must refer to if you want to have a successful marriage. Something interesting happened in this story. The Bible says in Mark Chapter 3 verse 35 'whosoever shall do the will of God , they

R-l: Ayo Makun (Compere), Mrs. Evelyn, bride's mother, couple with groom's brother

‘’femmes, soumettez-vous à vos maris comme au Seigneur. Tu ne dois pas discuter avec ton mari ; fais tout simplement ce qu’il te dit. La parole de Dieu dit dans Éphésiens au chapitre 22 et au verset 25 ‘maris, aimez vos femmes comme Christ a aimé l’église et a donné Sa vie pour elle’’. En ce qui concerne le verset qui dit aux maris d’aimer leurs femmes, Tsola, tu ne dois pas disputer cela ; aime ta femme. Christ a aimé l’église et Il a donné Sa vie pour elle. La Bible déclare: ‘’car Dieu a tant aimé le monde qu’Il a donné Son Fils unique afin que quiconque croit en Lui ne périsse point mais qu’il ait la vie éternelle’’. La bible dit également ‘’nous sommes tous pécheurs, et pourtant Christ

est mort pour nous’’. Tsola, Dieu veut que tu lui pardonnes tout le temps. Je voudrais que tu saches que Dieu veut que tu fasses usage des principes du Christ pour que ce mariage réussisse. Ce mariage ne fera pas partie de ceux qui figurent sur la liste des divorces au Nom de Jésus Christ. Ce mariage sera béni par Dieu. Ce mariage permettra aux gens de savoir qu’il est encore possible de vivre une vie basée sur la parole de Dieu et permettez à la parole de Dieu de vous guider’’. Dieu vous connectera aux personnes dont vous aurez besoin. Vous voyez, c’est facile de penser ou de commencer à croire que les gens vous diront de ne pas espérer une troisième personne dans votre ménage. Je ne pense pas que

Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, Chief Tom Ikimi & Mr. Mike Onolememen

Mr. Tony Ezekiel, Dr. Chris Ogiewonyi, Sen. Sanusi Daggasl & Governor Adams Oshiomole

Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor

His Excellency Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan (left)

Bride's father, Capt. (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo, Mr. Macaulay Iyayi & Dr. John Abebe

Senator Domingo Obende, Osahon, Dr. Chris Ogiewonyi, & Mr. Tony Ezekiel

Major Gen. Charles Airkhiavbere (Rtd), Mr. Peter Okundaye & Otunba Alex Onabanjo

Governor Adam Oshiomhole, Hajia Bola Shagaya & Capt. (Dr) Hosa Okunbo

Hakeem Shagaya, Osahon Okunbo with Sheriff Shagaya

Chief Tony Anenih & wife, Hon. Justice Maryam


R-l: Mr. Tayo Ayeni, Mr. Lai Oriowo with guests

Otunba Lai Oriowo (m)

Hon. Ahmed Wadada (right)

Mr. Ohiri (NG 1 Designer) , Chief Richard Lamari & Michael Effiong

Governor Adams Oshiomhole, Nogie Meggison & Louis Odion

Rt. Hon. Victor Ochie with guests


Couple with aguest

Cyril Adudu and wife with Chidi Nwokoma

R-l: Magnus Onyibe, Henry Imasekha with friend

Grace Egbagbe, her daughter, Zemaye (right) with friend

Barr. Grace Egbagbe & Mrs. Nosa Okunbo

Messers Ohiri & Okundaye with guests

Chidi Nwokoma & Michael Effiong (Editor of Ovation International)

Mrs. Moji Peter-Okundaye & Mrs. Biola Ayeni


Bride's father, Capt. (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo with his personal Bodyguard, Voltron

Osas Ighodalo, Elohor Aisen, Barr. Michael Igbinedion & Agbani Darego

General Aikhaivbere, Alan Omorogbe with Mr. Chris Ogiewonyi discussing with bride's father

Hon. Boye & Mr. Tunde Ayeni


Chief Richard Lamai & Mrs. Aisha Abubakar

Mrs. Biola Ayeni, Mr. Tunde Ayeni with Mr. Olu Akpata

Mr. Steve Oronsaye with Mr. Augustine Alegeh, SAN (Nigerian Bar Association, National President)

Adolley Addo with Segun Awolowo

Owen Obaseki, Dr. John Abebe & Mr. Macaulay Iyayi

Barr. Omosede Igbinedion & Mr. Tunde Ayeni

Fatima Omolori & Mrs. Roseline Chidi-Nwokoma

Hon. Matthew Uroghide, Hon. Louis Odion with Kazeem Afegbua


Senator Daisy Danjuma & Former Miss World, Agbani Darego

Ayo Makun aka AY


Senator Daisy Danjuma (left)

Mr. Dandison Okunbor & wife, Mrs. Ruth Okunbor

Pastor Osagie Ize- Iyamu & Mr. Lee Ikpea

Mr. Alan Omorogbe with Hon. Mathew Uroghide

Mr. Alan Omorogbe (left)

Hon. West Idahosa with Mr. Abudu Lawani

Chief Uche Okpumo

Mr. Timothy Ofoezi (right)


Terry Waya, Mr. Herbert Wigwe, Sayyu Dantata & Timi Alaibe

Chief Monday Obaseki (left)


Chief Ifeanyi Uba & wife

Gbenga Elegbeleye & Chief Oyuiki Obaseki (far right)


Barr. Jefferson Uwoghiren(m) & friends


Steve Olaye (3rd left) with friends

Mr. Bright Igbinedion & wife, Mina

Sen. Ben Obi & Mr. Bright Igbinedion

Barr. (Mrs) Mina Igbinedion (left)

Dr. Fred Igbinedion(m)

Capt. Ben Oliegbe & wife


Mrs. Ifueko Omoigui-Okauru & husband, Mr. Ashisana Bayo Okauru

Barr. Omosede Igbinedion (right)

From 2nd left: Grace Egbagbe, Zemaye & friends


Sen. Daisy Danjuma (3rd left) with friends

Mrs. Zena Enaholo, Mrs. Eki Igbinedion (Former Edo State First Lady) with a friend

Kingsley Okunbo & Mr. Tony Ezekiel, Capt. (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo

Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu, Capt.Hosa Okunbo & Mr. Lee Ikpea

From 2nd left: Sen. Daisy Danjuma, Agbani Darego & Elohor Aisen

Anselm Tabansi with friends

Henry Iyasere with friends


Senator Daisy Danjuma (2nd left) with friends

Barr. (Mrs.) Mabel Amad & Mrs. Philomena Osawaru


Osa Osunde ,Osaro Onaiwu & Abudu Lawani

Omawunmi (r) with her friend


Hon. Ehiozuwa Agbonayinma (Ejie) with guests

Omawunmi with friend

Uwa Osunbor & friends


Hon. Ned Nwoko

Dr. John Abebe, Mr. Macaulay Iyayi with guests


Mr. Teslim Belo- Osagie

Amb. Karo & friend

Benin Chiefs

From Second left: Kofo Coker with Ken Eso-Adigwu

Mr. Abudu Lawani with friend

R-l: Mrs. Philomena Osawaru, Barr. (Mrs.) Mabel Amadi & friend


Mrs. Aigbedion & friend

Mrs. Philomena Osawaru, Mr. Osa Osunde & Mr. Abudu Lawani

Henry Iyasere & Prince Omoregbe Erediauwa

Sen. Daisy Danjuma & friends


King Sunny Ade with guests

Capt. Chris Najomo, Mrs. Martha Najomo & friend


Mr. Emmanuel

Paul Erahuyi, Victor Asemota(far right) with friends


From second left: Maleke, AY & Francis Duru

Roseline Chidi Nwokoma& Fati Omolori

Mr. Kingsley Okunbo, Owen Obaseki (3rd left)

Goke Adeyemo & michael Igbinedion

Osiko Oziegbo Esini, Joy Ogbiagbo with friends

le mariage soit un voyage que vous pouvez faire tous seuls. Que Dieu vous connecte a ceux qui font l’œuvre de Dieu. Nous vivons dans un moment où il est facile d’être porteur de l’œuvre de Dieu. C’est possible d’entendre beaucoup de choses mais lorsqu’il s’agit de mettre la parole de Dieu en pratique, vous allez trouver peu de gens qui le font. Que Dieu connecte votre mariage avec des gens qui ont permis aux principes divins de gouverner leur vie, afin qu’Il vous guide le long de ce voyage que vous êtes sur le point d’entamer’’. Aujourd’hui, je suis venu vous dire de pratiquer la parole de Dieu. La Bible nous dit que Sarah a obéi à Abraham et elle l’appelait seigneur, donc fais de même. Ne discute pas. Obéis à ton mari car Dieu l’a fait chef du foyer à partir d’aujourd’hui. Quelques années plus tôt, lorsqu’Ivie avait trois ans, nous essayions de la faire manger et nous avons commencé par chanter, après cela elle a commencé par manger. Lorsqu’elle fut rassasiée, Ivie m’a regardé et a dit ‘‘assez, c’est assez’’. vous pouvez imaginer un enfant de trois ans. J’étais choqué. Il y aura des jours, Tsola, où tu entendras ‘’assez, c’est assez’’. Il y aura des moments oui le vin s’épuisera et si ce moment vient, s’il te plait tourne-toi vers Jésus car Il a la solution, et Il peut changer l’eau en vin.

Après cela, il a commencé par prier en disant ‘’Dieu bénira votre mariage, Il vous rendra féconds. Tout ce qu’Il a planifié pour votre vie se réalisera en ce moment au Nom de Jésus. Ce n’est pas facile de faire les choses sans Dieu. Que les cieux vous soutiennent dans cette aventure. Dieu vous donnera la force de faire Sa volonté. Vous réaliserez votre destin au Nom de Jésus. Ivie, Tsola, la parole de Dieu est votre compas ; pratiquez-la ensemble. Le célèbre homme de Dieu reçut une ovation résonnante. Bientôt, le couple qui s’est déjà changé en tenue d’ivoire, fit son entrée dans la tente. Les amis du marié avaient formé deux lignes à travers lesquelles le couple est passé en dansant. Ce fut agréable à voir lorsque les tourtereaux allaient prendre place à leur siège. Rejoints par le Gouverneur de l’Etat de Delta, Dr Emmanuel Uduaghan et de Maitre Grace Egbagbe, le couple coupa leur gâteau. Apparemment, la famille Okunbo a tout fait pour que cette cérémonie soit formidable donc ils ont fait appel aux grands noms du showbiz nigérian. Les artistes qui sont montés sur le podium étaient le roi de la world beats, King Sunny Ade, Omawunmi, Kaycee, Flavour et le tout fut couronné par la prestation de Davido qui a émerveillé les invités jusqu’à minuit. 65

Capt. & Mrs. Okunbo

say is my brother, my sister and my mother'. If you are a hearer of the word only, it is not good enough. The marriage institution is meant to stand on the word of God. "The word of God says 'if you must have a successful marriage, align yourself to the word of God'. Ivie, I want to tell you something like the Mother of Jesus did. 'Just do it'. The word of God says in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 21 ' submit yourselves to one another in the fear of God'. Don't rehearse it, don't think it, just do it. "The word of God says in Ephesians chapter 5, verse 22 'submit yourself unto your own husband as unto the Lord. There is no time for you to argue it, just do it'. "The word of God says in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 25 'husbands, love your wives even as Christ loved the church

and gave himself for it'. In this verse that says 'husband, love your wives', Tshola, there is no time to argue that, just do it. Christ loved the church enough to die for it. "The Bible says 'For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life'. The Bible also says 'We are all sinners, yet Christ died for us'. Tshola, God expects you to forgive her always. " I want you to know that God wants you to apply principles of Christ to make this marriage a success. This marriage will not be counted among those that are in the statistics of divorce in the name of Jesus Christ. " This marriage would be blessed by the blessings of God. It will cause men to know that it is still possible to live a Mrs. Lilian Abubakar & Queen Emiko, wife of Olu of Warri


From 2nd left: Mrs. Angela Omokore, Mrs. Evelyn, bride's mother, Capt. Hosa Okunbo with wife, Mrs. Nosa Okunbo


Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan, AY with couple

Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan, Couple & Barr. Grace Egbagbe


Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan, Couple & Barr. Grace Egbagbe

Chidi, Roseline, Kunle Oyelakun with wife, Fati, & Ade Otukomaya






life that is based on the word of God and allow the scriptures to be your guide. God will connect you with the right people. " You see, It is easy for you to think or begin to assume that people would tell you not to expect a third party in your marriage. I do not think marriage is so much of a journey that you can go alone. May God connect you to the mothers of Jesus. May God connect you to the doers of God's work. "We are living in an age where it is so easy to be a bearer of God's works. It is so easy to hear so many things but when it comes to acting the word of God, you find few people doing that. May God connect your marriage to people that have allowed the principles of God to govern their lives, to guide you through this journey you are about to begin. "Today, I have come to say, be a doer of God's word. The Bible tells us that 'Sarah obeyed Abraham to the extent that they called him Lord. Ivie, please just do it. Don't argue. Obey your husband because God has made him head over you from today. "Some years ago when Ivie was three years old, we were trying to get her to eat then we started singing and after doing that, she started eating. When she was filled, Ivie looked at me and said 'enough is enough'. You can imagine a three year old. I was shocked. There would be times like that Tshola, when you would hear 'enough is enough'. There are times the wine would run dry and when it happens, please run to Jesus because He has the solution and

He can turn your water to wine again. Then he delved into prayers "God will bless your marriage. God will make you fruitful. Everything He has ordained in your life will be established this moment in Jesus name. It is not easy to do without God. May the heavens strengthen you in this journey. God will strengthen you to do His will. You will fulfil purpose and destiny in Jesus name. Ivie, Tshola, the word of God is your compass, just do it together." The famous man of God got a resounding ovation. Soon the couple who had by now changed to ivory outfits were heralded into the carnival-like venue in the midst of loads of pomp and pageantry-there was a regal guard of honour mounted by friends of the groom. They all used their walk-sticks to create a special pathway through which the couple danced past. It was such a fun-filled sight to behold as they made way to their special sitting area. Joined by Governor of Delta State, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan and Barrister Grace Egbagbe, the couple cut their stylish 3-tier cake. Obviously, the Okunbo family planned for this ceremony to be truly enjoyable and so the cream of Nigerian entertainers were on hand to add zest to the occasion. Those who mounted the stage included King of World Beats, King Sunny Ade, Omawunmi, KayCee, Flavour and the lovely day was rounded off with a pulsating performance by Davido who thrilled guests till well past midnight! 71





Tunde Ayeni, Capt. Hosa Okunbo, Davido, Fidelis Anosike & Hon. Ehiozuwa Agbonayinma (EJ)



Chief Amos Osunbor, Mrs. Helen Okunbo, Capt. Hosa Ogunbo, Dr. Tinyan Okunbo & Mrs. Rose Osunbor


Unlike the engagement, the blessing of the marriage scheduled for 5pm at St. Luke's and Christ Church, in highbrow Chelsea, England was a more cosy and close knit affair. Such was the secrecy and security surrounding the occasion that the 300plus guests did not receive invitations until the morning of the event! Certainly the two families because of their prestigious profile carefully chose this church for this wonderful ceremony. This is no ordinary place of worship. Designed in 1819, it is of architectural significance because it is one of the earliest Gothic revival churches in Lon-

don. The Church is recorded in the National Heritage List For England as a designated Grade 1 Listed building. Famous people who have married at the church included the Literary giant, Charles Dickens and the parents of Robert Baden-Powell, Founder of the Boys Scout Movement. It was a chilly November evening but that did not stop many of these guests from turning out to celebrate these two great families. As expected, preparations for the occasion were frenetic especially in the final hours. Earlier, in the home of the Okunbos in North London, this reporter saw lots of activities as last minute preparations were

LA BÉNÉDICTION NUPTIALE Contrairement aux fiançailles, la bénédiction nuptiale prévue pour 17heures en l’église St Luke a dans le quartier chic de Chelsea en Angleterre, fut plus voluptueuse. Telles étaient la discrétion et la sécurité autour de l’évènement car les 300 invités n’ont reçu leur invitation qu’au matin de la cérémonie. C’est certainement à cause de leur popularité que les deux familles ont choisi cette église pour cette merveilleuse cérémonie. Ce n’est pas un endroit ordinaire pour adorer. Bâtie en 1819, l’église est d’une architecture magnifique car c’est

Capt. Hosa Okunbo, Mrs. Helen Okunbo & Dr. Tinyan Okunbo: Bride’s dad, grandmother & uncle

l’une des premières églises de réveil gothique de Londres. L’église est inscrite sur la liste des héritages nationaux d’Angleterre. Les personnes célèbres qui se sont mariées dans cette église comprennent le géant de la littérature, Charles Dickens, et les parents de Robert BadenPowell, fondateur du Mouvement des Boy-Scout. C’était un soir très froid de mois de novembre mais cela n’a pas empêché les invités de sortir pour fêter avec ces deux familles. Plus tôt dans la maison des Okunbo au nord de Londres, il y avait beaucoup d’activités avec les dernières retouches.


Capt (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo with wife, Nosa stepping out for the grat occasion


Mrs. Angela Omokore

Chief Amos & Mrs. Rosemary Osunbor





Capt.(Dr) Hosa Okunbor & wife, Mrs. Nosa Okunbor

Olu of Warri, groom's father arriving church ceremony

Queen Emiko, mother of groom

Groom & his best man, Toju Emiko


Pastor Dandison & Morrison Okunbo

Chief Lucky Nosakhare Igbinedion, Former Governor of Edo State

Osato Ize-Iyamu & Tunde Ayeni

Osato Ize-Iyamu (right)

Mr. Osa Osunde

Hon. Pascal Ugbome (left)


Rear Admiral Joe Aikhomu, Greg Uanseru & Ete Omatseye

Groom & family members

Toju Emiko & groom with family members

Pastor & Mrs. Dandison Okunbor

Remi & Garth Dooley

The Okundaye family


Fidelis Anosike (left)


Peter Okundaye

Osahon Okunbo (r) & friend

Laura Edeogbon(L)

Mrs. Angela Omokore & friends

Chief Monday Obaseki & son, Owen Obaseki

Ovation's Bukola Samuel with groom


Angela Omokore, Mr. Osato Ize-Iyamu & guest


Prince Martins-Ojie

Groom welcoming father of the bride, Capt. (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo & wife, Mrs.Nosa Okunbo

Ivie Okunbo’s wedding siblings: The bridal train


The Officiating Minister, Reverend (Dr.) Brian Leathard, Rector of Chelsea, St. Luke’s & Christ Church


The lovely bride’s maids

Father of the bride, Capt. (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo & Officiating Minister, Reverend (Dr.) Brian Leathard

Ivie & her loving father Dr. Hosa Okunbo

taking place. Friends and family from all over the world including America and Canada had flown in for the occasion and so it was hectic trying to ensure that they were all comfortable. But the bride's father the ever-reliable but quiet businessman was up to the task and by about 4.00pm on that momentous day he was dressed and ready. He, it was, who commandeered everyone into different exotic and ordinary automobiles as family took off enroute the church. For her special day, the bride chose a chic floor length vintage-inspired gown complete with a 15feet train. Her outfit was gently packaged into the sleek Rolls Royce Phantom that was ferrying Ivie and her dad to one of their happiest days ever. To show how important this day was to the Emiko family, the groom's father, His Majesty Atuwatse II, Olu of Warri and his Olori had arrived early and were comfortable seated well before the service was to begin. By the time the Okunbos arrived St. Luke's and Cryptic located on Sydney Street in South West, London, Tsola, the eager groom was waiting. He was decked in a full English tail coat complete with a cream tie while a flower was pinned to his lapel. He and his groom's men had spent quite some time earlier personally welcoming all the guests. That was a very deft touch by the Prince. Inside the historic church with picturesque columns and stain glass, the groom who kept glancing at the door from where he sat with his parents and siblings, was calmed down by the choir which was churning out soulful music such as Wedding Song by Paul Stookey, Morning has broken (trad, Gaelic), Greenleaves (Trad. English) and Jesu, joy of a man's desiring by J.S. Bach. The wait was soon over when Captain Okunbo and the bride eventually arrived and they were met at the entrance by The Rev. Prebandary, Dr. Brian Leathard who blessed them, and then began the procession.

Les amis et les membres de famille sont venus des quatre coins du monde même des Etats Unis et du Canada et ce fut afin d’assurer que tout le monde était confortable. Mais le père de la mariée, l’homme d’affaires était à la hauteur, donc à environ 16heures, tout était prêt et un convoi de belles voitures est parti pour l’église. Pour son jour spécial, la mariée a choisi une robe avec un long voile. Sa tenue était gentiment mise dans la Rolls Royce Phantom qui amenait Ivie et son père vers l’une de leurs plus belles journées. Pour montrer l’importance de ce jour pour la famille Emiko, le père du mariée, Sa Majeste, Atuwatse II, l’Olu de warri et son Olori étaient déjà présents et étaient confortablement assis. Lorsque les Okunbo sont arrivés à l’église St Luke’s Cryptic située sur la Rue Sydney à l’ouest de Londres, Tshola, le futur marié, attendait déjà. Il portait un costume purement anglais avec une cravate beige et une fleur collée à son col. Ses amis et lui avaient passé le temps à accueillir les invités, ce qui était très remarquable de la part du prince. A l’intérieur de l’église ancienne aux colonnes pittoresques, le futur marié qui n’arrêtait pas de regarder la porte d’où il était assis avec ses parents et ses frères et sœurs, se relaxait avec de la musique de la chorale qui a chanté Wedding Song par Paul Stookey, Morning has broken (trad, Gaelic), Greenleaves (Trad. English) and Jesus, joy of a man's desiring par J.S. Bach. L’attente pris fin lorsque Captain Okunbo et la future mariée sont arrivés et ont été accueillis par le Révérend Prebandary, Dr. Brian Leathard qui les a bénis avant 87


As they made their way, the famous composition of German Baroque era Composer, Johann Pachbell wafted inside the church hall. Walking arm-in-arm, father and daughter made such a spectacular sight. As they took one step after another, the bride was the cynosure of all eyes. She flashed a small smile to knowing faces in the congregation while they made their way to the front of the hall-and when her eyes and that of Tsola met and locked, that very instant, the love and bond between the pair were unmistakable. The marriage ceremony soon began with an opening prayer and the singing of the hymn "In Christ Alone" after which Mrs. Nere Teriba took the first reading from 1 John 4: 7-12. The passage was urging everyone to love one another because love is from the Lord. According to her "Everybody who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love, does not know God for God is Love" Still on the theme of love, the second reading by Mr. Ben Benjamin was taken from 1 Corinthians 13 which began thus

"If I speak in tongues of men of the angels, but do not have love. I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. The third reading was taken by Rev. Samuel Makinde and was from Colossians 3: 12-17. And this time, the need to express Christ-like attributes of patience, kindness, humility, compassion and forgiveness were emphasised. Miss Osariemen Okunbo took the fourth reading from John: 15-17. This message of Chris to the Apostles seemed in the context of this wedding like a direct message to the couple "You did not chose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit that will last-and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other. The readings were rounded off with the famous hymn," Immortal Invisible" The next stage of the ceremony which was the most significant aspect was the taking of vows and blessing followed by the exchange of rings.

d’entamer la procession. Lorsqu’ils avançaient, la célèbre composition baroque allemande du compositeur Johan Pachbell se fit entendre dans l’église. C’était beau de voir le père et sa fille marcher main dans la main. Lorsqu’ils s’avançaient, la mariée était le point de mire de tous les regards. Elle sourit aux visages familiers lorsqu’ils s’avançaient vers le devant du hall-et lorsque ses yeux et ceux de Tshola se sont rencontrés, l’amour et le lien étaient indéniables. La cérémonie de mariage commença avec une prière d’ouverture et un hymne, "In Christ Alone"; ensuite Mme Nere Teriba fit la première lecture des Saintes Ecritures tirées de 1 Jean 4: 7-12. Le passage exhortait les gens à s’aimer car l’amour émane de l’église. Selon elle, ‘’Quiconque aime pas est née de Dieu et connait Dieu. Quiconque n’aime pas, ne connait pas Dieu car Dieu est amour’’. Toujours sur le thème de l’amour, la seconde lecture fut effectuée par M. Ben Benjamin de 1 Corinthiens 13 qui commença comme suit :’’Quand je parlerais les langues des hommes et des anges, si

je n'ai pas la charité, je suis un airain qui résonne, ou une cymbale qui retentit. Et quand j'aurais le don de prophétie, la science de tous les mystères et toute la connaissance, quand j'aurais même toute la foi jusqu'à transporter des montagnes, si je n'ai pas la charité, je ne suis rien.’’. La troisième lecture a été faite par le Rev. Samuel Makinde et tirée du livre des Colossiens 3: 12-17. Cette fois ci, ce fut le moment de mettre l’accent sur les vertus du Christ à savoir la patience, la gentillesse, l’humilité, la compassion et le pardon. Mlle Osariemen Okunbo a fait la quatrième lecture tirée de Jean 15:17. Ce message du Christ aux apôtres, dans ce contexte, semblent être un message approprié pour le couple ‘’ Ce n'est pas vous qui m'avez choisi; mais moi, je vous ai choisis, et je vous ai établis, afin que vous alliez, et que vous portiez du fruit, et que votre fruit demeure, afin que ce que vous demanderez au Père en mon nom, il vous le donne. Ce que je vous commande, c'est de vous aimer les uns les autres.’’. Les lectures furent bouclées avec l’hymne ‘Immortal, Invisible’. La prochaine phase de la cérémonie qui fut le moment le plus significatif fut la 89


Capt. (Dr) Hosa Okunbo & wife, Mrs. Nosa Okunbo

Bride’s parents, Olu of Warri & his Olori


Chief Lucky Igbinedion with Mr. Osa Osunde (far right)

Greg Uanseru, Dandison Okunbo & Ruth Okunbo

Greg Uanseru & Rear Admiral Joe Aikhomu

Patrick Idiagbe


Fidelis Anosike (left)

Henry Iyasere & Micheal Effiong

Garth & Remi Dooley

Remi & Gareth Dooley

Patrick Idiagbe

Femi Osunde


Chief (Mrs.)Rosemary Osunbor, Chief Amos Osunbor, Dr. Tinyan Osunbo & Mrs. Helen Okunbo, bride's paternal grandmother

Teslim Belo-Osagie


Dr. Tinyan Osunbo & Mrs. Helen Okunbo, bride's paternal grandmother

Chief Lee Ikpea & Pastor Osagie Ize -Iyamu


Osato Ize-Iyanmu (right)

This was the highest point of the ceremony and when the couple said "I do" to each to and lovingly exchanged rings, it was celebration galore in all corners of the church. The wedding sermon was delivered by the bride's uncle, Pastor Dandison Okunbo of House On The Rock Church, Abuja. As someone who had known Ivie all her life, he confessed that it was a rare privilege from God to witness her hand being given out in marriage. His address was short but impactful, stressing that God should be the be- all and end-all of their relationship with each other. he wished them a very fruitful and blessed union. The congregation digested this powerful delivery with the lively hymn "Praise the Lord" and soon the ceremony was over when guests poured out of the 96

ancient church as the sound of Le Rejouissance by George Frideric Hangels enveloped the entire atmosphere.


From the church one of London's most recognisable symbols, the red double-decker bus, was hired to ferry guests to the reception venue, adding a touch of fun to it all. In line with their theme of carefully selecting first-rate and top quality venues for their ceremonies, Ivie and Tsola chose the iconic Victoria & Albert Musuem as venue for their wedding reception. Located in Kensington & Chelsea, London, the edifice fondly called V&A is the world's largest museum of decorative arts and design, housing a permanent

prononciation des vœux et les bénédictions ont suivi avec l’échange des anneaux. Ce fut le point culminant de la cérémonie et lorsque le couple se sont dits ‘je le veux’’, il y eut de l’euphorie dans tous les coins de l’église. Le sermon a été fait par le pasteur Dandison Okunbo. Comme quelqu’un qui connait Ivie depuis toujours, il a déclaré que c’était un rare privilège de la part de Dieu de vivre son mariage. Son sermon était court et droit au but, disant que Dieu le début et la fin de leur relation. Il leur souhaita un mariage fructueux et bénit leur union. La congrégation digéra ce puissant sermon avec l’hymne ‘’Praise The Lord’’ et bientôt la cérémonie prit fin et les invités sortirent de l’église sous le son de ‘La Réjouissance’ par George Frederic Hangels qui résonnait.

LA RÉCEPTION AU CŒUR DE L’HISTOIRE ET LA PURE ELEGANCE En ligne avec le souci de choisir les endroits huppés pour leurs cérémonies, Ivie et Tshola ont soigneusement choisi la Victoria & Albert Museum comme lieu de réception. Situe à Kensington & Chelsea, le bâtiment qu’on appelle communément V&A est le plus grand musée de l’art et du design au monde, et il abrite environ 4,5 millions d’objets. Il fut créé en 1852 et fut nommé après la Reine Victoria et du Prince Albert. De l’église qui est un des symboles les plus célèbres de Londres, le bus rouge à double niveau fut affrété pour les invités, ce qui a apporté encore une touche agréable. A l’intérieur les invités étaient accueillis avec divers canapés et des cocktails. Tout en dégus-




Pastor Dandison Okafor Ministering

collection of over 4.5 million objects. It was founded in 1852 and named after Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. It is not only a place of history but its sheer elegance was mind-blowing. Inside the reception venue, guests were welcome with assorted cocktails and canapes. While sipping their drinks and munching their bites, guests had the unique opportunity of viewing some of the exotic and priceless museum pieces, and many would have been enchanted by the stunning John Majedski Garden. Without a shadow of doubt, the V& A Museum provided a wonderful backdrop for this stylish and very elegant wedding reception. After it became obvious that many of the guests had enough of the cocktail, and enjoyed a special choral display presented by some talented singers who per-

formed from a very high floor overlooking the cocktail area, the day's Master of Ceremonies, Rising Comedian, Bovi then invited everyone into the massive hall. Inside the hall, the decor was simple but classy, the lighting effect, the chandeliers and the paintings on the walls all combined to make the venue so regal. Newly-wedded Ivie and Tsola danced into the hall to a medley of popular Nigerian beats and it seemed they both had rehearsed well for this moment as they danced without any inhibitions, to the delight of all present. What could be described as the most exciting part of the reception were the speeches: First to be invited to take the microphone was Ivie's sister: According to her, Ivie is very kind and lovely. She is very open, sometimes a bit too open.

tant leurs boissons et savourant leurs canapés, les invités ont eu l’opportunité d’admirer certaines des pièces du musée et beaucoup ont surement été émerveillés par le John Majedski Garden. Sans l’ombre d’un doute, le musée V&A a apporté une touche très classe au mariage. Lorsque c’est devenu évident que les invités ont eu assez des cocktails et des chants d’une chorale composée de talentueux chanteurs qui ont chanté d’un podium qui faisant face à l’endroit où se déroulait le cocktail, le maitre de cérémonie, Bovi, comédien montant, les a invités dans le gigantesque hall. La décoration était simple mais très chic, les effets de lumières, les chandeliers et les tableaux sur les murs ont tous contribué à embellir le hall. La nouvelle mariée, Ivie et Tshola ont dansé vers le hall sous

un mélange de tubes nigérians ; il semble qu’ils se sont bien entrainés pour ce moment car ils ont bien dansé à la vue de tous. Ce qui pourrait être un des moments forts de la soirée fut les discours : la première à prendre la parole était la sœur de la mariée. Elle déclara : ‘’Ivie est très gentille, elle est ouverte voire très ouverte des fois. Nous sommes très différentes en caractère. Elle est très ouverte alors que moi, je suis plutôt discrète. En grandissant, j’ai pris connaissance de nos différences et depuis 5 ou 6 ans maintenant, je peux dire quelle est ma meilleure amie. Il eut des moments où elle parlait de Tshola et de comment elle voulait le rencontrer. Elle a insisté que je vienne à Londres pour le rencontrer. Lorsque j’ai finalement rencontré Tshola, je n’ai trouvé aucun défaut en lui.



Couple with groom’s family

Couple with bride’s family


Couple with bride’s family

Dr. Tinyan Okunbo, Mrs. Nosa Okunbo, Capt (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo with couple, Mrs. Evelyn & Mrs. Helen Okunbo


Micheal Effiong, Teslim Belo-Osagie, Capt. Hosa Okunbo, Mrs. Nosa Okunbo & Chidi Nwokoma

The Couple with groom's siblings & brother in-law (left)

Osaro,Teslim Belo-Osagie, Obinna Nneji, Douglas Ndekwu, Capt Hosa Okunbo, wife, Mrs. Nosa Okunbo & Osato Ize-Iyamu

The Okunbo family with couple

Obinna Nneji, Douglas, Capt. Hosa Okunbo, Mrs. Hosa Okunbo, Remi & Garth Dooley

Father & daughter

Obinna, Capt. (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo, Mr. Mina Oforiokuma, Nneji Douglas & Dr. Tinyan Okunbo


Dandison Okunbo, Tsola Emiko, Morrison Okunbo & Patrick Idiale


The couple with bride’s maids & groom’s men

Owen Obaseki (left)

The couple with Bride's maids

Couple with groom's men


Capt, (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo & wife, Nosa

Selfie! with friends


Mother & daughter

Mr. Tony Odigie with groom



We are kind of very different in character. She's very emotional, I am very logical. She's very open, I am very careful. " I have grown to understand our differences a bit more and for the last 5 or 6 years, I can say she has been my best friend. I am very sad to see her go. I was there when she met Tsola. There were times she kept talking about Tsola and how she wanted me to meet him. She insisted I come from London to meet him. "When I finally met Tsola, I couldn't find a fault in him. I always find faults in Ivie's boyfriends because I wanted her to myself (Everyone laughed heartily). I know that this relationship is going to last forever because it is ordained by God. Tsola is so welcoming, calm and kind. I am so happy for you guys and you make the cutest couple. I love you guys and wish you the best. Toju Emiko, the groom's brother proposed the toast " Your Royal Highness, Atuwatse II, Olu of Warri, my Olori, Capt. Okunbo and Mrs. Okunbo, ladies and gentlemen, you are welcome. On behalf of Tsola and Ivie, I welcome you to this occasion. It is a beautiful thing to have you here. “Thank you to all those who came from far and near. In case you don't know me, my name is Toju Emiko. I am the younger brother of the groom. This is the month of November. What a beautiful day! You can see that this place is filled with romance. This is something Tsola and Ivie truly wanted to do and we are grateful. "There is a secret hallway around the corner and when we started this programme, I saw Ivie looking attentively at the corner just in case she needed to make a quick run but she's still here (laughs heartily) "As the best man, I have been very busy. Tsola and I woke up very early this morning.

Je toujours trouvé des défauts chez les copains d’Ivie car je la voulais pour moi seule (tout le monde rit). Je sais que cette relation va durer éternellement car elle est vient de Dieu. Tshola est très sympa, calme et gentille. Je suis très contente pour vous deux et vous formez un beau couple. Je vous aime et vous souhaite le meilleur. Toju Emiko, le frère du marié, a proposé un toast ‘’Votre Majesty, Atiwatse II, Olu de Wari, mon Olori, Captain Okunbo et Mme Okunbo, mesdames et messieurs, vous les bienvenus. En l’honneur d’Ivie et de Tsola, je vous souhaite les bienvenus à cette cérémonie. C’est une bonne chose de vous avoir ici. Merci à tous ceux qui sont venus de près ou de loin. Au cas où vous ne me connaissez pas, je suis Toju Emiko. Je suis le frère cadet du marié. Nous sommes au mois de novembre. Quel beau jour ! Vous pouvez remarquer que cet endroit est rempli de romance. C’est quelque chose que Tsola et Ivie avaient voulu faire et nous leur en sommes très reconnaissants. Il y a un secret et lorsque nous avons commencé ce programme j’ai attentivement observé Ivie au cas où elle voudrait s’enfuir mais elle est encore là (rires). En tant que bestman, J’ai été très occupé. Tshola et moi nous nous sommes réveillés ce matin, nous avons eu un petit-déjeuner copieux de crèpes au chocolat puis on est allé à l’église avec nos amis et maintenant nous sommes ici. Nous remercions Dieu pour le nouveau couple. Je dois avouer que Tshola et Ivie forment un beau couple ; vous auriez dû les voir lors du premier pas et des fiançailles. Lorsque Tshola et Ivie ont commencé leur relation, c’était dur. A mon retour, Tshola The famous London double decker bus used to ferry guests to reception


Groom, Olu of Warri, Capt. Hosa Okunbo, bride, Mrs. Helen Okunbo & groom's mum

Capt. Hosa Okunbo & family


Capt. Okunbo with mother & Siblings

Mrs. Evelyn, Capt. Hosa Okunbo& wife, Mrs. Nosa Okunbo

Olu of Warri, HRM Atuwatse II with Capt. Hosa Okunbo


Skye Bank Managers: Chinedu Okpeleke & Adebanjo

Capt. Hosa Okunbor & Mrs. Martha Malomo


Capt. Hosa Okunbo, Osahon Okunbo & D-banj

Teslim Belo-Osagie & Friend

Mrs. Joy Ogiewonyi (left) & Capt. Hosa Okunbo

Mr. Mina Oforiokuma, Dr. Henry Abebe, Mr. Greg Uanseru & Mr. Peter Okundaye

Bayo Sorungbe & friends with Capt. Hosa Okunbo

Jefferson Uwoghiren with friends & Capt (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo

Peter Okundaye Jnr., Moji Okundaye & guest


Elohor Aisen & Agbani Darego


Segun Okunbanijo & Barr. Jesurobo

Fidelis Anosike & Sir. Lucky Omoluwa

Harry Iyasere (left) with friends

Tunde Ayeni, Obinna Nneji, Douglas Ndekwu & Tony Odigie, Capt & Mrs. Okunbo, Dr. John Abebe, Greg Uanseru, Peter Okundaye with Mina Oforiokuma

Kingsley Okunbo & wife with Mrs. Martha Najomo (far right)

Douglas, Tunde Ayeni, Obinna & Tony Odigie with friends

Elohor Aisen, Mrs. Joy Ogiewonyi & Agbani Darego

Victor Asemota & wife with Henry Iyasere

We had a healthy breakfast of chocolate pancakes then we took a walk with the groom's men to Church and now we are here. We thank God for the new couple. I must confess that Tsola and Ivie look so good together and you should have seen them during the introduction as well as the engagement. They are made for each other. " I was telling my friends that Tsola and Ivie's wax works should be at Madame Tussauds. When Tsola and Ivie began their relationship, it was tough. When I got back, Tsola came to me and said 'I am seeing someone'. Then I met Ivie, she came with her dog. It was very funny' I thank you all for coming. I thank all the contributors and all those that

gave them gifts. As you all go back, I pray to God to grant you journey mercies. Can we all stand up and raise our glasses? Tsola and Ivie, God bless you. May the Lord be your strength. As you begin this journey, you will bear wonderful children. You will walk with the Lord. Joy and happiness would be your portion. Prosperity would be with you. May His mercies be with you. “Let us raise our glasses to Tsola and Ivie. To happiness, to love, to Joy and lastly, to your children, may they have you as successful parents. Cheers. And everyone rose and raised a toast for the hottest couple in town. In his response, Tsola was very emotional and even broke into a song! " : on behalf of my wife and I, we would like

m’a dit qu’il sortait avec quelqu’un. Puis j’ai rencontré Ivie, elle était venue avec son chien. C’était très amusant. Je vous remercie tous d’être venus. Je remercie tous ceux qui ont contribué à la réussite de cet évènement et pour les cadeaux. Je prie que Dieu vous ramène tous sains et saufs. Pouvons-nous nous lever et porter un toast à l’endroit de Tshola et Ivi ? Thsola, Ivie, que Dieu vous bénisse. Vous aurez des enfants, vous marcherez avec Le Seigneur, la joie et le bonheur seront votre partage. La prospérité sera avec vous. Que Sa miséricorde vous accompagne. Levons nos verres à Tshola et Ivie. Au bonheur, à l’amour, à la joie, et à vos enfants ; qu’ils aient des parents prospèrent. A votre santé. Et tout le

monde se leva et prononça un toast à l’encontre du couple le plus glamour en ville. Tshola pour sa part, était très émouvant et a même fredonné une chanson. ‘’De la part de ma femme et moi, j’aimerais remercier Dieu pur cette merveilleuse journée. C’était encore plus beau que je ne l’imaginais. Je suis vraiment reconnaissant à Dieu. Je sais que cela sonne maintenant comme un cliché mais je Lui en suis vraiment très reconnaissant. La fondation de cette relation est le Christ. Croyez-le ou pas. J’aimerais remercier mes parents, l’Atuwatse II et ma merveilleuse mère, l’Olori Atuwatse II. J’aimerais remercier ma nouvelle famille, Captian Hosa Okunbo et Mme Okunbo, les parents de ma femme. 113

Mr. Mina Oforiokuma, & Ete Omatseye


Osahon Okunbo (r) & friends

Bride & friends



to thank God for this very beautiful day. It is much more beautiful than I could ever have imagined. I am really grateful to God. I know it sounds like a cliche but I am so grateful. “The foundation of this relationship is Christ. Believe it or not. I cannot be romantic and cover it up with something else. I would like to thank my parents. My father, Atuwatse II and my very beautiful mother, Olori Atuwatse II. I will like to thank my new family, Capt. (Dr.) Hosa Okunbo and Mrs. Okunbo, the parents of my wife. Thank you very much. I was actually going to sing. I am a shy person. I want to thank both families for their support in this journey so far. All the advice, the counselling and the hope they have given. It has been an emotional year. "There's something very significant about Ivie and I. I will give you a very quick summary. She told me she was in prayer mode towards the end of November 2010 to the third day of December and that was when we met. Things fell apart and miraculously, we tried to pick it up and we did again in November 2011 when we fell apart again. "She claimed I tried to chat her up again in November 2012. It still didn't work. We eventually made up in November 2013 and it eventually led to this union today, November 2014. It is a true story. I want to thank my brother for that speech. We are a shy bunch in my family. We don't say much. Of all of us, I think my brother actually says the least. He's not a public speaker and that was brave of him. I am very proud of him

today.I love you very much. " I always get the question 'is he your older brother'? I'm actually older than he is. Everyone tells me he looks older than I am so I guess I am going to age well. He has been very brilliant today. “My younger sister, I love you very much and I am very happy that you would make a very good sister in-law. I am not a very emotional person and I have to embrace my family because they encouraged me to be emotional but it's been very difficult for me. I want to talk about my wife, Ivie. " Like I said, I am not an emotional person but this beautiful young lady has almost successfully made me an emotional person. We have a long way to go and I'm sure in some years to come, she would complete the transformation. She really knows how to wake up things in me that I have no idea about their existence and sometimes, I find myself resisting them. " It is a beautiful thing though. I love you very much for that. You are by far, the most beautiful bride I have ever seen in my life. Today, she is the most beautiful woman and beginning tomorrow, she would remain the most beautiful woman in my world. We would be in our own world. I love you very much. I am so happy that I am married to you. "This was actually a private discussion and I thought I should say this to you. I was discussing with my very good friend, Victor some months back. It was a very blunt conversation. Some people look back and wonder if they are mar-

Merci beaucoup. Je voulais en fait chanter. Je suis très timide. Je voudrais remercier les deux familles pour leur soutien. Tous les conseils et l’espoir qu’ils nous ont donnés. Il y a quelque chose de très remarquable chez Ivie et moi. Je vais vous faire un petit résumé. Elle m’a fait savoir qu’elle était en prière vers la fin du mois de novembre 2010 jusqu’au troisième jour de décembre et c’est durant cette période que nous nous sommes rencontrés. Les choses se sont gâtées mais rapidement, on a recollé les morceaux jusqu’en novembre 2011 où les choses se sont encore gâtées. Elle a dit que j’ai essayé de chatter encore avec elle en 2012 mais cela n’a pas non plus marché. Finalement, on a repris en novembre 2013 ce qui a mené à l’union d’aujourd’hui, en novembre 2014. C’est une histoire vraie. Je voudrais remercier ma mère pour le discours. Nous sommes très timides dans notre famille. On ne parle pas beaucoup. De nous tous, je crois que mon petit frère a parlé le moins car il n’est pas un grand orateur; c’était très brave de sa part. Je suis très fier de lui aujourd’hui. Je t’aime beaucoup. On me demande souvent ‘’c’est ton grandfrère ?’’. En fait, je suis plus âgée que lui. Tout le monde dit qu’il parait plus jeune que moi, cela veut donc dire que je vais bien vieillir. Il a été très formidable aujourd’hui. Ma petite sœur, je t’aime beaucoup et je suis très heureux car tu seras une bonne belle-sœur. Je ne suis pas quelqu’un de très émotionnel et je dois embrasser mes parents car ils m’ont encouragé à être très émotionnel mais cela a été très difficile pour moi. J’aimerais parler de ma femme Ivie. ‘’Comme je l’ai dit, je ne suis pas

quelqu’un d’émotionnel mais cette belle dame a presque réussi à faire de moi quelqu’un d’émotionnel. Nous avons un long chemin à parcourir et je suis sûr que dans les années à venir, nous allons achever cette transformation. Elle sait déjà comment réveiller des choses en moi que je ne connaissais même pas et souvent j’essaie de les résister. C’est quand même une belle chose. Je t’aime beaucoup pour ça. Tu es la plus belle mariée que j’ai jamais vue de ma vie. Aujourd’hui, elle est la plus belle femme et à partir de demain, elle restera la femme la plus belle dans mon monde. Nous serons dans notre propre monde. Je t’aime beaucoup. Je suis très heureux de t’avoir épousée. Il y a eu une conversation privée, et je crois que je devrais t’en parler. Je discutais avec mon ami Victor il y a quelques mois. C’était une conversation très franche. Certaines personnes regardent en arrière et se demandent si elles se sont mariées avec la vraie personne. J’ai réfléchi à cela. Je suis retourné le voir et lui ai dit que même si je parais romantique ou nostalgique, je ne serai avec personne d’autre. Je sais aujourd’hui qu’elle est cette personne que j’aurais toujours voulu épouser. Il n’y a aucun doute. Levez vos verres pour ma belle épouse. Je t’aime beaucoup Ivie, aujourd’hui et pour toujours. Nous connaitrons le vrai amour et la joie. On connaitra le contentement, la patience et on aura de beaux enfants. Nous vaincrons les obstacles. Nous assujettirons des royaumes et des territoires physiquement et spirituellement. Et je t’aimerai tous les jours jusqu’à ma mort’’. 117

Couple with bride's father, Capt. Hosa Okunbo

Couple with Mr. Tunde Ayeni & bride's father, Capt. Hosa Okunbo


Couple with Mr. Tunde Ayeni & wife, Mrs. Abiola Ayeni

Mr. Greg Uanseru with wife, Emma

Couple with Benin Chiefs & their wives

Couple with Capt. Hosa, his mother & Siblings

Chinedu Okpaleke, Capt. Hosa Okunbo & Adebanjo Otukomaya

ried to the person they would have really wanted to get married to. I actually thought about it. I got back to him and I told him, even if I sound poetic or nostalgic, I would not have been with anyone else after a while. "I would not go down the road and regret it. I know today that this is the person I ever would have wanted to marry. No doubts whatsoever. " Raise your glasses as we toast to my beautiful wife. I love you very much Ivie on this day and for the rest of our lives. We would know true happiness and Joy. We would know contentment, patience and make beautiful children.

We would conquer obstacles over and over again. We shall bring kingdoms, territories under us physically and spiritually. And I would love you everyday till I die" It was a very short reception. The couple had another special moment to dance, Ivie danced with her dad, which was another very emotional moment for father and daughter, Tsola also dance with his mum and then the couple cut their cake. There was an after party at a specially designed area of the venue of the venue-and guess what, the party did not end till Wizkid arrived and thrilled till the wee hours of the morning!

Couple with bride's dad, aunt & uncles


Mrs. Emma Uanseru, Mr. Greg Uanseru & Mrs. Betty Uanseru

Ovation International London-based Photographers, Dragan Mikki, Bola Samuel (her friend Joyce) & Michael Effiong, Editor

Greg Uanseru, friend of the family, congratulating the couple

Mrs. Evelyn, Couple & Mr. Tony Odigie


Morrison Okunbo, Sen. Ehigie Uzamare, Dandison Okunbo & Bright Okunbo (far right)

Master of ceremonies Bovi

Capt Hosa Okunbo & daughter

Couple with the joyous mother of the bride

Chidi Nwokoma, Adebanjo Otukomaya, Chinedu Okpeleke & Teslim Belo-Osagie

Mr. Mina Oforiokuma & guest

Mr. Osenwengie & wife


Toju Emiko proposing the toast



Chief Monday Obaseki (right)

Muktar Shagaya (right)


Greg Uanseru Junior & guests

Agbani Darego & D-banj

Mrs. Moji Okundaye & daughter


Groom & mum



DR. OLADOKUN OLATUNDE IN ILORIN, NIGERIA Story & Interview: Funmilayo Adeyemi Photo: Adekoya Adegbite & Funmilayo


astor (Dr.) Olatunde Oladokun (JP) is a man who may be referred to as an unsung hero. He may not have the biceps or incredible mystical powers of Marvel’s superheroes but he has certainly used what God has endowed him with namely, his time, talents and treasures to make an indelible positive impact on the lives of hundreds of thousands of people across Nigeria-his home country. Not one to blow his own trumpet, this philanthropist par excellence who admits that he has been tremendously blessed by God and is a devout Christian follows committedly, the injunction of Christ that those who do kind deeds do so discreetly. A man of many parts who is loved by many, he recently joined the prestigious golden league of 50-year olds with a bang, celebrating the milestone with week-long activities in the ancient city of Ilorin, the Kwara State Capital. An incurable humanitarian whose pastime is sharing his blessings with those not as fortunate as he, many of the guests who attended his golden anniversary spoke with OVATION about the celebrant in the most glowing terms, describing him as a great man whose memory history will reserve a pride of place for. A committed Christain and Assistant Pastor at the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Olorunsogo Parish, Ilorin, Dr. Oladokun is a graduate of History who later became an Economic and Finance Expert. He has now found fulfillment helping others overcome their financial inadequacies, setting many who have come across him well on their way to economic independence. His passion for the poor informed his drive to start the non-governmental, non-religious and non-profit oriented organization, Self Reliance Economic Advancement Programme (SEAP) – a vehicle for financial empowerment and poverty alleviation with nationwide reach. Understanding the celebrant’s disposition, it would be hard to imagine that a man who has

practically devoted his life to the wellbeing of others would celebrate his birthday any other way than the way he did - which is one that has brought him the most gratification over the years-through giving. So it was an expected fidelity to that charitable culture that saw Dr. Oladokun’s birthday celebrations begin with a visitation to the University Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, where he provided SEAP table water, cash donation and provision for the sick. The next day, the celebrant led his family and friends to St. Paul Anglican Primary School, Yemetu in Ibadan, the Oyo State Capital, where he commissioned a newly fabricated school gate and an ICT Centre. He also visited Ibadan Motherless Babies Home where he made cash donations and provided food items for the home. Later that same day, he paid a courtesy visit to the National Orientation Agency, his former place of work, where he bantered with old colleagues and associates. On the third day, he commissioned a modern ICT Centre which he had built and donated to the Seventh Day Adventist Grammar School, Ede, in collaboration with some of his fellow alumni, being an ex-student of the great school. Then, on Thursday, all roads led to Ondo State as cars rode in a convoy to Dr. Oladokun’s alma mater, Adeyemi College of Education for the commissioning of a new library for the school’s History department. Here, the celebrant rewarded three outstanding lecturers who had affected his life immensely while he was a student of the school with handsome cash donations. Dr. Oladokun noted that he was not the only alumnus of the college in his family but that his beautiful and supportive wife, Deaconess Bukola Sanya-Olatunde, graduated from the institution’s English Department. The eventful programme rounded off with a celebratory reception in the school’s conference hall. 127

celebrant &wife

Celebrant with his boys

Olatunde Oladokun's family

Damilola, David, Samuel, Pastor & Debby (children of the celebrant)

Celebrant, Management of Sapati Int'l School with the footballers during the novelty match

Celebrant & wife lifting the trophy after winning the match


Celebrant & wife in the library

Prof. Olukoya (Provost), celebrant & his wife during the commissioning of the History library of Adeyemi College of Education

Celebrant & his wife with SEAP staff from Ekiti & Ondo states

Lecturers of Adeyemi College of Education presenting a card and portrait

Celebrant & wife with Rev& Rev. (Mrs.) Alli of Christ Assembly, Ilorin

Celebrant, wife and lecturers of Adeyemi College of Education

Taiwo Adegbodu performing at the Praise Night

Goke Bajowa performing at the Praise Night

Celebrant & family in His presence

Tee sax entertaining the celebrant during the Praise Nite

Celebrant with his family at RCCG, Glorious Parish, Ilorin

Damilola Olatunde (daughter of the celebrant)


Celebrant, wife & Olatunde family members

Cross section of the Olatunde Oladokun family

Officiating Ministers at the church thanksgiving

Cross section of the Olatunde Oladokun family

Celebrant & wife with Pastor S.E.Akande & wife

Celebrant's wife with Mrs. Mike Daramola & Wema Bank staff

John & Sam Adefila performing at the event

Olatunde family with Mrs. Joseph (CEO Tripple T) at the red carpet

On Friday, March 13, 2015, the Oladokuns and their loved ones got into their dancing shoes as they headed for Arca Santa Event Place in Ilorin, with the agenda to go and have a fun time in the presence of God. Tagged “Praise Night”, the fun-filled concert which was organized in honour of the celebrant featured comedians, gospel artistes, instrumentalists, choreographers, acrobats and drama groups. These dramatis personae thrilled the guests with spectacular performances throughout the night and everyone had a really great time. The birthday boy, Dr. Oladokun was clad in an Indian-styled garb while his heartthrob sizzled in a black evening gown dancing gracefully alongside their children and were full of thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness to their family. The next day witnessed the staging of a novelty football match organized by Sapati International School to commemorate the celebrant’s birthday. The cracking hour and a half of exciting football was between Sapati 130

International School, Ilorin and SEAP staff. The match kicked off with recitations of Nigeria’s National Anthem and the school’s anthem. Then, the opening prayer was said by Mrs. Olayinka. The Principal of Sapati International School, Mr. Whitebread welcomed all guests at the field and showered the celebrant with encomiums. Following the kickoff by the celebrant and his beautiful wife, the game started. The SEAP team prevailed in a hotly contested encounter and was presented with a champion’s trophy. Proceedings began to reach a climax with a thanksgiving service at the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Olorunsogo Parish in Ilorin. Family, friends, associates and well-wishers gathered to celebrate and pray for a man who many described as their benefactor. The thanksgiving service began with an opening prayer and had such officiating Ministers like Pastor Afolayan, Pastor S.E Akande, Pastor Christian Alabi, Pastor J.O Obiwusi, Pastor Adebiyi, Pastor Akindunni, Pastor Yinka

Silas and Pastor Olajide took part in the proceedings. After the church service, the celebrations continued at Roemichs Event Centre, Ajase-Ipo Road, in Ilorin, where guests were treated to a grand reception. The august event began with an opening prayer by Pastor J.S Bankole, Provincial Pastor in charge of RCCG Province 4,while the event was anchored by Yemi Shonde and Mariam Akinbola assisted by an ace comedian, popularly known as Obama. The ambience was convivial as guests looked resplendent in their outfits. This also added colour to the event. Prominent gospel musician, MEGA 99 enthralled the guests with a breath-taking performance that got the celebrant and well-wishers dancing all through the occasion. Everyone present also enjoyed the full complement of mouth-watering dishes and exotic drinks. Dr. Olatunde, a philanthropist par excellence, has been honoured with over 50 awards by different bodies at local and international levels. It was such a wonderful celebration for a great man.

Celebrant, wife & children cutting the cake

Akinbola Mariam, Alhaja Ramsat & Mrs. Awe

Mrs. Kemi Oluwole, Corporate Head, Total Events during the toast

Celebrant & wife during the toast

Sky & Sandy (First Mountain, China)

Celebrant with Balogun Fulani of Ilorin (Alhaji Durosinlorun Atiku) with other Baloguns

Celebrant & wife with Olusanya family from Akure

Celebrant & wife with wife's friends

Celebrant with Pastor Yinka Silas of RCCG Province IV

Celebrant with Chief Richard Whitebread (Principal of Sapati Int'l School)


Dcn Oladehinde Olatunde & wife, Mrs. Olusanya (mother of the celebrant’s wife ) & a friend

Celebrant with First Bank Staff

Mrs. Olaniyan, celebrant's wife, Mrs. Joseph (CEO Tripple T) & MD Gold

Oyewale Caleb, the celebrant, Angela Sede & Omoh

Celebrant's wife & Mrs. Comfort Oye, CEO of New world

Celebrant with Central Bank Of Nigeria Officials

Celebrant's wife, Sade Silva & Mrs. Awude

Mr. & Mrs. Oladapo with the celebrant


Mr. & Mrs. Feranmi Akinbola

Mr. Adegbite & Mr. Olajide (Seap Management Staff)

Mr. & Mrs. Ojo with the celebrant


HON.MAJOR ANDY UMEOJI Story: Emmanuel T. Edward Photo: Adekoya Adegbite & Tope Brown


ears of existence never justifies man's worth, rather his charming lifestyle, positive influence and selfless works are evidently traits of his greatness. Unarguably, only few men after God's heart possess such abnormal qualities. Amongst these few, was a man of exceptional intellect, a convincing motivator, loving husband, caring father and dependable friend, an icon of exemplary leadership, a feisty and impassioned servant of God whose modus vivendi was worthy of emulation. All of these great attributes can only be accorded to one man, Hon. Major Andy Okonkwo Umeoji (KSJI). One whose idealism of life was distinct. The life and times of Hon. Umeoji were marked by dour austerity to support pitiable children and widows. He gave life his best and shared all that heaven had to offer in his full capacity. Emphatically, words are aptly inexplicable in telling his effervescent personality. What then is living if our lives do not add value to people around us; when we merry and watch others squalor in fetters of pain and abounding hunger? This, did he believe and his lifestyle never fell short of it. Hon. Umeoji believed in living a life of influence. His cosmopolitan benevolence impartially extended to all races and without discrimination he showed love in its warm brightness to all and sundry that crossed his path. He was one with admirable reserve and pleasing persona. Little wonder, he stands in the perfect mold of Father Abraham of our time. Though, this rare colossus is gone Chief Lady Ngozi Umeoji

but his beautiful memories and laudable works are boldly engraved in the hearts of his loved ones, who moved mountains with trumpets and drums of praise in celebration of a life welllived. They literally left no stone unturned to give him a first-rate and awesome burial ceremony - fit only for Kings. The celebration of life beamed with rousing fan-fare with friends, family as well as dignitaries numbering hundreds present at the various ceremonies; all in a bid to witness the final farewell of this great man. Hon. Umeoji was born to the family of late Umeagueges/Umeoji on the 30th of November, 1936 in a relatively peaceful town called, Ezinifite. Umeoji family sprung from Obeagu clan, Ezionye Village, Aku Zone, Ezinifite Community of the present day Aguata Local Governement Area of Anambra State. Having tasted the painful experience of losing his mother, Hon. Andy never gave up his conquest in carving a niche for himself through the corridors of life's struggle. Consequently, he was looked after by his maternal grandmother, in whose arms he found love, tender care and abiding joy. Late Mary Nwaobiala, never made him miss the treasured experience of having a mother, rather she made him feel special and deserving of life's rare privilege - the taste of priceless love. She clearly stood by him through boyhood till he was a young adult - ready to fend for himself. While growing up, he was ac133

Umeoji family united in grief

Chukwudalu, Platinum, Chidi, Adaora, Lady Ngozi & Kaycee Umeoji

Bosah Umeoji

quainted to the Catholic Faith under the auspices of Victoria Ibezim (One of the nurses brought in by his grandmother to take care of him) which served as a platform for the growth of his spiritual life. Little did he know that his membership of the Catholic Faith would only intensify his love for God. And so it was, Hon. Umeoji was baptized under Rev. Fr. Symith and Rev. Fr. Kettles in 1939 after which he received his First Holy Communion and his confirmation by Arch Bishop Heery. The young lad relatively took pleasure in true worship and no one could blame him for keeping these dates notable in his life. Hon. Umeoji was quite different from his peers as he soon became a famed figure in school for his exceptional brilliance and academic excel134

Lady Ngozi Umeoji (2nd left) & Chief (Mrs.) Chinyere Asika

lence. He excelled beyond the imagination of many that it was no surprise; he was already in Standard One at St. John's Catholic School Ezinifite, in 1940 at such a young age. His fame never came with pride, rather he basked in admirable humility and attributes his success to the inspiring words of late Victoria Ibezim. He went on to further his education and in 1941 he proceeded to St. Joseph's Catholic School, Ekwulobia at Nwagba where he got his First School Leaving Certificate in 1945. His undeniable intelligence soon got on a roller coaster ride of prominence through out the nook and crannies of the present day Enugu, Anambra and Imo States respectively; having contested and came second in an academic examination with a blazing score of 96%. It then became evident

Mrs. Kaycee Umeoji-Mmuo

Prof Jerry Gana far right with some guests


Chief (Mrs.) Chinyere Asika, Director Zenith Bank

Amb. Godknows Igali & Mr. Steve Orosanye

John Kennedy Opara, Executive Secretary, Pilgrims Commision

John Otu & guest

Abbas & Lanre Ishola GM Zenith Bank


Senator Andy Uba & guest

Hon. Benni Lar, Amb. Godknows Igali & Hon. Uche Ekwunife


Ada & Benedicta Yakubu Mohammed

Dr Innocent Ezuma condoles with the family


From Right, Mr Fetuga, a guest with Mr. Usman Jiya

Dr. (Mrs.) Adaora Umeoji-Nwokoye flanked by Vicky & Tinuke

From Left: Pastor Stella Omakwu, Dorothy Ufot, a guest & Chinyere (Mrs.) Asika Chinyere

study for their Master's degree either in UNN or in Canada. A stunning performance you might say, considering the long days of hard work he sacrificed to garner such admirable climb to success. Hon. Umeoji was a seasoned politician, academician par excellence and a proficient administrator. His impressive records and selfless performance fetched him several awards such as; Second best Administrative Chairman of a Local Government in the State; Cleanest Local Government in Anambra State amongst others. This rare innovator was also a globetrotter who toured through the length and breadth of over 14 countries. Without doubts, Hon. Umeoji sure did live a fulfilled life being a proud father of eight children, who have all risen to sterling heights in their respective career and professions, with over 23 grandchildren as well .What more can one wish for He found all the love and happiness a man could ever seek in the arms of his (Universal Diamond), Lady Ngozi Umeoji. Their love knew no bound and one could easily feel their passion glowing stronger as the years past. Hon. Umeoji's Christian life was greatly admired by all and he brought some unforgettable changes in Ezinifite society, by spearheading the modification of the widowhood rites thereby ending the victimization of widows after the death of their husbands. He was reticent in every way, soft-spoken, slow to anger and incredibly understanding. Untill his death, he served in the Lord's vineyard and engaged his time in religious activities and writing. He wrote and published a couple of books, including his Autobiography and wise sayings in 2010 and

I write in uncontrollable tears remembering the life you lived and for the first time in my life I struggle valiantly to face reality. You were indeed my shining armour and no amount of time can erase any bit of the long years we spent as husband and wife. Ide, Your success in life can be ascribed to a blend of hard work, foresight, intelligence, selflessness and utmost faith in God. Ide, you will always be remembered. - Lady Ngozi Umeoji that he was made for a greater purpose and this achievement bagged him a Certificate of Special Merit and qualification for training at St. Anthony's Teacher's Training College, in Agulu as Grade III Certificate Teacher. A qualification he earned on a platter of gold. Time past, the years went by and soon the young boy grew to become a fine man. Having completed his training and passed the Teachers test in Grade One Category in the early fifties, Hon. Umeoji further set out to the University of Nigeria, Nsukka to bag a Bachelor's Degree in Arts, History and Sociology (Combined Honours) in 1966. He never stopped breaking bounds and taking on greater challenges. Well, one could say he had a penchant for daring adventures. His doggedness became perceptible as he toiled day and night to foot his school bills from his small earnings as a Teacher. While in school, he carefully chose a pathway of prominence by taking on the leadership role of; President of the University Students' Union, old Aguata Local Government Area indigenes. With this great feat, he became the second indigene of Ezinifite to be admitted into UNN. And In 1977/1978, Hon. Umeoji returned to UNN for his post-graduate studies and bagged a Post Graduate Diploma in Education. Yet again, he graduated in flying colours and was consequently offered scholarship alongside other four best students in his class to

2012 respectively. As expected for such a great man, tributes and encomiums poured from all corners of the world. His universal diamond, dear wife and partner of many years stated: "I write in uncontrollable tears remembering the life you lived and for the first time in my life I struggle valiantly to face reality. You were indeed my shining armour and no amount of time can erase any bit of the long years we spent as husband and wife. Ide, Your success in life can be ascribed to a blend of hard work, foresight, intelligence, selflessness and utmost faith in God-Ide, you will always be remembered�. Likewise, his first son and Aguata Local Government Chairman, Hon. (Chief) Chukwuma Umeoji wrote "You were a man worthy of notice, filled with amazing intelligence, honest and self-assured. You imparted greatly to so many lives and certainty abounds - we will miss your promising presence, Adieu Papa; you have fought a good fight." Also, his second son, Dr. Emeka Umeoji remarked "In my next world, I will be your son for your death has taught me one thing; we should not pray against death but should pray for favour in death." While, his first daughter and Executive Director of Zenith Bank Plc, Adaora Remy Umeoji observed: "My Enigma and colossus of a daddy was a very huge part of me in comportment, nature and a number of other traits; these qualities, I will forever cherish and adore. While, I await your physicl contact, I will live with the spiritual connections and the indelible legacy that you left," In the same vein, dignitaries as well as prominent personalities were not left out: With the likes of Senate President, Sen. (Dr) David A. B. Mark, GCON, fnim; Speaker House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Aminu Waziri Tambuwal; Anambra State Governor, Peter Obi, CON; Deputy Governor of Anambra State, Dr. Nkem Okeke; Deputy Speaker House of Respresentative, Rt. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha, CON, KSC; Deputy President of The Senate, Sen. Ike Ekweremadu, CFR; Executive Gov. Of Imo State, His Excellency, Owelle Rochas Anayo Okorocha (OON); Executive Gov. 137

Gen Buba Marwa (rtd), commiserating with Adaora

Kaycee Umeoji giving the vote of thanks

Lady Chidi Umeoji-Obegolu

Nkoli taking a reading

Prof. Jerry Gana, CON

Mr. Steve Orosanye, former Head of Service of the Federation (left)


Pastor Sarah Omakwu

Umar, Dabo & Sam

Lady Chidi Umeoji-Obegolu, Dr. (Mrs.) Adaora Umeoji-Nwokoye & Chief Lady Ngozi Umeoji

From Left; Emmanuel Ogunlowo & Jimmy Equensen

Rear Admiral Patrick Agholor, Commandant of the National Defence College and

His Lordship, Rt Revd Dr Anselem Umoren, MSP

Gen. Marwa & Dr. Andy Uba, MFR



A panoramic view of the Umeoji's edifice in GRA

Of Maiduguri, Hon. Kashim Shettima; Cross River State's Gov., Sen. Liyel Imoke; Executive Gov. of Taraba State, Alh. Garba Umar; Executive Gov. of Adamawa State, Vice Admiral Murtala H. Nyako (rtd), CFR, GCON; Executive Gov. of Plateau State, Dr. Jonah David Jang; Rivers State Governor, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Ameachi, CON; Benue State Governor, Rt. Hon. Gabriel Torwua Suswam, PhD, CON; Katsina State Governor, Dr. Ibrahim Shehu Shema, CON, Fnim; Kebbi State Governor, Alh. Sa'idu Usman Nasamu Dakingari; Niger State Governor, Dr. Mu'azu Babangida Aliya, CON, fspsp, FNAE; Group Managing Director, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Andrew L. Yakubu; Hon. Minister of Aviation, Princess Stella Adaeze Oduah, OON; Hon. Minister of Health, Prof. Chinedu O. Nebo, fnse, oon, npom; Group Managing Director, Godwin Emefiele, Hajiya Bola Shagaya MON; Chairman, Forte Oil Plc, Femi Otedola CON; and an endless list of tributes from corporate organizations, churches and individuals. These outpouring of tributes further reveals to a large extent the courteous lifestyle of the deceased as it also offered some soothing relief to his loved ones. And on a lively footing, the one week celebration cruised in different and exciting stages with a soulful wake keep taking centre stage in Enugu. The high-spirited occasion was met with gratitude as everyone basked in the praise and worship session that saw friends and well wishers tapping their feets and clapping to the fine appurtenances of the rhythm-all in adoration to God. There was no telling, it was as though, the Heavens had instructed the earth to shine its beauty in glorious sunset-breathing life to the ceremony from the big blue skies to the calm and brilliant atmosphere; all made for an eventful wake keep to be remembered. Away from the wake keep, day two of the burial ceremony grew in strength and size as yet another hundreds of well wishers, friends and families gathered at the Enugu State House of Assembly for the lying-in-state. The march to the state house was led by Hon. Umeoji's first son who is also the Chairman of Aguata Local Gov140

Hon. Umeoji sure did live a fulfilled life being a proud father of eight children, who have all risen to sterling heights in their respective career and professions, with over 23 grandchildren as well, What more can one wish for?. He found all the love and happiness a man could ever seek in the arms of his (Universal Diamond), Lady Ngozi Umeoji. Their love knew no bound and one could easily feel their passion glowing stronger as the years past. ernment, Hon. (Chief) Chukwuma Umeoji. Thereon, the march further proceeded to Awka for the second lyingin-state after which they settled in Aguata LGA for the third lying-in-state, which was lively marked by carnival-like atmosphere and mild dominance of praise songs. The evening came calling as lights burned through out the night and the crowd still firmed up for the Service of Songs. One that was filled with fanfare. And so, the shining radiance of candle lights created a familiar feeling of love around Ezinifite and the moon spreading its face across the skies appeared to be a moment of joy that saw people eating, drinking and smiling with one true reason: the celebration of a life well spent. So then, not only did they treasure the sumptuous delicacies and choice wines, they were more pleased to have witnessed the fine and dramatic showpiece of African culture with a touch of creativity and finesse-a rather in-

teresting threatrical display of traditional richness. Joyfully, one could tell that Hon. Umeoji's burial ceremony gradually became a feast for the eyes and suggestive of regal banquet fit for a royal. The final day of the event, played out slightly different, surpassing with ease every inch of outcome that unfolded in the previous days. This time, the Umeoji's were stunned and breathless at the turnout of people that came far and near to witness the funeral of their doting father. To begin with the niceties of ceremonies, the first daughter of the deceased, Adaora took everyone by surprise as she gifted St. Andrew's Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel with a magnificent edifice. A token of appreciation she called it for their role in the life of their late father. With this offering, The Umeoji's have further proven their undying love for God. Similarly, their generosity is hardly surprising as they have made quite a number of humble donations to the up keep of churches in the past and this proves without doubts that Hon. Umeoji's children have learned a thing or two about giving from the master. A pretty rare feat if you consider this present time of ours. The ceremony further pitched its tent to the haven of holiness, the main auditorium of St. Andrew's Catholic Church where prayers were offered to the deceased. In a happy mood the procession led on as M.I.C Casket pall bearers gently rocked from left to right with the gold Italian casket. They went all the way to Ezinifite village where the remains of Hon. Umeoji was committed to mother earth. He was laid to rest in a well-built haven - worthy enough for a supreme icon. This time inconsolable tears broke out and eyes turned red seeing their father and friend take an eternal bow to the world beyond. Afterwards, condolence visits were paid to the wife of the deceased with words of comfort. The peak of the event played out when guests settled down to enjoy the well-prepared delicacies and choice wines. The Umeoji family showed that they were all well groomed as they celebrated their dad in grand style.

Fr Charles Umeoji

Fr Ejike Mbaka (middle), Fr. Charles Umeoji (right)

Adaora & Dr. Emeka

Queen Chioma Umeoji takes a scriptural reading

Father Mbaka delivering a sermon


Hon. Chukwuma, Lady Ngozi Umeoji, Kaycee, Dr. Emeka, Ifeanyi & Bosah


Dr. (Mrs.) Adaora Umeoji-Nwokoye

Dr. Emma Nwokoye

Dr. Emeka


Hon. Chukwuma giving a vote of thanks

Bosah & Adaora


Dr. Emeka & Adaora welcomes a guest

Full cow barbecue on display for guests


Dr Emma, Lady Ngozi Umeoji, Adaora & other family members

The deceased's body lying-in-state as during the valedictory session

Dr. Emeka Umeoji


MIC pallbearers accompanies the deceased's body into the House of Assembly complex

The deceased's family arrives the Enugu state House Of Assembly complex

The Clerk of the House welcomes Adaora

Hon. Chukwuma Umeoji is welcomed by the clerk of the house


The decaesed's family during the valedictory session


Anambra state house of Assembly complex

Guard of honour by the MIC pallbearers

An Honourable Member of the House of Assembly givin his tribute

Dr. Emma The valedictory session in the House

Dr. Emeka coordinating proceedings

Kaycee Umeoji



Traditional rulers at the event


Zenith Bank Staffers at the event


Ladies Auxilliary of KSJI mounts guard for honour as the deceased

The deceased's body arrives the Umeoji's compound in a special hearse flanked

Bosah, Adaora, Lady Ngozi Umeoji & Kaycee

Bishop Anselm Umoren flanked by the deceased's wife & daughters

Hon Chukwuma, Kaycee, & Lady Ngozi Umeoji

Engr. Ugochukwu Obegolu takes a reading

Kaycee Umeoji taking a reading

Hon. Chukwuma Umeoji giving a vote of thanks

Bishop Okpaleke delivering the sermon


Adaora welcomes a guest

A cultural troupe performing

Lady Ngozi Umeoji

Chinyere Udoma performing


Adaora, Igwe Onyekwuluje of Umunya & other guests


A cultural troupe and their lead dancer entertainig guests

L-r: Austin, Louis, Lanre, Dave, Carl & Bashir from Zenith Bank


Final commendation of the deceased's body

The decaesd family

Exec Directors, Zenith Bank, Sola Oladipo, Ebenezar Onyeagwu, with hairman of Visafone Jim Ovia, & CBN Gov, Godwin Emefiele

Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama of Jos Diocese

A cross-section of over 500 priests that attended the funeral mass

KSJI contingent in their great numbers

Some of the traditional rulers in attendance


Arch Fabrizio & Iyke Njoku

Deputy Governor of Anambra state, Dr Nkem Okeke - far right with other guests

Chidi, Bishop Anselm Umoren & Kaycee

Dr Nkem Okeke, Anambra State Dep Gov

Hon Chukwuma Umeoji giving a tribute to his Dad

Dr Nkem Okeke & a guest

Some of the traditional rulers in attendance


Prof. Maurice Iwu

Bishop Paulinus Ezeokafor dedicates the chapel

Left, Alhaji Auwal Lawal

Ladies Auxilliary of KSJI

Prof Giorgio & Margaritta Strologo

Prof. Arch Giorgio, Mrs Margaritta Strologo, Arch Fabrizio, and Iyke Njoku - Imo

Sir Steve Omojafor

The Choir

Knight of St John International contingent

Popular comedian, Nkem Owoh

The medical outreach center set-up by the family

The deceased's body lying in state at the chapel of perpetual adoration built by the family


The decead's body being lowered into the grave

Adaora performs the dust to dust rite

Hon. Chukwuma performs the dust to dust rite

Ifeanyi performs the dust to dust rite

Interment of the deceased

Kaycee performs the dust to dust rite


Emeka performs the dust to dust rite

Lady Ngozi Umeoji performs the dust to dust rite

Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama of Jos Diocese

His Lordship Rev Dr Anselm Umoren

His Lordship Rev Dr. Matthew H Kukkah of Sokoto Diocese

Bishop Anselm Umoren, Nkoli & Adaora

Bishop Paulinus Ezeokafor dedicates the Chapel

\Bishop Ezeokafor cuts the tap to dedicate a Chapel donated by the family

Pricess chinyere Udoma performing

Sir Godfrey Muottoh



Adaora joins Zenith Bank contingent led by Jim Ovia-Chairman Zenith Bank & Peter Amangbo MD-Zenith Bank

Amobi Ogum, his parents and the council of Igwes, Nnewi South LFA

Adaora & Dr. Andy Uba

Chinyere, Hon. Chukwuma, HRH Igwe Onyeckwuluje, Oby Obidiaso

Chief Victor Umeh (far right) & other dignitaries arriving

Dr. Emeka & Hon. Chukwuma receives sympathisers

Dr. Emeka, Lady Ngozi Umeoji, Bosah, Nkoli & Dr. Emma

Dr. Emma Nwokoye, son-in-law to the deceased as he leads Achalla people to pay their condolence


Mmuo family form Enugu Ukwu, in-laws to the deceased

Dr. (Mrs.) Adaora Umeoji-Nwokoye & Governor Babangida

Fr Charles Umeoji, Lady Ngozi Umeoji

Former Governor of Anambra State Dr. Chris Ngige, Dr. (Mrs.) Adaora Umeoji, Princess Uzor Innocent Okoye

left, Barr Chike Obi, Mr Uche S. Ogah, President, Masters Energy

Tayo Olugbemi, CEO, IAM Events

Team 50

Women group from Achalla

Fr. Charles Umeoji, Lady Ngozi Umeoji & Rev. Sis Josephat

Ifeyinwa Umeoji & dad (In-law to the deceased) going for condolence visit

Lady Ngozi Umeoji flanked by one of the women groups in attendance


Adaora joins Achalla contingent as they proceed for

Chief Albert Ezenwanne

Igwe Ezeugo-ato of Ezinifite Aguata

Bosah Umeoji

Highlife Maestro, Bright Chimezie

Atilogwu cultural dancers


Dr. Aminu 2nd Left, Dr Chidi, Adaora, Atinuke, and GOC

Atilogwu cultural dancers


The Umeoji's led by Chief Lady Ngozi Umeoji, Ifeanyi Umeoji, and Dr Mrs Adaora Umeoji-Nwokoye family proceeds for thanksgiving

A traditional dance troupe performing

Dr. Emeka Umeoji & Dr. G O C Okenwa



Mr. Tony Elumelu, chairman, UBA during a panel

President Barack Obama delivering his speech

Mr. Tony O. Elumelu


frican businessman and philanthropist, Tony O. Elumelu has proposed a new entrepreneur-led development model for Africa at two high profile events in Washington DC. Mr. Elumelu, who is Chairman of United Bank for Africa, and Founder, the Tony Elumelu Foundation, spoke at a White House event hosted by United States President, Barack Obama to celebrate emerging entrepreneurs around the globe. The event was a prelude to Obama’s scheduled trip to Kenya later this year for the Global Entrepreneurship Summit. During remarks to announce the Summit and his plans to participate, President Obama thanked the global coalition of entrepreneurship organizations that collaborated with his administration to launch the Spark campaign for global entrepreneurship, a campaign in which the Tony Elumelu Foundation is a founding member. The President went on to say to the entrepreneurs present, “Entrepreneurship empowers people 160

to no longer be subject to aid agencies, but to be part of something to pursue their dreams. Entrepreneurs like you can change the world one idea at a time.” During his comments at the White House event while participating on a panel moderated by United States Secretary of Commerce, Penny Pritzker, Mr Elumelu championed the cause of African entrepreneurs as the primary drivers of Africa’s transformation. In closing, Mr Elumelu provided the following advice to global entrepreneurs, “Entrepreneurship is a long term journey. Great entrepreneurs are not made overnight. Dare to dream, implement your dream, and stay focused.” Elumelu’s foundation recently launched the $100 million Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme, which aims to assist in growing 10,000 start-up companies across the African continent over the next 10 years-demonstrating a commitment to empowering entrepreneurs to drive Africa’s social and economic transformation.

Mr. Tony Elumelu with Former US Secretary of State, Madleine Albright




OGUNDIPE IN IBADAN Interview: Bamidele Salako Photo: Adekoya Adegbite

ent-I as the bride’s friend and he as the groom’s. We got talking and right then he asked if I would marry him. I wondered out loud as to why he wasn’t married at that age and he told me that he had actually kept unserious affairs but that he was then ready to settle down. By September 27, 1980, we were married. So basically, you’ve married for about 34 years now, how has the marital front been

It is well. So many people think that getting married is a rosy experience all the way. Yes, marriage is an institution ordained by God but then it needs a lot of hard work because two people from different backgrounds are coming together. Their upbringing and values differ and so they need a lot of patience. In these days of instant miracles, instant coffee, instant noodles - there’s no such thing as an instant relationship. Any good thing needs time. You learn to communicate, you learn to love one another and you don’t try to change your spouse. That’s one of the major problems with married couples today; one party is trying to change his or her spouse. No one, in truth, has the capacity to change the other. If there are things you don’t like in your spouse, you pray about it. We’ve had our ups and downs. What are the ingredients that have added up to your success in marriage


here are certain people whose life’s stories inspire us to be the best we can. Mrs. Grace Motolani Ogundipe, founder, Delightsome Schools, Osogbo, and Delightsome Orphanage who also owns the upscale Delightsome Stores in Abuja, is one such person. Mrs. filled with delight when she turned 60 recently and celebrated the happy day with friends and family from all over the world who stormed Ibadan, the Oyo State capital to felicitate with a true woman of substance and a bundle of inspiration. When we spoke to her after the party, she was thoroughly excited and grateful to God for all He had done in her life. She shared with us her touching and inspiring grass to grace story. How do you feel at 60

I feel grateful to God. Not everybody has the opportunity of making it to 60. It’s a landmark – the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. Is it true what some now say that 60 is the new 40

It all depends on how young you feel. You can be 40 and feel 60 and you can be 60 and feel 40. It depends on who you are and what your values are. What have these 60 years been like for you

Life has not been a bed of roses. I have had my fair share of struggles, penury and poverty. There are two things that have counted in my life-my relationship with 162

God and hard work. God has been on my side. I started to work with the Nigerian Prisons Service (NPS) at the age of 19, immediately after school. I joined the Service March 11, 1973 and I left March 13, 1981. While I worked there, I was also attending school – the United Christian Secretarial School in Apapa, Lagos. I was studying Secretarial Administration on a part-time basis. I finished from that school in September 1980 which also happened to be the period in which I got married. I got married while in school. After this, I left the NPS to join the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) on March 13, 1981. Did you meet your husband while at the NPS

Yes, I did. Could you tell us how that happened

He came from Maiduguri to attend the officers’ course at Kirikiri. He had a friend who is late now, Kola Omideji, whose fiancée, Omowunmi, worked in the same office as I. so every time he visited Lagos, he’d check up on her. After he must have left following a visit to our office, she would tease me and ask if I saw what a tall and handsome man my husband was. So I would often ask her how that concerned me and show no interest at all. But on November 13, 1978, Kola and Omowunmi were getting married and we were both pres-

The first is love. When you say you love someone, it means you love everything about the person. You don’t take their faults into account. Even when they offend you, you make excuses for their offences. You cover up for them. The second is understanding, as well as trust. You need to trust your spouse and be able to let him be. One thing I have seen is that if you love a person, give the person wings to fly. If he’s yours, he will return, if he’s not yours, then yours will find you. The attitude of questioning every move made by your spouse is not right. It only means you don’t trust and that means you’re suspicious. You will read wrong meanings into innocent actions. You need to be able to surrender. When spouses learn to know that what belongs to one belongs to both and there are no hidden agendas, then there’ll be peace. Another issue is in-laws. You will eventually become an in-law yourself one day, so if you say your mother-in-law is evil, one day you will become a mother-in-law and your daughter or son-in-law would not want to see you. Remember that your spouse was first of all somebody’s son or daughter before marriage and has spent the better part of his or her life with his or her parents. The fact that your husband is married to you does not mean that he will erase his past. He has a past, you’re his present and you’re also part of his future, so let him be. I believe in-laws should not interfere but it does not mean that in-laws should be eradicated. It’s not advisable for in-laws to live with the couple but they can visit. It also important that you pray to God for wisdom to manage your home. Talking about your faith in God, what role has that played in your life and marriage

Faith has played a very great role. It has given us hope. There were times things were so difficult that I felt like packing up the relationship. We would split the children equally. I’d take two and he’d take two but by the time you read the word of God, pray, listen to counsel, then you receive strength to keep going. Faith teaches you that there’s a God, hope teaches you that there’s a better tomorrow. You sound like you do marriage counseling – do you on a formal basis

Not really. I just have a passion for youth. If you were at the party, the people that sang are my spiritual children. MC Jafextra, Yinka Lawanson (Lamborghini), Gbenga Adenuga are all my non-biological sons. I have a passion for grooming youth. I do a lot of talking to them. I don’t have an office, it’s just a passion. I have a passion for homes and I have authored three books. Tell us about these books

The first is “Understanding Prayer”. I discovered that so many people pray but don’t understand prayer. It has led so many people into what I call worshipping human beings instead of God. God is not as complex as people present him. He’s a loving father who wants to have a relationship with us. He’s not some man who’s trying to strike us with a hammer each time we go wrong. So I wrote on how we should approach God. Also, prayer is not all about asking – it’s a sacrifice to God – he should benefit from it. If your prayer doesn’t benefit God, then it’s not a prayer. The second book is “House of prayer”. You should pray all the time, influence others to pray and keep yourself holy because God dwells in holiness. The third one is “Unforgivingness”. Unforgivingness is a weight. I referred to a story I read somewhere. Those days, the corpse of a murderer’s victim is tied to the murderer’s legs and he moves around with it. The weight and stench were sufficient to kill him. So when a person refuses to forgive, the weight of unforgivingness can get such a one into trouble. God forgives, so we should forgive. When you forgive, you’re doing yourself a world of good and not the person requiring forgiveness.

Are you a deaconess or a pastor there

What church do you attend

Would you be kind enough to share it with us

I attend Winners’ Chapel.

Yes, I’m a deaconess. How long have you been a member

I joined in 1996. I was already a Christian before then. I got born again in September 1978 under the ministration of Brother W. F. Kumuyi of the Deeper Life. So, God has helped my family. We have four children. Tell us about them. I know one of them is a makeup expert

That’s Titi who lives in Atlanta now. My first son is Olugbenro Ogundipe. He’s 34 now. He works with Catholic Relief Services where he’s in charge of their IT operations. He’s married with a son. The second child is Adeleke Seyindemi. She works with the Nigerian Prisons Service. She’s married to Oluwatoyin Seyindemi. Her husband works for the Nigeria Customs Service. They have a son together - Ilerioluwa. The third is Titilola Gbenjo – the makeup artiste. She lives in Atlanta with her husband – Oluwamayowa Gbenjo. They’re not planning a family yet. The youngest is Adedeji Ogundipe. He lives and works in Seattle, Washington, in the United States of America. Did you have a birthday wish

Yes, I did. I like to teach the word of God. That’s one of the

things that made me start a school in Oshogbo, Osun State called Delightsome Schools – Nursery, Primary and Secondary School. I also have an orphanage – Delightsome Orphanage. Due to my husband’s job, I have not had the opportunity to stay in a place to take root. My wish is that now that I am 60, I can do that. I also have a gift shop in Abuja – Delightsome Stores. I used to have three shops but I have reduced it to one. I don’t want to do what the yound people call hustling anymore. I want God to give me opportunities to teach more. Most of my books are a recording of what I teach. Last Saturday, I went to teach at a Redeemed Church, so it’s like my birthday wish is already coming to pass. I pray for more teaching opportunities like that. If you cannot influence the whole world, you can influence even one or two people with whatever platform you’re given. They can in turn influence others. Most people have dream birthday gifts, did you have one of your own and did you get it

Yes, I had dream gift, which was to be able to change someone’s life and yes I got the gift but I do not want to go into details. What other passions do you have – how do you relax

I sing and I dance. What’s your kind of music


Celebrant with husband, Olusola Ogundipe, Former Comptroller-General Nigerian Prisons Service

It’s called classical. How do you spend your days now

I wake up and I go for a walk. I used to be an athlete with the Nigerian Prisons Service. I represented Nigeria twice in athletics. At which games

I represented Lagos regularly at the Lagos Sports Festival and I also represented the state at the National Sports Festival. We were picked from the National Festival to represent Nigeria against China during the ChinaNigeria Games. I think it was in 1973. How well did your team fare

I was in the relay team and we came third. So now, when I wake up, I pray with my husband, go for a walk, come back to make breakfast and then I read. I like to go to the market even when I’ve got nothing to buy – I just like to know what’s going on. I make sure I go out daily. When I return, I cook, I write and I read. Tell us more about yourself, the schools you attended, how you found yourself in the Prisons Service and what you did after then

I was born on July 2, 1954, in Sabongari, in the city of Kano. My father was a mechanic with Shell Nigeria then. We left Kano in 1959, and came to Lagos. My father got a job with the Nigerian Prisons Service and he worked there from 1959 to 1978. It was through him I got in. I’m from a very poor family. Though my father had a job, he was into polygamy, betting, womanizing and associated vices. My mother had to hawk moin-moin 164

to send us to school. When I finished Primary 6 in 1966 during the Civil War, I couldn’t go to Secondary school. I was hawking with my mum. My mum is late now. Her name was Mrs. Mobola Omole. She used to have a friend who’s still alive. This friend of hers was a nurse who studied in Melbourne, Australia. Somehow, they got to be friends. Her children were attending Corona and I was attending Anglican Primary School in Ajegunle. She would call my mother whenever they had parties to come help her cook. They became close. So we had opportunities to visit her home. The house was so posh, I could not enter. I would sit outside and teach her children. So she called my mother and said, “Your daughter is very brilliant. What plans have you got for her regarding secondary school?” my mum went, “Isn’t she better than me now? At least she can read and write. I just pray for the money to feed them so they don’t die of hunger.” So the woman decided to send me to secondary school. At that time, there was no one to provide guidance regarding the quality of a school or as regards its legality. So I spent a year at some school called Niger Secondary School before the school was shut down. I then went on to Holy Saviour’s College in Isolo. I was there till Form Three after which I went to the defunct Lagos College of Science and Commerce in Ojuelegba where I eventually finished secondary school. That woman paid my tuition till Form Three after which she stopped and my mum took charge from then till I finished. So once I was done, my dad told me to go get a job. The NPS was looking for athletes and since I was already an athlete in

school, I joined them and was working as a clerk and Confidential Secretary. Once I started work, I started to train my younger brother. He lives in the UK now. I had no one to pay my way through school anymore so I said, once he’s done with school, I would return to school. There was a United Christian School that would start at 1pm and close at 7pm. I spoke to my boss about attending and he said I could attend if I could round off my work by 1pm every day. I was living at Ajegunle, working at Alagbon Close and attending school at Apapa. I would wake up at 5 and resume working very early. Within two years I got my professional certificate and I did very well. That’s when I applied to NTA and I was promoted to Level 8 from Level 4. You worked in NTA as

I worked there as a Confidential Secretary. I later transferred to Ibadan following my father-in-law’s death. I couldn’t get a Level 8 posting so I went back to Level 7. After two years I got promoted to Level 8 and then again to Level 9 after four years. I left NTA as the Personal Assistant to the General Manager on March 11, 1991 following my husband’s transfer to Owo in Ondo State. I had to go join him. There was no job for me to do there, so I got my gratuity following ten years of service, got a mill and went into the garri business which was the order of the day then. We were exporting garri to Libya and Gabon. After 13 months, my husband was transferred to Akure. There, I got a shop in the market and was selling rice, beans and garri in sacks. My hus-

Pastor Victor Ishola of Faith Church, Akobo, Ibadan

Officiating Ministers with celebrant

Prison Officers wives with celebrant

Celebrants with friends

Egbe Arobayo of Ago Iwoye with celebrant


Pastor Biodun Aladekomo

Yinka Lawanson (Lamboginny)


Mr. & Mrs. Sola Ogundipe

band was again transferred from Owo to Osogbo in Osun State. I had conceived a vision of opening a school in 1978 when we went to visit my mother-in-law in 1978 in a very serene neighbourhood in Ibadan. We were sitting on a tree that had been felled and I told my husband that the neighbourhood would be a good place to locate a school. When we got to Osogbo, my husband really liked the place. Power was constant and the Nitel line was working perfectly; water was flowing too. We were living in Ada Estate and there was no supermarket or kiosk. We had to walk long distances to buy items. So I turned our garage into a supermarket and named it Elim Supermarket. We ran that for some time before we were transferred to Port Harcourt. While there, I’d travel home to buy aso oke and go to Lagos to buy lace and jewellery – not gold – costume jewellery – and I’d take it back to Port Harcourt to sell it. Each time we came back home, we’d do one or two things on the house we were building. A certain Mr. Ogundipe had sold the land where we were building to us. So I urged my husband to ask him if he had land for a school. My husband was reluctant at first but later he did and the man told us the estate actually had a land mapped out for a school where someone had in fact laid out the foundation for three classrooms before travelling out of the country. That was how we bought the land. We built it gradually. By 2000, my husband was transferred to 166

Pastor Olaniyan

Lagos as Comptroller of Prisons, Lagos State. At that time, the school was already reaching an advanced stage. By August 2001, my husband was promoted to the post of Assistant Comptroller General of Prisons, Works and Logistics. So we decided that he would go to Abuja and I would start the school. On October 2, 2001, Delightsome Schools was opened. When we started to get feelers that my husband was going to be made Comptroller General of Prisons, I knew he would need his wife by his side. So I went to Abuja in April 0f 2006 and my husband became Comptroller General on June 30, 2006. We were living in Abuja and would come often to check the school. Your life has been a tale of resourcefulness

God has been helping us. How would you love people to remember you when your work here is done

As someone who came and made a change because everywhere I get to, I do not like to leave the place the same way that I met it. I want people to feel my absence when I’m not around. I’m a giver. There’s nothing that I can’t give. I always tell people that you don’t pray to be rich; you give to get. If you don’t give, you can’t get. Genesis 8:22 says that as long as the earth remains, seed time and harvest shall never cease. That word isn’t for Christians alone. If an unbeliever gives, he will get. If a Muslim gives, he will get. If a Christian gives, he will get. Givers never lack. Seun Sax

Celebrant & Lamboginny

Celebrant with Gbenga Adenuga

Celebrant & Mrs. Sheyindemi

Mr. & Mrs. Sola Ogundipe with Rashidat & other guests

Mrs. Jemilehin, Mrs. Sola Ogundipe & Shade

Celebrants & Ogundipes

Mr. & Mrs. Ogundipe with children & grandchildren

Mrs. Bola Adesegun, Mr. Murphy Adesegun & Olotu Rasheed Abdul

Mr. Sola Ogundipe (left)


Delightsome School Students

Modele & celebrant

Arobayo of Ago Iwoye

SegĂşn Omole & friends

Fife, celebrant & Mrs. Sheyindemi

The Sheyindemis with celebrant

Chief (Mrs.) Ademuyewo (left)


Mummy Olagbegi & friends

Celebrants with Alh. & Alh Mobolaji

Bolaji Peters & friends

Toyin, Ileri & Toyin Sheyindemi

The Sheyindemis

Mr. & Mrs. Olowo with son

Dr. Tunji Ogundipe & wife

Pastor Banjo Edema & Pastor Aluko

Mr. & Mrs. Diya




Story: Babatunde Martins Photo: Koya Adegbite & Family Album: Mikky one

The Shokoya family & their in-laws

Dr. Taiwo Afolabi & Pastor (Mrs.) Adetoun Olatemi


Mrs. Folashade Afolabi & Adeolu Adeniji

t has been said that a tree is best measured when felled. The same is true of Chief David Gbadebo Sokoya who departed this world having attained the ripe age of 86 years. Pa Sokoya was a highly principled, quintessential and unique gentleman of impeccable character. A distinguished Community Leader who had a cosmopolitan worldview. Pa Shokoya was always ready to explain his convictions without necessarily being disagreeable! Politicians and Public Administrators of this generation have a lot to learn from the life and times of Chief Sokoya. Words cannot express the emptiness his absence has created in the lives of his loved ones. But he was celebrated with a heart full of gratitude and appreciation of God because he lived an accomplished life, a life that was a blessing to many. Those who are close to Chief Sokoya told us that he was a man with a large heart, a heart that accommodated all around him, caring and loving to a fault. He integrated sincerity, honesty and sensitivity with his well-meaning personality. He was an affectionate father, grandfather and a beacon of light for all. In addition, he was a man of fine taste, a true man of the people and committed Christian, who would be remembered for his utter devotion and generosity to mankind. The ancient town of Sagamu in Ogun State, South West Nigeria came alive and played host to eminent personalities who had come from far and near to join Dr. Taiwo Afolabi , Group Executive Vice Chairman, Sifax Group and his wife, Mrs. Folashade Afolabi (daughter of the deceased) with other family members to celebrate the life of the great man. There was a soul-lifting funeral service to set proceedings in motion and the Man of God who took charge noted that Chief David Sokoya came, saw, conquered and lived a life worthy of emulation. The Man of God explained that the tears shed by members of the family should be that of joy rather than sadness because Chief David lived in the vineyard of the Lord before his death. Noting that the deceased had not only gone to rest but was safely in the hands of the Lord. According to the Preacher, Chief Sokoya was an easygoing gentle man, a devout Christian, a loving and caring father that love not one, but everybody. He lived a life of humility and simplicity, laying emphasis on great values of


discipline, honesty, piety and love . The well-attended service ended with songs before prayers of blessing were showered on the family. Later, There was a superlative reception in Makun area of Sagamu. Virtually all roads leading to the town were lined with banners and posters of Chief Sokoya, and the exotic cars that cruised to the venue was an indication of the calibre of guests that had turned out from all over the globe to honour the family. It was a first-rate event and the five giant marquees mounted on the open grounds with upscale decor was fitting for such a grand celebration. As expected, guests were treated to good quality entertainment and superb victual. Mrs. Folashade Afolabi was her usual down to earth self, going from table to table to ensure that guests were comfortable. The deceased's respected son in-law, Dr. Taiwo Afolabi, the Group Executive Vice Chairman of Sifax Group showed his clout and connection, with the array of his personal friends that turned out for the occasion. Friends who came included: Otunba Tunde Lawal, Mr. Toye Ariyo, Senator Lekan Mustapha, Tunde Akinyera, Lai Oriowo, Akin Akingbolami, Oba Saheed Elegushi, Alhaji Akanni Olanrewaju ( Lamex), Tayo Ayeni, Engineer Omotosho, Femi Carrerna, Gbenga Adewusi, Kenny Abdul, Otunba Yinka Abass, Shina Pellar among others. Society women also came to celebrate with the family, they included Princess Toyin Kolade, Toyin Atobatele, Joke Shogunro, Yemisi Awe, Olori Sekinat Elegushi, Alhaj Tai Elemosho-Okesanjo, Omowunmi Bibilari, Sade Kazeem, Mrs. Adekunbi Idowu, Mrs. Okedara Shola, Princess Titilayo Gbadebo, Bukola Amosun Agbaje and Nike Kuku. King of world beats, King Sunny Ade was on the bandstand and dished out his evergreen Juju music to the delight of all present. The compere, Gbenga Adeyinka 1st did a fantastic job steering the event expertly, he ensured that there was no dull moment. That was not all, guests also enjoyed the performance of rising Fuji artsiste, Kolade Onanuga aka Kwam2. He too gave a good account of himself. Chief David Gbadebo Sokoya


The Shokoyas

Prince Adeniyi Shokoya, Dr. & Mrs. Afolabi with Prince Rotimi Shokoya

The burial procession

Cross section of Pall bearers

Pastor Tayo Olatemi & Dr. Taiwo Afolabi

Pastor (Mrs.) Adetoun Olatemi & Mrs. Folashade Afolabi

Pastor & Pastor Mrs. Olatemi

Prince Adeniyi Shokoya, Mrs. Folashade Afolabi & Prince Rotimi Shokoya


Cross section of guests

Mrs. Folashade Afolabi (middle)

(R) Mrs. Folashade Afolabi & Mrs. Adeniyi Shokoya

Pastor (Mrs.) Adetoun Olatemi & Mrs. Shokoya

Princess Iyabo Adeola Amele

Mrs. Folashade Afolabi


The Shokoyas at the interment


Dr. Taiwo Afolabi

Mrs. Folashade Afolabi

Pastor (Mrs.) Adetoun Olatemi

Prince & Princess Rotimi Shokoya


R-l: Chief Tunde Lemo (former CBN Deputy Govenor) & Dr. Phil Ofulue

Pastor Owolabi & Dr. Taiwo Afolabi

Pst. Solomon Ogidi

Mrs. Folashade Afolabi, Princess Abisoye Shokoya & guest

Prince Adeniyi & Prince Rotimi Shokoya


Sir. Clement & Lady Easter Nwabasili

Rotimi Olugbode (right)


Mrs. Folashade Afolabi (5th left) with friends & family members

Chief Tunde Lemo & Dr. Taiwo Afolabi

Dr. Taiwo Afolabi exchanging pleasantries

Banke Ibrahim, Mrs. Folashade Afolabi & Mrs. Aderemi with guests

Alhaji Idris & Dr. Taiwo Afolabi

Royal fathers arriving at the ceremony

Dr. Taiwo Afolabi & Laolu Mudashiru

Sheik Farouq Onikijipa & his wife with Dr. Taiwo Afolabi


Mrs. Folashade Afolabi

Oba Saheed Elegushi, Oba (Dr.) Olusanya Adegboyega Dosunmu & Olori Dosunmu

Chief P.K. Sham, Gbenga Adeyinka with guests


Mrs. Folashade Afolabi & Mrs. Florence Afolabi

Mr. & Mrs. Dayo Adeneye

Pastor Owolabi & Chief Tunde Lemo

Princess Titilayo Gbadebo & friend

Shina Pellar & Folake

Princess Toyin Atobatele & Yetunde Abdul

Joke Shogunro (right)

Princess Titilayo Gbadebo

Funke Odubanwo & Bisola Oladeji


SAHCOL Staff & Business Partners

Oba Dr. Olusanya Adegboyega Dosunmu (Olowu of Owu Kingdom), Mrs. Folashade Afolabi & General John Shagaya

Aremo & Oba Saheed Elegushi

Dr. Taiwo Afolabi, Oba Saheed Elegushi & his wife, Olori Sekinat Elegushi

Mr. & Dr. Folarojas

Gbenga Adenusi, Dr. Taiwo Afolabi, Otuuba Quadri & Mayor Akinpelu

Prince Rotimi Shokoya, Dayo Adeneye, guest & Mrs. Caroline Adeneye

Joke Sogunro, Lawunmi Bibilari, Mrs. Afolabi & Sade Kassim


Dr. Afolabi with Mr. Bala Yesufu

Olowu of Owu Oba Adegboyega Dosunmu & Olori

Toye Ariyo & Dr. Taiwo Afolabi

Mrs. Folashade Afolabi, Mrs. Florence Afolabi & Pastor (Mrs.) Adetoun Olatemi

Gbenga Adeyinka with Taiwo & Kehinde Lesh

Alhaji Owolabi (r) & Mrs. Folashade Afolabi & guests

King Suny Ade (middle)

Alhaji Owolabi, Dr. Taiwo Afolabi & guest

Princess Titilayo Gbadebo (m)


Dr. Taiwo Afolabi & Toye Ariyo

Mrs. Folake Adeniyi & Dr. Taiwo Afolabi

Chief Onafowokan & son

Segun Ogunsanya & Senator Lekan Mustapha

Amb. Tunde & Mrs. Ajijomo

Princess Toyin Kolade, Dr. Taiwo Afolabi & guest


Mrs. Folashade Afolabi

Chief Egbeyeni Moruff Otun Ajirobi of Owu Kingdom & Chief Oluwole Idowu Bada of Owu Kingdom

Barr. (Mrs) Irvwe with Chief P.K Sham

Debbie Udo Effimi, Isa Omagu and Olusoji Ekunria

Mr. & Mrs. Muyina Ajibola

Suro Patrice Bayo and Engr. Gbenga Oguntuase

Kingsley Nwokoma, Chief Popo Owolabi & Adigun Olaniyi

Lady & Sir Abiodun with Otunba Babatunde Okunga

Otunba Akin Osiyemi, Hon. Saka Sheuayou & Chief Popo Owolabi


Friends of Sifax & SACHOL

Hajia Bolanle Jaji, Hajia Saadatu Bello, Princess Feyikemi Egbeyewo & Bidemi Babatunde

Engr. Akolade Sanusi, Pa Ayo Oluyemi J.P. & Popo Owolabi

Mr. Diran Shogbotejo, Dr. Taiwo Afolabi & C.A.C Rasheed

Yetunde Balogun, Lola Tomori & Bosede Geged

Mrs. Bose Ajayi, Mrs. Omotunde Johnson & Mrs. Funmilayo Olusanya

Tope Olotopa & Olaide Adu


Dr. Taiwo Afolabi & friend

Dr. Afolabi, Guest, Tom Odema & guest

Dr. Phil Ofulue & his wife, Lizzie Ofulue

Dr. Rojas, Mrs. Folashade Afolabi & friend

Eng. & Mrs. Toye Ariyo & Mrs. Folashade Afolabi

Otunba Tunde Lawal and Dada M. Bankole

R-l: Mr. Paul, Mr. Sule, Dr. Afolabi, Mr. Adigun & guests


Segun Ajibola, SAN & friends

Dr. Afolabi & Alhaji Rasak Akanni Olanrewaju (Lamex)

Princesstitilayo Gbadebo & friends

Otunba Lekan Osifeso with wife Yeye Osifeso

R-l: Mr. Amure & guests

R-l: Hajia Bola & Princess Toyin Kolade (middle)


Akintunde Akinpelu, Ovation’s Babatunde Martins & Dada Adeyemi

Princess Toyin Kolade, friend & Hajia Bola

Mr. Kingsley Nwokoma, Alhaji Owolabi & Yussuf Yaro

L-r: Alhaji Owolabi, Controller Rasheed Taiwo & guests

Dr. Taiwo Afolabi, Otunba Lai Oriowo & Alhaji Owolabi

Mrs. Moji Adegbete, Mrs. Loretta Oforeh, Barr. Mrs. Beatrice Iruwe & Chief P.K. Sham

Otunba & Chief (Mrs.) O. A. Lawal

Lai Oriowo & Folake Martins-Daniel


Deacon Afolabi & Barr. Ajewole with guest

Joke Sogunro , Mrs. Folashade Afolabi & Funke Akinyera

(r ) Toyin Atobatele

Jibola , Princess Toyin Kolade & Folake Daramola

(middle) Bisola Oladeji & Bar. Kayode Filani


Sen. Lekan Mustapha & wife

Mr. Solomon & Paul

Folashade Afolabi with Amb & Mrs. Ajisomo

Chief Adeniji , Dr. Taiwo Afolabi & Mr. Sogo Fawolu

Mr. Richard Akerele (left)

Ms. Kate , Miss. Anwuli & Friend

(l ) Dr Taiwo Afolabi

Patrick & Dr Taiwo Afolabi (m)

Hon Ayodeji Jospeh, Member. Federal House of Reps


Hon Ayodeji Jospeh, Member. Federal House of Reps

Kolade Onanuga & Shina Pellar (middle) friend

(middle) Mr. Amure

(r-l) Otunba Femi Carrena & Mrs. Folashade Afolabi


Olori Elegushi & Mrs. Folashade Afolabi

Mrs. Folashade Afolabi & Princess Titilayo Gbadebo

Shina Peller (left)

(r - l) Dayo & Caroline Adeneye with Dr. Taiwo Afolabi


Tutu Ayeni & Tayo Ayeni with guests

Princess Titilayo Gbadebo (3rd left with guest)

R-l: Francis Ajayi, Femi Telufushi, Alhaji Adebanjo & guest

Princess Toyin Kolade & Bisi Oladeji

Joke Sogunro with guests


KSA performing

Kwam 2 performing

MRS. OYEYEMI ADEJUWON THANKS GOD AT 50 Story: Omeiza Rabiat Photo: Segun Lawal & Ken Ehimen


ome people celebrate their golden jubilee with a loud party, a boat cruise, a vacation in the Bahamas, a shopping spree in Dubai, or a trip to Zanzibar, but, Mrs. Morenike Oyeyemi Adejuwon as a committed Christian, decided to celebrate hers with her Creator.

The thanksgiving ceremony held at the Guiding Light Assembly, Park View Estate, Ikoyi was a soullifting service which began with an amazing rendition by the choir. This was just the start of what turned out to be an event filled with praises, prayers and spiritual worship.

It was Pastor Wale Adefarasin, the General Overseer of Guiding Light Assembly that co-ordinated proceedings. He, it was, who delivered the opening prayer and later presented some words of exhortation that was very edifying to all present. In the sermon, Pastor Adefarasin described the 191

Sasaeniyan Adejuwon, Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon & Eniafe Adejuwon

Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon & mother, Niniola Ayandokun

Justice Jumoke Pedro & Otunba Femi Pedro

Mrs. Folusho Gbenro, Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon & Mrs. Kemi Aderemi

Debo Ayoade, Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon & Kofo Aderemi

Olumide Odusoga, Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon, Funmi Odunsi, Funmi Omisore & Alex Osula


Celebrant’s sisters

Damilola Adeshina, Folake St. Mattew Daniels, Risi Bakare, Bimpe Aderemi & Yinka Ladeinde

Celebrant cutting the cake

Niniola Ayandoku & Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon

Funmi Odunsi, Tokunbo Ogunsanya, Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon, Folake St. Mattew Daniels & Yinka Ladeinde

Celebrant with friends

Sasaeniyan Adejuwon, Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon & Folusho Gbenro


Prince Kofo Aderemi, Mrs. Lande Adewuyi, Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon & Prince Adebolu Adewuyi

Mrs. NiniolaAyandoku, Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon & Mrs.Gladys Oluwole

Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon, Pastor Wale Adefarasin & Prince Adebolu Adewuyi

Dupe Adebisi, Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon & Dr. Enest Ekong

Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon, Mutiat Oshodi, Toyin Atekoja & Bisi Oyetayo

Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon, Risi Bakare & Bisi Oyetayo

celebrant as ‘cool, calm, collected and classy' and a who woman who knows God and works fervently in His vineyard in accordance with the Holy Bible. He also stated that Mrs. Adejuwon was someone who not only fears God but consults him (Adefarasin) in whatever she wants to venture into and they usually pray together before she makes a decision. The Man of God then invited the celebrant and her family and they knelt before the church, he then blessed them and urged the congregation to stretch forth their hands and also showers them with prayers. The well-attended service 194

Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon & Pastor Wale Adefarasin

ended with a special number from the choir. There was a superlative reception just after the thanksgiving, and it was held within the Guiding Light Assembly Church premises. Guests trooped in from far and wide to celebrate with the happy and cheerful celebrant who was clad in mint green and yellow traditional attire. The beautiful white and gold cake at the reception showed that the celebrant was indeed stylish and has good taste because the design on her golden cake was simple but still classy. Guests were well pampered and they also enjoyed good quality music at the memorable occasion. Bisi Oyetayo, Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon & Sola Oyetayo

Board of Deacons of the Guiding Light Assembly

Mrs. Lande Adewuyi, Mrs. Temi Adeleke, Mrs. Funmi Odunsi & Pastor Laolu Adefarasin

Dr. Jumoke Oduwole, Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon & Justice Opeyemi Oke

Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon & Miss. Oyindamola Ishola

Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon & Layo Otun

Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon & Alex Osula

Sheri Ekong, Shade Orimolade & Bose Aliu

Ita Ekong, Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon, Janet Anosike & Bose Aliu


Bose Aliu, Fife Daudu, Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon & Bose Oguntade

Mr. Jimi Saanu, Mr. Shina Alayande, Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon & Demola Odunsi

Olumide Odusoga, Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon, Funmi Odunsi, Funmi Omisore & Alex Osula

Mrs. Lande Adewuyi & Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon

Adeola Asabia, Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon & Nike Ajakaye

Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon & Janet Anosike


Mrs. Yemi Adejuwon, Bukky & Ade Adewuyi





HRH Duke of Kent with Mr. Mahmood


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Gold & Diamond Suit

offered me something to drink. I met my tailor, Mr Arshad Mahmood, who assured me that we would work together until we settled on a suit design that would be right for me. Before any measurements were taken, we took some time to decide on the fabric and cut of the suit. Apsley offer a broad range of fabrics; my decision-making process could have been lengthy if it hadn’t been for Mr Mahmood’s expertise. We settled on an exquisite Super 120 Italian cloth, a fabric of the highest quality which I was certain would be comfortable when transformed into my new tailored suit. As for the cut, we agreed that a single breasted, two button suit with a notch lapel would be the perfect choice for my needs. Next, over 30 of my measurements were taken with the utmost attention to detail – something on which Apsley pride themselves. The process was completed swiftly and with no fuss. I was made to feel comfortable by my master tailor throughout as we swapped stories and I learnt more about Mr Mahmood’s impressive experience in the business of tailoring. In what felt like no time at all, I was on my way out of the showroom, eagerly anticipating my next visit, when I would be getting my first glimpse of my new suit. I was surprised to have a call two weeks later informing me that Apsley were ready for my basted

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Ghana President, Hon. John Dramani Mahama with Mr. Mahmood

Hon. John Dramani Mahama

Mr. Mahmood with Ovation Publisher, Bashorun Dele Momodu

Rev. Jessie Jackson with Mr. Mahmood

Mr. Mahmood with former President Goodluck Jonathan

Asif Kapadia (Diector of Senna Movie) & Anthony Hamilton

Duncan Bannatyne with Mr. Mahmood


Vijay Mallya (Chairman of Kingfisher)with Mr. Mahmood

Roy Hodgson (England Football Team Manager) with Mr. Mahmood

Fulham Team shot

West Ham Football team

Nico Hulkenburg & Sergio Perez (Sahara Force India Drivers)

Tim Baillie (Olympic Gold Medalist)

Jules Bianchi, Esteban Gutierrez, Max Chilton, Daniil Kyvat, Marcus Ericsson, Adrian Sutil, Daniel Ricciardo & Jean-Eric Vergne


Bernie Ecclestone with Mr. Mahmood

Allan Houston (Former NBA Player)

Joe Cole with Mr. Mahmood

Barry McGuigan (ex boxer)

Jenson Button

Hinduja Brothers


Saracens Players

F1 driver Nico Hulkenburg

Adrian Sutil & Max Chilton (F1 Drivers) with Mr. Mahmood




Story: Babatunde Martins Photo: Adekoya Adegbite, Segun Lawal, Abraham Falodun & Solomon Ekhaiyemhe

Asoju-oba of Lagos, Chief Molade Okoya-Thomas


hen a great man dies, for years the light he leaves behind, lights the paths of other men. Sir (Chief) Dr. Molade OkoyaThomas has lived an eventful life, he was a good father, a first-class role model, a philanthropist extraordinaire and one of the most valuable assets of the Nigerian society. His life is a story of service, sacrifice and success. His life gave true meaning to the words of that song “it’s not the number of days that we live; it’s the life we live and how much we give. It’s not the number of days that we live, it’s the live we live and how much we care". The pain of his death is lessened by the knowledge that he impacted lives. He was a blessing, a builder, a binder of other people’s wounds, a sports enthusiast, a life-long supporter of Arsenal Football Club and a keen Tennis buff and Sponsor. Death is a price we all have to pay irrespective of our age. However, that of Chief Molade OkoyaThomas was a rude shock because despite his age,

he was still his jovial, bubbly self days before the sad incident. It was so sudden that some of his family members were hoping to wake up and find that it was a bad dream. In deed, many wished that the perfect gentleman who was a hard worker, humble, hospitable, peaceful and generous-to a fault had not completed his earthly sojourn, but God had made His decision-and it was final. The Chairman or Baba as he was fondly called was dear to all member and staff of CFAO. He encouraged hard work, diligence, honesty and loyalty to the company from all employees. He gave his support to all by helping to connect CFAO businesses to all that he knew worldwide. He was also father to all. In the days of queuing at the French Embassy Lagos to get visas, it was very easy for the staff of CFAO courtesy of Chief Okoya-Thomas because he was very interested not only in the official but also personal lives and growth of staff and their families. He saw them as

members of his family and gave them the same support and love. His journey to the great beyond started with a Christian Wake-Keep/ Service of Songs at the Landmark Event Centre, Water Corporation Road, Victoria Island, Lagos. At exactly 4pm the welldecorated event centre was filled with guests from all walks of life as they all came to pay their last respects to the man whom people referred to fondly as an Icon of Icons. The evening started with prayers and a praise session. The first Bible reading was by one of his daughters, Hon. Olajumoke Abidemi OkoyaThomas. After which the man of God in charge of the proceeding explained to people that Christians don’t die but merely sleep in the Lord. He urged all present to give thanks because the passing of Chief Okoya-Thomas was the will of God. Stressing that all our journeys in life are destined to end sometime but it was important that we should all ensure that when it ends, we end in 201


Lying in state at lawn tennis club

State of M.I.C. Undertakers

He noted that Chief Okoya-Thomas deserved to stay more years on this planet to do more service for God and humanity, but who are we to query God, after all, according to him " we are mere mortal bodies". The man of God also said that he was happy because Chief Okoya-Thomas had left an exemplary and wonderful legacy that should be emulated by everyone. He spoke of his humility and his penchant for helping the needy. The man of God rounded off by praying fervently for the family members that the late corporate titan left behind. The service of songs ended with songs from a choir. Guests at the event included: Lagos State Deputy Governor, Mrs. Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire, former Governor of Lagos state, Alhaji Lateef Jakande, Gen. T.Y Danjuma (Rtd.) and his wife, Senator Daisy Danjuma, Justice Olusola Oguntade, Chief Rasaq Okoya, Chief Kessington Adebutu, Hajia Abba Folawiyo, Senator Florence Ita-Giwa, Prince Samuel Adedoyin, Senator Tokunbo Afikuyomi, Mr. Segun Awolowo and Chief Bisi Omidiora As a great lover of Tennis (he was always at the front row of the French Open aka Roland Garros) there was a lying in-state at the Lagos Lawn Tennis Club, Lagos where his friends, colleagues and beneficiaries of his sponsorship gathered to pay homage. The lying in-state lasted for few hours in the morning and a guard of

Lagos Lawn tennis club members pay homage


Mr. Deji Okoya-Thomas, Mrs. Yinka Taiwo, Hon. Jumoke Okoya-Thomas & Tosin Alabo-Bakare

honour was mounted for this superb gentleman before his remains were ferried to the Holy Cross Cathedral in the heart of Lagos for the funeral service. The funeral cortege to church was filled with so much pomp and pageantry- and was fitting for a man who was a first-rate Lagos celebrity.The city literary stood still on this auspicious occasion. It was also because of the status of Chief Okoya-Thomas that the church was packed full with first-class Nigerian and foreign guests. During the service,Cardinal Anthony Olubunmi Okojie noted that there were only few persons that can really make a difference in people’s lives and Chief Molade Okoya-Thomas belonged to this prestigious category. Cardinal Okojie noted that he was confident that Chief Okoya was watching everyone at that very moment with his trademark smile, describing him in glowing terms as a committed Christian, who was loving, generous, affectionate, respectful and respectable. He finally said the vacuum Chief left behind will be difficult to be fill and he will be sadly missed.The first-rate service ended with songs from the church choir while his remains were later interred at The Vault Garden in Ikoyi, Lagos. Hours later, there was a superlative reception at the famous Tafawa Balewa Square, Lagos Island. Guests were


The Knight Members

pampered endlessly with mouth-watering delicacies and top-of-the-range beverages. The king of World beats, King Sunny Ade entertained guests, and they rollicked till very late into the night. Lots of encomiums were poured on the late AsojuOba of Lagos: Lady, Chief (Mrs) Olive OkoyaThomas said “what do I say? Where do I say? You made me happy to the last moment and never wanted any discomfort for me. You treasured me and was always proud to tell anyone. I can’t question the will of God as I am confident that you are in heaven with the angels. Molade as I fondly called you, I will always love you. Rest in the bosom of the Lord, till we meet to part no more”. Hon. Olajumoke Okoya-Thomas (daughter) said “a good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society”.-Billy Graham, American Christian evangelist “When a great man dies, for years the light he leaves behind him, lies on the paths of men”. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882) U.S poet. -You are a good father. Good to me, to your children and to all the people you met and that met you. A father like no other. You were my father, friend and family. You are like the lily in the valley. You brightened my world and that of others around you. You were not without fault but your sincere heart and kind soul reached out to all you came across. You were a bright star in this dark world and for every step I followed you, I had no regrets. You were not a man of half measure; you had full measure and gave fully of yourself to family, friends and humanity. What you had you gave and what you had had not you paved the way to get it to many. Your life is a story of service, sacrifice and success. Your life gave true meaning to the words of that songit’s not the number of days that we live, it’s the life we live and how much we give. It’s not the number of days that we live, it’s the live we live and how much we care. The pain of your death is lessened by the knowledge that through your philanthropy and dedication you impacted many lives. You were a blessing, a builder and binder of other people’s wounds. Because you shared your love with me and as many that you came across, I can say like it is written on that Irish headstone, “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, loves leaves a memory no one can steal”. And I can say like George Eliot, the British writer said “Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them”. Papa mi, I take consolation in the fact that in the last one month before your death, you gave it all to Christ, our Saviour. You felt my pain when I came to you crying and hurting and I always felt with a smile

on my face. I am glad you were my dad. You memory will never go away and you will never be forgotten. Tosin Stella Alobo-Bakare in her moving tribute to her father she said: “God took the strength of a mountain, The majesty of a tree, The warmth of a summer sun, The calm of a quiet sea, The generous soul of a nature,The comforting arm of night, The wisdom of the ages, the power of the eagle’s flight, The joy of a morning in spring, The faith of a mustard seed, The patience of eternity, The depth of a family need, Then God combined these qualities, when there was nothing more to add, he knew his Masterpiece was complete, and so on, he called it…… DADDDY! Chief Molade Okoya-Thomas, my father, my friend, my confidant and my mentor. Thank you for your love, kindness, patience, understanding, generosity and above all a good and firm upbringing. The testimonies I have heard since the 1st of February are comforting and a great assurance that your legacy will live forever. Thank you for all you did to ensure that we all maintain the legacy. I love you Daddy, my promise to you is to maintain that good name you have left behind and to serve God like you did and to be a blessing to as many people as I can reach to the glory of God. Rest in peace, you are with the Saints in Heaven. I love you with all my heart and I will always treasure the memories of knowing you for being the best father created by God. Yinka Taiwo (daughter) said “My father was a man God blessed with immense wisdom, humility, good heart and full of so much humour. I know one day I would have to write a tribute but I am yet to come to terms with the fact that it is now. You were one of those I felt could never go away but I totally submit to the will of God, that He loves you more than I did. For this I thank God as I know without any doubt in my mind that you are with the Angels, walking majestically on the streets of Gold. Daddy, what can I say? You are irreplaceable, there is no other like you, as much as it is possible to live up to your mighty legacy that you left behind, it’s only the divine and special grace of God that will make any one of us achieve it. You taught us the real meaning of “Oruko rere o san ju wura ati fadaka lo….” You upheld your integrity above riches because you believed that riches can go but a good name stays forever. You had an undying love for all of your children and grandchildren. If you did not hear from me in 48 hours, you were quick to put a call through to me with the usual ‘Mrs. Taiwo, Happy New Year! Family values meant a lot to you and this you expressed by making sure we all gathered as one on Christmas day to celebrate Christmas with you and mummy. You were a father to many, including my

friends who I would bring to you with one request or another and you were quick to assist. Looking back, I believe putting a smile on someone’s face was your mission and objective in life. Oh Daddy, you achieved the objective so well, it did not matter who, young or old, rich or poor, all that mattered to you was to see that smile on their faces. Your sense of humour was out of this world. My children always looked forward to weekend visits to grandpa because they were sure to crack their ribs. You were a peaceful man who hated strife and would be quick to settle any discord between two people. You serve your country with so much vigor and extended your service beyond national borders to international countries. It is not surprising that such service was rewarded with your being decorated with the highest national awards with your being decorated with the highest national honour in France. I can go on forever, but one thing I am sure of is that, the legacy you left behind will remain green forever and ever. Lastly, I want to thank God for giving me the most wonderful father ever and want to appreciate you dad for your fatherly love and wisdom towards my siblings and I.I love you and you remain an imprint in my heart forever. Ayodeji Henry Okoya-Thomas (son) said: Daddy, what can I say? You left so suddenly but even though I wish God had given you more years to spend with us, I take comfort from knowing you have gone to a better place to be with the Lord. You taught us a lot. We learnt the value of hard work, humility, respect and love for all. As a son, even though I knew how kind-hearted you were, listening to various people in the few days even showed me further how large your heart was. Your kindness cut through all divides, from the man on the street, selling in the traffic to the friends you shared your time with, to the various sportsmen you helped discover through your sponsorship of the Asoju Oba Tennis competition, to your friends in the international community both far and near, the things people have said about you is so overwhelming. I will miss you so much. Your humor was infectious and your commitment and love to your family was second to none. You always wanted your children and grandchildren around you all the time and we would all joke and laugh together. You gave good counsel at all times about the values of life and would go any length to see that all your children succeed. Your accolades locally, nationally and internationally were second to none. The recognition of your good deeds can be felt all around and while we as your children will work very hard to continue to succeed in our various careers and endeavours. You have certainly made life easier for us by the legacy and good name you left for us. 203

Officiating Ministers

His remains in church

Gov. Ibikunle Amosun & Mr. Rotimi Ameachi (Former Governor of Rivers State) with Sen. Bukola Saraki (behind)

Okoya-Thomas family

Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu & Sen. Oluremi Tinubu

Hon. Kayode Opeifa & Gov. Akinwunmi Ambode

Sen. David Mark, Mr. Olusegun Aganga & Mr. Babatunde Raji Fashola, SAN

Traditional rulers


Chief Akerele & Mrs. Mary Inegbese (2nd left)

Chief Rasaq Okoya (right)

Sen. Bukola Saraki & Her. Excellency Funso Amosun

(2nd left) Chief Onafowokan & Chief (Mrs.) Opral Benson

Funsho Adeagbo (right)

Justice Sola Oguntade & Chief Adedoyin

Hon. Bimbo Ashiru (right)

Dr. Wale Babalakin (SAN), Justice Sola Oguntade & Dr. Yemi Ogunbiyi


Mrs. Maiden Ibru (right)

Mr. Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede (far right)


Cardinal Olubunmi Okogie

The Okoya-Thomas family during thanksgiving

Wole Aboderin (middle)

Sen. Gbenga Ashafa & wife

Olori Omolara, Olori Yetunde & Olori Labisi Tejuoso

Hon. Demola Seriki, Sen. Gbenga Ashafa & wife


Mr. Wale Edun

Sen. Adeola Olamileka Solomon (left)


Mrs. Alabo-Bakare, Hon. Jumoke Okoya-Thomas, Alhaji Aliko Dangote & Mrs. Olayinka Taiwo

I know you are well prepared to meet our maker God Almighty and you found so much peace in the last few months. The knowledge that you gave your life to God and that you were seated in the kingdom of God is so pleasing and we shall strive as your children to walk the path that would guarantee our salvation so that we can one day see you again in the Heavenly place. Rest in the Perfect Peace of our Lord Daddy. President Goodluck Jonathan "I have received with great sadness, news of the passing of your dear husband, Chief Molade Okoya- Thomas, an illustrious Nigerian patriot and a quintessential entrepreneurial icon, at the age of 89.

On behalf of this Government and people of the people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and on my own behalf, I commiserate with you, the entire members of the Okoya-Thomas family of Lagos, and the government and people of Lagos State on this painful loss By his death, Nigeria has lost not just a successful consummate entrepreneur, but an uncommon philanthropist and steadfast believer in the manifest destiny of our country as strong, united and prosperous nation anchored on the ideals of equity and justice. He was not just a successful active sportsman in his younger days, but remained fully committed to sports development all his life, dedicating huge resources to the promotion of his

Deji Okoya Thomas, Hon. Olufunmilayo Tejuoso & Hon. Segun Oniru

B.J. Saxx

Mr. Bisi Olatilo

King Sunny Ade


Chief & Chief (Mrs.) Mike Inegbese

R-l: Her Excellency Mrs. Oluranti Adegbule & Mrs. Olayinka Olagunjoye

Gov. Aminu Tambuwal

Hon. Jumoke Okoya-Thomas & Hon. Emeka Ihediora

Mrs. Nkiru Anumudu, Mr. Lanre Ogunlesi & Eno Udoh

Hon. Babatunde Ogala, Mr. Dele Alake & Alhaji Lateef Adams


Hon. Folake Olunloyo-Oshinowo


Sen. Florence Itagiwa & Chief (Mrs.) Ireti Asemota (right)

(L-r) Mrs. Yetunde Onileere & Hajia Abba Folawiyo

Mr. Tunde Fowler & Otunba Funsho Lawal

Standing: Gen. Alani Akinrinade (Rtd)

Mrs. Moji Tejuoso, Mrs. Remi Abiola & Sen. Lanre Tejuoso

Chief & Chief (Mrs.) Inegbese with Chief & Mrs. Asemota

(L-r) Mrs. Philips, Hon. Dele Alake & Chief (Mrs.) Kemi Nelson

Sen. Olarenwaju Solomon, Foluso Coker & Dele Ayileka

The Oniru brothers


Chief Kemi Nelson (3rd left) with friends

Hon. Olayinka Oladunjoye, H.E Mrs. Oluranti Adegbule & H.E Dame Abimbola Fashola

Mrs. Maureen Onigbanjo (Manfechi), Hon. Jumoke Okoya-Thomas & Chief (Mrs.) Moji Dokpesi

(R-l) Mr. & Hon. (Mrs.) Tejuoso with Hon. & Mrs. Lanre Tejuoso

Dame Abimbola Fashola & Justice Remi Abiola

Hajia Abba Folawiyo & Wole Aboderin

(R-l) Tosin Alabo-Bakare & Sen. Florence Ita-Giwa

Hon. Segun Oniru, Dollar Bamgboye, Hon. Dele Alake & Dele Ayileka

various sporting interests. Chief Molade Okoya-Thomas, whose life was one of the uncommon dedicated services to God, Country and Community, leaves behind a rich Legacy which should be an abiding source of solace and inspiration to you, your family, as well as his numerous friends, protégés, and associates. It is my prayer that Almighty God imbues you with the strength and wisdom to cope with this pain of this colossal loss. May his soul eternal rest In the Lord’s bosom. Senator Ibikunle Amosun, Governor of Ogun State: I convey deep condolences of the government and the good people of Ogun State to you, on the death of your dear husband, Chief Molade Okoya-Thomas. We are deeply touched that the nation has lost an Icon. Chief Okoya-Thomas belonged to the generation of illustrious sons and trail blazers, whose service to humanity and the country at large cannot be 210

overemphasized. He was a foremost Philanthropist, Sports Administrator and renowned industrialist. His brilliant contribution to the socio-economic development and selfless service to humanity no doubt accounted for the numerous awards to his name including the prestigious Member of Order of the Federal Republic (MFR), Officer of Federal Republic (OFR) and Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur conferred on him by the Federal Government of Nigeria and France respectively. The Asoju Oba of Lagos and Babasuwa of Ijebu Remo will sorely missed. Nonetheless, we thank God for a fulfilled life and many legacies he left behind, particularly children who remain worthy ambassadors of his values. My prayer is that the Almighty God will give you and indeed the entire Okoya-Thomas family the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss. Babatunde Raji Fashola, Governor of Lagos

State: If there was a man who did need a tile to serve, it was Chief Molade Okoya Thomas. But like Goldfish, he not had no hiding place. His great deeds were noticed and acknowledged and as a result, he has been widely decorated as an Officer of the Order of the Federal Republic, a Papal Knight of St. Sylvester; Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur-the highest national honour given by the French to a foreigner, Asoju Oba of Lagos and many honours. The Government and people of Lagos will miss this fine and selfless Lagosian, we will remember his great deeds as a sportsman, sport enthusiast, entrepreneur, socialite and true Icon. His life will be a reliable compass for all of us.

Bashorun J.K. Randle with Chief & Chief (Mrs.) Inegbese

Engr. Olawunmi Gasper & Hon. Yishau

Hon. Danmole, Hon. Olanrewaju Solomon, Otunba Bimbo Ashiru & Hon. Abike Dabiri-Erewa

Biola Okoya, Chief & Chief (Mrs.) Inegbese

Engr. Olawunmi Gasper, Saheeto (standing) & guest

Capt. & Mrs. Shobanjo


R-l: Mr. Gbenga Badjo, Segun Ajibola, SAN (left) & friends

Mrs, Olayinka Taiwo & Mrs. Olayinka Oladunjoye

B.J. Sazz with band




IN ACCRA, GHANA Story: Michael Effiong Photo: Family album

Chris & Damilola Attoh

Rings being exchanged


hen hadsome and talented Ghanaian actor and TV Personality, Chris Attoh met delectable Nigerian actress, Damilola Taylor on the set of super successful Mnet Drama Series, Tinsel, it was love at first sight! According to Chris, it was her beauty, simplicity and down-to-earth nature that caught his attention, and he was so moved that he had to strike up a conversation-and soon what began on the set of Tinsel had taken a real life course that has led to the pair now living together forever as husband and wife. It must certainly be because of the genuineness of their love for each other that the couple and their family chose


February 14th, St. Valentine's Day to officially tie the knot in the company of close family and friends. The colourful day saw a session of prayers and then the solemnization of the couple, in a very intimate ceremony, just as the couple had wanted it. When they exchanged rings and said "I do", the applause from all present was deafening. From the smiles on their faces, it was obvious that what Chris and Damilola have for each other was nothing but true love, the day could not have gone any better especially as their son, Brian, was also there to savour the occasion. The ever gorgeous Damilola

Decor outside by Black carpet events

Decor of the dinner table by Red Carpet Events


Damilola signing the marriage register

The couple

Chris signing the marriage register

Groom’s parents: Chief Nii Kojo Armah IV-Paramount Cheif of James Town, Accra & Mrs. Bessie Ceaser Attoh


Mrs. Helen Adegbite, bride’s mother

Chris & Damilola sharing a lovely moment

Arch Bishop Palmer Buckle, couple & Hon. Fritz Baffour, groom’s uncle

Iyiola Ayoade, Bashorun Dele Momodu, couple with Mr. Alex Nwuba & his wife

L-r: Ken Attoh (groom’s brother), Mary Anne Attoh Tigenoah (groom’s sister), couple, Semira Attoh & Alex Attoh (groom’s brother)

Mr. George soulKnight, Jazz Baffour ( groom’s cousin) & partner with baby Brian Attoh, Mr. Chris Omari & wife

Michelle Attoh (niece of the groom) & family friend, Hammamat Montia of Aqua Safari Resort

The lovely couple: Mr. Chris & Mrs. Damilola Attoh

Bashorun Dele Momodu delivering a speech

Benny Blanco, Mr. Kwame Fache, Mr. Majeed Michelle & wife, Verna Michelle

Prince Steve "Prince" Johnson, close friend


The lovely couple in a jolly mood




he lovely couple, Chris and Damilola Attoh had this engaging interview with the crew of OVATION TV at the prestigious Eko Hotel and Suites where they spoke candidly about how they met, managing fame and the importance of family. And of course, their son, Brian Nii Ayittey Olaferomi Attoh was close by, watching proceedings. Enjoy! Chris, coming from the shores of Ghana, what made you fall in love with Nigeria in the first place

Chris: A lot of things at once. When you visit Lagos, the vibe, the energy, the culture would make you fall in love with Nigeria and now that Damilola is my wife, I must add that she's one of the things I fell in love with quickly. Damilola, I have been dying to ask if you gave Chris a hard time in the early stages of the relationship or did his charm and charisma win you over from the start because we all know he is a ladies' man

Damilola: Honestly, I didn't give him a hard time at the beginning. I was quite willing at the beginning but he moved on then came back stronger. That was when I give it to him. I have read severally that you guys met on the set of Tinsel. Chris, when did you know that Damilola was the woman for you

Chris: Something clicked on the first day we met. We were meeting with our fellow colleagues from Ghana and Kenya. Honestly, there was just something about her that clicked. She was sitting on the floor when I first saw her. I have said it at many places that Damilola has the ability to steal the attention when she walks into the room. I was just there minding my own business. Let's just call it love at first sight. Moving on to your careers, you both have several accolades to yourself and I have branded you both as the African version of Jay Z and Beyonce. You both exude sexiness. Chris, how have you been making decisions on the kind of roles you play now that you are a married man and a father.

Chris: As a father, I now think about the kind of work that I want my son to eventually see me in. I now

Honestly, there was just something about her that clicked. She was sitting on the floor when I first saw her. I have said it at many places that Damilola has the ability to steal the attention when she walks into the room... Let's just call it love at first sight. think about the kind of lessons that come with the stories. I have also been very careful in terms of picking. It has to be a good script. I have a better understanding and deeper appreciation of life because of Damilola. Just by watching her go through the process of nine months, every step of the way and seeing her back here looking beautiful, gorgeous and ready to go back out there. Damilola, Considering the African Culture, we all know how women are looked at in terms of movies. I am talking about Nollywood and Ghallywood. Would that affect some of the roles you might want to play in future productions

Damilola: Honestly, yes. It is what the society sees you as sometimes. Personally, I want to do something crazy most times then I think about what my mother or mother in-law would say, I will then change my mind. It does affect a lot of my decisions. Some days back, someone told me I was featured in a magazine as the most decently dressed at a red carpet event and I was like just because the others were a little bit sexy does not make me better than they are. It is a problem actually. I would love to see you both advance in your careers. We all know that Hollywood is the number one in the world. When you get there, how would you make decisions on the

kind of roles you play

Damilola: When you get there, no one would have anything to say at that point. There is a huge distance between all of us. These things are required in what we do to stay relevant. If I have to follow the trend, when I get to Hollywood, you'll see. Chris: I have realised that the decision is a platform. Whatever role you pick, it is a message you are sending out there. There are a lot of people watching us and we do try to represent the very best of both worlds. We often see a lot of relationships that are formed in the media spotlight not going the way they should be. People say relationships often turn sour due to drug abuse, infidelity, certain movie roles, public pressure etc. How do both of you plan to shield yourselves from all the negative influences in the media

Chris: We live in a world where we need to shield ourselves from negative influences. They would always come and I think perception is important. That is how we also drive ourselves as a family. We are all about the positivity. Having said that as well, this is a real relationship not television. We have had almost 10 years of this friendship. We have been to places and have also gone for marriage counselling before taking the step. Outside influences are not going to be a problem for us. It is not something that we look forward to and we have not contemplated it all We are true friends and this is a family. This is a relationship. We are taking it to the best place that it can be. Damilola: I definitely agree with Chris. It is very important that both parties know what it is they are getting into. They need to stand together and have it in mind that at some point, they would need to make some sacrifices. You need to be selfless and humble. It is just the two of you involved. You need to learn how to consciously work on blocking the rest of the world out. It can honestly be a problem. Damilola, your parents are proud Nigerians. How did they welcome Chris at the beginning

Damilola: My dad passed on a few years ago. It is quite sad. I wish they had met. He might have appeared 217



My mum is such a sweetheart. She had always loved to travel and explore so when I mentioned that Chris is from Ghana, she said 'how did you get there?". She was eager to travel there to see him and his family. She totally adores him. She said to me the first time she met him that he is well brought up and there were only a few men like him

to Chris in a dream and said "take care of my daughter". He did know about him but never got to meet him. He definitely approved. My mum on the other hand is such a sweetheart. She had always loved to travel and explore so when I mentioned that Chris is from Ghana, she said 'how did y贸u get there?". She was eager to travel there to see him and his family. She totally adores him. She said to me the first time she met him that he is well brought up and there were only a few men like him. They have all been very supportive. Chris, being a Ghanaian as well, how has your family accepted Damilola

Chris: My entire family have always been supportive. When they are sure of what their son wants, they are always encouraging. They have always been there. I wouldn't say it was all smooth because as human beings, we tend to cringe when it is an unfamiliar territory. I have been lucky enough to learn so much about Damilola's culture; about the Yoruba and Calabar side of the family. She has also learnt a lot from Ghana. She likes Wakye and fufu, so we are getting on very fine. Does Chris have a favourite Nigerian dish

Damilola: Nigerian and Ghanaian dishes are a bit similar but different methods of preparation. He likes Okra soup. Thankfully, I am really good at making okra soup (smiles heartily) Chris: That is what my mum looks forward too every time she comes around. That is one of the attributes I am enjoying now. She is amazing. When she's going about her motherly duties, I always say in my head that I wish the world could see her now. I learnt you both are on the set of 'Shuga'. Are you in the process or are you done with it

Chris: We just finished shooting the 220

second season. We are glad to see you both working tirelessly despite having a baby. Chris, how have you been balancing family life with your career

Chris: It has been blessings after blessings. I have come to realise that as much as you worry about what's coming next, everything is taking care of itself. I have also come to realise that there is no point in worrying. It is part of the blessings that have come with this union. Damilola: It is nothing hard. It is actually a beautiful thing. It is very interesting but as it is a form of change, it is a bit difficult adjusting. It feels good all the time. That's all the drive I need. You both are young and beautiful. What are we to expect from Chris and Damilola

Damilola: More and more beautiful things. That is what we stand for. Chris Attoh: It's pretty much like Damilola said. It comes down to more beautiful things. Expect more movies, individually or both of us. Ultimately as a couple, we are looking forward to changing lives. We know that we are in a position where we can touch other lives. We are looking into training the younger generation. Damilola, how has your experience been anytime you step foot into this hotel, the Eko hotel and Suites

Damilola: The truth is that anytime I sit on one of their beds, I literally pass out. It is one hotel that I sleep all through the night and wake up in the morning wondering when I slept off. It is so quiet. Chris: It is a beautiful place. It is always a home away from home. We are always in Ghana and Nigeria. It's so lovely that you keep coming back.

As a father, I now think about the kind of work that I want my son to eventually see me in. I now think about the kind of lessons that come with the stories. I have also been very careful in terms of picking. It has to be a good script. I have a better understanding and deeper appreciation of life because of Damilola. Just by watching her go through the process of nine months, every step of the way and seeing her back here looking beautiful, gorgeous and ready to go back out there.




appy is the man who finds a true friend, and happier is he who finds that true friend in his partner. “And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in peace and tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): Verily in that are signs for those who reflect� (Quran 30:21). Olabode Idris Adekeye and Aderonke Aminat Are took the lifetime decision to multiply and grow old together


by sealing their love for each other in a spectacular 2-day ceremony. The celebration of love commenced with the traditional marriage ceremony which took place at the exquisite Landmark Events Centre, Oniru, Victoria Island, Lagos. Having respectable and influential parents like Vice Admiral & Mrs. G.T. Adekeye and Col. & Mrs. Kayode Are, it was no surprise that dignitaries came from far and wide to witness the joining of the lovely couple as they

begin their journey into Holy Matrimony. Planned by Funke Bucknor of Zapphire Events, the classy venue was filled with family, friends and well-wishers of the couple garbed in various expensive outfits. Idris and Aminat looked breathtaking in their lovely outfits as they received blessings upon blessings from their parents having gone through the Yoruba traditional marital rites. There was a performance by 'Not the girl' crooner, Darey Art Alade which left the guests

Oba of Lagos HRM Rilwan Akiolu with HRM Ebitimi Banigo

Col. & Mrs. Kayode Are: Bride’s parents

From 2nd left Vice Admiral & Mrs. Adekeye

Sen. Azu Agboti with wife, Mrs. Cordelia Agboti

AVM. Anthony Okpere with Gen. & Mrs. David Jemibewon (Rtd)

Dr. & Mrs. Sholeye

Toyin Are & Hon. (Mrs.) Iyabo Kareem


Mrs. Ngozi Are

Hajia Bola Shagaya (left)

Alhaji Ibrahim Kashim-Imam (right)

Nike Okudo & Iyabo Teidi

Mrs. Oby Ihyembe, Mrs. Dupe Adelaja & Mrs. Moji Awosika

Papa & Ayo Are


Frank & Patience Okonta

Prince & Mrs. Olagunsoye Oyinlola

Alh. & Alh. Abdulsalami

The Oyinlolas with a traditional ruler

Adm. Aduwo, Adm. Okpere & Maj. Gen. Jemibewon

Mrs. Iyayi

Col. Kayode Are & Chief Olopade

grooving. A grand reception was held at the Grand Ballroom of the world class Oriental Hotels, Lekki, Lagos in honour of the couple. Hosted by comedian and MC, Tee-A, the turnout of guests was larger compared to the ones present at the engagement ceremony. More dignitaries and personalities trooped into the venue in honour of the newlyweds. From the chemistry they displayed, holding hands and looking into each other's eyes, it was obvious that the two were a match made in heaven. Guests that graced the event included Former Governor of Lagos state, Babatunde Raji Fashola; Governor of Ogun state, Ibikunle Amosun who was also the Chairman of

the occasion, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode, Senator Musiliu Obanikoro, Chief Alex Duduyemi, General Alani Akinrinade, Mrs. Nkiru Anumudu, Hajia Bola Shagaya, Frank Okonta, Princess Toyin Kolade, Oba of Lagos, HRM Rilwan Akiolu, King Ebitimi Banigo, Gen. Olagunsoye Oyinlola, Omowunmi Akinnifesi and a host of others. With an array of sumptuous meals and exotic drinks to choose from, the guests were treated like royals and fun was unlimited as 'Limpopo' crooner, Kcee and the popular Shuga Band delivered exhilarating performances that had the guests displaying different catchy dance steps. A five tier cake was cut by the doting couple and the vote of thanks was delivered by the overjoyed groom. 225

Col. Kayode Are (rtd.) father of the bride

Mrs. Nkiru Anumudu

Funke Obasanjo

Chief (Mrs.) Teju Philips (right)


Chief Ben Obuseh

Saheed Kekere-Ekun (Saheeto)


Bride with mum

Bride with groom’s parents


Bride with parents

Groom with parents

Groom with groom’s men


Gov. Ibikunle Amosun (left) with Mr. & Mrs. Kayode Are

King Ebitimi Banigo & Queen Pelebo Banigo

Mr. Akin Osuntokun & Alh. Kashim Ibrahim Iman

Groom’s parents: Vice Admiral & Mrs. Adekeye

Senator Domingo Oberde & Chief Bukola Okunowo

Akin Osuntokun


Mr. & Mrs. Kayode Are with Senator Musiliu Obanokoro & Chief Femi Fani-Kayoyede

Christy Awolowo, Ngozi Are & Betty Ajiborisha

Gen. Haladu-Giwa (right)

(middle) Gen. Haladu-Giwa


Senator Obende, Otunba Alex Onabanjo & Mrs. Obende

Funke Bucknor-Obruthe & Mrs. Ngozi Are

Couple & friends

Mr. & Mrs. Alabo

Prof. Ify Utomi (left)

Mrs. Ngozi Are & Funke Obasanjo


Gov. Ibikunle Amosun & Gen. Olagunsoye Oyinlola

Mr. Bisi Olatilo (right)

Otunba Alex Onabanjo, Chief Bukola Okunowo & Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola

Chief Bukola Okunnowo (right)

Nike Oshinowo & Fati Asibelua

Mrs. Nkiru Anumundu, Mrs. Ngozi Are, Mrs. Iyayi & Prof. ( Mrs.) Utomi

Kayode Soyombo, Akinfenwa & Engr. Tijani & friends

Mrs. Ngozi Are (middle)


Lauretta Jibowu & Nkiru Anumudu

Mrs. Ngozi Are (m) & Dr. Raymond Nwachuko with guests

Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola, couple & Governor Ibikunle Amosun

Rabi, Ngozi Are & Uba

Bose Adeboye, Ngozi Are & Queen Banigo

(middle) Mrs. Ngozi Are

Hajia Bola Shagaya, Mrs. Ngozi Are & Mrs. Oyinsola Makanjuola

Mrs. Joko Oni & Mrs. Ngozi Are

Engr. Tijani, Mrs. Sera Sosan & Mrs. Tijani


Engr. & Mrs. Tijani with Mrs. Ngozi Are

Mrs. Ngozi Are & Chief (Mrs.) Obasanjo

Fati Asibelua, Nike Osinowo & Mrs. Ngozi Are

Oloris Oba of Lagos

Pelede Azazi, Mrs.Ngozi Are & Mrs. Azazi


Mrs. Ngozi Are & Nwoye Azazi (R)

Sen. Obende, Adm. Ezeoba with Col. Kayode & Mrs. Ngozi Are

(L-r) Mrs. Ngozi Are & Mrs. Obasanjo (far right)

(middle) Mrs. Ngozi Are & Ruth Benamaisia-Opia (2nd right)

Mrs.Ngozi Are with friends

Ngozi Are with friends

Beauty Adebisi, Mrs.Emien, Beauty Amoda, Alero Azazi & Ngozi Are

Mrs. Ngozi A re,Mrs. Ipaye & Mrs.Obende

Chief & Mrs. Obende

Mrs. Belgore

Brig. General Gold Eburu & Sunday Ehindero


Dr. (Mrs.) Amodu, Mrs. Ngozi Are, Mrs. Obla & Mrs. Adebiyi

Navy Capt. Udofia, Mrs. Disu, Mrs.Udofia, Mrs. Amodu & Adm. Amodu

Mrs. Ngozi Are

(middle) Ngozi Are & Mrs. Emuchie

Bimbo Alatishe & Ngozi Are

(middle) Mrs. Ngozi Are & Toyin Are


Ayefele Performing

Mrs. Ngozi Are, bride & Mrs. Adekeye

Chief Olopade, Mr. Kayode Are with bride

Bride & Mrs. Onabanjo

Mr. Bisi Olatilo (left)

Segun Ashogbon & Mrs. Ngozi Are

Mrs. Ngozi Are & Funke

Saheeto & Funke (back)




Mrs. Ngozi Are & Mrs. Adekeye arriving the reception

Mrs. Sarah Sosan, Mr. Babatunde Raji Fashola ( SAN) & Gov. Ibikunle Amosun

Gov. Ibikunle Amosun

Amb. Ayo Oke, Mr. Kayode Are & Mrs. Fatima Adekeye

Mrs. Ngozi Are & Sen. Daisy Danjuma

The Otunba Adekunle Ojora & wife, The Erelu Ojuolape Ojora

Mr. Segun Awolowo & Eluem Emeka-Izeze

Banijo with Bimbo Alatishe

Fatima Kareem (left)


Benny Obaze & wife


Senator Daisy Danjuma


Chief (Mrs.) Eki Igbinedion

General Alani Akinrinade

Ayo Amosun, Derin Alabi, Jenifer Mensah, Lillian Nghazi with Morenike

Chief Bukola Okunowo & Mr. Biodun Shobanjo

Wole Akanni & Tunde Fagbemi (SAN)

Sen. Daisy Danjuma, Lauretta Jibowu & Mr. Steve Oronsanya

Lola Adefusika (m)

(middle) Nkiru Amunudu

Mr. & Mrs. Hakkem Dickson

Chief Bolu Akin-Olugbade (m)

Victor Osibodu & Mrs. Funke Osibodu

(R-l) Mrs. Jemibewon & Lauretta Jibowu

Chief & Mrs. Bukola Okunowo with Vice Adm. & Mrs. GTA Adekeye


Lauretta Jibowu (left)

Mrs. Obasanjo


Omowunmi Akinnifesi

Ada Alfa (left)

Best man

Princess Toyin Kolade

Tee A

Shuga Band

Adm. Duro Solomon, Admiral Olukoya with J. Ajayi

Mr. & Mrs. Uzma Adekeye

(l) Omowunmi Akinnifesi

Chief Bukola Okunowo (m) & Segun Adesanya (2nd right) with others guests

Bimbo & Princess Toyin Kolade

Bride with friends


MRS. DEBORAH MORADEUN ADEGBITE GOES HOME IN STYLE Story: Adebayo Rukayat Photo: Solomon Ekhaiyemhe


ecently, loved ones from far and wide stormed Ibadan, the Oyo State capital, in Nigeria, to bid final farewell to a woman of substance, Mrs. Deborah Moradeun Adegbite. The well-loved woman was someone who lived a selfless life, had a loving mind and an unbending faith in God which explained why her family spared no dime in giving her a befitting burial ceremony at the Williamson Grounds in Oluyole Estate, Ibadan. The two-day event commenced with the Wake-keep/Service of songs which took place at the family house, Ososami


Road, Ibadan followed by the interment service held at the All Saints Church Cemetery, Iddo. Officiated by His Eminence, Most Elder Apostle D.O. Ogunkoya, J.P, he urged everyone to live an exemplary life so as to leave a clear legacy behind. The remains of the Matriarch of the Adegbite family were lowered into the grave after which all the family, friends and well-wishers proceeded to the Williamson Grounds, Oluyole Estate for the reception. Present at the occasion to celebrate and bid mama farewell were Dr. Wale-

Mrs. Iyabo Otukoya

Mrs. Arinola Niyi

Dr. Funsho Adegbite

Mrs. Iyabo Otukoya, Mrs. Arinola Niyi & Dr. Funsho Adegbite

Mr. & Mrs. Bunmi Oni

Most Elder Apostle, B.D.O, Ogunkoya J.P & Baba Alakoso Alafia

Demola Adeyinka with Olubayo Idowu

Babalakin, Chief Adewuyi Adetunji, Engr. Akinde, Old Students of Igbobi College Association, North America chapter, Pastors from Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) City of David Parish and Daystar Christian Center and also the Christian Ladies League, Gbogan. Mrs. Deborah Moradeun Adegbite was born on the 24th of June, 1926 to late Chief Amos Ebenezer Ajayi, the Otun Baale of Gbongan and Late Mrs. Elizabeth Ajayi, the Iya Egbe Alaafia of St Paul’s Church, Gbongan in Osun State. Mama had her primary education at St. Paul’s School, Gbongan and thereafter gained admission to United MisMr. & Mrs Otukoya with Arinola Niyi & Dr. Funsho Adegbite

sionary College (UMC), Ibadan where she was trained as a Teacher from 19431945. She started her teaching career in January 1946 at Akure High School, Akure and was transferred to Christ School, Mapo, Ibadan in 1948 and then to People Girls’ School in 1949. She switched to Agbeni Methodist School Ibadan in 1950. She was married to Late Mr. Ayoade Adegbite (the gifted Organist of SC&S Church, Oke Bola until his demise). She is survived by their four children , many grandchildren and great grandchildren. She exemplified love and devotion all her life. 245

Kunle Bakare,Yejide Omotayo, Mrs. Arinola Niyi & Seun Ajayi


Yejide Omotayo, Prof. Dele Ajayi & Seun Ajayi


Duate Adegbite with Tola Niyi


Pastor Idowu Iluyomade (2nd left) & guests

The cross section of the cross section of the Sacred Cherubim & Seraphim Church Pastors

Dr. Tolu with Mr. & Mrs. Femi Niyi

Bunmi Oni & friends



Dr. Wale Babalakin, Mr. Bunmi Oni & Mr. Seun Ajayi

Chief & Mrs. Adetunji

Yanju Adegbite, Dr. Funsho Adegbite,Jumoke & Tunde


Segun Obaremi, Bayo Idowu, Bunmi Akinyele & Wunmi Obayemi

Mrs. Iluyomade & sister



CHIEF HARRY AKANDE AT 72 Story: Dele Salako Photo: Segun Lawal (iroko)


ndoubtedly one of Nigeria's most celebrated business minds, Chief Harry Ayoade Akande has had many memorable days in life. The genius businessman and large-hearted philanthropist is blessed with the good things of life in all their myriad dimensions - blessings that lie perpetually in the realm of fantasy for many. Chief Harry has seen many good days. But of all those days, one day continues to stand out as one of immense gratitude - March 8-the day heaven gifted earth with this illustrious Nigerian son. Chief Harry spends that date every year commemorating the special occasion of his birthday with close friends and family wherever he may, by fate or by design, find himself in the world. It's an unbroken sacred annual ritual. A date he never skips - one which he dedicates to thanking God for the innumerable blessings in his life. This year was no exception as Chief Harry clocked 72. The global business personality and former presidential aspirant whose passion for country almost excels his passion for business was feted by his wife at their pent-house residence in Victoria Island Lagos. The celebrant had actually expected to have just a quiet one with his immediate family but his gorgeous wife, Chief (Mrs.) Tolulope Akande, whose glimmering beauty continues to radiate ever more resplendently with age, had other ideas. She was determined to make the day extra-special for her beau of over 40 years and she ensured that they spent the special occasion with friends who had been integral parts of their lives in the preceding years. So, she invited close friends of the family and relations over for some drinks and bites.

With a live band delivering dulcet tunes in the penthouse balcony where some guests who ventured enjoyed a fantastic view of the charming scenery of the Lagos night sky as well as the glow of the island's lit-up streets, cheery loved ones arrived into the house sharing warm hugs with and engaging the delighted celebrant in heart-warming banter. Chief Akande was decked in his trademark white ensemble - a white shirt on white pants rounded of with white kicks and was in high spirits as he received his guests. On this day of all days, you'd think the celebrant would be engrossed solely in the celebratory and light-hearted mood of that moment but guess what-the then upcoming presidential elections and the fate of Nigeria-a topic he's overtly passionate about was hot on his lips as he discussed energetically the topic of a better Nigeria with all who lent a listening ear! Prominent among those who visited were CMC Connect boss, Yomi BadejoOkusanya and the Balogun of Ife, Chief Bisi Omidiora. Badejo-Okusanya described the celebrant whom he revealed he had known since 1998 as "a stylish and debonair man who is very interesting. He has taught me a lot. He's young at heart and even though he's much older than I am, I relate to him more as a friend rather than client." The CMC Connect boss added, "He is wealthy but that's not the first thing you see about him when you come across him. One of his cars is probably the same one he's been driving since I came to know him. He's very interested in people's progress and he's a very intense person in his relationships. If you're close to him and you have something important doing in a place far away from where he resides or works, he will attend." Chief Harry Akande


Chief & Mrs. Akande

Mrs. Tolulope Akande delivering

Chief Harry Akande & Balogun Bisi Omidiora

Mr. Yinka Omisade, Chief Harry Ayoade Akande & Mr. Femi Franklin Oluwole

Yomi & Oyinkan Badejo-Okunsanya with celebrant

Adeola Ajayi & Olumide Akande

Mr. Biodun Layoni & Chief Harry Akande

Adeola Ajayi, Chief (Mrs.) Toluope Akande & Chichi Nwosu


Mr. Olagundoye, Chief Harry Akande & guest

Chief Harry Akande & grandchild, Desola

Ayomide & Dasola with Mrs. Tolulope Akande

Mrs. Lola Ajala, Tinuke Ogunmakin-Akande & Chief Harry

Badejo-Okusanya continued, "He's someone who has tried to bridge the gap between the old and the young and the rich and the poor. You'd have though that on a day like this, his residence would be brimming with the "big boys" but here you find a mix of all ages and classes of people. Other people would take a day like this to show off their wealth. I know he's passionate about Nigeria and I hope he lives to see his heart desire for a new Nigeria fulfilled." The celebrant's daughter, Atinuke Ogunmakin-Akande who works as a business consultant, said, "My dad is very caring and supportive. We celebrate him always. He was strict when we were growing up but it has paid off for all of us. I learned from him that hard work and honesty pays off." For Chief Harry's son-in-law, Oladoyin OgunmakinPhillips, "He's been a father and a friend to me. He's always available and always has a listening ear." OVATION also spoke with the celebrant's heartthrob - the one who has painted a zillion bright smiles on his face for over four decades - his amenable and adorable wife, Mrs. Akande. With a signature silky smile she waxed poetic about her Prince Charming: "My husband is someone who doesn't like to make a loud bang. He's a homely, loving, God-fearing man. He doesn't like too much attention on himself which is why I have made it a duty to always celebrate him in a quiet way by inviting close friends and family over. Anywhere we are in the world - in the Caribbean, London, Chicago - I have made it a duty to celebrate his birthday every year because he's a wonderful man. He has done so much for mankind and this is the least I can do to appreciate God in his life." We've really being friends from day one. We share everything and we trust and appreciate each other wholeheartedly. I respect my husband a lot. This is what I try to tell the young ones that if they want a happy home Mr. Olagundoye

they have to respect and appreciate their husband," she enthused She then revealed, "He's a bit of a spoiler and bit disciplinarian but more of a spoiler. He's the easy-going father; I am a disciplinarian. He let's me make most of the decisions when it comes to the children and I thank God for that." A very intimate couple, she admitted, "We like to spend time in each other's company and with our grandchildren. I love every moment I spend with him." Mrs. Akande took us down memory lane back to the days when the duo first met as youngsters: "We met through a mutual friend and immediately he saw me, he said he was definitely getting married to me. I always ask him how he made that life decision from a distance. Maybe it was intuitive or God had providenced that the moment he set eyes on me, he would know instantly that I was his future wife." Chief Harry Ayoade Akande was born in Ibadan, Oyo State, on the 3rd of March 1943 to Pa Joseph Afolabi of the Ile Olorin compound at Orita Merin, Ibadan and Chief Mrs. Regina Akande of Olagoke family of Oje. He started his educational career from Sacred Heart Nursery School, Idikan, and St. James Primary school Oke Bola and the Abadina School, University of Ibadan. He later got admitted into Olivet heights Oyo, in 1957, and records from that institution showed that not only was he brilliant in his academic performance, but also very proficient in sports. On leaving Olivet Heights in 1961, he gained admission into Hampton University, Hampton Virginia USA on a scholastic bursary from abroad, graduating in 1967 in Accounting and Finance with highest honors. In 1969, Chief Harry obtained his MBA from Northwestern University, Kellogg’s Graduate School of Management to become the prestigious school’s first graduate of African ancestry. 253

Mr. Dare Adeleke, Barr. Tunde & Ademola Oyinlola

Chief (Mrs.) Tolulope Akande & Yomi Badejo-Okunsanya

Dr. Greg Ero & Chief Harry Ayoade Akande

Chief Hary Akande & guests

Adijat Jamiu, Elder Tayo Soyode, Chief Harry Ayoade Akande, Sunday Ayoola Taylor & Col. Akinsola Aboyade-Cole (Rtd.)

Chief Harry Akande & Justice Adeyinka

Chief Harry has been married for over 40 years to his wife, Chief (Mrs. )Tolulope Akande, and they have four children, Olumide, Foluke, Atinuke and Olawunmi. An active member of his community, Chief Akande was conferred with the honorary chieftancy title of Agbaoye of Ibadanland in 1979. A highly committed philanthropist, he has worked selflessly with AMFAR, International Children Appeal and many other children Charities. In 1987, Chief Akande was selected to receive the outstanding 20 years Alumnus Award from Hampton University, Virginia, USA. Chief Harry has been involved in the execution of infrastructural development projects across Africa and the Caribbean to the tune of over $2 billion in the last twenty years, with business activities cut254

ting across computer, aviation, telecommunications, management and petrochemical industries In 1970, he returned to Nigeria, having filled positions as financial consultant with KPMG Peat Marwick and Standard Oil Corporation in the USA. Chief Harry then established AIC Limited and became the president of NAFTEC (New African Technical Electrical Company), representative company of G.E America, which subsequently executed the major Gas Turbine Electricity Projects at Ughelli, Ijora, and Delta II-IV. In 1976, his company, Engineering and Power Development Nigeria Limited (EPDN), in association with Balfour Beatty Engineering of UK was established. He has since executed several massive infrastructural projects across Africa. Chief Kunle Ogunade, Chief Hary Akande & Balogun Bisi Omidiora




Interview: Michael Effiong & Bamidele Salako Photo: Segun Lawal

Ambassador Joachim Oppinger: Austria’s Ambassador to Nigeria

‘’Often, I see that Nigerians tend to go to countries where there is already a Nigerian community like the United Kingdom or the US. The Nigerian community in Austria is very small. And quite frankly, Austria is a very expensive place for tourism because it is high quality. I do not know many Nigerians who like to go skiing either (laughs). Our tourism is very specialised.’’


iplomats are charged with making links, building bridges, as well as initiating and facilitating diplomatic, trade and economic relations and alliances between states. Theirs is a noble calling requiring great skill and tact. Leading Austria’s diplomatic charge in Africa’s largest economic powerhouse is the affable Mr. Joachim Oppinger, Austria’s Ambassador to Nigeria. Mr. Oppinger is responsible for fostering a relationship that dates back a hundred years – a long-standing friendship rich in history and pregnant with tremendous possibilities and opportunities. Even though investment incursions into Nigeria by the Austrians in the late 80’s and early 90’s saw Austria play a significant role on Nigeria’s waning manufacturing landscape, traditional impressions persist that Austria’s most celebrated export to Nigeria is its top-notch lace fabric which has dominated Nigeria’s lace market and parties for decades now. In this interview, the Ambassador walks us through

a whole new vista of Austrian enterprise engineered by a vibrant, highly specialised manufacturing sector which is driven primarily by small businesses in that country. Recent figures put the total trade volume between both countries at $1.4billion and with several pacts signed by both countries in the past couple of years to promote the mutual development of trade, investment and economic relations, things can only get better. The relationship between Austria and Nigeria dates back to as far as 1909, though official diplomatic relations were instituted in 1962. Several decades on, how would you define the relationship between both countries

It always has been very friendly. It is a relationship between two very different countries. Austria is a very small country and Nigeria is a very big country. There was a time when the relationship was very intense. It was the end of the 80’s and the early 90’s, when there were quite a number of big projects here. There was a tractor factory which was built by Austria-Stey. There was a time also when we had a large number of Austrians living here in Nigeria and for a lot of reasons, that has gone down a bit. If you look at the numbers for trade relations, it is going up again. In the last few years, it has gone up a great deal, which is not bad for relations with a small country like Austria. And it is of course thanks to the work of this office here, the Commercial Section of the Austrian Embassy in Lagos, especially our Commercial Counsellor, Neller Hengstler, that this is happening. Just today, we opened a seminar organised by an Austrian company, Lisec, specialised in producing glass. It looks like there are opportunities for them to enter the market. The seminar actually is an attempt to improve Nigerian construction companies, so that they understand which ways they can use glass and the standards for glass construction. That is one of the problems in Nigeria – standards are not set yet in glass and their use in construction. I find it an interesting approach, not only to push the market but also to contribute to the economy here and to improve the knowledge of the construction industry. Companies

coming here from Austria understand that, it is not just selling stuff; it is contributing to the growth of the local economy and being part of its development. And you believe that is a good way for them to go

Absolutely! I mean, there are some companies involved in building the biggest factory in West Africa for making hospital materials. They not only bring machines, but they also bring their knowledge on how to build such a factory because it has to be of a certain standard. It has to be high quality. So, it is not just delivering machinery and saying goodbye. It requires being involved and staying involved. That is interesting and brings me to a topical issue in West Africa now – the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). Some countries are saying it is going to be lopsided and are protesting such an agreement but your response seems to suggest that it would actually be a beneficial pact or what do you think

I am not much of an expert in that area. The Economic Partnership Agreement is technical and complex. I had a long discussion with the members of the manufacturing union about it. Basically, if an economy wants to participate on how things are developed in the global economy, it has to compete at the same level. Now, Nigeria has a lot of advantages – it has cheap labour, it is improving its knowledge-based economy which means it is trying to improve its schools. Austrian businesses are mostly small-scale businesses but highly specialised and often in the area of machinery and I try to explain to my Nigerian partners, ‘You have the raw materials, we have the machines, if you bring these two together with a lot of knowledge, you can actually produce goods which are globally competitive; but if you prevent these machinery coming in because you place so much tax burdens on them and then hope that one day there would actually be someone building these machines in Nigeria, you will never get there.’ Yes, at some point, there would be people who actually can build these machines in Nigeria but getting to that point is a step by step approach. This EPA has been negotiated for ten 255

‘’I have not seen a people more hardworking like Africans. I always tell people, there are 170 million people in Nigeria and they manage to survive, do not ask me how (laughs). They are hardworking people.’’ years; as far as my colleagues tell me, it seems the European Union has let down their pants (laughs) to put it quite bluntly to ensure this works. Is it an evenly balanced relationship

As I said, they are two differently sized countries and it creates all kinds of challenges. When our Minister visited a year and a half ago, he had very useful discussions with Nigeria’s Minister of Agriculture, (Dr. Akinwumi Adesina) about improving the milling process, because there is this idea of mixing cassava flour with bread flour to make cassava bread. This seems a technically difficult process and there is an Austrian company which is very much specialised in these special kinds of mills. The minister was fascinated by this and asked that we bring more such mills into the country. The minister requested 39 mills but this company makes just two mills a year (laughs). So you see, there is a problem of size. If I understand correctly though, they have started delivering and I think they have already delivered seven mills. So, it is a question of upgrading. Like in any good relationship, you have to adapt to each other and that is what I see happening here. Late last year, the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (AFEC) President, Dr. Christoph Leitl signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA) to promote the development of trade, investment and economic relations between both countries, how has that helped to boost economic ties and trade relations in the last six months

I think it is still early days. When Nigeria’s Minister was in Austria for example, there was also an investment protection agreement signed. We are still waiting for the Nigerian side to put it into force. It is a long-term process. All these agreements provide a foundation on which to build. And I think this partnership agreement is also geared towards exchanges between the chambers, like the exchange of knowledge. At the end of the day, there should also be possibility for training in the respective areas. As was discussed with Dr. Leitl, there are certain areas in which we could offer Nigeria our experience. For example, in Austria, there is something called Social Partnership. For the last 50 years, there have been regular meetings between the trade unions, the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of farmers. This group over the last 50 years, not only prevented labour disputes, but formed economic policy by giving advice to government on which areas they should concentrate and how much percentage of the GDP should be devoted to research. And it came from the bottom, because it was the people who were actually involved. I know that in other countries like Great Britain and France, often, labour disputes end up in strikes but in Austria, we have perhaps, 0.1% strikes if you put it in percentages. This is because for 50 years, labour and government have worked together. I am sure if people could travel to Austria to learn more about that and bring back that knowledge, it could help Nigerian economy as well. Another area is that Austria has a long tradition of vocational training. At a certain age, between 14 and 15, you can choose to either continue in school or get vocational training. And so, you are placed in a company and work in that company but also school at the same time. So, the company already profits from you because you work there, and you also learn how to work on metal or whatever but at the same time, you get the theoretical parts still. You are still required to improve in language and that is why tourists are always surprised when they come to Austria and everybody speaks English. In Austria, even if you are learning to be a carpenter, you still keep on learning English in school. This combination makes it possible to have 256

many small specialised enterprises, because when you end up with a vocational training, you can then become a master in iron work and have your own company and you know what you are doing. You are not just a carpenter who has never touched a wood or an electrician who does not know anything about electricity (laughs). That is building things up from the ground. What have been the experiences of Austrian companies operating in Nigeria and what do they say are their challenges

The challenges for Austrian companies operating in Nigeria today are not much different from those experienced by countries that operated here in the 80’s. The challenge of the different work culture. The work ethic

No, not the work ethic, because I do not believe that balderdash that, Africans do not like to work. That is definitely not true. I have not seen a people more hardworking like Africans. I always tell people, there are 170 million people in Nigeria and they manage to survive, do not ask me how (laughs). They are hardworking people. It is an issue of approach sometimes. You get the impression that people here want a short pact as opposed to a long term build-up of a company that stands for between 35 to 50 years and more. That might be specific to Nigeria and not true for other African countries. It is also things Nigerians tell me, “Our young people just want to make a quick buck. They do not want to invest in their education or a long term vision of something.’’ There is a cultureclash there and there is a problem. Otherwise, Nigeria, one has to say it, has a bad reputation abroad, unluckily. It is also my job to change that reputation and to trouble my colleague in Vienna. I know he is struggling with that and he is trying to improve that. There are all kinds of different reasons. It has to do with the Nigerian community living abroad and sometimes, they are involved in criminal activities. And most times, it is the news coming out of Nigeria and it usually is not the most encouraging. The security situation is a source of concern too. So also the scams, the corruption. These make people reluctant. We were just sitting in the car a few moments ago and a 419er sent in a scam mail (laughs). Those kinds of things make Austrians very reluctant. Then there are companies who are not just interested in selling but want to take it to the next step of staying here and opening factories. That is going to take some time, I think. How well protected would you say Austrian investors are in Nigeria

Well, we hope that with this investment protection agreement, it would be more clearly legally defined. The issue there of course, which is as true for investors from other countries as it is for Austrian investors, is confidence in the justice system. At the end of the day, that is where the case ends if there is any problem. I know that the Nigerian government is aware of that and there are programmes financed by the European Union to improve the judicial system in this country but there is still a long way to go. That of course creates some reluctance for us on the Austrian side but there are ways to ensure however that, you get bank guarantees and that you can do business here and be very well protected. There was a case of an Austrian who had Nigerian partners and when there was the slightest of problems, the police swooped in and took away his passport (laughs). That does not make for a very positive business atmosphere. And you have to understand, Austria is a very small country and so if anything bad happens to one guy, everybody knows about it and does not bode well for future investments. It is an intrusive atmosphere one has to say, quite honestly. How successful has the Advantage Austria campaign been generally

As I said, there has been an increase in trade relations definitely. It is more of a branding effort for the commercial section of the Austrian Embassy and the services that we offer. I think


I have seen recently, that investment in Austria is still growing, in spite of the European financial crisis. Austria is still regarded internationally as a safe place to make investments. here, it does not have much of an impact, because the embassy is treated as a government appendage but in a place like the United States, they do not relate with you as government, so it is better you come, not as government but as a business concern. So, the goal is to have decisions that are made more on the business side than on the government side. It is basically the business side which defines our relationship with Nigeria. If you ask any Nigerian for their favourite tourist destination, I do not think any Austrian city would be mentioned. Is that not an area your government could look at

Tourism of Nigerians abroad is something that is just beginning to develop. It is a question of income at the end of the day. Often, I see that Nigerians tend to go to countries where there is already a Nigerian community like the United Kingdom or the US. The Nigerian community in Austria is very small. And quite frankly, Austria is a very expensive place for tourism because it is high quality. I do not know many Nigerians who like to go skiing either (laughs). Our tourism is very specialised. Apart from going to see Salzburg where Mozart was born for example, what interesting places can I visit in Austria

There are Nigerians with a certain income and they like to travel to Vienna, but it is not like China where you have tens of thousands of people coming in. I am sure it is something for the growing middle class in Nigeria where Austria will be seen as a tourist destination. Austria has got vibrant tourism (your highest foreign exchange earner), energy, agriculture (referred to as Europe's Deli Shop) and services sectors, what specific investment or partnership opportunities are available to Nigerian companies in these Austrian sectors

We are very proud of our agriculture because it is more of ecological and it is something we push out to the European Union that, this is also a part of agriculture that should be protected. To go for investment in Austria is certainly a huge possibility. Austria is in itself a small country but certainly a hub for Eastern Europe. There are companies there that have had a long term relationship with the rest of Eastern Europe. There are other companies who have factories all over Eastern Europe and have their headquarters in Austria. Investment decisions, quite honestly, are not my forte, but I would say, and I have seen recently, that investment in Austria is still growing, in spite of the European financial crisis. Austria is still regarded internationally as a safe place to make investments. When Dr. Leitl was here, he was accompanied by the lady who is in charge of all the companies who are specialised in trade. She was representing other companies not only from Austria but all of Central Europe. She had some interesting discussions with companies looking to have their interests presented in Europe. That was a good opportunity for Nigerians to present their products in Europe. From being a Law student at the University of Linz in the late 70’s and early 80’s to International Diplomacy, how did this journey as a diplomat start

To be honest, I was 13 and came to my mother and told her I wanted to become an actor and she said, That is no job to live by. You will become a Diplomat. That is how it started (Laughs). You know mothers. But then you went on to study Law

I did actually, but something which is probably well hidden from my Curriculum Vitae is that I started out as a Ballet dancer. So, I did not quite listen to my mother (laughs). I first started out with Law and specialised actually in Penal Law and then later, 258

International Law. From there, I went to the Diplomatic Academy, which is a very interesting situation, as it only offers you the option of specialising in International Law and International Economics and language learning, which all prepare you for international life. I entered the Foreign Ministry at the age of 26 – quite young-and I have been stuck there since. Your job has taken you to many cities - London, Paris, Pretoria, Addis Ababa, and now Abuja, what lessons have you picked along the way and which of these cities would you say you have enjoyed the most

It is very difficult to say which I have enjoyed the most, because they have all been absolutely fascinating in their own unique ways. My early career started in Paris where I was in charge of Cultural Affairs and that was a dream and nightmare, come true at the same

time, because they already had so much culture. They were not waiting for Austria to come. It was not easy representing Austria there but it was a good learning process for me. I spent a short time in Ethiopia but my first African posting was to South Africa. It coincided with Mandela’s release from prison. It was like being part of world history and that was quite fascinating. In London, I was the Deputy Head of the Austrian Cultural Forum working again in culture. And again, being a big city, you would think there would be a strong interest there in culture. It is surprising how many people are actually interested in Classical music for example. During my time there, they made a study about how many people were actually interested in Classical music in London on any given day. Only 3,500 people in a city of 10million were. 3, 500 people is the size of Queen Elizabeth Hall. There are thousand

other venues that offer Classical music, then you wonder, who goes to those halls? It is always not easy in these big cities, because there are always many interests, many possibilities and many things to offer and many attractions. What we did a lot was actually working outside of London and going to the small cities and that was more rewarding, because people there were actually more interested. I was in Ethiopia for five years and that was quite interesting, because I had been there earlier in the 80’s during Mengistu’s time (as Presisedt) and I came back to find a whole new political situation. The development that had taken place was very fascinating. I tried to learn the local language. It really helped me in speaking to the farmers on the field, learning their ideas and challenges. It was a really good time there. I went back to Austria and now Africa, so, I am an African person (laughs). Which would you rather choose between the Lagos and Abuja experience

It is difficult to say. I was impressed when I got to Abuja. You see an international city with boulevards, sky-scrapers, and then you come to Lagos, there is traffic, and it is crazy and there are people running around, selling something and I said to myself, “Now, I know I am back in Africa.” (Laughs) So, what local cuisines have you added to your menu

I always try to eat as much local delicacies as possible. I mean, we have a very good cook at home and he comes from Benin Republic, and so, I get a lot of Beninese dishes too. We had a meeting of Austrians on Krampus Day-the 5th of December, which we celebrate in Austria. Back home, we have days (before Christmas) where you have Holy Nicholas and Krampus. The Holy Nicholas symbolises the good while Krampus is a representation of the devil. Normally, it is done for the children-they come into a room and there is a Krampus and a Nicholas with the white beard and everything. The Nicholas opens the book and tells the children what they did right or wrong, and then the Krampus admonishes the children who have been behaving badly. The good kids get little presents. We also do it as a dance where on the occasion of the Krampus, we have a little celebration. So, we invited the Austrians over just to remind them that they are Austrians. It was in the afternoon and we offered them strictly Nigerian food because they were hot and it was like Krampus! (Laughs). So, we had pepper soup and all those different Nigerian dishes. There is a reason why there are certain cuisines in certain countries and if you do not taste it, you will never understand how these countries work. I have always believed that if I taste the food, I also get a taste of what people feel and think. Do you find time to relax; what are your hobbies

As you know, Abuja does not have a lot of nightlife going on, at least not for my age. I have a very nice residence with a swimming pool. When I was in Austria, my kids forced me to go to taekwondo. Strangely enough, they have stopped but I continued (Laughs). And so, every time I get back from the office, I go to the pool and have a cool bath and then I practise my taekwondo. It is great fun; it keeps you fit. Would you say your decision to follow your mum’s career choice has brought you happiness

Absolutely! In the end, why do we do the job we do? I always ask my children, ‘’ What kind of job do you want to do? How do you want to use your talent?’’ When I was student and guys started to fight, I was always the guy who would go between and try to sort it out and this is what the diplomat is doing in the end. I am using my talent for something which I am quite good at basically. If you take it from a philosophical point of view, I always thought, why not be a doctor? But then again, I thought, what happens if there is a war? If I can prevent that war, then I can save them all. That is what my job entails. You can prevent war by making links, by building bridges, by making people understand the thinking of others. I explain to people in Austria what is happening in this country and why they are doing what they are doing. Family

I was married to another Diplomat. She is now Ambassador in South Africa. Our kids are grown up now, living their own lives.

You are a grandfather now

No, not yet. I always say it is time, they always say no, no, no! (laughs) Both have their girlfriends and I think they are happy. In Europe, to have your children before your 30’s is quite unusual. I think it is a pity, because I think you should have children early. I am still struggling, convincing my two sons (Laughs). One has actually gone into something similar to diplomacy which is hotel management because as diplomats, we are the cook of the nation, because everybody comes to our residence. The other one is actually training to become a Physiotherapist. He is a very sportive kind of guy. He initially wanted to go into the military but he found out soon enough that in Austria, the military do not actually do any fighting and knew he would not be as active as he would have loved. You know how it is with the second son-usually the difficult one. He was the best in his class. He found what he loves. He likes to help people with problems. It is what he got in the military actually, because people get hurt there and he finds it rewarding to help people.

Ambassador Oppinger, Neller Hengstler, Commercial Counsellor, Austrian Embassy, Lagos & Michael Effiong, Editor, Ovation International Magazine

At the end of your tour of duty, what memories of Nigeria will you take back

Well, it is early days still, I have only been here for two years. What I can say already now is what I said when coming to Lagos - it is the incredible energy around here. As I said, 170 million people and they find a way to survive. You can make laws for people working, for people begging, for persons doing all kinds of things, but at the end of the day, people still find their way. That is how it is. The Amb. Oppinger with Ovation’s Dele Salako incredible creativity of It also has its disadvantages-this specialisation of Nigeria and the sheer will to survive against odds will production. I will tell you a story. I was in Ethiopia at always fascinate me. that time and there was a lot of production of leather I cannot come here and not talk about the Austrian lace and how it has been able to hold its own, despite the and we had a discussion as to how there could be a link barrage of copy cats, so to speak to the Austrian industry. So, we looked to see if there As I said in the beginning, even the lace production was a leather industry in Austria-it was like textile back in Austria is not done by big factories. It is done by small businesses. The important thing for all these then. It was a big industry. And then, they said there businesses is that, a high percentage of their income has was not any, anymore. But, we soon found out that, that to go into research-all kinds of research-even if the was not true. There were two or three companies who research borders on thinking of a new way to make still produced leather but they were specialised in just something. Research means you understand the needs one thing-leather for luxury cars. And there, you need of your market and you tailor your product to suit or the best leather possible and you do not have to see any satisfy those needs. That way, you create a product that mistake and it has to be perfect. And there, the high cost is remarkable. It also means keeping up quality. These of an Austrian leather production was justified. And of are the things that keep Austrian companies on such a course, there was a problem, because the Ethiopians high level of quality and on such a high level of productivity and that is true also for lace, for the could not deliver that quality of leather. There is a lot of machinery and for a lot of other products. It keeps you manufacturing going on in Austria but highly growing and companies are able to re-invent specialised. And that is how we kept our high standards themselves to meet the growing needs of their target with lace. We kept innovating to stay on top of the markets. game. 259





The groom, Oluwaseyi

The bride, Oyindamola

Alhaji Oluwatoyin Yusuf with Hon. Femi Kehinde

Abimbola Oyewo, Otunba Gbenga Olajide with Victoria Ebhomien


hen God created man, he knew the weight and responsibility that would bother His magnificent creation as such, he pulled the greatest joker of all time, woman. Ever since the beginning of mankind, the female race has helped soothe the pains and tribulations faced by men. They inspire, give hope and as Oluwaseyi Aramide Olajide would testify, they also bring joy to the hearts of men. The always calm and collected gentleman in the presence of family and friends, took his heartthrob and

the love of his life, Oyindamola Ayotomiwa Kehinde, to the altar at a colourful wedding ceremony held in Ibadan, Oyo State. The wedding train took off with the traditional ceremony/Engagement which took place at the 99 Event Centre, Ibadan, Oyo State. As expected, it was a wellattended ceremony filled with culture, colour and loads of fun. The Yoruba traditional wedding rites were observed throughout the occasion: The two families were seated

on different sides of the hall; the groom's parents danced into the arena, and greeted the bride's parents before declaring their mission. An official marriage proposal letter was read by a representative of the bride's family, and an acceptance letter was read in response-and then the groom stepped into the arena-and it was then be all jollity thereafter. Oluwaseyi, clad in an expertly crafted brown AsoOke Agbada, was accompanied by close friends, spot261

From right: Otunba Gbenga Olajide & Oluwaseyi with Hon. Baba Fowosere

Oluwaseyi & friends postratting to the bride’s family

Oluwaseyi with Hon. & Mrs. Femi Kehinde (bride’s parents)

Oluwaseyi (groom) with his family

ting a smile, he went to his in-laws and there, they all prostrated as it is the norm. Later, the groom and his friends were showered with prayers by the Kehinde Family. It is a well known fact that the Godfactor is very important in African settings so the groom later went across to where his parents were seated-and they too spent time blessing him and the family he was about to begin. Thereafter, it was the turn of the delectable Oyindamola to enter the arena. Amidst fanfare and cheers from the audience, she made her way to the centre of the arena, where she was met by the traditional compere. Again, she was blessed by both parents before joining her husband at a special area that had been reserved for them. Not long after, she was asked to choose a gift from among all the items her in-laws, The Olajides, had presented to her, as a well brough up lady, she chose, The Bible, to the delight of all present. This elicited another round of prayers and then the joyous groom then slipped an engagement ring on her finger to put a seal on the occasion. Of course, the couple jointly cut a lovely cake and thereafter, it was dancing glore for both families and their guests. The church wedding which held days later at the Victory International Church, Oluyole Extension, Ibadan served as the icing on the cake to the festivities. The couple, fresh off their traditional wedding didn’t look fazed at all as they both looked set to savour 262

Oluwaseyi Olajide

every moment of this happy day . Oluwaseyi smiling all the way, looked excellent in a wine tuxedo that was very unique.His wife, definitely not interested in being found wanting also looked beautiful in a skillfully sewn white wedding gown. They were a perfect match. The presiding Pastor, Mrs. Dolapo Adelakun took the reins of the service with expertise, standing in place of her husband, Bishop T.V Adelakun who was away in the United States of America. Pastor (Mrs.) Adelakun in her sermon, urged the couple to never deviate from the laws of love, faithfulness and peace as these serve as glue to the very foundations of marriage. She stated that understanding was also of utmost importance as the journey of marriage entailed that both parties always listened to the emotion of the other. Concluding, she prayed that their union would never lack harmony and urged the families of the couple to always be there in time of squabbles. The couple took to the altar for their marriage rites and with rings slipped into fingers, they became one. Calling all the way from the U.S, Bishop Adelakun through a Skype gave his blessings to the newlyweds. He wished them a fruitful and fulfilling married life and urged them to never falter in showing love to themselves. And to put God first in their affairs. A reception ceremony held at Jogor Centre, Ibadan rounded off what could be described as a truly love-filled wedding.

Oyindamola covered dancing into

Arrival of Oyindamola, the beautiful bride

Bringing in of the bride

Oyindamola receiving prayers from her family

Bride with her parents, Hon. & Mrs. Femi Kehinde

Oyindamola with her father, Hon. Femi Kehinde

Bride receiving prayer from her mother

Oyindamola with groom’s family

Oyindamola with groom’s mother, Mrs. Olajide


Oyindamola taking the traditional cap to her husband

Couple in warm embrace

Bride crowning the groom with a cap


Couple: Oyindamola & Oluwaseyi

Oyindamola & Oluwaseyi

Couple reading the bible together


Couple exchanging rings of marital vow

Couple cutting their engagement cake


Mrs. Dolapo Akintomide with Mrs. Florence Pero

Mrs. Kemi Adedeji with Mrs. Atinuke Bamidele

Dr. (Mrs.) Adelaja (right)

Mr. A.A. Kehinde, Prince J.O Aderigbigbe with Elder Adedeji David Olalekan

Mary Bankole, Otunba Gbenga Olajide with Mrs. Peregrino

Mary Bankole with Mrs. Yakubu Oluwafumilayo

Mrs. Ayoka Onakoya With Mrs. Ireti Olajide

Mrs. Akinola, Mrs. Kehinde, Mrs. Josephine with Mrs. Sankey

Mr. Bankole and his children, Tofunmi & Opemipo

Col. R.O. Akerele, Chief Soji Aremo with Col.R.O. Oki (Rtd)

Zachary Granama with Hon. Babs Fowosere

Feyi Kehinde, Yemi Bowoade with Gbenga Olajide


Hon. Femi Kehinde, Captain O.J. Olanrewaju

Hon. Femi Kehinde & Professor

Mrs. Ajao, Mrs. Bola Ajao & Mrs. Omolola Ajao

R-l: Mr. Anthony Wilson, Mrs. Yemi Wilson & Mrs. Titilayo Olugbemiga

Otunba Gbenga Olajide (left)

Femi Folu Joseph


Otunba Gbenga & Agbelegusi

Mary, Detola, Bisi & Yewe



Hon. Femi Kehinde with his daughter, Oyindamola

Hon. Kehinde presenting his daughter to Pastor (Mrs.) Dolapo Adelakun

Couple with Pastor (Mrs.) Dolapo Adelakun

Couple exchanging marital rings

Pastor (Mrs.) Dolapo Adelakun praying for the couple


Hon. & Mrs. Femi Kehinde (bride’s parents)

(left) Otunba Gbenga Olajide (groom’s family)

Groom’s mother signing the marriage register

Gbenga Olajide signing the marriage register

Hon. Kehinde (bride’s father) signing the marriage register

Mrs. Kehinde (bride’s mother) signing the marriage register

Oyindamola signing the marriage register

Oluwaseyi signing the marriage register


Pastor (Mrs.) Dolapo Adelakun presenting the couple a marriage certificate

Pastor (Mrs.) Dolapo Adelakun signing the marriage register

Maids of honour

Bisola Popoola, couple with Babs Fowosere

Choir Ministration

Hon. Babs Fowosere with groom

Mrs. Akinsola Tosin & Kemi Oladunjoye

The Peregrino family

Ifeoluwa Bowade & Inioluwa Bowade

Mrs. Patience Ibeneme Alli


Couple with groom’s men

Couple with friends

Couple with Maids of honour

Couple with bride’s family

Couple with groom’s family

Oba Adedokun Abolarin and his wife with Hon. Femi Kehinde

Couple with groom’s family

Couple with bride’s parents


Couple with both families

Couple with friends


Groom feeding the bride with a cake

Couple with a kiss of love

Couple catting the cake

Hon. Femi Kehinde, Senator Iyiola Omisore with Chife Femi Olajore

Oba Adedokun Abolarin & his wife with Senator Iyiola Omisore

Prof. Akin Alao & Prof. Kayode Alao

Navy Captain Ojo Olanrewaju & Alhaji Jekayinfa

Tolu Obey & his band


Hon. Femi Kehinde & Senator Iyiola Omisore

Hon. Kehinde, Sen. Isiaka Adeleke (2nd left) with guests

Hon. Kehinde, Chief & Mrs. Segun Oyewole &

Hon. Femi Kehnde & Engr. Biodun Bankole


Abayomi Bankole & Olanrewaju Peregrino

Kunle, Otunba Gbenga & Muyiwa Davies




lamour, colour, class and the overwhelming hand of Almighty God were present when Tomi Ashimolowo, son of famous Preacher, Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo and Dorothy Kamara wedded in Kent, England. It was two days of spirit-lifting fun. Their nuptial was a celebration of true love befitting of the romance shared by the lovebirds which was very evident by their unabashed public display of affection throughout the ceremonies. It was with the traditional wedding/engagement that it all began-and as usual for such events hosted according to the African Culture and tradition, it was a very elaborate ceremony that usually involves a lot of humour and dancing amidst the seriousness of the event. The venue was the The City Pavillion, Essex and the whole atmosphere was made very convivial and stylish by the staff of Milly Events, the table centre-pieces provided by Lois BradshawBrown matched the sheer class expected at such an event. So, when representatives of both families and their guests arrived, they were met by an heavenly ambience. Pastor Hakeem Ogunniran set the event rolling with an opening prayers. Both families then sat on different sides of the hall as it is the norm-and there were two traditional comperes: one for each of the families. Rev Matthew Ashimolowo and wife, Rev. (Mrs.) Yemisi Ashimolowo and her parents, Rev. Elkanah Osibanjo and Deaconess Phebean Osibanjo

The couple, Dorothy & Tomi Ashimolowo



The elegantly decorated hall by Millys Events & table centre pieces by Lois Bradshaw-Brown

(grand parents of the groom) took the front row of the groom's section while, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kamara, parents of the bride took front seats on the opposite side. The Ashimolowo family made its intention known through a well-packaged proposal letter which was presented to the Kamara family, and the contents read to the delight of all by younger sister of the bride, Agnes Kamara. The Kamara's revealed to all present that they had accepted the proposal-and there was cheers from all corners of the hall. The handsome groom, Tomi, his brother and best man, Tobi Ashimolowo with their friends were then given the all clear to enter the arena. They did not just stroll in, they danced heartedly, the groom showed that he was a true Yoruba man, responding perfectly to the local beats booming from the PA sysrem.. As tradition demands, they all pros-

trated before the Kamara family, who as expected, welcomed them with open arms and then showered them with prayers. Tomi and his group now turned to his family-and that was when the groom thrilled all with his singing skills. He sang his mum, Re. (Mrs.) Yemisi Ashimolowo a special number that elicited tears from her eyes and cheers from all present. The prayers from his parents and grandparents were really moving too. That done, he took time to exchange a few pleasantries before settling down to await his sweetheart. Dororothy, the beautiful bride was soon heralded to the venue with loads of singing, music and fanfare. Her face was covered in veil. Again, it was prayer galore for her by her parents, and the Ashimolowos who pulled the veil to make sure she was the ONE, before they warmly embraced and prayed for her. She was later to join the groom not until after, she was handed a cap to look

276 Cake by Panari Cakes

The man of the day, Tomi Ashimolowo

The Groom Tomi Ashimolowo & the best man, his brother, Tobi Ashimolowo surrounded by his groom’s men.


The lovely looking bride, Dorothy Ashimolowo


The bride surrounded by her bride’s maids

Tope Bello & Debora Oluyemi

Liza Hanson & Joleen Bockarie

Ryan, Tope & Chad

Dr. Maria Adewunmi & Rev. Matthew Ashimolowo

Pastor Hakeem Ogunniran saying the opening prayer

The Kamara Family Representatives at the engagement

Parents of the Bride, Mr. & Mrs. Kamara with an aunt of the day

for the man whom the cap fited in the audience. Of course, she made no mistake! She found him, and lovingly placed the cap on his head to the delight of all present. Then the bride was asked to choose a gift that she cherishes from amongst all that the groom's family had presented. Her choice was the Holy Bible, and she was praised by all present after which the couple got prayers in good measure. Later, the groom slipped the engagement ring on his wife, then Pastor Funke Felix- Adejumo blessed the couple's lovely cake made by Panari Cakes, they took turns to feed each other before a session of dancing rounded off the occasion. The solemnization of their wedding was held at the picturesque Main Auditorium of Kingsway International Christian Church (KICC) Prayer City in Essex. This is the church were groom's parents preach-and it was no surprise that that the turnout was impressive.

The groom and his best man turned out in smart Saville Row suits accompanied by his men: Eni Dada, Jay Kamara, Akim Razak, Emmanuel Hanson, Winston Branche, Segun Sowemimo and Henry Kamara Jnr. The bride's maids: Bianca Carr, Cherelle Stewart, Michelle Caulker, Charlene Nurse Roberts, the flower girl: Amie Kamara. the Maid of Honour, Agnes Kamara and Chief Bride's maid, Angela Acheampong were all well turned out too. It was when the bride and her father stepped into the magnificent place of worship that the day's occasion began. The KICC choir was at its best, dishing out a medley of soulful songs. It was pastor Dipo Oluyemi that eventually read Tomi and Dorothy their vows and formally joined them as husband and wife. The couple exchanged rings and were all smiles when it was now obvious that they can now live together forever in accordance with the words

of God. Then in no time the ceremony was over. At the reception, held in another part of this venue, the couple were heralded with a session of praise and worship by Shola Victor-Sajowa. The couple were showered special prayers by the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye. But by far the most moving moment of the reception was not the dancing by the couple but the special words of admonition by the father of the groom, Rev. Matthew Ashimolowo which ended with the announcement of a special gift to the newly-wed. Both Tomi and Dorothy were so moved that they fell to their feet in supplication to God and broke down in tears. Later, the couple cut their wedding cake, fed each other and danced to the delight of all present. The nuptial which had Seyi Law as Master of ceremonies was very memorable, one that would be etched on many hearts for years. 279

Parents of the groom, Rev. Matthew & Rev. (Mrs.) Yemisi Ashimolowo dancing

Compere for the Kamara family addressing them

Compere for the Ashimolowo family leading them into the hall

Alaga for Kamara family welcoming the Ashimolowo family

Rev. Matthew & Rev. (Mrs) Yemisi Ashimolowo intently following the proceedings


Grandparents of the groom: Deaconess Phebean Osibanjo, Rev. Elkanah Osibanjo with parents of the groom & Pastor John Oyebanji

Grandparents and parents of the groom with other family members

Mr. & Mrs. Kamara receiving the proposal letter

Intimate moments between bride’s parents

Bride’s sister, Agnes Kamara reading the letter of proposal from the Ashimolowo family

Agnes Kamara & her big sister, Dorothy


Compere for bride’s family makes a demand before the groom is allowed in

The groom, Tomi & his groom’s men dancing into the engagement hall

Compere announces the entrance of the groom

The groom’s plea is accepted

The groom & his men are introduced and welcomed

The groom & his men greet the bride’s family


Both families pray for groom & his men

Tomi singing & digging the dance to the delight of the Alaga with his men

Tomi focuses on his delighted mum, Rev. (Mrs.) Yemisi Ashimolowo as he delivers her special number

Tomi with his parents-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Kamara

Tomi is given a warm hug by his father-in-law

Tomi with his parents

Tomi with his grandparents, Elder & Deaconess Osibanjo

Tomi kisses his grandparents affectionately


The groom Tomi, seated majestically awaiting the arrival of his bride


Tomi surrounded from left to right by Sadiq, Tobi, Akim, Shegun, Henry (jr), Winston, Emmanuel & Eni

Dorothy dancing into the hall supported by friends & well-wishers

The beautiful bride, Dorothy Kamara walking elegantly into the engagement hall

Dorothy acknowledges the greetings with a beautiful smile while dancing into the hall

Dorothy kneels down in front of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Kamara to greet them

Dorothy is given a warm welcome hug by her mum


Dorothy greets other family representatives

Rev. Matthew Ashimolowo places his hand on Dorothy & prays for her

Dorothy is presented to her father-in-law, Rev. Matthew Ashimolowo to lift her veil

Rev. Matthew Ashimolowo lifts Dorothy’s veil

Dorothy’s mother-in-law, Rev. (Mrs) Yemisi Ashimolowo admires her daughter-in-law

Rev. (Mrs.) Yemisi Ashimolowo gives Dorothy a loving hug

Dorothy with her new parents-in-law


Dorothy sits on the laps of her new grandparents-in-law, Elder & Deaconess Osibanjo

The beautiful & happy bride

Dorothy dancing towards Tomi

Dorothy kneels down to greet Tomi

Tomi & Dorothy praying

Tomi & Dorothy share laugh at the joke of the Alaga

Tomi carrying his Bride (Igbeyawo)

Dorothy placing Tomi’s cap on his head

Dorothy lovingly adjusting the cap


The bride & groom: Dorothy & Tomi Ashimolowo


Couple with friends

The bride & groom with the maid of Honour Agnes Kamara with chief bride’s maid, Angela Achemponge & the bridesmaids

The bride selects her gift: The Bible

The couple are blessed by both the Ashimolowo & the Kamara family

The groom presents the engagement ring

The bride accepts

The bride & groom are all smiles

The couple share their first kiss as man & wife


Pastor Funke-Felix Adejumo blesses the wedding cake and instructs the bride & groom to cut the cake


The first Ashimolowo portrait with the groom’s parents

The family Portrait of the bride & groom’s parents

Friends & family of the couple



The groom Tomi Ashimolowo & best man, Tobi Ashimolowo a waiting the arrival of the bride

The beautiful flower girl, Raya Banner & her grandmother, Mrs. Dee Banner

The Chief Flower girl, Amie Kamara & the lovely page boys with flower girls

The handsome page boy

The groom’s man, Eni Dada & bride’smaid, Vanessa Clairet

The groom’s man, Jay Kamara & bridesmaid, Bianca Carr

The groom’s man, Emmanuel Hanson & bride’smaid, Cherrelle Stewart

The groom’s man, Winston Branche & bride’smaid, Michelle Caulker


The groom’s man, Akim Razak & chief bride’smaid, Angela Achemponge

The groom’s man, Segun Sowemimo & bride’smaid, Charlene Nurse-Roberts

The bride makes her entrance on the arm of her father, Henry Kamara

Couple with bride’s father, Henry Kamara

The couple, along with the best man, Tobi Ashimolowo with the maid of honour, Agnes Kamara

Groom’s proud parents: Pastors Matthew & Yemisi Ashimolowo during the church service awaiting their son to be wed

The groom’s men looking dapper during the church service

Praise & Worship led by Shola Victor-Sajowa

The flower girls

The service commences


A cross-section the congregation

The beautiful Church wedding venue, KICC Prayer City


The couple say their vows led by Pastor Dipo Oluyemi

The couple bride & groom are now one, presenting Mr. Tomi & Mrs. Dorothy Ashimolowo

Groom signing the marriage register

Bride signing the marriage register

The witness, Mr. Caleb Ashimolowo signing the marriage certificate

The witness, Mrs. Kamara Ashimolowo signing the marriage certificate



The newlywed Tomi & Dorothy Ashimolowo in a lovely pose



Couple with groom’s parents: Pastors Matthew & Yemisi Ashimolowo

Couple with the groom’s grandparents: Pastors & Pastor (Mrs.) Osibanjo

Couple with Pastor Dipo Oluyemi, Pastor Andy Yawson & Pastor Femi Faseru


Couple with Pastor Matthew & Pastor Yemisi Ashimolowo with guest

Couple with the Kamara family

Couple with the Kamara family & their extended family


Couple with their parents

Couple with the Ashimolowo extended family & guests


Couple with guests


Couple along with their bridal train

Bride & her maids: Maid of Honour, Agnes Kamara, Chief bridesmaid, Angela Achemponge, bridesmaids; Charlene Nurse-Roberts, Vanessa Clairet, Cherrelle Stewart, Bianca Carr & Michelle Caulker


Couple with the best man & maid of honour: Tobi Ashimolowo & Agnes Kamara

Groom & his men: Best man, Tobi Ashimolowo, groom’s men Henry (Jr.) Kamara, Akim Razak, Emmanuel Hanson, Eni Dada, Segun Sowemimo & Winston Branche

Bride’s family make their entrance into the reception rejoicing

Groom’s family dance and rejoice as they make their entrance into the reception

Pastor Dolape Adelakun and guests rejoice at the reception

The bridal party dance along with guests as they enter the reception

Couple make their entrance into the reception


Couple dance and celebrate as they enter the reception, whilst greeting guests

Couple are welcomed as host Seyi Law starts off the reception

Mc Seyi Law


Pastor Enoch Adeboye prays for the couple and blesses them

Pastor Yemisi Ashimolowo in prayer

Mr. & Mrs. Kamara in prayer


Rev. Funke-Felix Adejumo blesses the couple & instructs them to cut the cake

Couple cutting their cake

Couple are permitted a Kiss

The Couple feed each other


The father of the groom Rev. Matthew Ashimolowo gives a speech and blesses the couple with a gift

Couple overwhelmed with their gift

The best man Tobi Ashimolowo is also blessed with a gift and thanks his father


Couple share their first dance

The bride throws the bouquet and one of her maids catches it


Bride shares a dance with her father

The best man, Tobi Ashimolowo gives his speech

Bashorun Dele Momodu with Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo

The Ashimolowo family

Bashorun Dele Momodu with Pastors Matthew & Yemisi Ashimolowo

Pastors Matthew & Yemisi Ashimolowo with guests


Pastors Matthew Ashimolowo with guests



Pastors Matthew & Yemisi Ashimolowo


Couple: Mr. & Mrs. Ashimolowo

Couple with goom’s parents, Pastors Matthew & Yemisi Ashimolowo


IYABO AKINDELE AND SIMI SONIBARE Story: Efemena Collins & Funmilayo Adeyemi Photo: Adekoya Adegbite


he Parakoyi of Ibadan, billionaire businessman, High Chief Bode Akindele’s joy knew no bounds as he hosted a lavish traditional wedding ceremony full of colour, pomp and circumstance for his beautiful daughter, Mojisola Iyabode Akindele at the Landmark Events Centre, Victoria Island, Lagos, shaking the Centre of Excellence to its very foundations. Her beau, Olatunbosun Simileoluwa Shonibare, happens to be a grandson of the Late Chief Samuel Olatunbosun Shonibare, the first Asiwaju of Ijebuland, a property magnate, who was also Treasurer of the defunct Action Group (AG). His dad, Otunba Alaba Shonibare is a top businessman and a respected Lagos socialite, little wonder that the wedding between these two great families was filled with grandeur.

The mega nuptial was indeed the talk-of-the town and attracted eminent personalities from all across the country and beyond. The Landmark, where the first part of this grand cementing of a charming love affair held, was a tribute to class, aristocracy and excellence. The venue glowed magnificently in purple and pink tones, accessorized with white flowers that had beautiful purple and pink strands-all organised and arranged to perfection by Bespoke Event Décor. The whole arena was glammed up in style and it was as though guests were transported by a time machine into a storybook or fairytale destination. The tables had beautiful flower vases on them. The ornate works of arts sat on pristine white table centrepieces that complemented the décor. It was a

beautiful setting for a typically African royal traditional ceremony. The grand event ticked off with an opening prayer by Archbishop Akindele Stephen. Immediately after prayers, the bride’s family was seated, awaiting the arrival of the groom’s family. Once the Shonibare family had arrived, the Alaga Ijoko, the designated spokesperson who traditionally represents the bride’s family during traditional marital rites, welcomed them at the entrance. She was accompanied by women from the Akindele family. After the introduction, the Shonibares greeted the Akindeles. The two families then sat on opposite ends of the venue, while the representatives of both families stood at the centre, exchanging cheerful banter. The Alaga Iduro who traditionally represents





Parents of the couple: Chief & Mrs. Bode Akindele with Otunba & Mrs. Alaba Shonibare

the cap fitted, it did not take Iyabo too long to locate Simi. She proceeded gingerly to her charming Prince and knelt before him and he prayed for and blessed her. The delightful pair who were happy together like two peas in a pod was cocooned in a nest of white roses while their wedding cake - crafted in white and pink monogramming, with a silver lining finishing touch stood tall on the side. They later cut this lovely cake to the delight of all present. Obviously, the couple was so in love as they shared bright smiles and constant glances at each other throughout the ceremony especially when they shared the cake and some drinks. The elated guests were enthralled with a spectacular performance by the popular Shuga Band who electrified the atmosphere with some livewire highlife, old skool and pop medleys that had the esteemed guests on their feet dancing excitedly all through the ceremony. Ten Over Ten crooner, Naeto C also gave an excellent performance that was wonderfully received. A gourmet cuisine was prepared for the enjoyment of everyone with exotic drinks of all shades. And many vintage wines were also served. The couple looked a love-match as they had their first dance, with the blushing bride beaming so beautifully on the dance floor. It was a beautiful sight to beholdone that certainly made spinsters and bachelors who watched them dance, green with envy. The love in Simileoluwa’s eyes was evident for all to see as he swung his beautiful bride gently from left to right.

I believed that I have found my missing rib. The Bible says God took a rib from Adam and made Eve. my wife is down to earth, appealing and godly. I am very blessed and happy to have met the mother of my children, my soul mate and the love of my life. the groom’s family at such ceremonies, presented the proposal letter to the Alaga Ijoko who in turn presented an acceptance letter to the groom’s family. After the prayer, dashing Simi who looked regal in his traditional agbada attire danced in with some of his friends and prostrated a total of four times, in front of the bride's family. He laid down on the floor for a few minutes while members of the family stretched their hands and pronounced blessings on him. He was also showered with prayers by his own parents, and members of the Shonibare family. Thereafter, he took his seat, surrounded by his friends. Once Simi was comfortable settled, beautiful Iyabo who looked elegant in her rich shimmering multi-coloured outfit was ushered in, dancing in with her friends and family members. She then knelt before her parents who prayed for her. That was not all, the prayer session of Iyabo's mum was really emotional and tears really welled up around the bride's eyes as Chief (Mrs.) Atema Akindele's every word hit home. Her parents in-law also warmly received and prayed for her Afterwards, she was presented with a cap and asked to look round the hall and find the man whom

Chief Bode Akindele with wives: Chief (Mrs.) Atema Akindele (left), bride’s mother & Chief (Mrs.) Olabisi Akindele

Bride’s Parents arrive the occasion


Groom’s parents arrive the reception

Gen. Oluwole Rotimi, Mrs. Fabiyan & Chief (Mrs.) Rewane

The Akindele family

The Shonibare family

The Shonibare family paying homage

Chief (Mrs.) Olabisi Akindele Iyalode of Ibadan, Arch. Bishop Akindele Stephen

With bright sparkling smiles animating his happy face, the dashing groom told OVATION a little while later why he was literally over the moon: “I believed that I have found my missing rib. The Bible says God took a rib from Adam and made Eve. I found mine and she is definitely the mother of my children, my companion, my rock, my friend and my lover. Extolling Iyabode’s qualities, Simi, as the groom is fondly called by friends said with an air of satisfaction: “My wife is down to earth, appealing and godly. I am very blessed and happy to have met the mother of my children, my soul mate and the love of my life.” The bride’s lovely mum, Chief (Mrs.) Atema Akindele also shared her joy with the magazine. She told us: “I am extremely happy because Iyabode is my 316

only child. She has done her father and I very proud. I am pleased to find out that she has found her heartthrob because Simileoluwa is a very nice young man and I have known him for a very long time.” I wish them a happy married life. In the same vein, the elated mother of the groom, Mrs. Shonibare expressed her joy to OVATION beaming with radiant smiles: “I am on top of the world, I am so elated to have such a lovely son who has found for himself a well brought up and wonderful wife. Iyabo is the most beautiful bride I have ever seen.” Dignitaries that graced the event included Asiwaju of Ife, Chief Alex-Duduyemi, Senator Daisy Danjuma, Chief Mrs. Nike Akande, Mo Abudu, Senator Joy Emordi, Chief (Mrs.) Teju Phillips, Hajia Abba

Folawiyo, Former Punch Chairman, Chief Ajibola Ogunshola; Skymit Motors’ boss, Tayo Ayeni; House On The Rock Church,Senior Pastor, Pastor Paul Adefarasin; Insight Communications’ Chairman, Mr. Biodun Shobanjo and a host of others. Archbishop Stephen in a toast to the newest couple in town, said, “My greatest wish for the two of you is that through the years your love for each other will so deepen and grow, that years from now, you will look back on this day, your wedding day as the day on which you loved each other the least.” It was a very long day but a fun-filled one as the couple’s families expressed joy and gratitude to God and thanked family and friends who were there to celebrate the joyful occasion with them.

Prayer session

Chief Bode Akindele with wives

Mr. & Mrs. Adebiyi & Mrs. Doris Rewane


Chief Bode Akindele in a jolly mood with wives


Mr. & Mrs. Shonibare receiving their letter of acceptance

Mr.& Mrs. Akindele receiving their letter proposal


Motunrayo Aderibigbe & Omolade Alex-Duduyemi reading letter of proposal

Mr.& Mrs. Shonibare receiving letter

Mr.& Mrs. Shonibare receiving letter


Groom arrival

And the celebration continues


Groom with mum

Groom with dad in a dancing mood


Groom with groom’s men

The groom in dancing mood


The groom’s family postrating for the bride’s family

Groom with bride’s parents


Groom with dad

Groom with guests: Chief Funlola Okunowo (left)

Groom with his parents

Groom with his men


Bride making her grand entry


Bride with Parents


Bride with parents: Chief Bode Akindele & Chief (Mrs.) Atema Akindele


Bride receiving special prayers from her mum, Chief (Mrs.) Atema Akindele

Otunba Alaba Sonibare appreciating the bride

Parents of the groom praying for their new daughter in-law

Bride with groom’s parents


Bride with her mother in-law

Bride with father in-law, Otunba Alaba Sonibare

Mr. Supo Shonibare, bride & groom’s family members

Groom with his men


The bride with Alaga Iduro showing off the husband cap

Bride finds the Man whom the cap fits!

Couple with bride’s maids


The couple preparing to exchange ring

Bride & Groom Exchange Ring


The bride recieved a warm peck from the groom

The smiling couple

Couple with bride’s parents: Chief Bode Akindele & Chief (Mrs.) Atema Akindele

Bride & Groom Receiving Prayer from Groom Parent

Couple with groom’s parents


The lovely couple

Sir. Chief Bode Akindele & Gen. Alani Akinrinade (Rtd)

Chief (Mrs.) Olabisi Akindele, Iyalode Of Ibadan & Gen. Alani Akinrinade (Rtd)


Chief Bode Akindele & Balogun Alex-Duduyemi

Uncle Sam Amuka-Pemu (left)

Chief Bode Akindele with Hajia Abba Folawiyo

Mr. Magnus De Souza with Chief Supo Sonibare


Mothers of the couple


Dr. Bola Akin-Olugbade

Mrs. Ajileye & Chief (Mrs.) Olabisi Akindele

Dr. Segun Oshin & Mrs. Dupe Ajayi

Chief (Mrs.) Funke Shodipo & Chief (Mrs.) Ronke Togun

Mrs.Laide Oni , Mrs. Tiwa Babarinsa & Mrs. Laide Alatise

Otunba Alaba Sonibare (left)

Mr. Dayo Lawuyi & Mrs. Jumoke Lawuyi

Mr. Bayo & Mrs. Amina Oyagbola


Gen. & Mrs. H.B. Momoh

Chief (Mrs.) Allen & Chief (Mrs.) Olakenpo

Dr. Wale babalakin, SAN (left)

Dr. Henry Abebe (left)

Otunba Gbenga Daniel & Engr. Ogunbayo

Otunba Gbenga Daniel (m) with groom’s dad

Otunba Gbenga Daniel, Otunba Shonibare & guest


Lady Gbemi Smith, Chief (Mrs.) Joko Akin-George & Ms. Kehinde Young-Harry

(Middle) Chief Olu Falomo & Otunba Gbenga Daniel

Otunba Gbenga Daniel greeting Chief Bode Akindele

(Middle) Dr Sola Thomas

(L) Mr. Sam Amuka

Seni & Diane Williams

Chief Bode Akindele with Dr. Onaolapo Soleye

Chief Bode Akindele with Chief Supo Shonibare


Chief Bode Akindele & Gen. Oluwole Rotimi


Mrs. Julie Bello, Chief Rewane & Chief (Mrs.) Atema Akindele

Mrs. Abiola Aderibigbe , Ope Shobanjo & Mrs. Ajoke Braithwaite


Couple with their parents


The gorgeous bride, Iyabo

The handsome groom: Simi

Couple & Mrs. Funmi Bello


Cutting of the cake

Sen. Daisy Danjuma with couple


Chief (Mrs.) Nike Akande & Chief Ajibola Ogunshola

Miss Seyi Okunowo & Mrs. Alaba Okunowo

Mr. & Mrs. Sesan Royoro

Bunmi Akinjulire, Mrs. Sola Moore, Dr. Femi Taiwo & Mrs. Funsho Taiwo

Prince & Mrs. Edosa

Joshua & Katuyinsola

Shuga Band

Busayo , Oyinda & Tiwa


Captain Dapo Olumide & family

Jummai Adewunmi & Eniola Kartey

Mr. Coker (right)

Tahira & Lanre Sagaya

Mr. Biodun Sobanjo & Mr. Segun Adelaja (right)


Mrs. Oyinkan Badejo-Okunsanya & Pastor Paul Adefarasin

R-l: Sir Chief Bode Akindele & Mr. Biodun Shobanjo

Mrs. Tema Akindele with family

Chief (Mrs.) Atema Akindele (right) with friend

(R ) Mrs. Shonibare

Sen. Daisy Danjuma & bride’s mother, Chief (Mrs.) Atema Akindele

R) Hajia Abba Folawiyo & guest

(R ) Olori Ladun Sijuwade

(R ) Wole Aboderin


Mo Abudu


Proud mother of the bride Chief (Mrs.) Atema Akindele

Mrs. Olumide

Iyabo Akindele


Mrs. Doris Rewane

Mrs. Olugbade & Mrs. Ogunsanya

Keji Oshinowo & Naomi


Olayinka Okulaja, Angela & Sara Omuabor


Mrs. Shonibare

Mr. Richard Akerele

Mr. Lanre Ogunlesi


Couple with grandma

Mr. Biodun Sobanjo

Chief (Mrs.) Sena Anthony & Sen. Daisy Danjuma

Chief Ogunsola & Chief Alex Duduyemi

Mrs. Shonibare (m) & Mrs. Teju Philips


Iyabo & Chief Bode Akindele

(L-R) Mr. Shonibare & Mr. Tayo Ayeni

Mrs. Shonibare, Iyabo & Otunba Alaba Shonibare

Cross section of guests


Capt. Kunle Adebiyi (rtd), Mrs. Fola Adebiyi & Mrs. Doris Rewane

Mrs. Folake St. Mathew-Daniel, Chief Femi Adeniyi-Williams & Mrs. Wilfried Clark

The lovely bride

The couple: Looking glamorous

Mrs. Rita Amuka, Ms. Yeye Rewane & Rita Begho

Representative from the Brazilian Consulate, Mrs. Benedita G. Simonetti & Ms. Bunmi Akinjohie


Prince & Mrs. Dayo Aderibigbe, Ven. & Mrs. Toyin Isemede with Mrs. Biodun Alex Duduyemi

Mrs. Lulu Anderson & Elder Debola Gbademo

Mrs. Kemi Adesakin & Mrs. Remi Olumoko

Mrs. Alero & Mr. Agu

Mrs. Enitan Rewane

Sist., K.O. Adeola, Sist., T.O. Adekoya, Sist., F.O. Sotuminu & Sist., C.O. Ogunmekan ( Member, Young Women Workers’ Union, Yaba)

Sist., C.O. Ogunmekan, Sist., M.A. Awodipe, Sist., Onabiyi & Sist., P.O. Oderinde (Member, Young Women Workers’ Union, Yaba)

Chief (Mrs.) Betty Aborisa & Mrs. Victoria Osunremi


Mr. & Mrs. Seni Dina

Lois Isemede & Wendy Abu

Folakemi Ajibola, Ayo & Joan Isemede

The Rev’d Canon & Mrs. I. J. Nriama

Ven. & Mrs. S. Igbein Isemede (Vicar & Mamayard of Our Saviour’s Church, TBS, Lagos)

Justice & Mrs. W.O Adekola

Nabil & Evelyn Nahman

Mr. & Mrs. Pedersen Stelan

Chief Adebisi Adesola, Chief Mrs. Ibironke Adesola & Mrs. Odeyale

Sir & Lady Degun Agboade

Benson Ogundeji & Mrs. Foluke Aboderin


Mr. & Mrs. Ahmad Yakubu Wawka

Bashorun J.K Randle

Mrs. Oshuwa Gbadebo-Smith, Dr. Elida Williams & Mrs. Aita Sogbefun

Mr. & Mrs. Segun Giwa

Tobi Aderibigbe & Bolaji Jaiyeda

Anu Duggan & Ikepo Duggan

Opeoluwa Shobanjo & Anu Duggan


Mrs. Derin Disu & Mrs. Folake St. Mathew-Daniels

Tomi Olotu, Uche Iwaamadi & Solaji Ajose-Adeogun

Iyabo Ajana & Madam Mary Eziasl

Kelly & Patricia Arawore

Angela Ochia & Bella Benson

Naomi Onichabor, Ifeoma Ochia, Esther Ochia, Angela Ochia & Bella Benson

- Rajesh Mishra & Anjo Mishra

Mrs. Nena & Mr. Klous Kuebler

Oyedapo Olushola Dada, Florence Ikhidze & Ngozi Aniagolu


Folawewo Ejiwunmi, Folarin Ejiwunmi, Lola Tunwashe & Segun Tunwashe

Segun Tunwashe with Seni Williams & wife, Diane

Rotimi Mejule & Bolade Ojeahere

Chief Mrs. Funmilayo Garrick & Mrs. Bisi Akodu

Toyin Alade & Fola Aganga-Williams

Prof. Oladapo & Mrs. Idowu Ashiru


Mr. Wale Akoni (SAN) & wife, Mrs. Funke Akoni

Mrs. Olusola Moore & Dr. (Mrs.) Femi Taiwo

Tola Williams, Kemi Adesakin, Mrs. Tola Ohunakin, Mrs. Njoku, Mrs. Biodun AlexDuduyemi & Mr. Tope Ohunakin

Chief Bode Akindele, Mrs. Biodun Alex-Duduyemi & Mr. Tope Ohunakin

Mr. & Mrs. Njoku, Mrs. Biodun Alex-Duduyemi, Mr. & Mrs. Duggah & Aunty Tosin

Roli Lawani, Omamuli Rewane & Egbe Otubu

Mrs. Njoku, Mrs. Biodun Alex-Duduyemi, Mr. Dex Braithwaite, Mrs Ajoke Braithwaite & Ladi Ajose-Adeogun

Mr. & Mrs. Phil Ikeazo with Ladi Ajose-Adeogun

Bims & Funke Akingbade

Chief Bode Akindele & Ven. Isemede

Lulu, Chief Bode Akindele & Mrs. Biodun Alex-Duduyemi


Tokunbo Akinosho, Sade Balogun, Labake Makanjuola, Bola Adegbenro & Fadeke Odetola

Justice Rhodes-Vivour, Dr. John Abebe & Aare (Dr.) Bolu Akin-Olubade

Bayo Olawoyin & Dayo Okusami

William Groat & Laurie Coleman

Binta Yunkella, Alade Williams & Sheri Williams

Jimmy Sadob & Wey Omaghomi

Roli Lawani, Omamuli Rewane, Enitan Rewane, Egbe Otubu & Owen Okoturo


Akin Ogunbiyi & Muyiwa Akinbolagbe



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