The boss newspaper 007

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BEAUTY AND BUSINESS F Story by: Eric Elezuo

ormerly Onikepo A d i s a , Onikepo Akande (OON CON) was born on October 29, 1944 in Lagos. She is an economist, accountant and industrialist who currently serves as the President of the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry and honorary life Vice-President of the Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture. A native of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nike is the ďŹ rst of four children of a royal family. She had her secondary school education at Queen's School, Ede (now Queen's School, Ibadan) after completing her basic education in Ibadan. She holds a B.Sc. in Accountancy from the North-Western Polytechnic (now University of North London) after graduating in 1968. She is also an alumni of the

Harvard Business School and the International Institute for Management Development An accomplished traditional practitioner, Nike holds the title of "Ekerin Iyalode of Ibadanland", a traditional chieftaincy position in her homeland. She is married to Chief Adebayo Akande, a business magnate and owner of Splash FM, Ibadan with whom she has children. On November 1, 2016, Nike will be celebrating her 72nd birthday. It will be recalled that her 70th birthday celebration, held at the Eko Hotels and Suites was a conglomeration of high and mighty such as notable business moguls and politicians including former Governor of Lagos State, Babatunde Fashola and Ogun State Governor, Ibikunle Amosun. She was

BOSS OF THE WEEK described by former President Goodluck Jonathan described as "an inspiration". A board member of Union Bank of Nigeria and PZ Foundation, she also serves as the Director of the National Insurance Corporation of Nigeria and the Nigeria Industrial Development Bank. Not done with finding her worthy to serve on various fronts, on December 8, 2015, Nike was appointed Chairman of the NEPAD Business Group Nigeria succeeding Chris Ezeh. She currently serves as the President of the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a position she holds since December 5, 2015. At her investiture, the wife of the President, Mrs. Aisha Buhari, said of her that Nigeria needs nothing less from a two time minister as she pledged a vibrant private sector. The outgoing President of LCCI, Mr. Remi Bello, also considering her pedigree, said ‘she’s bringing rich blend of public, private sector experience to bear on LCCI’, a trust she had not failed ever since being the second woman president of the organization in its 127 years of existence. In her speech at the event, Mrs. Akande did not leave anyone in doubt as regards where her priority lies. This is espoused as follows: “We need the private sector to generate employment to address the acute and frightening unemployment, poverty and insecurity in our society; we need a virile private sector to make Nigeria a respected country in the comity of nation. “We would not relent in our advocacy to promote a conducive environment for the private sector to play the role expected of it in the realisation

of the Nigerian vision.” That is the kind of passion she has to see that the average Nigerian is well catered for and given the good he deserves. A peep into her life and times showed that she was appointed Minister of Industry, Federal Republic of Nigeria in December, 1997 and re-appointed to the same Ministry in August, 1998. This made her a two-time Minister of Industry under different administrations. She was the first Nigerian woman to become Minister of Indus-


tries. This was not surprising to many who knew her as a strong believer in the philosophy that industrialization is the key to economic development, poverty alleviation and eradication, as well as employment generation. At an event in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 1998, she was awarded the African Federation of Women Entrepreneur Award. In 2003, she was conferred as an Officer of the Order of the Niger (OON). Nike is also a recipient of the national honour of the Commander of the Order of the



Niger (CON) since 2014. A seasoned business administrator and accountant, she has evolved in the near two decades as noteworthy industrialist in the economic landscape of Nigeria. Many boardrooms have been graced by the presence of this amiable accomplished woman. She had been the Director of Nigerian Industrial Development Bank (NIDB), a member of the Board of Trustees, of the National Center for Women Development; member, panel to study and re-organize both the Nigerian





National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and Trust Investment Company Limited Ibadan; Director of National Insurance Corporation of Nigeria (NICON). Mrs. Akande is not the type to come to office without leaving a mark of positive affection on both the office and the people. One of her major achievements in office was the revamping of the Onigbolo Cement Company, a Nigeria-Benin Republic joint venture to its present level of profitability. She also particularly emphasized the adoption and revitalization of Industrial Development Centres (IDCs) across the nation, to support and help the informal sector operators in Nigeria in order to boost industrial productivity. In December 1998, she broadened Nigerians Industrialization effort by successfully signing an Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement with Romania and Bulgaria – a cooperation which Nigeria is still benefiting from till today. A fulfilled person, she said this of herself, “I am a fulfilled and happy person. That is why I always smile because I thank God. I have a special song which I always sing: ‘Elo ni mo san, fun Oba ogo, elo ni Jesu mi gba, fun ore re lori mi’.” Recollecting what gave her the impetus to aim so high, and achieve so much, she said: “Being the first child, leadership was thrust at me when my mother died. I used to take her place during the extended Aboderin family meetings where I sat with big people. I’ve always been ambitious and as a child, my mother hired a private teacher for extra-moral classes for me. One day, he was talking about the death

of a Minister, Bode Thomas then. I was interested in the story, and I told him I would be a minster in this country someday. When I became a minister, he came to look for me at the ministry to remind me of this.” She believes that winning is a product of niceties: “To win in life, you have to be

nice to people and help them as much as possible. Moreover, I am still contributing my quota to the development of Nigeria. I was at Queen’s School, Ibadan to see the principal sometime and I saw that the administrative block was not looking nice. I promised to do something and

being on the board of PZ Foundation, I requested help for my alma-mater and they constructed a brand new administrative block.” Her pedigree is endless, and that is why she is worthy of the boss of the week. Congrats ma!



Ayodele Dada,The Unilag Genius Story by: Dele Momodu, Michael Effiong & Eric Elezuo

hen the news broke that someone had made a mess of an age long record at one of the greatest citadels of learning in Nigeria, the University of Lagos, graduating with a 5.0GPA from the Philosophy Department, many people wondered if it was fact or fiction. At Ovation Media Group, we have had a long tradition of celebrating excellence especially young Africans who were doing remarkable things, so Ayodele Dada’s Story was compelling enough to interest us. After days of combing his Psychology Department and the University’s Administration Department, speaking to a couple of friends and course mates, we eventually hit the jackpot!

Photo: Ken Ehimen

We found this rare gem of a student and not only that, he agreed to come all the way to our office for this no-holdsbarred interview. At the session, he was so cool, calm and collected, and there was no shadow of doubt in everyone in the room that he worked hard for his 5.0 GPA! Enjoy his inspirational story. Could you please give a brief information about yourself My name is Ayodele Daniel Dada. I am from Ekiti State from a family of four. My mum is a teacher while my dad is a Retired Accountant. The story broke that I made the highest grade and best result in Unilag, and from the Department of Psychology, and people have been asking me why Psychology, and why I did not take up more chal-

lenging courses. They are also asking whether the feat was something I had been working on. Personally, I would say studying Philosophy was just something I believed in, something I wanted to use to help and impact people’s life through changing their way of thinking. Can you describe your growing up days I have always been a quiet and reserved person, not the very vocal or expressive type. I grew up in Lagos with my dad and mum. My dad is a Pastor at the moment. He retired as an Accountant. I attended Hopebay College, Alaba Oro, close to Ajegunle in Lagos. My school certificate result is not that spectacular. I got just a few As and Cs here and there. There was nothing dramatic about my




childhood. At what stage did you discover the genius in you It took me a bit of time because my family, friends everyone around me were on me to do the regular courses like Medicine, Engineering and the rest, and wouldn’t let me concentrate on the one I wish. You know how families can put pressure on someone, and when you don’t agree, they think one is stubborn, and because I am not the violently stubborn type, I took my time. I am the kind of person who takes his time and think out what is best for me. It took me a bit of time to get that independence, and when I was able to get it. I made the best use of it. How old are you now? I am 29 years old What were you doing be-





Michael Effiong, Ayodele Dada & Bashorun Dele Momodu

tween the time you left secondary school and when you got into the university At first, I was at a crossroad, asking myself what I can actually do in the interim I was Teacher at a point, taking some students in private lessons, I sold computer accessories like flash drives and others. At a time someone even suggested to me to take up French, that I

Eric Elezuo & Ayodele Dada

can become an Interpreter in the Foreign Service, so I went to learn French. I was doing all these various endeavours

to save up enough money to realize my true ambition, which was study Psychology and generally help people. I made my move when I knew I could fend for myself to an extent, in terms of buying a few things I needed like forms, books and many others stuff. Would you say going to school at a more mature age positively affected your performance

were highly distracted. The same would have happened to me maybe if I had not encountered some of these things before, they would have become stumbling blocks. There were things I have seen and experienced that I had not, and that helped me to concentrate. However, there is another side to it too, when one is older, there is a tendency to become too reflective, you may actually become rigid and secluded. I tried not to become a recluse though and broke out of such attitude. So for four years in the university, you didn’t fail any course Yes, I got straight As in all the exams I wrote You mean every time you sat for an exam, you scored straight As. How is that possible Well, I will say on a personal basis, I had a very good plan, and again God helped me. Because I know that plans can only go so far, but if God does not help the person, it won’t come through. I also deI will say yes, because I observed that cided to get serious and plan. I laid out most of my colleagues who got into a plan to take this opportunity with both school just immediately after school hands. More so, there were a few of us


who were already talking about being the best on convocation day,that became an extra motivation. So from the get go every exam taken, every assignment, every test, I took seriously. Has anyone offered you scholarship to further your studies There is none at the moment, but I have a feeling that some people might show some interest in supporting me. So there is nothing yet Yes, some people have indicated interest but nothing concrete. Companies or individuals They are more of companies than individuals And what is your next immediate line of action I wish to further my education like get a Masters for a start because that will be the only way I can have a better I was Teacher at a point, taking some students in private lessons, I sold computer accessories like flash drives and others. At a time someone even suggested to me to take up French, that I can become an Interpreter in the Foreign Service, so I went to learn French. I was doing all these various endeavours to save up enough money to realize my true ambition, which was study Psychology voice. Here in Nigeria or… I actually intend to do it in one of those Ivy League universities in Europe. This is because my mentor, Robert Stanberg of Yale University happens to operate from there. Though I have not made much survey of the university I intend to do that soon.I would want to go to any of the Ivy League Univer-




sities, but Yale is where I re- with the best, learn from the Nigeria. There are just few ally want to go. best and come back to make structures we need to put in So obviously, Europe or a difference. So if there is place and promote policies America will be your choice anything that attempts to de- that will be transformative for a Masters Degree rail or complicate that; I will even from the base level. I Yes. think that there is a greater really be disappointed. What if you are not able to go, and you have to fund yourself. How would you feel if the government of Nigeria says you have to buy foreign exchange at so high a price to fulfil this ambition of yours That will be a considerable complication. It will be a huge disappointment if government policy will deny one an opportunity to explore academic growth abroad. I think Ayodele Daniel Dada with Bashorun Dele Momodu that people should be encouraged to make a differ- Do you dream of coming impact we will making in ence and acquire the knowl- back to Nigeria to teach, as- Nigeria than holding out edge they need to be who suming you go Yale and they there. they want to be. For example, want to retain you, how will Psychology is not a popular somebody like me, I don’t you deal with such a de- subject in Africa, especially have to waste what I have be- limma in Nigeria, how does that cause I just have to go and get Definitely it will be an attrac- make you feel? What would the knowledge, and come tion to saty because the envi- you do if come back to disback and use it here. We ronment is very encouraging cover that Psychology which need to go out and get the and conducive. But even at you love so much can’t pay necessary expertise, compete that, opportunities abound in your bills





I believe that most of these things are attached to change. Part of this change is what is happening now. Somebody will ask ‘what did you study?’ and I say Psychology. Now the subject is beginning to get a name and is being recognized. I just need to have a voice, and explain what Psychology can do and more people will key into it. Obviously, Psychologists have not really promoted what they know because if something works for you, you are in a better position to say there is something in good for you and that will make you develop interest in it and spread the word to others. And that’s where change can come. Are you married No I am not Any girlfriend… or now you have more girlfriends Well (laughs heartily) okay, yes. Right now, I am getting more female attention, but there is always this person I have had my heart attached to. In your previous comments, you made mention that prior to your graduation, you kept away from women. So this person you are talking about, is she someone you found in the space of these few weeks No there was always someone around but there was nothing concrete, but now I feel I can actually take our friendship forward. I can actually say it is now time to do the needful So you made the highest grade in the university Yes The closest person after you in your department made 4.80. At what time and level did you leave her behind That was in 200 level because we both made five points in our 100 level days. In succes-

sive semesters, I maintained my scores, and she couldn’t catch with me again. It was an interesting battle. Do you see yourself as the proverbial triangular student, that is, from lecture room to the library and to the hostel No, I wouldn’t say I was like that. I was not versed in li-

Most times it is because I just come and stay unnoticed, and wouldn’t say much. For me, everywhere I go is an opportunity to learn; from anybody. I am tall, but I can just seat down so quietly that they may not know. We need not deprive ourselves of the opportunity to learn. How do you relax?

Michael Effiong in a warm handshake with Ayodele Dada

brary usage. I created my own library through online research. My library was on my laptop and I even shared my own library with my friends. I believe because we all worked so hard ensured my class made the best result so far in the department, I had time to unwind. I headed social committees in my class, we invited Lanre Olushola for a symposium once, I had my fair bit of socializing and even visited nite clubs, but night outing was not always my thing because because I like to sleep (laughs heartily) But most of your friends said they hardly saw you at school- organized social gatherings? How do you react to that

me tomorrow (The day after the interview) Have you been invited by President Muhammadu Buhari No Do you work at the moment, and where Yes, I work with Proctor and Gamble (P&G). They came to the university and conducted

a series of test, and that was how I got in What about National Service I wish to travel first and go for my Masters, moreover I am close to being exempted from It will be a huge disapthe scheme because of age. pointment if government Travelling abroad would actupolicy will deny one an ally be fun for me. opportunity to explore acWhere have you travelled to ademic growth abroad. I before think that people should I have not travelled anywhere be encouraged to make a by air before. difference and acquire the Are you serious, that is hard knowledge they need to to believe be who they want to be. Yes. I am very serious. I have not been on a plane before. It is the truth, I have not had body’, and I also play chess. Has your school, Hopebay cause to travel by air. College, tried to reach you What is your favorite food ever since this news broke Pounded yam and vegetable Yes, they have a reception for (Efo riro)

I read books, I do long distance running as part of my exercise routine just to prove what the Romans rightly said that ‘a sound mind is a sound



The Chibok Girls Story: The Facts, The Fable The



By: Eric Elezuo

n April 14, 2014, Nigerians woke to the shocking news that over 200 girls had been abducted from the Federal Girls College, Chibok, Borno State. Of course, the culprits were no other than the terror of the moment, the dreaded Boko Haram insurgents. The kidnapping generated waves and tension across the nation, and was

With the springing up of the BringBackOurGirls movement, was supported by the former Minister of Education, Mrs. Oby Ezekwesili, and endorsed by almost all the world organizations, entertainers and leaders, prominent among them, Mrs. Michelle Obama, the wife of the America President, Mr. Barak Obama, hope was in the air that the girls will re-

corners, people still call for the release or rescue of the girls, there are just a minute few who believed there is substance in the call. Even the most optimistic of minds has come to the realization that hope was long gone even as they continue to hope against hope. It is not hard to imagine though what may have happened to the inexperienced girls left in

pains their departure caused. A female Boko Haram victim, identified simply as Hajiya Aishatu, was once quoted as saying that ‘bringing back the Chibok girls would amount to importing vampires into Nigeria’ considering the fact that they so mingled with mindless set of people, who have zero respect for the sanctity of human lives

heightened by the opposition party’s propaganda which roped the then President Goodluck Jonathan as being unconcerned about the whole issue as he was said to be dancing at a political rally in Kano the next day.

turn before long. But just a few days to two exact years, there is nothing to show that those innocent school girls will ever smell their home country again. And the world seems silent and defeated. Much as from isolated

the ‘care’ of people with animalistic tendencies. No one expect any good. Many have reasoned that bringing back the girls at this time, if for any reason, they are still alive, will be more dangerous than the

“Chibok girls are not existing anywhere in the world, most of them had been used as suicide bombers by those who abducted them. Young girls involved in suicide attacks in the last two years till date



were the Chibok girls, it will be a waste of time for anyone to be talking of rescuing Chibok girls." Even former President Olusegun Obasanjo expressed similar sentiment on Friday, February 5, 2016, when he said that anyone who promises to rescue the girls is telling lies. “Anyone saying they

“Some of them will come out when they are adults or they will be sent back when they are pregnant by those who have captured them. If anyone is thinking of being able to get those girls released intact, he must be day dreaming,” he added. But in obvious optimism, as unfounded as it might seem, a Kaduna State

free, but I can tell you that they will be free and they are alive. “They said they were going to free the girls on the condition we freed their people. And when we came to the negotiating table, and the government said it cannot free the terrorists because they have done a lot of harm,” he added.

(Chibok girls) will return is telling lies…” This was in furtherance of an earlier assessment he made of the situation in 2014 during an interview with Rosie Collyer of Radio

Senator, Shehu Sani believes that the girls are alive and can still be rescued. “Something that has bothered some of us here in line with the insurgency is, when will the Chibok girls be

However, President Muhammadu Buhari, on his part, has expressed a willingness to negotiate with Boko Haram sect to secure the girls’ release, but on one condition, and that is only if he



ership coming up and claiming that they can deliver. We have to be very careful indeed and we are taking our time because we want to bring them safe back to their parents and their school,” Buhari said on Tuesday, July 21, 2015, during an interview on CNN with Christiane Amanpour. When asked if he was against

negotiating with Boko Haram, he said: “I cannot be against it because as I told you our main objective as a government is to rescue those girls back to their schools and rehabilitate them back. If we are convinced that the leadership that presented itself can deliver those girls safe and sound, we will be prepared to negotiate what they want.” However, during the Presidential Media Chat on Wednesday, December 30, 2015, Buhari admitted that the girls’ whereabouts were still unknown. “There has been no firm intelligence where those girls are physical, and what condition they are in,” the president said. The Buhari governFrance Internationale (RFI). freed?” he said while speak- can verify the credibility of ment however showed that it “We will never be able to get ing at a symposium in Akure, the sect’s leadership. was tiring of calls to rescue those girls again. And the Ondo State. "We have to be very the girls during a meeting story of those girls will go on “Someone said the careful about the credibility with the BBOG group and the for the next 30 years. Chibok girls will never be of various Boko Haram lead- girls’ parents on January 14,






According to BBOG coordinator, Oby Ezekwesili, Buhari failed to “connect” with the parents during the meeting while the Minister of Women Affairs, Aisha Alhassan said that the Chibok girls weren’t abducted under Buhari’s administration. It is not known if Madam Women Affairs, who would have become the Governor of Taraba State, was insinuating that should Federal Government have nothing to do with it even as the president. The continued captivity of the Chibok girls is a tragedy because their parents might never be able to find peace until they at least see their children’s corpses. The military is clearing Boko Haram camps daily and claiming successes against the group. The terrorists are going hungry and sur- But of everything found so rendering to avoid starvation. far, nothing has a pointer to

the much elusive Chibok. Where are they therefore?

Did they ever exist? Will they ever be found?

Police Nabs, Arraigns Raping Syndicate By: Ogunleye Temitope


uch as the Lagos State Government is putting every mechanism in motion to rid the state of crime, the menace still grows in bounds. At the Magistrate Court sitting in Lagos, during the week, the trio of Dare Aluko (32), Tope Omolaye (24) and Ibinabo (26) were arraigned on a three count charge of impersonation, rape and stealing. The threesome were said to have on February 24, 2016, at Ikorodu area of Lagos

State attempted to rape the complainant, 27 year-old Miss Ronke Adebisi, after robbing her of the sum of N120,000 and an android phone. According to the IPO, the defendants confessed that they impersonate other people, using their pictures on BBM to lure others to their place, and end up robbing and raping the victim. The first defendant explained that anytime a victim was lured to their den, the other two will join him, and she would be forcefully raped. But luck ran out on them in the case of the complainant, and they were rounded up. However, as the complainant was not in court on the day, the judge granted the defendants bail to the sum of #200,000, and also adjourned their trial till March 25, 2016.

Manslaughter:Accused gets bail Laws, it is said, are meant to be obeyed by all and sundry, irrespective of status and creed. It is the binding principle for all races, and are to be interpreted by only the arm mandated to do so; the law courts, otherwise known as the judiciary. This, therefore, means that no one is authorised to take the law into his own hands. This is exactly what one Mr. Friday Abraham failed to do as he engaged a LAGBUS driver in a fight for deviating from his primary duties as regards conveying commuters safely to their various drop points. This singular act resulted in the death of a third party,

By: Ogunleye Temitope

Mr. Azeez Badamosi, who from afer paid the price what he knew nothing about. As Mr. Abraham happened to be the cause of the fight, the family of the deceased therefore, took him to court to explain further what he knows as regards the death of Azeez. The incident, which took place at the popular Oshodi Bus stop at around 8:35am on Tuesday, March 8, 2016 saw Friday Abraham fighting the LAGBUS driver, who accused him of disobeying traffic laws. The argument led to a physical confrontation which claimed the life of Azeez Badamosi, who had already been

buried according to Islamic rites. While the defendant’s family offered to take care of the burial expenses, the presiding judge advised the rite of condolence with the bereaved family first as it is a painful thing to lose one’s loved one, especially in so sudden a circumstance. The counsel to the defendant pleaded with the court on behalf of his client, claiming that what happened was just an accident. The judge later granted the accused bail to the tune of N500,000, with a land owner in Lagos as surety. The case was then adjourned till April 15, 2016.






Eric Elezuo


ccording to Arubi Agama, a development consultant, “The recently released PWC report just like those of the AigImoukhuede-led committee, Nuhu Ribadu Committee, KPMG, NEITI and several others have highlighted the level of fraud and infractions in the operations of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).” This paints the gory story of graft and outright thievery within the NNPC before the appointment of Dr. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu. Immediately after assumption of office on May 29, 2015 one of the early announcements made by President Muhammadu Buhari was that of Kachikwu as the Group Managing Director/

Chief Executive Officer (GMD/CEO) of the behemoth. This took many Nigerians by surprise. Who is he? Where is he from? Many wondered. Perhaps, those more dazed and disarmed by the decision were members of the cabal which has dubiously gripped the oil sector and troubled it for decades by ensuring that nothing works in the best interest of the generality of Nigerians. The cabal which has survived many governments in the country erroneously believed President Buhari would also genuflect to their antics by appointing an NNPC boss within the system or someone they can manipulate. How wrong they were. They were even more surprised when Buhari ex-

pressed confidence in this gentleman by hinted of his intention head the Petroleum Ministry and make Kachikwu his Deputy i.e. Minister of State. As expected the oil mafia would not take this lying down. With immense connections in the business and political terrain, they have thrown all manner of obstacles on the part of Kachikwu, who is hell bent on transforming the NNPC, a feat that has defied various past governments. The attacks manifest through surrogates or faceless groups who take solace in rushing to the public to fault or allege multifarious wrongdoings in the current management of the oil industry.

Even Dr. Ibe Kachikwu’s weighty credentials in academics and the oil industry which advertised his competence made little sense to his adversaries. But from his elementary school to the University of Nigeria, Nsukka where he studied Law to the Nigerian Law School and subsequently, his LLM programme at Harvard University, Kachikwu carved a niche with distinctive first class performance, just like in his Doctoral degree programme. His records of hard work and unblemished service in several oil companies abroad and in Nigeria are testimonies of his competence on the job. Kachikwu’s experience in the oil industry in policy- making positions in-





cluded General Counsel/Legal Adviser, Texaco Nigeria and Texaco Overseas Petroleum Co (1984 -1994); General Counsel/Secretary, Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited (2001); Executive Director, ExxonMobil Group of Companies (2003). The Minister of state has also served as the Executive Vice Chairman/General Counsel, ExxonMobil Companies in Nigeria and Oversight Counsel, ExxonMobil Companies in Africa since 2009. A position he held before he was called to serve the Nigerian. From his sterling track record, there is no doubt that he understand the nitty gritty of the industry-and that is is why he is being pilloried on a daily basis.

cause he does not have reasons to, meaning that he would not play ball with the “boys” whose stock in trade is to compromise the system for their own benefit to the detriment of the country. Since assuming office, the seasoned Administrator has demonstrated a high resolve to rescue the NNPC and Nigeria’s oil sector in general, and has proved within a few months that change is possible irrespective of the resistance being instigated by the oil thieves and the cabal. Kachikwu has initiated far reaching reforms which include: The scrapping of the Crude Swap Deal. With this initiative, the nation is certain to save about $1 billion by operating the DirectSale-Direct-Purchase regime. Before Dr. Ibe Kachikwu as- This was resisted as it did not sumed office, the NNPC had go down well with many in been a cash cow for the soci- the sector, to the extent that ety's indolent, and they were Kachikwu was invited by the very many, who had lived off House of Representatives to the nation free of charge, and come and defend the idea. never reckoned that the staAgain, he undertook a tus quo would change. Con- review of Deep Offshore sequently, the NNPC was run Products Agreement. down and stank to the heav- Kachikwu, as part of the need ens with corruption, and to re-organise the NNPC, remany of the perpetrators visited the fiscal terms of the were living large. existing production sharing Kachikwu's entrance contract entered into by the really startled the cabal that NNPC with some internahad hitherto held the oil sec- tional oil and gas companies tor by the jugular for many in order to seek favourable years, and they were thrown benefits for Nigeria based on off balance because as a sys- the current and prevailing retems person, Kachikwu un- alities. derstands the inner workings Also, to curb oil theft, of the parastatal and of the parastatal under him has course, the degree of corrup- put up plans to start deploytion that had been perpe- ing drones to monitor the intrated where and when and ward and outward most likely by whom even. movement of oil vessels On the question of ca- across the nation's territorial pacity, Kachikwu has both the waters as well as pipeline attitudinal flare and academic vandalism. Perhaps the most aptitude to turn NNPC welcoming of Kachikwu's iniaround. It is believed that he tiatives is the open book polwould not steal money be- icy which he announced

recently. The Minister an- ble online, and are no longer nounced that there would be classified state secrets or sub-

an open accounting policy ject of speculation and conthat would allow public troversy. scrutiny of NNPC books from Furthermore, in August 2015,

time to time. The practice has become a monthly tradition. NNPC’s financial and operational statements are now easily available and accessi-

Kachikwu cancelled all contracts for delivery of crude oil to refineries because they were unjustifiably expensive and investigation had re-



vealed that due process was not adhered. That singular action was believed to have saved the country an average of $150 million monthly. He also held the first recorded competitive bid for the lifting of the nation’s crude oil by

During the fuel scarcity, Kachikwu in order to eradicate long queues at fuel stations, personally deployed NNPC staff to gas stations across the country to monitor the distribution system. That was novel in the history of his

NNPC. They include the need to reduce and audit operational cost, restructure corporate centre and staffing, renegotiate existing contracts, streamline subsidy management, boost pipeline security, enhance trans-

the NNPC. The field was thrown open for competent industry players with track record of integrity and financial strength to bid. From about 278 local and international companies that submitted bids, only 21 with the most responsive bids got the contracts in a process that was widely hailed as transparent. In addition, the same open bidding process was applied to the coastal bid and the Offshore Processing Agreements (OPAs) bid. In addition, there is the issue of GMDs always playing the ethnic card which he promised to end in terms of appointment and promotion. The GMD has also inculcated personal examples.

office and NNPC. He recently also used his influence to canvass for greater cooperation amongst Africa Oil Producers. He implored member countries of Africa Petroleum Producers Association (APPA) to close ranks and bring their influence to bear in the global oil and gas market. It is to this end that many groups and countries like the United States of America have been canvassing support for Kachikwu, knowing full well that he has come, not only to represent change, but also see it happen. Kachikwu also identified ‘20 Fixes’ that are at varying stages of progress on 20 critical issues, which when fixed, would help strengthen

parency and accountability, achieve zero tolerance for corruption and rebrand NNPC. He has also since assuming office, shown credible and enviable commitment towards ensuring that the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB), meant to provide the legal framework for the reform of the oil and gas industry, is passed, providing statistics which indicate that the country is losing an estimated $15 billion per annum due to the non-passage of the bill, and suggesting that it could be split and passed in phases. However, when you fight corruption, corruption would definitely fight back. And expectedly, the men hurt by these innovative measure:



The middlemen, portfolio contractors and members of the cabal have been throwing darts at Kachikwu. One laughable one was planting stories in the social media that a Northerner, who is also a Group Executive Director at NNPC had been appointed as a replacement for Kachikwu as GMD of NNPC. It is even more curious that the said replacement has not deemed it proper to issue a rebuttal even up till now. Another was the rumour that he is making plans to sack NNPC staff but according to a reliable source: "Kachikwu has no intention of sacking NNPC workers as long as they would play within the rules and sit up. Each time NNPC plans to distribute fuel via pipelines; that is when the vandals and oil thieves resume their activities. Kachikwu believes that the sabotage against the smooth distribution of fuel and oil theft has great accomplices within the NNPC itself. “Some people within the corporation alert the vandals each time fuel is transported through the pipelines. Whenever the pipelines are not in use, no vandals, no theft! Therefore, Kachikwu took the decision to post the current staff in the pipeline section to another section, and also to rotate those working at the pipeline units, such that they will not even know when they would be on duty. “Truly, we must stop these tanker drivers menace and pollution, accidents, deaths on our roads. Except the transportation of oil products by rail is ready to take off, pipelines must be put to productive use. But alas, NNPC staff working at the pipeline section claim that no one can remove them

15 The BOSS NEWSPAPER or post them to other sections. Where in the world can such rubbish be taken from employees? “PENGASAN and NU-

COVER STORY ration (IFC), Jin-Yong Cai, in Abuja, noting that the planned joint committee had become imperative because reforming the NNPC had be-

move was gain jumped upon by enemies of the state and anti-Kachikwu elements to blackmail the nation which is already groaning from fuel

PENG are surprisingly in solidarity with these recalcitrant and rebellious NNPC staff. Did they bury their placenta at the pipeline section of NNPC? The cabal has built empires around our pipelines. Anyone who resists posting from a particular section should simply resign. No matter the length of a labourers moustache, the one who employs him is still his master.” The source also called for support for the Ibe Kachikwu-led NNPC’s restructuring, so as to end the economic slavery in Nigeria. It would be recalled that sometime last month, the Muhamadu Buhari-led administration, hinted of its plan to establish an inter-ministerial committee, which, he come inevitable in view of said, would speed up the re- the corruption and abuse of organisation and reformation its present structure in the reof the Nigerian National Pe- cent past. troleum Corporation (NNPC). Today, the reforms He disclosed this dur- had seen the light of the day ing a meeting with a visiting in the form of a robust reorChief Executive Officer of the ganization within NNPC and International Finance Corpo- its subsidiaries. The altruistic

the oil and gas sector and deepening of the economy. Access to wealth and wealth creation will become democratized and made open to all Nigerians through the listing of some enterprises on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. Interestingly, while the Senate has backed the reforms, saying the Minister’s action did not contravene any known law, the House of Representatives insists that the restructuring of the national oil firm is illegal. But it must be noted that Nigeria will be able to make immediate savings of over $500 million monthly or almost $6.5 billion annually at the minimum with this ambitious Kachikwu-led reorganization. Now is the time for well-meaning Nigerians to

shortages. The suggested reforms if implemented, according to an industry expert will create wealth for the country through sale of assets, taxes to be earned from profitable enterprises, savings, industrial expansion in

rise against the Mafia who have held the nation by the jugular for years, because implementing the reorganization and the other reform programmes of this new administration would mark the beginning of a New purposedriven NNPC.

NEWS “Women are so foolish to think that they are equal to men; they are much better than men.” Williams Golding On Tuesday, March 15, 2015, the Senate under the leadership of Dr. Bukola Saraki, rejected the Gender Equality and Opportunities Bill that sought to present equal opportunities to everyone irrespective of gender, especially the women folks. The Senate said that their rejection of the bill was based on religious belief. The bill which was brought up and sponsored by Senator Abiodun Olujimi, representing Ekiti South Senatorial district in the upper House, was designed to stop the inhuman, humiliating and degrading treatment of women as well as protect women from violence, and provide them with the same marital rights as their male counterparts including the rights of widows to inherit their husband's property. Overtly incorporating parts of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, the bill declared that women "shall not be subjected to inhuman, humiliating or degrading treatment" and "shall have the right to an equitable share in the inheritance of the property of her husband." It detailed how women should have the right to fully participate in political activities including the right to vote and be eligible for all publicly elected offices without any restrictions. However, when the bill hit the Red Chambers, it was unanimously thrown out by a majority of the members, bringing to question what the men folk think of women in this 21st century.




Much Ado About Gender Opportunity Bill

According to reports, one Senate opponent quoted the Bible in a speech declar-

By: Eric Elezuo ures against gender discrimi- the Senate on Tuesday, durnation in political and public ing plenary. The bill was oplife and prohibitions of vio- posed on the premise that

ing his aversion while a Muslim senator stated that in Islam, women get a half of men's share in inheritance, and it is unacceptable to change this. The bill could not pass the second reading after the Senate President, Bukola Saraki put the bill to vote with the “Nays” having it. The GEO Bill seeks adoption of special temporary measures to eliminate discrimination and ensure equal opportunities for majority of Nigerians, while it also seeks appropriate meas-

lence to women. It was dubbed “A bill for an Act to Incorporate and enforce certain provisions of the United Nations Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, the Protocol of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the rights of women in Africa, and other matters connected therewith, 2016 (SB. 116). The bill, which had initially garnered support from senators, suddenly ran out of steam on the floor of

the provisions of the bill were at loggerheads with the 1999 constitution of Nigeria, which was the same reason a similar proposal was rejected by the 7th senate a few years ago. The argument against the bill was that it would go against the provisions of the Sharia Court of Appeal which is a part of the 1999 Constitution as amended. A host of Senators debated the bill on the floor, giving differing opinions and views why the bill should or should not be

17 The BOSS NEWSPAPER passed. According to Senator Bala Na’Allah, who spoke in support of the Bill, discrimination is a worldwide issue and the need for adequate measures about the need to protect the widowhood and inheritance rights of women. Deputy Senate President Ekweremadu spoke in support of the bill saying 70% of Nigerian Lawyers are women and there are also a large percentage of female judges. In the vein, Senate Leader Ndume, Senators Fatimat Rasaki and Garba Binta said the Bill on gender and equal opportunity was long overdue. However, opposition to the bill developed when Senator Rufai Ahmed spoke against it, saying the Nigerian Constitution is clear regarding the rights of individuals. His views were upheld by Senator Adamu Aliero and Senator Emmanuel Bwacha among others. Much as there had controversies about the GEO bill, the recent decision by the federal lawmakers has just sparked up a social media outcry as well as touched a delicate part of the women and human right activists.

NEWS According to popular international actress and foremost writer, Mrs. Taiwo Ajayi Lycett, the decision of the lawmakers is uncalled for, and did not in any way represent the 21st century modernity. The actress, who spoke exclusively to The Boss Newspaper, vehemently despised the decision, calling it barbaric and despicable. “A decision of this nature in the 21st century is primitive, backward, barbaric and disgraceful. When women are going to the space, becoming prime ministers and aiming so high in other climes, my own country is busy toying with trivialities. It is terrible and smacks of ignorance,” she said. The ageless entertainer, who was visibly angry over the entire issue, dismissed the lawmakers as a group of jobbers who had absolutely nothing to do. “What they did is a product of idle politicking, showing intellectual deficiency and bankruptcy. They should have been worried about better things such as restoration of power, provision of fuel, water and rehabilitation of roads which are

all lacking at the moment,” she added. Mrs. Lycett noted that culture is not static, but dynamic, and so people should not be ‘pulled back’ from moving forward, noting that while men are hewers of firewood, women are nurturers of the family. Therefore, enacting a law to restrict

them from legality is uncalled for. In her own view, the returned senator representing Anambra North Senatorial district, Princess Stella Oduah while reacting to the development in a statement in Abuja, urged understanding from Nigerians, particularly her colleagues that the bill is not an issue bordering on patriarchy. She noted that women are first of all human beings who have rights, before their ultimate role as mothers, and therefore, should be allowed equal opportunities. Oduah also appealed to Nigerians to see mainstreaming of women programmes not as favours, but as what is right. She also said the country should go beyond empowering of women to empowering the society since it is not in doubt that Nigeria has untapped potentials in women which must be explored. “Women have wonderful innate skills and we must pro-

NEWS vide enabling environment for growth and full development of their potentials,” she said She described as unacceptable, the fact that the country was still discussing equal right for women in 2016. The senator added that “It is also no longer news that women are the bedrock of governance and should be allowed equal opportunities to represent the true meaning of their existence. While responding, the founder and President of Women Arise for Change and vibrant human rights activist, Mrs. Joe Odumakin, put it succinctly ironical thus: “The Gender Equality and Opportunities Bill is the conclusive statement by Nigeria Senate on us, of how much they are passionate about ‘empowering female gender’”. A former Minister of Education, who is also a great campaigner for women emancipation and convener of the Bring Back Our Girls movement, Mrs. Oby Ezekwesili toed the line, saying: “Anyone who has followed the antecedents of the Nigeria Senate on Women and Girls issue would know that we have a problem on our hands.” Another fire brand activist, known for saying it as it is, and Spokesman of the Afenifere, Mr. Yinka Odumakin, was full of venom, reminiscing the spirit behind the rejection of such a bill by the senate. In his exclusive interview with The Boss, the activist said that all that is wrong with Nigeria is clash of civilization and religion as well as ideology, maintaining that there will be no progress in the country if things remain the way they are


presently. “The rejection is very unfortunate though expected considering the caliber of people in the House. All that is wrong with Nigeria is the



clash of civilization, religion and dual ideology, which is creating zero progress for the country as at now,” he said. He compared the situation with what was obtained in the seventh Assembly where the senators failed to peg an age restric-

tions of the Senate, which in the general world view is stuck in the medieval age mentality. In all sincerity, federalism is the only way out, where everyone will actually decide and do what is right for them, instead of being roped in other people’s shortcoming,” he said. But was the legislation necessary since everyone knows his right in the society, the activist said “Yes, it is; it is needed. It is very necessary though there is no hope for it with the people in the Red Chamber because they will kill it. That bill will never see the light of the day.” However, the Senate President has said that the bill will be reintroduced to the Senator Emmanuel Bwacha, who ate after being redrafted, and substantiated his rejection of could still be passed after the bill with copious quota- modifications. tion from the devil, said that “I have it on good authority ‘even the devil can cite the that Senator Biodun Olujimi, bible, but the doctrine of who introduced this bill will Christ is undiluted’ even as he reintroduce it after re-draftused the Temptations of ing it to address some of the reservations that were exJesus as a case study.

tion to marriage among girls, citing Senator Yerima as the brain behind the failure of the motion. “This is exactly what happened during the 7th Assembly when Senator Sani Yerima led others to reject a bill prompting regulation of age of marriage among girls, saying that the law was

On Senate President’s claim of being helpless in matter, the Afenifere Spokesman said that he was aware of the contradictions of the Senate, which stems from parochial differences, saying that Federalism is the only way out. “The Presiding Officer understands the contradic-

against Islam, and that anyone who is married is automatically of age. Now look at the case of Ese Oruru among others,” he lamented. While reacting to Sen-

pressed on the floor of the Senate,” the Senate President said. While Nigerians await the outcome of the present imbroglio, it is expected the Senate will do the right thing, and maybe defend the much talk about equality which they preach.







Story By: AdebimPe Odumade Photo: Solomon Ekahimen

he officially launch of African Entrepreneur Magazine took place recently at the Oriental Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos. The event, which opened with a speech from the Executive Editor of the Magazine, Paul Adepoju, had in attendance the movers and shakers of the media world as well as those who make decisions in entrepreneurship. Activities on the night began with an Interactive Section, which centred on the Nigerian nation is affecting and encouraging entrepreneurship, with entrepreneurs from all walks of life, among whom was Hajia Saratu Aliwu, Deputy National President of National Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA). Afterwards, the Managing Editor of the magazine, Bukola Afuwape, presented a speech on the evolution of the magazine, and its area of specialization. At the launching proper, dignitaries gave their widow’s mite in appreciation of the good works the magazine was set to do. While Dr. Ope Banwo launched the magazine with the sum of One Hundred Thousand Naira, HajIa Saratu Aliwu contributed the sum of Twenty Thousand Naira among others. Also, the President, Mohammadu Buhari, was presented with a Peace Award, which was received on his behalf by Mrs. Hajia Saratu Aliwu, the Deputy National President of NACCIMA.

Paul Adepoju (Executive Editor African Entrepreneur Magazine), & Engr. Rotimi Olagbaya, , Ijeoma Isiolu, Benjamin Adesola (Publisher African Entrepreneur Magazine)& ), Adeusi Anthonia

Haija Saratu Aliyu (Deputy National President NAC- - Bukola Afuwape(Managing Editor, African Entrepreneur CIMA), Paul Adepoju (Executive Editor African Entre- Magazine), Adeusi Anthonia, Ijeoma Isiolu & Benjamin preneur Magazine) & the entrepreneurs Adesola (Publisher African Entrepreneur Magazine)

Benjamin Adesola (Publisher African Entrepreneur Magazine) presented an award to President Mohammed Buhari , Haija Saratu Aliyu (Deputy National President NACCIMA) collected on his behalf

Benjamin Adesola (Publisher African Entrepreneur Magazine), - Haija Saratu Aliyu (Deputy National President NACCIMA)



IBINABO: How lawyer’s fumble sent her to jail




Story By: Eric Elezuo

nyone who had told the erstwhile beauty queen and former President of the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN), Ibinabo Fiberesima, that just a week after dazzling at the African Magic awards with her Ankara materials, she would be battling to regain her freedom from a monster of five jail term, she wouldn’t believe. But that has been the case as the Nollywood actress has taken her case to the Supreme Court in protest of the five years imprisonment handed to her by the High Court and upheld at the Appeal Court. But her case could not be heard when it was mentioned at the Supreme Court owing to the flimsy preparations undertaken by her lawyer, who came up with an incomplete application. The three-man panel of judges, headed by Justice U.I. Ndukwe-Anyanwu, ruled that the application was incomplete, as the appellant failed to attach to her application copies of the judgment affirming the five-year jail sentence imposed on her by a Lagos High Court. Presiding Justice Ndukwe-Anyanwu said the only option left was to strike out the application or adjourn it to a further date for a hearing. Consequently, Nnaemeka Amaechina, Ms. Fiberesima's counsel, asked for an adjournment to enable him to correct the bail application. The court subsequently adjourned the matter to April 7. Meanwhile, it was a deep expression of anguish and pains as the Appeal Court sitting in Lagos upheld the

sentencing of an A-list actress, Ibinabo Fiberesima, to a five years jail term by the High Court. This was coming on the heels of her 10-year-old manslaughter case which involves the death of a Lagos doctor, Giwa Suraj, in February 2006, after Ibinabo hit him on the Lekki– Epe expressway. Eye witnesses had testified that shortly afterwards, the former President of the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) had escaped, and subseq u e n t l y changed his plate number to avoid detection and arrest. T h e trial, which has been heard at

various lower courts, has seen the actress, who was once fined N100,000 by a Magistrate Court, sentenced to a 5-year jail term by a High Court for dangerous and reckless driving. On January 28, 2016, when the case came up at an

Appeal Court sitting in Lagos as the actress filed a suit challenging the ruling of the Lagos High Court, which handed her the 5-year sentence, she was absent at the trial. She was however, asking that the decision of a Lagos High Court which sentenced her to 5 years imprisonment be quashed. The appellate court presided over by Justice Ndukwe Anyanwu however, reserved judgment to a later date with the judge ordering that the actress be present on the day. The said ‘later date’ came on Friday, March 11, 2016, when Justice Jamilu Yammama Tukur delivered the decision on Friday, saying that the appeal was shallow and lacked merit. He therefore, upheld the judgment of the High Court which over ruled the fine option given by the Magistrate Court, dismissing it as ‘judicial recklessness’. The sister of the deceased doctor, Biola Giwa-


Adeyemi, while applauding the judgment of the appellate court, narrated the incident of February 2006 thus: “Ibinabo was driving towards Lekki while the late Dr. Giwa was coming from the other direction towards Island, just by shoprite, when ibinabo’s jeep flipped and lost control from her lane jumped over the culvert or pavement that demarcated the road. The speed that skipped and flipped a jeep over the road demarcation will be considered “Reckless and Endangerment” because the VIO dept checked the jeep brakes, the engine and all the mechanical and electrical parts of the


jeep but the result shows nothing wrong with the jeep, and confirmed that the accident as due to OVER SPEEDING: the result is on record. After the accident, Ibinabo left the scene of the accident without checking for any survivors, she took the license plate and registration out of the car and fled from the scene; that was considered “HIT AND RUN”. The people at the scene of the accident recognized her as Ibinabo Feberesima, and stated she was drunk. “Driving under influence” of whatever she had. The Ministry of Transportation has to use the VIN number to locate the

owner of the jeep, which happened to be Daniel Wilson. That was my very first time of hearing the name Ibinabo Febresima. The doctor died at the scene of the accident because the jeep was on top of the Honda Accord driven by him, and they couldn’t save him on time because of the seat belt and the weight of the jeep, the brother and the other family friend in that car had survived. Did she know the state of mind and the emotional instability of the people involved in that accident up till now, Ibinabo has never been in a comma.” On the other hand, the enter-

tainment family has expressed deep solidarity for the former beauty queen, though they agreed that an offence was committed. According to a Cool FM on air personality, Freeze, “I pray she is pardoned but she needs to show empathy and remorse, while being responsible for the family of the deceased.” But in GiwaAdeyemi’s testament, she expressed that initially when the actress was asked to apologise, she bluntly refused, claiming that an apology will seriously damage her career. However, in an open letter to Nigerians via the Facebook, the actress son, Sean Coughlan, had pleaded with Nigerians to pray for his mother, saying she is going through the toughest of times. “On this occasion it was unfortunate, she was unlucky, her car flipped over which happens to a number of cars and another car smashed into her. She was in a comma for days; she could have easily lost her life, but thankfully, by Gods strength only she survived. “She did not set out that day trying to kill someone or herself. Right now my mother is broken, and needs the prayer and support of all Nigerians, so please put all your conspiracies about this matter aside, I know it’s between her and God now,” he said. As the Nollywood world has instituted a movement on freeibinabofeberesima, it is believed that justice will be tempered with mercy, and arrogancy substituted by humility for a way forward. All in all, the Supreme Court may be the deciding factor for these travails.



ne half of the musical group known as PSquare, Peter Okoye, has said that his breakup with his other half, Paul Okoye, is not a stunt, even as he added that both of them have not been on speaking terms since December, 2015. He said: “Truth is: I have not been in talking terms with Paul since December 2015, and that was why I travelled in January. I had a lot on my mind.” Peter also bared his mind on the soured relationship between him and his brothers, as well as the crisis that is threatening to tear the group apart. Blaming the crisis on his twin brother’s ‘weakness’ and an internal struggle for control of the PSquare, he said, “You know they say change is constant, you can’t stay at one spot. “As the industry moves, you move. So I won’t say the problem we have is money. I think everybody is just dragging power unnecessarily. Imagine Jude telling me that he’s in charge of Psquare, and there’s nothing Peter and Paul can do about it, and I looked at Paul: he’s quiet about it”. Peter also revealed that his insistence on growing a workable structure for the group was root of the quarrel between him and his brothers. Waving aside the rumour that the altercation among the members of the PSquare was deliberately orchestrated by the group as a publicity stunt, he said: “I hear lot of people say it’s all a stunt, and that’s what I really want to put an end to. It’s not a stunt at all. It has been going on for a while. “When Jude didn’t come to my wedding, people started saying we have broken up, and then others said it was a stunt. Then when Paul posted those lyrics on Instagram, people thought it was a stunt too. But the truth is that, this is not, and has never been a publicity stunt”. Meanwhile, Peter, who had previously announced that he hired a new manager to replace his older brother, Jude, vowed to move on with his career, in spite of everything.

Our Breakup is not a Stunt – Psquare’s Peter Okoye The







Consequent upon the Ankara attire which former Guild of Actors President wore the recently held AMVCA, and caused an uproar among social media users, the fair in complexion former beauty queen has replied thus: “Ok enough of the AMVCA 2016 awards. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees; well-done Africa for raising the bar on film making. Thanks haters for making me trend. I wore Ankara, and they want to eat me raw. I heard it was Africa Movie Awards and I promoted Africa with my attire. All made in Nigeria. I am proud of Nigeria and very proud of the designer, Rikaotobyme, who worked so hard to create my outfit. It was fun re-uniting with them after so long. I am a happy woman today, blessed with Grace of God. I pray people find and known what happiness truly is in their lifetimes. And most importantly, I pray people know God. He is real.

By: Babatunde Martins

got engaged in November 2013, on Blessing’s 21st birthday and wedded on June 27, 2015 in Liverpool, England.

E N T E R TA I N M E N T wife and son, recently said it made him pertinent to write this:

POP SINGER, DAVID ADELEKE, “DAVIDO” SIGNS NEW ARTISTE Davido and his record lebel, HKN Gang, had just signed a young promising singer and pianist named Mayor Kun, whose

performance he came across on Instagram. Davido, who unveiled the new act, disclosed that Mayor Kun, an Afro pop singer is the next best thing in Nigeria. The singer has now revealed that another artiste he would love to sign is YBNL’s rapper and Olamide’s protégé, Lil Kesh. The singer revealed this in a new video, during an interactive session with the media. When asked by a journalist to name an artiste he would love to sign, the singer wasted no time in saying, “Kesh straight.” He was quick though to mention his good relationship with Olamide as a reason for not following through with it. “If not say baddo (Olamide) na GIDEON AND BLESSING YOBO EXPECT- my guy men…I love the boy,” he further ING FIRST CHILD said. Davido’s new artiste, Mayor Kun, who is a graduate of the University of Lagos, expressed his excitement over his deal, and disclosed that he initially regarded Davido’s message to him as a scam. Mayor Kun has also expressed his gratitude, and said Davido’s signing is a dream come true. GOSPEL ACCORDING TO PORT HARCOUT FIRST SON, DUCAN MIGHTY Duncan Mighty, the Port Harcourt based musician had written a letter to Nigerian Former Super Eagles player, Joseph on how to handle a tyre blowout when Yobo’s younger brother, Gideon Yobo is it occurs while driving. Duncan who was expecting his first child with wife, Bless- devastated by the death of Nigeria’s ing, the younger sister of another Super Minister of State for Labour and EmployEagles player, Hope Akpan. The couple ment in a fatal auto accident with his

“WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU HAVE A TYRE BLOWOUT. In the event of the unfortunate death of Nigeria’s Minister of State for Labour and Employment due to an accident occasioned by a tyre blow, and the fact that in Nigeria nowadays, we have many untrained drivers, it has become pertinent for me to write this. There are six simple steps to take within a maximum of two minutes, and you will be safe. These by the grace of God I have been familiar with for decades. They are as follow: (1) DON’T PANIC in the event of a blowout, calm yourself down fast because your car will start misbehaving, and you need to take charge. (2) HOLD FIRMLY to your steering wheel with both hand, NO VIGOROUS TURNING, as you concentrate on the road and your mirrors. In seconds, study the movement pattern of the car. Your car will naturally swerve to the direction of the burst tyre. (3) Gradually take off your foot from the accelerator, DON’T EVER ATTEMPT TO PRESS THE BRAKES, IF YOU DO, YOU HAVE A 95% CHANCE OF A SOMERSAULT. The car will decelerate gradually while you concentrate on the road to avoid collision with any other road user. (4) Disengage the gears of the car by shifting to neutral (N) as you still maintain a firm grip on the Steering wheel and put your eyes on the road. (5) After a while, depending on your initial speed, your car will come to a speed less than 60km/h when it is now safe to GRADUALLY apply the brakes and navigate to the side walk (6) Ultimately, it is now safe to put the car to a complete stop and turn off the engine. You have just saved yourself and passengers from untimely death.





The Return of Samson Siasia: Acid Test with Egypt

With the sudden resignation of Super Eagles Coach, Sunday Oliseh, following hostilities and breach of contract by the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) as the main reason for quitting his coaching position, the NFF has thrown caution to the winds, and re-employed the once sacked Samson Siasia to take up the mantle once again. Samson Siasia’s re-appointment was reportedly finalized after Coach Shuaibu Amodu turned down the chance to return to Super Eagles hot seat, citing personal reasons. On the eve of Samson Siasia’s appointment, he said he took the job as an honour to his fatherland, and for Nigeria’s interest. It has never been in doubt what the Siasia, as a football veteran, can do as a coach, but tried as he could, he failed to qualify Nigeria for the 2015 African Nations Cup, held in Congo, amid so much hope reposed in him. Experts argued that Siasia’s failure has a lot to do with his high-handedness and the desire to call the bluff of anyone who sees contrary to his proposed programmes. As lofty as Siasia’s programmes were, he

failed to properly bring them to actualization, thereby rubbishing his person and antecedent. The NFF did not think twice before giving him the boot. But today, the same NFF has extended a hand of fellowship to him again, to continue the job he was once ridiculed in.

This, according to sports pundits, was after the ‘experienced’ Amodu Shauibu had refused the offer. This, again, made Siasia the second in terms of coaching preference. Many has therefore, wondered what Siasia could do better than during his first call. Far from giving

answer to the question, it is also pertinent to ask how Siasia intends to cross the barrier that stands in form of the Egyptian National Team in Kaduna, to make sure that Nigeria does not miss out of two consecutive nations cup event. He must understand that the hope of

over 160 million Nigerians is hanging on his slim shoulders, and he must either carry it, this time, with ease or break. And if he fails this time, the possibility of his ever returning to any of the national teams will be very slim. Though we wish him all the luck he needs, March 25, 2016 will surely decide.




Parents Alert Eric Elezuo







ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Mobolaji Momodu EDITOR Michael Effiong

PHOTO EDITOR Adekoya Adegbite


The rate of moral decadence has continually remained on the increase among the young population of the world today. And of course, Nigeria is not an exception. The matter has not been helped considering that most parents are career oriented, and are hardly at home to oversee the activities of their wards. This therefore, had made the youth of today a clear contrast to what was obtained yesteryears, or so it is said. The advent of the internet has made issues to go beyond what it use to, as the has even been used to propagate sexual immorality. However, as sharp as the parents tried to be, the youths are developing more codes to perpetrate their activities without being dictated by prying mums and dads. Below is a compilation of some abbreviated or coded languages at the beck and call of the younger generation, which are supposedly meant to deceive the adults while they carry out their nefarious sexual activity. IWSN- I want sex now GNOC- Get naked on camera

NIFOC- Naked in front of computer PIR- Parent in room CU46- See you for sex 53X - Sex 9 - Parent watching 99- Parent gone 1174'- Party meeting place Broken- Hungover from alcohol 420 - Marijuana POS- Parent over shoulder SUGARPIC- Suggestive or erotic photo

KOTL- Kiss on the lips (L)MIRL- Let's meet in real life PRON- Porn TDTM- Talk dirty to me 8 - Oral sex CD9 - Parents around/Code 9 IPN- I'm posting naked LH6- Let's have sex WTTP- Want to trade pictures? DOC- Drug of choice TWD- Texting while driving GYPO- Get your pants off KPC- Keeping parents clueless There are very many others out there, and as parents discover some, the youths invent more. Consequently, parents must, as a matter of urgency keep tab of events to guide their children.

ASSISTANT DESIGNER Kwaku Yeboah Darteh Adekoya Abiodun Afeez

CORRESPONDENT Babatunde Martins, Eric Elezuo

PHOTO JOURNALISTS Colin Ramsay… Ade James (USA)...Dayo Adedayo Isaac Adegbite...Dragan Mikki (UK)…Bodise Wilson Soji Adekunle…Vera Odjugo...Tope Brown Solomon Ekhaiyemhe...Abraham Falodun Segun Lawal...Ken Ehimen...Sunmisola Olorunnisola Guy L’ Avenir (Benin Republic)...Ben Dzakah (Ghana) MARKETING/ADVERTS Zed Dominic Okolue (Benin Republic)

US CORRESPONDENTS Samantha Ofole Prince...Shola Orolugbagbe

CONTRIBUTORS Jimi Akinniyi… Sanya Ojikutu… Isatou N’jie Dayo Olomu… Makeba Boateng LAGOS OFFICE Bamisebi Richard Ojo-Head Admin Aderemi Abiola-Admin. Officer

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CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Onukaba Adinoyi-Ojo… Ike Okonta...Sunmi Smart-Cole Okagbue Aduba...Osasu Obayiuwana… Dupe Ashama Isha Tejan-Cole (West Africa)...Richie Dayo Johnson GHANA OPERATIONS #17, Asafoatse Afua Street, West Airport. Tel: +233244843099 +233244839737 LAGOS 2, Gabriel Akinmade Taylor Estate Opebi-Allen Roundabout, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria Tel: +(234)8055069220, (0)8023002090, (4)4543030 TOGO BUREAU King Nee +2289160855 Chinyere Ndukwe +22890039631

DIRECTORS Segun Fatoye, Mobolaji Momodu, Damola Aderemi, Dele Momodu (CEO)


Vol.1 No.6


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