Bellalago Beacon | Summer 2014

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ne of the AC units got taken out by the surge. Hopefully, by the time you are receiving this newsletter we are all fixed and not sweltering in the summer sun! We have had a lot of maintenance to the centers going on in the last few weeks, and we will continue to make improvements and repairs where necessary. Roofs are being cleaned, walls are being painted, and floors are being recoated. It’s a large project and we want to thank you for your patience as we work through the schedule. We will try to keep the closures to an absolute minimum, but as I am sure you can appreciate we will, from time to time, need to close the building down. We will make every effort to let you know in plenty of time so you can adjust your plans accordingly. We want to give you all an update on the recent survey we completed in Bellalago. We had an amazing number of responses; 255 residents took the time to give us some great feedback. We



have a Coffee Talk planned for July 8th at Liberty High School Auditorium at 6:30pm to go over the results and discuss what we need to do to meet your expectations. We included the main chart below as an overview of how we are doing. The complete survey results and all charts, responses, and additional comments will be posted on the website for your review. We will of course keep names and personal details strictly confidential. The drawing

for the gift certificates will be done at the Coffee Talk. One of the comments we heard many times on the survey is, “Who is that person, and what do they do?” So we have published an AAM Bellalago team organizational chart for you. This chart outlines the reporting structure and where everyone fits into the staffing plan for Bellalago. Kraig Carmickle, Vice President of Florida Operations still oversees the

Q29 OVERALL SATISFACTION Answered: 208 | Skipped: 47

entire division, while I manage the staff and the community. I couldn’t do my job without the support of a great staff onsite every day. Doug Gilbert now heads up the Facilities Operations and manages the dayto-day details of both Bellalago and Isles of Bellalago Amenity Centers. Our team of Lifestyles Attendants is on hand to answer and deal with your requests. They keep the bathrooms stocked, the gym in order, and keep an eye on the pools and facilities to support Doug. Next, we have a host of additional support that makes up the complete team. Our Fitness & Wellness Director, Elizabeth Deckard works with the fitness instructors to bring you a varied program of classes for all ages. Our Activities Director, Sheri Wollschlager helps guide Kelsi Clonts, your onsite Activities Coordinator to bring you a full schedule of events to fill your social calendars. On the administration side we have Giselle Rodriguez, who handles all the lease applications and updating Dwelling Live with transponders for the tenants. Gloria Hernandez handles our ARC and Compliance and does all the inspections and letters that you all love to hate! Angelica Rice is our Homeowner Accounts Coordinator, she works with our attorney on all matters to do with HOA/Club assessments and payment plans. A lot of our maintenance needs are handled by our in-house team of professionals; they include plumbing, electrical, painting, and many other areas. This allows us to respond quickly to issues as they arise. Lastly, we have a list of vendors that work with us on common areas to maintain and keep Bellalago beautiful, along with ABM Security that mans our gates and patrols the community. We are about to start the replacement of the gate motors

at Isles of Bellalago, which will be quickly followed by the bar code reader system and database upgrade. More details of this will be emailed out to you all in the coming weeks. We are going to take this time to update all the information we have for contact emails and phone numbers. There will be many opportunities to get your replacement bar code sticker, including evenings and weekends. See page 4, as we have some seasonal changes to the Amenity Center hours beginning July 1st. These hours will be in effect until the end of September 2014. Our lifestyles program is really starting to step up; we have lots of exciting events to take us through the summer and Kelsi is already working on the programs for the fall. It will be here before we know it! As we are now in full swing with the summer vacation from school, we want to have a little competition for the Bellalago youth. There will be two opportunities to win; one with an essay and two with a drawing. The topic will be, “What or where is your dream

vacation?” We will have a few different age groups, including under 5 years, 6-10 years, and 11-17 years. The closing date for this will be the end of July. The winner of each age group will have their stories and pictures published in the next newsletter. Each winner will earn a pizza party for their classmates! What a great way to start back to school. Look out for the flyers and more details in the middle of July. That’s about it from me for this issue. I hope you all have a wonderful summer! I look forward to seeing you in and around the community. If you need any assistance, need to meet with me, or just want to say hello, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

MANDY MORGAN 321-332-1875

A A M - B E L L A L A G O O R G A N I Z AT I O N C H A R T Angelica Rice H/O Acct Coordinator Elizabeth Deckard Fitness & Wellness Director Sheri Wollschlager Activities Director

Kraig Carmickle Vice President Florida Operations Mandy Morgan Community Manager

Maintenance & Vendor Management ABM Security Floralawn

Gloria Hernandez ARC/Compliance

Kelsi Clonts Activities Coordinator

Doug Gilbert Facilities Operations Manager

Giselle Rodriguez Membership/Lease Coordinator

On-Call Lifestyle Attendants Barry Petracchi Carolina Ramirez

Full Time Lifestyle Attendants Chris Bartholomew Jose Chaparro Victoria Fermin Elizabeth Payne TBA

Part Time Lifestyle Attendants Ingrid Luna Mauricio Granados Steven Rivera Kaysha Santos TBA




FA C I L I T Y P H O N E NUMBERS BEL L A L AG O Amenity Center


Security Main Gate


IS L ES OF BEL L A LAG O Amenity Center


Security Main Gate


HOA ADM I N N U M B E R S HOA Compliance Coordinator Gloria Hernandez


Membership Coordinator/Lease Applications Giselle Rodriguez


HOA Account Issues & Irrigation Work Orders Customer Care





ith a gated lakefront community and an amazing Lifestyles Team, Bellalago is the total package. Weekends on the lake are like no other with a calendar packed with creative and fun events. The Bellapalooza Spring Fair was a fun-filled day for residents and guests of all ages with carnival rides, specialty food trucks, plus a guest appearance from the fuzzy man himself, the Easter bunny! Children really loved this event as they went on an all out dash around Club Vialago hunting for Easter eggs. Kicking off summer the right way with an old-fashioned cookout, Memorial Day weekend was a crowd pleaser as residents partied on the pool deck to some feel-good summertime hits. Best of all, the only traffic jam in the area was the line for the waterslide! Wonderful events like these combined with amazing residents is what makes Bellalago a premier destination. The dust around the lake has settled and the cat is out of the bag! We are proud to reveal the two lakefront

neighborhoods, Lake Pointe Estates and Lakeview Estates, showcasing the newest designs from the Grand Estate Collection. Wonderful additions to the already stunning collection of neighborhoods, these lakefront properties include a few treasured sites directly on Lake Toho. Visit the Community Happenings page at to read more about these new neighborhoods. Big things are happening right in your community and the best place to get the facts is just around the corner at the Bellalago New Home Sales Center. The friendly staff and sales consultants will have all the updates, not just about the new construction but also any upcoming events and socials. As the VIPs of the community, sit back and enjoy your little piece of paradise while we keep the good times rolling.

DAVID SMITH 863-427-7000

6am - 9pm

Thursday - Saturday

6am - 10pm


8am - 8pm

IS L ES OF BEL L A LAG O A M EN I TY CE NT E R Monday - Friday

6am - 9pm

Saturday & Sunday

8am - 8pm

P OOL H OU R S * Monday - Friday

Usually Dawn - Dusk

Saturday & Sunday

8am - Dusk

*Subject to change. Check boards at each pool.

SUN SET TERRAC E G R ILLE Monday Tuesday - Thursday Friday & Saturday Sunday


The Place To Be


CLOSED 12pm - 9pm 12pm - 10pm 12pm - 8pm



want to take the time to say thank you to the homeowners who have contacted us regarding concerns around the community. It makes a huge difference having eyes and ears all over the community that can reach out enabling us to get matters resolved quickly. I wanted to share a few stats on Architectural Requests and Violations from January through May 2014. Of the 203 ARC requests submitted, 4 were rejected. Top requests are paint, screen enclosures, landscape curbing, and boat docks. All homeowners must submit ARC applications for all exterior work to their homes including yard art, potted plants, landscape lighting, etc. In addition to the ARC application, there may be additional documents that must be submitted for review by the committee. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions regarding Architectural Requests.

D E PA R T M E N T : A R C H I T E C T U R A L & CO M P L I A N C E

There were a total of 1,469 violations. Top violations are paint, pressure washing, trash/recycle can being left out, parking in the street overnight, and landscape maintenance. We are continuing to send the reminder letters for the 7-year paint requirement. If you have already painted your house, please call or email me so that we can do the final inspection and update your account. If you need an extension, please contact me to avoid receiving letters and fines. We have also sent out letters for pressure washing the tile roofs. If you need an extension, please contact me so that we can note the extension. Please keep in mind that there should not be any vehicles blocking the sidewalks. We have families who ride bikes around the community that need access to the sidewalks to avoid riding in the street. Not only is this a Bellalago violation, it’s an Osceola County ordinance which can result in a citation. LANDSCAPING Due to the fact that landscaping is usually on the list of our top violations, we thought it would be helpful to give you a few summer landscaping tips, compliments of Brad Thompson from Floralawn: Summer is tough on grass. Heat, drought, foot traffic, and insects stress it out. Feeding your lawn in the summer protects and strengthens it against these problems. Lawns in warm-season grass areas should be fed over the summer months as they grow steadily from spring to fall. If you see insects in your grass, use a feeding product that also contains insect control. May through September are the prime months for chinch bug activity in Central Florida. The southern chinch bug, Blissus insularis (Barber), is the most damaging insect pest of St. Augustine grass. Nymphal development typically requires 4-6 weeks during the summer. Southern chinch bugs produce 3-7 generations per year, depending on the geographic location and weather. Chinch bugs damage turf by inserting their piercing-sucking mouthparts into the

crowns, stems, and stolons of grass plants to remove sap. During this process they inject a toxin that causes the grass to turn yellow. Thus, damage appears as irregular yellow patches of turf. These areas turn reddish brown and eventually die, while the chinch bugs move outward into healthy turf. A yellow halo around the damaged area is typical of a chinch bug infestation. Damage from chinch bugs shows up first in sunny areas with heat or drought stressed grass and which is often areas near pavement or sidewalks. It is very important to have a fertilization/insecticide program in place to help eliminate insect, disease, and fertilization issues. Mulching is essential to the survival of your landscape during a drought and it will reduce the amount of water that evaporates from your soil, greatly reducing your need to water your plants. It improves the quality of your soil by breaking up clay and allowing better water and air movement through the soil. Mulch provides nutrients to sandy soil and improves its ability to hold water. It also acts as an insulating layer on top of soil, keeping it cooler in the summer. Roots like that! Mulch keeps weeds down and the weeds that do grow are much easier to pull. Gardeners like that! Before applying mulch, remove weeds and water thoroughly. This will help you get the most benefit from your new mulch. Replace the grass under trees with mulch to minimize competition for water and nutrients. This mimics the way trees grow in nature. Keep mulch 6-12 inches away from the base of trees and shrubs. Apply 2-4 inches of mulch in all planting areas. Finer mulches (sized a 1/2 inch or smaller) should be applied no more than 2 inches deep.

NOTICES Often we hear from residents that they receive violation letters and they have already painted or pressure washed their homes. Please remember, if you do the work then let us know, so we can update our records and stop the letters from coming to you. Also note when you get a letter, please know you have not been singled out as every homeowner is dealt with in exactly the same way. When you see a home that has a yard that has not been cut, we add it to our violation list and send the appropriate notice. If the homeowner does not respond, we then follow the correct process to have the home added to the self-help list. This does unfortunately take a little longer than we would like, but we have to follow the correct procedure to protect the Association. We are in the process of obtaining approval from some of the foreclosure homes to take care of the roofs. With the large majority in compliance, the dirty roofs are starting to stick out like sore thumbs. We also need your help on broken irrigation heads in the vacant homes. As you know the system is vast and is mainly operational in the evening and throughout the night. If you see a broken head simply email me, and I will report this to our landscapers so it can be repaired. Dotti and I would like to thank you for helping keep Bellalago beautiful and we hope you have a wonderful summer! As always, feel free to contact us should you have any questions or concerns.




D E PA R T M E N T : FA C I L I T I E S & O P E R AT I O N S



hroughout the years, many of you have gotten to know me as the Fitness and Recreations Specialist, as well as a Lifestyles Attendant here at Bellalago. While holding and enjoying those positions, I also took an interest in learning more about community management. As I approach working five years at Bellalago with AV Homes and the previous management company, I have seen this community grow leaps and bounds in the last two years. Not only in residency, but the overall quality of the community. We still have more improvements to make and with your help and patience, we’ll stay on the right track. As the saying goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” so you will not see some of the improvements right away. In the very near future, Bellalago will be one of the best communities in Central Florida to live and raise your family! My focus will be shifting from Fitness and Events to the day-to-day operation of the facilities. Those of you that have gotten to know me over the years know that I am very passionate about fitness, so it will be hard for me to pull away completely. Be prepared to still see me kicking a ball around with the kids or slam-dunking on the basketball courts. I will be planning a World Cup style soccer event (or “Footie” as Mandy likes to call it) late this summer. So I’m not gone; I’m just moving in a different direction.

Bellapalooza Spring 2014 I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank all the residents who came out to attend this year’s Bellapalooza event that took place in the spring. I’ve done a few and boy was it the best one yet. The event incorporated an Easter Egg Hunt, Carnival, and Craft and Health Fair all in one. The turnout was incredible and this was evident 6


by the steady stream of people that were flowing through the different booths and carnival games. We had an estimated crowd of 600+ walk the grounds of the Bellalago boating area! We are also greatly appreciative to the vendors (for the Craft and Health Fair) that helped make this event possible. The fair was a great success because of everyone who attended! We can’t wait to see what next year brings.

Get Your Game On, World Cup Style! This year the World Cup took place in the beautiful country of Brazil, but why not hold our very own tournament here at Bellalago! As we round out the hot summer, put on your cleats and your favorite team’s colors, and show off your foot skills in this tournament-style event! This family fun event is for Bellalago residents only and sign-up is required. Teams will be made prior to the game and the age requirement will be 10 and up. There will also be a Pee Wee game for the little ones! Date and time will be posted soon in the Amenity Centers. I look forward to seeing the future David Beckhams and Abby Wambachs of Bellalago! More details will follow in the coming weeks, so start practicing your skills now.

Golf Sign Up Update Sign ups were overwhelming, but it is good to see how many of you have shown interest in playing golf. While we are still working on putting together group outings, and possibly a friendly Bellalagoonly tournament, I wanted to let you know about the different specials available to you as Bellalago residents at the Stonegate Golf Club. For a limited time, you can prepay for the Players Pass for only $70 (a

$116 value), which includes four rounds of golf at either course (Stonegate Oaks or Stonegate Cypress) for four players. Monday Mulligans is a beginner’s league, which includes a 30-minute clinic from 3pm-3:30pm followed by nine holes of golf. In June and July, every Wednesday and Thursday from 10:30am-11:30am you can take part in a putting, chipping, and driving clinic for $15 per person. For more information about these specials, visit www. or call 863-427-7150.

Facility Improvements In the past few weeks you may have noticed that there has been quite a few upgrades, changes, and fixes going on in and around the Amenity Centers. Due to everyday wear and tear, most of this is routine maintenance that is normally done to keep the facilities looking their best. Unfortunately, there may be times when the pool, a piece of equipment, or the building might be closed, and as you know, things can happen unexpectedly. We will try to keep you informed of when these closing may happen. I thank you all again for your patience. I am very excited about the opportunities here at Bellalago and I look forward to growing and learning as much as I can about the day-to-day operations. Please let me know if there is anything I can assist you with. I am working closely with Mandy Morgan, our Community Manager, to soak up as much information as I can, and I look forward to being of service to you.

DOUG GILBERT 407-933-3010



D E PA R T M E N T : L I F E S T Y L E S



ummer is here and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than with events and socials! The Lifestyles Team has come up with some fantastic ideas for the summer and I am very excited to announce them, but before I do that, I want to share about our Memorial Day Flag Ceremony and BBQ. I want to thank the Liberty High School JROTC and Deputy Sheriff Angel Beltran for performing the Flag Ceremony. Special thanks goes to our Bellalago veteran residents, U.S. Navy Veteran Wayne Escudero and U.S. Army Captain Richard Guilbert (retired), for presenting the wreaths and U.S. Army Veteran Miguel Nunez, who did an amazing job as our keynote speaker. I would also like to thank all our volunteers who give up their time to support our events and lastly, the audience who attended the ceremony and the BBQ. I personally learned a lot and will be adding some additional touches to our Veterans Day Event to show my appreciation for the men and women who gave so much to allow us to live our lives. Thank you. Now on to upcoming events for the next couple of months and boy, we are going to have some fun this summer. Lifestyles 8


is utilizing the Sunset Grille for monthly Sunset Socials on June 19th, July 17th, and August 21st. The theme for the June social will be Latin Night and if this is a success we may continue with Latin. However, we would love your input on other themes for the July and August socials. Once decided, the theme will be announced on flyers in the Amenity Centers and through email blasts. This event will be complimentary admission and no tickets are needed. Special food and beverage prices will be provided for purchase from The Grille. We’ve already had a great run up to summer with our recent “IOBville” pool party. The food was amazing, The High Tide Band was awesome, the residents had a riproaring time, and the Caribbean feel really did turn it up at Bellalago. The first day of summer was met with ice cream sundaes galore; the pool was the place to be. Let’s hope this is a trend and we all get to enjoy one sizzling hot summer of fun in the sun. We have had some great feedback about our pool events. From time to time we do have ticketed events and restrict the use of the pool to those that have paid. For our July 4th celebrations we will not be having a

ticketed event. Please join us by the pool at Bellalago to relax and have some fun with music and games from our great DJ. There will be complimentary ice cream sundaes and slushies served by the Lifestyles Staff. Due to the capacity required by law, we may have to restrict access once we reach these numbers, so come early and enjoy the fun in the sun. We will also have frozen specials at Isles of Bellalago, but no DJ. Both pools will be unrestricted, however, remember we do have to stay within our capacity, so please remember to come early to avoid being turned away. Also make sure you have your IDs with you; we will be doing constant checks to ensure all Bellalago residents are valid. The movie by the pool is back! Monday Movie Madness will be showing childfriendly movies in the moonlight on July 21st and August 11th. Movies will start at 8pm or when it is completely dark. We will show the movie inside the multipurpose room if the weather is not cooperating. We hear a lot from our ladies that they would like to see some craft activities just for them. Well, we heard you and we are excited to offer a craft event with a little twist! We

have something special just for you! Come join us on July 30th and September 24th from 7pm-9pm to mingle, have some fun, and participate in crafts. Wine and cheese will be provided as you show off your style and talent. We have two events, Wine Glass Painting and Wax Canvas Art. Tickets are $5 per lady and are now on sale at both Amenity Centers. Let’s have one last hurrah before school begins. On August 11th, we will be having a wacky and fun Swim Olympics Bellalago style at the pool in Bellalago. Strong swimming skills are not required. There will be pool competitions and awards will be provided! Also, on August 30th, we will be having a Back to School Trivia Night where it’s the children vs. adults. This is a good way to see what your children are learning in school, bond with them, and see who has a competitive edge. Do you think your baking is better than everyone else’s? On Labor Day (Monday, September 1st), get your best dessert recipe out and put your skills to the test with a resident bake off! Your very own Lifestyles Team will judge desserts with awards bestowed on our master chefs! More details will follow in the coming weeks. Do you feel lucky? September 27th is Casino Bellalago Night! Play all your favorite casino games including Texas Hold ‘Em, Blackjack, Roulette, and more! It’s all for fun - no one loses at Casino Bellalago. At the end of the night, your Bellalago Bucks will be converted into golden tickets for many great prizes. This event will be for residents over 21 ONLY. Tickets are $10 per person. Advanced ticket purchase required. Tickets will be available at both Amenity Centers on August 1st. For more information about these events, please see the event pages of the Bellalago Beacon, email blasts, and the new format calendar. With all these wonderful events planned, I am excited to announce my office has been moved to Bellalago. This is going to make it much easier for me to get to know you! I am located in the Sales Center at Bellalago, so please stop by and say hello!

One thing to note, I only deal with the fun side, so any HOA issues still need to be addressed to Mandy and the management staff. Please come in and see me, I would love to get your feedback and input. Also, let me take a moment to put out a plea to all residents: PLEASE do not forget to purchase tickets in advance so we can provide adequate food for everyone. A good example of a little panic I had was with the Memorial Day BBQ. Five days before the event we only had 37 tickets sold and were about to cancel the BBQ altogether. It was not until three days prior to the event our numbers skyrocketed and we finally sold out the day before the event with 120 residents and their guests. The same thing happened with our Splish, Splash Pool Party. Three days out, only 30 tickets were sold and then there was a mad rush and we reached 100 the night before. Catering companies require final numbers three days prior to the event. Thank goodness we are working

with some great caterers that allowed us to make such a drastic change in food count numbers the night before. Selling tickets for some events allow us to bring you the best in food, entertainment, and decoration (to help set the mood). Purchasing tickets in advance helps me plan more appropriately and does not give me panic attacks! I am excited at the great opportunity for me to grow here at Bellalago. There are many things I want to bring to you all and can’t wait for the next three months. Please take the time to let me know what you may like to see and any areas I need to focus on to bring you the best lifestyle possible. Thank you for all your support at our events and have a beautiful Bellalago summer!

KELSI CLONTS 863-614-0197

Advertising Space Coming Soon! Beginning in October 2014, the newsletter will become a monthly publication that will include advertising spaces for residents and local businesses. The addition of the advertising program will help offset the costs involved in creating and printing the newsletter for our community. WE ARE OFFERING THE AD SPACE TO OUR RESIDENTS FIRST, prior to opening it up to local businesses. More details regarding size, cost, and deadlines for the advertisements will be available soon. To learn more about the upcoming advertising opportunities, please contact: bellalago@



D E PA R T M E N T : F I T N E S S



you knew you could possibly prevent over 36,000 cases of cancer from occurring every year by doing just one thing, would you do it? Most of us would answer yes. Cancer is something that has affected almost everyone, whether it is through family, or friends, or something you’ve experienced yourself. Doctors and scientists are racing to see who can discover the cure, when the truth is we are the ones that can make the biggest strides towards preventing it in the first place. I recently attended a training conference with the American College of Sports Medicine, my certifying organization. One of the sessions I attended was presenting the evidence from various studies they’ve been conducting over the last year on the effects of physical activity and its role in prevention of disease. They were focusing on diseases such as breast and colon cancer and diabetes, and the results were astounding. In the UK, they found that 36,815 cases of premature death from cancers and an additional 294,730 cases of Type II diabetes could be prevented every year if individuals would just increase their level of physical activity. In this case, an increase in activity just meant spending



20 minutes a day walking. While it’s not a secret that activity is important for disease control and prevention, it’s still difficult to get people motivated to move. Whether it’s the long commutes, overly packed schedules, or high stress environments, we as a society have stopped making moving a priority. It’s time to get remotivated and take our health back into our own hands. The following are some tips to help you get back on track. Activity Needs a Focus: Unfortunately, doing something because it’s good for your health will only serve as motivation for a short period of time. Pick a goal to work towards and not necessarily one with the numbers on the scale involved. If you decide to take up running, set your sites on a couple of races a few months down the road, sign up, and get started! Keep it Social: Grab a friend or two or twenty, or join a club or league that caters to activities you enjoy. You don’t have to go to a gym and jog for endless amounts of time on a treadmill; that works, and some people enjoy that monotony, but most of us need a little more interaction and motivation to keep going. So, find a pick-up game of basketball or soccer, join a group fitness class or running club. Doing activities like this, you are much

more likely to see it as fun and not as physical activity. Find a Purpose: Just like setting goals to keep motivated, finding a way to give back while being active can be a great motivator as well. To quote one of the presenters I heard, “Purpose with value leads to prolonged activity.” The more value you see in the activity you are doing, the longer you will keep doing it. Use apps like Charity Miles to raise money for charities and causes you care about. Take the whole family to participate in a volunteer activity like cleaning up the trails in one of the local parks, playing with the dogs at a local animal shelter, or anything else that strikes your fancy. Not only are you off the couch and moving for your own physical health, but you are also building stronger relationships and leading by example for the generations to come. That is the definition of purpose with value. Whatever it is you decide to do with the rest of your summer, try to find ways to keep you and your family moving. Instead of a day lounging at the beach, rent paddleboards and give it a whirl, dance, or plan a vacation that includes plenty of hiking, biking, or site seeing on foot. The possibilities are practically endless and can fit in any budget. The point is to keep it focused on the fun rather than the fact you are being physically active, that’s just a bonus point or two for your health.





ost of you are probably thinking who is Angelica Rice and how does she fit into Bellalago and the management team. Well, I am your Homeowner Account Manager and I deal with everything that has to do with the assessments. I usually only speak with homeowners when they need assistance with assessments. I have received many questions regarding how to pay assessments and what the pros and cons for each of the methods are. So, I thought I might spend a few minutes of your time to clarify the different ways to pay as well as give you all an overview on what Homeowner Accounts is able to assist you with.

Enroll in Automatic Deductions with Sure Pay Go to http://www.homeownerresources. com/hoa-and-community-forms/makea-payment/ to complete the online application. Make sure to sign up twice, once for the Community Association and once for the Club. You can also request a Sure Pay form directly from me or stop by the administration building to pick one up. An advantage to using Sure Pay is that if the assessment amount changes, Sure Pay will automatically adjust and there is no need to make any changes.

your payment in late or the payment is lost in the mail, you will still be responsible for any late fees. We do not receive the payments electronically; your bank will mail us a paper check.

Payment By Check and Mail Delivery: Please include your coupon and/or indicate your account number on the memo line of the check. Do not include any other correspondence, as this is a lockbox. The payments must be made separately - one for the Association and one for the Club.

Homeowner Accounts in a Nutshell We work directly with homeowners to cure delinquencies prior to going into collections, as well as work with the association attorney to coordinate collection and litigation strategies for recovering delinquencies from responsible parties. While the Customer Service Department is the front line in assisting homeowners in the day-today management of their accounts, the Homeowner Accounts department is always happy to assist and even meet in person regarding your accounts. There are many ways to pay your assessments for the Community Association (HOA) and the Club (Avatar Properties.) While Sure Pay (Direct Debit/ Automatic Deductions) is the easiest and most convenient way to pay, you do have several other options. I will describe them below and give you some pros/cons. All payments are due on the 1st of the month and late fees are applied to accounts on the 10th of the month.

Applications received before the 15th of the month will take effect for the next subsequent billing period. For the current billing period you will still need to submit an alternative form of payment. For example, direct debit will start on September 1st for an application received by July 15th. You will still need to pay the August 1st assessment manually.

On-Line Bill Pay Through Your Bank: You can make payments through bill pay or set up auto pay through your own bank. Please note that if there is a change in your assessment amount, you will need to contact your bank to change the amount of your auto debit. Also, if the bank sends

The payments do go to the same location (P.O. Box 28105, Miami, FL 33102-8105), but they need to be addressed separately; one to Bellalago & Isles of Bellalago Community Association, Inc. and the other to Bellalago Club – Avatar Properties Inc. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions and/or concerns. While our offices are in Orlando, I am always happy to set up an appointment to meet with you in your community. I hope you and yours have a wonderful summer!

ANGELICA RICE 321-332-1877




Hurricane Season BY MANDY MORGAN, LCAM, CMCA, AMS HURRICANE WATCH: Hurricane is possible within 36 hours. (Hurricane shutters may be installed, check Governing Docs for guideline).

Category Sustained Winds

Types of Damage Due to Hurricane Winds


74-95 mph 64-82 kt 119-153 km/h

Very dangerous winds will produce some damage: Wellconstructed frame homes could have damage to roof, shingles, vinyl siding and gutters. Large branches of trees will snap and shallowly rooted trees may be toppled. Extensive damage to power lines and poles likely will result in power outages that could last a few to several days.


96-110 mph 83-95 kt 154-177 km/h

Extremely dangerous winds will cause extensive damage: Well-constructed frame homes could sustain major roof and siding damage. Many shallowly rooted trees will be snapped or uprooted and block numerous roads. Neartotal power loss is expected with outages that could last from several days to weeks.

3 (major)

111-129 mph 96-112 kt 178-208 km/h

Devastating damage will occur: Well-built framed homes may incur major damage or removal of roof decking and gable ends. Many trees will be snapped or uprooted, blocking numerous roads. Electricity and water will be unavailable for several days to weeks after the storm passes.

4 (major)

130-156 mph 113-136 kt 209-251 km/h

Catastrophic damage will occur: Well-built framed homes can sustain severe damage with loss of most of the roof structure and/or some exterior walls. Most trees will be snapped or uprooted and power poles downed. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages will last weeks to possibly months. Most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months.

5 (major)

157 mph or higher Catastrophic damage will occur: A high percentage of 137 kt or higher framed homes will be destroyed, with total roof failure 252 km/h or higher and wall collapse. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages will last for weeks to possibly months. Most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months.

HURRICANE WARNING: Hurricane is expected within 24 hours. NOTICE: The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale (SSHWS) underwent a minor modification in 2012 in order to resolve awkwardness associated with conversions among the various units used for wind speed in advisory products. The change broadens the Category 4 wind speed range by one mile per hour (mph) at each end of the range, yielding a new range of 130156 mph. This change does not alter the category assignments of any storms in the historical record, nor will it change the category assignments for future storms. The new summary table is to the right. Hurricanes have been known to spawn tornadoes. One of the most important things you can do to prevent being injured in a tornado is to be aware of the onset of severe weather. If a tornado "watch" is issued for your area, it means that a tornado 12


is possible. If a tornado warning is issued, it means that a tornado has actually been spotted, or is strongly indicated on radar, and it is time to go to a safe shelter immediately. Be sure to listen to local radio and TV stations for updated storm information. A tornado is a violent storm with whirling winds of up to 300 mph. It appears as a funnel shaped cloud, from gray to black in color, which extends to the ground from the base of a thunderstorm. A tornado spins like a top and may sound like the roaring of an airplane or a locomotive. Tornadoes move at an average speed of 30 mph and generally move from the southwest to the northeast. Their direction can be erratic and change suddenly. Most tornadoes are likely to occur during the mid-afternoon and evening hours during the months of April, May, and June. However, they have been sighted and caused damage during other months. Fortunately, we in Florida are not subject too many of the larger type tornadoes that are seen in the Midwest. Most of our tornadoes are small and short-lived. However, they still can cause damage, injuries, and fatalities.

Tornadoes are most likely to occur in the right-front quadrant of the hurricane. However, they are also often found elsewhere embedded in the rain bands, well away from the center of the hurricane. Some hurricanes seem to produce no tornadoes, while others develop multiple ones. Studies have shown that more than half of the land falling hurricanes produce at least one tornado; Hurricane Beulah (1967) spawned 141 according to one study. In general, tornadoes associated with hurricanes are less intense than those that occur in the Great Plains. Nonetheless, the effects of tornadoes, added to the larger area of hurricane-force winds, can produce substantial damage. We have no way at present to predict exactly which storms will spawn tornadoes or where they will touch down. The new Doppler radar systems have greatly improved the forecaster's warning capability, but the technology usually

provides lead times from only a few minutes up to about 30 minutes. Consequently, preparedness is critical. TORNADOS ASSOCIATED WITH HURRICANES • When associated with hurricanes, tornadoes are not usually accompanied by hail or a lot of lightning. • Tornado production can occur for days after a hurricane landfall when the tropical cyclone remnants maintain an identifiable low pressure circulation. • They can also develop at any time of day or night during landfall. However, by 12 hours after landfall, they tend to occur mainly during daytime hours. For additional information, see our Hurricane Preparedness Guide on our website,

Category Sustained Winds

Types of Damage Due to Tornado Winds


Moderate Tornado 73-112 mph

Very dangerous winds will produce damage: Frame homes could have damage to roof, shingles, vinyl siding and gutters. Large branches of trees will snap and shallowly rooted trees may be toppled. Extensive damage to power lines and poles likely will result in power outages that could last a few to several days. Mobile homes overturned. Moving autos pushed off roads.


TORNADO WATCH: Conditions are favorable for the formation of tornadoes. Be aware of changing weather conditions.

Significant Tornado Extremely dangerous winds will cause considerable damage: 113-157 mph Well-constructed frame homes will have roofs torn off. Many large rooted trees will be snapped or uprooted and block numerous roads. Near-total power loss is expected with outages that could last from several days to weeks. Light-object missiles generated. Leaves total devastation in its path.


Severe Tornado 158-206 mph

TORNADO WARNING: A tornado has been sighted in your area, or is strongly indicated on radar. Take shelter immediately.

Devastating damage will occur: Roofs and some walls torn off well-constructed homes. Trains overturned. Heavy cars lifted off ground. Many trees will be snapped or uprooted, blocking numerous roads. Electricity and water will be unavailable for several days to weeks. Tornado will create total devastation in its path.


Devastating Tornado 207-260 mph

Catastrophic damage will occur: Most trees will be snapped or uprooted and power poles downed. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages will last weeks to possibly months. Well-constructed houses leveled. Structures with weak foundations blown off some distance. Cars thrown and large missiles generated. Total devastation, most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months.


Incredible Tornado 261 – 318mph

Catastrophic damage will occur: Most if not all houses lifted off foundations and disintegrated. Automobile-sized missiles fly through the air in excess of 100 mph. Trees debarked. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas. Power outages will last weeks to possibly months. Total devastation, most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months.

You should be familiar with the following terms: • Tornado: A violent, whirling, funnel-shaped cloud that touches the ground. • Funnel Cloud: A violent, whirling, funnel-shaped cloud that does not touch the ground. Many people mistakenly call these tornadoes. • Waterspout: A tornado over water.

*Fujita Scale (F-scale) uses actual damage to determine a tornado’s wind speed.




Every Month July-September


Mondays • 5pm Bellalago Amenity Center Two teams of two players or more on a sand court divided by a net. First team to 21 wins!

Sunset Grille will have available for purchase. Complimentary ice cream sundaes with all your favorite toppings and frozen slushies will be served (while supplies last). RESIDENTS AND GUESTS WELCOME. Event is free and seating is limited, so come early to avoid disappointment. KID'S CRAFTS - FOR ALL AGES Friday, July 4th • 10am-2pm Bellalago Amenity Center


Tuesdays • 5pm Bellalago Amenity Center Calling all soccer lovers! The object of the game is to score goals by kicking or heading the ball into the opponent's goal. FLAG FOOTBALL

Wednesdays • 5pm Bellalago Amenity Center Flag football is a modified form of football in which ballcarriers are downed by pulling off a marker, or flag, loosely attached to a belt, rather than by tackling. BASKETBALL

Thursdays • 5pm Bellalago Amenity Center Choose teams (3-on-3 or 5-on-5), beat the buzzer, and go for the win! Join us for a fun game of basketball.

SUNSET SOCIAL Thursday, July 17th • 7pm-10pm Sunset Grille It’s that time again! The Lifestyles Staff and the Sunset Grille have teamed up yet again to put on another themed monthly adult night! FREE admission with live DJ. Dance the night away, kick back, and hang with your fellow residents. Food and beverages can be purchased from the Grille. RESIDENTS AND THEIR GUESTS 21 AND OVER ONLY. MONDAY MOVIE MADNESS Monday, July 21st • 8pm Isles of Bellalago Amenity Center Pool What is summer without a summer movie by the pool! Just like the Dive in Movie, this will be a FREE movie night! RESIDENTS AND GUESTS WELCOME. Popcorn is free while supplies last. Soda, juice, and water are $1 each. Despicable Me 2 will be shown; weather permitting.


Thursday, July 10th & 24th Thursday, August 7th & 21st Thursday, September 11th & 25th Bellalago Amenity Center at 12pm ADU LT B I NGO

Friday, July 4th & 18th Friday, August 1st & 15th Friday, September 5th & 19th Bellalago Amenity Center at 7pm

July 4TH OF JULY POOL GATHERING Friday, July 4th • 11am-3pm Bellalago Amenity Center Pool Before going out to watch the fireworks, join us by the pool to relax and have some fun with music and games. Bring a picnic for your family or feel free to enjoy the 4th of July specials that the 14


KID'S CRAFTS - BOYS & GIRLS (6-11 YEARS) Wednesday, July 23rd • 10am-12pm Bellalago Amenity Center KID'S CRAFTS - GIRLS (12-16 YEARS) Wednesday, July 23rd • 10am-12pm Bellalago Amenity Center Head bands from soda tabs. LADIES CRAFT EVENT – WITH A TWIST! Wednesday, July 30th • 7pm-9pm Bellalago Amenity Center Ladies, we heard you want to get crafty! We have something special just for you! Come join us to mingle, get to know your fellow female residents, and decorate a wine glass. Complimentary wine and cheese will be provided as you relax and decorate a wine glass that will show off your style and talent. (Help in the way of our staff member Liz, will be on hand for those that may be a little craft challenged!) $5 per lady. RESIDENTS 18 AND OVER ONLY (21 to consume wine). PURCHASE TICKETS IN ADVANCE. Tickets are available at both Amenity Centers.

August KID'S CRAFTS - FOR ALL AGES Saturday, August 2nd • 2pm Wednesday, August 6th • 10am-12pm Bellalago Amenity Center MONDAY MOVIE MADNESS Monday, August 11th • 8pm Bellalago Amenity Center Pool What is summer without a summer movie by the pool! This FREE movie night will bring all residents together for a fun filled night with relaxation and laughter by the pool under the moonlight! RESIDENTS AND GUESTS WELCOME. Popcorn is free (while supplies last). Soda, juice, and water are $1 each. How to Train Your Dragon will be shown; weather permitting. May be moved indoors if necessary. BACK TO SCHOOL CRAFT - FOR ALL AGES Wednesday, August 13th • 10am-12pm Bellalago Amenity Center SWIM OLYMPICS Friday, August 15th • 10am-2pm Bellalago Amenity Center Pool Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls! Let’s have one last hurrah before school begins. Come join the Lifestyles Team for the Wacky and Fun Swim Olympics Bellalago-style where competitions will be played and awards will be provided! Strong swim skills are not required and volunteers will be in the pool assisting if needed. FREE event with Olympic Games throughout the day. RESIDENTS AND GUESTS WELCOME. SUNSET SOCIAL Thursday, August 21st • 7pm-10pm Sunset Grille It’s that time again! The Lifestyles Staff and Sunset Grille have teamed up yet again to put on a themed monthly adult night! FREE cover and dancing with live DJ. Food and beverages can be purchased from the Grille. RESIDENTS AND THEIR GUESTS 21 AND OVER ONLY. BACK TO SCHOOL TRIVIA NIGHT Saturday, August 30th • 7pm-9pm Bellalago Amenity Center Do you think you are smarter than a 5th grader? Do you think you are smarter than your kids? How about we test your knowledge at trivia night. This family night event will have you reminiscing, your children laughing, and everyone’s mind working. Light snacks will be provided. There will also be soda

and water available for $1. FREE event. Please email Kelsi at if you and/or your family would like to participate. Prizes will be awarded to the trivia master teams. RESIDENTS AND GUESTS OF ALL AGES WELCOME.

September LABOR DAY BAKE OFF Monday, September 1st • 11am-3pm Isles of Bellalago Amenity Center Do you think your baking is the best? Time to get your best dessert recipe out and put your baking to the test with a resident bake off! Desserts will be judged by your very own Lifestyles Team with awards. We will also be holding a bake sale to benefit out teen volunteer program. This is a FREE event. RESIDENTS AND GUESTS OF ALL AGES WELCOME. Please email Kelsi at if you would like to participate and have your sweets judged. LADIES CRAFT EVENT Wednesday, September 24th • 7pm-9pm Bellalago Amenity Center Ladies, it’s that time again! Come join us to mingle, get to know your fellow female residents, and paint! Wine and cheese will be provided as you relax and create a wax canvas that will show off your style and talent. (Again, craft guru Liz will be on hand to assist.) $5 per lady. RESIDENTS 18 AND OVER ONLY (21 to consume wine). PURCHASE TICKETS IN ADVANCE. Tickets are available at both Amenity Centers. CASINO BELLALAGO NIGHT Saturday, September 27th • 7pm Welcome Center Play all your favorite casino games including Texas Hold ‘Em, Blackjack, Roulette and more! When you enter, the Lifestyles Team will provide you with Bellalago Bucks (fake money) to start your gambling fun. Doors and gambling tables open at 7pm and the games close at 9pm. At the end of the evening, convert your Bellalago Bucks to enter the prize drawing. The more money you have, the more chances you have to win! Heavy hors d'oeuvres and dessert will be served. Cash bar with $2 beer and wine. Soft drinks complimentary. RESIDENTS OVER 21 ONLY. Tickets are $10 per person. ADVANCED TICKET PURCHASE REQUIRED. Tickets are available at both Amenity Centers.



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