Reflections | April 2016 Limited Version

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Join the Fun!

Reflections |  April 2016 |


[ Department ] Articles


ON THE COVER Make room for spring and get rid of your old or hardly used items! Join us for another great Community Yard Sale on Saturday, April 9th from 8am-11am in Freedom Park! See page E2 for more information. Photographs by Joe Thomas.

VILLAGE CENTER HOURS Administration 863-427-7100 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

PHONE LIST General Manager (Association): 863-427-7103

Mainscape On-site Representative Administration Building - 2nd Floor Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9am-12pm

Club Manager: 863-427-7129

Marketplace Bistro 863-427-7157 Daily 8am-8pm

AV Homes Customer Care: 800-858-5933 or

Riviera Spa & Fitness Center 863-427-7130 Monday-Thursday 6:30am-9pm Friday-Sunday 7am-7pm

Evergreen Lifestyles Management (For ALL Club & HOA Matters) 24/7: 877-221-6919 or

Architectural Review: 863-427-7022 or Fax: 863-496-4456 Catering & Banquets (Stonegate Golf Club): 863-427-7150 x4720 Communications: 863-427-7137 Concierge: 863-427-7100 or Fax: 863-496-4453

Starlite Ballroom Daily 8am-11pm

Lifestyles Activities: 863-427-7125

Stonegate Pro Shop 863-427-7150 x4710 Daily 7am-6pm

Mainscape Customer Service (work orders): 800-481-0096 x 332 or

The Grille at Stonegate 863-427-7167 Daily 8am-8pm | Bar Open Until 9pm Daily

Membership: 863-427-7143

Riviera Spa & Fitness Center: 863-427-7130 Security -Bella Viana: 863-427-1268 Security-Main Gate: 863-427-4238

The Palms 863-496-1530 Amenity Center Monday-Sunday 8am-9pm Kids Pool Hours Monday-Friday 12pm-4pm Saturday & Sunday 9am-9pm Fitness Center Monday-Thursday 6:30am -9pm Friday-Sunday 7am-6pm

Security-South Gate: 863-496-1473

Waterfront Galleries Daily 8am-11pm

Visitor/Vendor Gate Access Voice Server: 863-496-4464

Wells Fargo Bank 863-421-5448 Monday-Friday 9am-4pm Welcome Center or Model Park 863-427-7000 Monday-Saturday 9:30am -5:30pm Sunday 11am -5:30pm


Security -Venezia: 863-427-2338 Security-West Gate: 863-496-1453 Solivita Sales: 863-427-7000 Stonegate Golf Club Directory: 863-427-7150 The Palms Amenity Center: 863-496-1530 or Fax: 863-496-0914 Violations & Compliance: 863-427-7032

QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS Do you have a suggestion for Reflections, Channel 732, or SolivitaLive? Please email inquires or comments to Carolyn Roe at or stop by the Communications Office.

[ Department] Articles

Community Updates By Sheri Wollschlager Club Manager April





with me for a while until I can get a handle on this new position.

and boy do we love our volunteers! Thank

I will guarantee you; I am up for the challenge and will work very

you, thank you, thank you to our Solivita

hard to address everyone’s concerns in a timely manner.

volunteers who volunteer their time, talent, and energy on tasks from making popcorn at the movies and

As for the music, Elizabeth and I have been working with Bright

decorating for events to patrolling our community (CAP) and

House to hopefully change our music system from a few stations

assisting in emergency disasters (CERT). The key to our success

to multiple stations we can select from. We are also changing who

rests in people like you, who embody the spirit of greatness by

we are using for our Audio Visual (AV) needs. We are now working

volunteering. The Solivita Team could not provide the programs

with one of our retired residents who has years of experience in

we do without your hard work; it affects the community more

Audio Visual productions and installations. I have given him a nice

than you realize.

long list and he has already started marking things off the list. We are working on the AV system in the Riviera Spa & Fitness Center,


The Palms, and finishing projects in the Ballroom.

I want to thank Gary Consorto for all his wisdom, support and understanding during my transition to Club Manager. I have


gained even more respect for Gary because even after just a few

We had the grand opening of the community garden on March

weeks as the Club Manager, I do not know how he kept on top of

21st. Thank you to everyone who attended. We do have a few

everything running both the Club and the HOA. I have learned

more beds available if you would like to grow your own garden.

a lot from Gary and look forward to continuing putting forth the

Please stop by the Lifestyles Activities Office above the Bistro

same effort.

for more information or call 863-427-7125.

Gary has been finishing projects he started and is now forwarding


emails and phone messages to me regarding the Club facilities to

The Dog Park will be opening back up on April 15th. Thank you

follow up. I also have heard from a few residents about concerns

for your patience during this time. If you are a dog owner and

with the upkeep of the facilities, music in the facilities, and some

you would like to utilize the dog park, registration is open to all

projects which are outstanding. I got some great advice from

Solivita residents and their 4-legged friends. You do not have

Gary to bite off a little at a time which I am trying to do while

to be a member of PALS (Pets Are Loved in Solivita) to register.

multitasking at the same time. I have met with my team and have

If you would like to register your dog(s), you can do this in the

encouraged everyone to use the 360-degree rule. When you

Lifestyles Activities Office. When registering, you will need to

walk into a facility or are out and about, take a 360-degree look

provide a copy of proof of rabies, DHPP and Bordatella shots.

around. Take ownership in the community, pick up trash as you are

You will also need to treat your dog with flea/tick control. For

walking, and report any concerns to the appropriate department.

more information, stop by the Lifestyles Activities Office or call

It is everyone’s responsibility to report facility concerns. This will

us at 863-427-7125.

help us become proactive instead of a reactive.

CAR SHOW I have also asked the staff to provide a list of any outstanding

The Car Show was a huge success again this year. We had over

issues with the facilities. We are prioritizing the issues, fixing them

100 cars in attendance. The Solivita Team would like to thank

and marking them off the list. Of course, more are added to the

all the volunteers for your help, even though you had to arrive at

list daily. I would love to have all my future emails complementing

6:30am. The final tally for the donation has not been completed,

us about how nice the facilities are looking instead of negative

but all proceeds this year went to K9s for Warriors, St. Rose of

ones about the upkeep. I know this will take time to get everyone

Lima, and SoFEES food pantries.

on board and we can’t be everywhere, every day, so we still need your help. I value your input on how we can improve the facilities. So keep emailing me Club concerns, but please have patience

Reflections |  April 2016 |

Sheri Wollschlager 863-427-7129


[ Department ] Articles

Annual CERT Disaster Response Drill On Wednesday, April 27th the

paid responders are overwhelmed and we are “on our own” for


hours, if not days. This is the first goal of our team. Secondly,


Community Team




we endeavor to help Solivita residents prepare for such an

conduct its annual preparedness

eventuality with various kinds of preparedness information.

drill. This will involve four parts:

Thirdly, we plan to support Polk County and area response needs

(1) Setting up the Command Post

if we are not directly involved here.

for managing the response to a simulated disaster; (2) Setting up

Solivita CERT also provides other services such as traffic

the Medical Center and processing

management, crowd management, loans of medical equipment,

volunteer victims; (3) Conducting

a program to replace smoke detector batteries in the spring, and

search and rescue operations in

free compression-only CPR and AED training.

selected locations across the community; and (4) Assessing and evaluating these efforts.

Through training provided free by Polk County Fire Rescue, our members learn

We are announcing this event so that residents are not alarmed

basic skills related to the above-mentioned

if they see people, who appear to be injured, being treated and

goals. We are residents just like you who

transported for further treatment. We hope to have realistic

have been motivated to undergo this

injury make up to add to the realism for the participants. You

training and be ready to respond if needed (as we did in the

may see groups of CERT personnel in their hardhats and orange

hurricanes that struck this area in 2004 - Charlie, Francis

reflective vests in various locations investigating reported

and Jeanne - and the tornado that struck nearby Grenelefe in

damages and injuries.

2010). If you are interested in learning more about CERT or joining or assisting us, feel free to attend one of our monthly

We do this as part of our continuing efforts to prepare to

meetings (see club listing in Reflections) or read about us on

respond effectively in the face of a large-scale disaster when

our webpage on

WANTED! ARTISAN & CRAFT VENDORS FOR THE 15TH ANNUAL FALL FESTIVAL Saturday, November 5th from 9:30am-3pm Village Drive | Rain or Shine Application Deadline is June 30th 10% Early Registration Discount Deadline is May 31st Application packets will be mailed out sometime in April. To have your name added to the mailing list, send an email with your name, address, phone number, and email address to solivitafallfestival@ or call Lifestyles Activities at 863-4277125. Photos by Judie Chiappone.


Reflections |  April 2016 |

Reflections |  April 2016 |


[ Department ] Articles

Guidelines for Leasing Your Property in Solivita By Vickie Kellogg Membership Coordinator

If you lease your property, this is a reminder

of each tenant’s lease. Therefore, if a tenant can not access


a facility it is probably because the membership office has






Please note there are a few changes listed in paragraphs one and two below.

not been notified of the lease being renewed. •

Please bring a copy of the renewal lease to the Membership Department located in the Administration Building in the

Homeowners may only lease their property when the Solivita Community Association and Solivita Club monthly fees are upto-date. There is an approval process by several departments

Village. •

If not renewing the lease, please return picture ID cards to the Membership Office before leaving the community.

that may take up to 48 hours to process and approve. No new tenant walk-ins to the Membership Office will be processed

There is absolutely no obligation on the Club Owner’s part to

unless paperwork has been approved prior to their visit. It is

issue ID cards to anyone other than the homeowner.

suggested that leases / age verification form / driver licenses are provided at least one week prior to the start of the lease. When

“The Declaration Book explains in Section 10 Use Restrictions,

provided via email to the Membership Office, acknowledgement

Sub-section 10.4 homes may be leased, licensed or occupied

of receipt will also contain approval for property being leased.


Resident ID Badges and Transponders may be impacted if the

MAY BE RENTED. No bed and breakfast facility may be operated

property is not current with all fees.


Homeowners should be aware that Polk County requires all

BE ACCOMMODATED IN A HOME. All leases or occupancy

homeowners renting their property to register with them and

agreements shall be in writing and a copy of all leases of Homes

submit copies of the lease to the Polk County Tax office. Depending

not comprising part of a Multi-Family Rental Building shall be

on the length of the lease it is possible that homeowners will be

provided to the Association. Leases of Homes forming a part

responsible for taxes and/or fines if found non-compliant. See

of a Multi-Family Rental Building shall not be submitted to the

their website for all the details: On

Association unless the Association reasonably requests a copy

their site, select: Taxes, Tourist Development Taxes and review

of the same from the Owner of a Multi-Family Rental Building

different categories like Vacation Home Guide, Requirements &

in connection with the enforcement of this Declaration or Rules

Allowance, and Application.

and Regulations.

Homeowners, it is your responsibility to explain to new tenants

No Home, other than Homes within a Multi-Family Rental

there is a $50 Club Administrative Fee assessed to new leases.

Building, may be subject to more than two (2) leases in any twelve

The fee is due at the time of orientation or prior to issuing ID

(12) month period, regardless of the lease term. No time-share


or other similar arrangement is permitted. The Owner must make

If the home is leased on a continuing basis, year to year,

available to the lessee or occupants copies of the Community

there is no additional $50 fee until the home is leased to a


different tenant. • •

This fee applies to lessees returning to lease the same

Once an Owner leases a Home, only the Lessee (or those persons

home again for 3 to 6 months during the winter months.

occupying the Home) shall be entitled to exercise the privileges

It is the responsibility of lessee to return their ID cards, to

of a Member with respect to such Home; however, the Owner

the Club Membership Office, at the end of the lease.

and Lessee shall be jointly and severally liable for all Club Dues under the Solivita Club Plan, paragraph entitled, “Member.”

It is the responsibility of a Lessee to notify the Club Membership

Owners are transferring the Club privileges and the use of the

Department if renewing the lease. •

Picture ID cards are programmed to deactivate at the end


Continued on Page 6

Reflections |  April 2016 |

[ Department] Articles

Committee Roundup Guidelines Continued from Page 5 transponders of this home over to the Lessee. Owners are

Solivita Lifestyles Activities Committee (SLAC)

not allowed to use their ID Badges or Transponders for this

March 2016 was a very busy month with huge Lifestyles events

home during the term of the lease unless they own and occupy

such as Dinner Under the Stars “Seafood Boil,” the Solivita Car

another Solivita property.

Show, and the Spring Parade and Carnival.

Please remember to submit a completed Lease, Age

Do you have any Cooking Demo ideas, such as “Sushi Making

Verification Form and a copy of driver licenses for all that

Class” or “Chopped,” that could be implemented into the

will occupy the home. This information may be submitted

program? Please let us know, but remember, we do not have

to or fax these

access to the kitchen or the equipment there.

documents to the Solivita Homeowners Association at 863To give us feedback, suggestions, ideas or comments

496-4453. • •

The application is validation that one person occupying

on the March 2016 events, Cooking Demo ideas or any

the home is 55 or better.

other Lifestyles events, we’d love to hear from you at

All occupants of the new lease should be listed and a

form of identification for each attached. •

These forms are available at the Solivita Membership

Wellness Committee

Office and the Community Association Office, which is

Each month members of the Wellness Committee tour either

located in the Administration Building.

The Palms or the Riviera Spa & Fitness Center to report any areas that may need addressing. The benches at The Palms

For additional information, please contact the Membership

have been painted and the hot tubs have been sanitized. At the

Office at 863-427-7143. Thank you for your cooperation.

Riviera, a new courtyard facing The Grille has been established (see photo below). The committee discussed one of the 2016

Vickie Kellogg 863-427-7143

goals of coming up with new wellness options to reach and assist Solivita residents. The Fast Track Fitness Program continues to add participants (details are available at The Palms and the Riviera). New wellness lectures are offered each month (listed in Reflections and on the Solivita Community Channel


732). The Wellness Committee members can be contacted at under “DOCS & INFO” and then click

Newsletter submissions should be emailed to:

“Committees” on the left-hand side.

MAY SUBMISSIONS Calendar submissions and newsletter articles are due on Friday, April 1st by 3pm. Inserts are due by Friday, April 15th. All inserts must be approved by Sheri Wollschlager (





JUNE SUBMISSIONS Calendar submissions and newsletter articles are due on Friday, April 29th by 3pm.

Reflections |  April 2016 |


[ Department ] Articles

Spring Fever

By Donnette Burkhalter Community Concierge Oh my goodness, spring is here! Finally, right?

tents. Or, if you prefer, you can have a glass of Blueberry Wine

I have been one frozen puppy for the last

at the Island Grove Wine Café and chill out a bit. The Blueberry

month or so. Burrr! When you have on so

Kids Zone is loaded with fun things for the kids to see and do

many layers you can hardly’s way

with lots of inflatable rides and a 1,000 foot Urban Slide (weeee)!

TOO COLD! The good thing is, when you remove all the layers,

There is also a variety of food concessionaires and a beer garden.

you look ten pounds lighter just in time for spring and you didn’t

Of course you can’t leave without taking home a pint or two of

do a thing! Instant weight loss is always a good thing in my book.

delicious fresh blueberries. The event dates are Saturday, April

Since spring is upon us, I have a couple of adventures in mind to

16th and Sunday, April 17th. Event hours for Saturday are 10am

help you manage your spring fever.

to 10pm and Sunday from 10am to 4pm. Admission is $8 for adults, $5 for children ages 6 to 17, and children under 5 are

We are headed to Spring Fever in the Garden 2016 in Winter

admitted free. For additional information, please call 352-754-

Garden. This annual event is one of Florida’s best plant, flower,

4173 or visit

and garden festivals. Local growers will have their flowers on display for you to purchase, while the sidewalk chalk artists

Our last stop could very well be our best stop. We are headed to

beautifully decorate the streets with their chalk drawings. There

the Pier 60 Sugar Sand Festival on Clearwater Beach. This is a ten-

will be live entertainment, food vendors, and thousands of plants

day beach wide celebration that consists of a variety of activities

and flowers for sale. The festival also features a “KidZone” with

for all ages including a children’s play area, street performers,

fun environmental booths, photos, crafts, and more. The kids

artisans, movies, live entertainment, sand sculpting classes,

can go for a train ride, get their faces painted, and even visit a

speed sand demonstrations, master sand sculpting competitions,

petting zoo.

and the main attraction, the Sugar Sand Walk Exhibit. A 21,000 square-foot tent will be filled with sand-sculpted art crafted

There will also be an art auction, “Chalkin It Up” sidewalk art

by world-class sculptors using 1,000 tons of Clearwater’s

contest, and “Ask the Expert” booth, along with many more

internationally famous sugar sand. The event runs from April

activities. A free shuttle service to the event from Veterans

15th through April 24th. The navigational address is 1 Causeway

Memorial Park is also provided. The event dates are Saturday,

Boulevard, Clearwater, FL 33767. For additional information,

April 9th and Sunday, April 10th. The event hours for Saturday

please call 727-449-3595 or visit

are 9am to 5pm and Sunday from 11am to 4pm. The event location is in Historic downtown Winter Garden on Plant Street.

Oh, this has to be quick but don’t forget about Epcot’s

For additional information, please visit www.springfeveringarden.

International Flower & Garden Festival. This is a great event and

com. Admission is free and it’s a pet-friendly event.

a great way to kick off spring. The festival runs until May 30th so you still have plenty of time to check it out. A park ticket is

At our next stop we’re going to enjoy some fresh blueberries

required for admission. Lots of food, drinks, and flowers to enjoy.

(YUM)! We are going to Historic downtown Brooksville to attend

Just google Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival for

their Annual Blueberry Festival. Here you will be able to find

more information. Happy Spring!

everything blueberry from blueberry wine to fresh blueberries. You can enjoy live entertainment while roaming around the streets and checking out the art exhibits and specialty retail


Donnette Burkhalter 863-427-7100

Reflections |  April 2016 |

[ Club News ]

Reflections |  April 2016 |


[ Department ] Articles

Cosponsored with Solivita Book Circle and Lifestyles Activities Class sizes are limited by room space and professor preference.


A limit of 15 students is required for the course to be held and

Tuesday, April 26th • 1pm • Ballroom • Tuition: No Cost •

pre-registration is required unless noted differently in the course

Professor: Jan Clanton

listing. No walk-ins permitted. For more information about Solivita University or to register with cash, check or credit card,

Course Description: Christo and Jeanne-Claude are not mere

please visit the Lifestyles Activities Office or call 863-427-7125.

“wrappers,” rather they make us all “see” nature differently. Their works include the wrapping of the Reichstag in Berlin, the Pont-


Neuf bridge in Paris, the 24-mile (39 km) long artwork called

Tuesday, April 19th • 1pm • Ballroom • Tuition: No Cost •

Running Fence in Sonoma and Marin counties in California, and

Professor: James Alexander Currie

The Gates in New York City’s Central Park. The purpose of their art, they contend, is simply to create works of art for joy and

Course Description: Meet and learn about

beauty and to create new ways of seeing familiar landscapes. No

the daring life journey of James Currie

sign up needed.

as his love of birds, wildlife, and craving for adventure lead him into humorous and life threatening situations. James captures the essence of what it means to be African today, facing down snakes and the big five in his relentless quest for birds. He also describes what it is like to become an elite African game ranger working at the top wildlife parks in Africa. James will sign his award-winning book, When Eagles Roar, following the talk. For more information, visit www. No sign up needed.

FRIENDS WHO HAVE LEFT US, BUT ARE NOT FORGOTTEN Bob Butler Milford Garraway Rose Goodman Judy Gray Butler




Our thoughts are with the families and friends of the residents who recently passed away. |9|

Reflections |  April 2016 |

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