[ Department] Articles
Reflections |  July 2016 |
[ Department ] Articles
VILLAGE CENTER HOURS Administration 863-427-7100 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm Mainscape On-site Representative Administration Building - 2nd Floor Monday-Friday 9am-12pm
ON THE COVER Happy Independence Day Solivita! “And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.” -- Lee Greenwood
CONTACT LIST General Manager (Association) - Gary Consorto: 863-427-7103 or gconsorto@evergreen-LM.com Club Manager - Sheri Wollschlager: 863-427-7129 or swollschlager@evergreen-LM.com Evergreen Lifestyles Management (For ALL Club & HOA Matters) 24/7: 877-221-6919 or customerservice@evergreen-LM.com
Marketplace Bistro 863-427-7157 Daily 8am-8pm
AV Homes Customer Care: 800-858-5933 or www.avhomesinc.com/owner-care
Riviera Spa & Fitness Center 863-427-7130 Monday-Friday 6:30am-9pm Saturday-Sunday 7am-7pm
Catering & Banquets (Stonegate Golf Club): 863-427-7150 x4720
Architectural Review: 863-427-7022, Fax: 863-496-4456 or compliance@solivitahoa.com
Communications: 863-427-7137 or croe@evergreen-LM.com
Starlite Ballroom Daily 8am-11pm
Concierge: 863-427-7100 or Fax: 863-496-4453
Stonegate Pro Shop 863-427-7150 x4710 Daily 7am-6pm
Membership: 863-427-7143 or solivitamembership@evergreen-LM.com
The Grille at Stonegate 863-427-7167 Daily 8am-8pm | Bar Open Until 9pm Daily The Palms 863-496-1530 Amenity Center Monday-Sunday 8am-9pm Kids Pool Hours Monday-Friday 12pm-4pm Saturday & Sunday 9am-9pm Fitness Center Monday-Friday 6:30am -9pm Saturday-Sunday 7am-6pm Waterfront Galleries Daily 8am-11pm Wells Fargo Bank 863-421-5448 Monday-Friday 9am-4pm Welcome Center or Model Park 863-427-7000 Monday-Saturday 9:30am -5:30pm Sunday 11am -5:30pm
Lifestyles Activities: 863-427-7125
Mainscape Customer Service (work orders): 800-481-0096 x 332 or customerservice@mainscape.com Riviera Spa & Fitness Center: 863-427-7130 Security -Bella Viana: 863-427-1268 Security-Main Gate: 863-427-4238 Security-South Gate: 863-496-1473 Security -Venezia: 863-427-2338 Security-West Gate: 863-496-1453 Solivita Sales: 863-427-7000 Stonegate Golf Club Directory: 863-427-7150 The Palms Amenity Center: 863-496-1530 or Fax: 863-496-0914 Violations & Compliance: 863-427-7032 Visitor/Vendor Gate Access Voice Server: 863-496-4464
QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS Do you have a suggestion for Reflections, Channel 732, or SolivitaHOA.com? Please email inquires or comments to Carolyn Roe at croe@evergreen-LM.com or stop by the Communications Office.
Community Updates & Reminders
[ Department] Articles
By Sheri Wollschlager Club Manager
I have been looking forward to the month of
used for decorations on
July ever since we started celebrating the 4th
our new stage (see image
of July by closing Village Drive for our epic Red,
to the right). Use of staples
White and Blue Street Party and fireworks
and any other damaging
display. This celebration has become one of my favorite events.
products are prohibited.
Please remember that this event is not open to the public. If you
would like to invite someone to attend the event, please make
assistance to keep our
sure you inform security in the Gatehouse so your guest will be
facilities beautiful. Tape
allowed entrance into Solivita.
can be used on wood areas but should not be used on the walls
(unless you use painters tape), and please take all decorations
down including all of your tape.
Last month, the Fire Marshall provided Club facilities with new room occupancy postings. All of the occupancies have been
posted in the facilities. Please remember that when planning
Behind the Marketplace Bistro on
events, your groups most follow the room occupancies. Also
Lake Polk, we have added a new
remember that when we set a room; you must leave a “direct line
boat dock which can be used by
of access” to the exits.
residents to launch non-motorized vehicles.
SERVICE ANIMALS It is the policy of Solivita to permit and support the use of service
We also have a new FedEx Drop Box
animals and their users, as defined by the Americans with
that has pick up on Monday through
Disabilities Act (ADA), Florida statutes, and our community
Friday at 4:30pm. The box is located
documents, in all of Solivita’s facilities. This policy statement
outside the doors of the Concierge Desk in the Administration
applies to Solivita residents and visitors.
Building. The box has been stocked by FedEx and is maintained and operated by FedEx. Please keep in mind, the drop drawer is
Definition: Service animal means any dog that is individually
size restricted and we do not recommend leaving a box that is
trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability,
too large for the drawer outside of the container. Staff will not be
including people with physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual
able to accept any boxes.
or other mental disabilities. Only dogs are recognized as service animals.
FARMERS MARKET Thank you to everyone who provided suggestions for the Farmers
Categories of service dogs are Guide Dogs for the Blind; Hearing
Market. The Lifestyles Team has been trying to find new vendors
Ear Dogs for the Deaf; Sensory Signal Dogs for those with mental
who sell edible products to be a part of our market. If you know
disabilities; and Seizure Response Dogs.
of anyone who would like to be a part of our market or you see someone you would like to have `participate in our market, please
Other animals not trained for the purpose of assisting a person
provide their contact information to Marissa at MCardona@
with a disability, are NOT considered service animals and are
evergreen-LM.com. Marissa will contact the vendor and invite
not protected by Florida statutes or the ADA. Dogs whose sole
them to be part of Solivita’s Farmers Market.
purpose is “the provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort or companionship” are not protected by the Florida
Happy 4th of July! Hope to see you at the celebration. The event
statute and the ADA.
is rain or shine, but let’s hope for no rain.
DECORATIONS Last month I was in the Ballroom and noticed heavy-duty staples
Reflections | July 2016 |
Sheri Wollschlager 863-427-7129 swollschlager@evergreen-LM.com
[ Department ] Articles
HOLIDAY HOURS MONDAY, JULY 4TH: INDEPENDENCE DAY Cosponsored with Solivita Book Circle and Lifestyles Activities
Administration & Lifestyles: Closed The Palms: Closing at 6pm
A minimum of 15 students is required for the course to be held and
Ballroom, Mosaics and Waterfront Galleries:
pre-registration is required unless noted differently in the course
Closed All Day
listing. No walk-ins permitted. For more information about Solivita University or to register with cash, check or credit card, please visit the Lifestyles Activities Office or call 863-427-7125. SUCCESSFUL MISFITS Thursdays, July 14th, 28th, and August 4th • 2pm • The Palms •
Tuition: $20 • Instructor: Dave Robinson • Registration: Currently
Newsletter submissions should be emailed to:
enrolling up to 50 students
Course Description: Dave Robinson is an engaging presenter who works with the Rhodes Scholar program all over Central Florida. He
brings the subject matter to life with his exceptional presentation skills.
Calendar submissions and newsletter articles are
He will explore the life and times of three people labeled “misfits”
due on Friday, July 1st by 3pm. Inserts are due by
as children: Robert Ripley, Beatrix Potter, and George Washington
Monday, July 25th. All inserts must be approved
Carver. As adults these people went on to impact history, science,
by Sheri Wollschlager (swollschlager@evergreen-LM.
and our daily lives.
com) before they are copied.
Calendar submissions and newsletter articles are
Thursdays, September 22nd and 29th • 3pm • Ballroom• Tuition:
due on Monday, August 1st by 3pm.
Free • Presenter: Author, Lita Epstein The topic on September 22nd will be about “Everything You Need
to Know About Medicare (Medicare with Medigap vs. Medicare
Calendar submissions and newsletter articles are
Advantage)” and the topic on September 29th will be about
due on Thursday, September 1st by 3pm.
“Everything You Need to Know About Medicare (Medicare Part D).” 2017 ART AND LITERARY LECTURES Lifestyles sponsors Art and Literary Lectures in partnership with the Solivita Book Circle. In 2016, these complimentary lectures were moved under the Solivita University “umbrella.” Starting in 2017, to
be fair across the board, there will be a modest fee implemented.
By popular demand, beginning in July, both the
Residents will be able to purchase an annual pass for only $20 that entitles them to attend all of the Art and Literary Lectures in 2017
Riviera Spa & Fitness Center and The Palms will open at 6:30am on Friday mornings to match the
(approximately 14 lectures). To attend a lecture without an annual
rest of the weekday opening hours. We hope you
pass, the tuition is $5 each at the door. These passes will be available
will enjoy the additional morning minutes in your
at Lifestyles Ticket Sales starting on December 1, 2016 through May
2017. The annual pass will not cover Solivita University courses.
Reflections | July 2016 |
Reflections |  July 2016 |
[ Department ] Articles
Committee Roundup Solivita Advisory Committee (SAC) The Solivita Advisory Committee (SAC) is made up of
Solivita Lifestyles Activities Committee (SLAC)
nine Solivita residents from different neighborhoods in the
Please welcome Wendy Fisch,
community. The SAC’s role includes acting in an advisory
our newest SLAC member. We
capacity to the Board of Directors regarding quality of life
needed one more member as
issues of concern to homeowners and to assist the management
not all are able to attend each
company in matters such as reviewing specifications and
meeting. Wendy will preside on
vendor bids for contracts, evaluating vendor performance on
the committee during the 2016
their contracts, and addressing Association business issues.
and 2017 years.
The SAC meets once a month in sessions that can last up to
Mother’s Day at the Solivita Spa, held on May 6th, was
2 hours, depending on the number and complexity of matters
a resounding success at a first ever attempt to have a
discussed. Members serve two-year terms, and three members
pop-up spa in the Ballroom. The ladies were pampered,
will be replaced each year in January. At this time, we’re recruiting
relaxed, and left refreshed.
for new members to replace this year’s three exiting members. •
Even though Cinco de Mayo is a year away, we are already
To apply for the SAC, please complete a Solivita Advisory
planning ahead, as it will be on a Friday night in 2017. The
Committee application and return it to the Administration
idea is to have a Cinco de Mayo Street Party with piñatas,
Office or email it to advisorycommittee@SolivitaHOA.com by
mariachi band, DJ in the street, frozen margaritas, food
September 30th. Applications are available at the Concierge
concession stands with various Mexican favorites, fun
Desk in Administration and online at the HOA website, www.
giveaways including maracas, sombreros, and more. The
SolivitaHOA.com. Contact Gary Consorto at gconsorto@
street party will in essence be like a dance and therefore
evergreen-LM.com or 863-427-7103 if you have questions or
there will be a ticketed admission price of around $7-$10
concerns regarding the Solivita Advisory Committee and the
for adults only.
application process. •
Committee Members, as well as Lifestyles staff, were asked to bring any event or theme ideas to the June
Wellness Committee
meeting as the planning for the 2017 Lifestyles calendar
At the last Wellness Committee meeting, Fitness Director
of events begins during the 2016 summer months.
Elizabeth Deckard reported that the basketball court has been resurfaced, lines have been painted, and a new pole, backboard
The initial planning of the 9/11 Remembrance Breakfast
and net have been installed. The tennis courts at Freedom
event was brought to the table. Discussion was made
Park have also been resurfaced. During the summer months,
about the theme, timeline, PowerPoint slides showing
maintenance work will be completed at the indoor pool. Power
9/11 memorials around the country, and so much more.
washing will be done as well as additional work to make the pool more handicap-accessible.
To give feedback, suggestions, ideas or comments on any Lifestyles events (we’d love to hear from you) email us at
AEDs are located at all of Solivita’s pools. Several clubs are
assisting to provide more devices throughout the community. Upcoming Wellness Events were discussed, including the Health Fair in October and Salute Our Veteran’s Weekend in November. Suggestions/comments for the committee can be made at the SolivitaHOA.com website or by emailing
SCOOP THE POO! Your dog did its duty...now it's time for you to do yours! Help keep Solivita beautiful by cleaning up after your pets.
Reflections | July 2016 |
Reflections |  July 2016 |
[ Department ] Articles
Cool Adventures
By Donnette Burkhalter Community Concierge AIR
for adults, $15 for seniors, and $10 for children 7 and up. The
word for this month. It is so hot and humid,
navigational address is: 255 Beach Drive, N.E., St. Petersburg, FL
so I thought we could explore some indoor
33701. For additional information, including museum and café
adventures this month with lots of air
hours, please call 727-896-2667 or visit mfastpete.org.
conditioning! Have you ever seen the movie Night at the Museum? Fun movie, right? Well, we’re not going to the movies but, since
Our next stop is a little closer. We are going to the Morse Museum
it is so hot outside, I thought we might stay cool this month by
in Winter Park. The Morse Museum houses the world’s most
checking out a couple of Florida’s top museums. I can’t promise
comprehensive collection of works by Louis Comfort Tiffany
that the museum will come “alive” like it did in the movie, but you
including his designer jewelry, pottery, paintings, art glass, leaded-
just might see a statute or portrait of me and Pierce Brosnan.
glass lamps and windows; his chapel interior from the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago; and art and architectural
We are off to St. Petersburg to stop at The Museum of Fine Arts.
objects from his Long Island country estate, Laurelton Hall. The
The MFA is a city landmark that was opened to the public in 1965
Museum’s holdings also include American art pottery from the late
and was the first art museum in St. Petersburg to be located on
19 century to the early 20th century including American paintings,
the downtown waterfront. The museum was founded by Margaret
graphics, and decorative art.
Acheson Stuart and reflects her vision of providing outstanding examples of world art in an inviting, elegant setting. The museum
The Morse Museum was founded by Jeanette Genius McKean in
is dedicated to serving all people by pursuing excellence in art
1942 and was named for her grandfather, Chicago industrialist and
from antiquity to the present through collection, exhibitions,
Winter Park philanthropist Charles Hosmer Morse. Its collections
and education for its diverse audiences. From a collection
were built over a half-century by Mrs. McKean and her husband,
covering almost 5,000 years (finally, something older than me!)
Hugh F. McKean (the Museum’s director until his death). The
of civilization in thousands of objects extending from antiquity to
Morse Museum occupies more than 42,000 square feet of space
present time, to fascinating traveling exhibitions, to exciting events
on its campus and is owned and operated by the Charles Hosmer
in the heart of downtown’s scenic waterfront, the MFA is ready for
Morse Foundation. Basic membership is $20 per adult or $30 per
your discovery.
family. The navigational address is 445 North Park Avenue, Winter Park, FL 32789. For additional information, please call 407-6455311 or visit their website, morsemuseum.org. Okay, this has to be quick. While you’re in Winter Park, be sure and plan a visit to the Albin Polasek Museum & Sculpture Gardens. The museum includes Albin Polasek’s former retirement home, studio, galleries, and chapel, as well as surrounding gardens containing figurative sculptures and mythological pieces. The galleries feature 200 pieces by Polasek and his first wife, Ruth, along with changing exhibitions by local artists. Admission prices are: Adults - $5, Seniors - $4, and Children (under 12) are free. The navigational address is 633 Osceola Avenue, Winter Park, FL 32789. For additional information, please visit their website, polasek.org.
Highlights include masterpieces from Monet, Cezanne, Renoir and others, a sculpture garden (you might find a sculpture of me
and Pierce there), a Steuben glass gallery and one of Florida’s most respected photography collections. While you’re there, check out the Museum Store and the MFA café. Ticket prices are $17
Donnette Burkhalter 863-427-7100 dburkhalter@evergreen-LM.com
Reflections | July 2016 |
[ Department] Articles
Fighting Cancer By Susie Quattrochi, Solivita’s Relay for Life Committee Co-Chair
CANCER is a disease that does not discriminate; it does not ask nor does it care. It comes upon us unannounced with no warning. We know about it and we try to catch it early with screenings and early detection tests before it spreads too far. No one wants to hear the words, “you have cancer;” yet 1 out of 3 people will have cancer. When I was diagnosed, a special person sent me this note to read: Dear Cancer, You little piece of ****. You have messed with the wrong person. I am going to destroy you and enjoy every minute of it. Sincerely, Susie Q. I read it every day and won! You are never alone in this fight against cancer. People all over the world are fighting with you and for you. Every day the American Cancer Society is making strides towards finding the CURE! Your ongoing support to Solivita’s Relay for Life club events do make a difference. We could not have raised over $400,000 in Solivita without YOU!
display, so please bring your own chair. Chairs are NOT
Independence Day on Monday, July 4th! Twelve food
permitted to be removed from inside any building. Golf
trucks, listed in the community email blast, will be lined
cart parking is permitted on the grass by the Ballroom.
up on Village Drive from 6pm-9pm from the Ballroom
Please, no tents, coolers or pets are permitted. Fireworks
to the Pro Shop along with a huge BBQ food concession
display may be delayed due to the weather. Food trucks
stand by Stonegate Golf Catering. Also don’t miss the
can be changed at any time by the food truck agent.
three music entertainers, the three outdoor limited bars, two indoor full bars, lots of fun activities for the
Building Hours of Operation: The Marketplace Bistro,
grandkids and then, of course the amazing fireworks
Riviera Spa & Fitness Center, and The Grille at Stonegate
display at 9pm. Read more information about the event
are open during normal operating hours. Village Drive,
in this month’s Reflections on the back of the tri-fold
from the Ballroom to the Pro Shop, will close from
3pm-10pm to vehicles. The Palms closes at 6pm. The Ballroom, Mosaics, and the Waterfront Galleries will be
Notices: There is no seating provided for the fireworks
Reflections | July 2016 |
[ Department ] Articles
Celebration of Freedom
By Nick Pezzente General Manager, Stonegate Golf Club Religious oppression and taxation without
Celebrate with us at Solivita’s Red, White and Blue Street Party!
representation caused the Colonies’ Second
Chef Dee and his team will be offering BBQ chicken, pork ribs,
Continental Congress to form a committee
beef brisket, Italian sausage, and pulled pork. We will also be
to break away from the rule of England’s King
offering a hot dog cart along with two cash bars. Join us for
George III. Despite peaceful efforts by the
BBQ Sundays during July and enjoy cool and refreshing drinks at
Colonists to sever ties with Great Britain, British troops were sent
Sunday Fundays at The Palms.
to destroy the movement towards rebellion. Look for hot summer deals at the Pro Shop for the Annual On June 11, 1776, the document that would be known as the
Fourth-of-July Sidewalk Sale weekend event. Claude and the Pro
Declaration of Independence was drafted to separate from Great
Shop Team invite you to join the “Flag Tournament” with awards
Britain. Some 86 changes were made to the document before the
and prizes.
final version was adopted on July 4, 1776. Of the original thirteen colonies that attended the Continental Congress, only nine
Bill and the Grounds Maintenance Team will continue to aerify
voted in favor of the Declaration of Independence. Pennsylvania
greens from July 11th to the 15th on the Oaks Course and from
and South Carolina voted against the Declaration, while New
July 25th to July 29th on Cypress, weather permitting. A smaller
York abstained.
tine of ½ inch will be used to expedite the healing process. The courses will be closed these days.
For more than six months, the names of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were withheld from the public for
Let us give honor and gratitude to all who served to protect this
their protection. If independence had not been achieved, this
great country. May we never take for granted the sacrifices that
treasonable act would have, by law, resulted in their deaths. In
so many have made to ensure our freedom and that the Republic
1783 the last British ships sailed out of New York. Five years later,
of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness be earnestly and
at Independence Hall, the Constitutional Convention produced
deliberately persevered for the future of all Americans to enjoy.
our country’s new form of government. As the delegates left the building, Benjamin Franklin was asked, “What have we got?” Franklin replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it!”
Nick Pezzente 863-427-7150 x4620 npezzente@integritygolfco.com
9/11 REMEMBRANCE BREAKFAST - 15TH ANNIVERSARY In 2011, the Vizcaya Social Club and Lifestyles brought our community together for the 10th Anniversary. The 9/11 Remembrance Breakfast was held to remember those lost and their loved ones left behind, as well as those assisting in the recovery efforts of 9/11. This year marks the 15th Anniversary of 9/11. Once again, we will come together for a Remembrance Breakfast to remember those same individuals, many who continue to suffer in various ways (emotionally, health wise, etc.). The Vizcaya Social Club, Mira Vista Club, and the Lifestyles 9/11 Committee is asking for your assistance in making this breakfast a fitting reminder for all in attendance to “NEVER FORGET.” Any resident that is involved in an organization as a result of 9/11, familiar with a faith leader (Priest, Rabbi, Imam, etc.), lost a family member/friend in the attacks, and was a first responder on that day and/ or involved in recovery efforts, please contact Gabby Thomas at 863-496-1544. More details about this special event will come in future Reflections newsletters.
Reflections | July 2016 |
[ Solivita Information]
Solivita-Style Photography by Judie Chiappone
Reflections |  July 2016 |
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