Esplanade Style Guide & Lookbook

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Style Guide and



Style &

ATTITUDE Grounded in one of our Service Value Foundations is Style & Attitude. “We reflect the image of our brand and value the contributions and unique talents of each other.” As an Ambassador of Esplanade, you are expected to take pride in your appearance. It is important that you project a luxury, businesslike image and model exceptional behavior in both personal style and attitude. It is important to remember, since most of our team members’ activities are performed before the general public and under the watchful eyes of our Members, it is essential that each team member adhere to the Esplanade style guidelines and grooming standards at all times. This Style Guide & Lookbook reflects the professionalism and passion you bring to your craft. These guidelines apply to all team members while working on property and/or attending off-campus meetings/seminars. Furthermore, team members are expected to dress seasonally appropriate and follow all resort Lifestyle and departmental grooming standards at all times. Where Esplanade policy designates the use of uniforms, all team members are required to follow the grooming and professional attire program outlined in this Style Guide & Lookbook. Additional guidelines may be in effect in work areas with specific safety and/ or sanitation requirements (such as food and beverage or culinary). We hope this Style Guide & Lookbook gives you inspiration. Your style communicates our brand.


What Esplanade Style Looks Like



TAGS All team members have been issued a name tag which should be worn with pride in an upright, readable position. Since name tags are an integral part of the uniform, they should be seen and transferred to coats and jackets. The name tag is worn on the right side of your shirt or jacket near the breastplate area or on the opposite side of the Esplanade logo. Name tags will reflect the team member’s first and last name unless otherwise designated by the general manager (i.e., department leader or CAM). Name tags are a part of your uniform and should be visible at all times. No decorations can be worn on a name tag.

NAME TAG CONTENT Esplanade logo, Esplanade location, Team member name, Position


Appearance &

GROOMING Personal cleanliness is important to convey our luxury attitude about ourselves and to avoid offending others. Team members are to bathe, use deodorant and brush teeth and hair daily. Team members who smoke must do so in designated areas, not viewable by Members, and must thoroughly wash their hands after smoking and before returning to work. Chewing gum is not permitted, however the use of breath mints or mouthwash is encouraged to ensure breath is at its freshest when interacting with Members and guests.


Uniformed Team


You are expected to wash and handle your uniform with care so that it remains in good condition during the workday. If special attention is needed, inform your manager. All issued uniforms, including logo polo shirts are the property of Esplanade and must be returned upon the completion of employment.


Non-Uniformed Team


Professional resort attire is expected unless otherwise directed with position-specific guidelines. Nonuniformed team members should wear professionallooking pants or shorts with button-down collared shirts, pant suit, blouse with slacks or dresses with appropriate and conservative accessories, or approved Esplanade logo shirts. Dress and skirt length should range from mid-calf to no shorter than one inch above the top of the knee, including the length of any walking slit. Spaghetti strap dresses and blouses are not permitted for women without a jacket, and sleeveless shirts are not permitted for men. Casual and recreational clothing (such as jeans, denim skirts, shorts, sundresses without an appropriate sweater or jacket and capri length pants above the mid-calf) and trendy fashions (such as cutout blouses or tops where under garments can be seen) are not permitted. Please note, exceptions to some of these guidelines may be made based on position.


When appropriate, casual and themed resort attire may be worn by non-uniformed team members. For our leadership team, jackets or sport coats are strongly encouraged particularly during the winter season and at Member meetings or events. NO LIST


Shoes, Socks &


All team members are required to provide their own slip-resistant shoes which are kept clean and in good condition. Team members in uniformed areas must wear solid color shoes and professional-looking socks in accordance with position-specific requirements. In non-uniformed areas, team members must wear slip-resistant and conservative shoes with a maximum heel height of two inches to conform to safety standards. Sandals, clogs, mules, open-backed shoes and other recreational footwear (flip flops, running shoes, slippers, boots, etc.) are not permitted unless required for your position.


If a team member elects to wear hosiery, it is preferred that the hosiery is not textured or patterned.



Hats, Sunglasses &


Sunglasses are not permitted indoors. As required for outdoor positions, hats must be clean in appearance, free of stains and debris, and display the appropriate Esplanade logo. If an Esplanade hat is not available, the team member may wear a professional-looking hat without logos or insignia (Nike, etc.). Sunglasses are encouraged while working outdoors. Sunglasses must be of a conservative style, non-mirrored, and conservative color. In order to maintain obvious eye contact with the Member or guest during conversations, it may be appropriate for the team member to remove their sunglasses. It is polite and professional to allow the Member to see your eyes while engaged in a conversation. Prescription eyewear should look professional and represent the Esplanade brand.

Coats &

JACKETS Only property-specific coats and jackets issued for inclement weather are permissible in Member contact areas.


Nails, Makeup &


Fingernails and toenails should be kept clean and well groomed. Team members may use polish, provided it is of a natural or businesslike shade and maintained to avoid chipping. Nail length should not be excessive. Nail length and color should not serve as a distraction to others. For proper sanitation, no team members in food and beverage or culinary may have fingernails which are polished or extend beyond the fingertip. Makeup should be conservative and create a fresh, businesslike appearance. Eyelash extensions should be tasteful and conservative. Facial adornments (such as rhinestones, decals, or glitter flakes) are not permitted. Theatrical makeup and microderm jewelry is not permitted. All team members should be aware of the amount of cologne/perfume/body spray worn in the workplace as Members, guests, vendors, and fellow team members may be allergic to cologne/perfume scents. In certain positions, Esplanade team members are encouraged to practice a “fragrance free” approach to grooming. Please be courteous to your fellow team members and Members by limiting or eliminating any personal fragrances that may be perceptible to others.



STYLE Team members must wear their hair clean, neatly styled in a conservative fashion. Natural hair colors are encouraged and help to maintain a professional look. Please do not use hair dye such as, pink, purple, blue, or neon colors. Team members in Member or guest contact areas (pool, sports courts, food and beverage, fitness center, spa, etc.) must wear their hair in a neat and professional fashion. For team members with long hair, a neatly styled ponytail or single braid is preferred. Bangs are to be short enough to not cover the team member’s eyes when leaning forward. Hair should not be excessively adorned or arranged with ribbons, clips, wires, beads or glitter. Plain, simple accessories, such as barrettes and hair holders are acceptable as long as they appear businesslike and do not pose any safety hazard. Esplanade will provide hair coverings that are required to be worn in kitchen/food areas. Team members in Member-facing service areas are permitted to have a neatly trimmed mustache, beard, or goatee. No chinstraps, patches, or long mountain beards are permitted. Team members in culinary should keep facial hair (mustache, beard, goatee or long sideburns) covered. Esplanade will provide hair coverings that are required to be worn in kitchen/food areas.




JEWELRY Unless governed by safety and sanitation guidelines, one ring per hand is acceptable. A wedding band and an engagement ring worn on the same finger are considered one ring. Thumb rings are not acceptable. A single earring (no larger than a quarter) on each ear is acceptable. Earrings must be a simple, matched pair in gold, silver or pearl tone or a color that coordinates with the uniform or outfit. The shape of the earring must be in good taste and compliment the uniform or work attire. Earrings can be clip-on or pierced style and must be on the earlobe. Hoops, hanging or chandelier earrings larger than a quarter or longer than one inch are not acceptable. No more than one conservative, businesslike necklace and bracelet may be worn. Ankle bracelets are not permitted. A watch, appropriate for a business setting, may be worn.

SIMPLE EARRINGS Single set of earrings, matched pair in gold, silver or pearl tone.


Body Art &

TATTOOS Visible tattoos on face and neck are not allowed. Other visible tattoos are permitted so long as they do not contain obscene, profane, racist, sexual, or objectionable words or imagery. Please cover any not-allowed tattoos with clothing compliant with our Style Guide (like long-sleeve shirts, pants, turtlenecks) or concealing makeup. An arm-sleeve accessory including athletic sleeves may be worn if it is a natural color. Due to hand-washing requirements, there are no acceptable methods for covering inappropriate hand tattoos, including bandages, makeup or food-service gloves.


ADORNMENTS The only pins or decorations that may be worn on uniforms other than a name tag are language pins, service awards, and other pins for Esplanade special promotions or activities. The maximum number of pins permitted beyond the name tag is two and no button can exceed 1½ inches in diameter.

Cell Phones &


Talking on a cellphone, texting, or a phone ringing in your pocket is not the professional behavior that we want to convey to our Members and guests. Team members should do their very best to minimize phone usage in the presence of Members. Cellphone usage in areas where Members frequent should be limited to calls/texts performed to assist our Members, guests or vendors only.


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