Overstrand Herald

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Harbour Road ‘mayor’ passes away

Nuwe plan met kameras

Privaatsektor en gemeenskappe span saam

Eddie Holloway in CAM Live Vision se gevorderde beheerkamer in Hermanus

OsteoEze Gold Value Pack 90’s Buy 2 & get 1 Single Pack FREE


ArthroChoice Advanced 60’s


Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Kleinmond Animal Clinic Phone no: 028 271 4183 Emergency no: 083 440 5191 Trading Hours: Weekdays: 08:00 - 18:00 Saturdays: 09:00 - 13:00 Consultations by appointment

Stockist of:

Services available: General Health Care Micro chipping Grooming Puppy Classes Name tags

Bladsy 2

Nuwe plan met kameras Gerard Grobler HERMANUS – Die onlangse moorde in Kleinmond en Pringlebaai het opnuut die fokus op misdaadbekamping van ons streek geplaas. In beide gevalle het inligting vanaf die publiek en goeie speurwerk letterlik binne ure tot die inhegtenisneming van die vermeende beskuldiges gelei. Die polisie het duidelik lesse uit die verlede geleer en hul modus operandi verander. Anders as in die verlede (die Ross-moord is in hierdie opsig ‘n goeie voorbeeld) het die polisie in die geval van die Pringlebaai-moord dadelik ‘n ervare taakspan saamgestel om die moord te ondersoek. Dit het bestaan uit ‘n senior ondersoekbeampte van Gansbaai, kapt. Danie Rautenbach, die provinsiale forensiese eenheid, misdaad intelligensie en plaaslike speurders. Die rol van die forensiese ondersoekeenheid is veral belangrik. Dit gaan nie net oor die inhegtenisneming van die skuldige/s nie, maar oor hul suksesvolle vervolging, en hier speel forensiese getuienis ‘n sleutelrol. In die geval van die Pringlebaaimoord het inligting van die publiek die deurslag gegee, maar tegnologie het ook ’n rol gespeel. Daar is vinnig vasgestel dat die vermoorde me Ferra Thompson se Honda Jazz vermis is. Die beginsel is eenvoudig. Spoor die voertuig op en jy vind in alle waarskynlikheid die moordenaar. Een van die eerste dinge wat die ondersoekspan gedoen het was om die beeldmateriaal van die kamera by die ingang tot Pringlebaai na te gaan. Hulle

het egter verder gegaan. Hulle het ook Kaapstad gevra om hul uitgebreide kamerastelsel na te gaan vir enige spoor van die Honda. Sommige van die kameras op Sir Lowry’s pas en op hoofroetes in die stad is nie net spoedkameras nie, hulle is ook sg. LPR (License Plate Recognition) kameras. Dié kameras neem die nommerplaat van elke voertuig wat verby beweeg af, en kan met die hulp van gevorderde sagteware deur derduisende nommerplate soek na die regte een. Dit was gou duidelik dat die Honda wel verby die Pringlebaai kamera is, maar nie Kaap se kant toe is nie. Die uitgebrande Honda wat die vorige nag onder verdagte omstandighede by die R44 kruising gevind is, het intussen deel van die ondersoek geword (terloops, wel gedaan aan die amateur speurders op die Herald se faceboekblad wat dadelik die verband tussen die uitgebrande voertuig en die moord raakgesien het). Onthou die ondersoekspan volg ‘n ander pad. Hulle bou steen vir steen ‘n prentjie op van wat tydens en na die voorval gebeur het. Dit vorm uiteindelik alles deel van die getuienis teen en suksesvolle vervolging van die skuldige. Die kamerabeelde van Pringlebaai se sekuriteitskamera bewys dat die skuldige teen ‘n sekere tyd met die Honda uit die dorp is, en dit is van kritieke belang. Rogoor die wêreld speel tegnologie en veral kameras ‘n toenemend belangrike rol in misdaadbekamping. Navorsing toon dat daar in 2014 reeds Vervolg op bl.3

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 3

Die punte waar CAM Life Vision graag sou wou kameras aanbring in ons streek sowat 245 miljoen sg. CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) kameras wêreldwyd in gebruik was. In plekke soos die VSA en veral Brittanje word dit op groot skaal gebruik om misdaad te bekamp. Daar word gereken dat daar in Brittanje alleen meer as 6 miljoen CCTV kameras is wat die publiek dag en nag dophou. ‘n Plaaslike kenner op die gebied, Eddie Holloway van Cam Live Vision op Hermanus, meen kameras kan ook hier ‘n deurslaggewende rol in die bekamping van misdaad en selfs stropery speel. Holloway het jare se ondervinding. Hy is ‘n voormalige hoof van sekerheid van Krygkor en die Onafhanklike Verkiesingskommissie. Die afgelope 17 jaar was hy in Abu Dhabi in die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate waar hy onder andere nou betrokke was by die implementering van uitgebreide sekuriteitskamerastelsels in dié land. Hy sê op feitlik enige punt in Abu Dhabi is jy binne sig van twee CCTV kameras. Cam Live Vision, met sy hoofkantoor in Somerset Wes, werk regoor die land en het uitgebreide ondervinding in die CCTV mark, veral in die kleinhandelsektor. Holloway het onlangs ‘n ontleding van die groter Overberg gebied gedoen en sê ‘n netwerk kameras, wat strategies geplaas is, kan ‘n belangrike instrument word vir

wetstoepassingsowerhede om misdaad te bekamp en te beveg. Hy het ook spesifiek na die Hangklip/Kleinmond gebied gekyk. Buiten ‘n basiese stelsel op Rooiels en die kamera by Pringlebaai se ingang is daar tans geen ander ge-integreerde kamerainfrastruktuur in ons streek nie. Volgens Holloway is daar wel al proeflopies op Bettysbaai gedoen en ook ondersoek ingestel na ‘n kamerastelsel vir Kleinmond. Laasgenoemde is gedoen in samewerking met Kleinmond Straatwag. Holloway beveel aan dat kameras by Rooiels, Pringlebaai, Bettysbaai en op Kleinmond aangebring word. Hy sê dit is belangrik dat die regte toerusting vir die regte doel aangewend word. Daar is in wese drie soorte kameras. Die eerste en mees gesofistikeerde is die LPR kameras, wat spesifiek ontwerp is om lisensienommers te lees en te stoor. Dan is daar PTZ kameras wat ‘n spesifieke gebied om hulle kan dek en voertuie en mense kan identifiseer deur in te fokus of teen 360 grade te draai. Daarna volg die gewone straatkameras. Hy sê hoe die kameras ontplooi word, is belangrik. In die geval van Kleinmond, sê Holloway, is die ideale plek vir ‘n LPR-kamera in die Vervolg op bl.6

Protecting our community since 1998 Office: (028) 271 4637 Betty’s Bay: (028) 272 9110 Fax: (028) 271 4179 Cell: 082 410 7845 / 082 940 9113 Email: kleinmondsafe@overberg.co.za

Trust is earned

Dr. Audrey Zietsman General Practitioner


MBBCH (Wits) Mp0698393 / Pr0664405 Kleinmond practice: 08:45 - 12:30 Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 12:00 Saturdays Pringle Bay practice: 13:30 - 16:30 Monday to Friday

Offices: Kleinmond - 028 271 5321 Pringle Bay - 028 273 8069 - Emergencies: 060 490 0874 Cell: 071 687 3825 draudreyzietsman@gmail.com www.draudreyzietsman.com

084 577 2926

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 4

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Droom word waarheid

Bladsy 5

076 755 2052 lrwholesalers@gmail.com Shop 9, BJ Pietersen Centre, Main Road, Kleinmond

Open to the public Smaller quantities are available on request 10kg chicken ¼ from  10kg Pork belly ribs  Rib eye steak  Shoulder bacon  Hake portions from  Calamari steaks 

R249.00 R 89.00 kg R139.00 kg R 16.00 per/200g R 10.00 ½ kg R35.00

OPEN 10am to 6pm 7 days a week

Kleinmond main beach


24 08 2 This week Lunch Special R45


Upsize available on request Now doing deliveries too for additional R5 (Must book deliveries before 11:00)

Bottomless Filter coffee with Breakfast Monday– Friday KLEINMOND – Op Vrydag 1 September word die eerste sooi gespit by Kleinmond se nuwe aftreeoord – Fynbos Park. Dit is die einde van ‘n proses wat al in die tagtigerjare begin het en met verskeie stampe en stote gepaardgegaan het. Ondersteuners van die projek, en veral projekleier, Christo Kok, verdien ‘n klop op die skouer vir hul deursettingsvermoë en harde werk deur die jare. Op die foto kan gesien word hoe die terrein tans lyk. Die stormwater, riool en waterpype, asook die elektriese kabels is gelê en die pad is gebou. Die omheining en toegangs- en nooduitgang hekke is ook opgerig. Die bouer is intussen aangestel en nou lê die groot werk voor. Volgens Kok gaan daar aanvanklik 4 tweeslaapkamer huise, 2 eenslaapkamer- en 3 een-persoon woonstelle gelyktydig gedurende die eerste fase gebou word. Kom sluit gerus aan vir die sooispit om 10:00 Vrydag 1 September. Verversings sal daarna in die N G Kerksaal bedien word.

Monday Cottage pie + 2 veg Tuesday Roasted Chicken + rice + veg Wednesday Beef Lasagne + 2 veg Thursday Chicken & Leek Quiche + salad Friday Spaghetti Bolognese + 2 veg Saturday Homemade Chicken/Beef burgers R40

Snack Platters available. We cater for your Special needs.

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 6

Nuwe plan met kameras

Fine & Country Betty’s Bay 43 Pearl Drive Betty’s Bay, 7141 bettysbay@fineandcountry.com

Hein Brand Property Consultant (MBA) +27 (0)84 229 4681 hein.b@fineandcountry.com

www.overstrandherald.co.za BETTYSBAAI

R1 950 000 4 BEDROOM WITH EXTRAS ON CLARENCE This inviting 4 bedroom home on Clarence Drive offers excellent sea and mountain views. Spacious open plan kitchen cum living area opens up unto large sea view deck. Braai room with built in braai. Main bedroom with en suite bathroom. Second bedroom with en suite shower. Full bathroom for remaining bedrooms with separate toilet. Double garage with very large storage area / games room under the house. Plenty of parking. Covered patio. Nicely kept garden, fenced at the back. View at www.meridianrealty.co.za under RL1937. Call Chris 0837441499.

Vervolg van bl.3 omgewing van die middel van die dorp in die hoofweg. Weerskante van die ingange tot in die dorp kan ‘n kombinasie van PTZ en straatkameras ontplooi word. Dit beteken dat letterlik almal wat die dorp inkom en uitgaan gemonitor kan word. Dit kan veral ‘n invloed hê op diegene wat van elders kom om hier misdaad te pleeg. Om die stelsel effektief te maak moet die kameras natuurlik gemonitor word. Cam Live Vision het t.o.v. die Overberg reeds ‘n volledig toegeruste beheerkamer vir dié doeleindes in Hermanus. Holloway sê die koste om so ‘n beheerkamer in te rig is in die orde van R1m, wat dit buite die bereik van die meeste gemeenskappe plaas. “In hierdie geval maak dit sin om die diens teen ‘n vasgestelde en vooraf onderhandelde prys uit te kontrakteer na ‘n maatskappy soos Cam Live Vision.” Die vraag is natuurlik wie vir die kameras asook die monitering daarvan gaan betaal. Die staat en die polisie het nie fondse nie, die enigste ander uitweg is dus die gemeenskap. Talle gemeenskappe in die groter Overstrand-gebied is reeds besig om te kyk na maniere om die betaling te doen. Een van die wyses waarop dit gedoen kan word, is sg. SAG’s of Spesiale Aanslaggebiede. Dit behels dat ‘n spesifieke gemeenskap besluit d.m.v. ‘n stemming (60% + een moet daarvoor stem), om ‘n SAG tot stand te bring.

Die SAG word befonds deur ‘n nominale maandelikse bedrag tot elke belastingbetaler se munisipale rekening by te voeg (in Kleinmond se geval sal dit waarskynlik in die orde van R50 per maand wees). Die munisipaliteit betaal dan die ingesamelde bedrag geld oor aan die SAG, wat dit dan op projekte spandeer soos om die dorp te verfraai of in dié geval, kameras aan te bring. Kom ons neem dit ‘n stap verder. Nou het jy die kameras en dit word gemoniteer. Wat gebeur as daar ‘n voorval is en daar moet opgetree word? Holloway sê die oplossing is ‘n reaksiemag. Hy sê dit kan gedoen word in samewerking met die SAPS, bestaande sekuriteitsmaatskappye of daar kan selfs ook ‘n nuwe reaksiemag op die been gebring word. Hy sê met kameras het jy, anders as met ‘n alarm wat afgaan, die voordeel dat jy reeds weet wat plaasvind. Die beheerkamer sien wat plaasvind en kan die inligting direk aan die reaksiemaglid deurgee. In ‘n dorp soos Kleinmond kan die kamera netwerk met tyd uitgebrei word, deur straatkameras op strategiese plekke by te voeg, soos byvoorbeeld die hawe-gebied, of die Spar kompleks. Ten einde dit moontlik te maak moet gemeenskappe natuurlik eers instem tot die implementering van ‘n SAG-gebied. Daarsonder sal geld eenvoudig nie beskikbaar wees nie.

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 7

Kleinmond/ Betty’s Bay/Pringle Bay/Rooi Els 028 271 3238


Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910


Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Web Ref:CWSC-2471

R1 800 000

Bedrooms: 4 | Baths: 3 | Garages: 1

This home is ideal for grandparents living with u. The house has lounge and kitchen. Spacious braai room that separate the flat from the main house. The flat with own entrance consist of 2 bedroom, bathroom and lounge. showers, single auto garage and private sunny garden.


Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Web Ref:CWSC-2563

R2 095 000

Bedrooms: 3| Baths: 2 | Garages:1

Upmarket development close to the Kleinmond mountains. Oude Overberg the place to invest. This units is the second one on the right with stunning mountain views. Open plan fully fitted granite kitchen, dining area and lounge with double doors open out to patio. Only the best quality double glazed imported PVC windows and doors are used.


R1 830 000

This spacious 3 bedroom home has stunning mountain views, a large private plot in quiet area. Open plan north facing lounge, dining room, kitchen with eye level oven, gas hob and lots of cupboards, guest toilet, braai room and single auto garage with extra space. Separate laundry. Don't let this one slip through your fingers.

Betty’s Bay

Web Ref: CWSC-2245

R6 700 000

Bedrooms: 3| Baths: 3| Garages: 3

Modern seafront home with magnificent views across the pristine sands of Silversands. Both levels offer breathtaking sea views from all the rooms &living areas. Small stoep to side of kitchen allows for extra shelter from those stormy days. So much to offer, so much to see & experience ...

Kleinmond Bedrooms: 3 | Baths: 3 | Garages: 2

Web Ref:CWSC-0241

R2 680 000

Designed for family living in sought after area! This north facing modern home consist of separate living areas, spacious granite fitted kitchen, guest toilet, wine cellar under staircase, Double auto garage with laundry in front and lots of extra space.


Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Web Ref: CWSC-0962

R6 750 000

Bedrooms: 5 | Baths: 4 | Garages: 2

As close as it gets to being at the waters edge. Seldom do homes in this area come on the market. Private, neat offering all the heart desires. Main house offers open plan lounge, kitchen and dining area with patio leading to ocean lapping garden and the most beautiful ocean views.


Betty’s Bay

Web Ref: CWSC-2555

R1 495 000

Bedrooms:3| Baths: 2 | Garages: 2

This new release is north facing and plastered home in Bettys Bay. Cottage pane windows with large living areas and knotty pine ceilings and a fireplace perfect for creating a warm atmosphere in house.


Sunday Sunday1 1- 3pm - 3pm

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722


Betty’s Bay

Web Ref:CWSC-2607

Bedrooms: 3| Baths: 2| Garages: 1






Betty’s Bay

Suzanne Beukes 074 944 5534

Web Ref:CWSC-2399

R1 100 000 Pringle Bay

Bedrooms: 2| Baths: 1| Garages: 0

Quaint, cute & cosy. Ideal getaway or gearing down cottage on offer! Open plan lounge/diner/kitchen/braai-bar corner and a bonus washing/tumble dryer are discreetly placed. Small stoep to side of kitchen allows for extra shelter from those stormy days.

Web Ref:CWSC-2559

R 545 000

This vacant stand in Pringle Bay is priced to sell. Design your dream architectural masterpiece optimising the spectacular uninterrupted views of the beautiful mountains and distant sea views if you go double storey. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.



Suzanne Beukes 074 944 5534

24 08 2017 Die NSRI het Sondag hier, na oproepe van Kleinmonders, die toue waarin ‘n walvis verstrengel was, losgesny. Geen maklike taak nie. Weer eens, welgedaan, NSRI

Pringle Bay

Saturday 12-- 2pm 2pm Saturday 12 Suzanne Beukes 074 944 5534

Suzanne Beukes 074 944 5534

Web Ref: CWSC-2562

R 380 000

Build your dream home or holiday getaway in this tranquil quiet area. This plot is situated in the beautiful Pringle Bay. Pringle Bay Head is renowned for its awesome trail, together with many other trails crisscrossing the town. The WINDGAT FEES is the yearly festival hosted in September, and this is supported by all and sundry.

Pringle Bay Bedrooms:3| Baths: 2| Garages: 2

Web Ref:CWSC-2558

R1 300 000

North facing face brick family home with immaculate views of the Kogelberg mountain range. Spacious open plan kitchen, dining area and lounge with built in braai. The main bedroom has its own private lounge having a glimpse a distance sea view.


Rooi Els

Bedrooms: 5| Baths:3 | Garages:2

Web Ref:CWSC-2603

R5 800 000

Low maintenance face brick facade and expansive views across the False Bay creates excellent opportunity for rental income with little hassle. Double storey home with 3 en suite bathrooms and flatlet with developing potential, this Rooi Els property caters for the whole family. Extensive entertaining areas with snooker table, lounge and dining area, a bar that opens onto a semi-roofed patio and indoor braai makes this the ideal gettogether house.

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other

‘n Weeklikse rubriek deur Ilna Grobler ilna@overstrandherald.co.za

Nog ‘n koppie? Die hipnotiserende uitwerking van “bling” en sensasie op die psige van die mens Ek wonder toe weer die naweek hoeveel stories sou die Sondagkoerante gehaal het, indien die betrokke mense nie uit die sogenaamde glanspersoonlikhede se geledere gekom het nie. Die arme modelletjie wat deur die grasielose en genadelose Grace Mugabe aangerand is, kan maar weet, haar naam is nou in die annale van skinderkoerante aangeteken. Sy is van nou af iémand, want het iemand vantevore waarlik van die arme kind geweet? Antie Mugabe het Gabriëlla Engels se lewe onherroeplik verander. Onthou ons nog die naam van

die arme slagoffers van die voormalige adjunk-minister van basiese onderwys? Ek dink nie so nie. Maar Gabriëlla gaan nog ‘n hele paar myle uit die 'DisGrace' voorval kry. In die sogenaamde beskaafde wêreld (die ene waar Westerse norme veronderstel is om die toon aan te gee), lyk dit vir my asof waardes aan die gly is. ‘n Mens moet seker in ag neem dat die meeste biljoene van die aarde se inwoners nié daardie waardes navolg nie, maar in teorie word dit as mikpunt gestel: skoolopvoeding vir almal, basiese gesondheid en behuising.

Wat ek opmerk, is dat basiese onderwys, gesondheid en behuising in die hek duik vir die meerderheid van mense, terwyl rykdom, roem en bekendheid op sosiale media ideale geword het wat mense nastreef. Iemand sal sy naam met ‘n plank slaan, net om deur derduisende mense op sosiale media opgemerk te word. Dan "oe!" en "aa!" die kykers vir ‘n rukkie,tot die volgende paloeka iets doen of sê wat die kykers se goudvisaandagspan aflei. Die helde van die oomblik, is gewoonlik, afgesien van wêreldleiers (ek gebruik die woord met groot omsigtigheid) sportlui, rolprentsterre en spelers in realiteits-TV, dikwels oor hul doen en late apart van hul loopbane. Die gepeupel wat een oomblik nog skree “Hosanna!” skree net die volgende oomblik nog harder “Kruisig hom!” wanneer die held skeef trap. Tiger Woods weet baie hiervan af. Oscar Pistorius en Lance Armstrong ook. Die rakleeftyd van so ‘n “persoonlikheid” is maar aan die kort kant. Paris Hilton is vervang met die Kardashians en Miley Cyrus het uitgevind enige mens kan net sóveel klere uittrek voordat dit erg vervelig raak. Die mense wat régtig sinvolle en veral eerbare of prosaïse werk doen, tel nie.

Bladsy 8

Overstrand Herald

Nou Vrydagaand kom die tenker kort voor nege by ons huis aan, die een wat so raas, volgens die inwoners. Die eggenoot gaan gesels met die bestuurder, wat verduidelik dat daar nog agt name op sy lys is voor hy die tenker moet terugneem Kaap toe. Daarna kan hy eers huis toe gaan vir ‘n paar ure se slaap, voordat hy weer moet opstaan om 06:00 op Stellenbosch te wees. Al wat inwoners ooit te sê het oor dié trok, is hoe hy raas, min mense sê dankie, want ons betaal mos vir ons gerief en dan moet die wêreld spring.

24 Augustus 2017

National Branch of the Year Small - Runner Up Kleinmond / Betty’s Bay / Pringle Bay / Arabella

Is dit nie vreemd hoe die mensdom rykes en/of vooraanstaande mense op ‘n voetstuk plaas nie? Hulle kan smokkelaars of aardsbedrieërs wees, solank hulle ‘n blink kar ry en belangrik lyk, beklek en stertswaai die mense. Dis die diepte van hul sak wat hul waarde bepaal, nie die grootheid van hul hart of hul integriteit nie.

Branch manager, Mike Bisset with National General Manager Richard Day

Gold Club Agent Kleinmond Lise Götz and Adri Wernich were awarded Gold Club status for service excellence and exceptional property sales, whilst exhibiting the highest level of professionalism.

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." (- Martin Luther King: “I have a dream” – toespraak op 28 Augustus 1963.)




Ref# KN1333871

Ref# KN1334526

Ref# KN1297106

Pringle Bay / R775 000

Pringle Bay / R4.95 million

Spacious stand with sea and mountain views. This large 1328m² stand is perfect for either your dream holiday house or to build your permanent home in the beautiful quiet town of Pringle Bay.

Bedroom 4 / Bathroom 3 Hilltop Heaven Close to the Beach. Situated in sought after positions in Pringle Bay. This immaculate modern holiday home enjoys magnificent views of the river, beach, mountains, and ocean as far as Cape Point to the west.

Bladsy 9

Ref# KN1334575

Betty’s Bay / R2.7 million

Betty’s Bay / R3.2 million

Bedroom 4 / Bathroom 2.5 / Garage 1 Spectacular and stylish lakefront home.

Bedroom 6 / Bathroom 5.5 / Garage 2 Stylish Home with self-contained units- income generator.

Overstrand Herald


24 Augustus 2017

Nasty old man? I am a 75 year old grandfather of eight – two boys and six girls. Last year the Kleinmond Chess Club was founded and although I last played chess with my Father when I was a child, I decided to join. On Saturday 19 August I competed in my first ever open chess tournament at Kleinmond Primary School. We were drawn to play five opponents each. To my surprise my first opponent was a charming little lady called Kayla who told me she was 7 years old. My unorthodox chess moves confused her and I managed to win. She smiled, shook my hand and rushed off to play soccer with the boys. My second opponent, Krista, was an experienced player who had played in tournaments before. She quickly checkmated me. Also a lovely young lady. Next was a young lad of about 8 or 9 named Rossouw. He is a bit of a dreamer whose mind was not on the game. On the board next to us a friend/ relation of his was playing.

His concentration kept on wandering and I had to remind him when it was his turn to play. I won. Game no. 4 was against Carla, apparently one of the school’s strong players. After a fairly long battle I managed a lucky win. The last match was against a very cheerful and confident Amy-Leigh, who notated every move and corrected me when I castled incorrectly. She is more than 60 years younger than I, but told me proudly that she had played in many tournaments and was surprised that this was my first. Whether she felt sorry for the old Oom or was just a bit overconfident, but she let her defences down and I managed to win. I’m not sure whether it was her that I saw crying on her Mother’s lap when I left the hall to drive home. The sad part of the day was when I started wondering if I should have played less seriously against the youngster. Maybe I am just a nasty old man. Alan Bryant

Bladsy 10

Overstrand Herald

Harbour Road ‘mayor’ passes away

Shark week sneak peek The fourth SA Shark & Ray Symposium will be held in Hermanus from 10 - 12 September. In celebration of this gathering of shark scientists, the SA Shark Conservancy will host numerous public events to raise awareness about sharks and their role in the ocean. Join us from 2 - 12 September for engaging, enthralling and educational events. Dates to Diarise: Saturday, 2 September: 09:00 - 13:00 Meet your local shark research team at the Hermanus Country Market. 19:00 - 22:00 Screening of award-winning film 'SHARKWATER' (booking essential). Monday - Friday, 4 - 8 September: 14:00 daily Shark lab tours at the Old Harbour (booking essential). Saturday, 9 September: 09:00 - 11:00 Shark egg case hunt at all Overstrand Blue Flag Beaches (Hawston, Grotto & Kleinmond). 13:00 - 14:00 'Marine' puppet show by Story Team at Civic Auditorium in Hermanus (booking essential). Monday, 11 September: 18:30 Marine Speaker Series evening and Meet-A-Shark-Scientist at Civic Auditorium in Hermanus ((booking essential). Contact 028 312 3029 to book your spot. Entry is free.

A man who was affectionately known by many as the unofficial “Mayor of Harbour Road”, passed away on Saturday. Unbeknownst to many residents and visitors, Gerry Kruger was an artist under his rough exterior. In September 2015 Gerry’s work was exhibited in Harbour Road Art Gallery for two weeks. Many people went to view his work. His work, in brilliant colours, exuded a sensitivity and naiveté of how he perceived the world. Gerry had many friends and followers in town and everyone was deeply concerned for him as disease attacked his body. Gerry, true to his ways, carried on with his life until the very end. The following tribute was put together: Gerhardt, Gerry, Gerricasso, Jo-Jo, Red Moon, Mickey, Alfrios, Pens To all of Gerry’s family, friends, clients, Kleinmonders, and those abroad. 15 July 1960 – 19 August 2017 – THE PROFOUNDLY BRILLIANT ARTIST. Gerry, over the past 57 years you have made us laugh so much at your fascinating stories, that we were often brought to tears of happiness. Your amazing positive presence was always followed by a wide Gerricasso smile! You leave an empty space in our hearts, but we know that as the “Buffalo Soldier” your “True Colours” will still be shining upon us from your special place. May you continue to feel the brush strokes and ride the waves in your special place! Jah Guides R.I.P. our friend. Love from your family, friends and admirers.

Dankie vir ondersteuning Die naasbestaandes van tannie Susie Venter sê baie dankie aan almal wat haar bygestaan het, sowel as diegene wat die familie tydens en na haar afsterwe ondersteun het. Baie dankie aan ds. Sass en almal wat die diens bygewoon het, al die oproepe en tuisbesoeke, drs Morkel en Du Plessis, Gerimed en al die personeel. Trollop en Le Roux families

Vakansie en Permanente Huurhuise gesoek

24 Augustus 2017

Laaste winterkopies in voorraad: truie, jassies, serpe, moulose baadjies 24 08 en manswinterhemde en truie.


Winter stock: jerseys, jackets, scarves and R114.00 men’s winter shirts and jerseys.

Bladsy 11

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 12

‘…and there was light and glass’ The long awaited stained glass window at the Kleinmond Fellowship Church has been installed and has now become a special point of interest and beauty in Kleinmond. Louis Coetzee, a member of the congregation involved with organising the design, says the project started at the beginning of the year. Church members were asked for ideas and suggestions for the creation of a stained glass window in the church. Six ideas were brought forward and the congregation then voted for the idea of their choice. These ideas were then taken to Francois van der Merwe, owner, artist and designer of Live Light Stained Glass in Paarl. Francois came up with the final design comprising the Trinity; a replica of Salvador Dali’s floating cross hanging over Kleinmond along with its mountains and our surrounding sea and an image of a dove hovering above the cross. What makes Francois’ involvement with the creation of the window so more poignant, is that his grandmother, Faith van der Merwe was a member of the Fellowship Church. Even though the image in stained glass is exquisite from the outside, those who have seen it, says seeing it from the inside excels it by far. Actually the work comprises nine separate panels carefully laid out in coloured glass shapes in a lead framework. Almost like a mosaic. During the Gothic period and the Renaissance (1100s–1500s) stained glass was one of the foremost techniques of painting practiced in Europe. It may seem surprising to call stained glass a form of painting, but


Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 13

Walker Bay Orchid Society annual show The Walker Bay Orchid Society was formed in 1994, by a group of growers who had a passion for Orchids, after a successful display of their plants at a Hobbies Fair held in the Sandbaai Hall, the feedback they received gave birth to the Walker Bay Orchid Society. The initial display at the Hobbies Fair became an annual display and in 2006 it was decided that the blooms needed to be judged and awards given. To this effect the South African Orchid Council (SAOC) was approached to provide qualified judges. The Show has been an annual event ever since, and has enjoyed a strong support from the plant-loving public. A mini orchid display is also held in the Checkers Centre, Hermanus in April/May to show of those orchids that bloom at this time of the year. The Annual Show is held in September at the St Peter’s Church Hall, Main Road, Hermanus. The Society once again will welcome all to come and enjoy the beautiful blooms, tea in the garden (weather permitting) and orchid blooms and plants for sale. If the show inspires one to buy a plant to try one’s hand at growing an orchid there are members available to provide all the information required. You never know until you have tried to grow these most rewarding plants how much pleasure they can provide. Looking for a new hobby try orchid growing, you’ll never regret it.

Paula Calitz


Hoofweg 36 Main Road, Kleinmond / Tel: 028 271 4994 / 5799 / paulaceiendomme@telkomsa.net Paula Calitz Werner Calitz Johan Calitz Kotie Pieters 082 788 3211 076 426 0142 082 826 0900 083 277 8334 Prinsipaal / Principal Master Agent Master Agent Volstatus Agent CEA PDE MPRE CEA PDE PPRE CEA PDE PPRE CEA


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in fact it is one of the most widespread forms of painting. Stained glass inspired the lives of the faithful through religious narratives in churches and cloisters, celebrated family and political ties in city halls and even decorated the windows of private houses. Stained glass was usually used

to make windows, so that the light would shine through the painting. It is a form of painting that began over 1,000 years ago and is essentially still made the same way today. Another unique aspect of stained glass is that it’s enhanced by daylight, which changes with the weather, the season, and

the time of day. When a glass panel is shot through with a strong ray of light, you can see the colours floating off the top of the panel, and this is what makes it such a moving, and almost mystical, art form. (Additional information from The Getty Trust website)

Augustus is vroue-maand en heel gepas is die onderwerp ter bespreking by Leeskring se eerskomende vergadering ‘n pragboek oor ‘n formidabele vrou, ‘n ware heldin. “Emily Hobhouse: Geliefde Verraaier” deur Elsabé Brits gee erkenning aan Emily die persoon, asook dít wat sy, teen geweldige oormag vermag het. Emily was haar tyd ver vooruit: sy was ‘n liberale demokraat, vurige sosialis, internasionalis, feminis en pasifis. Sy het matelose optimisme en dapperheid gehad, ook kreatiwiteit, organisasie- en deursettingsvermoë en die kundigheid om met mense en geld te werk. Terwyl sy voortdurend fyn moes trap in ‘n mynveld van morele kwessies, patriargale gesag en politiekery, het sy wêreldleiers beïnvloed en nie net die status quo van die magtigste ryk uitgedaag nie, maar dit ook verander! In Suid Afrika het sy die genadelose vergrype van die Britte en die haglike situasies van die slagoffers van die oorlog, wit en swart, bekend gemaak en aangespreek. Na die oorlog het sy indringende ondersoek ingestel na maatskaplike restitusie. Sy het o.a. weefskole gestig en ‘n ploeg- en plantplan begin om mense van hongersnood te red om hul weer hoop en menswaardigheid te gee. Dit het met groot persoonlike opoffering gepaard gegaan. In haar latere jare was sy eensaam, haar gesondheid geknak, haar finansies onder druk en is sy deur haar eie mense as verraaier beskou. As fyn Britse dame het sy van kindsdag ‘n roeping van verset teen die ontering van die medemens aangevoel; dit het sy met ware moed, die moed van haar oortuiging, uitgeleef. Almal word vriendelik uitgenooi om op 28 Augustus om 14:30, by die Gereformeerde kerk te kom deel aan díe bespreking. Besoekers is baie welkom. Leeskringgroete

Lieflike oopplan ontwerp met kaggel vir lang wintersaande. Heerlike siten eetkamer. Moderne kombuis met baie ingeboude kaste, gaskookplaat en ingeboude elektriese oond. Aparte opwas area. 3 Slaapkamers 2 badkamers (1 en-suite). PLUSPLUNTE: BAIE NETJIES, TREK NET IN! 1. Ekstra dubbel volume onderdak kuierstoep met onthaalarea vir vriende en familie wat vloei na heerlike braai. 2. Stap na wandelpaaie en by Gholfbaan. 3. Kinder- en dierevriendelik en goeie buurt. 4. Motorhuis en ekstra dubbel onderdak parkering. 5. Diefwering, TV Skottel, netjiese tuin en aanboupotensiaal. 6. Aangesluit by hoofrioolstelsel. PUIK BELEGGING! PUIK LIGGING! PUIK AFTREE WENNER!

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 14



Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

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03 08 2017

Gerhard Hayward

KidsCan! Gets the Green Light!

KidsCan! received Green Cell: 083 677 4261 R114.00 Status from the Department of Social Development after gerhard@cleerbarsolutions.co.za the 2016 audit. There are 91 www.cleerbarsolutions.co.za After School Care Centres in


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Bladsy 15

the Western Cape, of which 87 were audited and only 16 received Green Status! This is the highest grading awarded by the Department of Social Development, making KidsCan! a frontrunner project and NPO in the Western Cape. A proud

KidsCan! Management Committee thanks Theresa Els and her team at Child Welfare, our dedicated principal, Judy-May Oncker and staff, Althea Oliver and Lizé Richter, all our donors, volunteers and supporters. Together we work for the good of the children in the HangklipKleinmond region. Contact Linda Bruce on 082 378 8003.


There’s an attractive offer on the table and the surviving spouse wants the executor who was nominated in the Will, to sign the offer to purchase before it is too late. Can he just proceed? A nominated executor must first establish his or her authority to act on behalf of an estate by applying for and obtaining Letters of Executorship from the Master of the High Court, before he can deal with any estate assets.

If the executor has not yet been formally appointed by the Master, a purported sale will be invalid and the subsequent signature of the nominated and later appointed executor will not ratify it. Once the executor has been appointed and is in a position to sign a sale agreement, it is necessary to include a special condition regarding the Master’s approval, i.e. “Subject to the consent of the Master of the High Court in terms of Section 42.2”, and the written consent to such a sale always has to be obtained from all the heirs who have a specific interest in such an asset. SOURCE:STBB 4 Bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with a tandem and a half garage. An open plan entertainment home with a soft edge bar, lounge and kitchen out to a covered outdoor/indoor entertainment area. The bedrooms are much like high end hotel suites, the main being en-suite as well as o downstairs rooms. Situated in a sought after, leafy suburb, only a 400m stroll down to the main beach. BEDROOMS: 4 BATHROOMS: 3 GARAGE: 1 PRICE: R2 400 000 SEEFF WEBREF: 401673 www.seeff.com AGENTS : MIKE TRIBELHORN 082 5532914 PAM SMITH 082 4688583


Property of the week

Ons is bevoorreg om hierdie koor weer op 30 Augustus in die kerkgebou te hoor. Hierdie kamerkoor van Pretoria bestaan sedert 1992 en is onder leiding van Sarita Hauptfleisch. Tans is daar 29 lede en die koor het al 8 CD’s gemaak. Hulle is internasionaal bekend. en het al opgetree in Kanada, Noorweë, Denemarke, Nederland, Kenia, Italië, Frankryk, Duitsland en Spanje. Die program word jaarliks rondom ‘n tema saamgestel en die koor se passie en die genot wat hulle uit hul sang put, is ‘n inspirasie. Moenie hierdie besondere koor misloop nie. Kaartjies is R50 per persoon en sluit sjerrie vir die koue in. Kaartjies is by die kerkkantoor of Albertyn Apteek beskikbaar.




R190.00 paid

4 Bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with a tandem and a half garage. An open plan entertainment home with a soft edge bar, lounge and kitchen all leading out to a covered outdoor/indoor entertainment area. The bedrooms are much like high end hotel suites, the main being en-suite as well as one of the downstairs rooms. Situated in a sought after, leafy suburb, only a 400m stroll down to the main beach. BEDROOMS: 4 BATHROOMS: 3 GARAGE: 1 PRICE: R2 400 000 SEEFF WEBREF: 401673 www.seeff.com AGENTS : MIKE TRIBELHORN 082 5532914 PAM SMITH 082 4688583

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 16

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 17

Kleinmond se Handevatprojek Marimbas presteer!

Jaretha van der Merwe en Joan Malan

The ultimate charity Ria Burrows KLEINMOND - A story of unselfish love, of gracious giving and understanding, of a nun in India who heard God speak to her while she was traveling by train to Darjeeling. She understood that God was asking her to start a new order of missionary sisters who would work among the poorest of the poor in India. She later referred to the day as “Inspiration Day”. On August 17 1948, Sister Teresa left behind the beautiful buildings and gardens of St. Mary’s School, the community of sisters and students who had become her friends and the comfort of stability and routine. She took off the religious habit she had worn for twenty years, donned the white sari of the poorest Indian women, and walked out into the streets of Calcutta. This is Terese, a champion of the poor, mother to millions - St Terese of Calcutta. Wie kan die verhaal beter begryp en oorvertel as iemand wat haar voetspore in Calcutta gevolg en self daar geloop het. Joan Malan het dit vroeër gedoen en gedurende die Week van Welwillendheid daarvan vertel tydens die byeenkoms van die NG Kerk se gemeentevroue. Hierdie middagbyeenkoms het plaasgevind op 15 Augustus in die Kerksaal en is georganiseer deur Jaretha van der Merwe. Die voorsitter van die gemeente se Diensaksie van Barmhartigheid, Mariëtte van der Watt het die persone betrokke by elke afdeling van hierdie diensaksie aan die gehoor voorgestel. Dit sluit in die naaldwerkprojek, breiprojekte, sopkombuis, kos vir die skoolkinders, onderwysfonds, die klerekas wat herdoop is tot die Omgee Boutique, en spesiale aandag aan die huisgebondenes. Die breiprojek gaan steeds van krag tot krag en voorsien agt instansies - van die Biblia Hawesending tot die munisipaliteit se Arbeidsbediening. Daarna het Joan Malan haar eerste indrukke, haar vrese, vertellings en fotos met die

gehoor gedeel. Sy het vroeër in haar lewe iets van die Here afgesmeek, en beloof om vir ’n jaar lank na Kalkutta te gaan indien dit realiseer. Op sy sterfbed het haar man haar daaraan herinner en sy het die gelofte nagekom deur vir 18 maande alleen na Kalkutta te gaan. Sy het gou besef dat sy alles self moet organiseer en beplan, maar het darem goeie wenke gekry; soos om aan die deur van die ‘Salvation Army’ te klop. Daar aangekom is sy aanvaar as een van die ‘volunteers’, en kon sy kies in watter afdeling sy wou help. Elke werksdag daar het ‘n ete ingesluit, bestaande uit ‘n piesang, ‘n witbroodjie en swart tee. Daarna vertrek elkeen per trein of bus na die werkplek. Sy het aanvanklik verkies om met die kinders te help. Vir elke kind word ‘n volledige lêer gehou. Sy was vir ‘n ruk werksaam by die gestremde kinders en was verbaas was dat elkeen van hulle deur liefdevolle ouers aangeneem word, deur “people with big hearts”, was die verduideliking. Verder het sy gevind dat ‘n priester spesiaal vir die ‘volunteers’ beskikbaar is. Die beplanning en funksionering van die wasgoedsiklusse en eetgoed vir elkeen het sy as ‘n geweldige organisasie ervaar. Die dwelms op straat, die vuil strate en die gebrek aan behoorlike versorging van vroue in die gemeenskap, was vir haar verontrustend. Op Donderdae het absolute stilte geheers aangesien dit die gebedsdag van die nonne is. Geen werk word dan gedoen nie. Sy het afgesluit met die stelling dat mense wat een maal daar was, altyd weer terugkeer. Sy het ook genoem dat dit die rykste welsynsorganisasie in die wêreld is. Daarna het sy algemene vrae oor Indië, die Taj Mahal en die toestande daar beantwoord, voordat Linette Perold haar bedank het. Die interessante middag is afgesluit met ‘n gesellige teetyd, waar verdere gedagtes oor welwillendheid in die gemeenskap uitgeruil is.

Die afgelope naweek het twee van die marimbagroepe van die Handevat Musiekprojek, by die Overbergse Eisteddfod opgetree. In die laerskool afdeling het Kleinmond Primêr se marimbas ‘n cum laude toekenning verwerf. Die spelers was oorwegend uit graad 4 & 5 en het pragtig en professioneel met hul nuwe hempies gelyk en met groot selfvertroue opgetree. Hul repertoire het die Afrikaanse volksliedjie, Alibama, ‘n Afrika Winter (gebaseer op Vivaldi se stadige beweging uit sy Winter vioolconcerto), en en ‘n Zulu lied, Shaka Zulu, ingesluit. Die Handevat Marimbas het met 96% hul onoorwonne medalje-wenner status van die afgelope 5 jaar gehandhaaf! Hul repertoire was uitsonderlik met wonderlike verwerkings deur Maja van Dyk: Palladio (Jenkins), A Thouand Years en Super Mario Bros (‘n Rekenaarspeletjie se klankbaan) sowel as Baba Yetu (verwerk deur Stefné van Dyk). Hulle tree op 30 Augustus by die Overbergse Eisteddfod pryswennersaand in Hermanus se ouditorium op. Terugvoer oor die instrumentaliste se deelname en prestasies volg volgende week.

Trotse kleuters en personeel van Krappies en Krefies Kleinmond met hulle pragtige hempies wat geborg is deur France en Elize Saayman van SONIC WiFi.

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Overstrand Herald

Bladsy 18

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 19




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Kellogg’s Corn Flakes 1kg

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While stocks lasts

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 20

R109.99 Castle Lite Cans 12x 500ml



Carling Black Label Cans 12x500ml

Hunters Dry Cider Handies 12x330ml

Klipdrift Brandy 750ml


Windhoek Premium Light Handies 6x330ml

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Bell’s Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml

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Namaqua Sweet Rosè, Red or White 3L

R114.99 Black & White Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml

PRICES VALID FROM 22 AUG – 2 SEPT 2017 While stocks lasts

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 21

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 22

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 23

Kleinmond kinders ken hul skuiwe

Agter: Carol-Lynn Green, Cara Coetzee, Kristan Whitehead, Danielle Whitehead, Voor: Charl van Wyk, Sheryl-Ann Green, Jonathan Green, Marc Duminy, Luc Duminy, Afwesig: Ian Koen, Johan Matthee en Dirk Matthee Bogenoemde kinders is gekies vir SA Skaak, wat van 3 tot 12 Januarie 2018 in Boksburg plaasvind! Hulle is besig met fondsinsameling om hierdie wonderlike geleentheid vir elke spelertjie moontlik te maak. Die aand van die 4de Oktober met Neels van Jaarsveld beloof om ‘n heerlike kuieraand te wees. Daar sal sop en broodjies te koop wees en Betty’s Barista sal daar wees met stomende koppies koffie!! Kaartjies te koop by Albertyn Apteek!


vlnr: Henry White, Dr Moses (Arbiter), Alan Bryant, Anton Heydenrych en Allen Badenhorst. Kleinmond Skaakklub het onlangs vier lede gehad wat aan die Ope Skaak Toernooi, deur Kleinmond Laerskool aangebied, deelgeneem het. Een lid het as arbiter opgetree.

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Overstrand Herald

Bladsy 24

Dr. Pieter Groenewald, leier van die VF Plus, het vandag in ʼn ledeverklaring in die parlement gesê die vlaag van plaasmoorde en -aanvalle, en veral die wreedheid wat daarmee gepaard gaan, maak dit toenemend ʼn saak van dringendheid vir die regering, en veral vir die minister van polisie, om drastiese stappe te neem om landelike beveiliging op te skerp en te verbeter. Hier volg die res van die verklaring: Volgens polisieverslae wat by die parlementêre portefeuljekomitee van polisie voorgelê is, is daar verskeie landelike polisiekantore (75) waar nie eers aan die minimum vereistes van sektorpolisiëring voldoen word nie. Luidens statistiek van die TLU SA, was daar vandeesmaand al 23 aanvalle waarin ses mense dood is (4 net die afgelope naweek), en 277 aanvalle die afgelope jaar waarin 55 mense dood is.

1 June—31 Aug 2017 114 x 14 –10% = R1436.40

Tel: 028 271 3394 / Faks: 086 767 2943 Redakteur / Editor: Gerard Grobler redakteur@overstrandherald.co.za Verslaggewer / Reporter: Ilna Grobler ilna@overstrandherald.co.za Medewerker: Dr Ria Burrows Bladuitleg, Versorging & Advertensies / Page layout, Editing & Advertising: Melany Cedras ads@overstrandherald.co.za

Die vraag is of daar steeds prioriteit aan die plaasmoorde verleen word soos onderneem deur die vorige waarnemende

Kontak ons vir alle huisverbeterings & kombuisinstallasies  Huisverbeteringsprojekte  Verf (Binne & Buite)  Houtvloere  Dakke  Eco Rubber Waterdigting  Projekbestuur  Rekenaarontwerp, -uitlegte en installering van ingeboude kaste vir kombuise en slaapkamers

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What these spasm also do, is pull the body alignment out. By focusing on these nerve points and stimulating it by hand, you relief the spasm and align the body.

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Tempted as we are to ditch those grudge payments we feel obliged to pay, we need to resist the urge to splurge on superficial services, and make sure we have a comprehensive medical aid in place. While it might make sense, on the spur of the moment, to free up funds for life’s little indulgences, you’ll actually be doing yourself and your family immense harm. Medical aid is exactly that – aid when you need it most, when your health is compromised and you’re vulnerable, when you’re too ill to cover those month-end bills, or you’re unable to bring home a regular pay package. But medical aid is more than that – it provides peace of mind and the knowledge that, come ill-health or accident, your medical bills will be taken care of. In fact, if you have no medical aid cover, the added anxiety you experience as a result of this may just compromise your immunity and push up those cortisol levels, contributing to stressinduced illnesses. Extra stress and a compromised immune system feed into our daily relationships and impair our good judgement. So, there’s a very real knock-on effect when you opt to go coverless.And if you’re still in doubt and would prefer cash in the hand to cover for the future, the medical stats speak volumes: The average private hospital often requires an upfront deposit of R3000 – R15 000, depending on the medical condition. For bypass surgery, a cash deposit of R50 000 is required. A hospital bed in an average private hospital costs between R1200 – R2000 per day, for a bed and meals only. This excludes consultation

fees, medication, disposable items, specialist physician fees (such as a surgeon or anaesthetist), specialised tests (such as blood tests, CT scans, MRIs and ultrasounds). A heart attack can cost R200 000 in just 10 days at an average private hospital. (Source: Private Hospitals for NonMedical Aid Patients: Costs and Care, 2107. www.vitacare.co.za)


The Yard, Harbour Road, Kleinmond Until Saturday 26 August at 13h00 Contact: Helma 082 443 2294

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24 08


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The focus of the therapy resolves around nerve pressure points. When a nerve centre is damaged the muscle surrounding it, goes into spasm to protect that area. It also pulls vertrebra towards each other, putting stress on the discs which in turn puts more pressure on the spinal nerve system.

Problems include:  Headaches  Lowest Back Pain  Sciatica  Stiff Neck and Shoulders  Muscle Spasm

nasionale kommissaris van polisie, lt.genl. Khomotso Phalahne, en indien nie, waarom nie? Die feit dat voedselsekerheid ʼn prioriteit van die regering is en dat dit bedreig word deur die plaasaanvalle en -moorde, vereis dat spesialiseenhede plaasaanvalle en -moorde ondersoek. Die VF Plus is tans in ʼn proses om by landbouorganisasies vas te stel wat hul finansiële- en ander behoeftes soos toerusting ter beveiliging van boere is, waarna die regering genader sal word om finansiële ondersteuning te gee aan hierdie organisasies se ondersteuningstelsels. Indien die regering werklik ernstig is oor voedselsekerheid en die bekamping van plaasmoorde, sal hy hierdie behoeftes moet begin steun aangesien die polisie se landelike veiligheidsplan duidelik nie die mas opkom nie. Die VF Plus maan politici, veral oor die grondkwessie, om hulle te weerhou van opruiende uitsprake wat gemoedere teen plaasboere kan beïnvloed.

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Bladsy 25

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24 Augustus 2017

3 - 31 Aug


Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 26


NEEM ASB KENNIS: Die Herald verskaf met liefde die ruimte vir kerke om hul dienstye te adverteer. Al wat ons vra is dat kerke die regte inligting verskaf. Dit is doodgewoon nie moontlik vir ons om elke week 17 of 18 kerke te skakel om te verneem of die inligting nog korrek is nie. THE BAY CHRISTIAN FAMILY CHURCH KLEINMOND Town Hall, Main Rd, Kleinmond (opposite SAPD) Service times: Mornings at 08:30 & Evenings at 17:00 Cell group meetings: Wednesdays at 19:00 Men’s prayer meetings: Saturdays at 6:00 General enquiries: Johan Koekemoer Cell: 076 204 4250 For more information regarding registrations for 2018 CFCI Bible College or Cornerstone institute contact: 072 5112311(Antionette)- 2017 registrations closed. Christian Revival Church - Homecell “Mend the nets, the catch will be great” 68 Main Road (A.G.S Heal the Land premises) Thursday 19h00 Build one Church in many locations Contact Niël 079 139 5121 Pastoor Ernest 072 084 3454 A.G.S. KERK KLEINMOND Hoofweg 68 (Kompleks Langs Bouhandel) Pastoor Tewis de Jager 082 771 9365 Sondagoggend diens 09:30 / Woensdagaand Biduur 19:00 Kinderkerk 9:30 HERVORMDE KERK Skakel Ds Gerrit-Daan van der Merwe 073 418 2346 Strand: 09:00 elke Sondag Hermanus: 11:30 Die 1ste en 3de Sondag van elke maand SEWENDE DAG ADVENTISTE KERK Aanbid in die Gereformeerde Kerk, h/v 13de Laan & 6de Straat, Kleinmond Saterdae: Sabbatskool 09:30 – Erediens 11:00 Leraar Hugo Naude, selnommer: 081 256 4818 Almal welkom! 072 094 5819 / 028 271 4173 NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH KLEINMOND c/o Nemesia Ave & School str, Proteadorp, Kleinmond 072 077 7888 / 082 781 3556 Sunday Morning Service: 09:00 Wednesday evening Service: 19:30 All welcome GODS GIVEN MINISTRIES -11 Hoofweg - Bokant Kekkel en Kraai Kleinmond Erediens - 10:00 Sondag Sondagskool vir Jnr Tieners - 9:15 Biduur- 19:00 Woensdag Woordskool vir Snr Tieners - 9:15 Past. Duvenage - 078 8103 632 ( godsgivenministries@gmail.com) LEWENDE WOORD BETTYSBAAI

H/v Delport en Serruria Nr 4960, Bettysbaai Ons nooi u vriendelik na ons volgende byeenkomste:6 Augustus en 3 September - Oggenddiens en Nagmaal om 09h30 by L/S Lochnerhof in die Strand, 13, 20, 27 Augustus soos gewoonlik om 17h00 by bogenoemde adres in Bettiesbaai. 10 September - GRATIS Fliekaand om 17h30 by Simply Coffee/ Bistro 365 in Pringle Baai,Herderspaar: Gerrit en Marinda de Lange: 021 852 6719 / 082 752 9994. Vir verdere inligting en aanwysings kontak Marielize by 082 411 9193 of Erica by 083 556 3555. Almal welkom! Sien uit om u saam met ons te hê. Kleinmond Huisgemeente Ons soek saam God se teenwoordigheid en leiding in ons lewe. Amal is baie welkom by Laerskool Kleinmond, elke Sondagoggend om 9:30 vm. Navrae, Manie 082 331 3552 of Gerrit 083 251 6039.

VGK PROTEADORP Oggendbyeenkoms: 10:00 – Aandsamesang: 18:00 Erediens om 10H00 elke Sondag en Bidure om 19:00 elke 1, 3 & 4 Woensdag van elke maand. Prediker Ds. John Holtzhausen: 074 248 0108 Hoof ouderling/Skriba – Kallie Jonkers 082 877 0800 Jeug byeenkoms om 18:00 elke Vrydag: Christelike Vroue bediening elke tweede Woensdag van die maand om 19H00: Voorsitster: Evelyn Jacobs – 072 358 5103 Sondagskool elke Sondag oggend om 09:00: Koor oefen elke Disdag aand om 19:00;

NG KERK: 27 Augustus 2017 - 028 271 3268 08:30 Kerksaal 09:00 Sentrum in Bettysbaai 09:30 Kerkgebou

Dr. Chris Malan Ds. Jannie Hougaard Ds. Steven Sass

KLEINMOND AANBIDDINGSENTRUM P.P.K H/v 7de Laan & 7de Straat Almal welkom!! Pastoor Smit 028 271 5694 / 083 633 6172 Sondagoggend: 09:45 GEREFORMEERDE KERK H/v 13e Laan en 6e Straat. Tel 028 271 5359. Skriba: Theo Kruger 028 273 8834. 09:30 Ds. Leo van Schaik LAKESIDE CHAPEL (Undenominational Christian Fellowship) Lakeside Drive, Betty’s Bay - Service at 9:30 Hans van Dyk (Pastor) 084 206 6820 / 028 272 9887 ST FRANCIS ANGLICAN CHAPELRY Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 09:00 in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Twist Street, Betty’s Bay/ For further information contact - Chapelwardens 028 272 9914/ 028 272 9996 / 028 273 8153 KLEINMOND FELLOWSHIP CHURCH - 72 6th Street Pastor Lionel Gibbons 028 271 4249 Sunday Morning Pre-Service Prayer Meeting: 08:45 Sunday Morning Pre-Service Worship Singing: 09:15 Sunday Morning Worship Service: 09:30 Sunday Morning Sunday School and Youth Group: 09:30 Ladies Fellowship: Mondays 09:45 Monday Prayer Meeting: 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: Home Fellowship Groups Meet ST NICHOLAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Chapelwardens Chapelwarden Paulette Marinus 072 984 3707. Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540. Dienstye: 1st Sunday, 2nd Sunday and 3rd Sunday at 10:00. 4th Sunday at 08:00. 5th Sunday is family service. Notice will be given at which chapelty in Parish. Sundayschool: Nancy Carelse 072 858 3006 / Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540. Youth Friday`s At 18:00 Cornette Hull 072 780 4146. Priest Father Fr Neil February 084 222 1492/028 284 9772 nkfebruary@gmail.com. PRINGLE BAY UNITED CHURCH Cnr Crescent & Park Streets. Rev Gavin Graham 028 273 8172. Sunday service: 09:00 AFRIKAANSE PROTESTANTSE KERK Elke 2de en 4de Sondag van die maand om 16:00 in die Gereformeerde Kerk, 13de Laan, Kleinmond. Tel: 028 271 5837 / 083 412 5870 CATHOLIC CHURCH Twist Street, Betty’s Bay, Mass: Saturday 18:00 / Thurday 17:00 / Additional services as per notice board. Parish Priest: Father John Keough 079 874 2281 / 021 859 5397 Catechism Class Contact Janet Hyland 083 702 3909 PRINGLE BAY: KING’S CREW HOMECRUCH & HOMECELL 1519 Dennys Road Pringle Bay Sunday Service: 9:00 - 10:30. (Afirkaans & English) Wednesday Homecell: 19:00 - 20:00 (Afrikaans & English) Pieter and Arina Myburgh 082 080 2129

Pringle Bay House of Prayer

1799 Hilton Circle, Pringle Bay

Thursday 18:30 - 20:00 Sunday: Sundayschool for 5 to 10 years old 9:00 to 11:00m (Building Faith& Character) Rev Dr. Leon and Dr.Jacobi du Toit Whatsapp: 0797068210 yarhema@yahoo.com

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Is someone watching us? On his way to buy his morning paper on Friday, Alan Bryant found the spidery apparently home-made drone on the corner of 5th Avenue and 8th Street. No camera or battery was attached to the circuit board. Alan asks, “Where did it come from? Did the gale force winds blow it off course?” If the owner wants his property back or if anyone can supply information, please call Alan on 028 271 3317 or 082 923 0675.

Bladsy 27


 Timberwork

 Alterations

 Renovations

 Maintenance

 Painting

 Cupboards

Neville Banwell: 072 960 9852 nevbanwell@gmail.com

Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394 Kom sing of kom dans, "come take up your actor's stance." Kom "juggle" of toor, "you can book your place at the door." Kom maak die "stage" joune, die hele dorp wag vir "hip-hop, street dancing" en die sing van 'n koor. Ons is op soek na nuwe talent, vir JOU wil ons sien en hoor!

29 Jun—20 Ju R456.00

LET WEL: Inskrywings is GRATIS en dit is net nodig om aan EEN oudisie deel te neem.

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 28

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Kleinmond Skaakklub – Een jaar oud!

TRENCHERS Medium Digger / Loader Hire Plot clearing Building rubble removal and site clearing General transport Drainage and irrigation

Derick Cheyne 082 677 5577 ROOIELS - PRINGLE BAY - BETTY’S BAY - KLEINMOND


FOR NEW AND EXISTING HOMES 083 663 7661 info@solar4u.co.za

The Overstrand Hospice Shop would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods – please phone us on 028 313 1884

Allen Badenhorst (Voorsitter) blaas die een kersie op die Skaakklub se verjaarsdagkoek dood.

OVERSTRAND HOSPICE Palliative (end-of-life) care for the terminally ill & their families – free of charge. Phone Mondays – Fridays 028 312 4679

Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394 Kobus Le Roux Transport Kobus Le Roux Owner / Eienaar

For all your moving needs: Packing, Transport, Storage Professional handling of Office, and/or Household Furniture Transport Vir al u meubel vervoer benodighede: Verpakking, Vervoer, Berging Professionele hantering van Kantoor En/of Huishoudelike Meubelvervoer.

Tel: 028 316 2104 Tel: 087 802 6935 Cell: 082 570 0923 Fax: 087 237 9437 e-mail: lerouxtpt@twk.co.za Posbus / PO Box 908, Hermanus, 7200



Die Overstrand Herald bied‘n spesiale rubriek waarin ons inwoners en lesers die geleentheid gee om hul eie skryfwerk met ons te deel. Daar is ‘n paar reëls: 1. Gedigte moet asb nie te lank wees nie – ruimte is beperk 2. Kortverhale of essays moet van in die kort-kortverhaal genre wees – nie meer as 800 woorde nie. 3. Dit moet jou eie werk wees. E-pos die gedig of verhaal aan – ilna@overstrandherald.co.za


Ralf Zipfel Qualified Installer for Solar Hot Water Systems


Bladsy 29

Op Woensdag, 16 Augustus was die Kleinmond Skaakklub een jaar oud! Hierdie geleentheid is op 15 Augustus op ‘n feestelike wyse gevier. Sowat 30 persone het hierdie hoogtepunt in die biblioteeksaal bygewoon. Behalwe die skaakklublede, was daar ook genooide gaste die wyksraadslid – waaronder 24/11/2016 Grant Cohen asook pastoor Johan Koekemoer wat die verrigtinge op gepaste wyse geopen het.

jong klub kan voorwaar R400.00 Die spog met heelwat prestasies in

sy eerste bestaansjaar. Interne toernooie is gereël waaronder die “Rapid”- “Bughouse”- en tans die 4-bord toernooie. Fondsinsameling is ook gedoen toe ‘n besonderse skaak-film “Queen of Katwe” in Maart by The Shed vertoon is. Opleiding is aan lede gegee hoe om ‘n skaakspel te noteer asook verskeie openingstrategieë. Lede is ook op hoogte gehou aangaande die jongste skaakreëls. Die klubkomitee se doel is om aan die hoogste standaarde van skaak te voldoen. Daarom is die klub ge-affilieer by die Overbergse

Skaakfederasie. Vir die toekoms word sommer heelwat nuwe dinge beplan. Die klub enkels-kampioenskap vir 2017 lê nog voor en die skaakspeler van die jaar moet nog gekies word. Verder gaan die klub in 2018 ook ‘n Skaak J e u g - o n t w i k ke l i n g s p r o j e k van stapel stuur. Jongmense wat nie by skole en ander skaakopleiding kan inskakel nie gaan gereeld geleentheid kry om onder leiding van die klub, te leer skaak speel. Die klub ondersteun ook ander aktiwiteite in die gemeenskap. ‘n Span van die skaakklub gaan in Maart volgende jaar deelneem aan die “Cansa Relay for Life in Overstrand”. Groot dank en waardering is uitgespreek teenoor elkeen wat met entoesiasme en deelname help bou het aan die klub. Besondere dank is uitgespreek vir die groot ywer en harde werk wat die afgelope jaar deur die voorsitter Allen Badenhorst in die klub gestort is! Die aand is op ‘n baie hoë noot afgesluit met elke skaakspeler se hartsbegeerte, ‘n lekker potjie skaak!

Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394

een nag het n feetjie besluit dis tyd dat sy haar doepa gebruik in ‘n plaashuis het sy rondgedwaal om al die gesiggies se mooi te bepaal in ‘n prinses se kamer besluit die neusie moet sy vir haar buit sy het gegrawe in haar sak en haar toorgoed uitgepak op ‘n botteltjie goudstof afgekom en die situasie sorgvuldig opgesom versigtig die goue stoffies geplak droog geblaas en toe haar tas gepak met n lag is sy uit die huis en voor ligdag was sy weer tuis... Denese Heydenrych Pringlebaai

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017


25 Augustus & 26 Augustus: Singleton’s Winkel is op Vrydagen Saterdagoggende (somertyd) oop vanaf 08h30 - 13h00 in Tweedestraat 14, Kleinmond. Kontak Estelle Victor by 028 271 3260 / 072 778 0249. 24 Augustus: Dinsdae en Donderdae om 14:30 oefen ons by die Jukskeibane. Alle belangstellendes en nuwe lede is baie welkom om te kom saam oefen en speel, asook alle huidige lede. Jukskeie sal voorsien word aan beginners en nuwe lede. Sarel Engelbrecht 082 781 0691, Christie Visagie 082 564 2460. 24 Augustus: Demensie Ondersteuningsgroep ontmoet Donderdag om 10:00 by Kogelpark. Kontak Madeleine by 082 434 7377 vir besonderhede. Almal welkom. 24 August: Dementia Support Group meeting on Thursday, 10:00 at Kogelpark. Contact Madeleine082434 7377 for details. All welcome. 26 Augustus: BASAAR!!! Fynbos Dienssentrum hou basaar @ N G Kerksaal, 1ste Laan, Kleinmond vanaf 09:00. Kom ondersteun ons asseblief met hierdie fondsinsamelings projek!Pannekoek, Koek, Basaarpoeding, Boereburgers, Rooster- en Vetkoek, Groente, Wit Olifante en vele meer. Ons is dringend opsoek na Wit Olifante – bring asseblief of skakel ons en ons sal dit kom oplaai. Kontak Melanie Wiles 028 271 3602 Maan – Vrydag (08:00 – 14:00). 26 August: BAZAAR!!!! Fynbos Service Centre will be hosting a Bazaar @ D R Church Hall, 36 1st Avenue, Kleinmond from 09:00. Please support us in this fundraising project. Pancakes, Cakes, Bazaar pudding, Boereburgers, Rooster- and Vetkoek, Vegetables, White Elephants and many more. We are urgently looking for more White Elephants – please bring or we can collect. Contact Melanie Wiles 028 271 3602 Monday – Friday (08:00 – 14:00). 28 Augustus: Kleinmond Leeskring vergader om 14h30 in die Gereformeerde Kerk . Emily Hobhouse, geliefde verraaier, deur Elsabe Brits (2016) word deur Kleintjie Muller bespreek. Koste vir besoekers is R20.00. Almal is welkom. Skakel 0823780057 vir inligting. 29 Augustus: VLV Maandvergadering in die NG Kerksaal. Lede en besoekers word hartlik uitgenooi. Onderwys: Marinda van Niekerk gesels oor skoolstelsels. Kultuur: Lede en besoekers, bring jou eie, jou Ma, en/of jou Ouma se Kook en Geniet- resepteboek saam vir ‘n unieke uitstalling. Ter Afrikaansmaand skenk asb. Afrikaanse kinderboeke (nuut of gebruik) vir die tak se Omgeeprojek. 29 Augustus: Kleinmond Kiekie Klub. Plek N G Kerksaal 1ste Laan, Tyd 19:00, Tema Landskappe. Aanbieding Gerhard Vosloo. Voël fotografie Wanneer is `n wenner, `n wenner? 29 Augustus: Skaakklub: Speel skaak elke Dinsdagaand om 18h30 in die Biblioteeksaal. Besoekers welkom. Vierbord toernooi en speel sosiaal. Skakel Floris: 0833770367 29 August : Chess Club: We play chess every Tuesday evening at 18h30 in the Library Hall. Visitors welcome. Fourboard competition and social games. Contact Floris: 0833770367 01 September: FYNBOS PARK - SOOISPIT!!! Om 10:00 op die terrein. Verversings sal daarna in die N G Kerksaal bedien word. 1 September: FYNBOS PARK - TURNING of the SOD !!! At 10:00 on the premises. Refreshments will be served thereafter in the D R Church Hall, Kleinmond. 1 September: Opname van program met lewendige gehoor vir “Vastrap”, boeremusiekprogram op RSG. Besprekings en kaartjies by Mike van Harbour Corner Restaurant, by die Sirkel in Harbour Rd, Kleinmond. TEL 082 727 2102. 2 September: Kogelberg Challenge Start & Finish Pringle Bay Eco School, Pringle Bay, 10km, 5km & Adventure Trail Run. Contact: Sandy Keizerwaard: Cell no: 079 413 660, e-mail: sandykei@ sonicmail.co.za. 2 September: Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve, 9h00, Ontmoet by: Hoek van 4de straat en 15de Laan, Bring die vriende en familie en stap saam na Jean’s Hill en Hanneshoek. 4 September: Walkerbaai Seëlklub, Rolbalsaal Hermanus @17h30. Vir verdere navrae: 082 376 6252. 12 September: AJV Fynbos Dienssentrum - N G Kerksaal, 1ste Laan, Kleinmond om 10:30. Almal welkom!! Sop en brood sal bedien word. 12 September: AGM Fynbos Service Centre - D R Church Hall, 36 1st Avenue, Kleinmond at 10:30. Everyone welcome!! Soup and bread will be served. 25 Oktober: Emo Adams! Kaartjies beskikbaar by Petro. 079 807 9726.

Bladsy 30


Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 31


Stanford is op soek na tuinwerk vir enige dag behalwe Dinsdag. Verw by 081 361 1186. Bel Stanford op 078 3215881. Cordia Jagada is looking for work. She is a social worker looking for similar or related fields. Call her on 062 952 1844/ 062 418 7212 Edith is a Malawian woman lady looking for domestic work for Tuesdays and Thursdays. Ref at 082 578 3280. Call Edith on 060 347 744. Blessings is a Malawian man looking for a job as house-keeper or gardener. Call 071 816 7237. Sipho is looking for work as a gardener or loose work around the house. Call 073 192 1724. Patrick is looking for a job as care-giver or driver. Has five years experience in caring for sick, elderly and disabled people. Ref. Waldi on 074 133 295. Call Patrick on 073 786 8385.

TE KOOP / FOR SALE Graco car seat/carrier good condition suitable newborn to 13kg R250. Carry cot Treehouse large R100. Chelino Booster seat suitable 13-36kg Call 0846973431. Two single bed mattresses good clean condition including two full sets of bedding R500 for all. Call 0846973431. Matriekafskeid rokke te huur. Skakel of Whatsup Mev Lombard by 0823203349

PALISSANDER KAMERKOOR Ons is bevoorreg om hierdie koor weer op 30 Augustus in die kerkgebou te hoor. Hierdie kamerkoor van Pretoria bestaan sedert 1992 en is onder leiding van Sarita Hauptfleisch. Tans is daar 29 lede en die koor het al 8 CD’s gemaak. Hulle is internasionaal bekend. en het al opgetree in Kanada, Noorweë, Denemarke, Nederland, Kenia, Italië, Frankryk, Duitsland en Spanje. Die program word jaarliks rondom ‘n tema saamgestel en die koor se passie en die genot wat hulle uit hul sang put, is ‘n inspirasie. Moenie hierdie besondere koor misloop nie. Kaartjies is R50 per persoon en sluit sjerrie vir die koue in. Kaartjies is by die kerkkantoor of Albertyn Apteek beskikbaar.

Large umbrella (wooden frame) with stand R695. Metal Shelving unit 3 tier (1,59x76x39) R275. Call 082 707 3207. Samsun Mikrogolf oond 32 lt R350. 5x 256 bl ARCHIE comics R50. Elektriese Jig Saw R80. Bel 072 976 2117. Blue/grey Recliner chair R750. Galvanised bath R150. Vegetable trolley R50. Call 072 523 112. Blackberry 710 smart phone R600. Call 079 491 1444. Dubbel bed R950. Bel 082 579 2580. Baine marie R300 onderhandelbaar. Groot verskeidenheid CD’s R10 elk. Bel 082 305 3854. Whirlpool top-loader heavy duty washing machine. Good condition R2 500. Call 082731 8404 Verksieie aluminium deure en vensters en veiligheidshekke. Bel 072 308 3834. Outydse yster enkelkatel met goeie matras. R250. Bird feeders R80 elk. Bel 028 271 3093/ 074 855 8515. Roll-up garage door R1400, uitstekende toestand. Call 082 924 4546.

KOGELPARK KLINIEK h/a GERIMED KLEINMOND TEHUIS VIR BEJAARDES VAKANTE BETREKKING VACANCY GEREGISTREERDE VERPLEEGKUNDIGE of STAF VERPLEEGSTER/ REGISTERED NURSE or STAFF NURSE Vereistes / Requirements *Registrasie by die SA Raad van Verpleging *Goeie menseverhoudings *Onafhanklik funksionering *Ondervinding van bejaardesorg ‘n aanbeveling Kontak:028 271 3994 Faks:028 271 3488 Epos:alet@gerimed.co.za

24 Augustus - 20 September

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens

1989 Volkswagen Golf 1800 outomaties. R15000. Bel 083 334 2757. Houtdraaibank met 20 bytels R1800, 1 Speed Welding machine R300. 0828962456.

Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394

13 07 2017

04:48 05:23 05:58 06:33 07:14 08:13 09:58 11:37 12:37 00:43 01:25 02:01 02:35 03:08 03:42 04:16 04:52 05:31 06:14 07:06 08:20 10:06 11:40 00:07 01:06 01:54 02:35 03:12

17:03 17:36 18:10 18:45 19:28 20:33 22:18 23:46 —— 13:18 13:53 14:25 14:57 15:29 16:02 16:37 17:13 17:54 18:40 19:40 21:06 22:47 —— 12:44 13:32 14:14 14:51 15:26

10:44 11:16 11:49 00:23 01:03 01:56 03:24 05:09 06:20 07:05 07:39 08:11 08:41 09:11 09:42 10:15 10:50 11:28 00:07 00:59 02:09 03:46 05:21 06:30 07:21 08:02 08:38 09:11

23:14 23:48 —— 12:23 13:06 14:12 16:05 17:39 18:38 19:20 19:55 20:28 21:00 21:33 22:08 22:44 23:23 —— 12:12 13:10 14:42 16:39 18:05 19:04 19:50 20:29 21:05 21:38

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Overstrand Municipality is a dynamic centre of excellence combining great potential with a beautiful setting. Our task is to bring about growth and development to the benefit of all our people, in their different communities, whilst maintaining a balance with nature. The Municipality includes the areas of Hangklip/ Kleinmond, Hermanus, Stanford and Gansbaai. Overstrand Municipality invites competent and self-motivated people as well as people from the designates groups who enjoy challenges, to join our leading team and to apply for the following vacancies:

Labour Relations Officer (Hermanus)

Bladsy 32

Overstrand Munisipaliteit is ’n dinamiese sentrum van uitnemendheid waar die gebied se besonderse potensiaal binne ’n pragtige omgewing ontsluit word. Ons taak is om ewewigtige groei en ontwikkeling binne ons natuurlike omgewing tot voordeel van al ons mense in hulle onderskeie gemeenskappe te bevorder. Die Munisipaliteit sluit die Hangklip/Kleinmond, Hermanus, Stanford en Gansbaai areas in. Overstrand nooi bevoegde en selfgemotiveerde mense wat uitdagings geniet asook kandidate uit die aangewese groepe, om deel van ons topspan te word en vir die volgende poste aansoek te doen:

24 08 2017

Arbeidsverhoudingsbeampte (Hermanus)

• Directorate: Management Services (Ref.: WC0329632) • Salary: R272 568 per annum • Closing date: Monday, 11 September 2017 at 15:00

• Direktoraat: Bestuursdienste (Verw.:WC0329632) • Salaris: R272 568 per jaar • Sluitingsdatum: Maandag, 11 September 2017

Assistant Labour Relations Officer (Hermanus)

Assistent-Arbeidsverhoudingsbeampte (Hermanus)

• Directorate: Management Services (Ref.: WC0329634) • Salary: R195 576 per annum • Closing date: Monday, 11 September 2017 at 15:00

Artisan: Plumber (Gansbaai)


• Direktoraat: Bestuursdienste (Verw.:WC0329634) • Salaris: R195 576 per jaar • Sluitingsdatum: Maandag, 11 September 2017

Ambagsman: Loodgieter (Gansbaai)

• Directorate: Community Services (Ref.: WC0321186) • Salary: R195 576 per annum • Closing date: Friday, 8 September 2017 at 15:00

• Direktoraat: Gemeenskapsdienste (Verw.: WC0321186) • Salaris: R195 576 per jaar • Sluitingsdatum:Vrydag, 8 September 2017

Senior Clerk: Human Resources (Hermanus)

Senior Klerk: Menslike Hulpbronne (Hermanus)

• Directorate: Management Services (Ref.: WC0329630) • Salary: R113 340 per annum • Closing date: Friday, 8 September 2017 at 15:00

Senior Clerk: Licensing (Hermanus)

• Direktoraat: Bestuursdienste (Verw.:WC0329630) • Salaris: R113 340 per jaar • Sluitingsdatum:Vrydag, 8 September 2017

Senior Klerk: Lisensiëring (Hermanus)

• Directorate: Protection Services (Ref.: WC0329540) • Salary: R113 340 per annum • Closing date: Friday, 8 September 2017 at 15:00

• Direktoraat: Beskermingsdienste (Verw.:WC0329540) • Salaris: R113 340 per jaar • Sluitingsdatum:Vrydag, 8 September 2017

Senior Clerk: Licensing and Registration (Hermanus)

Senior Klerk: Lisensiëring en Registrasie (Hermanus)

• Directorate: Protection Services (Ref.: WC0324626) • Salary: R113 340 per annum • Closing date: Friday, 8 September 2017 at 15:00

• Direktoraat: Beskermingsdienste (Verw.:WC0324626) • Salaris: R113 340 per jaar • Sluitingsdatum:Vrydag, 8 September 2017

Driver/Operator: Streets and Storm Water (Hermanus)

Drywer/Operateur: Strate en Stormwater (Hermanus)

• Directorate: Community Services (Ref.: WC0321408) • Salary: R113 340 per annum • Closing date: Friday, 8 September 2017 at 15:00

• Direktoraat: Gemeenskapsdienste (Verw.: WC0321408) • Salaris: R113 340 per jaar • Sluitingsdatum:Vrydag, 8 September 2017

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Geen aansoeke wat per e-pos of faks ontvang word, sal oorweeg word nie. Besoek asseblief ons webtuiste by www.overstrand.gov.za vir die volledige advertensies en inligting oor die aansoekproses. Die poste kan ook op die kennisgewingborde by die onderskeie biblioteke en munisipale kantore besigtig word. 131583


Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 33

Important considerations before you change your medical aid cover

Before making any change to your healthcare cover, it is crucial to thoroughly investigate and compare your options and benefits to ensure that you are not financially compromised by any change. According to Gavin Griffin, of Aon Employee Benefits the key is to thoroughly review the benefit richness of a medical scheme option. “Typically, medical schemes can be complex and it can be difficult to understand how to compare benefit options which vary so widely; making like-for-like comparisons tricky at best. It’s a task best undertaken with the guidance and advice of a professional broker who can do a thorough needs analysis; review your claims history and map this back to your budget. Based on this information, your healthcare broker can advise on the best plan to ensure that your healthcare needs are comprehensively covered and that any change won’t leave you compromised or facing hefty out of pocket expenses that you cannot afford,” explains Gavin. “In reviewing your medical scheme cover, where costs and benefits on a medical scheme are of concern, you could consider moving to a lower benefit option within the same medical scheme. By doing so, you can avoid waiting periods that are typically associated with a complete change in medical scheme provider,” explains Gavin. “You furthermore, have the opportunity to either, buy-up within the medical scheme to acquire better benefits if your claims history demands it, or to buy-down with the purpose of securing lower monthly contributions. Most medical schemes only allow a buy-up at the beginning of a benefit period – which means changes will need to be made in December to be effective in January, but would allow a buy-down at any time of the year. Some schemes would allow a change during the year as a result of a ‘life changing event’, such as an addition to the family,” Gavin adds. When comparing healthcare and benefit options •Never change to another medical scheme or benefit option simply because the contribution is lower than your current option. You need to compare the actual benefits, exclusions, value adds and service delivery, along with your specific healthcare needs, such as any chronic conditions and the medication you require. Weigh up the cost of different types of cover against the benefits provided – for example a more basic medical scheme might only cover health care costs related to hospitalisation and Oncology only, while day-to-day costs of General Practitioner visits, Optometry and Dentistry for instance would be for your own cost. Comprehensive cover may include dental and eye care, physio and even ‘natural’ or homeopathic therapies subject to certain limits. •100% cover means you’re fully covered right? This is not the case. Specialists and in-hospital charges can be up to 400% of the benefits offered by medical scheme. So if your medical scheme only pays out at 100% of tariff, you will be liable for the shortfall or remaining 300% out of your pocket. This can amount to thousands of Rands and leave you in a serious financial predicament. •Gap cover policies for medical scheme shortfalls are proving to be invaluable safety nets by covering certain in-hospital and Specialist shortfalls that may occur, at a relatively inexpensive monthly family premium. •Many consumers are opting for more affordable hospital cover plans only, and then topping up cover with this gap insurance to address any shortfalls that may arise. They then also take on the risk of having to fund any dayto-day expenses for General Practitioner visits, Dentistry, Optometry and so on from their own pocket. An analysis of your claims history and state of your health and your dependants will be important in assessing whether such an option will work for you. •Out of hospital or day-to-day limits vary dramatically between medical schemes and benefit options. If your medical savings limits are low, but you have regular visits to the doctor for certain conditions, you could find that two or three consultations with a Specialist will quickly deplete your funds, leaving you to fund any further costs from your pocket, or at least until your self-payment gap, if applicable, has been reached, which could be a few thousand Rand. •Certain medical schemes limit hospital pay-outs to a certain amount per family per year. If more than one family member requires hospitalisation in the same year, you could face considerable financial stress. •Exclusions and waiting periods may apply – joining a new medical scheme, certain waiting periods or exclusions may be applied – these could be from a three months general waiting period up to 12 months condition specific waiting period for certain conditions. •Designated provider network – many benefit options require that you make use of practitioners and Hospitals designated by the medical scheme as they provide medical services at a fixed rate negotiated with the medical scheme. If you make use of a specialist or provider not on the list, for whatever reason, you could face significant co-payments, or in some instances, forfeiture of any cover. Only after considering your claims history; state of health; and level of cover required by you and your dependants; as well as what level of selffunding you are able, or willing to bear; can you make an informed choice. It’s a role best undertaken with the guidance and advice of a professional healthcare broker who can do a thorough needs analysis and then investigate the benefits options provided by a reputable medical scheme to meet your needs and budget,” concludes Gavin.

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NOTICE In the estate of: WERNER JULIUS ORT Passport number: C5H6752LW Date of death: 18 June 2016 Address: 20 Keurboom Street, Kleinmond Estate number: 7785/2017 Notice is hereby given that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the estate will be open for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court Cape Town and the Magistrate, Caledon, for a period of 21 (Twenty One) days as from Friday 25 August 2017.

30 03


The Executor c/o Anneli van Zyl Attorneys, P O Box 896, Kleinmond 7195

Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 34


Overstrand Herald

24 Augustus 2017

Bladsy 35


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