Overstrand Herald

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Kleinmond se skole reeds tjok en blok vir 2014

f e i s u l k s Ek

Deurbraak in Ross-moord

Overstrand Herald

25 Julie 2013

Bladsy 2

Die Rossta-gastehuis in Heuningkloof

Strop trek al nouer Gerard Grobler KLEINMOND ñ Christa Ross, die gastehuiseienaar van Kleinmond wat in Augustus verlede jaar wreed in haar slaapkamer by die Rosstagastehuis in Heuningkloof vermoor en vermink is, is vroeÎr dood as wat aanvanklik gemeen is. Volgens ën verklaring deur haar man, Rossie, is hy omstreeks 03:45 die oggend van 31 Augustus 2012 uit die huis om ën vlug in Kaapstad te haal (beeldmateriaal van die lughawe bevestig sy aankoms daar). Volgens hom het sy toe nog gelewe. ën Bron na-aan die ondersoek het egter vandees week bevestig dat ën forensiese ondersoek bepaal het dat Christa Ross in alle waarskynlikheid reeds voor diÈ tyd dood was. Die bron het aan die Herald gesÍ dat patoloÎ nou ën nadere aanduiding gegee het van wanneer presies me. Ross dood is. Hierdie nuwe getuienis, glo die Herald,

is wat twee weke gelede aanleiding gegee het tot die inhegtenisneming van ën 61-jarige familielid van me Ross. Die polisie wou Dinsdag geen kommentaar lewer op diÈ nuwe inligting nie. Kaptein Danie Rautenbach, wat die ondersoekspan na Ross se moord lei, het aan die Herald gesÍ al wat hy op hierdie tydstip kan bevestig is dat die saak na die Direkteur van Openbare Vervolging (DOV) verwys is en dat daar tans gewag word op ën besluit deur hulle om te vervolg, aldan nie. Hy het alle navrae na die polisie se hoofkantoor verwys. Die verdagte is op Vrydagaand 5 Julie by die Rosstagastehuis in hegtenis geneem terwyl daar glo ën partytjie vir ën familielid gehou is. Hy is toe vir die naweek aangehou in die polisieselle op Kleinmond en ondervra. Die man is later aangekla van die moord op Christa Ross. Hy is, soos die

Overstrand Herald gebruik is en die wet bepaal, die Maandagoggend na die landdroshof op Caledon geneem waar hy in die hof sou verskyn. Die senior staatsaanklaer het egter onverwags besluit om nie die saak op die hofrol te plaas nie en dit terug te verwys na die DOV. Die verdagte, wat by die hof ingewag is deur sy prokureur en ën advokaat, is toe daar weg sonder om in die hof te verskyn. Dit is om hierdie rede dat die Herald hom tans nie mag identifiseer nie. Na wat die Herald verneem, is die forensiese span wat die Ross moordondersoek, dieselfde een as wat die ondersoek na die berugte Du Toit moord in Franschhoek lei. Daar is interessante ooreenkomste tussen die twee sake. Die 28jarige Chanel du Toit is op 7 Julie 2010 vermoor op ën wynlandgoed naby Franschhoek. Sy is soos me Ross, verwurg. Haar man Johan (29) het glo die betrokke oggend omstreeks 02:00 die huis verlaat om te gaan jag op Springbok. Du Toit se naakte lyk is die volgende oggend deur haar skoonma gevind na haar man haar glo nie per telefoon kon bereik nie. Johan du Toit is ën paar dae daarna in hegtenis geneem en aangekla van die moord op sy vrou. ën Patoloog, dr Deidre Abrahams het vroeÎr vandeesmaand in die Paarlse landdroshof getuig dat me. Du Toit waarskynlik reeds om 20:00 op 6 Julie (maw sowat 6 ure voor haar man die huis verlaat het) dood is. Dit blyk noudat die egaar erge huweliksprobleme gehad het en dat hul verhouding besig was om te verbrokkel. Die saak is intussen tot in September uitgestel. In die Ross saak is die motief vir die moord steeds onduidelik. Die Herald kan bevestig dat gerugte dat daar, kort voor haar dood, blykbaar ën groot versekeringspolis op die lewe van Christa Ross uitgeneem is, onwaar is. Die koerant is wel bewus daarvan dat die polisie, tydens die verdagte se inhegtenisneming, op sekere dokumente beslag gelÍ het wat moontlik lig op die motief vir die moord kan werp.

25 Julie 2013


Bladsy 3

Overstrand Herald

25 Julie 2013

Bladsy 4

VVA se Afrikaanse Jaarfunksie KLEINMOND - Die Vriende Van Afrikaans se jaarlikse Afrikaanse Aand vind op 14 Augustus om 19:00 in die Gereformeerde Kerk plaas. Die gaskunstenaar is Wilna Snyman. Sy is ín gevierde en geliefde aktrise wat haar lewe lank aan die teater verbonde was. Daar is seker niemand wat haar nie een of ander tyd op die verhoog, of op die televisie, of in ín rolprent gesien het nie. Sy was jare lank elke weeksaand Madel in 7de Laan. Sy gaan ín program van

haar gunsteling Afrikaanse gedigte voordra. Die aand word opgedra aan die Nuwe FAK-sangbundel. Die plaaslike sanggroep ìDie Hangklip Dayzeesî gaan liedere uit diÈ bundel vertolk en die gaste voorgaan met die samesang. Kom bring saam met ons hulde aan ons taal deur die aand by te woon. Daar is ën beperkte aantal kaartjies beskikbaar by Albertyn Apteek teen R30. Dit sluit ën heerlike koppie sop en brood in. Navrae: 0282715316

Overstrand Herald

25 Julie 2013

Bladsy 5

Overstrand Herald

25 Julie 2013

Bladsy 6

Ons skole is ook amper tjok en blok KLEINMOND - The two primary schools here have almost been filled to capacity for 2014. Kleinmond PrimÍr has parallel medium presenting Afikaans and Xhosa. Even so, two classes here are run as multi grade. Grade 2 and Grade 3 share a class and a teacher, as well as Grade 5 and Grade 6. Grade 1 Afrikaans had to be divided as there would otherwise have been 68 learners in the class. This additional class is therefore educated by one of the two governing body post teachers. The second class making use of a teacher sponsored by the governing body, is Grade 6 which initially had 67 learners. Headmaster Roderick Brik-

kels says the school needs at least one other teacher, but as all the departmental posts have been filled the school cannot afford to appoint another along with the present two paid for by the governing body. Mnr. Brikkels sÍ die eerste ronde inskrywings vir gr. R en gr. 1 is reeds afgehandel en die tweede ronde volg in September. Die skool is nou verplig om sakeondernemings te nader om te hoor wie sou belangstel om in die toekoms van die kinders te belÍ deur te help met die instel van ën derde nie-departementele pos. Hoewel die leerder onderwyser ratio op die groottotaal van die inskrywings klop, is sommige klasse, soos

die gr. 8 klas met 68 leerders heeltemal oorvol. By Kleinmond Laer waar daar 10 onderwysers is, is vier beheerliggaamsposte, sÍ skoolhoof Gys Huisamen. Die opvoeders hier moet hul storie besonder goed ken, verduidelik mnr. Huishamen, want die klasse word in dubbel-medium aangebied. Dit beteken dat lesse in een klas in sowel Engels as Afrikaans aangebied word. Tans val die opvoeder:leerder ratio nog binne die vereistes wat deur die beheerliggaam bepaal is. Hoewel die gr. 1 inskrywings vir die skool reeds tot oorlopens toe vol is, sal daar steeds, soos departementeel bepaal, September weer geleentheid wees om aansoek te

doen vir toelating. Dit is veral om die twee voedingskole vir die Laerskool te akkommodeer, aangesien die skool nog altyd die gr.1ís hier vanaf kon hanteer. Die getalle van kinders wat na gr. 1 moet gaan, het egter so toegeneem, dat die inskrywingsvereistes soos bepaal deur die beheerliggaam vanaf 2015 streng toegepas gaan word, aangesien ouers nou kennis dra van die reÎling. By die Laerskool is daar steeds ën waglys vir 2013 waar kinders toegelaat word, sodra ën plek oopgaan. Albei skole stel gehalteopvoeding voorop wat hulle binne die gegewe omstandighede en vereistes probeer nakom.

Sport kan jou lewe positief beinvloed Die positiewe invloed van sport op jou lewe is ën erkende feit. Natuurlik is nie almal gebore ësportmanneí nie. Hoe vroeÎr sport egter in jou lewe ën impak kan maak, hoe beter. Rosabelle Riese, now a resident in Kleinmond, has participated in sport for 37 years and she feels the need and urge to share her experiences and knowledge with the community. Rosabelle has participated in 3 Paralympics events (Atlanta, Sydney, Athens); 2 Commonwealth Games events (Manchester, Melbourne); one All Africa Games event (Nigeria) and numerous World Championships (Spain, England, Taipei, Switzerland, Korea). She has visited all 5 continents. Her proudest achievement is a Bronze medal in Air Pistol at the Atlanta Paralympics. She has received many sports awards and of her proudest was being a Torchbearer for the Athens Olym-pics as well as being a Flagbearer for the SA Paralympic Team. ìSport has enriched my life tremendously. It has given me self-confidence and has taught me humility. It has made me grow

as a person and has made me appreciate my life and have respect for the abilities and talents of other people.îMet behulp van Hetti Delen (arbeidsterapeut), Lisel Krige (raadslid vir wyk 10) en Hazel Apollis (Grail Programme) sowel as die departement van Sport wil hulle graag ën projek van stapel stuur wat hopelik die geleentheid vir almal in die Kleinmond- en selfs die Overstrand-gemeenskappe sal skep om aan sport en ander vorme van rekreasie deel te neem. Die vernaamste oogmerk van die hele projek sal wees om veral die jeug te betrek. Die fokus sal wees op sport sowel as rekreasie in die vorm van handwerk (ëcraftsí) met die oog op positiewe en bevredigende tydsbesteding. Ons sal ook fokus op jeugdiges as totale mense. Please contact Rosabelle Riese on 072 521 1160 or Lisel Krige on 082 572 2711 if you wish to become active or be a supporter in a life changing project.Die uitnodiging sluit almal in : die jeug wat sport en ontspanning wil beoefen, ouers, afrigters en algemene ondersteuners.

Overstrand Herald

25 Julie 2013

Bladsy 7

Overstrand Herald

25 Julie 2013

Bladsy 8

NEEM KENNIS ASB!! Spertye vir advertensies en berigte: ADVERTENSIES: Dinsdae 12:00 BERIGTE: Dinsdae 16:00

Overstrand Herald

25 Julie 2013

Bladsy 9

Overstrand Herald

25 Julie 2013

Bladsy 10

Students following the local hospitality & catering course applied their skills to bake dozens of cupcakes for the Madiba festivities.

Cupcakes for Madiba birthday celebrations!! KLEINMOND - On Thursday, 18 July, young and old came together in celebrating the birthday of Nelson Mandela, one of the most humble and respectable individuals in the world. Hangklip/ Kleinmond community members (womenís groups, churches, crËches, Kleinmond Primary school, learners, businesses ñ SPAR & SASOL, individual ladies) joined in and baked a total of 2013 cupcakes for the celebrations. The cupcakes were beautifully decorated in the colours of our national flag and ìhappy birthdayî and of course were very yummy to eat afterwards. The dayís programme started off with a brief speech, by Joan Daries, on the history of Madibaís role in South Africa that was very enlightening to the young learners. Followed by a quiz session during which learners were able to win prizes. The community members young and old then joined

in to sing ìHappy birthday Madibaî in all 3 languages pre-dominantly spoken in Kleinmond. Entertainment was provided by the Kleinmond Handevat Marimba Magic group that is led by Stefne van Dyk. The crowd was also given a demonstration by Kleinmond Fire Department and ended the event off by singing our National Anthem: Nkosi Sikelela. This is the 2nd year that Mthimkhulu Community Development celebrates Madibaís birthday by bringing the whole Hangklip/Kleinmond community together for sharing, giving and having fun. We would like to thank all that participated, contributed and spent the day with us, it was a heart-warming experience. Pictures and video clips of the dayís event can be found on our facebook page: Mthimkhulu Community Development

Laerskool verras bejaardes KLEINMOND - Leerders van Laerskool Kleinmond het op 18 Julie, met die viering van die herdenking van oudpresident Nelson Mandela se verjaardag, besoek gaan aflÍ by die Fynbos seniorsentrum. Daar het hulle kolwyntjies uitgedeel vir tee tyd saam met dagstukkies aan diegene wat teenwoordig was. So kon oud en jonk die verjaardag herdenk.

Het u ‘n nuuswenk? Skakel ons gerus by 028 271 3394

Overstrand Herald

25 Julie 2013

Bladsy 11 Munisipale area-bestuurder Cecile Jonkheid en raadslid Lisel Krige saam met opgewonde kinders van die Over Hills informele woongebied by die nuwe speelapparaat wat as deel van die Mandela dag vieringe hier aangebring is. Die gees onder almal wat meegehelp het om die speelterrein tot stand te bring, was besonder goed en reÎn of te nie ñ daar is geverf en gewerskaf om alles gereed te kry. Ballonne en lekkergoed is uitgedeel om die geleentheid nog meer feestelik te maak en dit lyk asof die nuwe gerief ën treffer gaan wees!

ënStrandopruimingspoging is Saterdag op Rooiels gehou. Daar heers groot kommer in die dorpie omdat die noordwestewind gereeld groot hoeveelhede rommel, vermoedelik afkomstig van die strandoorde oorkant Valsbaai, op die andersins ongerepte Rooiels se strande uitwaai. Hieroor is bewaringsbewustes en natuurliefhebbers erg ontstoke. Hier is Helen Jones (tweede van links agter) wat ën groot rol in die poging gespeel het, saam met van die mense wat gehelp het.

Mandela Day!! PRINGLE BAY - Our previous President, Nelson Mandela, urged people to give 67 minutes of their time to do something special on his birthday, just to make the world a better place. At Pringle House Eco Primary School, they decided to spend those 67 minutes in making their Village a little bit better and prettier. With many plants and trees donated to them by Afdakrivier Kwekery, Wildeaas Nursery, and The Harold Porter Botanical Gardens, they invited the community of Pringle Bay to join them in planting them in the Village Center. It was a

cold and rainy day, but nevertheless, representatives from the Ladies Club, PB Ratepayers and the PB Business forum along with pupils and teachers of Pringle House turned up to help out . Hopefully one day the children involved can show their children and grandchildren the trees they planted and the difference they made in beautifying Pringle Bay. The Pringle House pupils and staff want to thank all involved and also want to wish Mr. Mandela a belated Happy Birthday. May he recover from his illness and return home soon.

Raadslid Lisel Krige het saam met Palmieter Susan Swanepoel op Mandela dag besoek gebring aan ën aantal inwoners in diÈ buurt wat met erge gesondheidsuitdagings te kampe het. Susan het blomme en kaartjies uitgedeel.

Pringle House learners and volunteers stand alongside trees and plants for their town.

Overstrand Herald

25 Julie 2013

Bladsy 12

Tourism Bureau gives 67 Minutes for Mandela Day 2013 KLEINMOND - The predominant objective of Mandela Day is to encourage individuals to take action to help transform the world for the better, and in doing so build a global undertaking for the greater good of all. Ultimately it strives for the empowerment of communities everywhere. ìTake Action; Inspire Change; Make Every Day a Mandela Day.î Individuals and organizations were free to partake in Mandela Day as they desired. The Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism Team adhered to the ethical context of ìservice to oneís fellow humanî by visiting the elderly residents of Gerimed ñ Home for the Aged. Councillor Phillip Appelgrein, welcomed everyone present and opened with a prayer. Each of the residents then received a colourful balloon, a freshly homemade cupcake, baked with love by John and AndrË from Cup-a-CafË as well as an elegant Protea-bouquet prepared by Maksie Liebenberg from Petals. Bella from Ciao Bella in Harbour Road sponsored a pampering

goodie bag for Mrs Small who celebrated her birthday on the 5th of July. Celeste Scheepers, Trisa Hugo and Margie Wilson each read a short-story from the book My kort vir jou Sop, whilst everyone enjoyed their tea and cupcakes. My Kort vir jou Sop is a rich collection of short stories which was created from the input and contributions of an extraordinary variety of South African writers, which includes familiar names such as Marita van der Vyver, Lochner de Kock, Riana Scheepers and five of our own Kleinmonders, Frazer Barry of the band Tribal Echo, Ian Smit, ElzareÈ Fey, Margie Wilson and Trisa Hugo. All funds raised from this book will be donated to charity. Our human compassion binds us the one to the other - not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future. Nelson Mandela (Yolandi Prinsloo ñ HangklipKleinmond Tourism Bureau . Picture - Pieta Pieterse)

Effective Parenting seminar A most informative parenting seminar will be held this coming Saturday afternoon 27 July from 3:00 ñ 5:45 pm in the main church building at Helderberg College in Somerset West. Advocate Sarel Smit will contend that ìParenting isnít for cowardsî. He will cover matters such as challenges of modern day parenting; the generation gap; too tired to parent; practical advice to parents regarding adolescents; and how to be the victor in the power struggle between parents and kids. Dr S Msvosvi will discuss the matter of ìGrieving Childrenî, where he looks at issues such as the grieving process in death of a loved one; grieving process in divorce; and the challenges of a child in the

grieving process. ìHealthy Childrenî is the topic of Pastor Arnold Neuhoff, who will discuss matters such as the physical and mental health of our children and the warning signs of substance abuse among children and adolescents. Pastor Danie Potgieter will dare to address the topic of ìDare to Discipline your childrenî where he will look at practical miracle tools for a Christian to discipline in a modern society, as well as what does the law say in regarding discipline. Attendance is free and no booking is required. There will be time for questions. Direct enquiries to Adv Sarel Smit at 076 6671596 or smitsa@hbc.ac.za.

Overstrand Herald

25 Julie 2013

Special friends came to visit KLEINMOND - The Fellowship Ladies were surprised by some special guests who came to visit at their Monday morning meeting this week. Mary Magdalene (Dalene Vorster), Zacchaeus (Peggy Wynne), Miriam (Elinor Gibbons), Noah (Patsy Botes) and King Solomon (Daphne Buckerfield) all shared their life stories with the ladies - each with an enriching closure. These ĂŹNew FriendsĂŽ lightened up the

hearts of every one attending and gave the ladies food for thought. The meeting ended with tea and snacks. Die Kleinmond Ladies Fellowship vergader elke Maandagoggend by die kerk (Kleinmond Fellowship Church) in 6de straat, en almal wat belangstel is welkom om dit by te woon daar is ook heelwat Afrikaanssprekende dames. Pieta Pieterse

Bladsy 13

Overstrand Herald

25 Julie 2013

Bladsy 14

Alimento - Come and join us for an Italian experience Kleinmond now has a restaurant where customers can have Italian styled food cooked the Italian way. Patrick and Lucretia Bettesworth have started their eatery to share their love of good eating with people who enjoy Pizzas and Pasta. For increased flavour to the food and ambiance to the restaurant, they have the only woodfired pizza oven in town. The main thing for them, says Patrick, is to cater for local residents in a family restaurant.

Lucretia was the owner of Die Ou Kombuis coffee shop at Onrus up to July 2011, when she sold the concern to join Patrick who was then very much into his life up and down Africa as CEO of banks doing business in Africa. The couple returned from Djibouti in January. They have had a home at Bot River for the past five years and are permanent residents there now. Patrick is the responsible for front of house, while Lucretia is in charge of quality control and preparation in the kitchen.

Overstrand Herald

25 Julie 2013

Neutering male animals can result in these benefits: Eliminates or reduces irritability or aggression. Elimination or reduction in territorial behaviour (urine marking, spraying, fighting, and wandering). Reduces risks for prostate tumours and infections. Reduces risks for perineal hernias/rupture of the posterior abdominal wall. Reduces stress, frustration. Increases happiness. Last supper Tonight will be the last evening in which Angie from Pudding and Pie is donating 15 % of all meals sold to KAWS. Last week 92 meals were sold. A meal costs R55 and is of AngieĂ­s usual excellent fare.

Bladsy 15

Overstrand Herald

25 Julie 2013

Bladsy 16

Bird Club outing - July 17 July dawned with a lovely cloudless sky and no wind Ă– a perfect day for birding. However, anticipating a typical winter rainy day, an indoor event was organised. Murphy at work again. Justin and Annamarie van der Hoven had very kindly opened their home to the club to show us pictures of their last holiday in Kenya. Twenty eight bird watchers gathered for the event which started with a discussion on why many wagtails are seen with deformities such as a missing leg, turned up claw, etc, Paul had been asked a question recently and not knowing the answer had done some research. Google of course knows everything and sure enough there is an article by a student from Johannesburg Open University who has done her MA thesis on the subject. The cause Ă– the scaly leg mite. Justin then started the picture show. The first film showed the trip. Several different parks were visited, including the Masai Mara with animals including lion, leopard and cheetah, interspersed with many bird pictures. My personal favourite picture was of a wil-

debeest caught in the air jumping over some wild water, at a tributary of the Mara River. Interesting to see a mass of vehicles at a sighting. Apparently the drivers are in radio contact, so when an interesting animal or event is spotted, a mass of vehicles descend on the place, all jockeying for the best position, hoping to improve their tips. Justin told an amusing story of a vehicle in this situation which broke down 5 metres from a lion. Several other vehicles then had to crowd round the brokendown vehicle to act as a shield to enable the driver to jump out and attach a tow rope. All this happening within a few metres of the lion. The second feature was all birds. There is little doubt that as you go further north there are many really colourful birds which are not seen in South Africa. Conversely there are many birds which we see here, particularly in the northern parts of South Africa. After the films we all enjoyed refreshments kindly supplied by Justin and Annamarie, and while eating and chatting were able to admire their garden. Many thanks to Justin and Annamarie for such a great outing. Paul Bramhall

Overstrand Herald

25 Julie 2013

Op die foto verskyn Agter: v.l.n.r. Amy le Roux, Franchesca Gozalo Middel: v.l.n.r. Milla Stone, Emihle Suka, Mary-Jane Coetzee, Munashe Mwanza Voor: v.l.n.r. Mila Schoonwinkel, Lara Nel, Adré Kleyn

Netbalkliniek Nege netbalspelertjies van die 0/9 netbalspan van Laerskool Kleinmond het ën deel van hul Julie vakansie opgeoffer om ën netbalkliniek by te woon wat deur die Netbal Akademie aangebied is. Die spelertjies moes ën week lank daagliks na Somerset-Wes reis vir hierdie kliniek wat by De Hoop PrimÍr aangebied is. Verskeie ander skole se spelertjies was ook teenwoordig en almal het afrigting in die verskillende

Kleinmond Krieket Ons wil net onder belangstellendes se aandag bring dat daar vir alle lede en toekomstige lede ën krieket vergadering na die oefening sal wees op 01/08/2013 by Laerskool Kleinmond. All members and prospective members are reminded of the meeting after practice on 01/08/2013 at Laerskool Kleinmond krieket field.

tegnieke ontvang. Die inskrywingsgelde van R300 per speler is geborg deur een van spelers se ouers. Die ouers van die spelertjies het ook vooraf ën koekverkoping by die skool gehou om sodoende hul reisgeld en spesiale toernooi hempies te kon betaal. Laerskool Kleinmond wil poog om in die toekoms soortgelyke toernooie ook hier op Kleinmond aan te bied.

Bladsy 17

Overstrand Herald

25 Julie 2013

ën Weeklikse rubriek deur Ilna Grobler ilna@overstrandherald.co.za

Nog ‘n koppie..?

Die arm van gees is Ek dink die 1933 Afrikaanse vertaling van die Bybel is pragtig. Soos die Engelse King James Bible. Die King James uitgawe was eens verpligte leesstof vir eerste jaar studente van Engels . Ek weet nie of dit nog so is nie, aangesien daar soveel klem gelÍ word op politieke korrektheid deesdae. In elk geval. In die 1933 vertaling staan daar in die Saligsprekinge ìSalig is die wat arm van gees is, want aan hulle behoort die koninkryk van Godî. Sover ek dit het, het die betekenis van hierdie woorde mettertyd die betekenis begin verkry van mense wat verstandelik gestrem is, ìvertraagî sÍ die mense wat reken hulle is beter. Vir die rekord: ín vliegtuig word vertraag of is vertraag wanneer hy nie op die verwagte tyd opdaag nie. En die ìarmes van geesî dan? DiÈ in die Bybelse sin, dink ek, beteken diegene wat besef hulle het uit hulle eie niks, alles is genade. Een van ons (die Groblers) se kinders is nie soos gewone kinders in ën gewone skool nie. Haar naam is Jana en sy is 25. Sy het ën sprankelende persoonlikheid, sy is mooi en

sy hou van lag. Sy kan ën hond uit ën bos uit gesels, maar hoewel sy gewone mense verstaan, is hulle dikwels nie slim genoeg om haar te volg nie. Sy het uit nood al geleer om ën mens ìhintsî te gee indien jy nie onmiddellik weet waarvan sy praat nie. Sy lei jou deur sleutelwoorde te gee totdat jy en sy op dieselfde blad is. Wat sy nie is nie, is ën engel. Sy is ën meisie met haar eiesoortige omstandighede en sy is verplig om na die beste van haar vermoÎ aan te pas by die vereistes wat deur ën onsimpatieke wÍreld aan haar gestel word. Wat sy ook nie is nie, is pateties. Sy het ën persoonlikheid wat sy moet uitleef te midde van mense wat haar dikwels nie ag nie en ën gesin van sterk persoonlikhede. Daar is nie veel tyd oor vir selfbejammering nie. Gewone mense gun mekaar nie eens altyd die vryheid om anders te wees nie, dus het diegene wat regtig nie in die gewone vormpies inpas nie, ën nog groter stryd. Gelukkig is die meeste Kleinmonders in my ervaring groot van gees. Hulle aanvaar mense soos hulle is. Die bekrompenes van gees

parkeer dikwels op parkeerplekke vir gestremdes; hulle koggel mense wat anders is, uit op straat; hulle gun die mense wat anders kommunikeer as die gewone, nie die son wat oor hulle skyn nie. Ons het vir jare die Jana skool in hierdie gemeenskap saam met die gemeenskap bedryf. Ons het geleer dat die oorgrote meerderheid van inwoners ruimhartige mense is. Ek glo dis nog steeds so. Ek hoor egter so met die bostelegraaf langs, dat hier intussen hier en daar waarskynlik mense ingetrek het wat in hul hart kerkmuise is wat deernis en aanvaarding betref. Nie met

Bladsy 18 Jana nie, want genadiglik onthou mense haar en sy hulle, met liefde. Jana is deesdae by die Anima Sentrum op Sandbaai. Gedurende Augustus sal ons oor die kinders en die werk wat daar gedoen word verslag doen. Wat ons vra, is dat inwoners van ons gebied asseblief vir die duur van hierdie maand vir die sentrum hul vaalgeld gee. By die Herald kantoor het ons blikkies om die 5c, 10c, 20c en 50c munte te akkommodeer. Twee Kleinmonders is by Anima. Jana en CJ. Ons vertel meer van hulle en die sentrum in Augustus.

Briewe Up the pole? A couple of months ago there was a demonstration in Kleinmond aimed at our Municipality. I chose not to participate. Last Saturday at around 5:00 pm, my electricity suddenly went off. After establishing that nothing had tripped on my switchboard and that it wasnít a general outage, I phoned the municipalityís emergency number. The lady assured me that she would dispatch an electrician. ëBut will he arrive?í I thought, and fished out my gas light and stove, anticipating a cold dark night. Half an hour later my dogs cautioned me that someone was on my veranda. It was Riaan, the electrician, examining my meter box. ëI think the problem is in the wiring at the top of the pole,í he announced. My heart sank. But he was undaunted, and set off to fetch the hoist truck at the municipal yard. Fifteen minutes later, he arrived back in the truck with his assistant, Reginald. In no

Enige nuuswenk?

time Riaan soared into the air and examined the wiring, while at the bottom of the pole Reginald and I chatted about Kleinmondís rugby. Riaan discovered that the contact breaker had failed and needed to be replaced. No problemÖ he had a spare with him. Then a snag ñ Riaan did not have the right screwdriver for the job. But he was on his phone, and very soon his sister drove up with the correct one. A few minutes later Reginald switched on my mainís switch and there was light! In time to watch the Stormers thrash the Bulls. As I profusely thanked Dirk and Benjamin, I wondered how many other municipalities would have provided such quick, efficient and friendly service late on a Saturday afternoon. Up the pole? Yes, literally, in order to provide light and warmth to a pensioner. Iím glad I didnít join the demonstration! Alf Friend

Skakel ons by 028 271 3394

Overstrand Herald

25 Julie 2013

Briewe Representation I have watched, with some interest the recent reaction of the pensioners of Kleinmond, (in particular) to the proposals of budget imposition put forward by the existing council. One observation, the only one discernable is that the local governing body has lost direction and no longer has the support of far too many residents to maintain credibility. The recent increase in financial benefits for council members borders on the obscene in the present financial situation facing those who are permanent residents and/or owners of land in the municipality. The council members through the benefit of overremuneration are insulated and out of touch with the

needs of residents they were elected to represent! I have heard nostalgic claims of ìthe good old daysî when rates paid by residents of Kleinmond and the three villages were for the benefit of those residents and not exported to Hermanus. Perhaps a separation from the existing Overstrand Municipality has some merit? At present, in municipal elections, the choice is limited, you either vote DA or ANC. What is really required is a new organization drawn from local residents, and land owners, to work for the benefit of residents and not for outside interests as revealed by the councilís recent decisions. The existing Ratepayerís

Associations are of little effect, the recent plea of the Kleinmond Association to delay the exorbitant demands of council until next year, can be equated to asking a burglar, ìPlease donít rob me until next weekî. Scarcely a firm demand from

Bladsy 19 an association possessing backbone! Anyone wishing to consider the possible formation of an alternative but effective organization may contact me at ph 073 22 73 175 or Post Box 676 Bettysbaai. Frank Helm

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25 Julie 2013

Briewe Dis nou grootskaalse uitbuiting Ek is bevrees die van ons wat hier bly en daagliks by SPAR ons kos moet aankoop, word uitgebuit. Net voor die skoolvakansie het ek gereeld MELKTERT gekoop (vir ons drie kleinkinders) teen R15,99 elk en dit was lekker geelvulsel melkterte. Baie lekker. Toe word die prys eensklaps R28.59 - toe die vakansiemense hier is. ën Gruwelike verhoging van byna 100% op net die EEN item! Hoeveel ander items in die winkel het nie ook so die hoogte in geskiet nie net omdat hier honderde meer kopers in die dorp was nie? En nou vandat die vakansie verby is het die prys weer gedaal na R23.99 op 08.07.13 vir dieselfde artikel. Maar nie weer terug na die voor-vakansie prys van R15.99 nie - O nee! SO word

ons keer op keer gevang deur ën prys wat eers hemelhoog styg om dan net weer ën bietjie laer af te daal. En die laaste baksel van 08.07.13 was sowaar nie MELKTERT nie, noem dit liewer Maizenapap tert want die vulsel was ën onaardige en smaaklose WIT vulsel wat sekerlik net van maizena pap (soos vir babas) gemaak kon wees. Dieselfde het gebeur met die Franse Stokbroodjie - dit het vir maande en maande R2.99 gekos en ons het dit gereeld gekoop - tot op ën Maandagoggend toe is dit skielik R3.99 elk. Vanwaar die 33% styging oor ën naweek? Nouja, nou koop ek ook nie meer stokbroodjies nie en ook nie meer die gereelde naweek melktert nie. SO laat ek myself nie daagliks verneuk nie. Pensionaris.

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Jukskei Kleinmond Vir ons mense in die kontrei is die Boland bergpasse niks buitegewoons nie en is dit algemene kennis dat dit gedurende die Tweede WÍreld oorlog deur Italiaanse krygsgevangenes gebou is. Dit was in die vroeÎ-middel 1940ís. Gedurende hierdie tyd het gevangenes begin jukskei speel. Die voornemens was klaarblyklik dat jukskei so sal posvat en oorvloei na ItaliÎ en die moontlikheid van internasionale meededinging die gevolg sou wees. Hierdie inisiatief is geloods deur ën jong seun van nagenoeg 15 jaar oud, ene Hermanus le Roux, ën jukskei legende in murg en been. Die krygsgevangenes se basis was in die omgewing van Klein Drakenstein, naby die plaas Keerweder. Insiggewend dat hulle die Du Toitskloof pad met pik en graaf gebou het (vandag miskien ën goeie idee vir werkskepping). Van die gevangenes het ook op plase gewerk, maar moes in die gevangene-kamp bly. In hierdie tyd het Hermanus le Roux van die plaas Palmietfontein met die gevangenes kennis gemaak en hulle onder hande geneem om jukskei te speel. Hulle het selfs aan kom-

petisies deelgeneem. Hulle moes spesiale toestemming van die gevangenis owerhede kry. Omdat daar in die kampe meestal sokker en fietstrap beoefen is, het jukskei nie eintlik vastrap plek gekry nie. Na die oorlog moes die gevangenes die land verlaat, alhoewel van hulle na ën tydperk permanent na Suid-Afrika teruggetrek het. Geskiedenis is gemaak toe Hermanus le Roux en een van die gevangenes ene TANGURA ën houtkruis bo-op die pas geplant het ter nageda tenis van die gevangenes en die belofte was dat Hermanus die kruis sal onderhou. Na herhaalde vervanging a.g.v. verwering is daar met Italiaanssprekende gemeenskappe in die Paarl en WesKaap onderhandel en is ën vlekvrye staalkruis met behulp van die S.A. Weermag op die pas geplaas en vandag nog daar is. Voorwaar iets om voor uit te kyk. Hermanus le Roux het ook vir 17 jaar Springbokkleure in jukskei verwerf, meeste as kaptein. In 1971 ontvang hy ën meriete van die departement sport en ontspanning Jukskei Groete

NEEM KENNIS ASB!! Spertye vir advertensies en berigte : ADVERTENSIES: Dinsdae 12:00 BERIGTE: Dinsdae 16:00

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25 Julie 2013

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Kerke / Churches Christian Revival Church ìMend the nets, the catch will be greatî Main Road 68 Wednesday Nights at 19:00. All ages welcome. We worship, praise and love God with boldness and with all of our heart, so come and join us! Heinrich 072 460 6226 / Riana 072 403 0599 AGS KERK KLEINMOND Hoofweg 68 (Pastoor Tewis De Jager 082 771 9365 Elke Sondagaand om 18:00 Kerkdiens Woensdagaande om 19:00 C.R.C. Jeug Donderdagaande om 16:45 Uitleg van Openbaring Sondagoggende Verskillende Uitreikings Oggendbiduur Maandag tot Vrydag om 07:00 HERVORMDE KERK Skakel Ds J Claasen (021) 855 4847 Strand: 09:00 elke Sondag Hermanus: 11:30 Die 1ste en 3de Sondag van elke maand SEWENDE DAG ADVENTISTE KERK Aanbid in die Gereformeerde Kerk, h/v 13de Laan & 6de Straat, Kleinmond Saterdae: Sabbatsskool 09:30 ñ Erediens 11:00 Almal welkom! 072 094 5819 / 028 271 4173 NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH KLEINMOND c/o Nemesia Ave & School str, Protea dorp, Kleinmond 072 077 7888 / 082 781 3556 Sunday Mornings Service: 09:00 Wednesday evening Service: 19:30 All welcome VKG PROTEADORP Oggendbyeenkoms: 10:00 ñ Aandsamesang: 18:00 AFRIKAANSE PROTESTANTSE KERK Elke 2de en 4de Sondag van elke maand om 16:00 in die Gereformeerde Kerk, 13de Laan, Kleinmond. Tel: 028 271 5837 / 083 412 5870 DEUTSCHE EV.-LUTH.KIRCHENGEMEINDE Weihnachtsgottesdienst 24/12/2012, 18:00 gehalten von Hannes Trauernicht Kleinmond Fellowship Church 72 6th Street Keinmond. Sie Sind herzlich eingeladen zum Gottesdienst mit Heiligem Abendmahl jeweils um 15:30 im Hause Kiessling 19 Harbour Road Kleinmond. Sonntag, den 28. April 2013 Sonntag, den 23 Juni 2013 Sonntag, den 25 August 2013 Sonntag, den 27 August 2013 Sonntag, den 2 Dezember 2013. Adventsfeier

NEEM KENNIS ASB!! Spertye vir advertensies en berigte ADVERTENSIES: Dinsdae 12:00 BERIGTE: Dinsdae 16:00

NG KERK: JULIE Datum Kerk: 09:00 7 Ds. Dirkie v/d Spuy 14 Ds. Nico Rabe 21 Ds. Schalk van Wyk 28 Ds. Barry Lordan

Sentrum: 09:00 Ds. Nico Rabe Ds. Barry Lordan Ds. Ben de Wet Ds. Ben de Wet

Saal: 09:00 Geen Geen Ds. Barry Lordan Ds. Carl Schunke

KLEINMOND AANBIDDINGSENTRUM P.P.K H/v 7de Laan & 7de Straat Almal welkom!! Pastoor Smit 028 271 5694 / 083 633 6172 Sondagoggend: 09:45 GEREFORMEERDE KERK H/v 13de Laan & 6de Straat. Tel: 028 271 5359 Skriba: Izak Lessing Tel: 028 273 8134 / 083 259 3403 09:30 Ds Ferdi Postma 18:00 Ds Ferdi Postma LAKESIDE CHAPEL (Undenominational Christian Fellowship) Lakeside Drive, Bettyís Bay. Jan Vorster (Elder) 084 555 3322 / 028 272 9932 Sunday Service time at 09:30 ST FRANCIS ANGLICAN CHAPELRY Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 09:00 in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Twist Street, Bettyís Bay For further information contact - Chapelwardens 028 272 9901 / 028 272 9551 KLEINMOND FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 72 6th Street, Kleinmond Pastor Lionel Gibbons 028 271 4249 Sunday Morning Worship: 09:30 Sunday School: Grade R ñGrade 3 CATHOLIC CHURCH Twist Street, Bettyís Bay, Mass: Saturday @ 17:30 Additional services as per notice board. Parish Priest: Father Pierre Goldie 078 824 5411 Deacon: Rev. Lester May 021 856 3793 / 082 568 4187 ST NICHOLAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Heide Street, Proteadorp Chapelwardens: Chris Japhta 0847 686 984 / Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540 / 028 272 9363 Services:1st and 3rd Sunday ñ morning prayer at 10:00 2nd Sunday communion at 10:00 3rd Sunday morning prayer at 10:00 4th Sunday at 08:00 holy communion Sundayschool at 09h00 Mavis swartz 028 271 4378 Fonteinvroue gebedsgroep Maandagaande 18:00 Jeug Vrydagaande 18:00 ñ Kyle Oliver 0840219372 “nce a Anglican, always a Anglican.ë PRINGLE BAY UNITED CHURCH Cnr Crescent & Park Streets. Rev Gavin Graham 028 273 8172. Sunday service: 09:00

Skakel ons by 028 271 3394

Het u enige nuuswenk?

Overstrand Herald 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 35

Overstrand Herald

Dagboek 26 & 27 Julie: Singletonís Winkel oop Vrydag- en Saterdagoggende (winter) vanaf 09:00-13:00 in Tweede Straat 14, Kleinmond. Kontakpersoon: Estelle Victor 0282713260/0727780249. Donderdae: Interkerklike damesel om 10:00. H/v Elfde Straat en Eerste Laan. Kontak Marietjie by 0828725022. Lieflappers Uitstalling: 1 Augustus: Vergadering rolbalsaal. Bring blokke en teesakkie-artikel. 3 September: Vergadering rolbalsaal. Bring blokke en naaldwerk-benodigdhede. 3 Oktober: Vergadering rolbalsaal. Bring vlieÎnde-voÎls-blokke. 7 November: Vergadering rolbalsaal. Bring die hele jaar se blokke. Friends of the Library, Betty‘s Bay: 8 August: ìLife with my family in the Namib Desertî by Nadine Zipfel at 10h30, Bettyës Bay Library. 28 August: ìLocal History Collectionî to be started Bettyës Bay Library; all interested invited to attend at 10h00, Bettyës Bay Library. 19 September: ìA paint Mix & Techniqueî by Derric van Rensburg at 10h30 in his shop in Harbour road, Kleinmond. Refreshments available for own account. 28 September: BOOK SALE at Miems in Pringle Bay from 9h00. 17 October: ìComplete your Makeoverî by Chantal Witthuhn from La Femmetique at 10h30, Bettyës Bay Library. 26 Julie: Fotoís vir die kompetisie met die tema ìNageregî moet nie later as 12:00 ingehandig word nie. 30 Julie: Die Kiekieklub byeenkoms vind plaas om 19:00 in die Biblioteeksaal. Die inskrywings vir die kompetisie met die tema ìNageregî sal beoordeel word en Friso Woudstra sal ën aanbieding doen oor die Namib, Namakwaland en Hexriviervallei. 26 Julie: Pannekoekbakdag. Kleinmond Jukskei hou ën fondsinsameling dag by die Jukskei klubhuis waar pannekoek teen R3.50 aangekoop kan word. Bestelling van tien of meer sal afgelewer word. Ondersteun asseblief die geleentheid. 29 Julie: KLEINMOND LEESKRING vergader om 13h00 in die biblioteeksaal. Boekbespreking van DIE REISIGER van ELSA JOUBERT word bespreek deur Mariana Cilliers. Almal welkom Marietjie 082 445 5962 30 Julie: VLV Vergadering om 14:30 in NG Kerksaal. Sprekers Elanie Basson: Regte Versorging van ons voete. Hilda Woudstra: DieÎtkundige. Elmien van der Hoven: B.B.B. Baie Belangrike Blare noodsaaklik om gesond te lewe. Kom luister watter blare dit is. Almal welkom. 5 Augustus: Walkerbaai SeÎlklub vergader om 17:30 in die Hermanus Rolbalklubsaal. Navrae 082 376 6255 14 Augustus: Die Vriende van Afrikaans, Kleinmond bied weer hulle Afrikaansaand aan met die tema vanjaar: Stof die oue af. Kom geniet die aand saam met Wilna Snyman (verse en vertellings) en die Hangklip Dayzees (liedere uit die nuwe FAKbundel) en sing lekker Afrikaanse liedere saam in die Gereformeerde Kerk om 19:00. Slegs 100 kaartjies is beskikbaar by Albertyn Apteek teen R30 elk. Geen besprekings word gedoen nie. ín Heerlike koppie sop en toebroodjies is daarby ingesluit. 19 Augustus: 18h00 by die kliniek, Proteastraat. AJV van die

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Gesondheids en Welsynsorganisasie. Alle belangstellende individue en organisasies welkom. Navrae 0282714027. AGM of the Health and Wefare Organisation. All concerned individuals and organisations welcome 24 Augustus: A DRAWING COURSE for beginners with Charles Lindstrom. Duration: 6 weeks and will be held every Saturday from !0:00 till 13:00. Fees: R600 - refreshments included (Advanced payment) Venue: Creative Visions, CafÈ Jack Building, 2663 Clarence Drive, Bettyís Bay. Enquiries & Booking: Ria 079-619-5731; Essential to book in advance, 8 pupils per course only! 29 August: ADVANCED DRAWING CLASSES offered with Charles Lindstrom. Drawing classes to be held for the more advanced student and/or those finished with the drawing course by Charles Lindstrom. Every Thursday 10:00 til 16:00 at Creative Visions, CafÈ Jack Building, 2663 Clarence Drive, Bettyís Bay. R200 per class (refreshments included). Enquiries and bookings: Ria 079-619-5731. 26-29 Augustus: Senior Burgers Vereniging reÎl Weskus Blomme Toer. Ons besoek verskeie dorp en natuur reservate en oornag saam by Dwarskersbos Karavaanpark in woonstelle. Finale prys sal wees R1525 p.p. Sluit in middag-etes. Meer besonderhede sal met bespreking verskaf word. Deposito moet betaal word nie later as 5 Julie 2013 - R750 p.p. Enige persoon wat belangstel kan Wouter Theron skakel by 028 271 4435 / 082 476 5860. Daar is nog plek beskikbaar. 27 August: Herewith please be informed that Child Welfare South Africa: Kleinmond will be having its Annual General Meeting at 18h00 in the Youth Hall (behind the office). Your attendance will be appreciated. A yearly membership fee of R10 is payable. Annual reports will be made available. For further information, please contact the office at 028 271 4044. Contact person: Erica/Corrie/Johanna/Sherridan. 31 Augustus: Fynbos Dienssentrum Jaarlikse Basaar om 09:00 in die N G Kerksaal, 1ste Laan, Kleinmond. Ons is dringend op soek na Wit Olifante. 7 September: TRU-CAPE KOGELBERG MOUNTAIN CHALLENGE. Race starts in Pringle Bay CBD area in conjunction with the Windgat Festival 2013. Enter-on-line: Please contact Sandy on 079 413 6610: e-mail sandykei@sonicmail.co.za. Everyone welcome to join also great news for crafters/exhibitors contact Jacqueswr@vodamail.co.za; on 079 038 3916. Every Monday we have Oil painting classes (wet-on-wet) for beginners at Creative Visions. Come and join us and learn something new! From 11:00 til 14:00. R120 per class, all material included + refreshments. For enquiries and bookings contact Ria 079-619-5731 at Creative Visions, CafÈ Jack Building, 2663 Clarence Drive, Bettyís Bay. ìCraft Marketî in die u Haweskuur Sat 10 Aug en Son 11 Aug; Sat 17 Aug en Son 18 Aug. Belangstellendes gesoek met produkte om uit te stal. Kontak Judith 074 366 9533

Kleinmond Craft Market (Kunsmark). As the library has again reverted to closing every Saturday, our market will be held every Friday 09:00 – 15:00 depending on availability of the hall. If our board is outside, we are inside. New members welcome. Marlene 028 271 3582 / 073 171 1623

Overstrand Herald


25 Julie 2013

WANTED / GESOEK 1 Open seat with our Lift Club to Hermanus from Mondays to Fridays. Leaving at 06:30 in morning and returning at +/- 18:00. The cost is R180 per week. Please phone Sean @ 082†739 6275 Candies Phiri is a qualified nurse aid who does†care-giving†and domestic work who is looking for a job. †Her cellphone number is 078 429 0192. Reference: Talitha ñ 072 621 6666 Gesoek: Klassieke kitaar. Skakel 084 604 0078 Cynthia is looking for any work 2 days a week. Phone 083 206 9079 Cindy is looking for a cleaning job any day of the week. Has reference 084 588 0199. Phone 072 936 4543 FOR SALE / TE KOOP Koperware en versameling fotoreeks, kom besigtig rustig. Skakel 073 424 0046 Stoof, Kevinator Knight 76cm(30 duim) elektriese 4 plaat stoof in uitstekende toestand, dagliks in gebruik. Rede vir verkoop, het te groot geword. R1,000.00. Moet self kom ontkoppel en wegneem.Skakel 028 271 5498 / 082 357 1883 MAKE ME AN OFFER -††CANON Fax L760 Printer; HP Laser Jet P2014 Printer; Panosonic KX-FLM600 Laser Jet Copier; Panasonic Telephone & Fax Answering System; EPSON Printer T27; HP Desk Jet600 Printer; HP Desk Jet 710C Printer; Panasonic K-X-P1150 multi mode Matrix Printer; EPSON LX300 Printer.† Phone Sandy 028 2713534 (office hours) Olieverwarmer R150, Rekenaartafel - hout en staal R150, Kroegstoel R80, elektriese grassnyer R300. Skakel Floris 083 377 0367. Indesit voorlaai outomatiese wasmasjien. 9 kilogram. R400.00. Skakel 082 229 1549. Enkelbed met houtkopstuk met matras. Prys R300. Enkelbed met houtkopstuk sonder matras R150. Dames fiets met ratte† en mandjie voor, Goeie toestand, min gebruik. R450. Skakel 072 677 8832 2 x 60cm Samsung box type tv for sale. R600 each. Phone 082 686 5941 Speed Queen top loader heavy duty washing machine in excellent condition R2000. Phone 082 975 5141 1996 Colt Rodeo VR 4x4 Doublecab R54000 onco. Phone 082 584 3536 Vuka XL110 breaking up for spare parts. Phone 079 522 4183 / 028 271 3094 2x Sitkamerbanke & sleeper couch R3000. Phone 071 874 3291 Two gentís charcoal woolen coats (L-XL) good condition. 2 Gentsí Rudco raincoats, navy + cream (L-XL) good condition. Electric oil heater 10 rib in good condition. Phone 072 582 6306

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Kleinmond golf results WEDNESDAY COMPETITION 17TH JULY 2013 (SINGLES BOGEY BISQUE) Some people are just so much better in working their brains to get points with this format. Others, like myself can only think of the next shot 単 never mind how many bisques I must use on that hole to earn some good points! But then 単 this is all in the game of golf so that we can enjoy a variety of formats. 50 players took part. Nearest the pin on hole no 7: L Morkel (sponsored by Werners) Nearest the pin on hole no 12: Dick Lockley (sponsored by Burger Turf Management) 1st: N Jacobsen (+8) 2nd: M Bisset (+8) 3rd: F Budler (+8) 4th: S Murie (+6) 5th: J Laverlot (+6) 6th: D Erasmus (+5) 7th: H Huisamen (+5) FRIDAY SUNDOWNER 19TH JULY 2013

26 took to the field to play the Singles Stableford over 10 holes. Nearest the pin on hole no 12: H Upsher (Overberg Asset Management) Nearest the pin on hole no 16: S Pretorius (Werners) 1st: D Ungerer (22) 2nd: D Brown (22) 3rd: H v d Merwe (22) 4th: H Upsher (21) SATURDAY COMPETITION 20TH JULY (4BBB MEDAL) The weather afforded us lovely golfing weather where wind could not be blamed for balls that disappeared at an angle into the fynbos around the course. Nearest the pin on hole no 1: D Johnson (Sponsored by Werners) Nearest the pin on hole no 12: J Pieterse (Sponsored by Burger Turf Management) 1st: F Eagar & D Rossouw (63) 2nd: MJ Blom & M Flores (63) 3rd: E Whitehead & P Marais (64)

Wednesday winners: N Jacobsen, M Bisset S Murie & J Laverlot

Saturday winners: F Eagar & D Rossouw, M Flores & MJ Blom 4th: M du Toit & S Kruger (64) MONDAY 29TH JULY. FISH EAGLES COMPETITION IS ON Sheila Augustyn

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