Polisie se selle na maande weer in gebruik
Anti-korrupsie eenheid slaan toe Drie in hegtenis na polisie vroegoggend toeslaan
Herrie oor Alpacas op erf Immuunsisteemondersteuners : Immune System Supporters: Airborne bruistablette 10’s Airmune (suikervry/sugar free) 10’s Viral Choice Effervescent 10’s Viral Guard (Probiotika/Probiotics) 60’s
R 49-90 R 79-90 R 65-90 R129-90
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Kleinmond Animal Clinic Phone no: 028 271 4183 Emergency no: 083 440 5191 Trading Hours: Weekdays: 08:00 - 18:00 Saturdays: 09:00 - 13:00 Consultations by appointment
Stockist of:
Services available: General Health Care Micro chipping Grooming Puppy Classes Name tags
Bladsy 2
Drie in hegtenis na polisie vroegoggend toeslaan Gerard Grobler KLEINMOND – Die polisie se provinsiale anti-korrupsie-eenheid het verlede Woensdag in die vroeë oggendure hier toegeslaan en drie mense in hegtenis geneem op aanklagte van diefstal en regsverydeling. Die Herald verneem dat nog klagtes wat verband hou met die wet op mariene bewaring by die klagstaat gevoeg kan word. Die drie mans wat Woensdag gearresteer is, is ‘n polisieman, sers. Carlo Booyse, ‘n voormalige polisieman, sers. Frederico Franco en ‘n beweerde smokkelbaas, “Elias” Mdiya. Mdiya is glo van Senegalese afkoms. Dit is algemeen bekend dat hy spanne het wat vir hom duik en dat hy perlemoen koop en verkoop. Hy maak glo gebruik van verskeie voertuie om die perlemoen te vervoer en het skynbaar ook noue bande met Hawston se bendes. Die Herald verneem dat die jongste klagtes na bewering verband hou met die verkoop van R1,5 miljoen se gedroogde perlemoen aan Mdiya. Die perlemoen was glo afkomstig van ‘n besending waarop see visserye vroeër beslag gelê het. Booyse en Franco is vroeër
vanjaar ook op aanklagte van diefstal en korrupsie in hegtenis geneem. Hulle is toe in hegtenis geneem vir die beweerde verkoop van meer as R180 000 se dagga waarop die polisie beslag gelê het. Sers Franco was ten tye van die voorval in beheer van die polisie se bewyse stoor op Kleinmond, waar die dagga gehou is. Franco is intussen na ‘n dissiplinêre verhoor uit die polisie ontslaan. Die departementele klagtes teen Booyse is teruggetrek en hy het diens hervat. Die strafregtelike saak teen die twee duur egter voort en hulle sal op 17 Julie weer in die landdroshof op Caledon verskyn om verhoor te word. Intussen is daar gerugte dat nog arrestasies by die polisiestasie en selfs see visserye kan volg as deel van ‘n groter veldtog in die Overberg om ontslae te raak van korrupte amptenare. Die Herald het vroeër vanjaar berig oor bewerings van grootskaalse korrupsie onder wetstoepassers wat juis die smokkelary moet hokslaan. Die koerant se bronne het onder meer beweer dat sekere polisiemanne en beamptes van see visserye met die smokkelaars saamwerk.
CALL HENNIE ON 082 415 2181
Dr. Audrey Zietsman General Practitioner
MBBCH (Wits) Mp0698393 / Pr0664405 Kleinmond practice: 08:45 - 12:30 Monday to Friday, 09:00 - 12:00 Saturdays Pringle Bay practice: 13:30 - 16:30 Monday to Friday
Offices: Kleinmond - 028 271 5321 Pringle Bay - 028 273 8069 - Emergencies: 060 490 0874 Cell: 071 687 3825 draudreyzietsman@gmail.com www.draudreyzietsman.com
084 577 2926
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Bladsy 3
Peaceful alpacas raise questions KLEINMOND – What does Michael Jackson and the Upshers of Sixth Street have in common? Alpacas. The world famous Jackson also had alpacas as pets. The difference between Jackson and the Upshers regarding their pets, is that the powers that be had no problem with Jackson’s choice of domestic animal. Stan and Hannelize Upsher het bietjie meer as ‘n jaar gelede vir hulle die drie alpakkas gekry om op hulle landbou erf aan te hou. Of liewer, vertel Stan, toe hulle die erf gekoop het, was hulle onder die indruk dat die akker grond (bykans ‘n half-hektaar) as landbou erf gesoneer is. Toe hulle onlangs gedagvaar is om in die hof te verskyn oor hul diere, het hulle egter met ‘n skok agtergekom dat die erwe in 2013 glo gehersoneer is. Daar is ‘n klompie dennebome op die erf wat sover hul kennis strek, as ‘n “woud” geïdentifiseer is wat hulle laat dink het daar behoort heeltemal genoeg ruimte te wees om die drie alpakkas aan te hou. Alpacas are listed as domesticated animals and hail from South America. They are related to the camel family. Naturally Alpacas are social herd animals that live in family groups. They are gentle, inquisitive, intelligent and observant. As they are prey for pumas, they are cautious and nervous if they feel threatened. They like having their own space and may not like an unfamiliar alpaca or human getting close, especially from behind. They warn the herd about intruders by making sharp, noisy sounds like
a high pitch burro bray. The herd may attack smaller predators with their front feet, and can spit and kick. Due to the soft pads on their feet, the impact of a kick is not as dangerous as that of a hoofed animal, yet it still can give quite a bruise. Usually alpacas control their internal parasites by having a communal dung pile, where they do not graze. In their natural habitat where food is scarce, that is a good method to protect their grazing areas. (Taken from the South Africa Breeding Society newsletter) The Upshers say a farmer comes to collect the dung once a week. The animals are shaved once a year in September. The coat is amazingly soft. Stan says if they had decided to keep three Rottweilers, there would have been no problem, even if the animals barked and had been vicious. Their choice of household animals keeps them safe, as they are very alert. The problem apparently started when residents in Pringle Bay complained about alpacas being kept on a residential erf there. According to our sources, this alpaca owner has also been summonsed. Hul bure het geen probleem met die alpacas nie, sê Hannelize. Hoewel hulle twee koejawel bome op die erf het wat voorheen gereeld deur bobbejane besoek is, was die bobbejane nog nie weer op die erf sedert die alpakkas hul intrek by die Upshers geneem het. As things stand now, the Upshers have to appear in court on 17 July.
Protecting our community since 1998 Office: (028) 271 4637 Betty’s Bay: (028) 272 9110 Fax: (028) 271 4179 Cell: 082 410 7845 / 082 940 9113 Email: kleinmondsafe@overberg.co.za
Trust is earned
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Bladsy 4
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Bladsy 5
Kleinmond main beach
SPECIALS This week Lunch Special R45 Upsize available on request Now doing deliveries too for additional R5 (Must book deliveries before 11:00)
Bottomless Filter coffee with Breakfast Monday– Friday Hier oorhandig die Herald se Gerard Grobler (projekleier) en Jacques Hoffman van Salandra Ondernemings, wat saam met Grobler die projek geïnisieer het, die sleutels van die selle aan Brig. Heilbron.
Saam kry ons dinge gedoen KLEINMOND – Die selle by die Kleinmond polisiestasie is verlede Vrydag weer amptelik in gebruik geneem na dit sedert Februarie, weens ‘n gesloer deur die department van openbare werke - wat vir die geboue se instandhouding verantwoordelik is - gesluit is. Vroeër vandeesmaand het ‘n groep sakemense en inwoners ingespring en die selle begin opknap. Die selle is uitgeverf, ligte is vervang en die elektrisiteitstoevoer herstel. Die toilette en storte, wat nie meer in ‘n werkende toestand was nie, is ook reggemaak en vervang waar nodig. Die voorkant van die
gebou het sommer ook ‘n nuwe baadjie gekry. Daar was verlede Donderdag nog twyfel of die selle in gebruik gestel sou word, aangesien daar ‘n haakplek met die sel deure was. Danksy die ingryping deur die Hermanus-streek se Brig. Donovan Heilbron en Kol. Francois de Wet is die probleem egter vinnig oorkom. Die selle is Dinsdagmiddag tydens ‘n geleentheid aan die polisie terug oorhandig. Brig. Heilbron, het die gemeenskap bedank en die projek voorgehou as ‘n uitstekende voorbeeld van hoe die gemeenskap en die polisie kan saamwerk om misdaad te bekamp en ‘n beter gemeenskap
te bou. Teenwoordig by die geleentheid was beide die besture van die Gemeenskap polisiëringsforum (GPF) en Kleinmond Straatwag, asook verteenwoordigers en eienaars van besighede wat bygedra het om die instandhoudingswerk ten bedrae van ongeveer R30 000.00 af te handel. Die sakeondernemings wat bygedra het was: Schalk Boonzaaier van ST Motors en Herman du Toit van Wadefields Elektries, Kleinmond Bouhandel en Buildit wat verf geskenk het, die GPF en Kleinmond Straatwag wat die verfwerk geborg het, die Overstrand Herald, Salandra Ondernemings se
vennote, Salandra Blindings se Francois Maritz, Cas Steyn van Steyns Vervoer, Pieter Marias van PJM Plumbling en Anneri Coetzee. Dankie ook aan Edmund Arendse en sy span verwers.Intussen is daar verlede Woensdagaand in die stadsaal ‘n nuwe bestuur vir die Hangklip/Kleinmond Gemeenskap polisiëringsforum (GPF) aangewys. Dit volg na die vorige bestuur ontbind is. Die nuwe voorsitter is Edward Richards, die onder-voorsitter, Voilet Bosset, Graham Utton die Tesourier, Susan Swanepoel Botha in beheer van projekte, Theresa Els die PRO en Jemima Engelbrecht, sekretaresse.
Storievertellers gesoek vir T.O Honiball viering Hangklip-Kleinmond se bobbejane is so deel van ons alledaagse bestaan soos die munisipaliteit self. Die harmonieuse saambly van mens en dier tussen berg en see sorg soms vir onvergeetlike voorvalle. Sommige koddig en skreeusnaaks en ander amper skrikwekkend. Amper elke inwoner het al ons bobbejaan-maats van aangesig tot aangesig ontmoet, so naby as in hul eie leef vertrekke. Die stories strek van jare gelede tot nou onlangs. Dit is ook presies die stories wat die legendariese spotprent tekenaar, T.O Honiball, geïnspireer het om sy beroemde reeks: Adoons-Hulle te skep. Hierdie karakters was deel van baie se grootword jare soos wat Spongebob Squarepants nou al deel van die meubels van ons huise is. Ons vier die lewe en werk van Honiball en deel ons eie vriendskap met die kese. Hierdie is ‘n besonderse geleentheid om jou storie te deel op die selfde platform as die gewilde Adoons. Kontak vir Petro Van Dyk op 079 807 9726 telefonies of per sms, of stuur ‘n epos na petrokandans@gmail.com, om jou storie te deel. Ons sien uit na ‘n prettige aand van skaterlag, sop, sjerrie en samesyn. Die geleentheid word aangebied ten bate van Kindersorg Kleinmond en ons vra graag die gemeenskap se ondersteuning.
Monday Chicken Lasagne + 2 veg Tuesday Meat Balls and mash + 2 veg Wednesday Beef Lasagne + 2 veg Thursday Chicken curry and rice + 2 salads Friday Homemade Chicken/Beef Burger Saturday Homemade Chicken/Beef burger
Snack Platters available. We cater for your Special needs.
Le Rêve Restaurant 18 Harbour Road Kleinmond / Phone 028 271 5907
29 06 Change of ownership celebration
50% off
R380+ 14% = R4 on all drinks and meals
Only valid for this Thursday 29 June 2017 “We are embarking on new ventures and wish to thank all our loyal customers and supporters during the last four and a half years of trading” Ingrid & Shaun.
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Bladsy 6
The next big thing, right here in your town Fine & Country Betty’s Bay 43 Pearl Drive Betty’s Bay, 7141 bettysbay@fineandcountry.com
Oppie Bosch Real Estate Management Solutions 2008/05374/23
Hein Brand Property Consultant +27 (0)84 229 4681 hein.b@fineandcountry. com
KLEINMOND – After two months of planning and preparation, Hangklip/Kleinmond’s latest social media platform, My Town Hub Kleinmond, is now up and running. Expect some exciting developments in the next few weeks. My Town Hub is a mobile App. aimed at the growing number of people that use their cell phones to access the web and social media. The App., which can be downloaded for free from Google’s Playstore or Apple’s Appstore, gathers all relevant information of our region into one space, easily accessible from your smart phone. Whether it’s restaurant specials or a plumber, the latest supermarket specials or an event, it will be in there. You can now even access the latest Herald on the App.. The latest addition to the My Town Hub team is Danya Godwin, who together with Kenneth Grobler will be involved in the updating and marketing of the App.. According to Kenneth they will be working closely with local restaurants and pubs in the next few weeks to bring users of the App. the latest menu’s, specials and events planned for the winter. Basic listings start from as little as R150 per month which includes addresses, directions, contact details and menu’s. There is also an option to add weekly, and even daily specials. Besides exposure through the hundreds of App. users that have already signed up, the team will also make use
Meridian Realty in Bettys Bay is looking to employ the services of an administrative assistant. The person will be tasked with canvassing stock as well as with administrative 26 01 2017 duties. A basic salary of R5000 per month is on offer, together with a percentage of the commission. R100.00 The income potential is therefore high. We are looking for someone that maintains and builds strong relationships, has a warm, professional personality over the telephone and someone that is very strong administratively speaking. Previous experience in the property sector will be an advantage. Please submit your CV to chris@meridianrealty.co.za All shortlisted applicants will be contacted before 17 July 2017.
of social media such as Face book to promote advertisers signed up for the App. You can also combine your printed ad in the Herald with exposure on the App. at a special discount rate. Why not just market your business for free on face book? Kenneth responded: “Well for starters you go to the bottom of the pile every time, that’s unless you are willing to pay for your ads to feature. Then there is growing resistance from face book users to the massive amount of adverts on face book groups. Nobody wants to scroll through hundreds of ads every time you log in to a group. More and more people are switching the notifications off on larger face book groups and sticking to friends and smaller more focused groups. In fact, research shows that only about 8% of your fan base on face book actually see your posts. We see this trend continuing and intensifying in future. There is just too much information. Also, recent research shows that certain important target groups such as those between the ages of 25 and 34 are migrating in numbers from face book to other platforms. They are just not using face book anymore. An App. like My Town Hub takes it hyper local and only gives you local and relevant information.” Do you want to advertise on My Town Hub Kleinmond? Please give Danya or Kenneth a call on 028 271 3394 to discuss your requirements.
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Kleinmond/Betty’s Bay 028 271 3238
Bedrooms: 2| Baths: 2 | Garages: 1
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Web Ref:CWSC-2484
R 995 000
Perfect holiday home. Open plan kitchen, dining room and spacious lounge. 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and single garage. Deck with mountain and sea views.
Bedrooms: 3| Baths: 2| Garages: 2
Web Ref:CWSC-2370
R1 399 000
Family home on corner plot with stunning mountain views. This north facing 3 bedroom home consist of 2 bathrooms one en-suite, open plan kitchen with laundry, dining area and lounge. Spacious braai room and double garage. Outside patio with braai area facing the mountains. Safe and secured.
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Kleinmond Bedrooms: 1| Baths: 1| Garages: 0
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Web Ref:CWSC-0241
R2 680 000
Designed for family living in sought after area! This north facing modern home consist of separate living areas, spacious granite fitted kitchen, guest toilet, wine cellar under staircase, Double auto garage with laundry in front and lots of extra space.
Kleinmond Bedrooms: 3| Baths:1 Garages: 1
REDUCED South facing, good address, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open plan living area/kitchen, workshop/carport (small car), indigenous garden.
R6 750 000
Seldom do homes in this area come on the market. Private, neat offering all the heart desires with 2 Mirror image unitseach has 2 x 1.5 bedrooms with en suite bathrooms, lounge and kitchen area. Rental generating and own entrance, plunge pool. Main house offers open plan lounge, kitchen and dining area with patio leading to ocean lapping garden and the most beautiful ocean views. Sea views from 2 beds, braai room leading onto small garden, larger than usual double garage with direct access.
R1 740 000
Low maintenance home on double plot. This face brick house with aluminium windows consist of open plan kitchen, dining area and lounge. Back enclosed patio with stunning mountain view. Double garage and carport. Flatlet with kitchenette/lounge, 1 bedroom and bathroom.
Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722
Web Ref:
R1 850 000
Betty’sBay Bedrooms 3 Baths: 2 Garages: 2
Web Ref:CWSC-2057
R1 575 000
Itiled open plan living/dining/kitchen area with doors to garden.
Sunday Sunday1 1- -4pm 4pm
Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722
Web Ref: CWSC-0962
Web Ref: CWSC-2166
New kid on the block. 2 Bedroom en suite. Views never to Direct access to house from large double garage. BICS in 2/3 be lost. bedrooms. Minutes to Silversands beach
Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722
Bedrooms:3| Baths: 2 Garages: 2
Bedrooms:4| Baths:2 | Garages:0
R 990 000
Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722
Bay R1 100 000 Betty’s Bedrooms: 2 Baths: 2 Garages: 1
Bedrooms: 2 | Baths: 1 Garages: 2
Betty’s Bay
Web Ref: CWSC-2360
Main Road property up for grabs. This is a 3 bedroom home that can be changed into a business. Open plan kitchen lounge, bathroom and braai room. Single garage. Business both sides of the property! Don't miss out! North facing.
Web Ref:CWSC-2399
Sunday Sunday11 11- -4pm 4pm
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
R1 100 000
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Bedrooms: 3 Baths:3 | Garages: 2
Web Ref:CWSC-2448
Small weekend break away home on corner plot. This cottage has some sea views and is placed on the plot to built the main house in front. The cottage exist of 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen with gas stove and lounge. Well point and irrigation system. Enclosed. Walking distance to seafront and harbour area.
Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722
29 06 2017
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Anmar Marais 082 563 9910
Betty’s Bay
The My Town Hub team Kenneth Grobler & Danya Godwin
Bladsy 7
Betty’s Bay Bedrooms: 3| Baths: 3| Garages: 0
Web Ref:CWSC-2381
R1 700 000
If you are looking for space, you have come to the right house. Step this way.Downstairs - 2 large bedrooms, 1 large bathroom, open plan kitchen/dining area with sliding doors onto roofed stoep leading into garden. Upstairs - main suite, 1 guest bathroom living area cum braai area with sliding doors onto wraparound stoep which offers sea views forever.
Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722
Betty’s Bay
Bedrooms: 0 Baths: 0| Garages: 0
Web Ref:CWSC-1394
R 475 000
Beautiful mountain and sea views! Out of the shadow. Guaranteed sea views!
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other
‘n Weeklikse rubriek deur Ilna Grobler ilna@overstrandherald.co.za
Nog ‘n koppie?
Droë persketjies Toe my kinders klein was en hulle nie geluister het wanneer ek praat nie, het ek altyd gevra: “Wat sit daar langs jou kop? Droë persketjies?” Dan het ek die ter sake oor liggies geknyp en ons het gelag en volgende keer het ek bietjie harder geknyp. Daarna hoef ek net die vraag te gevra het en hulle het geweet om liewer te luister. Nou kom ek agter, die meeste mense, veral dié wat hul werk per telefoon doen, luister nie. Hulle is geprogrammeer om sekere vra te vra en die eerste
omtrent vyf vrae, is blote formaliteit, hulle luister nie na jou antwoord nie. Nege uit die tien keer wat die foon lui en ‘n vreemde persoon praat en my vra, nadat ek die besigheid geïdentifiseer het, hoe dit met my gaan, sê ek: “Goed dankie” of “Fine thank you”, en wag dan dat hulle voortgaan met die rede waarom hulle bel. Taks sê hulle dan: “Ook goed dankie” of “I’m also fine”. Dis wanneer ek agtergekom hoe min mense luister. Ek maak nie dikwels met vreemde mense geselsies
oor die foon nie. Oproepe na die kantoor is mos veronderstel om oor besigheid te handel en tyd is geld. Ek wil net weet wat hulle behoefte is, sodat ek hulle kan antwoord. Juis lees ek onlangs dat mense nie luister om te hoor wat jy sê nie, maar hulle luister met die uitsluitlike doel om te antwoord. Hulle kommunikasie gaan oor wat hulle dink hulle hoor, of in die geval van sms’e, twiets of fb, wat hulle dink hulle sien. Dis ‘n pyn. Ek het al gehoor hoe mense totaal bymekaar verby praat, net omdat die een nie na die ander luister nie. Hulle is té ingestel op wat hulle self wil sê. Dis waar my Ma my vinnig aarde toe geruk het: “ ’n mens kan maklik te veel praat, maar jy kan nooit genoeg luister nie”. Sy het geweet. Sy was nie ‘n groot prater nie, maar die vader weet, my Pa se familie het nooit opgehou nie! Dis hoekom sy my vroegtydig probeer waarsku het. Kyk, ek kán baie praat, maar ek hou daarvan om te luister ook. Ek het geleer om te luister. Dis waarskynlik waar ons as ouers ons kinders faal; ons is so ingestel op die eerste woordjies wat Boetie of Sussie sê, hulle
Bladsy 8 reken naderhand alles wat uit hul mondjie kom, is goud werd. Baie van hulle bly onder daardie wanindruk, met die gevolg dat hulle nooit leer luister nie. Hulle praat almal om hulle dood, om hul eie pêreltjies van geen wysheid met die mensdom te deel. Ek neem aan ons mag dalk ons gehoor deur evolusie verloor en die enigste nut vir die oorskulp mag word om hake vir jou bril te verskaf, of om te keer dat jou hoed oor jou oë sak, want hoor, hoor baie ore lankal nie meer nie. Ek kyk (en luister) maar hoe dit by baie skole gaan. Onderwysers praat teen ‘n voortdurende gedruis. Die enigste manier hoe hulle hulself hoorbaar kan maak, is om te skree. Dan skree die kinders maar terug en so wen die een met die hardste stem. Wat ‘n kabaal. Van die lekkerste tye wat ek onthou, is wanneer my Ma, of die juffrou of ‘n plaat ‘n storie vertel het (Dit was voor die dae van kassette). In st. 2 kon ons juffrou ons vinnig stilkry as sy beloof het om voor die klok vir huistoe gaan tyd lui, een van haar eie stories te vertel. Maar deesdae vier droë persketjies hoogty, en mens kan hulle nie eens eet nie.
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Ref# KN1164113
Ref# KN1016828
Bladsy 9
Ref# KN1295479
Kleinmond / R395 000
Kleinmond / R820 000
Prime location in Klein Berlyn. Lovely plot, only 300m walk to the Main Beach. Make an offer.
Bedrooms 2 / Bathrooms 1 / Garages 1 Bedrooms 1 / Bathrooms 1 / Garages 2 Modern apartment in neat condition. Short walking Character filled cottage already connected to the distance to amenities and main beach. main sewerage line.
Kleinmond / R1.295 million
Ref# KN1319796
Kleinmond / R1.495 million
Ref# KN1289121
Ref# KN1320817
Kleinmond / R1.64 million
Kleinmond / R3.4 million
Bedrooms 4 / Bathrooms 3 Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 2/ Garages 1 Bedrooms 5 / Bathrooms 5 / Garages 2 Centrally situated close to amenities. Spacious with Delightful home in Klein Berlyn only a short walk to Spacious family home with lovely landscaped gorgeous mountain views. the golf course. garden and beautiful sea views.
Ref# 1323537
Ref# KN1304963
Ref# KN1305234
Ref# KN1318540
Rooi Els / R1.95 million
Pringle Bay / R2.2 million
Bedroom 3 / Bathroom 2 Buy into a Lifestyle. Neat cottage a short stroll from the rocks and beach in Rooi Els. Ideally sized for a hassle free holiday home or permanent residence.
Bedroom 2 / Bathroom 2 / Garage 1 Well-designed Architect Timber Home. Lovely mature garden with well-established trees.
Betty’s Bay / R1.38 million
Betty’s Bay / R1.65 million
Bedroom 2 / Bathroom 2 / Garage 1 Cosy lock-up-and-go near the beach.
Bedroom 3 / Bathroom 2 / Garage 2 Enjoy outdoor entertaining in a quaint garden setting.
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Pennevrugte Die Overstrand Herald bied‘n spesiale rubriek waarin ons inwoners en lesers die geleentheid gee om hul eie skryfwerk met ons te deel. Daar is ‘n paar reëls: 1. Gedigte moet asb nie te lank wees nie – ruimte is beperk 2. Kortverhale of essays moet van in die kort-kortverhaal genre wees – nie meer as 800 woorde nie. 3. Dit moet jou eie werk wees. E-pos die gedig of verhaal aan – ilna@overstrandherald.co.za
Ek onthou oom Jan Ons almal onthou kleurvolle karakters uit ons kinderdae. Myne se naam was oom Jan Tinkie. Ja, daar was ’n tannie Tinkie ook, so’n kort, ronde figuurtjie. Oom Jan was ’n klein, skraal oompie, met die een been korter as die ander. Dit het dan gelyk of hy in ’n gaatjie trap as hy loop. Die tweetjies het op ’n klein plasie langs die Gamkarivier gewoon waar hulle ’n bestaan gemaak het uit die een of ander boerdery. Saterdae, so gereeld soos klokslag, doen oom Jan by my Pa aan van die plaas af. Ek hoor nog hoe roep my Pa vir koffie vir hulle twee. Nou hou ons kinders dop as oom Jan loop en dan sit ons hom agterna met die vraag: “Oom Jan, gaan dit reën?” Soms is dit net kortaf: “Nee.” Maar as hy gaan staan, weet ons hier kom dit nou. Hy kyk op, knyp sy een oog toe en sê met so ’n hoë, sangerige stem: “Die wolkies maak sulke bankies, bankies, dit lyk vir my na reën.” Dit maak ons dag. Eendag stuur my Ma my om knopies en gare by die Jodewinkeltjie te gaan koop. Die winkel was klein en donker. Droë ware soos meel, suiker en breekmielies was in groot sakke voor die toonbank en al die ander goed was op rakke en word oor die toonbank verkoop en betaal. Terwyl ek wag kinders is altyd laaste gehelp - kom oom Jan sy vrou daar kry. In die halfskemer stamp hy sy voet teen een van die sakke, voel-voel en vat-vat so om die sak en vra: “Harta, is dit jy?” Dit is vir my net te snaaks dat die oom dink die meelsak is sy vrou. Ek hardloop uit en lag my eers buite slap voor ek terugkom vir die knope en gare. Die Standard Bank was die enigste bank op die dorp en almal het daar sake gedoen. My ouer suster het daar gewerk as teller. Eendag kom oom Jan daar aan en wil sy geld sien. Nou moet ek net sê hy en die tannie het een bril gedeel as hulle naby wou sien. Die teller wys vir hom sy bankstaat, maar oom Jan hou vol hy wil sy GELD sien. Raadop gaan vra die teller vir die bestuurder wat hy moet doen om die oom tevrede te stel. Die bestuurder sê: “Tel die bedrag geld af wat die oom in die bank het en wys dit vir hom.” Die teller maak toe so. Oom Jan gee die geld een kyk en sê: “Aikona! Dis nie my geld daai nie! Ek het vir jou nuwe note gegee!” Oom Jan gaan stap op ’n dag langs die Gamka. Blykbaar kry hy toe ’n beroerte-aanval. Hy val vooroor in die water en verdrink. Hielie Coetzee
www.overstrandherald.co.za OVERBERG PROPERTIES
Vakansie en Permanente Huurhuise gesoek
Bladsy 10
Housing prospects in Overstrand In response to a social media post pertaining to the update on the progress of affordable housing developments in Overstrand, the municipality has issued the following statement: Questions were asked by residents as to when they can expect affordable houses to be built. According to a progress report to Council, there is currently one affordable housing development being implemented and two others planned for the Overstrand. The projects are set to bring some relief to residents who are struggling to secure affordable accommodation or home loans. Approximately 1000 Breaking New Ground (BNG) units and about 300 affordable housing opportunities are estimated to be constructed in the Overstrand municipal area over the next five year period, provided that funding has been secured. This is in accordance with the Housing Program as contained in the IDP. GANSBAAI GAP The development comprises the construction of 155 affordable housing units on a Portion of Erf 210, Gansbaai, known as Fountain Hill. Installation of civil and electrical infrastructure was completed at the end of June 2015. The Developer then started with the first phase which entailed the construction of 11 units. The remaining 144 units will be developed in phases when the first 11 are sold. To date, two properties have been sold, one is under offer and the remaining eight are being leased. The houses vary in size from 42m² - 87m² and sell for R479 000 and R884 000 respectively. ZWELIHLE AND MOUNT PLEASANT, HERMANUS Three development sites have been identified in the Hermanus area: • The first property is known
as Site C1 in Zwelihle, and it is located adjacent to Mariner’s Village and the Hermanus Clinic, situated in Swartdam Road. The development comprises of 150 units, to be completed in phases. • The second site is known as the Sportsfield Site and it is located next to the Mt Pleasant Sportsfield in Angelier Street. This comprises the development of 22 units, also to be completed in phases. • The third site is located in upper Mt Pleasant in Katjiepiering and Jasmyn Streets and there are a total of 17 sites available for development. Funding for the development of the first phase of these three sites has been approved by the Department of Human Settlements (DoHS) for the 2017/18 financial year. DoHS approved a contribution of R10 million towards the project in order to make the housing more affordable. The Municipality is currently busy negotiating the conditions regarding the release of this contribution with DoHS. As soon as the ‘approval and conditions’ have been received, a contract will have to be signed between the Municipality and DoHS, after which a more detailed report will be presented to Council and the sites can be made available to the Developer. HAWSTON 378 BNG sites, comprising of 107 affordable housing sites, 2 business sites, 2 community zone sites and the remaining for open spaces and roads have been approved in the Hawston Integrated Development Project (IRDP), of which 107 is earmarked for affordable housing. The Municipality received the approval and contract for the installation of civil services from DoHS during May and the construction of the affordable housing units will Volg op bl.11
Snoesige wintertruie vir mans en dames. Baie mooi enkelhoogte stewels so pas uitgepak! Fleecy car coats, body warmers and men’s winter shirts
Overstrand Herald Volg van bl.10 begin shortly. BNG housing explained Breaking New Ground, or BNG housing, represents a more updated version of the Reconstruction and Development Programme, or RDP housing. Unlike the previous 20-34m² RDP subsidy houses, the BNG house is 40 m² in size with two bedrooms; a separate bathroom with a toilet, shower and hand basin; a combined living area and kitchen with wash basin; and a ready-board electrical installation where electricity supply is available in the township,
29 Junie 2017 to qualifying households earning less than R3 500 a month. Affordable Housing is categorized as those opportunities available to households earning between R3501 and R25 000 per month. Households earning up to R15 000 are also eligible for a subsidy in terms of the Finance Linked Individual Subsidy Program (FLISP), given that they qualify in terms of the criteria. Households earning up to R25 000 must also qualify for a full bond from the banks without having to pay any deposits.
Bladsy 11
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29 06 2017 R193.80—1 Ad
This newly renovated home is set on a large plot of approx. 1338 sq.m. and boasts 180° ocean view and an equally stunning mountain view. Downstairs 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms & a little wine cellar. Upstairs modern kitchen, dining area indoor braai and many more wonderful features, a must see! Cute & Cosy - This Nutec house with wooden floors and stunning views of the ocean, lakes, mountains and nature reserve. This quaint little sweetheart features 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms open plan kitchen/living area sep. north facing ent. area or dormitory (if you like).
House & Granny Flat Excellent investment close to swimming beach. Sea & mountain views. Three carpeted bedrooms b.i.c. 2 bathrooms en suite. Upstairs large family room, sea facing balcony & sunny stoep. Separate flat offers 1 bedroom, lounge, built in braai, toilet/shower
29 06
R380 + 14%=
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Bladsy 12
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Bladsy 13
Countdown to the Kabeljoe’s Kryvis Festival The storm is over and the weekend is here, and so is the winter school holiday. That means it is finally time for the Kabeljoe’s Kryvis Festival. We will ease into the festivities on Friday and move into full swing for an action packed Saturday. Join us for the grand weigh-in of the fishing competition, the judging and crowning of Junior Miss Kabeljoe’s, Snoek braai, Seafood and wine pairings, beer tent, loads of promotions, live rugby, a dedicated kiddies area and great music. Be sure not to miss the Anton Goosen and Gian Groen band on Saturday evening. On Sunday, a complimentary wine tasting, live music and a Sunday market, sporting quality local produce, will be awaiting you, not to mention some more scrumptious seafood. We are looking forward to our celebration of seaside living at
one of the most scenic venues in the Overberg. For more information or bookings, visit: http://kabeljoesseafood.co.za/ kryvis-festival-kleinmond.php Junior Miss Kabeljoe’s pageant; calling for entries! If you missed your chance to enter for the Junior Miss Kabeljoe’s Pageant, it is not too late. You can enter at the venue (The Shed next to Kabeljoe’s Seafood Restaurant) between 11:00 and 12:00 on Saturday where a mini pageant will take place and the finalists will be announced. The winners will be announced at 14:30. There are great cash prizes to be won and we can promise great fun. Be sure to dress warm and neatly. No need for formal dresses. Just be yourself! The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394
Winter school music program to get our youth jamming The winter school music initiative is set to hit the right notes during the upcoming school holidays. Natasha and James Bruiners of Fisherhaven, in conjunction with Camillo Lombard’s Cape Music Institute are pleased to introduce a viable alternative for parents to keep youth of all ages occupied during the holidays. The winter school music program where students will be able to learn how to master instruments like drumming, bass and guitar as well as the piano will start on 3 July at the Hawston Primary School from 09:00 – 14:00 daily (weekends not included). The program is positioned to foster community engagement, particularly for the youth and the need to have them engaged in activities that instil confidence, passion and discipline through music. The program culminates with a grand finale concert which will provide a platform for the youth to unearth raw talent and showcase their new skills at 18:00 on Thursday, 20 July in the Civic Auditorium in Hermanus. “Students taking part in this programme will also learn more about the basics in artist management, live performance, the business side of the music industry as well as how to compose music,” explained Bruiners. The program responds to the pertinent social and welfare issues indigenous to the Overstand community, burdened by high unemployment and the reality of diminishing prospects faced by children and young adolescents today. Interested parties can contact Natasha on 028 315 1055 or 084 888 0568,or email jamesbruiners007@gmail.com. The program will continue with music classes during the third term.
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Bladsy 14
Vlv fokus op die jeug The focus of the therapy resolves around nerve pressure points. When a nerve centre is damaged the muscle surrounding it, goes into spasm to protect that area. It also pulls vertrebra towards each other, putting stress on the discs which in turn puts more pressure on the spinal nerve system.
Back and Hip Pain Joint Pain Postural Distortion Numbness in Arm and Legs Constipation Practitioner: Sandra Reyneke: 084 735 8183
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Marjoh Plant Hire
Zirk 082 496 6751 Judy 082 452 4260
Bladsy 15
Property corner
A property sale agreement is constituted from the date of signature thereof by both the seller and purchaser. The rights and obligations arising therefrom may, however, be suspended by the inclusion of a suspensive condition (until an uncertain future event occurs). The operation and effect of such a clause must be clearly understood by both parties to avoid unnecessary dire consequences.
Problems include: Headaches Lowest Back Pain Sciatica Stiff Neck and Shoulders Muscle Spasm
29 Junie 2017
Suspensive conditions in the sale of immovable property
What these spasm also do, is pull the body alignment out. By focusing on these nerve points and stimulating it by hand, you relief the spasm and align the body.
The most affordable and secure way to burglarproof you windows without spoiling your view.
Overstrand Herald
Hier staan Elgina Nysen (heel links) en Therese Els (tweede van regs), personeellede van die Jeugsentrum, by die VLVbestuurslede v.l.n.r. Annie Jooste (vise-voorsitter), Johanna Groenewald, Cecile Jonkheid (voorsitter VLV-Kleinmond) en Hermien van Zyl. Kleinmond-VLV glo nie net oorhandig om in die tuin te dat die jeug ons toekoms plant sodat die jong kinders is nie, hulle leef dit ook uit. altyd sal onthou dat hulle moet Daarom is daar ter viering groei en blom soos ‘n inheemse van Jeugdag, aan elke kind by plant. Bykomend was daar in ‘n die Kleinmond Jeugsentrum VLV blikkie, heerlike beskuit. ‘n pakkie oorhandig met ‘n gebreide mussie, boksie sap, Die betrokke VLV-bestuurslede nik-naks en sjokolade. Die brei was verras met die kinders van die mussies is deel van die se spontaniteit, netheid en VLV se Winter Omgee-projek vriendelikheid. Duidelik doen van die jaar. Die inheemse die personeel uitstekende African Sunset struik is ook werk en verrig wondere met ‘n aan die sentrum se personeel beperkte begroting.
An example of a typical suspensive condition would be where a purchaser is required to obtain approval for a loan from a financial institution for a specified amount within a certain time period. If the condition is not fulfilled timeously, the agreement lapses and no claim for damages flows from this. However, if one party has designedly prevented the fulfilment of the condition, the condition could be deemed to be fulfilled (so-called fictional fulfilment) as against that party and the agreement would be enforceable. It is best to obtain professional legal advice on all aspects of property sale agreements. SOURCE:STBB
Spacious, open plan double storey beach house with modern beach style fixtures and fittings and opposite the main beach. This trendy home has plenty of accommodation and entertainment areas for friends and family and includes a separate self contained flatlet. The property is fully enclosed and includes many additional features. It is in immaculate condition and ready for occupation existing furniture includings blinds is included in the price. Price: R3 950 000 web ref: 424166 – www.seeff.com contact: john du Toit: 084 4606070
Kogelberg arts The Kogelberg Arts group has had two successful exhibitions at the Art Boutique in The Yard in Harbour Road. The first was in January of this year and the second in April. Both exhibitions resulted in good sales and many enquiries about when the next one will be taking place. For those who enquired, here is your answer! They will again be exhibiting their artworks from 30 June to 9 July inclusive at The Art Boutique in The Yard in Harbour Road. Take a break from holiday activities in Harbour Road for a few moments to pop into The Art Boutique’s studio at the back of the shop to view the exhibits. Hours are from 10h00 to 16h00 Monday to Saturday and 10h00 to 15h00 on Sundays.
R190.00 paid
Spacious, open plan double storey beach house with modern beach style fixtures and fittings and opposite the main beach. This trendy home has plenty of accommodation and entertainment areas for friends and family and includes a separate selfcontained flatlet. The property is fully enclosed and includes many additional features. It is in immaculate condition and ready for occupation as all existing furniture includings blinds is included in the price. Price: R3 950 000 web ref: 424166 – www.seeff.com contact: john du Toit: 084 4606070
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Bladsy 16
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Nescafé Classic Coffee (excl. Decaff) 200g
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes Value Pack 1,2kg
SPAR Pure Sunflower Oil 2 Litre
SPAR Peanut Butter Smooth, Sugar Free or Crunchy 400 g
R3 off
pay only
Aquafresh Flouride Toothpaste Fresh & Minty, Mild & Minty, Herbal or Lemon Mint 100 ml
Spar Marksbury Select Blue Cheese 100g
Brookes Oros Orange, Lemos, Naartjie or Cocopine (Incl. Lite Range) 2 litre
Nescafè Gold Premium Coffee 200 g
R7 off pay only
7999 each
BUY 2 FOR R70.00
Bladsy 17
Ariel Auto Washing Powder or Touch of Downy 2 kg, Capsules 15’s or Auto Liquid 1.5 litre or Touch of Downy Liquid 1.5 litre
Spar Marksbury Traditional Camambert or Ripe & Ready Brie Cheese 125g
4599 each
Pantene Shampoo or Conditioner 400ml Assorted
Vick’s Acta Plus or Honey & Ginger Cough Syrup 150ml
Fry’s Meat Free Crumbed Schnitzels 320g
Enterprise Back or Streaky Bacon 200g
Products not sold in halaal stores.
per kg
Spar Tender and Tasty Bulk Lean Beef Mince
Freshline Pineapples Pork Belly Roast or Braai Rashers
Serving Suggestion
Specials available at SPAR, SUPERSPAR & KWIKSPAR stores in the Western Cape up to and including 28 JUNE – 2 JULY 2017. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices include VAT. No traders please. No wine or pork is sold in our Halaal stores.
per kg
per kg
Spar Tender and Tasty Soup Meat Bone-in Shin
While stocks lasts
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Bladsy 18
Windhoek Premium Draught Cans 24 x 440ml
Castle Lite Handies 24x340ml
Savanna Premium Cider Dry or Light Handies 6 x 330ml
R89.99 R146.99
Red Heart Rum 750ml
Southern Comfort Liqueur or Liqueur Lime 750ml
Carling Black Label Handies 12 x 340ml
J&B Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml
African Secret Cream Liqueur 750ml
R269.99 Jameson Irish Whisky 750ml
R60.00 R279.99 Johnie Walker Black Label 12 Year Old Blended Scotch Whisky 750ml
4th Street Sweet Red, White or Rosé 750ml
R109.99 KWV 3 Year Old Brandy 750ml
Gordon’s London Dry Gin 750ml and Schweppes Tonic Water Cans 6x 200ml
PRICES VALID FROM 20 JUNE – 2 JULY 2017 While stocks lasts
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Bladsy 19
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Overstrand Herald
Bladsy 20
29 Junie 2017
Uitmuntende spreker Anneke Rabe was die spreekster tydens ‘n byeenkoms van vroue vanuit Kleinmond wat die geleentheid in die kerksaal in Eerste laan Kleinmond bygewoon het Sondagmiddag 25 Junie 2017. Daar was vooraf ‘n uitnodiging uitgestuur deur die kerke en aan belangstellendes om na Anneke Rabe se praatjie oor vergifnis en versoening in ons land te kom luister. Anneke Rabe woon in Piet Retief en was met vakansie in ons omgewing.
-New Installations -Fault Finding and Repairs -MV Joints and Terminations -Maintenance -Generator Services -Automation -Panel Wiring -CoC's -Single & 3 phase -Residential, Commercial, Industrial
Met haar besoek na die Overberg is daar gebruik gemaak van die geleentheid om haar te nooi as gasspreker. Hierdie was die tweede, baie geseënde, interkerklike Sondagmiddag byeenkoms gehou gedurende Junie 2017. Daar is wel 'n opname gemaak van die boodskap vir belangstellendes. Dankie vir die talle kosbare persone wat hierdie middag se verrigtinge seep glad laat verloop het. (Alice van Rooyen)
Bladsy 21
CHANYA THAI SPA KLEINMOND Traditional Thai Healing Massage on your doorstep Open from 10:00 till 18:00 from Monday to Saturday. For more information on different treatments contact
Chanya (Tanja) at 0748950480 or 0610812779 Visit her at 23 First Street, Kleinmond.
Overstrand Herald 028 271 3394
Income Booster 16
1 June—31 Aug 2017
Is your monthly income being eaten up by inflation? Do you need help? I can help you as I helped myself. This is neither a scam nor a pyramid scheme. Please contact me if you are really interested. No chancers please. For more information or appointment, contact Willem at
114 x 14 –10% = R1436.40
073 961 2878
Vlnr: Evelyn Jacobs, Marie Cedras, Anneke Rabe, Belinda Davids en Katrina Davids voor. Geneem deur Fanie Krige
Tel: 028 271 3394 / Faks: 086 767 2943 Redakteur / Editor: Gerard Grobler redakteur@overstrandherald.co.za Verslaggewer / Reporter: Ilna Grobler ilna@overstrandherald.co.za Medewerker: Dr Ria Burrows Bladuitleg, Versorging & Advertensies / Page layout, Editing & Advertising: Melany Cedras ads@overstrandherald.co.za Rekeninge navrae / Account enquiries: redakteur@overstrandherald.co.za Business hours / Besigheidsure Maandag - Woensdag / Monday - Wednesday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Donderdag & Vrydag / Thursday & Friday: 08:00 - 13:00
02 20
Dienssentrum / Service Centre Kontak ons vir alle huisverbeterings & kombuisinstallasies Huisverbeteringsprojekte Verf (Binne & Buite) Houtvloere Dakke Eco Rubber Waterdigting Projekbestuur Rekenaarontwerp, -uitlegte en installering van
28 07 2016
ingeboude kaste vir kombuise en slaapkamers
Ferdi Krige 082 377 4912 fpk@telkmomsa.net www.perfectkitchensolutions.co.za
R190.00 p/week
30 year’s experience Tel: 028 271 3602 Faks / Fax: 086 250 3654 Epos / email: fynbospark@telkomsa.net
A family company looking after the needs of a family
Cremation Service Funeral Insurance Funeral Services Tombstones Kleinmar Centre 27 Main Road, Kleinmond
028 271 4971
22 Jun - 13
WINTER MARKET 2017 Fynbos Service Centre is having a Winter Market!!!!
29 June – 08 July 2017
D R Church Hall, 36 1st Avenue, Kleinmond
There is only one name to remember
N G Kerksaal / D R Church Hall 1ste Laan 36 1ste Avenue Posbus / P O Box 11
Monday - Friday 10:00 – 15:00 Saturday 10:00 – 13:00
Come view and PURCHASE the beautiful handmade goods – Cards, Knitted items, Bags, Appliqué & Decoupage goods, Woodwork, Jewellery, Baby, Children’s clothes, Belgian Chocolates, Body Products, Books, Eats and many more Our delicious homemade Soup & Bread, Pancakes, Curry & Rice and Vetkoek will be on sale again for the hungry.
See you there!!!!
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Bladsy 22
We are family!
United Nations of Hangklip/ Kleinmond se Verenigde Nasies In die upcoming weeks, the Overstrand Herald will be running a series of articles on the variety of residents in our area. As the reporter is a woman, she will be interviewing women from as many cultures and backgrounds as are willing. We don’t intend to put people on the spot if they perhaps do not have the proper papers to be here. That is not our intention, or our job. We want to celebrate the variety and diversity of cultures in Hangklip/ Kleinmond. Afrikaans South Africans living in our area: Afrikaans is at present the main language used in the Western Cape and most of our readers are Afrikaans speaking. The first few residents we interview, will therefore be Afrikaans speaking. Even though Afrikaans speakers are our introduction to the series, they are also diverse. They come in different shades and religions. The one common denominator is that we all live in Hangklip/ Kleinmond. In 2013 the descendants of the Samuels family had a Réunion. Their great-great-grandfather, Henry White and his family were the first residents of the “Visbaai” (harbor). One of their daughters married a Samuels and they had 10 children, nine daughters and one son. In 1969 the community which had developed were forced to move from the harbor to be resettled in the present Proteadorp, as they were classified as “Colourds”. Many of their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren still live here.
Pampiri Indaba doen hersirkulering KLEINMOND – Weet die inwoners van Kleinmond waar hulle koerantpapier, ou almanakke, rokspatrone en bouplanne vindingryk kan hersirkuleer, en in die proses ‘n geskenkpak kan laat maak van ‘n geskiedkundige berig in ‘n tydskrif of koerant, ‘n trourok se rokspatroon of ‘n gunsteling resep terwyl hulle sommer ook werksverskaffing bevorder? Gaan loer gerus na die interessante proses by Pampiri Indaba, in die hawe gebied, met Felicia April en Tamlynn Mars aan die werk onder leiding van die raakvat hande van Helma Potgieter. The idea of converting paper waste into handmade gift packaging started years ago. In a workshop jobless women were taught to make gift bags from waste paper. The aim of the project is to manage otherwise pristine paper waste by converting it into handmade gift packaging, whilst providing employment for local women who acquire their skills while working. Pampiri Indaba bags are made from waste paper and recycled materials. Although they make a standard range of bags, packets, envelopes and pot plant bags, they also make individual items according to the customer’s specifications. In Kleinmond, Helma took up the challenge with the business in Harbor Road, as she has a heart for re-use and recycling. Her motto is: “It is in the bag, because paper matters!”
Op Saterdag 2 November 2013, het familielede van die Samuels gesin wat van die eerste inwoners van die Visbaai (hawe) was, op die dorp ‘n reünie gehou. ‘n Ieder en ‘n elk wat uit die plaaslike Samuels tak spruit, kan hul voorgeslag naspoor na Henry White en ’n juffrou Vermeulen van Caledon. Die oorgrootjies het vyf kinders gehad. Die twee seuns het nooit getrou nie. Kathleen, die jongste dogter, het egter die voete van ‘n Skotse jongman Michael Samuels (Mac Mckye) wat van die Skotse sendingstasie op Fraserburg in die Noordkaap gekom het, skoon onder hom uitgeslaan. Hulle twee het toe in die hawe (Die Baai) kom woon. Hulle en hul gesin was die eerste sogenaamde bruinmense wat hul bestaan hier uit die see kom maak het. Mettertyd het nog gesinne in Die Baai by hulle aangesluit. Benewens die feit dat die manne vissers was, was hulle ook bekwame ambagsmanne, terwyl die vroue vlytig was in tekstielbedryf en hulle ook uitstekende kokke was. Baie van die nageslagte beoefen steeds vandag hierdie vaardighede. Die Samuelse het 10 kinders gehad: nege dogters en een seun, Michael wat nooit getroud is nie. Die meisiekinders is (getroude vanne): Annie Swartz, Christie Galant, Fienie Fredericks, Lizzie Barry, Maxy Pietersen, Meraai Swartz, Miemie Mitchell, Sarah Oncker en Willa October. Me. October, of soos almal haar noem, antie Willa, is die enigste van die kinders wat nog leef. Sy is 77 jaar oud en woon nog al die jare op Botrivier. Ons verneem sy het Maandag verjaar!
Tamlynn Mars, Helma Potgieter en Felicia April
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Bladsy 23
Kitskoffie en ‘Drugs’ Baie van ons drink graag ʼn beker koffie, of dit nou egte bone-koffie, moer koffie of kitskoffie is, maak nie te veel saak nie. Kitskoffie word sekerlik die meeste benut omdat dit relatief goedkoop is en maklik is om te maak. Die rede vir koffie se gewildheid het grootliks te make met sy kafeïen inhoud. Die chemiese stof is ʼn ligte opkikker vir die mens; dit laat ons wakker voel en is veronderstel om ons gouer weer nugter te laat voel na drankmisbruik. Ja, en as ons skielik ophou om koffie te drink, toon ons geringe tekens van ontrekking simptome. Laat mens dink, of hoe? Is koffie dan ʼn gewoontevormende middel? Dit het my laat wonder hoe en wanneer kitskoffie ontstaan het. Met die internet is dit mos maklik om deesdae sulke inligting na te slaan, al moet mens wyd kyk om seker te maak wat eintlik waar is. Verstommend genoeg vind ek uit dat die heel eerste kitskoffie al amper 250 jaar gelede in 1771 in Engeland sy minder geslaagde verskyning gemaak het. ʼn Ander kitskoffie is in 1851 ontwikkel en tydens die Amerikaanse burgeroorlog aan soldate voorsien. Ene David Strang het in 1890 ʼn meer suksesvolle produk in NieuSeeland ontwikkel en bemark. Later is verskeie verdere pogings in die VSA aangewend totdat ene George Constant Louis Washington ʼn kommersiële kitskoffie in 1910 ontwikkel wat weereens tydens die 1ste Wêreldoorlog aan soldate verskaf is. (Die arme soldate was telkens die proefkonyne.) So het sake aangegaan sonder noemenswaardig invloed op die algemene gebruik van koffie. In 1930 was daar egter ʼn geweldige oorproduksie van koffie bone in Brasilië en aangesien koffiebone sleg word met verloop van tyd, het dit die produsente organisasie genoop om Nestlé te vra om ʼn goeie kitskoffie te ontwikkel wat ʼn lang raklewe sal hê. Dit het een van hul wetenskaplikes, Max Morgenthaler in 1937 reggekry. Die smaak was nog nie heeltemal na wense nie weens die insluiting van koolhidrate. Nogtans is die produk weereens in groot hoeveelhede deur die Amerikaanse weermag tydens die 2de Wêreldoorlog benut. Later het die maatskappy in 1954 ʼn suiwer kitskoffie met ʼn ‘egte’ geur ontwikkel as gevolg van die toepassing van ander droging metodes. Daar is in die volgende dekades
wêreldwyd gepoog om soorte kitskoffie van al hoe beter smaak te ontwikkel en die proses is nog steeds aan die gang. Dink maar aan al die geadverteerde kitskoffie soorte. Die bron van al die koffie bly maar steeds die klein boontjies van veral twee van die ses koffieboom soorte, nl. Coffea canephora en C. arabica, albei inheems aan ons kontinent. Die aarde se grootste koffie produsent is Brasilië. Een van die byvoordele van my loopbaan was dat ek ʼn aantal besoeke aan die wonderlike land moes bring. Een ding wat ek gou agtergekom het, is dat die Brasiliane amper uitsluitlik vars bone koffie drink, besonder lekker vir my ook. Daar is ek telkens in ʼn groter stad naby die ooskus deur ʼn senior bestuurder ontmoet, wat my dan per motor na die betrokke saagmeul, 200 km verder noord geneem het. Op pad sien ek toe ʼn klein lappie donker groen boompies. Op my vraag of dit koffiebome is, was sy antwoord: “Ja, maar dis die swak kwaliteit koffie wat gebruik word om mee Nescafé te maak.” Maar dit kan mos nie waar wees nie – daar staan dan op alle Nescafé houers dat hulle slegs die beste bone uitsoek om die kitskoffie van te maak, nie waar nie? En wat het dit alles met verdowingsmiddels te make, sal u wil weet. Kan tog nie wees dat die effense gewoonte vorming wat op die drink van koffie volg die hele storie is nie, nè. Of hoe? Ek lees nou die dag in ʼn boek van Bill Bryson die volgende verhaaltjie: Hy is in 1951 gebore en het gebeure van daardie tyd nagevors en vertel. Hy vertel dat in Oktober van daardie jaar ʼn jong man deur die polisie in hegtenis geneem is in Oak Ridge, ʼn stad in die deel staat Tennessee. (Terloops, dit is die plek wat sy ontstaan in 1942 te danke het aan die bou van aanlegte waarin die grondstowwe vir kernbomme vervaardig is.) Die man is betrap in besit van moontlike verdowingsmiddel, ʼn ernstige oortreding van die wet. Hy het ʼn bruin papier sakkie vol donker poeier met ʼn half bekende reuk by hom gehad, seker maar een of ander verbode middel. Na verdere ondersoek moes hulle hom egter vrylaat – dit was toe maar net die nog min bekende kitskoffie. Peter Müller
Fidget Spinners available Boardshorts Walkshorts T-Shirts Dresses Hoodies Bikinis Wax
Rashvests Caps Backpacks Sunglasses Handbags Flip-Flops Towels
Winkelure: Maandae - Vrydae 09:00 - 17:00 Saterdae & Sondae 09:00 - 14:00
Follow us on
29 06
We have moved to bigger premises! Shop C Harbour rd the yard (old art café premises) Newly added coffee and breakfast bar! Free Wifi Stockist of Crocs/Rocky/Havaianas/Pierre Cardin/Reef/Ripcurl/Quicksilver/Hurley/Roxy and much more. Card facilities available. Open 7 days a week 9-5
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Bladsy 24
TRENCHERS Medium Digger / Loader Hire Plot clearing Building rubble removal and site clearing General transport Drainage and irrigation
Derick Cheyne 082 677 5577 ROOIELS - PRINGLE BAY - BETTY’S BAY - KLEINMOND
Ralf Zipfel Qualified Installer for Solar Hot Water Systems FOR NEW AND EXISTING HOMES 083 663 7661 info@solar4u.co.za
THE OVERSTRAND HOSPICE SHOP The Overstrand Hospice Shop would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods – please phone us on 028 313 1884
Overstrand Herald
Bladsy 25
Kok – Gerard Grobler Ria Burrows ‘n Gerekende sakeman en ‘n vlymskerp teenstander, maar ‘n man met ‘n opregte empatie vir Kleinmond en al sy nood behoewendes. Hy glo dat reg en geregtigheid moet geskied en sal met woorde veg daarvoor, maar altyd met in ag neming van die kwesbares in die gemeenskap. Agter daardie streng en professionele optrede, skuil daar ‘n sensitiewe kant, veral vir sy gesin. Sy vrou, Ilna, het genoem dat hy meesal vir die gesin kook, en dat sy naweek eksperimente vir hulle ‘n groot avontuur is. Met baie geduld en ‘n ysere oorreding vermoë, het ons hom oortuig om meer van daardie eksperimente te vertel en een van sy gunsteling geregte met ons lesers te deel. Gerard vertel dat sy Ma ‘n kosmaker van formaat is en dat sy kosmaak gelyk stel aan liefde. Die kos omgewing waaruit hy kom, was deel van die gewilde ‘vleis, rys en aartappelsbrigade’, iets waarvoor hy self ook baie lief is. Hy was redelik handig in die kombuis. Toe die regte vrou egter in sy lewe instap, vind hy tot sy skok en verbasing net kaas, appels en wyn in haar yskas. “Sy het by groente en slaai vasgehaak”,
3/11/2016 – 24/11/2016
Palliative (end-of-life) care for the terminally ill & their families – free of charge. Phone Mondays – Fridays 028 312 4679
29 Junie 2017
vertel hy, en vervolg “As jy met ‘n vrou trou wat nie van die kombuis hou nie, moet jy vinnig leer kosmaak”. Dit was vir hom aanvanklik moeilik om gereeld met ‘n groente gereg vorendag te kom, maar met ‘n skewe glimlag verklaar hy: “Hierdie resep is een van die maklike en vinnige wyses om my vrou gelukkig - én deel van ons huwelik te hou”. Bravo Gerard, sug baie vroue stilweg – die feministe half-verbaas en die res so ‘n klein bietjie jaloers! Groentegereg Die bestanddele is eiervrug, murgpampoentjies en een botteltjie Ina Paarman sous, die tamatie-en-basiliekruid geur. Neem een groot eiervrug (of 2 van medium grootte) waarvan die koppe afgesny is en vier murgpampoentjies. Spoel af en sny alles in dun skywe. Die metode bestaan eerstens uit die rangskik van hierdie stukke in ‘n liggies gesmeerde bakplaat. Sprinkel dan sout, peper en olyfolie oor. Bak nou in ‘n voorverhitte oond van 180 grade vir ongeveer 20 minute – totdat die groente sag is en verkleur het. Dan word die gaar stukke uitgehaal en versigtig in lae in ‘n oondvaste skottel gepak. Sprei dan stadig die volle botteltjie sous daaroor. Hy verkies die tamatie-en-basilie geur. Sprinkel mozarella kaas bo-oor en sit terug in die oond totdat dit bo-op goudbruin gebak is. Haal uit, eet en geniet.
Philip Obermeyer Optometrists / Oogkundiges
CALEDON Tel. 028 212 1691 Pr: 7010818
Terms and conditions apply. Ask your optometrist for more information
KLEINMOND Tel. 028 271 3119 Pr: 7020961
GRABOUW Tel. 021 859 3475 Pr: 7020961
ROSEMALL Tel. 021 859 5196 Pr: 7020961 000000-LG300517
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
DAGBOEK 30 Junie & 1 Julie: Singleton’s Winkel is op Vrydag- en Saterdagoggende (somertyd) oop vanaf 08h30 - 13h00 in Tweedestraat 14, Kleinmond. Kontak Estelle Victor by 028 271 3260 / 072 778 0249 31 Julie: Kleinmond Leeskring vergader om 14h30 in die Gereformeerde Kerk . The glass castle deur Jeanette Walls (2014) word deur Marianne de Wet bespreek. Koste vir besoekers is R20. Almal is welkom. Skakel 0823780057 vir inligting 29 Junie-8 Julie: WINTERMARK (Fynbos Dienssentrum Fondsinsameling) Weeksdae 10h00 – 15h00 en Saterdae 10h00 – 13h00. Verskeidenheid pragtige artikels en eetgoed te koop en heerlike eetgoed, bv. Pannekoek ens. te eet! N G Kerksaal, Kleinmond. Skakel Melanie 028 271 3602 (08:00 -14:00) vir meer inligting. 29 June-8 July: WINTER MARKET (Fynbos Service Centre Fundraising) Weekdays 10h00 – 15h00 and Saturdays 10h00 – 13h00. a Variety of beautiful goods and eats to purchase and delicious pancakes etc. to eat! D R Church Hall, Kleinmond. Contact Melanie 028 271 3602 (08:00 -14:00) for more information. 13 July: The Friends of the Library will be hosting a fun and games morning at the Betty’s Bay Library at 10h00 for 10h30. The theme will be “Beetle Drive”. Please come and join in the fun and stand a chance to win a prize. All taking part are requested to bring their own pens, pencils, etc. and the cost involved will be R5 per sheet of 9 Beetles. A cup of delicious hot soup will be served afterwards. Look forward to seeing you there. 5 July: Persian carpet and Oriental Rug auction and sale. Magic carpet themed fundraiser for Krappies en Krefies Kleuterskool with Beulah Bekker. Kleinmond Town Hall, Thursday, 18:00 for 18:30. Complimentary snacks and wine. No entry fee. RSVP: Petro 079 807 9726
A electric sewing machine, in good working order. Just to do plain sewing, not an over locker. Phone 028 2715014. Ek is op soek na ‘n TV-braai. Dis ‘n metaal-skermpie met ‘n element bo en ‘n uitskuif-pan. Het saam met die eerste TV’s op die mark verskyn. Bel 072 867 0947 of 028 271 3430. Op soek na ‘n saamry klub van Kleinmond tot in Hermanus en terug, Maandae tot Donderdae. Skakel Sonja by 079 353 0789. Opsoek na ‘n vroue huurder, geen kinders met sober gewoontes om huis te deel in Pringle Baai vir R 3 500 p/m, water en ligte ingesluit. Geen diere. Skakel Sonja by 0793530789. Beauty is looking for char work on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Ref. at 064 515 2911. Call beauty on 078 964 6188.
Overstrand Herald
Bladsy 26
Bass boat on trailer, has cover and accessories, no motor R10000.00 Call Butch 0846973431 for more info. 1 sleeper couch te koop. R1000.00. Afbetaling sal aanvaar word. Skakel 072 620 4552. Upright Piano needs tuning, in good condition. Reasonable offer accepted. Contact Louis 079 893 4255.
Aandag alle huisvrouens Hier is jou oplossing ! ‘n Skoonmaakmiddel als in een bottel van wynvlekke, matte, banke, ghries, braairoosters en nog baie meer! Ecoclean is eko vriendelik ook.
Hennie: 084 523 9807 Hanna: 084 411 4005
Small 4-ring Semer gas stove and oven in working condition. R200.00 Junkers gas water heater with original installation instructions. R300.00 Both items were in daily use until replaced as part of renovation 2 months ago. Phone 0837755572 (Pringle Bay).
Handy Man
Driekwartbed R400.00 Pine bar stoel R20.00 Gordyne R100.00 Bel 028 271 3496/ 082 579 2580. Wader no 9. Min gebruik. Bel 083 653 6574.
Bladsy 27
Driekwart grootte biljart tafel (“pool table”) met biljartstokke en balle in ‘n puik toestand teen weggee prys van R1500.00. Skakel Jan by 084 700 1379.
All general home maintenance painting, tiling, roofs etc.
Call: Audey 0713253158
Sunbeam Delux oven with Rossiter R800.00 Bel 074 855 8595. Flymo Easimo Lawnmower 1000W. 32 cm width. Excellent condition. R400.00 Ph. 028 284 9024/ 073 700 0308. Battery-aangedrewe rolstoel R10 000.00 Bel 028 271 8047/ 078 515 9058.
29 Junie – 26 Julie
Klein computer monitor. R800.00 Bel 061 635 0199. 1x185x14 Brillantis radial tyre brand new R500.00 1x 185x14 Dunlop Endura Commercial radial tyre (used) R450.00 1x185x14 C Firestone CV2000 commercial radial tyre (used) R350.00 5x white inside panel doors (used) R50.00 ea. Call 083 304 5860. Verskeidenheid vetplante R10.00 elk. Patriot Castello mans bergfiets R350.00 Nashville 425 teestel, 26 stuk. Soos nuut. R400.00 Bel 072 976 2177. Ford Ranger 2.2 Super Cab 2012 model. FSH. R180 000.00 Bel 082 522 4425.
Samsung Digital Inverter Technology eco bubble 7.05kg/5.0kg washing machine . (still brand new)
Estelle Ras Cell: 060 877 2671
In die boedel van wyle: Identiteitsnommer: Adres: Boedelnommer:
FELICITY SWART 3711180028085 5DE LAAN 109, KLEINMOND 547/2017
WERNER JULIUS ORT C5H6752LW Keurboomstraat 20, Kleinmond 7785/2017
29 06 2017
Krediteure & debiteure van die boedel word hiermee kennis gegee om hul eise in te dien en skulde te vereffen aan die onderstaande binne ‘n tydperk van 30 dae gereken vanaf Vrydag 30 Junie 2017.
Enige los goed wat rondstaan verkoop ons by no.9 Smous stal 0828245028.
Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens
R100.00 paid
Geliewe kennis te neem dat die Eerste en Finale Likwidasie & Distribusierekening ter insae sal wees te die Meester van die Hooggeregshof Kaapstad asook die Landdros Caledon vir 'n periode van 21 dae gereken vanaf 30 Junie 2017.
In die boedel van wyle: Paspoortnommer: Adres: Boedelnommer:
Rosina is looking for housecleaning work from Monday to Friday. Call 062 741 7209.
29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
09 02 2017
Rhona werk by my. Sy is betroubaar en deeglik. Sy soek nog werk vir Maandae, Dinsdae en Woensdae. Verw. 028 271 5786. Bel Rhona op 073 434 4064.
Thandie is looking for domestic work from Monday to Friday. Ref at 083 686 8277. Call Thandi on 071 058 3925.
29 Junie 2017
07:14 08:10 09:17 10:33 11:44 12:41 00:45 01:27 02:05 02:40 03:14 03:48 04:22 04:58 05:35 06:15 07:01 07:57 09:10 10:34 11:50 00:14 01:14 02:09 02:59 03:47 04:32 05:14
19:39 20:37 21:45 22:54 23:54 —— 13:26 14:03 14:38 15:10 15:42 16:15 16:49 17:25 18:04 18:47 19:37 20:40 21:53 23:07 —— 12:54 13:50 14:40 15:27 16:11 16:53 17:34
01:12 02:12 03:19 04:31 05:38 06:32 07:15 07:50 08:22 08:53 09:24 09:55 10:27 11:01 11:37 00:12 01:00 01:59 03:10 04:28 05:41 06:43 07:38 08:26 09:12 09:55 10:36 11:15
13:16 14:12 15:20 16:36 17:45 18:39 19:22 19:59 20:33 21:06 21:39 22:14 22:50 23:29 —— 12:17 13:03 14:02 15:21 16:47 18:03 19:05 19:59 20:50 21:37 22:22 23:06 23:49
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Bladsy 28
NEEM ASB KENNIS: Die Herald verskaf met liefde die ruimte vir kerke om hul dienstye te adverteer. Al wat ons vra is dat kerke die regte inligting verskaf. Dit is doodgewoon nie moontlik vir ons om elke week 17 of 18 kerke te skakel om te verneem of die inligting nog korrek is nie. THE BAY CHRISTIAN FAMILY CHURCH KLEINMOND NG KERK: 2 Julie 2017 - 028 271 3268 Town Hall, Main Rd, Kleinmond (opposite SAPD) Service times: Mornings at 08:30 & Evenings at 17:00 Cell group meetings: Wednesdays at 19:00 Men’s prayer meetings: Saturdays at 6:00 General enquiries: Johan Koekemoer Cell: 076 204 4250 For more information regarding registrations for 2018 CFCI Bible College or Cornerstone institute contact: 072 5112311(Antionette)- 2017 registrations closed. Christian Revival Church - Homecell “Mend the nets, the catch will be great” 68 Main Road (A.G.S Heal the Land premises) Thursday 19h00 Build one Church in many locations Contact Niël 079 139 5121 Pastoor Ernest 072 084 3454 A.G.S. KERK KLEINMOND Hoofweg 68 (Kompleks Langs Bouhandel) Pastoor Tewis de Jager 082 771 9365 Sondagoggend diens 09:30 / Woensdagaand Biduur 19:00 Kinderkerk 9:30 HERVORMDE KERK Skakel Ds Gerrit-Daan van der Merwe 073 418 2346 Strand: 09:00 elke Sondag Hermanus: 11:30 Die 1ste en 3de Sondag van elke maand SEWENDE DAG ADVENTISTE KERK Aanbid in die Gereformeerde Kerk, h/v 13de Laan & 6de Straat, Kleinmond Saterdae: Sabbatskool 09:30 – Erediens 11:00 Almal welkom! 072 094 5819 / 028 271 4173 NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH KLEINMOND c/o Nemesia Ave & School str, Proteadorp, Kleinmond 072 077 7888 / 082 781 3556 Sunday Morning Service: 09:00 Wednesday evening Service: 19:30 All welcome GODS GIVEN MINISTRIES -11 Hoofweg - Bokant Kekkel en Kraai Kleinmond Erediens - 10:00 Sondag Sondagskool vir Jnr Tieners - 9:15 Biduur- 19:00 Dinsdag Woordskool vir Snr Tieners - 9:15 Past. Duvenage - 078 8103 632 ( godsgivenministries@gmail.com)
H/v Delport en Serruria Nr 4960, Bettysbaai Ons nooi u vriendelik na ons volgende byeenkomste: 2 Julie - Oggenddiens en Nagmaal om 09h30 by L/S Lochnerhof in die Strand, 16 Julie - GRATIS Fliek - Unconditional om 17h30 by Simply Coffee/ Bistro 365 in Pringle Baai, 9, 23 en 30 Julie soos gewoonlik om 17h00 in Bettiesbaai tot verdere kennisgewing. Herderspaar: Gerrit en Marinda de Lange: 021 852 6719 / 082 752 9994. Vir verdere inligting en aanwysings kontak Marielize by 082 411 9193 of Erica by 083 556 3555. Almal welkom! Sien uit om u saam met ons te hê. Kleinmond Huisgemeente Ons soek saam God se teenwoordigheid en leiding in ons lewe. Amal is baie welkom by Laerskool Kleinmond, elke Sondagoggend om 9:30 vm. Navrae, Manie 082 331 3552 of Gerrit 083 251 6039.
VGK PROTEADORP Oggendbyeenkoms: 10:00 – Aandsamesang: 18:00 Erediens om 10H00 elke Sondag en Bidure om 19:00 elke 1, 3 & 4 Woensdag van elke maand. Prediker Ds. John Holtzhausen: 074 248 0108 Hoof ouderling/Skriba – Kallie Jonkers 082 877 0800 Jeug byeenkoms om 18:00 elke Vrydag: Christelike Vroue bediening elke tweede Woensdag van die maand om 19H00: Voorsitster: Evelyn Jacobs – 072 358 5103 Sondagskool elke Sondag oggend om 09:00: Koor oefen elke Disdag aand om 19:00;
09:00 Sentrum in Bettysbaai 09:30 Kerkgebou
Ds. Ben de Wet Dr. Chris Malan
KLEINMOND AANBIDDINGSENTRUM P.P.K H/v 7de Laan & 7de Straat Almal welkom!! Pastoor Smit 028 271 5694 / 083 633 6172 Sondagoggend: 09:45 GEREFORMEERDE KERK H/v 13e Laan en 6e Straat. Tel 028 271 5359. Skriba: Theo Kruger 028 273 8834. 09:30 Ds. Leo van Schaik LAKESIDE CHAPEL (Undenominational Christian Fellowship) Lakeside Drive, Betty’s Bay - Service at 9:30 Hans van Dyk (Pastor) 084 206 6820 / 028 272 9887 ST FRANCIS ANGLICAN CHAPELRY Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 09:00 in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Twist Street, Betty’s Bay/ For further information contact - Chapelwardens 028 272 9914/ 028 272 9996 / 028 273 8153 KLEINMOND FELLOWSHIP CHURCH - 72 6th Street Pastor Lionel Gibbons 028 271 4249 Sunday Morning Pre-Service Prayer Meeting: 08:45 Sunday Morning Pre-Service Worship Singing: 09:15 Sunday Morning Worship Service: 09:30 Sunday Morning Sunday School and Youth Group: 09:30 Ladies Fellowship: Mondays 09:45 Monday Prayer Meeting: 16:00 Tuesday and Wednesday: Home Fellowship Groups Meet ST NICHOLAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Chapelwardens Chapelwarden Paulette Marinus 072 984 3707. Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540. Dienstye: 1st Sunday, 2nd Sunday and 3rd Sunday at 10:00. 4th Sunday at 08:00. 5th Sunday is family service. Notice will be given at which chapelty in Parish. Sundayschool: Nancy Carelse 072 858 3006 / Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540. Youth Friday`s At 18:00 Cornette Hull 072 780 4146. Priest Father Fr Neil February 084 222 1492/028 284 9772 nkfebruary@gmail.com. PRINGLE BAY UNITED CHURCH Cnr Crescent & Park Streets. Rev Gavin Graham 028 273 8172. Sunday service: 09:00 AFRIKAANSE PROTESTANTSE KERK Elke 2de en 4de Sondag van die maand om 16:00 in die Gereformeerde Kerk, 13de Laan, Kleinmond. Tel: 028 271 5837 / 083 412 5870 CATHOLIC CHURCH Twist Street, Betty’s Bay, Mass: Saturday 18:00 / Thurday 17:00 / Additional services as per notice board. Parish Priest: Father John Keough 079 874 2281 / 021 859 5397 Catechism Class Contact Janet Hyland 083 702 3909 PRINGLE BAY: KING’S CREW HOMECRUCH & HOMECELL 1519 Dennys Road Pringle Bay Sunday Service: 9:00 - 10:30. (Afirkaans & English) Wednesday Homecell: 19:00 - 20:00 (Afrikaans & English) Pieter and Arina Myburgh 082 080 2129
Pringle Bay House of Prayer
1799 Hilton Circle, Pringle Bay
Thursday 18:30 - 20:00 Sunday: Sundayschool for 5 to 10 years old 9:00 to 11:00m (Building Faith& Character) Rev Dr. Leon and Dr.Jacobi du Toit Whatsapp: 0797068210 yarhema@yahoo.com
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Kleinmond birders June 2017 outing On a very crisp winter morning, the shortest day of the year, our keen birders braved the cold and set off to Hawston sewage works and the Vermont Salt Pan to identify some waders. On arrival at the Hawston works the temperature was 3° and a light layer of frost was lying on the lawns The walk was well worth the effort. We spotted Yellow billed ducks, Cape shoveler, Southern pochard, Cape teal, Common moorhen, Little grebe, Grey headed and Hartlaub gulls flying overhead. In convoy we traveled on to the Vermont Salt Pan, which is rather dry at the moment, due to the lack of rain last season. In spite of that we were pleasantly greeted by a large flock of Lesser flamingos very busy feeding with their heads submerged under the water, busy filtering their food. They are much smaller than
the Greater flamingo and also pinker. Cape cormorants were sunning themselves alongside an African darter and on the shores of the pan we spotted a few elegant Black winged stilts, three Banded plovers,a Blacksmith lapwing and Cape spurfowls….commonly called the Hangklip chickens. By then it was time for a much wanted cup of coffee. Out came the folding chairs and thermos flasks, chatting and discussing about our sightings. While relaxing we spotted Cape wagtails, a Cape grassbird, White eyes, Bulbuls, a Forktail drongo, Karoo (alternate namespotted) Prinia, Sombre bulbul and a Bar throated apalis. Shortly after coffee the wind started to pick up and it seemed a good time to depart after a successful morning. (- Daphne Richardson).
Bladsy 29
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Bladsy 30
Overstrand Herald
29 Junie 2017
Bladsy 31
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Administrators & Planners of Estates
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*Free drafting of wills *Estate planning * Appraisals / Valuations *Preparation of Deeds of Trust More than 35 years experience in estate administration and valuations. Contact Niel Theron / Linda Dixon Tel / Fax: 028 271 5944 Cell: 083 459 9419 / 082 325 2022 38 Fonteinhout Avenue Kleinmond sdtheron@telkomsa.net No VAT on Executors Fees Executors Fees negotiable
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Rolbal sê dankie
Kleinmond Rolbalklub wil graag aan die einde van ons rolbal seisoen , dankie sê aan almal wat bygedra het om die jaar baie suksesvol te kon afsluit. Baie dankie aan al die Sundowners wat gereeld op Vrydae hul opwagting gemaak het. Hou die Herald dop vir wanneer ons bane weer vir die Sundowners gaan open. Graag wil ek al ons borge bedank, in besonder al die borge in Kleinmond en omgewing wat ons klub met hulle borgskappe ondersteun het. Ek noem hulle by name asook die toernooie wat hulle geborg het: Hemanus Toyota: Rondomtalie Toernooi ST Motors en Supa Quick: Mans Driespel, Albertyn Apteek Kleinmond en Rola Motors Caledon: Dames Dag Spar Super Enkels: Mans en Dames Enkelspel Du Preez/Stegman Finansiële Dienste en Santam: Santam Driespel Toernooi Protea Drankwinkel: Protea Drankwinkel Driespel Philip Obermeyer Oogkundige: 2 – 4 – 2 Toernooi Seeff Eiendomme: Individuele Driebal kompetisie Jigsimur: Besigheidsliga Deco Film: Berg en See Toernooi. Ons sien uit na die volgende rolbal seisoen. Om ons grasperke ruskans te gee sal daar slegs op Woensdae en Saterdae nog plaatjie spel wees as die weer dit toelaat. `n gedeelte van Augustus sal die perke geheel en al gesluit wees. Vir al die rolbalnuus en ander nuus, koop die Herald om so op hoogte van sake te bly, ook van wanneer die amptelike opening van die perke sal plaasvind. Valerian Strydom
Nuwe rolbalbestuur Op die Rolbalklub Algemene Jaarvergadering is die volgende lede tot die bestuur vir die jaar 2017 / 2018 verkies. President / President: Valerian Strydom Vise – President / Vice President: Divvie van Deventer Sekretaris / Tesourier / Secretary / Tesourier / Treasurer: Alan Deitchman Wedstrydsekretaris: Cai Classen Addisionele Lede / Additional Members Mans Men: Alan Bryant en Pierre Paul Dames / Ladies: Marion Bezuidenhout en Elsabe Liebenberg Afrigter: Roy Galloway Perkemeester : Jacques Fourie Die president het in sy jaarverslag gesê dat die klub die afgelope jaar baie suksesvol was en sy dank teenoor almal uitgespreek wat daartoe bygedra het. Hy het die volgende fokus areas vir die klub vir die volgende termyn voorgehou. Finansiële stabiliteit, lede werwing, rolbal kameraderie, eerbiediging van rolbal etiket en reëls, en om spelers tot `n hoër vlak in rolbal vaardigheid te ontwikkel.
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