Overstrand Herald 9 Augustus 2018

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Vier vas oor onwettige skroot

60% van Kleinmonders al geraak deur misdaad SAG wil 50 kameras in die volgende 5 jaar installeer

Women stand together for Women’s Month

Nuwe Baba Produkte – Lovies Nappies 44’s Pull-Up Pants 40 – 38 per pak Baby Wipes 80’s Baby Wipes 24’s Baby Jelly 250gr Baby Aqueous Cream 350ml

R147.90 R144.90 R 34.90 R 16.90 R 26.90 R 22.90

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Kleinmond Animal Clinic Phone no: 028 271 4183 Emergency no: 083 440 5191 Trading Hours: Weekdays: 08:00 - 18:00 Saturdays: 09:00 - 13:00 Consultations by appointment

Stockist of:

Services available: General Health Care Micro chipping Grooming Puppy Classes Name tags

Bladsy 2

Goeie nuus vir mense wat hul skoolopleiding wil voltooi KLEINMOND – Vir diegene wat om die een of ander rede nie hul skoolopleiding kon voltooi nie, was daar vandeesweek goeie nuus. Die Wes Kaapse department van onderwys het verlede week na ‘n vergadering op Caledon bekendgemaak dat hul ‘n aantal onderwysposte vir ‘n sg. ABET skool op Kleinmond goedgekeur het. ABET-sentrums gee mense die geleentheid om ‘n kwalifikasie gelykstaande aan ‘n matrieksertifikaat te verwerf. Daar was vroeër jare ‘n ABETsentrum op die dorp, maar dit het doodgeloop. Heleen Sliep van Grail Centre sê sy baklei al jare om weer so ‘n skool te vestig, maar loop haar telkens in mure vas. Verlede jaar het sy

raadslid Grant Cohen betrek en toe is daar vordering gemaak. Die proses het egter weer vasgehaak in Augustus verlede jaar toe die department nie die onderwysers wat vir die poste aansoek gedoen het, wou goedkeur nie, vanweë hul ouderdom. Sliep sê sy moet nog presies uitvind hoe dinge nou inmekaar steek, maar dit wil lyk asof die projek nou aan die begin van volgende jaar by Mthimkhulu Village begin sal kan word. Raadslid Cohen het by navraag gesê daar is reeds sowat 90 mense wat aangedui het dat hulle in die opleiding sal belangstel. Die detail van hoe dinge gaan werk moet nog net uitgestryk word, het hy gesê.

Polisie ondersoek diefstal van plate KLEINMOND – Die Polisie het bevestig dat die Overstrand munisipaliteit ‘n klag van diefstal gelê na die oorlaaistasie op die dorp op groot skaal van sy sinkbedekking gestroop is. Van die plate is deur inwoners van Over Hills gebruik om nuwe sinkhuise te bou. Dit is veral

die groen plate afkomstig van die oorlaaistasie wat duidelik sigbaar is vanaf Hoofweg. Die munisipaliteit het verlede week gesê dat daar met ingang 1 Augustus sekuriteitspersoneel op die perseel gaan wees om verdere beskadiging van die gebou te bekamp.

www.overstrandherald.co.za DR. LARRY PALK PSYCHOLOGIST PhD Consulting Psychology (UNISA) PS 0017120 / PR 0496170

Office Kleinmond 0282715321 Cell number 0834140469 Email info@larrypalk.co.za www.larrypalk.co.za Facebook Dr Larry Palk

Kleinmond Apteek/Pharmacy Kleinmond Primary Health Care Clinic Primêre Gesondheidskliniek Hoofweg 25, Kleinmond Tel: 028 271 3320/5300 Selfoon: 082 788 0922 kleinmondpharmacy@gmail.com

05 07 2

Offices: Kleinmond: 028 271 5321 Pringle Bay: 028 273 8069 Cell: 071 687 3825 Emergencies: 060 490 0874

draudreyzietsman@gmail.com www.draudreyzietsman.com

Ons het kontrakte met die meeste mediese fondse/ Contracts with most medical aids. Emergency/Noodgevalle na-ure: Kobus le Roux 082 652 4309


Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 3

The numbers of women grew steadily along Main Road yesterday where women joined hands from 13:00 to 13:30.

Women stand together for Women’s Month August is traditionally Women’s Month in South Africa, with 9 August being the actual day marking a march in which women took the lead in Pretoria in 1956.

Wednesday (yesterday) marked the beginning of Women’s Month. Women of Kleinmond lined Main Road in front of Mthimkhulu Village to show

solidarity with the month as well as with the Total Shutdown Campaign who says even now South African women have very little to celebrate. Gender-based violence is


084 577 2926

still much too prevalent in our country. Women and gender non-conforming people marched countrywide yesterday against gender-based violence.


Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 4

60% van Kleinmonders al geraak deur misdaad SAG wil 50 kameras in die volgende 5 jaar installeer Gerard Grobler KLEINMOND – Meer as 60% van die respondente wat verlede jaar aan ‘n opname oor die voorgestelde Spesiale Aanslaggebied (SAG) op Kleinmond deelgeneem het, het aangedui dat hulle al een of meer kere die slagoffer van misdaad was. Bykans 90% van die meer as ‘n duisend eenhonderd mense wat aan die peiling deelgeneem het, meen dat persoonlike veiligheid op die dorp reeds ‘n probleem is (10%) of besig is om een te word (80%). Die syfers is gisteraand (Woensdag) tydens ‘n bekendstelling van die SAG bestuursplan aan rolspelers in die Kleinmond biblioteek voorgehou. Die voorgestelde plan het die afgelope week finaal die groenlig vanaf die Overstrand munisipaliteit gekry. Voor dit geïmplementeer kan word sal minstens 60% van belastingbetalers egter ook die ja-woord moet gee. Onder die deelnemers aan die SAG opname waarop die bestuursplan gegrond is, was 117 eienaars van besigheidspersele, bykans ‘n duisend eienaars van residensiële eiendomme, 87 eienaars van leë erwe en nog 166 mense wat nie noodwendig die eienaars van eiendom is nie. Op ‘n vraag oor wat die grootste enkele behoefte op Kleinmond is het ‘n oorweldigende 68% geantwoord dat veiligheid die eerste prioriteit behoort te wees. Sowat 62% van die respondente het gemeen dat alle eiendomseienaars die verantwoordelikheid vir veiligheid moet deel. Nog 24% het saamgestem, maar met voorbehoude. Die SAG konsep is nie ‘n nuwe idee nie, trouens dit word op talle plekke in die land met ‘n wisselende mate van sukses bedryf. In wese kom dit daarop neer dat die eienaars van eiendom in ‘n spesifieke woonbuurt ‘n bykomende bedrag aan die munisipaliteit betaal. Die geld word dan gekanaliseer na ‘n

nie-winsgewende maatskappy waarvan alle eienaars van eiendom in die buurt die lede is. Die verkose bestuur van die maatskappy gebruik dan hierdie geld om aanvullende dienste tot die bestaande munisipale dienste te lewer ten einde die buurt ‘n veiliger, gesonder en skoner omgewing te maak. In die geval van die Kleinmond SAG is dit duidelik uit die bestuursplan dat die klem sterk op veiligheid gaan val. Die plan is om ‘n magdom kameras, 50 om presies te wees, oor die volgende 5 jaar op die dorp aan te bring. Die kameras sal 24-uur uit ‘n beheerkamer gemonitor word. Maar die plan gaan selfs verder. Die mikpunt is om ‘n diensverskaffer aan te stel wat na-ure en oor naweke ‘n moniterings- en wetstoepassingsrol kan vervul. Tans werk die meerderheid

van die munisipaliteit se wetstoepassers net kantoorure. Bestaande sekuriteitsmaatskappye se personeel is weer net gemagtig om op hul kliënte se privaat eiendom op te tree. Volgens die Kleinmond SAG plan moet die betrokke diensverskaffer magtiging hê om in openbare ruimtes op te tree as dit kom by oortredings soos drankmisbruik en wanordelike gedrag. Ons praat dus in wese van ‘n private polisiemag. Dit alles gaan geld kos en dis hier waar die plan die ondersteuning van die meerderheid van belastingbetalers nodig het, alvorens dit in werking gestel kan word. Volgens die KSAG bestuursplan sal die befondsing kom vanaf ‘n spesiale heffing wat die eienaars van eiendom sal moet betaal. Die heffing gaan neerkom op sowat 10% van jou

bestaande eiendomsbelasting maw sowat 2% van jou huidige munisipale rekening. Volgens die berekenings van die loodskomitee gaan dit beteken dat die eienaars van besigheidspersele gemiddeld sowat R91 pm ekstra sal moet betaal. Eienaars van woonhuise gaan gemiddeld sowat R33pm moet opdok, terwyl die eienaars van deeltitel eiendomme en leë erwe onderskeidelik gemiddeld ‘n ekstra R22 en R10 sal moet betaal. Onthou jy sal moet bydrae na gelang van die waarde van jou eiendom. Volgens die bestuursplan sal die toestemming van die eienaars van eiendom om met die plan voort te gaan of per e-pos of met ‘n gedrukte instemmingsvorm gevra word. Slegs indien minstens 60% van hulle instem, kan daar met die plan voortgegaan word.

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 5

World Ranger Day commemorated at Stoney Point BETTY’S BAY – Cape Nature paid tribute to its marine and field rangers at a special event held at Stoney Point on Tuesday. 31 July marks World Ranger Day and commemorates rangers killed or injured in the line of duty, as well as celebrating the work rangers do to protect the world’s natural and cultural treasures. CapeNature CEO Dr Razeena Omar told the large gathering of rangers from across the Western Cape that “the work done by CapeNature’s marine and field rangers around the province does not go unnoticed and we acknowledge how important it is. From conserving the landscape to protecting species from poachers to fighting invasive alien vegetation and fire management to helping visitors explore the Western Cape’s nature reserves.” “The marine and field rangers are in the front line when it comes to conserving biodiversity and our World Heritage Sites. The responsibilities of rangers include providing services such as carrying out field and marine surveys, performing law enforcement duties – both on and off reserve – providing education to youth groups and tourists, applying basic first aid, assisting in gate guard duties, providing support to conservation services and to the biodiversity crime unit as well as doing general maintenance and repairs on reserves. This all happens while conducting administrative work such as compiling log sheets, writing reports and maintaining good relationships with

Cuan McGeorge, senior ranger at Stoney Point telling his colleagues and members of the media about the importance of Penguins as an indicator specie before taking them on a tour of the reserve conservation partners.” Dr Omar said Cape Nature was particularly focused on creating more opportunities for women within conservation. “Over the last few years CapeNature has seen an increase in the number of women being employed in various roles within the organisation. We have come a long way in this traditionally male dominated field, looking back to 2006 we had only one female ranger where today we celebrate twelve female rangers spread across our reserves. We expect to see this number grow rapidly in coming years.”

Kleinmond main beach


SUNDAY ROAST Roast Beef with Roast Potatoes and vegetables in season

Only R99 while stocks last. Harbour Road, Kleinmond

Tel: 028 2715907

Corkage charged at R30 per bottle

Thys 082 566 4368

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018


Bladsy 6 • Doen jou deel om misdaad te help voorkom • Rapporteer alle misdaad by die polisie • Registreer by KSW • Beveilig jou eiendom • Ondersteun Kleinmond Nagwag se patrollies • Do your share to help prevent crime • Report all crime to the police • Register with KSW • Secure your property • Support Kleinmond Night Watch patrols


Enkelpersoon, nie rook of troeteldiere R1800 - Dienste en elektrisiteit. R2000 deposito.

Skakel 083 367 9782/082 418 9144

Ongelisensieerde vuurwapens Volgens nuusberigte in die media het die hooggeregshof ’n interdik uitgereik wat die polisie tydelik verbied om beslag te lê op vuurwapens waarvan die lisensies verval het. Die plaaslike polisie is bewus van die interdik en sê dit sal bekend gemaak word wanneer ongelisensieerde vuurwapens weer ingehandig kan word. Hulle vra dat inwoners wat in besit is van vuurwapens waarvan die lisensies verval het, met hulle in verbinding sal tree om die korrekte prosedure uit te klaar.Gewone diefstal sonder gedwonge toegang het oor die afgelope twee weke baie afgeneem. Dit word toegeskryf aan die arrestasie

02 08 2018



Garage Doors & Sliding Gates Aluminium-Meranti-Steel-Fibre Glass Automation-Repair-Install-Service ET-Superdrive-Digi One-Centurion Hennie 082 563 8563 spoton1956@gmail.com

Unlicensed firearms According to reports in the media the Supreme Court recently granted an interim interdict which prohibits the police from confiscating firearms of which the licenses have expired. There will be announcements when unlicensed firearms can be handed in again. The local police are aware of the matter and ask residents whose licenses have expired to contact the police to obtain the correct information about the required procedure. Common theft (without forced entry) has declined over the past two weeks. This is attributed to

22 02 2018 R114.00


van ’n verdagte wat van verskeie voorvalle van diefstal in die dorp verdink word. Huisbraak bly steeds bo aan die lys van aangemelde misdaad in die dorp. Dit het onlangs aan die lig gekom dat die padtekens voor die laerskool in Hoofweg nie maklik sigbaar vir motoriste is nie. OM verkeersdienste is ingelig en bewus van die saak. Daar is tans gesprekke met die skool om die moontlikheid van ’n skoliere-patrollie te oorweeg. Ouers word versoek om seker te maak hulle kinders weet hoe gevaarlik die kruising van veral Hoofweg is en dat hulle baie versigtig moet wees as hulle die straat kruis.

the arrest of a suspect who has been connected to several acts of theft in the town. Burglary remains on the top of the list of crimes in the town. It recently became apparent that the road signs in front of the primary school in Main Road are not always visible to motorists. OM traffic services are aware of the matter. There are discussions with the primary school about the possibility of a scholar patrol. Parents are urged to instruct their children about the dangers of crossing Main Road and make sure that they are very careful when they do so.

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 7

Kleinmond/ Betty’s Bay/Pringle Bay/Rooi Els 028 271 3238





Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910


Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Web Ref:CWSC-2856

R2 185 000

Bedrooms: 3| Baths: 2 | Garages: 2

This spacious 3 bedroom home has stunning mountain and distant sea views. TV room, Open plan kitchen, lounge, study and bachelor flat with kitchenette and bathroom. Double garage and outside braai area. Walking distance to golf course. Newly enclosed.


AnmarMarais Marais082 082563 5639910 9910 Anmar Web Ref:CWSC-2833

R2 185 000

Bedrooms: 4 | Baths: 3| Garages: 1

Family holiday home close to the sea front. Study, lounge, dining room, open plan kitchen and TV room. Outside braai area with private garden. Ready to move in. This house is in 2nd Avenue with mountain views.

This house consist of open plan north facing lounge, dinning room and kitchen with laundry / scullery, braai room and double auto garage. 2 newly built extra garages at the back and also double carport. Very secured with electric fencing and alarm system. On the main sewerage line, Solar Geyser, well point pump and lots more. The best mountain views.

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Betty’s Bay

Web Ref:CWSC-3122

R2 440 000

Bedrooms: 3| Baths: 2 | Garages: 2

This spacious light home consist of lounge with fireplace, dining room with braai, open plan kitchen with scullery / laundry, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 en suite and study. Covered outside braai area, nutec store room and double auto garage. Alarm system with beams, well point with pump and irrigation system in garden. Ready to move in.


Web Ref:CWSC-3333

R385 000

Huge corner plot. North facing. 500 Steps to Silversands.

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Betty’s Bay

Bedrooms: 4| Baths: 3| Garages: 2

Web Ref:CWSC-2606

R2 900 000

Just 4 houses to Main Beach, calling all beach babes, sunlovers, fishermen and surfer dudes. Wake to the crashing of the waves and sea gulls calling. Slightly elevated to make the best of the views, open plan living onto roofed patio allows for 180* sea views. Larger than expected bedrooms, and full BICs throughout, makes for comfortable, easy living.

Web Ref:CWSC-3036

Bedrooms: 4| Baths: 3| Garages: 0

Suzanne Beukes 074 944 5534

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

Karon Scholefield 082 322 6722

R1 495 000

260m2 house on Grootwitvlei offering 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms(showers only), sunfilled braai area with spacious entertainment/living area, 2 kitchenettes/dining area .... Ideal holiday house ... Garden to south borders Grootwitvlei-ideal for freshwater fishing/kayaking. Looking for a real ‘holiday’ house .....


R1 530 000

Bedrooms: 3| Baths: 2 | Garages: 4

Anmar Marais 082 563 9910




Betty’s Bay

Web Ref:CWSC-3446


Anmar Marais 082 563 9910



Sunday Sunday11 11 -- 3pm

Betty’s Bay

Web Ref:CWSC-3344

R 360 000

Plot on Grootwitsvlei, awesome views across lake to Hermanus mountain range with a stream as its perimeter.

Pringle Bay

Web Ref:CWSC-2571

R3 600 000

Bedrooms:3| Baths: 2 | Garages: 2

A true gem hidden away in a quiet cul-de-sac situated in the popular Pringle Bay point. This property with its impressive entrance leading upstairs to a very spacious open plan living area and kitchen. The place you will spend all your time is the entertainment area, with stacker doors that open up giving you the real feel of the ocean on your door step.

Saturday Saturday12 12 -- 2pm 2pm

Suzanne Beukes 074 944 5534

Pringle Bay

Bedrooms:4| Baths:4| Garages: 2

Suzanne Beukes 074 944 5534 Web Ref:CWSC-1968

R1 960 000

Face brick, older home offering loads of accommodation, plenty of cupboard space, outside and indoor braai. The front garden, which is neat, is perfect for your four legged friends or kids who loves running around.

Pringle Bay

Bedrooms:4| Baths:2| Garages: 2

Suzanne Beukes 074 944 5534

Web Ref:CWSC- 3394

R2 100 000

Immaculate Canadian Log home at the foot of the Hangklip mountains in Pringle Bay. This amazing double storey North Facing log home will ensure you of hours of pleasure in the sun on the balcony. Spacious open plan living and dining area with a fireplace and inviting open plan kitchen.


Pringle Bay

Web Ref:CWSC-3429

R 470 000

This 600m² vacant levelled plot in Pringle Bay is just a stone throw away from Pringle Bay's main beach. With this vacant land so close to the ocean, you can enjoy the sounds of the waves all day when you build your dream house in Pringle Bay.

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018


God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other

‘n Weeklikse rubriek deur Ilna Grobler ilna@overstrandherald.co.za

Nog ‘n koppie? Hoe meet ons standaarde?

(Met apologie aan filosowe) Vroeër (dalk bestaan dit nog) het die land ‘n Buro vir Standaarde gehad. Wat ek eintlik oor wonder, is hoe word moréle standaarde deesdae gemeet? Die meeste kerke of godsdienste is veral na die aanvang van die moderne eeu ernstig gediskrediteer. Marxisme het, reken ek, afgesien van die knou wat mags-, seksen geldbelustigde leiers hul onderskeie godsdienste aangedoen het, die mensdom weg laat beweeg van godsdiens af. Die norme wat gestel is deur die spesifieke godsdienste, raak al hoe meer onbekend. Voor mense self kon lees of skryf, was daar leiers in die kerke, neem nou maar die Rooms-Katolieke kerk, wat alles behalwe Christelike waardes na gestreef het. Toe kom die Hervorming en, laat ons nou maar eerlik wees, die bedoeling mag dalk goed gewees het, maar engele was baie van hulle nie. Ek glo onvoorwaardelik in die waarhede van die Tien Gebooie. Dis net die interpretasie daarvan deur soveel verskillende mense waarmee ek nie altyd saamstem nie. Vir dieselfde prys stem mense waarskynlik nie saam met mý siening nie. Maar ék bepaal nie die norme van die samelewing nie. Ek hou daarvan om te glo ek laat my lei deur die Woord, want die liewe Here het my behalwe die voorreg om te kan lees en skryf, ook common sense gegee. En ek laat my ook nie aan die neus lei nie. Nou as die Bybel dan deur soveel mense in diskrediet gebring is, waaraan meet hulle hul beginsels? “Sosiale media”, sê my eggenoot sinies. Vader behoede ons, sê ek. Neem nou dan maar sosiale media en die mense wat herhaaldelik daarop voorkom. Baie, indien nie die meeste nie, het ‘n bont varkie of drie weg. Ek kom agter, ek is een van ‘n minderheid wat nie my

Bladsy 8

lewe op sosiale media lewe nie. Soms spreek ek ‘n opinie uit, maar dis nie gevorm deur glanspersoonlikhede, mediasterre of leë blikke nie. En veral nie politici nie. Gits, die menings wat mense darem op sosiale media kwytraak, sou soms kon snaaks wees as dit nie dikwels so uiters pateties was nie. Daarom wil ek dan nou weet: Waarop grond mense hul “beginsels”? Sosiale media is net die voertuig wat mense gebruik om hul god van die oomblik publisiteit te gee. Die nuwe godsdiens lyk my, is selfverheerliking. Tiemie van PG du Plessis se Siener in die Suburbs sou haar kon uitleef: “Ek wil van gewéét wees, Ma!” Goeiste, dink net hoe sy sou kon tekere gaan met iets soos selfies en fb en twitter! Want wat stuur mense alles die wye wêreld in? Hulself? Prentjies van geweld? Boodskappe van haat? Populistiese krete? Dis maar min dat mense regtig iets met substans versprei op hierdie medium van oombliklike bevrediging. Daar is gewoonlik maar min diepte en dus geen ware kans op die bevordering van beginsels nie. Al is ek nou kerk-los, het ek binne die kerk groot geword, waaroor ek dankbaar is. Dit was maar hoofsaaklik ontnugtering met interpretasie wat die losheid veroorsaak het. Die God waaroor soveel kerke en gelowe gaan, het nie verander nie. Maar nou vra ek weer, waarop bou kerklosses en kerkloses die beginsels waarop hulle hul kinders grootmaak, hul politiek bedryf en met hul medemens omgaan? Ek vermoed my geslag en dalk die een ná my is mense wat hulle ook in soortgelyke omstandighede bevind. Hoe sal ons kinders die toekoms tegemoet gaan? Wat gaan hulle húl kinders leer? Hoe sê Shakespeare se Hamlet? “… for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”

Ek dink ek verstaan waarom Mnr Cyril Ramaphosa Dinsdagaand aangekondig het dat sy party klaar ‘n besluit geneem het dat die grondwet moet verander ten einde onteiening sonder vergoeding moontlik te maak. Dit is duidelik uit die landwye sittings wat tans oor die kwessie gehou word dat daar oorweldigende steun vir so ‘n stap uit die geledere van swart Suid Afrikaners is. Dit is dus ‘n polities gewilde besluit. Daarby sit die regerende party met ‘n ekonomiese nagmerrie. Die land se ekonomie is aan die kwyn, werkloosheid is aan die styg en daar is doodeenvoudig nie meer geld om vir alles te betaal nie. Waar die geld vandaan gaan kom vir die president se nuwe kamtige inisiatiewe om werk te skep, weet nugter alleen. Ek dink dit is meesal verkiesingspraatjies. Die grondkwessie is dus ook ‘n gerieflike weerligafleier. Mnr Ramaphosa het weer soos vantevore sy woorde so geplooi dat ‘n mens dit op verskillende wyses kan vertolk. Hy suggereer hy wil eintlik net uitklaring gee oor die wyse waarop onteiening sal kan geskied. Waar ek voorheen getwyfel het, is ek nou seker in my gemoed dat die ANC van plan is om op aggressiewe wyse die grond van minderhede te onteien. Daar is sover ek weet tans nog geen plan oor hoe dit moet gebeur nie en ek dink nie die ANC het die integriteit, vermoë

of administratiewe vaardighede om so ‘n ingewikkelde proses naastenby regverdig te laat verloop nie. Maak u dus gereed vir ‘n liederlike gemors. Die ANC het duidelik sy opsies geweeg en besluit hy gaan hom nie steur aan internasionale markte en die gewone ekonomiese kragte nie. Die party is waarskynlik reg, die markte sal reageer en dinge sal na ‘n tyd oorwaai. Daar is egter ‘n ander bedreiging wat die ANC nie mee rekening hou nie en dit is die reaksie van gewone Suid Afrikaners. As jou eiendom in gedrang kan kom, beteken dit dat ander dinge soos jou pensioen en beleggings waarskynlik ook nie meer veilig is nie. ‘n Veel groter bedreiging is wanneer Suid Afrikaners begin dink hul geld is nie meer veilig nie en hulle begin hul geld op grootskaal onttrek by banke en hul beleggings land uit skuif… of selfs erger, hul besluit om op georganiseerde wyse op te hou betaal vir ‘n staat wat hul hul basiese regte ontneem. Met sy aankondiging Dinsdag het mnr Ramaphosa in effek die landwye raadpleging wat tans oor die saak aan die gang is, van die tafel gevee. Dit kom daarop neer dat die proses ‘n mors van tyd is en dat die besluit in effek reeds geneem is. Die ANC se besluit laat op die oog af weinig ruimte vir onderhandeling. Ek hoop van harte dit is nie waarheen ons op pad is nie, want dit wil so begin lyk. Gerard Grobler: redakteur@ overstrandherald.co.za

Positiewe verwikkelinge KLEINMOND – Daar is tans gesprekke oor verskeie moontlike ontwikkelingsprojekte op die dorp. Een hiervan is die herontwikkeling van Kleinmond se hoofstrand. Munisipale amptenare en ander rolspelers vergader vandag (Donderdag) met ontwikkelaars wat belangstel om betrokke te raak by so ‘n projek. Daar word onder meer gekyk na die moontlikheid van ‘n nuwe hotel

of akkommodasie geriewe op die perseel waar die Beach Hotel eens was. Die Herald is bewus van ten minste twee ander groot projekte wat, sou dit tot volvoering gebring kan word, tientalle werkgeleenthede op die dorp kan skep. Beide die projekte is egter nog in hul kinderskoene. Ons hoop om binnekort meer hieroor te kan sê.


GR.1-9 (A+E) Lees Spel Wiskunde Studiemetodes

WINIE LE ROUX 084 601 5986

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 9



Ref# KN1389501

Kleinmond / R880 000

Ref# KN1385110

Kleinmond / R1.98 million Bedrooms 2 / Bathrooms 2

Build your dream house on this dry level plot in sea avenues. Close to all amenities. Only a few 1st avenue plots left.

Perfectly positioned on Beach road. Newly built. Charming design, good quality finishes and a perfect lifestyle of peace and serenity. NEW RELEASE

Ref# KN1385531

Ref# KN1389183

Kleinmond / R2.28 million

Kleinmond / R2.3 million

Bedrooms 2 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 1

Bedrooms 4 / Bathrooms 3

Low maintenance family home with beautiful mountain views, a study or 3rd bedroom and a lovely entertainment room with built-in braai.

The living area plus 3 of the bedrooms walk out onto a sunny garden. The pool and braai area is private with a well-kept established garden.

Ref# KN1386190

Ref# KN1337734

Kleinmond / R2.5 million

Kleinmond / R6.95 million

Bedrooms 3 / Bathrooms 2 / Garages 2

Bedrooms 8 / Bathrooms 8 / Garages 3

Beautifully designed newly built family home offering superb finishes. Perfectly positioned in Klein Berlyn. Close to amenities.

Well situated on a double plot in Klein Berlyn. Many wonderful features, great finishes and a lovely pool.

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 10

Van konsert tot ontdekkingsreis Saint-Saëns mag dalk Vrydagaand in sy graf omgedraai het toe die “Swaan”-gedeelte uit sy “Karnaval van die Diere” in Kleinmond se skoolsaal vir ‘n balletuitvoering gebruik is, maar die gehoor het dit terdeë geniet. Maria Gyskopska en Hanna Raymondskya het hulle beslis met die nodige erns aan hul taak gewy. Dit was skittered! Uiteraard het die kinders en hul ouers die voorkonsert

geniet, want dis nie aldag dat opvoeders vrywillig hul naam krater maak nie. Die “groot” konsert HA!Man wat deur Francois le Roux aangebied is, het groot byval gevind. Min mense het waarskynlik verwag om soveel kreatiwiteit en gehoordeelname in aksie te sien. Die belewenis van die program was voorwaar ‘n ondervinding.

Jong gholftalent wen eerste kompetisie Die jonge Morné Theo de Wit is slegs ‘n skamele 5 jaar oud, maar die Gholf Meesterstoernooie moet solank op die uitkyk wees vir hom. Morné Theo het Saterdag aan sy eerste gholfkompetisie deelgeneem en met twee houe gewen. Die toernooi het Sondag by die Three Rivers Club in Observatory plaasgevind. Sy teenstanders was ouer as hy in die kategorie 5-13. Die man speel met sy eie

stel gholfstokke wat pa Dian op Gumtree raakgeloop het. Wat meer is, hierdie jong man wat eers aan die begin van die jaar begin speel het, is reeds ingestel op die etiek en etiket van gholf. Toe hy onlangs by ‘n naburige gholfbaan weggewys is, omdat hy in ‘n denim opgedaag het, het hy dit sonder slag of stoot aanvaar, want dit is die reël. Gary Player sal trots wees op hom.

Spar Mall Kleinmond Tel: 028 271 3047/ pinomari@iafrica.com 083 700 4962 Vakansiehuise vir langnaweke en vakansies gesoek. Verskeie langtermynhuurders met ‘n uitstekende huurrekord soek dringend permanente verblyf.

Skoonmaakdienste beskikbaar

Kikker jou uitrustings op met: Pragtige serpe en juweliersware. Ook kleurvolle X-overs. Corduroy mansbroeke en wintershemde. Geselekteerde manstruie afgemerk. Kom kyk!

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 11

Wat is geluk? Prof Daniël Louw Prof Daniël Louw van Stellenbosch gesels vanmiddag (Donderdag) om 15:00 by die Senior Burgerklub se byeenkoms in die NG Kerksaal, 1ste Laan oor die onderwerp: KAN ONGELUKSVOËLS GELUKKIG WEES? WAT IS GELUK (quest for happiness)? BLOOT ‘N HUPPEL IN JOU STAP SOOS ‘N AVBOB ADVERTENSIE? Almal wat al na Daniël geluister het, weet hy is een van die boeiendste en interessantste sprekers. Hy kan van die moeilikste begrippe op ‘n simplistiese manier verduidelik dat selfs die gewone mens soos ek dit kan verstaan. Ons is voorwaar bevoorreg om so ‘n uitmuntende spreker vir die middag te hê. Tydens ‘n vergadering verlede jaar het hy oor VREUGDE gesels. Die tyd was net te min. Almal wou hê hy moet net aanhou aangesien hy so insiggewend en prikkelend gesels – indien jy verlede jaar uitgemis het, moet nie vanjaar dieselfde fout maak nie!! Na die vergadering geniet ons soos

Op die foto verskyn Daniel Louw (middel) saammet sy neef, Francois Cruywagen, en niggie, Elma van den Berg, wat beide op Kleinmond woonagtig is. altyd heerlike tee, koffie en toebroodjies. Enigiemand is baie welkom om

die vergadering by te woon. Bring jou vriende, bure, en familie en sal dit nie wonderlik

wees as hulle almal dieselfde persone is nie! Daar is geen koste aan verbonde.

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 12

Krappies en Krefies pronk in pragtige nuwe hempies Kan ‘n mens glo dat jy en of jou kinders ook lank terug so klein en pragtig was! Die kleingoed van Krappies en Krefies (én die juffrouens) verskyn hier in hul lieflike rooi langmou T-hempies wat deur Sonic Wifi geborg is. Die ontwerp op die hempies is deur die kinders self gedoen, sê juffrou Handr Miller (skoolhoof). Die kinders moes prentjies teken van die see en toe is die embleem vir die hempie uit ‘n versameling van van die kinders se tekeninge gemaak. Dit is dus regtig uniek aan die skool.

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 13

KLEINMOND – ‘n Inwoner van Proteadorp, Pieter Swartz, is die afgelope week in hegtenis geneem ingevolge die Wet op Tweedehandse Goedere. Swartz het na bewering onwettig skroot gekoop en verkoop. Die drie insittendes van ‘n vragmotor wat die skroot in Proteadorp kom oplaai het is elk met R2500 beboet. Hulle is glo in die diens van ‘n skrootmetaalonderneming in die Strand. Die Herald verneem dat daar tans verskeie mense op die dorp is wat onwettig handel dryf in skroot. Dit volg na die enigste wettige skroothandelaar, Kleinmond Recycling, vroeër sy deure gesluit het. Die Wet op Tweedehandse Goedere vereis dat die handelaar ‘n lisensie moet hê en register moet hou van sy aankope.

At 11h20 on Sunday the 29th of July, NSRI Hermanus duty crew launched the sea rescue craft South Star and the sea rescue craft Jaytee III was towed and launched at Betty’s Bay to assist the Overberg Municipality with an 8 meter Humpback whale carcass drifting off Betty’s Bay. They towed the whale carcass to a remote stretch of the coast between Hawston and Kleinmond and released the carcass in shallow surf. Overberg Municipality will monitor the whale carcass which is expected to wash ashore and will arrange for it to be disposed of.

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 14

SEPTIC TANKS Our first 6000 L conservancy tank was successfully installed for Mr and Mrs Heritage at Pringle Bay.

Next projects: 6 x 10000 L conservancy tanks in Stellenbosch after which we return to Bettys Bay for 4 x 6000 L conservancy tanks. Om n skou tenk te besigtig besoek gerus Salandra Ondernemings se stoor, H/v Porter en Lakeside rylaan, Bettiesbaai. Vir verdere inligting kontak:

Dougie Atterbury Tel: 0825515566 Email: info@ikapaconcrete.co.za Website: www.ikapaconcrete.co.za iKapa Concrete is a South African concrete tank solutions provider, with level four BBBEE status. Vir elke conservancy tenk geinstalleer in n radius van 50 km van Kleinmond skenk iKapa Concrete R200 aan Child Welfare Kleinmond (NB: We also supply precast concrete water and wine tanks)

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 15

Kobus Le Roux Transport Kobus Le Roux Owner / Eienaar

For all your moving needs: Packing, Transport, Storage Professional handling of Office, and/or Household Furniture Transport Vir al u meubel vervoer benodighede: Verpakking, Vervoer, Berging Professionele hantering van Kantoor En/of Huishoudelike Meubelvervoer.

Tel: 028 316 2104 Tel: 087 802 6935 Cell: 082 570 0923 Fax: 087 237 9437 e-mail: lerouxtpt@twk.co.za Posbus / PO Box 908, Hermanus, 7200

GRABOUW Tel 021 859 3475 Pr. 7020961

ROSEMALL Tel 021 859 5196 Pr. 7020961

CALEDON Tel 028 212 1691 Pr. 7010818

KLEINMOND Tel 028 271 3119 Pr. 7020961


Brigadoon Village Dementia Care Opening 6 August 2018

About Us South Africa’s first Dementia Reminiscence Village situated in the coastal town of Betty’s Bay on a 2 ha seafront estate at Stony Point. The 14 spacious two-bedroom apartments, each with own lounge and bathroom, are fully furnished. All apartments lead to a sunny communal lounge with spectacular views of the ocean. In the large enclosed garden residents can enjoy the fresh air while strolling along the pathways or relax on the stoep and enjoy the sea view. Residents are taken back to the good old days in the classic, period dated Old Town consisting of alibrary, museum, milk bar, men’s club, beauty salon, church, etc. The town will be recreated on this WW2 Heritage site. Contact Liesel Nel Phone: 083 607 0347 Email:info@brigadoongroup.com Web: www.brigadoongroup.com

Services Life at Brigadoon Village affords an opportunity to people living with Dementia, to live life to the fullest under the care and support of passionate staff.  Holistic 24 hour care in a therapeutic environment  Assisted Living  Respite Care – short term care  Day Care  Memory Café support groups  Outings and social events  Customized recreational and sensory therapy

Brigadoon Village, 30 Wallers Way, Betty’s Bay

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

KLEINMOND GLAS & ALUMINIUM Ons installeer aluminium deure, vensters, storte aluminium veiligheidshekke en clearview bars. Reeds 28 jaar in die glas bedryf. Ons diens en vervang aluminium deure, vensters en sny spieëls en glas. Ons spesialiseer in die uithaal van ou meranti vensterrame en vervang hulle met aluminium rame. Skakel 060 673 4201 Na-ure: Johan van Eeden 082 878 8324

KLEINMOND GLAS & ALUMINIUM H/v Luckhof Str & Haweweg SKAKEL: 060 673 4201

Installeer Storm fencing

Bladsy 16

DA says ANC has rendered the WC voiceless on land expropriation “The fact that President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on Tuesday that the ANC will seek to change Section 25 of the Constitution to allow for land expropriation without compensation, before public hearings into the matter had commenced in the Western Cape on Wednesday, has rendered the people of our province voiceless and helpless on this issue,” the DA said in a statement this week. DA Western Cape Spokesperson on Economic Opportunities, Tourism, and Agriculture, Beverley Schäfer said: “ It is grossly premature of the ANC to come to this decision without having considered what the people of the Western Cape have to say on the proposal. In essence, the ANC has bulldozed through a policy decision rendering the public hearings nothing more than a costly PR exercise at the taxpayer’s expense. Furthermore, this decision demonstrates that the ANC continues to undermine democratic processes, resorting to authoritarian-style decisionmaking in the interests of its electoral prospects and not the people of our country and our province.” “Just this week, the

International Monetary Fund warned the ANC on forging ahead with land expropriation without compensation as it discredits South Africa’s stated need for foreign investment through policy uncertainty on property rights. The DA-led Western Cape understands this, and seeks to protect the right to land and property ownership to stimulate foreign investment and drive jobcreation. The recent Quarterly Labour Force Survey reinforces this in its revelation that the Western Cape created 40,7% of South Africa’s new jobs in the past year.”Schafer said the only way to ensure the necessary economic growth and job creation for our country is through the equal access to land tenure for all South Africans by means of enacting Section 25 of the Constitution. “The only reason the ANC wants to change the Constitution is because it has failed to uphold it. The ANC’s rash decision is clearly made out of fear of being punished at the polls for 24 years of severe corruption, maladministration, and constitutional neglect. We do not need a new Constitution, we need a new government.”


Tel: 086 767 767 2943 2943 Tel: 028 028 271 271 4212 3394 / Faks: 086 Redakteur / Editor: Gerard Grobler redakteur@overstrandherald.co.za Verslaggewer / Reporter: Ilna Grobler ilna@overstrandherald.co.za Medewerker: Dr Ria Burrows Bladuitleg, Versorging & Advertensies / Page layout, Editing & Advertising: Melany Cedras ads@overstrandherald.co.za Rekeninge navrae / Account enquiries: redakteur@overstrandherald.co.za Business hours / Besigheidsure Maandag - Woensdag / Monday - Wednesday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Donderdag & Vrydag / Thursday & Friday: 08:00 - 13:00


The focus of the therapy resolves around nerve pressure points. When a nerve centre is damaged the muscle surrounding it, goes into spasm to protect that area. It also pulls vertrebra towards each other, putting stress on the discs which in turn puts more pressure on the spinal nerve system. What these spasm also do, is pull the body alignment out. By focusing on these nerve points and stimulating it by hand, you relief the spasm and align the body. Problems include:  Headaches  Lowest Back Pain  Sciatica  Stiff Neck and Shoulders  Muscle Spasm

 Back and Hip Pain  Joint Pain  Postural Distortion  Numbness in Arm and Legs  Constipation Practitioner: Sandra Reyneke: 084 735 8183

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 17

OASIS PLASMA PEN The latest generation of rapid & effective NON-SURGICAL SKIN TIGHTENING


Non-Surgical Eye Lift

Vind by my uit hoekom Momentum Health deur finansiële adviseurs gekies is as die beste mediese fonds in die land.

Jou leefstyl kan goedkoper dekking beteken!



This German Technology combines plasma & low frequency which can treat:

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Healing process is ± 7 days Results last 3 to 5 days Chemical free Immediate visible results

FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST !!!! Theo Winckler Theo Winckler theo.winckler@momentum.co.za theo.winckler@momentum.co.za BA (Hons);Nagr. Nagr. Dip in Fin (US) BA (Hons); Dip inBeplanning Fin Beplanning (US) Selnommer: 082 920 4286 Selnommer: 082 920 4286

Book an EYE or MOUTH AREA And receive a COMPLIMENTARY treatment of the frown lines (worth R1 200.00)

Contact us @ OASIS – Tel 028 271 3288

02 08


Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 18


NEEM ASB KENNIS: Die Herald verskaf met liefde die ruimte vir kerke om hul dienstye te adverteer. Al wat ons vra is dat kerke die regte inligting verskaf. Dit is doodgewoon nie moontlik vir ons om elke week 17 of 18 kerke te skakel om te verneem of die inligting nog korrek is nie. THE BAY CHRISTIAN FAMILY CHURCH KLEINMOND Town Hall, Main Rd, Kleinmond (opposite SAPD) Service times: Mornings at 08:30 & Evenings at 17:00 Cell group meetings: Wednesdays at 19:00 Prayer meetings: Saturdays at 6:00 (@GOD'S HEART BEAT, HR.) General enquiries: Johan Koekemoer Cell: 076 204 4250 For more information regarding registrations for 2019 CFCI Bible College contact: 072 5112311(Antionette) Christian Revival Church Sundays 09h30 and 18h00 (Children's Church during morning service) HERMANUS HIGH SCHOOL- De Villiers Street, Hermanus Pst Ernest : 072 084 3454 Homecell in Kleinmond - Thursdays 19h00 Mobile : 079 139 5121/083 463 4192 A.G.S. KERK -Heal The Land Kleinmar Sentrum - Hoofweg 27 (Langs Apteek) Sondag: Erediens 09:30, Sondag: Tieners en Sondagskool 09:30 Woensdag: Vrouebiduur, Donderdag: Gemeentebiduur. Kontak: Pastoor Tewis de Jager 082 771 9365 of Pastoor Hennie Reyneke 071 588 1775. HERVORMDE KERK Skakel Ds Gerrit-Daan van der Merwe 073 418 2346 Strand: 09:00 elke Sondag Hermanus: 11:30 Die 2de, 3de en 4de Sondag. SEWENDE DAG ADVENTISTE KERK Aanbid in die Gereformeerde Kerk, h/v 13de Laan & 6de Straat, Kleinmond Saterdae: Sabbatskool 09:30 – Erediens 11:00 Leraar Hugo Naude, selnommer: 081 256 4818 Almal welkom! 072 094 5819 / 028 271 4173 NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH KLEINMOND c/o Nemesia Ave & School str, Proteadorp, Kleinmond 072 077 7888 / 082 781 3556 Sunday Morning Service: 09:00 Wednesday evening Service: 19:30 All welcome GODS GIVEN MINISTRIES -11 Hoofweg - Bokant Kekkel en Kraai Kleinmond Erediens - 10:00 Sondag Sondagskool vir Jnr Tieners - 9:15 Biduur- 19:00 Woensdag Woordskool vir Snr Tieners - 9:15 Past. Duvenage - 078 8103 632 ( godsgivenministries@gmail.com) LEWENDE WOORD: PRINGLEBAAI

Byeenkomste vind plaas in die Pringlebaai Gemeenskapsaal. Sondagaande om 17:30. Herderspaar: Gerrit en Marinda de Lange 021 852 6719 / 082 752 9994 Navrae: Billy 082 414 5487/Erica 083 556 3555. (Fliekaande verskuif die byeenkoms van die Gemeenskapsaal na die Bistro365). Almal welkom. Kleinmond Huisgemeente Ons soek saam God se teenwoordigheid en leiding in ons lewe. Almal is baie welkom by Laerskool Kleinmond, elke Sondagoggend om 9:30 vm. Navrae: Manie 082 331 3552 of Gerrit 083 251 6039. VGK Proteadorp Sondag - Erediens om 10.00 - Sondagskool om 9.00 Dinsdag - Kooroefening om 19.00 Woensdag - Biduur om 19.00 Vrydag - Jeugbyeenkoms om 18.00 Christelike Vrouebediening: elke 2de Sondag van die maand om 15.00. Voorsitster: Evelyn Jacobs 072 358 5103, Leierouderling: Kallie Jonkers - 072 478 0771 Skriba: Evelyn Jacobs - 072 358 5103

Cape Town House of Prayer

Soaking Worship & Prayer every Tuesday 16h00 to 18h00 Kleinmond Harbour at God's Trading Floor Shop, CT HOP Aanbidding & Gebed elke Dinsdag 4pm tot 6pm Kom spandeer verkwikkende tyd in die teenwoordigheid van die Here Almal WELKOM! Epos ons by: capetown.hop@gmail.com

NG KERK: - 028 271 3268 - Sondag 5 Augustus 2018 08:30 Kerksaal in Kleinmond Dr. Chris Malan 09:00 Sentrum in Bettysbaai Ds. Steven Sass 09:30 Kerkgebou Ds.Theuns Henn KLEINMOND AANBIDDINGSENTRUM P.P.K H/v 7de Laan & 7de Straat Almal welkom!! Pastoor Smit 028 271 5694 / 083 633 6172 Sondagoggend: 09:45 GEREFORMEERDE KERK H/v 13e Laan en 6e Straat. Koster: Tel 028 271 5359. Skriba: 028 271 5786 Sondag 5 Augustus - 9:30- Ds Jan van Straaten LAKESIDE CHAPEL (Undenominational Christian Fellowship) Lakeside Drive, Betty’s Bay - Service at 9:30 Hans van Dyk (Pastor) 084 206 6820 / 028 272 9887 ST FRANCIS ANGLICAN CHAPELRY Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 09:00 in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Twist Street, Betty’s Bay/ For further information contact - Chapelwardens 028 272 9914/ 028 272 9996 / 028 273 8153 KLEINMOND FELLOWSHIP CHURCH - 72 6th Street Pastor Lionel Gibbons 028 271 4249 Sunday Morning Pre-Service Prayer Meeting: 08:45, Sunday Morning PreService Worship Singing: 09:15, Sunday Morning Worship Service: 09:30 Sunday Morning Sunday School and Youth Group: 09:30, Ladies Fellowship: Mondays 09:45, Monday Prayer Meeting: 16:00 Wednesday: Home Fellowship Groups Meet Men’s Fellowship 10:00am every 3rd Saturday of the month ST NICHOLAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Chapel wardens Chapelwarden Paulette Marinus 072 984 3707. Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540. Dienstye: 1st Sunday, 2nd Sunday and 3rd Sunday at 10:00. 4th Sunday at 08:00. 5th Sunday is family service. Notice will be given at which chapelty in Parish. Sundayschool: Nancy Carelse 072 858 3006 / Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540. Youth Friday`s At 18:00 Cornette Hull 072 780 4146. Priest Father Fr Neil February 084 222 1492/028 284 9772 nkfebruary@gmail.com. PRINGLE BAY UNITED CHURCH Cnr Crescent & Park Streets. Rev Gavin Graham 028 273 8172. Sunday service: 09:00 AFRIKAANSE PROTESTANTSE KERK Elke 2de en 4de Sondag van die maand om 16:00 in die Gereformeerde Kerk, 13de Laan, Kleinmond. Tel: 028 271 5837 / 083 412 5870 CATHOLIC CHURCH Twist Street, Betty’s Bay, Mass Times: Saturday 18:00 First Thursday 16:30 Other services see notice board. Parish Priest: Father John Keough 079 874 2281 / 021 859 5397. Catechism Class Contact Janet Hyland 083 702 3909 PRINGLE BAY: KING’S CREW HOMECHURCH & HOMECELL 498 Stream Road Pringle Bay Sunday Service:18H00 -20H00 (Afrikaans & English) Wednesday Homecell: 19H00 - 20H00 (Afrikaans & English) Pieter and Arina Myburgh 076 883 8423

Pringle Bay House of Prayer

1799 Hilton Circle, Pringle Bay Thursday 18:30 - 20:00 Sunday: Sunday school for 5 to 10 years old 9:00 to 11:00m (Building Faith& Character) Rev Dr. Leon and Dr.Jacobi du Toit Whatsapp: 0797068210 yarhema@yahoo.com

ECG-ENLIGHTENED CHRISTIAN GATHERING CHURCH KEINMOND HOME CELL GROUP Every THURSDAYS at 6PM at CHURCH HALL Cnr. of Siyoni str. & Galjoen str. Kleinmond. (opposite Siyabulela creche) contact: 0606846555. Everybody Welcome!

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Nou aanlyn beskikbaar! Jy kan nou jou Herald elke week aanlyn koop, of selfs inteken op die koerant. As jy inteken bespaar jy byna 25% op die koopprys en kry jy jou uitgawe in PDF-vorm per e-pos elke Donderdagoggend soos klokslag. www.overstrandherald.co.za

Bladsy 19

BESTUURDER/ BESTUURDERES Benodig vir Biltong winkel Half of voldag Bestuurs ondervinding ‘n aanbeveling

CV aan janvilj@gmail.com


ARMED RESPONSE OFFICER VACANCY We require the services of an Armed Response Officer in the Overstrand Area, Western Cape Inherent Job requirement:  Must have Grade 12  Valid Code 8 Drivers License  Valid PSIRA Registration  Minimum PSIRA Grade C + Armed Response  Firearm Competency a bonus  No prior criminal record  Must be willing to work shifts and take standby  Must be fluent in English and Afrikaans, third language would be a bonus  Good medical history with sober habits  Will be remunerated as per PSIRA Rules & Regulations

02 08


Email condensed CV to info@asksecurity.co.za


CAREER OPPORTUNITY ARMED RESPONSE OFFICER AT SECURITY COMPANY If you are young, willing and have potential and interested in a career in the security industry we offer training at no financial cost to you to become an armed response officer within our company after successful completion of the training offered. Basic requirements to be considered as a trainee:  Must have Grade 12  Valid Code 8 Drivers License  Firearm Competency a bonus  No prior criminal record  Must be willing to work shifts and take standby  Must be fluent in English and Afrikaans, third language would be a bonus  Good medical history with sober habits  Will be remunerated as per PSIRA Rules & Regulations

19, 26 July, 2

SAVE THE DATE!!!!!! Come and join as KAWS celebrates Women’s Day FRIDAY 10th August

We will be selling Boerie rolls and cake LUCKY DRAW!


Email condensed CV to info@asksecurity.co.za Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society Charity Shop Shop hours: Tuesday 10h00-14h00 Wednesday 10h00-14h00 Friday 12h00-16h45 Saturday 9h00-12h45

19, 26 July, 2

Tickets for R5 and R10 and EVERY entry wins a prize!

KAWS is a non-profit organisation serving the areas of Rooi Els, Pringle Bay, Betty’s Bay, Kleinmond and Salandra.

Every entry wins a prize

The KAWS Charity Shop welcomes any donation of books, furniture, kitchen utensils, bric-a-brac, clothing, cd’s, dvd’s...



We are happy to collect any goods-just phone us.

Phone: 028 271 5004

www.kaws.co.za or email: kaws@mweb.co.za

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018


3 Augustus & 4 Augustus: Singleton’s Winkel is op Vrydag- en Saterdagoggende (somertyd) oop vanaf 09h00-13h00 in Tweede straat 14, Kleinmond. Kontak Estelle Victor by 028 271 3260 / 072 778 0249. 2 Augustus: Die Senior Burger Klub vergader om 15:00 in die NG Kerksaal, 1ste Laan. Ons spreker is Prof Daniel Louw van Stellenbosch met die onderwerp: KAN ONGELUKSVOËLS GELUKKIG WEES? WAT IS GELUK (quest for happiness)? BLOOT ‘N HUPPEL IN JOU STAP SOOS ‘N AVBOB ADVERTENSIE? Soos al sy geselsies beloof hierdie om ‘n baie interessante praatjie te wees. Na die vergadering geniet ons soos altyd heerlike tee, koffie en toebroodjies. Enigiemand is baie welkom om die vergadering by te woon. Daar is geen koste aan verbonde. Navrae: Mauritz van den Berg 084-8240155 / Koos de Wet 072-1480823. 4 August: NEW MARKET! Botrivier Hotel Garden. Every Saturday 10am2 pm. New vendors please contact Erna to book your stall. ernastark@ outlook.com or 028 315 2582 / 076 7080 818. ALL WELCOME! 5 Augustus: Kleinmond se interkerklike gebedsgeleentheid, vind plaas op Sondag, tyd : 15h30, plek :VGK Kerk in Kalkoenstraat, Proteadorp, Kleinmond, pastoor Lynn Duvenage neem die leiding by hierdie geleentheid. Navrae : Lisel Krige 082 572 2711 or 028 272 9533/Hesta Smit : 028 271 4000 of 083 608 4356. 5 August: Calling all believers and followers of the Lord Jesus Christ : please come and join fellow believers/intercessors at the monthly interdenominational prayer meeting to be held on Sunday. Place : VGK Church in Kalkoen street, Proteadorp, Kleinmond Time : 15h30, Pastor Lynn Duvenhage will conduct the proceeding. Enquiries: Lisel Krige 082 572 2711 or 028 272 9533/ Hesta Smit : 028 271 4000 of 083 608 4356. 6 Augustus: Walkerbaai Seëlklub in Rolbal saal Hermanus 17:30 082 376 6252. 7 Augustus: Skaakklub: Speel skaak elke Dinsdagaand om 18h30 in die Biblioteeksaal. Lekker sosiale skaakspeel asook “Singles” en 4-bord toernooie. Besoekers baie welkom!Skakel Floris: 0833770367. 7 August: Chess Club: We play chess every Tuesday evening at 18h30 in the Library Hall. “Singles” as well as 4-board tournaments and also playing social chess games. Visitors always welcome! Contact Floris: 0833770367. 10 Augustus: VETKOEK en PANNEKOEK verkope @ Fynbos Dienssentrum-NG Kerksaal, 1ste Laan 36, Kleinmond vanaf 10:00 -12:00. Navrae kontak Melanie Wiles 028 271 3602 Maan-Vrydag (08:00-14:00) Bestel vroegtydig om teleurstelling te voorkom!! 10 Augustus: CURRY BUNNIES and PANCAKES being sold @ Fynbos Service Centre-DR Church Hall, 36 1st Avenue, Kleinmond from 10:00-12:00. For more information contact Melanie Wiles 028 271 3602 Mon-Friday (08:00-14:00). To prevent disappointment, place orders early!!! 14 Augustus: 19:00 in die Kerksaal, Eerstelaan: Kleinmond Kiekieklub bied aan ’n aand van kuier met sop en brood en oudiovisuele aanbiedings (AV’s) van internasionale en plaaslike fotograwe. Kaartjies: R40 p.p. verkrygbaar by Gerhard van Helsdingen 083 306 9332 of e-pos kiekieklub@sonicmail.co.za. 14 Augustus: N.G.Kerk vrouediens om 15:00 in die N.G. Kerksaal. Tema Barmhartigheid ken geen grense, Spreker Stefni van Dyk. Almal welkom! 15 August: Kleinmond Bird Club Meeting, Wednesday-Rooi Els, Stoney Point, Harold Porter. Meet at Kleinmond Library 8.00am The main purpose of this outing is to try and spot the elusive Cape Rock Jumper at Rooi Els-we will take a short walks along Porter Drive looking out for the Cape Rock Jumpers, Black Eagles and Orange breasted Sun birds. On the way home we stop at Stoney Point to see the Penguins and white breasted Cormorants. We can then decide it we want to go the Harold Porter Gardens (R15.00) for Senior Citizens, Club Levy R5.00, Cost of car share R20.00 17 Augustus: Die VRIENDE VAN AFRIKAANS nooi u weer vanjaar: Kom sing saam met SAKKA STONE EN SY ORKES. Nog ‘n heerlike aand van liedere luister en ook saam sing in die NG Kerksaal om 19:00. Kaartjies kos R70 en is verkrygbaar by Albertyn Apteek – heerlike sop en toebroodjies ingesluit. Sitplekke is beperk tot 150. 21 August: Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Child Welfare SA Kleinmond will be held at the Community Hall, Protea Road, Kleinmond, at 18h00 on Tuesday.The Annual Report and the audited annual financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2018 will be available for viewing. 25 Augustus: BAZAAR!!!! Fynbos Service Centre will be having a Bazaar @ DR Church Hall, 36 1st Avenue, Kleinmond from 09 :00. Please support us in this fundraising project. Pancakes, Cakes, Bazaar pudding, Boereburgers, Rooster and Vetkoek, Vegetables, White Elephants and many more. We are urgently in need of White Elephants-please bring or we can collect. Contact Melanie Wiles 028 271 3602 Mon-Friday (08:00-14:00).

Bladsy 20


GESOEK WERK /WANTED WORK David Muller ‘n ervare verwer is opsoek na verfwerk. Elke dag van die week. Verwysing Tienie by 082 4105 087. Kontak David by 064 874 3041. Beauty is looking for domestic work from Monday to Friday. Call 063 425 0043. Rose is looking for cleaning work from Monday to Thursday. Call 071 902 0617. Stanford soek tuinwerk vir 3 dae van die week. Verwysing: Muda van Eeden op 081 361 1186. Bel Stanford op 078 231 5881. Wiseman is a Malawian guy who is looking for a job as general worker, painter or gardener. From Monday to Friday. Ref. is Mr Angel on 079 166 6875. Call Wiseman on 078 567 5555. Dina is looking for any kind of work for Tuesdays and Thursdays. Ref. on 076 717 6313. Call Dina on 071 274 1128.

GESOEK ANDER /WANTED OTHER Ek wil graag 'n 'claw'-tipe slagyster (ook genoem skêr-tipe slagyster) vir die vang van MOLLE, koop. Is daar dalk iemand wat vir my een te koop het. ? Kontak asb. vir Kokkie by 072 333 4402 of 072 101 1246.

TE KOOP / FOR SALE Flowerpress as new and lots of spare paper for sale, hardly used R 400,Crochery book- all about crochery R 400, Phone 0636865530 or 079 951 8463. Retired music teacher has lots of music for sale. price on quantity taken. Phone 063 686 5530. Brand new embroided tablecloth with serviettes for 12 seater table. Made in Italy R 1.500. Phone 063 686 5530. Brandnew Vodacom WIFI router incl. 2 GB/month. 11 months left. Was R 1900 due to system change only R 1.500. 079 951 8463. Mattress with separate washable zip, ca. 1.5.x 1 m R 495. Phone 079 951 8463. 1 Logic gas verwarmer nuut plus 9kg gasbottel nuut reegs gevul met gas. Was R1500 nou R1000. 028 271 5418/ 082 437 4165. 2de Handse hout kitaar met nuwe snare en sak in goeie toestand R400. 082 970 9701. 1 x 4 Plate black counter hob in working condition. Replaced with gas hob. R500. Call 0730690000. New alluminium window still wrapped. 1.8 x 900. 2 window openings R700. Call 0730690000 Solid oak sewing machine cabinet with Bernina sewing machine. Mecury overlocker plus cottons, equipment and more materials. R6000. Call 082 940 3717. Ryobi generator 1200 watt only used twice R2500; Karscher high pressure washer R400; DStv dish kit for caravanning R200; as well as other items. Call 083 631 2124. Wendyhuis R3000. Bel 082 972 9279/ 082 305 3854. Reistas – grootte 70x45x25 cm. R700. Bel 079 394 2930.

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 21

4x Rottweiler puppies pure-bred. 8 weeks old. Inn Dew parents Reg. at Kusa. R3500 ea. Call 082 563 0622. Wii met 3 remotes en geweer en 2 games. R1200 onderhandelbaar. Bel 082 296 8594. Olympia portable typewriter. Excellent working condition. R200. Call 082 343 9681. Ryobi Thicknesser/ Planer model AP13 with purpose-made table Hardly used. R5900. Ryobi Router Model POF1400 ACE. R1050. 24 piece router table bit set in case. As new R875. Call 084 205 4481. Chev Corsa 2011 model. R90 000 ohb. Bel 076 450 3688.

Nou aanlyn beskikbaar! Jy kan nou jou Herald elke week aanlyn koop, of selfs inteken op die koerant. As jy inteken bespaar jy byna 25% op die koopprys en kry jy jou uitgawe in PDF-vorm per e-pos elke Donderdagoggend soos klokslag. www.overstrandherald.co.za

2 Augustus - 29 Augustus

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens Thu / Don Fri / Vry Sat / Sat Sun / Son Mon / Maan Tues / Dins Wed / Woens

06:13 06:56 07:51 09:03 10:30 11:52 12:57 13:52 02:09 02:58 03:43 04:27 05:10 05:53 06:35 07:27 08:28 09:50 11:25 12:36 13:24 14:01 02:09 02:40 03:11 03:40 04:09 04:39

18:37 19:23 20:21 21:36 23:00 00:14 01:16 02:00 14:40 15:25 16:08 16:51 17:34 18:17 19:03 19:55 21:00 22:25 23:48 00:48 01:32 02:00 14:33 15:02 15:30 15:58 16:26 16:55

12:13 12:56 13:52 02:55 04:18 05:37 06:42 07:37 08:26 09:11 09:54 10:36 11:17 11:59 12:42 13:31 02:24 03:42 05:10 06:20 07:09 07:46 08:18 08:47 09:15 09:43 10:11 10:39

00:51 01:45 02:00 15:08 16:38 17:59 19:04 20:00 20:50 21:36 22:21 23:05 23:49 00:37 01:24 02:00 14:34 16:02 17:35 18:42 19:29 20:05 20:37 21:06 21:34 22:03 22:32 23:03

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 22

The Western Cape has created 77 000 new jobs over the past year The Western Cape, which contributes less than 15% to the national economy, created 40.7% of all new jobs in the past year. The Stats SA Quarterly Labour Force Survey for the period April to June 2018 which was released today, indicates that 77 000 new jobs were created in the Western Cape over the past year-representing a 3.2% increase. The Western Cape also recorded an expanded unemployment rate of 23.2%, almost 14 percentage points less than the national average of 37.2%. Minister Winde said: “The Western Cape continues to be a major contributor to employment in the country, and 1 June—31 Aug 2017 was responsible for creating 77 000 of the 188 000 new jobs in South Africa in the past yearmore than any other province.” this excellent news, 114 x 14 –10% Despite = R1436.40 Zirk the province recorded a large 082 496 6751 drop of 50 000 jobs on a Judy quarterly basis between the 082 452 4260 first quarter of the year, and the second. More than half of Soek digger oprateer these (27 000) were lost in the met papiere Agricultural sector which has been battling through one of the worst droughts on record. The sector is also cyclical and seasonal harvest time job losses would have been recorded in Kontak ons vir alle huisverbeterings & kombuisinstallasies this quarter. Year on year, jobs in the province’s agriculture  Huisverbeteringsprojekte sector showed some growth Verf (Binne & Buite) with 2 000 new jobs created  Houtvloere over the period. Minister Winde said “the  Dakke drought has had a significant  Eco Rubber Waterdigting impact on the agricultural  Projekbestuur industry and the quarterly employment statistics in this  Rekenaarontwerp, -uitlegte en installering van sector reflect that. However, ingeboude kaste vir kombuise en slaapkamers we are pleased that year on Ferdi Krige year, we have not seen any negative impact in this sector 082 377 4912  krigehomerenovations@gmail.com which is responsible for a www.perfectkitchensolutions.co.za large proportion of rural job

Marjoh Plant Hire

19 04

creation. We have experienced good rains in some parts of the province and believe that this will reflect positively in the agricultural sector’s growth in coming quarters.” The community and social services sector also recorded a large quarterly decline of 34 000 jobs. This could largely be attributed to NGOs and provincial and municipal government departments experiencing budgetary strain, and taking cost cutting measures to reduce their personnel expenditure. Private households in the province, largely creators of domestic work, also recorded a loss of 4 000 jobs in the quarter, which also coincided with VAT increases, and several petrol price increases, and putting pressure on household finances. Positive growth for the quarter was recorded in the construction industry which created 18 000 new jobs, and the transport industry which added 16 000 new jobs in the province. In the City of Cape Town, jobs in the formal sector grew by 50 000 year on year. Minister Winde said “Just today, a report was released indicating that Cape Town is the technological hub of Africa responsible for creating 40 to 50 000 jobs, and this increase in employment in the metro area is a reflection of the investor confidence we’ve seen in sectors like technology and the green economy. Large corporations like Amazon, Hisense and now also Panasonic have shown a willingness to grow their business here, and the designation of the Special Economic Zone in Atlantis will further help to boost employment figures.”



THE OVERSTRAND HOSPICE SHOP The Overstrand Hospice Shop would be very grateful for any unwanted clothing, linen, bric-a-brac, furniture, sporting goods or books. We can collect goods – please phone us on 028 313 1884

OVERSTRAND HOSPICE Palliative (end-of-life) care for the terminally ill & their families – free of charge. Phone Mondays – Fridays 028 312 4679

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Mariasbaai se perde ’n Allegorie vir ons tyd

Hoofstuk 30 Wat vooraf gebeur het: Diana, kunstenaar, vlug na Mariasbaai om vrede te vind nadat sy Vigs opgedoen het. Daar is oënskynlik mense wat, tot die ontsteltenis van die klinieksusters, genees is van verskillende siektes in die dorpie deur Jos. Die verpleegkundiges is Dienie, die vrou van Attie wat ook die pa is van Evie se seuntjie Aylwin, en Amelia wat Evie se suster is. Die skool voer ‘n Kersspel op waarin Sue en Aylwin hoofrolle sing en die hele dorp is daar om die opvoering mee te maak. Die Kersspel is ‘n groot sukses. Diana en Marietjie, Attie en Dienie se dogtertjie, raak onverklaarbaar in die geselskap van Jakob, Evie se broer, weg. Almal begin soek. Bartho, ‘n adjudant in die polise gaan soek Jakob by Sakkie se drinkplek. Lees nou verder: Sakkie kyk Bartho met sy uitdrukkinglose oë aan, terwyl sy mond glimlag. “Welkom Adjudant. Jou kollegas is reeds hierdeur. Het julle iets vergeet? Of kom maak jy ‘n dop? Dikkes! Skink daar vir die adjudant ‘n glas bier! Jy sien adjudant? Ons kan ordentlik wees in hierdie establishment. Almal suip nie uit bottels uit nie.” “Dankie, Dikkes, spaar jou die moeite. Ek kies waar en wanneer ek ‘n dop maak en dis beslis nie hier nie.” “Is jy te goed om saam met die colourds te drink, Bartho?” vra Sakkie met dieselfde uitdrukking op sy gesig. “Ons is goed genoeg vir Attie, jy weet. Hy drink saam met ons en hy slaap saam met ons jong meisies!” “Sakkie, jy soek vir my. Attie het tien jaar terug sy fout met Evie gemaak oor hy verlief was. Jy weet beter as ek waar hy drink en net so goed waar hy slaap. En dis nie by ander vrouens nie! Ek soek ook nie na Attie nie. Waar is Jakob!” “Be my guest, adjudant De Goede, en deursoek die premises. Maar jy mors jou tyd, Jakob is nie hier nie. Hy was die hele aand nog nie hier nie.” “Waar sal hy wees?” vra Bartho? “How should I know?” sê Sakkie skouerophalend. “Last time I checked, it was a free country. Ons kan mos loop waar ons wil, remember? Waar ons wil en

Ilna Grobler

wanneer ons wil! En wat meer is, Jakes is mos mooi groot. Hy check nie in by my oor sy bewegings nie!” Bartho snork, “Nou wonder ek. Niemand in die Draai hoes sonder dat jy daarvan weet nie, man! Dié weet almal mos!” “Dis great om te weet jy dink ek is so powerful, Adjudant! Bring daai dop in die glas, Dikkes! Ek wil op my power drink!” Hy neem die glas wat Dikkes bring en lig hom na Bartho se kant. “Tjorts, Adjudant, and good luck in your search! Hy grynslag skielik breër. “En hier is die Beauty van Blommetjiesdraai! En waarmee help ek jou vanaand, Evie? ‘n Drink? ‘n Pypie?” “Moenie vir jou stupid hou nie, Sakkie!” Spoeg Evie na sy kant toe. “Waar is Jakob en waar is Dassie?” “All of a sudden dink almal ek is ‘n siener! Hoe moet ek weet? Hulle is nie hier nie, dis al wat ek weet!” “Sakkie, moenie met my neuk nie. Ek soek vir Dassie en ek soek my broer, want waar hulle is, sal daai ander girl met Attie se baba wees! Jy weet dit so goed soos ek!” “Evie, Evie, jy en die adjudant dink regtig te veel van my! Flattering, I’m sure, maar nie reg nie. Sorry, girl!” Hy gryns in sy glas in en kyk haar onverstoord aan. “Sakkie,” sy skuif oorkant hom by die tafel in, “as jy nie vinnig begin praat nie, vertel ek vir die adjudant waar jy jou pille en jou pype bêre. En ek gee hom die naam van elke runner en pusher van jou van hier tot in die Kaap!” Sakkie hou op gryns en sy dooie oë boor deur hare. “Jy weet jy praat mos nou doodsake, né Eve. Jy weet niks en ek hét niks. Nie Jakob óf Dassie was vandag hier nie. Al wat ek weet is dat Dikkes vanmiddag vir Jakob uit die berg sien kom het. Reg Dikkes?” Dikkes knik sy kop en krap met ‘n vuurhoutjie tussen sy tande. “Miskien,” sê Jos, “sal dit goed wees as almal nou huis toe gaan. Môre in die lig kan julle verder soek.” Almal kyk om. “En waar, Meneer die Profeet,” vra Sakkie met sy dooie oë en grynslag, “kom jy nou weer so skielik vandaan?” “Maar jy weet mos ek is hier en daar en oral, Sakkie”, sê Jos met ‘n glimlag. “En steeds dink ek dis beter vir almal om te gaan slaap. Môre mag julle dalk julle

kragte nodig hê.” Evie frons. “Wat weet jy, Jos, wat ons nie weet nie? Waar is Dassie en Jakob en die vrou met die kind?” Jos sit sy hand op Evie se skouer. “Evie, moenie jou bekommer oor môre nie, want môre bring sy eie bekommernis. Gaan slaap.” “Julle hoor mos nou vir Meneer die Profeet,” smaal Sakkie. “Gaan huis toe. Gaan slaap. Kan dokter Sakkie vir jou ietsie voorskryf om te slaap, liewe Evie? Ek is seker jy sal dit nodig hê.” “Toemaar Sakkie, dis onnodig. Evie, laat Tim jou huis toe neem. En as jy nie omgee nie, Evie, laat

Bladsy 23 Aylwin vannag by Dienie bly. Sy het iemand nodig om by haar te sit tot sy slaap en jy het nodig om in ju bed te kom, sodat jy kan slaap.” “Maar wie gaan hulle sê?” vra Evie. “Ek is seker adjudant De Goede gaan daarlangs ry. Gaan nou.” Die besoekers stap uit Sakkie se smokkelkroeg uit. “Jy dink seker jy is baie slim, né Meneer die Profeet”, sê Sakkie. “Nee wat Sakkie, anders as jy bekommer ek my nie daaroor oor wie slimmer of dommer is nie. Of wie dink wat nie. Sien jou weer môre.” Volgende keer: Die dag breek aan met sy eie dinge wat voorlê

Western Cape Government launches Women’s Month Today, the Western Cape Government, led by Minister of Health, Dr Nomafrench Mbombo launched Women’s Month through the #NathiSithi_Hhayi campaign, in support of no violence against women and children. #NathiSithi_Hhayi is an expression of reclaiming your power, and saying no to abuse, and yes to the empowerment of all women in society. This campaign seeks to highlight the importance of the whole of society approach to end the scourge of abuse of our women and children in our communities. It is in direct response to the brutal and senseless murders and abuse that is affecting our society. The violence against women is a violation of human rights and a disgrace to the whole of humanity. All Cabinet Ministers including the Premier signed a pledge in support of the call for no violence against women and children. The most recent statistics, measuring violence against women in South Africa proved that 21% of women over the age of 18 reported that they had experienced violence at the hands of a partner. That’s one in five women and %6 of women over the age of 18 reported that they experienced sexual violence. A total of 39,828 rapes were reported in 2017; an average of 109.1 rapes each day. One rape incident is too many. Behind the numbers lies a human face, a daughter, a child, a mother, a sister, and someone’s grandmother. “I am therefore calling on the whole of government, civil society, and faith-based organisations to stand united against this scourge of abuse against our women. This women’s month we are saying #NathiSithi¬_Hhayi; I support the call and we will do everything in our power to bring an end to this injustice. We cannot do this alone” said Minister Mbombo

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 24

TENDER NO. SC1901/2018

TENDER NR. SC1901/2018


Tenders are hereby invited for the Provision of Security Guards in the Overstrand area for a contract period ending 30 June 2021.

Tenders word hiermee ingewag vir die Voorsiening van Sekuriteitswagte in die Overstrand area vir ‘n kontrakperiode eindigend 30 Junie 2021.

Kucelwa isiniki-xabiso: Ukunikezelwa kweNkonzo zoNogada kwiNgingqi Overstrand kangangexesha eliphala nge 30 Juni 2021.

Tender documents, in English, are obtainable from Wednesday, 01 August 2018, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus from Ms Rita Neethling; Tel. 028 313 8064, between 08h30 and 15h30 upon payment of a tender participation fee of R187-00 per set. Alternatively the document may be downloaded free of charge from the website: www.overstrand.gov.za

Tenderdokumente, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf Woendsdag, 01 Augustus 2018, by die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, vanaf Me Rita Neethling, Tel. 028 313 8064 tussen 08h30 en 15h30 na betaling van ‘n tenderdeelnamefooi van R187-00 per stel. Alternatiewelik mag die dokument gratis afgelaai word vanaf die webblad www.overstrand.gov.za.

Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela ngoMvulo 01 Augasti 2018, kwi-ofisi yoLawulo Lweentengo, kuMasipala we-Overstrand., eMagnolia Avenue, ku Nkosazana u Rita Neethling eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 phakathi kweye08h30 neye-15h30, usakuhlawula umrhumo wokuthatha inxaxheba oxabisa R 187-00 iseti. Kungenjalo elixhwebhu liyafumaneka mahala kwi-webhu sayiti ethi: www.overstrand.gov.za

Sealed tenders, with: “Tender No. SC1901/2018: Provision of Security Guards in the Overstrand area for a contract period ending 30 June 2021” clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 2 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation issued by Overstrand Municipality.

Verseëlde tenders duidelik gemerk: “Tender Nr. SC1901/2018: Voorsiening van Sekuriteitswagte in die Overstrand area vir ‘n kontrakperiode eindigend 30 Junie 2021” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tenderbus Nr. 2 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Tenders mag slegs ingedien word op die tenderdokumentasie verskaf deur Overstrand Munisipaliteit.

Isiniki-xabiso esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa, Isiniki-Xabiso No. SC 1901/2018: Ukunikezelwa kweNkonzo zoNogada kwiNgingqi Overstrand kangangexesha eliphala nge 30 Juni 2021” Ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZinikimaxabiso 2 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala wase-Overstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo.

‘n Verpligte inligtingsessie sal gehou word om 10h00, op Woensdag, 08 Augustus 2018, by 2 Mosselweg, Hermanus.

Umjikelo ugunyazisiweyo wenkcukacha uyakubanjwa ngentsimbi ye 10h00 ngoLwesibini umhla we 08 Augasti 2018 kwa namba 2 Mussel Road, Hermanus.

Die sluitingsdatum en -tyd van die tender is 31 Augustus 2018 om 12h00 en tenders sal onmiddellik na afloop van die sluitingstyd in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die VKB Komiteekamer, Hermanus Administrasie. Navrae kan gerig word aan Mnr. D Esau by telefoonnommer 028 313 5017.

Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 31 Augasti 2018 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Nceda nxibelelana noDawie Esaukule nombolo ilandelayo 028 313 5017 ngazo naziphi iinkcukacha ezingacacanga ozifunayo




TENDER NO. SC1902/2018

TENDER NR. SC1902/2018


Tenders are hereby invited for the Monitoring, Armed Response and Installation of Alarm Systems for a contract period ending 30 June 2021.

Tenders word hiermee ingewag vir die Monitering, Gewapende Reaksie en Installering van Alarmstelsels vir ‘n kontrakperiode eindigend 30 Junie 2021.

Tender documents, in English, are obtainable from Wednesday, 01 August 2018, at the offices of the Supply Chain Management Unit, Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus from Ms Rita Neethling; Tel. 028 313 8064, between 08h30 and 15h30 upon payment of a tender participation fee of R187-00 per set. Alternatively the document may be downloaded free of charge from the website: www.overstrand.gov.za

Tenderdokumente, in Engels, is verkrygbaar vanaf Woensdag, 01 Augustus 2018, by die Voorsieningskanaalbestuurseenheid, Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus, vanaf Me Rita Neethling, Tel. 028 313 8064 tussen 08h30 en 15h30 na betaling van ‘n tenderdeelnamefooi van R187-00 per stel. Alternatiewelik mag die dokument gratis afgelaai word vanaf die webblad www.overstrand.gov.za.

Kucelwa isiniki-xabiso: Ukubeka iliso, Iimpendulo zokuphepha ezixhobileyo, no kufakwa kweeAlarm Systems kangangexesha eliphela ngo 30 Juni 2021. Amaxwebhu, abhalwe ngesiNgesi, ayafumaneka ukusukela ngoMvulo 01 Augasti 2018, kwi-ofisi yoLawulo Lweentengo, kuMasipala we-Overstrand., eMagnolia Avenue, ku Nkosazana u Rita Neethling eHermanus tsalela u 028 313 8064 phakathi kweye08h30 neye-15h30, usakuhlawula umrhumo wokuthatha inxaxheba oxabisa R187-00 nge seti. Kungenjalo Amaxhwebhu ayafumaneka mahala kwiwebhu sayiti ethi: www.overstrand.gov.za

Sealed tenders, with “Tender No. SC1902/2018: Monitoring, Armed Response and Installation of Alarm Systems for a contract period ending 30 June 2021” clearly endorsed on the envelope, must be deposited in Tender Box No. 2 at the offices of the Overstrand Municipality, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Bids may only be submitted on the bid documentation issued by Overstrand Municipality.

Verseëlde tenders duidelik gemerk “Tender Nr: SC1902/2018: Monitering, Gewapende Reaksie en Installering van Alarmstelsels vir ‘n kontrakperiode eindigend 30 Junie 2021” op die koevert, moet geplaas word in Tenderbus Nr. 2 by die kantore van die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, Magnolialaan, Hermanus. Tenders mag slegs ingedien word op die tenderdokumentasie verskaf deur Overstrand Munisipaliteit.

A compulsory information session will be held at 10h00 on Wednesday, 08 August 2018 at 2 Mussel Road, Hermanus. The closing date and time of the tender is on 31 August 2018 at 12h00 and tenders will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the Supply Chain Management Committee Room, Hermanus Administration. Please refer enquiries to Mr. D Esau at telephone number: 028 313 5017.

A compulsory information session will be held at 12h00 on Wednesday, 08 August 2018 at 2 Mussel Road, Hermanus. The closing date and time of the tender is on 31 August 2018 at 12h00 and tenders will be opened in public immediately thereafter in the Supply Chain Management Committee Room, Hermanus Administration. Please refer enquiries to Mr. D Esau at telephone number: 028 313 5017. DIRECTORATE: PROTECTION SERVICES

02 08 2018


Isiniki-xabiso esitywiniweyo kwabhalwa, Isiniki-Xabiso No. SC 1902/2018: Ukubeka iliso, Iimpendulo zokuphepha ezixhobileyo, no kufakwa kweeAlarm Systems kangangexesha eliphela ngo 30 Juni 2021.” Ibhalwe ngokucacileyo kwimvulophu, mayifakwe kwi Bhokisi yeZiniki-maxabiso 2 Kwii-ofisi zikaMasipala wase-Overstrand, Magnolia Avenue, Hermanus. Amaxhwebhu Oniko xabiso anikezwa ngu masipala maka buyiswe ngohlobo abhalwe ngalo.

Umjikelo onyanzelekileyo wokubonisana uyakuban‘n Verpligte inligtingsessie sal gehou word om 12h00, jwa ngentsimbi yeShumi 12h00 umhla we 08 op Woensdag, 08 Augustus 2018, Mosselstraat 2, Augasti 2018 kwiSikhululo somlilo saseHermanus, Hermanus. 2 Mussel Road, Hermanus Die sluitingsdatum en-tyd van die tender is 31 Augustus 2018 om 12h00 en tenders sal onmiddellik na afloop van die sluitingstyd in die openbaar oopgemaak word in die VKB Komiteekamer, Hermanus Administrasie. Navrae kan gerig word aan Mnr. D. Esau by telefoonnommer 028 313 5017.

Umhla nosuku lokuvala ngu mhla we 31 August 2018 ngentsimbi ye 12h00 kwaye emva koko ziya kuvulwa ngokukhawuleza kwigumbi lekomiti, kuLawulo lwase Hermanus. Nceda nxibelelana noD. Esau kule nombolo ilandelayo 028 313 5017 ngazo naziphi iinkcukacha ezingacacanga ozifunayo



Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 25


CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR FUNDING FOR WATER RELATED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS The Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Agency (BGCMA) is inviting registered Non-Governmental Organisations and/or Non Profit Organisations who are involved in water related community projects to submit applications for funding to the BGCMA. Information and application forms are available at the listed local libraries as well as on the BGCMA website: www.bgcma.co.za; at the office of the BGCMA at 51 Baring Street, Worcester. Your application should consist of an application letter and a completed application form with all relevant requested documentation attached to be considered. PLEASE NOTE: The BGCMA’s Grant Policy does not provide for stipends/salaries/wages. Any application requesting stipends, salaries or wages will not be considered.

Breede Valley Municipal Area

Cape Agulhas Municipal Area

Langeberg Municipal Area

Witzenberg Municipal Area

Overstrand Municipal Area

Swellendam Municipal Area

Worcester Public Library Thusong Centre De Doorns Public Library Rawsonville Public Library Touwsriver Public Library Zwelethemba Public Library Robertson Public Library McGregor Public Library Ashton Public Library Montagu Public Library Bonnievale Public Library

Hangklip/ Bettys Bay Library Kleinmond Public Library Gansbaai Public Library Stanford Public Library Hermanus Public Library Hawston Public Library

Bredasdorp Thusong Centre Bredasdorp Public Library Struisbaai Public Library Elim Public Library

John Steyn (Ceres) Public Library Prince Alfred Hamlet Public Library Nduli Public Library

Barrydale Public Library Buffeljagsrivier Public Library Swellendam Public Library Railton Public Library Suurbraak Public Library

Theewaterskloof Municipal Area Caledon Town Hall Library Villiersdorp Public Labrary Grabouw- Pineview Library Riviersonderend Public Library Botrivier Public Library Genadendal Public Library Greyton Public Library

For any further enquiries please contact E van Rooyen at 023 346 8000 Closing date for applications is 31 August 2018. Please submit applications to the following address: The Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Agency Attention: Mr Jan van Staden Private Bag X3055 Worcester 6849 Or Hand delivered to 51 Baring Street, Worcester or Email Address:info@bgcma.co.za

Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 26

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Overstrand Herald

2 Augustus 2018

Bladsy 27


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BB Jukskei player rewarded for excellent performance Overberg Sports Council held their annual Sports Awards on Saturday evening in Caledon. All of the affiliated sports federations in Overberg are invited to submit nominations in any of the 25 categories for recognition. Overberg Jukskei submitted 10 nominations in the various categories. Out of the 10 nominations, Jukskei were honoured to walk away with 5 winners. Carina Botha (Sandbaai) was nominated for Sportswoman of the year, Wilie Marais (Sandbaai) was nominated as Sport Community Builder of the year, and Tobie Burger (De

Villiers Graaff Villiersdorp) as schools Sportsman of the year. Stella Geldenhuys (Gansbaai) were nominated for Lifetime Achiever. Penny Davidson (Yay Betty’s Bay!) was the winner: Sport Administrator of the year, Jako Botes (Caledon) Coach of the year and Susan Alexander (De Villiers Graaff) Schools Sportswoman of the year. The Team of the year was the C-Team with Penny Davidson as captain, and the School Team of the year was the U19 boys’ team from De Villiers Graaff High School with Johan Burger as Captain.

Jako Botes & Penny Davidson









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