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New station commissioner for Kleinmond says Police will have to work smarter
Capt. MM Kuta
Monster burgers skei die manne van die kinders
Kleinmond se Burger-meester
KLEINMOND - Saterdag het ‘n groep dapper manne by Kleinmond Slaghuis saamgetrek om te wys hulle skrik nie vir ‘n hamburger nie, al weeg hy 1,2 kg. Die elf manne wat aangemeld het, het met mag en moed weggespring. Die groot
kampioen van die dag was Alwyn de Lange (foto links). Elke deelnemer het ‘n prys ontvang wat deur Magriet van Greunen geborg is. Heel links is Lehana Maree van Kleinmond Slaghuis besig om van die reuse hamburgers gaar te maak.
Kleinmond clinches Blue Flag yet again
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 2
New station commander: Police must work smarter KLEINMOND – A career policeman, Capt. MM Kuta has just been appointed the new station commander for the Hangklip/Kleinmond area. Capt. Kuta hails from East Londen where he was stationed at Mdantshane. He is married with three children and has been a policeman for the past
21 years. Speaking to the Herald earlier this week Capt. Kuta said he was still getting to know the area and its policing needs. He said at this time it was important for the police to get the basics right. “ We don’t nessecarily have to work harder, but we definitely have to work smarter”.
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 3
Kleinmond clinches Blue Flag yet again WESSA (the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa) has announced a record 82 Blue Flag sites for South Africa at the national launch of this year’s Blue Flag season and Kleinmond is once again among them. The launch was held at Thesen Islands Marina in Knysna on the Garden Route earlier this week. The 2014-2015 South African Blue Flag season opens officially on 1 November.
multi-stage approval process involving both local and international assessments. The 82 Blue Flag sites in South Africa this year consist of 45 beaches, 6 marinas and 6 whale-watching, commercial or private boats that have been award Full Status; in addition to 25 sites that have been awarded Pilot Status, which is an important developmental stage acting as an incubation period for potential Blue Flag sites.
Blue Flag is the prestigious, voluntary ecolabel for beaches that is recognised as a trusted symbol of quality and regarded by the World Tourism Organisation as the most well-known eco-label globally.
The launch was event hosted by the Knysna Municipality and attended by Minister of Tourism, Derek Hanekom, Knysna Municipality executive mayor Georlene Wolmarans, WESSA CEO Dr Thommie Burger and WESSA National Coastal Programme Manager Ted Knott. The attendance of the Minister of Tourism at the event is confirmation of government’s strong
The decisions of the 2014 International Blue Flag Jury were announced at the launch event and were preceded by a rigorous
support for the Programme. Speaking at the launch event Minister Hanekom said that investing in the environment has significant economic benefits. He emphasised how important the WESSA Blue Flag Programme is for coastal and marine conservation and in turn for tourism, adding that tourism is a very important sector of our economy as it is responsible for creating 1.4 million jobs in South Africa. This is more than the total number of jobs in the mining sector. He went on to say that recognising this point is important given that we are facing big challenges with unemployment, and that every bit of investment and enhancement that brings more tourism to our country makes a substantial contribution towards economic growth and towards job creation.
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 4
Herwinningsproses: Só maak hulle Jacques Myburgh Op Maandae staan die deurskynende herwinbare sakke op sypaadjies, gevul met papiere, glas, blikkies en karton. Vir meeste van ons is die konsep van herwinning ‘n natuurlike instink in die huishouding. Jy mik meganies na die sak as jy ‘n papier in die hand het. Indien iemand ‘n teesakkie in die herwinbare sak gooi of ‘n blikkie in die gewone vullissak, dan is pa gewoonlik op die oorlogspad. Maar hoe werk die proses? Waarheen gaan al die rommel wat ons so pligsgetrou herwin? Volgens Johan van Taak, hoof van die Afvalbestuursafdeling by die Overstrand Munisipaliteit, hang die sukses van die herwinningsproses grootliks af van die deelname van huisbewoners en sakeondernemings. “Elke huisbewoner kry ‘n deurskynende sak waarin alle papier,
karton, blikkies, glasbottels, en plastiek geplaas moet word. Op die dag van vullisverwydering word die sak verwyder en na die herwinningsaanleg geneem, waar dit gesorteer en gebaal word.” Vir elke deurskynende sak wat uitgesit word, word ‘n nuwe een ter vervanging voorsien. Van Taak vra dat inwoners die blikkies en bottels heel leeg moet maak voordat hulle dit in die sak plaas. “Geen nat vullis of afvalkos moet in die herwinningsakke geplaas word nie, aangesien dit die papier en karton kontamineer en onbruikbaar maak vir herwinning.” Hy sê dat inwoners mag of een swart vullisdrom of vier swart vullissakke – waarvan slegs een sak tuinvullis mag wees – uitsit. “Hierteenoor kan enige hoeveelheid deurskynende sakke met herwinbare items uitgeplaas word.” Verskillende items het verskillende bestemmings ná dit verwerk is
by die oorlaaistasie. Karton gaan na Felixton in Richardsbaai, Piet Retief en Springs in Gauteng. Glas gaan na Consol, koerante en tydskrifte gaan na Merebank in Durban, plastiekbottels gaan na Extra Pet, kantoorpapier gaan na Nampak in die Kaap en blikkies gaan na Collect a Can. By al hierdie verskillende bestemmings word die bale verder gesmelt/ saamgepers vir die produksieproses. Volgens van Taak word sowat 2800 ton materiaal jaarliks in die Overstrand herwin. Van Taak sê herwinning is ook gekoppel aan die hoë volumes wat herwin word. “By Hermanus se oorlaaistasie, byvoorbeeld, is
daar ‘n herwinningsaanleg met ‘n vervoerband wat Kleinmond en Hermanus se herwinning sorteer.” Volgens hom het Gansbaai ook ‘n oorlaaistasie wat Gansbaai en Stanford bedien. Werknemers sorteer die vullis met die hand, omdat die volumes te laag is om ‘n vervoerband te regverdig. “Die winsgrens op herwinbare produkte is baie klein en as daar dus nie groot volumes is nie kan ‘n herwinningsaanleg nie suksesvol bedryf word nie. Nog ‘n probleem is ook dat daar baie vakansiehuise in die Overstrand is, en dat die naweekbesoekers wat hierdie huise huur nie altyd herwin nie.”
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 5
Patrollies: Misdaad onder beheer Die afgelope week was weereens relatief stil op die misdaadfront in Kleinmond. Slegs een geval van huisbraak en byna geen gevalle van opportunistiese diefstal is tot Sondagnag gerapporteer. Besoekers aan Kleinmond gedurende die skoolvakansie moet nooit hulle eie veiligheid dié van hulle besittings as vanselfsprekend aanvaar nie. Hulle moet waaksaam wees en dit vermy om persoonlike besittings onbewaak te laat. Danksy die vrywilligers wat gereeld Kleinmond se strate in belang van alle huiseienaars patrolleer, is die dorp relatief vry van misdaad. Kleinmond Straatwag is tans besig om alle huiseienaars te versoek om die koste van hierdie patrollies te help dek deur by te dra tot ’n fonds wat deur KSW gestig en geadministreer word. Aangesien die eienaars van vakansiehuise nie in die posisie is om te help
met die patrollies nie, word hulle in die besonder gevra om finansiële ondersteuning. Hulle kan hulle besonderhede aan stuur sodat hulle name tot die lys van donateurs gevoeg kan word en hulle ingelig kan word oor die misdaadsituasie in Kleinmond. Veiligheidswenk vir die week: Moet nooit waardevolle items binne sig naby vensters of in motors laat nie. The past week was another relatively quiet week with only one burglary and virtually no reports of opportunistic theft taking place east of the industrial area up until Sunday night. Those who are visiting Kleinmond during the school holidays should never take their security here for granted. They need to be vigilant and to avoid leaving their personal belongings lying about on their properties unattended. The
village is relatively free of crime – thanks to those volunteers who regularly patrol Kleinmond’s streets on behalf of all property owners. Kleinmond Street Watch is currently appealing to all property owners to assist in defraying the expense of patrolling by contributing towards a fund established and administered by KSW. Since owners of holiday homes in particular are not in a position
to assist with patrolling they are asked to assist financially by sending their contact details to so that their names may be placed on the list of donors and they are kept informed about the state of crime in Kleinmond. Security tip for the week: Never leave valuable items near windows or in your car. John Tanton & Vic Brink
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
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The Grail Centre hosts development course Since 2002, the Training for Transformation programme (TfT) at The Grail Centre in Kleinmond has offered a course for Development workers from all over the world. The TfT Course has trained more than 200 development practitioners from 106 organisations and 18 countries. This year we are welcoming 32 participants from Zimbabwe, Zambia, Nigeria, Angola, South Africa, Portugal, Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, Sudan and South Sudan. ‘Training for Transformation’ is founded on the philosophy that there is a need for a new generation of leaders in development. These are leaders who are self-motivated and whose thinking and practice is grounded in communities’ realities linking local and national initiatives to the global civic movement. This is a course for those who are concerned with bringing change in societies aiming
to enhance the work of the organizations and communities with whom they engage. The course has four phases: two residential phases for 2 months here in Kleinmond and two of field work in their home
countries. The 1st residential phase of the 2014-15 Diploma Course will take place from 13th October – 7th December. This transformation journey – a lifelong journey – also gives space for processes of self-
awareness and the opportunity to be part of life-changing multicultural experiences. We welcome this international delegation that brings a breath of fresh air to Kleinmond! TfT Team
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 7
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
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Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 9
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
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WoF is ready for the fire season A total of 220 Working on Fire fire fighters have been battling to contain a fire in the Bainskloof pass, close to Tulbagh for the last four days. Since the beginning of September the programme has already fought three intense Code Red fires, signaling an early start to the provinces’ fire season historically between December to April. “The WoF team is ready for the thick of the fire season” said Shane Christian, General Manager WoF: Western Cape. Christian said that the bulk of his team have just returned from an eight day yellow card training session; arranged to ensure the physical and mental fitness of fire fighters. Only those that passed the stringent tests have been issued with a yellow card, allowing them to fight fires during the upcoming months. “Training, fitness and safety plays a vital role in being an effective fire fighting force” said Christian and confirmed that South Africa is the only country
in the world that has a fulltime and professional veld and forest fire fighting service at its disposal. “The training equips fire fighters with leadership skills, and shows them how to be in charge of their fire fighting team and to lead them on the fire lines, often under life threatening conditions”. The training camp ended on 6 October in Riversdale and Ceres. Hailed as government’s most successful Expanded Public Works Programme, the WoF fire fighters, drawn from poor and destitute communities are now highly skilled and walk tall in their bright yellow outfits. In the Western Cape WoF has the following ground teams available: Number of bases = 28 (all in fire prone areas) Number of teams = 31 Number of Fire Fighters = 769 Women employed = 18%
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Herald groei sterk KLEINMOND – Onderwyl baie ander koerante, veral dagblaaie sukkel met koerantverkope, het die Overstrand Herald se sirkulasiesyfer die afgelope jaar, ten spyte van die baie moeilike ekonomiese omstandighede, effens gegroei. Die uitgewer van die Herald, Gerard Grobler sê die koerant se markpenetrasie is tans meer as 50%. Dit beteken dat die koerant elke week meer as die helfte van Hangklip/ Kleinmond se inwoners bereik. Hy sê dit maak die Herald waarskynlik een van die mees suksesvolle klein plaaslike gemeenskapskoerante in die land. “ Benewens die feit dat ons meer koerante as voorheen verkoop, het ons digitale voetspoor dramaties gegroei. Volgens Google Analytics kom lees bykans 500 mense elke week die Herald op ons webtuiste, Hierdie is nie mense wat nou en dan kom inloer nie. Dit is mense wat elke week die koerant kom lees. Die wat nou en dan kom is nader aan 2000. Die Herald maak ook gebruik van sosiale media, veral Facebook. Ons het al by geleentheid tot soveel as 11 000 mense gekry wat ons Facebookblad in een week besoek het. Die besoekers is hoofsaaklik van Suid-Afrika, maar ons het ook ‘n verbasende hoeveelheid mense uit die buiteland wat kom besoek aflê.” Die Herald vier aanstaande jaar sy 20ste bestaansjaar. Terwyl daar ‘n magdom ander publikasies gekom en gegaan het, het die Herald die plaaslike gemeenskap getrou gedien. “Ons betree nou weer daardie tyd van die jaar waar allerlei nuwe publikasies en publikasies van buite die streek adverteerders voor die vakansietyd met skynbaar ongelooflike aanbiedinge nader. My raad aan hulle is vra die vrae: Kan jy bewys lewer van jou drukoplaag? Kan jy waarborg hoeveel koerante/of publikasies jy gaan versprei? Het jy ‘n bewese rekord? Behoort jy aan enige
bedryfsorganisasie soos die AIP (Association of Independent Publishers) wat standaarde stel vir gemeenskapspublikasies? As hulle nie eers dié basiese vrae kan beantwoord nie, hou verby, jy gaan in alle waarskynlikheid jou hardverdiende geld in die water gooi. Hulle sal vir jou vertel hulle druk duisende en nogal in volkleur. Dit is onsin. Teen die pryse wat hulle vra, sal jy dit nie lonende wees nie. Wat doen hulle? Hulle druk ‘n paar honderd en sit hier en daar ‘n klompie neer. Moenie jou geld mors nie,” is Grobler se raad.
Bladsy 11
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 12
Lighthouse vir vol magies Vir huishoudings waar daar dikwels nie tyd is om ‘n goeie bord gekookte kos voor te berei na ‘n dag se werk nie, bied Lighthouse ‘n uitstekende opsie. Die nuwe eetplek aan die lagune se kant van die dorp oorkant Absa, kan in hierdie behoefte voorsien. Kos word per bestelling voorberei en afgelewer. Cecelia Huisamen, eienares, sê sy weet daar bestaan ‘n behoefte by gesinne aan lekker boerekos en dis wat sy en Amanda wil voorsien. Benewens die kosvoorsiening deel van die winkel, werk hulle ook aan ‘n koffiewinkel wat binne ‘n maand sal open en daarna volg ‘n tuisnywerheid waarvoor baksters hul ware kan kom uitstal. Kunstenaars kan ook die mure van die restaurant kom verfraai deur ‘n skildery of twee te hom uitstal. Kom kyk sommer gerus ook wat ‘n bietjie harde werk aan ‘n plek kan doen! Bel gerus vir Cecilia op 074 602 6447 of Amanda 072 635 4101 vir meer inligting.
Cecilia en Amanda
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Potjiekos ‘n Gereelde rubriek oor aktuele sake deur Fanie Krige Fanie Krige van Solid Stuff Media Agency is ‘n bedrewe potjiekosmaker wat al in die politieke kookkuns by ‘n kollege klasgegee en ook jare se ondervinding in munisipale kombuise het. Hy glo dat met ‘n bietjie speserye en kruie en genoeg tyd kan jy iets van benerige vleis en moerige aartappels maak. Peper hom gerus met vrae by redakteur@ Ons stuur dit aan.
A pirate party in the making? “What is this all about,” asks Bradley, pointing to the Overstrand Herald’s top front page white on black heading about the new regional forum and speculation that it may be opposition for the DA in the 2016 municipal election. The slender grey-headed surfer’s lips are blue and shivering and his hands are hugging the cup of hot tea I have just made him. He has dropped by after his daily surfing session for a quick visit, but I also presume that my place might just be the closest place for recuperation after an encounter with Betty’s Bay’s icy cold water. Being a Durban boytjie the cold water of the Atlantic is one of two things that Bradley has not adapted to in the fifteen years he has been living in Betty’s Bay. The other one is speaking and reading the Western Cape’s lingua franca (for as long as it will last…). I summarize the story for him in my best Far Northern Transvaal English, where as a language, it was very much regarded as foreign during the early seventies at school. The Hermanus Business Chamber and ratepayer’s associations of all over the
Overstrand have joined forces in this umbrella body to promote the development of the area and the interests of the residents. This all sounds fine, but the chairman of the new organization is Dr Gawie Eksteen, well-known Kleinmond activist who led a protest march of mostly elderly residents last year against the Overstrand Municipality’s budget. In an interview with the newspaper for the article, Dr Eksteen stresses that the new organization is a-political and is going to “support” the Overstand Municipality in various ways to get their rates and taxes down to a more “realistic” level. He does not, however, rule out the possibility of an “a-political” participation in the coming election, especially if the dissatisfaction with rising costs and poor service delivery continues. “Oh man, this is incredible,” says Bradley. “Maybe this is the start of the Pirate Party movement in South Africa!” Noting the total noncomprehension on my face, Bradley hastens to further explain that Pirate Parties are part of an international movement sort of based on
the idea that there should not be copyright on software that made Bill Gates the richest man on the globe. Although it differs from country to country, the common basic principles are the support of civil rights, direct democracy and participation in government, reform of copyright and patent law, free sharing of knowledge (open content), information privacy, transparency, freedom of information and network neutrality. Bradley, being a part time computer fundi and always interested in free software, tells me that the party that had started in Sweden in 2006 won seats in 2009 European Parliamentary elections, as well as in Iceland and in the Czech Republic. “But what has this to do with the Overstrand Development Forum,” I ask. “To me it is clear that this new forum is nothing less than a political pressure group. They want to gain control over the behaviour of others so that they can achieve some desired effect. Political Science 101, dummy!” “Really? Do you think they can achieve something as a sort of anti-establishment party?” “I doubt it, because this forum lacks two of the three basic sources of power that are necessary to change political systems. They do not have the force or the authority to back them up. The only thing they may have in their favour is influence or the ability to persuade those in power to give them what they want. “It also seems to me that this forum is not really unified and focused. Just look at their diverging goals: they want to get rates and taxes down, they want to promote tourism, they want to look after river estuaries and they want to ensure community safety. There are already organisations looking after the
Bladsy 13 last three, so why don’t they focus on rates and taxes. It is going to be very difficult for Dr Eksteen to keep these people together and co-operative.” “It makes me think of the Great Trek,” I throw in my sixpence. “I know someone who says the Voortrekkers should actually have been called the Dwarstrekkers, because everyone wanted to go in his own direction.” “Exactly. But I think the ruling party must take note of this new forum as a possible threat and try to get its support base into their fold again. Maybe they should ask me to organize a regional indaba. “I will hire the biggest hall, but make sure there is only one door and one toilet. In this hall I will put a big table in the centre and around the table enough chairs for each and every one with a gripe against the council and the municipality. “There will be no food, just water. I will lock the door and no-one will be able to get out for eight hours. “Then everyone will get a turn to talk about their problems and everybody else must listen to them. They will talk through each issue until they get to a solution. If agreed upon by a sufficient majority, that solution will become a resolution that will be valid for at least ten years. “ “But won’t this talk-shop go on forever?” I ask. “You will be surprised to see how people start working together when they get hungry,“ Bradley answers confidently. “And you will be impressed by the quality of decisions they take!” Now there is something for you to put in your pipe and smoke! POTJIEKOS THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK “The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace.” Mahatma Gandhi
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 14
Margie Wilson does it again! KLEINMOND - So many people dream of “writing a book someday”, but Margie Wilson is a woman who lives her dream. On launching her second book in print on Thursday, Margie said contrary to what others may say, she found the easy part of producing a book, the writing part. The difficulties arise with the admin and fixing and editing. “Dust Devils Dance” is Margie’s latest book. Her first published novel was “Hanna’s Home” while she also produced an epublication in Afrikaans, Plek van Duiwels” with Trisa Hugo’s Boekemakranka. “Dust Devils Dance” Margie says, according to some who have already read it, has a true sense of place. This really gladdens her heart, because the story is set in a landscape she once came upon which she just knew would be the perfect setting for a story. When
John Wilson, Margie Wilson, Trisa Hugo and David Fullaway the storyline of “Dust Devils Dance” began to develop, the characters gravitated towards this landscape. When she writes, Margie stated at the launch, she breaks all the rules on writing, because once she has defined the characters, they take over the story and
begin to live inside her head. She is a prolific writer and can easily write up to more than 2000 words a day. She says she is too impatient to wait for conventional publishing houses to act and has thus gone the indepenent way. Husband John has learned to live with her and all the characters she brings forth. Margie laughingly acknowledged she did become quite fierce during her creative process. Their good friends David Fullaway and his wife, Pat, have given them great support, particularly to Margie when she investigates the settings for her stories. She says Trisa Hugo is a great strength editing and putting the whole book on PDF. And there are already new characters on the horizon of Margie’s imagination vying for a place in a story. “Dust Devils Dance” is also available on Amazon and as an ebook The following is a synopsis of what can be expected in “Dust Devils Dance”: Is it possible that four sisters can all be widowed within months, and there not be any foul play involved? Olivia, the eldest of the group, is the first to play the grieving widow. Maggie, the youngest, with a husband who is a bully supreme is next. Despite knowing that she is responsible for her loss, she
turns to Olivia for help. Nuala, married to a complete wimp, and Libby, whose husband is similarly unable to make any decision, are the other two sisters, who secretly wish that they can be released from their soulless marriages. Despite appearances, Olivia’s marriage to Daniel, a man many years her senior, has been less than perfect. Olivia is unaware that Libby married to cover her love for Daniel, a secret that Libby has kept well hidden. Amidst this turmoil, Olivia plans a holiday for her sisters, far away from their irritating spouses, in the beautiful and remote Karoo where they should, she hopes, reconnect with nature and themselves. However when they open up to each other, many more secrets are revealed. Olivia and Libby, once the closest of the sisters are alienated from one another. The holiday is anything but a time for reconciliation and comforting one another, as they discover that each of their imperfect lives is no better than those of their sisters. There are recriminations, revelations and regrets galore. Once they return to their normal lives, the truth surfaces, and the four are at last able to come to terms with life and move on. For more information call Margie on 028 271 3613
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 15
We can do without ESKOM By Alta Pretorius “We have proved that it is possible to operate off the grid quite efficiently,” says Dr Anina Lee, Communications manager of Whale Coast Conservation. The Green House on the road between Hawston and Onrus is clear proof of this fact, using only alternative energy sources such as photovoltaic panels, wind turbines and rainwater tanks. Visitors to the Exploring Energy Expo at the Fernkloof Nature Reserve from 25 to 28 September were delighted with the miniature model of a Green House, as well as all the innovative equipment to save energy, and the new Cool Cat Project for children - where Stripes the Eco Cat educates children on environmental issues. Continuing the theme of the Fernkloof Flower Festival which paid tribute to botanical explorers who found and named the thousands of Fynbos species indigenous to our area, Whale Coast Conservation highlighted energy and technology explorers. Steam and wave energy also had their share of the limelight. A model of the wave energy converter attracted lots of attention. The Mean Sea Level Wave Energy Converter is presently under construction at Abagold to generate sustainable energy for the abalone farm from the waves in Walker Bay. Dr Lee and her assistant Denfred Bruintjies used the miniature Green House to explain energysaving methods to onlookers. These include: • Solar water heater on the roof to generate hot water without electricity. • Insulate your geyser with a shiny blanket to maintain the heat longer. Water pipes can also be insulated. Floors can by insulated by thick carpets to keep the house warm. • Grey water can be used instead of expensive purified
water. Use your bath, sink and washing machine water for the lawn, garden and trees. Grass-friendly detergents are inexpensive. • Passive solar energy can be generated in winter by using winter sun to warm up the place. Dark roof tiles will ensure the winter sun will be stored longer for the cold evenings. During summer an awning on north and west side windows will provide free air conditioning. • A slow burning sealed fireplace and tall chimney will distribute the heat evenly through your house in winter. • Use enough duvets and
blankets in the bedrooms instead of heaters. • LED lights will save electricity costs and come in white and yellow hues nowadays. • An Induction stove will use 50% less electricity and cook faster than an electric stove. • A vegetable and herb garden will provide much satisfaction and attract birds and bees. • Build your own beehive and let your bees pollinate your garden and provide honey. • Create a composting heap with your veggie scraps and a hand full of bokashi to generate your own fresh compost. • A self-cleaning swimming
pool can be created by plants in the pool, saving chlorine and Kreepy Krawly costs. • A small bat house will keep mosquitoes under control, since one bat can eat 2000 mosquitoes a night. Whale Coast Conservation offered advice to homeowners on the technologies needed to become more self-sufficient energy-wise, whether it be to keep certain functions going during load shedding, or completely independent of Eskom power. For more information, go to www.whalecoastconservation.
Kennisgewing: Hangklip Kleinmond gesondheid en welsyn organisasie Hiermee word kennis gegee dat die HKGWO tydens die Algemene Jaarvergadering gedurende Augustus besluit het om te ontbind. Gebrek aan belangstelling en bywoning van vergaderings het dit onmoontlik gemaak om verder voort te gaan. Kontak sal wel op informele vlak met alle plaaslike organisasies voortgesit word
en daar word n geselsforum beplan waar organisasies twee keer per jaar saam sal kuier om gedagtes te wissel. Transfer of Assets: As per the constitution, the money in the bank will be disposed of as follows: R1000 to KAWS with the specific aim of treating Mange and dipping. R1000 to the Soup Kitchen and Helping Hands. One
Bicycle for the Home-based Carers. A small amount will be set aside to cover printing costs for an information leaflet that will provide contact details and a brief description of all organisations that are active in Kleinmond. The remainder of the money will go towards purchasing useful items for the clinic. COMMITTEE: HKHWO
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other
‘n Weeklikse rubriek deur Ilna Grobler
Nog ‘n koppie? Kanker wat jou siel vreet Die afgelope paar maande is ons oë en ore en intellek gebombardeer met gru-beelde van mense wat onthoof word. Wat vir my ewe erg is, is dat mense dit vir mekaar stuur op fb en twitter en allerhande maniere en dan word die slagoffer se verskrikking en vernedering male sonder tal herhaal. Dieselfde gebeur wanneer prente van afskuwelikhede wat gepleeg word tydens plaasaanvalle, godsdienstige oorloë of wanneer mense se koppe eenvoudig uithak en die prentjies daarvan soos ‘n bliksemslag deur ‘n grensdraad van foon tot foon versprei. Sodanige tonele vul ‘n mens met sulke ontsetting dat ék in elk geval na my asem snak. Ek wil dit nie sien nie. Nie oor ek myself die gruwels wil spaar nie, maar omdat dit my voel asof die mense aan wie daardie afgryslikhede gedoen word, se menswaardigheid elke keer van vooraf aangetas word. En ons wat dit sien, kan niks daaraan doen nie, behalwe om dit aan te stuur of nie. Dan is dit vir my so wonderbaarlik, dat daar steeds gewone mense is wat hulle as hulpwerkers by diensorganisasies aanmeld, ongeag wat voorlê. Die mense wat in Sirië gevange geneem is, het in alle waarskynlikheid geweet die ondervinding gaan nie ‘n “walk in the park” wees nie, maar sulke aakligkhede het hulle sekerlik nie verwag nie. En tog gaan hulle voort met hul werk om ander te help. Dít, dink ek, is al wat ‘n teenvoeter gaan wees vir Jihadi
John en andere wat soos hy dink. Meer bomme en groter gewere gaan beslis nie tot minder bloedvergieting lei nie, eerder meer. En meer mense gaan ander mense haat en die sluise van bloed oopdraai. Ek het al gesien hoe haatdraendheid iemand se lewe vergiftig. Dit is werklik so dat die een wat wraaksug en argwaan in iemand anders verwek, baie minder daaronder ly as die een wat dit koester. Daar is nie ‘n manier dat ek ‘n voorstander is daarvan dat wrede dade ongestraf gaan nie, maar dit is hoekom daar veronderstel is om ‘n hof te wees: sodat die skuldiges met hul wandade gekonfronteer kan word en die verantwoordelikheid daarvoor neem. Maar dis nie my en jou werk nie. Selfs wanneer iemand dit in sy of haar hart vind om ‘n geweldenaar te vergewe, behoort die staat nie sy hande van sodanige saak af te was nie: dis hul WERK om geregtigheid te laat geskied. Of ten minste ‘n omgewing te skep waarin die reg en geregtigheid oordeelkundig toegepas kan word. Ek wonder soms of die Godheid wat soveel verskillende groeperinge verklaar dat hulle aanhang, so magteloos is dat Hy (of Sy) afhanklik is van mense om in Sy (of Haar) naam gruwels te pleeg. Sou Hy (of Sy) venynige selfmoordbomplanters nodig hê om ander van Sy/Haar skepsels wreedaardig om die lewe te bring? Of mense wat ander aan die brand steek omdat hulle anders glo? Of mense met
swepe laat slaan om duiwels uit te dryf? Ek vermoed dis wanneer iemand se eie hart so deurtrek is van haat en nyd, dat hy (of sy) ander ook sielsongelukkig wil laat raak. Die enigste manier om nié in ‘n oseaan van ontsetting te verdrink nie, is om elke dag se goeie gawes te waardeer en wonder van selfs
Bladsy 16 geringe dingetjies te beleef en onthou. Die lewe is te kosbaar en vlietend om aaklige bagasie saam te dra. Buitendien het ons net beheer oor ons eie reaksie op gebeure, nie die gebeure self nie en ook net oor ons hantering van interaksie met diegene in ons onmiddellike omgewing. Aan hierdie soort kanker kan slegs onsself iets doen.
Begraafplaas het aandag nodig My vader is in die Kleinmond begraafplaas begrawe en my vrou en ek gaan so af en toe soontoe. Baie mense ry (of stap) seker maar net daar verby en weet nie regtig hoe dit agter die muur daar uitsien nie. Die terrein kan beter versorg word - is my algehele indruk. Daar is veral een graf (sien foto) wat besig is om weg te sak. Dit
is nie ver van my vader se graf af nie. Die graf is al maande so - en niemand doen iets daaromtrent nie. Ek weet nie wie hiervoor verantwoordelik gehou kan word nie. In Europa word begraafplase in die algemeen baie goed in stand gehou met bome, struike en blomme. Dit kos egter geld, wat ons hier in SA nie altyd het nie. Anoniem
Thank you all My thanks to all who have continually been supporting me with old cards. Baie dankie aan julle almal vir die ou kaartjies wat ek gereeld van julle kry. Hugie
Chips of mash? Ek het ‘n klagte: Van die viswinkels op Kleinmondmaak my vies, want dit lyk nie hulle weet meer wat “Chips” is nie en hoe dat dit lyk nie. Die gehalte van die chips is onbeskryflik. Vra
vir “chips” en jy kry mash/smash potatoes. Anders is dit vol olie getrek en pap. Maak niemand meer lekker chips nie? Chippie liefhebber
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
More information please I often see ratepayers’ concerns being aired in the Herald and yet replies from council and individual councillors are so scarce as to be virtually non existent. Similar, the local ratepayers associations make little or no effort to pass on information of their doings through the paper, and are therefore almost invisible to the majority of residents. A ratepayers’ association has to be active and, most important, be seen to be active! There surely have been a great many concerns recently that have been expressed in the Herald’s pages to inspire, and merit, at least a little interest from the local associations. An effective association will attract public support, but needs to be visible
and constantly in the public eye. In view of the recent decision on sewerage tariffs, (since reported to be again under review), it would be greatly interesting to learn how the changes came about? When finance and expenditure are involved, knowing who proposed what, and why the decisions were made is very much in the public interest. The names of councillors and how they have voted, on finances in particular, could influence the result of the next local election.... By the way, if Mr R.W.B. will contact me I will be happy to return to him his very new welding glove found on Clarence Drive. Frank Helm
Bladsy 17
Dank aan Kleinmond Natuurbewaringsvereniging Ek reageer graag op André en Esma Momberg se dank en waardering vir die herstel van die “plankiespad “ wat in Herald van 2/10/14 verskyn het. Ek wil ook my dank en waardering by hulle s’n voeg vir die herstel en verbetering van die Francie de Klerk Wandelpad tussen D F Malherbestraat en die parkeerplek by Die Kruise naby Palmietmond. Dit was nou werklik, gedurende die afgelope nat winter, ‘n plesier om daar te stap en die pragtige omgewing te geniet. Die werk
is gedoen deur bestuurslede van ons eie Kleinmond Natuurbewaringsvereniging in hulle private tyd en met fondse wat, in die afgelope jaar, onder meer bygedra is deur mnr Eben de Klerk, die oorspronklike weldoener en natuurliefhebber (ter nagedagtenis van mev Francie de Klerk). Die naambord wat oorspronklik in 2000 langs DF Malherbe opgerig en daar gevandaliseer was, staan nou by die kruise aan die einde van die wandelpad. Frans vd Merwe
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 18
Traffic cops trained by local expert PRINGLE BAY - Traffic officers at the Overstrand Municipality are to undergo specialised training in motorcycle handling from Hendrik Bosman, who is a local resident and as far as can be established, the only Advanced Road Motorcycle Instuctor in the country. Hendrik says the five traffic officers will undergo one hour individual training on a smaller sized motorbike with him at Pringle Bay to acquaint themselves with motorcycle etiquette, techniques and driving. The next step will be training the officers on their own bikes in Hermanus after which the officers will be evaluated on their aquired skills. Hendrik is een van die oorspronklike (2005) stigters van die THINK BIKE Bewusmakingsveldtog in Suid-Afrika. Sy opleiding het hy ondergaan in die VSA, Brittanje, Italië en hy is die enigste persoon in Suid-Afrika wat die Britse “Advance Rider Instructor Diploma” voltooi het. In sy finale evaluering vir Gevorderde Motorfietshantering op die pad het hy ‘n A+ behaal. Daar is min wat ander hierdie kranige motorfietsryer kan leer
wanneer dit kom by die hantering en gebruik van motorfietse. Hy is ook die president van sowel die Ducati Eienaarsgroep in die Weskaap as die Langafstand Motorfietsryers Assosiasie van Suid-Afrika (geaffilieer met Ironbutt Association van Amerika). Hendrik dien tans op `n spesiale taakgroep vir die Wes Kaapse Minister van Vervoer om motorfietsveiligheid te verbeter. Twee jaar gelede het hy in `n brief aan die minister van vervoer voorstelle gemaak om motorfietsry en-ryers veiliger te maak. Die voorstelle is na die hoofadviseur, David Frost, verwys wat aanbeveel het dat Hendrik betrek word om insette te lewer in die verband. Dit het uitgeloop op `n vergadering van ongeveer 40 persone uit verskillende sektore van die motorfietswêreld, wat `n prioriteitslys opgestel het en aan die minister voorgelê het. Een van die kritiese voorstelle wat aanvaar is is dat motorfietslisensiëring in 3 klasse ipv die huidige 2 klasse vergedeel word, en dat motorfietsinstrukteurs behoorlik opgelei word om aan minimum vereistes voldoen.
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 19
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 20
Over-crowded nursery fills dire need
KLEINMOND - An ordinary housewife here made her home available to house thirty odd babies from 3 months to 3 years for care during the day. Alicia Xhashimba lives in Poppedorp where she had an extra room to her home which she rented out. During last year the circumstances in which small children of especially the Overhills informal settlement were left during the day while their parents worked, began to plague her conscience. She then gave her tennant notice and on 16 January of this year she started her nursery with six little ones. Soon she was innundated with mothers at their wit’s end because all the official childcare centres were filled to capacity and parents were compelled to leave their children without proper care. Alicia says she found this state of affairs particularly worrying as toddlers were wandering around the squattercamp where not only electric cables were obstacles in their way, but one or two of
the babies had allegedly been abused. The lunches of the babies at Mzam’ohmhle Nursery School are sent along by the moms and the carers at the centre help them eat or drink. At the moment, Alicia has two carers, Maureen and Victoria, who help her look after the children. Alicia says the health inspector has come by to inform her, that she has too many babies in her care. The big problem that arises is what will happen to the toddlers once she turns them away. The room in which the children are housed, is of a fair size and has a carpet and one mattress on which the children lie. The carers play with the children and they learn basic things like counting and naming body parts. This occurs in Xhosa and English. If anyone wishes to lend a helping hand or has small blankets and toys to donate, they are welcome to call Alicia on 076 346 9383.
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
SMS jou mening - 072 113 9065 Het jy iets raak gelees in die Overstrand Herald wat jou pla? Het jy ‘n mening oor ‘n aktuele saak? Of miskien wil jy sommer net saam gesels of vir ons vertel hoe jy deur misdaad geraak word. Nou kan jy! Dis maklik - stuur net vir ons ‘n sms na 072 113 9065 en praat saam. Die Herald sal sover moontlik al die sms’se wat ons ontvang in die volgende week se uitgawe publiseer. NEEM ASB KENNIS: Ons behou die reg voor om die inhoud van sms’e te plaas aldan nie. Onthou: Speel die bal, nie die man nie!
Bladsy 21
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 22
Plaaslike VLV Landbou blom KLEINMOND - Die plaas-like VLV-tak is bekend vir hulle interessante maandvergaderings waar top kenners, op verskeie gebiede, hulle kennis oordra aan ‘n geesdriftige gehoor. ‘n Kenmerk van hierdie byeenkomste is die vriendelike vooraf gesels van talle vrouens en op Dinsdag 30 September 2014 was dit weer so. Elkeen is verwelkom met ‘n orgidee-kaartjie. Die dames het saamgedrom om die juwele-uitstalling van Henriëtte Cruywagen en die fynboskompetisierangskikkings. Dit alles het ‘n atmosfeer van opgewondenheid vir die middag se verrigtinge geskep. Die Landbou&Tuinbou-portefeulje was aan die stuur van sake en ‘n uitstalling van buitengewone orgideë het op die verhoog gepronk. Een van ons plaaslike kenners oor orgideë, Marinus Nolte, het die vrouens toegespreek. Volgens hom is daar sowat 26 000 orgidee variëteite wêreldwyd. Hy het byvoorbeeld drie soorte
genoem wat afkomstig is van Thailand : die Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium en Cymbidium. In Thailand is die weer warm en bedompig wat perfek is vir orgideë. Kleinmond se klimaat verskil en daar is spesiale riglyne vir die kweek van orgideë. Orgideë wat in ‘n huis groei, hou nie van direkte sonlig of te veel water nie. Die reël vir voeding is “weekly but weakly”. Soos meeste mense weet is die groot aantrekkingkrag van die orgideë nie net dat hulle asemrowend mooi is nie, maar ook dat hulle tot drie maande lank kan blom. Aangesien September Erfenisen Boomplantmaand is, het die VLV ‘n Rooielsboompie, een van die pragtige inheemse bome van die Kogelberggebied, aan Wouter Hugo van Laerskool Kleinmond oorhandig. ‘n Gelamineerde kort opsomming van die boom se spesifikasies is saam oorhandig en afskrifte is ook aan belangstellendes beskikbaar gestel. Oktobermaand is borskankerbewustheidsmaand en dr.
Jeanette Fischer het namens die Gesondheid-portefeulje die gesondheidswenk behartig. Sy het op ‘n baie grappige, maar tog ernstige wyse, die dames gewys en aangespoor om maandeliks hulle borste te ondersoek. Pienk strikkies is aan die dames oorhandig, om die bewustheidsmaand uit te dra. ‘n Inligtingstuk met verskeie interessanthede oor gesondheid is uitgedeel. Ingesluit was ‘n spesiale aanbod vir dames om in Oktober ‘n gratis borsondersoek te laat doen. Nienie Burger, bekende taalkundige en klankdame van die VLV het die dames in vervoering gehad met verskillende gedigte oor die natuur. Nienie het afgeskop met ‘n gedig van Boerneef. Die raakbeskrywende woorde van die toneel voor hom, is vasgepen sodat ons die toneel vandag nog kan ervaar en geniet. Prof Izak Wilhelmus van der Merwe, gebore op Boplaas in die Ceresdistrik, het die skuilnaam Boerneef gebruik. Nienie het sewe gedigte gelees, o.a. ook
twee van D.J. Opperman wie se 100ste geboortejaar onlangs herdenk is. Dit was wonderlik om haar pragtige voorlesing daarvan te hoor, want dit klink tog soveel beter as om dit self te lees.Dit was ‘n volgepakte middag en VLV-Kleinmond is bevoorreg dat ons weer so effens grense kon verskuif. Baie geluk aan Hermien van Zyl en haar span wat gesorg het vir ‘n baie geslaagde middag uit die boonste rakke. Ons deel graag die gedig van Boerneef: Niks hang so rooi soos wingerdblaar by Hexrivier Niks staan so geel soos herfspamplier By Dwarsrivier op Ceres Slaan rem aan hou jul asem in en kyk en kyk Lank en eerbiedig soos ‘n mens na so ‘n herfs moet kyk Laat dit inbrand in jou vir latertyd Die warm geel en rooi vir latenstyd (fotos en berig Alice van Rooyen)
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 23
Twee flinke Kleinmondertjies, Caitlin Stofberg en Chané Mehnert is aangewys as die wenners van die Senior afdeling (blokfluit) in die Overbergse Eisteddfod. Hulle verskyn hier saam met hul onderwyser (Jeannette Strydom) en begeleier (dr Frikkie Strydom). Die Strydoms is oudKleinmonders wat intussen na Sandbaai verhuis het. (Jeanette Strydom)
Belangrike kennisgewing Die Herald beplan vanjaar twee spesiale vakansie-uitgawes. Die koerant sal tot op 18 Desember soos gewoonlik op ‘n Donderdag verskyn. Die eerste spesiale vakansie-uitgawe sal op Maandag 22 Desember op die rakke wees met nog ‘n vakansie-uitgawe wat vir Maandag 29 Desember beplan word. Die sluitingsdatum vir advertensiebesprekings vir beide die vakansie-uitgawes is 15 November. Adverteerders wat bespreek en betaal voor 30 Oktober 2014 kwalifiseer vir ‘n afslag van 10%.
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 24
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 25
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
10 & 11 Oktober: Singleton’s Winkel oop Vrydag- en Saterdagoggende (winter) vanaf 09:00-13:00 in Tweede-straat 14, Kleinmond. Kontakpersoon: Estelle Victor 0282713260/0727780249. Sosiale tennis op die bane van Kleinmond Tennis word gespeel op Woensdae, Saterdae en vakansiedae vanaf 14:00. Almal welkom. Besoekersfooi op Saterdae R20 & Woensdae R10. Ondersteuningsgroep vir depressielyers ontmoet elke Vrydag. Kontak Corrie by 0848775356/0282713865 en kom sluit gerus by ons aan. 13 Oktober: Gratis borsondersoeke gereel deur KANSA. Skakel Health and Beauty Clinic by 028 271 4499 vir ‘n afspraak. Enkele plekke beskikbaar. Free breast examinations by CANSA. Phone Health and Beauty Clinic at 0282714499 for an appointment. 14 Oktober: Bettysbaai Kunsmark byeenkoms vir al die “nuwe uitstallers” om 09:00 by Disakloof jeugkamterrein. Wykskomitee vergaderings / Ward Committee meetings: Wyk 9: 16 Oktober 2014 om 16:00 in Biblioteeksaal, Kleinmond Ward 9: 16 October 2014 at 16:00 in Library Hall, Kleinmond Wyk 10: 14 Oktober 2014 om 15:00 in Biblioteeksaal, Bettysbaai Ward 10: 14 October 2014 at 15:00 in the Library Hall, Betty’s Bay 15 October: Kleinmond Birdclub. Venue - Caledon Nature Reserve. Spring is nou in progress, and with it comes wild flowers. This time of year is special and we will be able to enjoy both birds and wild flowers in this reserve, after which we will picnic by the dam. Special bonus for shoppers is the Pick n Pay in the new centre opposite the reserve entrance. Car share R40. Reserve entrance free. Club levy R5. All welcome. Enquiries Paul/Pauline Bramhall 028 271 5170
Bladsy 26
Kaartjies beskikbaar by NG Kerkkantoor @ R35 p.p. Skakel 028 271 3470 24 October: The “Sterilisations for Pets Trust” will be holding a Charity Auction of household items, bric-a-brac, etc to raise funds for free and subsidized sterilisations for qualifying owners of domestic pets. Venue – 1 Melkhout Ave, Kleinmond. Times - To View 9 a.m. Auction Starts 10.00 a.m. Tel: 028 271 4634 27 Oktober: Kleinmond Leeskring vergader om 15:00 in die biblioteeksaal. Die sneeuslaper van marlene van niekerk word deur Professor Gunter Pakendorf bespreek. Almal is welkom. Skakel Saryna by 082 378 0057 28 Oktober: VLV Vergadering om 14:30 in die NG Kerksaal. Gasspreker Vic Brink van Kleinmond Straatwag. Tema - Werksaamhede van die straatwag en hoe raak ons betrokke. Almal welkom. 28 Oktober: Kleinmond Kiekie klub om19:00 in N G Kerksaal. Tema: Die Overberg. Aanbieding Audiovisuele reekse oor die Overberg. 16 November: St Nicholas Anglican Church Kleinmond Golf Day at Kleinmond Golf Club. Please enter your friends, family and everyone that can play golf. It is a fundraiser to build a fence around our church. To enter phone paulette @ 0729843707. Leilani 079 980 4540 / 028 272 9363. Please please please support us.
16 Oktober: Ondersteuningsgroep vir Alzheimer’s/Dimensie kom weer bymekaar om 10:00 in die Tobie Erasmussaal Kogelpark. Bywoning van die konferensie te Livewell Somerset-Wes sal o.a. bespreek word. M Coetzer (0829403003) 21 Oktober: Bettysbaai Kunsmark byeenkoms vir al die uistallers, nuut en oud, om 09:00 by Disakloof jeugkamterrein. 21 Oktober: Kleinmond Kapgroep/Hack Group ontmoet om 07:30 by die parkeerterrein, h/v Hoofweg en 6de Straat vir so ‘n 3 ure se uitroei van indringerplante in ons dorp se natuurreservate. Nuwe helpers meer as welkom. Vir meer inligting skakel gerus 028 271 5918 of 083 289 3345. 22 October: Friends of the Hangklip Library - Theme: “An Introduction to Overstrand Hospice” presented by Dee Back, Sr. Ann Theron; a professional nurse in Overstrand area, Norma Scott: who runs the 600 Club & Petru: the Hospice Shop. Time: 10h30. Venue: Library, Betty`s Bay. 23 Oktober: Vrouediens afsluiting om 15:00. Spreker Susan Coetzer. We are continuing with our craft market at the library every Friday morning - if and when the hall is available. If our board is outside, we are inside. Cheep Xmas cards & tags (English and Afrikaans) will soon be available. Phone Hugie for information at 028 271 3950 / 073 135 7912
Die Gemeenskapsaal in Mooi Uitsig, Bettysbaai benodig dringend gordyne. Indien u dalk enige 2de handse gordyne het, wat nog in n goeie toestand is, en wil skenk, skakel Zaan 0735728120 Netjiese Dubbeldeur Staalkabinette of Dubbeldeur Staal Skryfbehoeftekaste in netjiese toestand dringend gesoek vir Koop. Asseblief geen kansvatters of mal pryse nie. Kontak dringend by 072 481 0658. Irene is looking for a full-time job as cleaner or house-keeper. She is hardworking. Ph. 074 232 5288 Alice is a hard working lady of 28 and has a Code 14 driver’s licence. She is looking for a full-time job. Ph 061 193 4038 Margeret is op soek na werk as huiswerker of skoonmaker. Enige dag van die week. Bel 076 308 4671 4-plaat gasstoof met oond. Bel 084 491 0824.
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Agnes is looking for a job as cleaner/ nanny any day of the week. 071 742 4276. For a reference call 084 787 7191 Victoria is looking for domestic work on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Call 078 901 1153/ 078 059 6926. Woonstel te huur vir bejaarde dame naby besigheids area. Met sekuriteits hekke en troeteldier vriendelik. Kan +- R 2100 betaal. Skakel 0742635216. Huis te huur gevra vanaf Januarie 2015 op LANGTERMYN asb, drieslaap kamer of meer met motorhuis of dubbel asb. Bel 0832923258 of 028 271 4790
Bladsy 27
Tel 028.2738231 or Cell 0723977081 2 x 3 stuk hout hoek lessenaars vir kantoor. Elke stel het 8 laaie plus stoorplek vir leêrs, gate vir rekenaar drade en houers vir kragdrade aan die onderkant. Kondisie is baie goed. Kontak vir meer inligting of om te besigtig. 0747760888 Staanlamp: gedraaide embuia met wit kap, R450; Bedlamp: marmer en koper met room kap, R90; 3 lampkappe: wit materiaal, H: 16 cm Dia: 25cm, R25 elk. Goeie kwaliteit 0834505237 Alpine Madison Electric Recliner – Black Leather – Lift up to standing position. Still under guarantee. R8 000. Tempur Topper Overlay healthcare single mattress – hardly used - as new. R3 500. Contact 082 8211 807 2001 Volvo S60 T5 Automatic, 176000km, gold in color, just serviced and brakes replaced. Black leather interior, towbar. 074 776 0888
‘n Platbak kruiwa in ‘n goeie toestand. Heleen – 083 533 930
Silwer kosbare I-pod vermis te Palmiet op Sondag 5 Oktober. Bel 060 737 8837/ 076 865 3662.
5 Pine ceiling strips tongue and grooved. 3.5m long x 100mm. R80 ea. Ph. 083 207 5721 Emco Star veeldoelige houtwerkmasjien: rolsaag, draaibank, bandskuurder, beltskuurder figuursaag met ander toebehore, R3 500. Bel 082 825 9449 Rottang dubbelbedkopstuk R100. Bel 076 673 3757. Empisal knitmaster hand operated wool winder. R50. Kennede rechargeable fluorescent 2 tube as new R150. Gazebo (red) easy to assemble R200. Bel 028 271 4398. Embuia koffietafel lengte 1,2m Puik toestand R300. Albums (ou 78 langspeelplate) R100. Bel 084 583 7104 Houtkano met roeispane R800. Bel 076 204 4426 Garage sale Sewendelaan 9. Saterdag 09:00-13:00. Fluffy toys and more. Defy solid plate hob. R650. Chemical toilet R200. Ph 028271 5724/ 082 707 2307 Sinkers 10 for R25. Ph 072 523 1812. 6 voet Venter sleepwaentjie in puik toestand. Min gebruik. Slegs in garage gestaan. Nuwe bande. Prys R7 000. Bel 028 271 4382/ 082 069 3525 Tafelmodel drinkwaterfilter “Hydro-Health 7stage” met een nuwe ongebruikte filter. R250. 9Rib olieverwarmer R100.00 Tel 028 272 9775/ 083 502 9526 Ryobi Radial Arm Saw – Perfect working condition but disassembled – R2000. Brand new electric (remote) roll up garage door kit – Motor fits on garage door shaft – R2000. Ph 0832287304/0723963668 Six solid round backed pine kitchen chairs dyed dark brown R750
Garage Sale/Verkope --Vrydag/Saterdag = Groot Malawi mandjies; koperkrane & antieke lampe; ”porcelain basin/plumbing/ garden stuff; etc etc etc Botrivierweg 61. SONY PS 2 + 28 games te koop In goeie kondisie (plus sakkie) R2 200,00 (kontant) Bel 082 320 0344 Distributor fly wheel for Bantam/Mazda 1600i. 1x 2 seater Indian Canoe. 1 set Caravan mirrors. Phone 072 282 9096
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 28
NEEM ASB KENNIS: Die Herald verskaf met liefde die ruimte vir kerke om hul dienstye te adverteer. Al wat ons vra is dat kerke die regte inligting verskaf. Dit is doodgewoon nie moontlik vir ons om elke week 17 of 18 kerke te skakel om te verneem of die inligting nog korrek is nie.
Christian Revival Church “Mend the nets, the catch will be great” Main Road 68 Wednesday Nights at 19:00. All ages welcome. We worship, praise and love God with boldness and with all of our heart, so come and join us! Heinrich 072 460 6226 / Riana 072 403 0599 A.G.S HEAL THE LAND Hoofweg 68, Kleinmond Pastoor Tewis De Jager 082 771 9365 Elke Sondagoggend 09:00 Elke Sondagoggend 09:00 Kinderdiens Woensdagaande 19:00 Jeug (C.R.C) Donderdagaande 19:00 Biduur en Bybelstudie Almal welkom HERVORMDE KERK Skakel Ds Gerrit-Daan van der Merwe 073 418 2346 Strand: 09:00 elke Sondag Hermanus: 11:30 Die 1ste en 3de Sondag van elke maand SEWENDE DAG ADVENTISTE KERK Aanbid in die Gereformeerde Kerk, h/v 13de Laan & 6de Straat, Kleinmond Saterdae: Sabbatskool 09:30 – Erediens 11:00 Almal welkom! 072 094 5819 / 028 271 4173 NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH KLEINMOND c/o Nemesia Ave & School str, Proteadorp, Kleinmond 072 077 7888 / 082 781 3556 Sunday Morning Service: 09:00 Wednesday evening Service: 19:30 All welcome AFRIKAANSE PROTESTANTSE KERK Elke 2de en 4de Sondag van die maand om 16:00 in die Gereformeerde Kerk, 13de Laan, Kleinmond. Tel: 028 271 5837 / 083 412 5870 VGK PROTEADORP Oggendbyeenkoms: 10:00 – Aandsamesang: 18:00 Erediens om 10H00 elke Sondag en Bidure om 19H00 elke 1, 3 & 4 Woensdag van elke maand. Prediker Ds. Charl Schunke: 083 650 6233 Hoof ouderling/Skriba – Debbie Hull: 083 529 7265 Hoof Diaken – Christiaan Bailey: 078 311 1744 Jeug byeenkoms om 18H00 elke Vrydag: Diaken: Tohlin Oppelt & Diaken: Rachel Arendse –076 166 9811 Christelike Vroue bediening elke tweede Woensdag van die maand om 19H00: Voorsitster: Evelyn Jacobs – 072 358 5103 Sondagskool elke Sondag oggend om 9H00: Ouderling: Maria Hoffman & diaken Rachel Arendse: 072 766 7561 Koor oefen elke Disdag aand om 19H00; Koorleier: Janine Floris: 082 495 3950
NG KERK: 12 OKTOBER 2014 08:15 Kerkgebou 10:00 Kerkgebou 09:00 Sentrum, Bettysbaai
Ds. Nico Rabe Ds. Nico Rabe Ds. Ben de Wet
KLEINMOND AANBIDDINGSENTRUM P.P.K H/v 7de Laan & 7de Straat Almal welkom!! Pastoor Smit 028 271 5694 / 083 633 6172 Sondagoggend: 09:45 Woensdae: Biduur om 18:30 GEREFORMEERDE KERK H/v 13de Laan & 6de Straat. Tel: 028 271 5359 Skriba: Izak Lessing Tel: 028 273 8134 / 083 259 3403 09:30 Ds Ferdie Postma LAKESIDE CHAPEL (Undenominational Christian Fellowship) Lakeside Drive, Betty’s Bay. Hans van Dyk (Pastor) 084 206 6820 / 028 272 9887 Sunday Service time at 09:30 ST FRANCIS ANGLICAN CHAPELRY Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 09:00 in the Roman Catholic Chapel, Twist Street, Betty’s Bay/ For further information contact - Chapelwardens 028 272 9901 / 028 272 9551 / 028 272 9875 KLEINMOND FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 72 6th Street, Kleinmond Pastor Lionel Gibbons 028 271 4249 Sunday Morning Pre-Service Prayer Meeting: 08:45 Sunday Morning Worship: 09:30 and Sunday School (two groups) Ladies Fellowship: Mondays 09:45 ST NICHOLAS ANGLICAN CHURCH Chapelwardens Leilani Abrams 0799804540 Andrew Arendse 0282714002. Dienstye: 1ste Sondag 10:00 Morning Prayer; 2de Sondag: 10:00 Holy Eucharist 3de Sondag: 10:00 Morning Prayer 4de Sondag: 07:30 Holy Eucharist 5th Sunday Family Service: 10:00 1st Sunday, 2nd Sunday and 3rd Sunday Sundayschool 09:00 Nancy Carelse 072 858 3006 / Leilani Abrams 079 980 4540 Youth Friday`s At 18:00 Cornette Hull 072 780 4146 Priest Father Vincent Bastiaan 073 014 5149/028 284 9772 PRINGLE BAY UNITED CHURCH Cnr Crescent & Park Streets. Rev Gavin Graham 028 273 8172. Sunday service: 09:00 CATHOLIC CHURCH Twist Street, Betty’s Bay, Mass: Saturday 17:30 Additional services as per notice board. Parish Priest: Father Pierre Goldie 078 824 5411 DEUTSCHE EV.-LUTH.KIRCHENGEMEINDE STELLENBOSCH Sie sind herzlich eingeladen zum Gottesdienst mit Heiligem Abendmahl jeweils um 15h30 im Hause Kiessling Harbour Road 19 Kleinmond Kleinmond Gottesdienst 2014 Sonntag 27 July 2014 - 15h30 Sonntag 28 September 2014 - 15h30 Sonntag 30 November 2014 - 15h30 - Adventsfeier
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 29
Overstrand Herald
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 30
Overstrand Herald
SMS jou mening 072 113 9065 Het jy iets raak gelees in die Overstrand Herald wat jou pla? Het jy ‘n mening oor ‘n aktuele saak? Of miskien wil jy sommer net saam gesels of vir ons vertel hoe jy deur misdaad geraak word. Nou kan jy! Dis maklik - stuur net vir ons ‘n sms na 072 113 9065 en praat saam. Die Herald sal sover moontlik al die sms’se wat ons ontvang in die volgende week se uitgawe publiseer. NEEM ASB KENNIS: Ons behou die reg voor om die inhoud van sms’e te plaas aldan nie. Onthou: Speel die bal, nie die man nie!
9 Oktober 2014
Bladsy 31
Kleinmond golf results We were fortunate to have three lovely days of sunshine and everyone enjoyed their golf!! Well done to our winners for the week! Wednesday 01/10/2014 - 4BBB Bogey Plus 1) W Van Heerden & L Van Zyl (+13) 2) K Burger &H P Strydom (+12) 3) C Murray Smith & F Vermeulen (+9) Friday 03/10/2014 - Sundowner 1st 9 1) C Brand (23 Points) 2) L De Jager (23 Points) 3) H v/d Merwe (23 Points) 4) R Lamprechts (22 Points) Saturday 04/10/2014 - Singles Medal 1) H Grimbeek (67 nett) 2) L De Jager (67 nett) 3) W Smith (67 nett) 4) F Eagar (69 nett)
F Eagar (Capt) C Brand
W Van Heerden, F Eagar (Capt) L Van Zyl
F Eagar (Capt) H Grimbeek