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Editor’s Letter
As this copy hits your hand, 2021 is now in the rearview mirror! 2019 to current day has been a trial for many families! I have a wife and child that have faced various health battles throughout the year, and I just lost my mom in September. I have friends that have lost children, brothers, sister, mothers, fathers, businesses, and jobs over these past years. That reminds me why the rearview mirror is so insignificant compared to the front windshield. We have to look back and remember those challenging times, but if we focus on that small mirror, we will never be able to drive well going forward.
Let us make 2022 the year of focusing on going forward! In this issue we bring you our Top Products & Services for the 2021 Issue. The Top Products Issue contains products & services from your favorite suppliers in the industry and can be extremely helpful for yearly budget planning! Dan Messina’s Insightful Talk on the “Holiday Season,” D.J. Harrington drops some “Fuel for Thought” reminding us that our “Goals Map out our Actions,” and finally our Expert Witness James Lewis asks “Can Doing it Wrong Count for Experience”?
In this issue we will look at service providers: Insurance companies competing in this market and allow them to relay information on how they can help you navigate and choose what works best for your business. Our Feature on Finance also provides us with valuable information on Financing. Jeremy Tsakiris, Vice President of Sales for Alliance Funding explains “Financing Facts: Must Knows before Financing.”
We hope you enjoy this issue, and we appreciate your readership and support over the past 10 + years! Hug your family, stay safe and hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Till the next issue, be safe!
Darian Weaver President & Publisher, Tow Professional
Your Resource for Towing & Recovery
Darian Weaver President & Publisher darian@towprofessional.com
Shirley Ogburn Editor
Clint Cabiness Creative Director clint@dialedinmediagroup.com
D. J. Harrington CSP James E . Lewis Dan Messina Darian Weaver
Executive and Advertising Offices 2007 Old Montgomery Hwy, Suite B Birmingham, AL 35244 Toll free: 888-802-8544 Fax: 205-978-1550 www.towprofessional.com
Tow Professional is published nine times a year by Over The Mountain Media, Inc., 2007 Old Montgomery Hwy., Suite B, Birmingham, Alabama, 35244, USA. Tow Professional is distributed free to qualified subscribers. Non-qualified subscription rates are $57.00 per year in the U.S. and Canada and $84.00 per year for foreign subscribers (surface mail). U.S. Postage paid at Birmingham, Alabama and additional mailing offices.
Tow Professional is distributed to qualified Towing & Recovery’s Top Decision Makers. Publisher is not liable for all content (including editorial and illustrations provided by advertisers) of advertisements published and does not accept responsibility for any claims made against the publisher. It is the advertiser’s or agency’s responsibility to obtain appropriate releases on any item or individuals pictured in an advertisement. Reproduction of this magazine in whole or in part is prohibited without prior written permission from the publisher.