September 2022 JOBS FOR TRUCKERS FREE Keep this magazine in your never know when you’ll need it! /OverTheRoadMagazine /OverTheRoadMag Stay healthy, stay safe! Light Speed Has You Covered OUR WEBSITE ALL JOB OPPORTUNITIES ARE @TransamCarriers@Transam_Carriers James Taylor: 416-907-8101 x4013 Toll-Free: 877-907-8101 Address: 205 Doney Crescent, Concord, ON L4K 1P6 Email: At Transam Carriers, we believe that success is not achieved without professional human attitudes. We are proud of providing some of the most flexible work options in the industry for an optimum work-life balance. All of these, in conjunction with new equipment, modern technologies, in-house truck shop, and cross-dock facility, make Transam an exceptional workplace that we call here our second home. Why us? Contact us today! HERE FOR THE LONG HAUL CAREER!DRIVEYOUR WE ARE HIRING: • COMPANY DRIVERS A-Z • OWNER OPERATORS A-Z, D-Z • SHIPPER/RECEIVER • MECHANIC • LOCAL DISPATCHER • DISPATCH ASSISTANT • DATA ENTRY/CUSTOMS СLERK

SEPTEMBER 2022 JOBS FOR TRUCKERS • 3 Now Hiring Owner Operators US TEAM $2.09 US SINGLE $1.94 TOONTARIO/QUEBECMIDWEST $2.24 CANADIAN TEAM $1.89 CANADIAN SINGLE $1.74 (AB-BC) (BC-AB) $2.29 Company Drivers US TEAM $0.86 US SINGLE $0.62 CANADIAN TEAM $0.66 CANADIAN SINGLE $0.50 ON/QC TEAM TO MID-WEST $0.96 ON/QC SINGLE TO MID-WEST $0.72 (AB-BC) (BC-AB) TEAM $0.81 (AB-BC) (BC-AB) SINGLE $0.65 *Conditions Apply Call us or Drop in! TF 1-800-397-6009 (Press Option 3) JAGGI SHUMYLGURBIR(WesternDHILLONCanada):403-542-4258SARAN(EasternCanada):416-768-5441ATTAULLAH(EasternCanada):905-229-9011 122 Carmek Blvd, Rocky View AB T1X 1X1

Follow us on @OverTheRoadMagazine @OverTheRoadMag @OverTheRoadMagazine A minimum of 1 year of experience is required 300 Melair Drive Ayr, ON N0B 1E0 beyondtransportationinc.comFormoreinformation,pleasecontactRandyBaker randyb@beyondtransportationinc.com1-877-665-6015 We have a facility in both Ayr, Ontario and Orlando, Florida. Steady weekly runs to Florida | Flexible time off Paid Hub miles | All picks and drops paid Waiting time paid | EZ pass for scales and bridge cards Bi-weekly direct deposit | Benefits from day one Great dispatch team JOIN OUR TEAM! We are now Hiring Highway Drivers & Owner Operators

4 • OVER THE ROAD SEPTEMBER 2022 1189694 Ontario Ltd. C.O.B. as Over The Road Publisher Peter peter@otrgroup.caCharboneau Director of Operations & Editor-in-Chief Cathryn cathryn@otrgroup.caCharboneau Account Executive Luke luke@otrgroup.caZentil Account Executive Earle earle@otrgroup.caMadden Graphic Design & Advertising Controller Estela estela@otrgroup.caNavarrete Office Manager Mary mary@otrgroup.caCharboneau 18 Parkglen Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2G 3G9 1.800.416.8712 • 613.224.9947 Email:
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Earn up to $0.80 per mile* Paid for ALL pick ups, drops, wait times & layovers and safety bonus 100% paid premium health benefits Direct deposit pay to employees bank account WE ARE LOOKING FOR AZ SINGLE & TEAM HIGHWAY DRIVERS TO RUN CANADA AND USA WE HAVE BRAND NEW 2023 VOLVO VNL 760/860 TRUCKS AVAILABLE NOW! DON’T WAIT! BE ONE OF THE FIRST TO GET ONE OF THE MOST MODERN & LUXURIOUS TRUCKS ON THE ROAD! CALL US TODAY AND JOIN OUR HIGHLIGHT FAMILY WITH OVER 1,000 HAPPY EMPLOYEES! OUR TOP DRIVERS ARE EARNING OVER $10,000/MONTH ENJOY YOUR JOB EVEN MORE! East Coast, Mid-West and West Coast USAyour choice where you want to drive Fully loaded new Volvo trucks with I-shift Premium all season uniform including leather jacket Trucks are permanently assigned to our drivers Terminal lounges are equipped with sitting areas, cafeteria, shower and Wifi Secure parking, in-house repair shop, quick lube truck and trailer wash DYLAN Tel: 905-761-1400 x 4465 Cell: 647-881-8196 ABHISHEK Tel: 905-761-1400 x 4463 Cell: 647-882-9332 SERGE Tel: 905-761-1400 x 4432 Cell: 416-990-9099 APPLY NOW! EMAIL US AT CAREERS@HIGHLIGHTMOTOR.COM OR CALL OUR TEAM! * Some conditions may apply 391 CREDITSTONE ROAD, CONCORD, ON L4K 1N8 TORONTO-LOS ANGELES DAILY AVAILABLERUNS OWNER-OPERATORSWELCOMETOP$$$WE ARE LOOKING FOR AZCITYPROFESSIONALDRIVERSTORONTO-MONTREALDAILYRUNSAVAILABLEWELCOMEDRIVERSFEMALE

6 • OVER THE ROAD SEPTEMBER 2022 WE'RE HIRING LOCAL AND CROSS BORDER AZ & DZ D TANKER D Nova Appreciates Truck Drivers Call or Text: Dana (416) 433-8350 danap@novadriverservices com | www novadriverservices com SCAN ME TO APPLY TODAY Happy National Truck Driver Appreciation Week

SEPTEMBER 2022 JOBS FOR TRUCKERS • 7 Your commitment + Our Great Pay Package = Success! Call our Recruitment Professionals today and let’s get started! BonusReferralDriver HIRING TOTAL LOGISTICS TRUCKING INC. Committed to Mutual Success | Through Customer Service Excellence | Together we can move your business forward Bill OntarioScottandWestern Rick Blatter Quebec and Eastern Canada /TotalLogisticsGroup Increased Rates for Owner Operators New Sign On Bonus for Owner Operators DEDICATED RUN TO GEORGIA * PET-FRIENDLY! COMPANY DRIVER TEAMS Needed for Western Canada and U.S. lanes OWNER OPERATOR TEAMS Needed for Western Canada and U.S. lanes OWNER OPERATOR SINGLES Needed for U.S. lanes New U.S. Team Company and Owner Operator Rates Now Available


SEPTEMBER 2022 JOBS FOR TRUCKERS • 9 APPLICANTS MUST HAVE: 2 Years verifiable experience | Clean abstract and CVOR Please contact Brenda: P 1-877-310-8673 or 519-219-8000 ext.103 E COMPANY TEAMS Competitive rates | Reliable E-logs Benefits | Open-door policy PrePass in all trucks | Late model Volvos, Kenworths and Peterbilts OWNER OPERATORS Paid insurance and Plates Discounted Fuel | Competitive rates Paid Pre-Pass Connect with us on Facebook! /internationaltruckinginc NOW HIRING CROSS-BORDER Company Teams & Owner Operators ENJOY THE OPEN ROAD TO TEXAS & CALIFORNIA! 90% FULL LOADS | MAIN LANES ARE TEXAS AND CALIFORNIA DRIVER-FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT | 24-HOUR DISPATCH $5,000 SIGN ON BONUS PAID OUT OVER 6 MONTHS

Beginning in January 2023 and in association with Over the Road Magazine, Making Your Miles Count will be producing a PODCAST to serve Canadian Truck Drivers and Operators. I have been researching topics and formats for over two years and I’m excited to provide a wide range of detailed topics. What I am offering readers now is the opportunity to participate in topic development. If you have input or questions regarding anything on our list of 20+ topics, please feel free to contact me through our website. If you have a story, issue, or concern, we may read it or even contact you for an interview if we believe the story is worth telling in audio/ video format. Below are two topics on the list.

1. WBYM: Well Below Your Means to Gain Wealth Beyond Your Measure
I have had the opportunity to be one of the only authors in Canada to write the above-mentioned book for the Canadian truck driver or Independent Operator. Even though it was published in 2007 it is still highly applicable today. Some of the numbers have changed but only for the better. Writing a tax book was not a venture into public acclaim. Taxes are not a topic many have written about without having to supply an ample dose of caffeine as a supplement. The Income Tax Act is so dry it must be studied while in the shower or else
This topic deals with personal and business financial conservation. It’s the ability to live on less than what you are currently making; to squeeze a nickel ‘til the beaver poops. It’s certainly not a popular topic among those who profess to know how to build riches. Too many people believe that building wealth requires a source of great revenue; the ability to generate six or seven figures of annual income (or more). People are constantly looking for the great “fix” to their financial situation. They look for any investment that will multiply several times over in a short period of time. Investments like: crypto-currency, IPOs, purchasing or building an APP, any “get rich quick” scheme or a businesstype venture that returns “lotto” like results. This is a myth perpetrated by those who either don’t have wealth but are about teaching it or those that have wealth but have not proven themselves as someone who retains wealth through difficult times. Sometimes, Drivers think that becoming an Independent Operator is an easy path to great riches; that “pot of gold opportunity” complete with its own FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).
Robert D. Scheper

Building wealth is first and foremost an exercise in restraint, then an exercise in adding/ multiplying revenue. Nobody can outearn financial irresponsibility for long periods of time. Short maybe, but eventually it ends in a financial face
2. Making Your Miles Count: Taxes, Taxes, Taxes

Making Your Miles Count PODCAST
Thereplant.aremany ways to reduce expenses: living without is probably the key. But the question is, what to live without and what is essential. It’s the study of needs vs. wants, a controversial and divisive topic at the very least. Often, perceived “needs” are simply a personal desire. The ability to objectively determine one from the other is probably the greatest financial life hack. Whether it’s living in a super small basement apartment, driving a rust bucket beater, or eating rice and beans with a bottle of tap water while on the road, the combinations of restraint don’t matter. The bottom line is the only thing. Living “Well Below Your Means” is one of the first disciplines you must master to build wealth long term. It’s an ability even billionaires need to maintain.
What you mastered in restraint is not as important as what causes your downfall. What is your financial nemesis? What is your plan to conquer your foe?

into detail about every tax issue Operators are exposed to. One of the primary issues described is the meal expenses on the road. Of all the issues Operators deal with, it represents the topic with the greatest opportunity for saving taxes. The book describes an alternative reporting system to the very popular TL2 simplified method (of which 90%+ of accountants still use today). It was published just a few months after the denial of the Supreme Court of Canada to hear the appeal of the National Class Action lawsuit against CRA for discrimination against the industries TL2 “meal allowance”. It was also several months after the passing of the Federal Accountability Act which supports the general acceptance of equality of tax treatment. The book describes why the Supreme Court was RIGHT in denying the appeal (enforcing the failure of the Class Action) and then provides the alternative system designed to remedy the discrimination.
About the Author: Robert D. Scheper is a leading Accountant and Consultant to the Lease/Owner operator industry in Canada. His first book in the Making Your Miles Count series “taxes, taxes, taxes” was released in 2007. His firm exclusively serves Lease/Owner Operators across Canada. His second book “Choosing a Trucking company” is the most indepth analysis of the operator industry available today. He has a Master’s degree (MBA) in financial management and has been serving the industry since he and his wife came off the road in 1993. His dedication, commitment and strong opinions can be read and heard in many articles and seminars.
a reader suffers dehydration. Most people end up delegating their taxes to someone else. Delegating details is totally acceptable, but delegating basic understanding is akin to spinning the roulette wheel. If your accountant doesn’t explain the system that saves you taxes, they are not doing their job. If every accountant used the same reporting system (or plan) for truckers, every accountant would end up with the exact same tax liability, providing, of course, it was free of error and/or fraud. If every accountant possessed the same level of competency and used the same system, choosing an accountant should then be a simple matter of lowest cost. However, accountants don’t all use the same tax reporting system, nor hold the same level of
submitting the return. Using the system without a secured defence against a possible negative CRA audit is too risky. If the firm you use to file your return doesn’t guarantee the non-taxable benefits claimed, don’t use the system. It is better to return to the TL2 simplified method. Most accounting firms do not guarantee the non-taxable system because it has “joint liability”. Qualifying requires both the accountant and the operator to comply and historically, accountants only guaranteed returns if they have complete control of the issues. Accounting firms don’t accept liability if they are not in control of minimizing or eliminating it. The book also deals with the topic of owning versus leasing; an issue fraught with myths and half-truths. Properly understood, it can save an operator tens of thousands of dollars over the average life of a truck.
If it wasn’t for the implementation and benefits of non-taxable benefits to the industry, I doubt if I would be able to serve it the way I am today. Where the book outlines a theoretical $7,600 per year savings in 2006, today the savings is a proven $12,000+ per year per driver. The basic understanding of how to save taxes as an operator must be understood by an Operator. It is not advisable to delegate the UNDERSTANDING of how you save taxes. The non-taxable benefit system is loaded with liability issues that must be insured or guaranteed by the accounting firm
Over the next few months, I will overview a few other topics to be featured on the PODCAST. The PODCAST is designed for industry information and educational purposes. It is not designed to make me popular or a social influencer. I seek to assist Drivers in building long-term financial wealth and stability, outside any dependence on our government’s “cradle to grave” standards. Building wealth as a Truck Driver and/Operator is not difficult if the right formula is followed. In fact, it’s probably one of the easiest industries to succeed in. I know plenty of very wealthy Drivers and Operators who are well prepared for retirement. You can be prepared too.
You can find him at or 1-877-987-9787.
12 • OVER THE ROAD SEPTEMBER 2022 • Great Pay Package • All Miles Paid Weekly • Permits/Tolls/Heavy Tax Paid • General Insurance Paid • Fuel Cards & Border Cards • Pick Up & Delivery $50 • Flexible Fuel Surcharge DZ Driver Positions Available in GTA $46,800+ Per Year Plus Benefits We are looking for seasoned DZ Driver-Ambassadors to join our team! Drivers would be responsible for loading and unloading assigned product into the assigned truck for every shift. Must provide a clean driver’s abstract of minimum 3 years. Perks Include: group benefits plan, pension plan, vacation starting at 4 weeks per year, paid sick leave, paid personal days, and additional paid time off around the year-end holidays and in the summer! @ Resume:

SEPTEMBER 2022 JOBS FOR TRUCKERS • 13 STRONG, SAFE AND GROWING DeckX LinehaulDivision: Owner Operators & Company Drivers Canada/USA Lanes in ALL Tandem,LOCATIONSTridem&SuperBTrailers Tractor & Trailer Lease to Own Opportunities Available @drivetransx Let DeckX help drive your success! Apply at or call 1-877-787-2679 for details Ask us about our Referral Fee &Bonus!Sign-on$

All these payment methods encourage the driver to hurry up and do the job. It also enables the driver to take shortcuts to make as much money per hour as possible. And we know that for some drivers, the incitive pay system encourages them to be unsafe. It boils down to, are drivers doing a thorough and complete vehicle inspection when they are paid by the mile or any of these other incentive programs? Or are they feeling that they are not getting paid to perform this function because the truck is not moving?
Hourly Pay: Is This the Future?

I believe that these incentive programs often lead to crashes and tickets. Being paid by incentive does encourage some drivers to take Ishortcuts.knowthat many trucking insurance companies also feel the same. It is not a coincidence that all insurance companies ask the trucking company about their payment plan to the driver. They want to know how the drivers are paid and if there’s any sort of a safety bonus. I have been told that the insurance companies have seen some benefits with the small number of companies paying hourly. In other words, those companies paying hourly appear to crash less. The jury is still out as it is still a small group of companies currently paying this way.

SAFETY DAWG Chris Harris
Is paying drivers by the hour the solution? It may be but it brings up some other issues and problems. For example, a long-haul truck driver would have to be paid overtime after 60 hours of work. That sounds like a problem. But is it?
Recently, there has been a lot of talk about how we pay our truck drivers. I’m sure you know that there are several different payment models. The most common pay system for a long-haul truck driver would be to be paid by the mile and the less common but popular option is the percentage system. Many local trucks, such as container haulers, are paid by the trip. Another example is that when I was a home delivery person for a major retailer, I earned a fee for each address I delivered to.

In days gone past, I understand why trucking companies used the incentive formula. It was complicated to know what the drivers were doing while they were not supervised. In today’s world, with ELD’s, it is easy to understand when the truck is moving and precisely what the driver is, for fairness, and for truck driver retention, I think it is time to take an earnest look at compensating our drivers fairly, which might mean hourly pay. Wouldn’t it be nice to get paid for all the hours that you work?
So, you really need to know how your work is classified and whether you are provincially regulated or federally regulated. Each province I researched say it doesn’t matter how you get paid. If you were paid by some form of incentive, such as mileage, you are still to receive overtime based on the provincial rules. I believe this is one of the reasons that some companies
In British Columbia it is different. Local drivers are paid time and a half after nine hours per day and 45 hours per week. Long-haul drivers in British Columbia are paid overtime after 60 hours per week.
use the Driver Inc. model - they don’t pay overtime.
Do you know that whenever a driver works for more than 60 hours, they are to receive overtime? It does not matter the compensation method. In other words, even if a driver is being paid by the mile and worked more than 60 hours in one week, they should be paid overtime by the trucking company, no matter how payments are computed.

Different provinces have different rules. To highlight some of the differences, in Ontario, if a highway transport driver works more than 60 hours, the hours above 60 are to be paid at time and a half. If you are a local Cartage driver or helper in Ontario, you are to be paid overtime after 50 hours of work in a week.
Be safe. Chris Harris Top Dawg, Safety Dawg Inc. 905-973-7056 @safety_dawg (twitter)
OCTOBER 20-21, 2022 Driving Business Formerly the Atlantic Truck Show, this is Atlantic Canada’s largest, most inclusive trucking and logistics show. This is THE venue where buyers source out the products and services that keep the truck, transportation, and logistics industry moving, day in and day out. Fleet managers, buyers, and distributors will all be out in full force, looking to talk with your sales and technical sta to plan their next purchase. Booth spaces are selling quicklydon’t miss out on this exceptional business opportunity to generate new leads, build relationships with customers, and increase your sales! For more information and to secure your exhibit space at this premier event, please contact: Mark Cusack, National Show Manager • 506.333.1064 Andrew Burns, Exhibit Sales • 1.888.454.7469 Presented by: Produced by: MONCTON, ATTENTION PRE-REGISTRATIONOCTOBERPRE-REGISTERVISITORSONLYBY18,2022ANDSAVE50%!PRICEISJUST$5.00.CONVENIENTONLINEREGISTRATIONAVAILABLEATWWW.ATLS.CA

SEPTEMBER 2022 JOBS FOR TRUCKERS • 17 THE BEST IS THE LEAST WE CAN DO IT’S TIME TO MAKE YOUR MOVE! Driver planned home time | Full load dry van – No touch Freight Steady year-round miles | Group benefits and pension plan | Paid weekly Mostly warehouse and industrial area deliveries in US C-TPAT and FAST approved Carrier and Loads HIRING DARTMOUTH Yard MONCTON Yard WOODSTOCK Head Office DORVAL Yard BRAMPTON Terminal WINNIPEG Terminal A huge thank you to all of our Drivers and everyone in the industry that is working so hard. We appreciate everything that you are doing. RECRUITING DEPARTMENT 1-800-668-0099 |

Now, Liz shares her story as the Field Trainer at Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT), which is a resource to combat human trafficking in the trucking industry. TAT has a presence in both the United States and Canada and offers numerous ways to educate those of us who work in transportation careers.

Drivers can become certified to be knowledgeable in recognizing signs of human trafficking and where to report it. Carriers can also create programs to educate their entire organization on ways to counter this growing problem. TAT has programs for law enforcement as well and has extended their program to include the bus industry. It has also created a coalition of convenience stores so they can play a role in recognizing this crime.
Ellen Voie
Trafficking can include victims forced to engage in sex acts for money or using them as forced labor through fraud or coercion. It can also be domestic servitude which involves working and living in the home of the perpetrator who has confiscated documentation to prevent the individual from leaving. In other words, human trafficking is Modern Day Slavery

When Liz was six years old her mother sold her into the sex industry with the advice to “smile, look pretty, and do whatever he says if you love me.” For the rest of her childhood, she endured constant abuse until she was able to escape.
If attending a trade show or event where the Freedom Drivers Project is present, take a moment to walk through the mobile exhibit to help educate yourself on the extent of this tragic, societal problem. A few years ago, Women In Trucking Association partnered with TAT through our “lip balm” project. We trained female drivers to spot potential victims in truck stop restrooms and hand them a lip balm with information that can be used to find a way out of the situation.
Human traffickers use all modes of transportation to move their victims and
Modern Day Slavery

All commercial drivers should be aware that they are committing a felony if they use their commercial motor vehicle to be involved in any way in any sex trafficking and their CDL will be revoked.

In 2018, US DOT Secretary Elaine Chao created a human trafficking awareness initiative to address this crime in all modes of transportation. According to the US DOT, human trafficking is one of the fastest-growing crimes, affecting over 25 million people around the globe. Fortunately, the trucking industry is serious about combatting this crime.
every one of us should be aware of the signs of a trafficking situation. A quick way to keep the information handy is to download their app or keep a card in your wallet with the basic information. The hotline numbers are 888-373-7888 in the US and 833-900-1010 in Canada.
The DOT initiative also mentions being aware of a scripted or rehearsed response when approached.
TAT advises drivers to call 911 if they see a crime in progress but use the TAT lines if there is evidence of human trafficking. How can you tell if this is the case? The TAT wallet card lists red flags as someone who doesn’t seem to know where they are or does not have any identification. Another sign is that the person seems to be controlled or is being watched or followed. A van or RV parked at a truck stop with people coming and going could be a trafficking operation.
If you are near the victim and see signs of bruising or branding, such as tattoos, that could be the sign of human trafficking as well. If the person mentions the word quota or calls someone a pimp or daddy, be aware. In a recent interview, Liz said to also look for inappropriate clothing, such as a short dress in colder weather.
Mission: Women In Trucking was established to encourage the employment of women in the trucking industry, promote their accomplishments and minimize obstacles faced by women working in the trucking industry.
Ellen Voie President/CEO/Founder of Women In Trucking, www.womenintrucking.orgellen@womenintrucking.orgInc.
You can be a part of the www.truckersagainsttrafficking.orgsolution. Visitand get involved.
TAT has trained over 1.3 million people to identify and report this abuse.
20 • OVER THE ROAD SEPTEMBER 2022 Contact Safety at 1-800-265-2835 ext.6 or email BRIAN KURTZ TRUCKING LTD IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER We are looking for Drivers, Owner Operators and Part-time Drivers for our new TL and established LTL Divisions! Average LTL Driver earned $90,000 in 2021 Approximately $0.70/mi 90% No Touch Freight Visit our website at for complete Pay Package details. WE ARE HIRING! $87,530OurAverage Highway Driver Earns You’ll Appreciate Great All Picks and Drops Paid • Safety Weekly Pay • Paid Benefits/Group RSP and Much Call: 1.800.265.2835 or email: Join us on SEEKING: CO M PANY S I NGLE and T EAM DRIVERS

SEPTEMBER 2022 JOBS FOR TRUCKERS • 21 We are now looking for US Company Drivers and Owner Operators New U.S. Short Haul Lanes Available Now Steady Miles, Top Rates & Paid Dwell Time | Health, Dental & Life Insurance Plans Pension Plan | Friendly Atmosphere | Ongoing Training & Support | In-House Repair Facility Employee Parking | Secured Yard | Pre-Pass Transponders | In-House Truck/Trailer Wash Secured yards in Toronto, Brantford and London Ontario JOIN OUR TEAM TODAY AND EXPECT MORE CONTACT RECRUITING AT 1-866-857-5166 EXT. 256

22 • OVER THE ROAD SEPTEMBER 2022 Index Atlantic Transportation & Logistics Show ... 16 Ayr Motor Express ..................... 17 Beyond Transportation .................. 4 Big Freight ........................... 23 Brian Kurtz Trucking ................... 20 Carmen Transportation Group ............ 21 Chris Harris - Safety Dawg Inc. ......... 14,15 DeckX ............................... 13 Genesis Express ....................... 12 Highlight Motor Group .................. 5 International Trucking Inc. ............... 9 Kelsey Trail ............................ 8 Light Speed Logistics .................... 3 Making Your Miles Count ............. 10,11 Nova Driver Services .................... 6 Second Harvest ....................... 12 Total Logistics.......................... 7 TRANSAM Carriers ...................... 2 TransX Group of Companies ............. 24 ...................... 21 Women in Trucking Article ............ 18,19 Get the next issue in your inbox! CONNECT WITH US ON @OverTheRoadMagazine @OverTheRoadMag @OverTheRoadMagazine

Bring balance to your life! CONTACT RECRUITING P 1-800-665-0415 E Thank-you Truckers, without you the world stops! CASH FLOW IS KING COMPANY DRIVERS FOR LONG-HAUL CROSS BORDER Call Today for 1-800-665-0415Details! OWNER OPERATOR Flat-Deck Revenue Division OWNER OPERATOR Flat-deck Mileage Division

24 • OVER THE ROAD SEPTEMBER 2022 Join one of Canada’s premier yougetcompaniestransportationtodayandthepayandmilesdeserve! YOUR LIFE YOUR LANE TransX is hiring Owner Operators for: Canada / USA Open Board Canada / USA Midwest Regional Canada Only / 401 Corridor Toronto - Montreal Open Board Regular Runs to PA and NJ CanX – Alberta to California City Positions @drivetransx Ask us about our Referral Fee & Sign-on$ Let TransX help drive your success! Apply at or call 1-877-787-2679 for details The TransX Group of Companies