Equations 01

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For the eager student of my work Frequency 440 I have spared the student of taking notes, though he or she should be able to elaborate on what this mathematics means. Ian Beardsley December 04, 2014


LEVMAN When we consider the 9/5 of five-fold symmetry (the biological) and the 5/3 and 11/6, of six-fold symmetry (the physical), we can make three equations and therefore find a place in space. If we let the parameter, t, be zero we have a place in space that is near the SETI Wow! Signal (extraterrestrial message) in the constellation Sagittarius. If we let the parameter, t, be eliminated we have a place in space that points to the constellation Aquila. The former relationship came to me via a Gypsy Shaman called Manuel in Granada, Spain. The latter relationship came to me via a Fordham University profes1

sor and science fiction author called Paul Levinson, in New York. The former and latter relationships stemmed from separate and independent research about two totally different topics, the former dealing with what I call the Yin and Yang of the Universe, the latter Fiction-Reality Entanglement, or what could be called the unfolding of the McKenna time-wave. Now we find the two concepts are part of one theory and are bound to one another by the standard reference for concert pitch, A440; that tone which the oboe sounds before the symphony plays so that all the instruments can be tuned to it. Threaded through it is the discovery that AI (artificial intelligence) is connected to something even deeper than what its makers know themselves. Ian Beardsley December 1, 2014











Running Julius 01 jharvard@appliance (~): cd Dropbox/pset2 jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/pset2): make julius clang -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c99 -Wall -Werror julius.c -lcs50 -lm -o julius jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/pset2): ./julius 3 Give me a phrase: hello k jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/pset2): ./julius 4 Give me a phrase: hello l jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/pset2): ./julius 2 Give me a phrase: hello j jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/pset2): ./julius 1 Give me a phrase: hello i jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/pset2):

I posted to my blog http://cosasbiendichas.blogspot.com/ Sunday, January 26, 2014 A Pattern Emerges (a, b, c) in ASCII computer code is (97, 98, 99) the first three numbers before a hundred and 100 is totality (100%). (i, j, k) in numeric are is (9, 10, 11) the first three numbers before twelve and 12 is totality in the sense that 12 is the most abundant number for its size (divisible by 1,2, 3, 4, 6 = 16) is larger than 12). (x, y, z) in ASCII computer code is (120, 121, 122) the first three numbers before 123 and 123 is the number with the digits 1, 2, 3 which are the numeric numbers for the (a, b, c) that we started with. Thursday, January 23, 2014

Acknowledge Enquiry The ASCII codes are the values for the keys on the keyboard of your computer. Since there are 365 days in a year and the Earth is the third planet from the sun, we look at the numbers three, six, and five. Three represents the symbol ETX which means “End Of Text”. But we will take the ET to stand for Extraterrestrial, and the X to stand for origin unknown. Six represents the symbol ACK and it means “Acknowledge”. Five represents the symbol ENQ and means “Enquiry”. As you know, I have put standard input of “hello” into my program for Caesars Cipher and rotated the first letter, h, by the simplest values 1, 2, 3 to get the unit vector (i, j, k) which I have suggested that along with (a, b, c) and (x, y, z) are at the basis of mathematics.

Further Connection In AI We have said that the three sets of characters (a, b, c), (i, j, k), (x, y, z) are at the basis of mathematics and that applying them to caesar’s cipher we find they are intimately connected with artificial intelligence and computer science. We further noted that this was appropriate because there are only two vowels in these sets, and that they are a and i, the abbreviation for artificial intelligence (AI). I now notice it goes further. Clearly at the crux of our work is the Gypsy Shaman’s, Manuel’s, nine-fifths. So we ask, is his ninefifths connected with important characters as well pointing to computer science. It is. The fifth letter in the alphabet is e, and the ninth letter is i. Electronic devices and applications are more often than anything else described with e and i: ebook ibook email ipad iphone And the list goes on.


© 2014 by Ian Beardsley xiv

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