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Capital Budget Breakdown
60% Roads*
Of the $9.5 million dollars in funding in the 2023 budget for roads, more than 80% is allocated towards projects related to Asset Management.
*This includes: roads and roads-related infrastructure - bridges, culverts, sidewalks, streetlights and traffic signals.
Capital Budget:
6% Parks
Almost $900,000 in funding for Parks and Open Spaces and Cemetery includes 31 projects, 57% of which are related to asset management.
Invest - Renew 19% Manage
Maintaining our technology, fleet, and equipment and conducting studies ensures our staff are able to work efficiently and get the most out of the City’s assets.
Facilities** 15%
The $2.3 Million budgeted in 2023 for facility repairs and upgrades includes 40 projects at facilities across the City. Of these projects, 83% are related to asset management.
**This includes Recreation, Police and Other Facilities (Animal Shelter, Public Works, etc.)